sillygoose067 · 2 days
A Masked Promise
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Dick Grayson(Nightwing) x Reader
As soon as Dick reaches the Titan Tower, he looks you up on all of his databases. Nothing. Nothing vaguely interesting about you pops up. You were a simple girl from middle-class family, who went to university, got a degree or two, and now you were in a tiny coffee shop due to the recent collapse of the economy. Nothing remotely suspicious about you. He was in no danger of having revealed his identity to you. Albeit, it was his civilian identity, but one could never be too sure. 
So if you were so boring, why did he want to get to know you better?
Dick finds himself at the door of The Chariot again the next day. Your eyes meet his as he walks through the tinkling entrance. “Hi! It’s you again. Welcome… back?”
He just nods, not being used to sharing friendly greetings with anyone. “I’ll just have the same thing as last time, thanks…”
“Oh! Um, Y/n.”
“Thanks Y/n.”
“Yeah, no problem... Mr. Wayne?” you wince as you say his name out loud. 
He waves you off. “Just Dick is fine.”
As you bring his order around, you can’t contain your curiosity and ask, “Hey, Dick. I noticed you were wearing a uniform yesterday. If I’m not being too annoying, which you can totally tell me if I am, but were you working on a case from around here?” you bounce nervously, twisting your fingers.
He calmly motions for you to sit in the seat across from him. Taking a sip of his coffee, he watches as you wait for an answer with a bated breath. 
“Yeah, I was looking for this girl,"  he pulls out a picture of a purple-haired young girl from his coat pocket. “Her name is Rachel Roth. She allegedly has been having many emotional outbursts in which she goes into a state of psychosis and injures the people around her.” He adds the last bit once he notices how you’re itching to know more. 
“So you’re going to arrest her? She looks so young... probably around 16.”
He watches as you look down sadly at the picture of the girl on the table. “Let’s keep this between you and me, but I’m not going to arrest her.”
You look up sharply. “What do you mean? Isn’t that your job?”
He glances away sheepishly. “It is... yeah. But let’s just say I have a sort of... soft spot... for misunderstood children. I want to help her before society can condemn her for things she can’t control.”
You nod along, humming as you mull over his words. Then, suddenly, you check your wrist. “Shi– Sugar! My break’s over.” You sigh and look back over to him and apologize. “I am so sorry, Mr. Dick; this was a great talk, and I’d really love to know more, but I have to go now.”
Fiddling with the straps of your apron, you rush towards the counter—but you stop midway, turn, and stalk back up to the enigma of a man, Dick Grayson. “And for the record, I think you’re doing the right thing. Sometimes what’s right isn’t always what we’re told to do in society. I wish you luck in finding Rachel, and I’ll help in whatever way I can.” And with that, you’re off to work, and stunned Dick is left staring behind you.
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timber077 · 3 months
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lina-linny · 9 days
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summary: yn is insecured about talking to much but her boyfriend hyunjin is there to comfort her
genre: hurt, comfort, fluff
words: 1k
It was a typical Friday evening. As always, Yn stumbled through the door of the small apartment she shared with her boyfriend Hyunjin just as he sat down in front of his canvas. Loaded down with bags, she tried to get rid of her shoes with moderate success.
"Yn-aaaaah how was work, love?"
"Good," she replied curtly, putting down one of her numerous shopping bags, which were filled to the brim. Hyunjin was taken aback. When yn came home on Fridays, she usually never stopped talking to him about her work. About how much fun she had with her new project at work, what she had for lunch or what her annoying colleague had done again. It wasn't like her to be that curt and dismissive, hyunjin realized with a frown. shrugging his shoulders, he began to draw. maybe she was just tired.
yn was completely caught up in her usual routine. everything was the same as always. But instead of looking forward to the weekend with her boyfriend and finding comfort in her upcoming weekly "painting-tea-talking ritual", she was plagued by countless self-doubts today. Was she not pretty enough? Was she really annoying hyunjin? Was she too loud?
