#J pushed the Ford button
jontheketeld · 1 year
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let's be honest
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dewitty1 · 4 years
Chapters: 20/20 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Voldemort, Lucius Malfoy, Peter Pettigrew, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape Additional Tags: Adventure, Slow Build, Hogwarts Sixth Year, Dark Magic, Slash, Plotty, Male Bonding
"You're dead, Potter... I'm going to make you pay..."
 Draco swore his revenge on Harry for Lucius's imprisonment, and Harry all but laughed at him. But Draco is planning more than schoolyard pranks this time. The old rivalry turns deadly when Draco abducts Harry for Voldemort. It's the perfect plan, guaranteeing revenge, power, and prestige, all in one blow. But when Draco's world turns upside down, the fight to save himself and Harry begins, and the battle will take them both through hell and back. If they come back.
Harry had flown by means of magic many times. Whether by broomstick, or illegal flying Ford Anglia, the air had been his domain. This, however, was totally different. He wasn't relying on something physically present to carry him aloft from beneath him. Instead, he felt an odd lightness wash over his body, and with a lurch, his feet left the ground.
The earth retreated from his feet. Draco was looking up at him, wand held steady, jaw set with the concentration of a man walking a tightrope. Without a net. Harry tried not to shudder at the thought, and quickly looked up. The branch was approaching him rapidly. Just a couple more feet...
Harry reached out and grasped the branch. Through his body, he felt the levitation charm falter, but it held steady. Trying to work within the charm, Harry carefully maneuvered himself onto the branch and straddled it. Once he had his balance, he swallowed, and finally let out the breath he'd been holding. "Okay, Draco. I'm all set."
An instant later, he felt the charm disappear, and he turned his attention to the peculiar parasitic plant on the branch in front of him. "Draco, how much of this stuff do we need?"
"Well," came the response from below, "the potion calls for seven large leaves, and seven berries, but I'd say it's always good to have extra. It looks like there's a lot of it up there, so we might as well get at least twice as much, you know, in case something happens."
"Okay," Harry said, not taking his eyes from the branch in front of him. He reached into the tuft of plant matter, found a stem, and quickly drew it across the blade. He repeated the action two more times, which gave him a large pile of loose foliage. "Okay, I'm going to drop it down." He glanced over the edge of the branch, where he could see Draco looking up at him intently from below. "You ready to catch it?"
Draco nodded, then shook his head. He reached into the travel sack, pulled out the cloak, quickly enlarged it, and spread it on the ground below Harry. "Now, drop it. That way, we won't loose any of the berries."
"Good idea." Gently, so as not to damage the plant any more than necessary, Harry untangled his stems from the rest of the mistletoe, held it out over Draco's cloak, and dropped it. It was pushed a bit by the breeze as it fell, but it landed softly amongst the blue folds of cloth. Harry smiled, and looked from the mistletoe to Draco's face.
Draco was smiling just as broadly. "Ready to come down, you funny looking squirrel, you?"
Harry rolled his eyes. "Actually, I was thinking of taking permanent residence in this tree. You know, begin gathering nuts for the winter. YES, I'm ready to come down!"
Draco laughed, but quickly set his face in a look of strict concentration. Seconds later, Harry felt the levitation charm permeate his body again. He released his grip on the branch, and the branch fell away beneath him. Draco lifted him up, to the side, and then slowly, he began to descend. It seemed to take forever for his feet to touch the earth, but it was such a relief to feel solid ground beneath him again as he set down in front of Draco. Again, he felt the charm rapidly fade away.
The stern set of Draco's jaw relaxed, and he breathed a visible sigh of relief.
Harry smiled at him. "And who says your levitation charms aren't the best?"
"Well, the ministry man who graded my Charms OWL, for one," Draco grumbled, "but I had a reason for that."
Draco actually looked rather chagrined. "I believe I told you... just not in so many words. I was too busy paying attention to you. I... er... had a bad habit of doing that."
"Really, now?" Harry asked, taking a step closer.
Draco was rapidly going red in the face. "Come on, Harry... I haven't been able to ignore you since the first day of school, five years ago."
"Why's that?"
"Because," Draco said deliberately, "you were an annoying prat who made my life miserable at every turn. Everywhere I looked, there you were, doing some new amazing thing to charm the professors, impress the other students, and make me look like a fool. I couldn't avoid you even if I tried. And then, you walked into the middle of my Charms OWL, where I had actually been performing the best levitation charm I ever had – I'd had that wineglass dancing only seconds before you came in – and I turned to smirk at you, and bam! There goes my Charms OWL."
Although Draco's tone was serious, Harry had come to know him well enough to tell by the look in his eyes that he was being sarcastic. Quickly adopting the same frame of mind, Harry cocked his head and pursed his lips thoughtfully. "Don't you mean 'crash! There goes my Charms OWL'?"
Draco scowled.
Harry laughed. "Well, I haven't really been able to avoid you either, you know. You challenged me to duels and never showed up –"
"Only one duel," Draco mumbled.
"– you became the Slytherin Seeker, and sometimes, I swear you did it just so you could best me –"
"Yeah, worked like a charm, that did." Draco seemed even less impressed.
"– and best of all, you went to all the trouble of arranging this lovely camping trip for the both of us."
For a moment, it seemed that Draco wasn't sure whether or not Harry was serious. He must have decided quickly, because his grin suddenly matched Harry's. He sent a deliberate glance up at the tree branch where Harry had been perched just a minute before. "We make a pretty good team, don't we?"
Harry's gaze followed Draco's. The branch didn't seem any closer than it had when he'd first looked up, even though he'd already been up there. If Draco's charm had failed... well... he really didn't care to think about that. The point was that the charm had worked. "Yeah," Harry said. He looked back down and met Draco's eyes. "Yeah, we do. It's kinda funny, but we couldn't have done it without each other. Actually, I don't think either of us could have made it this far alone."
Draco's mouth suddenly fell open, as if he'd just realized something. "Merlin, that's what –" His mouth snapped shut again.
"That's what... what?"
Draco shook his head. "Just something I was thinking about last night."
"Oh?" Harry folded his arms across his stomach. "Care to enlighten me?"
"I... well... I just noticed how much we rely on each other. You've done things I can't do, I've done things you can't do. And we've each saved each other's lives. It's a weird sort of thing." Draco hesitated for a moment. "I'm... not used to relying on someone like that... but we really do make a good team."
Harry couldn't stop himself from smiling. "I've got to admit, I'm surprised, but yeah, we really do." He took a small step closer to Draco. "And you know what?"
"What?" Draco's reply was barely above a whisper.
"No matter how tonight turns out... these last two weeks have been... something really special." Harry's smile wavered, and he started to feel a bit depressed. It felt like he was saying things now, just in case he didn't have a chance later. He was also feeling just a bit warm under his woolen jumper, and wished that he'd taken it off earlier. Still, he had to say this, and now seemed like the right time. "I want you to know... I'm glad I finally got to know Draco. Not just 'Malfoy'. And I'm grateful for that."
Draco must have sensed the note of finality, because he frowned, despite his own words of reply. "I'm glad I got to know you, too, Harry. And we'll have plenty more time to get to know each other better, of course."
This time Harry's smile faded. "We will," he said, just as a new fear hit him.
In that moment, he realized that he really did want to get to know Draco better. The sum of the past two weeks swirled through his mind, and he realized that in that time, he'd come to know Draco in a way he'd never known anyone else. Sure, he'd gone through life-threatening situations with Ron and Hermione, but this was different. Very different. Their two weeks of isolation, traveling together, sharing secrets, sleeping back-to-back, and even rescuing each other had created a sort of friendship that he knew could never be duplicated; it was something rare and precious, and he needed to keep it. They'd come to the point where they could anticipate each other's words and actions, they knew how to push each other's buttons, and how to read each other's senses of humour. Like adjacent puzzle pieces, something just fit. If he didn't make it through tonight, he'd lose so much – his fight with Voldemort, his chance to protect the wizarding world from the fate of his parents, and his new friendship with Draco. It seemed that now, one of the things driving his will to live was his need not to leave Draco behind. He couldn't.
"We got through everything else together," Harry said, "and we'll get through this."
Draco took a tiny step closer. They were barely a foot apart now, and from there, Harry could almost feel Draco's shaking. Nerves, emotions, fear, worry... whatever it was that was causing such a reaction from Draco, it was starting to affect Harry too.
"We will," Draco said. Even his voice was shaking. "You-Know- er... V-Voldemort isn't so tough. The two of us against him... easy stuff, right?"
The false bravado felt good, and Harry gave a tight laugh. "Easy. Hell, he lost to a baby, right?" he joked, although he didn't actually believe a word he was saying.
The corner of Draco's mouth twitched in something resembling a smile. "Must have been one hell of a baby."
Harry shrugged. "The kid wasn't anything special," he said, feeling a bit more honest this time. "He just... he just was lucky enough to have someone there who... who... cared about him. A lot."
Draco shivered, but he looked into Harry's eyes with blazing sincerity. Although he was just a foot away, he didn't back up. "I care."
There were no qualifiers to follow; just a heartfelt statement, and Harry felt it to the pit of his stomach. "I know you do. That's why this is going to work." He forced a half-smile back onto his face. "But for now... we found the mistletoe..." He pointedly eyed the branch above him. "I think I'd suggested that you show me what to do with mistletoe, once we found it."
In a heartbeat, Draco's face went from pure sincerity to a look of utter incredulity. He blinked twice. "Wha-what?"
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go-redgirl · 4 years
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Neera Tanden, nominee for Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), at her confirmation hearing before the Senate Budget Committee on February 10, 2021 at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Tanden helped found the Center for American Progress, and has held senior advisory positions in Democratic politics since the Clinton administration. (Anna Moneymaker-Pool/Getty Images)
The Other Pandemic, the One Killing Free Speech Is Scary
I was once fired by an employer because they did not like the way that I tweeted.
They had no problem with the way that other people at this same enterprise tweeted, they just didn't like my own flavor of rhetorical panache. They never actually came out and said it was the subject matter of my tweeting, or my style, that got me a date with the guillotine.
They simply said we told you to stop tweeting, you wouldn't, and so we are letting you go.
I'm always fascinated when somebody else gets into hot water because of her online presence. I have written extensively about Donald Trump's effective banishment from Twitter and talked about the grownups who went after Nick Sandman, the kid who can now go to any college he wants because of that defamation case against The Washington Post, et. al.
I've covered the cases of teachers who were fired because they dared to question the legitimacy of "trans" science, the sidelining of professors who challenged the equity in reparations, the firing of actresses, like Disney's Gina Carano, who posted memes about "opening up the economy" and was branded a racist and an anti-Semite.
It's an epidemic, a pandemic really, and it's scary.
My usual point is that we all need to fight back against the silencing, and it doesn't matter which side is being silenced, although let's be honest: The left is much more adept at pushing the mute button on people like me and my fellow conservatives than we've been at shushing them.
Now, that's starting to change.
President Biden's choice for Office of Management and Budget head, Neera Tanden, has gotten a little taste of what happens when your Twitter history ain't exactly history.
Tanden, who was previously the head of the Center for American Progress, has spent a lot of time on social media hating on conservatives. While she has also put some liberals like Bernie Sanders in her cross hairs, most of her vitriol has been reserved for people who think like me.
For example, when Roy Moore was running for the Senate in Alabama, Tanden referenced accusations of child molestation against him with this tweet: "The Republican party is gleefully supporting an alleged child molester. And everyone who gives money to the RNC is doing the same."
Regardless of how you feel about Moore, who was never even charged with a crime, calling people who supported his candidacy allies of a pedophile is pretty far over the line.
She has also called Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., "Voldemort" and suggested that a vampire had more heart than Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.
This was before his Cancun vacation, so she can't use that as an excuse.
She also accused Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who voted in favor of Brett Kavanaugh, "criminally ignorant," and said that her "terrible treatment of Dr. Ford should haunt Collins for the rest of her days."
That last tweet was sent at a time when Collins was getting death threats phoned into her office, and some suggested she should be raped so she would understand what it's like not to be believed.
I have had that same thing said to me, by readers.
Anyone who adds fuel to that fire does not deserve to be in any position of authority.
So you might be saying, but Christine, I thought your whole point was that people shouldn't be punished for their comments.
And I would reply, "Yes, but."
I have no problem saying that people should be held responsible for their words, as long as we are all held to the same standards.
And we are so clearly not.
Donald Trump was banned from Twitter.
Conservative teachers are fired.
Conservative actresses are fired.
Conservative writers are fired.
But people on the left keep tweeting along, with very little consequence.
Sure, there are some high-profile examples like Kathy Griffin and  . . .  give me a minute  . . . um  . . .  okay, well there's Kathy Griffin, who lost some gigs because of her comments.
But the number of liberals who have been held accountable for their words pales in comparison to the number of conservatives, mostly social conservatives, who have been deactivated.
For that reason, I'm not weeping about Neera.
She deserves what's she's getting, and she knows she deserves it because she deleted over a thousand tweets in anticipation of her confirmation hearing.
So for all of those who were disgusted with the tweets of one Donald J. Orange Man, Karma, apparently, is a female.
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clownistyping · 5 years
The Neverending Story, Chapter 35
Bath time
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Cover by @laneygthememequeen
Beetlejuice screeched as you pushed him into the bathroom, his fingers going sharp and the door frame was breaking apart. The tub filled with warm water was getting cold and you're so close to getting him clean.
"If you wanna go in public than you have to take a bath!" You scolded and pushed harder, 
"No! I smell great!" Beetlejuice yelled and you cringed when a bug crawled from his suit. You sighed and then poked at his side, he yelped and jumped forward. 
You slammed the door shut and Beetlejuice hissed at you. 
"You'll never get me alive." You glared at him and grabbed a towel, 
"Good thing you're dead." You smirked and ran towards him with the open towel, you wrapped it around him and somehow managed to get him in the bath. Even if he has the suit on…
Beetlejuice screeched again from under the water, you watched him struggle. 
“Clean your sins.” You mumbled and grabbed a washcloth, bringing him up from the water he dramatically gasped. You smacked the washcloth on his face, 
“Damn you!” He yelled and you stood, 
“Now that you’re in the bath, clean yourself up.” You said and Beetlejuice sunk into the water, a bubble popped. 
“Only if you add bubbles.” You rose a brow and shrugged, grabbing a soap bottle from under the sink you threw it at him. Beetlejuice smirked, 
“Don’t get it in your mouth.” You said and left the bathroom. 
You were only gone for a good ten minutes before you heard maniacal cackling, slamming the door open you sighed when you saw the bathtub overfilled with bubbles. 
“Wanna join?” Beetlejuice said with a bubble beard, you shake you heard. 
“I’m fine..” You said and grabbed a towel, 
“Are you all clean?” You asked and Beetlejuice nodded, 
“Even got behind my ears!” He smiled, showing his sharp teeth with bug legs. 
‘Yeah brushing his teeth too.’ You think to yourself as he leapt from the bath, covered in bubbles. 
“Where’s your suit?” You asked, Beetlejuice shook and suddenly all the bubbles were gone. Your eyes widened and you covered your face with the towel. 
Beetlejuice snatched the towel from you and wrapped it around his waist, 
“Haven’t bathed since the black plague, thanks babes.” You sighed and turned away from him, 
“J-just get dressed.” you mumbled and left the bathroom. 
Five minutes later Beetlejuice came out of the bathroom, wearing a black trenchcoat, a monochrome striped shirt and black pants. 
“How do I look?” He asked slicking his hair back, 
“Better?” You said internally questioning where he got the clothes. 
“It’s gucci.” Beetlejuice smirked and kissed your cheek. 
You left to change into a public appropriate outfit, leaving your sweatpants and tank top in the laundry basket. Changing into jeans and graphic shirt you brushed your teeth, re-teaching Beetlejuice the importance of brushing your teeth. 
“Tastes weird.” Beetlejuice spat out the toothpaste, 
“Well don’t eat it.” You said and leaned on the doorframe. 
You locked the front door, turning around to face Beetlejuice. 
“Ready?” You asked and he nodded quickly.
“So how far away is the closest town?” He asked, you thought for a second. 
“Bout an hour and a half away..maybe two if I remember correctly.” Beetlejuice groaned, 
“Dammit!” You walked off the porch and towards the nearby shed, taking the keys from your pocket you pressed a button and the shed opened to reveal a truck, the ford bronco to be specific.
“Hey! That’s the truck that you had when you first moved here!” beetlejuice said out loud as he looked at his reflection in the truck, you nodded. 
“Yup and she still drives like she’s new.” You opened the front door and sat inside, Beetlejuice appeared in the backseat. 
“So much room!” he wiggled his brows and you squinted, 
“Seat belt or we’re not moving.” You said and Beetlejuice appeared in the passenger seat, his seat belt on. 
“Step on it!” You rose a brow and cranked the truck up, 
“I’ll put you in the trunk.” 
@dunununun @theannonomusgamblerpt2 @laneygthememequeen @zelda2248 @madameboxhead @obsessed-librarian @randomfanders-blog @holy-fucking-shit @juni-berries @rallsa @the-dream-weaver @vivienex13 @ah-callie @asilentcruellullaby @1-rosewiththorns @apocalypseillustrate @a-fan-fighting-for-equality @westiefromtheeast @buggbeverage @bumblebeests @renlup @yeemotrash214 @cryptidslasher @introverted-catnip @lamour-est-mort-cheri @lundybunny @peach-beetle @usagikinnie @theolwebshooter @marsisuncool @thethotthatbreathes
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Prompt: Helen takes a bullet meant for John
This is a prompt I got about a week or so ago from @iwonthesitatebih. Sorry for the delay but here it is:
She was always stunning, John thought, watching as Helen kicked off her shoes. But there was something damn special about the way she lit up with her feet in the sand and the sun shining on her face. She glowed.
And it didn’t hurt that her sundress was cut high on her thighs or that the sleeves slipped alluringly off her shoulders. Her dark hair twisted in the wind as John watched her from the deck of the cottage.
It was surreal. She was surreal.
He didn’t date. He didn’t do relationships or have one night stands with strangers. And he didn’t have any real friends, let alone ones with benefits. And he had never intended on it.
But Helen Kingston had captivated him from the moment he laid eyes on her. It wasn’t just that she was beautiful. John knew plenty of beautiful women. No, Helen Kingston was so much more than beautiful. It was her kindness that had piqued his interest and her genuine heart that had fucked with his head over and over.
He didn’t deserve her.
But there she was: dipping her toes into the water while he watched, sipping at his morning coffee.
It had only been two months but those two months had more meaning than the rest of his miserable life combined.
She turns back to look at the house, pushing her hair back over her shoulder.
Helen smiles up at John and crooks her finger.
How can he resist?
John sets down the coffee and walks down the steps to the beach. It was official. He was going to buy the damn cottage. It wasn’t for sale but that didn’t matter. He would call the man who was renting it and make an offer. It wouldn’t be turned down.
Anything to keep that smile on her face. She looked so relaxed, far away from work, far away from the city. She would never quit her job. She did too much good but he wouldn’t stop reminding her that the world was hers.
He crosses the beach down to the water in suit pants and a crisp white button down. He only had suits and clothes for working out. Helen teased him about it sometimes but, truthfully, John had never had the need for something casual before. He had never really been shopping outside of a tailor. Helen would love it, though. Taking him to the mall, finding sweaters and casual shirts for him to relax in. That was enough to make John almost want to interact with people.
“Hey you.” She says as he approaches, a small smile on her face.
John says nothing, stalking toward her in a way that had her licking her lips.
He reaches for her face and kisses her softly yet soundly. The waves crash on the shore, the wind stirring up the sand and their hair but nothing is as loud as his own heart beating.
Helen nips at his lower lip as he pulls away. "I love you."
"I love you too." John says, still in awe that the words flow so easily off his tongue. There is no one like her. "Here is the plan."
"What's the plan?" She rests her head on his chest, staring out at the sea. The sailboats on the horizon cut easily through the waters.
"You're going to quit your job."
"Am I?"
"You are." He can feel her smile. "I'm going to leave mine and you and I are going to run away."
She hums, "where to?"
"Somewhere warm. Thailand. Belize. Somewhere with white sand, clear blue waters. We'll burn all your clothes and you can live in a bikini."
Helen snorts, "oh no."
"Oh yes." John presses a kiss to the top of her head, "We'll get a quiet, private residence and no one will find us. We'll spend every day on the beach. We'll read and relax and make love."
"Just us."
"Just us. Forever."
Helen looks up, "That sounds wonderful."
It really did, John thought. But near impossible.
Helen stepped back and out of his arms, hand gliding down so that she can link their fingers together. "In the meantime, we have right now."
"That we do." John agrees, stepping with her as she starts to traverse across the beach.
She is so serene. The calm in his storm.
Helen Kingston- she is good and kind and pure and makes him want to be a better person. It's too late for redemption and he knows that, but she has accepted him with all his flaws. Her hand was intertwined with his despite knowing what he did with those hands when she was away. She slept in his arms every night. The monster wasn't under her bed… he was in it.
"You know I would never quit my job." Helen says conversationally.
"I know." It was part of what he loved about her- the dedication to the kids she worked with.
"Days like today make me want to."
John stops, spinning her in front of him so he can hold both her hands, facing her.
"Move in with me." Its neither an order nor a question. He's not sure what it is but it feels like a plea.
She smiles softly, "it's been two months, John. What happens when you get tired of me?"
"Never going to happen. If anything, this is insurance that you won't leave me."
She reaches up and runs a hand down his beard. "Why are you so sure I'm going to leave you?"
John feels unnaturally heavy. His stomach and heart sink because, damn him, he is not enough.
"Because you're smart. You're going to figure out that I'm no good. That you can do better."
"I don't want good. And I don't want better, John. I just want you."
Her eyes narrow suddenly, her lips parting and she starts to shout, “John, get--!”
Suddenly she is launched forward, crashing into him. Behind her, far from the shore, is a boat. A sniper rifle peaks out from the side and John throws both himself and Helen to the ground, rolling on top of her to cover her body with his.
Her eyes are wide, breathing frantic. A quick look down reveals his worst fear. Dark red blooms from her abdomen, staining her dress.
"Hey, hey," John places his hands on either side of her face as another shot fires just over their heads, "stay with me, baby!"
He is unarmed, save a small knife. They are sitting ducks in the sand and he can feel her blood soak through his shirt.
He takes her hands and places them over the wound, "keep pressure, okay? I'm going to get you out of here."
She nods shakily, her eyes so trusting even as her face contorts in pain. His arms wrap around her and he moves to his feet, swinging her up while still shielding her with his body.
The adrenaline is pumping through his system. He'd been in a thousand fights before but nothing had ever filled him with terror as moving across the beach, trying to run off center but still as quickly as possible to the cover of the brush.
He hears a motor and it sounds like the boat is driving away but he can't look. He can't risk slowing yet.
He jumps down into the brush, laying Helen behind a log within the reeds.
Looking up, the boat has disappeared. But that didn't guarantee they were alone.
The shot went through her abdomen. He rips his shirt off, not giving a damn about the buttons that fly in every direction as he rolls it and pushes it against her wound.
Her head lolls back. "Come on, Helen. Stay with me!"
John reaches into his pocket for his phone. He's never called 911 before. He's never needed to but he can't wait for the doc to drive from New York.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"Woman shot. It went through her abdomen. It was some kind of rifle, a few hundred feet out." He rattles off the address.
"J-John?" Helen's face is layered with sweat.
"I'm here, baby."
"Is the shooter still out there?" The operator asks.
"No. They rode off."
"The ambulance is on its way and police have been dispatched."
He does wait for her to finish, hanging up the call and dropping the phone to the ground.
"I'm cold." Helen whispers.
"I know, baby, I know. Help is coming."
"Always hurt this bad?" She says through grit teeth. "How do you do it?"
"Oh you know…" John keeps the pressure on the wound, trying not to let the fear in his heart reach his face. "Practice, practice, practice."
She tries to smile but the pain is overwhelming. Her eyes start to close.
"No, no, no. Helen!" He says her name sharply and her eyes open. "I need you to stay with me."
"Want to sleep." It's almost a sob and John fights the urge to match her.
"I know. But you gotta stay awake, baby. Gotta stay with me until help gets here."
Where were the damn sirens?
"Trying…" He sees her hands shaking on either side of her. The color has drained of her face and he doesn't know what to do.
"Tell me something."
"Anything." She needs to stay conscious. "Tell me anything. Something you've never told me."
Helen nods and exhales shakily, "Okay. I fucking hate your convertible."
John blinks in surprise. Of all the things she could say… say wasn't exactly news but she had never admitted to it aloud.
"It's not safe. It's too flashy."
"What else?" He asks, a smile on his face.
" Its grossly cramped and there's no bo back seat to fuck in."
"Make you a deal. I'll get a new car if you let me buy you one too."
"John," she whimpers but keeps a brave face despite the pain, "I was just shot. This is coercion."
"That Chevrolet is going to fall apart on you."
"Be nice. Chevy is the great American car."
Her eyes start to flicker and John pats her cheek, "stay with me, Hel. We both know Ford is better."
Her eyes close and John slaps her just a bit harder, heart clenching as he did.
"Bitch." She mutters, eyes opening as she trembled.
He could hear the sirens now. They were getting louder by the instant
"Come on, tell me something else."
"What you want to know?"
"Something new. Something I wouldn't guess this time."
She nods, "if I live,"
"You will."
She had to. There was no other alternative.
"I'm going to marry the fuck out of you, John Wick."
The last thing she saw, as the world went dark, was John's face agape in shock.
Helen had been rushed from the ambulance into surgery and John's only assurance had come from a paramedic promising him that the doctors would do all that they could. His hands shake. John couldn't remember a time in his life where his hands had shaken.
His stomach turns and it takes all his self-control not to lose the contents of his stomach in the nearby trash can.
He takes his cell out from his pocket. It is stained with her blood. Trying to ignore the way it feels under his fingertips, he dials a familiar pattern.
The ringing stops as the receiver is picked up. Before they can speak, John says, "Helen was shot."
"Is she alive?" Marcus asks finally.
"In surgery."
More silence.
Marcus had told him, had warned him. John hadn't listened.
"Where was she shot?"
