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bet-on-me-13 · 1 month
The Ambassador
So! It was finally happening. After Years of Pleading with the Guardians and other Ruling Bodies of the Galactic Community, the Justice League had finally gotten then to agree to create an Alliance with Earth.
With an Alliance, Earth would gain the Protection of Multiple Empires and The Guardians, which would mean an end to the Constant Alien Invasions they faced. There was also the legal opening of Trade Routes between Planets to exchange Technology and Resources on the Galactic Scale.
Of course Earth would return the Favor, legally being able to defend it's Allies with its unusually large population if Superheroes and quickly advancing Tech, while also trading Tech and Resources between Planets.
Of course the battle was not entirely won yet.
They still needed to begin Negotiations to see if both sides would even agree to the Alliance in the First Place, as well as decide on the specifics of the Treaty. The United Nation's would decide on Ambassadors to represent the different countries, while the different Alien Governments would send an Ambassador Each.
When the Ambassadors arrived, they asked to be introduced to the Representatives of the Planet. Except, they claimed that there was a missing Member.
They claimed that there was one more Major Kingdom on the Planet, the most Powerful One, which they felt must be at the Negotiations.
When asked who this missing Ambassador was, they simply replied, "King Phantom of the Infinite Realms, he and a Shard of his Kingdom reside on this Planet, do they not?"
Now they are working around the clock to find this missing Kingdom, because the Alien Ambassadors refused to negotiate without the most powerful Kingdom at the Table, and they woud not wait forever.
Just who was this "King Phantom", and why had he not revealed himself yet?
Sam and Tucker sat on the Couch in their apartment, staring at the TV as the Chosen Representatives for America finished their Speech. Apparently the Peace Talks had been put on Hold for a few more days as they did some last minute preparations. Something about making their Guests more comfortable before they began discussing politics.
"Hey Danny, they're delaying the Negotiations for a few more days." Sam called over to the Kitchen.
"Aw, what?!" Shouted Danny from the Kitchen, sounding extremely disappointed, "I just finished making all the Popcorn!"
"I know Honey, its too bad." Tucker comforted his Partner, "Let's marathon Star Trek instead, how about that?"
Danny slumped out of kitchen and into the Couch between them, steaming bowl of Popcorn in his Lap, "I guess. We can make good use of all this popcorn at least."
Sam patted him on the arm, "Hey it's okay, the Talks will just take a few more days."
Danny shrugged, "Yeah, you're right. Man, what I wouldn't give to be in that Room."
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mzminola · 16 days
I think the best way to deal with the whole "Oh no how did the anti-ecto acts happen in this universe without the JLA intervening?" issue in Danny Phantom / DCU crossovers is just to have it been passed during that time Lex Luthor was president.
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sabrewan · 1 year
me waiting for my fave mutual to wake up
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evilminji · 10 months
You know how... world leaders can't just? SAY stuff? Because when they DO it's the Offical Stance(tm) of their Country?
That makes their Fuck Ups(tm) all the more serious. It's WHY they have press teams.
They said something, PUBLICLY, on LIVE TELEVISION, that? Can not be taken back? Full on "masks off, behold the horrors you have payed for" moment?
Sure, they could SAY "that wasn't me" and "I was brainwashed" etc etc. But? If it's BIG enough? UGLY enough? TRUE??? People WILL find it. Dig and dig and dig like termites in the walls. Hunt like bloodhounds.
Riot in the streets.
Because? All it would TAKE? Is ONE half ghost, a few too many long nights trying to balance college classes and his internship, a bigotry filled call from back home, and staring down that empty fridge with just one box of moldering take out, because he's been too busy and stressed to remember to get GROCERIES AND-
So this is what "so stressed you feel calm, I have run out of Fucks too give" feels like. Neat. *picks up phone* Hey, Sam? You still at that protest? Outside the presidential speech? Neat. Don't move.
One Phone Line Express later. SAM is telling him to breathe. Maybe... maybe calm down. Think about this. Others around her can see the same "spark of madness" glint in his almost zen like smile.
It Fiiiiine, Sam.
He's just here to Talk.
He disappears. Sam's freaking out. President stumbles but catches himself on the way to the mike. Up in the watch tower, various Magic users choke on their lunches, because a ghost just possessed the United States President.
He taps the Mike, smile, leans in real close like he's gonna Tell You Folks A Secret.... Aaaaand~
"The second you Die, you no longer have human rights. Doesn't matter how brief. Heart stops? You're sub-human scum! Non-sentient by American law. We here in the United Stares PROUDLY desecrate the bodies and graves of the dead. Tear apart the immortal souls of the innocent. And condemn you to oblivion crying, begging, and screaming for mercy! Why, obviously, is an act. Because souls don't have the RIGHT to feel fear or pain!
And YES. We do mean EVERYONE'S. Atlantian, Kryptonian, Martian. Canadian, Mexican, Russian, AND Chinese! I could keep going! Once you die? You belong to the United States to experiment on as we see fit! You're PROPERT now! So turn your nonrights having, nonsentient self in to the nearest GIW! For the good of AMERICA. Ectoplasmic Scum!"
*drops mic*
Jaws are on the floor. This was VETERANS DAY. Dead military Heros and smile for the cameras. A cake walk. Do a patriotism, rah rah. There.... there are DIPLOMATS in the crowd. Sure as SHIT, were more then a few foreign nationals WATCHING. Religious leaders looking on in fury, grief, and horror.
Reporters. Oh sweet Jesus the reporters.
The press secretary faints.
PANDEMONIUM. The president, still dazed and confused from being possessed, gets PUNCHED on live television be his VP, a deeply religious if moderately shady man. Take bribes? VP is cool with that. Bootstraps, peasants, and all that. But how DARE you fuck with the Souls of the dead. How DARE you!
Phones are blowing up, questions are being shouted, the JLA Dark FEEL like they should tell somebody about the ghost kid... but also this feels VERY "Call for help-y" so they might throw their weight around instead and pretend they know nothing. World leader are meaningfully staring at their Dear Beloved Dead Grandmother's photos as they send LIVID assistants to hound the American into answering the DAMN PHONE-!
And Danny?
Danny feels calmer now. He has stolen like....700 bucks from secret security's various wallets. He's going to buy himself BOUGIE groceries. Some...some NICE take out. Maybe a little cake. Yeah~ Cake for Danny~
If anyone needs him? No you don't. He needs to go do some shopping, eat, lie on the floor of his shower and just... vibe for a bit under the spray. In the dark maybe. Sleep for a week. Have his food. Yummy little treats.
Or he's gonna fuckin LOSE IT, man.
(Tucker is actively hacking his college schedule as they speak. He KNEW it. Called it! Too many classes! But does Mr "I can handle it" listen? Noooooooo! Now look what happened! Holy SHIT, Danny!)
@hypewinter @hdgnj @ailithnight @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter
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celaenaeiln · 4 months
“batman loves his nightwing” this and “batsibs love nightwing that”, what about the batsibs’ friends / team loving nightwing ‼️‼️
YES!!! They love him!
The thing about Dick Grayson is that he has such a unique quality that just draws people in and holds them captive.
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Titans (2016) Issue #26
He has a charisma that's intense. People from all walks of life find themselves just constantly looking at him for friendship, advice, love, guidance, and just something that calls them to him.
It's the impact he has on people that's astounding.
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Titans (2016) Issue #27
They love him so much and they respect him so much that his absence is like a huge gaping hole in their chest. People feel lost without him because they've come to rely so heavily on him. Gar and Steel literally only joined because Dick asked.
This is something Roy catches on to and is well-aware of. He practically hounds Dick into creating the Outsiders with him.
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Outsiders (2003) Issue #1
But you think Roy is the only one to capitalize on Dick's Nightwing effect? Hell no.
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Titans East Special
Dick isn't just a person. He's a home. He's the guiding hand and the ship's steer control. He's special to people because he's everything they want him to be. He's their lover, best friend, brother, and partner. Whatever role they're missing in life they find it him him because he makes himself versatile enough to fill whatever they're looking for.
