#Jake Jensen x plus sized!Reader
imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
For your pic ask game…… #3 with pairing of Everything for you! Jake Jensen maybe done with the military but that training never leaves a solider! (I work with veterans) They keep their gear, which means if anything happens to his Queen, harm/kidnap. He would suit up to get to her and anyone would be a fool to try to stop him. Please and thank you!!!!
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It was all tucked away in a hidden safe in his closet, the gear that bore his name from his time in the military. The gear and equipment that he’d used during his stint away from the world he had known, was kept and safeguarded. Jake couldn’t forget the training and experience he had in the army, the years of gruelling training that helped turn him into the alpha he was now.
He never expected to have to dig it out, not like this. Maybe he had once thought he could share this past with his future pups but never like this.
“Jake…Jake, we’re going to find her. We’re going to find her, just don’t act brashly-” The safe popped out with a sharp hiss, the gear long stashed now being taken out of storage.
It was a process that was fuelled by instincts, he was being led by his primordial and aggressive need to rip anyone who touched you to pieces. The need to dig his hands into whoever thought they could get to him by taking you, was like a thousand tiny needles pricking his flesh.
Jake didn’t looked back when he started slipping the gear back on his body, led autonomously as one of the guards, meant to keep safe, started prattling on with excuses. It was a means of saving himself, Jake knew that, and he could hardly fault the other alpha for trying to ease Jake’s calm state of rage.
“We leave in ten minutes.” He spoke over the familiar sound of an assault rifle being loaded with ammunition, a clear and declaring threat made with every striking movement of his hands.
“We leave in ten minutes.” He spoke again, resting the barrel of the rifle on his shoulder, transforming himself from the alpha they thought they’d known to their worst fucking nightmare.
“This must be heavy, its a lot of gear.” Your hands picked at the name on his vest, your scent was coiling around his and even if you hadn’t meant for it to affect him so much, your scent made him weak.
“I’m a big strong alpha, I can handle it.” Jake’s fingers tipped your chin and his eyes searched yours as you preened under his gaze.
Denial and fear of your feelings for him was preventing the two of you from being together as you should have been. But Jake was patient and he would wait.
“And I can handle you, Princess.” His tone of voice took a turn, a hunger burning through him. “I can handle you so damn well.”
Jake was going to burn the world, turn it to ash and debris, until he found you.
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holylulusworld · 2 years
The assistant (3) - Cafè
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Summary: You are invisible most of the time.
Pairing: Boss!Steve Rogers x Assistant(plussized)!Reader
Possible pairing: Jake Jensen x Reader, Lloyd Hansen x Reader, Curtis Everett x Reader, Ari Levinson x Reader
Characters: Tony Stark, OC Sandy, Pepper Potts
A/N: Okay, I went a little crazy with all the CEvans characters in this one.
Warnings: angst, flirty CEvans characters, language, plussized/chubby reader, fat shaming, angry Tony (he’s a warning, okay), mentions of cheating (Tony/Pepper)...I don’t know. But before anyone complains again. It is there...very implied or not. 🤷‍♂️
The assistant masterlist
<< Part 2
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Three weeks ago, Avengers tower
“You wanted to talk to me Mr. Stark,” Sandy puts on her sweetest smile. The one always working with men. She always gets away with anything. Sandy never had to work hard to get what she wants.
“Let me get this straight,” Tony gets up from his swivel chair to slam the door behind Sandy shut. “You talked Captain America into thinking that it’s a good idea to give up his perfect assistant for someone like you?”
“I didn’t do a thing,” she coos. “Captain Rogers wanted me to become his assistant. I guess he got bored of her.” Sandy scrunches up her nose when she talks about you. “Fat is not for everyone.”
Tony smirks darkly. That’s the moment he was waiting for. “Hmm… I see,” he nods thoughtfully. “I hope you know that you just violated my zero-tolerance policy against harassment. You are fired.”
“What? You are firing me—” she gasps. “You can’t do this Sir! I’m Captain America’s assistant.”
“You are mistaken,” Tony points at the door. “Steve doesn’t pay you. I’m the man behind the scenes. I tolerated your behavior for far too long. If not for your uncle, I would’ve kicked you out a month ago. You have half an hour to pack your things.”
“Mr. Stark, you can’t do this,” she sniffles now. Big fat fake tears run down her cheeks as she looks up at Tony. “Please. You’re being irrational and unfair.”
“Well, no shit, Sandy,” he grins. “This won’t work, you know. I’m not some stupid guy thinking with my downstairs brain when it comes to you. Unlike everyone else, I appreciate Y/N, her hard work and won’t let harass her.”
“I-this is unfair,” she cries. “I’m going to sue you. I will tell them you touched me!”
“Sandy, I will tell you this only once,” Tony dips his head to look down at Sandy, “this whole tower is under video surveillance. If you want to sue me, go ahead. I’ll call my lawyer and well will bombard you and your lawyer with the footage of you harassing Y/N. Or how about all the times you made inappropriate comments or stole office supplies.”
“I will tell Captain Rogers about it…” she storms out of the room, slamming it shut behind her.
“One done, two more to go,” Tony sneers. “Friday, locate Pepper Potts for me. I don’t care if she’s busy. I want to talk to her. Like yesterday.”
“Locating Miss Potts now,” Friday replies. “Located, Mr. Stark. She’s at the penthouse.”
“Good, she’s next…”
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Now, Jake’s cafè
“Y/N, don’t worry,” Jensen offers comfort to you as Curtis barks orders at someone on the phone. “Curtis can be loud, but he tries to help.”
“I’ll just find another job,” you shrug. “It’s been three weeks and I had time to update my cv. At least I didn’t get fired. I got some spare money and will survive not having a job.”
“You loved your job and office, didn’t you?” Curtis ends the call and immediately turns his attention back toward you and your problem. “I called a…ahem…a friend."
“I told you to not call him,” Lloyd sits next to you. He protectively slings one arm around your shoulders. “You know how he gets.”
“Who do you want me to call, huh?” Curtis grits his teeth. “You want to hit Rogers where it hurts, let’s ruin his reputation. We need a lawyer to tell us how far we can go without ending up in jail.”
“Uh-I don’t want you to end up in jail,” you protest and shake your head. “It’s only a job, Curtis. You don’t even know me and want to risk your freedom and life for me. Let’s just take a deep breath.”
“I can still break his bones,” it’s Lloyd offering to take Steve down for you. “I’m not scared of that pumped-up blonde man baby. He’s a dick only thinking with his dick.”
“Lloyd,” Jakes sighs deeply as you glance at your friend. “Can you just not get the dick jokes out when Y/N is around.”
“But she loves my jokes, right?” Lloyd looks at you. “Tell him you like my jokes, cupcake.”
“Captain Rogers will hurt you, Lloyd. You know that he’s a super-soldier, not a normal guy. If he doesn’t hurt you, he’ll get you arrested.”
“Nah, I don’t think so,” you giggle as Lloyd won’t stop telling you how much he wants to kick Steve’s balls. “Cupcake, I swear he’ll regret hurting you.”
“Anyways,” Curtis tries to bring the conversation back to the man he called. “I called him. What do we do now? He’s on his way.”
“Fuck’s sake,” loudly cursing Lloyd glares at Curtis. “I don’t want him around. We parted ways for a reason. He’s not like us. Goody two shoes Barber will ruin this for us. I can’t have him near my cupcake.”
“Barber is the best lawyer we know,” Jake interjects. “Or do you want me to call our little chaos? You know he’ll mess shit up and won’t be helpful at all.”
“Little chaos? I-how many brothers do you have?” you frown as Lloyd starts cackling. “I mean, is that lawyer your brother too?”
“We are a big happy family,” Curtis grumbles. “It’s Jake, Lloyd, me, and…” He sighs, shaking his head. “You see, we don’t have contact with Barber and our little chaos.”
“Barber, hmm…I think I heard that name on the news some time ago,” you ponder. “I don’t remember what it was about.”
“Barber…Andy tried to live a normal life, far away from his family,” Lloyd grunts. “He married and then, it all went to shit. Still, he refused to return to his family.”
“What about the little chaos?” you press on. You told the men everything about your life and want some answers in return. “Please, tell me something about you. I’m an open book.”
“You’re a sweet cupcake,” Lloyd whispers in your ear, mustache tickling your earlobe. “Jake, fill her in.”
“You sure?” Jake furrows his brows. “I thought you don’t want anyone to know…”
“Fill. Her. In,” you wonder why Lloyd gets so angry. “She’s part of the family now. You brought her in, now she belongs with us.”
“Okay, fine,” clearing his throat Jake looks at Curtis. “What about you?”
“I’m good. Just tell her,” Curtis sits down on the last free chair. He crosses his arms over his chest, biceps bulging. 
“You already know about Andy,” Jake says. “He’s the guy on his way. Our little chaos is our brother Mike. He had a little problem with…”
“Call it by its name, Jake. He’s a drug addict,” you bite your lower lips as Llloyd grumbles under his breath. “He wasted so much money to get high…”
“He was a drug addict, Lloyd,” Curtis corrects. “You know that he’s clean for almost three years. We should let him come home.”
“He still didn’t apologize for totaling my car.”
“Lloyd, it’s just a car,” Jake tries to reason with his brother. “You are the eldest. If you call him, he’ll be happy to come back.”
“I—” Lloyd sighs deeply. “Do you think this is the time to let the lost brothers come home? We want to help Y/N, not drag her into our family drama.”
“Wait this makes—” you close your eyes and count. “Lloyd, Jake, Curtis, Andy, and Mike. OH! Five brothers! That’s awesome.”
“We are actually six brothers,” your eyes round when someone comes out of the kitchen.
A big man, bulgy and tall. His shaggy hair almost reaches his shoulders and his thick beard frames his handsome face. He looks different from the others, but his features and blue eyes give away that he must be related to Jake and the others.
“Ari it is, sweetness,” he smirks as you look at him with wide eyes. “My brothers tried to hide you from me for far too long.” Ari grins wolfishly as he holds out his hand. “I know why now.”
“Uh—now you are six?” you squeak. “I think…this is a bit much.” Overwhelmed by the four men you feel a little lightheaded. “You all look so…”
“I know, cupcake,” Lloyd purrs in your ear. “We are all a catch, but I’m the prettiest.”
“You mean the eldest,” Jake corrects. “Now back to Mike. Can we call him? Lloyd?”
“Fine, give him a call. If we want to kick Captain America’s ass, we will need to stick together. I just hope Andy keeps his shit together. He always was a … sensitive cunt…”
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Three weeks ago, Avengers tower, penthouse
“Tony,” Pepper coos as her fiancé steps into the penthouse. “Are you already done for today?”
“I will ask you this only once,” she frowns at his serious expression and his angry tone, “did you conspire with Steve to make sure Sandy works for him? Did you tell him you don’t like the way I look at her?”
“I—you see…I saw the way you looked at her.”
“Angry. Pissed. Mad?” he offers. “Because that’s how I felt close to her. She was the worst assistant ever and so far from the woman, I would fall for.”
“Oh—I thought you are interested in her. She’s pretty, young and you know…”
“Pepper, because of your insecurities and trust issues Y/N quit her job. Do you know what Rogers said to her? He hurt that poor girl deeply. She is a perfect assistant and a kind person. You two made sure that she felt insecure and quit. How dare you say that you want her to work for me because you believed I’ll never fall for someone like her.”
“She’s not your type,” Pepper tries to talk back. “I only wanted to make sure you won’t stray…”
“By sending me the only girl tempting me away…” he shakes his head. “You always told everyone how you support woman rights,” Tony hisses. “But you didn’t fight for Y/N. I’m disappointed, angry, and hurt. Imagine how Y/N feels right now…”
>> Part 4
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nifolution · 1 month
Love Me Forever
Pairing: Jake Jensen / Plus Size Reader
Summary: A brief look into what Jake and his Angel are up to.
Warnings: fluff, hits of sexy time
A/N: This is a sequel to Love Me Again. Takes place about two years in the future.  This is a revised copy of my oc fic. It is still written in 3rd person. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated.
Love Me Again     Main Masterlist
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Y/N sat propped up on their bed, her legs bent up. Clad in only a bra and her lover’s eyepatch, faintly smelling like pink starbursts, cherishing the perfect moment. The fear of losing this again lived in the back of her mind. Her soulmate came back to her, she refused to take a single day for granted.
It took a long time for them to get back to this place. Rebuilding what they used to have brick by brick until their foundation was solid once more. She fell in love with him every day. With every bad joke, every laugh, every kiss. He never stopped showing that he belonged to her, and she to him.
Jake wore his favorite pirate hat and Lord of the Rings boxers. Contently cuddling his angel’s legs, placing lazy kisses on her knees, soaking up the postcoital bliss. She stroked his arm and back, making him purr. Most days he couldn’t believe his angel was real. Thankful for each day she chose him. There was no one more perfect in his eyes. He prayed he would never lose her again.
They had just finished celebrating the addition of the Sword of Omens to their weapons wall. After a brief debate on where it looked the best, they decided it fit between Excalibur and the Bat’leth. Their house décor was a geek's dream. The real deal items however, had to be hidden. Of course there were several secret passages built into the home. Y/N’s lab where she worked on her drones and Jake’s equipment had to be kept safe.
Parting her legs, he moved between them with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He has her full attention. On all fours, he growled like a tiger while stalking up her body. Once nose to nose, he pulled back, wiggling his eyebrows. His right hand disappeared under the pillow next to her, fiddling with something she couldn’t see.
“Ta da!” Jake pulled his hand out, now wearing three finger puppets. 
“Are those rats?”
He tsksd at her, “Opossums my dear, America's only marsupial. Have some respect.” Shimmying lower, he half rested on her belly, making himself comfortable.
Using her as a stage, he began to dance them across her stomach as she watched with amusement.
“Look, it’s a remake of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. BUT they forgot, smell no evil?” Jake loudly sniffed the air. “There's evil afoot.” 
He continued to sniff all over Y/N, tickling her. Reaching her neck, he narrowed his eyes at her. Taking a large whiff and a small lick, he moved away. Lips pursed in suspicion, “Hmm, semi evil.”
“Mwahahaha.” A fourth puppet popped up on the index finger of his left hand.
“Villain! ATTACK!” A great battle raged across her chest and torso. “Pew pew… Kapow… Ahhh… Take that… Bang… You’ll never take me alive… Pow… Thwack.” Jake made the fighting noises to a soundtrack of her giggles.
“Oh nooooooo… Save me. Save me.” The evil opossum fell dramatically into her cleavage.
Jake glanced up, eyes wide in alarm, “He fell in a booby trap.”
Shaking with laughter, Y/N pressed her hands into her aching cheeks.
His voice took on a somber tone, “Sadly, there was no escape for the scoundrel. It was a slow death, but hey, what a way to go.”
“Now the good news is, the survivors of the war for Mount Gazongas turned their lives around. Yes, indeed. They became an overnight sensation as the next big music group, Nocturnal Melody. Their cute noses and prehensile tails stole the hearts of the world.”
Sounding like a deranged mickey mouse, the puppets began singing, “Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream. Bung, bung, bung, bung…”
The puppets covered her face for their finale. Once Jake’s hand passed over, Y/N’s eyes popped back open, greeted with his bright smile.
“Ah, my wish came true.” He softly kissed her waiting lips. “I love you, Angel.”
“I love you more.”
Jake shook his head, “Mm.”
She quirked her eyebrow in challenge, “Mmhm."
Kissing her again, he chuckled, “The love war continues.”
She smiled into the kiss, “Never-ending.”
A finger possum inserted himself into the conversation. His high squeaky voice inquiring, “What about meeee? Do you love meeeee?”
Y/N grimaced, “Not so much.”
Gasping, Jake pulled the puppet away protectively. “How could you not love him? Poor Mr. Trashcan. Look at that face. Don't you want to keep him forever?”
“Sorry, one horny animal in this bed is enough.”
He took her hand, kissing it. The air around them seemed to shift. He whispered into her flesh, “Do you want me forever?”
“Of course I do.” She tried to break the tension with a joke, “Wait, you're house trained, aren't you?” Seeing the serious look on his face, she stopped. He doesn't wear one of those often.
“You really are my dream girl. I couldn't have imagined someone that matches me so perfectly. You are so funny and smart and sexy and thoughtful. You're creative and kind, beautiful and sweet and a blast to be around. A great friend, coworker, partner and all around badass. You understand me like no one else ever has, or will. Each day with you is the best day of my life.”
Choked up, her eyes watering, Y/N was at a loss for words.
