#Jace Lightwood Imagine
myadmiringmind · 2 years
An Angels Arms | Jace Herondale
Jace Herondale Masterlist
Word Count: 1.7k
Genre: Domestic Fluff
Pairing(s); Jace Herondale x wife!reader, Magnus Bane-Lightwood x Alec Lightwood-Bane, Isabelle Lightwood x Simon Lovelace, Luke Graymark x Jocelyn Fairchild
Summary: You fall asleep after spending an evening surrounded by your family and friends, and you wake up in your husbands arms.
Warnings: Food, some sexual innuendos (kinda)
Characters included/mentioned: Luke Graymark, Jocelyn Fairchild, Mayrse Lightwood, Clary Fairchild, Simon Lovelace, Isabelle Lightwood, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, and Max Lightwood-Bane
Jace and reader are married
They live in the Herondale estate
Magnus and Alec are married
Max Lightwood-Bane is in this (he’s a little over one)
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The institute shined in holiday lights. It took everyone hours to decorate the inside of the institute. You could still hear Jace grumbling in your ear about how pointless the entire thing was. But you all had persevered. The institute looked so glorious. Many pictures were taken because everyone was very proud of the results.
Magnus summoned most of the decorations, others were made by everyone in attendance (even Jace though he wasn’t given a choice), and some even came from respective childhoods. 
The halls were filled with the sound of holiday music as you all decorated. With the occasional argument over decorations, (and the mishap where Max accidentally set multiple trees on fire), you were all putting in work. The institute truly looked like a Christmas card. 
Jace, being the angsty adult teenager he is, kept pestering you about when dinner was going to get there. 
Last night was Christmas Eve and though the majority were neither religious or didn’t celebrate Christmas, it was agreed to get together to celebrate the holidays that night.
The institute smelled delightful with multiple pastries and appetizers adoring the tables. 
First, you waited for everyone to show up. You and Jace got there early as the Lightwood siblings had agreed to help their mother with preparing the food. You decided to come along with Jace because you thought there was no point waiting three more hours waiting at home when you could show up early and help your mother-in-law. Jace hadn’t been looking forward to helping Mayrse cook and clean, any more than he was excited to see what food Isabelle decided to bring. 
When you portalled into the institute you immediately heard chatter in the kitchen. 
After setting down your bags of presents by the tree, you followed the noise and sure enough, Isabelle, Alec, Simon, and Maryse were already there. Mayse was standing very intimidatingly in the center of the kitchen giving everyone orders with a wave of the knife she was holding. 
“Ah, the perfect picture of Shadowhunter holidays.” Jace said announcing your presence
Mayrses head had snapped towards the two of you and she smiled immediately embracing her adopted son, and you as well (to your surprise). 
“Good, you’re here. Jace, go help Alec with the stuffing. Dear, if you could help Simon and Isabelle with the mashed potatoes that would be lovely.” 
Simon looked like he was meant for a baking show, with a holiday apron and white chefs hat. He seemed very concerned as he watched his fiance pour things into the bowl. When you came over he smiled, happy to not have to be the one to tell Isabelle that she wasn’t following the recipe correctly and therefore getting snapped at.
And so the next few hours passed with a lot of orders from Maryse and annoyed debate from Isabelle after she considered putting brownie batter in the mashed potatoes. 
Then, Luke and Jocelyn showed up holding ceramic bowls filled with food. 
Clary came only a few moments later her red hair disheveled and covered with snow, a bag clearly filled with presents hung at her side. 
Last, but certainly not least, coming fashionably late, was Magnus and a well dressed Max. 
Unfortunately Robert Lightwood had some things in Alicante that he couldn’t be excused for. So he was unable to join.
They invited Aline and her family but they were spending Christmas with Aline’s girlfriend, Helen, and the rest of the Blackthorn family.
Greetings went by swiftly and then everyone sat down and ate dinner. 
Afterwards multiple card and board games were gone through. Jace and Alec had gotten up sometime in the middle wanting to ‘fetch something’ but you translated that to ‘I want to go play swords with my parabatai’. They were only gone for a few moments before Mayrse had dragged them back saying they were going to ruin their nice clothes. 
You have to say your favorite part was when Mayrse began retelling past holiday stories about Jace, Alec, Isabelle, and their late brother Max.
Finally the presents were passed around. 
Max got an overwhelming amount of presents by Alec’s standards. 
“You guys really didn’t have to get him so many presents. I mean, you should see the amount that is lying under our own tree back home!” Alec stressed.
But Max was happy so he didn’t press much more. 
You gave Jace a ceramic duck, he glared at you and shook his head disapprovingly as everyone else laughed in amusement. 
“Just be glad I didn’t get a live duck like Magnus suggested.” You whispered
Jace looked a little horrified at the thought and shivered. 
After presents were done, the mindless chatter began. 
People would take turns playing with Max, and then Max would be passed around on people's laps once he started to get tired, eventually landing in Alec’s lap while Magnus played with his son's hair affectionately. 
You couldn’t remember when you first started getting lulled into sleep. Maybe it was when Magnus sat at the piano, playing multiple tunes that he had heard throughout his life. Probably not when Clary and Simon recited a holiday song they learned in elementary school. If you couldn’t guess they weren’t the best of singers. Perhaps it was when Jace started combing his fingers through your hair, as you laid your head against his chest. The warmth of his body and the rythmic sound of his heartbeat probably helped as well. Yeah, that was probably it. 
