deathslaw-blog · 6 years
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rp sentence starters using lines from amrit brar’s series , shitty horoscopes  part one  ( 1 - 5 ) / part two  ( 6 - 12 ) 
“ let the record show that they were ill-equipped to deal with you. ” “ you’ll be fertilizer regardless. ” “ might as well have interesting stories for the dirt. ” “ there is an exhaustion that comes with living. ” “ fear is the absence of understanding. ” “ horror is the act of understanding perfectly. ” “ your love will always be rooted deeper than any grave. ” “ you’ve long seen your downfall spelled out in another’s bones. ” “ the victor spoils, the loser learns. ” “ the body is rot waiting to happen. ” “ you will never have loved for nothing. ” “ quiet reflection is next to impossible. ” “ you inspire me to be better! a better ‘what’ is up for interpretation. ” “ we don’t know where you came from. ” “ we need you to go back. ” “ the dark doesn’t intend to hurt you. ” “ i lived better when i was ignorant of the sun, tucked away in your chest. ” “ and then there’s saying ‘fuck it,’ and doing what you may. ” “ if only it were easy! to wish and want for nothing. ” “ if only you weren’t less human for it. ” “ in the end there is no blaze of glory. ” “ die due to carelessness. ” “ in the span of your life there’s plenty to avoid. ” “ you are dazzling and terrifying. ” “ those words are not as removed from one another as you may think. ” “ pick a place and die there. ” “ i know you mean well. ” “ may fortune favor the fuckups. ” “ remarkable that one plane of existence can host so much, and so little, distance. ” “ learn when it’s best to bite your tongue. ” “ temper the nest of hornets in your loveless mouth. ” “ i worry. ” “ time sours, rots, renews, sours again. ” “ grief and growth live hand-in-hand. ” “ sleeping, like dying, delivers you from one world to the next. ” “ rest in crypts and wake in gardens. ” “ make room for small, fragile things. ” “ you win some, you lose some, you lie, cheat, and swindle some. ” “ stranger things have happened. ” “ you are happening all the time and should probably stop. ” “ let none be the noose. ” “ take what you can and run. ” “ gratuitous violence : selfish, satisfying, heartbreaking, and so like everything else you love. ” “ understanding builds bridges. ” “ there is a variety of sadness that makes a home in your guts and never quite leaves. ” “ being loathsome and lovely in equal measure is probably a talent. somewhere. ” “ why fear the dead, when you can fear the living? ” “ if you’re forging your own path, be prepared to light your own pyre. ” “ you can’t wrestle apologies from the sea or the sun. ” “ you were a plague none were prepared for. ” “ assholery is incurable, unfortunately. ” “ no one’s going to notice the difference between you pushing dandelions or daisies so leave them something worth talking about. ” “ you aren’t obligated to be anyone’s cure. ” “ soothe what you can, fight what you can’t. ” “ devour the monsters and you can call any place home. ” “ you’re only as lucky as your expectations are low. ” “ worse than having too many secrets is having no secrets at all. ” “ killing the monsters is the easy bit. it’s finding them that’s the hard part. ” “ there exists a tipping point between gods and monsters. ” “ your humanity is the largest burden you will bear. ” “ but you have seen yourself in the mirror. ” “ even spectres can tire. ” “ it pays to kill with kindness. ” “ you’re your own worst enemy. ” “ you’re only armed to the teeth because you’re more brittle than you’d care to admit. ” “ your ego cannot afford cremations or caskets. ” “ whether you like what you see is up for debate. ” “ whether it can be contained in a dark basement is another matter entirely. ”
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
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is it gonna be better at killing me than you were?
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it was gonna be something nice i got u while abroad but u know what fuck u
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
iinsanityiscontagious replied to your post: hewwo
but i got u a gift and everything??? wtf???
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
hi im off work for the next four days whos ready to do shit
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
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                                    papa, you’re going to the moon, right?
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
“In thousands of agonies— I exist.”
— The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
iorast replied to your post
smothers you
iorast replied to your post
with love i promise
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
spiritalbarn replied to your post
blows u a kiss from my spot on the floor......................how have u been
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
{ @deathslaw }
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A soft sigh escaped the meister as he looked at the teen standing in front of him, a hand brushing a stray lock of hair out of his face before he finally spoke.
“I know you’ve never had a meister before. But when you were in school at Shibusen–did your teachers ever try to make you resonate with someone? If not, we’re going to have to go over the fundamental basics of resonance, just because it can be a fairly jarring experience the first time–especially considering you’re so used to fighting on your own. It’s like how if you try to teach a child a language, they’ll pick it up quickly, because their language skills develop along with them, whereas when you try to teach an adult the same thing, they get absolutely nowhere. Of course, that’s not to say it’s impossible. It just takes a little extra time and patience.”
Angel scuffed the floor with the heel of his shoe, humming softly as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’d also like to go over your partial transformation forms. To see which form works best with a meister.”
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         “ I HAD no interest in having a partner. i know the mechanics of resonance from class, but. . .no, i have no personal experience with it. ” there was little time for practice when he was already on the path of a death scythe as a young child. he wouldn’t admit that he had a small amount of annoyance at this insistence that he needed a partner now, when he’d done his best work alone.
     AT LEAST angel could be assured that justin would have respect enough to listen to what he said. his headphones hung around his neck, but had been plucked out of his ears for the time being. his music continued, though, the low beat of it audible without them being plugged into his ears.
