#James has a spit kink
st3ddie-starchas3r · 4 months
Shortly after Sirius found out about Jegulus
James: *jokingly to mess with Sirius* spit in my mouth daddy.
Regulus: *immediately turned on grabbing his face spitting in his mouth*
James: *blush and swallows it*
Sirius: ew, ew! I didn’t need to see such incest! How would you feel if it was I who had Remus to spit in my mouth in front of you?? *glaring at a smug Regulus*
Remus: *sighs wandering how he ended up in this exact moment* please don’t..
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ameliora-j · 8 months
ur the only person i trust who can give me a filthy but soft smut of james potter fucking y/n in his ice hockey jersey
i’m honored 🥹
𐐪𐑂 it’s twisted tuesday! send in ur requests ᵕ̈
content: soft dom!james, cnc, hockey player!james, pr manager!girlfriend!reader, humiliation, degradation, oral (f!receiving), daddy kink, jamie talking to ur pussy, impact play, unprotected piv, creampie, THIS IS AN 18+ BLOG MDNI
“james…” you groan, trying to push him away as he has you pressed up against your desk in your office. “cut it out!” you groan as he kisses down your neck.
“oh baby” james chuckles, shaking his head. james towers over you, and his ice hockey jersey are purposefully tailored to be longer and bigger on him so that they can fit over all his gear—thus causing every single one of his jerseys to be a dress on you. this—accompanied by a pair of thigh high boots—was your signature game day look. “you’re wearing the jersey, you’re asking to be split open on my cock and you know it” he chuckles lowly, nipping at your ear.
you whine, shaking your head as you push him back once more. “stop james. i’m serious, i’m not fucking you” you huff softly.
“uh huh baby… whatever you say” he murmurs, sinking to his knees and pushing your legs apart. he pushes his jersey up over your hips and tuts his tongue, shaking his head softly. “and look at that… you don’t wanna fuck but this little cunt is nice and uncovered for me” he hums, noting that you’d foregone panties—and james knew you expected this.
“my poor girl’s gonna be so cold on that ice tonight” he pouts softly, shaking his head as he rubs a thumb over your slit.
“james!” you squeak. “i’ll be fine” you shake your head.
“hush baby, do your work. ‘m talking to my girl” he chuckles softly. your eyes widen and heat rises immediately to your face as you realize james is speaking to your pussy, not you. “‘s okay pretty princess… i’ll make sure you keep warm tonight” he whispers before leaning in and pressing a kiss to your little clit.
he hums softly, his eyes rolling a bit at the taste before he wraps his mouth around your cunt, wiggling his tongue through your sticky folds. “that’s right princess, knew you wanted daddy” he whispers to your cunt, leaning back and spitting on your pulsing hole. “‘s okay… daddy’s here. gonna clean you up baby. make it all better” he hums to your pussy before diving back in.
“j-james… james!” you moan loudly, reaching back and pushing his head closer to your needy cunt. he chuckles against you, slapping your ass.
“i knew you’d come around” he mumbles, standing and beginning to undo his pants.
“n-no… no james i’m not fucking you! i’m trying to tell you we need to go” you whine, shaking your head insistently.
“yeah princess, i hear you” he nods, running his cock through your slit a few times. “there’s my girl” he groans as he feels your wetness soaking his cock. “it’s okay, i’ll give it to you… no need to cry” he chuckles lowly as your pussy drips down onto his cock.
he groans lowly as he slowly pushes into your cunt, practically whining as he bottoms out. “oh you’re so tight” he breathes, holding your hips.
“j-james… jamie stop” you whine as he begins to fuck you. his pace is slow but intentional, his hips angled to hit your gspot head on each time he slams his cock back into you.
“oh baby, you’re begging me to stop but my princess is begging to cum” he murmurs, gently rubbing your clit as he fucks you slow and hard. “it’s okay pretty girl… if you want daddy to stop all you have to do is cum” he taunts, holding you close to him as he fucks you slowly.
you whine, shaking your head as it falls back against his shoulder. “your pussy is crying for me… squeezing around me. oh baby she wants to cum so bad” he mocks, beginning to rub your clit faster. he keeps his pace slow, but pounds your gspot mercilessly as you cry out his name along with profanities.
“daddy!” you whine as you gaze at him with wide, glossy eyes.
“oh there’s my pretty princess” he hums softly, smiling lovingly at you as he leans in and gives you a kiss. you whimper softly, meeting his thrusts as you kiss him back. “‘s my good girl. take my cock so well” he mumbles, kissing across your shoulders.
“daddy… i wanna cum” you whimper, your eyes rolling as you clench around him.
“i know baby… i know daddy’s right there” he mumbles. “why don’t you milk my cock baby?” he hums, kissing your cheek. “cum for me… squeeze daddy’s cum from that big cock” he groans lowly.
you let out a long, loud moan, your head falling back against his shoulder as you cream on james’ cock. he sucks in air through his teeth, fucking you through your orgasm as his hips begin to stutter until he paints your walls with his cum. “what do you say baby?” he mocks as he rides out his orgasm, fucking you full of his cum.
“thank you, daddy” you moan quietly, smiling lazily at him.
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honeybcj · 3 months
@jegulus-microfic april 19th | class | 764 words | nsfw (cw: undisclosed age gap [student teacher dynamic], edging, spit kink, minor daddy kink)
It’s not James’ fault. How could it have been? Ever since that first day when Regulus walked inside his lecture hall, it was a done deal. He had shown up in a godforsaken silk blouse, the top two buttons underdone to reveal the delectable curve of his collarbone. And the pants—don’t get James started on the pants. They hugged the curve of his ass; an ass that deserves to be worshiped.
There had never been anyone that made James question everything before, but then Regulus had to be in his class and all cares about professionalism and teacher and student dynamics flew out the window.
The lines blurred—fast. Regulus would stay behind or cast him these looks mid-lecture. It was enough to make James' brain short circuit. Much in the sense to how his brain was barely functioning right now, courtesy of Regulus on his knees with his lips wrapped around James’ cock.
It’s office hours, but no one ever comes. That always meant a challenge, one that Regulus definitely didn’t want to back down on. And how could James say no? Especially when Regulus looked up at him so prettily.
“Regulus, baby,” James groans, trying his best to stay quiet. He fists the hair on the back of Regulus’ head, tugging gently at the curls.
Regulus simply hums around his cock, slipping him further until the head is nudging against the back of his throat.
It’s wrong, but everything feels so right as James sits back in his office chair, knees splayed apart for Regulus to kneel between. And God—it is one of the prettiest sights James has ever seen. He’s close—has been for a minute, but every time he’s there, Regulus teases him by pulling off with a wet pop and squeezing the base of his cock. Much like he’s doing right now.
“Don’t you like it when my mouth is being put to good use, Professor Potter?” Regulus blinks innocently, lips swollen and slick with spit and precum.
James rolls his eyes, pushing Regulus’ head down in an attempt to get him to do something. “I have class soon, baby. Really soon.”
Regulus’ lips curl up into a taunting smile, head cocked to the side like a challenge is being presented to him. In the blink of an eye, Regulus is no longer kneeling before him. Instead, he’s perched on the edge of James’ desk, watching him with playful eyes.
“Since you want to play that game, daddy,” Regulus says, which only makes James groan, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. “I’ll let you go to class just like that.”
“Reg, baby—”
Regulus tuts, shaking his head. “Go to class. I just know everyone wants to get a good look at the professor.”
James sighs, defeated, as he tries to tug up his pants. He knows better than to argue with Regulus on the matter, no matter how hard he is trapped into the confines of his trousers. Despite this, James still manages to push up from his chair, shifting himself in his pants.
His hand takes purchase on Regulus’ chin, tilting his head back, so James is looking down at him. He’s met with a grin from Regulus, who then sticks out his tongue. He knows. James might be a little predictable, but god does it do something to the already noticeable problem in his pants.
“Good boy,” James murmurs before leaning down and letting a trail of spit drop from his mouth onto Regulus’ awaiting tongue.
The moan that leaves Regulus’ mouth is like music to James’ ears. He watches carefully as Regulus swallows, paying close attention to how his throat bobs.
“Think of your grandmother. Think of your grandmother,” James mumbles under his breath, which only makes Regulus giggle, kicking the toe of his boot at James’ knee.
“Alright, old man,” Regulus teases, licking over his lips. “Get to class, and I’ll be waiting right here for when you get back.”
James huffs, cupping Regulus’ cheeks in his hands and presses a deep kiss to his mouth. It takes everything in James not to carry on the moment, but Regulus is right, students are waiting for him. Good thing though, because Regulus pushes him off with expert hands, tugging his lower lip between his teeth.
“Go on, daddy,” Regulus murmurs. “I’ll be waiting.”
“You better.” James tucks a loose curl behind Regulus’ ear before picking up his bag.
“Wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else.”
James rolls his eyes again, willing the tightness in his pants to disappear. It was going to be a long lecture.
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 4 months
That'll Do It
A/n: I won't be posting for the next few days because I'm going away but please keep sending in requests and I will get to them once I get back, I love writing peoples idea's they're so fun :3 This wasn't requested but it came to mind and I spit it out in a few minutes so I hope it's good :3
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, degradation, breeding kink, unprotected sex, sex toy, I think that's it but if you think I missed anything please let me know otherwise enjoy!
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James had you on all fours before your arms gave out underneath you. He held your hips with a bruising grip as he slammed into you.
You screamed into a pillow at the pleasure rocketing through you, his rock hard cock hitting spots deep inside of you, spots making you see stars thrust after thrust.
“Fuck! Such a pretty little whore, all whiny, needy for me, aren’t you?” James grunted, emphasising his cruel words with harsh thrusts. The room filled with skin hitting skin along with your cries and James’ grunts and groans.
You’d already cum more times than you can count, your ass was red from how many times he’s slapped it. Your lips are bruised, your walls are puffy and so are your eyes. Your poor clit has been so abused even the air seems to be stimulating you at this point.
Yet you didn’t want him to stop.
You were loving every second of it and you wanted more. You needed more of him. You wanted James filling every hole, covering every inch of your body. You wanted him to keep you safe in his warm embrace while calling you his good little slut, because that’s what you are. You’re his, and he’s yours.
James was losing his rhythm, you could feel him twitching between your legs and you knew he was getting close after all this time. “Fuck, ‘m gonna cum.” He groaned as his head rolled back. “C’mon baby, make me cum, make me fill you up so you can get nice and pregnant for me.” That had you clenching around him, nearly cumming for the nth time.
You clenched around him and he let out a deep moan. “Ah, fuck~! That’ll do it, fuck! Do that again, let me fill you up.” You couldn’t deny him even if you wanted you as your gummy walls squeezed him so good his thick, white seed spilled out inside you, painting your insides with him. That was enough to get you to cum on your own.
Your legs shook and gave out, luckily James was still holding your hips so he got a good view of you squirting all over him and the bedsheets. Your voice was gone by this point and all you could do was twitch and shake as your eyes rolled back into your head.
“Holy fuck...” James mused. “Didn’t know you could do that.” He said with a soft chuckle.
He reached for the bedside table and pulled out a small buttplug, quickly stuffing it inside of you before flopping over beside you. He pulled you close, bringing your head to rest on his chest and he kissed your forehead. You looked up at him with glazed over eyes and a love filled expression. “Couldn’t let any spill out, now could I? Said I’d get you pregnant, I plan on sticking to that.” He gleamed and kissed you again.
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fromagony · 3 months
james potter has a spit kink. and regulus loves it when he uses his spit as a lube because it fucking hurts so much while they're fucking but he fucking loses his mind. james spreads his ass cheeks and spits at his gaping hole and regulus takes a sharp breath cause now he can feel it's slowly stuffing up his hole and now the wetness makes him horny for james' cum as well. he is bending and spreading his cheeks for james and james is licking his hole and fingering until he sends his spit deeper in regulus and regulus is begging for james' cock to tear him apart but james is taking too long that now it's a torture but regulus has a few tricks up his sleeve and he tries to seduce james more so he can shove his cock in his ass. he lifts his ass to up air and arch his back and he goes as far as saying "arent you going to put your babies in me?" just to tease him because james also has a breeding kink and regulus loves to trigger it and it always works well
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bucksangel · 5 months
favorite fics rec list
hello! i wanted to share some of my favorite fics to make sure everyone else is aware of these amazing fics and even more amazing writers. go send them some love!
enjoy :)
share your blessings // @kinanabinks (mafia!stucky)
summary: Bucky's always known that you're his  biggest blessing. A God-sent angel from above. Who's he to keep you all to himself? warnings: Mob!Bucky x Reader established relationship, Mob!Steve x Reader, smut (buck gets cucked, daddy kink, degradation kink, oral sex, penetrative sex, voyeurism, overstimulation, creampie, objectification, fingering, spitting, blowjob, face fucking), slight angst, aftercare and fluff.
three's company by @sunshinebuckybarnes (avenger!stucky)
word count: 2.6k summary: you've been sleeping with them both in secret but once that secret’s out they present you an offer you can't refuse. warnings: pet names (sweetheart, doll), smut; fingering, double penetration. Fluff and feels.