Flashing a lopsided grin, he nervously continued, “I was originally going to make a huge spectacle, but after everything that’s happened, and how fucking amazing you are for still being with me, I didn’t want to push my luck. So I'm keeping it small, just us, and hoping with all my heart that this goes my way.”
Furrowing her brows, she searched his eyes for answers.
Jake leaned back, going onto his knees. Pulling off two finger opossums, he threw them over his shoulder. As he pulled off the last one, there was a quick glimmer and a sound of something falling in the puppet.
“Shit.” Jake shook it, trying to dislodge the item, but it wouldn’t budge. He huffed, “This is not going to plan at all.”
Peeking up into the offending puppet, he used his pinky to dig it out. “Ah ha.”
Y/N sat up straight, ripping off the eyepatch. Pinched between his fingers was a diamond ring. “Jakey?”
Jake smiled at her, assuring her this was real. “My Angel, you are everything to me and I never ever EVER want to lose you again. Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?”
She met his eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Fuck yes!” She shouted, grabbing his face and kissing him eagerly. When his hat fell off, she picked it up, putting it back on his head. 
“You really want to spend the rest of your life with me, Jackey?”
Shaking his head, Jake took off his hat, placing it on her head. “Not long enough. You better believe I'm going to haunt your ass. And when you meet me in the afterlife, we’ll spend eternity as a fearsome ghost couple. I got places picked out we can haunt.” He slid the ring onto her finger, “We'll be legendary.”
She squeezed his hand, “Promise?”
“Promise. You got me forever, Angel.” Jake moved next to her, pulling her to him to lay down. Adjusting the covers over them, he held her to his chest and kissed her hair.
Angling her head, she kissed him properly. Murmuring, “Love you, love you, love you.”
Returning her head to rest on him, Y/N wiggled uncomfortably, a funny look on her face. She reached into her bra, pulling out the villainous puppet.
The couple erupted in a fit of laughter.
The End
A/N: A special thank you to everyone that has read this version or the original. I appreciate you all and I’d love to know your thoughts.
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Jake Jensen and #Dodger story requested by @nana1000night
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Basically fluff small mention of losing a family member in the military and Jake being a shy sweetie.
Comments and reblogs appreciated no reposts or publishing anywhere
You see the cutest couple at the park: A tall man and his dog an orange/tah body and little white paws almost like socks and his owner tall and handsome. Sure he had some outdated blonde tips but he's a man hats he know about style plus he looked handsom. Who are you to tell a tall handsome muscularman what to do with his hair. Oh what the hell most he can do is say no.
"Hi can I pet your dog?" You almost wanted to hit yourself in the face you sound like a child. Oh well whats done is done.
"My dog?" He fiddles with his glasses
"Your dog." Ok maybe you should just leave He's clearly nuts or dense
"My," he glues slightly "dog?" How dense is this man? Maybe the steroids he used to get those very gorgeous amazing biceps warped his brain. Wait am I staring don't stare. You point to the dog wagging his tail
"Your pup......py" you say slowly trying to guage if he's an harmless idiot or insane.
"Right my dog its not actually my dog. It's I mean right now it is because I mean I have it with me right now but its actually- it's my neice's I offered to watch him while they went on vacation." he laughs nervously looking around. It was like he was suddenly burst into reality. The blush on his face was cute. You could tell he wasn't used to women talking to him.
"Awww that's sweet. You say that to every girl at the dog park?" You kneel down to pet the dog, he's obviously too frazzled to say yes or no.
"It does sound like a line doesn't it" as he plays with his glasses, "But no here look"
He kneels and proudly shows pictures of his neice playing on her soccer team.
"Aww she's cute."
His dog tags made a noise as they hit eachother. The ball and chain necklace was barley sticking out of his shirt.
"What branch?"
"The military what branch."
"Special opss."
"Not exactly an answer but thank you for your service."
Jake blushes at the attention.
"I can't really talk about-"
"Its ok I get it my brother was in the marines"
She pulled a necklace out with a marine class ring
"Was...." Jake said softly. "I'm so sorry."
"I know it doesn't mean much but."
"It does from people like you. I think you get it more. You still in."
"You're never out."
She nodded and bits her lip.
"Whats his name?"
"Like the baseball team?"
"The musical-"
"Oliver," she smiles.
"It's my neices favorite."
"You're really close with them aren't you."
"Yea they're all I have so."
"No its sweet. Most men don't care your girlfriend's a lucky girl." You're hoping the blush on your face isn't too visible.
"Not yet. Well I don't have one right now that is. If you were uh wondering."
"No I always ask handsome men who are using dogs as their wingman who don't have wedding rings on. If they have girlfriends It's a tick. Do I get to know your name at least?"
"Jake. As in,' he pauses "Jake."
Jake laughs nervously, he's not used to women being so forward with him.
He's thinking about how to move forward when he sees a tear slip down your face.
He whipes it off with his thumb.
"I'm sorry If I " his face was turning red. He chastised himself for crossing a line but he couldn't help himself
"Jake don't appologize it was sweet its not you It's just It's just me." You mentally slapped yourself for that stupid line once upon a time you could flirt properly .
Dodger as if sensing you're trying to calm yourself crawls on you and gives you a hug.
"Aww. Thank you." You wrap your arms around the sweet dog.
"I think Dodger likes you." Jake softly smirked
"Do you think I can see Dodger again tomorrow or later today? "You looked mostly at Dodger suddenly becoming shy again.
"Well him and me come as a pair." Jake chuckles softly waiting for the 'oh forget it then to come out of her mouth.'
"I know why do you think I asked?" You smiled you at him.
@sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja
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2024 Kinktober Masterlist
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I'm so sorry for not posting like at all this year but it's been a very long year. College classes started up again this fall and I'm swamped with work. This is my list for Kinktober this year. I will do my best to keep up but anywho, I hope you enjoy!
Banners by @vase-of-lilies
Key: Fluff; 🌙 // Angst; 👿 // Smut; 🔥 // Dark; 🕸️
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Day 1: Deepthroating/Facesitting (Daryl Dixon (Prison Era) x Fem!Reader) 🌙🔥
Day 2: Semi-Public Sex (Ransom Drysdale x Nurse!Fem!Reader)
Day 3: Knotting (Alpha!Jim Hopper x Assistant!Omega!Fem!Reader)
Day 4: Phone Sex (John Winchester x Hunter!Fem!Reader)
Day 5: Squirting (Obsessive!Perv!Billy Hargrove x Bimbo!Fem!Reader)
Day 6: Cuckolding (Shy!Jake Jensen x FemmeFatal!Fem!Reader x Franklin Clay)
Day 7: Biting/Marking (Possessive!Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader)
Day 8: Morning Sex (CACW!Steve Rogers x Avenger!Fem!Reader)
Day 9: Praise Kink (Insecure!Geralt of Rivia x Healer!Fem!Reader)
Day 10: Mommy Kink (Needy!Johnny Storm (CE) x Mommy!Fem!Reader)
Day 11: Caught (Daryl Dixon (Prison Era) x Fem!Reader)
Day 12: Sex Toys (Lawyer!Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader)
Day 13: Virginity Kink (Professor!Logan Howlett x Virgin!Mutant!Fem!Reader)
Day 14: Shotgunning (Needy!Ransom Drysdale x Nurse!Fem!Reader)
Day 15: Tentacles (Part-Kraken!Steve Rogers x Princess!Fem!Reader)
Day 16: Spanking (Johnny Storm (CE) x Fem!Reader)
Day 17: Breeding (Wolf-Hybrid!Geralt of Rivia x Fem!Reader)
Day 18: Tittyfucking (Wade Wilson x Plus-Sized!X-Men!Fem!Reader)
Day 19: Hate Sex (Robin Buckley x Cheerleader!Fem!Reader)
Day 20: Edging (Young!Logan Howlett (X-Men1) x Professor!Mutant!Fem!Reader)
Day 21: Dub-con/Non-con (Grumpy!Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Sunshine!Innocent!Fem!Reader)
Day 22: Stripping (CEO!Nick Fowler x Stripper!Fem!Reader)
Day 23: Anal Sex (Dark!Steve Kemp x Innocent!Fem!Reader)
Day 24: Pegging (Brat!Wade Wilson x Mean!Dom!Fem!Reader)
Day 25: Lactation (Dad!Steve Rogers x Mom!Pregnant!Reader)
Day 26: Age Difference (Older!Daryl Dixon (Alexandria Era) x 20s!Sunshine!Fem!Reader)
Day 27: Gagging (Mob!Bucky Barnes x Bimbo!Fem!Reader)
Day 28: DP in One Hole (CEO!Married!Stucky x Assistant!Fem!Reader)
Day 29: Gloryhole (Jim Hopper x Fem!Reader)
Day 30: Panty Raid/Panty Kink (Shy!Perv!Jake Jensen x Slight!Perv!Fem!Reader)
Day 31: Videoing (Camboy!Eddie Munson x Girlfriend!Fem!Reader)
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sunshinebuckybarnes · 2 years
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Spooky szn is over and what a fun month it's been 🖤✨ Please make sure you give these gorgeous stories and writers the love they deserve. As always, you are responsible for your own media consumption. This blog along with the majority tagged are 18+ only and contain adult themes.
Eddie Munson & Steve Harrington ✨
A good hair deal by @jobean12-blog
Eddie Munson x reader x Steve Harrington
Thor ✨
Libertad by @syntheticavenger
Dark! Biker Thor x Female Reader
Jake Jensen ✨
Kinktober day 1 by @bonkywobble
Jake Jensen x fem!reader
Bucky Barnes ✨
Don't fear the reaper by @dreamlessinparis
Soft!Dark!Death!Bucky x F!Reader
Pink dresses & picnic blankets by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Bucky Barnes x Reader 'Sugar'
Choke by @buckycuddlebuddy
professor!bucky barnes x student!reader
Peace of mind by @firefly-in-darkness
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Bound by the night by @jobean12-blog
Bucky Barnes x reader (Vampire AU)
Like real people do by @navybrat817
Professor!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Unattainable by @heavysoldat
dbf!bucky barnes x fem!reader
Owned by @jobean12-blog
Mob!Bucky x reader
Andy barber ✨
Curtsy by @luxeavenger
dbf!Andy Barber x reader
Discipline me by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
soft dark!professor andy barber x reader
Tacit by @wayward-blonde
Andy Barber x Reader
Frank Adler ✨
Tied to you by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Frank Adler x Reader
Steve Rogers ✨
His inheritance by @jtargaryen18
Mobster Steve Rogers x Mobster daughter reader
Angry sex by @howdoyousleep3
Mafia boss Steve Rogers x female reader
The things you do by @traitorjoelite
fwb!steve rogers x fem!reader
Merciless by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
Medieval Steve x reader
Knowledge man by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
librarian!steve rogers x fem!reader
(She moves with) shameless wonder by @ussgallifrey
Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Steve Harrington ✨
Boys in bed with books by @jobean12-blog
Steve Harrington x reader
Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes ✨
Civil war - Brooklyn by @saiyanprincessswanie
Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Lloyd Hansen ✨
Tell me I'm yours by @luxeavenger
Lloyd Hansen x reader
Nick Fowler ✨
Anew by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Nick Fowler x Reader
Soldier Boy & Steve Rogers ✨
American beauty/American psycho by @cockslutpadalecki
Soldier Boy x Reader x Nomad!Steve.
Steve Kemp & Ransom Drysdale ✨
Let's play a game by @dreamlessinparis
Steve Kemp x F!Reader, Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader
Sam Wilson ✨
Good morning by @fluffyprettykitty
Sam Wilson x reader (no other specifications or gender)
What happens in Vegas by @firefly-in-darkness
Sam Wilson x Reader
Curtis Everett & Jake Jensen ✨
Crybaby by @onsunnyside
Curtis Everett x virgin!reader x Jake Jensen [College AU]
Lloyd Hansen & Nick Fowler ✨
All the time by @geminixevans-stan
Lloyd Hansen x Female Reader x Nick Fowler
Eddie Munson ✨
In the name of love by @thornsnvultures
Eddie Munson x plus size!fem!Reader
Like the dirty girl you are by @magnoliabutters
eddie munson x reader (female 18+)
Lee Bodecker ✨
Bless me if I'm being too forward by @avintagekiss24
dark!modern!lee bodecker x black!reader
Ari Levinson ✨
Mafia!Ari by @angrythingstarlight
Mafia!Ari x Reader
134 notes · View notes
ramp-it-up · 2 years
Great Minds
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Pairing: Jake Jensen x Plus Size! Reader
Word Count: 2.8K
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Not Beta’d, SMUT! Read at your own risk. Pining, Angst, nefarious dealings, explicit sex,  dub con voyuerism, masturbation, nipple play,  exhibitionism, a lil’ spit play, Corporal  kink, oral sex (m/f recieving) creampie, cowgirl, sex in the grass/ outside.
A/N: This is in response to the following ask from @nagisaunicorn-blog. And it was supposed to be a drabble. 😪
NOTICE: I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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“We have an additional 30 days. I want you to cut back your hours in the lab.”
You looked up into the eyes of the best looking Loser, in your opinion, Corporal Jake Jensen. Him taking charge was such a turn on. You cocked your eyebrow at him.
“You need to be careful, this work is extremely important. That means balancing this work with taking care of yourself. You’re an important asset.”
For the past 15 days, you’d spent 12 hours a day, every day, in the remote lab in the slopes of the Rocky Mountains, eyes strained by staring at a microscope or at the computer screen, barely communicating with the mercenary. 
After all, it was a perfunctory relationship. You were one of the world’s most important scientists, and his mission was to protect you. Your job was to deliver the formula.  You initially had only 30 days to do so. 
Now you had 30 more.
Jake was certainly easy on the eyes, and kind, if a little silly. He wasn’t as goofy as you were warned he would be, but he was observant. He noticed your tired sighs, and heard you tossing and turning in your sleep through the walls of the living quarters. He’d made the call to Clay to extend the mission.
This was very important work, and you were, in fact, exhausted. You’d hardly left the secluded cabin, determined to meet the timeline. You had to save your family, who were in danger if you didn’t perform.
You smiled weakly up at Jake. 
“Great minds think alike.”
He never seemed to meet your gaze. Jake had only looked you in the eye once, when you met him two weeks ago, and he’d hardly said five words to you at one time.  You looked down at your watch. It was only 4pm. You usually worked until 8. But he was right. You needed to be at your best to do your best work.
Jake sensed your silent agreement. It was good the way you two communicated without too many words. Wonderful even. He didn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of you and blow it as he often had before.  He blessed you with a sheepish smile before he turned around to put your materials away, giving you a view of those cakes in his tight jeans.
“Why don’t you take a walk, I’ll make dinner.”
“Thank you, Corporal…”
“Call me Jake.”  
The smile in his voice made you grin at his back.
Over his shoulder, Jake watched you take off your lab coat and the goggles from your head, wash your hands at the sink, and exit the lab. Then he waited for his heart to slow to its normal rhythm before going to the kitchen.
Jake admired you. More than you knew. You were brilliant and dedicated, and absolutely gorgeous, although he knew that you didn’t think so. You were so different from the vapid women who were usually hanging around the guys. 
You were full bodied, just the way he liked. The way women needed to be. At night he imagined all the ways that he could hold on to your ample body and keep you warm. And safe.
But he wasn’t here for that.
You went to your room and pulled out some leggings and sports bra that lay neglected in your bag. You were full of excitement to see and feel the sun in your skin. You smiled as you tied your athletic trainers on your feet. 
It was a warm evening in the mountains, great for a walk. You hiked and contemplated the next 45 days alone with Jake in the woods as you catalogued the various species of plants and birds in your head.
You daydreamed of the chilly day you first arrived and you witnessed Jake chopping wood to ensure there was enough firewood for a while. The way his muscles rippled was awe inspiring. And arousing as hell. 
Your panties were drenched and you ran to your room before he finished, just in case he could tell when he looked at you. After that, you tried not to linger around him for long. You were horny as hell for him, but you needed to relax.
Because there was no way that he would be thinking the same things you were thinking. There would be no sex by the fireside with Jake Jensen. After all, it was full on too warm for a fire now, and you most certainly weren’t his type, surely, judging from the women you saw him with, but it was fun to dream. 
You weren’t ashamed of your body, but you knew not to waste your time with men that were. You’d learned that lesson the hard way.
There was nothing for miles around, but 20 minutes into your hike, you came across a stream. You were delighted and went along the edge to watch the clear water dancing along the rocks. It looked so refreshing that you took off your shoes and put your feet in the water, leaning back on your hands to enjoy the waning sunlight.
This was heaven.
