#Izuku isn't born yet
frickingnerd · 4 months
(almost) breaking up with izuku
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pairing: izuku midoriya x gn!reader
tags: missunderstandings, reader think izuku's cheating (but he isn't!), established relationship, angst with a happy ending
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your relationship with izuku was almost perfect. he was honestly the best boyfriend you could've asked for
he brought you flowers and chocolate to your date nights, he always carried your bags and opened doors for you, he gave you cute nicknames and was just the kindest guy you've ever met
and yet, you were thinking about breaking up with him
he was always going somewhere at odd hours and whenever you asked him about it, he was lying to you about it
you didn't think he was the type to cheat on you, but you couldn't help but doubt him. there was someone he was seeing, you just didn't know who…
so one evening, you sat down with him in his dorm room and had a talk with him
you told izuku how much you love him, but that couldn't be with him anymore
you knew he wasn't being honest with you and that doubting him was breaking your heart
izuku kept quiet through all of it
you were wondering what was going on in his head. did he really have nothing to say to this? was there really someone else…?
you were about to get up and leave, when he finally said something!
"i inherited one for all–!"
you had no idea what he was talking about. what was one for all? and what did that have to do with him meeting someone else behind your back?
you sat down again and izuku told you about everything. that he was born quirkless and had inherited all might's quirk. that he was still learning to control his quirk and that that's where he was running off to
he wasn't cheating on you, he was just meeting all might in secret so he could learn more about his quirk!
suddenly, you felt like an idiot for doubting your boyfriend
you end up apologizing over and over again for breaking up with izuku, while he keeps apologizing for having lied to you all this time
you nervously ask him if he can forgive you and get back together with you and izuku happily agrees to forget about you breaking up with him
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epickiya722 · 3 months
Can, I ask, why do you think Yuuji is one of the character that is so underated in JJK? He is the mc, but many people (in fandom) treat him like a side character? At first, I don't think so, but I love many shounen, and somehow Yuuji is one of the mc that is underated in their own story....
Sorry if I'm wrong, just I love Yuuji and want him to get the spotlight he deserve....
I wouldn't say you're wrong, Anon! In fact, I would say he is an underrated character. Yes, fairly popular, but when it comes to how the fandom treats him compared to characters like Gojo, Yuji is Underrated.
I feel exactly how you feel about Yuji. To me, he is the best JJK character. Oh, yeah, I'm being bias, whatever, but it's how I feel.
My guess as to why the fandom treats him like a side character because Yuji isn't like how most older gen MCs are written, let alone the others of the cast.
Let's be real, when the mid-late 2010s rolled around, how fandoms started to treat the new age MCs is opposite of their treatment of other MCs. It's because they're a different formula and honestly, I feel like folks who bash on Yuji and others like Tanjiro and Izuku, just don't want to try something different.
They're used to the MCs who speedruns their training and powerups and suffer little to no drawbacks, "trauma, what trauma" and want to be the best because they got an ego and pride they don't want hurt.
Today's MCs? Pain, not afraid to show a range of emotions, training? Oh, they get the hang of it but still a lot to learn and watch out! They have the scars to prove that they almost lost an arm!
Now focusing on Yuji, as I said he's not like other JJK characters.
He's not overpowered, but he's not weak either. He's a bit of a goof and he's says he's an idiot, but he actually isn't all dumb he makes himself out to be. He's not flashy, but he has amazing moments where he gets to show off.
He has a goal to get strong, not being he wants to be the top or anything. He just wants to help people.
He has a sad backstory, but it's only until later we realize how messed up it is and even still we don't have his reaction to realizing those messed up bits. Yuji was raised by his grandfather and he states he is a loner. But unlike how we see with most characters, Yuji is relatively fine with that. He brushes off knowing about his parents, unlike most MCs who would literally beg for answers. He's a loner, but he's not a loser. Note how people around him in his hometown treats him. They gave him a nickname to reflect his impressive physical prowess that amazes them and yet, he doesn't care for the popularity.
Yuji has this balance to him where he's both spontaneous but also pretty chill. A lot of the cast outshines Yuji because they are more showy than Yuji, even calm characters.
Unlike Gojo and even Yuta, Yuji is literally what you call the audience surrogate. Through him, we learn about the Jujutsu world while experiencing (growth).
From the start of their stories (referring to JJK 0 and Gojo's Past Arc), both Gojo and Yuta are established as powerful sorcerers from the start. Yuta may have had inexperienced but he was still recognized as a powerful kid. Both are born lucky with having such powers. The most Yuta and Gojo really develop and change is their personalities and attitudes towards certain ideas. That's it. They don't even have to do anything and immediately their auras show who they are.
In contrast to Yuji, how is he recognized?
As just Sukuna's vessel. Most of the time, he is literally called that. When he's recognized by his strength and abilities it's when he actively has to fight. Then it's like "oh, so he does have capabilities". Yuji actually has to show he can be just as capable as the others because when people first look at him it's "Sukuna's vessel" or back in Sendai it's "Tiger of West Middle".
It's not "Yuji".
Hell, he'll even be compared to Maki. It's not "Maki's like Yuji". No, it's "Yuji is like Maki". Megumi is the first character to do this. Maki is unique enough that if someone, in this case Yuji, displays a similarity to her, she is the template.
However, for Yuji, while he's unique it's almost like it's not enough to be acknowledged until he has to show them. Like, he has to prove something when he actually doesn't care to do that. Yuji doesn't care to get stronger than the next person, especially at this point. If anything, he seems to be the only one from the very start recognize that none of this is a test of strength when people are dying. Note how he acts during a fight. Every major to majorly minor character has displayed some sort of enjoyment out of a fight or fights to show they're not weak.
Not a single time has Yuji ever even smiled. Look back at all the fights and you will see that he hasn't done such a thing. He fights not because it's a game. He fights because he has to and only that.
And it's not like it gets better for him because he later identifies himself as "a cog". It's like Yuji never really had his own identity.
He's the odd one out.
It's how I think some of the fandom sees him. Without an identity, without recognizable traits. Hell, go on any post that praises Yuji and Yuji alone and there's gonna be a hater to bring up another character.
To some, I feel like Yuji only exists to them to hate on. Only a tool to bring in their praising of other characters to put him down as if that's all he's worthy of. It's a damn shame, too, that people actually feel the need to bring down a character to build their faves. Oh, feel like your fave can't stand on their own and show their greatness?
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
I keep thinking about how much I want to see Tomura cry. I say this a lot, and I mean it.
Because one thing I love about BNHA is how much is emphasizes that it's okay to feel your feelings.
The main character cries...a lot. Readers hate him for it, I love him for it. Izuku cries a lot, but everybody outside of him tries to avoid it at all costs. But they let it slip sometimes:
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And it's funny (probably intentionally done this way) that the first two people to be brought to tears after Izuku's intervening, they're the two to remind Izuku that crying is okay:
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We had a whole arc where Izuku refused be himself and let his tears flow, and the same two people, once again, remind him it's okay to cry it out:
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Now, those are people meeting Izuku eye to eye, being there for him.
Let's look at someone who has a different dynamic with him, someone who won't let it out and cry no matter what, or really until they can't hold it back anymore:
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I've already said a few times that I think Dk vs Kc 2 is a very clear preamble for Izuku vs Tomura, and I think that so much because of how important it is in BNHA to cry.
Bakugo and Tomura have similarly constructed relationships to Izuku in regards to how they feel about him (disliking him because of how they feel about themselves).
Now lets look at our three villains:
Toga, who can and does cry:
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Touya, who tries to cry because he feels those feelings that bring on his tears, but it's obscured with blood:
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And then Tomura...who we haven't seen shed a single tear within the time frame of the manga:
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Toga and Touya....more or less really know what they want. There are deep rooted feelings of self-hatred in both of them that they can't quite escape without help, but they know those feelings are there. Tomura on the other hand, has all of those same feelings, and isn't even really aware that those feelings are there. He's only good for destruction because that's what he was born to do, so why feel guilty or hate himself?
He's really far removed from his own truth, so he isn't letting himself feel what he really wants to be and should be feeling.
And we know what that is:
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Bringing it back to Bakugo having a break down in front of Izuku. All I'm saying is that...if Bakugo was able to achieve some sort of relief, some sort of cathartic release by spilling his guts and letting the tears flow, and if Bakugo and Tomura are similar in this aspect in that they needed/currently need a person to spill it all out to, and if Tomura has yet to let the tears flow because he hasn't faced his own reality yet, then I think that's going to be a key part in Tomura really finally waking up.
We'll know when Tomura finally sees his reality for what it is when we see those tears flowing, because up until now the manga puts emphasis people crying to express their feelings. We'll know Tomura is really aware and making progress when the vision Izuku saw in the vestige finally shows itself out in the real world. Tomura is crying inside, and the reason he can't express that he wants to be saved yet is because he isn't crying on the outside yet.
Don't mind me, I'm just praying for my favorite character to have the break down of a life time.
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sugolara · 9 months
𝙇𝙤𝙩𝙪𝙨 𝙁𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧
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ft. yandere! Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
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• • •
For as long as she could remember, guilt was all she could feel. It roamed in her head like a plague that threatened to spread further and further, soon to take over her body and be in complete control. Why is it that she felt so guilty?
When she hadn't done anything wrong.
"F/n?" The sound of her name brought her back to reality. She stared at the familiar pair of heterochromia eyes as they worriedly looked at her. That's right, she had forgotten she was in class.
"Are you okay?" Shoto asked as he eyed his childhood friend. He continued to stare at her as she stared blankly at him.
She blinked, then let out a small smile, embarrassingly scratching her cheek, "Sorry, I didn't get enough sleep last night. I was replaying the movie I had watched in my mind and I guess you caught me spacing out."
Her friend shook his head, "I texted you last night to sleep. I'm assuming you disregarded my message, right?"
"Yeah, sorry. I was really into the movie." She said as she let out another chuckle. Ahead, she watched as Denki messed around with Katsuki. She sat near her friends as they waited for their classmates to enter and for their homeroom teacher to begin class.