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Dark Crisis Issue #1
We say batsibs' teams but he's the whole Justice community's everything. He fills the connections of both Batman's side and Superman's side.
He IS the most well-connected person in the entire community.
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Teen Titans (2003) Issue #23
Look at what Kon says -
"Nightwing and Starfire brought wave two. Which is just about everyone whose ever been a Titan. It's a natural thing when Nightwing shows up. None of us are conscious of it, really--but we all look to him for orders. Robin's lucky."
The sheer respect. That Kon has for Nightwing is indomitable. Oh, but you think that's all?
Do you know what the superhero community says about Nightwing? Kon will tell you what they think -
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Teen Titans (2003) Issue #33
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The Titans (1999) Issue #39
He calls. They answer.
Hero-worship of Nightwing is canonically universal. Renaming this the Nightwing Effect
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The Titans (1999)
Red Condor
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Nightwing (2016) Annual #3
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #75
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #49
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Supergirl (2005) Issue #3
And sometimes this means more than friendship love but still born out of respect. It's so funny to me how Dick goes around friendzoning people.
Even when people don't like what he wants they still do it because they respect him. Because he had an impact on them and they were were moved
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Titans (2003) Issue #89
Aquaman, Ollie, John (Green Lantern)
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JLA (1997) Issue #121
Kyle Rayner
Even people he's just met are like - this guy's pretty good!
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Green Lantern (1990) Issue #81
Coming from a Green Lantern comic!! Not even a Wondergirl, Wonderwoman, Batman, or Nightwing writer. A green lantern!
Speaking of which, when Hal Jordon dies, a list of people are selected to be The Hal Jordon's replacement and guess who it is?
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Action Comics (1938) Issue #642
Hal forces his soul back into his body and comes back to life but DC does a "what-if" thing and shows what it would be like if Dick actually became a Green Lantern.
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Superman/Batman Issue #60
AND BRUCE'S REACTION!! His most favorite son combined with one of his least favorite people 🤣🤣
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Superman/Batman Issue #60
But Bruce's faith in Dick actually elavtes his opinion of Hal.
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Superman/Batman Issue #61
But anyway, shows to prove that no matter who Dick is and what identity he takes, he will always be the love of the hero community. Because in this world, each member is a combination of the Justice League AND the Titans.
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Superman/Batman Issue #60
Yet Dick is still the center of it all.
A literal god
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #49
Jon and the hero community
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Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis Issue #1
"It would mean a LOT to people if you came and said--" "You're all overreacting." "We need you."
"You're all overreacting." - Clearly, this isn't the first time someone has already come to Dick about being the center of the community.
Not just by the batfam, but for everyone Dick is the most beloved person in the community. That is a fact.
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stealingyourbones · 7 months
Had an idea for you.
Due to Shenanigans Danny and Jazzy end up in the DC verse which has much less ectoplasm than their own verse. Even more concerning is they are close to 80 years in the past from their point of view. Teenage Danny gets an apprenticeship with a clock maker and Jazzy becomes a school teacher.
Eventually Jazzy ends up marrying Thomas Constantine and having first Cheryl and then John and his twin. I don't know if Danny would ever get married or if he's simply focusing on his trade. By the time Jazzy dies as in John's backstory Uncle Danny is there to step up and help take care of him and Cheryl while Thomas falls apart. All throughout there childhood Cheryl and Johnny know they can count on Uncle Danny and with Danny's prompting John learns from the previous Laughing Magician and is not just winging his magic. Cut to modern day and John joins the JLD. Eventually he gets injured and they need to talk to his power of medical attorney to get permission for treatment or maybe John got a concussion and they need to have somebody they can send him home with. They see Danny Fenton and a New York address and assume this is a boyfriend. Superman Zips over to the address and find out that no, this is not his boyfriend, this is his uncle. Superman carries now late 90s Danny Fenton to Mt Justice to take care of his beloved Little Johnny. The JLA are never going to let him live that down!
Either that or there is a family day and John asks if he can have a relative come to the Watchtower. Batman thinks he means a relative of Cheryl's and after a thorough background check of all the Constantine - master family agrees. Then old Uncle Danny comes up! Danny still loves the stars and has kept up with the advances of the engineering over the decades as well as learn necromancy so he can talk to his sister in this reality. He is having a blast!
He may also attempt to adopt that poor Revenant over there though.
observing this ask like a bug under a microscope
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dyslexicandakeyboard · 3 months
Bruce "I'm so disappointed in you. I've never been more disappointed in my life" Wayne.
Dick *in front of the JLA cause Alfred's away*: You're not 6'4 and a half!
Bruce: Ignore him, as I was saying. I could pass as the bodyguard since we're the same height and build--
Dick: You wear heels! And you have springs in your shoes!
JLA: *collective snorting and gasping*
Bruce *lying*: ...no
On the Zeta home
Bruce: I have never been--ugh--more embarrassed--I'm so disappointed in you. I've never been this disappointed in my life.
Dick: *ignoring him because Bruce said this yesterday after Dick told Alfred on him for stealing cookies* Ok.
Clark and Bruce are talking in the Cave. Bruce is currently suffering from stomach issues due to quote unquote food poisoning.
Bruce:...I've recalibrated the Watchtower antigravity sensors--
Jason *coming from the Bat Bathrooms and Changing rooms. His nose is plugged with ripped tissue paper and his eyes are watering*: Eugh, what did you eat Bruce?
Superman: *adverts his eyes and quietly whistles Yankee Doodle.*
Bruce: *Forced laugh* Kids ya know--
Jason: It's warm in there, man. Whoo!
Bruce: Funny, funny...*pushes Clark towards the back of the Cave*
Bruce: Excuse us.
Bruce: Even Dick has never done this to me! You embarrass me in front of my colleague. He's one of the cofounders of the JLA! Jason, I am mortified. I have never been so disappointed in my life.
Bruce *Driving a Stephanie home after Stephanie trips infront of Black Canary during a joint mission*: I hope you're happy with yourself.
Stephanie: uh-huh
Bruce *shaking his head*: In front of Black Canary, you embarrass me in front of the one, Black Canary. I'll be the laughing stock of the JLA tomorrow. Not even Tim could do something like this!
Stephanie: uh-huh
Bruce: I don't ask for much, just follow directions and what did you do. You didn't. I expected more from you.
Stephanie: uh-huh
Bruce: What would your mother think? Uh, I think she'd be as disappointed as I am--Stephanie, are you listening?
Stephanie: uh-huh
Bruce: Great....
