sneezeonsunshine · 4 years
Closed to @letscursefate — “Heelflip (Spinning Back)”
Haru has been out longer than usual. The dogs at Netwalk had been more fun than anticipated, and she hasn’t been able to eat since. At this point, it was like 1AM in the morning, and her dress and sneakers were kind of dirty from playing with puppies all day, with a new friend. Her shoulder scars were still out for all to see, and since she was getting more tired by the minute, she started to really feel their presence again. Not like she could do much about it till she got home and took a well needed shower.
So, yawning, she entered the Patty Queen for Chomper and some fries to go. That’s when she looked up at the line and saw that haircut again.
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So, the fifteen year old got in line behind Judar, and after a few minutes of relative silence, smiles, and taps his shoulder. “Long time no see, High Priest! Haru hasn’t seen you around; have you been busy?”
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underteika · 4 years
@letscursefate​ said:  Yo! I heard you were giving out chocolates.
...Oh. This guy.
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“Yeah. I am. If I give you some, you won’t bother me, right?”
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princesselmelloi · 4 years
( @letscursefate​ )
[Text: Did you seriously take a bite out of the gingerbread house in the living room?]
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[Text: Added to that, if it was you, *why*? That had to have been unpleasantly stale by now.]
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picorigipori · 4 years
Yo! Are you a magi? Nah, I don't think so, but whatever. I want Sinbad to be mine. I'll make him mine nonetheless, but I wanna see what you'll do!
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“Hmm... I see, I see. Yes, that should be quite doable. When you return to your home, you should find this ‘Sinbad’ that you seek.”
Just your luck- waiting on your desk is your very own limited-edition rubber Sinbad keychain! He’s all yours.
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crystallinevessel · 4 years
@letscursefate​  [point+wand] fallen
the king went stilled, golden eyes watched his movements, shifting his gave from the wand to the other’s face. this wasn’t the first time sinbad had faced a threat nor would it be the last, not too many outside of sindria were fond of him. although that hardly bothered the former adventurer, his expression shifted from  apathy to curiosity. said wand’s pretty ruby tip matched the red eyes that seemed trained on sinbad, and he smirked.
a magician, obviously, but not someone he recognized. this might prove interesting. or boring. depended on how the interaction went. he could hear his generals telling him to be careful, don’t start unnecessary fights. they mean well, but were held back by morals sinbad had abandoned a while ago when the world and destiny showed it’s true colors. 
but none of them were here to keep the dark king restrained, he could play a game if he wanted, they didn’t need to know. 
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“i’m curious, who decided to send their magician to try and take me out this time?” his words flowed passed his lips carelessly, matching the intrigued expression he wore. “not reim, we already had a small fight, maybe that one empire that’s been making so much noise...?”
sinbad chuckled, he smiled brightly almost coyly, “c’mon, don’t keep me in suspense.” 
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divinedragontamer · 4 years
Was that a child.... wandering alone? He looked as lost as Martha currently felt, without the advantage of being old enough to fend for himself and fight off any threats.
Perhaps she should have asked before scooping him up, but it was a little late for that now. 
“Where, exactly, are your parents?”
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keiisho · 4 years
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@letscursefate​ said: Yo, old man! It's me, Reine's magi. I know you're into old man stuff, but besides being smelly and all that, you're into law and enforcement. You see, there's a guy who is quite dangerous and just arrived to the city. You should do something about it!
He can’t help but pinch his brow at this. Honestly, someone he knew he should speak to more often but not someone he wanted to deal with right now. Why, oh why, did the city want to throw literally everyone who anyone around him wanted to avoid right into their paths all at the same time?
“Dangerous people arrive in the city every day.”
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“Is he the type of dangerous that can be reasoned with? Or are you requesting that I enact violence against him instead of speaking? Honestly, now, what exactly do you expect me to ‘do’ about it? I am a pacifist, you know.”
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antagonyaist · 4 years
Catra could not believe how far she had fallen. She had been on the brink of conquering the world and ruling it just like she always wanted... (did she want that?) (shut up) and now she was no better than a stray cat someone had abandoned in an alleyway. She got sick of rummaging through garbage for food, and then she remembered. Oh wait, I’m a bad person. I do bad things. I totally forgot about it lol. 
That was what let Catra to stealing food rather than picking it out of the garbage. She must have been off of her game though, because somehow she slipped up and someone caught sight of her. The next thing she knew she was running away from security on all fours. 
Catra jumped off of the second story shop window, onto a nearby roof and saw that they were still coming. She took one more running leap and then slammed both of her claws into a tree trunk. Gravity dragged her down but her claws stopped her. Then, she scampered all the way up when no one was looking. 
Only to find there was someone there waiting for her when she made it to the top of the tree. 
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“Hey asshole, this is my spot where I hide from the cops. I called dibs. Now, shoo, shoo.” Catra flippantly waved her claws off at him. It wasn’t long before she noticed that the person who was up here with her didn’t intend of leaving. Her narrowed her eyes in annoyance. “Ugh, fine if you’re not gonna buzz off, then make yourself useful and fight them with me.” 
Catra said, before twisting her face in the most sour expression possible. 
“What are you waiting for? I’m so not gonna say please.” 