The bi-colored hair male looked at the side of her face. Her eyebags had seemed to get larger. Just yesterday they seemed fine, but it almost looked like she had been crying which concerned the male. Especially since he knew her history, “Have you been taking your medications?”
She glanced at him again, rolling her eyes in the process with a smile, “Yes, dad. One last night and one this morning. My next one is tonight, like always.”
His worriedness washed away as he smiled, a tiny smile that he only held for her, “I’m just making sure. You always forget to take it.”
“Well, I took it this time, alright?” She said, looking away from him, “I’ll make sure to message you again tonight.” 
Next to her, Tenya let out a disappointed sigh as he readjusted his glasses. He shook his head as he watched the boys roughly mess around, "Almost two years and they still don't know how to behave. How absurd."
Shoto, who after finishing his conversation with F/n, scrolled through his phone, "I think they were just born like that."
Ochaco giggled as Katsuki grabbed a fistful of Denki's hair and shook him, "I don't know, it's kind of entertaining."
"And also reckless." Tenya motioned his hands up and down, "They're almost adults and yet they behave like children."
"Again," Shoto placed his phone down, "I think they were born like that. Or maybe dropped as a kid."
While Ochaco giggled at Shoto's comment, F/n smiled at him, "Look at you trying to be funny. New year, new you, huh?"
"It's also very rude." Tenya added.
Shoto smiled, ignoring the navy-haired male, "Was I being funny?"
"Guess new you still don't understand humor." Ochaco said as she let out a content sigh.
Three months into their second year of school and yet everyone is the same. That didn't bother the h/c haired girl. Though, she did wish some people like Katsuki would change their attitude. However, she does wonder if this year will be different.
She hoped for it to be a good difference.
"Oh, right." Ochaco perked up, "Have you guys heard?"
The three friends raised their brows, "Heard what?"
She smiled, "Apparently, we have a new boy coming to our class!"
"A new student?" Tenya thought for a second, "How come I wasn't informed? I'm the Class Rep."
"It was probably last minute." Shoto pointed out, "Momo would have said something if she knew as well."
F/n agreed, "Yeah, but why are we having a new student? Isn't our class full?"
"Oh, that's right, you haven't heard." Tenya lifted his arm, "Minoru Mineta got expelled last week for his inappropriate actions towards Momo. That's why he hasn't been around. It was time for him to leave anyway."
"Yep! And in return we get a hot, attractive guy to replace him!" Mina, with a big grin, interrupted them as she, Kyoka and Momo entered class.
"How do you even know if he's attractive? You haven't even met him." Kyoka pointed out as she headed for her seat, annoyed at Mina.
"Because I can just feel it!" Mina shouted and laughed as she followed after the purple-haired friend, "Plus, I think I just saw him in the hallway."
Momo shook her head and greeted everyone good morning. Ochaco moved away from her seat and talked to Mina as she squealed about the new kid being hands off. The boys only groaned in annoyance.
"Nobody cares about some damn extra!" Katsuki shouted at her, ensuing an argument.
Tenya continued to shake his head and attempted to deescalate the situation, but unfortunately the argument was turned on him. In their seats, F/n smiled as Shoto eyed his friend, "Aren't you curious who this new kid might be?"
F/n shrugged, "Not really. It's just a new kid. If anything he'll turn out like Denki or Katsuki."
"I would've thought you would be at least a little curious, especially if it's a boy." Shoto added as he looked away from her.
"Aw!" She poked his cheeks, "Are you jealous that I might replace you?"
He huffed lightly with tinted cheeks, "No."
She let go of his face and chuckled, "Don't worry, Shoto. I won't go anywhere. Nothing can ever separate us anyways!"
Right on time, the school bell rang and the classroom door opened and in stepped Mr. Aizawa with a meek kid following behind, "Everyone sit down, I have an announcement to make. This is your new classmate. Please make him feel welcome and what not. Introduce yourself."
"I-I'm Izuku M-Midoriya! Please take care of me!" He bowed down, feeling embarrassed with the sudden attention.
"Oh. He's kind of plain looking." Mina's face fell in disappointment.
Ochaco blushed a little, "He's kind of cute."
"What the hell!?" Katsuki yelled, frightening Izuku, "What are you doing here, Deku!?"
"Oh, good, you know someone." Mr. Aizawa boringly pointed behind F/n, "There's your seat."
Izuku nodded and quickly rushed towards his seat, avoiding Katsuki's death stare. However, as his eyes moved forward, they pinned themselves on F/n. It was only a quick second, but Izuku's breath hitched as she looked at him.
While the lesson continued and played as background, Izuku eyed her back. It had seemed like things were getting harder for him. He was just glad that he had found her once again.
Is it the same as always?
Why can't it be different this time?
As always, there is a lot of work to do.
But for now, Izuku had to think of a way to approach her. Maybe this time, things can go smoothly if cards are played right.
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justatalkingface · 8 months
So in light of the absolute fuckery that's been Chapter 407, I want to talk about All For One, because I don't think I've ever really talked about him.
I don't mind that he's evil for evil's sake, I don't mind that his ultimate goal is to take OFA so that he can take over the world and make everyone reliant on him or whatever. I don't mind that he nearly took over Japan back in the day. But like everything else Horikoshi touches, AFO had potential that was ultimately squandered away.
I hate how he was literally pure evil IN FUCKING UTERO, I hate how he was barely even utilized (outside of Kamino Ward, which that was fucking awesome) before he tries wrestling control of Shigaraki to be the main villain again. I hate how even though he allegedly has hundreds upon hundreds of Quirks, he spams the same 3-4 ones, and I hate how for supposedly smart and devious he is, we never see him utilizing UA's bad PR or his traitor to his advantage.
It's kind of weird to say this, but I both miss AFO, and feel sorry for him. I know he's been in the story a lot, but... it feels like AFO, the real one, fucking died at Kaminio, and his idiot corpse has just been running around since with Hori's hand up his ass.
Before Kamino, AFO was evil, yes, and and we didn't know about him, but he felt like a real person; an asshole, but he was something you could imagine a super-powered mob boss could end up being.
Since then, though? He's just been becoming more and more... shallow. It's like Hori was hinting at these dark, mysterious depths of ancient man, and then he pulled the curtain and showed us a fucking puddle. And now? All the mystery, all the backstory?
'BeCaUSe i'M EEEEEEEVVVILLLL'. Unironically, it seems to be his only motivation anymore. He does bad things because he's evil; he doesn't actually want to take over the world, that's just something he's doing because taking over the world is evil. Money? Power? Ultimately worthless, nothing more than tools for the purposes... of EVIL!
So... here's the question: why is he evil?
Because he was evil when he was an adult. Why was he evil as an adult? Because he was evil as a kid, apparently, instead of anything more interesting like him slowly being radicalized by Quirk Discrimination. Why was he evil as a kid? Because he was born evil, instead of anything more interesting like a terrible family, or because a police officer hurt him and traumatized him for life. Why was he evil when he was born?
Because he was born of evil genetics, maybe; I wouldn't put it past Hori to make him unironically Quirk Satan or something. The thing is, that's not how human beings work; even an actual sociopath isn't going to be born this gibberingly, one-dimensionally evil. Worse yet, it's fucking boring to have a human being this basic; at this point why aren't they fighting a robot, or monster or something? It'd have the same level of motivation, and it'd feel more interesting than this.
Even ignoring how stupid he's become post-Kamino (which is a related but different point, best summed up by post-Kamino AFO is basiclly running around with his pants on his head, constantly getting one upped by the heroes, the kids, and basiclly random strangers by now), AFO was at his most interesting, not only when he was competent, but when he felt like a person; there's a reason DFO is so popular, and it's not just because it drags Izuku into it, but because it humanizes AFO, gives him real, human motivations to make us interested in his character.
The worst part of it? There's been so many chances to make him more than this caricature of a human being; by making him care for Shigaraki (or for Dr. Plot Device, or even Kurogiri, his loyal minion, before he was Eraserhead's seemingly somewhat retconned 'human interest' (which was barely a thing), or even just for Gigantomachia, who is basiclly a giant, super-violent dog, who he could have cared about like he was just a giant dog), or for him caring for his brother.
I mean, shit. In all honesty, I could make the 'biting baby' thing work, even. Ideally, it'd need some set up beforehand, but you know how Himiko is (the only one we've ever seen) with desires from her Quirk? Do something similar to how Yhwach in Bleach was on AFO, with that kind of logic, with him needing something, at this fundamental level, to be functional, that he's almost addicted to stealing Quirks, that AFO as a Quirk only works as a Quirk because somewhere in his magic DNA he's... unstable. That the very versatility that allows him to hold every Quirk is starving for the stability of a normal Quirk, so that even as a infant, he's instinctively trying feed himself something a normal human would never need.
There's this whole, interesting dynamic this would introduce, a real nature/nurture-y kind of thing, that would put a whole new spin on his character; he's this seemingly pointlessly evil person because his needs, combined with the only real role model he had for someone in his situation, the demon kings he's seen in manga, and a society that rejected him, both as someone with a Quirk by the normal humans, and as someone who could take away their Quirks by the Quirked, turning him into this because that's all he's ever known.
And here's the thing? This idea? Hori could still try to do that. He could try to turns table us with this sudden development, and try to make a real boy out of AFO. But I don't think he's going to; I really don't think he'll do that. Worse, even if he does try that, he'll just double down on AFO being 'born evil' instead of anything with any real depth to it. Do you know why I think that?
Because in all honesty, AFO isn't a real character anymore; he hasn't been for awhile now. All he is is a plot device, the duck tape Hori's been putting on everywhere to try and hold the story together against all the plot holes and logic failures that have been built up from years of bad, biased and rushed writing. More and more, he's become the reason for everything, the cause of every problem Hori can't be bothered to think through, every villain he didn't want to actually have to explain.
The Readers/The Characters: Why did X happen? What caused that? How does Y feel abou- Hori: AFO did it. I ain't gotta explain shit.
