#Jane Austin au
nkatr84 · 1 year
@neil-gaiman really said let’s do all the fanfics in season 2 of Good Omens didn’t he?
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tinkertoysdamn · 2 years
Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: Justice League International (Comics), DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Michael Carter/Ted Kord, Big Barda/Scott Free Characters: Ted Kord, Michael Carter (DCU), Scott Free, Big Barda (DCU) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Regency, Humor, Ballroom Dancing, Historical Inaccuracy, This Is STUPID, Fluff and Humor, Slow Burn, Misunderstandings Summary:
Thomas Kord left one stipulation in his will, if his son was to fully inherit the estate, he must marry within the year. However, Ted's romantic prospects seem grim until the arrival of one Captain Carter of the Navy.
Very loosely inspired by Jane Austin's "Persuasion." Very, very loosely.
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sidlottedream · 6 months
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dreamersparacosm · 2 years
austin butler - clumsy
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warnings ; none
prompt ; in which your celebrity crush causes you to become a flustered, blubbering mess.
a/n ; a little something fun i wrote during the fall but never published! it’s basically anxious!reader and honestly how I imagine myself reacting to meeting aus so enjoy xoxo
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Okay, don’t panic.
Do not panic.
It’s just a man. A man with blonde, curly locks, blue eyes, over 6 feet tall… but still, a man. Nothing special. You could probably find ten of him walking down Rodeo Drive.
Except that’s probably not true either.
It is Austin Butler, after all.
You hike the tail of your dress higher as you descend up the stairs to the red carpet, inhaling as much oxygen as possible to tame your nerves. It does nothing for you beside provide a placebo effect of calmness. Your publicist, Jane, stands next to you with her eyebrows furrowed in permanent worry, a crinkle she’s had since the day she took you on. “[Y/N], did you get a chance to look at your seating arrangement?”
“Uh, no, not yet,” You respond slowly, wincing slightly as you brace yourself for her reaction. She sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose before turning towards you.
“You know what, that’s fine, sweets. Just go stand on the carpet so we can take these pictures,” She goes back to her clipboard full of tedious things like timing and interviewers and stupid seating arrangements, and you’re trying to stay focused, but how can you do that when Austin Butler is standing 8 feet away from you, posing on the red carpet?
You’re pretty sure you’re drooling.
Whoever keeps leaving his shirts unbuttoned is a menace to society and needs to be locked away for endangerment to the general public.
This whole idiotic schoolgirl crush began relatively long ago, when he was still deeply in love with Vanessa Hudgens and playing a teen heartthrob on The Carrie Diaries. You weren’t even famous at that point, just a mediocre commercial actress trying to get her big break. Once you finally booked your first big role, the crush faded away (only the tiniest amount) but that all came crashing down like an avalanche when you saw Elvis with your best friend.
They probably could’ve posted the entire movie on a porn website and made the same amount of money. And, thus, your crush ensued, full throttle and invading your every thought at the worst moments. Including this one.
Jane kicks the back of your leg, cursing under her breath as you tear your eyes away from him. You’re not new to this scene, you’ve been in major leading roles and you’ve been nominated for Oscars. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that at your core, you are a complete and utter mess. A klutz. A loser with some money in the bank.
So, you take the pictures, with not too many mistakes as you expected, just a few shots of you blinking while smiling. You’re sure they’ll end up on Twitter where your fans will laugh about it while saying how much they love you.
This part always goes by fast. It’s camera flashes, smiles that are strained under the bright lights, talks with interviewers that always go far longer than expected, and then before you know it, you’re being ushered into a tight room with celebrities you had only dreamed of seeing in real life. Jane is glued to your side as you wait for your turn to enter the theater.
Despite the cool temperature of Los Angeles, you’re somehow drenched in sweat. You’ve done this before, you know that. But that doesn’t stop your entire body from going into fight or flight mode, teetering towards flight.
“What’s the hold up?” You hear a female’s voice yell out, and you almost think it’s Jane before you hear her chuckle beside you.
“Speak that truth. I am so sick of these fucking Oscars dimwits wasting my time,” Jane says loudly enough for the girl to hear it, and before you know it, they’re enthralled in a full-blown conversation. If you weren’t trying to fan your armpit sweat, you might’ve joined.
Maybe it’s a good idea to find out where you’re sitting. Probably will need to know that before you enter. You can only assume they’ll sit you next to your last co-star, Timothee Chalamet. What a delight that would be (and that’s not sarcasm, he always smells like cashmere and some type of forest.)
You turn your body slightly, eyeing Jane and the girl she’s talking to. She’s a redhead, also wearing a suit and clearly another publicist that has been in the position for far too long to enjoy it.
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a male figure standing next to the redhead. Hm. A black suit. Your eyes trail over his body, a soft black lace shirt that is half-unbuttoned peeking over the hem. How nice. You love that look on men.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
Your body freezes. Mouth runs dry. Sweat shrivels back up into your body only to start forming at impossible speeds. Heart palpates so quickly you think you might be going into cardiac arrest.
In front of you, is Austin Butler. And he completely, totally, entirely, caught you checking out his entire body, head to toe.
There’s a smirk on his face that is undeniably directed towards you, eyes glimmering with amusement. You can’t even believe that you’re looking directly at him. He can’t be real, he has to be a figment of your imagination.
“Come here often?”
You did not just speak.
