#Ive posted?? everyday??? for like 4 days???? in a row?????
nomoretumbler · 2 months
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bunch of amazo doodles heheh
amazo guy by @djsadbean
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rowrowxoxo · 4 years
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it’s row.
so my last post was about how i want to lose weight. that didn’t go too well. im not too good at sticking to an idea. ive sorted out this kind of formula (is that the word im supposed to use?) where if i burn 133 calories and eat up to 400 calories per day then i should be able to lose the 34lbs in 3 months (theoretically but im always eating loads after dinner so that’ll be difficult). 
on a different note, i spent last night the other day writing a glow up list of things i want to achieve. some of these things need me to be a young adult to achieve so i’ll have to wait a little longer so fill the entire list but here it is:
use the same skincare routine for 66 days (that’s roughly how long it takes to form a habit)
re decorate my wardrobe (working towards that right now)
reach 84lbs (im trying!!)
go to the gym 3 times a week for 4 months straight (so far so good with 2 weeks in)
finish reading all the books on my shelf (partly so my parents can get me new ones cos books are lowkey expensive and i really want to finish some series ive started reading like the Chronicles of ancient darkness and cog heart)
get into the habit of showering everyday (going okay so far)
learn to be good at make up (still need to learn the basics)
spa day every sunday (to set a good tone for the upcoming week)
get my nails in check (they’re a mess rn)
whiten teeth
eyelash extentions
get back the piercings that healed up (nostril and helix)
re decorate bedroom (doing the most of that tomorrow yay)
get schoolwork in check (in other words dont do it when the teacher is collecting it)
always have a great outfit (i own like 4 okay outfits so that will come with redecorating my wardrobe)
find my signature scent
always have good breath (kinda gross but sometimes my breath is god awful no matter how long i brush my tongue)
grow out nails (im a nail bitter)
get a job (ive been turned down by 2 people so far but im not gonna stop trying yet)
drink 8 glasses a day (i hardly drink anything throughout the day)
get up at 6 every morning (so far so good)
become flexible
cut out junk food (i dont eat it that much tbh but im still a sucker for it when im with friends)
dont touch my face! (causes acne)
have cold/lukewarm showers (said to have health benefits)
learn a new language well enough to hold a conversation (either french or Japanese im thinking)
daily detox (health benefits)
think positive (im rather pessimistic)
create a sleep schedule (i really need one)
be seen not heard
be orginised (and no i dont mean knowing that the scissors are under the dirty socks and the book in behind the bin)
start a mini crafts business on depop (working on it right now. i’ll post a link in my next update when ive got it going alright)
i just realised how long this message is getting and i lowkey forgot what i was gonna write when i started this post. point is is that i want to become the best version of myself i can be and this is how i plan to achieve it.
- row
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jmorpc · 5 years
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a masterlist of Chinese points, traditions and superstitions for your face claim needs. This list is based off of the many locals I’ve spoken to and observed in Suzhou (苏州,江苏), so traditions and actions may differ in other provinces. If you found this post helpful, or are in the rpc, please like/reblog.
E-BIKES - most Chinese locals will use something called an e-bike, which typically looks like a larger framed bicycle with pedals and a battery pack. There are also those that look like Vespers and mopeds
BICYCLES - almost all nationals will own a bicycle, those who do not, do have access to using a bicycle to travel around their town/city, with a bicycle sharing initiative that was set up several years ago; mobike, sharebike and others 
TAXIS - with the uprising of mobile apps, taxis are still a thing but, China introduced a similar service to Uber, called Didi which allows passengers to carpool or select their own private ride to pick-up and drop-off at selected addresses 
PUBLIC TRANSPORT - almost all cities (tier 1 and tier 2) in China have public subway systems that cost between 2-10RMB per journey. Buses are also a regular occurrence in most cities, as well as coaches that pass through from other provinces and cities
GROCERIES - mostly, it’s the grannies and grandpas who head out to buy the groceries to cook for the family; usually, they will buy vegetables, fresh meat, milk, eggs and bread as well as powdered porridge and nuts (peanuts, pistachios, almonds, etc.) 
DELIVERIES - delivery drivers will whizz around the city on the aforementioned e-bikes or in a smaller vehicle that looks like a crashed Smart Car; they delivery a multitude of items including food, drinks, parcels, flowers, water for water coolers, etc. 