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silverwhittlingknife · 5 months
The Bats Are Fighting (Distaff Edition)
some conflicts I enjoy:
Babs is pretty hostile/judgy toward Helena at first & is bitterly upset and hurt when Helena starts wearing a Bat costume - apparently a Batgirl costume - without asking her. Later on, Bruce chases Helena out of the costume, and Babs gives Cass the Batgirl costume with her explicit blessing. Helena and Cass never have a rivalry over this exactly, but I don't think they ever really get along, either
Babs and Helena eventually make up when Babs lets Helena join the Birds of Prey but it's rocky in the beginning - Babs dislikes Helena's methods and doesn't entirely trust her; Helena resents being kept on the outside
Steph is super-impressed by Cass and tries to get her to like her and they eventually get close, but Cass has a pretty low opinion of Steph-as-a-vigilante and doesn't hesitate to boss her around or knock her out, and she's super-hurt by Steph lying to her about what's going on during War Games (probably not unrelated: Cass is the only Bat to blame Steph instead of Bruce after Steph dies)
Babs and Cass get very close but also have tensions because Babs wants Cass to have the 'normal' life that Babs thinks she should've tried harder to have when she was younger, and Cass isn't entirely comfortable with this pressure, plus - this one I think is a bit more well-known - Babs spends a lot of time tutoring Cass and looking after her (awww), BUT ALSO in a tense moment she gets really nasty and harsh about Cass's reluctance to learn to read and calls her "stupid"
Dinah finds Steph REALLY annoying and wants her to stop tagging around after her... until she finds out about Steph's miserable home life, and then she appears like an avenging angel and kicks Steph's dad and his cronies out of the house
Babs decides to work with a guy who tortured Dinah because she thinks he's capable of redemption and Dinah is NOT HAPPY about it
Just generally, Steph and Helena are very much outsiders who don't get brought into the "core" Batfam and who aren't trusted with info like Bruce's secret identity. By contrast, Babs is an insider almost from Day 1 - she may have conflicts with Bruce, but she's also got his absolute trust - and Dinah is as insider as it gets, with a mom who was also Black Canary and a stint on the JLA
other general characterization notes that cause Conflict (TM):
Babs is pretty much a classic Bat - she's got a ton of control issues and she's an instinctively secretive workaholic
Helena is an adult who will kill people if she damn well feels it's necessary and she doesn't appreciate being lectured about it
Steph is a defensive teenage outsider with a bucketload of family problems - deadbeat evil dad! addict mom! - and when she's upset she's got a reckless self-destructive streak
Cass is very much like Bruce in that 1) she is wildly super mega good at fighting, 2) she's an instinctive loner who's comically bad at people AND YET she can nevertheless effortlessly manage to head off to a foreign country for a weekend and have a passionately-felt mutual love affair with some random criminal or something, and then that person dies & she goes home like nothing happened, 3) she cares about other people but completely sucks at communication & when in doubt will just go silent & take off or refuse to have conversations, 4) because she hates talking sometimes she'll just knock you out or hit you so that she won't have to do it, 5) she will spend an entire year planning to have a fight to the death with someone for Reasons and tell no one about it because why would she tell someone
anyway they're all terrible <3
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ellana-ravenwood · 2 years
“Hey Mrs Wayne !” - Fem!Reader x Batfam x Young Justice x JLA
Synopsis : Your children invited their friends over a few times. You met every single kid in the team they call “Young Justice”...but you never ever met their parents/ guardians/mentors. It comes as quite a shock to all the Justice League members when they realize their kids know you well, while they didn’t even know you existed. 
Just a short and silly story. A sort of AU in which the younger superheroes met Batman’s family before their older counterpart hehe. I hope you’ll like it :) :
Please, do not repost my stories ANYWHERE else, under any other form, do not translate and then repost them either. Thank you. 
My masterlist(s) : @ella-ravenwood-archives
Bruce was a secretive man. And for a very long time, none of the Justice League members knew about his family. None of them knew he was actually married, and the “Robins” were his kids (although they had suspicions about the latter).
But there came a day when the “secret was out”. 
The main reason Bruce told them who he really was, was as a show of trust. He wanted to prove he trusted them, and he wanted them to trust him. 
It was vital, for the team to work properly. Once they discovered he had contingency plans for each and everyone of them, it was the only solution to gain back their trust. 
Of course, Bruce would never admit openly that he considered many of them his friends, and that it was actually a great relief to finally tell them the truth (after all, he knew since a long time THEIR secret identity...he wasn’t the best detective in the world for nothing). But it was a necessary step. 
Once they knew who he was, it was as if they were finally truly a team. They all trusted each others enough to divulge their real self. 
Funny, when you think about it. Bruce’s paranoia and constant need for “plans” (you did convince him to go see a therapist about that), his great mistrust in others, ended up being what cemented everyone’s relationship.   
Bruce’s distrust lead to everyone trusting one another with their lives. They revealed who they were, as civilians. And Batman did it first. He told them first. 
“Bruce Wayne.” He said, removing his cowl. Revealing one’s real identity was dangerous, for people in their line of work...yet he trusted them. He showed them that his initial wariness had vanished. 
Batman showed them who he really was. And in more than one way, as they all came to realize that, if he was THE Bruce Wayne...Then he had quite a big family ! 
What a shock ! 
And what a greater shock, when they realized their kids knew all about it long before they did. When they realized they knew you well, when they didn't even know you existed !  
Clark was the first person from Bruce’s “work” who met you. 
Of course, he was. Who else, but Batman’s BEST friend would meet his family first ? Who would the Dark Knight trust more amongst the JLA members, but the one who he first called “friend” ? 
Who else but Clark, could meet you first ? 
It’s not like anyone else had Bruce’s trust or anything. Not like he would let anyone else get close to his family. Come to his home. Meet his wife and kids, unmasked. 
Right ? 
...Right ?
Clark was not the first person to ever meet Batman’s family. Hell. He wasn’t even the second person to do so...or the third...or the fourth...
When he first arrived at Wayne Manor, he had almost a sense of pride. Because he was so sure that he was the first person that Bruce ever allowed in his home. In his personal life (the first superfriend, at least). 
Imagine his surprise, when Bruce introduced him to you, and you were playing video games with your children and...CONNER ?! What the-
Kon was a good friend of Dick, and one of Tim’s best friend.  
And at first, Clark rejected him. 
And it didn’t take more. 
Of course, you’d welcome with open arms a lost “little” kid who didn’t know who he truly was, and who was shunned by someone who could help him out. Of course, Bruce would say “yes” when Dick asked if Conner could sleep over one night the boy felt particularly alone. 
Taking care of lost ducklings was kind of your jam. 
Conner was like a nephew, to you. He would often crash at Wayne Manor. Bruce knew he needed someone there in his life, and he knew that being as powerful as Superman meant he could be dangerous if he didn’t learn how to process his emotions. 
Of course, OF COURSE Conner would be welcomed in your home. Not only was he one of your son’s closest friend, but he was also just a child. You’d never leave him all alone. 
Everyone in the Young Justice league had someone to go see if they needed, except for Conner. 
You became “his confident”, when Clark was still rejecting him. Nowadays of course, their relationship softened. Over the years, they developed a filial relationship, because let’s be honest, the first time Clark met Conner, there wasn’t really much even a chance of a relation. Ah, but the man of steel came around, of course. In part thanks to Bruce. In part because Kon was actually a good kid. 
But before that, who was there to guide Conner ? 
You and Bruce. 
You especially, gave him the motherly care he obviously never knew. Martha and Lois would gladly accept this role later on, but at the beginning, you were there. 
He wasn’t always home of course, and you never adopted him because you and Bruce both knew he belonged with the Kents. But it didn’t mean that Conner didn’t hung a LOT in your home. 
And so when Clark first came, thinking he was the first to get in the intimacy of Batman’s house, and he saw him playing video game with Bruce’s wife (whom he didn’t even know existed)...it was a shock, to say the least. 
Even more so when he realized Kon seemed very close to you. 
He clearly knew you, called you by your first name and everything ! What ?! But Batman was HIS best friend, so he should know his wife first ! 
You and Clark became friends quickly, it was so easy, to become friend with him. He was most definitely the “golden retriever” type of the group, and easy to approach (unlike a certain husband). 
And although Superman would never admit it, he had been particularly friendly to you (risking Bruce’s infamous bout of jealousy) and such, because he wanted to “catch on” on Conner’s “advance”. There was no way the boy could know his best friend’s family more than him. No way, nuh-hu. Clark didn’t make so many efforts for Batman to finally accept him, only to realize that someone else got to know him better ! 
Do you know how long it took the mighty Superman to finally break down Bruce’s defenses ? To finally reach him, and become friends ? How many times he got rejected, before he finally managed to come to Wayne Manor ? 
And what, Conner had been here the entire time ? Oh, and the boy looked at him that day, as if to say : “Yeah. Hurts to feel left out, right ?!”, which fueled Clark’s need to be loved by everyone even more (and put a lot of things into perspective..;after all, it’s seeing Conner so well integrated in your family that made him realize he had to be there for the boy). 
It wasn’t fair. Clark didn’t even know you existed ! Aaaaaah. 
Yes. It was honestly quite upsetting. To this day, Clark was still a little vexed. 
Kon always saw it as a great sort of “revenge” on the man who, at first, rejected him so adamantly. On the man who wanted nothing to do with him. 