Ari Levinson
always keep my heart safe // @witchywithwhiskey (ceo!ari)
word count: 10.7k summary: you're ari levinson's "maid" and you're harboring a crush on your employer, which leads you to act foolish when you're alone with him on a long flight on his private plane. warnings: 18+ content (minors dni!!!), established relationship, established consent/safe words, employer/employee relationship with feelings, pre-discussed arrangement, free use, size kink (very brief moment of pain from it), smut, piv sex, unprotected sex, cockwarming, daddy kink, praise kink, light degradation, tiny bit of overstimulation, check-ins, discussion of relationship & feelings, romantic confessions, possessiveness, dirty talk, pet names (sugar), aftercare
halloween princess // @evansbby (sugardaddy!ari)
word count: 3.8k summary: Your sugar daddy decides to dress you up in a costume of his choice for Halloween. warnings: sugar daddy Ari, age gap, smutt, daddy!kink, ab riding, dirty talk.
praising you // @angrythingstarlight (lumberjack!ari)
summary: Ari loves to praise you, anytime, anywhere. warnings: praise kink, smut
Bucky Barnes
body workshop // @1800jjbarnes (mafia!bucky)
word count: 1.6k summary: Overhearing for so-called friends make fun of your "failures" in life made your loving mobboss boyfriend very unhappy. No one makes his Doll cry. warnings: Shitty Friends. Mention about putting on weight (which is normal). Mention of a standard. Dark thoughts. Reader hates herself. (I love you all so much.) James wants to lowkey kill your friends. Pet names. Swearing. Crying. Kisses. Hickeys. Little bit of man handling. Fingering.
new tricks by @sebstanwhore (virgin!bucky)
word count: 9.5k summary: After your brother has to cancel movie night, you’re ready to resign yourself to an uneventful evening back at your dorm, alone and dejected. But what you didn’t count on, is your brother’s best friend and roommate, bursting through the door and asking you to stay; to spend the night with him, instead What unfolds, however, while you spend time with the star football player, both shocks and astounds you — one confession in particular.  Bucky Barnes, the Prince Charming of campus, the man you have been crushing on for an eternity, is a virgin. warnings: first kisses, fluff, smut, grinding, making out, big brother!steve, college!bucky, shy bby bucky, mutual pining, swearing, pet names, huge ton of reassurances, lots of praise, big hints of subby bucky
for the first time // @jobean12-blog (shy!bucky)
word count: 1k summary: It's been a long time for Bucky and his feelings for you are overwhelming in every way so when it comes to your first time...he's so soft. warnings: cursing, softness, fluff, fingering, oral sex (m rec), smut
are you bored yet? // @pellucid-constellations (frat!bucky)
word count: 8k summary: God, you hated Bucky. Bucky probably hated you, too. Maybe. It was hard to tell when he was drunk and calling you pretty at a party you shouldn't have gone to. warnings: Alcohol, annoyance to lovers, a bit of angst, a scary man in a parking lot, frat!bucky
buttoned up // @disturbedbydesign (professor!bucky)
word count: 5.8K summary: Even though you were one of the top students in his class, Professor Barnes had always been cold to you. You had tolerated his indifference all semester, but when his end-of-term dinner party invites went out and you weren't on the list, you decided it was the last straw—it was time to confront him about it and find out what the hell his problem was. The answer would surprise you. warnings: Smut, unprotected sex (wrap it up, kids). 18+ only, no minors.
Steve Rogers
ever since i met you // @witchywithwhiskey (bestfriend!steve)
word count: 5k summary: your best friend takes you out for a valentine's day friend date that ends with the two of you cuddling in a hotel room—and discovering you've both been hiding feelings since the day you met. warnings: smut with lots of fluff, dry humping, piv sex, unprotected sex, creampie, cockwarming, dirty talk, praise kink, pet names (sunshine, baby), valentine's day smut/fluff, friends to lovers, love confessions
Steve Rogers
paved with good intentions // @navybrat817 (avenger!steve)
word count: 2.8k summary: When Steve Rogers sees you get close to his best friend, he takes matters into his own hands. If he can’t be your hero, he’ll be your villain. warnings: Rape/Non-Con Elements (do NOT read if this upsets you!), obsession, jealousy, hurt/comfort, Steve is not a good man in this fic.
one more meeting // @myfictionaldreams (mafia!stucky)
word count: 5.6k summary: For all of the years that you had known Steve and Bucky, you had never seen them lose control of their anger. All of the murder and violence always being calculated, calm, and dangerous. But today, that all changed and for the first time in years, you were truly scared of the boys you loved. warnings: 18+ readers only, smut, murder, violence, blood, john walker has a temper, polyamory, dom/sub, threesome, subspace, pet names, sub reader, size difference, reader gets injured, daddy kink, sir kink, size kink, aftercare, praise kink, fluff, angst, vaginal sex, nipple play, cum play, clit stimulation, multiple orgasms, creampie, dirty talk
she's not mad // @subwaysurf45 (college!bucky)
Words: 9k Summary: Bucky Barnes was a known people pleaser, it was second nature to him. After meeting you and getting close you both try to navigate his eternal stressed state, working together you try your best to tone down his obsessive ways.  Warnings: Bucky has mommy issues, mentions of oral sex, nudity, angst, fluff, college!bucky, slow burn
Bucky Barnes
wallpaper // @cosmicbucky (bestfriend!bucky)
word count: 1k summary: bucky finds out how to change the wallpaper on your phone, and takes every opportunity he can to do so. until one day he doesn't have the heart to warnings: fluff, nonspecific friends to lovers
mafia!bucky drabble // @angrythingstarlight (mafia!bucky bumblebee series)
summary: Bucky loves spending time with his daughter.
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iheartjameshetfield · 10 months
lord forgive me for i am about to sin 🙏🙏
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i truly believe that during this specific era, james had the biggest size kink. so big it would drive him feral.
he’s just obsessed with making you seem small just so that he could take care of you in every way possible. he loves how his large hands can cover up almost your entire torso when he’s holding you, fucking into you.
he loves seeing his bulge appear in your stomach. it just makes him fuck you even deeper, wanting to see how big the bulge could get. or the way he rests his elbows on each side of you, trapping you and you try to claw onto him.
whenever you suck him off, he always has to bring his cock to your face, comparing you to him as he wonders how the fuck were you supposed to put all that in your mouth?? he spits over your lips, bringing his hand down to grab your jaw, forcing your mouth open with his thumb, making you suck on it. after he pulls his thumb out, he’d bring his tip, smearing his precum against your lips before motioning for you to open your mouth, tapping his cock on your tongue.
he couldn’t wait anymore, so without any warning, he thrusts himself into your mouth, making you gag. he sees the mark of your lipstick near his base, he lets out a breathy moan. you bring up both of your hands to stroke him, wanting him to feel as good as possible. he loves pulling out paint your face, wanting to make you look as messy as possible with your unruly hair and runny mascara and smeared lipstick. he spreads his cum all over your face, feeding some of it to you.
he remembers the time you wanted to be the one on top for once. you had never tried this position with him yet. he was so gentle, murmuring sweet words of encouragement. you were sat on top of him, knees on each side as you stroke his cock. when you’re ready, he has his hands on your hips, lifting you so he could set you on his dick very slowly. the sight was almost comedic, seeing your eyes pop out as you hiss from the stretch.
“it’s okay, sweet girl, take your time.”
you whine and whimper when you finally take all of him, causing james to groan as he brings his hand to the bulge that appeared in your stomach, rubbing his hand there and around your tummy. you were so tight around him, and he tried his hardest to resist the urge from fucking you at an inhuman pace, but with the way you were clenching around him, he couldn’t take it slow much longer.
he got up from the couch, effortlessly carrying you with him as he cradled you with one arm, and the other rests beside your head against the wall as he fucks mercilessly into you. you cry out, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you muffle the sounds of your whines into the crook of his neck. it didn’t take long for the both of you to cum. he brings the hand that was resting against the wall and uses it to stroke your hair, mumbling sweet words as he peppers you kisses,
“you did so good for me, princess. i didn’t hurt you, did i?” he coos.
he continues to baby you, setting you on the couch to clean the cum from his thighs and from you. he lays down on the couch next to you, bringing you into his arms as you both fall asleep, his arm wrapping around the entirety of you.
this absolutely sucked i’m sorry but i just needed to get this out of my system.
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eiightysixbaby · 4 months
this is heaven, what i truly want
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oliver quick x fem!reader
you’re never truly alone at saltburn. there’s always someone watching. (3.4k+)
18+ only! oral f receiving, voyeurism, unprotected piv, creampie, spit kink, use of pet names (darling, sweetheart, baby, etc.), one use of ‘sir’, cum eating (just a smidge), biting and choking (literally one brief instance of each), edging. lmk if I forgot any!
a/n: hooooo boy I wanted to try something new, so here it is! promise I’m not fully veering away from my usual stranger things content, I just desperately needed to write some filth for ollie 🤭 hope you enjoy!! I proofread this a couple times but if there’s mistakes iM SORRY. my closing statement: I can fix him your honor.
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Watched. For days you’ve felt like you’re being watched. Carefully, closely, tracking your every move. Maybe the walls have eyes, who knows with a place as eccentric as this. All of the ornate fixtures and ancient paintings do have a bit of an eery, haunting feel to them.
Or perhaps it’s just because you aren’t used to having housekeepers around at all hours of the day. Duncan has always been off-putting; every summer you’ve spent at Saltburn throughout your life there’s been an energy about him that’s made the hair on your neck stand up.
Regardless, you’ve tried to shake off the feeling, wondering if you were finally losing your mind. Because here, with Felix and Venetia, Elspeth and James and Farleigh — you’re safe. They’re lifelong family friends who, as strange as they may be at times, make you feel secure. Nobody would have any business spying on you.
But oh, you should’ve known better.
You slip out of the large clawfoot tub, bare feet planting themselves on the white tile floor. Water drips from your body, the tiniest puddle forming at your feet. Grabbing your towel, you begin to dry your body with the soft fabric. You hum softly to yourself, reaching for your satin robe where it hangs by the vanity. For a moment you think you hear something, the tiniest creaking sound, and you move to look around the unnecessarily large bathroom. It’s dark in the corners where the light doesn’t quite reach, but even squinting you see nothing out of the ordinary.
You’re fucking losing it, you mentally scold yourself. It’s an old house, it’s going to make noise.
You lean against the vanity, palms flat on the marble countertop. Letting out a heavy sigh, your head hangs low, eyes closed. Get it together.
When you’ve finally steadied your breathing, you look back up to greet yourself in the mirror. You work your hairbrush through your wet hair, taking care to untangle any knots. The feeling won’t go away, your defenses raised. Eyes on you. There’s someone watching. There has to be.
You see him in the mirror before you actually see him.
Turning on your heel, a loud gasp escapes you. Your heart pounds behind your rib cage, your eyes focusing in on the figure lurking in the dark hallway. The bathroom door is open a crack, eyes you know to be blue piercing through you.
“What the fuck, Ollie!?” you shout, watching as he slips fully into the bathroom and shuts the door behind him.
You retreat, back pressing against the counter behind you. He stalks calmly towards you, caging you in. You swallow, unable to stop the way your eyes study his muscular frame, his tank top clinging tight to his torso.
“Now now,” he says, soft and steady. “We don’t want the whole house to wonder what’s up, do we?”
“What are you doing here?” you grit, nostrils flaring as you exhale heavily. Your posture stiffens, tense under his chilling gaze. “Why were you watching me?”
“Don’t act so offended, darling,” he says, stepping so close that your chests nearly touch. “Do you think I don’t see the way you look at me?”
Your lips part, breath hitching in your throat. It’d be a filthy lie to act as if you haven’t been admiring him since he first arrived, under Felix’s wing like a timid little animal. Something about him has captivated you, intrigued you, lured you in. He’s just so quiet, so skittish. So beautiful.
Being as close to family as you could get, you didn’t want to make things awkward by putting the moves on Felix’s friend, so you avoided him when you could. But that only made things more unbearable for you. Many a night was spent with your hand between your thighs, softly crying his name into your dark bedroom. Imagining he was there with you. He couldn’t know about that… could he?
“I don’t know what you’re implying,” you say, looking up at him defiantly. Lying through your teeth. You should know he can practically smell the nervousness on you.
It’s cute that you think he’d buy this.
“Oh, save the games, sweetheart,” he tuts, taking a final step closer to you. His chest fully pressed against yours now, his face dipping forward until his mouth is right beside your ear. “I know you touch yourself at night, stretching open that pretty little cunt, wishing it was me.”
Fucking hell.
“Did you really think you could be slick? Think I wouldn’t catch the way you stare at me all of the time, think I wouldn’t figure you out?”
“How long have you been watching me?” you ask quietly, your voice meek now.
“Not any longer than you’ve been watching me.”
“I haven’t—” you start, but he presses a finger to your lips, quieting you. He raises a brow, as if to say ‘Do you really want to go there?’
God, you were so stupid. Staring at him any chance you got; looking out your window at him while he’d lounge shirtless by the pool, or peering through his cracked bedroom door one evening after dinner in hopes of seeing him changing. You were sick. And here you are, chastising him.
You keep your gaze directly on his, feeling your heart rate increase under the scrutiny of those piercing, gorgeous blue eyes. He gently holds your chin, keeping you focused on him as he studies your face.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmurs, letting his free hand come to rest on your waist. You’re reminded then that you’re only in a robe, and suddenly your skin feels like it’s ablaze.
“Oliver—” you start, your eyes big and pleading as you stare at him. What exactly you’re hoping for you don’t know, you just want him to do something.
His gaze flits to your lips, his tongue poking out to wet his own. Leaning in, his mouth ghosts over yours, barely grazing your waiting pout. He pulls back, teasing, and you chase him. Seeking out his lips until he gives in, one hand on your lower back, holding you against him as he kisses you roughly. His tongue licks into your eager mouth, swirling around yours, tasting you. It feels as though you’re nearly devouring each other, teeth clashing as your hands reach up to tangle themselves in his hair.
You whine, a high-pitched and pretty thing when he lets his mouth find your neck, sucking harsh on the delicate skin. Rolling your hips against his, you can feel the bulge straining in his boxers and he groans at the sudden friction.
“Ol— Ollie, please,” you beg, for what it isn’t clear, but he removes his lips from your pulse point to look at you.