And that's the real reason he's so stupid, BTW, the reason he never uses any other Quirk, or applies any creativity in combat (or anywhere else), and why he keeps losing... it's for the plot. Because the thing is? AFO is fucking overpowered.
Let me tell you something I've never seen anyone else acknowledge: All Might never should have won. He overpowered AFO, sure, but we saw from their fight that he barely did that; didn't crush the puny caster AFO once he got past the lasers, his one super Quirk barely out-performed AFO's stacked Quirks in direct combat. Which, yeah, sure I can see that....
But. Why did AFO fight fair, just power against power, blow vs blow? Why didn't he, like, release poison gas as they fought? All Might is strong, but he still has flesh, blood, lungs; he's still very vulnerable to all kinds of softer Quirks. Where was the touch activated Quirk, like that kid from the License Exam, would have turned All Might into a meatball, or taffy, or whatever? Where was the voice activated Quirk that would have stunned All Might for a critical moment?
Hell. Why didn't AFO cheat? Why did he fight All Might, like an honorable person, when he realised the man was possibly a threat to him, instead of just... assassinating him, like a crime lord (or demon king)? Go to his home (or Might Tower, or wherever), drug his food, put something in his water, hell, just launch a surprise attack from point blank range? We know he tried for Eraserhead's Quirk once, before... apparently just giving up and never trying again; why didn't he try again, get it, and use that?
And beyond even all those problem, I don't see a reason for OFA to have survived long enough to get to All Might in the first place!
I mean, seriously: we know that every user fought AFO, viciously, to point where it caused their early deaths (except the one that basiclly started to Snap himself out of existence). We know OFA was only slowly building up in power, and the early versions especially didn't do much at all, and the Quirks all of them had where never top of the line because they were literally just a random person nearby when the Holder before them died.
So. Riddle me this: why, when a bunch of honestly mid-tier people tried, again and again, to kill AFO, who was overwhelmingly stronger than them, who had access to more tools, powers and money than they did; why, when all these factors were stacked against them, did they survive to the point where they could even pass OFA on? How did they survive blows strong enough to destroy buildings, laser blasts, all these powerful Quirks and techniques that AFO uses casually that most heroes would have been instantly killed by, if not flat out destroyed.
I mean... fuck, there's a decent chance AFO knew they had OFA in them, which he wanted (for whatever reason; sentimentality clearly isn't a emotion he's allowed to have, and early OFA wouldn't have been worth the effort for him to go through all of this to try and acquire it), which means instead of just killing them, he would have captured them, taken them back to his base, and then tortured them until they gave him OFA, just so they would finally be allowed to die and not hurt anymore? While I'm at this, why didn't he just kill any pedestrians around after he killed whatever OFA Holder he was fighting; it's not like morals are going to stop him, are they?
Fundamentally, MHA is built off the premise that AFO, terrifying criminal genius with countless Quirks, strong enough that he makes people by him hallucinate out of terror, is so pants shittingly stupid that he spent almost a hundred years basiclly punching himself in the face rather than just winning fights that were ludicrously stacked in his favor again and again and again; I mean, hell, he could still be an utter moron, and as long as he just got lucky once, just once, the giant, unending sequence of coincidences and logic breaking victories that allowed All Might to get his Quirk never would have happened.
None of this, of course, is even mentioning everything happening in the Final Arc, like AFO's obvious weakness to allow him to be finally beat forever appearing out of nowhere, in him having Remnants (even though AFO took eight users to to power it up enough to get to the point that AFO was apparently always at, and us having no reason to think this was a thing before now, much less all the absolute nightmare fuel questions that raises about the Nomu, and all the Quirks that AFO's doctor had stored away), and Eri's Quirk actively accelerating to heal him, thus limiting his life span (or the fact it's even working like that in the first place), even though it's a time Quirk, not a healing Quirk, and it doesn't fucking care about how wounded he is.
So, why did it happen? Why is it still happening?
Because he's a plot device. Because he exists, not as an active character with his own agenda, but as an adjustable target for the heroes to fight against, again and again and again, and if he won, the story would be over. Fundamentally, Hori made AFO too strong, too smart, too well connected, too perfect to every truly lose in this setting, and instead of trying to fix that, in any real way, impose some kind of realistic limitations or drawbacks in his wildly over-powered Quirk, or just kill him off so he wasn't a factor anymore, he just... made the man stupid.
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20001541 · 3 months
there was a time where I got into an argument with someone who believed the purpose of chapter 407 was to show that AFO was born evil and though the circumstances in his childhood were tragic he still was a lost cause from the very beginning. they believed that he was shown to us as an example of someone who is too far gone to be saved. and why did they think that? they told me it's because the story has not taken any measures to reach out to him as with the other villains.
and it is interesting isn't it? afo has one of the most horrifying and tragic backstory in the manga and yet we do not see anyone making an effort to try to understand him. he is only seen as a threat to be eliminated.
and while I wouldn't mind this sort of attitude if it were in any other series, bnha has shown us multiple times of heroes reaching out to those who got left behind by society and took their wrath out on everyone as a result. so the fact that afo who was screwed over by life from the very moment he was born does not seem to get this same grace extended to him sticks out to me. it is one thing to dismiss him as being too evil, but if you're going to show me in explicit detail about all the tragic events that were out of his control that happened to him as a child then I would expect there for more to be done with that.
now you could make the argument that afo could've been saved as a child but now it is too late to change his mind. I would've agreed with that if it were not for the fact that we are shown his own humanity throughout the story. we know he feels some guilt when faced with the vestiges of the peoples whose quirks he stole in his sleep and he's able to feel fear as he had nightmares about his first fight with all might. his own main goal is to have the worlds eyes upon him because he wants to be noticed after a lifetime of being ignored. however, the biggest display of his humanity is shown to us through his feelings towards yoichi.
some of the most genuine displays of emotions we see from him are because of yoichi. yoichi is someone who had been with him from the womb and he is someone he cares about more than anyone else.
he has spent the last century chasing ofa not because of its power but because it has one of the last pieces left of his brother after he died. we're even shown how he kept yoichi's severed hand, it's a raw display of sentimentality and regret over what he did to his brother.
and while he claims yoichi isn't the final goal, only the midterm goal, one shouldn't underestimate yoichi's importance to him as we see him chase after him even when it would've been more beneficial to just let him go. he had two chances to end the ofa line for good before it became too powerful as we see with banjo and en, and yet he didn't take it because he couldn't bear to let go of yoichi. and let no one forget his line "yoichi without you, it's all for naught" from chapter 410.
so why am I saying all of this?
honestly, I'm hoping for a different ending for afo that's not him being defeated and humiliated once more.
I'm not trying to justify anything he has done nor am I an afo apologist, but if other villains could get the chance to have a hand reached out towards them then why can't afo? why else would you show me how terrible his childhood is and the displays of humanity within him unless you're trying to show us he isn't a complete lost cause?
we saw how izuku was willing to listen to muscular as to why he was doing all this, but muscular didn't care to speak so they fought instead. there was no backstory nor any attempt to show muscular as something other than a bloodthirsty killer.
why not have the same treatment with afo if your main point is to show he is a lost cause? yes afo doesn't deserve any grace or kindness towards himself, but isn't being a hero reaching out to other even when they don't deserve it? certainly none of the other villains being reached out towards didn't deserve it after all they've done. so maybe just maybe I am hoping for a kinder ending for vestige afo. an ending that will put to rest all the "he was born evil and is a lost cause" arguments and shows us the who he really is underneath the mask he has worn for all these years.
my biggest hope here is that yoichi's vestige isn't gone permanently, but it still exists. how will he come back and how did he survive the whole being smashed against tomura? I have no idea. as I said its just a hope. but if there is anyone who could reach out to afo as of now and have the moment be impactful it would be yoichi.
there's a lot of bad blood between them and yoichi did give up on afo when they were alive, but considering how depressed afo is now that he thinks yoichi is gone forever and that he doesn't see the point of ruling a world without the one person he wanted by his side the most and how yoichi took no joy in seeing him being beaten earlier there's a chance a final reunion between them could happen.
afo built too much of his image being the evil villain that he doesn't know what else to do, which is why he's still trying to conquer the world even though he feels its meaningless now without yoichi. I think this all leaves afo in a very vulnerable position emotionally right now.
yes the heroes will defeat and his vestige will fade away forever, but I'm hoping for yoichi to be there with him at the very end and they decide to put everything behind them and fade away forever together. maybe we will also get to learn his true name through yoichi and see his humanity fully out on display. no more struggling between them, but just them being brothers once more right before the end.
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chimaeraonwards · 10 months
freedom, choice, and dreams - a perspective of a newbie one piece fan from opla
I am scared of saying what my dreams are. It feels stupid hanging on to something I don't know if I'll ever see come true. These dreams are the ones I hold to my chest, afraid that someone would find it.
Would they treat me with pity? Would they laugh? Would they tell me to give up?
It gets harder to believe in dreams as you grow older. My escape that was books and fandom became reminders that I simply wasn't the chosen one who gets to do something and be someone. I'm the side character that gets killed off in episode 2 in a flashback in someone else's story.
I wasn't destined to be the one who can make change on the world since before I was born like Harry Potter. I'm not the one who gets chosen by a master in the field I love to be his successor like Midoriya Izuku. My parents are not secretly some kind of god like Percy Jackson. There is no wardrobe, no lion, no witch to take me away where I can finally be somebody.
I'm just me, a nobody, stuck in a house haunted by my ghosts, with my dreams out of reach. The stories that used to be my escapism start to feel like painful reminders.
And then I watched the One Piece Live Action. For the first time in a long time, I saw adults who were not the chosen ones, on the wrong side of power, stuck in everyday monotony.
They were surviving, but they weren't alive.
If you look in the mirror, would it sound more familiar?
The One Piece Live Action showed me characters who have beautiful dreams and yet, don't believe that they could ever reach them? By all means, how would they? Nami was stuck in a situation she had limited control over her freedom, Usopp was literally all alone and no one believed him, Sanji was held back by obligation and realism, and Zoro was lost wasn't strong enough. Heck even Koby was stuck on a ship being mistreated with literally no way to escape.