As he started prepping for dinner, Jake decided that some fresh fish would do just the trick. He remembered that you complimented the fresh mountain trout dinner he’d made last week. In the short time you were together, he discovered that he loved making you smile. He grabbed his pole and as he approached the creek, he heard humming. He went into stealth mode, hiding behind a tree until he saw you, head thrown back, glowing in the sunlight.
He ducked as he saw you look around and bite your lip, eyes mischievous. He got an eyeful of you in your tight workout gear when you stood up to look around again. He felt like a creeper and was about to go back to the cabin as he saw you pull your top over your head. 
Jake’s mouth dropped open as he saw your tits. Now he felt like a stalker, but he couldn’t move, only watch as you stripped off your bottoms and you stood before him, naked.
Jake was so fucking hard that he had to release the pressure in his jeans. He slid his zipper down slowly, stopping when you paused and turned your head as if you heard something. He froze, as you listened, then smiled and shook your head as if you thought something funny and then slowly walked to the water’s edge, giving a view of that luscious, full ass. 
Oh, how he wanted to eat it.
The water was cold, but refreshing against your feet. You had goosebumps, but you plunged ahead, your racing heart compelling you forward. Soon, you were drenched and stood up to let the sun warm you again. You ran your hands down your body, cupping your breasts and sliding your fingers in between your legs.
You were a vision. Before he could think, Jake’s cock was in his hand and he was dry stroking it as he watched you touch yourself. He wanted to touch you, not able to tear his eyes away from you or stop his lewd act. He was out of control. 
He decided to stay hidden, and enjoy you privately. 
No harm, no foul.
You kept splashing water on yourself and massaging your breasts, pinching and rolling your hard nipples. A small moan escaped Jake’s open mouth as he swelled in his hand. He froze as you stopped and looked right toward his tree.
“You like that, Corporal?”
Jake stood stock still and closed his eyes, as if that could make himself disappear. 
“I know you’re there.”
Slowly, his head poked around the tree, giving you a glimpse of his red face underneath his shock of blonde hair.
“I-I’m sorry.I-I… I just…I’m sorry.” 
Jake’s stutter was absolutely adorable. You chuckled at his red face.
“‘S’okay. Come out from behind that tree.”
Jake got even redder. He cleared his throat and looked down at his pink tipped cock in his hand.
“I have an idea of what you’re doing. I heard your zipper.” 
Jake’s eyes widened. 
“You’ve seen mine; now show me yours.”
Jake’s face registered disbelief, then changed from embarrassment to a slow grin. 
“Seems fair,” he quipped as he stepped out with his dick in his hand.
Your eyes were wide now.
“Wow, Corporal. Just wow.”
You looked up from his huge dick to the smirk on his face. 
“You look like you’re happy to see me.” 
You cocked your head at him as you pulled your nipples again and watched him resume stroking, confident at what this was now. He let his jeans fall to the ground and stepped out of them and his shoes.
“I didn't know you liked big girls.”
You shivered and licked your lips as you said it.
“I like real women,” Jake replied as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. 
“Come here and I’ll show you just how much.”
You smiled and walked toward him, eyes on his wet, red lips as he licked them while looking you up and down.
“You’re so hot. I wouldn’t think a woman like you would want to get with a guy like me.”
He bit his lip as you approached him. You stopped in front of him and cocked your head at him.
“What do you mean? A hot, sexy military man who is intelligent and brave?”
Jake grinned and nodded.
“You got a point there.”
You reached out to him. 
“Give me that hand.”
Jake extended his free hand as you shook your head. 
“The other one.”
Jake stropped stroking and you watched his cock bob, glistening with pre cum, as if moving with the slight breeze. Jake watched your nipples pebble as he licked his lips again. He almost didn’t notice your mouth open until the spit almost reached his palm.
“Oh shit!”
Your mouth was wide open as your saliva dripped from your tongue. You slurped and then grinned up at him.
“And you’re a freak too, jackpot!”
Jake made you feel care free. You giggled. 
“I just thought that you needed some lubrication,” you nodded down at his dick. “Go on.”
Jake stared for a minute and then continued jacking himself off. He’d be content to let you watch him finish, but god he wanted to…
“YES!” he yelped and pumped his fist as you got on your knees in the grass in front of him, hands on his thighs and and looking up at him with those eyes. He almost came right there. 
Jake pointed it at you tentatively and sure enough you opened your mouth as he inched the tip of his dick between your lips. You felt a dribble of pre cum as he exclaimed, “Holyyyyyy…”
You sucked his tip so good that he had to close his eyes. He almost fainted as you pulled off with a pop and then proceeded to deep throat him. Then, he had to do breathing exercises to keep from hyperventilating when he looked down and saw that you were playing with your tits again.
“Absolutely gorgeous sucking my dick like that. But I have to.. I need to… I’m about to pass out.”
Part of you wanted to make a man pass out from a blow job, but you couldn’t do Jake like that.
You pulled off and then sat back on your knees, playing with your slick.
Jake watched your hand in between those thighs and wasted no time getting down to that spot. He kneeled before you and you took his cock in your unoccupied hand, jacking him to watch his eyes roll back into his head. You were enjoying the power you had over him almost as much as he was.
Jake enjoyed your hand on him for a couple of minutes, then pulled your hand away from your clit. His stomach flipped at your little whimper as he tasted the juices on your fingers. He wanted that taste in his mouth and that sound in his ears for a long time to come.
“Fucking delicious. Need more.”
Jakes large hands wrapped around your thighs and spread your knees even wider. He took off his glasses and placed them on the ground beside you. He couldn’t wait anymore. 
All of a sudden, you were looking at the tree canopy as Jake nosed between your folds, and you felt his dripping wet tongue take a long swath up your crease.
You arched your back as Jake kept a hold of you, moaning at the way he was eating you out. He alternated between licking and sucking emphatically, shaking his head as he took your clit with him. 
Your hands found his hair and pulled as he added stars to your afternoon sky. 
“F-f-fuck you’re good at that, Jake…” 
Jake nodded, lips still attached to your clit. His eyes emerged from your cunt to glint up at you and watch as your mouth fell open when he inserted his thick middle finger. When your chest started to heave, he curled it toward him, finding that spongy spot, and causing a scream to erupt out of you and startle a nearby flock of birds.
When you opened your eyes, you found him between your thighs, watching your pussy clench around nothing.  He rubbed the lips around your quivering hole, pressing in with his thumbs, but giving you very little of what you wanted.
“Jesus, Jake….”
“So fucking tight. You’re gonna feel so good around me. All of you, all around me…shit.” 
Jake was ready to feel your bounteousness surround him. He was pulling you up easily onto your shaky legs.
Jake was leading you to his tree.
“You gotta ride me. Wanna feel that jiggle on my dick.”
You giggled nervously as Jake planted himself under the oak. You went toward him as he reached out grabby hands.
“Don’t worry. I got ya.”
You stood above him as he looked up at you, pointing his cock at your cunt. It was like a magnet, you crouched down, not caring that you were getting dirty. All that mattered was that you were getting filthy with Jake,
You kneeled over him and jumped as he swiped his tip at your entrance.
“Fuck this is going to feel good.” 
Jake looked you in the eyes. 
“You ready?”
You nodded as you started to sink down around him. He was so fucking big. It was the stretch for you.
“Ah, ah, ah, Jakeeeee...”
Jake’s head fell back against the tree trunk.
“Fuckkkkkkk. Gorgeous. That pussssyyyyyy. Fuck Fuck fuck.”
Suddenly he opened his eyes.
“I think my favorite thing in this world is stretching you out around my cock.”
His hands were everywhere all of a sudden, grabbing, pinching, twisting, feeling, pulling on your body as you slowly fucked yourself open on him.
“Second only to feeling on this sexy body.”
Now he was fully sheathed inside you, cock pulsing mightily.
“Ohhhh, Jake. Please Jake…”
“It’s up to you, Gorgeous. I’m just living the dream, buried inside you. If you wanna fuck, fuck yourself on my cock.”
You started moving, slowly at first, obsessed with the drag of him as your pussy tried to pull him back in as your thighs moved you off of him. Jake grabbed handfuls of your ass and wiggled them as you started riding his dick. He was in heaven. He loved the feel of you.
Your tempo increased as you started chasing your high.
“Jake,” you whimpered, pouting at him. “Make me cummmm.”
Jake reached in between your thighs and circled your clit with two fingers and held on for dear life as you detonated around him. He let you ride it out, then flipped you onto your back again, pulled out and then licked your cum from between your legs.
“Dreamed of doing that since we met.”
You chuckled. 
“Who’s a freak?”
“We both are.” 
Jake smiled and then frowned. 
“Listen, I could… I could just finish on your stomach.” 
He looked down at your beautiful fupa and shivered.
“I’m on the pill… so you can…AH!”
Jake speared back into you when he heard ‘pill’ and your pussy clutching him was all he needed to start cumming. He gritted his teeth and groaned to try and stop it. Then you whispered in his ear.
“Give me that cum, Jake. Shoot it all up inside me. Then I’ll lick your cock clean. Suck you dry.”
This time Jake scared the birds as he started to spurt.
Jake came inside you, his vision gone white. You had talked yourself into another orgasm, so you helped to milk his spend out of him.
He was on his back and only half heard what you said.
“We’re gonna have to make a fuck/work schedule if I’m gonna have that formula finished in 45 days…”
Jake smiled at the sky. 
“Great minds think alike,” he croaked as you made his toes curl when you kept your promise.
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sarah-in-disguise · 2 years
Pairing: Jake Jensen x Female Reader
Warnings: pregnancy, faked death, hurt/comfort
Summary: Falling in love and planning your life with Jake was almost too easy.  After Jake goes on a last-minute mission, what does the future have in store for you?
Word Count: 2032
A/N: This is my first time writing and I’m posting this one-shot as a participant in @syntheticavenger​‘s Writer’s Camp.  Thank you so much for your help, guidance, and support, Synth!  You made this process so easy and fun and took a lot of the stress about posting my first piece away with your encouragement.  I hope you all enjoy and please comment/reblog/like!
Disclaimer: I do NOT consent to have my work posted, translated or published to any third party site or app.  This is a work of fiction and I do not own any characters in this story.  By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.  Moodboard was created by me and picture sources are Google and Canva.
Make sure to check out my brand new masterlist!
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Sitting on your front porch rocking chair, you close your eyes and breathe in the sweet, lilac-scented air on your family farm.  It’s almost summer, and a gentle kick to your stomach reminds you that it’s almost time to meet your baby girl.  Rubbing your hands over your belly seems to calm her down for the moment, but you know that soon it’s time to go back inside and start your nightly routine.
You’re not supposed to be here alone, but that’s how you find yourself this unseasonably warm spring evening.  Closing your eyes, you try to recall a memory of Jake sitting here with you.  It’s getting easier to stomach those memories these days, but when you open your eyes to find an empty chair next to you - a chair Jake was supposed to be occupying - you know someday your daughter will sit with you while you talk about the future and share memories of a father she’ll never get to meet.
You met Jake about two years ago after he literally came back from the dead.  Working in the same office as Pooch’s wife, you were a shoulder to cry on and support system when she got word her husband was dead along with the rest of the self-proclaimed “Losers”.  You were with her the night she went into labor, and on a whim decided to stick around in case she needed anything.  That night, the Losers showed up in the pouring rain and a certain Jake Jensen stole your heart in the waiting room through a relentless string of dad jokes.  His mood could brighten any room, and while you typically found that quality entirely too draining, he made it more endearing every minute.  A few dates and Petunia’s games later, you knew he was the one to match your extremely competitive nature while also counteracting your sarcasm with his consistently sunny outlook on life.
After seeing what his family and friends went through losing him once (and with a newly minted girlfriend he found himself planning a future around), Jake decided it was time to stop going on missions and stick to overseeing things in the control room from home.  While he trained two new recruits to take his place on the team and adjusted to his new supervising role, you grew closer together.  Thinking about and planning for the future used to scare you, but with Jake, things seemed to fall into place almost too perfectly.  When Jake got down on one knee to propose on a late summer night in front of your families, you sank to your knees with a smile, a kiss, and a “yes”.
Plans fell into place at a fast pace after the engagement.  You grew up on a family farm just under a half hour outside of the city, and you always knew you wanted to get back to that lifestyle to raise any future kids you may have.  With the announcement of your engagement, your grandma decided it was prime time to move off the family farm, leaving it ready for you and Jake to move in.  The main house would need a lot of updates, but it gave you plenty of room for a home office for Jake, a sewing and crafting room for you, and enough bedrooms to start planning for any Jensen babies you would have after you were married.
Things came to a crashing halt when Jake’s recruits were out on separate missions and the Losers needed him to come back for a last minute mission.  They were following a lead that had gone cold so many times before and they knew waiting until one of Jake’s replacements to get back wasn’t an option.  It didn’t make the situation easier when you found out he could be gone anywhere from a few weeks to several months with little to no contact.
Jake loved this life and future you had built with him, and for the first few hours after the briefing, you didn’t think the Losers would convince him to go.  He tried his hardest to get someone else assigned, but in the end you made the decision together that he needed to go on one more mission.  
It soon became clear that your plans that once fell easily into place were just as easily going to be changed.  Since getting rare updates from the CIA during the mission would be much easier as Jake’s wife, wedding plans were made in a few short days so you could be married before he left.  It wasn’t the wedding you’d dreamed about as a little girl, but the small gathering of family and a few close friends was more than enough for both of you.  Instead of leaving on a honeymoon the morning after the wedding, the two of you spent a day with a contractor speed picking flooring, paint colors, and bathroom finishes so you could oversee the house updates while he was gone.  You also made the joint decision to stop your birth control the week before he left.  You both knew you wanted to start trying for Jensen babies when he came home, so it made sense to let your body adjust while he was gone - but that didn’t mean you didn’t try to perfect the process a few times before he left.
Jake left on a crisp fall morning and you quickly threw yourself into supervising the home updates and unpacking where you could.  While you could never forget the lovable goofball you called your husband, it was easy to remember why you fell in love with him with every sticky note with an “I love you” or dad joke written on them you found while unpacking.  It was also hard to forget him when you missed your period and morning sickness came with a vengeance a few months after he left.  A test and trip to the doctor later, you decided to tell both your parents and his parents after they noticed you not feeling well at Thanksgiving.
December came and construction finished on your home.  You had hoped to have your husband home for the first Christmas in your new home and to celebrate your baby, but your favorite holiday came and went with no Jake in sight.  Hiding your baby bump was getting harder every week, and you wanted him home so you could tell him the exciting news before others outside of your family found out.  After all, he should get to enjoy some of the pregnancy, too - but instead, you resorted to a nightly routine of playing a recording of Jake’s voice to your belly.  You were starting to feel little flutters each night as a signal that your baby was missing their dad.
But, like many things in life, things seem to go great until they don’t.  A knock from an upper level CIA officer on a bitterly cold January morning brought with it your biggest fear.  Jake’s mission had been compromised and none of the Losers made it out alive or back home.  Things were a blur from that moment until you watched an empty casket get lowered into the ground, but a gut-wrenching scream seemed to pull you out of the fog.  It wasn’t until you sank to the ground and the sudden cold hit your legs that you realized the scream was coming from you.
You did your best to seclude yourself after that day.  Ever since Jake’s obituary stated he was survived by his wife and unborn child, you couldn’t stand to endure the looks of pity aimed your way.  Without your Jake-sized ray of sunshine, it was easy at first to live in a state between constant pain and numbness.  After the funeral, you found out you were going to have a baby girl, and with each passing day, it broke your heart more and more as you started to realize your growing baby was a daddy’s girl.  While you actively tried to avoid any voice recording at first, it was hard to ignore the kicks of excitement from your little girl every time she heard him speak.  Soon, even talking about him brought fluttering kicks from your daughter.
The minutes went slow but the days went fast, and many spring nights you find yourself here - on your front porch in the set of matching rockers you’d planned to share with Jake.  After listening to you talk about growing up and watching the sunset with your family on the front porch, he knew he wanted to keep that tradition alive with your new family.  Now, you rocked and thought of the arrival of your daughter who would someday sit beside you instead.
You’d get to meet your baby girl in just a few short weeks, which is part of the reason you were enjoying this peaceful night watching the sunset.  Your mom was scheduled to temporarily move in later this week so she could be on hand when you went into labor and for the first few weeks at home after the baby was born.  Thinking of the future, you closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to picture all the happy moments that would soon be coming your way instead of the heartbreaking ones you knew would come with them in the form of both you and your daughter missing Jake, but crunching tires on the gravel driveway snapped you out of it.