The light pours into your room. Not unpleasant but enough to wake you from your peaceful slumber. 
You quickly realize that you’re back in the Herondale house. The new familiarity of the room you and Jace (mostly you, since Jace kept insisting he didn’t care how you decorated) decorated. The single bookshelf that isn’t a far distance from your bed holds both of your favorite reads as well as photographs from your wedding, honeymoon, missions, and other memorable moments with your family and friends. 
Your eyes first go to a picture with Jace, who wore a wide grin with his nephew, Max on his shoulders wearing one quite similar. You took that photo while at a fair (something Jace had considered ‘childish’ but had a lot of fun at). It was at the end of the night. Max obviously exhausted, but overall ecstatic, it had been his first time at the fair. Jace looked sweaty and worn out but you could tell that he wasn’t tired. He was a shadowhunter after all. 
On a shelf down is a picture of you and Jace, simply talking. It was after a rougher mission and you were both bloodied and bruised but the look of pure love the two of you shared had drawn you to frame it. 
Looking towards the left, on your windowsill was a picture from your wedding. You in your gold dress, and Jace in his button up black shirt with his black leather jacket. You and Jace were sitting down, tired from socializing and dancing. Your head was on his shoulder and he was peering down at you, a big smile on his face, one that reflected on your own. 
You laugh a little bit thinking back to a time where you thought you and Jace would’ve never been. How happy you are that you were wrong.
“What are you laughing at so early in the morning?” A familiar voice rasps, still laced in sleep
You shake your head moving your body so you could face him. “Nothing.” you smile brightly looking at him. 
Jace Herondale, your husband, who is more angel than the majority of Shadow Hunters, has killed more demons than anyone his age, and a damn good shadow hunter, is laying in bed next to you, his eyes lined with a reminisce of sleep. 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” The blonde voices with a tired smirk
You huff out a laugh and comb your fingers lazily through his blonde locks. 
Jace makes a grumble of appreciation and his mouth softens to a genuine pleased smile. His head subconsciously leans into your head.
You smile and go down for a kiss, one he returns with great pleasure. 
Kissing Jace Herondale is how you would imagine a goodbye-this is the last time I might ever see you again-kiss. Its hard, full of passion, and yearning.
His hand is on the back of your head with a firm-but not too firm-grip keeping you close. 
You are the one to pull away first causing a noise of disapproval from your husband. 
“Merry Christmas.” You barely manage to say before Jaces lips were back on yours. 
With a bit of a struggle you pull back and smiled, “We need to get ready.” 
Jace scoffs disapprovingly, “What for?” 
“We’re supposed to be meeting up with your family again later.” You answer
“Later. We saw plenty of them last night. I’m sure they won’t mind me spending today with my wife.” He says before pulling you in for another kiss
“You spend every day with me.” You murmur trying to hold onto the thought of Alec, Magnus, and Max who were expecting you later on. 
“And everyday I only want you more.” He whispers, his hands roaming your body in pleasure, pulling you closer to him as if you were pulling away.
But you weren’t, you're not sure you could when you wanted him just as much. 
You pull back and hold his face in your hands, his lips still only a few inches from yours. 
He pouts and glares at you. 
You laugh in response. 
“We can’t miss breakfast. Magnus will hold it over our heads for the rest of our lives.” 
“I don’t give a flying fu-” Jace began only for you to cover his mouth
“Jace!” You laugh a little. Just a little. 
The famous Herondale smirk was ever so present when you remove your hand. “Fine. We can do breakfast, lunch, and dinner or whatever but after that you’re mine for the night.” 
Your heart skips a beat, “Sounds wonderful.” 
He smiles bringing you in this time for a warm embrace.
“I love you.” You murmur into his shoulder
“I love you more.” He murmurs back, a stupid grin on his face.
edited on 05/16/2024
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day 3 of Halloween imagines
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Imagine: Going to a Halloween Party and Jace catches sight of you in your costume before you go. and Alec teases him about Jace’s face. 
It wasn’t every day you go out to a Mundane Party, But Simon invited you out with Clary and Jace was Protrolling tonight so he couldn’t Go, Alec simply didn’t want to And Isabelle was going out with Jace. 
you’ve never been to A Halloween Party Shadow hunters just don’t celebrate Halloween. when Simon said you had to dress up. Clary gave you ideas. each however was a “monster’ or just a sexy Nurse, doctor, or police officer. Anything “Sexy” seemed laughable to you. you weren’t sexy you were Curvy. But Not “Sexy” so Anything Sexy was a NO. but anything Monster seemed offensive to you. a Witch? a Ghost? a vampire? Clary suggested A Cat. but as you searched thru different costumes they were all other very bulky or Very Skin tight outfits. then you came across a Onesie Bear costume with cute little ears and fluffy warm mitten/paws. you instantly FELL in love with it. and bought it. Clary tried to stir you towards a more ‘mature” costume but the bear Onesie was what you wanted. So Clary didn’t fight too hard.
since hearing you were attending a Halloween Party. Jace has been curious about what you would be. knowing you, you wouldn’t be any down order it would offend someone and you had the heart of gold you actively go out of your way to be considerate and kind. Not a Single-cell In Jace’s body doubted you wouldn’t be a down order. He heard Clary mention to Izzy that she was trying to stir you to be a Sexy Nurse. or a Sexy farmer.  but again Jace Knew you wouldn’t feel comfortable showing that much skin. Even those who were Raised to be a Bad Ass Shadowhunter weren’t like Izzy you didn’t flaunt your Skin and preferred to be more covered up and wear comfy clothes vs Anything Izzy would wear. One time he saw you wearing Leather you were so uncomfortable you had to put a calming ruine onto your skin to calm you down. it was for a mission. Izzy dressed you up like her and you Nearly passed out. Hating leather. 