And then Luffy came around.
Luffy, the goofy embodiment of freedom, joy, silliness, and has the emotional intelligence the size of the entire ocean.
He showed them that there was a choice. You had the choice to believe that you can reach your dreams. He showed them that no dream was too crazy, too big, too small, too unimportant. You deserve to make it a reality.
Immediately I was hooked. Diving into the manga, I think that what Luffy does is gives the space to people to let their heart want their dream.
And then he fights for them.
Think about what's stopping you from reaching your dream. Is it money? Support? Access to power? Strength? Knowledge?
Fighting for your dream isn't as pretty as faith, trust, and pixie dust. It's brutal. It's heartache. It's sacrifice. But most of all, it's never giving up, even when you're broken.
The Straw Hats show that having the freedom to chase your dreams isn't a lonely journey. You need to lend a hand to people on the way there, and they will do the same for you.
On the other side of this idealist dream chasing optimism, One Piece beautifully shows the harsh reality, that some dreams won't be reached in your lifetime. But like Gol D. Roger, Red Leg Zeff, Otohime, maybe, just maybe, you can help someone else reach that same goal you had. We will all die someday, but our dreams can live forever. And isn't that a beautiful thing?
The Straw Hat Pirates unapologetically declare their dreams out loud, not afraid of what anyone else has to say about them.
Maybe I should take some advice from them.
👟 I'm going to find a way and be able to continue my education.
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super-paper · 1 month
A bit of a vent, if that's okay; I think one of the most frustrating things regarding this chapter has been the overall behavior from the fandom, and this sort of mandatory love for anything from the manga. I get it, when we love something we can't bear other people talking bad about it (I'm the same way with some things), but it's annoying how a lot of us haven't been allowed to criticize or show any anger/disappointment about the chapter. It's upsetting, especially as an Izuku stan, to see other accounts (famous accounts too) claim that if we're disappointed with Izuku then we hate his character. That we're too stupid and cynical to think Izuku did anything wrong at all and wasn't allowed to defend himself. That we can't read if we think Izuku and Bakugo killed Kurogiri, or that Izuku wasn't able to save Shigaraki because after all he did free him from his abuser and made him recognize that he was in fact a crying child. And to each their own I suppose; but putting interpretations of arcs and narratives aside, this overall superiority of "there's nothing wrong with this chapter, you just don't get it so shut up" and the undermining of how a lot of fans feel is seriously infuriating. (Maybe this is how people felt when I'd argue that Armored Might wasn't character assassination lol). I'm just tired of getting called every name in the book for having my own criticisms, and getting accused of hating Izuku, or seeing Shigaraki stans undermined as if they weren't aloud to feel sad about it. Because it's exactly why people loved those characters and arcs so much that they feel such a strong reaction to 423. I'm upset with the weird ooc behavior and lack of introspection from Izuku because I love his character so much. And I'm upset with this chapter because I love this manga and wanna see a well written conclusion for the characters and story.
Nah, I definitely feel the same. So many fans have been taking the words of upset Tenko and Izuku fans out of context (or even outright twisting their words around) and using it as an excuse to be bullies. I'm sorry if folks have been harassing you.
At any rate, I think you have every right to criticize the chapter. Like, I'm very much a silver-lining-look-on-the-bright-side type of guy-- and even I'm having trouble finding anything to like about it lmao 😭. Basically, I liked AFO's conclusion... on the surface, at least. But then my mind goes right back to thinking about Tenko and how AFO's conclusion/treatment is yet another thing that ultimately contributed to his death, and I get mad all over again lmao. Like, an ending where Tenko gets turned into a "cautionary tale" that "everyone learns from" is pretty much the last thing I wanted for his character. It's basically ~*~building a better society~*~ on top of his corpse. And what exactly is his life/death cautioning against exactly? Grooming?? Stranger danger??? Being kidnapped by literally the worst guy alive when you're five years old and getting brainwashed into believing you were born evil???? LARPing????? Like.... it just feels like all of Tenko's suffering was ultimately just used as a stepping stone in order to finally rid the world of AFO-- and like, rationally, I know this isn't the case and I'm oversimplifying things, but like.. the way the rain stops and the sun starts shining as Tenko evaporates... uuuuoohhhgh---
*cough* Anyway! I'm also a staunch Iron Might defender, but like. In that particular case it was very obvious to me why Iron Might was necessary + a fitting end to Toshinori's arc. In Izuku's case, I simply cannot see how chapters 420-423 ultimately do right by his character. Since chapter 1, Izuku becoming "a great hero"/"more heroic than anyone else" was always tied to his drive to save when no one else is able (or willing) to. So these chapters being framed as the "climax/finale' of his character arc-- these chapters where he doesn't stop to think about saving Tenko at all and just focuses on wiping AFO out-- betray the very core of his character while also betraying the very premise of the series. Like. This is bad. This is bad bad and I sincerely, honestly want to believe Hori has something up his sleeve that'll somehow fix things. 😭But even if it is a fake out, and even if Hori reveals Izuku had some sort of plan all along... I don't think it'll undo the damage to the readers' trust atp, sadly.
(Like...! So many of Izuku's defining moments involve him standing up to abusers on behalf of their victims. The moments that define him as a hero have him encouraging those victims to fight back and reclaim agency over their bodies/powers-- but even though Tenko ultimately did fight back, it feels disingenuous to give Izuku any sort of actual credit in this situation bc, again, Izuku wasn't thinking of Tenko at all while he was beating Tenko's body AFO into dust lmao. Like I've been saying, so much of 423 is just indefensibly bad writing and Izuku and Tenko's characters deserved better than this).
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sapphic-agent · 9 months
In relation to your (awesome) write up of Izuku, I want to address the victim blaming (I'm not sure if that's the right word, but I honestly can't think of anything else) that both the narrative and parts of the fandom tend to place on him.
Bakugou bullies Izuku due to his Quirklessness? Well, obviously Izuku didn't properly communicate his feelings with him, so he gets the blame for that!
Aizawa refuses to give Izuku the time of day outside of criticisms and putdowns? Well, obviously Izuku's refusing to properly get a handle on OFA, so the Problem Child nickname is warranted!
Sir Nighteye takes Izuku as an intern with the sole purpose of breaking down his confidence to the point that he gives up OFA? Well, he was being selfish in offering Mirio OFA (an actual take I saw) and Mirio was way better anyway!
Recovery Girl witholds medical treatment from Izuku? Well, it's his own fault for not having control over OFA!
I would certainly call it victim blaming, especially in regards to Bakugou.
The characters, plot, and fans have a tendency to try to make it as though Izuku is an active participant in his and Bakugou's rivalry. Except he isn't. He has stated multiple times that he doesn't want to compete with Bakugou. He doesn't provoke Bakugou, he barely talks to him prior to D vs K part 2. But for some reason, Bakugou's aggression towards him is a problem that he has to take blame for.
Every single time, it's been Bakugou who's instigated a confrontation between them. And yet for some reason, Izuku is the one who has to take responsibility. He's the one who has to figure out how to get Bakugou to cooperate. Everyone, Aizawa especially, makes it out like Izuku is part of the problem when he never did anything wrong.
The Problem Child nickname came about right before the Shie Hassakai Raid because Aizawa claimed he couldn't trust Izuku after Kamino. But you know what a major problem with this is? Kirishima is right in the room with them. Kirishima was also part of that rescue plan, in fact it was his idea. So why is Izuku being the only one scolded for it? Why is he the Problem Child?
Idk what Aizawa has against Izuku, but no matter what the kid does he's wrong in his eyes.
I think people really miss the point of Mirio's character. Yes, he would have made a fine holder. But Mirio is someone who's worked hard to master the quirk he was born with. He took pride in what he was given and I would say he even loved his quirk. He would have never taken OFA even if All Might did choose him because he doesn't want anyone else's power, he's content with the one he put years of work into.
That's literally what Sir Nighteye realizes as he dies. That Mirio deserves to be looked at as more than a potential successor to All Might. That he's his own hero.
But that doesn't make Izuku selfish. This is such a bizarre take because I would say this makes him selfless. He was willing to give up his dream so that Mirio could still live out his because Mirio was a true hero. He was doing what he thought was the right thing.
Recovery Girl is the only one I can kind of defend here. She was trying to push Izuku into being more careful with and mindful of his body. That being said, she went about it in the entirely wrong way. As not only a pro hero but a school nurse, it's her job to help anyone she can recover. It's not her right to pick and choose. And Izuku was put into situations where it was entirely unavoidable. It was either break his arms or him and Kota both die. He didn't have a lot of choices.
I think a lot of this comes from the idea that Izuku is a Gary Stu (false) so Horikoshi constantly gives him flack from other characters
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moth-n-glitchsmp · 1 year
Howdy! Are you monochrome_sunsets on ao3?
One of my pals saw your bookmark tags and are FASCINATED! I’m really curious, what’s the code to your tag system?
yes hi!!! i'm moth, aka monochrome_sunsets on ao3, one of the owners of this blog! i really like to organize things, and i ALSO really like things that match, and thus my rice tagging system was born.
white rice - classic fics, or otherwise just fics that are super well written that i really enjoy and reread a lot. fics marked as recommended with the white rice tag are what i consider the Best Of The Best! chosen because white rice is a classic go-to that i will always enjoy.
cinnamon rice - fics that made me laugh! chosen because laughter makes me think of fried dough & the fair, fried dough has cinnamon on it, bam! cinnamon rice
coconut rice - fluffy fics! fics that made me feel all gooey inside! coconut is fluffy :)) (also i absolutely LOVE coconut almond rice, it's so good)
almond rice - angst!!!! additionally, heavy on the almonds is a tag for heavy angst, and light on the almonds is for light angst. chosen because almonds are bitter sometimes
tear covered rice - fics that made me cry; happy tears AND sad tears are included in this, so keep an eye on the other tags here
family rice dish - found family, bio family, friendships... basically, fics that focus on non-romantic relationships!
magic rice - superhero aus, alien aus, vampire aus, werewolf aus, fae aus, bnha quirk accidents, midoriya izuku has a quirk aus.... basically, anything vaguely magical.
dragons! - i really like dragons. i like them so much i wanted a whole separate tag JUST so i could find my bookmarked fics with dragons in them.
spicy rice curry - smut. i... don't have a lot of these i think?
rice porridge - sickfics & caretaking fics. chosen because rice porridge is a good thing to eat when you're not feeling well.
rice pudding - crossovers! chosen because rice and pudding is quite the food crossover
multicourse meal - series!
mystery rice - mystery fics! i most likely bookmarked them before they were made mystery fics, then couldn't remember for the life of me what they used to be. i am clinging to them in the desperate hope that they will one day be un-mysteried.
cooking... - uncompleted fics, or fics that are currently completed but i haven't finished reading yet.
no longer cooking - discontinued fics i couldn't bear to unbookmark and part with :(
brown rice - fics that don't fit any of the above tags. chosen because brown rice isn't my first choice, but it is still rice and i will still eat it with a smile on my face.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
AU idea for five ask game: Izuku has a quirk which let's him summon those he is genetically related to
This was before a fairly weak quirk, until he is gifted OFA, which works via the transfer of DNA.