No, you didn’t. That couldn’t have been real. That couldn’t have been what you just said. After years of dreaming about this moment, that can’t have been what your brain and tongue agreed on.
He chuckles, a deep one that rumbles through his chest, and says, “I try not to make it a habit. You?”
You entangle your fingers with each other, hoping the sweat that has gathered on them just slides right off. “Me either. Trying to cut down on my presence and all that.”
He raises his eyebrows quizzically, that soft smile that curves upon his lips widening a little, “Well, can’t say the Oscars is the best place to do that.”
“Yes, well…” You trail off. Thoughts empty. Brain just a shallow void with nothing but dirty, filthy fantasies about him floating around. Oh god, get a grip.
And he should end the conversation right there, then back around and not acknowledge the weird girl who clearly hasn’t had enough media training. But, he doesn’t. Instead, he sticks out his hand for you to shake, and says, “I’m Austin. Austin Butler.”
“I know,” You say almost immediately. His facial expression contorts into something unreadable, and your lips flap again to try and salvage the rest of your dignity. “I’m [Y/N].”
You shake his hand, praying to some otherworldly creature above that he won’t feel the sweat on your hands. It’s a little weird, when you touch his hand. Feels like you’re envisioning yourself with him, like you’re some kind of wizard that can tell it won’t be the last time you see him. It feels a little like something out of a rom-com, with the electricity zap and the sounds of your hearts beating erratically.
You both pull your hands away, smiling to the ground. You really, really, really hope he’ll keep talking to you.
“Nervous?” He asks, taking note of the way your thumbs twiddle and the sidestep you keep doing with your heels.
“A little. Kinda. Maybe,” You let out a sigh of relief. “I’m not really the most organized.”
“Hm. Well, I’m sure you’ll be great,” His grin widens just enough to show off his pearly white teeth that glimmer under the remaining sunlight that California has to offer.
“Thanks,” You smile back. “How about you? Nervous?”
“Always,” He responds, almost taken aback by the transparency he’s having with another celebrity. He’s never had a conversation about nerves, never felt validated enough by someone to open up about the fear that comes along with being at this level of fame. “It’s my first Oscars.”
“Right,” You say, “Well, I’ve been to a few, and honestly, I’ll let you in on a secret. Even Leonardo DiCaprio shits himself a little when the nominees are announced.”
He lets out a laugh, a real one, one that sounds like all good things in the world and you would be more than happy to capture it in a jar and keep it on your bedside forever. “Somehow, I don’t doubt that,” He switches gears, shifting his body around a little. “What afterparty are you going to?”
It’s a simple question, one you’ve been asked numerous times by other people in the industry. It usually offers a sense of dominance over who got the better invite. “Er, yes, that would be a question for my lovely publicist, Jane, because I don’t have a rat’s ass idea of where I’m supposed to go.”
He laughs. Again. Part of you is enthralled, part of you is confused as to why he thinks you’re a comedy show. Maybe he thinks you’re a joke. Yes, that makes good sense. “That honestly makes me feel better because I don’t really know where I’m going either,” He admits.
“Are you kidding?” You ask incredulously. “You look like that and you don’t know where you’re going? I think the President of the Academy Awards has a personal invite waiting for you.”
Okay, maybe you shouldn’t have said that. But really, it has to be blamed on the fact that there are a swarm of murderous bees flying around in your stomach that are making you feel woozy.
His cheeks turn a crimson glow, “Like that?”
“Oh, you know…” You trail, slowly laughing to brush off the fact that you basically just admitted your undying love to him. “Just…. That’s a great black shirt. I’m gonna buy one for my brother.”
His lips curve upwards a little more, blue eyes sparkling like little oceans. “Thanks. And, you know, you don’t look bad yourself.”
You blink twice. Did he just say that?
Before you even whip up a flirty comment, or even a funny one that’ll have him doubling over in laughter and proposing to you by tonight, you feel Jane gripping your forearm tightly. “Stop dicking around, [Y/N]. We need to go in.”
“Right, yes, totally,” You smile awkwardly over to Austin, and he returns it. You feel soft and warm and glowy inside, like you might levitate off the floor.
And then you really are levitating off the floor, because your feet miss the step and you’re falling before you even have a chance to stop yourself. Your arm extends to try and delay your inevitable fall, but it doesn’t work and you’re really sprawled out. Immediately, Jane rushes down to try and drag you up, hurriedly asking if you’re okay.
You nod slightly, balancing yourself on your knees. Thankfully, you think the vast majority of people have entered the theater and missed out on your embarrassment of epic proportions.
Well, maybe not everyone.
Suddenly, like a light peeking from beyond the clouds, you see an outstretched hand to your right. It’s tan, a male’s hand for sure. You look up to see who could possibly be nice enough to help you up. Maybe it’s God telling you it’s time to pass away.
It’s Austin. And he has a really worried look on his face that you’re shocked by, but his expression falters once he sees the look on your face. You’re smiling, a real big goofy one, because it’s so ridiculous and he’s so ridiculous and you’re pretty sure one of your heels is broken.
You place your hand in his, and his other hand wraps around your waist to help you up and steady yourself against him. Once you’re finally standing, he grins, leaning into your ear, “Remember, even Leonardo DiCaprio shits himself at the table.”
You don’t even realize his arm is still wrapped around your waist until you notice the absence of it. You giggle lightly, biting your lip. “Of course. And I think I saw Brad Pitt throw up in the bathroom last year.”