Looking up, you see a yellow Hummer park in front of the house, but you knew better than to get excited at the sight of Jake getting out of the front seat.  More often than not, these days brought dreams of sharing special moments and conversations with your late husband that you’d never really get to see, and it seemed like your lack of sleep had you falling asleep on the front porch this evening.  You feel like this dream is different, however, because Jake seems stunned to see you instead of being his usual, energetic self.
“Hey, Jakey,” you greet softly with a small smile.  “I’ve missed you.”  Reaching a hand over to the empty rocking chair, you pat it to invite him to sit down and enjoy the sunset in your dreams.  Jake, however, has different plans.  His steps quicken as he gets closer, and as he reaches you, he drops to the ground on his knees to feel your very swollen stomach.
“Sweetheart,” his voice cracks as tears start streaming down his face, “I didn’t know you were…” he trails off without finishing his sentence.  A gentle pair of hands placed on your stomach bring your daughter’s kicks to life.
“That’s funny,” you say while glancing down at his hands, “I’ve never felt her kick when I’ve dreamed of you before.”  Your head snaps up as a watery giggle falls from your husband’s mouth.
“We’re having a baby girl?  That’s my baby girl in there?”  Jake's hands move to cup your cheeks before he continues.  “I can’t believe I had to put you through this on your own, but I promise to make it up to you, sweetheart.”  His forehead touches yours as you move to grab his wrists to keep him there in your dream as long as you can.
“I love you, Jake, but even the dream version of you in my head shouldn’t make promises he can’t keep.”  Tears fill your eyes as you pull your forehead away from his to meet his line of sight.  “It might make this dream easier, but it breaks my heart when I wake up and you’re not here with me.”  With that, your husband gets that mischievous look in his eye before he pulls a hand away to pinch your arm with all this might.
“OUCH!  What the hell was that for?!”  It takes a moment filled with your sweet husband’s giggles before your pain changes to complete and utter shock.  “If I can feel that,” you whisper as fresh tears stream down your face, “then that means…”
“That means I’m home, sweetheart,” Jake says with the biggest grin you’ve ever seen on his face while wiping your tears away.  “That means I’m home.”
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
PT x plus size reader opinion - all the boys could be become SO for our dear reader but in different circumstances. Here is my take:
Bucky and Curtis seems like type of men who would be interested in Reader after few interaction (not quite 'love at first sight', but 'I know you for a month and it is enough for me to know you are perfect), but they are awkward/too serious/can't talk about their emotions and Reader is confused. They both would do things for her and take care of her needs while giving no signs of 'hey, let's make out and date and maybe marry each other in few weeks' and are more like 'fuck this world, but you are cool, but fuck this world' vibe, so Reader who obviously has a crush doesn't know what to do.
Jake would probably bond with her daughter, taking a role of new uncle with Natasha and Wanda as aunts. While Reader is confident, she doesn't think Jake is interested in her (and she doesn't let herself even think about him becoming a dad to her daughter even though their relationship is so cute) - he is just lovely and dorky person who obviously is good with kids and happens to know her girlfriends. And Jake? He is dying inside because Reader is perfect, he loves her daughter and all he dreams about is them making out for the rest of their lives.
Steve quickly becomes Reader's gym buddy, but Reader is intimidated, because he looks like a Greek God. But he is true gentleman and actually quite shy. So, their romance slowly began to blossom while both of them don't acknowledge their feelings until tension is so strong that Steve fucks Reader in the gym or elsewhere - location doesn't matter, because the sex is 🔥 everywhere. (I feel like there should be an angsty part. Like Reader overheard a nasty comment made by other PT who implies that Steve has a sexual relationship with Reader 'for fun' and believed it).
Ari strikes me a owner of gym and girls make him meet with Reader because she can help him business wise. They bond over the gym (both sport and business parts) and Ari doesn't mind adding romantic part to their relationship, but Reader has complicated relationship with father of her child and her daughter is absolutely hostile towards him (she is just intimidated by the giant and obviously whole mess with her father doesn't let her open up to him). So, if he really wants to be with Reader, he has to win not only Reader's heart and trust, but her daughter's too.
First, I love how in depth this is! This is incredible and I admire you so much for it! Thank you!
Bucky and Curtis — 💯 they give me vibes of touch her and die, or she is mine/ours but she doesn’t know she’s mine/ours. Both a little cantankerous, they’re genuine with few people and reader/her daughter at at the core of their niceties
“Fuck then all, fuck everyone else.” “Except you two.”
Jake is the quickest (imo) to be all in all at once while Reader is hesitant because he’s so goofy and dorky and he makes everyone smile and why would he bother with a single mother?
Jake waves his hand in front of you with a cockeyed grin, picturing the rest of his life with you and your daughter. “You are the girls I’m looking for.”
Steve is a giant, he’s second only to Ari and he knows that Reader’s scared of him, but not truly scared more intimidated. He starts slow with her, knowing he’s got to ease her into a place of comfort. He starts with a fresh water bottle when she first gets in, and it slowly builds until the tension between them is electrifying—and then he takes her, reassuring her that everything she hears about his past, or what his intentions are with her, are lies
“Give me one more,” his lips suckle on the shell of your ear, sweat rolling down the back of your neck as his fingers fill you, his hands already drawing multiple orgasms from you without deeper penetration, “and tell me what I want to hear.”
I think with Ari he would’ve seen her around before with Nat & Wanda, maybe during some parties or events Reader is invited to, and he’s drawn to her. Without knowing much about her, he talks to Nat & Wanda who want to be matchmakers and know that Ari would be good for her. However Reader’s ex is an ass and that took a toll on her daughter and Ari needs to fix what was damaged
“Honeybee and bumblebee,” he crouched before her, gently nuzzling the stuffed bee into her arms, “you don’t have to be afraid of me. I’m not gonna hurt you, honeybee. I promise, I’m going to keep you safe from every monster whose ever frightened you.”
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holylulusworld · 2 years
The assistant (2) - Office
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Summary: You are invisible most of the time.
Pairing: Boss!Steve Rogers x Assistant(plussized)!Reader
Possible pairing: Jake Jensen x Reader, Lloyd Hansen x Reader, Curtis Everett x Reader
Characters: Tony Stark, OC Sandy
Warnings: angst, language, Steve is an ass or oblivious (we will see), low self-esteem, plussized/chubby reader, reader doesn’t take shit from Steve any longer
The assistant masterlist
<< Part 1
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“Morning Y/N,” Tony huffs as he makes his way toward his office. He was awake all night to work on another armor. “How was your weekend?”
“Short,” you give the cocky billionaire a cracked smile. You spent your weekend thinking about everything happening last week. Maybe your boss was busy and oblivious to the pain he caused. You’re sure, he will make things up to you one way or another.
He cracks his neck. “I wish coffee and breakfast would wait for me at my office,” he longingly looks at the coffee and breakfast you bought for Steve on your way to the tower.
“I got more than enough. If you want a bagel.”
“I’ll kill for a bagel, darling,” you chuckle at Tony’s eagerness. “Please have mercy, sweet Y/N.”
“I’ve got you, Mr. Stark,” he cocks his head as you hand him the coffee and the paper bag with your bagels. I think Mr. Rogers is capable of getting breakfast on his own. You look like you need the energy more than him.”
“Thank f-“ Tony grins from ear to ear. “One day, I’ll build you an armored suit, Y/N.”
He gives you a wink before hurriedly walking toward his office.
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“Y/N,” Steve enters your office without knocking. You don’t look up at first. You’re busy writing his latest report and he clears his throat to get your attention. “Y/N…”
“Morning, Captain. I’m almost finished with your report,” you finally look up to watch him wring his hands. “What can I do for you?” You frown as he nervously runs his fingers through his hair. “Is something wrong?”
“I-you need to switch places with Sandy,” he says and your blood runs cold. “You see…Pepper doesn’t like the way Tony looks at his assistant. She asked for a replacement. I told her you’ll make a good…replacement.”
“Replacement? Why?” you slowly get up from your swivel chair. “Because this office is well organized and I’m the best assistant you can think of? Or is it the fact that you never have to get your clothes, food, or anything else done by yourself? What is it?”
“Tony won’t have an affair with you,” Steve gasps at his words. “No…that’s not what I wanted to say.”
“Of course not,” you sarcastically say. “But that’s what you thought, right? Miss Potts wanted an ugly duckling; a woman Tony Stark won’t look at twice. That’s all I am to you. Someone to walk all over and give a shit about. You even forgot to order food for me.”
You kick the wastebasket. “It’s not like that. I-I want Tony and Pepper to get happy. Sandy offered to become my assistant and that you could…”
“Take over the mess at Mr. Stark’s office? Thanks, but no thanks. Only as you want to dunk your dick into her pussy after she almost spread her legs for you in front of everyone I won’t give up my office. This is my place!
“Sandy is not like that,” he protests. “She’s nice and tries to help…and this is not negotiable.” Steve’s words are final.
“Even Captain America fell for her. You’re thinking with your dick thanks to her,” you sneer. “Cause that’s all she’s capable of. Sandy wraps horny idiots around her fingers. Fine. Make her your assistant. I quit!!”
You turn around to and open a program you developed some years ago on your laptop. “What? Tony still needs an assistant and…”
“No!” you snap your head toward Steve. “Don’t act like you are doing this for Mr. Stark. He’s a grown man and didn’t even look at Sandy twice. She lied to get her hands on my well-organized office and you. Well, have her…”
You enter your password, smirking as you press enter. “But she won’t get my system or my files…”
“What are you doing?” Steve rounds your desk to watch your program delete all the reports, files, his calendar…everything you worked on over the last months. “You can’t do this.”
“Oh, this is my software and my files. You still got the reports you handed to me,” you smirk darkly. “I mean the paper scraps you throw at me all the time. Do you think your perfect reports and files appeared magically out of nowhere?”
While Steve sits on your swivel chair, typing on the keyboard to save whatever he can, you grab an empty box from one of the shelves. “You didn’t have to do this. Tony would be a good boss.”
“He’ll make an excellent boss but,” you grab the picture frames on your desk, “I’m not a chair you can kick out when it starts to creak. I’m a person who loves her job and this office. I worked hard to get here. You have no right to take away my job and my office only as you want to fuck that bitch.”
“Doll, you should watch your tone,” Steve looks up from the monitor. “This is insubordination.”
“No, it’s not,” you huff. “I quit minutes ago. I don’t have to pretend any longer that you didn’t act like a dick lately.”
You carefully put your plants and all of your knick-knacks into the box while Steve silently watches you.
“Save it, Captain. You’re not the man I believed you are. I always thought that a man like you, the skinny and weak guy from back then, knows how it feels to look different and what this means…” you sniff. “You don’t remember because all of these muscles and good looks made you forget about the simple boy from back then.”
You grab your bag, sling it over your shoulder, and pick the box up. “Wait…maybe I was a little too…I’m sorry, doll...”
“Fuck it. I don’t care,” you storm out of the office, slamming the door shut. “I don’t give a shit about your or Sandy.”
“What? Where’s the fire?” Tony pokes his head out of his office. “Oh, it’s you.” His eyes drop to the box in your hands as he steps out of the room. “What happened?”
“You should talk to your girlfriend,” you snap at Tony. “Maybe she will even tell you the truth…”
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“Fuck, no,” you curse as you run into a firm chest on your way toward Jake’s café, the box in your hand hitting the man hard. “Sorry.”
“Don’t sweat it,” the man says as you lift your head to meet his gaze. “Oh, it’s you. Jake’s friend.”
“You look like him… a little. Are you another brother?” he chuckles at your confusion. “Sorry, I didn’t want to be nosy.”
“It’s alright. Let me take this,” you reluctantly let the man take the box out of your hands. “You like plants?”
“Jake told me so much about you,” he says. “Bastard didn’t lie this time. You are sweet and pretty. Let’s head inside and have some tea. It’s getting cold…”
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“Cupcake,” Lloyd gets up from his favorite chair at his favorite spot to greet you. “Curtis, what are you doing with my best girl?” His features darken as his brother steps in front of you to block Lloyd’s path.
“She ran into me, and I carried her box,” Curtis bites back. “And that’s none of your business.”
“Hi, Lloyd,” you whisper. “Can I have some tea and a cupcake? I need something to make me feel better.”
“What happened,” Lloyd takes the box with your few belongings out of Curtis’s hands. “Can you leave me and sweet cupcake alone for a moment?”
“Sure,” you smile when Curtis turns toward you to hold out his hand. “It was a pleasure to meet you. I hope to see you more often from now on.”
“Thank you.”
“Back to the box,” you look at Lloyd as he jerks his head toward his table. “Let’s sit over there. Jake brings us some food and tea. We need to talk to Y/N!”
“Y/N!” Jake stumbles out of the kitchen, smiling. “Sweetie! I’ll be right there. Just a moment.”
“Why are you all so nice?” you follow Lloyd toward the table. “You don’t even know me, Lloyd.”
“I like you, Y/N. It doesn’t matter to me that we just met,” Lloyd places the box next to his chair before pulling a chair for you.
“Hmm…usually men aren’t so nice to me,” you drop your eyes to the tea Jake places in front of you.
“For you, sweetie,” Jake sits next to you. “So, what brings you here so early on a Wednesday.”
“I quit,” you sniff. All damns break and you tell Jake and Lloyd everything happening this morning.The men listen, nods and clench their jaws while watching you intensely.
Lloyd’s features darken as he lifts his gaze to look at Curtis who stepped behind you to listen to your story too.
“…and…then…I deleted all the files and left,” you wipe your eyes. “I didn’t overreact, right? He wanted me to switch places with that bitch. Tony is nice and I feel bad for just leaving him hanging.”
“Good girl,” grinning Lloyd looks at you. “I’m damn proud of you.”
“From what you told us, Stark didn’t have a saying in all of this,” Jake huffs. “What the fuck is so special about Sandy?”
“Sandy who?” Lloyd grunts. “I should just go to the tower and ki—” he bites his tongue and shakes his head. It’s too early to tell you about his profession. “Punch your ex-boss’s face.”
“He’s Captain America,” you say. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“We don’t want you to get hurt,” Jake softly says. “I’ll get you your favorite cupcake and you’ll join us for lunch and dinner today.”
“We won’t leave you alone today. Not after what happened at the office,” Lloyd states. “Curtis, will you sit down or just lurk around?”
“So—uh…you are all brothers?” you try to stop Lloyd from talking about Steve. It’s worse enough that you gave up and just quit your job without fighting back.
“Lloyd is the eldest,” Curtis grins at you. “Jakie is our sweet little boy. I’m the middle child and the prettiest.”
“Hey, I’m not an old man,” Lloyd bites back. “You are thirty-four, Curtis.”
“Back to Y/N and her problem. What are we going to do about this?” Jensen asks. “Guys, focus.”
“We need a lawyer,” Curtis says.
“No,” Lloyd shakes his head. “You know how he gets. I won’t let him get even close to my cupcake.”
“Lloyd…” Jake sighs.
“I won’t call him.”
“I’ll call him,” you watch Curtis get up. “Just a minute, Y/N. I’ll be right back.”
“Fine. Call that asshole,” crossing his arms over his wide chest Lloyd mutters. “He’ll not ruin my plans...”
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“What did you do?” Tony slams the door to Steve’s office shut behind him. “Why did Y/N quit? What has my girlfriend to do with all of this…”
“I-“ Steve drops his gaze and sighs deeply. “I guess you deserve to know…”
>> Part 3
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First Date
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Summary: it’s your first date with Jensen
Pairings: Jake Jensen x Black!Reader
Warnings: minors dni, smut, swearing, dry humping, cunnilingus,
(A/N: it’s pretty tame for me tbh. Just wanted to do a cute little read. Like follow comment with a reblog 💜✌🏾)
Well this had been one hell of a first date.
The both of you stopping to laugh. “I can’t believe we just did that,” you screamed doubled over as you giggled. Holding onto your stomach
“I can’t believe you ran so fast in those heels,” he said wiping his eyes as tears started flowing from them.
“Well!” You started throwing your hands up in the air. “Look it was your idea!”
“My idea!” He asked with his jaw dropped as he shook his head. “No, no, no, Missy. This was all you.”
You giggled as you finally straightened up. “I mean I guess we can split responsibility.”
“Fine. I’ll allow it.”
“Truce?” You said holding your hand out for him to take.
He nodded, smile still plastered across his face as he grasped your hand to shake. “Truce.”
Eyes taking you in before pulling you into him. Thumb smoothing over the back of your hand tenderly. “Glad we could come to an agreement,” you said looking away from him. Suddenly feeling shy.
Jake sighed and with his other hand put his hand underneath your chin so you had to look back at him. “Always,” he said.
You bit your lip and he sighed. Not being able to help himself as he leaned in. His own lips pressing to yours softly not being able to resist giving you the first kiss between you.