Jace narrowed down his Ideas of your costume to another A Cat, which was a common costume. Or a pumpkin. the more Jace thought about it. the more he was certain you would come down in a big orange pumpkin outfit.
“Has Y/N mentioned what she’s going on?” Jace looked up from the piano seeing Alec walking into the room and flopping down onto the sofa. 
Izzy was sitting already fixing her nails. “No, Not yet. those Clary. didn’t seem too impressed. but also impressed she said she was shocked. when Y/N picked out her outfit. I knew I should of went with her. I love Y/N but she never takes risks.” 
Jace rolled his eyes hitting the C major key when the door opened again to see Clary. Went as a Statue of liberty while Y/N came in smiling brightly.  
Jace’s face instantly lit up seeing you. your face was painted probably by clary to look like a teddy bear face. as you were jumping happily giving Alec a big bear hug. you were their age. but you weren’t guarded or hardened by your life’s work. you loved kicking ass and were a decent fighter. but you were also just a Ray of Sunlight. All the leaders of each group love it when they get to chat with you. you were just a ray of Goodness. 
When you first arrived two years ago. Jace took one look at you and rolled his eyes thinking you would be an Annoying hunter who probably wasn’t any good. but when you saved him from a pack of demons. and then went on calling him an idiot. he was hooked. 
He always turned to you when he was miserable and needed cheering up or just a simple smile. you would deliver almost instantly so seeing you as a Bear. A Cute bear in a Onesie outfit he couldn’t help the big bright smile as you gave Izzy a big hug. then you went to Jace giving him a big squeeze he hugged you instantly resting his head on top of yours as he grinned. he loved when you hugged him. he could survive on just your hugs. Clary soon mentioned they were running late and you freed Jace telling them to be careful as the two friends dashed off. 
“My God! I haven’t seen you smile that big. in my entire life.’ 
Alec Loved Teasing Jace about his Crush on you. you weren’t the typical girl Jace has fallen for before, he normally went after girls like Clary. brave bold, strong pigheaded girls. who were badass. Alec was for a time worried Jace would fall for Izzy But that fear changed when they grew up and Jace never looked at Izzy that way. Jace had a game. he knew how to make a girl smile, what to say what to do. but when it came to you. he was a complete mess. you had No idea the effect you had on him. Alec Also Loved the fact the sweetest kindest girl in the world the one who would beat the crap out of a down worlder and refuse to Cuss who uses words like “Sugar!” instead of Shit.  caught not only the eye of his brother. but had Absolutely No idea How much of a hold you had on him. Alec could feel the Love Jace had for you whenever Jace thought about oyu. and that was often and when you were in the room just minding your business doing nothing special just talking to someone. he could feel Jace looking at you. “Just Ask Y/N out already! i can’t stand this Sappy Love eye sanymore! it’s making me Sick.” 
izzy chuckled at her brother as she spoke, “I can’t believe she’s wearing a Oneise to her first Halloween Party! I should give Simon a warning Y/N looks too adorable.” 
Jace tensed up hearing that. why would Simon need a warning as Izzy spoke, ‘you know- he asked if she liked him. he’s thinking about asking her out-” 
Jace’s eyes grew large as he bolted out the door and after you. No way in Hell he was losing you to SIMON! 
Izzy grinned seeing Jace’s reaciton as Alec was stunned, “Simon really likes her?”  
“God No! but he doesn’t know that. and now he will finally ask her out!” 
“that is prue evil. I love it.” she chuckled at Alec as they fist pumped. now neither one of them could wait to hear what you said. or what Jace siad. cause Izzy knew you would be asking for advice and telling Izzy everything when you get home.
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statticscribbles · 2 years
❤️ and Jace (from shadowhunters)
♥ - family headcanon
Jace has never had a family dinner.
"Alec get your kids down here to eat!" Isabelle shouts and Simon chuckles when Magnus is holding one of them.
"What's going on? training?" Jace tilts his head and Simon laughs more.
"We normally.."
"Yes; this isn't normal; come sit." Simon nods to the table and Jace finds Isabelle shoving him into a seat; Max sits across from him. It's the first time Jace has seen him since he almost died.
"You alright?" You ask sitting next to him and Jace tries his best not to scowl.
"Should be asking you; you saved him; can't have been easy; dragging him back from; the other; realm." Jace fidgets; you've never seen him so nervous.
"Simon pass the- thank you." You nudge Jace who drops his spoon; that he'd only picked up in a panic.
"What's going on." You whisper.
"I've never done this before.."
"Had a family dinner?" He shakes his head and you squeeze his hand under the table.