CLASSROOMS - a typical Chinese classroom at public school will usually have between 40-50 students, in which students will sit in rows, facing the chalkboard (dry erase board and projector screen, if they’re lucky), and will have class for around 40-50 minutes each lesson
SCHOOL - students will often head to school very early in the morning, between 7:30-8:00am, and have their first class at around 8:00-8:30, depending on the city and province. At school, they will live in dormitories and stay there for the whole school week, returning home with their parents on Friday afternoons
HOMEWORK - students do actually get that much homework typically, students will spend around 3-4 hours completing their homework each evening. If they are also studying at a private training school, students will have a lot more homework to complete each week
EXERCISE - students take part in large scale activities such as morning exercising, massage and relaxation/focusing techniques and other group activities to help and improve their mental and physical health while at school 
UNIFORMS - some schools will have a dress code students must follow, mostly uniforms consist of a sweatsuit and a red necktie
TESTING - Chinese students will take 2 very important tests during their educational career; the first is the ZhongKao (中考) - this test is taken at the end of middle school, when students are preparing to make the step into high school, the second is the GaoKao (高考) - this test is taken at the end of high school, when students are preparing to be admitted to colleges. The GaoKao is a high pressure examination, students are competing against each other for places at the best colleges in the country, and outside of the Chinese mainland 
MATERNITY LEAVE - expectant mothers will often work right up until the final two weeks before their baby’s due date, to ensure they can have longer following their baby’s birth. Maternity leave in China, is 3 months long
ZUOYUEZI (坐月子) - also known as ‘sitting the month’  is the month after a woman gives birth and her mother, mother-in-law or other close, female caregiver will stay at her home to help her with feeding, caring for her new baby, making sure she doesn’t do anything too strenuous to help her body gain the strength it needs to care for her baby and herself following the month. ZuoYueZi follows historical traditions, dating back as early as the year 960, in which the new mother is not allowed to do the following; leave the home, shower, wash her hair, have sex, climb up and down stairs, carry the newborn baby
CHILDCARE - once the baby is born, following the ZuoYueZi, one or both sets of parents will move in with their children to help care for their newborn baby and raise the child while its parents are working 
COLDS & FLU - typically, Chinese nationals will head to the hospital to sit for several hours with 挂水 dripping from an IV (intravenous) drip, because it is seen as a method of rapid recovery; most of the time, these drips just contain sugar water or basic antibiotics to help re-hydrate patients
HOT WATER - at the first signs of getting sick or feeling unwell, many (if not, most) Chinese will crack out their reusable bottles and canteens, and fill them up with hot water
PERIODS - Chinese females believe that eating ice cream or drinking frozen (even chilled) drinks has a bad effect on their period, and their flow will not be able to leave their body
PERIODS - Chinese females will often couple drinking hot water with black sugar and ginger to help regulate their cycle and enable better flow of their period, and even helping with cramping and pains
MEDICINES - Chinese locals will often buy into traditional medicines when they can - one of the most common medications is for colds and flu, it comes in a little glass bottle with a straw, and contains Chinese herbs and other traditional ingredients
FACE MASKS - most locals will wear face masks as a precaution against the pollution in the bigger cities and rural areas where the factories are located, sometimes, they are worn to keep out the passing viruses and illnesses sweeping the city
CHOPSTICKS - chopsticks are not the only eating utensils used in China, according to popular belief. Many locals will eat using chopsticks but, most will also carry a spoon and possibly a fork (depending on what the dish consists of)
FOOD - Chinese food is not typically what most Americans or British people are used to, the flavors are a lot more full and are not filled with additives. A typical dish in China will contain meat (usually pork) and vegetables with a full sauce, served with a side of white rice
STREET FOOD - in almost every city, once the sun goes down and most restaurants have closed down for the night, the street vendors will usually appear with their alluring smells and cheap snacks - fried rice, soups, fried chicken wings, etc.
SNACKS - typical snacks in China are not similar to those in The US or The UK, snacks mostly consist of rice based produce or nuts, sometimes they are dried fruits or spiced beef jerky, etc.
TOASTING - during business or work-related meals or other special occasions (wedding and birthdays), the head of the table with raise their glass to propose multiple toasts throughout the duration of the meal, the phrase ganbei 干杯 is often used in good spirits, which means dry glass, in other words chug that drink!
RED PACKETS (HONGBAO 红包) - at Spring Festival, red packets or red envelopes are given out, usually to the children in the family from the older members, the packets can contain anywhere between 8RMB into the thousands, it’s extremely lucky and said to be good fortune if the packet contains the numbers 6 and 8 - these packets are not just reserved for Spring Festival however
WEARING RED - red is one of the luckiest colors in China, it symbolizes many different things; wealth, posterity, fortune, happiness, luck, and wearing red during Spring Festival is said to be the ultimate fortune for the coming year
SPRING FESTIVAL - some traditions that should and should not happen at Spring Festival include; cutting your hair before the festival, not showering or washing your hair too soon after the first day of the festival, not sweeping too soon after the festival, decorating the home (front door and windows) with the character fu 福, eating dumplings or jiaozi for breakfast, traveling home to be with family setting off firecrackers
QINGMING 清明 - this time of year is to pay respects to the passed family members, usually families will tend to their place of burial to sweep the tomb, place gifts and pray to their lost relatives
DRAGONBOAT FESTIVAL - each year during Dragonboat festival, families gather at lakesides and rivers to watch the annual dragonboat races. Families also make a sticky rice and bamboo snack called zongzi 粽子
MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL - during Mid-Autumn Festival, families gather to make moon cakes and observe the mid-autumn moon, they will often go out to dine at a nice restaurant and spend time together
BEAUTY - most Chinese women are beauty obsessed and often take selfies with cute filters (bunnies, kittens, skin enhancement), as well as editing their pictures to show their best sides. Chinese women hold beauty standards in high regards
SKIN - related to beauty and health, Chinese women believe that whiter, paler skin is naturally beautiful and spend hundreds of RMB to help maintain and lighten their skin tone to be more milky
SHOES OFF - when entering the home, Chinese people will remove their shoes at their front door, replacing their shoes with indoor shoes or slippers to walk around their homes without worrying about trodding in outside dirt and germs
WEDDINGS - before the wedding, the couple to be wed will take prenuptial pictures to announce their wedding, the groom will deliver a  dowry to the bride’s family. Both families will meet to attend a tea pouring ceremony, in which the wedded couple will pour their parents tea and toast the celebration with them
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hyruletarot · 7 years
The Sheikah Slate Spread
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Gather round, Heroes and Heroines of Time, for I am about to share with you a little something I have been working on for the past few days. I can´t think of a better item to base a Zelda Spread on than the Sheikah Slate for this blog´s main purpose´s reawakening.