Sighing, she walked through the kitchen and put the freshly bought groceries away in their designated places. When she had put the last can in one of the cupboards, she put on some tea water and opened the shelf with her thousands of cups. without thinking about it, she pulled out her comfort cup and filled it to the brim with hot water. looking at it, the cup wasn't particularly pretty. the design was peeling off nicely because of the frequent washing, and yet it was perfect in yn's eyes. it had been the first gift hyunjin had ever given her. when she met him, she was stuck in one of the darkest periods of her life. plagued by insecurities, stress and unhealthy relationships, hyunjin had smuggled himself into her life as a small glimmer of hope and when he wasn't there or she couldn't express her worries, she clung to the cup.
Ironically, the reason she needed to hold her cup today was her fear of losing hyunjin. Was she too exhausting? lost in thought, she picked out a tea bag and carefully let it disappear into the water in the cup. then, as usual, she sat down next to hyunjin, who by now had a rough sketch on his canvas and greeted her with a beaming smile.
the artist had been looking forward to her usual ritual all day. yn could only muster a half-hearted grin. as she slumped into her usual chair, hyunjin waited patiently to finally hear all about her day. he was dying to find out whether her colleague ayumi had so obviously made a move at her much too old and happily married boss again, or whether linh from the marketing department had spilled her coffee on her colleagues again and had brought these heavenly muffins as an apology for the chaos, which yn would quote "kill for". in both cases, this would be the third time in a month. but instead of the usual gossip, a depressed silence followed. hyunjin tried to ignore the silence by turning his attention back to the painting in front of him.
he began to paint a dark blue. he carefully let the brush glide over the canvas. as he always did. as he had done hundreds of times before and yet it was wrong. the line was wrong. it didn't show what his heart wanted to express. it was too big and too small, too wide and too thin. it lacked any warmth, just like hyunjin. the room was warmed by the rays of the setting sun and his sweater gave his body a pleasant temperature but it didn't reach his heart.
"yn-ah what's wrong? why don't you talk to me? you can't make me beg so brutally. give me all the tea!" hyunjin's mouth twisted into a pout and made yn smile slightly.
"I don't know, Jini... I talk too much anyway... I don't want to distract you from painting." to say hyunjin was confused would be an understatement. he furrowed his brow worriedly.
"jagia where did you get the idea that you talk too much? i love to hear you talk. especially when i'm painting! i want to know how your day was. every day! i want to hear everything you have to tell me my muse. i can't paint without you. the lines don't get right the painting can't really convey what i feel but when you're with me, when i hear your honey sweet voice it just becomes real love. i never want you to shut up understand?" hyunjin curled his shapely lips into a pout as if his girlfriend had personally attacked him with her previous statement.
"okay, okay jini!" yn laughed, but hyunjin didn't want to let the whole thing go so easily.
"jagi, what makes you think you talk too much?" hyunjin shifted so that his full attention was on his beloved. he looked at her anxiously as she nervously kneaded her hands and clutched her cup for support.
"well... i just thought... you know, hana, you know the one who regularly sleeps with the ceo... i was talking about our date where we went to see this beautiful van gogh exhibition and well... she said i always talk way too much and that i never let anyone get a word in edgewise. and... maybe she also said that... she's surprised that someone like you is still with me at all... and i mean she's not entirely wrong, is she? i always talk so much. when you paint i ramble non-stop. you don't get a word in edgewise and i'd understand if you were annoyed with me for that... or something"
"ohh love..." hyunjin sighed and wrapped his girlfriend in a warm hug, pulling her onto his lap, which she only commented on with a sad smile.
"have you forgotten that I always ramble the same way?" He lovingly nudged her nose, which made her giggle.
"i sometimes ramble on for hours about how great our new choreography is or how annoyed i am with one of the boys and as far as i can remember you always love to listen to me. so please don't stop. you shouldn't listen to hana this little..."
yn stopped her boyfriend from uttering a sinful insult to hana by placing her soft and tea-warmed lips on his. hyunjin sighed into the kiss and pulled her closer to him. Their lips moved as if they had never done anything else before. They danced a dance whose choreography only they knew. Hyunjin's hands were soon in her hair as he tried to take away her insecurities with his kiss alone.
panting, they broke away from each other but hyunjin didn't let her escape from his strong arms. slowly, he covered her now laughing face with kisses. smiling, hyunjin buried his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent. "soo... are you going to tell me how your day was, my muse?" he asked, pressing a tender kiss to her sensitive neck, which made her giggle.