So not only is Izuku now able to summon All Might, but the other past users of OFA (though he has to continuously use OFA's energy to give them a physical form)
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Gonna combine those too
1- so young Izuku's quirk first manifests at school, when Katsuki blasts at him for talking too much, and Izuku wants his mom. Inko, who was walking home with groceries for dinner, is very surprised to suddenly find herself in the school- and not very happy with what else she finds there.
Izuku's pretty thrilled though, and excited for his quirk. He finds out pretty quickly that it only works with relatives, and has a distance limit- he can't pull his mom from more than five kilometers away, his grandma from more than two, and his dad from one. (The closer he is emotionally to somehow, the physically farther he can pull from, but it maxes out at five km)
2- the first time Izuku realizes OfA did something to his quirk is at USJ, when he jumps off the boat with OfA charging though his body and flicks his finger, silently wishing that All Might was here.
Toshinori is very surprised to suddenly find himself on the side of the lake in USJ, but he ducks behind a rock quickly enough and realizes what's happening in seconds, beefing up even past his time limit
2b- they also realize Izuku's distance has been raised when he actually summons Inko to the hospital in Hosu after the Stain fight.... Man he needs to stop giving people heart attacks like that.
3- he can't summon any dead OfA holder for a while though- not until OfA gets past the point of singularity, and even then, not for a while... It isn't until he's facing down AfO himself and gets stuck with Forced Quirk Activation. AfO was trying to overwhelm his body with full bone breaking force+ all other quirks at once, but instead Izuku shouts wordlessly and suddenly, someone else is between them. Exhausted and hurting, Izuku thinks for a few delirious seconds that he isn't sure if it's Dabi or Kirishima or Bakugo between them, but then the figure shouts for AfO to stay away from Yoichi and lunges at the frozen-in-shock villain.
Life support systems are full of very tiny parts that need to move in the right time together, so messing with that can be dangerous. Second turns, frowns in confusion when he sees Izuku, but still grabs him and runs. As they flee, Second's memories since the moment he first received OfA and his vestige was born begin to fill in- what happened to Yoichi, and himself later, all the way up till now.
Behind them, AfO throws off the malfunctioning helmet and uses his backup rewind plan to not die yet
4- Izuku runs, and realizes something. If every past user can be summoned, if they count as relatives now, AfO should too - so he propels himself as high up as he can float, and summons AfO. It becomes a game of chase, Izuku dropping and lifting and summoning AfO to throw off his momentum and dodge attacks, stalling for time as AfO becomes younger and weaker.
5- finally, when he feels it's time and the others agree, he summons all the other OfA holders too, to attack AfO together from an sides. It's the single most exhausting thing he's ever done, and when AfO finally drops still, Izuku manages to summon living Toshinori and Inko to him, say he's sorry, very tired, and collapse in their arms. He sleeps for a week.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
the thing with deku and tanjiro is they’re parellel but also so different to me. like tanjiro is genuinely such a good wholehearted person. not to say deku isn’t but tanjiro does a lot of kindness without thinking and he seems more dense than deku. i see deku as someone who is doing good kind of for himself in way if that makes sense??? it makes him feel good to do good instead of just doing good just to do it. i also account that tanjiro is an older sibling so that also makes him different in more ways than one than izuku. love them both very very much tho 🥹 sunshine boys 💚
i agree!! like you said tanjiro is a wholeheartedly good person and deku isn't, at least not in the way tanjiro is. these are central parts of there identity. it has a lot to do with their setting and environment.
it does make sense to me tho!! i don't think izuku necessarily does things for himself but what you're saying makes sense to me in that izuku isn't doing good because it is good. i definitely think he's more 'selfish' than tanjiro because tanjiro is the embodiment of selflessness.
a lot of people find izuku polarizing for the reason that his sense of martyrdom also interacts with his sense of inferiority. izuku is a minority in the world of bnha. he carries a lot of shame and a lot of responsibility to catch up to those he thinks were born superior to him. that part of him remains even now, and he hasn't emotionally developed in a way that allows him to understand other perspectives.
tanjiro's different kind of person. he is the embodiment of selflessness and a big part of his journey is only possible while taking on the idea of coalition, of together-ness and wielding the will and love of the dead to drive him forward. the biggest aspects of their character journey that make them so different yet so alike is this.
in izuku's arc, we're only just now getting to the point he's able to unravel his sense of sacrifice. in the most recent season is the first time we get to see class 1-a band together to support him.
for tanjiros journey, he's easily able to accept the help of others. he was raised in a family environment, he spends the story by nezukos side. he accepts that receiving help is necessary.
for izukus journey he's unable to accept help from others because he was quirkless. because he had no siblings or rolemodels until he was chosen by all-might and because he is deeply isolated even form his classmates. he is a very solitary character from the beginning of the story.
the stories also are in the first place fighting different things. kny is defeating a great evil and izuku ultimately is fighting the consequences of system. in that way i don't find them to be comparable and i think it makes sense of izuku to be perceived as not selfless. selflessness is a quality that requires utter acceptance of self and izuku has yet to reach that point.
they also live differently in the sense izuku is primarily looking to understand the world around him to live and tanjiro is living in the world around him to understand it if that makes sense.
some aspects of them are definitely similar, primarily the self-sacrificial nature and wanting to see good in everyone. the general gentle and care-taking nature etc. they connect to other peoples emotions and prioritize them more than they do themselves but they are very different to me all the same.
sorry this was an essay djksdfdk people just compare them so often and having read like i get why but they r So Different to me
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weebsinstash · 1 year
And omg the fiancée probably grows up being a meek little thing because of his bullying and aggressive behavior, as well as very cruel/insulting remarks like he did with Deku, also being told that she just has to endure how Bakugo treats her and be the perfect calm collected lady to balance him out because that’s her duty as his wife and empress??? Good food. Then the fiancée gets tired of his bullshit and just tries to break the engagement/divorce and he’s like “wait what no you’re not supposed to do that”. Idk just having to deal with child Bakugou would’ve been a hard NO from me 😭
I've been having multiple ideas for this specific scenario and pairing but it seems to be popular with you guys too 😳
But no I absolutely agree, I think being raised with him and knowing what a little prick he's always been would be terrible, and I personally wouldn't have the patience for a bratty little kid, even AS a kid. I can see it so stereotypically: Reader and Bakugou both children, brought to the same location but allowed to wander before the official meeting. Reader is just minding their own business, being the Saint/ess or mage or whatnot that enables a low-born person like them to be treated with prestige, just walking in the garden and being cute and curious about all the plants, here's the Crown Prince, demanding you tell him your identity and reason for being in his palace. You're trying to be polite but he just mocks you for no reason? Says your role is stupid and weak since it doesn't involve fighting? (Perhaps he's feeling a little inferior to you since you have a superior and useful skill he can't obtain, hm?) And maybe you lose your patience and get chest to chest with the little punk and even start to have a physical fight before some adults, like say your guardians, have to pry you apart
And then the adults pull you both aside and scold you and get you all dolled up to see each other again and it's like, haha you're gonna have a political marriage :) sure, the future Emperor just received a black eye from his future spouse but, no this is fine, let's not correct the little monster in any way, you two are definitely going to learn to get along over the years :) obviously you just kind of consider him a huge bully and dread finally marrying him and having a wedding even if it helps your home country to form an alliance at the cost of your freedom 😩 and also imagine, having healing powers and him asking/demanding you heal his soldiers snd himself for certain battles and wars but he won't let you like, go into the villages and treat the commoners suffering from, demon flu or something that you could purify, like he's just using you as a health pack for his army but not letting you perform your duty of helping the people and you resent him and think he's selfish (which he is, but, he also wants to keep you close and far away from any unpredictable subjects)
Just sorry, if you think of how teenage Bakugou treated Midoriya, and even just vaguely transfer that over, I would hate him, think he's rude, worry for the future of his country, AND imagine being stuck in a political marriage and you know you have to share him with not only other women but also just, one specific dude for some reason? Which you suppose isn't, impossible but, not exactly common to you; surprising, but you aren't rejecting it.
I feel like the constant pressure to be absolutely perfect and regal and holy yet the one who is 'the most important' never acknowledging those traits and efforts would be emotionally and psychologically draining. So many other people would just come off as fake or trying to suck up to you, and Izuku... his praise doesn't count; you don't know what's wrong with this boy but sometimes he's stuck on you like glue and wants to spend entire days together, consecutively. And he technically isn't doing anything too sinister, but it's how he does it, the execution. Wanting to spend time with you is one thing, wanting to spend every waking moment is another
Bakugou would probably be one of those where, you tell him you hate him and never loved him to his face and he'll tell you that it isn't your job to love each other, stop being stupid, but the second he has you escorted off he's isolating himself for deep meditation because WHY DOESN'T MY FAVORITE WIFE LIKE ME 🥺 and over the course of the next week he's sending gift after gift to your palace, never coming himself though, and he thinks you've forgiven him when you accept everything and then he finds out you were just doing it on courtesy and everything he gave you was just put into a storage room to not be seen or heard
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
379 Leaks React
Okay, gonna start this with honesty and say that I legit was concerned for a bit, reading parts of the leaks. Namely this:
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Mostly because as the leaks were dropping (and we hadn't gotten to the end of the chapter yet) it felt like a very sudden burst of agency, independence, will power, you name it--from Tomura. But after the whole chapter came out and I saw the art in there, well, I see it differently and in the end, still things are going in a way I'd hoped for and what works for Tomura's character.