It’s been over 100 years since we last fought against the forces of darkness and uncertainty on this very same blog (yes, I know it was just a year!). We shall begin anew and part for new adventures. But before venturing forth, take this. We all know that it´s dangerous out there, don’t we?
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As a highly powerful technological device, the Sheikah Slate offers all kinds of functions to assist you in your quest. It has a Scope, a Map, it operates with well-developed apps Runes, and it even has advanced sensors for unopened Shrines. So, I went pondering about a Spread that could replicate those functions somehow. After all, a highly advanced piece of technology needs highly advanced divination techniques. So, I worked hard like a Sheikah these past days, trying my hand on every bit of divinatory techniques that could lend itself quite nicely to a Sheikah Slate Spread.
So, now, I didn´t invented these techniques at all. BUT, I took everything that could work for this project and gave it a twist here and there to make it functional. I used everything, from traditional tarot techniques, methods found in traditional cartomancy, and fun tricks found in Lenormand reading. In fact, the fabled Grand Tableau served as the basis for this spread… with proper Zelda twists to create a fun spread that offers the wonderful things found in the Sheikah Slate. Heck, I even think I managed to channel Steve Jobs to pitch this spread to my followers and lovers of all-things cartomancy!
So, without further ado, let me present the Sheikah Slate Spread!
Begin by selecting a Significator for yourself. If there are other persons involved, select one for each of the. Don´t overstuff, though, keep it simple. And remember to take note on which card represents who. Proceed to shuffle the cards and pick the cards you need to complete a set of 16 cards, bearing in mind that from those 16 you already took one when you choose a Significator for you. Maybe you took more than one for each additional persons involved. It doesn´t matter, just pick as many as you need from the deck to complete a set of 16 cards.
Spread them out the following way, already face-up. I will guide you through this lengthy process to read this spread in an appropriate manner.
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Part 1: The Scope and Pins Functionality
The Sheikah Slate uses state-of-the-art technology to zero in something of importance, that is maybe distant from where you stand. The Scope is represented by the Four Central Cards of the Spread (that is A, B, C and D). These cards zero in something very important for your life right now. It is not just about something simple, this four cards reveal the most important thing on your life journey as of now.
Once you read those four cards, read the Four Corner Cards, the give additional information regarding the Central Cards. These Four Corner Cards (I, IV, XIII and XVI) complement the Central Cards by showing more mundane and immediate things.
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Part 2: The Map Functionality
The Sheikah Slate always pinpoints your exact location and/or that of other important individuals/things. Kindly, please, locate Your Significator Card and take notice of the Numbered Position it landed on. This Numbered Position corresponds to which part of the land of Hyrule you are currently residing on. This will give you further information regarding your current life position on the Map Functionality.
The cards above you deal with what is exerting the most pressure on your mind and emotion. The cards below you are those thing you have under control. The cards to your left represent your past. The cards to your right represent what is to come. If no further cards are on your right, then you are on the brink a new cycle in your life.
If there is more than one person involved, proceed to do the same for them. Also, take notice if you share the same row or column with them. If not, then you might not be on the best of terms with them and so you can use the Yiga´s Spell: to further explore that situation, trace imaginary lines parting from both Significator Cards in a Vertical and Horziontal way. Those lines emanating from both cards will intersect in two card positions. These two cards will let you explore what is happening between you two.
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Part 3: The Places of Power
It is imperative to analyze the Map the cards offer you in much more detail. As a continuation from the Map Functionality part, we shall delve further into the Hyrulian Landscape as follows:
I. Shrine of Resurrection: Project in hand
II. Temple of Time: Hope
III. Sheikah Towers: Luck
IV. Great Hyrule Forest: Wishes
V. Hyrule Castle: Injustice
VI. Death Mountain: Trouble
VII. Karusa Valley: Rivals/Deceit/Gossip
VIII. Gerudo Desert: Sickness
IX. Zora´s Domain: Friendship
X. Kakariko Village: Joy/Home
XI. Spring of Wisdom: Love of any kind
XII. Tarrey Town: Marriage
XIII. Spring of Power: Money/Fortune
XIV. Great Fairy Fountain: Gift
XV. Spring of Courage: Kindness
XVI. Shrines: Prosperity
Each of the sixteen cards is located in one of these Hyrulian Places of Power, including the Significators. You must interpret the card that landed there, taking into consideration that its position in the spread is colored by what the Place of Power brings to that card.
Note: More information regarding the possible interpretations will come in a follow-up post. In said post we will delve on the significance of the Places of Power based on the suit of the card it landed on them.