Your arms snaked around his neck as his went to your waist. He was trying to keep things pretty chaste but apparently you did not have that same idea as you deepened it. Not that he was complaining. If you liked it he fucking loved it.
“Jensen! Y/N!”
Pooch’s voice made the two of you pull away and you crinkled your nose as he grabbed your hand. Ready to flee from his best friend that damn sure did not appreciate the prank the two of you just pulled on him.
Jake walked you home. Hand in hand after it was clear that the two of you had gotten far away enough to where you could calmly walk the rest of the way. Asking if you were okay to keep walking in your heels.
Finally you’d made it not even waiting to take them off as soon as you got inside. “Guess we can hide out here,” you said as he peeked out the window.
Jake chuckled. Sure they were being a little dramatic but he knew Pooch. As soon as he saw him he was going to smack him. Hell it was his fault anyway. Pooch’s wife was the one to set the two of you up. They should have known what was coming.
“Think we’re safe?” He asked.
“We’re safe enough,” you said with a chuckle. “Can I get you anything. I have wine, beer, coffee-,”
“What about you?” He asked.
You chuckled. “What about me?”
“I want you. We don’t have to do anything I just…”
“Yeah I’d like that,” you said biting your lip. “Okay. We can go to my room. Turn a movie on.”
“Sounds good.”
And that’s how you ended up in his arm as the two of you watched some movie you weren’t even paying attention to because you’d ended up making out. It had happened so quickly. From one minute to the next. Going from flipping through your streaming services to you climbing on top of him to straddle his waist. Lips still pressed together.
His hands coming to grip the back of your thighs. You sighed into his mouth feeling him grow hard against you. Your palms going to his strong chest to brace yourself.
“Jake,” you whimpered.
“That’s my pretty girl,” he whispered.
You were still on top of him so you could control how you moved against him. Honestly something about him saying that only made you want more. Starting to inch against his crotch which was still covered in between his jeans and boxers. While your dress bunched up around you. Panties only thing keeping you from him.
The friction felt so good as you bucked and moaned on top of him. He ended up grabbing your hips so he could flip you over. Pushing you on your back so he could climb on top of you. Hiking your leg up so it was around his waist so he could keep adding pressure to your core. Making you feel all tingly. Still kissing you.
One by one clothes coming off until finally he had you naked underneath him. Kissing each part of you and then getting to your pussy where he ate it out like it was his last meal. Fuck you tasted so damn good.
As soon as he started to sink into you, he almost thought he’d lose his mind. Pussy was so damn good. He almost thought about writing Pooch’s wife a note for introducing you to him. No way in hell you weren’t stuck with him now. You were his now. No other way to put it.
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nifolution · 1 year
Love Me Again
Pairing: Jake Jensen / Plus-size Reader
Summary: Jake was back, but the Loser’s sixth member is still M.I.A.
Warnings: fluff, angst, feels, bad attempt at humor, guns, killings, mention of memory loss, post breakup, enemies to lovers
A/N: This is a revised copy of my oc fic. It is still written in 3rd person. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated.
You Loved Me Once    Main Masterlist     
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Clay’s unit awaited him in a motel parking lot in Adelaide. He secured their post mission rooms and returned keys in hand. "Okay, I got good news and bad news... We can all look forward to hot showers, clean sheets, and a complimentary breakfast. However, there were only three rooms available, so we will have to share.”
The responding groans of protest were expected. “Would you prefer to sleep on the ground for another night? No? So shut your pieholes.” Clay pocketed one of the keycards and set the remaining on the vehicle in front of him. “Aisha will be sharing with me. One room has a king, the other two double beds. Work it out amongst yourselves.”
Wordlessly, Jensen, Cougar and Pooch launched into a game of rock paper scissors. It had been weeks of travel, tents and living on top of one another. The victor cheered, scooping up the keycard to the private room.
“No! Come on, best two out of three.” When his friend shook his head, Jensen changed tactics, “I’ll give you that bitching crossbow I got last op if you switch with me… my watch… a hundred bucks. I’ll even throw in a foot massager, top of the line.”
“No way man. I need a night to myself. The Pooch has earned this.”
Jensen hung his head, accepting defeat. Bunking with his bestie wasn’t so bad, at least there were separate beds. Sharing one with Cougar wasn’t fun, the man was a cover hog. Jake was still grateful Clay reinstated him eight months ago. His teammates were ambivalent about him at first, but eventually everything returned to normal. Well, almost everything.
The Loser’s current operation led them to South Australia. They’d been hired by a distraught (and wealthy) father as part of a rescue team. He hadn’t seen nor heard from his daughter, Isla, in two years. She had been kidnapped by an illegal arms dealer who forced her into marriage. All prior attempts to get her back had failed. No amount of negotiation, payment, threats or pleading could sway the nefarious man to return her.
A rendezvous with the rest of the group at their makeshift campsite, plus a thirty minute drive east put the Humvees at the perimeter of the target’s estate. “Alright, you all know the drill,” Clay barked into the comms. “We get our asses in there, extricate the woman, send her back to her daddy, and take down anyone that stands in our way.”
Meanwhile their tech genius had already hacked into the system to disable the security and jam communications. Once the cameras powered down, Pooch floored it, ramming through the gate, the other two vehicles followed close behind.
“Eww... This guy’s got raptors picking at a bunch of bones and sinew on his property, always a good sign. You’d think he'd want to be more inconspicuous.”
Pooch’s face scrunched up at the image, “Pretty sure that's just a dead animal.”
Jake shook his head, pursing his lips in mock disapproval. “There's a lot of places to bury a body in a vineyard, all I’m saying. Keep the place tidy.”
“Thanks for the tip,” Aisha deadpanned.
“What do you call that… carrion, right?”
Clay grumbled from the front, “I'm close to calling it Jensen.”
“Yes, sir. I hear ya loud and clear. Shutting up…” he paused for dramatic effect, “now!”
“This whole goddamn thing’s going tits-up!” Clay had thought his team was prepared, ready to engage the moment they entered the property, but the intel their employer provided was crap. The location was more heavily armed than believed. His unit was at a disadvantage despite the extra help. Outmanned and outgunned, a few men were down and one lost within the first ten minutes.
“Well look at the bright side, we're outside enjoying some fresh...” Jensen’s quip went unfinished as he dove for cover. Incoming drones zoomed through the air spraying bullets. They must have been linked to an independent off sight system because the primary and secondary security had been obliterated. 
Jake focused the scope of his rifle, aiming at the nearest flying pest. “Here birdie birdie…” ‘Wait. That - that’s.’ Still in disbelief, he shouted, “Guys! Guys, that's one of Y/N’s drones!”
Pooch was skeptical, “How can you be sure?”
“Cause they’re like my step kids. Franny, Freddy, Felix, Frank and Foxy. It’s been painted, but that's Frank,” he insisted before taking off, sprinting toward the assailing device.
Clay eyes widened at the other man’s actions, “Jensen, you realize it's shooting at us! Stand down!” Seeing his order ignored, he screamed at the rest of his group, “Cover his dumb ass.”
Disregarding his boss, Cougar pulled out his cellphone and spoke in hushed tones to the person on the other end.
Aisha grit her teeth at her teammate while continuing to fire at their opponents. “That idiot lost his mind, now our sniper decides to make a phone call mid battle. Are you ordering a pizza?”
“Don't forget the breadsticks,” Pooch chimed in. Laughing at the increasing absurdity of the situation.
Jake removed his helmet and dropped his weapon. Frantically jumping and waving his arms, repeatedly calling out ‘Angel.’ A drone moved in and shot at his feet, before slightly pulling back, continuing to hover above him.
“Understood. Our apologies. Copy that.” Cougar hung up and waited.
The remaining drones collected above Jensen’s head. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end. However the moment he dreaded never came. The devices turned and began taking out the guards with quick precision. When only Clay’s men remained, they flew off. 
Sticking to the plan, the team continued to the manor. Wary of a possible ambush awaiting beyond the front door, in lieu of breaking it down, Clay instructed Jensen and Cougar to go through the nearest second floor windows, clear the immediate area and let them in.
Cougar nodded, but walked right through the unlocked door instead. To everyone’s shock but his, it was clear. Raising his chin toward the staircase, he proceeded up them.
“Okay, so we're just following him then?”
Clay shrugged, “Good enough for me.” He had the Losers head upstairs, leaving the rest of the group to keep watch at the entrance.
Cougar seemingly knew exactly where to go. Navigating the twists and turns of the large house with ease. Any lingering guards they came across were swiftly handled. Within the master bedroom’s closet, hidden behind sliding shelving they found a 16-point locking, bullet resistant, biometric fingerprint panic room door. 
Before Jensen could get his gear out to crack it, Cougar tapped the scanner, confirming it was off. He pulled the heavy door open, immediately shooting the two guards inside as if he was expecting them.
Jensen scratched his head. Not knowing what to make of it. “What is going on?... Are you a T-1000… What's my dog's name?”
Cougar just looked at him and chuckled.
“You laugh, but I'm legitimately concerned.”
Clay took point, announcing his entrance into the room, “Honey, I'm home.”
The occupants sat on a couch, Isla held a crying baby in her arms, wincing from her husband's hand on her thigh, squeezing painfully tight. The baby’s presence gave everyone pause. No one was aware there would be a child involved. There has been one surprise after another today.
“You lost, asshole. Now let them go and come quietly.” Clay slung his rifle over his shoulder and moved toward them, attempting to calmly apprehend the man.
The target pulled out a gun, shoving it into Isla’s side. “Stay where you are.”
“Don't be like that. This doesn't have to get more ugly than it already is.”
Seething, the man turned the gun on Clay, who discharged his sidearm, firing two shots into the arms dealer’s chest before he could blink. The group hurriedly moved Isla and her baby out of the building into one of their vehicles. Assuring the frightened woman that she was safe and going back to her father.  Pooch voiced his concern over their lack of carseat.
“Then drive extra carefully.” Clay smiled at the rescuees, “Let's get you both home.”
Riding in the second Humvee, Jake stared down a silent Cougar. He offered no explanation as to why Y/N's drones were on the property or who he had called, but it was pretty easy to connect the dots.
Hours later, Isla and her daughter were safely on their way home. At Cougar’s request, and after a stop at the motel for much needed showers, the team waited at a bar in the city. Leaving one chair empty, correctly guessing who they should be expecting.
Jake was a bundle of nerves. The hand gripping his empty glass started to cramp as he watched the door. He wondered if they had Boys II Men on the jukebox to help set the mood. ‘Would that be too presumptuous? She probably moved on by now. Has a new special someone in her life. Somebody else loving her, touching her, making her laugh.’ He wouldn’t blame her. His amnesia may have been temporary, but the damage he caused wasn't.
“You stare at that door any harder and it will burst into flames.” Aisha refilled her teammates' glass, encouraging him to relax and breathe.
“She'll be here soon, won't she? She's still coming, right?”
Y/N took a deep breath before entering the tavern. Her former teammates were easy to spot. Cougar gave her his number when she quit, asking her to keep in touch. It took a few months before she found the strength to do so. Even after learning of her exs' recovery, she couldn't bring herself to return yet. She wanted her Jakey back, but was scared of his rejection. Plus she was on assignment, the timing was off. The weight of this reunion wasn’t lost on her. “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, you losers walk into mine.”
“Well that's unfair, you walked in after us.” Grinning ear to ear, Clay pulled her into a tight hug. “Missed ya, Y/N.”
“I had a few things to handle before getting here. So you beat me, but I've been dying to say it." She squeezed Clay tight before facing the rest. "I missed you all too. Sorry about earlier, I didn’t recognize you guys in all that fancy schmancy gear.”
Jake felt unsteady the moment she walked in, his blood roared in his ears. It was really her, his Angel, more gorgeous than ever. He watched her warm greeting with Clay, swallowing a lump in his throat. She was wearing the jacket he bought her. He hoped that was a good sign.
The group stood to welcome and embrace their former member. Jake waited through the exchange of pleasantries for his turn. Longing to throw his arms around his Angel and hold her close. It had been nearly a year since he’d done so. Ten months, three days and seventeen hours since he kissed her goodbye to go on that ill fated mission.
However, he noticed Y/N’s smile falter when their eyes met. Abandoning his desired hug, he forced a smile, awkwardly waved and sat back down.
“Hey Jake.” She crossed her arms, suddenly feeling self-conscious in front of her old love.
As everyone took their seats, Jensen glanced at the entrance then back at his Angel. “So are we um… waiting for anybody else?”
“Like who?”
“No-nobody. Nobody. Just wanted to make sure there was room for everybody. Everybody together again. It’s good to be together.” Jake took a long sip of his beer. His brain screamed with the knowledge that there was no boyfriend in the picture.
Y/N filled them in on her whereabouts since her departure. She’d gotten a job as private security for some rich asshole’s wife. Mostly involved keeping her in and others out. The winery was lovely, but the running of guns and heavier artillery, and the dabbling in human trafficking ruined the ambience. Of course, she knew he was dirty when she accepted the position, so Y/N did all she could to throw wrenches into his operations without being detected. Quietly dispersed his ill gotten gains into several hidden bank accounts, the biggest for Isla. She was helping the wife and baby prepare for a safe and covert escape. Simultaneously gathering evidence against the husband and his associates.
“It was all set to go down in a few days, and you guys just broke in and killed him. All that planning and hard work for nothing.” Y/N shoved Clay’s shoulder.
“Yeah, well it was the quickest way. Can’t argue that.”
“Well, I wasn’t going to let months of work go to complete waste. So I allowed you guys to be the heroes while I tied up some loose ends. That’s why I was late. Had to reroute the latest shipments, funnel the rest of the money to charities, victims and of course, a nice sum for myself. Scrubbed the camera footage and removed any evidence of us or Isla being there. Then I alerted the authorities to handle the rest. They’ll find all they need to take down the whole thing.” She took a deep breath, trilling her lips to exhale. “But I’m still mad at you about it.”
Aisha offered compensation, “I don’t think anyone here will object if you want in on the pallet of wine we rescued."
“Bold of you to assume I didn't take my own,” Y/N laughed.
After a few rounds, the Losers felt they were sufficiently caught up on each others lives. Pooch and Cougar announced they were going to play stripes and solids, inviting Aisha and Clay as their opponents. It was obvious that was an excuse to leave the ex-lovers alone.
Jake wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity. Putting on his most charming smile, he slid over next to Y/N. “G’day mate, fancy meeting you down unda. Maybe I can show you my down unda lata. I promise I'm koala-fied.” He tittered at his themed pickup line, but she didn't react. He desperately wanted to make her laugh. If she laughed, he knew things would be okay.
Trying to shake off the nervousness, he cleared his throat and continued his attempted seduction. “I like your jacket, where’d you get it?” He couldn’t backpedal fast enough seeing the alarmed look on her face. “Joke, really bad joke. Oh my god, I'm sorry. That was… Fuck,” he grimaced.
Y/N remained stiff and unsure. Wanting to give in to his flirting, but waiting for the other shoe to drop. The defeated look on Jake’s face broke her heart, so she attempted to bridge the divide with a safe topic, “How are Stephanie and Hannah?”
“They're good, they're good, um,” he scratched the back of neck, unsure how to proceed. His sister, having seen him at plenty of his worsts, forgave him instantly. His niece took a little bribery, but they were back to their usual shenanigans. “So, uh thanks for clearing the way for us back there, you know, after you shot at me.”
Her mouth dropped open, “Excuse me, I shot near you.”
Cougar gestured with his eyes over to Jensen and Y/N, knowing he was striking out. Pooch got the hint. He called the man over and handed him his room key. Demanding he take it before he changed his mind. Jake practically ran back to the table to ask Y/N to his room to talk in private. He was amazed she agreed.
Aisha’s lips pursed watching the pair leave. “If he doesn't blow this, we'll have to put up with them being nauseatingly cute with each other again.”
“You don't want them to make up?” Clay rested his hands on her waist.
“I do,” she huffed. “Look, I don't know if I believe in that true love, princess bride, bullshit. But they are the closest I've ever seen to it... They belong together.”
The entire car ride to the motel passed in uncomfortable silence. Both anxious and unsure about the outcome of this night. Each stealing glances at the other. Jake noticed how hard her hand clenched around the steering wheel. Y/N caught sight of each time his hand reached for the radio before pulling away without turning it on.
Jake felt butterflies in his stomach as they pulled in the lot. Painful butterflies… Vampire butterflies. He drummed on his legs before hopping out of the vehicle. Y/N was quick to follow. They walked to the room without a word shared. Jake kept looking over his shoulder to make sure she was still with him. He swiped the keycard several times without success. The red light and negative beep mocking him. The twisting in his belly intensified. ‘Yep definitely vampire butterflies.’