“Such a needy little thing you are,” he says, regarding you down the bridge of his nose. “And to think five minutes ago you were acting like I wasn’t welcome in here…”
You chew at your bottom lip, thighs pressing together involuntarily at the way he speaks to you. His tone is ultimately patronizing, and you’d have no complaints if he spoke to you like this all of the time.
He dips his head back down, this time kissing over your collarbone. Every inch of skin he kisses seems to ignite, electricity coursing through your veins. He unties the fabric belt securing your robe around your front, letting it instead fall open for him. You’re completely bare beneath the black silky fabric, and you watch the way his eyes trail down your figure. He studies you like you’re the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen, and there’s an insatiable hunger behind that stunning blue. He’d eat you whole if it were possible.
Continuing his descent, he takes the nipple of your right breast into his mouth, kneading the left with his hand. You gasp, tipping your head back as his tongue rolls over the sensitive little bud, sucking on it. He diverts his mouth’s attention to the other side, then, making sure he gives equal attention to each of your tits. You can feel yourself throb for him, nearly dripping at your core in anticipation.
“Such pretty tits,” he mumbles, lips trailing against your skin. He lets his face linger between them for a moment, caressing them with soft hands.
Your mind wanders as he works his way down, kissing down your stomach, nipping at your hips. You wonder how often he’s spied on you without you catching him — exactly how many times he’s seen you touch yourself to the thought of him. It only drives you further up the wall; picturing him peering through a crack in your bedroom door on nights where you’d lay completely bare on your bed, pleasuring yourself to thoughts of his fingers and tongue. He’s sick, you’re sick, and maybe you’re perfect for each other.
You’re brought entirely back to the present when you feel his breath fanning against your cunt, his eyes peering up at you from where he rests on his knees. He doesn’t break eye contact as he brings two fingers up to swipe through your folds, collecting your slick. You shiver, mouth agape as he brings those fingers to his mouth, sucking your sweet honey from them.
“You’re so fuckin’ wet for me, darling. And you taste so sweet,” he murmurs, pressing his face against your mound. He inhales, the tip of his nose nudging at your clit, making your hips jerk slightly. “Smell even sweeter,” he praises. He’d bottle up your scent and wear it like cologne if it were possible, anything to feel close to you all of the time.
His lips part, hot breath fanning against your exposed cunt as he collects himself. You feel his tongue lick a delicate stripe up through your folds, a barely-there sensation, but it makes your back arch regardless.
“Oliver,” you moan, tangling your fingers in his hair.
You hear him exhale in a smug laugh before you feel his tongue again. He’s far more intentional this time, letting it lap up your juices from every crevice. You tug hard on his hair when you feel the wet muscle breach your entrance, lewd slurping sounds coming from the way he pleasures you. His strong hands grip your thighs, fingers digging into the plush skin, keeping you right where he wants you.
It feels like you’re levitating, ascending to a higher realm as he licks and sucks at your pretty, glistening pussy. He allows his mouth to focus on your clit, teeth grazing it in a greedy little nip before he soothes the area with his velvety tongue. You’re seeing stars when you feel two of his fingers slip generously inside of you, scissoring within your walls.
“Oh— oh my god,” you whine, your eyes pinching shut as you tip your head back.
“That’s right, baby — I’m your God. Worship me like I’m your God,” he growls, in a different headspace entirely.
While he’s usually so soft-spoken and polite, in this moment he’s cocky; more confident than you thought he’d ever be. You can’t fault him for it, though, because you do want to worship him. You want to get on your knees and pray for him.
Weeks of yearning, lusting after him from afar have come to fruition. Your longing now seeps out of you, with his eager mouth to swallow it all. He fucks his fingers harder into you, curling into your sweet spot as his tongue flicks rapidly back and forth over your sensitive bud.
The thing is, it’s been weeks of yearning on his end, too. This place, warm and wet between your thighs, is his altar — his holy ground. He wants to worship you just as much as he wants you to worship him. He’s dreamt of what you would taste like, how you’d suck him right in, and now that he has you he never wants to let you go.
“Fuck, Ollie, don’t stop,” you plead, letting loud rhythmic moans fall from your lips. At this point you don’t care if the entire house hears you; so fucking be it if they do. You know Farleigh would love something to gossip about; what better topic than how Oliver gave you a religious experience right under this massive roof?
Reading your mind, he speaks from his spot between your legs. “So fuckin’ loud, darling. You want everyone to hear us? To hear how good I make you feel?”
“Yes, fuck yes,” you pant, grinding down on his fingers, nearly humping his face.
He hopes in his twisted mind that someone is listening. Hearing him claim you, mark you as his. He shakes his head back and forth, tongue laying flat as it swipes over your clit messily. You can feel yourself about to let go, to come completely undone for him.
But he can sense it, he can see it on your face that you’re so deliciously close to release, and he’s not having it yet.
Your brows furrow when he removes his fingers from your cunt, pulling his mouth away as well. You’re about to protest, about to plead with him to keep going, but he’s standing and pressing his lips to yours before you can get a word out.
There’s a painful ache in your core, and you can feel yourself still soaking wet for the man before you. His teeth bite at your bottom lip, tugging on it while he studies you with half-lidded eyes. He rolls his hips against yours and you can feel his excitement, his cock stiff in his boxers.
You paw at the waistband, attempting to free him from his confines, desperate to feel him. His fingers wrap around your wrists, stopping them from getting any closer to his cock.
“Don’t get greedy, sweetheart,” he warns. “I call the shots.”
He grabs you by the waist, encouraging you to sit on the counter behind you. You jump with his assistance, your skin cold where it rests on the marble surface.
His lips latch onto your neck once more, sucking on delicate skin, leaving tender bruises. He takes his sweet time, drawing out your agony as your arousal drips down your thighs. Pitiful whimpers crawl their way out of your throat, tilting your head to the side to allow him better access. He nips at the skin at the juncture of your neck and shoulder, licking the stinging spot afterwards to calm the ache. His thumbs tease your nipples, palms squeezing your breasts and making your back arch into him.
He removes one hand, reaching down to discard his boxers onto the floor. Finally, he grips his weeping cock in his fist, thumb running over the angry red tip. You gasp at the size of him, letting your eyes take in every inch, every vein. Committing him to memory.
“So fucking big, Ollie,” you murmur, reaching a tentative hand out, running a fingertip gently along his shaft. You’re almost surprised he lets you, and you don’t miss the way his jaw clenches in an attempt to keep his composure.
His large, warm palms move to your thighs, parting them for him. His tongue pokes out to lick his lips at the sight of you spread open for him, completely bare and wet with both his saliva and your arousal. In a moment of boldness, you pull him to you by the chain around his neck, your tongue instantly finding its way into his mouth. He exhales heavily, your tongues licking fervently into each other’s mouths, lips grazing.
You register the feeling of him lining his cock up at your entrance, the tip pressing against your folds. He slips inside, a groan leaving his lips as a shrill moan of his name leaves yours. The way he stretches you is bliss, there’s no other word for it. Pleasure that just barely teeters on the edge of pain, his cock reaching spots inside of you that your fingers could only hope to. He dips his head slightly, trailing kisses along your jawline until he reaches your ear, biting at the lobe. He starts with slow, calculated thrusts, his fingers digging harshly into your hips.
Your breathing is ragged, sinful sounds leaving you over and over as he starts to fuck you faster.
“Bet I feel so much better than your fingers, hm? Is this what you wanted all along? My cock stretching you out?” he asks, voice breathy and low. His words send shockwaves right to your core, turning you on even further.
“Yes, god, yes. Thought about this every night, Ollie. Wished you’d sneak into my room and have your way with me,” you confess, your cheeks growing warm as he smirks at you.
“Dirty little girl,” he tsks, letting his forehead rest against yours, fucking into you hard and fast.
The sounds of skin on skin mix with his pretty noises and yours; grunts and whines and sighs that reverberate off of the walls. Your nails claw at his shoulders, grounding yourself as his cock drives into your sweet spot again and again and again. Your eyes go wide when you watch him dip his head, spitting down onto your pussy, adding to the slippery mess that you’ve already created.
When he looks back up at you, your lips are parted in awe, your eyes begging for him to give you more. Spit in my mouth, please, is the unspoken cry that he understands instantly.
He grabs your face in one hand, squishing your cheeks hard enough that your lips part further. Your eyes roll back into your skull as he lets a string of saliva fall into your waiting mouth, his fingers tapping the bottom of your chin twice, encouraging you to close your mouth and swallow. You do as he wants, willing to swallow whatever he’d give you.
“Such a good girl,” he praises, slowing his thrusts briefly, giving you long and passionate strokes before returning to his previous quick pace.
“Oliver, oh my god,” you cry for him, your eyes screwing shut. “Feels so good, don’t stop. Please don’t fucking stop.”
You can feel your previously staved-off orgasm approaching once more, the coil in the pit of your gut tightening more and more with each snap of his hips against yours.
“You getting close, baby?” he asks, letting his fingers wrap around your throat and squeeze. It gets the reaction he wants, your eyes snapping open and focusing on him. “That’s right, you look at me when I’m making you feel this good,” he instructs, letting go of your neck. “Otherwise, you don’t get to cum.
“Y-yes sir,” you comply. “Please make me cum, I’m so fucking close, Ollie, need it so bad,” you beg, making sure to keep your eyes on his. That stunning, icy blue pierces through your soul, sending a chill down your spine. His stare is intimidating, raising the hairs on your neck just as it did each time you weren’t quite sure who was watching you.
He bites down hard on your shoulder, rutting into you faster and faster until you’re finally tumbling over the edge. Your orgasm hits you in overwhelming waves, your walls clenching tight around his thick length.
“Oliver, Oliver, Oliver,” you chant his name, a prayer being raised to the sky as he shows you pure ecstasy.
His movements don’t slow, his lips greedily sucking at your neck before making their way back to your mouth.
“Gonna let me cum inside you sweetheart?” he asks between desperate kisses, your instantaneous nod nearly embarrassing.
“Please cum inside me, need your fucking cum, Ollie,” you respond, lips brushing against his. “Fill me up, make me yours.”
He groans low at your words, eyelids fluttering closed as you feel his cock twitch inside of you. Warm, thick ropes of his cum paint your walls, shuddering breaths leaving him as his head tips back.
“Fuuuuuuck,” he moans, giving you every drop that he has, continuing to rut into you until he’s completely milked dry.
Heavy breaths fill the room, his spent cock slipping out of you, leaving the mixture of your arousals to drip out and onto the floor. Trying to catch your breath, you watch in shock as he drops to his knees once more.
“What are you… what are you doing?” you ask, a sly smile on his face as he looks up at you.
“Just making sure you’re properly cleaned up, is all. Can’t have you going to bed like this,” he muses, collecting some of the sticky mixture with a quick swipe of his tongue. “Just lean back and relax, darling. Got to make up for all those nights you spent alone.”
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voxmortuus · 1 year
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Hello. Vox here. 30's. She/They. Married. Requests are OPEN!
↝I write all types of fanfiction. Dark toned, smut and kink, super dark and possessive, the list goes on. You can find various themes ↝here↜. That is my new masterlist, my old one is attached. ↝What will I not write? Underage reader! Won't do it. I will call you out for it. I have a strict policy will not write minor readers so please respect that. Other than anything is really a go. ↝I ask that you please not steal my work and post it elsewhere. I cannot emphasize enough to please not do that. I do not consent to you taking my work in any way shape or form and posting it elsewhere. Reblogs are always welcomed and appreciated. Comments and loves are always welcomed as well! ↝I do not consent to minors reading or interacting with my blog or my works. ↜ ↝You can pretty much guarantee anything you click on to read here has smut so treat it as NSFW. Always read the trigger warnings before you read. Again. I do not consent to posting my work anywhere. Do not steal my work. And again, no minors interacting or anything with my work. You will find yourself blocked and I won't be nice about it. ↝Characters I will write for Aaron Taylor-Johnson.↜ ✭ Sergei Kravinoff - Kraven The Hunter ✭ Sergeant Allen "Ize" Isaac - The Wall ✭ James Frey - A Million Little Pieces ✭ Ford Brody - Godzilla ✭ Count Aleksey Vronsky - Anna Karenina ✭ Ray Marcus - Nocturnal Animals ✭ Ben Leonard - Savages ✭ Tangerine - Bullet Train ✭ Divider & Header Credit to @nyxvuxoa
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↬Quiver - Smut Prompt ↬Kitchen Quickie - Smut Prompt
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↬A Solitary Love ↬Honeymoon ↬NSFW Alphabet
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↬The Taste of You - Smut Prompt
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↬"Use My Thigh" Smut Prompt
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↬I Think It's Time
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↬NSFW Alphabet ↬Netflix & Chill
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↬Heat Waves ↬Where You Belong ↬The Taste of a Virgin - DARK FIC. PLEASE READ TRIGGERS ↬Right here. Right now - Anon Smut Prompt
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↬Eat Spit Get Dicked ↬U-Turn
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↬Begging You! - Smut Prompt
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leafjoon · 6 months
Between the lines - pt. II
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words: 5k warnings: swearing, alcohol, age gap, slight angst, jealousy, mentions of cheating, smut, spitting, one slap, unprotected sex, daddy kink (barely). its also v fluffy n has aftercare
It was Saturday evening, and you decided to go out with your friends and enjoy yourself a little. You knew you deserved it after the absurd week you had. You finally turned those pages to Alex in time, cramming and staying home almost every night—the assignments you had neglected piled up, and you had to catch up.
But none of that mattered tonight. No, tonight you would have fun with your friends and let loose. Most importantly, you wanted to ignore the desire that had crept up on you for your editor since that night.
"Let's do shots!" your friend Rachel yelled out. You chuckled at her enthusiasm, deciding to join in. "Tequila?" 
"You know it," she replied with a wink. It was half past eleven, and most of you were already drunk.
After you ordered your shots, everyone quickly shot them down their throats, some scrunching up their faces due to the sour taste. "God, this never fails to fuck me up," you said.