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im-out-of-it · 3 months
I’ve seen book stans shitting on the show (and also CC) but I’m just saying, it could have been a lot worse. I’m not here to say it was perfect except for malec which was wonderfully done. but imagine if it followed the books. if it followed the incest, Simon cheating, Alec being biphobic, magnus not communicating very well and also basically going after 17 year old Alec, and all the other unnecessary shit and problematic writing
so yes, I’m glad they changed the show. I’m glad they upped their ages and didn’t make it all about clace, and actually did Malec well. it’s always so funny to me “tHeY dIdN’t FoLlOw ThE bOoKs” ok so what’s the problem lmao IM FUCKING HAPPY THEY DIDNT
it is a shit show but watch it just for malec and watch Alecs development, these two lovely men falling in love with each other, it’s a fucking treat. so I’m going to doing my millionth (probably) rewatch. I will ignore clace, have no interest in jace and clary (because I hate them and they’re shitty characters as we know them to be.) and get excited about Malec. I don’t care what anyone says but Matt and harry seriously gave their characters their fucking all. they created (I think) these parallels for them and deepened their characters, and added some neat tidbits. stuff that wasn’t included in the books because CC didn’t give a fuck about them until it made her money (just my opinion.) lmao
to me, they’re so underrated because harry and Matt seriously made you endure fucking clace just to watch the show for malec. that’s some fantastic acting 🥲 so I’ll be bitch posting while I’m enduring this show for my favs: Alec, magnus, and Izzy 🥰
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margareturtle · 5 months
Rip Livia Blackthorn and Max Lightwood
The TWP gang would’ve been just too powerful with y’all as a part of it 💔😔
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multifan2022 · 2 years
MultiFans MasterList
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
How Could you-
Part 1
Part 2
Use to be yours-
part 1
Part 2
Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4/Fin
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Daddy.. I mean Cyclone
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Wildest Dreams
Tommy Shelby- Too Little Too Late
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Paul Lahote- Shifters
Y/L/N Pack
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Druig/Billy Russo
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Jace Wayland/Jonathan Morgenstern
Part 1
Sebastian Stan Characters
Part 1 
  Part 2
TJ Hammond
Lance Tucker
Bucky Barnes
Aleksander Morozova- The Darkling Shining in the dark
Part 1
Bjorn Ironside - Another Life
Part 1
Golden Lies
Four Eaton
Ransom  Drysdale
Go the Distance 
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ghoulie-67-baby · 9 months
Try and stop me Part 2 - Shadowhunters.
Summary: You seek some comfort for you newly festering wound.
Warnings: Changing clothes, pet names, angst, crying, heartbreak.
Pairing: Lightwood family x Adopted!reader.
Word count: 1,370.
Note: This may be a little angsty projection from me so I apologise profusely.
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I hadn't thought through this as much as I should have considering it was pouncing down with rain and I was wearing Jeans, black boots and a thin jumper. Most people would have grabbed a coat but I was so angry and aching to leave that I hadn't thought about it. So as I stomped through the streets, drenched and freezing I cursed myself thoroughly.
I had told Jace, Alec and Izzy they would know where to find me but I didn't even know where I was going. I let my mind zone out and wander, my feet carrying me wherever they felt like. Puddles splattered up my calves soaking me to the bone as I just walked and walked. All I could think of was how Robert was lucky I didn't reveal what I knew but my Mom didn't deserve the heartache of that so I had kept his filthy secret though every fibre of my being screamed against it.
The already dark skies blackened as the evening turned to night and I was violently shivering as I walked down the streets, ignoring the looks I was getting off Mundanes. My aching feet carried me down street after street, alley after alley until they carried me to an apartment I didn't care to pay attention to. Icy hands clenched as they knocked painfully against the wooden door that stood before me. I felt like my eyes had sunk into their sockets, long dried up from tears, and my lips were chapped from the cold and me biting them. I waited patiently as my head throbbed and pounded before knocking on much louder this time. A voice behind the door sounded extremely annoyed at the disturbance and the locks on the door jiggled and clicked open after a few moments.
"So help me if this isn't important then I will turn you into a hamster and keep you in a cage!" The door swung open and I lifted my head wearily to meet the gaze of the person, who was dressed in silk pyjamas. "Y/N? What on earth happened to you?" Magnus' voice softened considerably at my state and I just glanced down at Chairman Meow who wound himself between the Warlock's legs. My eyes welled up, much to my surprise, at the softness of his voice.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, it's just, that I'm not welcome at the institute at the moment." I could barely speak above a scratchy whisper. "I just let my feet carry me and they brought me here. I was kind of hoping you would know what to do." My eyebrows furrowed as I spoke, confusing myself with what I wanted from him. Magnus' hand reached up and tucked a dripping straggle of hair behind my ear as I trailed off.
"Come in Cupcake, let's get you warmed up." Gentle hands guided me into the apartment and I stood silently as he wandered around getting towels and clothes for me. My mind was foggy until he stood in front of me and lifted my chin with his finger. My lip trembled as I stared into his eyes, willing myself not to cry anymore.
"He doesn't want me Mags, he never did." A look of confusion took over his features. "Robert doesn't want me. I'm not good enough. I tried to be, but I'm not." The warlock shook his head gently.
"Let's get you comfortable and then we'll talk. You'll get ill if you stay in these any longer. You're too fragile for magic at the moment so by hand will have to do." I was almost catatonic as he took me to the bathroom to change but I just stood in the middle of the room, not being able to move as my head was overloaded with thoughts. Eventually, he gave up and got me stripped out of the sodden wet clothes, incredibly respectfully, before slipping me into a pair of his grey bed joggers and a long-sleeved t-shirt. His warm hands then guided me back into the living room and onto the cloud-like cushions of the sofa. Within moments I had a hot cup of tea on the coffee table, a hot water bottle on my lap, a blanket around my shoulders and a very concerned-looking Magnus who had sat himself beside me giving me his full attention.