“Austin, we gotta go,” His publicist grabs his hand, and you feel a pang of disappointment. You almost think he does too, his blue eyes turning grayish as he looks back at her.
“Right,” He clears his throat. “Well, good luck tonight, [Y/N]. I hope you win.”
“You too,” The smile on your face is probably permanently tattooed on. You feel Jane’s hand on your back, slowly moving you away from him although your feet beg to stay.
“Oh, and [Y/N]?” You turn back around to face him, “Big fan of your work.”
With that, he turns away with his publicist to go and find his seat amongst the crowd. You watch him disappear, an indescribable feeling washing over your entire body. You’re also being whisked away to your table, greeted by familiar faces and friends. But it’s pretty clear that’s not the reason why you’re smiling.
Some part of your brain decides on one thing: this won’t be the last time you see him.
You decide that you like California. Not a whole lot, but enough to make you sign a contract for a new film. Normally, you believe that Los Angeles and all its surrounding cities are a dreadful structure that encapsulates all the worst features of privileged Southern California lifestyle. But the food is undeniably tasty, and your new apartment is decorated with high ceilings and well-lit rooms, so you’ll make do. You’ll be filming in sunny Calabasas, where the houses are painted a perfect shade of white, where time stills a little and every cloud is just the right amount of fluffy.
The Oscar’s had came and went, and you won, to no one’s surprise but your own. With that accomplishment came offers. People really, truly wanted to work with you, and although it baffled you, Jane was having the time of her life coordinating auditions and interviews.
Everything was truly perfect.
You flip through the pages of your fresh script, your manicured nails turning through the warm pages, the black ink bleeding onto the sheets. Jane sits across from you, feverishly scribbling something, negotiating your pay for your new film. She’ll deliver. In the end, she always does.
She hangs up her call, sighing from relief. You’re about to ask her how it went, if you got the price you wanted, before her phone blares again with that god awful ringtone she refuses to change. She answers it, a cheerful tone in her voice, “Kate? So good to hear from you! What’s going on?”
You tune out of her conversation, focusing your eyes back on the mass of paper in front of you. A new story to be told. A new character to embody. A new chapter of your life. It’s all very emotional and sappy and you almost want to cry tears of happiness, but you’ll save that for later, once you get home and crack open a bottle of wine.
You hear Jane place her phone down, and your eyes flicker back up to her. There’s an expression on her face that’s unreadable, and you’re unsure of how to process it. Oh, no. If you didn’t get the price you wanted, that would suck. Or, maybe you did and she’s just unsure on how to process emotion. You always thought she was a robot.
“I just had the weirdest phone call,” She finally speaks, scratching her forehead quizzically.
“What’s up?” You ask mindlessly, certain she’s going to tell you something personal like her cousin getting married to a farmer.
“That was Austin Butler’s publicist. She said he’s been asking about you since the Oscars.”
There’s no fucking way. She’s pranking you. Any second now, Ashton Kutcher is going to pop out behind the doorframe and say “You’ve been Punk’d!” and then maybe he’ll also bring out Austin to further your embarrassment.
“Excuse me?” You blink.
“Yeah,” She seems just as baffled as you are. “She said he’s been trying to find a way to get in contact with you, but turns out, you guys don’t have a lot of mutual friends.”
Well, that makes sense.
She continues on, “Anyway, she gave me his number and then said he wants to ask you on a date. So, do with that what you will.”
She unlocks her phone, slides it across the table to you, and you see a phone number typed into her notes. Your hand trembles as you pick up the iPhone, copying the number into your own contacts. You feel woozy, just like you did on that red carpet, just like you did the moment you locked eyes with him.
“Right, well,” You clear your throat. “I’ll just step outside and call him real quick.”
She nods, raising one eyebrow. There’s a small grin that appears on her lips, a knowing one, and you slide out the door into the hallway.
You don’t know what comes over you, or what demon compels you, but you click the number. You hear the ring. There’s a pause. Your heart drops as you think that he might not answer.
And then you hear him. His voice.
“Uh, h-hi. Hi. This is, um, [Y/N]. Your publicist gave me your number.”
It almost sounds ridiculous.
“[Y/N]. You know, I’ve been trying to get ahold of you but turns out you’re not an easy person to reach,” You can hear the smile in his voice.
“Well, you know me and my presence. All time low,” You say sarcastically, and he chuckles.
“Right. Well, congratulations on your win. Very well-deserved,” His voice is deeper than you remember. There’s a slight desire that pools between your legs for a moment before you snap yourself back into reality.
“You too. Some would call it the performance of the year,” And you can’t even believe it’s happening. You’re really flirting with him.
“Thank you,” He says so softly, so charming. He’s always grateful and humble, and it makes you even more attracted to him. If that’s even possible at this point. “So, do you think there’s a chance you would allow me to take you out to dinner? Somewhere lowkey, you know, for your presence and all?”
The question is so unbelievable that you can’t even take it in. You make a few sounds, splutter over your words and trip over them like you did your own two feet at the Oscars. Your heartbeat travels up to your eardrum, pounding with every ounce of blood that travels through you. “U-uh, umm… well, you know, let me go ahead and check my schedule.” There’s a pause. You cover the reciever and scream a silent yell into the void, jumping a few feet high.
Clearing your throat, you say, “Hm. Seems like I’m free tomorrow.”
“You can’t do tonight?”