As you were listening to Sophie rambling about in her drunken state, you spotted a familiar figure out of the corner of your eye. Squinting a little, you weren't sure if it was him. He looked like one of your ex-boyfriends. You quickly turned, not wanting him to see you.
Things had gone sour with him last year when you found out he had been talking to another girl behind your back. You were stupid to trust him. His lack of insincerity was evident to everyone else but you.
You huffed, not wanting to bring down the mood but getting agitated at the reminder of his existence and the insecurities he had brought out of you.
"Show me your phone," you said sternly, your nostrils flaring up. You felt insane for making such a demand, but your gut told another story.
"What the fuck? You've gone crazy," he said, letting out a chuckle.
"James. Just show me your last text, and we can forget about this. Okay?" you said, pleading with him. You wanted to trust him.
He looked at you, his face laced with guilt, and looked away. "No."
You let out a shaky breath. "Get out," you whispered. You knew exactly what this meant. You felt your chest tighten. 
"What?" he asked, confused and angry.
"Get the fuck out!" you screamed at him, tears forming in your eyes. "I don't want to see you." Your heart was thumping in your chest.
He looked at you and clenched his jaw. Grabbing his coat, he let out a huff of disbelief and left.
“(Y/N)?” Sophie called out your name.
Your eyes, completely zoned out, now focused on Sophie's face. "Huh?"
"Have you been listening to anything I've been saying?"
"Uh. Yeah. Sure," you said, nodding, trying to be convincing, and taking a sip of your drink.
"Whatever," she rolled her eyes at you, visibly annoyed.
"Sorry, I'm just drunk," you told her, pouting a little and giving your drink to her as a peace offering.
Your eyes searched for the exit, beckoning you to take a much-needed break outside. A quick smoke and a breath of fresh air sounded good. You weren't a smoker, but this situation called for it. 
"Hey, can I grab a cig?" you asked one of your guy friends, Finn, as you pulled him in for a hug from behind. "Sure," he said, extending his pack of cigarettes to you.
When you went outside, you were met with a cool breeze. You lit up your cigarette, bringing it to your mouth, and felt slightly calmer as you exhaled the smoke.
Suddenly, you heard a voice from behind calling your name. “(Y/N)? Is that you?"
You froze. No. You didn't turn around, hoping he would leave you alone.
"Hey," he approached you with a slight smirk. "Started smoking, huh?"
"No, not really," you said in a dull tone, glancing at him for a split second and then looking away.
"Haven't seen you in a while. How've you been?"
 "Fine, thanks," you replied, slightly turning away from him. You hoped you didn't have to cause a scene to get him to leave.
"What, that's it?" he chuckled.
"I came out here to avoid people, James," you said, looking anywhere but in his direction.
"Come on, lighten up," he rolled his eyes.
Your head snapped. You were about to throw a snarky remark at him when you heard a low voice calling you. “(Y/N).”
When you turned around, a pair of gentle eyes met you. Your face immediately fell into a relieved expression, and you smiled. "Alex?"
James turned to look at him, eyeing him up. As Alex approached the two of you, he sensed your discomfort.
He talked to James and exchanged pleasantries. Alex wanted to snatch you away, not let him have the time of day with you.
"Do you mind if I steal her for a second, mate?" he asked, not waiting for a response. "Sure," James uttered, his intense gaze settling on him.
You and Alex started walking away from him, turning around the corner and settling in an alleyway.
"What a nice surprise." You said, your cheeks flushed. You took note of his appearance. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a brown blazer. His hair styled as usual, with a few strands falling on his face. He looked gorgeous.
"You seemed uncomfortable earlier," he furrowed his brows. "You alright?" he asked, squeezing your arm.
You shivered slightly from his touch. "I-uh. Yeah. Thank you for that. I didn't know how to get away," you admitted.
"Who was that anyway?" he asked, his eyes glued on your face, taking in all your expressions.
"Just some dickhead. You know how terrible college guys are."
He chuckled lightly. "I do. I used to be one."
"Oh, were you also a dickhead?" you joked.
"I don't think so." You laughed. He smiled, admiring you.
"So, you've taken up smoking in the three days we haven't seen each other?" he teased you.
"No," you laughed shyly. "Just really needed one right now."
"Care to light mine then?" he asked, his eyes glinting.
You brought your lighter close to his face, feeling his faint breath on your hand.
"Thanks," he blew the smoke the other way.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, sounding like you were interrogating him.
"Well, you know, sometimes we older people like to go out too."
You laughed, slapping his shoulder lightly.
"No, actually, I was passing through on my way home. Then I saw a familiar little head." 
"Oh. Well, that's lucky," you smiled.
His gaze lingered on you. His pants slightly tightened when he took notice of your flimsy outfit.
You were wearing a thick jean jacket covering your dark blouse. Your breasts peeked out of your top, revealing your supple skin.
Alex felt himself growing jealous, imagining the amount of men that leered at you throughout the night. A beautiful girl like you, he was sure they were foaming at the mouth.
You suddenly felt shy under his gaze and looked away. Your phone vibrated, and you took it out of your pocket, slightly humming.
"Where the hell are u?" Finn had texted you.
You checked the clock, and it was already 12:07 am. You felt a little tired and wondered if heading home would be a good idea.
"Friends?" Alex interrupted your thoughts.
"Yeah. They're wondering where I went." He nodded.
"Think I'm gonna go home, though. I'm getting a bit sleepy," you said, glancing at him and waiting for his reaction.
"Sure." He replied.
You tried again. "You know, the apartment I'm staying at isn't that far from this bar," you looked at him expectantly.
"Would you like me to walk you?" he said softly.
"Sure." You mimicked him.
After saying goodbye to your friends, you returned outside, meeting Alex by the door.
The apartment was only a fifteen-minute walk from there, but it felt much quicker than that. You had good company, after all.
You started shivering a bit, crossing your arms to emit heat.
Alex took notice of that and came closer to you. He removed his jacket and draped it over your shoulders, one of his hands lingering on your arm.
You felt your body tense at the close contact. He slowly let his hand fall as you were walking.
"Don't you live in a dorm?" he asked.
"I do. I'm cat-sitting for one of my friends. She went to visit her family for the weekend."
He nodded. "Is the cat behaving?"
You chuckled. "He's adorable. You have to see him."
A smile played on Alex's lips as you both arrived at your friend's apartment. The evening had been enjoyable, yet you felt a subtle disappointment as you stood there. You hesitated, not wanting to say goodbye.
"Do you want to come in?" you asked as you met his gaze.
His eyes flickered to yours. Silence stretched between you, and he struggled to find the right words.
"I, uh... It's getting a bit late for me," he finally said, his gaze momentarily dropping.
"Okay," you replied, your gaze shifting downward, a sense of vulnerability washing over you. You handed Alex his jacket, your fingers lightly grazing.
"It was nice seeing you again," he said, his fingers gently brushing a strand of hair that had fallen across your face. The touch lingered, leaving a trail of warmth.
"Night, Alex," you replied, your gaze fixed on him. As he turned to leave, the quiet echo of your thoughts filled the space, leaving you to wonder about the possibilities that danced in the corners of the night.
As the days passed, you were distracted by endless thoughts about your editor. It became evident, especially during class. Images of his warm smile, big hands, and fluffy hair filled your mind. You felt yourself growing more drawn to him whenever you weren't together.
When your professor dismissed the class, you realized you had been daydreaming about him almost the entire time and scribbling gibberish in your notebook. You let out a long sigh and started gathering your belongings, stuffing them in your bag.
Sophie joined you as you exited the class. "God, can he give us any more assignments?" she let out a huff of frustration. "What assignment?" you asked.
"Didn't you hear him?" she asked. "No," you shrugged.
She laughed. "What were you doing? I kept looking at you, and you seemed so zoned out."
"Oh. Nothing. I was thinking about my novel," you blurted out.
"How's that going, by the way? Is Mr. Turner treating you well?" she asked. 
Mr. Turner. Oh boy. 
"Sure! I mean-yeah, no he's great," you stuttered.
"Okay..." she glanced over to you. "So what are you doing today?" you asked, changing the topic.
You quickly returned to your dorm room, not wanting to run into anyone else you knew. When you entered your room, you kicked off your shoes, threw your bag somewhere on the floor, and flung yourself on your sofa. You groaned. What the hell were you supposed to do with these overwhelming feelings?
Flicking your phone open, you saw a text message from Alex. Your heart started racing. 
Hi. I hope you're well. I will not be available tonight to help with your assignments. Would it be all right if we rescheduled for tomorrow?
You felt a pang of disappointment as you read the text. You had felt so jittery all morning and couldn't wait to see him, and now this. Sighing, you replied to him and immediately texted Sophie. You needed to go out tonight.
You made dinner plans with your best friend and decided to try out a new restaurant that had opened downtown. The menu looked amazing, and the prices were pretty decent. Your parents had always been generous with you about money, but you made sure to save and indulge occasionally.
As you entered the restaurant, you felt a warm ambiance enveloped you. The smooth jazz tunes filled the place, and the hostess escorted you to a free table nearby.
When you sat down, you and Sophie excitedly looked through the menu and ordered your drinks and meal. While Sophie was telling you about her latest situationship, your eyes wandered around the restaurant, taking in the beautifully decorated place.
The warm lights cast a beautiful glow on your friend, and you listened as she told you about the intense chemistry she felt with this guy. "Ugh, I don't know, there's just something about him." her eyes sparkled.
"You mean the incredible sex you're having?" you said playfully.
She cracked up. "I mean…among other things."
"So why aren't you making it official?"
"I don't know (Y/N). I'm unsure if I want to be in a relationship right now. It seems like too much work. I got my plate full with everything going on," she sighed.
You nodded, glancing behind Sophie. She continued talking about how he wanted to see her all the time. Wait-You thought you spotted someone. Was that Alex?
Your gaze focused on him. He was seated at a distant table, laughing with the woman beside him. Your mouth slightly dropped, and your eyes fixated on them.
Frozen in your seat, you felt a surge of emotions within you, the sight creating a knot of unease in your stomach. What the hell? Had he canceled on you to go out with some woman? 
You swallowed thickly, and Sophie noticed the change in your demeanor. "Hey, you okay?"
"Uh-yeah," you replied. "Who do you keep staring at?" she said, looking over her shoulder. 
Then she spotted the man who preoccupied your mind. "Oh, is that Mr. Turner? Should we go up to him?"
"No! I mean, he seems busy," you lowered your gaze. 
"Yeah, I guess he's got a hot date," she giggled.
You nodded, taking a large swig of your wine. You prayed he wouldn't see you. The last thing you needed right now was for him to notice how stupid you looked.
You cringed, hearing their distant laughter and shared joy starkly contrasting to the quiet ache that tightened within you.
You decided to distract yourself and urged Sophie to continue telling you about the boy she was seeing. "Well, at least one of us is getting some action," you joked, feeling slightly bitter.
You tried to enjoy your meal and ignore the pit in your stomach. Forcing yourself to focus only on Sophie, you refilled your wine glass and continued talking to her.
Later in the evening, you noticed that their table had become empty. Glancing over, you caught a glimpse of Alex and the woman leaving, and an inexplicable mix of relief and regret washed over you.
You were thankful he didn't see you and talk to you, but at the same time, you couldn't believe he blew you off to go on a date. He didn't owe you anything. After all, he was only your editor.
That night, tipsy and emotional, you stumbled to your dorm room. How were you going to face him tomorrow and ignore your growing feelings? In your drunken haze, you decided that was a decision for sober you to deal with, and you went to sleep, comforted by the spinning room.
The next day arrived with a weight on your shoulders that matched the dull ache in your head from last night. As you walked to Alex's place, slightly hungover, the memory of him having dinner with another woman gnawed at your thoughts.
You awkwardly entered his house, exchanged a few words with him, and immediately buried your nose in your assignment, minimizing any chances of small talk. Alex finally spoke up after an hour of you struggling to make any progress.
"Is something the matter (Y/N)?" he asked gently.
"What do you mean?" you mumbled.
"You seem agitated today." He sighed.
"I'm fine," you huffed.
"Are you sure? We aren't getting anywhere with this assignment," he continued, face laced with concern.
You clenched your jaw. How the hell could you? Oh yeah, well, I thought I felt a spark with you, but that went to shit when I saw you having dinner with a gorgeous woman. Not to mention, I'm probably insane for even thinking there was something between us.
You sighed. "Nothing is wrong; let's just finish this," you murmured.
"I don't think that's a good idea," he pressed.
"Why not?" you said, annoyed.
"We've been stuck in this section for an hour. Maybe we should take a break, or you can go home and rest," he replied, his worried eyes meeting yours.
Oh, so now he's kicking me out. Fuck this shit.
"Fine. I'll go," you spat out, getting up and grabbing your papers and notebook roughly.
He stared at you, confused, wondering if he had struck a chord in you.
"Hey," he said gently. "Hold on."
You ignored him and continued gathering your things.
Disregarding him, you shoved everything into your bag.
"Will you stop acting like a brat and tell me what's wrong?" he said, slightly irritated.
You looked at him in disbelief. "Excuse me?" You swallowed thickly. "You wanna know what's wrong?"
You huffed. "I saw you!"
His head tilted in confusion. "Saw me where?"
"The other night, with that woman," you blurted, the words leaving your mouth faster than your thoughts could catch up. 
You continued, "Am I crazy for thinking that- that," you stuttered.
Groaning, you ran your fingers through your hair.
"That what?" he asked quietly.
"Nothing," you replied.
"(Y/N)," he said, his voice softening, "why are you making such a fuss?"
Your attempts to brush off the situation faltered. "I-" Your voice caught in your throat. "It seemed like you were on a date," you finally said.
He stared at you for a moment, his expression softening. "I wasn't on a date. I was catching up with an old friend."