Over the years though, this little fact became a source of “competition” between the Kent boys. Later on, Clark’s youngest son, Jon, would be over at your house WAY too often. It’s funny, because you’d say yourself that Damian was spending too much time at the Kent’s house. 
Your boys were best friends, of course. Ah, but it was a bit of a competition, between Clark and his kids, to know who knew the Waynes the best...
It never ceased to amuse you. 
Diana often made a distinction, in her head, between the Batman she met at the beginning of the Justice League, and the Batman he slowly became. 
When she first met him, when he first approached her about that JLA idea, it was clear the man had been alone for a long time. That he wasn’t used to work as a team. Or rather, that he was used to people listening to him. To people doing what he said. That he was used to work alone, and to not rely on anyone else. To not trust anyone else. To not let anyone else into his heart. 
That Batman was cold, sad, distant, and honestly kind of an ass. 
Over those first few years though, Diana noticed a difference. He became a little more open. A little easier to deal with. 
Years later, Diana would learn that you met him a little while after the league was created. That you met him at his worst, and somehow still decided to stick with him, and even marry him. That when you appeared in his life, it been a very long time since he last truly trusted someone (someone who wasn’t Alfred). 
Of course, it took him time to open up a bit more. But she did notice a difference. In her opinion, there was definitely two different Batman. 
The one before you, and the one after you. 
Let’s not be too optimistic, she still thought that Bruce could be an ass, and he was often arrogant and inconsiderate. But she still saw a slight switch in him. An improvement. 
Haha. Of course the source of his improvement was a woman. As a proud amazon, Diana wasn’t surprised. 
What surprised her, however, was that her little proteges, Donna and Cassie...knew all about you. 
How come did they never tell her anything ? 
“Mrs. Wayne asked us not to.” 
Was their answer. And when Diana met you, she understood. Yes. Yes there was something about you. Something that made her believe that you were the one who helped Bruce get away from his dark path, and onto a brighter future. Something that made her trust, that you took good care of Donna and Cassie. Something that made her like you instantly. 
What was it ? 
She wasn’t sure. Maybe it was how you so easily got along with her proteges ? How they seemed to fully trust you ? Maybe it was something in your voice, that she found soothing. Maybe it was the fact that you managed to tame the bat ? 
Diana would never quite know for sure. But she always suspected the fact that both Wonder Girls seemed to adore you played a part in how fast you two became friends. 
She was the only one who was not bothered in the least to meet you after the kids did. On the contrary, it felt right, to meet you and befriend you AFTER those two accepted you. Yes. Yes. 
It felt right. 
What the fuck. What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK ?!
Those words kept repeating in Barry’s head as he saw his “little” nephew, Wally, run around Batman’s kitchen as if he owned the place.  
Indeed, Wally just casually trudged to the fridge, got a soda out of it, and then took a piece of the cake that was on the table, without even asking. He got a plate from a cabinet...He knew were the plates were ! 
And no one batted an eye ! Not even scary old Batman, who certainly couldn’t approve of such behavior, right ?! 
What the hell was going ooooon ??  
“Hey Mrs. Wayne !” 
Wally exclaimed happily when he saw you. And then he-
He hugged you ????  
“Hi there Wally, it’s been a while. You’ve been behaving, I hope.”
“Always, you know me Mrs W.”
You knew him ?? Yeah ok. That was it. Barry was completely lost. 
Only a few weeks earlier, did he learn that Batman’s true identity was Bruce Wayne. Of course, he knew the man. Everyone in the USA knew him. And his wife and kids. So when he was invited to Wayne Manor, he knew what to expect. 
He knew you’d be there, as well as the kids he already knew (although masked). He never met you before, but he knew about you. And recognized you. 
He thought he’d make his favorite nephew happy by bringing him with him. He thought he had such a scoop, that Wally wouldn’t believe his eyes when he’d realize who Bruce Wayne really was. 
And here they were. 
Barry, completely lost, and Wally, apparently knowing you and all ?? 
Ah. Ah, now it made more sense. 
This is why Batman almost cracked a smile when he asked him if he could bring his nephew, because Wally was good friends with Robin number 1 and 2 (Barry couldn’t believe they all grew up so fast, he refused to call Dick “Nightwing”, or Jason “Red Hood”, and kept acting as if they were still 13). 
He thought he was going to make “Kid Flash” happy. He thought he would blow his mind. 
AH ! And here they were. Barry was faced with all of you, and you clearly found the situation funny as you all smiled. Even Bruce, wasn’t far from a smile, and had a crooked smirk on his face, clearly amused (it was a little sadistic of him, really). 
It didn’t take long to Barry to make 2 and 2 together. He realized that, quite a long time ago now, the kids told each other’s secrets identity. That they trusted each other, and bonded faster than their adult “counterpart”. 
A surprising thing that Barry realized too, and that he kept somewhere in his mind just in case he needed some leverage : Batman couldn’t say “no” to his kids. That’s how the entire superkids army ended up at Wayne Manor before the “adults”. Because Dick asked if his friends could come over, and Bruce didn’t have the heart to say “no”. 
That’s how all of them knew you. That’s how- aaah. 
Wally looked at his uncle, and smiled widely, saying : 
“Haha. For once, I was faster than you !”
M’gann has never been good at hiding things from her uncle. 
It’s not that he would willingly read her mind, it’s just that sometimes, her thoughts just...spilled out of her. She couldn’t help it. When there was something preoccupying her, she thought about it so much that J’onn would just always know about it. 
That’s one of the reasons her friends never really told her secrets they wanted to keep from the adults, when they knew J’onn would be around. 
Yes. M’gann's “poker brain” was horrible. And yet-
Yet she managed to keep for herself the fact that she was invited to multiple sleepover at Wayne Manor, and that her friends Tim and Dick, who happened the be Robins at one point, were Bruce Wayne’s sons (THE Batman). 
It hadn’t always been easy, but she made it. And one of the reason, was because she really, really, REALLY liked Batman’s wife.
You were so nice, and motherly. You treated all of those kids as if they were yours, when they came to visit. 
If you knew M’gann was going to come around, there would be freshly baked cupcakes in the kitchen. Her favorites, of course. 
M’gann felt a deep need to protect you. 
All of the kids, felt that. Actually, unbeknownst to you and every other adults, the children made a pact when they all first met you : They were to make sure no harm would happen to you. 
Their reasoning was : first, you were the mom of some of their best friends, so, duh. But second, without you, clearly, Batman would crumble. And Batman was one of the backbone of the JLA. If he fell, they could all fall. Yes, a secret pact was made. “Protect Mrs. Wayne.” 
Plus, you always welcomed them into your home with opened arms, you were warm and nice, and your cupcakes were the best. All the more reasons, right ? 
J’onn knew you held a special place in those children’s heart, when he first met you, realized that M’gann knew you all this time, and yet she never once let shown. She never once let her thoughts about you show, while she’s never been good at hiding things. 
Martian Manhunter knew, that you were special, thank to those kids. Thanks to them knowing you before he, or any JLA members, did.
Besides, you had to be special to bear to live with someone like Batman, right ?
“Hey Kaldy !” 
You say happily, seeing the young man coming up the stairs of your home. 
“Hello, Mrs. Wayne. How goes it ?”
“Pretty well, and yourself, young man ?”
“Good, as well.” 
There’s a short silence. During which Arthur Curry, aka Aquaman, king of Atlantis, looks at his protege, and then at the woman next to Bruce (whom he knew now was Batman), and then back at his protege, and then-
“...Kaldy ??” 
He exclaims suddenly, in utter disbelief. How ? How could Kaldur know who you were when he himself didn’t even know you existed just a few weeks earlier ? How, and why ?? 
And did you call him Kaldy ? Kaldur disliked nicknames, how come you were allowed to call him Kaldy ?? 