"okay... do you know how annoying hikaru was today? he's been running around all day and..." hyunjin returned to his canvas even though one of his hands was now occupied holding yn's, who by now was sitting in her own chair again, sipping her tea as she talked.
by now, the sun had disappeared and was replaced by the soft shimmer of the moon. the cool evening air wafted through the open windows of their shared apartment and yet hyunjin was much warmer than he had been just a few minutes before. her voice dripped like liquid honey straight to his heart and the soft giggle that had just left her lips made hyunjin beam. he carefully applied the brush and... the line was perfect.
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chrisgnab · 5 months
funny how people are switching up and supporting that collab because they look pretty in it...
so fast to cancel other idols for doing things promoting zionism but when skz do it, it's okay? Calling people that are against the collab antis???? The point of the boycott is to tell JYPE we don't want SKZ to be associated with zionism but the amount of people switching up and saying 'but it's a banger 🥺'... a 'banger' created by two zionists...
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wishfuldr3aming · 1 year
Jisung, to the waiter: a milkshake with two straws, please.
Minho: * blushes *
Jisung, putting both straws in his mouth: Watch how fucking fast I can drink this.
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the-mother-of-lions · 27 days
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thunderous ft changerine
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amyyscorner · 3 months
I have a lot of things to say about jype originally making it difficult for european stays to join comebacks and now making it virtually impossible. I am fuming at this. Why are they excluding an entire continent. European stays have been nothing but respectful. This is infuriating and exclusionary.
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sophmere · 6 days
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day6 – I wait / Young K
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tvlipsandbread · 19 days
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wonyilla · 3 months
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sillygoose067 · 19 days
Charles's Angel(s)
Ch. 49
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
Author’s Note: Because a wise teacher of mine once said, “you can’t marry someone unless you’re able to go through ups and downs thinking that it’s the problem vs. the both of you, not one person vs. the other”. Honestly, she spit some MAD bars right there. Happy reading!
The moment Charles laid eyes on the adorable, golden dachshund, he knew that the puppy was meant to belong with him in his home. He’d always wanted a dog as a kid and even had one for a while, but his old companion had, unfortunately, not made it as long as Charles. 
He named the tiny puppy Leo, like the fiercest little lion. But as Charles stepped into the apartment with Leo in his arms, his heart began to increase pace in trepidation. What if you didn’t like dogs? What if you were allergic? The two of you had never talked about pets. 
Well, what’s done is done, he thought. Better to just face the music. 
“Charles?” you ask from your studio.  
“Heeeeyyy Y/n. What’s up?”
His uncharacteristically evasive greeting, along with the lilt in his voice, brought you out of the room. As soon as you lay eyes on the tiny puppy cuddling into his arms, they widen to the size of saucers. 
“Is that—is that a puppy?!”
Your boyfriend just looks at you guiltily. “I’m sorry… He was just so cute, Cherie and I–” 
“No no no no no. You don’t need to explain to me, but Charles, we never talked about pets... and where would we even put him? And we need to get him stuff... I don’t know what to do!” Somehow, this escalates into an argument. Your first fight since getting together. Sure, it took a while, but you knew that the honeymoon period couldn’t possibly last as long as it had so far.  
Exasperated, you head back into the room, unable to listen to Charles’ defensive arguments. “You know what? I’m just gonna head out for a bit. Don’t call me. I’ll be at Marie’s, so you don’t have to worry about me, but don’t come after me. I just– I need to think about things and cool off.” You hastily throw a couple clothes into your overnight bag. You stop in front of him before you head out the door. “You know I love you, right? I just need some time to myself to sort this out. Stay safe,” and then the door slams shut behind you.  
Well, Charles thinks, looking down at the still snoozing puppy in his arms. That was definitely the worst possible outcome.
As it turned out, even with a new member in the house, Charles found himself feeling awfully lonely. There was a piece of you everywhere he looked. He knew he was overreacting and that you’d implied you’d be back soon. But soon wasn’t soon enough. 
 The windows were thrown open wide in the hope of tempting in a nonexistent breeze. The normally warm evening sunlight filtered through the windows instead, and Charles felt like he was suffocating in the confines of his own home. He blamed the heat of the sunlight, but he knew that it was from the overwhelming silence from your presence, or lack thereof. 
 With a sigh, he dials his mother’s number. “Maman?”
 "Herve, my son, what’s wrong? You usually don’t call during this time of day.”