I'll start this by saying that....yeah no, Tomura isn't free. Don't get your hopes up. We've got his personality back and I'm grateful for that, but this man is far from free, and I'll explain.
Tomura: I've been here the whole time, waiting for the moment to take back control, I don't need you or OFA, I have things I want that have nothing to do with you!
That's great! He's kept himself from completely disappearing, HE did that, he kept himself afloat and fought for control. He has some semblance of agency and control. He has his independence back!
Or does he.
Also Tomura: Everything I hate started in that house, that house that I destroyed because I wanted to, because I hated it and everyone in it, and because I was meant to destroy so why would I have done anything differently. Everything I've always wanted has always been to destroy, my "origin" is destruction because I killed my family and destroyed my house because that's what I was born to do!
I really don't need to go into detail about how this isn't true. He didn't want to kill his family or destroy his house. He didn't want any of those things.
But what has happened in Tomura's mind is that he has had 0 ways to cope with his grief--so his coping strategy to protect himself from the psychological damage was to recontextualize it entirely.
Tomura: Grief? Nah, I wanted that to happen. So I'm not sad about it.
That's totally a valid coping mechanism that will have long term benefits. I love that for him.
I bring up his obvious unreliable narrating because it's all coming full circle and back into play here.
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"Tomura Shigaraki and Tenko Shimura wish for the same thing." Well, at least the 'tenko and tomura are different people crowd can finally shut the fuck up, god bless
Tomura asserting that they're the same--while unexpected, for me at least--is good development. He's acknowledging that his past self is part of who he is, he's trying very hard to reject everything AFO wanted him to be. It's progress because he's trying.
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But man, he is not doing a very good job of that.
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Exactly what was Tenko's origin again?
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I am fairly certain his origin is not based on an innate lust for death and destruction. I’d bet the farm in it.
Tenko didn't want to destroy everything. But Tomura continues to assert this belief onto himself from the recontextualized grief in order to protect himself from said grief.
What results is his self-hatred that's still there. The guilt that surrounds his family's deaths.
This self-hatred is literally exactly why he is so convinced that he has always wanted to destroy everything, that's all he's ever wanted and that's all he was born to do.
Tomura is not free from AFO because his self-hatred is still so deeply ingrained in him.
This is fake out, just like MVA was, just like the PLF war was.
Every time Tomura tries to assert his independence outside of AFO, it fails, and he comes crashing down, hard. He comes crashing down hard because he continues to insist that all he wants, all he has ever wanted, is death and destruction. The more he clings onto this narrative, the more he will continue to lose.
Tomura is not free from AFO because he has not faced his own reality yet.
Now that I've explained that, let's talk about this:
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Tomura basically confirming that he caught onto the little hint that Izuku wanted to do more than just punch and kick.
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When he said it's a useless effort, he knew what he was referring to. "Don't try saving me, I won't be satisfied until everything is destroyed".
So, the salvation Tomura's been secretly crying out for this entire time, from Midoriya no less, is right in front of him. And--to nobody's surprise--he's rejecting it.
Again, all he can do is destroy, all this saving talk is nonsense, there's absolutely no point.
This is pure proof of how lost in the AFO sauce Tomura is.
He's in the most unstable, unreliable, contradictory, and most of all vulnerable state of his life. He asserts his desire for destruction, being completely unaware that someone has already seen through it all and knows what's going on inside:
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Tough luck Tomura. You’re transparent.
This is what I mean by him not facing his own reality yet. He's in there still crying, that hasn't changed. He is in prime saving position. Let's go Izuku, chop chop.
Onto the art:
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All of Tomura's speech is written in black text bubbles. I've only seen this one other time:
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Based on the evidence above, I think it's safe to say that:
Black text bubbles = whatever is being said in them is probably bullshit
Tomura asserting his independence this chapter is bound to result in the same failures it did in MVA and the PLF war.
Breaking out of the possession JUST to say "I'm BACK! But I still want exactly what you groomed and primed me to want!" is not the comeback he thinks it is, and it is not a subtle downfall.
He will fall harder, again, because he refuses to let himself be picked up (yet).
Other things:
There are two AFOs. Please don't forget, because OG AFO is the real issue here.
That is all.
Translations used from Pikahlua’s translation.
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kitsunesfandomtime · 9 months
An Unending Hunger for More
Day 3 of TDDK Halloween Week
WORDS: Blood + Hunt
QUOTE: “Tell them that you weren't hungry, tell them you followed the pomegranate seeds because they tasted like blood, like love.”
Izuku was born with pain in his stomach and a desire to be something more. Shouto has a nothing of his own and takes him in to care for him.
Turns out Izuku's secret was more dire then either could have expected wishing just for one more night. A single bite is all it takes and to slay any who happens to get in their way.
This hunger was something Izuku had suffered ever since he was born. A taste of copper always lingered on his tongue. While a terrible urge just itching underneath the skin. Rumors of who his father truly is always lingered, whispers of contempt and disgust. His father was someone everyone feared yet they could never confront.
Inko was a sweet woman who always offered help and yet was strong enough to stand her ground if they dared pester her child. Still, they feared him as if he was the monster of the night. Silently he endured it with the hopes of one day showing he can be of use. With dreams of becoming a monster hunter, he can prove he isn't terrifying.
That he will be able to prove to them that he can help keep them safe from the monsters outside their village. His former friend, Kacchan, had left him with a loud jeer and a toothy grin at thirteen. His whole life handed on a platter, "Just stay here Deku. I'm going to become a really famous hunter you just stay here with your mom. Where you belong."
And he was waiting for his own chance to leave.
That is until he reached fourteen and was struck with a terrible agonizing fever. The memories of that time were blurred with pain and crying as his mother tried to ease him.
Then he woke up to a nightmare.
His whole village was destroyed with no memories of what happened, only a terrible pain. As if every bone in his body had been shattered and then put together again haphazardly. Laying in the middle of the streets his nose was assaulted with the scent of blood. And opening his eyes he is face to face with a corpse of a woman. Her eyes were wide as her throat was caked in blood as if a wild animal had bit into her throat and ripped it out. It was a kindly woman who always gave him extra bread with a gentle smile.
It was surreal. Unable to truly comprehend the horrors as if this was an elaborate joke.
Bodies littered the streets in a macabre display of intestines on doors. Heads torn off and flesh littered the streets both children and adults had been slaughtered with no mercy. No explanation, no reason, and no witness to the atrocities.
He was no longer hungry for some reason but he wished he could puke as slowly it hit him. Just as he finally found his mother in the horrific tragedy. And he screamed.
His mother was tied to a noose by the throat as if had been held there for god knows what reason. Her face twisted in horror as it looked as if whatever had attacked the village had taken slow torturous bites for who knows how long. The beast had taken sadistic pleasure from killing his mother.
He could never sleep at night again, wondering why he never woke up and why the monster didn't take him.
And why did the itch disappear that day despite his whole world being shattered?
Izuku was unable to move on right away. Every day he waited for the monster to return to the village. Clenching a pitchfork dreading the day the monster appears to finish the job on the one that slept through the massacre. Able to hear howling at the edge of the town he was afraid to ever leave his home as the scent of decay from all the dead bodies grew.
So much blood had been spilled but he felt at the least he should try to bury everybody before the animals get them. Noticing once a month some of the bodies would disappear regardless of how decayed they were. The monster was not picky with its kill as if it was mocking Izuku for his weakness. Unable to protect anyone, he weakly tries to bury all the villagers he can before more are taken.
That is until he met a white wolf at the edge of town. It simply stared at him as if it was smiling and Izuku wondered if that wolf was why he wasn't dead. Every day it would visit watching as Izuku buried the dead and at night he heard it howling. It terrified him yet there was something almost mesmerizing about it whole. Like it resonated with something deep inside him. As he buried the dead. Once again he saw the wolf at the edge of the forest.
"Are you telling me I should leave?" Izuku questioned.
The wolf seemed to have more intelligence than normal. It never did anything to him simply watching curious at the most. Still, it was the evening there were monsters in the forest so he couldn't leave.
"I guess I did finally bury everyone, you're probably tired of protecting me. But I should go during the day."
The wolf sneers and chuffs, as if understood his words to Izuku's surprise. He didn't understand but it was almost like the creature was mocking him. A bit slowly with some caution, he approached the beast trying to get a better look.
"Hey, do you understand me...?" He questioned softly as he extended his hand.
Then the beast stood on its hind legs as its body seemed to twist. The body of a wolf twists before Izuku's eyes cracking and bending into that unnatural form. Red eyes gleam as it bares its fangs with a cruel smile making it very clear his intentions.
At that moment Izuku realized that this beast wasn't his friend.
He needs to run. He needs to get away or it will kill him.
Izuku had no idea where he was running as he ran through the forest with a deep gash in his arm. Able to still hear the beast howls as knows it will catch up soon. It was simply taunting him showing how he couldn't possibly escape. Those red eyes gleamed with malicious intent before fangs dug into his flesh. It burned as if the beast's fangs were an iron rod marking his flesh making him scream.
Useless. Helpless.
Izuku screamed in pain as it yanked him by his arm before throwing him hard against the tree. Knocking the wind out of him as he falls right back onto the floor wheezing trying to regain air. It was torturing him, just like his mother, this monster was taking its time. Watching the werewolf's feet slowly approach him it sneers with glee as looks down at him.
Then it stops, there is no warning as it only seems to stare at Izuku's bitten arm as it licks its fangs of blood.