You saw the confusion on Arthur’s face, but you misunderstood it. You thought he was surprised to hear you call him a nickname (because you knew the boy and his distastes for such thing well), but it wasn’t just because of this. Aquaman was especially surprised that his loyal subject and protege knew Batman’s wife, while he didn’t !! You said : 
“Oh yes, Kaldy, because Kal was taken. It’s Clark’s birth name, and honestly it gets too confusing when two people are called the same. Although it was funny to just say “Kal”, watch both of them turn around, and wonder to whom I was talking haha...MMmmm. I guess I have a bad sense of humor.” 
You laugh to yourself, and he cannot believe that your his wife. Yes he sees how softly Bruce looks at you (even if once he noticed Arthur was looking at him himself, he started to were a stoic expression, schooling his face properly once again). 
He cannot believe Kaldur knows you, when he didn’t even know you existed, yet clearly the boy is well familiarized with you. 
“You- You came here before, Kaldur’ahm ?” 
Aqualad is clearly a bit embarrassed, as he says : 
“I am sorry, my king. But I promised Mrs. Wayne I wouldn’t say anything, she said if I did, Batman would get...cranky.”
Bruce turns his head towards you, his eyes narrowing as if to say : “I can’t believe you said that”, your smile which meant : “please, you know it’s true” only made him narrow his eyes further...
And on that note- 
Arthur starts to burst out laughing. 
The situation was so absurd. What. He didn’t know his friend of many years was married, but Kaldur did ? And the reason why the boy never mentioned her was because Batman would “get cranky” ?? 
Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. 
Soon, you all laughed together, and the rest was history. 
Yes, Kaldur had been coming to Wayne Manor for a long time now, and so what ? He was close friends with Batman’s kids. That was enough of an explanation. 
After all, it was the “adults” fault that they didn’t trust each other as fast as the kids did, right ? 
GREEN ARROW (with guest appearance from Black Canary)
Roy had been a long time friend of Jason. And you held the boy dearly inside your heart, because you knew he helped your son tremendously. 
Both Roy and Jay knew the pain of feeling abandoned, and left for dead. 
It was only natural, for Roy to be an “extended member of the family”. He was genuinely like a nephew, to you. You were never surprised to see him in your kitchen, unannounced, devouring a cake or something. 
“Sup Mrs. Wayne”, he’d say, giving you a high five, your son Jason never being too far. 
Roy was always welcomed. In fact, he was much more welcomed than Oliver will ever be. One thing your husband LOVED doing : annoy the crap out of other billionaires. Especially when they were arrogant like Oliver Queen (the irony of that statement never fully reaching your husband’s brain...)
Too bad for Green arrow, eh ? 
It was one of Bruce’s favorite past time, oops. And so when Oliver first came to Wayne Manor, accompanied by Dinah, and he realized that Roy was there while the boy was currently filtering his calls...the archer was shook. 
No but for real. Here was Roy, sitting at the kitchen table, eating a home cooked meal, relaxed in his chair, clearly alive and well...all the while Oliver had been worried sick ! He would never admit it of course, but he was ! 
But clearly, “Speedy” (now Arsenal) was all good.  
You had invited Green Arrow for dinner (Bruce didn’t want to invite him, mainly just to piss him off because he had invited everyone else already), and oh, Roy and your husband had way too much fun taunting him. 
And what the hell, although Roy had eaten two full plates already, he asked for a third one when he saw that Oliver was going to ask if there was any food left. You served the boy, of course, and Bruce insisted for him to finish the dish (just so Oliver couldn’t have more). 
You dotted over Roy so much, that Oliver felt almost hurt. Beyond the fact Bruce and the boy obviously were trying to annoy him, Oliver realized how many years he lost. How far from Roy he was, now. 
Seeing how close you all were, He realized...
This needed to change. And it would. 
“I trained a lot here.” Artemis said matter of factly, when Oliver asked her how come she knew about Wayne Manor before he did. 
“...I beg you pardon ?” He said, a little offended. Why wouldn’t she train at his place ?? 
“They have an insane gym, and in the cave they have one of them “danger room”. Like in the X-Men. So we often met here to train together. Sometimes because it’s honestly closer to come to Gotham than the YJ headquarter’s. But mainly because Dick is a BIG Mama’s boy.” 
Artemis snickered, looking at your oldest son. And, it was true. The reason the Young Justice sometimes came to train in the Batcave rather than at their headquarters, was because Dick was easily homesick (those short years during which he didn’t talk to Bruce anymore, and was away with the Titans, were tough for him). 
And so what ? He lost his family once, could anyone blame him that he was so traumatized he easily missed his mom ? Nope. No one. 
Doesn’t mean they never teased him though. 
“As my little brother Damian would say : it’s hardly something I’m ashamed of, good ol’ Artemis.” 
They laugh together, and you shake your head. You turn to Oliver to tell him that-
Wait, was he pouting ? Oh. Oh he definitely was ! And why, exactly ? 
Because Artemis, whom he took care of, whom he took under his wing...KNew you before he did, and liked Bruce’s gym better than his. 
Fair enough. 
It was Dick, who first convinced his dad to let his friends come over. 
“Absolutely not” he said, at first. But then Dick did his infamous puppy eyes. The little fucker always managed to get some unshed tears in them, always managed to look utterly sad even when it wasn’t really the case. 
Your little buddy even went as far as saying : “I just- I just wanted to feel normal” in a broken voice, lowering his head as he left the room (pure acting, of course).
Bruce stood no chance. Alfred and you gave him that look that meant : “Don’t be so heartless !”, and Dick pulled at his heartstring by acting as if he was truly hurt by his refusal. 
No chance at all, all Batman that he was. 
He couldn’t resist his son already, so when even his wife was pleading with him...”Fine. But we need to set up some rules !” 
1. None of them could say who he really was to anyone.  2. No Sleepover  Fine, no sleepover exceeding 3 nights ! 3. The Batcave is strictly forbidden (added later : except for training sessions) 4. No mess.  5. Keep. The. Whole. Thing. SECRET. 
And that’s how your house welcomed a bunch of little superkids (and how lots of shenanigans ensued...but that, is another story). 
Bruce never regretted saying “yes” to Dick all those years before, about bringing friends over. 
Not only did it also made Jason feel like a normal kid inviting his buddies at his place, but after his death and resurrection...his friends truly saved him. 
It’s them, who managed to convince him to speak to his parents again. Who brought him home again. Yes. Yes this was something Bruce knew he would never regret. 
Saying “yes” to his son’s request, all those years ago, and welcoming into his private home a bunch of kids with famous parents/guardians/mentors, had been one of his best idea. Because there was no doubt in his mind, that the fact those children knew you and him since so long, saved his son. 
Tim, at first, had difficulty to connect with others. 
It’s thanks to being part of a team, and them being allowed in his home, that he developed his social skills more. 
After all, the boy had been left alone for so long. Had the attention of no one for so long. Of course, it took him a bit of time to get acclimated to having a real family, and even friends ! 
Tim organized the best movie marathons, and once a month, your living room would be invaded by a bunch of teens who would steal every single snack in your house. 
Ah, but it was worst it. It was worst it, if only to see your son so happy, and not alone anymore. 
Duke was never part of any Young Justice or Teen Titans team...It was before his time. All those “kids” and “teens” were adults now, for the most part. Or his age, but already playing in the big league. 
Sometimes, he felt inadequate. And behind. But then you’d reassure him. Of course he couldn’t quite be on the same level they were yet, he just started his “career” as a vigilante ! 
You encouraged him to mingle with his siblings’ friends, and he did. Duke was a pretty social lad. It didn’t take him much time, to bond with everyone. Especially since they had one subject they were sure to agree on : how great you were. 
Ah yes. Of course. You were often the subject of many conversation, because honestly, how many people would let that many lost kids in their home like that ? 
Cass, just like Duke, had never been in a team. 
Which made her feel left out, at first...
But oh, this was without counting on her brothers. Those boys would NEVER make their sister feel alone. Feel like she wasn’t a part of their lives, in every way. 
Dick introduced his friends to her very quickly. Jason and Tim did too. And of course Damian. 
They all bragged so much about her (especially Damian), they all put her on such a high pedestal, that it made all her insecurities and sadness about not fitting in go away. 