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Part 4: The Heroic Columns
The Sheikah Slate is equipped with powerful software capable of identifying your present quest for the day and assisting you in managing that day´s quest. Keep in mind that for the interpretation for these columns you are NOT required to take the Places of Power into consideration. And please, scale down the interpretation for we are dealing with more mundane situation, although certainly not less important.
   E. Present Day Quest: This Column tells you about the present day´s most pressing concern.
   F. Keys to the Shrine: The things that will open the way for you to make progress towards your goals. Could be anything, from pep-talks, to magick spells, to meditation, to affirmations, to prayers, to simple everyday actions like getting out of the house, doing homework, visitng friends, etc.
   G. Puzzle Solving: The first two cards from top to bottom tell you about the obstacles. The last two cards are how they are meant to be resolved.
   H. Spirit Orbs: The things you shall receive that at the end of the day you shall stop and appreciate the best you can. Every day you receive blessings, this are the things that you should shower with your appreciation to open the doors for even more blessings.
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Part 5: The Malicious Rows
Of course, the Sheikah Slate can further analyze your Life Position, help you remember even things that are important, store revelations, and recall a compendium of information for you to review and reflect when you have the opportunity to do so. These are not be taken in a broader way than the Heroic Columns, for they reveal things that have happened in the last month. Also, you don´t need to take into account the Places of Power when interpreting the rows.
   1. The Spirit: These are the Higher Things, those that are bigger than you and that explain your current Life Situation. These are active forces.
   2. The Mind: These is the preponderant mind state for the month that colors all your interactions with all aspects of your life.
   3. The Physical: Important aspects of your body, your needs and satisfactions that have dominated the last month.
   4. The Undercurrent: Important yet subtle forces at work, that are born from other´s actions and decisions all around you that may directly or indirectly impact you. Again, this is information about last month.
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Part 6: The Runes
Further powers can be unlocked for the Sheikah Slate. For that matter, part from the card that is directly placed under the Symbols of each Rune. Interpret the cards following the colored line. Each Rune reveals things, show you secret ways to influence the events and deal with both everyday problems and life problems.
The Remote Bomb Line: This line reveals a connection between the cards the line touches, how they overtly or secretly relate to each other, and how if you impact any of the cards in this line you will set off a chain reaction to help you blast through the obstacles one or more cards in the line represent. The preceding cards shall impact the next one, and so on and so forth.
The Magnesis Line: This line reveals a connection between the cards the line touches, how they overtly or secretly relate to each other, and how if you manipulate any of the cards in this line you will set off a chain reaction to help you moves things in your favor. Be careful, for it also generates enough force that could potentially damage you, and is represented by the line returning to its starting place.
The Stasis Line: This line reveals things that, for the time being, you should nurture and keep them as they are. When the effect expires after some time (probably withing the next lunar month), the “kinetic” energy that your kindness and nurturing bestowed upon them shall be released in a way that blesses yourself and make things fall into place for you, even the universe bending over itself to help you if you keep doing it consistently. Again, the arrow line flies towards its starting point, the second to last card represents that which you shall receive, be it the destruction of an obstacle or the securing of success. Even seemingly immovable objects can be impacted this way.
The Cryonis Line: The cards on this arrow line are stepping stones that you should use to balance your life. Keep in mind that they may also represent obstacles for your enemies, offering protection from their vicious attacks if you procure them.
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Part 7: The Sheikah Sensor+
This sensor is the latest of functions added to the Sheikah Slate, giving you the ability to discover secrets hidden all around you that will give your more information regarding any of the Sixteen Cards that conform the Spread.
How you go about it by using the Lenormand technique called Knighting. Yes, this technique comes from the Knight´s movement in chess and works the same. You part from the card you want to learn secrets from and count three cards forming a letter “L”. You will arrive to a second card after you Knight, and this card will give you information about their secret.
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Part 8: The Divine Beasts
Dealing in with the Main Computer in certain Sheikah Places can bestow power and the ability to take possession of one of the Four Divine Beast. These shall be taken with the power of your intuition from the deck of unused cards at the end of a Sheikah Slate Spread reading. So you will take four cards and place them, one by one in the order of your liking, over one of the 16 cards so you can summon further introspection, hints and solutions for what the cards reveal. Take in mind that the Divine Beast will bestow its power to the card randomly picked, and the interpretation must come from that perspective.
Vah Ruta: The powers of positive feelings will drive this card to affect a card of your choosing.
Vah Medoh: The powers of intellect will drive this card to affect a card of your choosing.
Vah Rudania: The power of direct confrontation will drive this card to affect a card of your choosing.
Vah Naboris: The power of spirits and magick will drive this card to affect a card of your choosing.
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So there you have it. One fun way to kickstart and re-energize this blog once more. I hope you enjoy this spread as much as I did putting it together though I am reeeeeally nervous about this post. What if you hate it? Still, Power and Wisdom cannot be balanced without Courage, no? *Inhales deeply before clicking to post* 
So, stay tuned because there is much, much more to come for all THREE of my blogs.