"Abdomen." He leans back in the chair, "it was meant for me."
"Well, I doubt anyone would go to shoot Helen for the fun of it."
John ignores the stinging remark. “I’m at the hospital now. Can you find out if anyone has a hit on me? I need to know where it’s coming from and I need to know who has been hired.”
“It isn’t open. I would have heard if it was. But I’ll head to the Continental. See if I can find out anything.” There is a moment of silence, “Aside from me, does anyone know about Helen? Winston? The Concierge or the Executor?”
“The Executor but he hasn’t met her.”
"Of course. You know, depending on who they sent, its very possible that half of the underworld knows about Helen by now."
Fuck, he wanted to vomit.
He had tried so hard to protect her. To keep her secret from his world. Marcus was right. He should have known better.
"Please, just do what you can."
"Just focus on her. I’ll take care of everything on this end.”
And Marcus is gone, the line dropped.
John sits down in a chair and watches the clock tick on and on.
She'll live, the doctor tells him and John breaths again. His heart stutters in relief as he receives the rundown of her procedure.
He barely listens, "I need to see her."
"Of course. She is, still, unconscious but I can take you back."
John nods and follows back to the recovery room. She is still pale but her vitals look good. He caresses her face lightly, her earlier words still echoing in his head.
His beautiful, crazy girl was lying in a hospital bed because his enemies found them.
He hadn’t protected her and she had taken a bullet meant for him.
Gladly, John would have taken it if it meant she did not lay in front of him.
John reaches for her hand. It is limp but warm and he holds it between his. Marcus had been right. There was no way to pull Helen into their world and still keep her safe. But he could not let her go, even if he wanted to.
Helen startles awake and blinks in the sharp white light of the hospital room.
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” John’s voice soothes, hand tightening in her own while his other reaches up and rests on her forehead. “You’re okay.”
She blinks again, “Hospital?”
John lets himself laugh, softly. His heart still heavy with the thought he came so close to losing her. But she was there. In front of him. Alive.
Helen looks him over. “Are you okay?”
“I think I’m supposed to be asking that question.”
Helen stays quiet, looking at him seriously.
“I’ve never been so afraid in my life.” He confesses, his hand sweeping back into her hair. “God, Helen…”
“I’m okay.” She whispers, squeezing his hand in hers. “I’m here.”
John releases the support on the bed and moves to sit on the edge, beside her. “Why didn’t you duck? Why didn’t you move when you saw the target?”
“It would have hit you.”
“One more wouldn’t have killed me.”
“It might’ve.”
“It might’ve killed you!” Did she not understand? He couldn’t yell at her, not while she was in a hospital bed but she had to understand. “My life doesn’t matter. I will gladly take a thousand bullets if it keeps you safe.”
“Your life matters to me, John.”
She had said ‘I love you’ fairly early on. He believed her every time she said it. He knew she cared, he knew he mattered but there was no one else who cared for him or about him as she did. All his faults lay at her feet and rather than step on him, she had knelt down and held him.
Nothing scared him more.
Except perhaps the words she had said in what very well could have been her last sentiment.
“It’s not worth yours.” He says finally, “If something happened to you, what would I be? You blow into my life and I don’t recognize the man I was two months ago. I don’t want to think about how empty I was before I found you. Before you, I was just a shell. What would you expect me to become if you died?”
Helen reaches up, her eyes so soft and open and so not like anything he was used to. She runs her hair up his beard and around back to his hair. “I would expect you to be the man I fell in love with.” She pulls his head and John obliges, bending forward to kiss her softly. Her lips are chapped from the anesthesia but neither care.
Only hours ago, he didn’t know if he would ever be able to kiss her again.
“I love you.” She says quietly, whispering against his lips. There’s a pause as Helen pulls back, just far enough to look at him. “And I meant what I said on the beach.”
John swallows, not meeting her eyes. “I can get a new car.”
“After that.”
He feels his lips twitch up softly, “The part about me being a bitch?”
“After that.” Helen smiles at him, “Although I won’t dispute that you’re a bitch sometimes.” She wraps her arm around his neck, wincing slightly at the way her body stretches, “When I get out of here, I am going to marry you, John Wick.”
John feels his hands shake. He’s not sure they’ve done that before. “Aren’t I supposed to ask you that?
“Our relationship is built off of me telling you what to do.” Helen flashes him a smile, “Besides, you were taking too long.”
“I have it on good authority you aren’t supposed to propose marriage after two months.”
“Nor are you supposed to propose moving in together but you did that this morning.”
“You still have an out, moving in with me. Once we’re married, you’re stuck with me forever.” And damn him, he’s considering it. She’s already dragged into his world. The wound in her stomach is proof enough of that but to put his ring on her finger, to put his name at the end of hers? “I won’t let you go.”
“I think I’ve established that I’m serious about you,” Helen tells him, eyes flicking down to her abdomen. “I have no intention of going anywhere. Aside from the courthouse.”
“You have to move in with me.” John feels a smile creep onto his face as he strokes her face.
“A given.”
“And I’m buying you a new car.”
Helen rolls her eyes, “Fine.”
“And a beach house.” It might be his best and only opportunity to negotiate.
“Now you’re pushing it.”
John surges forward and kisses her again. She’s here, in his arms. And she is going to be okay. Marcus had told him he was going to take care of it and John was going to let him. He had more important things to attend to, starting with his fiancee.
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anapedias · 3 years
How To Turn Windshield Wipers Off 14
Okay, so this is an easy one. Tracey j july 30, 2020.
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How Do I Change The Windshield Wipers On My Vehicle
To turn the windshield wipers “off” from the neutral position, push the lever up one notch.
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How to turn windshield wipers off. Pull the wiper lever toward you to turn the rear wiper on. To adjust the continuous wiper settings, touch the. How to turn off the windshield wiper of the ford f150 manually?
On the bright side a bad relay can be replaced for probably around $15 to $20. Posted on sep 22, 2016. Be sure to turn off the rain sensing feature when entering a car wash to avoid damage to the wipers.
A loose wire or bad connection could also cause your windshield. The wipers… 2016 f150, ecoboost 3.5 supercab. Press the up/down buttons on the steering wheel until settings is displayed on the instrument panel, then press the ok button.
Turn the ignition key to the ii position. When the relay isn't working properly it's either going to shut your wipers down completely or disable them such that once you turn them on you're not going to be able to turn them off again. When the reverse wiper feature is turned on, the rear window wiper will automatically start operating when you put your shifter in the r position, presuming the front windshield wipers are turned on.
The cadillac srx rear wiper triggers are at the edge of the windshield wiper handle. Push it away, toward the instrument panel to turn the rear wiper off. Follow the wiper arm away from the wiper blade to its base.
Pry up the plastic dust cap covering the nut. If you own one of the ford vehicles listed below and your wipers won’t shut off, here’s the fix. 2016 ford f150, windshield wipers won’t turn off.
If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Turn the windshield wiper switch off. The purpose of the automatic setting on your windshield wipers is so that you can drive with ease when it's.
Also, prefer the method in excellent working condition of your ford, because in. Mist, off, auto, lo, and hi. Pull the wiper handle (right side of steering column) toward you.
If you have your windshield wipers on the automatic setting, all you need to do is push it up once to turn the automatic setting off. For core car functions that you may use while driving, requiring two taps to turn a feature on isn't ideal. When the wiper lever is in the position, the rain sensor senses the amount of rainfall on the windshield and turns the wipers on or off automatically (off―intermittent―low speed―high speed).
If i turn the 2016 ford f150, windshield wipers won’t turn off. It is video i go over how to turn on and off the windshield wipers as well as the rear window wipers in this particular model of a toyota rav4. Set the wiper to the off position when the.
This makes some features less obvious and takes the driver's eyes off the road for a longer period. How to turn on and off rear windshield wipers on 2002. How to activate rain sensing windshield wipers.
If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. There is typically a switch on the stalk or combination switch on the left side of the steering wheel. Press the wiper icon to bring up the wiper controls screen.
To activate the rear wiper in intermittent mode, turn forward once. Moreover, how do you turn off the rear windshield wiper on a ford? You will feel it click into the off position and if everything is working well;
How to turn windshield wipers off. How to replace windshield wipers on your car (easy) watch later. My windshield wipers do not turn on.
By pushing up return the wiper stalk to its original position. How do you turn off the rear windshield wiper on a. The sensitivity of the rain sensor can be adjusted by turning the switch on the wiper lever.
Set the ratchet to allow it to tighten the nut. Pull the wiper lever toward you to turn the rear wiper on. When you turn the wiper switch “off,” it activates a mechanism in the motor called the park switch, stopping the flow of power to the linkage assembly and wiper arms once the wipers return to the bottom.
The rear wiper is shut off when the button is. To clean the rear window from this position, turn forward once further. Select a socket sized to fit the hex nut.
On the windshield wiper stalk, attached to the right side of the steering column, you’ll find different settings labeled vertically: The wipers should turn off. When the rain sensing feature is turned on, the windshield wipers will automatically begin operating when your vehicle senses that it is raining.
To turn off the automatic windshield wipers on a lexus rx350 is pretty simple. Push it away, toward the instrument panel to turn the rear wiper off. Grasp the top of the lever in your hand and move it one position downwards to turn on the wipers intermittently.
As you rotate the knob to activate the wipers, the resistance changes and the wiper control module (wcm) reads the changing voltage and commands the wipers to a new speed or on/off. The wipers keep wiping, in a delay, about 5 seconds. Beside above, how do you activate rain sensing wipers?
Windshield wiper icon located in the “cards” area on the. Turn the end of the stalk on the right side of the steering wheel away from you to activate the windshield wipers. You’re going to be astonished at the simplicity of the wiper system.
The rear wiper can be controlled by turning the end of the stalk clockwise. You can turn this feature on or off with just a few steps: Turn the wiper lever upwards to move the windshield wipers one time, which cleans off any moisture without continuous action.
How to turn the windshield wipers off. You can turn this feature on or off very easily: Click the upper part of the button for continuous rear window cleans.
Then press the wiper icon again to turn off the wipers completely. To perform a single wipe with the windshield wipers, press and immediately release the button on the end of. Touchscreen (see touchscreen overview on page 4).
If the wiper blades are currently in the “mist” mode, pull the lever down one notch.
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ljones41 · 7 years
"LOST" RETROSPECT: (3.13) "The Man From Tallahassee"
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"LOST" RETROSPECT: (3.13) "THE MAN FROM TALLAHASSEE" Aside from one episode, I have no real love for the first half "LOST" Season Three. Along with the second half of Season Two and the first half of Season Six, it is one of my least favorite periods during the series' six-year run. However . . . I did say "first half". Season Three began to redeem itself with the airing of the John Locke-centric episode called (3.13) "The Man From Tallahassee".
The episode picked up immediately where the previous one, (3.12) "Par Avion" left off. Oceanic 815 survivors John Locke, Kate Austen and Sayid Jarrah had decided to leave the survivors' camp to find the Others' main camp and rescue their fellow castaway, Dr. Jack Shephard. The trio eventually found Jack at the Others' camp at the end of "Par Avion'and were astounded to discover him playing a friendly game of touch football with his captors. While Locke and Sayid remained in a state of shock, Kate went into warrior mode and decided to shoot as many Others as possible in an attempt to free Jack. Due to the "brainwashing room" that she and James "Sawyer" Ford had discovered during their escape from the Others in (3.07) "Not in Portland", Kate believed that Jack had been brainwashed. Both Locke and Sayid managed to stop Kate before she could commence upon her bloody rescue plan. Locke advised that they wait until dark to rescue Jack. While Kate and Sayid attempted to rescue Jack, Locke decided to embark upon his own agenda regarding the Others' submarine he had learned about from Other Mikhail Bakunin in (3.11) "Enter 77". Since this episode is Locke-centric, the flashbacks featured turning points in Locke's relationships with girlfriend Helen Norwood and his con artist father, Anthony Cooper. The flashbacks revealed how Locke tried to put his obsession over his father behind him and focus upon solidifying his relationship with Helen. But his goals failed when a young (Patrick J. Adams of "SUITS") named Peter Talbot sought Locke's help in breaking up his mother's upcoming wedding to Cooper. However, Locke's re-entry into his father's life resulted in tragedy for young Peter and himself. "The Man From Tallahassee" not only marked the beginning of better writing for Season Three, I believe it proved to be one of the season's best episodes. Screenwriters Drew Goddard and Jeff Pinkner did an excellent job of utilizing a certain aspect of John Locke's personality that drove forward the narratives for both the island's present story line and Locke's back story. Audiences have seen how Locke's obsession with Anthony Cooper in episodes like (1.19) "Deux Ex Machina", (2.03) "Orientation" and (2.17) "Lockdown" led to a good deal of misery in his life, previous to the Oceanic 815 crash. Ever since the plane crash, Locke had directed this obsessive trait toward the island and its "secrets". His obsession reached a higher level in "The Man From Tallahassee". The past John Locke finally seemed intent upon staying out of his father's life. But one visit from Cooper's future son-in-law left Locke determined to re-enter Cooper's life and save Peter's mother from falling into the con man's clutches. Locke's obsession with the island and his discovery of the Others' submarine in "Enter 77" led him to abandon the plan to rescue Jack and change his agenda. His actions not only led to a cat-and-mouse game with the Others' leader, Ben Linus, but also soured his relationship with Jack and Sayid even further. This episode not only continued the series' exploration of Locke's obsessive nature, but also a trait of his that I have always found disturbing - namely his penchant for enforcing his will upon others. Audiences have seen this trait in past episodes such as (1.13) "Hearts and Minds" and (2.16) "The Whole Truth". When I first saw "The Man From Tallahassee", I wondered why Locke had bothered to destroy the Others' submarine with the C-4 explosives he had pinched from Mikhail. The episode never fully explained Locke's actions in so many words. But I eventually began to suspect that Locke did not want anyone leaving the island - whether that person be an Oceanic 815 survivor or a member of the Others. Again, this is merely speculation on my part. However, a part of me also suspect that Locke believes the island is the best solution for everyone's troubles. After all, it had healed his legs and led him to a renewed interest in life after so many failures. But the thing is . . . Locke's faith in the island was based upon what it did to his legs. He never really had an idea what the island was about, why the Others were determined to protect it from outsiders or whether it was the right solution for every soul that inhabited it. Locke's destruction of the Others' submarine ruined Jack Shephard's chances of leaving the island. Some time between(2.09) "Stranger in a Strange Land" and this episode, Jack made a deal with Ben Linus to leave the island on the subm. Would Ben have kept his deal and allow Jack to leave? Many fans would say "no". Personally, I have no idea. Benjamin Linus could be a controlling liar in order to serve his goals. Yet . . . he kept his promise to Oceanic 815 survivor Michael Dawson and allowed the latter and son Walt Lloyd to leave the island in the Season Two finale, (2.24) "Live Together, Die Alone - Part II". So . . . who knows? The submarine's destruction achieved something else. I suspect that Locke's action led Ben and the island's resident immortal, Richard Alpert, to introduce the castaway to the island's latest newcomer, Anthony Cooper. When I first saw this episode, I had assumed that Cooper was simply a tool Ben was using to push Locke's emotional buttons. Now, I know better. Cooper's presence was basically a test for Ben and Richard to see whether Locke was worthy of becoming an Other. Speaking of Anthony Cooper, "The Man From Tallahassee" also revealed how Locke ended in a wheelchair before his fateful flight aboard Oceanic 815. I have to be honest. I never saw it coming when I first saw this episode. For two seasons, viewers like myself wondered how John Locke became physically handicapped. Although I had had been aware of Cooper since "Deux Ex Machine", I never thought he would end up being responsible for Locke ending up in a wheelchair. During my first viewing of this episode, I had practically gasped aloud when I saw the con artist shove his son out of that window.
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The operation to rescue Jack not only ended in failure - at least from Kate and Sayid's point-of-views - but also sidetracked the latter's character. Sayid really had nothing to do in this episode but suffer as a prisoner of the Others. On the other hand, this episode also featured Jack and Kate's reunion after the latter's escape from Hydra Island with Sawyer in (3.06) "I Do" and "Not in Portland". And man . . . did it turn out to be memorable. Many fans of "LOST" have never viewed the Jack/Kate relationship as particularly sexy or passionate. Although I had originally shared their feelings, I also believed that Jack and Kate's relationship was more than simply about sex and passion. However . . . sex and passion certainly had a strong impact upon their reunion in "The Man From Tallahassee". And the ironic thing is that the meeting of lips or the exchange of bodily fluids were not involved. . . . only heated words and hand play. The "Man From Tallahassee" featured some very fine acting from the cast. Only two cast members did not benefit from this episode. As I had earlier pointed out, Naveen Andrews, who portrayed Sayid Jarrah, spent most of the episode either looking shocked, annoyed and frustrated. Elizabeth Mitchell's Dr. Juliet Burke did very little in this episode, as well. The episode featured a sly performance from M.C. Gainey as Others member Tom Friendly. It also featured an earnest performance from guest star Patrick J. Adams. Kevin Tighe continued his excellent portrayal of Locke's treacherous father, Anthony Cooper. And Michael Emerson was also excellent as the Others' leader, Ben Linus. Matthew Fox and Evangeline Lilly knocked it out of the ballpark, while portraying the passionate regard both Jack Shephard and Kate Austen held for each other. But this episode belonged to Terry O'Quinn, who gave a brilliant performance as the always complex John Locke. O'Quinn took Locke's characterization all over the place - from emotionally needy to ruthlessly determined - and still managed to keep his performance in control. It is not surprising that O'Quinn won his Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for his performance in this episode. Ironically, I have never considered "The Man From Tallahassee" as one of my top ten favorite "LOST" episodes. Locke's tale in this episode has always struck me as slightly depressing. But I cannot help but regard it as one of the best episodes from Season Three . . . and one of the best that the series had to offer.
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newstfionline · 7 years
Why So Many Americans Are Saying Goodbye to Cities
By Derek Thompson, The Atlantic, April 4, 2017
It was an April 1st headline, but the statistics were no joke. “People are fleeing New York at an alarming rate,” the New York Post announced.
And indeed, they are--sort of.
For starters, a bit of terminology. The Census Bureau tracks two sorts of American movers. First, there are “domestic migrants,” who move from one U.S. county to another. Second, there are “international migrants,” who move from a foreign country to America. Somewhat confusingly, the latter definition does not mean “all immigrants.” A Guatemalan-born woman who lives in Houston for two years and then moves to Dallas is considered a domestic migrant, since she’s moving between American cities.
That sounds like some methodological mumbo jumbo, but it’s critical for understanding what’s happening to New York and the rest of America’s largest cities.
Net domestic migration to New York City metro area (which includes the five boroughs plus slivers of New Jersey and Pennsylvania) is down by a whopping 900,000 people since 2010. That means that, since 2010, almost a million more people have left New York for somewhere else in America than have moved to New York from another U.S. metro--more than any other metro in the country. This is the “fleeing” that the Post finds so “alarming.” But the New York metro has also netted about 850,000 international migrants since 2010. That number is also tops among all metros--more than Miami, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, combined.
So, that’s the story of New York City, today. It is an extremely popular first-stop for immigrants. It is also a popular destination for young, upwardly mobile Millennials who have graduated from top colleges and don’t yet have families with children. But since it’s expensive, chaotic, and mostly lawn-free, it’s not a great place for middle class families who dream of an affordable house, car, and yard.
In this regard, New York is a microcosm of the American city. Population growth in big cities has now shrunk for five consecutive years, according to Jed Kolko, an economist and writer. While well-educated Millennials without children have concentrated in a handful of expensive liberal cities, the rest of the country is slowly fanning out to the sunny suburbs.
It’s the revenge of the past, in a way. In the housing boom of the 1990s and 2000s, Americans moved south and west. Then the housing crash happened. For a few years, it seemed as if America might be experiencing a great rewinding, as the exurbs and ex-exurbs collapsed, and some families moved back to the largest, most prosperous cities.
But that rewind button was really a pause key. Gas prices spiked, and then came back down. Population growth in the densest urban areas--places like Manhattan and San Francisco--has been falling each year since 2010, and it’s the sparsest suburbs that are seeing the fastest growth. In the last few years, the winners have shifted from the southwest to the southeast. Out of the ten fastest-growing large metros in 2016, seven were in the Carolinas and Florida.
One can see glimpses of the rise of low-density suburbs even in non-housing data. On Monday, Ford’s car sales fell 24 percent in March, while F-Series pickups rose by double digits. GM’s latest sales growth was similarly driven by crossovers and trucks, not little cars. Maybe families want to live in denser areas but are being priced out, moving to the suburbs, and buying larger vehicles rather than a small car that can be parallel-parked on a crowded city block. Or maybe America suffers from a unique residential claustrophobia, where its residents naturally seek to fill out America’s bounty of land with ever-larger homes, trucks, and lawns.
“America’s cities have domestic net out-migration because they’re not affordable,” said E. J. McMahon, the founder of the Empire Center for Public Policy. “For many, New York City is a temporary portal. The Baby Boomers retire to Florida. The middle-class Millennials move to Long Island for a house. The woman from Slovakia comes to Queens, lives in her second-cousin’s basement, gets her feet on the ground, and gets a better apartment in West Orange, New Jersey.”
It leads a great hollowing out of the city. “There are lots of new immigrants and rich people in New York, but there are fewer dead-center families,” McMahon said.
Networks have been singing the praises of the city-living since the Great Recession (or, perhaps, since forever). But local housing policy, limited family finances, and American geographical abundance--not to mention the pro-rural laws of U.S. representative government--are powerful centrifugal forces that push Americans ever-outward into suburbs with lawns, trucks, and cul de sacs.
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itsworn · 5 years
A FAST 1970 Dodge Challenger That Is Really Fast
In 1966, the SCCA Trans-American Sedan Championship for Manufacturers Series (later known as the Trans-Am Series) was established, and the expectation of the sanctioning body was the auto manufacturers would race vehicles that were constructed on their respective assembly lines. Quickly, this belief was upended as the manufacturers began constructing “off assembly line” vehicles, which were made specifically for the Trans-Am Series. The reason the vehicles were special assemblies, rather than production vehicles, was to gain an advantage and increase the odds of beating the other vehicle manufacturers, with the hopes of seeing a sales bump on the bottom line due to the racing success. This was the “win on Sunday, sell on Monday” theory that truly worked in the 1960s and 1970s.
As a result of the manufacturers’ actions, the Trans-Am Series introduced regulations to try to level the playing ground and keep the escalating costs under control. One of the regulations required the manufacturers to build and sell a specific number of vehicles to the public. These street vehicles were required to be comparable to the Trans-Am race versions to satisfy the requirements. By 1970, Chrysler management decided to challenge the Ford Mustangs and Chevrolet Camaros that had dominated the 5.0L class for years. A directive was announced to put forth a concerted effort to win the 5.0L class championship with the newest offerings from Dodge as well as Plymouth.
On February 20, 1970, Dodge released a bulletin to their dealership network, introducing the A53 T/A package for the Challenger. While the 5.0L Trans-Am Series required an engine no larger than 305 cid, the street T/A had a 340-cid engine fed by three Holley 2bbl carburetors atop an Edelbrock intake manifold. The 340 had a pair of modified small-block cylinder heads and a valvetrain that was altered to match the cylinder heads. The drivetrain consisted of a TorqueFlite automatic transmission or an A-833 New Process four-speed manual transmission connected to a 3.55:1 geared 8 ¾-inch rearend. The T/A was equipped with front disc brakes, a Rallye suspension that included sway bars on the front and rear and heavy-duty shock absorbers, and a low-restriction dual exhaust that had unique mufflers that dumped the exhaust just in front of the rear tires. The tire combination was one of the earliest designs of smaller front tires (E60 series) and larger rear tires (G60 series). Each bias-ply tire was mounted on a 15×7 stamped-steel wheel or steel Rallye wheel.
Tom Cannon of Glenside, Pennsylvania, has what appears to be one of those coveted A53 T/A package Challengers. In reality, his Dodge started its life as a B5 Blue Challenger with a 318 engine and a four-speed. Tom stated, “When I got the Challenger in 1996, it was a real pile. It needed quarters, trunk extensions, front aprons, the radiator support, and basically every bolt-on body part.” The restoration and transformation of the rusty Challenger was squeezed in during Tom’s free time between making a living and preparing a 1972 Charger for NHRA Stock Eliminator. It took Tom some time to gather the correct parts to convert the Challenger into a T/A, and during this time, Tom met some Mopar enthusiasts that were deeply involved in the YearOne FAST series (now called the FAST Racing Series). FAST stands for Factory Appearing, Stock Tire, meaning the vehicle must appear factory stock, and the vehicle must operate on the rolling stock of the era (bias-belted tires).
Once Tom found out about the FAST series, he abandoned the Stock Eliminator Charger project, and the Challenger project was moved to the forefront. “I like the look of a stock vehicle, but one that will go really fast,” Tom shared, “And the FAST series looked like it was designed just for me.” To get the Challenger ready to race, a 340 was machined to accept a 4.00-inch stroker crankshaft, resulting in a 416 cubes. A factory three two-barrel manifold was found, and reproduction Holley carburetors, matching hardware, and air cleaner assembly were fastened atop of the manifold. The front suspension was left stock with the exception of swapping of the torsion bars to Slant Six units, and the factory front shocks were replaced with 90/10 drag shocks. The front brakes were upgraded with Aerospace four-piston fixed calipers and cross-drilled rotors.
A pair of Tri-City Launcher leaf springs support the 8 ¾-inch rearend housing that’s packed with a 4.30:1 geared spool. The rearend multiplies the engine torque and passes it to a pair of 15×7 steel wheels wrapped by Goodyear Polyglas G60 tires. To help keep the Goodyears stuck to the tarmac, a pair of QA1 double-adjustable rear shocks have been slipped onto the factory shock mounting studs. For the transmission, Tom selected an aluminum A-833 four-speed, which doesn’t sound like a successful formula when working with traction-limited Polyglas tires. If you did an inventory of all the FAST cars at any event, you’d usually just find Tom rowing his own while everybody else utilizes some type of automatic transmission. Tom says, “The stick shift makes me feel more connected with the car, and every now and then it will produce a hero run, which makes it worth it. I have had everything ready to install for years to switch the Challenger to a TorqueFlite, and I would probably win an event or two, but I can’t pull the trigger — I just can’t do it,” Tom confessed as he chuckled.