          “ I’VE NEVER had to transform for a partner. i’m not even sure i’ve got a form that you could actually use. ” to form blades on his own body was second nature and he pulled one up onto his forearm just as an example, angel’s face reflected in the silver blade.
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
me, following stella and alyssa’s marvel blogs like i dont even go here
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
i drove today! and only had two minor breakdowns in the car while doing it!
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
                night in the woods → sentence starters
slightly edited in some cases to work for rp purposes. feel free to change phrasing or pronouns to fit your muse(s)!
❝ Do you think we’d be friends if we weren’t, like, stuck together in the same town? ❞
❝ My entire life feels like running after something that keeps moving away into the distance, while I stay in the same place. ❞
❝ I believe in a universe that doesn’t care and people who do. ❞
❝ We’re all gonna die if we don’t keep living. ❞
❝ Go legally braindead from lack of oxygen due to choking on my entire ass! ❞
❝ There is not one person on God’s Earth who doesn’t love tacos! ❞
❝ I am so scared all the time and the fear hurts. ❞
❝ Pretty amazing, to be something at least. ❞
❝ I have really up up days and really down down days. And I don’t know which it is until it’s over sometimes. ❞
❝ Plastic bags are the ghosts of supermarkets. ❞
❝ Being the only queer people in town sucks. ❞
❝ Not knowing how something worked used to seem like… magic. Now not knowing means it might be going wrong and I may not be able to fix it . ❞
❝ When I die, I want it to hurt. When my friends leave, when I have to let go, when this entire town is wiped off the map, I want it to hurt. Bad. I want to lose. I want to get beaten up. I want to hold on until I’m thrown off and everything ends. And you know what? Until that happens, I want to hope again. And I want it to hurt. Because that means it meant something.  ❞
❝ It’s a fantastic ass right? ❞
❝ No fascists at this party! ❞
❝ You could vape. ❞
❝ You know when your body is like ‘Uh whoa I almost died,’ and you get all hyper because you’re filled with dolphins? ❞
❝ At the end of everything, hold on to anything. ❞
❝ If anyone’s going to ruin your night, it should be you. ❞
❝ I’m like, proud of us all, for having good-ass lives in a shitty, stupid, good-ass town. ❞
❝ Nothing is going to save us forever, But a lot of things can save us today. ❞
❝ And nobody cares! I wanted someone to notice things aren’t OK. ❞
❝ Once haunted, can a place be unhaunted? ❞
❝ We devote ourselves to something we barely understand, something we can never touch. We give it a name, and we give ourselves a name for doing so. All of it creates this connection. And that connection, that becomes the thing we can touch. ❞
❝ Oh my god. That was dangerous. I could’ve died. THAT WAS AMAZING! ❞
❝ There was until one afternoon… where something just broke. Reality broke. ❞
❝ They said I had an anger problem, but that’s not true. ❞
❝ I know this won’t save me in the end, but I don’t need it to save me forever, I just need it to save me now. ❞
❝ I have the worst face. I have a nightmare face. ❞
❝ Don’t panic but we’re maybe all gonna die soon. ❞
❝ Okay, I don’t feel comfortable with you objectifying my boyfriend. ❞
❝ I’m gonna go run around naked in the wooooooods! ❞
❝ You can’t take a woman’s husband just because he’s dead! ❞
❝ I am super, super gay. ❞
❝ I think my total gayness came through to the discerning reader. ❞
❝ I am extremely unhappy and you’re the only person who knows. ❞
❝ My dad/mom/parents didn’t like me. ❞ 
❝ My dad used to hit me a lot. ❞
❝ My mom like, wouldn’t feed me. ❞
❝ I’d be locked in there for a day sometimes, or overnight. So I’d try to develop psychic powers so I could like signal to the neighbors or unlock the door. Didn’t work, as you might guess. ❞
❝ I never told anybody. After a while, I started feeling guilty too, for some reason. Like this was something bad I was doing? ❞
❝ Being abused isn’t your fault at all. ❞
❝ I’m just glad I didn’t – yeah, anyway. ❞
❝ My dad had to stop drinking because he was a danger to me and my mom. ❞
❝ I want to grow giant and pick you all up and carry you somewhere safe. ❞
❝ Screw it! I’m doing two beers! I’m doing beer! ❞
❝ I guess beer is just one of those horrible things adults do. Like doing taxes and having babies. ❞
❝ Time makes most dangerous things less dangerous. ❞
❝ I stayed and grew up while you left and stayed the same. ❞
❝ I don’t even believe in hell and I hope they go straight there. ❞
❝ Hey you get that porn off your laptop? ❞
❝ You’re a smooth talker. you’re a smoothie. ❞
❝ Eff college!! All those rich kids and hot people all wring sex and having papers with each other! ❞
❝ I was just saying you look like crap because I love you. ❞
❝ Let’s steal from my boss, who trusted me! ❞
❝ ______ is probably bipolar. ❞
❝ I don’t know what this feeling is. ❞
❝ Don’t ever say daddy again. ❞
❝ I can’t not give a shit. ❞
❝ I thought you couldn’t leave home because of your… issue? ❞
❝ You’re home enough. ❞
❝ Isn’t it illegal to smoke indoors? ❞ 
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
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❝ … … … who? ❞
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        “ ARE WE doing this again, doctor? ”
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deathslaw-blog · 6 years
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         “ PLEASE find god. ”
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