#Jackson ‘mad scientist’ Jekyll
hyde-ur-monsters · 1 year
might fuck around one day and write a short excerpt of Jackson’s slow descent into madness as his attempts to be perceived monstrous in order to finally be truly accepted by his peers grow more and more desperate
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I'm so mad that Monster High didn't just go full mad scientist with Jackson.
Like do you know what his last name is?
And you didn't make him unhinged?
Not even a little.
Hell even secretly, but frankly to me that only makes sense in the normie world.
Much like how Henry Jekyll kept that aura and outer facade of the good doctor, the pillar of the community.
In the monster world, makes no sense.
Would've made Ghouls Rule very interesting.
Also like there have been previous mad scientists in the show, outside of Henry Jekyll.
Mr Hackington, the mad scientist teacher has been the assistant to several mad scientists in the past.
Coach Ignor was a lab assistant.
Robecca's dad, Frankies grandad.
It's their why not use it.
Jackson being mad scientist has my whole heart.
Like he primarily experiment on himself.
But when he isn't, he cares for his creations and the oddities that come from his experiments.
Holt and him are intellectual equals, Holt just prefers to DJ and vibe but he's all for Jackson causing chaos.
Basically, Jackson Jekyll should should be like one step away from being an Addams.
Hell, use the beginning of Wednesday as his backstory.
Jackson Jekyll, the boy who has caused several incidents and atrocities. And maybe even murdered someone.
And has to be transfered to Monster High because they see he's following... A different path.
Watched over by the staff and his cousin Heath.
Finally finding where he belongs.
And he's having a blast.
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madscientistotd · 29 days
jackson jekyll from monster high
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jackson is the squeamish grandson of a mad scientist and lab assistant to his friend, frankie.
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luminol-of-the-stars · 10 months
The MH fixation is real
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But anyway, I drew my G3 versions of Holt and Jackson (and Frankie!) and re-read the MH book. To be honest I think they'll change the personalities of the two so I kinda adjusted them to that.
A little bit of stuff I wrote for them:
They're meant to have an 80s vibe going for them? Not sure if it makes sense but I feel like the bright neon colors would work well with both of them.
Best friends (or maybe more?) with Deuce CAUSE I CAN AND NO ONE IS STOPPING ME
I changed the location of the Band-Aid on their faces because I thought there was too much going on the right side for both of them.
I realized I forgot about Jackson's bowtie in the last drawing, which in my opinion is a key part of his character design.
I feel like Holt would have a mixture of 2010s and 2020s music tastes but mainly 2020s cause ya know the show is meant for recent culture.
If anyone takes off his headphones he has AirPods underneath them so he is extra prepared if anyone takes them off without asking
I feel like balancing the character dynamics with the group as a whole is really important given what we have in the show. More original guys are planning to join the group, which is great! I love G3's chaotic characters (mainly Lagoona, but everyone is a tad bit chaotic), so I wanted Holt and Jackson to be equally as chaotic. I do want to keep some aspects of their characters though, like Holt's impulsiveness and Jackson's nerdy stuff.
I might make reference sheets of them soon because my G3 ideas have been rotating in my mind for A WHILE to make sure that they make sense in canon. I've already created some episode concepts but seeing as the series is moving onto season 2, I'll just have to wait a bit.
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dorky-ramblings · 2 years
If Mattel actually does decide to add Jackson and Holt to Gen3 and they don’t make Jackson absolutely feral(as he is supposed to be a mad scientist), I will find them and make them change it
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peppapigvevo · 1 year
so as I'm drawing my next skullector idea (audrey and seymour) I'm realizing that Jackson and Seymour share a LOT of style beats (whether that's bc of Jackson's signature design lifting directly from Seymour or Seymour being the most popular image of nerdy guy idk)
so I want g3 to introduce Venus and shes best friends with Jackson
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grimm-bot · 6 months
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[cutely posts my Gravity Falls / Ever After High AU] [click readmore for more info]
Got autistic about dolls! Drew Dipper and Mabel as the twin children of Dr. Jekyll / Hyde. Yes, I know, Jackson Jekyll exists, but he's the grandchild of Jekyll, and I couldn't resist. I think mad science runs in the family.