So what if she wasn’t part of any team (yet) ? She was part of a family, and that was enough. Plus, even though all her brothers’ friends got along really well with you, she knew you’d always choose them over anyone else if you had to make a choice. And honestly for now, she’d settle with “just” a family. 
It had already been so hard, to manage to open up and accept your love. She didn’t think she was quite ready for “friends” yet. But she will be. She knew she’d be, one day. 
For now, family was enough. 
Your little one would never admit it, but he was sometimes so jealous. 
Some of those Young Justice kids...Were not kids anymore. And had been coming around your house for nearly decades. 
When the first Young Justice team was made, Dick was 13. Barely older than Damian was now. His friends met you before he did...
That’s what upset Damian, sometimes. Knowing that they grew up with you more than he did. Knowing that they knew you before everyone else, even before the JLA !! 
It wasn’t fair. How come they got to spend so many years with you, so much time with you, when he didn’t ?  
Yes. Damian was often jealous of how well the Young Justice, and Teen Titans kids knew you. 
Clark and him actually bonded greatly over that, to your husband’s exasperation. You thought it was funny. And cute. And definitely reminded your husband that “jealousy was probably a hereditary trait”, which always vexed him. 
Oh. And you made sure that your son knew you loved him so much, that there really were no reason to feel jealous.. 
Little by little, everyone came to Wayne Manor at one point. 
They all slowly met Batman’s family. Secret identities didn’t exist for them anymore. Annual barbecue was a thing (which mainly happened at Wayne Manor, because Bruce was the only one who had a backyard big enough, and remote enough, to invite all the most powerful superhero on the planet, without anyone even noticing).
They realized Bruce was just a man (and not a vampire, thank you very much mister Jordan). 
A family man. 
A few years back, it would’ve never crossed any of their mind to think that. What ? Batman ? With a family ? Right...
And yet. Yet it was the truth. 
Yes. They slowly got accustomed to that fact. But there was one thing they’d never get used to : it was how their kids, their wards, nephews or nieces, their sidekicks, the children they decided to mentor...Knew all along. 
Long before they did. 
It was quite an adjustment, to realize Batman had a wife, and to see their kids know everything about her already. 
You admit that, if the roles were reversed, you’d probably be very surprised. Especially since you knew all about them, thanks to their children. 
But in a way, it made sense, didn’t it ? It made sense, that those kids knew you before the adults did. That they hung out at Wayne Manor a lot, given the fact it was the biggest house at disposal, and they were great friends with your children. 
Yes. It just made sense, that you got to meet the kid first. Because of your own kids. Of course. 
And it made you so happy, to see all of them grow to be such fine and decent people. 
When you thought about that time, all those years ago, when they first started to know you, you often felt a bit nostalgic. 
Ah, but years passed, but the friendships and love you all shared never faded. 
Hahahaha so here we are, in an “AU” in which the superkids met Batmom before anyone else :). I hope you enjoyed this story. Trying really hard not to be too self-deprecating right now so not adding more haha. As per usual, comments and reblog are highly appreciated and encouraging/motivating :) ! Thank you for reading !
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bet-on-me-13 · 8 months
The Villains Daughter
So! Years ago, back when the Justice League was only just starting out, only a year or two after their initial team-up, they had one of their biggest battles to date. A group of Extra-Dimensional Beings had burst into their reality, hellbent on destroying a Government Facility and the nearby small town in Illinois.
They barely managed to beat the Invading Army back, although the Government Facility and a part of the nearby Town had been destroyed in the battle.
Later, they would learn about what had happened. Apparently the Government Base, called a GIW Facility, had managed to finally Crack the secret to Interdimensional Travel a few days earlier. Unfortunately, they had opened a Portal into a Dimension known as the Ghost Zone, ruled over by a Tyrant King who wanted to enslaved all world under him. Their Breaching of the GZ had alerted the Tyrant King to the existence of their Dimension, and he had launched an immediate Invasion to try and take it over.
And the evidence supported this.
Wonder Woman shared Legends of her People, telling that their Founding Ancestor had fled the rule of a Tyrant King when she passed into the Afterlife.
Zatara shared his Magic Tomes, showing them passages detailing the horrific Rule of the Tyrant King of the Infinite Realms.
They even asked Boston Brand, the Deadman and resident Ghost about it. He hadn't been the the Ghost Zone in Years, but even he told them that he had personally fled the Tyrant King.
And they also learned that when the Tyrant King set his eyes on something, he did not falter on his Warpath to acquire it. The Tyrant King, Pariah Dark, would be back for their World, again and again.
And they needed to be prepared. This Battle was what kickstarted their true Commitment to the idea of a Team. They knew they could not defeat Pariah Dark alone, so they needed to remain as a Team.
But there was another thing that came about from the Battle.
While the JLA had been helping clean up, Wonder Woman came across a strange sight. A Baby had been left in the rubble of the GIW Building.
She asked around, investigated, and did all she could to find the babies parents. At first she thought that one of the GIW Agents had brought their kid to work that day, but their records indicated that none of the Agents had children of that Age. And Neither did any of the other workers who worked on the base, like the Janitors or the Kitchen Staff. And of they did, all of their children were accounted for.
She eventually came to the conclusion that the Baby must belong to somebody in the nearby Town, but that lead led nowhere either.
She finally came to the conclusion that the Baby's parents must have died in the Invasion, a very unfortunate but very real possibility. She was going to place her into the System, but over the course of her investigation she had grown fond of the Child.
She decided to Adopt the baby herself. She didn't know the child's name, so she had to come up with a new one.
"How do you like the name, Stella?"
The baby gurgled in delight.
Over the next decade of their Teams Existence, the Justice League had to fend off the Legions of the Ghost King's Army many more times. It seemed that Pariah had grown wise to the fact that they were the ones defending the Human Realm, as almost all of the later attacks were directed on them personally.
It made sense, they were the First Line of Defense against his Armies, if he managed to defeat them, their World would soon fall.
But they dealt with the attacks as they came. They had made it their mission to defend their Home from the Forced of Pariah Darks Army, and they would not falter now, or ever.
In the case of Wonder Woman, he Daughter had grown to be a fine little lady. Stella had eventually developed Powers similar to her mother, in that she could fly and had super strength, and had begged to be trained as a Hero.
And who was Diana to deny her Daughter her greatest wish? Over the next 5 years, Diana trained Stella in the ways of the Amazon's. Then, when Stella was 15, she had her join the newly formed Young Justice.
She made a great group of friends on that Team, and even started going by Ellie as a Nickname. Her best friend was by far Conner, though she didn't know why she felt such a strong connection to him? It felt like she could relate to him, but her situation was completely different?
Ah well, her Mom wouldn't mind having another kid, would she? She always wanted a Brother!
Meanwhile in the Ghost Zone, the Ghost King was getting anxious. After 15 years, his Agents in the Human Realm had finally managed to set up the Ritual needed to Summon Him into the Human Realm.
Who knew that accepting the Ghost King's Throne would bar him from entering the Human Realm through normal Means? He couldn't even use the Portal, he needed to be summoned or he simply wouldn't be able to leave his new home dimension.
But now, it was almost time. Just another year or two, and he would finally be able to enter the Human Realm. He would finally be able to Find Her. His Daugther.
Danny would finally be able to reunite with his daughter, Ellie.
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suzukiblu · 5 months
WIP excerpt for yesdangerpls; the last son of Krypton meets Hypertime Kon. ( + non-chrono link for mobile users )
“A version of you was conquering alternate realities,” Bruce says, still neutral. 
“Uh,” Kon says, looking embarrassed. “Kinda, yeah? Kinda definitely, actually. I mean–dude had some issues. His home reality wasn’t really all that clone-friendly, and shit kinda went to shit there, and then he just decided ‘actually killing inconvenient people is ethically okay if I just make clones out of their dead bodies and give those clones their memories after’, so, uh . . . issues, like I said. Serious ones.” 