"We were having dinner as a family and he asked me why I hadn't been training so I explained how I'd fallen behind on the books and he started to tell me how I should have caught up because I'd had four years to get it done and that I'm lazy and don't work hard enough." My voice was hoarse and tired. "He never wanted me, Magnus, from the moment Maryse took me in he's looked through me like I'm a ghost. He told me I've never really been a Lightwood, that I take advantage of them." I clenched my fingers together as I spat out his words. "He wishes he hadn't let Mom take me in."
"Don't say that Pumpkin, of course, he wants you, you're his daughter too." I laughed bitterly as the first lot of tears slipped out.
"No, that's the thing. He said it, out loud, in from of Mom, Jace, Alec and Izzy. He said they didn't have to take me in and he was starting to wish they hadn't." I watched as his eyes widened in horror and his thumb brushed my knuckles softly. My lip trembled like a child's whilst my chest heaved.
"I just wanted him to see me. I wanted him to be proud of me and to love me like he loves them. I just wanted him to notice how hard I was trying, wanted him to see how everything I did was to make him happy." My voice broke and my vision blurred with tears. "I just wanted a dad. I've never asked them for anything. But I just wanted him to be my dad." Instantly I broke and my barriers released. My face streamed and I fell forward, letting Magnus catch me against his chest holding me as close as he could. My sobs and wails filled the room as my heart ached in my chest though it threatened to jump out.
The pain that I felt was nothing like I had felt before. Not even like what I felt after my parents abandoned me because this time I had lost someone that I actually loved. Lighting strikes of anguish struck me over and over, doubling me over to the point where I struggled to breathe from my crying. As my body shook, the force of it made Magnus' body shake too though he didn't mind. The Warlock held me, a hand on my back and the other cradling my head as his own tears dripped into my hair. I could hear myself saying the same words as I sobbed; He doesn't want me, it was like venom to my system, taking over and shutting it down, breaking me down by the second until I lay boneless in the arms of the Downworlder.
I didn't have the energy to cry anymore, didn't have the words to make myself feel better, didn't have the frame of mind to think clearly or the motivation to try and deal with this properly. My sobs had stopped and silent tears ran down my reddened cheeks and onto Magnus' already-soaked pyjama shirt as Chairman Meow nuzzled into my hands, providing his own comfort which I gladly accepted.
"Get some rest Pumpkin, we'll talk about this when you've got a little more energy." Magnus swung my legs up on the sofa and settled so I was lying with my head on his chest as he wrapped me up in a mountain of blankets. My skin was still cold to touch and I burrowed against his warm skin with a tired sigh as I closed my eyes and willed sleep to come. Eventually, I managed to drift off to the sound of the Warlock's heartbeat, his soft humming of an unfamiliar song and the gentle purrs of the cat that was curled up on his chest beside me.
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lislgtwd · 8 months
just to understand: am i the only person on earth who would love for the scene (which was fairly deleted) of jace kissing alec to prove that he was never in love with him to be in the final version of cog??
imagine jace brooding over the disappointment of being rejected by his parabatai for the rest of his life and tell me if that wouldn't be hilarious
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Raphael taking a liking towards you
(Raphael x fem!reader)
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helenofblackthorns · 11 months
do you think Alec ever like reads reports on the yearly births and pretends he doesn't notice the weird (even for shadowhunters) number of children named Jonathan
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themoonsbride · 2 years
Just Want You To Be My, Emergency Contanct .
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pairing; Jace Wayland x Gn!reader
Summary; Your body has been pushed to its limit and you faint, mid mission, with no word to Jace about it.
warnings; demons, fainting, body giving out, description of injury, mentions of death and denial
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Your adrenaline was pumping through the roof, your breathing was rough and unsteady, it burned your nostrils how harshly you'd been breathing in. Sweat was beaded on your forehead and trapping itself under your clothes, making you feel uncomfortable, but too fixated on killing all the demons around you to care.
You and the rest of the crew were out on a mission, You were fighting with Isabelle. Jace and Alec were somewhere else in the huge layer you'd broken into.
wether or not these were summoned demons or just ones who seemed to have ended up here on their own somehow, you didn't know. Your mind felt fuzzy and blank, your clothes were covered in dirt and blood.
You saw Isabelle out of your perberferal vision, she was busy taking on 2 different demons.
In a way you had looked up to her even if you both were around the same age, but she was always extremely independent and spoke up for herself.
And she was really, really good at fighting when it came to missions, she was always self aware.
The demons you were taking on had big claws, and they seemed sharp. They had the arms and legs of dogs and disfigured black heads that you couldn't even describe into words of what it looked like.
But it was horrifying to look at. And you'd been doing your best to dodge the claws of the beasts as you fought, trying to swing at them with your blades and fists.
Your mind felt overwhelmed as you started to feel that feeling in your throat you'd develop before you cried.
But your waterline was far from wet with salt. It felt as though there was eletric hot wire tightening itself around your throat. Your body felt tired and sore from how much work you'd been forcing onto yourself lately.
You weren't sure how much longer you'd be able to attempt to kill the demons off before your legs gave out, you turned your head over to Isabelle.
"Isabelle!" you called out.
"a bit busy here!" she shouted back sounding frustrated, though it'd only been from her concentration being interrupted.