I imagine their storyline would deal with the debate of which child is Jekyll, and which one is Hyde. Mabel is neat and shiny, and Dipper is rough and sardonic, but Dipper's the smart one and Mabel is the chaotic one. There's an aesop here about living up to your parents.
Mabel would LOVE being at Ever After High and hasn't read her fathers tale. Being a scientist doesn't sound as cool as being a princess, but it'll do. Dipper would start biting things
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pijakofspades · 11 days
New Scaremester spoilers(?? Kinda? I mean this post vaguely refers to a pattern I'm seeing without pointing out any individual event)
I can't wait to see Jackson Jekyll to just snap and actually become a *mad scientist*, bro's been through enough bullshit that him going on his villain arc in New Scaremester would be 100% justified.
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shadow-yato · 9 months
hey! about your tgs x mh au,
how do the lodgers react to the new inhabitant? do they have any theories about them?
do jackson and holt get their own lab? or do they become jekyll’s apprentices?
what sort of science does jackson do?
does everyone notice jackson and holt are gone, back in their original time?
or is it a situation of they’re sent back the exact second they left and so it’s like they were never gone?
i love the idea dude!!!! it’s so cool!
Tysm for asking!
💚The lodgers are absolutely enthusiastic about the arrival of Jackson and later, Holt! Jackson is very overwhelmed by the attention while Holt embraces it. The lodgers are of course loaded with questions. The two are an undeniable strange duo! Both being American, with their strange hair and attire- Both arriving coincidentally at the same time? One of them is a fire elemental? The other a budding mad scientist? And they’re only teenagers! The theories are wild to say the least. The most popular is that they're partners in crime, wanted in America for mad science, fleeing to London to escape the law!
Jasper and Holt have a kinship in both being monsters and Jasper’s enthusiastic to meet a fire elemental! Sinnett is enthusiastic to meet the embodiment of his passions, that is a walking fire hazard.
While Ito tends to get absorbed in her work, she grows a soft spot for Jackson. She sees herself in him. A young trans kid with a passion for neo-alchemy.
💚Jackson and Holt share a lab, though Jackson would love to apprentice under his great grandfather! Holt doesn’t really care for mad science, but he’s willing to try to hang out with Jekyll.
💚Jackson does neo-alchemy, just like Jekyll. He loves to create crazy potions and experiments, which got him in trouble more than once
💚It’s the kind of scenario where they’ll be sent back to the second they left
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silverjae · 4 months
Jackson jekyll redesign/in my au
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Still a normie nerd but more of a mad scientist and monster ie: more characteristics from fire sprit half, Vampire origins from before Henry Jekyll, Uncanny valley, ect.
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nixotinix · 2 years
Miscellaneous Jackson/Holt headcanons because I have them brainrot and I know these boys better than the MH execs actually. Below the cut :3
-My biggest and fave headcanon!! Jackson is actually Hyde's kid, and Holt is Jekyll's. Let me explain. In the original book (which I've read dozens of times, i have a problem), Jekyll is sociable, gets along well with most others, and is a popular figure in society. Hyde, meanwhile, is more of a recluse, sometimes disappearing for months at a time, and tends to shy away from the limelight. Hm. Now who between Jackson and Holt seems like the more social one? Now Nix, I hear you cry, what about Jackson's mad scientist element? That's a Jekyll thing. Yes, BUT. Social awareness tends to be more of an ingrained thing, something someone is either good at or not that good at. Science, on the other hand, is a skill, an interest. Something that can be changed or decided. Since most people assumed Jackson was Jekyll's kid, hell, they share a last name, I like to think Jackson was like yea, ok. Guess I should be good at science and he ended up really liking it. This is mostly just my 4 year Jekyll and Hyde hyperfixation talking, but feel free to talk w me about this!!
-Again pulling from the original J&H, Jackson and Holt can replicate each others' handwriting perfectly. Holt can, has, and will use this for mischief.
-Once again pulling from J&H, Jackson is taller than Holt, and Jackson is almost freakishly tall. Jackson is around 6'3" and Holt around 5'4". Holt usually wears platform shoes to make the height difference less noticable, but the difference is still definitely there. This also ties into my sweet sweet Jackson/Holt x Frankie heart, with Jackson being significantly taller than Frankie and Holt being a bit shorter (with Frankie at about 5'7").