"No- No you can't," Izuku very quickly realized it was going to let him live with that bite. It was going to turn him into something just like him when all he had wanted was to be able to help others. He wheezes as the beast seemed to almost laugh at his protest before suddenly running off at the first sign of light.
That is when he met Shouto. And he realized already as the male extended a hand to him. With those eyes that stared into his soul, they were doomed.
And he took it anyway.
Shouto allowed him into his cabin as blood caked on Izuku's skin. The monster hunter in training tended to his wounds. Fingers lingering on his injuries felt like fire as the evidence of the attack was wrapped away. He knows he should say it was a werewolf that attacked him not some regular wolf. But always the word dies on his tongue.
"T-Thank you," Izuku thanked the other as the bandages were wrapped up wishing it meant the curse didn't continue. Yet he can feel it in his blood lingering just under his skin. He was suddenly very aware of this feeling of hunger he had since his youth. His mouth salivates but he swallows it quickly.
"Stop thanking me. One time is enough," Shouto spoke a bit bluntly but was clearly trying to assure him. He grabs a canteen and hands it to Izuku.
"Right sorry," Izuku instinctively apologized as Shouto seemed almost amused for a moment.
"Drink water you need to rehydrate as you did seem to lose quite a bit of blood. I'm surprised you didn't pass out," Shouto notes as Izuku accepts the offering.
It certainly is a miracle since Izuku had just been tossed around like a rag doll by a werewolf. Izuku was more than sure that several of his ribs had been broken along with the many lacerations. If Shouto hadn't saved him then... He is still able to taste blood on his tongue he shrinks back into the bed.
"Right sorry. I didn't expect to run into a monster hunter so guess I got lucky," Izuku admits almost sheepishly. Guessing at the least if he does turn then at least would be put down quickly.
Shouto raises an eyebrow at the other's assurance, "Technically a monster hunter in training. I could take out a monster but I am still learning about them, unfortunately from my father."
Shouto Todoroki, that name rang a bell if Izuku was honest at least the last name. Though it very much clicked that he was being trained by his father, he wanted to ask if his father was Enji.
"So your father is-" Just as Izuku was about to ask he earned a harsh glare. The coldness in Shouto's eyes shut him up quickly.
"I'm aware of my father's fame as a monster hunter. But I would rather not talk about him," Shouto made it very clear and so Izuku shut up. He had no right to prod anyway when he still didn't dare to admit the wolf that bit him was a werewolf. He should make sure to leave before the full moon, somewhere far away before he repays the other's kindness with harm.
"Sorry, I won't bring him up." Izuku apologizes as they sit in silence. He wondered what he was supposed to do as he knew if rumors of how werewolves are made it is only a matter of time... He doesn't even know what day it is or when the full moon will be.
"Hm, he's a man obsessed with being the best. Willing to consort with anything to get even a bit ahead even seeking higher breeding," Shouto speaks firmly. Despite having been the one to claim he didn't want to speak, he explains his heritage. He was part ice elf on his mother's side, considering his appearance it explains why the other seemed ethereal. An attempt to have a child with the nimbleness of an elf and varsity of a human. He's the only one of Endeavor's kids who was blessed with a talent for magic and the physicality of a human. A perfect warrior to slay monsters.
The expectations as well as the abuse he had to endure for these lofty ambitions. Mistreated and yet…
"Then just leave the moment you're an adult. Yes you're learning from him but you don't have to stick with him," Izuku spoke like it was the most obvious thing in the world. While he had wanted to stay in his village he knew the only way he would be able to become a hunter was to find a mentor far from home. If Shouto still wished to be a hunter then he could just leave once learned everything he wished.
"It ain't that simple," Shouto argued back though he did seem almost contemplative for a moment. "But... I guess it is an option."
Well, it was a start.
Izuku learned a lot about Shouto. Shouto had siblings but the oldest died in a tragedy with a monster trying to prove himself despite his frail body. Shouto wasn't allowed near his family after his mother lashed out from stress. The scar on his face was proof of a curse from his mom as a reminder of his heritage. Yet despite all that Shouto still gave him kindness to stay.
His injuries healed as they talked about dreams as Izuku had once thought he could be a monster hunter. Shouto didn't think he couldn't but then for a young man who has never seen the outside and was blessed with privileges despite his struggles, Izuku wasn't surprised. Though when he offered to help train him when he heals the guilt grew.
Knowing unless he wishes to hurt Shouto he needs to leave at least for the whole full moon. That had been his plan anyway but as if somehow Shouto knew he planned to leave the moment the cabin had been locked.
"No- Nonono! Shouto!" Izuku shouts as he bangs at the door as it is just sunrise of the new day. He had planned to leave before the full moon maybe lock himself in some cave. His fist bang on the door felt studier than he expected his heart racing as he looked around.
"I'm sorry. I promise I'll come get you tonight, it's going to be alright. Just stay here, I'll make sure you don't hurt anyone." Shouto spoke from outside as it was to assure him before leaving. Making it clear he knew the wolf that attacked him but he didn't seem to truly understand.
"Shouchan! Please, you don't understand!" Izuku shouts as he bangs on the door but then there is silence. The dread grew as the lies he had been telling himself were slowly falling apart.
Window-! He can break a window and escape before sundown it might hurt to get scratched up but-
That is when he noticed it had been shut from the outside the wooden panels seemed to almost glow. Shouto had placed a magic barrier on them as runes glowed on the wood they repelled him quickly. As if able to sense the curse in his blood it made him recoil. He was a fool, of course, he had realized what happened but because he lied he doesn't know.
Izuku felt hungry again.
His eyes welled up as he looked at the food that his cager had left guessing he should have known. It was more food than usual and part of him wondered if he had poisoned it. He wished this was the case but knows Shouto wouldn't do that. He was genuine and that is what made this even worse. He wants him to be unkind, to stop looking at him gently with kindness. To give him hope and give him that small smile-
Fuck. Izuku devoured all the meats his captor left him not caring about the pain in his stomach as he ate until he was overfilled.
Yet he never felt satiated as he wondered what Shouto planned to do to him. He had trusted him to care and to his despair, the food had not been poisoned. Was he trying to help him? Was this going to keep him from hurting others? He wasn't sure.
All he could do was wait.
His body ached severely as a heavy breath escaped at the sight of the sun setting as the stars began to shine. He ate and ate and ate until there was nothing left before the sunset. It was as if the food went right through him despite the initial pain as the sun set his body was on fire. It reminded him of the fever the night before his village's massacre.
Izuku had been sick with a fever as his mom tried her best to take care of him. It was terrible as every part of his body seemed to be on fire despite his mom's efforts to cool him out. At some point, he had passed out from the pain only to wake up to a massacre.
This one though he was very much awake for.
While Izuku just tried to rest under the covers wondering if could just sleep this feeling only worsened. The blankets that had once given him comfort in these cold nights felt like sandpaper against his skin. He brushes and scrapes at his heated flesh with fire as he buries his face into the pillows. Then he heard a loud bang against the door.
"Ha, little pup. You allowed yourself to be trapped?" A voice jeered outside and Izuku tensed up. His eyes slowly look at the window to see large red eyes peeking in as rows of fangs grin. Izuku's body ached but he was frozen stiff as the beast that attacked him before was larger.
"You're going to consume him, aren't you? That little hunter boy that found you," the voice jeers and Izuku wonders if he is imagining this scenario. If he is voicing his own terrifying thoughts to that monster, "I can smell your scent on him. How close did you two get?"
Izuku's breath hitches. He knows it isn't mutual his own feelings were a mess. He stayed too long because he got comfortable enjoying how Shouto tended to his wounds. Taking his time and knowing as he gets closer the more he-
"Hm, aren't you hungry?" The monster outside his window jeers with rows of teeth. Then it disappears from view and suddenly the magic runes seem to have vanished.
"Come now little pup. Tell them that you weren't hungry despite how the village starved you for love besides those precious few," A voice seems to jeer almost mocking, "tell them you followed the pomegranate seeds because they tasted like blood, like love. You’re born from me after all, and love is the biggest curse of all.”
Izuku's body ached. As his body twisted finally, his bones snapped and he let out a pained cry. This feeling was familiar like that fever one month ago before the village's massacre.
He swears he isn't hungry for food. He just wanted more and he let out a loud howl as his hands twisted into claws. Digging into the bed as he grits his teeth as he sneers…
Izuku just couldn't help but he just wanted to stay a bit selfish.
Shouto was currently running for his life knowing that Izuku had purposely avoided going for the kill. There is a giant gash across his right arm as instead of teeth the werewolf had clawed at his arm. Causing him to lose the only source of light and ability to fight in one assault.
"Dammit," Shouto curses as he knows he just left a trail of blood. He needed just a moment to rest to cast a spell to heal but it barely gave him that.
"Shouto," it was Izuku's voice. The monster cooed softly. Hiding the fact its true form was hunting him down. "Where did you go?"
There is silence. Shouto is afraid to move as he is pressed to the tree holding his breath. Only to feel something brush against his ear as it sneers.
"There you are," it jeers at him with delight. Before Shouto could even reach large claws grab him and slam him onto the ground. The pain shoots through his body as he gasps able to feel one of his ribs seem to have cracked. His breath becomes wheezing as he is face to face with the form Izuku had become.
Dark green fur covered his body with white patches on his chest where his heart would be. A muzzle full of teeth as bright green eyes seemed to glow in this darkness. Its tail sways behind slowly as it has its prey once again in its clutches. Toying with him, hunting, and purposely dragging out its kill making it clear what it truly desired.
The werewolf known as Izuku leans down to lick at the wound. And Shouto can't help but notice it still hasn't bitten him. Thankfully he still ain't being cursed yet if survives.
"Fight it," Shouto spoke up. With both hope and faith despite knowing werewolves are sadistic toward those closest Izuku was still avoiding certain actions. It didn't seem he liked that as it suddenly howled and grabbed Shouto by the head. The pain grows as the beast gets up holding him by the head before throwing him.