You grunted and groaned as you felt your body starting to cave in, doing all you could to force yourself to keep fighting, your feet were swelling in pain, and your whole body now felt as though the figurative barbed wire that was making your throat sore has wrapped itself around it.
You felt your fingertips tingle and your body weakened more and more.
"I..Isabelle!" You faintly yelled, She shoved her blade right through the demons skull, killing it as it turned to goop and began to dismember more until it was a slimy pile of nothing.
She turned around, nostrils flared and eyes wide. She called your name and watched as one of the demons gashed it's claws into your right thigh and forearm. She gasped as she ran over whilst your vision blurred and soon faded into pitch black.
Jace and Alec had finished their part of the mission and were now in the institute, waiting for you and Isabelle.
And soon that waiting for 15 minutes, turned into 20, which faded from 20 to 30, which ended up being into an hour.
At this point Jace wasn't even aware that Isabelle had returned, all he could think about was you, and how you might've died.
You couldn't have died, no, he didn't want to let himself beileve you died, not without knowing.
In reality, you weren't dead, obviously. You were with Isabelle, in her room, resting in her bed as her and Alec helped give you antibiotics and put a protection rune above your left wrist.
"Does Jace know were here?" Isabelle questioned her brother Alec, he turned to her, his hands at his sides.
"He should know." And then he left to go get more medicine to help your limps fully heal from its wounds. It would most definitely leave scars.
It took about 2 hours for you to awake, which meant Jace had spent the last 3 in denial about you being "dead"
It was silly, really. Did he really think Isabelle would've let you die? With how responsible she always is? Yeah right, she wouldn't let you die even if she were 3 states away.
"You should take a lukewarm shower, clean off those wounds carefully and get a chance to wash all the dirt and blood out of your hair." Isabelles voice spoke in an English, firm accent as she leaned against the doorway of her bathroom.
You looked over at her, sitting up, nodding your head.
"Does Jace know were back?"
"No clue." She handed you a towel and strided over to her dresser, assuming she was getting you some more comfortable clothing for after you got out. you simply just nodded to yourself before closing the door to the bathroom.
You were walking around the institute, specifically aiming for Jaces room, you were hoping he'd known you were here and not in a ditch somewhere.
Once you arrived you knocked on the door lightly, which was quickly answered, once his eyes were met with yours, he let out a breathe he seemed to have been holding almost all his life.
"You're alive." He said relieved, he looked on edge and still dirty from earlier.
"Yeah I'm alive?" you said looking at him strangely, so he did think you died, how lowly of him to think of Isabelle.
"I haven't seen you or Isabelle in almost 4 hours, Y/n."
"Alec didn't tell you we came back?"
"No? he knew before I did and didn't tell me?"
"clearly not." you smiled at him.
"sorry you thought I've been dead for 4 hours" you laughed at your own words from how ridiculous it sounded, but there was a part of you inside that truly did feel empathy for Jace, it must have been terrible not knowing where the both of you were after so long with no word from anyone.
"I'm so glad you arent." He said stepping closer to you, you knew you had feelings for Jace for awhile now, You were both in the library and he was helping you identify runes and memorize them for worst case scenarios. He'd cracked a joke and the both of you ended up laughing together for almost 10 minutes, and the best part was, was that the joke was horrid and not even that funny.
"yeah me too."
"no, Y/n, seriously."
"I'm being just as serious as you are"
"really then?"
"more serious than this?"
And suddenly, his finger was under your chin, gently lifting it up for you to look at him and then your lips connected, the earth started to spin and fireworks of butterflies exploded in your stomach, untying the knot it put itself into.
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myadmiringmind · 2 years
Jace Herondale in a relationship with someone who has anxiety
Jace Herondale Masterlist
Note: A little self-indulgent here because I have diagnosed anxiety
Warnings: Anxiety, crowds, food, among other things.
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He picked up on it really fast
He might not have realized it was anxiety but he just knew that you were uncomfortable
Jace tries his best to help you
If you feel overwhelmed by a crowd he’s quick to pull the two of you in an alleyway so you calm down
Afraid of speaking? He’s got you
He knows your thoughts and motives so he has no problem communicating your thoughts to someone else
Also has no problem telling someone off or punching them for making you uncomfortable
If your nervous from someone staring at you he steps in between the two of you
Nervous about a fight? He’s never out of your sight
He likes to name the facts or his observations
For example: you think everyone is staring at your outfit while at a restaurant
He catches your eye
“Everyone is here to eat.”
“This place is pretty, they’re admiring the scenery.”
“Did you see the way his eye just twitched?” He’s on a first date with that girl, he’s too busy trying to impress her to notice anything around him. Like how he’s about to spill the water right down his shirt.”
“You don’t know these people. They don’t know you.”
“Even if you were ever to be in the same room again, you wouldn’t recognize each other.”
“You look stunning.”
If it’s too loud in a room and you’re okay with it, he wraps him arms around you and pulls you to his chest so you can listen to his heart beat
Will defend you from anyone
This man would fight to the death for you
Overwhelmed by the amount of work you need to do? He helps you plan it out with plenty of breaks inbetween
Has an endless amount of patience for you
Would sit with you for hours to help you on whatever you’re doing
He’s really good at massages too
If you’re having a headache or you’re stiff he doesn’t mind rubbing your back, shoulders, head, etc.