-In addition to Crossfade, Jackson has three pet rats that he keeps in his coat pockets. Their names are Plato, Thales, and Socrates.
-Holt can play eight instruments: the guitar, bass, keyboard, drums, trumpet, alto saxophone, violin, and the lyre.
-Thanks to his fire elemental heritage, Jackson can create a small fire at his fingertips. However it takes a decent bit of concentration and it only lasts as long as he can hold his breath. In addition, he can withstand higher temperatures than most humans and, when exhibiting a strong emotion, his body temperature rises to the point that small heat waves can be seen rising from his shoulders.
-If Deuce gets to be besties with Jackson, he gets to be besties with Holt too. They hang out after Holt's shows and at Deuce's job.
-Jackson asked Deuce to stone him once "for science". Deuce refused adamently. Jackson is still trying to get him to agree.
-Due to my own personal backstory for the boys, they live with their dad in the monster world.
-They still hang out with Heath sometimes. Holt more often than Jackson.
-Jackson does all of their schoolwork save for music theory.
-Jackson likes sitting on elevated surfaces. Holt, to one-up Jackson, often sits on even more elevated surfaces. It's not uncommon for him to climb up onto the roof of a car or the top of a dresser.
-He also just likes climbing things.
-Both Jackson and Holt know sign language. Jackson because he's just kind of a nerd, and Holt because he can't really hear when he's out because of the fact he needs loud music to stay out in the first place.
-Jackson would never admit it, but he logs onto Holt's Spotify every now and then to listen to his playlist. They share similar music tastes. And maybe sometimes Jackson adds random songs just to be a little shit, but that's partially why he'd never admit it.
-Okay so maybe I have a 3 and a half hour playlist of songs I think Holt would like. You can't prove anything.
-Holt has only ever turned down an invitation to DJ once. It was for one of Cleo's parties that was shortly after that one Halloween. He still holds a grudge against her, but is willing to hang out with her for the sake of his friends.
-I have a song I associate with each of them the most. Jackson's is Mister Glassman by Scotty Sire and Holt's is Instant Crush by Daft Punk.
-In addition to music being a trigger for switching, another trigger is over/understimulation. If Jackson gets overstimulated, boom, Holt. If Holt gets understimulated, boom, Jackson. It's not as prevalent or common as music though.
-Jax makes dolls of his friends with locks of their actual hair and flakes of skin. His friends find it disgusting. He finds it endearing.
-he's been trying to off Heath with his doll for 4 years.
-Jax is kind of a homicidal maniac,,,,,,,
-While Holt is chill like,, 98% of the time, if he wants to be scary, he is downright TERRIFYING. Picture like,, bright blue flames, unblinking eyes, and a crooked-toothed grin. Enough to make almost anyone piss themselves.
-Holt is really only loud in big social settings. If he's ever one-on-one with someone or all alone, he's almost completely non-verbal. Whether it be social battery or the tism is unknown.
-Jackson, on the other hand, is quiet in big social settings, but will talk someone to death if they're alone with him. Rambling on and on about different chemicals and metals and their interactions with each other.
-That's all! Feel free to add your own hcs in reblogs or notes, I'll probably add on every now and then.
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ricecooka · 2 years
Why No Jackson in G3?
Spoilers for the LIVE ACTION Monster High Movie
Jackson and Holt are, to me, the most interesting male characters in all of MH canon. But, I'm doubtful he will make a return in G3, because of the complicated technicalities that the Live Action Movie introduces.
The big plot twist of the movie is Mr. Komos is the SON of the titular Mister Hyde and this puts a huge wrench in Jackson's lore. In canon Jackson Jekyll and by extension Holt Hyde are the GREAT GRANDKIDS of Jekyll/Hyde.
Now I like to keep the Movie and G3 Cartoon are two separate timelines using the same characters and roughly the same story told in alternate order. It could be totally plausible for Jackson to return in the animated series alone as the Cartoon and Movie are already somewhat disconnected.
I, however, have a very stupid but also very fun workaround to this hiccup in the lore.
Jackson makes a time machine and travels into the past where the new G3 gang are.
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Jackson Jekyll who's very much the mad scientist.
He tests all of his experiments on himself.
Jackson explains it all to Holt. He doesn't even have to simplify his explanation because Holt is just as smart as he is.