Finally, the door flashed green and unlocked. He sauntered in, pretending to be calmer than he really was. Turning on the old Jensen charm, he bowed and waved his hand over the large bed. “Have a seat, m'lady. It’s not exactly the Ritz, but I hope it will be to your liking.”
“It's a nice room. We've stayed in much worse.” She spotted the bobblehead chihuahua on the nightstand, smiling coyly as she sat down. “So this is Pooch’s room?”
“Nah, it's mine. At least now it is.” He plopped down beside Y/N. “Sooo, how’ve ya been?”
“Good, until earlier today when I lost my job and residence cause some assholes charged in guns blazing.” Y/N sighed dramatically, “At least I can take solace in knowing Isla and her daughter are home safe. What about you?”
“I - I’m okay… most days. Um, so what's next for you? Seeing as how your life's been upended by a bunch of inconsiderate assholes.”
Y/N hummed, thinking of a response. “Well, I’ll have a lot of time on my hands, plus a bunch of money. So I'll probably make a few brothers and sisters for the F-team. Maybe one with a flamethrower.”
He turned to her with a lopsided grin. “That would be badass, like its maker.”
Y/N’s heart fluttered. He looked at her with such adoration, like she held all life's answers.  That, that was her Jakey.
“Looks like the possibilities are endless now that you're homeless and unemployed.” Jake’s eyes squeezed shut, cringing. Not meaning to sound so callous.
She snorted, “I'm sure I'll be fine. I always land on my feet.”
Jake breathed a sigh of relief that she found humor in the situation. “Definitely, definitely… But if you're interested, I know of a job opening. Fast paced, high stakes, danger… romance,” he whispered the last word, blushing. “It’s with a great bunch called the Losers. I could put in a good word for you. In fact, I'm sure the two of us could strong-arm the boss to agree to any demands we want.”
“I'd have to move back to the states.”
“If you need a place to stay, your key still works… I um, kept the house. After you quit, I kinda skipped town. Woke up in Ohio about a month later. At first I completely panicked cause I didn't know where you were or where I was. Then it hit me that I REALLY didn't know where you were… and it was all my fault,” his voice cracked, on the verge of crying.
Her head lowered, unable to hold back her own tears. ‘If I had only waited longer.’ “You must be so disappointed in me for not sticking it out when you weren't yourself. I tried, I swear I did, but it was too much. I should have been stronger and held on until you were you again. I’m so sorry, Jakey.”
“No, Angel no.” he wiped Y/N’s cheeks with his thumb. “There's nothing to forgive. You didn’t abandon me, I drove you away. I don't blame you at all. Hell, I deserved it. I was a total asshole.” Jake took a deep breath, “I was so angry… I was in pain, confused. I felt trapped with no room to breathe. Was sick of everybody telling me things I was supposed to already know. Telling me over and over to relax and let myself recover when I couldn't calm down to save my life. I kept fighting with my sister, was short with my niece, rude and snapped at everyone… And you got the worst of it… When I saw you, there was something there in the back of my mind, just out of reach. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew your presence made my headache worse. So I aimed my frustration at you and chased you off. I can't say how sorry I am.”
Y/N gently touched Jake’s head, running her fingers through his hair and rubbing small circles with her fingers. The urge to comfort him stronger than any apprehension she felt before.
Jake leaned into her touch, “It's all better now. I'm better… I wish this was a cartoon so you could've wacked me in the head again to reset my brain and stop all the bullshit I put everyone through.”
She pulled her hand away too soon. “I'm glad you're better… You really hurt me, Jake, but you have to know I already forgave you.”
His eyebrows shot up, “You have? That fast? Are you certain, I mean…"
“It took some time. Months to push through that pain, but I'd be the bigger jerk if I didn't take into consideration that it wasn't completely your fault. You literally had a doctor's note to prove it.” Y/N smiled at him, brushing away a few more escaped tears.
“So you don't hate me?”
“I could never hate you, Jakey. Do you hate me?”
“It's going to continue to sting for a while though.”
He nods in understanding. Jake got on his knees before her, taking her hands in his, his face more serious than she's ever seen him. “I need you to believe me when I say I have NEVER thought those horrible things about you. You didn't deserve any of the awful things I said and I swear I didn't mean them. You’re my perfect Angel and I love everything about you. Every curve, every line, each and every inch of beautiful skin because it’s yours. You are the most incredible person I ever met and I can't stand knowing that I made you feel otherwise for even a minute. Please say you believe me.”
“I do.”
Jake leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have her back.
Y/N returned the brief kiss. This was a good start, but she was exhausted. “It’s been a long day. I don’t know about you, but I’m wiped out. Can we pretend, just for tonight, that we’re good? That everything is back to normal? We can work on us in the morning, and everyday after, but right now I just need you and unconsciousness.”
‘She wants to sleep here, in my bed, with me.’ Jake jumped up, enthusiastically agreeing. His pants down around his ankles in an instant.
Her face became heated at Jake’s sudden nudity. Y/N bit her lips, shyly telling him she was going to change in the bathroom.
Jake realized he was jumping the gun. He pulled up his batman boxers, removed his shoes and remaining clothing. He turned the toy dog around, just in case. “Sorry mini Pooch, no looky loos.”
Y/N walked out in panties and t-shirt, tugging it down in an attempt to hide more of herself as she skittered to the bed and got under the covers. Jake frowned, he needed to mend his Angel's heart, squash the insecurities he created. He scrambled up the bed, took his glasses off and sat them on the nightstand. Hesitating at the edge of the bed.
“You can come closer.”
He didn't need to be told twice, scooting over and joining her under the covers. He sat next to her, tentatively wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Intent on never leaving her side again. “Hey, tomorrow, do you want to check out this awesome mini golf course I found? Just the two of us.” The smile that adorned his face when she agreed fell. His voice lowered to a whisper, “I'm terrified of screwing this up.”
“So am I,” Y/N admitted, lacing her fingers with his.
Jake kissed the top of her head. “I don't think I ever told you.”
“The moment I knew this was it for me… Remember our first comic con together, we had that bet going on over how many people we could get to follow us doing the bunny hop around the convention center. I said five, you bet nine, and we ended up having thirty-five people in line behind us.” He chuckled at the memory. “We had Link, predator, three Spidermans, a wookiee in a bikini and just so many others. I was behind you, my hands on your hips having the time of my life. And there was a moment midjump, midlaugh, when you looked back at me, making sure I was having fun too, and I knew with absolute certainty that I was going to love you for the rest of my life. That you were the one for me and there'd never be anyone else. That hasn't changed.”
Y/N’s eyes watered, an unreadable expression on her face. Somewhere between disbelief and amusement. “I knew then too. Slowly throughout the day, then all at once in one defining moment. You were like a squirrel darting around, but you never lost me. You held my hand the whole time, squeezing it when you felt me get nervous. And when we parted for even a minute, you always found me. But the moment that sealed it was when we stopped for refreshments. I couldn't drink my water properly because of my costume and seeing my struggle, without a word, you slid behind the counter, grabbed a straw and placed it in my drink, holding it to my lips. It was something so small but so considerate. I've never had anyone be so sweet to me. I never had anyone look out for me like you did. I knew you were the one for me.”
Not trusting his voice, Jake kissed the hand he held.
“I love you, Jakey.”
His heart skipped a beat. “I love you, my Angel.” The reunited couple shared another kiss before lying down. Y/N snuggled into his chest and closed her eyes. Jake wrapped his arms around her. “Would it be wrong if I copped a feel right now?” 
She laughed, “I missed you so much.”
Jake blinked back tears. He thought he'd never hear that sound again. “I missed you more.”
A few peaceful minutes passed, her warm breath ghosting over his chest. He noticed she was trying to stay awake. Each time she began to drift, her eyes popped open to search for him. He rubbed her back to soothe her asleep. “I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere, Angel, I promise.” Jake made sure she was sleeping soundly, before he allowed himself to follow her into slumber. 
Heading to his original room to get his belongings, Pooch was halted by a hand on his shoulder. Cougar, refusing to let Jensen and Y/N be disturbed, turned his friend around and led him to their shared room.
Pooch glanced back with a frown, “I'll guess I’ll get it in the morning.”
Cougar nodded, smiled and patted his shoulder. Tomorrow was looking like a very good day. The Loser’s would be a full team once more and his best friend would have the love of his life back. He didn’t save his best man’s speech for nothing.
The End
A/N: Thank you to everyone that has read this version or the original. I appreciate you all. I’d love to know your thoughts.
Sequel: Love Me Forever
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simplystevies · 3 years
my sweet angel
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pairings || steve rogers x f!reader
summary || steve loved you so much, and he had to make sure everyone knew on your special day.
warnings || spoilers in the warnings 18+ minors dni, angst angst angst, hidden meanings, but they’re told after a while, death, funerals, steve blaming himself, hinting to suicide, but it’s not explicitly mentioned.
notes || i wish i could say this is a happy fic:)
word count || 645
“she was so beautiful. her smile could’ve taken me off my feet floating around her like one of those animations, where the guy is obsessed with the girl and floating around her, bathing in her scent.
she could shoot me, and i’d apologise. her soft voice was all i needed to wake me up in the morning. ‘hi, stevie.’ her voice was nothing short of perfect. i would’ve jumped in front of a train, just for her to look in my direction.
i was nothing short of obsessed with her. i think it's impossible for someone like her to walk this earth. she was one of a kind. the way she danced, the way she spoke, even the way she held a glass.
there wasn’t a detail i missed about her, i’m glad i didn’t. she was perfect. she was friends with everyone, i don’t think she had bad blood with anyone she ever knew. she was a good person.
i can’t get her out of my mind. every night i dream of a future with her. i know i sound like an insane stalker, but if you knew her like i did, you’d be the same. if you were with her as long as i was, you’d be the same.
the first day we met, she was instantly one of the best people i had met in a long while, and i don’t think i’ll meet anyone like her ever again in my entire life.
our first date was probably the most memorable, when we went to a small cafe, that became our usual. we went every thursday in the morning before we had a meeting, thursdays were meeting days.
surprisingly, it was not only our first date, but our first kiss too. her lips were soft, and tasted like cherries. even though she tasted sweet– no, i can’t say that. she told me she wanted kids, two to be exact.
she wanted a boy, to name him ezra, maybe dewie after her favourite scream character. then she wanted him to pursue any interest he wanted, spending thousands on him. she wanted a girl, her little princess.
she said i would’ve been a perfect fit for her perfect princess, i could protect her little girl from the cruel world out there, like how i protected her. i teared up on that day when she told me, and i still tear up now.
i liked how she felt safe with me, it made me feel like i was doing something right in the world, when everyone else told me i wasn’t. she was always there, if i needed a hug, or if i needed someone to talk to.
everyday i wake up and regret that i wasn’t there for her. when she needed me, i couldn’t be there, but she always went out of her way to be there for me. i stay up at night, and i can’t take the image out of my head.
it hurt me, seeing her like that, but i could never imagine how much it hurt her that i wasn’t there to help her. i had never seen her sad, this was completely new to me and i was too late.
i can’t sleep, i can’t get the thought of ‘what if..’ out of my head. what if i was there for her? what if i could’ve stayed up that small bit later? i can’t forgive myself for what i let happen. it hurts, but it won’t go away.” steve felt tears trickle down his cheek.
clint walked up to him, grabbing his arm. “it’s okay, come on.” he whispered. steve looked up from the page to see red faces from tears. he looked to his right, to see you.
your eyes were closed and your hands were over your stomach. “i failed her, clint, it’s all my fault.”
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2023 Kinktober Masterlist
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I'm so sorry for not posting like at all this year but it's been a very long and rough year and I will do my best to continue this month but if I miss a day it's because of writer's block or work but anyway here is my Kinktober masterlist and what I have planned for you all, my wonderful amazing readers! I hope you like the thigh clenching, panty soaking, jean tightening thrill of smut! I hope you enjoy!
Banners by: @vase-of-lilies​
Key: Fluff; 🌙 // Angst;  👿 // Smut; 🔥 // Dark; 🕸️
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Day 1: Semi-Public (Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Drummer!Steve Harrington x Groupie!Fem!Reader) 🔥 Day 2: Stepcest (Stepbrother!Ransom Drysdale x Stepsister!Fem!Reader)🔥🌙👿 Day 3: Size Difference (Beefy!Bucky Barnes x Petite!Fem!Reader) 🌙🔥 Day 4: S&M (Masochist!Eddie Munson x Sadist!Fem!Reader) 🌙🔥 Day 5: Fucking Machine (Mr. Freezy(Robert Pronge) x Fem!Reader) 🔥🕸️ Day 6: Body Worship (Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader) 🔥🌙 Day 7: Stripping (Shy!Jake Jensen x Stripper!Fem!Reader) Day 8: Hate Sex (Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader) Day 9: DP in One Hole (Married!Steddie x Babysitter!Fem!Reader) Day 10: Fisting (Lee Bodecker x Fem!Reader) Day 11: Pregnancy (Steve Harrington x Pregnant!Fem!Reader) Day 12: Deepthroating or Facesitting (Sub!Jake Jensen x Dom!Fem!Reader) Day 13: Orgasm Denial (Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader) Day 14: Rimming (Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader) Day 15: Glory Hole (Post TFAWS!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader) Day 16: Breeding (Dad!Thor Odinson x Mom!Fem!Reader) Day 17: Masturbation (Jim Hopper x Secretary!Fem!Reader) Day 18: Spanking (Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader) Day 19: Humiliation (Mob!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader) Day 20: Tentacles (Part-Kraken!Lee Bodecker x Pirate!Fem!Reader) Day 21: Sex Toys (Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader) Day 22: Pegging (Human!Castiel x Fem!Reader) Day 23: Costumes (Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader) Day 24: Shotgunning (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader) Day 25: Daddy Kink (Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader) Day 26: Virginity (Virgin!40s!Stucky x Experienced!Fem!Reader) Day 27: Titfucking (Wade Wilson x Plus-sized!Fem!Reader) Day 28: Body Worship (Geralt of Rivia x Fem!Reader) Day 29: Breathplay (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader) Day 30: Squirting (Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader) Day 31: Bondage (Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader)
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misguidedasgardian · 3 years
Moon of my life
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Your boyfriend Jake loves you and supports you in your journey to self love <3
Pairing: Jake Jensen x Fem!Plus size reader
Warnings: some GOT geekness and references, fluff, Jake has a thigh kink, pet names (khaleesi, my sun and stars, moon of my life, babe, others), oral sex (f receiving), smut, unprotected morning sex (remember guys, no birthday party without a hat), reader is self conscious, stretch marks reference, Jake likes it when we squeeze his head with our thighs, some special guest showing up at the end
Notes: This is self indulgence and I wanted to share it with you guys, hope you like <3 This is my first JJ and I think he is the sweetest, and I totally see myself having a relationship with him hahaha
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“Yer jalan atthirari anni (moon of my life)” Jake whispered in your ear as he kissed your temple and wrapped his arms around your shoulders from behind. You stopped looking at your reflection to look at your boyfriend
“Babe you learned how to say it!” you celebrated, smiling at the reflection, grabbing his arms caressing his arms with the tip of your fingers, “Yer shekh ma shieraki (my sun and stars),” you answered, he smiled just as brightly as you
“Geek!” he mocked, and released you from his hold as you giggled
“Yeri Vosecchi” you said, dramatically, “Yeri vadrivoe” he laughed loudly as he returned to you, grabbing your sides and drawing you to him . He kissed you again, in a way you knew you weren't going to get out of the room.
Suddenly and in a wink, you were on the bed with your boyfriend on top of you
“You have to go to your soccer practice” you moaned, when he left your lips to draw kisses and nibbles down your jaw and going for your neck
“They won’t mind when I tell em’ the reason I’m late is because I got caught between your thighs” he removed your cotton pajama pants, and you let him, there was something about mornings with your boyfriend that always had you so horny, but before you let him indulge in you, you looked at the window, where the sun shined brightly, illuminating the room and you both in heavy detail
“Let’s close the curtains” you begged, grabbing his shoulders, stopping him
“But then I won’t be able to see you” he said, surprised, you just smiled at him, embarrassed. You have had sex with Jake multiple times, but you still navigating how comfortable you were with him seeing you, like, really really seeing you. He hadn't noticed but you always let him go down on you when there was little or no light at all. His movements halted when he took your pants off, waiting for you
“I’m a little embarrassed” you muttered
“Why?” he looked hurt, like you didn’t trust him. You closed your legs, in a way of protecting yourself from his gaze
“My thighs” you said, like it was obvious
“What about them?” he asked, placing his big hands over your knees
“They have, stretch marks and they are too thick” you explained
“I love your thighs” he said, smiling widely, “And I love your stretch marks, you look like the hottest, coolest tiger ever, and I LOVE…” he pushed your knees opening you for him, “YOUR FREAKING THIGHS” He growled like a caveman, making you laugh, forgetting about your self consciousness when you let him slide your panties off of you
“You do?” you asked
“As much as I love this pussy” he purred, and you couldn't help but hide your face between your hands. But your hands abandoned your face to grab the sheets when he started dropping kisses in your soft skin.