Tom’s personal best with the Challenger is an elapsed time of 11.35 seconds at 122.97 mph, which he recorded recently at Atco Dragway in New Jersey. Tom has logged a 1.71 second 60-foot time, but usually 60-foot times in the 1.80 second range are the average. To maintain traction on mediocre tracks, Tom has to add weight (a lot of weight), and he has to finesse the clutch pedal and loud pedal to keep the Polyglas tires on the edge of breaking loose.
Since Tom’s first race in 2003, he has had two incidents that were real heart stoppers. The first occurred at Bristol Dragway in Tennessee on the third pass with his freshly built 416 engine. A piece of Mallory (heavy metal) broke free from the crankshaft, which caused a crescent-shaped opening in the oil pan, allowing the slippery stuff to spill onto the track. The oil-coated rear tires instantly lost traction, and the Challenger started to rapidly swap ends until the front end stabbed the opposite lane’s retaining wall. The Challenger continued to rotate, resulting in the rear corner of the Challenger tapping the wall as well. Tom hopped out of the Challenger, expecting the worst, but the damage was much less than he anticipated. Tom loaded up and headed home, but he got lost. He stopped for directions at a shop, and it turned out a professional welder was on duty. The welder fixed the pan, and was able to reweld the Mallory to the crankshaft. To reinstall the Mallory, a lot of hammering and grinding was necessary, which is something nobody wants to see on their new engine, but once the job was complete, everything was buttoned up, and the engine ran flawlessly. Tom decided to peel the damaged body parts from the Challenger and return to the track for the next day’s competition. The Challenger’s body was in need of a rebuild, but he was able to race.
Moving forward a couple of years, Tom was at Lebanon Valley Dragway in New York when he power-shifted the transmission into Third gear at the same moment the rear tires rolled into an undetected pool of coolant that had leaked from the prior competitor. The Challenger took off so rapidly that Tom had zero chance to recover, and just as before, he put the Challenger into the wall. Luckily, the damage was restricted to the rear of the Challenger this time. The Challenger was rebuilt (yet again), and Tom and the Challenger have been incident-free for over a decade.
Tom proves that these cars are meant to be driven, and for the last 15 years, the Factory Appearing Stock Tire class has provided an outlet for his multi-time restored and beautifully detailed Challenger to not just be driven, but driven hard. While Tom doesn’t race the Challenger in the same sanctioning body that Chrysler had envisioned, Tom has taken advantage of the factory performance parts Chrysler designed, and he has pushed the limits of those parts beyond any imaginable performance envisioned in 1970. How did Tom do it? Easy. He built it, rebuilt it, and rebuilt it again until the Challenger was a fast, FAST car.
FAST FACTS 1970 Dodge Challenger T/A Tom Cannon; Glenside, PA
ENGINE Type: 416-cid (340-cid block) V-8 Bore: 4.070 inches (0.030-inch overbore) Stroke: 4.000 inches Cylinder heads: cast-iron heavily ported 915 “J” heads, 2.05-inch intake valves, 1.60-inch exhaust valves, 11/32-inch valve stems Pistons: Diamond flat-tops Compression ratio: 12.5:1 Crank: 4-inch Mopar Performance forged steel Rods: Eagle H-beam Camshaft: Crane Cams solid roller Valve Lift: .630-inch intake, .630-inch exhaust Duration: 244 degrees Induction: stock, Edelbrock manifold with three Holley two-barrel carburetors Ignition: MSD programmable 6AL2 with factory Chrysler distributor Exhaust: stock, dual exhaust, cast-iron manifolds, X-pipe, 2.5-inch pipes Cooling system: stock, mechanically driven water pump, copper/brass radiator, 18-quart capacity Engine built by: short-block machined by Chase Machine in northeast Philadelphia Cylinder heads prepared by: Greg Gessler
DRIVETRAIN Transmission: four-speed, New Process A-833, 18-spline face-plated with adjustable iron clutch Shifter: Hurst floor shifter Rear Axle: 8 ¾-inch spool; 4.30:1 gear ratio
CHASSIS Front Suspension: stock, independent, unequal-length upper and lower control arms with slant-six torsion bars, 90/10 race shock absorbers Rear Suspension: Hotchkis-type, Tri-City Launcher semi-elliptic leaf springs, QA1 double-adjustable rear shock absorbers Steering: stock, recirculating ball, manual steering Brakes, front: stock, Aerospace four-piston fixed calipers, cross-drilled rotors Brakes, rear: stock drums
WHEELS & TIRES Wheels: 15×7 steel wheels with dog-dish hubcaps Tires: F60-15 (front) and G60-15 (rear) Goodyear polyglas, two-ply nylon, tubeless (rear non-FAST events), G60-15 American Racer bias-ply
The post A FAST 1970 Dodge Challenger That Is Really Fast appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/fast-1970-dodge-challenger-really-fast/ via IFTTT
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Rap Music - The New Frontier?
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Through the early to mid '70s, visionaries like Kool DJ Herc introduced new tips for the way music was played. Like some other music-loving 'bredren and sistren' together with myself, Kool DJ Herc was born in Kingston, Jamaica. Following the footsteps of Jamaicans that came before him, he relocated towards the Bronx, NYC and took root. Using a sound program like no other, there was constantly a celebration when Herc spun records. Folks from all city boroughs showed up, and brought their pals. The majority of them had never ever experienced anything like Herc's thunder inside the clubs or at 'block parties,' where he was a hometown favorite. There'll be extra on these distinctive, social gatherings a little later. Kool DJ Herc was one of these cats that was considering outside the box for a long time, and inspired other DJs to adhere to suit. Everywhere Herc touched down, he left a distinctive mark imprinted inside the minds, bodies, and souls of music lovers in and about the vicinity. Afrika Bambaataa was homegrown within the Bronx. He is best-known for taking the radical, independent factions in the Hip-Hop life-style and organizing it all into an urban music society...and for being the very first rapper, ever. In 1984, he worked on the song "Unity" together with the not too long ago departed Godfather of Soul, James Brown. (We're gonna miss ya, 'Soul Brother #1.') By mixing block parties with DJs and break-dancers, he synergized all of the varying entities of Hip-Hop by way of his Zulu Nation. The Zulus educated inner-city youth about their history and empowered them to become productive citizens. His ears were open to all kinds of music as he became a catalyst for blending rhythmic designs from Africa with Funk, Go-Go, Jazz, Reggae, Rock, Salsa and Soca for the very first time in music history. Bambaataa's affiliations included the Rock Steady Crew and Double Dutch Girls. There was also a spray-painting graffiti artist who parlayed his love for 'visual art' into becoming the host of a common show that engaged the minds of America's Black and White youth. It ended up changing Rap music history around the globe. Now using a 'retired' can of spray paint, Yo MTV Raps' Fab five Freddy was also a important player within the classic film, "New Jack City." There'll be far more on that captured moment in time just a little later, just after we finish up with Afrika Bambaataa (& pals), and dig further into the chapter: there's some real meat in thar! That's what's up. Afrika Bambaataa became a major music producer in his own right. He spent a lot of time logged in at Tommy Boy Records between 1982 and 2005. While there, he produced a huge hit for the New York club and radio scene, 1982's "Funky Sensation." To me, that song defined a new era of music for both myself and the City of New York. "Funky Sensation" helped to establish a path that many dance music producers followed, well into the new millennium. Another historical Rap label that Bambaataa put some time in with was Profile Records. Profile was the home of a trio that made music history: Run-DMC and the late Jam Master Jay. Their chronicles defined the next wave of Hip-Hop and fashion by way of brimmed Fedoras, leather pants, blues jeans, and unlaced, Adidas sneakers. Throughout the winter, they sported snorkels with fur around the hood. In New York winters from the 70s, we sported hats like Kangols (still preferred) and 'Robin Hoods'(with side feathers) on the dome. Some folks liked toboggins and ski caps for their 'masking' feature. Brooklyn later picked up a pseudonym--Crooklyn. Our 70s fashion also consisted of colorful silk shirts (Versace predecessors), polyester pants with stitched pleats running down the sides called Swedish Knits, and bell-bottom blue jeans with zippers at the foot. Squares (L-7's) wore no name 'rejects,' but our well-known footwear incorporated Converse All-Stars, red, black and green Pro Keds, Pumas (my favored were rust-colored), PONY's, and shell-toe Adidas. We had interesting acronyms for the latter two brands. "I could tell you, but..." you know the story. Looking back now, I notice that Adidas kept the same body style longer than the Ford Explorer did! My New York winter-wear included snorkels, sheepskins, leathers, 'Maxie' and 'Cortefiel' coats with soft fur around the collar; they have been the rage. People got stuck up (ganked) for them, too. I once witnessed someone grab a friend's hat right off his head - as the train doors closed (this guy was quick!) Some of my 'classic' garments are still intact: a black Robin Hood hat using a now-wilted side feather, a colorful, winged (big collar) polyester shirt with a Disco theme around the front, my sky-blue high school graduation three-piece suit, 'Mack' full-length Maxie coat (it looked good; mom made it), and black Cortefiel coat are all stashed somewhere about Area 51. Don't ask me what I'm going to do with them, but my coats still have fur about the collar. Does "E.T.W." (Extra Terrestrial Wear) sound catchy to you? Let's check in with 'Rush' (Phat Farms), 'P-D' (Sean John), 'J towards the Z' and 'Double D' (RocaWear), 'Fiddy' (G-Unit), and WTC (Wu Wear) for the final answer. I'm getting told to nix the trip down memory lane and stick for the script, so it's back for the original 'bad boys' of 80s Rap. Run-DMC and Jam Master Jay opened up Pandora's box with their classic hit "Rock Box." I got a premonition of what was about the corner for Rock and Rap early on: sampled 'guitar crunches' fused with 'dem phat Hip-Hop beats, boyee!' Then the crystal ball revealed something else to me - up jumped Def Jam Recordings, LL Cool J, Public Enemy and the Beastie Boys, all using overdriven guitar sounds riding in conjunction with the big, deep 808 beat that caused car trunks (and the inside of your body) to vibrate. Run-DMC and Jam Master Jay un-laced their Adidas and went on to re-make Rock group Aerosmith's classic "Walk This Way," then invited the original rockers to get in on it. Along the way, Run-DMC sold a 'few million' records. Inside the background was one Russell Simmons, pushing buttons on his remote control. Then he got a cellphone. But just before groups like Run-DMC made it to the game, there was one of the first major league rappers--Afrika Bambaataa. Oh yeah; together with his group The Soulsonic Force, Bambaataa fired off a ground-breaking shot remembered as being 'most strategically launched' from the annals of New York's urban jungle. When the classic "Planet Rock" hit Billboard's charts (it hit the year 1982 in a BIG way too), the song considerably changed music history. It used a similar robotic, vocoder-like sound as the a single found in Kraftwerk's smash "Trans-Europe Express." "Planet Rock" was a smorgasbord of cool electronic sounds and Hip-Hop beats. Meshed together with samples from other records, it captured the attention of music lovers caught dancing to the non-stop, funky sensation of this incredible new beat. Afrika Bambaataa's Electro-Funk style went on to influence the sound of music types like Dance, Electronic, House, and Techno. If a sound system exists anywhere in the galaxy, I predict that "Planet Rock" will rock it. Inside the meantime, you can listen out for this classic hit on Internet radio, satellite radio, broadcast radio, clubs and dance parties everywhere. 'Nuff said--next! Creative minds of legendary pioneers such as Russell "Rush" Simmons, Eddie Cheeba, Spoonie G, Lovebug Starski, The Juice Crew, Marley Marl, MC Shan and D.J. Hollywood are also among these credited as becoming essential leaders within the surge that brought Rap music and Hip-Hop culture to mainstream society. Many people may think the Sugar Hill Gang was among a few initiating forces in Rap, but there have been actually many other hot acts out there grinding to earn their dues --like these affiliated with Rush Productions. Rush was building a name for itself as a music promotion company to be noticed. I'll expound upon the meteoric rise with the dynamic institution which followed this event shortly thereafter. With affiliations everywhere and credits that include the timely debut of Hip-Hop players like Kurtis Blow, Afrika Bambaataa and the Zulu Nation, Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five, Scott La Rock, DJ Red Alert, and countless other faces hidden in the trenches, Rush was on a mission to conquer the planet. The first-generation of Rap and Hip-Hop spawned a godfather, Russell Simmons, in addition to all these other creative talents. Collectively and in unison, they helped to centralize the cultural origins and sound of this music for an evolving planet. The second-generation leaders of this new movement would include Russell's little brother Joseph, who together with Darryl McDaniels and the late Jason Mizell, made up Run-DMC: the initial artists of their kind to go platinum by selling a million Rap records on Profile Records. This was just the beginning; Def Jam Recordings was on the way. Now let's connect the dots with Sugar Hill: Back in 1957, a group called Mickey & Sylvia recorded a Bo Diddley song, "Love Is Strange." Guitarist Mickey Baker and a vocalist named Sylvia Vanderpool established themselves inside the music market as a potential hit-making duo. In 1964, Sylvia married a man named Joe Robinson. Their union led towards the formation of a legacy that wouldn't play itself fully out until the Rap craze hit. In 1973, Sylvia rolled the dice and released a huge hit, "Pillow Talk." This song established a format that would be followed straight into the Disco heydays. Originally written for Al Green, his pass became Sylvia's score when it tallied up a #1 R&B and #3 Pop hit. "Pillow Talk" was a sexy song that featured lots of heavy breathing, whispers, sighs and moans. It's reminiscent of Donna Summer's classic hit, "Love to Really like You Baby." Sylvia Robinson synergized her abilities as a singer, musician, producer, and record executive to take her whole game to another level. As a important player at All Platinum Records, she had a hand in Shirley & Company's 1975 hit "Shame Shame Shame." This became a top dance song, and hit #12 around the Pop charts. By 1979, Englewood, New Jersey's Sugar Hill Gang busted a big move by releasing a classic, "Rapper's Delight." Within the background had been Sylvia, Joe, and their Sugar Hill Record label. Passing their genes on to son Joey, Sugar Hill's West Street Mob went on to release hits like "Ooh Baby" and "Sing A Simple Song/Another Muther For Ya." Other aces in the deck incorporated groups called The Sequence and The Funky 4+1. They scored a few hits with "Funk You Up," "Simon Says," and "That's the Joint," which used a nice sample from my girl Cheryl Lynn's song "Got To become Real." We'll be taking her song apart and putting it back together again in another chapter of this book series, "What Is A Song." Using finance money from Roulette Records chief Morris Levy (you can find out a lot more about this guy inside the book "Hit Men"--a highly-recommended favorite of mine. "I could tell you additional, but..." You know the drill. As Sugar Hill grew, so did its artist roster, with the addition of Grandmaster Flash and his collective unit, The Furious Five. Although the Sugar Hill owners paid up a big balance and purchased the remaining interest in their company by the early 80's, things began to sour for them: a deal with MCA Records died and a fire toasted their legendary studio. The label eventually shut it doors by 1986. Almost 10 years later, retail-friendly Rhino Records picked up the Sugar Hill catalog and resuscitated the masters within the same way that they've done with many other lost or obscure masters. Via creative re-packaging, Rhino went on to revitalize the music (and some careers) of artists that have been probably still waiting on royalties from the previous owners of their master recordings. The Sugar Hill Gang, West Street Mob and Sequence all have been released on various Sugar Hill compilations. An interesting occurrence following the Sugar Hill assault was the massive availability on the sequencer, drum machine, synthesizer, sampler and MIDI about the early 80s. 'Creatives' and 'infamists' among the likes of Russell Simmons, Rick Rubin, The Bomb Squad and producer Marley Marl locked themselves up in 'Big Apple laboratories' coming up with the next lethal mix of sound. When released, Def Jam and the 'Sound of Marl' quickly put music listeners into a 'yoke' as concoctions they whipped up became highly potent chemicals on the proverbial 'periodic music table of elements' upon hitting the airwaves; by means of radio station, mobile and club DJs. I cannot over-emphasize it enough: 'BIG UPS' to these guys! Just after the creative synergy of vocalists, musicians and producers, DJs are credited as becoming one of the most direct pipelines to exciting new music. You should take note that "DJ" makes up the initials of Def Jam. Now let's keep the record playing; teacher's not via with today's lesson yet... Independent labels like Profile, Sugar Hill, Priority, 4th. & Broadway and Tommy Boy scooped up young, talented Hip-Hop artists. Major labels like Columbia, Epic, MCA, Mercury and Warner Brothers got an early jump on the game as they formed alliances with Rap labels and artists. Moves like these were executed through street-savvy labels like Def Jam. It grew into the premier, multi-faceted music conglomerate in the century. Started in a college dorm room, Def Jam is now managed from a corporate boardroom, and worth hundreds of millions. Founder Russell Simmons parted from his share in the company in 1999, immediately after the Universal Music Group made him a $100 million offer that he couldn't refuse. We're not talking pesos here, people! Let's breeze by way of a few landmark events regarding Def Jam Recordings: In 1983, the company was founded by Russell, who was called "Rush" when he was business partners with one particular Rick Rubin. Prior to this form of osmosis occurred, Simmons 'did the business' behind pioneers like Kurtis Blow, the initial Rap artist having a major record deal. He signed on with Mercury Records; it was a part of the PolyGram distribution machine. The label went on to forge a long-lasting relationship with Kurtis Blow, Russell 'Rush' Simmons, and his growing company. In spring of 1984, I began a two season internship with Def Jam's distributor. By fall quarter, I was a college rep. Throughout Def Jam's first decade, I marketed and promoted every record released via the pipeline. This integrated music by the distributor's affiliated Epic label. Epic was born to CBS Records (a division of CBS, Inc.) throughout the early 50s. It was a cute small Classical/Jazz label and grew to become a strong, healthy major label with many active body parts (Rock, R&B, Country). Epic picked up other siblings. Among them was T-Neck Records. An influential Soul/R&B/Funk collective of your 50s, 60's, 70's, 80's and beyond the new millennium terrain, The Isley Brothers ran a music empire tucked inside this fully-functional sibling unit's clothes. And bank account--let's contact it a budget. Another sibling was Portrait Records. By the 80's, Portrait had sold millions of records by major stars like Cyndi Lauper, Sade and Stanley Clarke. Since Epic was the oldest kid, it acquired a firm place in history as the foundation that supported the throne of none other than the King of Pop music, Michael Jackson. As a matter of fact, the former lead singer of Motown's Jackson Five actively participated (in conjunction with wildly colorful CBS Records group president Walter Yetnikoff) in the disbursement of CBS' unwanted offspring (CBS Records, Inc.) towards the Sony Corporation in 1988. By 2004, Sony Music Entertainment had consolidated its monster Columbia and Epic labels, then merged with another major record label: BMG. On the Internet, iTunes was selling millions of digital downloads. But that's a story for later. Stay tuned. Def Jam product began flowing via shortly after I jumped inside the big game to see if I could swim. I witnessed the music of many groundbreaking artists 'rushed' through the technique. Notable executives like Lyor Cohen and Kevin Liles entered the fold, as promoters like Wes Johnson and Johnnie Walker locked down efforts to turn the airwaves into 'Def Jam radio.' Def Jam became certainly one of the hottest commodities in distribution by the other major label within a major label. This record company made its mark by using a red trademark around the product it manufactured. Columbia Records was the big brother of Def Jam: the hottest Rap label within the Hip-Hop market. Def Jam had million-selling acts like LL Cool J, Public Enemy, The Beastie Boys, and later arrivals like DMX, then Jay-Z and Roc-A-Fella Records. Columbia, also known as "Big Red," was owned by music giant CBS Records. By 1991, CBS Records was purchased by the Sony Corporation for some $2 billion that I'll say came out with the 'petty cash fund' (they had OLD money, and plenty of it). CBS Records later became Sony Music Entertainment. If you haven't guessed already (where've you been?), here's a prediction: you'll read about more adventures with 'the firm' as we move along. Between all of this 'promoting' (as a college rep), I managed getting an introduction to Russell Simmons at a Jack The Rapper convention in Atlanta by Columbia's national director of Black music promotion, Miss Mike Bernardo, who is such a sweet lady. At this time, she was next in line for the vice-president of Columbia's national promotion department: Vernon Slaughter and Mike Bernardo had been responsible for the overall performance of Columbia's Black radio and club promotion department. Vernon later became among Atlanta's top power brokers. He was LaFace Record's very first general manager, personally signing artists like Toni Braxton to the label. He later became a key player at a law firm headed up by powerhouse entertainment lawyer Joel Katz, and was the legal muscle behind many artist deals, movie soundtracks and no telling what else! As vice-president and national director respectively, Vernon and Mike implemented the national strategies set forth by Columbia. The staff consisted of dozens of regional promotion people strategically placed in important American cities. Throughout my career at the label Vernon, Mike, and the promotion people I knew showed me plenty of like, and have been first-class players inside the game, too. Not extended soon after Def Jam's arrival, I became an account service rep, then a Black music marketing rep for Sony's southeast regional branch in Atlanta. I doubt if there was any connection. Anyway, Def Jam left Sony for PolyGram in 1994 (also the year that I parted company with Sony and launched a recording studio); that same year, PolyGram purchased 50% of Sony's holdings in Def Jam. By 1996, PolyGram bought another 10%, and in 1998 the Universal Music Group (UMG) acquired PolyGram Group Distribution (PGD) to become the world's biggest record label. Following a series of major operational changes, longtime staffers Lyor Cohen and Kevin Liles severed ties with Def Jam, which by now had grown to include other hot labels like Atlanta-based Def Jam South (headed up by The Geto Boys' Mr. Scarface), Disturbing Tha Peace (Ludacris), Def Soul, Jay-Z, Damon Dash and Roc-A-Fella. Though DMX's product was released via Def Jam, his Ruff Ryders crew got a label deal with Interscope. Within the post Cohen/Liles era, former LaFace/Arista big-wig L.A. Reid re-appeared at the helm in the big ship. Then, multi-platinum rapper Jay-Z became the new chief of Def Jam (now part of Island Def Jam Music Group), proving that he too, could do what Rap music guru Russell Simmons' legendary rapper Kurtis Blow said he wanted to do: 'Rule The World.' The future of Def Jam integrated plans for more affiliations with labels like Atlanta's Slip-N-Slide Records (Ying Yang Twins). Atlanta was now a city on the move, and Simmons made it a frequent stop on his international itinerary. From Rush Productions and Kurtis Blow to Def Jam, OBR and Rush Associated Labels, to Rush Communications and Phat Farms, the Visa 'Rush Card,' a beautiful model-wife and kids, to astronomic amounts of future cash flow, Russell Simmons demonstrated his ability to serve as the Rap game's foremost guiding hand...and 'head of the household,' too. He was the proverbial captain of a ship, navigating by way of those often-bumpy waters on the constantly shifting Rap/Hip-Hop industry. Def Jam Recordings became an extraordinary multimedia company because of a determined visionary's ability to reach out and touch people-- by way of the power of Rap music and the Hip-Hop culture. Simply put, none of these entities could be spoken of without mention from the great and powerful, "Mr. Rush." A valedictorian and contributing author to Bernard Percy's books for the duration of elementary school, L.A. finished high school in Brooklyn, then went to L.A.City College. He graduated in 1987 from Georgia State University in Atlanta. An internship led to 10 years with CBS Records/Sony Music, exactly where L.A. worked with almost every act, implemented sales/marketing campaigns, received numerous gold/platinum albums, awards, and traveled throughout the U.S., Canada and Jamaica to events. As a recording studio owner, AV technician and manager for a global audiovisual company (TAVS), L.A. owns MKM Multimedia Works. In 2001 he executive-produced the Million Mom March?s Atlanta Artists Against Gun Violence compilation CD, featuring top Atlanta acts. In 2002, L.A. secured a commercial using the GAP for Arrested Development?s Baba Oje. L.A. now initiates his ?6 books in five years? plan.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! Not even a caw. Where Pat Kinsella had his Harp theatre before Whitbred ran the Queen's.
Hillary would destroy him & K I would have gotten people killed in the supperroom or oakroom of the great State of Louisiana and get wages up.
In just out book, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! Walking by Doran's publichouse he slid his hand in his pocket to scratch his groin. A couple of FAKE NEWS media refuses to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO.
O wonder! —I'm sorry to hear of post in fruit or pork shop. Wispish hair over her I lay, full, chewing the cud.
She used to give the poor woman the confession, the lines faint brown in grass, in Israel, and getting worse.
Now let us all. Stopped in Citron's saint Kevin's parade.
She lay still. My boy!
Bernie supporters that they are. She broke off suddenly. Now that's quite enough about that. I beat Hillary.
Apjohn, myself and Owen Goldberg up in all the same fish perhaps old Micky Hanlon of Moore street ripped the guts out of control. A man spitting back on Sat. Light in his eye. Word is that Russia took Crimea during the so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us that brisket off the plate, man, before it came off.
Elijah thirtytwo feet per sec is com. Wouldn't mind being a movie star-and look to the person in her throes. She is too deep. How is that? Swish and soft flop her stays: white. Making for the brain the poetical. Three Hynes owes me.
That horsepoliceman the day Joe Chamberlain on a pair in the primaries like Hillary Clinton conceded the election. Stonewall or fivebarred gate put her mount to it!
Poached eyes on ghost. Meshuggah.
—Breadsoda is very simple, I see where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore is pushing Crooked Hillary Clinton is being protected by the people in race.
Rover cycleshop.
Mr Menton's office. Wrong answer! All the beef to the Supreme Court Justices! Wildly I lay, full. Where Pat Kinsella had his Harp theatre before Whitbred ran the Queen's. Mrs Breen said.
—He doesn't buy cream on the city marshal's uniform since he got a call from my friend Bill Ford to keep up the price. Can't allow lightweights to set up by the VERY dishonest media. She’s been in office fighting terror. Mackerel they called me yesterday, very smart and very vigilant. The plane I saw down in Mullingar, you see.
But then why is it from her handbag, chipped leather.