The question takes you aback. Surely, he can’t be asking that because he wants to see you. “Oh, why? Are you leaving California tomorrow?”
“Not at all,” You hear him shuffle. “I just really want to take you out.”
“Right, yes, of course.” You let his question hang in the air. You know your answer, but you like letting him think there’s a possibility you might reject him.
“I am free tonight.”
“Great,” His voice is upbeat, a newfound excitement peeking through. “Well, text me your address. I’ll send a car to pick you up.”
“Yup, totally. Super duper cool. Looking really forward to it,” You babble on, pacing the hallway you’ve trapped yourself in.
He lets out a low laugh, “Me too. I’ll see you tonight. Bye, [Y/N].”
You say your goodbyes, leaning against the wall for stability before you collapse into a puddle. Later, a janitor might come to find your lifeless body glued to the wall. Cause of death? Man built like a Greek god asks woman on date.
But, everything is fine. You’ll somehow make it.
There’s a ridiculous feeling in your heart, a warmth that spreads to your toes and fingers. Now, everything is perfect.
masterlist + request
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do you remember hanging up the stars? (M) (WIP)
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Crowley has been replaced and kicked out of his flat earlier than expected of Hell. It never occurs to him that there’s a perfectly fine bed up in the bookshop for the taking, and he honestly never thinks to mention the situation to the angel at all. Aziraphale has things to say about this—and is willing to go to drastic measures if it means keeping Crowley off of the newly demon-ridden streets and in his line of sight after the Armageddon-that-couldn’t. (And maybe really talk to each other, if there’s any time.) (or; post season 1/pre season 2 au. aziraphale is not entirely oblivious to crowley’s homelessness situation and his jane austin inspired plan to get crowley to move into the bookshop backfires Dearly, spurring into romcom shenanigans with a generous side of angst, as well as maggots. so, so many maggots.)
currently on: chapter 7/20 (34k)
HI HI HI I FINALLY FINISHED A NEW CHAPTER 😍 i may not discuss this au much but it consumes my every waking thought. i won't be updating this for a while but i had the chapter so i uploaded it <3 projected next day is somewhere in october once my bangs are done! hope you enjoy...
link to ao3 if you missed it!
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sitp-recs · 2 months
hi liv im re reading some recommendiations you gave me and again you have the best recs istg, and now i was wondering if you know any drarry fics with pride and prejudice vibes or that happend on that period of time
if not its fine, thanks xoxo
Thank you anon, I’m so happy to hear that 😍 I’ve read a couple AUs like that, here are some recs:
The Middle by JulietsEmoPhase (T, 5k)
Mr Potter realises his feelings for his good friend Mr Malfoy are more than they should be. Jane Austin AU, no smut.
A Truth Universally Acknowledged by @sorrybutblog (M, 17k)
A year out from the war, Harry agrees to accompany Hermione on a historical walking tour of Pride and Prejudice. Not in the itinerary: running into Draco Malfoy, setting off a summer of stately homes, lavish parties, resentful shagging, and maybe, falling in love.
amid this warm and steady sweetness, orphaned (E, 21k)
Harry is not living in a period drama, no matter what his friends or his new house or Malfoy’s sudden affinity for horse-riding might suggest, and if one more person uses the word courting, he’s going to start hexing people.
Us, in Lieu by Tepre (E, 30k)
Teddy needs help and Harry needs funding. Draco sits in the other room and plays the piano.
Romp and Circumstance by @wolfpants (E, 35k)
Since the war, Harry Potter has gone from Saviour to Scoundrel—not that he’s complaining. With a schedule full of gorgeous men, alcohol, and late nights, why would he want to change? Enter Draco Malfoy: beautiful, sharp, and completely untouchable. When Draco comes to Harry with a proposition to help him attract an engagement, Harry’s up for it—after all, how hard can it be not falling for his former nemesis? Very hard, apparently.
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packofstereks · 10 months
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Gentle Reader, it is common knowledge that Lord Hale and Viscount Stilinski are both inseparable friends and the most tempestuous and implacable of opponents about every issue under the sun. Many times, their quick-witted debates and japery have nearly ended in blows, and at least on one occasion, on the dueling ground.
Nevertheless, it is well-known that they have saved one anothers' lives many times at great risk to their own, both on the battlefields of Europe and during picaresque and occasionally macabre adventures closer to home. Lord Hale, generally a melancholy young man of somewhat Saturnine disposition, becomes very nearly Jovial at the mere mention of Viscount Stilinski's name, while Stilinski, considered a flighty and Mercurial youth, even something of a runagate, transforms into a valiant and steadfast boon companion in the presence of Hale. Together with, if I may say, forms as fine as may be found this side of the Hesperides and fortunes worth ten thousand and tuppence a year, each is a great prize for the troops of eligible young ladies entering the lists of the marriage hunt each season, but as yet, the prizes remain unclaimed.
What is less well-known is that they first met when Stilinski, then still a gangling boy weighing scarcely ten stone, went in search of a body on the grounds of Lord (then Master) Hale's family estate...
Jane Austin/Regency/Bridgerton Sterek AU
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seaoflove07 · 10 months
🌹 Oc Introduction 🌹
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• Artwork by The Drawables •
The red rose symbolizes romance, love, beauty, & courage.
It was the beginning of you and me,
Little by little,
You haunted my heart
and I
Became your Rose.
- Poetry By Me.
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• I created my Oc on Picrew •
~ Diabolik Lovers Oc ~
A human young adult.
