shroudthecursedone · 6 months
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voices-of-favor · 11 days
A big part of the Rogue Trader fandom on Tumblr: In love with Marazhai (like every other post with that tag is something about Marazhai) Meanwhile me and Marazhai:
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I get the appeal of tall dark and mysterious space elf but did I also immensely enjoy when Yrliet domed him with one shot at the start of the battle?
No amount of Tumblr sexymanning could save his bony ass after what he put my team (and specifically Abelard) through >:(
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dynamitekansai · 1 year
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wwe: Mr. and Ms. #MITB with the one and only John Cena! 👏👏👏 What a night!
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letstalkaboutit100 · 11 months
The petition title should be 'shadybug's and clawnoir's "new" designs are ridiculous! UTTERLY ridiculous!
2/26: this is the link to sign the petition since the others don't work. I'm sending this to everyone who has liked a post about the petition! SIGN IT! Spread the word! https://chng.it/pVFw8GH4D7
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irontrashglitter · 7 months
The way Ros was treated by the GOT fandom (simultaneously lusted after but hated for being involved in too much exposition) (disliked until she underwent “character developing” trauma) and writers (killed off in a heavily sexualised shot and never brought up again) is really a microcosm of how the GOT writers and fandom treat women overall.
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neechees · 2 years
Devery Jacobs was in that Assassin's Creed movie & I just find that funny bc Italians were frequently redfacing as Native characters in spaghetti westerns back in the day & now it's a Native actor playing an Italian character during the renaissance
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hubbyalh · 9 months
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i-rove-rock-n-roll · 10 months
It was snowing.
Large flakes of snow fell from the sky, stark against his dark hair as he drug the corpse across the thick white pillow covering the town. He knew it was unwise, leaving a trail that could be so easily discovered, but as it was late at night and getting ready to launch a blizzard, the blacksmith allowed himself some grace.
“Whatcha got there?” inquired a voice behind him, leaning against a heavy oak door. It was a man with a silver suit, a silver bowler hat, small round glasses, and a very fancy mustache, sporting a cane.
“A busybody.” The blacksmith grunted. “Just like you.”
“I believe the correct term for myself would be pickpocket.” Said the man in the silver bowler hat. He twirled his cane, planting it in the snow. “That man there looks like a ruffian.”
“A scoundrel of the worst sort.” The blacksmith agreed. “He interrupted me while I was in the middle of some rather important business.”
“And what business would that be? Murder?”
The blacksmith was silent. The pickpocket began to follow him as he pulled the body along, leaving a trail quite easy to follow through the snow.
“What do you want?” The blacksmith said finally.
“To commend your glowing personality. Really I have never met a man so worthy of such praise.” The pickpocket said. “Actually, I’d like to ask you for a favor.”
“You’re following me in the dead of night while I tow a body who knows where, You just accused me of murder–”
The pickpocket shrugged. “If the shoe fits.”
“-- And you want to ask me for a favor?” The blacksmith let the body fall with a soft flump back to the ground. The pickpocket held his hand out in response.
Face up in his palm was the most interesting contraption the blacksmith had ever seen. It was small and circular, with etchings all around it, numerals marking one through twelve. There were two little arrows with long stems, one longer than the other, in the center. The front was encased in glass. He turned it over, noting the warmth of the device itself and the soft ticking noise it made. On the back was an engraving: To Henry, love Clara.
“Are you Henry?”
The pickpocket scoffed. “Of course not. I pickpockitited–picpockiteded–stole it from Henry.”
“Ah.” Said the blacksmith. “And what exactly is it?”
“Er–” Here the man looked flustered. “Does i really matter?”
The blacksmith’s eyebrows shot up. “You expect me to fix something I know nothing about?”
The pickpocket sighed. “Fair enough.” He straightened. “It’s a watch.”
“A what?”
“A timepiece. Specifically one that bends the laws of reality. I suppose you could compare it to your primitive sundials, if you so wished. This one in particular, however, is special.” The pickpocket’s eyes gleamed. “It allows you to travel through time.”
“Huh.” said the blacksmith, handing the watch back to the man. “Neat.” He sounded thoroughly unimpressed.
The pickpocket spluttered. “Neat? I show you a marvel and all you have to say is neat? What sort of response is that?” The pickpocket demanded.
“An honest one.” The blacksmith resumed lugging the body. The pickpocket followed.
“Aren’t you the least bit interested about the future? I’m sure you’ve cottoned on to this, but that’s where I’m from.”
“What do textiles have to do with you being from the future?” The blacksmith shook his head, correcting his slipping grip. “Nevermind. I don’t care. I’m busy.”
“I could give you a hand, if you like.” Said the pickpocket. “For a price.” Seeing the blacksmith’s mouth open to object, he added, “And no I don’t mean money.”
“Grab his Mudone damned feet and let’s get this over with.” The blacksmith snapped. With a swagger in his step the pickpocket stepped up and helped, the two making quick work of hauling him out of the town and into the small forest nearby. The wolves were starving, finding themselves thrust into close quarters since the rest of the forest had burned. They’d strip the bones clean in no time.
“Aren’t you going to thank me?”
“Give me the watch.”
Rather than chuck it at the man’s head like he wanted to, the blacksmith examined it once more. A snowflake fell onto the glass, obscuring the number three.
“I’ll have to examine it indoors.” He said finally. “Bring it by my shop tomorrow when I open.”
“Tomorrow?” The pickpocket spluttered. “You mean I have to find a place to sleep here? In this hovel of a town?”
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yeah vanitas is also an ancient being part of a hivemind thing literally called "darkness" (if you're wondering yes there's thirteen of them) who possessed a twelve year old to kill another child and take her place as one of the kids who were specially chosen to lead those who survived the actual apocalypse and caused the simulation all the kids who survived were staying in after the apocalypse to fucking self destruct
so basically kingdom hearts union cross was anime among us and vanitas was the imposter
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things I can't do on this new account for some reason:
-reply in the notes
also I didn't get an e-mail about why my account was deleted so I'm assuming they really mistook my account for a bot somehow.
anyways I've descided I'm gonna be a nuisance until this is fixed. I put years into this stupid thing I want my stupid ass blog back. am I throwing a tantrum? maybe a little bit. But 2023 is the year of not taking it anymore and I'm not willing to put up with this.
@staff hey! hey @staff ! I want my fucking blog back! Justice for tumblr.com/reasonably-annoyed-fog/ I have adhd I can't hang out on fucking tiktok I'll die there like that horse from The Neverending Story
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motherofplatypus · 3 months
This is how many bullets they shot on a fucking kid.
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liquidstar · 6 months
i always think abt my cousin in greece who's like obsessed with american culture, bc ill say that im going to a barbecue and she'll be like "wow.... a real life american barbecue... will there be red cups?" you bet your ass there'll be red cups. take my hand. have a hot dog. all your dreams can come true here at the real life american barbecue
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intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
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"No climate justice on occupied land"
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letstalkaboutit100 · 11 months
this is the link to sign the petition since the others don't work. I'm sending this to everyone who has liked a post about the petition! SIGN IT! Spread the word! https://chng.it/pVFw8GH4D7 SAVE OUR EMO BABIES! SPREAD THE WORD!
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la7ma-mafrooma · 8 months
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Keep talking about Palestine!
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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Continue Escalating
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