“And you don’t think that’s ethical?” Bruce says, which is an obvious test. Kon glowers at him as Clark resists the urge to sigh at Bruce. The man’s as paranoid as ever, no surprise. It’s . . . understandable, admittedly, but not exactly fair in this situation. 
“Clones are their own people,” Kon says, setting his jaw stubbornly. “No matter whose memories you stick in our heads.” 
“That’s a school of thought,” Bruce says neutrally. Kon scowls, then pointedly lifts his lassoed wrist. 
“You’re an asshole,” he says emphatically. Clark has to muffle a snort of laughter behind his hand; Diana does the same. Bruce looks sour. Clark knows he doesn’t think they’re taking this seriously enough, but he just can’t look at this kid and see a threat. 
Of course, that’s part of why Bruce doesn’t think they’re taking this seriously enough. 
“And you’re asking for a lot of trust, for someone who’s reportedly an interdimensional conqueror in at least one reality,” Bruce says. “Why should we believe this version of you is any different from Black Zero?” 
“For the record, it was a version of me that stopped him, too,” Kon says, still scowling at him. “Like, a whole bunch of versions of me. And we didn’t all survive the experience. So I dunno, democratically speaking I think I’m mostly not a shithead.” 
“And you don’t know how to return to your home reality?” Diana asks. Kon grimaces, then shakes his head. 
“No idea,” he says. “I only got out into Hypertime to begin with because another Superboy showed up in our Watchtower with a hyperjacket keyed to his DNA and, uh . . . crash-landed and died right in the middle of a JLA meeting, actually. He was–injured, when he made the jump. Didn’t survive it. He was with the resistance. Was trying to warn our reality that Black Zero was coming, but . . .” 
Clark feels immediately nauseous at that thought; wonders how traumatic and horrible it was for his alternate version to watch that happen and not be able to save that version of Kon. Wonders if that Kon’s version of him even knows what happened to him. If . . . 
He tries not to think about it. It’s not something he can do anything about. 
It’s definitely motivating him to get this Kon home all the quicker, though. His other self must be losing his mind right now. 
“Satisfied?” he asks Bruce, raising an eyebrow at him again. He’d be amused, a little, if he weren’t still thinking about what had happened to that other version of Kon: about a kid that young dying far from home trying to do the right thing, surrounded by a roomful of heroes who couldn’t save him. 
“No,” Bruce says. 
“Batman, there are multiple realities in which all of us are supervillains,” Diana says wryly, unlooping her lasso from Kon’s wrist and winding it up again. “We can hardly blame Kon-El for the crimes of a single version of himself.” 
Bruce has a look on his face that makes it very clear that he does, in fact, think they can do that. Bruce also thinks that about them, though, himself included, so Clark isn’t going to give that concern particularly heavy weight right now.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Tim who had the watchtower/super hero substitute treehouse built so Batman can have relatively healthy socialization also eggs on the baking rivalry that develops between Alfred and Ma Kent as part of his multi step plan to direct Batman towards developing a wider social circle than Superman who, again, Tim does not fully approve of as a good influence on Batman. He appreciates that Batman shouldn't kill and that Superman helped that much but otherwise is unimpressed with the kryptonian. Basically the only things Superman could do to make it up to Tim would be first, sincerely apologizing to Kon accompanied by actively being better and second lobotomizing the Joker. Unfortunately Superman has yet to realize he needs to make up anything to Tim. Thus Ma Kent will continue to receive cook books and high end baking supplies from anonymous sources as well as strategic praise and comparisons to Alfred's baking from various heroes and Alfred will receive similar praise and criticism and Bruce and Clark will both receive uncomfortable questions from both sides about which pie or cake or cookie he liked better.
Tim having monthly tea parties with Queen Hippolyta in a neutral location to talk about how Diana is doing, again as part of the plan for Bruce to have good social influences in his life. Cassie helped him arrange it. Queen Hippolyta mothers Tim a bit because she's experiencing a little empty nest syndrome and while Tim is a boy, he's very polite and didn't invade her home and brings treats he either bought or made himself (he's not dragging Hippolyta into the baking beef). Tim reacts better to this than he would if someone attempted to act fatherly to him as she does so in small doses and in a manner that is slightly softer than Janet and is thus nostalgic.
Tim will find the parental figures in the JLA's lives and he will make connections. He is trying very hard not to be Bruce's entire (functioning) support system.
Ma Kent and Alfred should have a very fierce rivalry over food. The competition should be intense, yet they still care about one another. They'll switch in seconds from casually chatting about their sons and gardening to very pointed insults about the other's cooking.
Tim dragging Bruce's friends' parents into that man's support circle is hilarious and amazing. He will ensure that Batman will be up against crowds of friends and their parents the next time he decides to go on another crime-fighting bender.
Also, it could be healthy overall for in-the-know parents of heroes to have their own support group. They can get advice and comfort from others. Yes, some of the parents aren't exactly "civilians," but the group is geared towards parents of first generation "heroes," (though other generations of parents of heroes are welcome as well). There are a lot of nuances, laws, and issues pertaining to being a public hero.
Tim should have beef with Superman. Let that teen continually give the man glares of disappointment and disproval at the hero's back (which Clark feels but can't pinpoint the origin), and then his face smooths back to neutral whenever the man looks at him. Tim is a professional, after all. I think Jason and Tim could bond over this when they start getting along.
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
For today's contrived set up: What if Bruce got his hands on one of those reality warping Fix One Mistake sort of magical devices. The sort that always come at a cost but compel you to use them?
And maybe... Bruce is feeling particularly low. The family is once again splintered. Jason is killing again. Gotham on the verge of once AGAIN erupting into turf wars. And? As he holds the damn thing? All he can do is think of better times.
He knows better.
He knows he knows better.
He needs to put the damn thing in the foam lined box, seal it, and bring it to JLA Dark for containment. Just... put it down. Close the lid. That's... that's all... he has... to do...
But instead?
For the briefest moment? His iron will slips. He is human. A father. Instead of a Symbol. He wishes... WANTS, deep in his heart. And that's all the statue needs. Reality rewrites. He is destroyed. Everything destroyed. And a new version of themselves replace them.
Can't be You with a different past after all~
Only those protected from Magic would notice the difference. And even them, only to a certain extent. People like Jason. Who has the All Blades.
But what did Bruce wish for? What else? That Jason never died.
So in a blink, Jason is Red Robin. Damian his successor. No pit rage, no Red Hood, not fractured family. Bruce, lighter then he has been in over a decade. Jason left reeling from new memories, shoved in his head.
And... and no Tim.
Jason took his Life. In an ironic twist of everything he'd ever accused Timber's off, in the heat of his madness. Jason is now living Tim's life. Stole it. Now JASON'S the Replacement. And only he remembers.
Everything seems happy. Gotham lighter, the world brighter. But where the fuck is Timbers?
Jason looks. Tries not to lose his mind. Finds him. And one of Bruce's shindigs. Standing awkwardly, desperate to sit down, as he tries to keep weight of his sprained ankle. His Mother too busy networking along side her... SECOND husband? What the hell happen- Jason decides he doesn't care. Sweeps in and steals Tim away.
Tim looks Star struck.
Is thinner, less muscled, yet somehow softer then Jason has ever seen him. Hang off Jason's every word. No way the little stalker doesn't Know. But Jason could care less. Is determined to weasel into Timmers life. Family is family, after all.
That's, at least, what he tells himself.
But? The longer it goes on? The more meet ups? Hang outs? Dinners and brunches and movie nights, he goes too? The less... brotherly, his feeling are. Tim talks to him about his dreams. Has hopes, is open and laughs freely. Isn't some traumatized little Bruce clone. Jason... likes it.
Finds his hands lingering. Eyes drifting, caressing. He starts wondering.
Tim, brilliant and observant as he is? Notices. Responds with tight little shorts that start covering less and less. Loose shirts, that get bigger, slide from shoulders and drape open, easier. Legs thrown casually into his lap.
They dance around each other.