Name: Christine Melendez.
Gender: Female.
Pronouns: She/her.
Age: 20 years old.
Nationality: Hispanic American.
Languages she speaks: She is fluent in English and Spanish.
Blood Type: A+
Favorite Color: Pink.
Birthday: October 21st.
Favorite Flower: Pink and Red Rose.
Favorite Season: Summer.
Favorite Food: Pizza.
Favorite Drink: Coffee. She's a coffee lover who drinks 5 or 6 cups a day. Please don't judge her.
Hobbies: Reading Poetry, Coffee Dates, Listening to Music, Baking Cookies and Nature walks.
Favorite Novel: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin.
Places she loves going to: The Beach, Botanical Gardens, Mall, Coffee Shops, Museums, and Bookstores. (Even though she only reads on her Kindle)
Christine is very hard-working and responsible. She hates laziness. She is a very outgoing person, loves hangouts and she's very talkative. She is not a shy person when it comes to meeting new people.
She lives in the United States and works at an Elementary School. She's one of the younger Teachers. She loves working with children.
Christine has a kind heart and loves helping others. But her little self can get moody at times and she gets angry easily. But she knows how to control her temper.
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• Artwork by December Custom •
Eye Color: Medium Brown.
Hair: Blonde and her hair is 24 inches long. Sometimes she will have two different hairstyle.
Example: Left soft wavy. Right soft curls.
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Height: 157.48 cm.
Breast size: C cup.
Scent: Roses.
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All her body care and hair products are rose-scented. Her favorite perfume and signature scent is Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel. 🌹
A classy and very feminine fragrance. It’s a lovely floral scent with main notes of Rose, Patchouli, and a tiny hint of citrus. These notes together make the fragrance smell elegant and fresh. It's described that it smells like an imaginary fairytale garden. 💐
Christine loves this perfume and she uses it every day.
Azusa is obsessed with her scent. The scent of roses mixed with her blood scent is intoxicating to him.
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• Artwork by The Drawables •
Style: Girly and Feminine.
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• Artwork by Mark BrushesHands •
My Oc will not have a main outfit. She will have different outfits in all her arts.
Christine loves fashion and getting doll-up. She loves dresses. (Casual and Elegant)
She also loves skirts, cute blouses, high heels, and gold jewelry. Her favorite everyday necklace is a Gold Cross.
~ Diabolik Lovers AU Story Information ~
Story Title: Love Planted a Rose. 🌹
It will be a Trilogy. Dark, Maniac, and Ecstasy.
Art Cover and Story Description, Here.
Christine Diaboy Ship: 🔪Azusa Mukami.
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• Artwork by The Drawables •
Azusa will be her one and only, I will NOT do Love Triangles or Multi-ship with the other Diaboys.
~ Why he calls her “Rose?” and not “Eve?”
Azusa calls Christine “Rose” mainly because of her scent of roses. But he has also said that the Red Rose in general reminds him of her.
Quotes is from a short Fanfic I wrote.
Azusa: “… I was… walking in the garden… and I picked up this… red rose for you...”
Caressing her cheek, he looks at her with so much love in his eyes.
Azusa: “You are… just… like this rose… You’re pretty… like this rose… you smell nice… like this rose … your skin is soft… like the…rose petals… and your blood… is the same color… like this rose…”
Quotes are from my Novel, Chapter 3.
Christine: “Rose? Why are you calling me “Rose?” When my name is Christine.”
He moves closer to her, runs his fingers through her hair, and strokes it. While caressing her arm with his other hand.
Azusa: “Your scent… is so good… and your skin… is so soft… like rose petals… you remind me of a beautiful red rose… The name suits you…”
“So nice... my own... little rose...”
Azusa likes to give roses to Christine as gifts, he also loves to place roses and other flowers on her hair. To him, she looks adorable. Later on in their story he also bought her a Red Rose hair clip. (The Red Rose in her hair that you see her wear in most of her arts, that's the clip he bought her) ☺️ Azusa also knows how to make Flower Crowns but he will only do those on special occasions.
Azusa and Christine both like going to the Garden a lot. They love taking walks together, holding hands, and enjoying the beautiful view of the different colors of the roses.
Roses are a huge symbol of their relationship.
The reason he doesn't call her “Eve” is because Yui Komori is in my story. She is the only true Eve. I did not want to replace Yui with Christine for the Eve Tittle. So I came up with another plan instead. Yui in this story her Diaboy choice is Ayato. (They are my favorite Ship) 🤭
Yui and Christine become good friends and you will see lots of interactions between them in the story.
So there is no reason for Azusa to call Christine “Eve” when she's not Eve.
Karlheinz has a different plan for Christine. He personally chose her. But I won't reveal that plan yet because it's a huge spoiler and a big character change. I'll probably reveal that plan in Maniac.
More information about their canon story and Ryoutei Academy. This will all be in another separate post.
~ Past Relationship ~ ⚠️
Before Azusa, Christine had a 4-year relationship with a guy from her hometown. His name is Mark. He was her first love.
Their first two years together was fantastic, and she was madly in love with him. But in their third year together everything changed. Mark started to be cold, he became verbally abusive to her. It was so bad to the point she started to believe his words. Making her feel worthless. They had lots of heated bad arguments. One time out of anger he almost raped her. He didn't succeed because someone knocked on his apartment door.
They continued this terrible relationship.