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rambamboo · 7 years
Yo you're like the only person I can find on tumblr that goes to/talks about AAU (that's kinda weird to me) but I'm an incoming freshmen and I wanted to ask for your... idk review(?) of the school. Like what do you like, what do you hate, and if you would recommend it? Thanks in advance!
lmao there’s a few of us we just don’t talk about .. i mean i don’t even talk about it besides the fact that it says in my faq but a bunch of ppl on here just randomly started asking me about it out of the blue so LOL
some other active tumbl arteests that go here/graduated recently are moopdrea (vis dev) and celihime (illustration) if you want to ask them things too. don’t tell them i sent you lmao
long post under cut
i guess what i like about aau/my program is gonna be diff from other ppl… and majors treat you v differently here … like animation, vis dev, and illustration seem like they would be in the same vein but they have totally different requirements, workloads, atmosphere etc
things i like:
personally there are some classes that legit changed my life and my entire view on art and myself .. like ive been extremely humbled compared to who i was in 1st year
most profs i’ve had are rly sweet ppl that genuinely wanna help you but idk if that’s specific to my major/focus (illustration - comics)
with stuff like the annual spring show and all the connections the school has, if you’re reALLY good at the time you’re about to graduate you can prob land a sweet gig(some rly awesome graduates in recent years work at disney, cartoon network, marvel, dc, etc now but pls note this is just a fraction of graduates)
things i don’t rly like:
not every prof does this but a lot of profs i’ve had are big into the mindset that it’s glorious to overwork to death for your art/cut ‘useless’ ppl out of your life etc (some profs aren’t into this at all but yeah a lot of profs do tho)
just gonna say this outright … in some classes i didn’t learn shit and wasn’t into it lmao
oh yeah there’s an 80% dropout rate or at least that’s what it was when i first came here LMAO. the program is also 5.5 years!!! not the standard 4 and idk why they don’t tell you this more clearly :^)))
this isn’t rly a thing i like nor dislike but i think prospective students should know that the grading system is real tough, at least in my major. if you do a pretty good assignment you get a C, A means professional level, and D means fail. so it’s not something you can cruise by in with last-minute work, at least in my major (i think in other majors they’re more lax about it)
^those things are about the actual classes but w stuff like facilities it’s like alright? just little things like if you’re not an animation/gamedev student or don’t have a digital class you can’t use the cintiq/intuos labs without paying a fee, the meal plans are expensive and the cafe food isn’t rly good (also they’re overcrowded a lot of the time), dorms are shoddy and also expensive lmao … it’s a for-profit school in sf so this is just what it is
i can’t just say whether or not i’d recommend the school i think it depends on a ton of different factors bc ppl come from different walks of lifei have learned A LOT here but at the same time the amount of mental breakdowns i’ve had from financial strain and beating myself up are just incredibleee lmao ….. you also v likely will have to overwork … especially in my major at least. there’s assignments that i’m rly not joking i spend 40 hours per week on, so that my profs won’t yell at me. and there have been some finals weeks where i slept like 20 minutes per night for like 3-4 days in a row. i have a friend in my major who gets A’s in all her classes who said during finals one semester she’d wake up in the morning and have to throw up and then go straight to class bc she was so overworked??i mean i’m rly not trying to scare you but no one told me how things would be before i came here so i feel like i should tell ppl now that i know what it’s like …… you rly have to work that much sometimes just so that you can get a grade above C (it’s not like that for every class but some classes are v intense)
I FEEL LIKE I’M SAYING A LOT OF NEGATIVES AND MAKING IT SOUND LIKE HELL LMAO but i mean …. i!!! like i rly dO love how much i’ve learned here and all the amazing experiences i’ve had (like near epiphanies lmao) and i’ve met many priceless friends as well ….. everyday is still good for me and i’m grateful that i’m so privileged i can study here. but just pls be aware of some of the cons since not everything is sunshine and rainbows here
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askdurianrider · 8 years
YO response to bonnyrebeccas tumblr about rt4 & your advice??
1. Im glad that Bonny answers some questions but it doesnt look like her energy is that good because she only answers a handful of questions per week, uploads every now and then and just seems to sit around watching repeats of The Lion King. When she was carbing up she was traveling around, doing more content, got her book out and was HEAPS fitter than she is today. 
2. I base my advice on results. Im performance focused. If someone claims they feel better or worse then we look at what performances they did on certain diets/mindsets and then check them today or vice versa. I was talking to Bonny the other day about certain things. It was a long conversation but I didnt ask these questions. Maybe she can elaborate more? I know when I added in more daily fat over 100g that my legs felt really ‘blocked’ on the bike the next day and trying to hit 400w for 5 mins just felt impossible. I also felt more attraction to stimulants like caffeine etc. Like a daily attraction just to do everyday stuff that doesnt even require stimulants! xD
3. Bonny didnt give us any specific cal, carb or fat intakes so it is a bit confusing to the viewer what exactly is different? Was it more cals, more fat grams and less cals or eating at different times of the day and how are we measuring performance gains or losses? 
4. Ive been coaching friends on fitness since 1996. Started as a PT in the gym back in 1999. I worked in sports footwear and cycling industry for many years. FADS come and go and industry makes xyz claim BUT Ive learned to sniff out what real results are and what is just fake. Nike claiming their shoes are faster when we know they are being worn by doped athletes just is bullshit. Put those shoes on the average punter and there is zero objective performance increase lol.