You couldn't meet his gaze, your eyes fixated on your hands. 
The weight of the misunderstanding pressed on your shoulders.
"Why does it matter if I was on a date or not?" he asked, a genuine curiosity in his tone.
"It doesn't. You're allowed to do whatever you want," you whispered.
"But you don't want me to, right?" he pressed, with a hint of concern.
You looked at him, your expression uncertain. "Whatever. I'm gonna go. Please forget I said anything," you mumbled, hurrying towards the exit.
"Hey, hey," he said, grabbing your forearm gently but just enough to stop you. "Is this why you've been so moody and distracted all day? Because you thought I was seeing someone?"
You shrugged, feeling embarrassed. "You canceled our session to see her," you mumbled.
He sighed. "Let's sit down and talk about this, okay?"
You mumbled an 'okay' and followed him to the couch.
He started, "I wasn't on a date, and I certainly don't want you to think I'm not considerate of your feelings. I did cancel our session to see her, and I apologize. She's only here for a few days before returning to Sheffield, where she lives with her husband."
"Oh," you said quietly.
"Maybe I should've communicated better," he said, running a hand through his hair.
"It's fine, I guess," you muttered.
"I'm sorry. You mean a lot to me, (Y/N)," he smiled at you, putting a hand over yours.
He scooted closer to you, his face merely a few inches away from yours, and your breaths mingled in the small space between you. Alex's eyes lingered on your lips.
Your heart started racing. With a slow movement, Alex leaned in, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. You felt a wildfire of emotions as the kiss intensified, leaving you breathless.
Barely pulling away, he whispered, "How 'bout I show you how I feel about you?"
You felt a flutter of anticipation in your stomach and nodded in response.
His hand found its way to the back of your neck as he pressed his lips against yours again. His other hand settled on your thigh, his fingertips tickling your skin. His tongue slid against yours, massaging it gently.
He pulled away slightly, panting, "Do you want to go upstairs?" You nodded. 
He dragged you upstairs to his bedroom, the air charged with desire. His eyes were filled with an intensity you couldn't ignore.
Alex's hands found the small of your back, pulling you closer. His lips found yours once again, slipping his tongue inside your mouth, letting you taste him again.
He guided you to his bed, and you sank into the mattress, sprawling beneath him.
He settled on top of you and pressed his body against yours. His nimble fingers squeezed your thighs as his half-hard member rested between your legs. You gasped quietly when you felt him on your arousal, feeling his hot breath tickling your skin.
He sighed as one of his hands found its way to your cheek, grazing it lightly. You felt soft, just like he'd imagined. He gently pressed his lips to yours, and you opened your mouth, your tongues tangling.
You let out a sound when his other large hand came down to caress your waist, settling below your breast.
He broke the kiss with a smack, leaned down, and whispered in your ear, "I'm gonna make you feel so good, sweetheart," his words sending goosebumps all over your body.
As he left a trail of hot kisses and bites down your neck, he made sure to suck a spot, marking you. He wanted to ruin you. Pleasure you until he was the only thing on your mind.
"Alex," you sighed, bringing one of your hands to grab his hair, the other settling on his back, gripping the material of his t-shirt.
He smirked against your skin as his big hands roamed your body. He cupped your breasts roughly, pulling a whimper out of you.
Pulling away from your neck, his eyes settled on your face. His fingers flicked your nipples, playing with them. This made your arousal only grow more.
He retreated his hands and took off your shirt slowly, revealing your tits. He hissed, "Fuck. You're stunning," as he caressed your naked breasts. He leaned down to suck softly on one of your nipples.
"A-alex," you whispered, gripping his hair tighter.
He moaned, enjoying it in his mouth, flicking it with his tongue. He bit down softly on it, making you gasp and your back arch.
"So stiff," he muttered, making your face heat up. His mouth found your other breast, leaving open mouthed-kisses on it, his lips wrapping around your nipple.
His hand made its way down to the zipper of your trousers, and he asked, "Can I take these off?" 
You nodded, and he slipped them off you, throwing them on the ground.
He towered above you as his hand went down to your delicate panties, rubbing your arousal, feeling your wetness. The sight would be plaguing his mind for weeks on end.
"Already soaked for me, yeah?" He whispered, soliciting a quiet moan out of you. "Hm?" he looked at you. You gulped, "Yes."
He half-grinned as he pushed the thin material to the side and started stroking your slit. "So drenched," he gasped.
Your skin was on fire, and you moaned quietly. He started teasing your entrance and gathered your slick. He then slipped your underwear past your legs, throwing them somewhere on the bed.
"Spread your legs for me, baby," he uttered, and you obliged, feeling shy under his gaze.
He licked his lips at the sight and stroked your thighs tenderly before returning his finger to your clit. He rubbed it softly, emitting soft moans out of you. His other hand crept on your throat, resting there.
"Oh!" You moaned loudly when he found a spot that made your legs shake and started rubbing your clit faster.
He looked at you in awe, his mouth slightly agape. You were adorable, giving yourself to him completely.
He continued rubbing your bundle of nerves, drinking in all your reactions. He slipped a finger, and you threw your head back, gasping softly.
He pumped in and out of you, and his cock twitched in his pants. He felt painfully hard. He slipped in another finger with ease and stretched you out, his knuckles deep inside you.
Curling them inside, he hit a sweet spot that made your eyes roll. "Think you can handle a third one, sweetheart?"
You nodded, whimpering. Alex's hand snaked to your jaw, opened your mouth, and stuck his thumb inside. You made sure to suck on it.
He pushed his finger in, pulling out a loud whine from you and spreading you out like never before.
"Good girl."
He noticed you clenching around his fingers. "Like it when I call you that?"
You nodded. "Well, you have to earn it," Alex said as he fucked you with his fingers. 
Your chest heaved as his other hand went down to your pussy, now playing with your clit.
"Look at you, taking my fingers so well."  
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he continued to pump in and out of you. "Such a perfect cunt," he mumbled to himself.
You grabbed his wrist roughly, signaling to him that you were getting close. He noticed you were clenching his fingers more, and your moans were getting louder.
He slowed his movements and gently slipped his fingers out of your pussy, leaving you empty.
"Alex…" you whined, your hands grabbing the front of his shirt. Breathing heavily, you looked at him through half-lidded eyes.
"What is it?" he teased you.
"I need you..."
"Need me? For what?" he asked. His cock needed stimulation so badly, but he wanted to make you beg.
You huffed. "I need you to fuck me," you whispered quietly, bringing him closer. "Daddy," you whispered.
He groaned, "Fuck. You're so greedy. Can't be satisfied with what I give you, huh?" he asked, unzipping his trousers, slipping out of them.
You started unbuttoning his shirt quickly, tossing it to the ground. Alex sighed as you roamed your hands on his toned chest.
He removed his boxers swiftly, exposing his thick cock, precum pooling on the head already.
You bit your lip as your hand went down to his member, stroking it, earning a few moans out of him.
He pulled your hand away after a few minutes and grabbed his member, positioning it near your entrance.
He teased your folds with his cock, gathering your wetness and rubbing your clit, letting out soft moans. 
He then tapped your entrance and started entering you slowly, filling you to the brim, the sensation bringing tears to your eyes.
You gasped and closed your eyes. Alex grabbed your cheeks. "Look at me," he said hoarsely.
You wrapped your hands around his back and pulled him flush against your chest. 
He started moving slowly, letting you get used to the stretch of his cock.
"F-fuck. You feel amazing," he stuttered.
You barely managed to keep your eyes open. You felt so full of him.
Your breaths mixed together, and you pleaded, "Faster, please," he obliged, fucking you faster, making you whimper loudly.
"You look so pretty, taking my cock," he soothed as he slammed his hips into yours, making you gasp.
It felt so good you couldn't contain any of your whimpers and moans. Filthy squelching noises filled the room, making you even more wet around him.
Your sweaty bodies were pressed against each other, and he engulfed your senses. He grabbed one of your breasts roughly, massaging it as his pace became fast and steady, fucking you deliciously.
You felt so fucked-out, your eyes were rolling to the back of your head repeatedly. You felt desperate for him. As he hit a delicious spot inside, you repeatedly cried out his name.
"That's it, baby, scream my fucking name."
He held you close to him as he slammed his cock in and out of you, making you feel every inch of it. He grabbed your jaw and ordered, "Open your mouth."
You did as told, your tongue peeking out, slightly panting. He pursed his lips and spat roughly on your tongue, uttering, "Swallow."
You swallowed, whining, and sank your nails into his back.
"Such a slut for me," he hissed.
You moaned loudly, clenching on his cock uncontrollably. You felt yourself approaching your climax, and he could feel it, too.
"What? You wanna cum?" he teased you.
"Please," you begged, nearing your release for the second time.
"Gonna have to do better than that, love," he replied, slowing down a little.
"Alex, please," you whined. "Don't stop. I need you," you pleaded with him pathetically.
"Do you, now?" he asked, stopping abruptly. He grabbed your jaw roughly, forcing you to look at him.
"No!" you whimpered, your chest heaving. "I'll be so good. Just let me cum."
"Where?" he asked in a husky tone.
"I-," you stuttered. 
"Go on, say it," he encouraged you.
"On your cock," you whispered, flushed.
He grunted, "Good girl," his hand immediately going to your pulsating clit. His other hand smacked your cheek harshly.
You whined, tears gathering in your eyes while reveling in the stinging feeling. Cupping it gently, Alex alleviated the pain a little.
"It's alright, princess," he soothed, leaning down to capture your lips in an open-mouthed kiss.
He started fucking your drenched pussy at a fast pace, making you see stars. As he grabbed your waist for leverage, you felt overwhelming pleasure pooling in your abdomen.
Your orgasm was building quickly, ready to snap at any moment, as he thrust into you repeatedly. Your legs were wrapped around him, needing him as close as possible.
His movements were becoming sloppy, an indication of his own climax approaching. Your skin was ablaze, and the way he was moaning was making you delirious.
"Cum on my cock, sweetheart," he said.
"Fuck, Alex!" You screamed and felt waves of pleasure spreading throughout your body as you orgasmed on his cock, convulsing. You were whining uncontrollably.
Your nails were digging into his arm, surely breaking the skin, but you were too cock-drunk to care.
"Fuck, your cunt is so tight," he groaned as he struggled to thrust into you. It only took him a few more thrusts for him to cum inside you, letting out a drawn-out moan.
His hot load completely filled you up, his jaw hanging slack. After he emptied inside you, he collapsed on top, burying his face in your neck.
As you both came down from your high, he pulled out of you gently. He couldn't help but look down at your pussy, admiring the mess he made out of you.
He loved the way his cum seeped out. No one could have you now.
He laid down beside you and stroked your waist. "You alright?" he uttered.
You were still catching your breath and opened your eyes slowly. "Yes," you sighed.
You turned your back to him, feeling exposed. You were still trying to figure out what to do now. Should you…leave or stay? Your thoughts were interrupted by him as he pressed his body against yours and draped an arm over you.
"We should get you cleaned up," he whispered, kissing your shoulder, his arm stroking your stomach.
"Okay," you whispered.
"Want me to draw us a bath?" he asked.
"I love baths…" you muttered.
He chuckled. "Perfect." He pressed a kiss to your head and headed for the bathroom. Soon, the sound of running water reached your ears, and you sat on the bed.
Alex returned with a tender expression. He extended his hand, inviting you to join him in the bathroom.
You felt a bit shy, especially since you were still naked and not hazed by your lust anymore. Alex made sure to hold onto your hand, which reassured you.
You stepped on the cool tiles, and Alex asked, "You want bubbles?"
"Yes," you murmured. 
After a few minutes, you eased yourself into the hot water, and so did he, sitting on opposite ends of the bath.
The water had a comforting effect on you as your body melted into it. Alex broke the silence. "Why are you so far away?"
"I don't know. Why are you?" you replied. "Come here," he said, extending his arms to grab yours and turning you around, pressing your back to his naked chest.
You settled yourself between his legs, relaxing against his body, and he wrapped his arms around you. "Why'd you get all shy on me now? You were yelling at me an hour ago," he chuckled.
"I wasn't yelling at you," you furrowed your brows, growing defensive. "I'm just teasing," he whispered close to your ear.
You rolled your eyes. "Whatever," you puffed. "Why are you getting so defensive?" Alex said, holding you tighter. 
"Because, I have no idea what this means now," you mumbled.
He smiled, sensing your uncertainty. "Well, what I do know is care about you and…would love to take you out sometime. And do this again," he said, kissing your cheek.
"Me too," you replied, your cheeks flushed.
"Why don't you stay the night? It's getting late anyway."
"It's like 8 pm, Alex."
"Exactly. So late," he replied.
You laughed. "I have nothing to wear to bed nor do I have a toothbrush," you protested.
"I can give you a t-shirt. They'll look better on you anyway. And I'll go to the shop and buy you one. How's that sound?"
You giggled. "Okay, you've convinced me."
Leaving the bath, the air between you and Alex felt different, as if the weight of unspoken tensions had been washed away. Wrapping yourselves in fluffy towels, you talked to him effortlessly and discussed what you should eat for dinner.
The decision to spend the night together unfolded effortlessly, and you decided to get some Chinese take-out and watch a chick flick.
Later in the night, you found yourself nestled on Alex's big, comfortable bed and drifted off to a dreamless slumber, comforted by the presence of the man spooning you.
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jewishregulus · 3 months
may we have some of ur nsfw reg hcs pretty pls 🤲
okay . putting these under the cut u sly dogs . everybody in my asks is horny ….. i welcome it !!