Like... like normal people do. Jason feels giddy. Thoughts of Saturday night dinners and getting hands on the couch, haunting him. He buys nice sheets. Gets a proper apartment. Invites Tim over.
Plans to ask him out properly.
Gets kissed senseless then eagerly blown the second the door was closed, instead. They spend the weekend making sure there's not a surface of his new home that Jason HASN'T pinned Tim too and pumped his guts against.
Jason gets to play normal. Be young and in love.
Tim gets to be unspeakably horny for Robin.
They fuck like rabbits.
Does Tim remember too? Who's to say! Maybe this is his retirement. Maybe not. But he's happy, getting laid on the regular, and probably gonna be a dad before long if Jason keeps forgetting to buy birth control.
Life is fantastic.
aw jason seeking tim out in a world where tim was nver part of their lives 🥺<3
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evilminji · 11 months
( o.o) okay... so...
I am loosely basing this of how one of my OCs powers work? But... can Overgrowth make ANY plant? Past, present, future? Possible, probable, hypothetical? ANY any plant?
I ask this, because Humans? NOT born from a plant.
Buuuuuut they COULD be.
Of course they could. The plant would be a dead end. Unable to reproduce or cultivate without humanity. Just? The most costly, ungainly, unnatural plant imaginable.
Which is WHY it doesn't exsist. Why it will never exist.
But COULD it? Oh easily. Child's play. There are countless billions of billions of plants that COULD exsist. From benevolent to world ending. But why would Overgrowth give a shit? Why MAKE such pointless things?
Well... Sam wants a kid.
Full stop.
She wants a kid and is NOT about to do that whole "risk her life and irreversibly change her body with child creation" thing. So? How does one have a child with two fathers, one mother, who was not carried to term inside said mother? A surrogate perhaps?
No, no. It's time to get the machete and go Bully God(tm). Specifically THAT God, over there. The plant one. Give her the nonexistent child creating plant or Snippy Snippy, Overgrowth, you fuck!
Sam. Sam, please. Begs her beloved husband's. But until THEY can carry Child, they can shut up and help menace a Deity. Dani, her beloved S-I-L who's just here for adorable future munchkins and general Chaos, agrees. Square up, boys.
She obviously, gets her plant.
It's an abomination.
Just? THE nightmare of a tree. Oozy tar like bark, sickly appearance, bone colored needle like leaves. Single, giant, blood red "fruit". They have to feed it ectoplasm, their own blood, and basicly everything to make a body. Meaning flesh, bones, blood, nutrients and minerals.
Proper horror movie.
Sam? Fucking LOVES her Baby Tree. It's name is Mortica.
Now, OBVIOUSLY, everyone in Amity? Knows to mind their Business by now. The Fenton-Foely-Manson throuple or what ever order they've decided on today, are both terrifying and willing to throw down. Fenton is Phantom. Manson is Samantha Manson. Their husband will laugh at you instead of help. Not worth it.
But OUTSIDERS? Tourists passing through and cousins come to visit?
They see a huge, fuck off, nightmare tree straight out of Poison Ivy's fever dreams. Do the reasonable thing. Call the Justice League Help Line.
So NOW JLA Dark is sitting Very Nervously, in this terrifying throuples home. Trying to ask HOW they got the Tree. Trying to ignore that one of them is a ghost of incredible power, the other an Avatar of the Green, and this nice man is just? Cool with having a nightmare tree baby? Yeah. Of course.
Just... just please tell them if it's gonna eat people. Yes or no.
@nerdpoe @hypewinter @ailithnight @hdgnj @the-witchhunter
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
Jason - in any AU - after the League brainwashing, is in full Red Hood mode and about to storm Gotham to put his plan into motion.
Only, due to some shenanigan or the other, a dimension shift happens, and Jason finds himself in an alternate timeline - one where Bruce did kill the Joker.
In that timeline, Jason's death convinces Bruce and Dick to ditch the no-kill rule. They basically adopt Red Hood's ideology - if you are a killer, you don't deserve to live. Let the punishment fit the crime.
After all, Joker isn't all that special when you come to it. There are plenty of Rogues with a similar kill count. So once they have killed him, why hold back on the others?
Commissioner Gordon can no longer afford to turn a blind eye to the vigilantes. Not now that they have started to kill. The Bats lose their ability to coordinate with the GCPD.
Batman burned down Arkham. He allowed the staff to get out, and stopped anyone from going in to rescue people.
Poison Ivy tried to go in there to save Harley who was within. Batman let her go in, but blocked the exits after. Anyone who was out of Arkham at the time is killed brutally.
Nightwing is shot dead by GCPD.
The shots are fired by corrupt cops, but the 'bring the bats in by all means' order was issued by Gordon. Bruce loses what little restraint he had, kills the officers responsible, and anyone who tried to keep him from them.
Catwoman doesn't kill, so Batman doesn't kill her. But she is still a criminal and cannot be allowed to continue. He cripples her.
Rogues no longer surrender or hold back. They all know they are doomed, so no more holding back. Civilian casualties exponentially increase as the battles become deadlier. Cops are shooting at Rogues, Bats, and civilians who are at the wrong place, wrong time.
Gotham is a war zone. New Rogues keep popping up. Mostly people who have lost loved ones or livelihoods in the Bat rampage, and now have nothing left to lose.
When Damian arrives, Bruce finds in the young assassin a suitable Robin.
The image of superheroes in general take a plunge. One group has already started to kill, people say. What is to stop Superman or Wonder Woman from doing the same next?
JLA tries to stop Batman, but is hit by brutal contingency plans. That also causes major collateral damage. People are starting to agree with Luthor - superheroes are too dangerous. They should no longer be allowed to take the law into their hands. Anti-Meta legislations and protests begin.
It is in this point that Red Hood enters. Jason is horrified by what is happening, by the realization the no-kill rule exists for a reason.
He ends up joining the Resistance in Gotham - led by Tim, Stephanie, Duke - against Batman. He is struggling against his own mental issues, and trying to talk Bruce down, though it is too late for that.
Basically a role reversal of the UtRH argument. Jason has to think up reasons to talk Batman down, finds himself picking holes in his own ideology.
It is after that experience where Jason actually returns to the Canon (for me Wayne Family Adventures is my canon, please let Bruce be a good dad) Timeline...
Geez that’s… that’s dark. I‘m pretty sure I saw a fic onxe that had a similar premise.
But at least Jason probably goes straight home once he‘s back in his canon universe
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drnogender · 8 months
I'm thinking of a Batkids being biologically Bruce's kids (and no capes maybe) AU, so here are some of my thoughts:
Bruce and Selina have Dick when they're 20, together for a few years, but separate and share custody.
When Dick is 8, Bruce has Cass and Jason with Lady Shiva after a fling or something, Lady Shive signs all rights over to Bruce.
3 years later, Bruce and Selina are together again and have Tim, the two split again after a few years.
Tim's 5 when Bruce and Talia are married and have Damian. The two are together for about 4-5 years before getting divorced, Talia takes Damian and Jason (He had gotten close to Talia and is a huge mamas boy). She moves back to her home, the 3 are there until Damian is 10, when Talia and them move back to America. The boys move back in with Bruce while Talia lives in Metropolis, running the new branch of her families company.
Barbara and her dad are family friends, she's a few years older than Dick and is like a big sister to the others.
Steph is a year older than Tim. They meet at the park, and the first meeting can mirror that of the comics.
Duke can be fostered still or be a friend Damian makes by meeting him at some point.
Bruce and Oliver are friends from the boarding school they went to (may or may not have been each others first experience with a boy). This friendship can be how Bruce's kids know Oliver's kids.
Bruce met Clark at a Gala. They become friends cause Bruce finds Clark the least annoying reporter (along with Lois).
No capes AU can have Bruce's parents not be dead, Alfred is still the best and is like a second dad to Bruce and grandparent to the kids.
Other JLA, Titans, Outlaws, YJ, and TT members and their friendships with the Batfam can be decided with whatever y'all wanna do with this.
Can apply any ship you want! (No Batcest tho, for obvi reasons).
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