5. Give me anyone and I will turn them into their fittest self. Tori is fitter now after just a few months of playing around on the bike than when she was at the sports institute for rowing and guided by professional state coaches. Granted she lives with me so I can monitor her biological read out every hour of the day and adjust diet and training accordingly but you get the picture - Im not bound by institution or government ‘guidelines’. I have freedom to experiment and show people the results. Some people like to pretend that Im ‘fixed and bound’ to my own guide lines but Im not. Ive eaten so much vegan junk food on camera, experimented with steroids etc and poured 300g of sugar onto a 500g packet of kellogs sustain cereal to show people ‘how it affected my blood values in a negative way’ (it didnt and I had one of the strongest rides of my life the next day)
6. I know so many crew who claim to eat one way but eat another way because they are scared of losing customers. I know so many people who still have raging eating disorders and they hide it under ‘allergies’ etc. (Just to be clear Im NOT saying FL or Bonny had ED, in my honest opinion they don’t and living with FL I can honestly say she does eat a lot but when snacking on fatty stuff, she will limit it heavily but try a small amount).
7. Many people say some of the skinny girls on youtube etc have ED and whilst that may be true for some, it isnt true for the people that I promote. As soon as I hear wind of someone starving, Im all over them and making sure Im not promoting their bad example. Fuck man, life is hard enough without trying to get thru the day glucose exhausted and undercarbed AF.
8. I could get Bonny so fucking fit and toned. Bonny hasnt coached anyone to incredible results. I mean she could if she used my program and so could FL but neither girls do coaching and if they do, they are only parroting my template and Im not going to sue them for that haha.  Im SO happy people spreading the high carb vegan word man! I mean Bonny going to give a refund for all those people who bought her high carb book? Stephanie? Freelee? Don’t think so bro. 
9. People change, beliefs change. Human physiology laws dont though. Give me ANYONE and I can have them earning good money on social media, have them the fittest they have ever been (drug free) and have them more relaxed and confident about themselves and life than they ever thought was possible. Also they will NEVER have to worry about getting fat ever again! 
10. To be objective critiques people need to read my 2 ebooks. Some say I recommend this or that but what I rate is in text and in my 2 ebooks. I recommend a LIFESTYLE based on quality sweet fruit IF you can get it. Supplement those cals each day with refined sugars and processed starches like rice, wheat, quinoa, corn, potatoes, yams etc. I say processed because when you cook something is is NOT a whole food! A whole food is an apple. You can drink more apples than you can eat a raw one. You can eat more cooked rice than raw rice. You can eat an INSANE amount of yams, sweet potatoes, corn if it is cooked vs raw aka you will GET WAY MORE CARBS SO YOU CAN GET LIFE FUCKING DONE! (Where is the discussion about training? Like why are people driving cars in Sydney when it is faster to just ride down the road vs store body fat, pollute the earth by sitting in a car that kill children, pets and wildlife every day?)
For those obsessed with just diet diet diet the TRUE WHOLE food DIEt is raw fruit. Just pick up a peach and eat it. That is a whole food!. (Whole food is NOT cooked food lol!)
A diet high in processed foods is essentially what I recommend.
Cooked starches aka rice of any kind, pasta.
Fruit smoothies.
Refined sugars aka dried fruit, cane sugar, fructose syrup, rice cakes etc.
Processed fats like tofu, oil, nut butters etc are good if you are getting too skinny or you have no heart disease risk. I eat them when Im looking to gain a bit of fat or not drop weight too fast because Im riding my bike more than sitting my undercarbed ass in a car. #irony
Bottom line I DONT take performance advice from peeps that can’t even post a tumblr question once a day or upload a basic youtube video once a day yet their profession is social media. 
I DONT take performance advice from peeps that wouldnt put a fat person in their instagram shot yet would get dropped by a fat person up a hill on a bike.
People can critique my lifestyle advice (I dont do diets man, it is LIFESTYLE I teach) but fuck, at least so us some epic shit or epic transformations of people you have coached. Im running a 6 week festival this year in Thailand essentially on my own. You think Im gonna do that eating a mouse sized acai bowl I just paid $40 for from some hipster cafe in Bondi where you could drop 100$ on the ground and nobody would notice because they are too busy looking at their phones, their reflections in the window or at other hipsters hair cuts and analyzing the bondi sands tans. 😂
To be continued….
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albertcaldwellne · 7 years
Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers
Imagine this: you’re training a champion athlete or an actor to be the next Marvel superhero. Each day they arrive at your gym and have a killer workout, followed by the perfect post-training meal. Their productivity is envy-inducing. 
Then they go on vacation.
They fumble around the resort gym trying to figure out exercise replacements. Eventually, they give up and return to the pool bar for a round of margarita’s to ease the pain and embarrassment of failure.
The former is an environment built for proactive high-performance. The latter describes a reactive scene of struggle and loss.
Similar scenarios play out everyday in your quest for high-performance at work, in your writing, and for your coaching business.
If you are proactive, plan ahead, and follow the playbook of a high-performer, you can crush the competition and dominate every day.
But if you get soft and lazy, wing it, and wake up unproductive and reactive, you’ll struggle, kill your momentum, and end up joining the New York Jets down on Loser Street.
I’m here to save you and your clients from that fate (although sorry, we can’t save the Jets… I’m not a miracle worker).
Follow these 7 rules of high-performers so you don’t miss out on a single day of making massive progress towards your big goals and dreams.