• it is very important for me to say that my regulus is a bottom and does not top atleast w james he may like . try it out . but he doesn’t enjoy it . he prefers to be the one getting penetrated , personal preference !!!! i can see him power bottoming although i think he is more subby, he likes giving up control and feeling Good . i respect switch jeggy, it isn’t my truth
• i think alot of jegulus sex (sorry most of these will be abt jegulus bc i love them Lolll) is just james wanting to treat regulus like a little porcelain doll …. not just in him being fragile but also he is His . to do whatever he wants he just has to ask nicely and sweetly and he can pose reg however he wants !!! i do think reg is bratty but i think a lot of the time he is v sweet n teary in bed ….. an angel ……….
• but i do also think regulus brings out something in james that makes him want to be rough n mean in bed that he has Never felt before . a big thing for me is regulus making james Feel things he hasn’t before . he’s always been a vanilla softy sex guy but now he wants to bruise regulus up and make him cry so he can be the one to patch him up again :(( he loves after care and therefore regulus does too
• there r like two versions of regulus in my head : virgin whore who has no concept of real sex and only understands from books so he fantasizes about getting the shit fucked out of him, hard and rough, probably got a breeding kink going on, but when actually in the bedroom is SO EMBARRASSED . TO DO ANYTHING . james asks regulus to take off his jacket and regulus is like oh my … that’s … wow … you want me to … undress….? and show you… my collarbone peeking out of my button up…. oh… oh my
• and whoring it up regulus who sleeps around HELLA before james and when they actually do sleep together is CONSISTENTLY begging james to be rougher and meaner .. but regulus is also in a soft subby state of mind james doesn’t see from him often so he is WHIPPPPPEEEED
• daddy kink , breeding kink, praise kink , choking kink. The big four . but i also think regulus has an obscure fantasy of being tied up w the purpose of free use but being made love to soft and gentle anyways . just the idea that his lover could have him in Anyway but still chooses to worship and appreciate yk…. gets him going
• i also think he’s fucking EVERYWHERE but a damn bed …. on the counter on the couch in the car in the shower …. a bed is fun but reg likes the thrill of just doing anything anywhere bc he can … bc his house is full of love now so he can do whatever he wants !!
• oral fixation , loves sucking james off more than anything loves sucking ANYONE off more than anything . gave bcj 99% of his blowjobs . big fan . swallows w james. spits w barty. thank you for your time .
• if we r rolling w boypussy regulus he’s a big fan of being eaten out of course ….. james is a chronic munch so of course he is committing to it and regulus’ life was forever changed
• jegulus does not wear condoms once they enter a serious relationship . regulus doesn’t fuck w them . he understands the necessity but doesn’t like !! will use when he has to . but as soon as he acknowledges james is the one for him and he’ll have no other parters and it’s safe to he celebrates . big win for him .
• did i mention the breeding kink . i need to . that’s the jegulus kink fr . regulus wants a BABY in him damnit !!!!
okay that’s all for now . too embarrassed to continue . hope some of you enjoy
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howdoyousleep3 · 4 months
"Use your words."
Daddy James to Stevie Baby who is being a brat (as per usual) 😈
got real carried away with this one, a lot of ball talk lol, but i've missed the fuck out of them and we deserve this so 💅🏻 also! daddy's pov! that's fun.
word count: 1.7 K notable tags: daddy kink, manhandling, slapping, orgasm denial, blowjob, dirty talk, subspace, multiple orgasms, come marking, nipple play, cockwarming
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Steve is in rare form tonight.
When they play like this, when they get wrapped up in one another to the point where the rest of the world and the present warps away, Steve tends to stay in his head. No matter what James puts him and his beautiful body through, Steve remains tethered to the present.
But times like these, times where Steve sinks under and slips from his head, are so few and far between.
And James is fucking feral for it.
They’ve been at it for hours and Steve is still hungry, still eager. James has put his baby through the ringer, made him work and grovel and damn near embarrass himself for what he’s wanted, for what James has wanted. James knows he’ll have to be the one to call it; Steve would run himself into the ground for James.
Sweet boy.
He deserves the fucking world, deserves the sun and the moon and all the disgustingly sweet coffee drinks he can stomach.
Steve deserves whatever the fuck he wants after tonight.
James smacks his heavy cock down onto Steve’s tongue from where he kneels in front of him on the couch, spit flinging from Steve’s open mouth. He moans when James does it again, so noisy. He has been all evening. The noises have flown from his mouth like water, without thought and with desperation. James doesn’t think Steve knows just how loud he’s been, how reactive and how needy he sounds.
It's music to James’ ears.
“How d’you want it?” James rasps, eyes locked onto where Steve loosely suckles at the tip of his cock, slurping and moaning around it as if it’s the best thing his baby’s ever put in his mouth.
“Wan’it,” is all Steve moans, taking more of James into his mouth, spit slipping distractedly down his chin. James can’t help but touch it, transfixed by it. He smears it with his fingers, presses it into the skin of Steve’s jaw, his cheek, goes back for more to spread it around.
It seems he’ll need to be more specific in order to get an answer out of Steve. He tugs at Steve’s hair anyway, gives it a good, sharp yank in an attempt to bring him back from the brink of…
Well, maybe it’s a hopeless situation. Steve is far passed any sort of brink.
“Baby—listen,” he murmurs, smacking at Steve’s cheek rather harshly. “How do you want your Daddy’s come?”
It’s a more specific question, but it’s also a question that sends Steve further under. He whines, the nasally noise turning into a throaty groan as he leans forward on his knees, hands reaching for more of James’ cock. They’re past the point of rules, time and effort and energy leaving them drained and aching, so James doesn’t reprimand Steve for using his hands. He quite likes the feel of Steve fumbling with him in a frenzy, of the added tightness of his fists.
He kicks his hips up into Steve’s grip, his cock up into Steve’s hot mouth.
Fuck, he’s never getting an answer out of his boy.
“Use your fuckin’ words, Steven,” he bites out, laying his hands casually beside him on the couch, slowly losing his patience with the situation before him. Not at Steve, rarely does he genuinely lose his patience with his boy. But he’s ready to come again, is ready to pull Steve back from the depths of his mind, to cradle this sweetness he never so willingly gets to witness.
When Steve whines around a mouthful, when James feels that whine in his balls, he decides one more time.
He reaches for his cock with one hand and Steve’s hair with the other.
“How do you,” James says clearly and slowly, eyes locked with Steve’s glazed ones as he fists his weeping cock in front of Steve’s open mouth. “Want your Daddy’s come?”
Steve slurs out his answer, tilting his head back in an obvious attempt to tighten the hold on his hair, “In my pussy.”
James’ core burns.
“You already got it in that sweet pussy’a yours,” James reminds him, voice as thick as his swelling cock. “Remember? Fucked it into to you an hour ago. Bet it’s still in there, makin’ you all messy. Why don’t you—”
“Fine,” Steve huffs, snaps, and James barely resists the urge to put Steve’s dick under the heel of his dress shoe. “Then come on in.”
The words are slow out of Steve’s mouth, sinful and filthy. Even six feet under the drunken fog of sex Steve knows he’s got his Daddy right where he wants him with that request.
“Come on my pussy, Daddy.”
James doesn’t even need time to come. His fist flies over his cock, his heavy load in his balls at the ready. It’s always ready for Steve, always hot for whenever his boy wants it.
“Then fuckin’ show me, you show me exactly where you want it,” James purrs, lip curling as he watches Steve turn around on his knees eagerly and gracefully. He’s always so goddamn graceful when it comes to sex, eroticism layered in his body and pure existence. It’s why he enjoys being watched so much, why he gets off on eyes on him. Steve is sex.
When he bends at that sinful waist, when his cheek hits the floor and he arches his back, James’ groan is thunderous.
He’ll never tire of this sight, of Steven’s hole, of right where his perfect body works to let his Daddy inside. The proof is right there, right in front of James’ eyes. His pink pussy is slick with his Daddy’s first load, his rim puffy, his hole used, just as it should be. His balls sit prettily between his spread thighs, heavy with the load James has denied him of.
James sucks on his teeth to stop himself from losing focus and leaning down to suck them into his mouth one by one.
Steve’s ass always looks fuckable, the jiggle and fat of his cheeks tempting James every minute of every goddamn day, but there’s nothing compared to the sight that lays before him. And when Steve whines, when he leans his hips back and bounces his ass as if James needs a reminder of his request, James slips to the floor on his knees.   
He can’t resist, just a little—
He can feel Steve’s gluttonous groan in his own balls as he slips the fat tip of his cock into Steve’s ass, continuing to stroke himself off. He pulls his hips back, pushes it back in, does it again. And again.
“Fuck, I’ll never get tired’a this. Get back here, get your hands back here. Show me—”  
Words tumble from James’ mouth as if he knows what they mean, as if he coherent enough to form demands. But God bless him, Steve knows. With a long whine he brings his hands back to his ass, to each cheek, spreading himself wide before smacking his hands over his own ass, shaking at the handfuls he grabs for.
The feeling of Steve’s ass shaking around his cock nearly makes James see stars.
“Fuck yeah.”
Steve smacks at his ass again, pressing his cheeks together and smushing his ass all around the tip of James’ cock.
“Daddy…come on my pussy, Daddy.”
James’ orgasm rushes through him, builds so quickly he shouts at the intensity of it. He barely has time to pull his cock free from the grip of Steve’s ass before the first hot spurt of come is shooting from his tip. Fucking hell.
Steve moans as if it’s his own orgasm, as if it’s his own set of balls emptying out. Or maybe he moans at the feel of it, at the sensation of his Daddy’s come dirtying him up, running down his taint and dragging down his sac. Or maybe, James thinks, maybe it’s Steve’s feral desire to be claimed in such a primal way, to be so subservient he’s more than willing to accept his Daddy’s come on his body instead of inside.
When James’ climax is complete, when he’s pulled everything he has from himself, he presses the head of his cock back into Steve’s pussy.
James damn near shouts again when Steve immediately clenches down around him, needy and absolutely desperate for more.
“Can never give you enough, always want fuckin’ more,” he huffs out with amusement feigned as annoyance as he watches Steve’s hole pulse and try to suck him further into his greedy body. Unbelievable. He reaches for Steve’s shoulders, pulling him up off the floor and sliding his dick further into Steve’s pussy. Steve’s heavy gasp makes his cock twitch inside of his boy’s body. Also unbelievable.
His hands slip to Steve’s tits, squeezing and pinching as he digs his teeth into the side of Steve’s neck. His hips meet the curve of his luscious ass and even Steve’s moan sounds slurred, James pressing in tight. It’s not impossible, a third orgasm, but it’s off the table for the night. James wants other things from his baby.
That doesn’t stop Steve from trying though, the bastard continuing to milk James dry.
“Come sit on my dick while it goes soft,” James whispers into Steve’s ear, fingers unable to resist the urge to pluck at Steve’s pretty nipples. He doesn’t give Steve the chance to argue or respond, easily pulling them both backwards and up to the couch, Steve in his lap. James can feel the come on his body, the way it bleeds into the fabric of his dress pants. He loves it.
“Never soft for me,” Steve manages to argue anyway, his head lolling back onto James’ shoulder. His fingers go back to pinching at Steven’s nipples, rubbing at them as Steve presses his chest into his Daddy’s touch. The noises he gets are soft, delicate almost, always are when he plays with Steve’s tits. James looks down the line of Steve’s body and sees his dick, angry and leaking, and if he’s not careful Steve could come like this, his Daddy’s hands on his tits.
“Yeah, yeah,” he chuckles, knowing damn well Steve is right. He skates his hands up and down Steve’s entire torso, pinching the tip of Steve’s dick, relishing in the whimper and twitch Steve gives him.
“Whatever you say, kitten.”
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
You cannot convince me that the issues a lot of people take with books that contain non-con or bad-wrong relationships aren't rooted in some kind of misogyny.
Like, yeah, the books that have those themes/elements aren't for everyone and most definitely they can't all be well written, but for decades we've had movies and books written by men with scenes depicting women being raped that were either meant to be seen as a fetish (I Spit on Your Grave has more than 40 minutes of its 102 minutes runtime that's an explicit, continuous rape scene. It's literally half the goddamn movie) or to make fun of women for not knowing what they want (in Gone with the Wind, there's a scene in which Scarlett opposes Rhett, but he forcefully carries her to bed anyways, and in the following scene she's sighing happily because her man took her with brute strength. Not to mention all the James Bonds LOL), and people pointed at the women complaining about these depictions and called them names and cried cancel culture and shit.
Now that there's some kind of recognition that yes, being a victim of sexual violence is a kink too, and it's something that's perfectly valid to explore, especially through a medium such as literature, I'm seeing plenty of people utterly scandalized by its mere concept.
It has always been there, guys. It was just never meant for a (majorly) female audience.
It's a bit like how, for decades, we got stuff about how charming older men are, how them wanting relationships with younger women (if not teens) is perfectly fine, saw male critics say that Lolita is a love story between an awful little girl and a desperate, lovelorn man (Lionel Trilling, I'll hunt you for sport), but the moment the age difference trope became more mainstream amongst women too and we got Lana del Rey to sing about wanting to fuck her daddy and books about younger women falling for older men (not to mention the whole DILF phenomenon), we gotta sit at a table and discuss how unhealthy it is.
Just fucking admit women can't enjoy shit and that we're meant to be perpetual victims of everything.
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morwap · 2 years
➸ james potter x f!reader
➸ smut | 4k words
➸ nav | j.p m.list
➸ sub!James mean dom!reader, Enemies to lovers, Slytherin!reader & Dorcas. 8th year, Smut, impact play, threats/death threat, a slap, someone getting hurt, spit, fingers in mouth, talk of cunnilingus/face sitting, humiliation kink, praise/light degradation, hand job, pain kink
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♡ ───────✧ 𓆩♡𓆪 ✧─────── ♡
You stared at the back of James' head, wishing you could burn a hole straight through it as he laughed with his friends, an obnoxious laugh at that. Quidditch was coming up, Slytherin vs Gryffindor, red and gold vs green and silver, always the most anticipated pair to be playing.