Christine even though she was unhappy she still loved him and tried to make it work. But nothing was good enough for Mark and he still continued to treat her like garbage.
One day he told her that he had been seeing someone new for a while now and that he wanted to start a serious relationship with that woman. He ends the relationship with Christine.
The fact that he was cheating behind her back, that he ended it first and moved on with someone else like she was nothing.
That broke her.
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• From Picrew •
There will be Flashbacks of this topic in Love Planted a Rose, and the asshole Ex will make his appearance in Maniac.
Love Planted a Rose, Masterpost.
Admin Note:
If you read up here, thank you! I did try to not make this extremely long.
If you decide to read her story with Azusa, you will get to know Christine's personality even more. And of course, you will see her relationship with Azusa bloom. 💗🔪🌹
I do plan soon to open my Ask box again and maybe to do some Interactions with other Ocs.
I don't do Rps here on Tumblr. Only on Discord. If you want to Rp with Christine, just send me a DM and we can plan.
Christine Aesthetics.
~ Flower Crown ~ Angel ~ Flowers ~
~ Lavender Haze ~ ~Christmas 2023 ~
~ Reading Azusa’s Love Letter
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lucy-the-cat · 2 months
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I don't know when it takes place I picked Regency at random but I don't know maybe a vaguely Jane Austin AU if I knew how to do it
Edit: I was at least a century off BUT MY POINT STILL STANDS
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tinkertoysdamn · 2 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Justice League International (Comics), DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Michael Carter/Ted Kord, Big Barda/Scott Free Characters: Ted Kord, Michael Carter (DCU), Scott Free, Big Barda (DCU) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Regency, Humor, Ballroom Dancing, Historical Inaccuracy, This Is STUPID, Fluff and Humor, Slow Burn, Misunderstandings Summary:
Thomas Kord left one stipulation in his will, if his son was to fully inherit the estate, he must marry within the year. However, Ted's romantic prospects seem grim until the arrival of one Captain Carter of the Navy.
Very loosely inspired by Jane Austin's "Persuasion." Very, very loosely.
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wir3-r0t · 3 months
Ok so the lineup for the rtc genloss ep 2 au
Sneeg - Jane Doe (Frank's the doll)
Ethan - Noel Gruber
Austin - Mischa Bachinski
Niki - Constance Blackwood
Vinny - Ricky Potts
Ranboo - Ocean O' Conell Rosenberg
The Puzzler - The Amazing Karnak
The rats - Two Virgils
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lorkonsghost · 4 months
I have been very sick the last couple weeks and it sucks but I'm getting better and in my doom scrolling I realized the lack of tmnt and dc is appalling. Like their's a free crossover it feels like if you ever watch a TMNT cartoon you would know that shit isn't far off from dc like a lot of magic episodes reminded me of justice league dark. Batman or the league of assassin's would be great enemies/temp allies for the foot clan and turtles I could see the justice league helping with krang invasions
It just people are already compare everything to the turtles I feel like the lack of turtle fic are to small as is but the fact Batman and ninja turtles have met multiple times and no one's talks about how good a crossover dc and ninja turtles is a crime. For people wondering what do you mean magic similar to justice league dark it been a minute since I've watched every single turtles but I remember an episode where the turtles turned into dragons to beat a demonic shredder and to full fill a prophecy only for that not to work and have to rely on their martial arts which sounds like Constantine going plan A than when that fails fucking wing it and I know this probably not the best example and their better threw out tmnt.
Also who says you have use specific set of turtles make your own au turtles for crying out loud if one or if version of the turtles doesn't seem like a great fit choose another. Here's some free au idea for anyone who wants it the justice league learn about mutants and the turtles and wonder what they should do or another good one is the turtles are forced to leave New York because of shredder they go to Gotham or metropolis and help Superman or Batman and said hero help them get back into New York . The turtles vs the justice league. Justice League dark helps the turtles threw one of their magical adventures. Turtles meet the robins which people compare to all the time I 100% believe Jason todd and Ralph would get along and debate each other and depending on the Ralph I could 100% see Jason making them a Jane Austin fan.
My point of this post is their a free crossover with a lot of potential and people aren't using it.
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c0smic-rav3n333 · 2 months
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I made a generation loss au for Rtc/Legoland with @watermel0ns-dumb-cringe :D
The characters are,
Gl!Ranboo: Ezra
Gl!Charlie: Penny/jane
Gl!Austin: Ocean
Gl!Sneeg: Mischa
Gl!Ethan: ricky
Gl!Niki: Constance
Gl!Frank: Noel/talia
Gl!Vinny: Tammy
Hetch: Karnak
Rat 1: Virgil
Rat 2: Trixy (Virgil's scrapped gf)
The puzziler: Corey
Wire monster: Karnak
(Also the ezra cape in the corner is a substitute for the gl!Charlie towel of he was gl!Charlie :3)
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bluerosefox · 2 years
Bio!Dad Jason and Bio!Mom Jazz (With Oc!Kid or Kid!Danny)
I really, really wanna write a bio!dad Jason story but I should really finish the Twins au first. So I'm gonna be very brief with it before I get sucked into a ramble (it didnt work, I rambled.)
It's a little out of left field due to how much an AU it gets but like hear me out.
