#Jack dal
gentlecat2008 · 5 months
Watching MacGyver again and just got to season 3.... let me just say, season 3 Mac is on another level of hotness
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offside-the-lines · 5 months
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hockeys as tumblr posts
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sevennone · 5 months
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240424 VGK@DAL | happy postgame 😸
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tapedsleeves · 5 months
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jack eichel taping his stick prior to game 1 vs dallas 4/22/24
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internet-go-brrrr · 8 months
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fate-motif · 11 months
i really do wonder whether dal would be more liked if he were played by a white performer. on one hand, it's not like he reads as a black character as written. the child-accessible, telegraphed dialogue and writing certainly make his initial stages as a cocky kid irritating to a lot of older viewers. then picard s3 happened and i was blown away by the response to jack crusher. i didn't even want to hate jack crusher at the start, he's not even an uncharismatic character. and yet the story just ruined any opportunity to like him by making a case for why he's the most important special little boy in the world who gets to do horrible things regardless of consequences but that's fine because he's starfleet royalty and you're just. ??? ????? how does anyone like this character after that??? and yet people do actually like this shithead still!!!!! but they don't like dal even though he went through really well-written and realistic character development???
i don't know. i can't stop thinking about it. it's weird.
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pixiedane · 1 year
I am once again begging Star Trek to hire a mental health, neurodivergence, and disability consultant.
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fourforyouodo · 9 months
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satelitis · 7 months
the school of rock movie gives me such a seratonin burst and it makes me so happy especially at the final performance scene
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have you ever tempted all the gods and fates with the amount of quiche filling you pour into a quiche
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I was bored!! So I thought it will be better to do a fanart!! And I thought I will do a Bluey and Star Trek: Prodigy crossover fanart!! I've chosen Rusty, Mackenzie and Jack for this fanart as I watched "Space" Episode of Bluey!! These characters are so great in their combadges!! Dal is teaching them some Starfleet Values and how to do LLAP sign as Vulcans do!! Both shows are best in their own!!! And I can't wait for more ST: Prodigy in Winter when S2 arrives!!
P.S. USS Protostar, flying in the background is my added touch!!
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For everyone interested in potc or who has nothing to do on Wednesday and is currently paying tv's bills, from next week there's gonna be a potc marathon.
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sevennone · 5 months
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240503 DAL@VGK | happiest massholes
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tapedsleeves · 5 months
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jack being interviewed by leah hextall prior to game 1 vs dallas, 4/22/24
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tribeworld · 2 years
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Il primo, “Jack Frusciante È Uscito Dal Gruppo”, è entrato nella mia vita sedici anni fa e l’ha completamente stravolta. Da allora è sempre stato porto sicuro, un rifugio nella tempesta della vita. Alex e Aidi in qualche modo sono sempre stati i miei amici più cari, tra quelle righe ho sempre trovato le rassicurazioni di cui avevo bisogno. L’equivalente cartaceo di una coperta e un tè caldo in un freddo pomeriggio d’inverno.
Oggi è uscito “Due” e arriva in un momento della mia vita in cui il cambiamento è letteralmente dietro l’angolo e se da una parte non vedo l’ora di leggerlo, dall’altra sono davvero spaventata.
Brizzi ha sempre trovato le parole giuste per dire le cose (una cosa che io, come sedici anni fa, sogno di imparare a fare bene come fa lui) e non so se sono abbastanza pronta, abbastanza forte, per leggere la storia dei miei due pirati che distanti si scrivono, si raccontano e soffrono una la mancanza dell’altro.
L’unico modo per scoprirlo, a questo punto, è leggerlo. E nel caso farmi un piantino.
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