And Holt listens, he finds it morbidly fascinating and wants to see what happens.
Sometimes Ghoulia joins them if she's interested.
Jackson always asks and explains the process to Holt because there's always a chance it could affect him.
Jackson doesn't mind using himself for science but he doesn't want to subject Holt to anything he doesn't want to.
Holt's all for it, gives him a thumbs up, signs the consent form.
Sometimes Holt takes Jackson spot in his classes.
Just a "sorry teach, you see Jackson kinda accidentally drank the posion instead of the antidote. He's fine, but he is down for the count."
Jackson writes careful and consise notes on his laptop.
But he's had occasions when he gets so into his ideas that he ends up with notes all over his bedroom wall and ceiling.
Jackson gets good grades but he's always doing something else in class.
He'll finish the Hexemistry project and than pull out his own little project.
Sometimes the class has been evacuated for it but it was fine.
Jackson is Mr Hackington's favourite student.
Given he's the mad science teacher who's been an assistant to many mad scientists, not hard to see why.
Both of them pour over what ifs, what nots and Jackson has derailed whole lessons with questions.
Furiously taking notes and meeting his teachers enthusiasm.
Mr Hackington is a mentor to Jackson in the fine art of being a mad scientist.
He sees great potential in him and thus is very strict on him.
And Jackson, he's always ready for a challenge and having a teacher like Mr Hackington is a treat.
And few things piss Jackson off like people accusing him of malpractice.
He is very passionate about research and experiment ethics, caring for anyone who wishes to participate in his experiments.
Jackson gone on long rants about how the actions of other mad scientists, who have been caught for such things, making everyone else look bad.
He straight up almost walked out of the normie school when he heard they dissect frogs.
Jackson hid his, created a fake and than set his frog free in a local pond.
Saying that, Jackson has no issue threathing to dissect people who mess with him.
He thinks it's funny watching them run as he pulls a scalpel out of nowhere.
Someone stole his lunch once and ended up in the Horrospital.
Jackson has drank posion and complained about the flavour.
Jackson who might be part normie but is just as much a monster as everyone else.
Some would argue he's worse.
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raptorfae53 · 1 year
Monster High Reimagined
Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde character bio/Redesign.
Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde (he-him/he-they)
The hybrid human/Oni child of the Jekyll-Hydes,a mixed Human/Oni family.
(Mixed English-Barbadian and Japanese)
The twin latest descendants of Dr jekyll,due to his half-oni parentage,Jacksons rendition of the family "curse" manifests differently to the other ancestors on his human mothers side,with the "Hyde" side of him manifesting as his brother,Holt,who the introverted and booksmart jackson feels he stands in the shadow of,nevertheless maybe being inducted into the friend group of their (self appointed) lab partner frankie stein will give this mad scientist/Oni duo the chance to know other people,and possibly each other a little better…
Likes: (mad) science,stop motion animation and (often increasingly) spicy food/ DJing at gigs,mythology and folktales and music theory/ 80s movies and cricket/baseball.
Dislikes: Deafeningly loud environments,feeling out of place and experiments going wrong/ awkward silence,hot sauce and alcohol/ people underestimating them, and (human) dentists.
Killer style: As with most things ,jackson and holts dress styles are utterly unlike each other's in terms of colour (Holt preferring blue,orange and black and jackson white,yellow and green) style and the like,which is a somewhat unfortunate situation since both feel awkward in the other's respective look (jackson preferring a more preppy,emo-inspired getup and holt casual, colourful clothing). With the help of frankie's friend Clawdeen however,the brothers have devised several items of clothing that both can wear without needing to tediously change their entire outfit every time either one is in control.
Familiar: Crossfade,a chameleon and living proof of one of the rare instances where both brothers agreed on something,that being that he makes for an awesome pet,despite some of their peers saying he's a bit boring compared to their more exotic or fantastical critters.
Pet Peeve: A lot of the time,each other! Turns out not only can having one brother complaining and snarking in the proverbial "backseat" in your head whilst your in control of everything else be super irritating,but it can be super inconvenient when outside factors cause one to wrest over control to the other,especially when one sibling is deep in focus on a particular passion of theirs only to get forcibly ejected.