Shouto felt his head and upper body make contact with a tree. A loud pain as he crumbled onto the ground, his vision and sight wavering. He gasps wondering how many more ribs he has broken. Able to see the wolf stalking toward him as he breathes heavily.
Then there was fire as the wolf howled in pain stepping back looking in the direction of the flames. A wild look of fear and confusion showed as it looked in the distance, Shouto just barely heard shouting. Only to see Izuku lunge through the fire toward him. The last thing he sees before he succumbs to the pain is a row of teeth…
Shouto didn't expect to wake up.
When Shouto came too he was surrounded by family.
"Shouto you're awake!" Fuyumi shot up. "Everyone! Shouto is awake!"
Natsuo came in looking relieved as hell. “I am glad you’re alright."
It was a surprise as he barely ever saw his siblings; they were always kept separate from him. Though his eyes narrowed a bit when he saw his father. Memories of what had happened to him reimaged and slight panic filled his heart. Wondering if he is here did that mean he-
"What happened to Izuku!?" Shouto shouted. His siblings seemed startled at the sudden shouting when the other likely had been close to death.
"Is that the name of a monster that tried to kill you?" Enji questioned. Shouto didn't back down wondering if he failed to save Izuku, "Unfortunately, I was unable to kill it before it planted a nearly lethal bite on you. It ran off when I scorched its arm like a coward."
So that means Izuku is possibly still alive-
"Wait, Shouto was bitten? You didn't mention this!" Natsuo spoke up looking horrified. Shouto then froze registering what that possibly meant slowly looking at his body he looked at how was wrapped up. It was more mangled than he remembered wondering how hard Izuku tried to keep him. How in a state of panic had likely bit into him to keep him away from the fire when had been avoiding it prior.
Fuyumi was horrified, most likely this is why their mom wasn't at all involved in this. Shouto already was suffering one curse and now had another. His hands trembled wondering why he was still here then if he would turn.
"The beast had you in its jaw after I tried to put a fire between you. I don't know what was going through the beast's head and I had thought he had killed you," Enji admits but it seemed there is a hint of guilt in his words. Was it actually guilt? Or is he just upset his precious successor now has a curse that makes him the very monster he hunts? A failure.
"So what? Did you save me just to kill me later?" Shouto snapped.
"Shouto-!" Fuyumi was startled but Natsuo also seemed just as pissed.
"The hell! You're supposed to be the best monster hunter and you couldn't stop Shouto from being bit?! I'm not going to stand by while you kill another family member!" Natsuo shouts as was already standing between Enji and Shouto.
"I am not about to kill him," Enji hissed. "I already made the mistake once. I'm investing in a place to keep him whenever there is a full moon, nothing has changed. I am only allowing you two to see him now as the full moon isn't for another month. But now he truly needs to be separated, Shouto."
Those cold blue eyes stared him down into his soul, "It's for the good of everyone that you are locked up."
And he was welcomed into a new hell.
A whole month he was trapped in this stone cage. His siblings barely fought the moment they realized he was a monster. Despite their initial joy they grew weary and as soon as he was to meet them they were lost. Leaving him with feelings of pain and resentment wondering why they even bothered to pretend they cared.
Shouto wondered if Izuku even thought about him. Sometimes he feels like he can see him just outside the skirts of this tower. At the forest edge, he feels pained and miserable as the one solace he had was stripped from him. The one person he grew to like tried to devour him only to end up cursing him. Now Shouto is locked up like a beast given all luxury but the freedom to leave as if his father can't acknowledge what happened to his son.
They all were waiting for the first full moon to attempt the cure. The administration of Wolfbane could cure but also kill him. The thing he had hoped to do before realizing Izuku had long been a werewolf before they met. He guessed it a good thing he didn't since it meant Izuku would have died. His father was going to take that risk.
"Ha..." he lets out the smallest laugh as he looks at the calendar. Tonight was a full moon and every moment that ticked made him more terrified. It started small.
It was fevers that seemed never-ending. It was the taste of blood in his mouth and this unending hunger even when he tried to eat. His skin burned and itched as his hand scratched at it until he bled. Exposing fur that didn't used to be there.
He was scared of what he would become when he heard the bang at the tower entrance. He limped toward it wondering if his father had come early for him.
It wasn't his father.
Standing at the door was Izuku on the cusp of transformation. Ears, tails, fangs, and claws but still human enough to recognize. It was clear he was struggling as if to keep himself sane and Shouto wondered why it had already changed. Wondering if with each transformation they become more beast than man. Never has he seen a werewolf in the cusp of transforming only already a wolf or beast. Izuku held in a basket making him wonder if the reason he disappeared was to find the very thing that could possibly cure him.
He holds it out with tears in his eyes. Those pupils were slit almost animalistic but it was clear was trying to hold back. Slowly placing the basket down though it clear had taken some in his hand. There is regret and mourning on the half-transformed creature in front mixed between man and beast. There is blood on him showing he had harmed likely why he steps away the moment Shouto took one step toward him. The injured boy who always seemed to stare off outside with wonder now was trembling with fear not of Shouto but of himself.
"I-I'm sorry Shouchan," Izuku said between a rasp and a whine. Holding onto the wolfbane like a vice he steps back. "I never wished this on you. I'll eat it so I won't hurt you, I'm sorry I disappeared but I can make up for it. Please eat your portion too quickly. I don't know how much you need."
He never left? Did he go to find Wolfbane for him? Wait-
"If you eat it while already transforming you will DIE," Shouto points out. As even to human’s wolfbane is poison but in small dosage before the first transformation you can survive. It was never a guarantee it would cure someone but it could prevent a transformation. But to a werewolf already in the thralls of the curse it would kill them. To the point it was a common practice to plant these around the village when there was a wolf among them.
"I can't live like this Shouchan," he continues wheezing as Shouto can hear a pop in the other's body. There is clear pain on Izuku’s face as held the wolfbane to his face, "All alone, unable to be near anyone. I grew up my whole life wishing to help people but instead, I'm a monster. I have always been a monster since my birth but I wanted to pretend it wasn't true. Please let me at least do this one thing to make it right before I fully succumb."
Shouto stares at the young male who was transforming just like he was but faster and quicker yet trying to make it right. The way his body twisted it was early and he realized Izuku couldn't be saved. Wolfbane would only kill him, and something in him recoiled at the idea of even trying to abandon him now as Izuku tries to walk about. About to consume the poison willingly after leaving Shouto with at least a possible chance of being saved. Shouto, despite the pain in his body, ran toward Izuku to grab, noticing how large the other had become.
"Stop! Don’t eat it, let us just leave. I won't let you die here not to my father nor to this suicide pact you’re trying to do. You know there is no guarantee this would cure me anyway and even if it did my father would just cage me more. Let me stay with you," Shouto spoke with certainty or insanity. The fever was likely making his head a mess right now, irrational even as moves in front of the now more beast-like monster. It was terrifying watching the once human mouth extending to a muzzle full of fangs but he cups it gently. It was still Izuku.
“You tried to avoid biting me. Likely if my father hadn’t come in you might never have bit me,” Shouto speaks softly as despite the cruelty there seemed to be an attempt to resist until he had become panicked. “You are trying even now. You are trying so let me help you once more, even if it means I also become a beast.”
Able to feel the werewolf's body seem to overheat making his own fever worsen like magma as those teeth suddenly bare at him. The other scent was strong, wondering if it was the werewolf curse. As those eyes looked into his own for a moment they truly connected as there is recognition in his words. Shouto knew there was no going back now as Izuku’s eyes glazed over and his own body began to succumb to the curse. As Izuku goes for his throat and the curse takes hold faster than it would with the bite of a wolf.
By the time Enji had arrived at the toward they had both left far from there. As Shouto held no love for his father and was abandoned by his siblings. Nor did Izuku have any reason to linger in this place of strangers. That bite had cemented the permanency of their curse to lose their humanity.
Deep into the forest, there are two oddly colored wolves, one with ice in his feet and the other with the colors of the forest. Terrorizing anyone that gets too close and devouring anything that dares come near.
Yet during the day, people swear there is a couple who smile brightly and also take care of monsters they come across for no cost. The runaway son of Enji Todoroki with the boy of green mixed with the story of monsters that haunt the woods.
Swearing to kill the very white wolf that bore the curse to everyone from the beginning.
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fightaers · 6 months
when they meet again, they were both in a hospital. izuku spent days drifting in and out of sleep for the most part, while his mother had stayed steadfast by his bedside. whatever the doctors had as news, good or bad, she was the one to receive it from him. shivering and cautious, she'd been. izuku thinks there is a lot she must apologise to his mother about — for worrying her, for constantly putting her at a state of unease — but for now, it seems they both takes as much relief in simply being in one another's presence, alive and whole, despite everything.
shigaraki had robbed nearly all of the power inside of one-for-all. when he had taken his last breath, crying for forgiveness on izuku's laps, izuku could barely register if the power had come back. he understands that that's what happened to most when the original body of all-for-one was destroyed, but izuku is born quirkless. he can feel the low hum of what remains of one-for-all under his skin still, yes, but he can't be sure if all the users truly return here. he couldn't blame them if they couldn't. maybe his time as a vessel is over.
whatever it is, there is little time to genuinely figure it out. izuku is still being observed, even after days, and he isn't allowed to leave the hospital just yet. even when he's awake, he's laden with exhaustion and he aches all over. his mother told him that some of his nerves are frayed, but they haven't figured out the extent of that injury. it's hard to sit with that; the idea of loss, and how much he had to live without from now on. still, he tries not to think too much about it. he focuses on what he could: asking after his friends, asking for what'll happen to japan.
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❛⠀ah, uraraka-san ! ❜ what a coincidence that his mother had just gone home for the day to shower and change her clothes. izuku didn't know he's allowed visitation. maybe all might had pulled some strings. izuku smiles, as quickly as he'd been excited to see her, the excitement also quickly washes away. he feels guilty and ashamed all of a sudden, though it's hard explaining why. ❛⠀i didn't ... i didn't expect to see you so soon. ❜
@ofluminance ♡'d starter call !
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