Bio!dad Jason (who finished High School and starts going to community college in Gotham)
Bio!mom Jazz (whose going to a fancy college in Gotham for psychology)
They talk, click with each other, date, sleep with each other. Etc. But due to Jason's night life, and Jazz wanting to pretend nothing was weird about Jason (she wants something normal) they break up not to long after. She returns back to Amity Park for summer and finds out she's pregnant, tries to call Jason but his phones been disconnected. Some intense Red Hood things went down and he had to put himself into hiding. He thought he'll see her again for the next school year but she never came back.
(Due to Jason having been dead and Jazz being exposed to ectoplasm all her life they both kinda seek each other out in the city)
Or they meet in High School, before Jason dies, due to an exchange program. They meet, find things in common, debate over Jane Austin works, fall for each other as their frists, and be dumb kids in a big city one night when Jazz tells him she has to go back to Amity soon (aka going out, drink a few drinks, slept with each other)
(Due to Jazz exposure to ectoplasm and something in Jason's bloodline (before death) that let him come back from the dead they were both drawn to each other in ways they couldn't explain.)
She goes home, they keep in contact for a few weeks before it suddenly stops. Jazz finds out she pregnant not long after, she didnt think she was pregnant for a while due to cycle always being off due to ectoplasm exposure. Tries to contact Jason but no luck. During her pregnancy she tries a more few times but when news announced Jason Todd Wayne's death she is hurt and devastated (she knows Jason's wishes, they spoke about maybe a future one night cuddled together after reading books, to be a better man than his birth father ever was if he had kids). She tries getting into contact with Bruce but due to his own grief he refuses to speak with her until she gets a cease and desist.
She gives birth to their kid. And sends one last update, she's been using his old email address as a diary/emotional support for her grief, telling Jason about their kid. How much they look like him. How she wishes he'd be there to see them grow up. She finishes high school even while pregnant (if anyone can do it, it's Jazz) and goes to a college for psychology while taking care of her kid. (She tries not to leave her kid with her parents for too long, she loves them but she knows how they are)
Few years later, Jazz and her kid return to Gotham under fake names, hiding from her parents. Due to both Jason and Jazz's unique blood work their kid is very... ghostly so to speak and Jazz had found her parents trying to experiment on her kid after they saw them using ghost powers. Needless to say she got them out and ran. Jason has no clue they're in the city until he saves them one night from a mugging... and that same phantom call of otherworldly hits them and their kid hard.
Now as for Danny in this, he could be the cool uncle that's been teaching his nephew/niece how to control their powers, also helped them escape from Jack and Maddie and is keeping them off Jazz and her kids heels. And he totally punches Jason when he meets the guy who got his sister pregnant and ghosted her.
DANNY IS THEIR KID. Either one works. :]
Danny being Jason's son, Danny being Jazz's son! If we go this route we can have Sam and Tucker keeping the elder Fentons off their tail cause Jazz tutored them in exchange for babysitting Danny, whom they both liked cause he was a funny kid and saw his powers a few times. (Sam always fighting for peoples/animal rights against discrimination and Tucker emotionally seeing Danny as his nephew and both were angry that the Fentons tried to hurt this kid for being partly Ghostly)
Jason finding out about the kid being ghostly and about Jazz trying to contact him after finally logging into his old email (he's pissed at Bruce when he finds out everything), Bruce FINDING OUT he's got a grandson and missed out on being a granddad for so long due to him not wanting face the person who made Jason smile so much before his death, Dick and Danny being punny with each other, Danny asking Tim about the stars cause he's been to space before and asking if he could teach him how to skateboard (he also tries to steal Tim’s teenage year clothes cause I feel like his and Danny’s taste are very close out of them all), Damian and Danny bonding over Cujo who followed Jazz and him from Amity Park! (Damian totally does the, "I've had Danny for a few hours, if anything happens to him I'll end everyone in this room. Then myself." After a few hours) Little Danny bonding with Alfred at every chance! Danny taking naps with Cass and trying to copy her silent movements! Having fun with Steph! Bonding with Duke for being the only super powered batfam!
.... then Vlad comes looking for Jazz and Danny/her kid cause Jack and Maddie told him about what happened and he has plans to take the young halfa and raise him as his evil heir. Cause you know, he's an old fruitloop that wants an heir just like him.. the Batfam won't be happy about that though.
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drconstellation · 11 months
Inside the Dirty Donkey
**Warning! This meta contains spoilers and speculation for S3. Do NOT tag Neil!**
Time to get comfy, folks. Get your drink of choice, be it a cupperty, coffee, or nip of sherry, and find a seat. You’ll definitely want to be sitting down for this one. We’re going to the pub!
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The name is apparently a favorite of NG’s, used in his short story “We Can Get Them For You Wholesale.” And it also appears in the Sandman AU.
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In the short story above the protagonist is a jilted lover who tries to organize an assassin for his fiancé who is having an affair with another man at their shared workplace. He meets the ‘salesman’ of the firm he contacts at a pub called the Dirty Donkey, and it escalates from there. The story is freely available online, so you can search it up if you really want to read it, it won’t take long. It mentions a pale horse, which is usually what Death rides in on, and is appropriate in the context of that story.
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The question we need to ask is how does the name The Dirty Donkey apply to the Good Omens AU? Are there any context to the name at all?
