#James sawyer
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asexual-squidward · 4 months ago
I bet Sawyer was over the moon when he found out Hurley had appointed Ben as his assistant.
Just think of how many double-act nicknames he’ll be able to use
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troublemaker203 · 2 years ago
James Sawyer Ford x Fem! reader - Tent Buddies
Word count: 1075
Summary: Imagine having to stay in Sawyer’s tent because you broke your ankle and every other tent is full.
Warnings: none, I think
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“No! You don’t have to carry me! I’ll be all right!” you said, but it was already too late. “You cannot walk all the way back to camp. Have you taken a good look at your ankle? It normally does not look like that”, Sayid said, as he lifted you over his shoulder. You sighed. Your ankle did hurt really bad, but now you felt like a burden. “I’m sorry, Sayid”, you said. “Don’t be, I’ll be fine. Your ankle on the other hand...” You winced as you tried to move your foot. “Stop that and just relax.” Thunder rumbled in the distance. “There’s a storm coming. I’m sorry, but we’re going to need to hurry a bit.” Sayid started to jog a little faster, causing your legs to bounce up and down a bit, making you slowly cry out in pain. “It’s not far anymore, I promise.” You nodded, trying to hold back tears at the same time.
“Jack!” Sayid yelled as he entered the camp. Jack hurried out of his tent. “What happened?” he asked. “Y/N accidentally stepped into a hole in the forest and, well... her ankle...” “Yeah that’s not looking good.” Jack got a worried look on his face. “I have two other patients in my tent, so I’ll have to treat you here. I’m sorry Y/N. It won’t be comfortable, but I have no other choice.” You groaned. “Just do it. Just make the pain go away.” Jack hurried to his tent to  grab some medical supplies and a sheet for you to lay down on. “Now, I am going to have to set your ankle. This will hurt, but only for a few seconds, okay?” You nodded, signifying that you understood and that he could continu. “Here, you might want to bite down on this.” He gave you a wooden stick. “Really?” you asked, annoyed. “This is so medieval.” “Trust me, okay?” You sighed and put the stick in-between your teeth. Jack put his hands around your ankle, making you wince in pain. “On three. One... two...” and as he said ‘two’ he pushed your broken bones back into place with a loud ‘crack’. You bit the stick as hard as you could and cried out in pain. “That was it! The worst is over!” Jack tried to comfort you,but you thought you were going to faint from the pain. “Y/N? Stay with me!” Jack shouted. “I’m okay”, you managed to mumble. Jack returned to his work. He had managed to make a pretty decent splint. “Normally, I would have asked you what colour cast you wanted, but since there’s not much choice, I’m afraid you’ll have to do with white”, he said, motioning to the white sheets he used to bind your ankle. You chuckled. “Thanks doc.” Big drops of water started to fall from the sky and the thunder started to get closer. Jack looked up at the sky. “There’s a storm coming. Where is your tent?” “I haven’t got a tent. I have just been sleeping outside.” “Shit. Sayid! Can you help me carry Y/N? We need to find her a tent to stay in.” “But the only tent where there’s still some room is...” “Yeah I know,” Jack interrupted Sayid, “but we haven’t got a choice. He doesn’t have a choice.” “He?” you thought. Who were they talking about?  Jack and Sawyer carried you to one of the tents. “Sawyer?” Jack asked. Your eyes widened. “Oh no,” you thought to yourself. You have had a crush on Sawyer from the moment you had met him on the first day after the crash. It was pointless, however. You knew he had feelings for Kate, or so you thought, at least. “No,” Sawyer said from inside his tent. Sayid angrily pulled back the plastic blue tarp. “This is not a time for jokes, Sawyer. You’re going to agree to this whether you like it or not.” “Exactly to what do you want me to agree?” Sawyer asked, annoyed. “To let Y/N stay in your tent,” Jack stepped in. “I know you don’t particularly like company, but Y/N doesn’t have a tent to stay in and every other tent is taken.” “Why can’t she just sleep outside? It’s a lovely beach,” Sawyer said, without looking up from his book. “Because I had to reset the bones in her ankle just minutes ago and there’s a huge storm coming straigh towards us.” Sawyer sighed. “Fine. But you owe me,” he pointed towards Jack. Jack nodded and motioned to Sayid to get you from outside. “Congratulations on your new home, Y/N,” Sayid said and he carried you inside. 