 “Maman, I messed up.” He feels a sob crawl up his throat as he sets the phone on the island counter and digs his palms into his eye sockets. He explains the situation between sniffles while Pascale listens intently. 
 “Herve, you know you should have discussed this kind of decision with Y/n first. Your father and I always decided on matters that had to do with the house and our family together. I’m not saying that this is entirely your fault, but you must realize that the girl spends a lot of her time without you around, and she’s just as busy as you. Who will take care of Leo when you’re not around? Who will take care of Leo when she’s busy? What if she’s never had a dog before? These kinds of things need to be discussed. Perhaps you should have taken the time to sit down and talk. And from what I understand, you’ve been planning on getting a pet for a while now.”
 “Yes, Maman. I see these things now, but how do I fix this?”
 “Sweetheart, you can’t fix this. Let her take some time for herself, and she’ll come back to you when things have cooled down. Just approach the matter slowly and discuss Leo then. Until then, just... manage on your own.”
 “Okay, Maman,” he sighs with resignation. 
At Marie's, you consult your friend’s advice, knowing there’s no way around telling her, especially since you arrived on her doorstep without warning. 
 When night falls, you find yourself missing the warmth of Charle’s body against yours. You lay in bed, wishing sleep would come. However, this leaves you plenty of time to reflect on the situation. You decide that you’ll return tomorrow afternoon and talk with a cooled head on your shoulders. 
When Charles steps into the apartment the next afternoon, back from the grocery store, he doesn’t expect to see you sitting at the kitchen counter, sipping warm tea from your mug. The bags fall to the ground, catching your attention. 
 “I think I’m ready to talk now,"  you murmur over the lip of your mug, eyes cast down and unable to meet your boyfriend’s gaze. 
 He shuffles to the counter nervously and takes a seat on the stool on the opposite side. 
 “Growing up, I always wanted a dog, or cat. But my mom was deathly scared of dogs, and she said that getting furry pets was too much of a commitment. So I would stop to pet the neighbors’ dogs at the park, but that was about the most interaction I had with dogs.” You stop, placing the mug down, and begin picking at some nonexistent lint on your pants, still refusing to meet Charles’ gaze. “When you walked in with the puppy—” 
 You raise your eyes to him for a split second. “When you walked in with Leo yesterday, I panicked. My mom always threatened me with ‘you can either choose me or the dog,’ and when I saw Leo yesterday, I just realized that I’m not properly equipped to raise a puppy with the limited number of interactions I’ve had with dogs, much less puppies.” You finally look him in the eye. “I wasn’t mad at you for bringing him—Leo—home. I was mad at myself for not knowing how to take care of pets. I just realized that I don’t even know what dogs eat, what kinds of toys puppies need, or how to train them if they even need training—just anything.” Your voice breaks, and you look away to the side. You’d never liked others to witness you crying. 
 You hear the screech of the stool moving and feel a familiar warmth engulf you. A tender kiss on your hair. 
 “I’m sorry that I didn’t discuss getting a pet with you before. I… I had been planning to get one for the past few weeks, and I hadn’t even thought about consulting you. So as much as you feel guilty about this, I am at fault. I’m sorry.” Charles mutters into your hair. “And I’m sorry that because of that, I made you feel helpless. I know how much you hate feeling like that. It won’t happen again.”
 He lifts your face with his strong, calloused hands, brushing your tears away with his thumbs. “Forgive me?”
 You sniffle, holding back a full-on sob. “Charles, there’s nothing to forgive.”
 “Then are we okay?”
 You nod. “We’ve always been okay.” You twiddle your fingers in your lap. “Can I meet him? Leo?”
 This brings a smile to your boyfriend’s face. “You never need to ask to meet your own son, Cherie.”
 You follow him into a corner of the room where he’d set up comfy sleeping quarters for the puppy. The tiny Dachshund bounds out energetically into your lap, licking away your tears as you giggled.  
“Leo~ That’s your mommy; yes, that’s right. We need to make sure Mommy doesn’t cry, okay?”
 You set him down and cuddled into Charles on the chaise, watching as your new puppy, your furball of a son, ran circles on the living room floor.
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hyunjinnnniies · 3 months
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my god, this man has never looked bad a day in his life.
