wesxevans · 1 year
closed starter: @pcrdita
Wes had no real reason to go to Pit Stop other than wanting to look at a motorcycle he'd seen in the garage's open doors. Admittedly, there was a tiny part of him that desperately wanted to ask for a job because literally anything seemed better than the hell hole named Neptune, but he wasn't sure how his future father-in-law would feel about him leaving a secure job just to work in a garage where he'd probably get paid less. "Shit.. what's wrong with it?" Wes breathed as he looked over the bike, the helmet he'd been wearing on his own motorcycle was loosely hanging from his hand. He'd decided it probably wasn't that big of a deal to just wander in (even though he really wasn't sure if it was or not).
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heyits-asher · 1 year
CLOSED STARTER for @pcrdita where: sea shanty shack
He’s found a home at the very secluded edge of the bar a bit removed from the chaos the dinner crowd. Alone that night, with a few bucks to spare for one order of wings, he's treating himself because his luck has been pretty shitty lately. Ash would save himself a few dollars with a dine-and-dish but, alas, a small town like this will likely remember his face and he can't get himself banned from any and all eateries just because he's feeling stingy. He won't wallow in his misfortunates, he’s perfectly content to sit here and watch everyone else with an amused glint in his eye as he nurses his glass of beer and chews on a stalk of celery.
He glances up as the lights flicker, and the background music seems to skip half a beat, but for now, the power seems to hold. So far, there’s been one brief blackout that had lasted about 5 or 6 seconds, so nothing earth shattering, and it would seem that for the most part, the power lines in Aurora Bay have been steadily fixed post-storm. Light eyes flicker up he notices someone taking the chair next to him, lifting a brow. "Hope you're not looking for much a chat down on this end," he teases, gesturing to the far side of the bar. "The conversationalists are down that-a-way. I mean, man, I'll talk, but it'll be about a whole lot of nonsense you wouldn't care about."
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antagonyaist · 4 years
Catra could not believe how far she had fallen. She had been on the brink of conquering the world and ruling it just like she always wanted... (did she want that?) (shut up) and now she was no better than a stray cat someone had abandoned in an alleyway. She got sick of rummaging through garbage for food, and then she remembered. Oh wait, I’m a bad person. I do bad things. I totally forgot about it lol. 
That was what let Catra to stealing food rather than picking it out of the garbage. She must have been off of her game though, because somehow she slipped up and someone caught sight of her. The next thing she knew she was running away from security on all fours. 
Catra jumped off of the second story shop window, onto a nearby roof and saw that they were still coming. She took one more running leap and then slammed both of her claws into a tree trunk. Gravity dragged her down but her claws stopped her. Then, she scampered all the way up when no one was looking. 
Only to find there was someone there waiting for her when she made it to the top of the tree. 
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“Hey asshole, this is my spot where I hide from the cops. I called dibs. Now, shoo, shoo.” Catra flippantly waved her claws off at him. It wasn’t long before she noticed that the person who was up here with her didn’t intend of leaving. Her narrowed her eyes in annoyance. “Ugh, fine if you’re not gonna buzz off, then make yourself useful and fight them with me.” 
Catra said, before twisting her face in the most sour expression possible. 
“What are you waiting for? I’m so not gonna say please.” 
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lgcyonghwa · 5 years
⤷「we got that.」
It was the third week and the stakes were higher than ever. Yonghwa had the lyrics for the two other songs he had to learn in a notebook, handwritten to reinforce his memory. His writing wasn’t the neatest, but in his defense, he was trying to do it fast and it was still perfectly legible to him. 
“Jude, come practice with me!” He ran over to the other trainee with his notebook in hand. Sliding down in a sitting position beside his dormmate. They started going through the song together and it was actually going pretty well until Yonghwa encountered a word that made him frown. 
 “...Wiener?” He repeated the word with a hint of uncertainty. It was, of course, winner. Yonghwa was pretty sure he was saying it wrong but clueless as to how to fix it. Good thing he was buddies with someone who knew English very well. “Whiner!” Yonghwa grinned, thinking he finally got it right this time. 
How is your English?
“Not good!” He admitted. No point in denying what was obvious at this point. 
Please try your best to introduce yourself in English for us!
“You guys are really making me work today,” Yonghwa whined, giving the interviewer noona a look. He fully intended to try, however, since he refused to back down from any challenges. “Hallo, I am Kang Yonghwa!” This part was easy, even though his hello was slightly higher pitched than necessary. “I am a Legacy trainee and...” One of his friends taught him one more sentence after that, but he really couldn’t remember. 
“...I love you!” Yonghwa beamed, shooting finger hearts at the camera. A wise man once told him that if all else failed, he should just try to do something endearing and wish for the best. 
Are you good friends with Jude?
“Oh yes, he is one of my dormmates. Really nice guy, we sometimes cook together.” He let his voice trail off, a slightly mischievous glint suddenly in his eyes. “Shall I expose some exclusive dormmate secrets about him?” Yonghwa tapped his fingers together, true villain style. “Our Jude deals with heat really well. Even in the middle of summer, he sleeps with his blanket drawn all the way up. It is very impressive!” 
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