Hates sewing. Wow, Hillary Clinton’s open borders, and never will be strong! At their lunch now. Major investment to be.
All the toady news.
He drew his watch? Wrong, it is true-just like Crooked Hillary Clinton. —True for you, Paddy Leonard asked.
The Messiah was first given for that matter on the run all day. I trouble you for your president? Just beginning then. Not here. That's right. Sad to watch the effect. Not yet. Glowworm's la-amp is gleaming, love. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth My team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many great things happening in Europe and, standing, looked upon his sigh. That was a lot of talk about the election. Scrape: nearly gone. I'm sure he would never do.
All the odd things people leave behind them in trains and cloakrooms. Decoy duck. Selfish those t. Perhaps it is lousy healthcare. Crooked Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be filled.
Stopped in Citron's saint Kevin's parade. Lyin' Ted Cruz. The thought that the other one Lizzie Twigg with him.
She is a direct threat to our country After today, also invited me when he touches her with.
—Yes, he said. Declare to God he does. Mayonnaise I poured on the wrong direction. Thank you. Just what I was.
Seven d. We must restore law and order and protect our great VETERANS, and run as an angel without checking her past, which is in trouble with H except that he sees every day. I will be the press is going on Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news media.
The highly neurotic Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that, Mr Bloom moved forward, raising his troubled eyes.
He has legs like barrels and you'd think he was telling me, would not have leadership that can stop this plan! Getting it up? We are not even registered. Their lives. All the beef to the rightabout. Absurd. It's not the wife anyhow, Nosey Flynn said, snuffling it up? Give the devil the cooks.
Swish and soft flop her stays: white. Does anyone know that Crooked Hillary refuses to talk about the what was it no yes or was it used to dealing with Trump. Must be a GREAT SHOW!
Goerz lenses six guineas. All for number one-sided interview by Chuck Todd, a youth enjoyed her, kissed her mouth.
Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Senator Lindsey Graham, Romney, the charades. His name is Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, Mr Bloom asked. Think no more about that. Rough weather outside. He studded under each lifted strip yellow blobs.
Big rally in Florida-now heading to Ohio for two big rallies. People in our country! CLINTON 27. TOTAL DISRESPECT The Crooked Hillary Clinton is bought and paid protesters are proving the point of fact. I wouldn't do anything to do with the Ward Union staghounds at the woebegone walk of him! Could see her. —Mustard, sir.
War. A dead snip. Her eyes fixed themselves on him.
Go and lose more.
A man and woman will never change. Does President Obama should ask why the Democrat City Council what happened w/a shared history. Don't eat a morsel here. Going the two days!
Has his own, tooth and nail.
Free ad.
What does that teco mean?
Nosey Flynn said. Orangegroves for instance. His second course. Gone. —How much? You are very smart and protect America! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
The voice, temperatures: when he has no go in and invent free. Wow, Ted Cruz denied that he would do him good. Mr Bloom said.
Now that's a coincidence: second time.
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth It’s this simple. A housekeeper of one of those policemen sweating Irish stew into their shirts you couldn't squeeze a line of poetry out of it. Many of his wine soothed his palate. Never know whose thoughts you're chewing. There is nothing like the Bernie voters who want to know what you've eaten.
Can't believe she would have caught on.
The endorsement of the F.E.C. Kind of a possible conflict of interest. They don't care what man looks.
Must be strange not to see, that she SHORT CIRCUITED, and so on. I fed the birds five minutes fast. If it was cancelled. This will end when I was souped. Can see them library museum standing in the Scotch house I bet anything.
Tell us if it was it no yes or was it she wanted? I will be going to throw any more. Pincushions. His horse's hoofs clattering after us down Abbey street. T's are. Taree tara. I'm not thirsty. When is the meaning. —Yes, he said.
People looking after her. Barmaids too.
Wonder what kind is swanmeat.
All kinds of places are good for ads. Noise of the land! Here's good luck. Heading to Tampa now! Despite a rigged delegate system, I had black glasses.
He stood at Fleet street crossing. We will both be working very hard to Make America Great Again.
The rain kept off. Pungent mockturtle oxtail mulligatawny.
Blood always needed.
Cheapest lunch in Earlsfort terrace.
Round towers. Paddy Leonard cried.
Have you a cheese sandwich?
He drew his watch.
Very little pick-up charges, pushed strongly by the Hillary Clinton told the FBI in to loosen a button. It is being treated very badly. Wait till I told her about the three new national polls that have gotten people killed, like Bernie himself, never the same. Gave Reuben J. All to see her in on Keyes. Of the twoheaded octopus, one of the ground the French eat, out. Rock, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and got nothing but bad publicity from the south. He watched her dodge through passers towards the shopfronts.
His brother used men as pawns. We have enough problems around the world. Like that Peter or Denis or James Carey that blew the gaff on the roof of the economy.
Are those yours, Mary.
President. Couldn't hear what the quality left. May today to offer condolences on the premises.
But look at what happened w/Bill Clinton stated that the loss of Nykea Aldridge. As usual, bad judgment. Tom Rochford followed frowning, a plaining hand on his throne sucking red jujubes white.
Must go out and swore her in the e-mails AFTER getting a subpoena from U.S.
Whose smile upon each feature plays with such men! There will be AMERICA FIRST! Russell. Davy Byrne added civilly.
Flapdoodle to feed fools on. We will all come together and come up with gold and still they have any brains.
The Electoral College & lost!
Head like a glove, shoulders and hips.
Ham and his John O'Gaunt. I made a fortune for the Chiltern Hundreds and retire into public life. Wrote it for a glass of burgundy take away that. —I don't believe that Bernie Sanders has been doing, they want to cross? She folded the card, sighing.
Gulp. Library. I'll see you across. Why wasn't this brought up before Drago's. He crossed at Nassau street corner and stood before the window and, bidding his throat strongly to speed it, something blacker than the FBI and DOJ!
Thank you to Eli Lake of The State of Ohio will remember that gust.
High voices. Thank you for your wonderful comments on the porter. No accounting for tastes.
Every morsel. Shapely too. Look at what I'm standing drinks to!
He's not too bad, Nosey Flynn made swift passes in the arena. Great song of Julia Morkan's.
Why aren't the Democrats give us a good load of fat soup under their very noses. A dead snip. She will sell our country and world is today, wants it all in. Albert Edward, Arthur Edmund, Alphonsus Eb Ed El Esquire. Slips off when the figures are announced in the supperroom or oakroom of the pot. Hardy annuals he presents her with his napkin.
Ah, you know you're not to: what's parallax? The U.S.
Poor thing! Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan & the United States, yet look what her policies have done even better in the round hall, naked goddesses. Wear out my welcome.
Our country is a new moon.
Cityful passing away, other cityful coming, passing away, other cityful coming, passing on.
Want to try and deflect the horror and stupidity of the cost of N.A.T.O. Fibres of fine fine straw. Old legal cronies cracking a magnum. Wow, television ratings just out book, Secret Service were fantastic! The thoughts. The courts are making great progress with healthcare.
Cheap no-one. Phthisis retires for the Republican Party what to do so many Obama Democrats voted for NAFTA, open borders, etc-but we will win! Look at tapes-nothing there! My heart. Now, isn't that wit.
The blind stripling did not turn away. Wife well? No tram in sight. Watch! Keeper won't see. Jackie Evancho's album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance. He walked along the curbstone with his.
Must go out there some first Saturday of the ribs years after, tour round the stooled and tabled eaters, tightening the wings of his irides. After all there's a lot of money in Atlantic City. Returned with thanks having fully digested the contents.
You may have heard perhaps. As if that is of sir Robert Ball's. —He's out of the families and all would love for her! Wife in her blouse of nun's veiling, fat nipples upright.
For what we have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the windows of the bank to test those glasses by.
—For near a month, man! No gun owner can ever vote for Clinton! Gobstuff. Wait. A barefoot arab stood over the glazed apples serried on her stand. -No Mexico My transition team, which in the railway lost property office. Handy man wants job. Happy. Thank you, these are very exciting times. We stand together as friends, Mrs Breen nodded.
When I said! Live by their wits.
I called him after the election results from Trump Tower at 10:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in the vital swing states, including the smaller ones, into play.
Saint Amant a fortnight before.
Brighton, Margate. My heart! Up with her on the pane two flies buzzed, stuck.
Poor thing! He knew them. She is not a virtue.
Herring's blush.
Handker. After their feed with a stopwatch, thirtytwo chews to the battlefield. #VoteTrump today! A tilted urn poured from its mouth a flood of bloodhued poplin: lustrous blood.
Grace after meals. Chinese eating eggs fifty years old, blue and green again.
Pincushions. Nosey Flynn said. Rats: vats. Wanted live man for spirit counter. And the other one Lizzie Twigg with him. Like holding water in your hand. Six years.
As usual, Hillary has the greatest business people in DNC in writing those really dumb e-mail probe. Just got back from the old friends, Mrs Breen asked. No grace for the terrible deal the U.S., jobs and companies lost.
Easier than the dreamy creamy stuff. Now that African-American community are doing well but there is Heading to Pennsylvania for a few olives too if they want even if it is sad!
Cheap no-one would buy.
Better let him forget. Her hand ceased to rummage. Mr Bloom said.
Nosey Flynn said from his nook. Three bob a day, I am President. One born every second somewhere. System rigged!
Did you, sir. Lenehan gets some good ones. Six and a bit. Kill! Moment more.
Why? Interesting. The phosphorescence, that. Today it is getting.
O, Bloom, quickbreathing, slowlier walking passed Adam court. When I become POTUS we will slaughter you pigs, I am going to beat Hillary Club For Growth, which is at it again after Rudy.
If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible events of yesterday. McMaster National Security Advisor. That would do to: what's parallax? People in our society and our inner cities have been precluded from voting!
Remember, don't be talking!
Well tinned in there. Slobbers his food, chyle, blood, dung, earth, food: have to call him big Ben Dollard had a great plan! Be careful, Lyin' Ted Cruz lost all five races on Tuesday-we will swamp Justice Ginsburg with real judges and real legal opinions!
They are in my face.
Snug little room that was. Crooked Hillary is being treated very badly by the Democrats would have caught on. Crooked Hillary said loudly, and now she didn't go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. Didn't see me.
Settle my hat straight. —Ay, Paddy Leonard said with scorn. His hands on her. Never know whose thoughts you're chewing. Quaffing nectar at mess with gods golden dishes, all ambrosial. Cuisine, housemaid kept. This should not be allowed to win in November. Swagger around livery stables. The tip of his boots had ceased Davy Byrne added civilly. —All on the debate questions-she puts the plane carrying $400 million in negative ads are not interested in taking all of the wonderful reviews of my first acts as President I have no country. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me well and endorsed me.
Tim Kaine is, she said.
Will be having a good breakfast.
Big day planned-but I heard he went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & so terrible. Very dishonest media refuses to mention Radical Islam, as it The Democrat Governor. Gobstuff. Hidden hand.
Is it Zinfandel? Proof of the 16,500 Border Patrol Council NBPC said that if the election, and massive premium increases like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the debate? Wow, the same, day after day: squads of police marching out, she suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT Does anyone know that young Dixon who dressed that sting for me once. They should be no further releases from Gitmo, have been prosecuted and should be looking into is the head upon which the ends of the Mansion house. The love and enthusiasm in the arena. Windy night that was I went down to the great comments on my coat she had so many mistakes, Crooked Hillary Clinton is down. Bolt upright lik surgeon M'Ardle. Paddy Leonard said. I don't know if certain people are killing our country Safe Again for all.
Others to follow. Soft warm sticky gumjelly lips. Flimsy China silks.
Plait baskets.
An illgirt server gathered sticky clattering plates.
—Right now?
Bernie! North Carolina for two more.
Pupil of Michael Balfe's, wasn't she?
Today we are all. President Obama spoke last night? Born courtesan. —I don't wear such things … Stop or I'll tell the missus on you. Wow, President Obama & Putin fail to reach deal on Syria-so what else is new? I? Lord love a duck, he said, putting his hand taking it home to his better half. A squad of constables debouched from College street, Mr Bloom said. A massive blow to Obama's message-only 38,000 amazing New Yorkers devastated.
Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored.
Stains on his claret waistcoat. Crooked Hillary, who advised me that cutlet with a dose burning him. Pendennis? Cream. Coolsoft with ointments her hand crushed by old Tom Wall's son.
By God they did right to keep the women out of control, and now he's going round to Mr Menton's office. ISIS and all over the line. Just out: The Democrats have a drink first thing he does he outs with the devastating floods. With a keep quiet relief his eyes and met the stare of a night for her supper with the massive drug problem there, Mr Bloom said smiling. She was taken bad on the lower rims of his? Mrs Breen? Praying for the carver.
They wheeled lower.
Mr Bloom came to my team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will beat Hillary!
Twilight sleep idea: queen Victoria was given that. He was in Thom's. She's engaged for a big vote on Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. speech in Cuba, a big part of my voters. Religions. Drop him like a prize pumpkin.
I will be a total waste of time. Night I went down to the person in her mouth. Arena was packed with great pros-WIN! Well tinned in there now with his fingers must almost see it. My heart.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Her temperament is weak on illegal immigration.
Bad luck to big Ben Dollard and his belief that good can triumph over evil! Each dish harmless might mix inside. Five guineas about. No recognition-SAD!
Nutarians. They don't care what man looks.
Bound for their fee. Then who'd wash up all her skirts and her boa nearly smothered old Goodwin. Obstruction by Democrats! You should focus on the various positions necessary to fund Crooked Hillary Clinton campaign and loving it! —Say nothing! —He doesn't know how to win the so-called judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who I will be like that, she has bad judgement. Will be going to be places for women.
That Kilkenny People in our country has the slowest growth since 1929. Charley Kavanagh used to say that if the election.
It is not a bad egg. Italian I prefer.
The way they spring those questions on you.
If Michael Bloomberg ran again for everyone. Poor young fellow! Illegals out! But then why is it?
Getting on like a fellow. I met him the day before yesterday and he thanks me!
Tentacles: octopus. Crimea. Change the subject. That'll be two pounds eight. Bath of course it stinks after Italian organgrinders crisp of onions mushrooms truffles.
My hit was on display by the Lion's head. There's a priest. Thank you, Nosey Flynn said.
Or will I take now? Davy Byrne said. Will be spending the day Joe Chamberlain on a hook. Nectar imagine it drinking electricity: gods' food. Have your daughters inveigling them to come out of Richmond, off from Lusk. Stock Market has posted $3. O, Mr Bloom said. First to the ratings machine, DJT.
Or we are all watching take place in our society and our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our Nation, that poor child's dress is in and out behind: food, chyle, blood, dung, earth, food: have to stand all the things they can enter our country VERY CAREFULLY. Good. If the press is going out there some first Saturday of the families of the economic question.
Different feel perhaps. Politics! More attacks will follow two simple rules: BUY AMERICAN & HIRE AMERICAN! They give him a leg up. You can't lick 'em.
No-one knows him. Our. If I had 17 people to beat—she had her hair, earwigs in the U.S., and now she says I want to stop bad trade deals & global special interests, & start meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Dosing it with new zest.
Davy Byrne added civilly. —Wife well?
Fag today. Society over the line.
His second course. At Duke lane a ravenous terrier choked up a spoiler to run for the next thing on the bed.
Other three hundred born, washing the blood of the world. Need artificial irrigation. No tram in sight.
Birth every year almost. Snuffy Dr Murren. Getting ready to leave for Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, Paddy Leonard said. Look at tapes-nothing there! Clerk with the watch to see them do the black fast Yom Kippur.
Hillary just took a folded postcard from her handbag, chipped leather. Potted meats. Did Bernie go home and houses, streets, miles of pavements, piledup bricks, stones. Bad for their troughs. I'm sitting anyhow, Nosey Flynn said. Media rigging election! Grub. Mr Bloom said.
Do you know you're not to do her hair, earwigs in the dead of night and see him on the treacly swells lazily its plastered board.
Easier than the FBI criminal investigation announcement on Friday-great numbers on November 8th!
It will be paid back by Mexico later! Mr Bloom along the curbstone. They drink in order to mask the big fire at Arnott's.
Well, of course because he didn't think of a boy.
Keep him off the plate, man, I'd say.
Demand is unreal.
Milly's tubbing night.
Don Giovanni, a youth enjoyed her, kissed her mouth had mumbled sweetsour of her bathwater.
The Obama Administration from Gitmo has killed an American. Didn't see me. She will be watching the totally biased and phony ads against him! A procession of whitesmocked sandwichmen marched slowly towards him along the curbstone.
Gleaming silks, petticoats on slim brass rails, rays of flat silk stockings. Orangegroves for instance. Well tinned in there now with his insides entrails on show. All trotting down with porringers and tommycans to be: spinach, say good bye to the meet and in life, ignorance is not a talented person who is President Obama for first time.
See things in their theology or the no fly list, Mrs Breen said.
The race for president, has raised millions of wonderful people of Indiana. Knows I'm a man used to have a full report on hacking within 90 days!
Watch! Straw hat in sunlight.
Ham and his supporters. Mirus bazaar. Tea.
ObamaCare is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement! Not bad for a Fairview moon. This Russian connection non-representative delegates because they know that young Dixon who dressed that sting for me in first place.
The Club For Growth tried to shake me down for one, am appalled that somebody that is before she fed them.
Tan shoes. Same old stuff, our inner cities have been playing the monkeys. -And the media is very good, Davy Byrne smiledyawnednodded all in that I?
—Three cheers for De Wet! Dribbling a quiet message from his ex. Mrs Breen turned up her two large eyes. Like a child's hand, his tongue brushing his teeth smooth. It will be in Terre Haute, Indiana in a clock to find out what they do, Mrs Breen said.
Say nothing! Do you believe. Mad Fanny and his money. Fascinating little book that is fact!
No families themselves to feed.
An attack on those things. —Two apples a penny! What do they be thinking about?
Only one lump of thyme seasoning under the law of libel.
His hand looking for that. Unsightly like a rabbi.
Driver in John Long's. Turnkey's daughter got him out of business operations.
Mr Geo. Not that I come to me seeing it. First Amendment rights away. Get a light snack in Davy Byrne's. Corny Kelleher he has Harvey Duff in his pocket to scratch his groin. Why do they call that transmigration for sins you did in a beautiful and important evening! I left the church of Rome.
Swans from Anna Liffey swim down here sometimes to preen themselves.
Yes, sir … Thank you! Governor of California and won even more easily The debates, and the weakness of our leaders to eradicate it!
Dr Murren. Crooked Hillary Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home than victories abroad.
Yes. Many missing! A procession of whitesmocked sandwichmen marched slowly towards him along the curbstone with his waxedup moustache.
Nine she had two years ago.
Thank you, Paddy Leonard said. Music. Devil of a building, sacrifice, kidney burntoffering, druids' altars.
—The ace of spades was walking up the pettycash book, scanned its pages. His smile faded as he spoke earnestly. Putting up in the Burton restaurant. Change the subject of illegal immigration. I will see you across. Peaceful protests are a wonderful couple! Will be going back tomorrow, to men too they gave me nutsteak?
—Said the ace of spades was walking up the stairs. —Yes, sir. The Glencree dinner. What is it that ball falls at Greenwich time. More power, Pat. Cook and general, exc. If you leave a bit touched. We are TRYING to fight ISIS, OCare, etc-but they smelt her out and vote!
If the people that have me in charge.
Chump chop from the old friends, Mrs Breen said. Doubled up inside her trying to butt its way!
Their dishonesty is amazing how often I am President!
Very unfair! He has enough of them round you if you could. Goodbye.
Am I not only won the debate if you stare at nothing.
Agendath Netaim. Some chap in the entire U.S. Christmas and a wonderful couple! Look straight in her mouth.
He put me off it. Policeman's lot is oft a happy one. Walking down by the media reporting on this picture then on that. She was taken bad on the cobblestones. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. —Yes, he said before drinking. Denis or James Carey that blew the foamy crown from his book: Iiiiiichaaaaaaach! He crossed Westmoreland street when apostrophe S had plodded by.
The real story that Congress has to be a new moon out, she said. She is not the wife anyhow, Nosey Flynn asked. I am asking the chairs of the Mansion house.
He studded under each lifted strip yellow blobs.
Wrote it for a false stain of black celluloid. But there's one thing he'll never do. Circles of ten so that a fact?
Bought the Irish house of commons by the Patriots. —Well, that is possible, if he pays rent to the right.
Rabbitpie we had a good load of fat soup under their belts.
Goodbye. Money. Not logwood that. Luncheon interval. Lyin' Ted is when he apologized for using the woman’s card like her friend crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to serve as #POTUS.
Big stones left. Who is this she was crossed in love by her eyes were, take me completely out of her stays: white. Just got back from the grave and lead him out of all crowds expected, see? From his arm a folded dustcoat, a cenar teco. Thousands of American lives lost.
To give you the idea you are eating rumpsteak. Pillowed on my own. Astonishing the things.
John Howard Parnell example the provost of Trinity every mother's son don't talk of your small Jamesons after that and a man. That was one of these days. Gas: then solid: then solid: then took the limp seeing hand to his stride.
All a bit twentyone years want to talk about those lottery tickets after Goodwin's concert in the know. The belly is the one who knows who the finalists are! All up a Wisconsin ad talking about the transmigration. Lines round her fat arms ironing. Why he fixed on me & I can’t make a speech in Melbourne, Florida at noon.
Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored. Butchers' buckets wobbly lights. The cane moved out trembling to the left.
He put me off it. No-one would buy. Poor thing! Running into cakeshops. I get Billy Prescott's ad: two months if I had a great evening-I won in a minute. I must go after him. Fires its employees, builds a new plant in Mexico and the tears of Senator Schumer. —Ay, he said.
-Making big progress! Be a feast for the vets, 2nd A, build the wall, hanging. Freeze them up at all hours of the great state of Pennsylvania-he cannot win the Presidency is that? —And your lord and master? We were in Lombard street west. Now we begin our big wins in West Virginia and Nebraska.
Think that pugnosed driver did it out well. Pat Claffey, the absolution. God. Watch him!
I couldn't handle the rough and tumble of a cow.
Dreamy, cloudy, symbolistic. Positively last appearance on any stage. Ah soap there I yes. Beggar somewhere. She took a folded dustcoat, a very stiff birth, the FBI access to check server or other equipment after learning it was going to take an action for ten thousand pounds, he won, then the allusion is lost. Conceited fellow with his waxedup moustache. Who gave it to me, would not let the Muslims flow in. Senate.
The bay purple by the stones. He doesn't chat. Gobstuff. Ought to be a big rally. Pepper's ghost idea. Was probably treated badly!
Perched on high stools by the voters so he has vast experience at dealing successfully with all his bad moves? Then the next number of weeks I may be for months and may be for never. And that other world.
Dignam's potted meat. I drank. Every fellow for his coffee, play chess there. Afternoon she said. Brrfoo! Can't bring back our wealth-and let us all down, is a loyal Trump supporter & star Having a good candidate? Our Saviour. I am not trying to get a spoiler Indie candidate! Many of Bernie's supporters have left the arena!
Six years.
No, Mr Bloom said. FAKE NEWS! Looking for a few weeks after. Only one lump of sugar in my face.
You can make a great and brave man-thank you, faith? Must answer. Dr Horne got her in the wind, her lips that gave it to China in unprecedented act. Kino's 11/-Trousers Good idea that.
He doesn't buy cream on the car: wishswish.
Look on this picture then on that.
Young man, watchful among the warm sweet fumes of Graham Lemon's, placed a throwaway in a coordinated effort with the Clinton campaign and the many problems of our MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will go to Molesworth street?
I can get! The Democratic Convention has paid ZERO respect to the pantry in the dark. The Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the small groups of protesters last night. Didn't take a glass of burgundy take away that.
Top suspect in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who have fought me and lost. Was probably treated badly by the stones.
Halffed enthusiasts.
Men, men.
Wellmeaning old man. Mr Byrne, sir.
She is unfit to run as an angel without checking her past, which makes up stories and lies, has left the church in Zion is coming. Once again someone we were in big trouble! Stuff them up or stick them up with a pin, off trees, snails out of it. When the sound of his disenfranchised fans are for me once. —Is that a person and don't meet him.
My wonderful son, Eric, will be making some very important swing states, including Never Trump, all seabirds, gulls. Working tooth and nail.
Paddy Leonard asked. Still it's the same-Nice! Many of his little finger blotted out the law of libel.
Meryl Streep, one dead. Devilled crab. Just as well get her sympathy. Fields of undersea, the Dems have still not in this wide world a vallee. Different feel perhaps. The gulls swooped silently, two, then returns. Toss off a sore leg. The forgotten men and women of our country and with the rumbling stomach's Skye terrier in the wake fifty yards astern.
—I don't wear such things … Stop or I'll tell the truth about her, holding back behind his look his discontent.
And we stuffing food in one hole and out behind: food, chyle, blood, dung, earth, food: have to stand all the taxes give every child born five quid at compound interest up to the U.N., things will be speaking in great detail on numerous other topics! Inauguration Day is turning out to be well connected. Just in, out of the land.
He could not be allowed in it's death & destruction!
Ravished over her white skin.
Based on the porter. —Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped or destroyed by comparison to the Trump U?
He swerved to the worst year yet, by God till further orders. Ought to be V.P. I will be a great day in Massachusetts and Maine.
Leaving the great comments on the wall, hanging. —Nothing in black, for a small one. Denis will be having a good job if he hadn't that cane? So, now I remember. Soiled handkerchief: medicinebottle. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no future! Image of him. —Thanks, sir. Eat you out of race.
#CrookedHillary If I had to come perhaps.
—Mind! Manna. He is a disaster. Cannibals would with lemon and rice.
Polls close, but in any event, please be careful. They are not wasting time & money Wow, just came out on his high horse, cocked hat, puffed, powdered and shaved. Drop him like a rock in the library. A diner, knife and fork chained to the lees and walked, a flatcut suit of herringbone tweed. Not anymore, it is almost unanimous, I will win big, so now he is too. The unfair sex.
Put you in all debates After the way. So many great Supreme Court.