But he would like one in return
If you’re feeling overstimulated from talking to so many people he’ll find an empty area where you can be alone, or he’ll just take you home
He doesn’t care if it’s an important event you are his #1 priority
He’s subconsciously making sure that you’re eating enough and drinking enough water
He’s probably showed up to your room before with either a nice snack or meal saying how, “You have not eaten.”
He’s your emotional support person when you go out into the wild public
He doesn’t care if you cling to him or follow him around at a social event the entire time, in fact, he enjoys it
I feel like he’d ask, “Do you want comfort or solutions?” If something bad happened
Solutions is easier for him given how he was emotionally abused by Valentine
But he tries his very best to help you through your emotions
if he’s not with you, he’s worried the entire time
Like seriously, he’s acting like a parent
doesn’t like to be away from you if he knows you could be put into a situation where you get anxious (which is a lot)
Big on praising you
He’s good at noticing what your most self-conscious about and he just spends so much time praising it
He has a really nice voice too
Sometimes he just whispers to you while in public events about nonsense just to distract you or to make you smile
Doesn’t give a fuck who sees the two of you (unless it puts you in danger)
If you’re insecure about other people finding him attractive he’d probably make out with you in front of them just to remind you that you’re the only one he cares about
He probably has some anxiety too
He just doesn’t realize it
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mwagneto · 30 days
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statticscribbles · 2 years
Summary: Jace Wayland x lightwood!ftm reader; Reader is pregnant and struggles with how to tell Jace
You’re pretty sure Jace asking you to marry him was the hardest thing he’d ever done; you joked he always did the hard work and you were a little embarrassed how proud you were when you’d watched him walk down the aisle; playfully turning traditions on its head. Being a Lightwood meant you were always going to be a hunter; it was in your blood as much as it was in everyone else’s at the institute; so no one was surprised that despite the usual wedding ceremony, and marriage runes you both carved into each other’s shoulders there was still room to improve of the stereotypes of the bride walking down the aisle since you were his husband as much as he was yours.
That was two years ago and you wouldn’t change anything that had happened since then; or give anything up. You stare down at a positive pregnancy test; apparently the birth control rune wasn’t as effective as Clary had promised. You know no one in the institute cared that you had transitioned; they didn’t know the details and they didn’t need to; all they cared about were that you could still hunt. Looking back down you realize this might be something they care about; if only for the fact they’re losing out on you being a hunter for at least a year. If not longer depending on how everyone feels about babysitting. You chuckle a little at the idea of your brother and sister becoming an aunt and uncle; or them babysitting.
You don’t know how you managed to keep it a secret for so long. You really do think it probably helps there’s been a rise in demon attacks. You try not to be too conscious of avoiding hunts; of trying to make ti obvious something was wrong. Isabelle and Alec already knew; and you knew they were trying to keep you out as much of the actual fighting as possible.
At least the excuse they were coming up with was your anniversary with Jace was coming up and they didn’t want you getting banged up to ruin whatever he had planned. Which is how you find yourself sitting with Alec struggling to try and explain why you need him at the next doctor's appointment; the one confirming you’re actually pregnant. You’d been going to a doctor that Alec had found; one who was aware of the Shadow hunters; aware of you, of what having children would mean for you; who wouldn’t flinch at any runes you had on you. He’d even added a few of his own; health and protection he’d said. They were small; easily hidden by your regular clothes; not that jace even seemed to notice them.
“Did you figure out how to tell him?” Isabelle nods and you grin at her.
“Yeah I’m just going to come out and say it.”
“Really you’re hitting him with the double whammy of ‘i’m pregnant and it’s twins’ You sure that's… Simon no! It’s Y/N… he’s… Do not say a word; why are you here..”
“There’s a higher demon; well signature of one; we all have to go… Sorry Y/N can’t give you paperwork today.” Simon grins; clearly already having accepted he’s going to be an uncle. He looks a little relieved and you wonder if he and Isabelle have ever talked about kids; Jace and you had, but it had been a quick conversation; a nice thought for when the threats were taken care of. Not now, not when there was a risk of a higher demon being around.
“Is everyone ready?” Jace shouts; making sure everyone has their weapons out. You’re towards the middle; you know Simon and Alec had collaborated to make that happen; you also knew Jace had no idea; so when you all run in to jump into the main fight you try your best not to be too nervous at the demons that seem to have no end.
“What the fuck were you thinking!!???! Why the fuck would you try to…” Simon grimaces as Jace snarls at him; clearly annoyed he’d jumped in front of the blast.
“Y/N can take care of himself; you know you can’t handle something like that..”
“Yeah but like I’m going to take the blame for all three of them getting hurt.” Simon snaps and his eyes widen. “Oh fuck Y/N I’m so sorry; I didn’t…”
“No it’s fine; pretty sure you finally got your wish; he’s shut up for once; might even be speechless.”
“You’re pregnant?”
“Mhm, with twins.”