James laughed as Sirius tossed a piece of paper into his mouth, Remus watched them both and counted how many pieces James could catch. of course, James was trying too hard, he always tries too hard and tries even harder at quidditch which could sometimes be admirable and be the reason Gryffindor wins so much but they also had Sirius who gets competitive once he catches a glimpse of his brother and tries hard because his boyfriend is watching, then there Marlene who can be so sweet then the next day knock you off your broom so hard you break your wrist which may or may not have happened way too many times in 6th year but you’ve on, plus it wasn't any hard feelings from her it was just how she played and she apologized for it and Dorcas begged you not to be mad about it because she has the biggest crush on her.
But as much as the two houses fought and bickered, you two were the only teams to actually go toe to toe and get serious with it, there was a reason there happened to be more Slytherin vs Gryffindor matches. You knew Regulus took it seriously and so did you, being co-captain was not an easy job when at first the team relied on using magic if they were getting too behind, it was something you and Reggie hated, and when you two became captains that was the first to go. You wanted to win because you were good at quidditch not because your team cheated. You even talked to James about it, telling him that there will be no more magic used by your team and if you caught them doing it they would immediately kick them off the team and he said he would do the same, it was truly the only civil conversation you two had.
The team luckily had Dorcas, even though having a crush on the opposite team, she didn't let that get in the way of winning unlike if lily were in Slytherin and on the team James would go insane and probably just let her have the snitch.
Though recently you’ve been noticing that he wasn't as obsessed with lily as he was years prior, no more handing her lilies in the corniest way possible, it was more of a wave when she sat by Marlene then going back to whatever he was doing with Remus, Peter, and Sirius, not even giving her a glance or two which seemed to make lily happy. When you noticed this you were happy, so happy thinking that since he was leaving her alone he would leave you alone but no, that never happened if anything he put more effort into whatever it was between the both of you.
You moved your eyes to the paper in front of you, your head resting in your palm as you read the question. A piece of paper hits your forehead, you can already hear the giggling.
James turned to you as your eyes meet his, he smirked, the same fucking he gives when you’re on the quidditch pitch. Gripping your wand tightly as you waved it under the table and muttered under your breath.
James’ loose tie tightened, making him choke a bit, his hand coming to his tie to wank it down, and then you stopped the spell and put your wand back into your lap. Sirius couldn't help but giggle a bit before trying to help his friend.
“Potter, are you alright?” professor McGonagall asked, moving her glasses to the tip of her nose. James cleared his throat before telling her yes.
Sirius rubbed his face as James turned his head towards you with a mean look, you shrugged at him and he turned around, James crossed his arms and kicked Sirius’ shin.
“Did you see his face?” Regulus huffed, a small smile on his face. Regulus’ arms were crossed and he shook his head.
“It's what he deserves for taunting you all the time,” he added. You laughed softly and sat back in your chair, glancing over at his answer and marking the same one on your paper.
“He’d deserve it even if he didn’t do that” you whispered and crossed your arms. Quiz day in professor McGonagall's class was normally slow, she always allowed the whole class time to work on them while she did her own thing so once people finished they still had to be silent.
Before your eyes could finally get so heavy that you were gonna lay your head on your desk the bell chimed and the sound of people getting up was enough to take you out of it. You grabbed your bag and waited for Regulus.
Walking to the great hall as you two talked about your first few classes, the professors had been going easy since Friday was quidditch so not much has been happening.
Dorcas was waiting for you two and she smiled as she saw you walking toward her. Regulus sat in front of you and you sat next to Dorcas.
“Hello captain and co-captain,” she said in a sing-song voice, she always got excited before, and depending on how the game went was her attitude after.
You smiled at her, “so when we win whos throwing the party?” she asked, regulus shrugged his shoulders and looked to you.
“Probably Evan, he did it last time right?” you asked, furrowing your brows as you tried to remember the last Slytherin party and you were sure it was Evan that did put it all together. You knew Mulciber most likely helped him get alcohol but mainly it was all Evan.
The rest of the day went by as any other, James holding out his foot so you would in the hall which didn’t even work and he tripped someone else, James calling you a bitch when you pushed past him and knocking into his shoulder because he was walking too slow, fighting with him over the right potion ingredients and every interaction with him was even more intense because of what was coming up. You could barely stand him, he made you grind your teeth and debate on just walking out of potions and staying in the bathroom the whole time.
“James watch the fuck out it's hot” you whisper shouting at him as he tried to grab the vile that you were levitating with your wand. He pulled his hand away as you started to pour the liquid into the cauldron in front of you two. Even if you hated him you wouldn’t want to hurt him.
James seemed to be more careful after you snapped at him but his mouth never stopped, rolling his eyes when you would say something back.
You were out of the classroom before the bell even rang, getting out of there was on your mind the whole time and now it was happening. Last class of the day and you were tired, you were ready to go back to your dorm and take a nap before dinner then finish anything you need to do, do your nighttime routine and go back to sleep. You need as much rest as you could get since you had practice the next day then the actual game.
It was time, you all were about to go out and start playing after the pep talk you and Regulus were giving the team. You reminded them that you will win fair and no cheating before all of you got on your brooms and went into the air, listening to your peers cheer and clap while the game was announced and madam hooch was about to give the green light for the game to start.
Soon you would fight the motion sickness as everyone and you started moving, the quaffle was released and 15 seconds later the snitch. You moved through people, not looking at who they were just knowing they were wearing red. You were close to the rings and regulus had the quaffle, he called out to you and threw it your way while Gryffindors tried to catch it but thankfully you moved fast enough to catch it.
You almost got knocked off your broom but held the quaffle tight, making it back to a point where you could throw it and hopefully make it. It did and the ding made your nerves easy since right now Slytherin was in the lead.
You banged into other people trying to get the quaffle from them and you knew your shoulder was going to hurt so bad. James flew past you, a determined look on his face and you knew he had a good eye on the snitch.
Now Gryffindor was in the lead, Slytherin close behind. You could tell regulus was getting aggravated by how this one person kept bumping into him even if he wasn’t going toward the quaffle.
Marlene was next to you, you both pushing each other to try to get the upper hand. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw your teammate’s broom shaking out of control and you stopped, Marlene was confused but took advantage of you stopping. You flew over to him as his broom started to spin and he was knocked off, hitting the ground harshly. You knew it was magic and when you looked over your shoulder and watch the smirk fade on Owen's face and a fake worried look came back. The crowd didn't even notice a member of your team was hurt, they were cheering and clapping because James had caught the snitch and won the game.
You flew down to your teammate and tried to get him up, soon madam hooch and madam Pomfrey came and collected him. You knew that using magic to mess with people's brooms can be really dangerous since everyone was moving all the time it could get out of hand like it did for him but this time it was intentional.
Everyone was talking as they left the stands and made their way back to Hogwarts. The two teams started to dismount the brooms and get everything together to go shower and then go back for dinner, they also had to wait for madam hooch to come back and talk to them.
“What the fuck was that?” Regulus whisper shouted.
You ignored him and walked over to the Gryffindors, you gave James your word and really meant it. The others noticed you and told James that you were walking to them.
He turned around with a smirk and your palm met his face. Hard. James’ face turned red as he was taken aback by what was happening, you grabbed the strings on his quidditch uniform.
“I gave you my word, no more fucking magic on the pitch and I kept that promise ever since I became captain, do you know how many people I kick off the team for even attempting to use it? If Ian can’t play because of him I’ll fucking kill you.” you spat, James nodded slightly as he stared at you.
You let go of him and walked away. They had recently put in two changing areas with showers so you all didn't need to walk to Hogwarts to just shower. You were ready to let the warm water soothe your muscles.
James stood there, thankful that the quidditch uniform was long and covered the tent in his pants, it was the only thing going through his head, and the stinging from his cheek sent pleasure down to his cock. It put him in his place, the place he yearned to be put in.
The guilt started to slip in because he saw Owen but was too into the game to call a timeout and tell him to knock it off.
Hours passed before you could check on Ian, thankfully he was okay and still could and wanted to stay on the team. You looked through the things people brought him, you had brought a book you thought he would like while he recovered. There were flowers but you couldn’t help but notice one, it was huge, a huge bouquet that was beautiful, you looked around for the tag, once you found it you read it.
Ian, I am so sorry a member of my team was reckless enough to use magic during our match, it was unprofessional after the agreement the captains have made plus the rules in general and that person has been removed from the team. Get better soon - James Potter.
You smiled and let go of the tag.
“Alright i gotta go, I'll come back later and check on you” you sighed. Ian smiled and sat up.
“I just hope I'm cleared before the party, ready to get out of here,” Ian said with a soft laugh. You nudged his shoulders and laughed.
“If you don't I’ll wheel you there in that damn bed” you joked before heading out of the infirmary.
Luckily Ian was cleared before the party and you debated on even going but you knew you needed to say thank you even if it should’ve been done without your threat. Your mind kept replaying how James looked at you and nodded his head so submissively.
You wanted to look nice even if you were gonna be there for a little bit.
Gryffindor tower was loud with music and screaming, you were surprised they didn’t cast a silencing charm. People were everywhere and you tried to make your way through to the drink table without bumping into anyone.
You poured yourself a shot before someone bumped into you, you thankfully didn't spill it and when you turned around it was James.
“Hi,” he said, his voice was soft and he looked at you.
There was a tension you couldn’t explain other than sexual.
“Hi” you coppied, your finger circled around the rim of the shot glass before taking it.
“You know i’m very proud of you, for doing that it was mature even if how i acted wasn’t very mature… but it seemed like putting you in your place was something you needed” you added, you semi joked at the end.
James’ eyes seemed to light up and he smiled shyly and nodded, “yeah, yeah definitely needed an attitude adjustment” he laughed softly.
The shot made you a lot more confident.
“I think you need more than that but i don’t know if you can handle it” you said, crossing your arms.
“I could” he stuttered out while he nodded. He softly chewed at the inside of his lip.
“Oh could you?” you said dragging the sentence out as you started to walk toward the closet you were eyeing. You looked over your shoulder at him, sending him a look.
You knew he would follow and once you heard the door squeak open it only confirmed your thoughts. The closet was small with brooms huddled in a corner and spiderwebs in others, luckily there was a chair in the corner. You watched him close the door discretely, looking out a bit to see if anyone saw him follow you. He was already flushed, cheeks red from you taunting him just minutes ago.
Looking at him and watching his eyes meet yours then fall to your chest, your thighs, and back up. You didn't say anything, just turning to the chair and pulling it to the middle of the small room.
“Sit your ass down potter” you demanded. James nodded and sat down, he moved his cheeks to push up his glasses. You ran your fingers through his hair as he looked up at you. He was so pretty, so unbelievably pretty.
“We’re gonna need a safe word, does red sound good?” you asked, your tone soft but face still bitchy. You were gonna go easy on the first time of course, you weren’t just lock his cock up in a chastity cage and the only way he could cum was through the cage with ruined orgasms.
“Mmhm,” he hummed with a nod. You straddled him, your dress riding up your thighs and James couldn't help his eyes traveling to watch. You could feel him growing hard under you. You leaned in, your lips grazing his teasingly making him whine softly and chase after your lips before you finally kissed him.
James’ hands rubbed up your thighs before you smacked them away.
“Don’t touch me, put your hands behind your back” you ordered, you started to grind on him and your dress lifted it up and rested right above the hem of your panties. Your hands moved over his chest, slowly unbuttoning the top few buttons on his shirt. James’ kisses got needy and more hungry.
“I love that you’re mean to me” James whined into the kiss. You smiled, hearing him admit it was heavenly after years of denying it.
“I know baby, I know” you muttered and taught his lip with your teeth. His cologne was intoxicating and it never faded one bit. Your hands were undoing his jeans, still grinding and making him whimper.
You moved back a little bit and pulled his cock out freely, one hand traveled up his abdomen, chest, and neck till it got to his face. You squeezed a little and broke the kiss, looking down at his cock and watching precum pearl at his slit. You smiled and swiped your finger on his slit then brought it to your mouth and tasted it.
Humming in delight as you snuck a glance at him, he was watching you intensely. You brought your hand back down and started to stroke him, you held his base and moved your head down a little, and let spit string down onto his tip then started stroking him again.
“Your cock is so pretty, James” you cooed, his chest was heaving and a part of you wanted to put your ear to his chest and listen to his heart beating. You tapped his cheek as you started to move faster, making his muscles tense and fight the urge to move his hands.
“Slap me please- please” James begged, his voice whiney and breathy. He kept watching the way you were jerking him off, watching how you were so gentle with him but at the same time so rough.
You let go of his face and then landed a slap on his cheek, it wasn't very hard but a good starter. His cock throbbed in your hand and he let out a soft groan.
“Harder please” James mewled, muttering more “pleases” under his breath, you could feel him under you trying to buck up.
You had no reason to deny his pleas. You slapped him harder, your hand staying on his cheek to soothe the sting, he let out a loud moan as you also focused on the head of his cock. You moved your thumb to his mouth and he opened up his mouth more, you pressed your thumb on his tongue.
“You’re being such a good slut for me, I think I'm gonna let you cum baby” you whispered and watched his eyes go wide as he processed that you were even thinking about not even letting him cum. He felt like he hadn’t came in months even though he had jerked off literally yesterday.
He nodded as he moved his tongue around your finger.
“Thank you” he mumbled around your thumb, you smiled at him then went back to watching his cock.
“Again please” he moaned, you took your thumb out of his mouth and James closed his eyes, you leaned forward and kissed his cheek softly then your palm made contact with his cheek. He groaned. The pain from the sting got him close, almost wanting to see what you would do if he moved his hands and touched you and rutted up into your hand.