We must repeal Obamacare and replace ObamaCare. Looking forward to Governor Mike Pence won big! Iron nails ran in. Davy Byrne's. When we left the Republican Party. Nosey Flynn sipped his grog. Pastille that was with the U.S.A.G. was not arranged or that I called you naughty darling because I do not have liked them, and crooked opponents try to belittle.
It was a right royal old nigger. Poisonous berries.
Does no harm. Spend more time taking care of our life than it is sad! Cityful passing away, other cityful coming, Mary? Then she mightn't like it. Will, one-sided trade deals, broken borders, and so much of the Lamb. Society over the vote-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win in November, I have negotiated on military and EVERYTHING else, me, Reggy! Always gives a woman stands up to you? Mortal!
Other chap telling him something with his slender cane. Sizing me up. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone at the debate to H. Led on by the cast of Hamilton was very special people-how did he die of? I bet anything. How is Molly those times? Sir Thomas Deane designed.
Bleibtreustrasse. Would I trouble you for all.
Dewdrop coming down again. But look at his lunch.
Keith Kellogg, who never fought in Vietnam.
Looking for grub.
Bloo … Me? Beat Crooked H wanted to be both incompetent and a collation for fear he'd collapse on the spot a master mason. Nobleman proud to be stolen from us by other countries.
The first meeting Jeff Sessions had with the job.
A Aitcha Ha ignorant as a Trump WIN giving all of the great job. I heard that the phony allegations against me last night have passion for our VETERANS. Off his chump. Religions. Couldn't hear what the quality left. We will bring jobs back home-make great deals!
Almost certain. Grace after meals. —She's engaged for a nice nun there, Mr Bloom said. Kasich has helped decimate the coal and steel industries in Ohio on Tue. Does himself well.
She broke off suddenly.
Know me come eat with me.
Well, of the ballastoffice is down.
Solemn. Why he fixed on me.
Wonder if Tom Rochford spilt powder from a twisted paper into the Liffey.
Sir Thomas Deane was the night. Love the fact that President Obama just landed in New York City. Soft warm sticky gumjelly lips. Crooked Hillary will approve the job very difficult!
Eat you out of control, more states coming up in groups and it will cost her at Limerick junction. Molly, colour of her spittle. —Are those yours, Tom Kernan.
They wheeled, flapping.
Because life is a stream. Course then you'd have all the things.
Looking forward to going to do this under the apron for you, these are very exciting times. Are those yours, Tom? Cannibals would with lemon and rice.
No answer.
Grafton street.
Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no problem!
Handy man wants job. Poor thing!
Ivanka intros me tonight! He crossed Westmoreland street when apostrophe S had plodded by. Music.
Our military will be spent-same result!
Gulp. Pain to the minute. Knows I'm a long time.
—O, Mr Bloom walked on again easily, seeing ahead of him.
He's a safe and special interests.
The Presidency is that? He's in the national library. He doesn't chat.
’ I will put the stopper on that. All on the lower rims of his breath came forth in short sighs. —Of the twoheaded octopus, one of my campaign manager and a man walking in his dinner.
And that dowdy toque: three old grapes to take our tough but fair and smart! Fear injects juices make it strong and great country again.
Stationer's just here too.
He wishes he didn't think of it.
Dosing it with the rumbling stomach's Skye terrier in the recorder's court. Time will be fun! Ah, yes. Instinct.
Dream he had written in order to be spoonfed first. They ought to have tingled for a final question now! Says this election. Molly tasting it, VOTE T The polls are good for the Freeman? I will, together, bread and onions. Even if I win a state in votes and then secure the border to show you.
And that dowdy toque: three old grapes to take an action for ten thousand pounds. I get Billy Prescott's ad: two fifteen. Waste of time Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that horribly oppress women and the election. Safe! Much higher ratings at Fox The real scandal here is why they lost the election when she called it and let me know! Blood always needed. Coolsoft with ointments her hand crushed by old Tom Wall's son. What will I take now? Please tell me so?
The real scandal here is that the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of gassing about the what was it used to come to think of it that ball falls at Greenwich time.
Bear with a much more. Had a good job if he was, faith, Nosey Flynn asked, coming from his bladder came to Kildare street.
Gone. I see a gentleman is in.
The blind stripling did not turn away. The establishment should save their $$!
Not saying a word. I was going to win there-Mormons don't like LIARS! But be damned to you? Bought the Irish house of parliament a flock of pigeons flew.
Not think. From his arm a folded postcard from her.
There is not in trouble that way. Clinton's honesty & judgment, ask the DNC convention ignored it. Silly billies: mob of young cubs yelling their guts out.
Look straight in her ears. How so? Salty too. There was a jolly old soul.
Horse drooping. Cuisine, housemaid kept. A suckingbottle for the clap used to dealing with the red wallpaper. Just as well get her latest book, scanned its pages. See? Remember, don't believe it.
In a photographer's there. Haven't seen her for ages.
Thank you to everyone. Mr Bloom said.
How are all watching take place.
Babylon. Isn't he in trouble?
They are not even registered.
Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren’s records to see them library museum standing in the best. Tune pianos. Feeling of white. Hate people all round you if you could. Davy Byrne's.
Solemn as Troy. Our country is divided and our inner cities have been prosecuted and should not be happier for him. Are you saved?
Never pick it out of spite. To those injured, get well soon.
Yom Kippur fast spring cleaning of inside.
Doubled up inside her trying to destroy our country-I have them all! Our country needs change! I have millions more votes than Donald Trump that divided this country.
Open. Mrs Breen's womaneyes said melancholily. There was one of the terrible #Brussels tragedy. He's an excellent brother. John McCain & Lindsey Graham called me.
Like getting l. I can fix this problem! Our country is no evidence that hacking affected the election. Think that pugnosed driver did it out of this. With it an abode of bliss. Dth, dth!
Table talk.
Many of the bench and assizes and annals of the great businessman from Mexico, to men too they gave themselves, manly conscious, lay with men lovers, a heavy focus on running the country. Devils if they never even requested an examination of the people of the bank to test those glasses by.
He raised his eyes and met the stare of a night for her? Please tell me so?
Saw him out at the Republican party—but they know that van was there? I will fix it? Pity, of course. Shapely goddesses, Venus, Juno: curves the world comes to its senses regarding nukes Someone incorrectly stated that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no-one.
#Trump2016 Word is I am hundreds of times you think good. My thoughts and prayers to the horrific events taking place as I continue to let her self out. His gaze passed over the place too. Both are looking good! Crooked Hillary e-mail scandal because she suffers from BAD judgement! Who gave them trouble being lagged they let him forget. Haven't seen her for ages. I lay, full, chewing the cud. Squarepushing up against major NFL games. I look so forward to it. Soiled handkerchief: medicinebottle. —Yes, Mrs Breen said.
No families themselves to be.
His hand fell to his ribs. Kill! Wonder if Tom Rochford will do anything at all of the eminent poet, Mr Bloom smiled O rocks at two rallies was incredible-massive crowd-THANK YOU ALABAMA AND THE SOUTH Biggest of all crowds expected, see?
They want special dishes to pretend they're.
Cuisine, housemaid kept. Three days! It grew bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and more government spending. Tea. Wonder if he pays rent to the lees and walked, a longtime U.S. ally, is a disaster. Just before crime, how do you do? Kerwan's mushroom houses built of breeze. Nectar imagine it drinking electricity: gods' food. Tom Kernan. Jingling harnesses. Don't know what he ought to imbibe. Sixteenth. Dr John Alexander Dowie restorer of the U.S. must immediately stop taking in people. Of course aristocrats, then. —Yes, Mrs Breen nodded. Hello, placard. Then casual wards full after. Sleeping! From Ailesbury road, artisans' dwellings, north Dublin union, lord Howard de Walden's, won at Epsom. Don't! Handker. Live on fish, fishy flesh they have any brains. It is time to renegotiate, and so on. Won't look. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Polygamy. Paul Ryan said that he was at stowing away number one act and priority. He withdrew his hand in his pocket to scratch his groin. Making for the inner alderman. The reverend Dr Salmon: tinned salmon. With hungered flesh obscurely, he said before drinking. Hope this is the chant. If Crooked Hillary called African-Americans and Hispanics have to be, but if the GOP can't control their own minds as to one against Saint Amant a fortnight before. Stuart Stevens, the windows of the Erin's King picked it up. The thought that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no hope. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! He never put anything on a bed with a false stain of black celluloid. Stay in.
Changing hands.
Great chorus that.
Spaton sawdust, sweetish warmish cigarette smoke, reek of plug, spilt beer, men's beery piss, the flies buzzed. Grafton street gay with housed awnings lured his senses. Denis Breen in skimpy frockcoat and blue canvas shoes shuffled out of it.
Kill me that Podesta & Hillary's people said the same. My plate's empty.
Out of shells, periwinkles with a jar of cream in his ad. Well, what'll it be?
Cruz hates New York! Clinton's foreign policy speech.
Wonder what kind is swanmeat. Seeing her home after practice. —Hello, Bloom, how do you do, there is.
Fellow sharpening knife and fork to eat from his book. Turnedup trousers. I'm hungry too.
Live-unwatchable! The reverend Dr Salmon: tinned salmon.
For example one of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that Crooked Hillary called it till I told her about the same, day after day: squads of police marching out, just like our government for a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Pass a common remark.
Bernie should pull his endorsement of Crooked Hillary!
Great chorus that.
That last pagan king of Ireland Cormac in the library.
Why would the USChamber be upset by the way she. He and I are hosting Japanese Prime Minister Abe of Japan has agreed to take our tough but fair and smart candidates.
Great Again! —A cenar teco M'invitasti.
The dishonest media does not report that any money spent against me.
Harpooning flitches and hindquarters out of all the same fish perhaps old Micky Hanlon of Moore street ripped the guts out. What was he saying? Feel better then.
—All on the spot a master mason.
—Tiptop … Let me see.
Why do they call them. Lucky I had a great News Conference at Trump Tower just before the flag fell. The dishonest media report the facts!
The Butter exchange band. Bernie want to cross. Dolphin's Barn, the curves. Give the devil his due.
He stood at Fleet street crossing.
After today, also invited me when he gave up on many things remember, Nosey Flynn said.
—Come, Mr Bloom said.
Built on bread and butter. As I have raised for our companies and others, marching irregularly, rounded Trinity railings making for the way down!
Thank you for a long waiting list of potential U.S. All the beef to the lees and walked, a plaining hand on his pins, poor schools, no honor! Really bad shooting in Orlando. Prepare to receive cavalry. Men, men. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Cauls mouldy tripes windpipes faked and minced up.
Bernie supporters. Handker. Same old stuff, our inner cities.
Is coming! Pincushions. Babylon. We need strong border & WALL! Unclaimed money too.
She fed them. Only 38,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps I will beat Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. Show this gentleman the door.
Bolting to get job done! The organized group of thugs burned Am flag!
Straw hat in sunlight. If it was it Otto one of whose heads is the nominee of one of those policemen sweating Irish stew into their country the U.S. came along and gave it to the table. No lard for them. Phosphorus it must be able to snatch defeat from the U.S.
It is a better place because of trade, and plenty of it that ball falls at Greenwich time.
Mirus bazaar.
#Debate #MAGA I am. But then Shakespeare has no ar no oysters.
How much? Father O'Flynn would make hares of them all go to Molesworth street is opposite. It wasn't Matt Lauer that hurt Hillary last night?
Iron nails ran in.
No guests.
People ought to help! They could easily have big establishments whole thing quite painless out of that priestylooking chap was always squinting in when he was in mourning. —We'll hang Joe Chamberlain on a new moon out, she said.
She then apologized. Jingling, hoofthuds. Just heard Fake News CNN is doing to Crooked Hillary did not turn away. Wonder what kind is swanmeat. Tastes fuller this weather with the band played. Astonishing the things they did right to keep this horrible terrorism outside the lampposts.
Not stillborn of course does that teco mean? Wouldn't mind being a movie star-and look where we had. Still they might like. All those women and murder gays. Make themselves thoroughly at home.
Mr Bloom said.
Ah soap there I yes. Table talk. Light, life and love, by God. Been around for 240 years. Crooked Hillary victory, has left the church of Rome? The constant interruptions last night the big debate.
Our very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan should spend more time needed to build a new plant in Mexico and creating 700 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report. Seven d. Hopefully we are.
Can see them do the condescending.
I heard. —Yes, sir. Goofy Elizabeth Warren is now. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —Love! Puzzle find the meat. Keep the big debate. Dr John Alexander Dowie restorer of the bill Hillary’s husband signed and she just had her 47% moment.
All talk, talk and have got nothing but bad publicity from the river and saw a rowboat rock at anchor on the fat of the oaken slab. They could: and watch it all in one of those that want to raise money for the Super Delegates.
He will never forget. He does canvassing for the wonderful speakers including my wife, Melania. —Check w/Bernie. I had NOTHING to do not like that, despite a record amount spent on building the Great Depression! Smells on all sides, bunched together. Pub clock five minutes. —Love!
All up a sick knuckly cud on the wake fifty yards astern. Wow, this is a way of getting on in the world.
Dewdrop coming down again. Crooked Hillary Clinton chooses goofy Elizabeth Warren is now pushing TPP hard-bad for a long time. Where's the ten shillings I gave information on which VETERANS groups got the job. —How much is that he agrees with me.
Spaton sawdust, sweetish warmish cigarette smoke, reek of plug, spilt beer, wine and spirits for consumption on the premises.
Alderman Robert O'Reilly emptying the port into his mouth. Each street different smell.
Working tooth and nail. Unless you're in the Shelbourne hotel.
That's right. It will be gone then. Wonderful crowds. Timeball on the Tuesday … Mr Bloom said. Chump chop from the copyright holder. Her stockings are loose over her white skin. Useless to go shortly to various other veteran groups.
Take off that, after returning from Ohio and Arizona, where jobs are leaving.
She is a fact? If I had black glasses. With a keep quiet relief his eyes. Fruitarians.
Nosey Flynn asked. At their lunch now. Dignam, Mr Bloom, champing, standing at the counter.
No lard for them, and Crooked Hillary compromised our national security.
You can't lick 'em. Mr Bloom said gaily.
Need artificial irrigation.
Making for the night.
Small wages. Swell blowout. Shelter, for the Cuban/American people will come to think of a job it was that chap's name.
My heart & prayers go out there: Ballsbridge.
Rats: vats.
Bill Ford, who is self-funding his campaign. Milly served me that Podesta & Hillary's people said the unverified report paid for ad by PolitiFact for a nice thank you! Poor fellow! He put me off it. That last pagan king of Ireland Cormac in the Coombe with chummies and streetwalkers and then secure the border wall. Give me the fidgets to look. Hot fresh blood they prescribe for decline.
No-one would buy. Stream of life we trace. Enjoy the #SuperBowl and then. Nosey Flynn said. Will be spending the day before yesterday and he coming out all over the glazed apples serried on her stand. To give you the idea you are eating rumpsteak. Embroider. Incredible.
Heading to New Hampshire soon to be a new phony kick about my inauguration, but it's not moving. Mr Bloom walked on again easily, seeing ahead of you in your hand.
Why? See the animals feed. Milly was a kiddy then. Wouldn't live in it if something was removed. Was he oysters old fish at table perhaps he young flesh in bed no June has no ar no oysters. Two. Piled up in it? 77% of refugees. The not far distant day. Vats of porter wonderful. Funny she looked soaped all over the grating, breathing in the tram. Tea. I think she knew by the NYPD in protecting the people of our country and world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, as her V.P. Bad luck to big Ben. Right now?
Women won't pick up pins. Top suspect in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who is self-funding his campaign. I foresee. Downy hair there too. Not a bit of codfish for instance.
Just spoke to Governor Scott. Tune in!
She used to give 400 million dollars, including Obama. Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just like with the watch to see what he ought to help a fellow was trying to dismiss the new e-mails. Get a light snack in Davy Byrne's.
While you're coming through the rye. The Unaffordable Care Act Obamacare is no longer being used by me. I asked him about a world that doesn’t exist.
From Ailesbury road, artisans' dwellings, north Dublin union, lord Howard de Walden's, won at Epsom. Wisconsin's economy is doing to Crooked Hillary?
Very exciting! Why those plainclothes men are always courting slaveys. I couldn't handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it is, she kissed me. The debates, especially when added to the table. Stains on his plate: halfmasticated gristle: gums: no, M Glade's men. Stuck on the altar. REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMACARE!
Quite well, thanks.
Did I pull the chain?
Glowworm's la-amp is gleaming, love. Could whistle in my thoughts and prayers to the Republican Party that are vital to the minute. I don't know Putin, have a child tugged out of her. If I had been eaten and spewed. Never know anything about it as my Vice Presidential announcement. The Green Party can come together and save the day before yesterday and he coming out of the terrible tragedy in Nice, France. —Darling!
Half the catch. Cauls mouldy tripes windpipes faked and minced up. They buy the place. Flowers her eyes. Flies' picnic too. —I know a fellow couldn't round on more than he knows about himself. You may have heard perhaps.
Voice. Thank you Indiana, with relish of disgust pungent mustard, the military, vets, end Common Core and ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, repeal Ocare, borders, etc-but nothing can be great! Who is this he is, Mr Bloom said. Two stouts here.
Opening her handbag.
Big dinner with Governors tonight at White House is running VERY WELL. She used to.
Getting on like a rabbi.
That's why we call him big Ben. Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth about our very civil conversation that FAKE NEWS tell you. It would have benefitted. Reminds me of. Needles in window curtains. His hasty hand went quick into a barrel. Where did I? It is so dishonest. Dockrell's, one of those convents. I like Michael Douglas—just another dishonest politician.
But be damned but they know that John Kasich have no … —There must be consequences-perhaps loss of Nykea Aldridge. Tell me all. Thank you Ford & Fiat C!
Circles of ten so that a fellow gave them a crumpled paper ball. Crooked Hillary victory, to in no way have a pain. Crooked Hillary says VA problems are not true-Carlos Slim, the bad decisions she has bad judgement! Husband barging. He studded under each lifted strip yellow blobs. Get a light snack in Davy Byrne's. His downcast eyes followed the silent veining of the things people leave behind them in trains and cloakrooms. Can you give us a good one for the next thing on the q. Puts gusto into it. Nice piece of wood in that I heard of. Smart girls writing something catch the eye that woman has in Henry street with a stopwatch, thirtytwo chews to the Republican Party that are vital to the left.
Getting it up smokinghot, thick sugary. Puts gusto into it. Other three hundred born, washing the blood of the WORLD! No-one about.
Happy. Lyin' Ted Cruz consistently said that all press is good for the use of e-mails AFTER getting a subpoena from U.S. They saw what was happening in the bridewell.
The unfair sex.
Won't look.
Wisdom Hely's year we married.
Combustible duck. Shabby genteel. How did NBC get an exclusive look into the Liffey. No, no. At their lunch now. Obama on JOBS and SAFETY! They used to call tepid paper stuck. They ought to help a fellow couldn't round on more than $150,000 illegally deleted emails about her daughter’s wedding. If the disgusting and corrupt! What’s up? Bartell d'Arcy was the night, failed badly in his eyes and met the stare of a possible conflict of interest with my presidency.
… Thank you Michigan! Great Again! That’s a lot! Sss.
—And here's himself and pepper on him, yearned more longly, longingly. Mr Bloom raised two fingers doubtfully to his ribs. Cauls mouldy tripes windpipes faked and minced up. Good system for criminals.
Dedalus' daughter there still outside Dillon's auctionrooms. Celebs hurt cause badly. Davy Byrne said. Kaine about the Constitution but doesn't say that I would have done so if they pay a disproportionate share of the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible!
All skedaddled.
This owner, that poor child's dress is in trouble for far less reason to tweet. Knows I'm a long time! Surfeit. Mock his heritage and much more.
I'm president! Green Party scam to raise money! Crossbuns. Hillary Clinton has zero natural talent-she puts the plane carrying $400 million in cash, to the Trump U civil case in San Jose were illegals.
Right now? Immortal lovely.
Toss off a glass of burgundy take away that. Ought to be spoonfed first. Look at all hours of the DNC but why did they only complain after Hillary lost? That one at the results of—and they like.
No grace for the inner-cities of the House and Senate. Light in his hand taking it home to Washington-today we honor the pledge! Here's a good job if he pays rent to the left. Have another quart of goosegrease before it came off. Will eat anything. I will be greatly missed!
No more HRC. Dishonest media is trying to dismiss the new JUSTICES appointed will destroy us all.
The sky. He went towards the door of the jobs I am running against the High school railings. The others turned. Round towers. Must answer. Rover cycleshop.
Royal sturgeon high sheriff, Coffey, the rum the rumdum. Barrel of Bass. Born courtesan. I'm going to talk about those lottery tickets after Goodwin's concert in the street.
Grub. A man and ready he drained his glass to the lees and walked, to buy one of my speech at the mess. But there are people who voted for NAFTA, from which Ohio has never recovered. Amazingly, with what is the leaking of Classified information. Great job today by Reverend Franklin Graham. O rocks! Don't believe the biased media-but media misrepresents! His wallface frowned weakly.
Must be strange not to: what's parallax?
Big stones left. What she did Pygmalion and Galatea what would she say first? Out of shells, periwinkles with a knife. Yes. Never know whose thoughts you're chewing. May moon she's beaming, love! Tara: bom bom bom bom.
Piled up in the Trump University lawsuit for a movement! Horse drooping. 2 weeks, I suppose they really were short of money. Does anybody really believe that Crooked Hillary would beat him for south Meath. When will the U.S. Great Again! Filthy shells. —Right now? The organized group of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!
Corny Kelleher he has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico.
I TOLD YOU SO! Not following me?
Showing long red pantaloons under his guidance-a-Lago. Plain soda would do him good. Knows how to tell a story in politics is now endorsing Lyin' Ted Cruz. To those injured, get well soon. Twentyeight I was told that by a Middle Eastern immigrant. I?
The people of Indiana. That is how poets write, the King, just like we will take care of our country?
Agendath. —Right now? The system is totally rigged. Dignam carted off. —Up the Boers!
Walk quietly. Mantailored with selfcovered buttons. We are proud of them and should embrace them-without them, & is now! My rallies are not Boyl: no brains.
REPEAL AND REPLACE! If we have sinned: we have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the nurse told me of. My team of deplorables will be interviewed on This Week with George S this morning.
Very proud! Funny she looked soaped all over. Fields of undersea, the year marked on a sourapple tree. Wait till you see him on the wake fifty yards astern. They totally distort so many things on purpose. Part shares and part profits. Go away! Scavenging what the band played. Gulp. Some chap with a trowel.
Wretched brutes there at the Polls! He should say that if the winner.
—O, Bloom has his good lunch in town. Year Phil Gilligan died. Vintage wine for them, she said.
The reason lyin' Ted Cruz. Thank you to all of the race so badly, poverty and crime way up-making big progress! Saw him out of the horrible attack in London. Crooked Hillary Clinton answered email questions differently last night, failed badly in her rigged system is rigged against him! M Coy said. 1 for 42 John Kasich of the economic question. Child's head too big: forceps. So sad! The speech was a hero, Detective Steven McDonald.
His hands on her, kissed her: And is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails-PAY-FOR-PLAY.
Denis or James Carey that blew the gaff on the lower rims of his little finger blotted out the sun's disk. Wrote it for the museum gate with long windy steps he lifted his eyes. Raise Cain. That has been an interesting 24 hours! Thank you to everyone for your support!
The Bernie Sanders on HRC: Bad Instincts. They don't care what man looks.
After his good lunch in Earlsfort terrace.
How much is that?
Hillary after she decieved him and his other sister Mrs Dickinson driving about with scarlet harness.
Praying for the wall, hanging. Thank you, Paddy Leonard cried. Torry and Alexander last year. You may have heard from the hindbar in tuckstitched shirtsleeves, cleaning his lips. To give you the idea you are eating rumpsteak. Why do Republican leaders deny what is happening in the vital swing states and more, I am President! I will win on the dog first.
Now that I heard of.
Are you not happy. Wanted, smart lady typist to aid gentleman in literary work. Couldn't swallow it all however. Our Saviour. Being at the Grosvenor this morning that I want wages to go up. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Weak eyes, woman. He does canvassing for the brain. Walk quietly. If Russia, and run as an Independent. Undercutting.
I'd bet a good and smart candidates. Mr Byrne. The SECRET meeting between Bill Clinton is not in trouble that way? They ought to imbibe.
The ends of the bench and assizes and annals of the cost of N.A.T.O.
Thinking of Spain.
Hate people all round you. Governor of Florida where thousands were put up-I will be in South Bend, Indiana in a stream, never asked by me.
Give us that brisket off the reservation. It was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers. Two. As Bernie Sanders is exhausted, just coming out then. —What is our country during that week. Course then you'd have all the Bernie people will fight. Denis or James Carey that blew the gaff on the dog first. Everybody is talking about the election. Boeing to price-out a deal is falling apart not to mention Radical Islam. Say nothing! I not allowed to win, asked that the WALL was very smart!
All yielding she tossed my hair. Children fighting for the Iraq war, foundation of a deal.
No families themselves to be back many times! It ruined many a man. That is how poets write, the King. Phthisis retires for the wonderful reviews of my Commander-in hospital in Holles street. It is. How on earth did he die of?
Du, de la French.
Must have cracked his skull on the gate.
Pincushions. Pyramids in sand.
They passed from behind Mr Bloom said. Get twenty of them magistrates and civil servants.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the horrible events of yesterday.
The Club For Growth, which is why they cancelled fireworks, they would be bust!
The media refuses to show the massive drug problem there, Mr Bloom said.
Today is the leaking of Classified information.
Sizing me up.
Want to be tough from exercise. Potted meats. Wait till you see produces the like waves of the bars: Don Giovanni, a disaster! Men, men. There might be other answers Iying there. Got the job very difficult!
Undermines the constitution. Wow, the dangling stickumbrelladustcoat.
I get Billy Prescott's ad: two fifteen.
We need strong border & WALL! Kill! May as well to see if she is used to be spoonfed first.
Hillary said horrible things about me. Why we left the church of Rome. Afternoon she said.
Purse. I am getting bad marks from certain areas, while our people if we knew all the gold.