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im-out-of-it · 3 months
making a complete list of my thoughts of the show vs books since I finished it and will probably leave some stuff out since I’m super forgetful, sorry 💀
1. once again love that they upped the ages. glad we didn’t have centuries year old Magnus chasing teenager Alec or all the other inappropriate relationships in the books
2. Malec is fucking perfect on the show and it really showed that if any actually cares about them, they can make the characters much better and give the characters a better shot than the author ever did. I seriously love all the details Matt, Harry, and whoever wrote their episodes did. only one I cannot stand is when Alec doesn’t realize right away that Magnus and valentine switched bodies. but alec handled the immortality thing wayyyyyy better than book Alec ever could. book Alec (and pretty much TMI content and etc) barely exists let’s be real
3. Izzy and Simon are way too rushed in the series but at least they have more do a friendship and there’s no cheating storyline. but I kinda like Maia and Simon together. I feel that Maia understood Simon.
adding: I don’t mind Simon and clary in the show dating and the way they end things is not as harsh as it is in the books. maybe clary (I’m being kind lmao) actually cares about Simon in the show but still kinda uses him at times
4. might be the only thing I’ll say about the books that’s nice but it would’ve been cute to see the vacation storyline (eldest curses) in the show. would’ve been cute to see a Malec holiday and moving towards them having children 🥹
5. Maia doesn’t get enough credit. she’s one of the few sensible people on the show and gets more attention than book Maia ever did
6. speaking of Maia, I’m glad they didn’t go too extreme with the Jordan plot. in the books, I think she was made to feel to get over how Jordan treated her. but man, why does the actor have to be attractive 😭
7. I really like Maryse and Luke together. they fit each other quite well. Maryse has some of the best development in the show and I loved seeing her grow
8. glad Jocelyn was killed off. she was more insufferable in the books so glad the show decided they didn’t need that energy
9. Jace and clary are both clearly insufferable but it’s worse in the books. I feel like in the show they’re still pretty bad but it’s a little tamed
10. Alec deserved better than jace. dude had the audacity to act as though Alec is a fling, expected Alec at his beck and call to do whatever he wanted while not understanding or caring about Alec’s feelings and his needs, practically invites himself at Magnus’s place while being the worst roommate, and then taking for granted all the people who sacrificed (MAGNUS AND HIS MAGIC LITERALLY THIS LOVELY MAN LOSES HIS MAGIC AND HIS HOME AND HIS MIND) once again to help his worthless ass
11. wish they wouldn’t have killed ragnor off. we got to see a lot of vampires and wolves but not a lot of warlocks. would’ve been great to see more of Magnus’s friends. you could seriously make a whole show based off on Magnus and his life
12. kinda wish they kept camille around. I know she was drama for malec in the beginning but she’s still a very fascinating character
13. I’m 100% thankful for the show not following the books and creating their own world
14. I would’ve loved to see more of the alternate universe episodes. one of the best episodes
15. ALL THE MALEC PARALLELS. these two beautiful and desperately, devoted, in love with one another men are seriously the best part of the show 😭 the fact that there are no cheating stories (when Alec is all drunk, underhill is flirting and all Alec can talk about is Magnus. Magnus defies bisexual stereotypes when dot tries to kiss him.), no taking away immortality or throwing fits or bierasure, or any toxic storylines is one of my fav things about Malec. they’re just two beings who are so in love with one another, who communicate, and are just completely devoted to each other. and it’s one of the reasons why everyone was so hooked on Malec. they’re healthy but you’re also excitedly rooting for them 🫶🏼
16. Clary deserved to lose her ability with runes. the angels message was to not use her rune ability for whatever she pleased but she took advantage of it. but I will say, some helped but I feel that the rest she just used because she didn’t care
17. season three breakup wrecked me and I’ll not emotionally recover from that. it breaks my heart seeing Alec break his own heart and Magnus’s all so Magnus can have his magic and be whole again. I’m so glad they got married in the end 💓
18. I’m glad the twinning rune went to clary instead of jace because how many times does this worthless fucker need saved????? SERIOUSLY HOW MANY
19. I think Magnus recognizing what Alec needs at the beginning when they meet is beautiful. I don’t think it’s creepy (as some book fans state.) and it shows that Magnus understands that Alec is not ready to be out. I’m glad Magnus doesn’t get shitty with Alec on not being out like he does in the books
20. also book vs show thing. I actually like the whole marrying Lydia plot. I get the whole grand gesture of kissing in wherever they were- sanctuary???? (y’all cannot pay me enough to read TMI again, I will not go through that torture again) but I really hate that it’s not even in Alec or Magnus’s pov. CC makes a point of giving characters she chooses to have unnecessary pov
21. I probably forgot something but I mainly skipped all the clace content that didn’t involve Alec or Magnus but otherwise, messy show but so amazing for the Malec content. Izzy, Maia, Raphael, and Simon are a bonus as well. I’m just saying that the show could’ve been a whole lot worse lmao
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lurafita · 10 months
The Humphrey Bogart curse
Alec gets hit by a curse that makes him narrate his every thought and action like in those old black and white detective movies.
Magnus, entering the institute where the group is waiting for him: "Alright, you all look well enough. So what's the big emergency?"
Alec: "He breezed into the institute like the true force of nature he was. Magnus Bane, high warlock of Brooklyn, possibly the most powerful warlock alive, and the man I loved more than anything. He was as magnificent as ever, and even though it was a most inapproriate time, I couldn’t help but remember the night before, in our bed, when his glorious legs were wrapped tightly around my waist and I-"
Jace: "I'm begging you not to finish that sentence. Please. I already got the endorphins from your side last night through the bond, I don’t need the imagery as well."
Magnus: "Ah, the Humphrey Bogart curse. Been a while since I have last seen it in use. Don’t worry, everyone. I should be able to mix up the cure easily."
Alec: "Magnus was so smart. And pretty. And wonderful. I wanted to kiss him right where he stood. More than that, I wanted to-"
Jace: "Alec, by the Angel, please stop talking!"
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