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lina-linny · 1 month
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Summary: minhos little sister has always been invisible to most people. Maybe kim seungmin can be the person that only sees her.
Genre: (hurt), comfort, fluff,
Words: 2.4k
Yn has always been a little, unobtrusive girl. As a child, she was afraid of everything. whether it was small insects, scary ghosts or the naughty teenagers who often took her toys.
she was always quiet, didn't talk much and was always reserved if not shy around strangers.
but luckily for her, she had her older brother minho. he took better care of her than anyone else. Minho had sworn to protect his little sister from everything.
if a huge spider scared yn, minho would take a glass and paper and put the spider, which wasn't really that big, outside the front door (but not without teasing her).
if yn couldn't sleep at night because the ghosts under her bed were keeping her awake, minho would let her sleep in his bed and promise to keep an eye on her all night to make sure no ghosts came and took her away from him.
and when the teenagers from next door came and took away yn's toys and little cars, these same teenagers came to school afterwards with big patches and bruises and apologized meekly to yn.
but there was one thing minho couldn't protect his beloved little sister from, the cruelty of society, which taught little children from such an early age that they weren't enough.
everyone had to be perfect and draw attention to themselves by standing out, otherwise they were overlooked and forgotten, and yn had never been good at that.
She always preferred to hide, like begging for attention. But that led to her being forgotten.
when one of yn's classmates threw a party and invited everyone in the class but had obviously forgotten her invitation cart, every "oh you're still here? I thoughtyou went home." at family get-togethers or parties with friends, or when teachers forgot her name even after several years (but knew the names of all the other students tatelessly)
little situations like these gave yn little stabs every time until her heart was struggling to hold itself together.
she forced herself to come out of her shell more. she tried to join in conversations in smaller groups, to draw attention to herself, but she was overheard. it often felt as if she was invisible.
(Chat: minho | yn)
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
You're going out for ice cream with me
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
6 pm. be on time!
☆ Yn ☆
What happened to "hello, how are you? I wanted to ask if you want to go for ice cream with me, it's perfectly ok if you don't have time. Don't stress."?
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
Oh come on, as if you have anything else planed, then studying
☆ Yn ☆
Yes, I have to study min!
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
You've already learned enough. I miss you so come and have some fun. (I just have to prevent you from graduating better than me ㅋㅋ don't think I care about you or anything...)
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
Besides, seungmin wanted to see you... (he's coming too) I think I should have a serious word with him, he seems a bit too worried about you lately... I don't like it!
☆ Yn ☆
Okay. I'm coming... (don'timagine that I'm coming because of you)
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
Oh come on... It's very clear to me that you're mainly coming for seungmini...
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
do you seriously think any person wouldn't notice the way you're pining over each other with your eyes? It's really pitiful. Especially when you consider how oblivious you both (especially you) still are. I mean do you seriously think he only sees you as my little sister (because I wish he did)
☆ Yn ☆
MINHO! what the fuck are you talking about?! You really are soooo annoying! (He's definitely not into me, does he even know I exist? ㅠㅠ)
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
Didn't I say oblivious?!
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
Anyway, I have to get back to the studio now. I expect you to show up and not send me another lame excuse like last time. about studying for final exams, have some fun!
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
I kind of love you or something...
☆ Yn ☆
I'll be there, I promise.
☆ Yn ☆
Love you too minii mousi
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
Okay, I take it back, I don't love you!
☆ Yn ☆
The leaves of the small deciduous trees sank to the ground in the soft light of the afternoon, but no one paid them any attention. Everyone was far too fascinated by the splendor of the beautiful cherry blossoms to notice the agony of the deciduous trees, which were losing their leaves due to this summer's drought. But just because the deciduous trees were not as popular, beautiful and famous as the cherry trees, did they not deserve any love?
Yn waited outside the small ice cream parlor where she wanted to meet her brother and his member seungmin and did what she did best. Being invisible, disappearing in the crowd, not attracting attention.
It had always been her "survival strategy". Not falling out of line paired with a little sarcasm and teasing. But in the long run, always being overlooked made her lonely. The people who were the most invisible perhaps needed someone who only saw them the most.
Seungmin tapped yn on the shoulder. She was startled out of her thoughts and looked directly into Seungmin's amused face, which was covered by a face mask and a cap pulled low over his face, but which she would still recognize within milliseconds.