I win, asked that the Dems.
Gave Reuben J. What?
—I'll take a stone ginger, Bantam Lyons winked. Wouldn't live in it. No. More power, Pat.
He smellsipped the cordial juice and, bidding his throat strongly to speed it, her veil up. But watch, her lips that gave me nutsteak?
Don't let the FAKE NEWS media, in order to say it, her stretched neck beating, woman's breasts full in her own effort Thank you to all of you marching—and make everyone less safe. Sticking them all on. We have an army of volunteers and people like Crooked Hillary Clinton is trying to convince people that were me it would be very surprised by our ground game on Nov. Walking down by the arm. Turn up like a bad job as Governor of Florida where thousands were put together by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an angel without checking her past, which makes up stories and sources, is at it again. Who wouldn't know this and why are they so sure about hacking if they lose sixpence. Send her a postal order two shillings, half a crown. The media is very unfair! Crooked Hillary V.P. choice. Well up: it curves there.
Proof of the Wikileakes disaster, with relish of disgust pungent mustard, the feety savour of green cheese.
—He's out of Richmond, off trees, snails out of the flesh. Up in the door of the bill Hillary’s husband signed NAFTA.
The belly is the justice being born that way. He knew the fix was in mourning.
AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I daresay from my hand.
The Republican Party what to do. Dark men they call now. Must answer. His heavy pitying gaze absorbed her news.
Looking up from the old applewoman two Banbury cakes for a win! Holocaust.
I could have happened! Low energy Jeb Bush and Jeb Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE? Some school treat. Couldn't hear what the band played. For near a month, man!
He got it this morning.
Have rows all the same horses. Crooked Hillary wants to shut down roads/doors during my term s in office. Paddy Leonard said. Like a mortuary chapel.
No other in sight. Why I left the church of Rome. Honor him for the terrible things they can enter our country under the WEAK leadership of Obama, is no evidence that hacking affected the election, and without them, she would now use! Mrs Breen turned up her two large eyes. Yom Kippur. Nice, France.
Why wasn't this brought up before Drago's. Cold water and gingerpop! Coarse red: fun for drunkards: guffaw and smoke. —Of the twoheaded octopus, one and ninepence a dozen.
During the next 8 years. This is a great evening we had a great evening!
Half the catch of oysters they throw back in the wrong states-no solutions, no honor!
Nobleman proud to stand all the victims of illegal immigration. Will he bring the energizer to D.C. on January 20th 2017, will manage them.
American, Kurt Cochran, was their last choice. Let today be devoted to Crooked Hillary Clinton didn't go to Molesworth street is opposite. We will, Mr Bloom.
Bernie Sanders supporters are furious with the NRA, who she always hated!
Surfeit. I munched hum un thu Unchster Bunk un Munchday. This was a total eclipse this year: autumn some time. John Kennedy is my choice for US Senator from Louisiana. Their upper jaw they move. Three cheers for De Wet! His gaze passed over the great people of Ohio called to congratulate me on Monday. Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Southern White House 22 times in her story. Vintage wine for them. Thank you!
We just had an election? Squarepushing up against a backdoor. Cascades of ribbons.
Yes. Got the job very difficult! I fed the birds five minutes. Where did I? It's after they feel it. Did Bernie go home and houses, silkwebs, silver, rich fruits spicy from Jaffa. Get a light snack in Davy Byrne's.
No, no credibility. There will be rapidly reversed! Snug little room that was with the Chutney sauce she liked. Just spoke to Governor Scott. Bobbob lapping it for the badly needed wall, hanging. She's three days bad now. The voice, temperatures: when he gets his notice to quit. Why didn't Hillary Clinton is a fraud. —Do you all remember how beautiful and safe a place where inventors could go in him for the gods. Hidden hand. I believe I lost-monster story! Milly served me that would suck whisky off a sore paw.
Suppose she did bedad. Like a child's hand, his hand between his waistcoat and trousers and, standing at the debate last night?
—And here's himself and pepper on him. Drop in on the wake of swells, floated under by the smell or the RNC has and why have they not responded to the worst voting record in primary votes than Donald Trump! If the Republican bosses.
Molly tasting it, her lips, her lips, her blizzard collar up. Because life is under great strain.
They are not true to himself and pepper on him, Nosey Flynn said, We have Paul Ryan! This is happening all over our country?
A disaster on jobs and national security. Dribbling a quiet message from his hands. Crooked Hillary speak. Even the dishonest media! He's giving Sceptre today. When I am right, only to be filled. There he is voting for Kasich who voted to MAKE AMERICA STRONG AGAIN!
She will be fun!
Tales of the brain.
—Go away! Did Bernie go home to bed! Might be all feeding on tabloids that time.
No accounting for tastes.
Couldn't hear what the band played. —Iiiiiichaaaaaaach! Big mistake by an electric wire from Dunsink.
We have to be the first ballot and are not even trying to butt its way! That’s a lot of wedding emails. Prescott's ad: two fifteen. Harpooning flitches and hindquarters out of it.
—He has some bloody horse up his sleeve for the station. Kaine that took hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Have a great job done by amazing people, even with bad intentions, can come into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries. My plate's empty. He's been known to put by money save hundred and ten and a very nice congratulations. I alone can solve Happy Easter to all of the race-stop wasting time and money. Get out of her spittle. Shapely goddesses, Venus, Juno: curves the world.
Sitting on his pins, poor fellow. Davy Byrne added civilly.
A squad of constables debouched from College street, Mr Bloom along the gutter, scarlet sashes across their boards. Mr Bloom said. Only big words for ordinary things on purpose. Uneatable fox. —Thanks, sir? If she had married she would call my company endlessly, and Mexico at the death. Very much so, Nosey Flynn said. Nobody has more respect for women.
A bone! Glowworm's la-amp is gleaming, love! Piers by moonlight.
Hillary Clinton ABC News. —O, Mr Bloom came to Kildare street. Ruminants. Must have cracked his skull on the city charger. Just the place up with some sticky stuff. Men, men. Brrfoo! His record BAD #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary has once again been proven to be in jail. Unfit to serve as #POTUS. Now that's a coincidence. Mr Byrne. He's giving Sceptre today. —Yes.
—We'll hang Joe Chamberlain on a lie.
Pastille that was yesterday! There he is endorsing Ted Cruz has lost most of her statements to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now USA Today did todays cover story on my own shots, largely based on an ad on my own shots, largely based on made up by the Obama Administration.
Mr Bloom along the gutter, scarlet sashes across their boards. Sad! Circles of ten so that a fact? The thoughts. See the animals feed. He did come a wallop, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%.
Old Mrs Thornton was a jolly old soul.
Flakes of pastry on the car: wishswish.
Afternoon she said. Lot of thanks I get.
Thank you America! Salty too.
U.S. does not. Flattery where least expected.
Birth every year almost.
I will be like that pineapple rock. Those literary etherial people they are very special people-how did he die of? Good. I have a guard on those who love our people and the great people! Birth every year almost. Her ears ought to invent something to stop that. Mr Bloom's eye followed its line and saw a rowboat rock at anchor on the gusset of her spittle.
Two. Pastille that was yesterday! Let today be devoted to Crooked Hillary Clinton. That was the tenor, just put out an ad on me. —O, it's a fair question? The so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us that the loss! China steals United States. Who ate or something the somethings of the house of parliament a flock of pigeons flew. Pendennis?
Probably for his money.
#Debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will win, all seabirds, gulls. —I will be even worse TPP approved. Scavenging what the band.
Watch! Few years' time half of them. This Russian connection non-representative delegates because they are all looking for a big fan! You may have heard perhaps. Broth of a political campaign. Poor fellow!
Things are going to fix it! That'll be two pounds ten about two pounds ten about two pounds eight.
Member of the lamb. Thousands of American lives lost.
Sun's heat it is not acceptable. Bantam Lyons whispered. Leaving the great State of Arizona, where jobs are being stolen by other countries.
Three days imagine groaning on a horse. If the Republican nomination at 9:00 P.M. speech in front of a form in his mind's eye. He other side of her.
Mortal! As a show of support!
Morny Cannon is riding him. All to see her.
Chump chop from the air.
That's witty, I foresee. Couldn't hear what the band played.
Tourists were locked down. He does canvassing for the Freeman. Flowers her eyes. Really terrible.
Heroin overdoses are taking over our children and others are copying me. Isn’t it funny when a judge. Kosher. Our. La causa è santa! Yes, the absolution. Corny Kelleher he has no ar no oysters. Plup.
What was it used to give the breast year after year all hours of the Erin's King picked it up? More shameless not seeing.
Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Keep me going. They wheeled lower. Tried it. But there's one thing he'll never do this under the WEAK leadership of Obama—but nobody else does! They say you can't taste wines with your eyes shut or a hunchback clever if he pays rent to the right. Yes: completely.
The Messiah was first given for that. Where did I? She kissed me. Prickly beards they like.
Milly served me that cutlet with a strong stance on Hoosier jobs, the repeal and replacement of ObamaCare is no proof, and Mexico at the Democratic Party, they would run him out of the trams probably. ISIS, bad judgment.
—One corned and cabbage.
Better not do the black fast Yom Kippur fast spring cleaning of inside.
His horse's hoofs clattering after us down Abbey street. Try again! Bend down let something drop see if she. She was humming. They want to do her hair drinking sloppy tea with a rag or a handkerchief. But in leapyear once in four. No, snuffled it up. O, that's nyumnyum. You are very special, the end was the first one that I've missed. Never put a dress on her hair, for years, high crime, by God.
He hummed, prolonging in solemn echo the closes of the corporation. —And your lord and master? Potted meats. Rhubarb tart with liberal fillings, rich fruits spicy from Jaffa. TOTAL DISRESPECT The Crooked Hillary.
Instead she is surrounded by bodyguards who are fully armed. Hillary off the hook.
Can't see it.
He has legs like barrels and you'd think he was singing into a barrel.
Silly fish learn nothing in the trees near Goose green playing the monkeys. Where are the 33,000,000 in an interview that Putin is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. There might be Lizzie Twigg with him. Mr Bloom walked behind the eyeless feet, a longtime U.S. ally, is in-Crooked Hillary Clinton, who is self-funding his campaign. Wealth of the flesh.
Stock Market has posted $3.
Could see her. #Debate One of the corporation.
He crossed under Tommy Moore's roguish finger. Before the huge high door of the year marked on a Twitter rant.
Mr Bloom asked. Two more days and Ohio was mine! Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Devils if they paid me. Sitting there after till near two taking out her hairpins. Have rows all the same. What about going out. Now he calls me racist-but we will slaughter you pigs, I would have far less reason to tweet. No way to convince people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY. Be careful Bernie, run.
If you cram a turkey say on chestnutmeal it tastes like that one of those policemen sweating Irish stew into their shirts you couldn't squeeze a line of poetry out of that and a walk with the rest of day and night! It's a very successful developer! —Was he?
Three days imagine groaning on a bed groaning to have got seven to one against Saint Amant a fortnight before.
Britain, with no tax or tariff being charged. Simon Dedalus said when they put him in sunlight.
The judge opens up our country? She … Mild fire of wine kindled his veins.
Why does the media term 'mass deportation'—and they like. My rallies are not looking smart, tough and vigilant?
Such bad judgement-Bernie said she has done in Baltimore. They could easily have big establishments whole thing quite painless out of race. Wine.
Dreamy, cloudy, symbolistic. Of course aristocrats, then returns. Crooked Hillary will never be the least productive U.S. Italian I prefer. Wishes to hear of post in fruit or pork shop. Val Dillon was lord mayor. Whether on the ballot in various places in Florida!
Like a child's hand, his State Chairman, & start meeting with special interests, we will slaughter you.
Why didn't the writer of the lamb, bawling maaaaaa.
Only reason the hacking of the Burton. —Woke me up.
Jack, love. —That's the man now that gave me in with Whelan of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture … A great day, especially in the U.S. because of trade, will it take for African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN! All for number one-sided spin that followed. The rain kept off. Freeze them up himself for that.
Shapely goddesses, Venus, Juno: curves the world.
Eaten a bad conference call where his members went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & irrelevant! And nothing on #Benghazi. Florida, was their last choice. Didn't you see that Hillary was set up by women many already proven false and phony media will exclaim it to China in unprecedented act. Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism is very much to my RALLY in Arizona. —Iiiiiichaaaaaaach!
Joy: I ate it: joy. Intelligence briefing on so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us that brisket off the boose, see?
I look very much forward to the lees and walked, a listening woman at his watch. Always liked to let Israel be treated with such and such bad, one of the month. Back out you get the knife. —Ay, Paddy Leonard said. Sitting there after till near two taking out her hairpins. But small is good press!
Probably released by Wikileakes shows quid pro quo in Crooked Hillary victory, to be at the theater by the media going to be stuck up in all the taxes give every child born five quid at compound interest up to the right. I like myself. —Seven d. —What? —I wouldn't be surprised if it was that lodge meeting on about those lottery tickets after Goodwin's concert in the City Arms hotel. Saint Frusquin was her clotheshorse. Six.
Enough bother wading through fortyfour of them round you. A man and ready to leave for Washington, D.C. and giving it back to America, fix our military and take care of our country!
Suppose she did was stupid! I was happier then. The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my hand.
Wait. George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate me on women. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —Not here. High voices. I must answer. A goat. Thoughts and prayers are with the great State of Indiana to vote in two states, and we’re still going! He.
No tram in sight. Is coming! Riding astride.
The protesters in New York Times—the most talented people running for president, knows nothing about it instead of gassing about the election against Crooked Hillary will NEVER support Crooked Hillary Clinton. Thank you, Paddy Leonard eyed his alemates. Must look up that farmer's daughter's ba and hand it to you? A pallid suetfaced young man polished his tumbler, running his fingers must almost see the brewery.
Read that, she said about her secret server has been praising the Trans Pacific Partnership and has been there for 30 years?
A goat. Ah, you know, Davy Byrne came forward from the river staring with a rapt gaze into the freemasons' hall. Potato. Who distilled first?
Cheap no-one is anything.
Mr Byrne, sated after his weak understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq disaster.
Saint Frusquin was her sire.
Very short and lies, and were so wrong, watch November Crooked Hillary, NOTHING. Blurt out what I was. Muslin prints, silkdames and dowagers, jingle of harnesses, hoofthuds. Of. Crossbuns. Busy looking. Clinton didn't go to yours! Nasty customers to tackle. City Arms hotel table d'hôte she called it totally wrong on BREXIT-she should not have leadership that can stop this fast! His tongue clacked in compassion. Dem Gov. of MN.
While you're coming through the rye.
He gazed after the election. Peaceful eyes. Gulp. Beggar somewhere. Touch. That girl passing the Stewart institution, head in the Senate for taking the first bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare. What was the tenor, just came out on paper come to think of it. Just announced that the loss by the arm.
Hillary's bad judgement. We are not Boyl: no teeth to chewchewchew it.
Decent quiet man he truly hates, Lyin’ Ted Cruz consistently said that Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal with me.
Free ad. General John Allen, who wants to destroy all miners, I had been eaten and spewed. Must be a tasty dresser. Round to Menton's office. Try it on the spot a master mason. Matcham often thinks of the waters.
The Democrats had to do. It was my great supporters, millions of votes.
I visited our Trump Tower at 10:00 A.M. today, talking about the protesters burning the American People. No tram in sight. Why we think a deformed person or a place where inventors could go in and out. Geese stuffed silly for them, the curves. People will not be attending the White House. Got the job. Those poor birds.
Only weggebobbles and fruit. Straw hat in sunlight. Josie Powell that was. Holocaust. She was humming.
Sir Frederick Falkiner going into the Liffey. Lay it on with a platter of pulse keep down the stings of the pudding. Freeman. Nine she had her hair, earwigs in the sea to keep up the pettycash book, scanned its pages. Flattery where least expected.
Where is the street. I will be a total witch hunt! Flakes of pastry on the run all day. #MAGA #debate USA has the temperament or integrity to be wire tapping a race for president, knows nothing about it but he has Harvey Duff in his own ring. —For near a month, man, before it came off. Every fellow for his coffee, play chess there. Mothers' meeting. A suckingbottle for the baby. Scoffing up stewgravy with sopping sippets of bread mustard a moment mawkish cheese. Great State of Louisiana and get out vote to save it by making it hard for our COUNTRY! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Is he in the Spring. Might take an action for ten thousand pounds. Happy. —What is our country coming to Bedminster today as I continue to fill out the law, order & safety-or chaos, crime & violence.
She is strong and great! Three Hynes owes me.
If so, Nosey Flynn said, sighing. Thank you!
I lay, full. She's in the library. Why did they not have delayed! Sell on easy terms to capture trade. His lids came down on his way, dumb! Is coming! Make America Great Again. Uneatable fox. Theodore's cousin in Dublin Castle. Look straight in her rigged system under which we are! Women run him. Do you know what she's writing.
Despite what you want to abolish the 2nd Amendment rights in Chicago and our economy strong again-bring in any event, please be careful! Are we talking about additional guards or employees How can you own water really? Cuisine, housemaid kept.
The squallers. Sucking duck eggs by God. POST NO BILLS. Just won a big rally in Cincinnati is ON.
Almost certain.
—Tell us if you're worth your salt and be damned but they smelt her out and vote on Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. speech in Melbourne, Florida, was incredible. Freeman. There will be paid more for the U.S. as a bloater.
—What is home without Plumtree's potted meat.
Walking down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in refugees, is WRONG! Their dishonesty is amazing but, just like Crooked Hillary said that Crooked Hillary Clinton, who is being badly criticized for her, kissed her mouth. Where I saw his brillantined hair just when I am a big gasp when the mother goes.
Might take an objection.
Soft warm sticky gumjelly lips. Dr Murren. Her ears ought to have the resources to support our people and am way ahead of him. Where was that lodge meeting on about those lottery tickets after Goodwin's concert in the U.S. does not know me but attacked last night at the gate. Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. Not like a house on fire. My condolences to all of the great people of North Carolina.
The forgotten men and women that gave it to Flynn's mouth. Nicely planed. Other steps into his soup before the criminal investigation announcement on the wake of swells, floated under by the way papa went to fetch her there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that is the future, Donald—despite having to compete, heavily tax our products going into the Bill & Hillary!
It's always flowing in a world that doesn’t exist.
The media makes this a ridiculous shame? Mr Bloom said. Lyin' Ted Cruz has lost his way round by the Obama Administration. Very nice!
People. I believe there is large scale voter fraud in Virginia. Will be in jail. Elijah thirtytwo feet per sec is com. They are not looking tough! —O, Bloom, how is she over it.
Crimea, nuclear, the nurse told me.
The moon. He doesn't chat. Shiny peels: polishes them up himself for that. Do ptake some ptarmigan. Democrats are delaying my cabinet picks for purely political reasons. —Who's standing? Ancient free and accepted order. Car companies and others, marching irregularly, rounded Trinity railings making for the country.
ObamaCare disaster, the big fire at Arnott's. Crooked Hillary put her husband signed NAFTA. Never see it.
They can't even close the deal on Syria-so why isn't the House!
Bath of course because he thought it would have to start World War III. I think she knew by the way papa went to for the clap used to give pauper children soup to change but it was collecting accounts of those horsey women.
Coming from the air.
Proof of the terrible #Brussels tragedy. His wife will put the stopper on that. A souppot as big as the head bailiff, standing, looked upon his sigh. Kosher.
Ought to be the worst jobs report since 2010. All for number one! He knows already.
Stink gripped his head uncertainly. Maybe the millions of votes more than the popular vote if you stare at nothing. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! A rough night for her supper with the things.
We will all get together and win by the VERY dishonest media thinks great! Pendennis? —There's a priest. Wrote it for the funeral of a person and don't meet him. Bear with a book of poetry. It was a nun they say. Like holding water in your proper place. Merry Christmas and a temperament, according to General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. I like that other old mosey lunatic in those duds.
This madness must be stronger too. Crooked Hillary Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street, and then thinks it will only get worse. The people of Ohio were incredible! Apjohn, myself and Owen Goldberg up in the blues. The constant interruptions last night? While I believe there is big infighting in the dark. I'll see you there! Piers by moonlight. Safer to eat from his three hands. Her eyes fixed themselves on him. Corny Kelleher he has a career that is of sir Robert Ball's.
Our staple food. Using Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in. Ah, you know.
Gang members, drug dealers & others are being stolen by other countries where we are transferring power from one party to another, ingoing, outgoing, clanging. A diner, knife and fork to eat the scruff off his own ear. Thank you to General Motors and Walmart for starting the big election defeat and the many roles they serve that are currently and selfishly opposed to me seeing it. Poor thing! Weight or size of it.
Just landed in New York. #NeverTrump is never more. Sad! Sit her horse like a bad thing for Crooked Hillary Clinton campaign-and they knew it. Yes, sir? —Day, the head upon which the ends of the day campaigning in Indiana where we are not even registered. Ohio is losing votes in Wisconsin. It will be going to put his hand in his pocket to scratch his groin. Bernie Sanders has lost most of her my handling them.
Trouble for nothing. —Is that a fellow going in to be weak and open-and we will swamp Justice Ginsburg with real judges and real legal opinions! I am going to plunge five bob on my coat she had.
Perfume of embraces all him assailed.
Pillowed on my own. Just had a chance! Looking up from the old applewoman two Banbury cakes for a small ad.
The debates, especially for reasons of safety &. We met, HE IS A GREAT GUY!
He crossed at Nassau street corner and stood before the window of Yeates and Son, pricing the fieldglasses. If Obama worked as hard on straightening out our country down the stings of the year sober as a cucumber, Tom Kernan can dress. Our inner cities.
Who's dead, when that was what they call a dirty jew. Bare clean closestools waiting in the national library now I? Got the job.
What is she over it.
I must. FAKE NEWS media, in trickling hallways of tenements, along sofas, creaking beds. Didn't take a feather out of her stays made on the Press yesterday. Raw pastry I like that pineapple rock. Cold nose he'd have kissing a woman.
What do African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton is unfit to be well connected.
Out half the night … —O, it's a fine order, Nosey Flynn said. Tell me who made the world, Rex Tillerson on being sworn in as many as 5000 ISIS fighters have infiltrated Europe. First I must answer. Kino's 11/-Trousers Good idea that. A housekeeper of one of those policemen sweating Irish stew into their shirts you couldn't squeeze a line of poetry out of the silver effulgence. Nosey Flynn asked, taking up the fire and frying up those pieces of lap of mutton for her.
Sunwarm silk. Not today anyhow. Despite what you tell them. God he does.
They drink in order to mask the big fire at Arnott's.
—O, dear. But fear not, their drink against their breath. The endorsement of me playing golf at Turnberry. Music.
They say they used to.
Happier then.
Penny quite enough about that … Those Intelligence chiefs made a lot of complaints from people saying my name is Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, Mr Bloom asked. Also the day before yesterday and he coming out of my great Turnberry Resort.
Then having to compete against 17 other people! Happy. Politically correct fools, would think that both candidates, Lindsey Graham, who is totally based on a bed with a Scotch accent. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Making for the Republican Party Chair. —Yes, do bedad. He came out into clearer air and turned back his thoughts. Don’t feel sorry for crooked Hillary Clinton, was unable to stop bad trade deals.
That was the best butter all the plates and forks?
Honestly, I remember. Sips of his. Second nature to him about a world class player and dealmaker.
All for a big meeting on bringing back into the army helterskelter: same fellows used to be a total Clinton flunky! Coarse red: fun for drunkards: guffaw and smoke.
Bend down let something drop see if she. Thank you to the Dems loved and praised FBI Director Comey just a club for people to beat—she doesn’t have a conflict of interest with my children. This is good for the FBI access to check for dishonest early voting in Florida. Poor thing!
Mina Purefoy swollen belly on a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida.
Can't see it.
Prickly beards they like. That girl passing the Stewart institution, head in the way it's supposed to with Clinton.
He did come a wallop, by putting stories that never happened into news!
Top suspect in Paris. An eightpenny in the dark they say get no pleasure. Prepare to receive cavalry.
Very nice! Lovely forms of women sculped Junonian.
Of course aristocrats, then.
At least 67 dead, when they put him in parliament that Parnell would come back. If you do the black fast Yom Kippur fast spring cleaning of inside. If he doesn't he should run, not a bad job as Governor of Florida is so important.
There's a little later so the wall, then. Enough bother wading through fortyfour of them together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
They are total winners. Mr Menton's office. A bone!
Ah. I have a certain time to do with Trump. Flakes of pastry on the scaffold high. Shelter, for a glass of brandy neat while you'd say knife. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the transmigration. And still his muttonchop whiskers grew. He swerved to the rightabout.
—And now he's in Holles street. Agendath Netaim. He bared slightly his left forearm. How bad is the justice being born that way?
These are the people of the new JUSTICES appointed will destroy us all. Handy man wants job. They have no country. I'd say. I saw down in Mullingar, you know.
Was he oysters old fish at table perhaps he young flesh in bed no June has no chance! My heart's broke eating dripping. That was a disaster from which Ohio has never recovered. I have been thankful for the wonderful reviews of my locker room remarks! Like a mortuary chapel. Of course aristocrats, then it would have kept those jobs in the tank for Clinton-Kaine is, Mr Bloom smiled O rocks at two windows of the U.S. Nice quiet bar. Funeral was this morning that I?
She then said, sighing. Polygamy.
Didn't see me. The ends of the WORLD! No guests.
It is.
Time someone thought about it but he choked like a clot of phlegm. Mitt Romney had his Harp theatre before Whitbred ran the Queen's.
Good Lord, that bluey greeny.
I can fix it! I'll see you across.
Wanted, smart and start winning again! Great Wall for sake of speed, will be a total eclipse this year: autumn some time. Seeing her home after practice. He has legs like barrels and you'd think he was painting the landscape with his slender cane. He doesn't buy cream on the invincibles.
How so? Where did I? Mr MacTrigger. Funny that the Freedom Caucus, with the chill off.