There are several meanings for a dirty donkey:
Its a slang or joke name for a black horse (not particularly a dark horse, that has a different meaning altogether)
A cocktail
A sex position (I’ll let you look that one up yourself…)
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Probably the first thing we need to talk about, though is an actual donkey itself, in relation to Jesus, as S2 is full of Jesus references and hints to the Second Coming in S3. Yep, it was all there in front of us, but we were too focused on other things. If you remember your Bible teachings, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, because he came in peace. In ancient times leaders rode horses if they went to war, or if they came in conquest. But arriving by donkey meant you came with peaceful intentions.
But Jesus didn't turn up in S2, you say. And certainly not on any hairy beast. Ah, but he did - metaphorically. Gabriel as Jim turned up - he came up the street, by (the Dirty) Donkey, walking through spilled blood tomatoes, then mentioned his arms were no longer sore (because he had been taken off the cross.) MrPeriod talks more about how Jim represents Jesus here, and it might be worth revisiting it at length another time, as there is quite a bit to unpack there.
There are also the two big golden lions perched on either end of the bar inside the pub, that look rather ominous. The lions are strongly connected to Jesus and his resurrection, representing his return. (I'm still planning to have a better look for more lions in both S1 and S2, but that is still a WIP at the moment.)
There is also the scene in 1941 where the Nazi zombies stagger into the Dirty Donkey and spy on Aziraphale and Crowley through the windows through to the book shop, but all they manage to get is “Banana, fish, gorilla, shoe lace with a dash of nutmeg.” It sounds a bit like a cocktail reference – well, the nutmeg is definitely a GO ref to a certain cocktail – but the cocktail called a Dirty Donkey has cinnamon in it, in the form of cinnamon schnapps, not nutmeg – plus chocolate liqueur and rum. So maybe not.
But perhaps the most important thing we have to examine is the conversation about Jane Austin that Aziraphale and Crowley have in the pub, in S2E2. Because its got so many levels you just about need a break for extra oxygen half way down. Ha! And you thought it was a couple of funny throw-away lines about how Aziraphale saw human romance...
OK, this is the section of dialogue we are going to look at:
AZIRAPHALE: If you're going to invoke fiction, you might as well do it properly. CROWLEY: Properly? AZIRAPHALE: You remember Jane Austen? CROWLEY: Yeah. I'm not gonna forget her in a hurry, am I? The brains behind the 1810 Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery. Brandy smuggler. Master spy. What a piece of work. AZIRAPHALE: She wrote books. Novels. CROWLEY: Jane? Austen? AZIRAPHALE: Yes! CROWLEY: Whoa, bit of a dark horse. Novels, eh? AZIRAPHALE: Yes. They were very good. CROWLEY: Well. No, I'm just surprised, that's all. You think you know someone. AZIRAPHALE: She had balls. CROWLEY: Well.... AZIRAPHALE: Cotillion balls. People would gather and do some formal dancing and then realize they had misunderstood each other and were actually deeply in love.
Ready to dive into the levels on the Jane Austen conversation? Let's go...
Level 1: It’s a conversation about the novelist Jane Austen, and it sounds like they both met her, but they remember her in different ways – and Crowley’s memory is rather surprising!
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Level 2: There is a mention of a robbery. This makes the parallel with the 1967 scene in S1E3 Hard Times, where Crowley has a secret meeting in the Dirty Donkey to plan a robbery to steal holy water from a church. The robbery in the above conversation involves diamonds (are you taking note/s? This is important!) from Clerkenwell, a district of London of some notoriety. It was famous for it watchmakers and jewelers, but it was also the home of Oliver Cromwell, who has a link to the 1650 date mentioned in S2E1 and the Eccles cakes, to Charles Dickens (author of A Tale of Two Cities, a book of note for GO) Oh, and both times Crowley is wearing a "Tactical Turtleneck", which others have noted he wears when he is doing his own master spy work, such planning or discussing robberies, or sneaking into Heaven to rob them of information!
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Level 3: There is Aziraphale’s idea about how a romance should be conducted, by hosting a cotillion ball with formal dancing, because he's read all those romantic novels by Austen. And we get to see that played out in S2E5 in the eldritch ball. Crowley's idea of a romance was to get caught in the rain and kiss, then - vavoom!
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Level 4: Why mention this apparently fictional side to an author of fictional romance? Well, on one hand, it’s an interesting but dark set-up for a joke later at the beginning of S2E6. I ended up discussing it at length here, but the short of it is that it is our usual human custom not to speak ill of the dead, and this is a form of extreme black-and-white thinking. Here, Aziraphale speaks of the good/white side of Jane Austen, that is well known, but Crowley speaks of the black/supposedly forgotten or unspoken bad side of Austen.
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Level 5: Here’s the S3 information. Have you been paying attention? Did you take note? The parallels were the robberies between a church, and diamonds? That she was a brandy smuggler? Do you know where they smuggled brandy from? And do you know where Austen actually lived? On the South Downs, overlooking the Channel to France…
Whew. I think I need a drink after that. Cheers!
[Edit: I've recently finished a meta on the Bentley and how that relates to black horses, and it's occurred to me why the ethereal lift, or "hellevator," is in the entrance to the Dirty Donkey. Black horses are symbolic spirit guides between the worlds of the living and the dead, so this makes the perfect place to put the lift!]
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cliophilyra · 6 months
Everyone needs to read this wonderful Dreamling Regency AU!
I you love Jane Austin - or even if (like me) you can take her or leave her - you will love this. The story, language, historical accuracy and characterisations are brilliant. It reminded me a lot of my favourite historical mlm romance author KJ Charles.
I can’t recommend it highly enough.
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