Freaky Flaw: Because of the external pressures the boys each face,both Jackson and Holt have a tendency to "tune out" as it were and throw themselves into their hobbies to the point of sometimes injuring themselves,which has happened more times than both would like to admit despite the durability afforded to them as half-oni.
Spooky Secret: both brothers slightly envy the other, with Jackson wishing he had a bit of Holts sociability so the feeling of FOMO in the back of his head would stop being so nagging and Holt in turn wishing he was a little more booksmart like Jackson,if only so the adults in his life would stop telling him about him "wasting his potential".
Dream job: Jackson would prefer a quiet,uneventful career as a scientific researcher or archivist,while Holt wants to live the loud globetrotting life of an in-demand DJ,this disconnect unfortunately further adding to the tension between the two of them.
Five Fearsome Facts:
Both brothers are massive movie buffs, with many 80s science fiction,fantasy and horror films being among their favourites. Jackson in particular being engrossed in the films practical effects and the many behind the scenes stories about how they were devised,whilst Holt Is often more appreciative of the sound design and iconic soundtracks that in his opinion adds a unique atmosphere and tone to each movie.
In addition to this, Jackson,an avowed lover of stop motion animation, spends a lot of the time not doing mad science making his own short stop motion movies and uploading them to his Bootube channel. Naturally the methodically paced process bores Holt out of his mind,a feeling Jackson himself experiences in return during the long hours Holt spends editing and mixing music for his gigs.
Both boys are ADHD/Autistic,but unlike many of their friends,they were undiagnosed up until starting high school. Because of this, both boys went through school isolated and instead threw themselves into their interests, especially whenever they got frustrated with themselves or each other.
Among the many things shared by jackson and holt are a set of taste buds. This wouldn't be a problem if not for Jacksons love of coating his food with increasingly spicier hot sauces,much to the woe of the ironically heat-intolerant holt,who is left to grovel in the backseat as it were throughout jacksons "experiments" with said condiments.
While he considers himself a scientist through and through,since starting at monster high jackson has also gained an interest in the arcane arts (despite,or perhaps because of the dangerous aspects of their study and use), comparatively Holt is less than pressed about the use of magic,preferring to use his skill as a dj show as opposed to using what he sees as simply flashy space-fillers to get a crowd dancing.
OK so compared to the last few profiles I've done this one is more a general overhaul to Jackson/Holts concept if anything
Firstly,their nonhuman parent is an Oni instead of a "fire elemental," namely because I'm surprised their wasn't an Oni character already (tbh I could go on a whole tangent about the lack of yokai characters in mh but that discussion/rant is for another day)
As for how their monster powers work,their persona swapping thing comes from their human mother and grandmother and their more fantastical features (short horns and tusks ect ect) from their oni mother. (Their design is also somewhat influenced by West Indian myths of the Soucouyant/Hag,which I've referenced by making them a quarter Barbadian)
Also in terms of how their gimmick "works", jackson and holt don't "black out" when the other is in control like in G1,but while one is in control the other can't really do anything but provide snarky/worried commentary. (If anything It's kinda comparative to how Venom and Eddie work in those movies if you've seen them)
Anyways,see you for the next one.
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cyrah-is-cool101 · 2 years
Punch Out x Monster High: Monster Institute
A crossover with video game, Punch Out, and cartoon series, Monster High (with inspiration from British sitcom, Mind Your Language)
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The Monster Institute is a school for all ages that teaches monsters to adapt in mortal society. Every monster is given a class program and in our story, we will be focusing on the Human Etiquettes Class, taught by Doc Louis, a human who is a gym instructor and is passionate about teaching monsters basic human etiquette, but will he succeed? Class is now in session!
Teacher: Doc Louis- a normal human who is the teacher of Human Etiquette, passionate and a love for chocolate bars
Little Mac (The Jackson Jekyll/Holton Hyde type)
Son of Jekyll and Hyde
Mac may look like a normal human but when exposed to loud music, he turns into Peter Pitch, a Hyde monster who loves sports and music. He sees Doc as more of a father figure and a mentor as well.
Star Mika (The Draculaura type)
Daughter of Count Dracula
Her mother id from a long line of Filipino vampires called Mananangal, who flies with their upper torso but she does not eat/like human flesh and prefers sweets. Mika may look sweet but don't get her angry or she'll scratch you. She loves learning about the mortal world, especially something called 'anime'.