1. Harness Your Champion Mindset
We’ve all been champions at one point in our lives. You might have been a state champion, a top bodybuilder, head of your fraternity or sorority, star of your school play, or the valedictorian of your class. Maybe you’ve had an amazing ‘before-and-after’ transformation or simply married out of your league.
Somewhere along the line, your plan came together and you rose to the top. That means you already have a champion mindset installed inside of you. Now, to get to the next level in life, you simply need to harness the power of your championship principles.
The winning principles in life are simple. I’ve seen them work time-after-time in many different industries for my thousands of coaching clients. I call them the 5 Pillars of Success:
i) Better Planning & Preparation Than Ever Before ii) Professional Accountability (your ‘coach’) iii) Positive Social Support (your ‘cheerleaders’) iv) A Meaningful Incentive v) The BIG Deadline
When you have these Championship Principles in place you can win the CrossFit Games, write your first book, or build a 7-figure coaching program.
Go back to a point in time where you had incredible success in life, look at what you did right, and apply those lessons to your life today.
2. Make Time Magic
If you’ve read my book, The Perfect Day Formula, you’ve heard the phrase “Magic Time.” This is the two-hour block of the day where you are three times more productive than usual. For many, like myself, magic time is in the morning.
Case in point: I wrote this 2000 word article in one shot between 4:05 and 6:15 a.m.
But at the Fitness Business Summit 2017 (FBS), John Romaniello challenged me on this principle. He said, “Screw Magic Time. Ignore Craig Ballantyne. Forget Bally the Dog.” Okay, he didn’t mention my dog (he’s not that cruel), but Roman did say that Magic Time wasn’t as effective as the power of a deadline.
At first I seethed with anger. Seethed, I tell you, seethed. (If you’ve never seen a Canadian seething with rage, just picture Mel Gibson in a 1970’s era hockey fight.) But after reflecting on what John said, his argument helped me modify, and improve, my Magic Time formula to make you an even more effective high performer.
There are multiple times of day when you can “trick” your body or your mind into performing at a higher level than you thought possible. It might be in your “Magic Time”, or it might be when you give yourself a hard deadline with consequences.
I still believe in the power of Magic Time. You need to find it in your day, and ruthlessly foster it and protect it from all the time thieves in your life.
And yes, as effective as Magic Time is, there’s nothing more powerful than a deadline.
I agree.
A deadline helps a high performer to get stuff done in record time for three reasons:
First, it spurs us to overcome the initial inertia.
Second, it keeps us going through the middle of a tough project knowing that we’re on the homestretch.
And third, it gets us to work faster and push harder the closer we get to the finish line.
3. Corollary: Make Time Your Bitch
“It’s not about the hour you get up, it’s about what you do with the hours that you are up.” – Craig Ballantyne
I don’t care what time you get up.
In fact, I don’t want you to get up at 4 a.m. One of the reasons I get up early is to avoid other people. So go back to bed and leave me alone!
High performers don’t worry about the clock. They focus on the concept of time and bend it to their will, owning their day and controlling their life. Let’s look at two extreme examples.
I get up at 3:45 a.m. seven days a week. It’s essential that I start writing at 4 a.m.
On the other hand, my good friend, Joel Marion has spent the last nine years dominating the online fitness and supplement industry working between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. He clocks out when I clock in.
The actual hours don’t matter. Forget where the hands are on the clock. What matters is that high-performers take complete control over time and operate on their own time.
We snub the convention of the world and work when it works for us. We make the world operate on their clock, not the other way around. If you want to work from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., then so be it. 
4. Today’s To-Do is for Tomorrow
One of the biggest mistakes potential high-performers make is waiting until the morning to create a to-do list.
But if you are making your to-do list in the morning, you are already too late. The list needs to be done the night before so you can wake up and get right to work.
Here’s a two-step plan for finishing your day correctly and starting tomorrow with a big win.
First, at the end of your workday, grab a scrap piece of paper and do what I call “a brain dump.” Write down all the crazy thoughts running through your head, such as all the things you want to do the next day, all the people you need to contact, and all the obstacles in your way.
Next, organize these thoughts into your to-do list. Prioritize your action items. Script your day. Cut what doesn’t matter. Insert your most important work tasks into clearly defined and defended blocks of time.
There you go. Tomorrow has been conquered today.
Planning ahead is a high-performers secret to success.
“Nothing wins more often than superior preparation. Genius is usually preparation.” – Kekich Credo #73
5. Feed Your Brain Rocket Fuel
This section isn’t a lecture on protein intake, organic foods, or staying hydrated. Gwenyth Paltrow can tell you how to do that. (Seriously, her Goop.com is one of my favorite reads.)
Besides, you most likely know physical nutrition inside-and-out. Instead, we’re going deeper and darker, and pushing the envelope with an edgy approach to fueling your mind.
You see, high-performers need a little extra. It could be caffeine, or it might be bourbon at 11 p.m. as you settle into a writing frenzy. 
Now I’m not suggesting you go full Hunter S. Thompson mode where you start your day with a line of cocaine at 4 p.m., but you need to give your mind whatever it needs to crank out content.
I initially resisted this idea. My father was an alcoholic, and it made me never wanted to become dependent on any substance in life.
For example, I would never go more than two days in a row consuming caffeine. I know you coffee drinkers can’t believe this. But I’m serious.