It took some time for you to get comfortable, since there wasn’t really any soft surface for you to lay down on. “I love what you did with the place,” you said, in an attempt to lighten the mood. “Thank you. Lucky for me, my favourite colour is blue,” Sawyer said, motioning to the blue tarp. You chuckled. He continued reading. “I like your glasses,” you said. “Hm?” “Your glasses, I like them.” “Thank you. Do they make me look smart?” “Very. What are you reading.” Sawyer held his book up to you so you could read the title: ‘Braveheart’. “Is it any good?” “It’s all right. Do you want a book?” “Yes please! I am bored out of my mind!” “Let me see what I’ve got for you.” Sawyer started rummaging through his collection of books. “Robinson Crusoe? Lord of the Flies?” “How fitting,” you said, sarcastically. Sawyer let out a small chuckle. “Aha, maybe this one?” He held up ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’. “Yeah I’ll take it.” Sawyer moved towards you to hand you the book. “Oh wait!” you slapped your head in a dramatic manner. “How stupid of me! I’m so sorry but I don’t have my librarycard with me.” Sawyer looked confused at first, but then he smiled. “You’re a funny one. But it’s all right. Only this once, though.” “Thank you.” You stretched out your arm to take the book. “It’s all right if you take off your shirt.” You immediately retracted your arm. “What?” “I’m kidding! I’m kidding!” He urged you to take the book and you did. “You can make it up to me once that leg of yours has healed,” he said with a wink. You could feel your cheeks starting to turn red and you quickly opened your book, hiding your face behind it.
Hope you enjoyed this! Do we want a part 2?
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storywriter12 · 4 months ago
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amazonykamiaba · 6 months ago
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Omg they are so gay
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everythingfandom12 · 1 year ago
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nobitchs-world · 7 months ago
Me: I love horror movie slashers
My scary ass if I ever saw them:
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billyrussoapologist · 8 months ago
I love the episode structure of LOST because so often it’s a very serious storyline paired with a very unserious storyline. It’s always something like
“John’s dad steals his kidney and leaves him for dead. Back on the island, Sawyer gets a new pair of glasses.”
“Sayid is held captive and brutally tortured while Hurley golfs.”
“Charlie deals with horrific PTSD after being kidnapped, hanged and revived. Meanwhile, Jack, Kate, and Sawyer, toss a bag back and forth.”
“Boone is tied up, drugged, and left for dead in the dangerous jungle while Hurley battles a tummy ache.”
“Sawyer looks for the boar who peed on his shirt while Charlie comes to terms with taking a man’s life.”
“Hurley deals with the very real possibility he might be losing his sanity and spiraling into a deep depression while Locke makes Claire a birthday present.”
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lauraisakilljoy · 9 months ago
“we need more complex characters!!” if Lost were released today all of the characters would be cancelled immediately
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resetme · 5 months ago
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The golden pass that they gave us. I… I've been using it. Every friday night, I fly from L.A. to Tokyo or… Singapore or… Sydney. And then I get off, and I have a drink, and then I fly home. Because I want it to crash, Kate. I don't care about anybody else on board. Every little bump we hit or… turbulence, I mean… I actually close my eyes, and I pray that I can get back.
LOST ✈️ September 22, 2004 - May 23, 2010.
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userjohndeacon · 7 months ago
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About a week before we all got on the plane, I got to talking to this man in a bar in Sydney. He was American, too. A doctor. I've been on some benders in my time, but this guy...he was going for an all time record. So, it turns out this guy has a son. His son's a doctor, too. They had some kind of big time falling out. The guy knew it was his fault, even though his son was back in the States thinking the same damn thing. See, kids are like dogs, you knock them around enough they'll think they did something to deserve it.
S01E21 - "Exodus, Part 1"
Dir. Jack Bender
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someonefantastic · 6 months ago
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LOST | 20th Anniversary ↳ On September 22, 2004 at 4:16 P.M., Oceanic Flight 815, carrying 324 passengers, deviated from its original course and disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. All passengers were missing, presumed dead.
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gemmaswife · 7 months ago
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LOST 3.02 The Glass Ballerina
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secretsofthewilde · 7 months ago
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Lost textposts 5/6
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davinaclare · 1 month ago
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LOST (2004-2010) 5x08 - “LaFleur”
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emziess · 9 months ago
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Maybe you should read the machine it's rights. Sawyer & Juliet LOST, S06E18
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thatonekimgirl · 6 months ago
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Filmed in Oahu, Hawaii, the pilot of Lost was the most expensive ever made, costing between $10 and $14 million. It was first broadcast on ABC on September 22, 2004, and was seen by 18.6 million viewers.
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