Glass Joe (The Rochelle Goyle type but a little shy)
Son of the Gargoyle
A literal clean freak, Joe will be the first one to clean the classroom, he enjoys a nice cup of coffee and a baguette. He also happens to have feelings towards Mika.
Von Kaiser (The Frankie Stein type but more strict)
Son of Frankenstein
A boxing teacher and scientist, Kaiser is always tinkering with inventions and he does not like to swim since electricity and water don't mix well. A strict military type and often takes the role as 'class president'.
Disco Kid (The Twyla Boogeyman type but more of a party animal)
Son of the Boogeyman
A party monster, Disco loves to dance, listening to jazz and disco music but he's super clumsy when it comes to the difference between dancing and walking, a somewhat monster version of Michael Jackson, who he idolizes with a few other mortal singers and dancers. He often hangs out with Mac and Mika and he often carries a boombox to listen to music which results to Mac to turn into Peter Pitch.
King Hippo (The Posea Reef type but mute and a bit of a foodie)
Son of Maui
The son of the demigod of the wind and sea, a real eater. Hippo's appetite is infinite, he loves food, often sneaking food in class. He does not speak but has learn sign language thanks to Mika.
Piston Hondo (The Kiyomi Haunterly type but calm and collected)
Son of the Oni
Hondo is quiet and calm, an otaku and is never one to complain, he respects everyone in class. He loves showing Mika some anime which she would squeal in happiness whenever he gift her some anime merch. Hondo is also a very skilled warrior.
Bear Hugger (The Clawdeen Wolf type but is a bear and a animal lover)
Son of the Skinwalker
Bear can shapeshift into anything but is a big softie, a real sucker for nature and a huge fan of animals, he has a bear name Maple and a squirrel named Chipper. He loves maple syrup and often sleeps in class.
Great Tiger (The Gigi Grant type)
Son of the Djin
Tiger loves granting people wishes and performs magic tricks in front of his classmates, but of course, he often takes caution when granting wishes as the saying goes; 'be careful what you wish for.'
Don Flamenco (The Venus McFlytrap type but more romantic and is a demon)
Son of El Diablo (The Devil)
A real ladies man, professional matador and has a love for roses. Don is suave, handsome and charming, just don't make him mad or else you would face his wrath. Even though he has a girlfriend, a succubus named Carmen, Don is infatuated with Mika, however he often competes for her heart with Aran.
Aran Ryan (The Hybrid type)
Son of Leprechaun and Banshee
Being the son of two different monsters (aka a hybrid monster), Aran is equally mischievous and annoying, making him the class prankster. But he's actually a nice person, even though he doesn't show it. Always head-butting Don everytime he tries to swoon Mika, his 'favorite lass' as he likes to call her.
Soda Popinski (The Abby Bominable type but more cheerful)
Son of the Yeti
Soda, as his name stated, loves soda, he wears his heart on his sleeve and is a party monster just like Disco but he can be a sloppy drinker, often drinking soda in class all the time.
Bald Bull (The Manny Taur type)
Son of the Minotaur
Others might find angry but he's just serious. Bull is very camera shy and often gets short tempered when someone tries to evade his privacy, especially Don who often practice his matador skills on him.
Super Macho Man (The Gil Webber type but more egotistical)
Son of the Jersey Devil
Macho is an attention seeker, a wannabe superstar who loves to spoil Mac and Mika with a lot of gifts but the two of them, thought of him as 'a really caring but too spendthrift uncle'. Macho is also super rich, he loves too put money on the problem... sometimes.
Mr. Sandman (The Spectra Vondergeist type but more serious)
Son of a Sleep Paralysis Demon
Class monitor and often keeps anyone from beating each other to a pulp. Sandman always keep others from getting into trouble, he's also a Care Bear fan.
Supporting Cast:
Human Behavioral 101
Teacher: Hoy Quarlow (The Elissabat type but more older)
Son of the Jiangshi (Chinese Vampire)
Hoy is the descendant of a long line of jiangshi (Chinese vampires) who used to be a kung fu master and now, he is a teacher in Human Behavioral 101. He often sleeps when he tries to make a lecture or start a lesson but he tries to keep focus for the class.