“Your skin is so soft right here” he whispered, creating goosebumps with his thick breath against your inner thighs, he made a trail of wet kisses towards your core and you breathed in, expecting what was coming and excited about it.
A moan escaped your mouth when he kissed your right over your clit, and then he chuckled against your folds. his tongue made his appearance, licking where he dropped kisses
“Jake” you called, lost in the sensations of his big hands squeezing your thighs, his tongue drawing lazy shapes on your pussy lips
He ate you out like a man starved, his open mouth all over your folds, his tongue lapping at you, taking everything you gave him, but then, he separated himself
“Babe?” he asked, looking at you
“Yes?” you asked, breathlessly
“I want you to squeeze my head” he demanded, and you looked at him, confused
“What?” he hugged your thighs with his arms, making you close them trapping his head in between
“Squeeze my head babe” he purred, an you just nodded and he dove right back in your pussy, still with each of his arms around each of your legs
“I’m going to suffocate you” you warned, scared
“The fucking best way to go” he purred, with his nose rubbing your clit, and his tongue fucking your hole. You felt your orgasm building quickly, and before you knew it, you were squeezing his head between your thighs, and moving your hips towards his face. He just moaned and growled.
“That’s it baby” he said, like a prayer, “Just let go, give me everything,” and like a comand, you cummed all over his face, and he drank it all, all your juices he drawn from you he took greedily
When he resurfaced from your pussy, you released him
“Jake” you called, like a plea, “I want you inside me”
“Your wish is my command” sometimes he could be such a geek, but you loved him specially because of it. His hands traveled upwards, from your legs to your hips, grabbing his shirt that you were wearing revealing your skin, he leaned in to kiss every inch as he was advancing towards your belly. The need to cover yourself was intense, but you breathed it in when you saw your boyfriend’s golden head as he kissed you intensely traveling north. He didn’t care, he was adoring you, every inch of you, and he reassured you when he looked at you with those shiny and playful eyes you liked so much
“Fuck I can’t believe you are my girlfriend” he whispered, kissing just above your belly buttom
“‘I'm the one that can't believe it,” you responded. He smiled and wet all the way to your face to kiss you, it was your time to caress him, your hands traveling from his hairs, to his neck, to his shoulders, growling when his shirt provided you from touching his warm skin, so you found the hem and your hands traveled north, touching every muscle and ridge of his toned body. You felt him smile against your mouth as he placed his hands right beside your shoulders so he wouldn’t crush you. You doubted he ever could though. Your fingers tickled him in the skin of his groin teasing him, touching the waistband of his gray sweatpants, so you took them out with his help, releasing his thick cock. You moaned at the sight of the shiny tip, already leaking precum, but you couldn't keep admiring him, since he kissed you, devouring you whole.
You grabbed his dick with one of your hands, you needed him, he growled on your mouth
“I want you on top” he said, smiling softly, you shook your head. “Pretty please?” he grabbed you and in a single movement, he turned you and you were on top of him in a second
“Jake!” you giggled, trying to straddle him, to remove your weight from him, but he grabbed you by your thighs, tightly, making you gasp, but laying your weight on his waist. You fighted a little when he tried to pull his shirt off of you
“Please” he begged, and you closed your eyes as you let him, not wanting to see his reaction, but what you felt instead was his big hands caressing your hips, waist, your soft belly, your full breasts, his thumbs rubbing your nipples until they pebbled, and you were moaning in a second
“You are so beautiful” he purred, “I want you to ride me” you only nodded, lost in him. you raised your hips only a little and Jake help you with one of his hands grabbing on your hip, and the other over your hand to line his cock with your entrance
You whined when he teased you with his tip
“Babe” you called, pleading him
“Sink into me” he demanded, and you nodded sinking into him, his thick and big cock spreading you open for him
“Oh God” you moaned, stretched with pleasure, a electricity
“Yes!” he growled, his eyes closed ad his head turning back against the pillows when your walls strangled him, “Always so tight for me, sweet girl” he moaned, his hands on your hips so tightly he was going to leave bruises, he was enticing you to move, so you did, you place one of your hands in his chest, for stability, to star moving your hips back and forth, creating a friction that soon got you both insane, starts were clouding your vision when you found the exact angle that ade his tip touch that spongy spot.
“Jake” you called, as he called your name, his hands now on your thighs, caressing them and his eyes admiring your form, and in that moment, riding your man, at the brink of another mind blowing and loving giving orgasm, you felt like a goddess, who was drawing this sounds and gestures of pleasures from this gorgeous man
“I love you so much” he said, with half lidded enamored eyes
“I love you too” you responded, leaning in to kiss him, and after you did, his mouth reached one of your breasts, catching your nipple in his mouth. You moaned as you moved even faster, fucking yourself into him, he helping you, moving his on hips upwards to meet your movements. It was too much, your hands on his head, the tip of his cock hitting your cervix, his tongue and soft grazing of his teeth in the sensitive skin
You cummed all over his dick, your juices pooling at the base, his hips kept you in place as he als groaned, filling you up with his cum, painting your walls, with an intensity that left you both breathless. You just fell over his chest, your sweaty cheek sticky against his pec, both of you trying to catch your breath
“That was amazing” he purred, caressing your back and kissing the crown of your head, you just whined in an affirmative way, not being able to even speak
With a kiss on your temple and a smile he left you in the bed and exited the apartment to his soccer practice
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You adjusted your top again, trying to get it as low as you could, without compromising your cleavage. You took a long sigh when you checked the entirety of your outfit again.
You like this outfit
It looks good on you
You repeated on your head like a mantra
You like this outfit
But not in you.
You shook your head
Yes you do, you nod again in a last twirl in front of the full size mirror
Yes, the top was short, it was more accurately described as a crop top, but you thought it was cute… and Jake saw you eyeing it when you went to the mall last week and got it for you. It was your favorite color and short sleeved and a cute deep V neck. You decided to wear a neutral colored short cotton top under it, that hugged your breast a little too tight to help the neckline. It was short enough to leave a thin, even less than an inch of skin before it met your high waisted jeans. Ok the longer you stared at it, the longer you’d find more flaws to it, so just breathed and looked away to grab your bag and finally put your favorite shoes, you took another breath before you opened the door to your apartment and walked out
You looked good
You repeated again, nodding to yourself, you tried not to catch your own reflection in the mirror of the elevator, giving yourself your own back to look at the steel door.
There are other people out there, who look just like you. You told yourself, and they dress like they want, they don’t care what other people think or say, and they are confident, and you can be like that too, you are all goddesses in your own way.
Another long breath and the elevator doors opened, you walked out to meet the doorman of your building, you greeted with a soft hello and he answered back.
In every step you took you felt more confident, as the people you encountered paid you no mind, gave you no dirty looks, no snarky comments. You breathed more freely as you reached the light in the corner, you caught your reflection in the window of a building as you waited for the green light, and you liked what you saw, you liked these jeans, they were comfortable, and you liked this top, and they looked good on you. You smiled to yourself and you liked the reflection even more, so you played your favorite song and started walking towards the park to get your boyfriend who was just finishing his practice
You saw Jake at the other side of the small park, on his soccer practice with his friends, suddenly, you felt self conscious again as you were almost the only one there, so you grabbed your bag tightly to try to calm yourself, and as you locked eyes with your boyfriend who smiled widely as he saw you approach, he opened his arms in a grand gesture, calling the attention of the other guys in the group.
Oh gods, was your top too tight? Is the neckline too revealing? your jeans accentuating your hips?
“Holy shit!” Jake screamed, an you shrieked in your place, embarrassed at his reaction, grabbing your purse tightier and wishing you had brought a hoodie with you, “Fuck me you are a smoke show”
“Jake, stop it!” you begged, he literally ran towards you as he cradled your face with his big hands, and leaned in to kiss your lips, you giggled against him, as he wrapped your arms around you, even if he was sweaty, “Damn you look so hot!” he purred against your lips
“It’s just a top and jeans” you muttered, still embarrassed, but feeling butterflies in your tummy when he looked at you
“There is nothing hotter than confidence my Khaleesi” he responded, “Well, except from you, obviously, and the combination is like wildfire”
“You are embarrassing me stop lying” you whispered
“May Thor strike me dead if I’m lying” he said, pretending to be extremely offended while he placed his hand on his chest like I hurt him. You both walked towards the small group, you tried to stay as close to Jake as you could, sticking to his side, “Hey guys, this is my girlfriend, (Y/N)” He introduced, and you wanted the earth to swallow you when he placed his big hands on you shoulders, putting you right in front of him, “She has the hottest thighs and speaks dothraki”
“I don’t” you giggled, but waved at the bunch of sweaty, beefy guys that were staring at you, all of them hot, complete smoke shows, model and actor material. Oh gods, where are they going to mock you? wondered what Jake saw in you? he talked about you like you were Beyonce, and you certainly weren't her… so… But the looks in their eyes, weren’t of disgust, or mockery, like you were expecting
“My sun and stars, these are my soccer team, or what remains, the others already left but, he is Steve, Bucky, Ari, and Charles” you waved awkwardly, completely embarrassed
“Oh so you are the reason he is late” your legs could burn from Steve’s stare
“You really told them?” you asked with greeted teeth, now you really wanted the earth to swallow you
“Jake can’t shut up about you” purred Ari, also trailing the entirety of your body with his eyes. Nah, you had to be hallucinating, they couldn’t be looking at you in that way, "Normally we would say that a morny would slow us down but today Jensen was freaking inspired" you felt like you could pass out
“Careful Jensen” the one he called Bucky said as he looked at you hungryly, “someone may steal her from you”
Jake looked at you, and you recognize the fear in his eyes as he grabbed your hand tightly
Now it was your turn to help him in his journey of self love
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Post chapter notes: I really needed this, been feelig down lately, I hope you liked it! <3
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sunshine-on-my-mind · 3 years
Lost and Found
Pairing: Johnny Storm x Plus Size Reader; Jake Jensen x Plus Size Reader (College AU)
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Mature themes, making out (sort of, NO explicit smut), kissing, hugs, body images, TW: Fat shaming, body shaming, mean friends, mature language, angst, crying, hopeful ending. (College AU)
words: 4.9k
a/n: Hey cuties! this is my first love triangle hehe, I really hope you all like it. I tried to keep the ending realistic but I am not sure how it turned out. Again, hope you all like this story. dividers are by @firefly-graphics
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Early morning classes weren’t your thing. Sleepy and tired but it couldn’t be helped. Just a few more steps, you knew you could do it, you didn’t like being late.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in when you reached your class in time. After taking your place on a bench, you got busy arranging the notebook, your laptop and other essentials that you might be needing. You were still tired though, so when your best friend came and sat beside you, you didn’t really notice.
His voice made you realise his presence, “Well someone looks wide awake.” you rolled your eyes. That smile on his face irritated you in that moment, otherwise you were a big fan of his goofy smile.
“Jensen you must have some special talent since you left for class earlier than I did and somehow came later.” Jake laughed. You looked so cute when you were sleepy and grumpy. Actually scratch that, you always looked cute.
“Look at you being all grumpy, I knew you’d need coffee and that you’d forget it in a rush so someone had to get it for you, riiiiight?” He stretched the last word as he placed a cup of coffee in front of you.
You couldn’t stop the smile that appeared on your face. That smile was enough to make Jake’s day. Quickly, but carefully you took a sip. The smile widened. “You’re the best, Jakey.” Jake tried to hide his blush by turning his face away.
Thankfully that class was interesting, so you didn’t have a chance of falling asleep amidst the lecture. It had been at least five minutes since the class started when the storm decided to make an appearance. Johnny Storm.
The professor was nice enough to let him in after Johnny threw a charming ‘sorry’ his way. You were surprised to see him, he hardly ever came to class. Although you were much more surprised when the man made his way to your bench and took a place beside you. Jake narrowed his eyes.
Even though the bench was spacious enough, suddenly you felt insecure about yourself. Were you taking up too much space? Were the two men sitting comfortably beside you? You tried to get a read on Johnny to notice any discomfort or annoyance but he was busy on his phone. Suddenly you remembered about his image, he is known to be smug and arrogant, sometimes even a jerk.
“You’re staring” Johnny casually said without looking at you. Quickly you looked away, scribbling on your notebook. Now it was Johnny’s turn to look at you. You felt nervous under his stare. Why was he making you nervous? Sure he is probably the most popular guy in college and a heartthrob, but it didn’t matter to you. Johnny tried to understand what you were writing with so much focus, and Jake was busy trying to analyse Johnny.
“Hey,” Johnny softly nudged you with his elbow. “You seem studious, wanna help me with whatever the old man’s teaching? I don’t rea-“ you shushed him, trying to focus on the lecture. You were cute, Johnny noted. He kept quiet, for the moment, shifting his gaze to the man beside you, he gave Jake a nod, who didn’t seem interested in interacting.
“I’m Johnny” he introduced himself as soon as the class was over. You told him your name, but Jake didn’t bother, he was busy rolling his eyes. Johnny Storm, the famous heartthrob didn’t seem like a jerk, in fact he was sweet to you, you liked the way he smiled.
“Hey… sugar, can i call you sugar? well i think you’re sweet as sugar, so i’m gonna call you sugar” Johnny uttered quickly and you couldn’t help but smile. “Will you be the sweet girl I think you are and help me with this subject? tutor me, please sugar.” he went on and gave you puppy dog eyes. You could have refused, considering you had to study other subjects as well, but could you say no to those beautiful blue eyes?
“Kitten, before you say anything can I have a word?” Jake interrupted. Jake Jensen, your best friend and roommate. You both have been best. friends since forever and now you shared an apartment. The first time Jake saw you, you were wearing a t-shirt that had kittens on it, hence the name. You adored that name, but you adored the person much more. And he, well he adored you too, too much actually. Jake pulled you aside to give you a piece of his mind.
“I’m not sure if agreeing to Mr. Entitled will be a wise decision, you know about his reputation don’t you?” Jake asked, genuine concern was clear in his voice, he always looked out for you. To be fair he was also a little jealous but he couldn’t let you understand that. You laughed. His brows furrowed trying to figure out why you’re laughing.
“Oh Jakey, don’t worry I am very sure I am not his type so it will really just be me helping him with the subject, and I think that in turn will motivate me to study more.” Jake was a goner as soon as you called him ‘Jakey’. He decided it’s best to just nod.
“Okay, i’ll tutor you.” You informed Johnny who wrapped you in a big hug, before saying he really appreciated you helping him. You told Johnny he could come over to your place after college. Jake already had other plans, so it would just be you and Johnny. Truth be told, you were nervous. It’s not that you were interested in Johnny, still you couldn’t explain the sudden burst of butterflies you got in your stomach every time Johnny flashed you that charming smile.
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After college you went back home to make sure your apartment isn’t in a mess before Johnny would come over. Thankfully you got the time to tidy everything and change into something comfortable yourself. You reminded yourself he would be here just to study because he needed help, otherwise you weren’t someone Johnny would spare a second glance to. You were pulled out of your thoughts when the bell rang.
“Hey, sugar.” Johnny flashed his smile, as soon as you opened the door. He took some time to look around your apartment before sitting at the study desk. You got your laptop, notes and the books you would be needing. Also couldn’t forget the two cups of coffee you made.
“You’ve got a nice apartment, sugar. Cute, just like you” Johnny winked as you cleared your throat, to stop a shy smile from reaching your face. You informed him that Jake shared the apartment with you. He didn’t seem too excited about that information, just said an ‘oh’ before thanking you for the coffee and basically changing the topic.
That day marked the first of many of your study sessions. You both grew closer, got to know more about one another. Early classes didn’t seem too tiring anymore, because it meant spending more time with Johnny. Johnny who was hardly seen in class was now attending it regularly, making excuses to his friends. His random compliments always had some special effect on you, he also made you laugh, a lot. You cooked him a snack every time, he appreciated that.