Now it hit him, you were straddling him, your cunt so close to him and probably sopping wet. He wanted to touch you so bad, make you feel good, taste you, and make you cum. His mind flooded with images of him between your legs, lapping and sucking at your clit as you pulled on his hair and told him to keep going and that he was such a good boy for you and the only person to make you feel like this.
He wanted it so bad… he wanted to be punished by you, praised and degraded by you, humiliated by you, spanked by you, get taken care of by you and take care of you, rewarded by you, and all the above.
James knew you were the only one who knew what he wanted and just how to give it to him, just you and only you, not lily, not anyone else but you. You were what he wanted, and will always want even if feelings get complicated, even out of a sexual relationship and now he realized it, he knew there was a reason he lurked behind you when you walked to your common room drunk from a Hufflepuff party, or when he walks behind you on snowy days when everyone would walk to Hogsmeade to make sure you never slipped or fell from ice under the snow, or making sure him and his friends go to the three broomsticks the same time you were so he could watch you take the first sip of your butterbeer and sigh with a smile after, or when he would look over your shoulder discreetly to see what you were reading then looking for the same thing in the library or bookstore that moony always went to during Hogsmeade trips.
Wondering why he would even try to fight the attraction he felt for you and tried to taunt and fight with you because he was fighting the feeling of wanting to look at you and wonder how your skin felt or if you tapped your foot two times every time there was a quiz or an exam because you were nervous or because you felt that was your lucky thing to do.
James trembled, “m’close- so fucking close” he muttered as his brows furrowed and his teeth took in his bottom lip slightly.
“Cum for me, c’mon i wanna watch you cum” you whispered in his ear. You angled it to where when he came it would go all over his shirt.
With you whispering in his ear like that there was no hope for him at all, his mind went blank as he moaned and felt the warmth from his cum landing on his shirt and starting to soak through but he couldn’t care one bit.
“There we go, im so proud of my slut” you cooed, lips pressing to his cheek and he leaned into it. You moved one hand to the back of his head, you leaned off him, and let his head move and rest on your shoulder. You scratched his head soothingly as he recovered, of course, this wasn’t the end but you weren’t going to leave him there with no aftercare at all.
You praised him in his ear and you could feel him moving his head more into your neck. You let his cock start to go soft and didn't want to overstimulate him until later.
Soon he lifted his head up off your shoulder. You smiled at him and then started to button up his shirt as his head started to become more clear, you told him what you were doing as you fixed him up, putting him back into his boxers and zipping up his pants.
His hand can to your dress, pulling at it, “what about you?” he asked. His eyes were big as he looked at you. He already knew his cum was visible on his shirt and it made his cheeks heat up.
“You didn’t think we were done, did you?” you asked, tilting your head a bit with a smirk. Before he could say something you kissed him softly.
“You are gonna go back out there with your cum all over your shirt to show everyone how much of a slut you are, and i am going to go to my dorm and count how long it takes for you to get there, and however long it takes will be how long i sit on your face,” you said, making sure he understood every word you said. You could literally see the excitement on his face.
You got off his lap and fixed your dress then pressed a kiss on his forehead.
“You need me to stay in here for a bit more?” you asked, rubbing his shoulder. James shook his head no and the way he had to go out to the party with cum all over him, in front of his friends and everything made him embarrassed but so excited. The lights were down low anyways and mostly everyone was drunk so if someone did ask they’d most likely forget.
“I think im ready,” James said, you nodded, and with one last kiss to his temple you left out the door.
When James walked out he almost got bombarded by people, Sirius’ drunken best friend speech once he caught sight of his friend and then quidditch team members happily saying how glad they were they won the other day and him agreeing but trying to make his way through the crowd with Sirius basically on his hip still slurring his words loudly into James’ ear. Once Remus got Sirius, James told him he wasn't coming back to the dorm tonight.
Peter was now in James’ ear, right when he was about to make it to the painting and then getting dragged back into the crowd. All he could think about was getting to taste your sweet cunt, he knew he could get more time from begging if he got there quickly but now he doesn’t think he’ll need to since people just kept coming up to him.
Luckily after a few more people he got out of there, his cock was hard again and now straining in his pants. Making his way to your common room and when he got there, there was a note with the password and your dorm number. He was surprised no Slytherins were in the common room as much as they complain they hate Gryffindor they all sure do make sure to be at a party.
James debated on knocking then decided on just turning your door knob which was thankfully unlocked.
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pinkwright · 1 year
anti | shuri udaku.
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inspo — anti by rihanna
warnings — lots of remorse, lots of regret, lots of angst, grief, self-destructive!shuri, mean!shuri, crying like lots of fucking crying lol, singer!reader, avoidant!reader, crybaby!reader, soft!shuri, heartbroken!reader, spiralling, toxic!shuri, fingering, cunnilingus, possessive!shuri, confident!reader, sub!reader, kissing, implied smut, lovesick!reader, cold!shuri, nightmares, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, unhealthy coping mechanisms, partying, lots of heartbreak, dom!shuri, handsy!shuri, dirty talk, humiliation kink, tribbing, switch!reader, toxic relationships, dealer!shuri, best friend!shuri, alcohol, HARD DRUGS (ecstasy, acid, weed etc.), minor injuries, brat tamer!shuri, bratty!reader, spitting, vulgar language, lots of pet names, claiming kink, overstimulation, promiscuous!reader, touchy!reader, reader is a tease, sweet!shuri, fugitive!reader, enhanced!reader, toxic!reader, dom!reader, sub!shuri (i am going to tryyy u guys i can’t promise i'll do her justice lol), mean!reader, co-dependency, possessive!reader, jealous!reader, bratty!shuri ahem, begging, orgasm denial, established relationship, shy!reader, voice kink, verbal kink, needy!reader, degradation, dacryphilia, mommy kink (this is such an embarrassing projection but the voices won yall), dumbification, dismissive kink, love kink, slight objectification n slut-'shaming' (it’s still fond), overall just a lot of emotional constipation.
a/n — ehem so rihanna got me yall, i was debating posting the next stargirl chapter or working on this n she won me over yall !! anyway, this is my next set, it’s been sitting in my drafts 4ever n its definitely outta my comfort zone; there’s a lot of angst n vulnerability, way less smut, hardly any fluff (get on rih for this truly) but i hope its still enjoyable 4 yall lol.
oh p.s bc of the emotional toll /sarc, i didn’t do one for every song!!
⟢˚ @mbakuetshurisprincess @inmyheadimobsessed @letitias-fav @barkbarkbo @shurismainbxtch @verachii @rxcently @shuriszn @lppriceisright @heartsforjojo @motheroffae @naomis-daydream @vampzxi @nrc16783 @msplayas @marsolgy @mysticalmarss @playhousedistee @abenomeiiii @ma4erickk @ogbells16 @6-noir @laurensmabel1 @vexoshuri @saintwrld @zayswriting @ilovelulu @sookiesookie @ziayamikaelson
must be love on the brain, baby, keep loving me.
✶ JAMES JOINT — "you know i’m no good for you, baby."
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⊹ ۪ .⟢⋆。˚.
in which the reader desperately wants more with shuri, despite the girl being the best friend everyone knows isn’t the best influence on her.
...coming soon
✶ KISS IT BETTER — "let me make it better, my love."
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⊹ ۪ .⟢⋆。˚.
in which shuri lets her grief influence her idea of love enough for it to consume her n reader can’t seem to empty the overflowing glass of their fracturing relationship before it starts to drown her too.
...coming soon
✶ WORK — "come on, you’re not done singing for them, pretty."
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⊹ ۪ .⟢⋆。˚.
in which promiscuous reader likes to taunt the pretty girl she doesn’t think can handle her, but she doesn’t know how much the panther likes the chase; especially when it’s bratty girls that fall apart so prettily.
...coming soon
✶ DESPERADO — "but there’s nothing here for me anymore, shuri, don’t you get that?"
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⊹ ۪ .⟢⋆。˚.
in which shuri udaku makes a choice in the name of her nation but the regret has her questioning her decision until it’s too much to overlook n reader lets the cruelty of the world cement her heart until her past comes back to chip the façade away.
...coming soon
✶ WOO — "say that again to my face, princess."
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⊹ ۪ .⟢⋆。˚.
in which reader’s cold and mean persona gives shuri a high she’s never felt before n reader likes how much the soft and pretty royal can’t seem to get enough of her.
...coming soon
✶ NEEDED ME — "you can do better than that, angel."
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⊹ ۪ .⟢⋆。˚.
in which reader set on making her girlfriend say how much she needs her, but shuri can’t seem to quell her ego enough to get the words out until reader decides to use her own ways against her.
...coming soon
✶ YEAH, I SAID IT — "use those fucking words if you want me to give you what you need, baby.”"
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⊹ ۪ .⟢⋆。˚.
in which reader basks in the tenderness shuri shows her, despite being the deadliest black panther the present world has witnessed, but when she sees her sweet shuri in a way she’s normally not privy to, the image makes her crave the panther.
...coming soon
✶ SAME OL’ MISTAKES — "no? lie to me again, s’thandwa sam’. you know there’s a part of you that craves the hurt."
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⊹ ۪ .⟢⋆。˚.
in which shuri is battling her own demons n reader finds herself letting old habits die hard because of love, once again.
...coming soon
✶ NEVER ENDING — "i can’t love you the way you deserve."
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⊹ ۪ .⟢⋆。˚.
in which heartbroken reader has closed herself off from love but didn’t fortify the penitentiary housing her heart from a certain agile panther.
...coming soon
✶ LOVE ON THE BRAIN — "then stop looking at me like i hung the fucking stars in the sky, my love."
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⊹ ۪ .⟢⋆。˚.
in which world renowned singer reader is known for her independent, ‘savage’ persona but when she’s in shuri’s bed her artist mind seems to forget what it means to see people as they are in reality.
...coming soon
✶ CLOSE 2 U — "because that’s what we were supposed to be, right? ...each other’s everything?”
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⊹ ۪ .⟢⋆。˚.
in which reader's performance of her new single, dropped unexpectedly after a twelve month hiatus of absolute silence, thrusts the world into a turmoil of emotions n shuri just wants to make things better.
...coming soon
✶ GOODNIGHT GOTHAM — "bast, please. only if for a night."
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⊹ ۪ .⟢⋆。˚.
in which shuri thinks grief can’t taunt her if she buries its effects; even the ones she swore she would never forget.
...coming soon
✶ POSE — "you're a dream, angel, use those pretty eyes."
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⊹ ۪ .⟢⋆。˚.
in which reader books the shoot of a lifetime n her photographer happens to be her longtime crush, shuri udaku.
...coming soon
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honeybcj · 27 days
hi han! jarty anon has returned after a long absence bcs exams n two different performances ongoing
i sent an ask a week ago but it just didn't send n i can't remember it so please take some filthy james and barty as an apology :3
okay so. hear me out. criminal james and drug dealer barty. thus.... violent depraved sex, and gun kink. james does a job one day and is super stressed so he seeks out local legend dealer, known as Bat. he's expecting some hobo in a dumpster, like fifty years old and decrepit, but instead it's the most jaw-droppingly hot dangerous twentysomething man and james is. drooling. so he forks over some bills, gets weed, but then decides to be a menace and whips out a gun when bartys turned and levels it with his head. instead of barty freaking the fuck out, like james expects, he instead says, was waiting for you to pull something, babe-- almost thought you'd be too pussy, but you don't disappoint, Sun. And james, being the intelligent fellow he is, only hears his codename. you heard of me? james grins. barty turns and smirks, gun in between his eyebrows, and james is starting to get hard because it takes a certain kind of batshit to look that hot with a pistol in your face and barty is definitely hot. b takes james pause to rip the gun away, punch him in the face, and shove james violently against a wall by his throat. j is depraved and actually enjoys this, and returns by pulling b close and biting his neck hard, and barty moans. james ascends, just a little bit, and barty returns the favor by biting at james' lips, harsh and demanding. they end up making out, more blood and teeth than lips, lost in an unvoiced competition of who can damage more. it goes on for a while, and then barty kicks james' knees out from under him, trapping him against the wall. james is actually salivating at the idea of sucking his cock, frothing at the mouth, but barty doesn't let him; instead, he takes the discarded gun and rests the barrel on james' lips, commanding him to suck. james grins, gleeful, and takes the whole fucking pistol into his mouth in one go, making the most intentionally obscene noises known to man. barty is having too much fun, and starts mercilessly fucking james' mouth with his own gun; the pace is so quick that the corners of james' lips tear, tracing saliva and thin coppery blood across the surface of the pistol. eventually, barty pulls the gun out, only to smear the spit-blood-maybe-tears mixture across his dick, going right back to fucking james's face. j looks ruined, and barty is having the time of his fucking life-- he comes minutes later, telling james to not swallow, and he pulls j back up so they can make out some more but now they're not just exchanging blood, there's come too, and it's sinful and downright disgusting and they love every second.
james still hasn't come yet-- he ends up getting off by humping barty's thigh, frantically, as barty bites his nipples through his shirt. after, they smoke james' long forgotten weed and exchange phone numbers, barty with a promise that next time won't be so gentle, james grinning and saying oh i'm suuure.
have a good day han !! ;3 got a bit carried away lol
due to unforeseen circumstances, it appears that han is very much unwell and will not be able to participate in society for the next 10 business days while they recuperate and bind this into their version of the holy bible.
but for real, i’m actually obsessed with this so unbelievably much. you have no idea how bad i want one of these fuckers to make to other suck off a gun. and that is the whole vibe i get. this is jarty. it is the holy text. it deserves to be framed and read out loud each and every morning before you start your day.
i can’t even add anything to this because i’m so stunned and it’s absolutely exquisite just the way it is. a round of applause for jarty anon (oh how i’ve missed you. i hope all your exams went well and that you have some time to relax now and do whatever makes your little heart happy. smooching you so hard my beloved!!!!!)
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