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sanctummilitis · 4 years
Injecting the power of her Mana Burst into Excalibur, severing the wires proved an easy task. With none others present to work alongside, the Saber had resorted to testing the durability of the cords and found herself satisfied with the answer. To ascertain the success, she checked with the application the citizens had been guided toward using, observing the glow fade and the street appear ordinary once more. Departing was a leap away and, using the tunnel’s walls to build momentum and hasten her ascent, she returned to the surface in a matter of seconds. Into the sights of another.
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He lingered among the residences, with no visible effort to have approached — unless it were the fading light had informed him the service be require no more. yet something about him was off, something which denied her luxury of relaxing, and so her palms remained still on the holy sword’s hilt. “Tell me, on what side have you chosen to fight? If you pledged yourself to teh Stars, proceed to the next location that may have your eye. But, pray tell... would I be wrong in assuming that isn’t your goal?”
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xcoriate · 4 years
Tenko held a peach he had stolen from one of the fruit vendors close to his chest. He could not remember the last time he had eaten, and no one gave him food no matter how much he begged for it. They simply pretended he was not there. He was about to take a bite, when he saw red eyes staring at him. For a moment he thought he was looking at his own reflection in the mirror, and then the illusion was gone, broken. 
This boy was nothing like him. This boy was beautiful. Eyes like two red jewels, a red kmino that clung to pale, glowing skin, red as an apple, sweet as fruit, and Tenko was like an old, dead tree withering away. He immediately thought the other boy was the most wonderful thing in the world. He noticed the boy wasn’t looking at him just the pear in his hand. 
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Tenko offered it up. “Do you want it?” Just as the other boy was reaching out for it, Tenko’s pinky brushed against the peach and it began to rot away, shriveling up until it wa snothing. Tenko recoiled in shock at the activation of his own quirk. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. My hands are bad...” He flinched for a moment like he expected to be hit, but no blow came. 
“Um, do you want to play with me? I can do a magic trick.” Tenko felt bad he broke his promise to share the fruit with the other boy. He put both of his hands on the ground and suddenly a wave of destruction erupted from his hands. Cracks spread in the ground, and a hole opened up. “Pretty cool right? I bet I’d be a super strong hero.” Tenko said, now he was just trying to impress the other boy. 
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chaosmagecraft · 4 years
Apparently Judar was... Kind of? Matching the family theme. That meant he was pretty much family, right? 
Flat hurried up to Judar, the obnoxious little light he’d sewn into his anglerfish headband bobbing in front of him. 
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“Happy Halloween! You’re dressed up too! Hey- are you gonna go trick-or-treating? Too bad you’re way too old now. But I guess they’ve got that costume candy for free, and that’s pretty cool on its own.” 
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avxsta · 4 years
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@letscursefate​ said: ‘how many people have you killed?’
 Eh... Another guy asing the same shit? What was up with that, why were people so damn fixated on it? Prove a point, send a message? What a fucking drag. The Avenger thought to himself, putting a hand on the back of his head. Something didn’t seem right with this guy, but he’d be damned if he cared. Fighting on this place was a waste of time.
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 Like I give a shit about that, I ‘sppose people like their body count in order to prove a point or raise their stupid pride. But I’m more of a quality over--- Nah, I don’t care ‘bout that either, I can just safely say I am third best in the place I came from. How so? Well, beats me. The moment I became what I am, it came out as a natural thing ya see.”
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princesselmelloi · 4 years
( @letscursefate​ )
“Colour me impressed you didn’t die while locked out on the streets.”
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“Who did you have help you?”
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tokeiso · 4 years
A red orb of light preceded her appearance in Archimedes, quickly growing larger. It was a sight bound to attract spectators, so she had found a good, sparse space to pop into long before now. Once it was large enough for someone to stand within it, the light burst apart into smaller orbs and revealed the small frame of a girl. 
It was as smooth of a transport as Setsuna could ask for, except for the person she locked eyes on immediately. Those eyes widened, but given she didn’t do anything more than clutch the red cell phone between her hands more tightly, she was more surprised than panicked.
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“Oh. No one’s been here before.” She broke her silence awkwardly, not having rehearsed this kind of sudden conversation. “Um, are you having a good day?”
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patiencethin · 4 years
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|| @letscursefate​ ||
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crystallinevessel · 4 years
 @letscursefate​  “ Now wait a second, I’m scared of the dark. ” The voice mocked, a shadow sitting on Sinbad's windowsill.
sinbad tries to not get annoyed often, although an unavoidable thing, he does his best to remain carefree. or at least, appear to be, it was better than acting on edge or irritated-- that was no fun. the king reached behind him, undoing the cloth that normally kept his long hair in place. a moment to just unwind was called for, and sinbad intended to enjoy it. 
that was his full intention.
nothing more and nothing less. he’d even done all his work, kept ja’far off his back anything else that needed his kingly attention today, yet it seemed he might not be able to achieve what he desired.
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the all too familiar voice caused tension to caress down his spine, a well known sensation, despite his relaxed posture. maybe he should think about making it more difficult for the magi to get into sindria, after all. “are you really,” sinbad replied turning to finally glance at judar, “do you need someone to make you a night light?” he mocked right back, “what are you doing here anyway?”
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