His face was etched in her memory like no other. From all those sleepless nights when she prayed that he wouldn't overlook her, that his teasing only meant that he liked her too. More like a friend, more like minho's little sister.
Yn was pretty sure that seungmin had snuck up on her on purpose to scare her but didn't comment further.
"So, did you ever manage to break out of your study hell and have a little fun?" He grinned and she immediately went on the defensive.
It's not "study hell"... it can even be fun, but what can I do? you have to study to get good grades."
"Seriously... don't you ever have fun in life? You should think about something else besides studying, studying, stud..." his comment was stopped by one of yn's hands covering his mouth while she replied
"shut up seungmin. where is minho anyway?"
Seungmin sighed dramatically. "Am I not enough for you? Am I that terrible?" Yn just rolls his eyes.
"He... something came up. He told me to take you out for ice cream alone and maybe you'll see you later."
She felt the surprise and anxiety boil in her. Yn took a step back and lowered her gaze to the floor.
"Oh..." so seungmin was here because he wanted to go out for ice cream with minho (with her in tow), but her brother didn't have time and now seungmin had to entertain her somehow. Of course, minho hadn't canceled... he wanted her to finally go out again. But now he had forced seungmin to go out for ice cream with yn, even though he surely didn't want to and had only come out of politeness.
"Let's go inside! I really want to try the mint chocolate chip ice cream here!" Seungmin hadn't noticed the change in her mood, or at least he didn't let on.
Yn stumbled into the store behind him. Seungmin ran straight to the counter, where a wide variety of ice cream flavors were displayed. Yn stared at the flavors. Seungmin had already ordered his ice cream, so now it was her turn.
"Um... vanilla ice cream for me"
"Omg you're so basic" seungmin laughed "really vanilla? Can't you think of anything better?"
Normally she would have laughed but now she just shrugged her shoulders, lowered her head, took her ice cream without comment and headed for one of the tables.
She left a stunned seungmin behind. She usually laughed at his jibes and always had a good counterattack ready. And especially she never ever missed achance to make fun of his obsession with mint chocolate chip ice cream. What was wrong with her today?
He quietly followed her to the table and sat down at the opposite side of the table. They ate their ice cream in silence.
Had he done something wrong? he didn't behave any differently towards her...
"You know... you don't have to be here. I know you're only here because of minho and I don't want you to be forced to eat ice cream with me. you certainly have better things to do." her voice wasn't much louder than a whisper, and yet seungmin heard every single word and felt her insecureties floating in the air between them, like a thick cloud blocking her clear view.
So that was the problem... Seungmin was silent for a while, too taken aback by her comment, but then he replied hesitantly.
"Has it ever occurred to you that I might like you... or something?" Seungmin had always been bad at talking about his feelings with others but... "I'm not here for minho. Why would I be?"
Frustrated, yn closed her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair.
"You know you don’t have to say things just to be polite. Why would you like me? You're just perfect... I'm surprised you even know I exist, let alone know my name. That's more than most people can say about themselves. So why would you go out for ice cream with me if not for my brother? I'm nothing special."
She sheepishly lowered her gaze to her slowly melting ice cream.
Seungmin liked the quick-witted side of her much better. When she knew that teasing and little insults weren't really meant.
He hated to see her hurt, he hated the people who had made such a wonderful person belive over and over again that she was invisible, that no one could notice or like her.
But most of all he hated that she thought he couldn't see her.
How could he miss the most beautiful of flowers in a huge garden? Even though she was small, even though she didn't vie for his attention like the other flowers, Seungmin couldn't take his eyes off her.
Perhaps he was bad at showing how important she was to him. But he had always taken it for granted. Not for a second had the thought crossed his mind that she might think he didn't like her.
"Am I not allowed to go out for ice cream with my favorite lee? I thought you knew that you've always been my favorite. I like you better, like all the other siblings of my members and maybe... if I'm honest, I like you better too, like some of my members... minho can be really annoying sometimes."
It was a desperate attempt to lighten the mood. They both laughed a little but seungmin knew it wasn't enough to tell her that.
"Yn... I like you. Sometimes I think I like you a little too much. I asked minho if the three of us could have ice cream together because I wanted to see you again and because I was... a bit worried. I don't like it when you shut yourself off like that, just study all day and don't text me anymore... because I miss you. You have no idea how much you mean to me. How could I ever miss you or forget that you exist?"