Birdie (The Heath Burns and Kjersti Trollsøn type)
Son of the Phoenix
Birdie is Mac and Mika's best friend and is a professional gamer known as 'Fire_Bird', very passionate with gaming but he also cherish everyone.
Gabby Jay (The Garrott DuRoque type but more older and gay)
Son of the Gargoyle
Like Joe, he's also a clean freak but sometimes he takes cleaning very seriously, the strict grandpa type. Sometimes, he always flirting with Doc Louis (shout out to @kingmintyreturns) after class, much to Mac and Birdie's dismay but Mika thought it was romantic.
Bob Charlie (The Mouscedes King type)
Son of the Rat Man
Bob is a professional DJ, calm, collected and cool, a very mellow guy. Bob is somewhat laid back and a soccer fan, he doesn't get angry easily but when it comes to someone who insults music.
Dragon Chan (The Jinafire Long type)
Son of the Dragon
Dragon is one of Hoy's best student and treats him like a son equally. Dragon is fast when it comes to reading but is always fumbling with his words sometimes.
Piston Hurricane (The Hoodude Voodoo type but more serious)
Son of the Weather Element
Being a weather element, Hurricane often controls his emotions when using his powers, being stoic and serious (think of him as the male counterpart of Pipa [Disney Encanto])
Masked Muscle (The Skelita Calaveras type but is a luchador and proud)
Son of the Chupacabra
A famous luchador who is also Macho's rival and the two often compete on who the strongest man is. He's quite proud and is quite the ladies man, much to Don's dismay.
Heike Kegero (The Toralei Stripes type but nicer)
Son of the Kitsune
A flamboyant dancer and professional make-up artist, Heike is always there to give anyone a makeover. A perfectionist by heart, he's always perfecting his image, making a fuss about his hair.
Mad Clown (The Gooliope Jellington type but a little grumpy)
Son of the Killer Clown
Don't de fooled by his appearance, Mad Clown is all bite and no bark if you make him angry. He also has a sense of humor but he puts it with a grain of salt. Clown doesn't mind pranking others, especially Aran (who would be the target for Mika's paybacks).
Narcis Prince (The Clawdia Wolf type but more vain)
Son of Jack the Ripper
Being the son of a famous serial killer (and the only mortal), Narcis is both vain and crazy, always envious towards beautiful girls but maintain a gentleman status, the only friends he has are Mika, Heike, Aran and Joe.
Rick and Nick Bruiser (The Purrsephone and Meowlody type)
Sons of Orcs
The Bruiser Bros may look the same but have totally different personalities: Rick is loud, cheerful and rowdy while Nick is calm, quiet and smart, totally identical but different in many ways.
(Feel free to put your OCs in here and have fun!)
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ghostmistdraws · 1 year
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"Alright, let's do this one last time.."
[updated as of 02/10/24]
Hello! My name is Ghost (he/they + any neos) and this is my main tumblr blog! What do I do here? Well it's mostly just random and hyperfixation shit but I do post original art here! You can find any of my original posts under the tag #ghostsposts
I also write fanfiction over on my AO3 account! Go follow me here
What Fandoms you I engage with?
this changes often but as of now:
The Bad Batch
The Clone Wars
The Spiderverse movies (itsv and atsv)
Star Wars Rebels
Agents of SHIELD
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (book and musical)
The Glass Scientists
Arc of a Scythe
Percy Jackson + the Riordanverse
This is a Multifandom blog! (clearly) So chaos is warranted.
"Ghost! Do you have side blogs?"
Why yes good friend! Here are some relevant ones!
@the-crow-kid - side blog for cryptids, Gaidhlig, and punk subculture stuff
@ratbastardacademic - side blog for gothic literature, academia, mad science and general academic shittery
@sketchesfromghost - Art blog! Mostly shitty sketches.
+ more as I work on organizing my Tumblr account!
DNI if you're transphobic, homophobic, racist, ableist, or misogynistic PLEASE I do not want to deal with intolerance on any of my accounts.
#ghostsposts <- original posts
#ghostshitposts <- self explanatory, filter this if you don't care to see my rambles
#ghost rambles <- same as above
Tumblr media
I swear a lot to be warned.
Asks are always open! Come chat with me!
I hope to see you around here! Ghost out!
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