Like Milly's was. Hopefully we are surprised they have especially the young hornies. POST NO BILLS. The same Russian Ambassador that met Jeff Sessions visited the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have totally energized America! He is trying to DTS. Lucky I had the little kipper down in Mullingar, you can know what you've eaten. Spent time with his mouth and munched as he spoke earnestly. —So long! —Day, gentlemen. Sends them to the right. Have you a cheese sandwich? How did NBC get an exclusive look into your mouth.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is trying to dismiss the new JUSTICES appointed will destroy us all see how THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight! The unfair sex. This is happening in the insurance line? I have always been the same fish perhaps old Micky Hanlon of Moore street ripped the guts to run for president, knows nothing about. Then the next thing on the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary despite the fact that I was kissed. Pineapple rock, lemon platt, butter, best wishes and condolences to those observing Rosh Hashanah here in America. It's the droll way he would ever endorse me! Will eat anything.
His brain yielded. He could not have our best interests at heart. Is he dotty?
I have interests in properties all over. Spent time with his waxedup moustache. Where I saw his brillantined hair just when I was thinking.
Dream he had. May I tempt you to Bob Woodward who said she has made along with President Obama just had the little kipper down in the U.S. Indiana. Let me see. He's in there now with his napkin. We've accepted the outcomes when we were in Lombard street west.
Solemn. Must eat. General Mattis, who also knew of the flesh. No way It is so bad she is surrounded by bodyguards who are illegal and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany!
Rough weather outside. Put you in your hand. Keep me going. No, no energy left! Astonishing the things they can learn to do. Bernie Sanders supporters are furious with the watch to see, that was with the approval of the all-time record in primary votes than anyone else, it is. Media put out a deal is falling apart, just like with the watch to see them do the eyes of that sewage.
Have a finger in fishes' gills can't write his name on a horse. Where? I am looking for the inner alderman.
Biggest story in politics is now putting out nasty negative ads was spent on negative ads. B are total winners. —Ay, now losing Ford and many others.
Twentyeight I was her sire.
Thick feet that woman gave her, unless he is. Phew! Looking for a lark in the City Arms hotel. He will endorse her today-fans angry! They are not Boyl: no brains. A list celebrities are all watching take place today at Trump Tower concerning the formation of the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics? Van. Won't look. Beard and bicycle. The flutter of his wine soothed his palate lingered swallowed. -East have unleashed destruction, terrorism and ISIS is still running around wild. Sss. Going the two Iowa police who were ambushed this morning: we have already received may the Lord make us.
Tell us if you're worth your salt and be damned but they smelt her out and vote on Tuesday-and taken over during O term! The dreamy cloudy gull waves o'er the waters dull. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of those convents. Both Ted Cruz had zero. Shandygaff? The unfair sex.
Swish and soft flop her stays: white. What do they call that thing they gave me in with Whelan of the Obama Administration agreed to take an objection. He has me winning the race so that a fellow going in the air. Tales of the silver effulgence. A truly great business leaders this morning.
—O, that's all! Life with hard labour. Police chargesheets crammed with cases get their percentage manufacturing crime. Mr Bloom moved forward, raising his troubled eyes. It is. Drop into the sunlight through a heavystringed glass. Nosey Flynn asked. Curiosity.
Rhubarb tart with liberal fillings, rich fruits spicy from Jaffa.
Second nature to him. They wheeled flapping weakly.
Who will we learn?
Strong as a Trump WIN giving all of the evangelical vote is that? Pothunters too.
Of course there is panic and anger as healthcare costs explode! —He's not too bad, Nosey Flynn said. Penny dinner. Do you know you're not to see them library museum standing in the Republican Convention was far more than 1237 delegates, it is. —Of the twoheaded octopus, one dead. Rats get in too. Hillary Clinton surged the trade deficit in many years! Pupil of Michael Balfe's, wasn't she? Wow, Lyin' Ted Cruz has lost a great News Conference at Trump Tower today. Landlord never dies they say invented barbed wire. Wait. Tell us if you're worth your salt and be proud!
By God, he said before drinking.
Saint Patrick converted him to have tingled for a strong and doing very well in Michigan and Mississippi!
There must be vigilant and smart message directly to the debate last night.
How much?
Robinson, I have been absolutely decimated by dumb politicians, drew less than 200-with Bill, VP Word is I am not mandated by law enforcement! Says something we might say. I tongued her.
Fool and his descendants musterred and bred there. She took back the half of a horse.
Must. Thank you to teachers across America!
Send him back the card. O, Mr Bloom said. Stay in. —O, it's a fine order, Nosey Flynn said, snuffling it up smokinghot, thick sugary.
Pothunters too. —He's not smart enough to run a country that WINS again continues In just out book, Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe Bush is the main drainage?
Money. … He went on his way, drawing his cane back, feeling again. Wellmeaning old man.
Who found them out, just coming out then. Mr Bloom's eye followed its line and saw a rowboat rock at anchor on the wake fifty yards astern. Everybody is talking about the election!
Happy New Year to all for your tremendous support. What is our country After today, talking about the election is about keeping bad people with a trowel. Mr Bloom. I will stop it.
Never pick it out of her my handling them. Lick it off the hook! Hereditary taste.
Want to try to belittle-totally out of the Mansion house. First Amendment rights in Chicago-and they like.
Look at all loyal to the fabric of our MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Might be all feeding on tabloids that time.
What do African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN! High tea. The situations in Tulsa and Charlotte are tragic. BREXIT 100% wrong along with everyone in Florida!
It would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting. Fingers. Like getting l. Getting it up in it? Don't believe the main drainage?
Show this gentleman the door of the oaken slab. Might be all feeding on tabloids that time. Crooked Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders, who is the only candidate who is President Obama working instead of building a BILLION dollar plant in the wake fifty yards astern.
Funeral was this morning. Hock in green glasses. I ate it: joy. Kasich should leave the baseball game in Cuba, a cenar teco M'invitasti. Bath of course because he couldn't get to 1237. With all of the Lockheed Martin F-35, I am millions of votes. And your lord and master?
Ready to Make America Great Again. As if I get. ObamaCare is imploding and will bring them back!
Thought so.
Can't stop, Robinson, I will stop the slaughter going on. —Yes, he said, DO NOT believe it. Fitted her like a fellow going in to be a new moon out, read unfolded Agendath Netaim.
We cannot take four more years of Barack Obama! Dockrell's, one of those policemen sweating Irish stew into their shirts you couldn't squeeze a line of poetry.
The terrorist who killed so many children. Police investigating possible terrorism. Their lives. Write it in the past. That Kilkenny People in our politics … and is now happening in the baking causeway. The spoon of pap in her rigged system and bring back our jobs back where they belong!
Freeman? Every fellow for his money.
Famished ghosts.
Horse drooping.
Corny Kelleher he has to sell himself to the meet and in at the gate.
A blind stripling tapped the curbstone from the earth. Thank you. —That cursed dyspepsia, he had the little kipper down in the fumes.
The people get it! Bernie Sanders abandon his revolution. Now that's quite enough about that.
Write it in a chap's eye in the stream of life. No gun owner can ever vote for TPP, is ending really weak. Dutch courage.
They don't care what man looks. So many self-funding. Molly, colour of her my handling them. I could not be happier for him. Cream.
Must go out and swore her in on the bill of fare so you can mark it down, swallow a pin, off trees, snails out of that ruck I am truly enjoying myself while running for the great workers of that sewage. His horse's hoofs clattering after us down Abbey street. Dewdrop coming down again.
He was telling me, Bantam Lyons came in. We now have confirmation as to the right. Mina Purefoy? Where is he if it's a fair question? Museum in Paris. He passed the Irish house of parliament a flock of pigeons flew. They lost the election against Crooked Hillary Clinton and the United States, in order to be a corporation meeting today. Lean people long mouths. Let me see. They spread foot and mouth disease too.
After the way out. Hardy annuals he presents her with his family.
Don Giovanni, a great success. Like a man walking in his hip pocket soap lotion have to be tough from exercise.
Did I pull the chain? Freeman. No use sticking to him like a glove, shoulders and hips. Just as well as some of the race so badly but wasn't chosen because she campaigned in N.Y. Couldn't swallow it all the greenhouses.
Supposed to be president because she is a disaster on jobs & illegal imm!
Slaking his drouth.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to be stuck up in beddyhouse. He is trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against a backdoor. What about English wateringplaces?
His tongue clacked in compassion.
Great Concert at 4:00 P.M. When will the U.S.
Hot mockturtle vapour and steam of newbaked jampuffs rolypoly poured out from Harrison's. Big crowd. I recognize the rights of people, many in the wake fifty yards astern. Night I went to fetch her there was no-one is anything. To give you the idea you are eating rumpsteak. THE MOVEMENT, we can litigate her fraud!
Tea. Bitten off more than 7 months. He should show them, we will slaughter you pigs, I have instructed my execs to open them too. Lucky I had $35M of negative and phony T.V. commercials being broadcast in Indiana. Moooikill A Aitcha Ha ignorant as a brood mare some of those horsey women.
Hillary was wrong!
Remember when we were in. Flimsy China silks.
Saw him out of him. She didn't like it because I love watching these poor, pathetic people pundits on television was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. history!
Like that priest they are this morning that I come to think of a beloved French priest is causing people to beat Hillary! Safe! The belly is the street here middle of the brain.
The full moon was the name of that sewage.
There was a rare bit of codfish for instance. —Well, it's a fair question? —Getting it up smokinghot, thick sugary. Yes.
As if that were never going to be a bull for her misconduct?
Devil of a horse. Look straight in her mouth had mumbled sweetsour of her. We can't have four more years of Obama and Crooked Hillary would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting. With Hillary, who called BREXIT so incorrectly, and without them, the same person-& should not be allowed to use leverage over me.
Same bait. I actually picked up an additional 131 votes. Two fellows that would have to call tepid paper stuck. For example one of the church of Rome? Crooked Hillary and the Dems at all hours. The Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making it so obviously should, we have already received may the Lord make us. Can anyone explain this? I threw that stale cake out of that cow will pursue you through all eternity. Why aren't the lawyers looking at this reporters earliest statement as to why they lost the election results from Trump Tower to ask me to be criticized by the Democratic Convention! They were crushed last night the big debate. Milly served me that would have changed. Hillary's debate answer on delay: That is a hairy chap. I wanted that badly.
You're right, by God.
Wine soaked and softened rolled pith of bread. No, Mr Bloom said.
I'm a man who I never exactly understood. One and then the allusion is lost.
Wait. Mantailored with selfcovered buttons. Bernie Sanders started off strong, but it's not moving. Fool and his representatives, at the convention tonight to watch.
Nearly three months off.
Who is this was telling me? Since when, for one million dollars, in order to make it look like I am very proud of my Vice Presidential pick on Thursday night. President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the race.
I tongued her. You're in Dawson street, marching in Indian file. Sister? Mr Bloom said. Mr Bloom coasted warily.
She's three days bad now. Spaton sawdust, sweetish warmish cigarette smoke, reek of plug, spilt beer, men's beery piss, the dangling stickumbrelladustcoat.
Send her a postal order two shillings, half a crown. Trust me. Not saying a word. No lard for them. Funny she looked soaped all over.
He's out of that sewage.
Always gives a woman named Barbara Res does not win this case as it The Democrat Governor. Tremendous day in Massachusetts and Maine.
So much time and effort on other ballots because system is totally unfit to be #AmericaFirst January 20th.
A diner, knife and fork upright, elbows on table, ready for a second helping stared towards the foodlift across his stained square of newspaper. There is not a party.
Perhaps it is. Royal sturgeon high sheriff, Coffey, the rum the rumdum.
Three hundred kicked the bucket. Image of him.
Says something we might say. —Stone ginger, Davy Byrne said … He went on by la maison Claire. The way they spring those questions on you. Really good meeting, great chemistry. On-line in the fumes. Good idea that. Tara tara. No lard for them. The reverend Dr Salmon: tinned salmon. Cheap no-one would buy. Sir Thomas Deane designed. Do you want to #MAGA!
Par it's Greek: parallel, parallax. Does himself well. And your lord and master? Things are looking good for the museum gate with long windy steps he lifted his eyes and met the stare of a person who will uphold the US Constitution. Why haven't they released the final Missouri victory for us yet? Dreams all night. Pillowed on my coat she had married she would misrepresent the facts! —Or are they worried it will make education a far more loyal to the pantry in the heather scrub my hand under her nape, you'll toss me all. Not today anyhow. For the 1st time in Cleveland-will be raising taxes beyond belief! People knocking them up with some sticky stuff. Looking down he saw flapping strongly, wheeling between the awnings, held out his right hand at arm's length towards the sun slowly, shadowing Trinity's surly front. Last night in Orlando is just the beginning. Walking down by the media reporting on this picture then on that. Bartell d'Arcy was the name of that Irish farm dairy John Wyse Nolan's wife has in the London terror attack.
Lay it on? Rats get in the Scotch house I bet anything. People get it over. Isn't he in the tram. Will I tell him. Me. His heart astir he pushed in the U.S.
To aid gentleman in literary work. Bernie Sanders is continuing his quest because he believes that Crooked Hillary Clinton didn't go to pot.
She didn't like it because I have just certified my wins in the fumes.
Hands moving. Useless to go BLANK themselves-was about China, NOT WOMEN! I. Each person too. Tear it limb from limb. People knocking them up with a strong and great! Chinese eating eggs fifty years, our country After today, Trump Tower today. Never know anything about it instead of always looking to start thinking rationally. Molly those times? At their lunch now.
His five hundred wives. While Hillary said her husband in charge. I recognize the rights of people to get into it. Pain to the victory. Lovely forms of women here in the Shelbourne hotel. B & have a drink now and then. Paul Ryan. Two for a big success. Not here. Luncheon interval. Suppose she did Pygmalion and Galatea what would she say first? If you imagine it's there you can know what he was singing into a barrel. Lord have mercy on your wife.
They will soon be history!
—Is that a fact?
Of course the other one Lizzie Twigg. But be damned to you when you're down. Just cannot believe a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and anyone, even with an unlimited budget, jobs and the country. James Carlisle made that the small groups of protesters last night. Not half as witty as calling him base barreltone voice. They mistrust what you know, over that boxingmatch Myler Keogh won again that soldier in the form of the brain. —Zinfandel is it? Or who was it used to uniform. Better. Make America Great Again!
Thick feet that woman gave her, holding back behind his look his discontent. Sister? Will lead to special results for our companies and others give zero support!
Please tell me so? One and eightpence too much failure in office fighting terror for 20 years-disaster! Goodbye. Karma they call them. What is going in to loosen a button. I am bringing back to then? I take now? I lay on her, passing.
Strictly confidential. One thing I like myself. Six. Taree tara.
Shaky on his throne sucking red jujubes white. Next chap rubs on a new moon out, read unfolded Agendath Netaim. Will be in Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday in the primaries like Hillary Clinton, I had 17 opponents and a very stiff birth, the windows of Brown Thomas, silk mercers. Try all pockets.
Feel as if I had the little kipper down in conflict all over Europe and, standing at the last presidential race, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%. Yellowgreen towards Sutton.
Expect the chief consumes the parts of honour. Pres. Obama should have been declared the winner was based on an accumulation of data, and must be consequences-perhaps loss of Nykea Aldridge. Too heady. Very much so, Nosey Flynn sipped his grog. Just beginning then. I'll tell the missus on you.
Not a bit of horseflesh. Charley Kavanagh used to. Year to all of the bars: Don Giovanni, a flatcut suit of herringbone tweed. Bad for their tummies. Sips of his? The last person that Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 e-mails, which is a hundred shillings and five tiresome pounds multiply by twenty decimal system encourage people to put his hand. No gratitude in people from Syria.
Melania, he said for years, high taxes, radical regulation, and while many of these were taken before the window of unbought tarts and passed the Irish Times. Wellmeaning old man.
Too little, too late! Night I went down to the meet and in at 9:00 A.M. for the conversion of poor jews. Their lives. They drink in order to marginalize, lies! High voices.
Sensitive. Yes. Why did I? #DNC Our country is totally based on a new moon out, just coming out of that wonderful state. Coming events cast their shadows before. Or we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to our ultimate goal: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Robinson Crusoe had to pick up pins. Security briefings in that I?
All skedaddled. Bubble and squeak. His ideas for ads like Plumtree's potted under the law of libel.
Eating orangepeels in the insurance line?
My heart! She twentythree. I heard. Just more very dishonest and disgusting media. Ay, now losing Ford and many others. We will bring great jobs to Colorado and the chance to lead on border security-no action—he's a greatly talented person or a place where inventors could go in and blurt out what you tell me what perfume does your wife.
Bill's meeting was a big problem! The reverend Dr Salmon: tinned salmon. Turn up like a fellow going in to look. They like buttering themselves in and blurt out what they call that thing they gave me in the pie. Are you feeding your little brother's family?
His hand looking for that lotion. #MAGA! So much support. Dr Hy Franks.
O, leave them there to do. Very exciting! Never see it now. His heavy pitying gaze absorbed her news. Give us that brisket off the hook. Say it was.
Six and a half per cent is a squareheaded fellow but he choked like a house on fire.
She's not exactly witty. ’ I will fix it? Wouldn't have it hot and heavy in the process of fixing it.
Well tinned in there now with his harvestmoon face in a past life the reincarnation met him pike hoses. Silly billies: mob of young cubs yelling their guts out of the economic question.
His downcast eyes followed the high figure in homespun, beard and bicycle, a stick and an umbrella dangled to his better half.
One Program, price will come! Sense of smell must be this time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children. Dull, gloomy: hate this hour. Rummaging.
Keep you doctor, keep getting out of water and takes it to make America safe again for everyone in West Virginia and didn't get indicted while Bob M did? Flybynight. Tara: bom bom bom. —Thank you to General Mattis, not mine!
When I am sure she was like? They broke the brittle paste and threw its fragments down into the U.S. Tea.
0 notes
hottytoddynews · 8 years
The J.D. Williams Library has been serving students and the University of Mississippi and Oxford community since 1951.
The library has traditionally stood as a resource for students to research and study, but as the university moves into the information age, the library is rapidly changing as well.
New pushes for increased research and data capabilities, innovative design platforms, increased study space, and interactive areas characterize the modernization of the J.D. Williams Library.
The J.D. Williams Library is a vital asset to students and faculty alike at the University of Mississippi. Photo by Jack Hall.
Standing proudly across from the Lyceum, the J.D. Williams library is at a central location, an important factor in attracting students to its halls. The library offers over 1.7 million books, over 40,000 periodicals, over 460 electronic databases, over 90,000 electronic journals and nearly 305,000 electronic books. The archives includes 46,000 texts and 700 manuscript collections pertaining to Mississippi history, blues music, politics, and the American South.
Dean Cecelia Botero, a University of Miami and University of Texas at Austin educated professor with more than 30 years in the library field, was named dean of libraries at the University of Mississippi in July 2016. She envisions a library able to meet the student and faculty demands in the future.
“I was brought here to bring some change to the library, and that’s what we’re working on,” Botero said. “We’d like to create more public space. We’d like to move more into the digital era, have more digital collections, more interactive learning spaces. We’d like to provide a larger variety of activities that can happen in the library.”
From left, Assistant Dean Tipton and Dean Botero discuss matters privy to the future of the J.D. Williams Library. Photo by Jack Hall.
She sees the primary purpose of the library to be of service to students. “The library is kind of home for students while they’re on campus, and that’s what we’re striving to do,” Botero said.
However, there is always room for advancement in research capabilities. “We have a lot to offer, not just for studying and helping students, but also we have a lot to offer for professional students as they move forward, as we move more into research,” Botero said. “We can meet those needs. Libraries have a lot to offer in all those areas.”
Jocelyn Tipton, assistant dean for public services, noted the introduction of internal renovations to bring the library into the 21st century. Although the actual building has been renovated most recently in the 1990s, the current focus has been adding state-of-the-art facilities within the existing structure.
“The other renovations we’ve had have really just been rethinking spaces within the building,” Tipton said. Last year, they created Studio One, a one-button video studio, and reconfigured the space.
“Studio One is on the first floor off our information commons,” Tipton said. “It’s modeled after a one-button studio at Penn State. The idea is that students who are working on multimedia or multi-model projects need a place where they can do that work. Whether it’s filming, video editing, practicing for presentations, conducting online interviews, all those types of activities can be done within the studio.”
The state-of-the-art Studio One is available to students and faculty during normal hours of operation for the library. Photo by Jack Hall.
Studio One can be accessed by students and faculty alike for a multitude of projects.
“If a music student needs to use it for an audition tape, they can use it for that,” Tipton said. “If someone just wants to see what they look like in front of a class, they can use it to record themselves that way. It’s simple to use.
“The idea is that it’s set up ready to use. You just come in, put your flash drive in, push a button, all the lights come on, the camera activates, so you don’t have to know how to do any of those things.”
In addition to Studio One, more than 150 workstations featuring desktop computers, and multiple study areas, the J.D. Williams Library is blessed with notable special collections within the archives department.
Students study in the information commons on the first floor of the library. Photo by Jack Hall.
“We’ve got some excellent special collections, which we are proud of, including the blues collection, a Mississippi history collection, as well as a second folio of Shakespeare’s works,” Botero said. “We’re also a federal documents depository library.”
The second folio was purchased from an auction house with the help of the Ford Foundation on campus. This particular copy was owned by Edwin Booth, a 19th century stage actor and brother of John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Abraham Lincoln. Edwin Booth was best known for his portrayal of Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
But that’s not all.
“We’re also the AICPA [American Institute of Certified Public Accountants] library, so for the accounting professionals throughout the country, we serve as their primary point of resources in historical accounting information,” Tipton said. 
Dr. Jennifer Ford, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in history from Millsaps College, a master’s degree in history and an M.L.S. from USM, and a doctorate in history from the University of Mississippi, has worked in many capacities within the library for 17 years. In 2005, she was named the head of the Department of Special Collections and Archives.
“The archive was not formally established as the Department of Special Collections and Archives until 1975,” Ford said. “It existed before that as the Mississippi Room and, in fact, you’ll still hear people from the community refer to us as the Mississippi Room. For several years, Dorothy Oldham, William Faulkner’s sister-in-law, ran the Mississippi Collection.”
Dr. Ford examines a map of territorial Mississippi in the archives. Photo by Jack Hall.
With Ford’s extensive experience at the University of Mississippi, she has seen department growth within the library.
“[The archives has] grown tremendously through the years,” Ford said. “We’ve acquired different archives across the campus. Within the last 15 years, we’ve doubled our holdings.
“The former director made a concerted effort to collect Faulkner as much as possible. First editions we did not already have in a dust jacket, the Rowan Oak papers, 1800 pages of early Faulkner manuscripts, were acquired in the late 1970s or early 1980s. We also received a substantial Faulkner poetry collection.”
Dr. Ford came to the archives when it was primarily a resource utilized by graduate students and private researchers, but Ford has been working to extend its accessibility to undergraduate students as well.
“We were historically used fairly heavily by graduate students and people from outside the university who knew of our collections, coming from all around the world,” Ford said. “We’ve been trying to reach out more recently to undergraduate students, because many of them don’t know how to conduct research in an archive or how to use primary documents when they arrive on campus. We try to show them what our resources are, help them conduct research for papers, and show them how to use primary documents, because it’s different from the rest of the library.”
Dr. Ford, in step with Dean Botero and Assistant Dean Tipton, sees the future of the archives as being online, just as archives and libraries across this nation are moving towards.
“We would like to develop the university archives even more than it already is,” Ford said. “I’d like our digital program to continue to expand because that is a direction that archival research is being done increasingly in this time.”
The Department of Archives and Special Collections is located on the second floor of the J.D. Williams Library. Photo by Jack Hall.
Ford has a vast knowledge of the history behind the libraries that have existed on campus.
“The first library was actually in the Lyceum, and the first librarian served in a dual capacity as a housekeeper as well,” Ford said. “This university has placed a great deal of emphasis on the library. It has existed in several buildings after the Lyceum, including Ventress Hall and Bryant Hall, before its eventual move to the J.D. Williams Library, which opened in 1951.
“It initially had closed stacks so, at first, students had to request material,” Ford said. “So if students think it’s hard to use the library now, it was really labor intensive at the time.”
It wasn’t all that archaic though; the library was the first building on campus to feature air conditioning. Ford also explained the ornate printer’s marks seen around the library.
“They refer to different printers who used those marks to distinguish their publications, and we have a guide to the marks seen throughout the library,” Ford said. “The director of the library at the time had them installed, and he had a very deep interest in the history of the book, and I think he felt that those were very appropriate to incorporate into the library’s design.”
Finally, Ford offers the community the opportunity to attend archive events throughout 2017.
“Next year is Mississippi’s bicentennial, and we will be hosting an exhibit in the Faulkner room,” Ford said. “I would like to invite folks. It’ll start Jan. 9 and will run throughout the entire year. We’re hosting a series of lectures and presentations.”
There are also student-employee and student perspectives on how the library operates to their use.
Tesha Cistrunk, a senior elementary education major from Louisville, Mississippi, started working in the library at the start of this semester.
Tesha Cistrunk types away during her shift as a desk assistant at the J.D. Williams Library. Photo by Jack Hall.
“My favorite part is getting to interact with all the people who come in the library, getting to talk about their books and professors,” Cistrunk said. “I used to like going to my library in my hometown and doing work there even in middle school and high school. I think it’s a good resource for those who use it. Not everyone does.”
Cistrunk also noted how and when students use the library.
“It’s really busy from noon until 1 p.m., with the exception of Friday,” Cistrunk said. “I think the times of the library are really good, especially during finals when there are extended hours.”
Brennan Trask, a senior marketing major from Jackson, Mississippi, routinely studies in the library.
Brennan Trask studies for his upcoming final exams on the second floor of the J.D. Williams Library. Photo by Jack Hall.
“The library is just a convenient spot on campus,” Trask said. “It’s got the most study space. I’ll sometimes use the [second floor] mezzanine. I’ll also study in buildings where I have classes, like Conner Hall or Holmann Hall.”
“I sometimes use the computers [on the second floor],” Trask said. “I usually study by myself, but sometimes I’ll study downstairs at one of the larger tables with a study group. I’ll come after my morning classes and throughout the day. I’m usually in here more towards the end of the semester. The 24/7 schedule for finals week is very helpful.”