Seungmin sighed, perhaps now was the time to confess his feelings. Now was the right moment. She looked at him a little puzzled by his previous monologue, but she widened her eyes in disbelief at his next words.
"yn i don't just like you as minho's sister and not just as a friend... i like you in... a romantic way. Whenever you're around me, I get these damn butterflies in my stomach and I think in my brain too. So would you go on a date with me?"
"What? Um... so... you're serious, right? It's not a bad joke?" she stammered as her cheeks grew red hot.
"No, I'm completely serious." he laughed.
Wow... um of course i'm going on a date with you... do you have any idea how long i've been waiting for this moment?" She giggled nervously.
yn was quite flustered. She had expected a lot of things, but not this. In her head, he would have said something like "ok, as long as I don't have to stay here with you just to be polite, I'm fine." and then he would have left. She would probably still have been able to handle that better than this.
"Sorry, I'm just slightly overwhelmed." She laughed, looking half-laughingly and half-helplessly at seungmin, who seemed amused by the situation.
"Good, then we'll meet tomorrow evening for our first official date." seungmin added with a laugh and yn giggled too.
Maybe by the next day she had processed the fact that her crush had just confessed his feelings to her and asked her out. Maybe then her brain would work again.
The two grinned at each other and then started eating their ice cream again. This time, they also chatted while they ate. They laughed, giggled and teased each other.
"The ice cream tastes so good"
"You basic bitch can't judge that with your vanilla"
"Hey, at least I have better taste than you. I still don't understand why you are so obsessed whith mint chocolate ice cream. It just tastes like toothpaste."
"Take that back! I'll defend mint chocolate ice cream with my life!"
"If you like it so much, why don't you go on a date with your ice cream?"
"Yes, maybe I should do that. It would only have advantages... the ice cream is delicious, not as cheeky as you and no one will try to steal it from me because this society has not yet recognized the incredible value and taste of mint chocolate ice cream."
(Chat: sungmin | yn)
☆ Yn ☆
Sooooo.... minho said you don't wont to shut up and are babbling to the poor felix about how beautiful and cute i am
Seungmini (meanie boyfriend)
Seungmini (meanie boyfriend)
I deny all accusations. For further inquiries, please contact my lawyer 💀
Seungmini (meanie boyfriend)
I would never ramble about my amazing and lovley girlfriend. That's disgusting!
☆ Yn ☆
I'm giggling like a lovesick witch right now and i'm incredibly glad you can't see me right now ㅋㅋ
Seungmini (meanie boyfriend)
I bet you still look beautiful. Just like always.
☆ Yn ☆
Gooey ewww *shrug*
Seungmini (meanie boyfriend)
I hate you ♡ (Please don't tell minho that I said that, you look beautiful. he would NEVER leave me alone again)
☆ Yn ☆
I love you too ㅋㅋ
note: banner is not mine, credits to the owner ♡
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y-urios · 1 year
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➵     i don't wanna be somebody    📼   (⭒ ˘˘) ꙳  
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➵   just wanna be me, be me! ⌣   @miobliss(⭒ ˘˘) ꙳
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chrisgnab · 4 months
I am so disgusted with some of you 'stays' right now. you have allowed zionists to have a platform and enter the billboard charts because you're too ignorant to not listen to ONE song. People are literally being slaughtered, and you're so blinded by privilege that you can easily act like it's not happening. Calling yourself a 'wavemaker' and using these emojis '🌊💙' to symbolise your support for this collaboration makes you complicit with genocide. Charlie Puth is a known leech who uses others for personal gain. All the Western artists know that, so he's moved onto K-pop, and you people buy into it. Charlie Puth is a misogynist and a rape apologist... how can you as a human being find it okay to give that man any money. You should all be ashamed and know that you're disgusting and not a 'real stay' because you can't say 'Stray Kids everywhere all around the world' without Palestinian stays. congratulations 👏👏 you've fucked over skz image and reputation by enabling this. free palestine 🇵🇸.
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wishfuldr3aming · 1 year
Minho, walking into the dorm with a suspicious bag:
Chan: What do you have?
Minho's bag: * meows *
Minho: Cocaine.
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