And Johnny? Well he tried his best to not acknowledge his feelings or whatever was going on with him. Mr popular himself was well aware of his reputation of being a ladies’ man and stood by it proudly. Johnny liked being the popular guy he was, he enjoyed the attention. He couldn’t actually develop feelings for someone could he? Just because you were so sweet, warm, beautiful, kind, helpful, and just because you made him notes, asked about his day, always listened to him and made him food during those study sessions, didn’t mean that he could have feelings for you, right?
“Johnny!” you interrupted Johnny’s daydreaming when he suddenly lost track while studying. His clueless face was adorable. Johnny gave you a toothy grin as he focused on the book again. You couldn’t help but smile, couldn’t help but get drawn to Johnny Storm, just like a moth to a flame.
Oh how much you wanted to tell Jensen everything, how much you wanted his advice, but you could hardly get a hold of him those days. Maybe you were being a bad friend not taking care of him or maybe - he wasn’t avoiding you, was he? Jake was never home whenever Johnny would come over. True that Jake still smiled at you like before but he didn’t talk so much.
“Looks like someone lost their focus, huh sugar?” Johnny smirked, and you playfully rolled your eyes. He wanted to ask you out on a date but before he could he got a text from a friend about some party they were planing to go to. Johnny was reminded of the life outside your comforting study sessions. Johnny storm, heart-throb? more like heartbreaker. His friends hyped him up too much, being popular was something he always enjoyed.
Right then, you looked up at him with a sweet smile and in that moment Johnny wanted to forget everything else.
“These study sessions have helped me so much, thank you for tutoring me sugar.” he held your hand softly and continued, “I would really like if we could a arrange a little Study date? A lot like this but it will also be a date. We can order food and we can watch a movie. Y’know, a date, like the ones they show in Rom-coms. What say?” You were lost for words. Trying to form a coherent answer when you’re heart was beating so fast you were almost scared. Finally you decided to nod, maybe a little too eagerly. Johnny smiled. You couldn’t wait to tell your best friend, you were so happy, all of this felt unbelievable.
“Jakey, Jakey, Jakey!!” you hugged him as soon as your roommate entered your shared apartment. Jake smiled seeing you so happy. Before he could ask the reason of your happiness you told him everything that happened. He was happy for you, because you were happy, but a part of him wasn’t still sure about Johnny or his intentions, how could Jake ignore everything people tell about Johnny and how could you either? He was famous as a ladies’ man, as a player. Or maybe the fact that Jake was hopelessly in love with you was clouding his judgment.
“I am happy that you’re happy, kitten” Jake paused and you could sense a ‘but’ coming, “But it’s Johnny Storm we are talking about, are you sure?” You assured your best friend about how Johnny was so much more than his image, he was sweet, funny and caring. And that your really liked him.
“Well then, I am really happy for you kitten. I hope Johnny realises how lucky he is. Remember, you’re the best, okay? Hope you enjoy this date of yours and take care of yourself, please.” You hugged him again. He wrapped his arms around you, tightly, trying to hold you there, but he knew he would have to let you go.
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You decided to ditch your usual hoodies for the date and put on a cute dress. When you stood in front of the mirror to apply some light makeup and did your hair, you didn’t pick out the flaws of your body. All you could see in that mirror was the reflection of an excited girl getting ready for her date. The bell rang and you practically ran to open the door.
“Oh sugar, look at you” Johnny took in how you beautiful looked. “Wow, i- wow you’re so beautiful, so cute.” He entered through the door but his eyes were still locked on you. “I got these for you.” Johnny handed you some pretty sunflowers. “You remind me of sunflowers. Bright, warm and beautiful, and I really like sunflowers.” He blushed a little, scratching the back of his neck, looking adorable.
You could feel there won’t be much studying that evening, still as the good tutor you were you made sure to provide him some notes which would help him. For the first time Johnny had the excuse to stare at you instead of focusing on the books and notes, it was a date after all.
“Alright alright, enough with studying now, let’s watch something shall we?” You chuckled. Johnny took a place on the couch going through the movies to find the perfect one for tonight. Meanwhile you went to the kitchen to bring out the snack you prepared along with two beers. “Hurry up, sugar!” With that you came out of the kitchen and sat beside him. He played a romantic movie.
“I didn’t know you liked romantic movies”
“Well sugar, there is a lot you still don’t know about me.”
He wrapped his hand around your shoulder, pulling you closer, you kept your head on his shoulder. Being so close with him made your chest heave, and Johnny took notice of that, a smirk forming on his face.
“Hey, sugar” Johnny pushed a loose strand of your hair behind your ear as you looked at him. “You’re so beautiful, I can’t get my eyes off of you and honestly I don’t to” You bit your lower lip and Johnny lost his mind. Immediately leaning in to kiss those beautiful lips of yours, and you kissed him back. Johnny didn’t expect the kiss to turn so passionate, so heated, but he couldn’t help when you reciprocated the passion, when you tasted to sweet, when your lips felt so soft against his. Losing yourself in the kiss, only pulled apart when you were out of breath.
“Wow.” you panted for breath.
“Wow indeed, sugar” Johnny smirked, caressing your face, your cheeks were so soft. You leaned into his large palm, he smiled adoringly looking at you. He moved his hand to hold the back of your neck, pulling you closer to touch your forehead with his. You could feel one another’s warm breath. He planted soft kisses all over your face. You smiled.
The date went great, you both talked about whatever your heart wanted, ordered some Chinese takeout, watched the movie - well bits of it and spent the evening in each other’s arms while Johnny caressed your neck and face. Touching you felt so good, so soft, he was staring at your beautiful body, taking every curve in with his eyes. He showed you appreciation, made you feel smile, made you laugh. You were happy and so was he.
Just the two of without any interruptions. Except one, Johnny’s friend had called informing him about some super hot girl, whose name he forgot, who asked for Johnny’s number. That friend probably would have talked more if Johnny didn’t tell him he was busy and hung up. Again, Johnny was reminded of his life outside this warm cocoon. He cared about you, he did, but he also enjoyed that lifestyle of his, the wild fun, the parties, and the way his friends considered him to be a casanova and the coolest dude out there. As far as he remembered, he only ever dated women who looked like they came out of fashion magazines, that too longest for a month, and then there was another, hotter than the one before, popular than the one before and he took pride in it.
Would he give it all up for you? Or rather would you fit in his life? Even if he didn’t date another woman, what about his friends? Will they accept you? You were sweet, beautiful, kind, and friendly, but - he couldn’t ignore the ‘but’ no matter how much he wanted to. He looked at you again, how can someone not like you? Granted his friends were stupid and maybe a little mean at times but they would like you right?
They had to. The way you looked at him with affection in your eyes, the way you praised him when he got his answers right while studying, the way he could tell you anything about himself, be vulnerable, share his fears, even things he didn’t tell his friends and you never judged him, made him feel comforted, it made him so happy.
“Alright sugar, I guess I should go now, thank you for today, and for everything, I had an amazing time.” Johnny smiled, getting up to leave. You hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, saying that you had a lovely time too. “Oh I almost forgot” Johnny stopped in his tracks as he was leaving. “It’s my birthday next week, I’m having a little party, well um, not little actually. Anyway I really want you to be there, please sugar.”
“Of course I’ll be there Johnny, I’m excited.” He pecked your lips and left for the day. As soon as you closed the door, you were squealing in happiness, it all seemed too good to be true.
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That week went past pretty quickly, you were so confused about what present you should get for Johnny. You asked Jake for help and he suggested books or clothes but you weren’t feeling it somehow. The gift you were looking for could be simple but it must have a personal connection. After searching for ideas here and there you finally settled on a gift.
The phone chimed, you had set an alarm, it was 12 AM, it was Johnny’s birthday. You opted for texting instead of calling, in case he was sleeping.
Happy Birthday Johnny <3
You used the heart emoji even though you were nervous. Johnny wasn’t sleeping, he was out with with his friends. He saw your text and smiled.
Thank you, sugar ;)
“Who’s got you smiling like that Johnny boy?” a friend asked. He shrugged it off. “Must be that hottie who asked for his number” another friend suggested. “I don’t think so, that girl may be hot but not hot enough for our boy, he only goes for women who look like Victoria’s Secret Models, he has an image to maintain, he won’t go for just anyone.” one of them retaliated. Johnny didn’t say anything while his friends came up with different theories and basically objectified women. He didn’t like that though. Sure he wasn’t a relationship type of guy, that doesn’t mean he didn’t respect women.
Morning rolled in, and then evening. Jake informed he’ll be out for the day, had to meet a friend. You got ready for Johnny’s birthday party. Decided to wear one of your best dresses, that made you feel confident in yourself. You did your hair and makeup, and took one last look at the mirror, happy the way you looked, which wasn’t always the case, and then grabbed his gift and your set of keys of the apartment and left for his party.
The party was noisy, full of people, you didn’t go to many parties so you weren’t really used to it. Through the crowd you tried to spot the man of the hour. And there he was, smiling and laughing, beautiful as always. There were some people around him whom you assumed to be his friends. You gripped the gift tightly in your hand and made your way towards them.
“Oh shit, would you look at that?” one of the guys commented, Johnny turned his head to see you approaching. You looked amazing, so beautiful.
“What is she wearing?” another one asked. “To be fair, I don’t think clothes really matter in little miss fatty’s case.” his friends laughed and Johnny could feel his fears come true. He wished you weren’t there, wished you weren’t coming to see him. He didn’t look at you, turned his face away, hoping to avoid a mess.
“Hi Johnny, happy birthday” you wished him, sweetly. He didn’t turn to face you, he could hear his friends laughing, murmuring comments under their breath. Johnny froze. He didn’t know how to respond with his friends looking at you like you were a living joke. Could Johnny tell them he liked you? What if they made fun of him after knowing that? At the same time he liked you a lot. Before he could respond one of his friends started speaking.
“Oh hello there, are you one of Johnny’s admirers?” the tone was full of mockery. You didn’t know how to answer that, trying to ignore the tone, you thought Johnny would introduce you to his friends but he kept quiet. The question wasn’t something you were expecting. You got interrupted as soon as you opened your mouth to speak.
“Let me guess, she’s got a little crush on our Johnny Boy. Careful friend, don’t get ‘crushed’ under her weight.” one of them suggested, using air quotes and the rest laughed, everyone except Johnny, who stood in silence, trying to avoid your gaze. “Sorry to break it to you fatty, you’re not really his type. or anyone else’s I’d say” This wasn’t something new for you, you had been fat-shamed before, what you didn’t expect was to see the man you admired, the man you thought liked you, the man you were falling for to stay quiet, to let his friends make fun of you. Their comments didn’t hurt you, Johnny’s silence did.
“I- I got this for you but-“, you tried to give him the birthday gift you got him but his friend took it from your hands, Johnny still didn’t say anything, the gift seemed meaningless, like everything else. You were fighting a war with yourself to not let tears form in your eyes.
“Aww look Johnny, your little - well not so little admirer got you a gift. Let’s open it shall we?” And they did. You wished the earth swallowed you, it would be better than the humiliation, than the betrayal. Was everything a lie? Everything that happened between you both, did it mean nothing?
“Oh shit” Laughter, mockery, humiliation, still Johnny’s silence felt the loudest. “She got you mug with sunflowers drawn on it, sunflowers really? You think Johnny is lame or what? Oh man, I don’t know what’s funnier you thinking you have shot with him or you giving him this silly gift” Johnny looked at the mug, looked at the sunflowers remembering how you reminded him of them. It was special, you must have put a lot of thought into the gift.
Johnny finally turned to see you, he couldn’t feel your warmth in that moment. Your face was expressionless, your usual smile nowhere to be found. He did this, he did this to you.
“Guys please, that’s enough, she must have-“ Johnny tried to speak up but got interrupted.
“Wait, wait you know her?”
“She- she’s in one of my classes” Johnny looked away again. In that moment you realised where you stood in his life, a classmate. Everything else? Probably a big joke.
“You can throw the silly gift away, or better yet break it. Enjoy your birthday.” You quickly spoke, turning around to walk away, before they could see your tears, before they could insult you more. Johnny didn’t stop you, he looked at you though. With every step you took, he could feel you walking out of his life. He did this to you and to himself. All to get validated by the assholes he called his friends, all to maintain the image he held up for years. At least Johnny found the answer he was looking for, when he had to choose, he chose the rest of his so called ‘happening life’ at the cost of losing you. He realised he didn’t deserve love, he was shallow, he didn’t deserve someone as kind as you in his life in any form.
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“Kitten what’s going on?” You don’t remember when you reached home or for how long your were crying in your room when you heard Jake knock on your door. He opened the door and when he saw you he could feel his heart breaking to see his favourite girl like that. Instantly he was beside you on the floor, taking you in his arms. “Hey, hey sweetheart I am right here” You grabbed his T-shirt tightly, hiding your face against his shoulder, crying your heart out. He rubbed your back softly, trying to calm you down but he decided not to interrupt you, Jake felt you needed to let it out, so he held you tightly against him.
“How did I expect a guy like him to actually like me? He, who dates gorgeous women, that too not for long. What was I expecting? For him to fall for me? I’m such a dumbass, I-I’m nothing but the laughing stock, Jakey.” You spoke after calming down a bit, closing your eyes shut. You told him everything that happened. Jake always had his doubts about Johnny, but right then he wished he was wrong, because seeing you so broken was so much worse than seeing you with someone else, you were so happy after the date. Jake loved seeing you happy, nothing mattered more than your happiness.
“I know you’re upset and you have every right to be but don’t criticise yourself please, you’re the most beautiful, kindest, sweetest, funniest person I know. You’re so helpful, understanding and nice. You can easily brighten up someone’s day. Don’t think so poorly of yourself or how you look because some fucking assholes said shit about you. You’re gorgeous, beautiful, attractive and so fucking cute” He took a deep breath when you looked at him, your eyes teary yet so beautiful.
“Most importantly you have beautiful heart, full of love. Not everyone will understand your worth but remember you deserve all the happiness and love in the world. Frankly I can’t believe how everyone isn’t in love with you because I for sure-“ Your best friend caught himself before he was about to spill out his feelings to you.
“You for sure what Jakey?” your voice was slightly shaky from all the crying. Jake didn’t know what to do, should he finally tell you about his feelings? Was that the right time? You softly held his larger hands in yours, urging him to go on. He was so scared of ruining your friendship which was the main reason he didn’t say anything all these years. But maybe it was time.
“Because I for sure am. I’m in love with you Kitten, for so long I can’t even remember now. You’re the best, you’re my best girl. How could I not fall for you when you’re so amazing? I love you, so much, so fucking much. I didn’t ever say anything because I was scared I’d lose you and ruin our friendship. You mean so much to me sweetheart, I don’t want to lose you. I respect you and our friendship too much.”
You hugged him again, trying to formulate the words. How could you have been so clueless all these years? Jake Jensen is the sweetest, funniest, smartest and kindest man you know. You know anyone would be lucky to be with him. To think he could love you all these years felt pretty unbelievable to you. You wanted to explore this new exciting feeling you got when he expressed his love for you. But maybe you needed time.
“You’re the most amazing guy ever, and I just- I’m vulnerable right now and I don’t want to make you a rebound somehow, because that will be extremely unfair. So what I am asking you, is to give me some time to reflect on everything before I can properly ask you out on a date. Which I will, very soon.” You told Jake who smiled softly, nodding.
“Hey, I won’t let you slip away after you just confessed your eternal love to me okay? You better not change your mind or anything.” You teased, trying to make the situation lighter but Jake was too emotional to take it lightly, he started shaking his head.
“Never, I won’t ever change my mind about you, I won’t ever leave you.” he kissed your forehead, and the simple loving action made you shed a few tears again. The man had been with you forever, has taken care of you always, more than you thought you deserved.
“I wish I knew about your feelings sooner Jakey,” He kissed your forehead again, “It’s okay though, maybe this is how it was supposed to happen. Maybe I had to realise it the hard way that I have always had, and always will have a gem of a person looking out for me, loving me for who I am. I care about you a lot Jakey and we’ll soon make up for the lost time. I look forward to it.” You smiled as he wrapped his arms around you.
In the comfort of Jake’s arms, you could visualise the journey you have shared with him till date, all those small moments of joy, of friendship, of love, how you wrote ‘Kitten and Jakey forever’ in his notebook back in school, even the tinge of jealousy you felt when you saw someone clinging on to Jake. You liked Jake, probably more than you ever realised. For the first time that evening, the dread you were feeling to face Johnny again didn’t trouble you much, because as always, you had the best guy you knew in your corner protecting and comforting you in any form he could. The two of you would figure it out like you’ve always had. A whole life ahead to figure out everything. A life with Jake Jensen.
tagging some friends: @madgep @rodrikstark @mrsdrysdale18 @mobbucky @andy--barber @writing-for-marvel
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