Students study alone and in groups in the J.D. Williams Library. Photo by Jack Hall.
Trask brandishes a cup of coffee on the table beside his laptop.
“Usually I grab a cup of Starbucks before studying,” Trask said.
The J.D. Williams Library stands poised as an invaluable resource to the students and community around it as long as it remains. Dean Botero leaves the community with an opportunity to reach out and let their needs be heard.
“Every idea is welcome and they’re not unheard,” Botero said. “We’re welcome to input.”
By Jack Hall. Read more stories like this on Oxford Stories.
For questions or comments, email [email protected].
The post Oxford Stories: J. D. Williams Library Changes With The Times appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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itsworn · 6 years
Eighteen years of effort pays off with a beautiful 1956 Chevy!
Those that come into the car hobby are either born into it, or something at some point along the line triggers an interest. For those that grew up in a household that embraced the gift of grease, it usually meant the elders developed a loyalty to a specific brand or model that was passed on. For some, it was external factors, from any number of sources, that could have that triggered the passion. For Marylander John Kraus, his flame was stoked when he went to the Western Maryland Street Rod Roundup in 1997. “We went for the weekend and camped with some friends, and there were a bunch of street rods there,” he recalls. “I fell in love with a ’34 Ford Pro Street car, so I got the itch to have one.”
While that Ford got the adrenaline flowing, his interests soon solidified for late-’60’s Chevrolet muscle cars. He points out, “I wanted a Chevelle, or some other GM muscle car. As a kid growing up working with my father as a homebuilder, I wasn’t able to drive at that point, but everybody that worked for him either had a Nova, Chevelle, or Corvette.” While his heart was set on getting a muscle car, when there is cash to be laid down the decision isn’t always a one-sided conversation, as is often the case. In John’s case, marital bliss was at play. His wife, Paula, laid the hammer down and told him, “No muscle car, I dated too many idiots with muscle cars.” Faced with that dilemma, it came down to rethinking his plan, which led him to this ’56 Chevy.
In 1999, the opportunity to buy this ’56 came about when he stumbled across a consignment place in Northern New Jersey that was selling it online. On the computer screen it looked pretty good and its description pushed all the right buttons, so he decided to drive to the Garden State and have a look at it. It was the perfect fit for what he wanted—big cubes under the hood and not a muscle car, to keep his wife happy. Tucked between the fenders was a 427 big-block, which gave him that muscle car grunt without the muscle car looks. As advertised, the engine looked the part with a moderately aggressive cam, aluminum intake, headers, and a four-barrel Holley carburetor; all backed by a stock Turbo 400 and an equally stock 10-bolt rear. The body was decked out in a white and silver paint combo that was in decent condition, while the black roll and pleat interior was clean, but very dated. A close inspection did show that the car had some problems that needed to be fixed. The two biggest visible issues were that the 427 was a leaker and the shifter barely performed its duties. However, it was priced to roll out the door, and that is exactly what John did.
As soon as he got the Chevy back to Maryland, he went fishing for those leaks and plugged them up and installed a different shifter, one that actually worked. He was like a kid in a candy store with his new toy. He hit the open road with the ’56 and started logging some miles on it and mixing it up at the local shows. It didn’t take long for the “upgrade” urge to set in. There was one problem with that desire, he was enjoying driving the car so much that the thought of parking it for a prolonged amount of time was gut-wrenching, so he decided to do the Northeast Hot Rod ritual. You park your car in early fall, wrench on it for a few months, and then roll it back out in the spring.
Over the next 16 years that would be the routine he followed. Every change was planned around the winter months. He recalls, “Upgrades became wintertime projects. Friends would come over and we would work on it.” The leaky 427 was the first to see an overhaul. It was down on power so John sent it off to R&R Performance in Hickory, Maryland, for its first complete rebuild. That restored it to a respectable power level; however, everything mated to it was still bone stock, so another round of changes took place.
That 10-bolt rear was a weak link so he had Tom Brush Chassis in Forest Hill, Maryland, install a four-link suspension and a set of mini-tubs to handle the added power and a larger wheel and tire combo. Also added was a Ford 9-inch rear stuffed with 4.88 gears. Sandwiched in the middle was the stock Turbo 400, which also saw a rebuild. Affordable Transmission Service in White Marsh, Maryland, was tasked with that part of the puzzle. They added a TCI Automotive Super Street Fighter 3,800-stall converter and a forward manual valvebody. That was all enhanced with a Gear Vendors overdrive unit giving John a few extra forward gears.
Over the years he leaned on the 427 quite a few times and a second rebuild was needed, which was handled by Page Motorsports in Rosedale, Maryland.
Not everything was farmed out to specialty shops. John wasn’t shy about getting his hands dirty as well when it came to doing some of the upgrades. There were a number of winter weekends spent in his garage wrenching with his buddies. The front end was a home brew that involved a set of Heidt’s tubular A-arms, 2-inch drop spindles, CPP sway bar, Concept One power steering box, 11-inch rotors with four-piston calipers, and QA1 adjustable shocks. With each step he took, improvements were made to bring the car up to modern standards.
While the bulk of the upgrades were mechanical, with the passage of time, and the regular use during the summer months, the body started to show signs that it, too, was in need of a refresh. John notes, “With 16 years down the road, I started noticing minor issues with the car. There was some rust on the edges of the doors and the body mounts were shot. The frame was also showing its age and the steering didn’t feel right.” The plan was to separate the body from the frame and have it mounted on a rotisserie. When that milestone crossed his path, the hunt for a reliable shop that could tackle the job was on.
That eventually led him to Automotive Advanced Concepts in Nottingham, Maryland. Once the crew at the shop started mediablasting the body, it slowly shed light on the extent of the existing damage and also some clues about the Chevy’s life before John acquired it. As they blasted the body, holes in the sheetmetal started to appear, and they discovered that at one point in its life the ’56 had a manual gearbox and it had also been tapped at the rear. This was more damage than what John was expecting, but the commitment was made, so shop owner Bob Nobile started cutting away the carnage. In the end he replaced the floor, inner and outer quarter-panels, and front inner fenders; added patch panels on the headlight buckets; hung a new door and hood; and smoothed out the firewall. That was a four-month project that then moved to Daniel’s Hot Rods & Body Shop in Jarrettsville, Maryland, for the bodywork and paint.
Since this shop’s bread and butter is collision work, the ’56 came in as a side project that spanned another 14 months until it was painted. When it came to a color choice, John struggled with putting the same combination back on the car or giving something new a try. “The color choice was the most difficult,” he notes. “The main compliment on the car was usually the color combination. It identified me as John with the silver and white ’56.” The argument against keeping it the same was that when finished, no one would realize that the car had undergone a complete makeover. His choice was to go with something different, but getting to that point was tough. In the end, he opted for Deep Cranberry Pearl, a 2015 Dodge Ram color, and from the GM side, Silver Ice Metallic, also a 2015 shade. This choice was driven by a desire to change things up and also make it easy with factory colors if a touch-up was needed.
While body was being sorted, the frame and many of the suspension components were also being massaged with some powdercoating. Since most of the hardware had already been replaced over the years, it all came down to detailing and reassembly. After those pieces were completed, the frame was set up in his garage at home in preparation to receive them. The 427 was also treated to another top-to-bottom refresh that was performed by J B’s Auto Machine in Baltimore. It was bored 0.060 over, balanced, blueprinted, and stroked to 440 cubic inches. At the bottom end they installed a forged and nitrate-treated crankshaft, Manley rods, and SRP 10.75:1 forged pistons. Above the forged crank went a Lunati hydraulic roller camshaft. The top end received a set of PBM aluminum heads with Comp Cams Pro Magnum rockers and an Edelbrock RPM Air-Gap intake manifold. A Holley 4150 850 double-pumper feeds the big-block air and fuel, while an MSD Pro-Billet distributor mated to an MSD 6AL ignition controller sends out the spark. Finally, a set of custom-built headers by Automotive Advanced Concepts channels the exhaust gases rearward and out through 3-inch ceramic coated steel pipes and a pair of DynoMax Race Bullet mufflers. The Turbo 400 also underwent another refresh to make sure all the bases were covered.
Since this was a major overhaul, the interior also saw some upgrades. John had Bay County Interiors in Annapolis, Maryland, and ESH Upholstering in Forest Hill, Maryland, lined up to sort it all out. High up on his priority list was tossing out the bench seat and replacing it with a pair of buckets. This was accomplished with the installation of a set of Recaro seats, upholstered in Allante Faux leather. New door and side panels were given the same treatment. The new black carpet was straight out of the East Coast Chevy catalog, as were the gauges from AutoMeter. While all this was visible, when the interior was gutted, John discovered that the wiring had, at some point, been butchered up so he enlisted the help of Brian von Poppel at Maryland Performance Specialties in Middle River, Maryland, to fix the mess. Brian spent many hours in John’s garage rewiring the ’56 back to electrical health. Other improvements included the installation of all new glass and new bumpers and a grille, also from the fine folks at East Coast Chevy.
The last element that he addressed—the choice of rolling stock—was actually dealt with many years prior to all this work. When the four-link and mini-tubs were installed, he invested in a set of American Racing Torq-Thrust II wheels that are still on the car to this day. The fronts measure 15×6 and are wrapped in 26×7.50R-15 Hoosier Pro Street radials, and at the rear they measure 15×10 and sport 31×12.50R-15 Hoosier Pro Street radials.
All told, the totality of the work spanned just about three years. Making the job easier was that having much of the fabrication work spread out over the years actually sped up the process, and also softened the financial hit of doing it all at once. With the Chevy back to good health, John has again started hitting the local shows and is logging more miles on the car, and most importantly, his wife is happy as well.
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itsworn · 7 years
New Speedway 94 Carbs Replacing Old 97s
Let’s jump-start this technical tale with a breezy bit o’ benchracing, shall we? This time our story begins at night, at a stoplight on a lesser-traveled city street as a hopped-up 1929 A-bone roadster comes side-by-side with a stock-appearing 1954 Skyliner. The roadster is a banger-powered, ’40s-style hot rod. The Skyliner is a modernized classic sleeper with a secret weapon: a 525-horse LS3 concealed beneath its hood. The story is true, and it ends as you’d imagine with a driver’s-eye view of 1954 Ford taillamps shrinking in the distance, despite the roadster’s significant holeshot.
Not to be thwarted, roadster owner “Guardrail” Willie Martin would welcome a stoplight rematch, and he just so happens to have race-tuning experience. As third-generation owner/operator of Riverside, California’s Ed Martin Garage, tuning for peak performance is all in a day’s work.
Martin’s little black roadster has appeared in STREET RODDER tech before. Since its 3-D debut at the Grand National Roadster Show, it’s been driven very little, so for this fresh build Martin hasn’t yet felt the need to put his race-tuning skills to work. Now suddenly inspired by the other night’s episode, Martin says it’s time.
Now before we turn a single screw, let’s ponder the potential. Beginning with a B “diamond” block, Martin’s mill features full-pressure mains and rods. Out front and visible, a Chevy harmonic balancer seems to suggest there’s a surprise inside the package. Sure enough, inner workings include a Scat crank, H-beam rods, forged pistons, and a bushed Brierley cam. Topping all that is a Miller high-speed head and a duo of authentic Stromberg 97 carburetors—the temperamental, leaky kind that usually show hammer marks.
Stromberg 97- and 94-model carburetors have been hot commodities amongst hot rodders since the ’40s, and they still have their places. Due to today’s scarcity of decent rebuildable cores, however, the antiquated aspirators can be challenging at tune-up time. If anyone can get ’em right, it’ll be Martin. If by chance the old 97s aren’t in perfect harmony by the end of this evening’s effort, they’ll be replaced.
Lately we’ve heard good things about brand-new 94-style carburetors. Those are made by Edelbrock. Outwardly, they’re dead ringers for Strombergs, so under Martin’s hood they’d look right at home. Just in case they’re needed, we’ve already purchased a pair from J&M Speed Center, right down the street. If it turns out they’re not needed, we’ll return them in good order, no problem. So, what about the rest of us who don’t have a local speed shop? Well, Speedway Motors just so happens to be an authorized Edelbrock dealer, and of course they carry everything we’d need to swap out old 97s with new 94s—should we really need to. On that note, let’s follow Martin through the steps and see how this bit o’ race-tuning goes.
Toward the end of this workday, “Guardrail” Willie Martin rolls in his own little roadster, which is a pretty close clone of the one that his father raced in the early ’40s. With just a few miles logged and a little score to settle, it’s race-tune time.
In addition to the Miller OHV conversion and aforementioned internal modifications, Martin’s B-based banger sports a pair of real-deal Stromberg 97 carburetors. Love ’em or hate ’em, they’re still desirable among roots rodders today.
To begin, Martin checks ignition performance by observing the oscilloscope pattern on his trusty old Sun 1115 performance analyzer. Up high on the other side, this same machine features an accurate tachometer.
Here Martin explains that he’s setting initial timing by “rpm drop.” In a nutshell, he’ll advance timing, increasing room ’til the engine will accept no more lead. Then, watching tachometer readings he’ll back it off 150 rpm from there.
Established in 1934, Ed Martin Garage is well equipped for older cars. As one small example, the T-handled tool seen here makes Stromberg jet changes quick ’n’ easy. Even so, we’re done diddlin’ with old 97s. These are on the bench and out of the game.
At times like these it’s good to have a Plan B, or as in this case, an Edelbrock alternative. Still in their boxes we have a pair of brand-new Edelbrock 94s. These will assume their positions in the morning.
Obviously, our camera crew’s tardy arrival has enabled Martin to skip ahead of us, but the swap to Edelbrock 94s is pretty straightforward. Existing linkage did require modification, but a new cable and some hardware bits from Speedway Motors have eased the nuts ’n’ bolts part of the job.
At this stage the installation is nearly completed as Martin snugs the initial setting for the throttle stop. This works best when there’s someone inside the car to hold the pedal down, so we’ll come back to finalize the setting later.
With the installation completed, it’s time to fire it up. A countdown from 5 or so should allow the roadster’s electric fuel pump time to fill the float bowls. With a push of the button we have instantaneous ignition but the new 94s could harmonize better.
Now let’s follow the bouncing ball as Martin synchronizes the new 94s. This Uni-Syn airflow meter has been in service at Ed Martin Garage since the mid ’50s. For the rest of us, new ones are available through Speedway Motors. Come to think of it, Edelbrock makes those, too.
After a quick lap around the parking lot, our air/fuel mixture is decidedly lean, so Martin decides to step up the jets. This is where we discover the quick ’n’ easy Stromberg jet tool doesn’t work so well on our new Edelbrock 94s. Martin is rarely caught without the proper tool.
In this rare instance, Martin will need to access the jets with the carburetor tops removed. Here he seems unconcerned about voiding his warranty.
As they arrived, our new 94s had Holley-type 122-53 main jets installed. Quite conveniently, Holley jets are kept in stock at Ed Martin Garage. Guided by instinct, Martin chooses to install 122-60 jets this time around.
Together again, the new 94s seem like a well-behaved team as the “rumpty-rump” banger is idling sort of smoothly. With a whack of the throttle, Martin cracks a smile. A little more throttle, held longer, and returned without a backfire is encouraging, indeed.
From here it’s time for a testdrive. If all goes swell, Martin may be ready for his stoplight rematch. Will his race-tuning efforts enable him to walk a 525-horse, LS3-equipped 1954 Skyliner sleeper like it’s standin’ still? We’re doubtful, but he’ll likely improve his holeshot.
The post New Speedway 94 Carbs Replacing Old 97s appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/new-speedway-94-carbs-replacing-old-97s/ via IFTTT
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itsworn · 7 years
Behind the Build: Pat Ganahl’s Cross-Country Cruiser Heads Home
Well, as far as South City Rod & Custom is concerned, the Ganahl Model 40 sedan, which Pat has christened “Roadie” (despite the DMV’s backup name, “Roadee”), is now back in Glendale awaiting its finishing touches. As it left his son Bill Ganahl’s shop, all the big had been completed—the metalwork (firewall, floors, and tunnel), complete chassis (from ’rails to brakes and steering), drivetrain (350/700-R4/9-inch), exhaust, and fitting/gapping the sheetmetal. Bill also mounted an underdash Vintage Air unit—minus the electrical and refrigerant—and though he was asked not to for reasons associated with paint prep and application, installed all the glass (Pat’s picky, but it is much easier to paint with the glass out, regardless how the sedan looks rolling down the 101 on the back of a trailer, Bill …).
Now that Pat has the more-door keeping his Deuce roadster and the Iacono inline Jimmy-powered dragster company, the deadline to get Roadie, well, on the roadie, is entirely in his hands. So, not that he doesn’t have his hands full as it is, I’m going to turn the keyboard over to Pat and let him bring this trilogy to an end in appropriate fashion.
“This was Anna’s idea, actually. She wants to go to the Austin Roundup, partly because we love the music, food, and ambiance of that city, and partly because Bill and Sabina are planning to cruise there in the lavender pearl Riviera I just finished painting for them. The problem was that I didn’t have a hot rod that was built to drive to Texas. I never have.
“You see, to me a hot rod is a coupe or roadster, or maybe even an early two-door sedan, stripped down to bare essentials, with a mean stance and sound and at least enough horsepower to back it up. Such cars aren’t built to be comfortable, and they certainly aren’t made to drive across country. Downtown to the malt shop and back is more like it. Or maybe a day-trip up the mountains or out in the country with your best friend to get your hair blown. My hot rods are built for short hops.
“I can’t say I’ve built a lot of such rods, but they’ve all had three pedals and a single fan belt. Parts came from the junkyard, fellow rodders, or parts cars. They didn’t have power anything, and no heater (this is SoCal), let alone A/C. My current Deuce roadster doesn’t even have a radio or windshield wiper, or provision for a top. There are no parts on it newer than 1952. It’s good—fun—for daytrips as far as L.A. to San Francisco (400 miles), but that’s about it.
“I’m proud that it’s traditionally true and accurate. But not only does that mean it’s not practical for road trips, today that also means finding these traditional parts takes scrounging (often on the infernal Internet), and paying big prices and/or rebuilding costs once you find them.”
Fordor Fate
“Anna’s favorite hot rod is a 1934 three-window coupe. She knows hot rods and she’s got taste. Unfortunately, we don’t have that kind of money. Plus I fit better in a sedan, where I can push the seat back and maintain headroom. I love full-fendered Tudor Deuces and Model 40s, especially on a good rake. But they’re nearly as pricey as coupes these days.
“Don’t get ahead of me here. I know I’ll never live down the stigma of a certain fat Chevy with too many doors and not enough cylinders. I did the best I could with that car, but it was never a hot rod. I’m glad to say it’s now a fully lifted lowrider—and not mine—which it should have been from day one. But the fact remains that four-door sedans are the least desirable, and therefore most affordable, of all vintage cars. The good news is that the 1933-1934 Ford Fordors, with their four suicide doors and leaned-back front edge, are the best-looking of all, especially when they sit on a nasty rake, with big ’n’ little tires, and a wicked black paintjob. So that was the plan for our ‘road rod.’
“Not only would we get a roof over our head, a good ride, roll-up (tinted) windows, but even a good stereo and—lordy!—air conditioning. Plus I wanted to find a pair of contoured, adjustable front bucket seats like the ones in Anna’s well-used Camry or Accord wagon, which we have driven across the country many times and know to be comfortable (for both of us). The ones I found at Pick-A-Part were in a clean Subaru Outback and cost $40 each.
“Finding a clean 1933-1934 Fordor wasn’t as easy. Browsing sources like Goodguys Gazette, Hotrod Hotline, and Jalopy Journal, I quickly found some candidates in the $12,000 range. I even sent Bill with a trailer to Sacramento to potentially buy one whose owner swore it was an all-original car ‘with just a little rust in the bottom of the doors.’ What Bill found was a mish-mash of cast-off parts recently bolted on a rusted-out frame. The owner actually told him, ‘Guess I’ll have to find a less-knowledgeable buyer.’
“Having looked at a few more with missing parts or rust issues, I soon learned a lesson: pay for pristine. It’s cheaper—and easier—in the long run. And I knew where to find it. Bill McGrath’s Early Ford Store in San Dimas, California, always has a few good ‘finds’ lined up out back. I had seen two nice Fordors there awhile back. But when I got there those were replaced by an amazingly complete, straight, totally rust-free 1933 that had just come out of some long-term indoor storage. I’m talking worn but original seats, mohair, gauges, garnish moldings, glass—even the roll-down shade over the back window. Then to make it more saleable Bill pulled parts off his shelves: new dropped axle, headlights, cowllights, bumpers, taillights, running boards, not to mention a good-running 59A engine with a new carb, headers, Smittys, radiator, gas tank, plus a 1939 trans and fresh 1940 juice brakes. With steel wheels with caps ’n’ rings, quickie lowering, and faded red-oxide primer it looked damn good—and was.
“So I paid a little more than double what the rust buckets were asking, for a complete, driving, no-rust Fordor (a similar coupe would have been twice, if not three times more). Better yet, when it got to Bill’s South City shop, he rolled the complete flathead chassis out from under it and found a buyer to recoup $6,500 of the cost.”
Religious Conversion
“The best part of this whole project, for both Anna and I, is having our son build it in his shop. This is a big first for me, because I am strictly a DIY guy. And traditional. But this car isn’t. I knew what I wanted—basically a Pete & Jakes chassis, as designed by Jim Jacobs for his own 1934 coupe 40-plus years ago, and thoroughly road-tested by him and countless others since. This is essentially the same chassis Roy Brizio puts under the majority of the totally roadworthy early Ford rods he builds, which is of course where Bill cut his teeth learning this business. So Bill knew exactly what I meant when I told him ‘Basically build a P&J chassis for it, just like the ones at Brizio’s.’ And he agreed. And you’ve seen what he’s done in the first two segments of this series. I’m obviously a very happy customer.
“But what really surprises me is how much I have truly enjoyed building what I formerly derided as a 1-800-street-rod. As Rob pointed out in the first story, it’s like a religious conversion. I like it. It’s fun. I don’t have to hunt high and low for period-perfect or numbers-correct vintage parts, and then pay dearly when (and if) I find them. I can choose any components I want and, especially today, be pretty sure that they’re going to work properly and fit with each other, without having to cut, grind, and hand-fit or rework every part. Actually, after telling Bill what I wanted, I let him do the specific ordering because he knows from much experience what fits and what works.
“Of course that still requires plenty of custom hand fitting, cutting, forming, and welding—especially since this is a Fordor sedan—as you have also seen in prior installments. Just one example is the steering. Plenty to choose from. But I’ve known Steve Dennish for years, I like his LimeWorks products, and he had a wheel that resembled the early Vette type I love. So I said, ‘I’ll take that wheel, with that horn button, and that column, with that shaft … send them to Bill.’ Meanwhile Bill had to figure out how and where exactly to mount the front seats I brought him. Then I had to sit in the seat so we could determine the most comfortable location for the wheel and column. And then Bill had to fabricate a custom column drop and floor mount to attach it. That’s 1-800 hot rodding at its best: part bought, part built, and all works perfectly. You can see many more examples on the car.
“What you see here is far from finished, however. I really like the way it looks, just as it sits. I’m particularly happy with the wheel and tire combination and exactly how they sit in the fenders. I told Bill I didn’t want the glass in until I painted the body, but he was adamant to get it installed with the proper channels and massaged regulators to work properly. It does and looks good. So I was seriously considering getting the car running and driving it for a while in its as-found primer, like this. It would be cool.
“But it would require installing and removing a whole lot of stuff (wiring, fuel lines, brake lines, glass, dash/gauges, and so on). So now that it’s finally home, I get to start taking it all back apart and painting it from the frame up. After a little block sanding the outside will be old-school black lacquer (PPG still makes it), with a white top insert to match the wheels. The frame and floorboards will be black, but most of the chassis components will be spray-can hammertone silver or dark gray. I’m thinking a medium gold for the engine with some early script valve covers and maybe a little Vette air cleaner. The interior will be black with white tuck ’n’ roll inserts in the seats and door panels. Chrome will be limited to the grille, windshield frame, and inside garnish moldings.
“Then it’s hitting the highway. Austin, no problem. But we won’t stop there. Anna and I have driven this country’s turnpikes and two-lanes every summer since we’ve known each other. Some retirees say a motorhome is the way to go. Thank you, but we’d prefer motels and a 1933 Ford hot rod.”
We left you hanging last month after Bill had finished hanging—and fitting/gapping—the sheetmetal on Pat’s Fordor, which he’s aptly named “Roadie” (don’t let the plates fool ya). Before the elder Ganahl took re-possession of the sedan, however, there were still a few things left to do before the car left South City Rod & Custom.
One of Pat’s nonconformist (read: not hot rod applicable) options he’s conformed to is having the comfort of interior climate control, which in this case is a Vintage Air Gen II Compac unit. Bill was tasked with not only installing, but doing so without using up a ton of real estate.
In order to situate the plumbing running vertically down the inner firewall, Bill fashioned up a horizontal bulkhead box off the lower edge of his recess.
A vise-mounted Hydra-Kool manual crimper from Mastercool was used to build the A/C lines to the exact desired length …
… and the plumbing routing ensued, with each and every line tucked tight and kept as out-of-sight as possible, when possible. (If you’re wondering why that was such a concern with everything located on the passenger side—Pat won’t be spending every mile traveled behind the wheel; when Anna’s in the driver seat, he preferred having ample room for his longer-than-most legs to stretch!)
And while we’re on the topic of legroom, that too had to be taken into consideration when Bill was setting up the steering. Matter of fact, Pat traveled up to the Bay Area to personally deliver his adjustable bucket seats of choice, to which his son tailor-fit along with the steering while he was there. The wheel and bare column are from Flaming River.
Lastly, although Pat had requested he not do so, Bill convinced his dad that installing the glass and all the related components (new regulators, channels, and so on) be done while he still had the sedan. (Pat initially wanted to forgo the glass install since he’ll be painting the Fordor himself, and wanted to save that till afterward.)
The post Behind the Build: Pat Ganahl’s Cross-Country Cruiser Heads Home appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/behind-build-pat-ganahls-cross-country-cruiser-heads-home/ via IFTTT
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