However, a little self-reflection made me realize that my best writing days were enhanced with a little rocket fuel for the brain (i.e. caffeine), so I loosened up and my performance went through the roof.
Keep in mind this is a calculated dose of rocket fuel, and you’re not being given permission to dose yourself willy-nilly.
Identify your rocket fuel. Dose accordingly. 6. Create an Insanely Clear & Concise Vision
High performers do this for every aspect of their lives; they create an insanely clear and concise vision of what they want. 
In my workshops and at my retreat, I take my coaching clients through an extensive two-hour vision creation process. It eliminates the clutter in your mind, and it gives you complete clarity on what matters in your life and how to achieve exactly what you want.
Once you’ve created your vision, only then can you start putting in place your daily high-performance habits that will bring you faster results in every area of your life.
Just like you can’t design a killer training program without knowing your client’s goals, and just like you can’t build a house without blueprints, you can’t get what you want without a vision.
7 . Model Other High Performers
This is not a definitive list of the rules that high performers follow, but it’s a good place for you to start so you can own your days and take back control of your life.
When you put these high performer habits in place, you’ll triple your productivity and start attracting more success and opportunity into your life. It’s a proven equation for domination.
But frankly, there’s so much more you need to install into your life in order to be the ultimate high-performer that you know you can be.
After working with over 5,000 coaching clients, I still see the need for greater self-confidence and techniques to overcome self-doubt, as well as better systems for eliminating temptations, obstacles, and external negativity that are likely holding you back in the first place.
That’s why I’d like to invite you to my Perfect Life Retreat on November 9-10th in San Diego.
You’ll join me, John Romaniello, Lewis Howes, Jason Ferruggia, Tucker Max, Bedros Keuilian, and over 200 other high performers across dozens of industries (from Hollywood actors to female entrepreneurs to The New York Times bestselling authors).
Over the two days we’ll do a deep dive into installing the Habits of High Performers into your life so you can finally achieve the success you deserve.
But this isn’t another seminar where you sit through lecture after lecture and leave with 40 pages of notes that you never end up implementing.
Instead, after we create the roadmap (vision) for your life, we’ll spend the rest of the time working through concrete action plans so that you leave with most of the work done-for-you and the snowball of success rolling down the hill and your momentum picking up speed.
At the end of our time together, you’ll walk away with a crystal clear action plan to achieve exactly what you want in life.
Plus, our team is doing something for you that you’ve never experienced at any other event.
As a recovering introvert, I know how difficult networking can be, even when you’re in a room of positive high-performers. That’s why our team is spending dozens of hours making your connections in advance.
We’ll give you a done-for-you list of who you need to meet (and why), so that you can make big-money connections easily and automatically. If even a fraction of the 100+ events I had attended in the past would have done this, I’d be exponentially more successful than I am today.
If you want to be a high-performer, if you want to install your champion mindset into every area of your life, if you want to meet the writers, coaches, and speakers that you’ve looked up to for years, and if you want to get a proven blueprint that gives you faster results, then you can’t miss out on the 1st ever Perfect Life Retreat.
Last thing… Roman’s twisted my arm and made me keep open my BOGO (buy one, get one) offer for his readers. That means when you register today that you get to bring a high-performer friend for free.
Click here to take advantage of this deal today.
The post Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers appeared first on Roman Fitness Systems.
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ruthellisneda · 7 years
Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers
Imagine this: you’re training a champion athlete or an actor to be the next Marvel superhero. Each day they arrive at your gym and have a killer workout, followed by the perfect post-training meal. Their productivity is envy-inducing. 
Then they go on vacation.
They fumble around the resort gym trying to figure out exercise replacements. Eventually, they give up and return to the pool bar for a round of margarita’s to ease the pain and embarrassment of failure.
The former is an environment built for proactive high-performance. The latter describes a reactive scene of struggle and loss.
Similar scenarios play out everyday in your quest for high-performance at work, in your writing, and for your coaching business.
If you are proactive, plan ahead, and follow the playbook of a high-performer, you can crush the competition and dominate every day.
But if you get soft and lazy, wing it, and wake up unproductive and reactive, you’ll struggle, kill your momentum, and end up joining the New York Jets down on Loser Street.
I’m here to save you and your clients from that fate (although sorry, we can’t save the Jets… I’m not a miracle worker).
Follow these 7 rules of high-performers so you don’t miss out on a single day of making massive progress towards your big goals and dreams.
1. Harness Your Champion Mindset
We’ve all been champions at one point in our lives. You might have been a state champion, a top bodybuilder, head of your fraternity or sorority, star of your school play, or the valedictorian of your class. Maybe you’ve had an amazing ‘before-and-after’ transformation or simply married out of your league.
Somewhere along the line, your plan came together and you rose to the top. That means you already have a champion mindset installed inside of you. Now, to get to the next level in life, you simply need to harness the power of your championship principles.
The winning principles in life are simple. I’ve seen them work time-after-time in many different industries for my thousands of coaching clients. I call them the 5 Pillars of Success:
i) Better Planning & Preparation Than Ever Before ii) Professional Accountability (your ‘coach’) iii) Positive Social Support (your ‘cheerleaders’) iv) A Meaningful Incentive v) The BIG Deadline
When you have these Championship Principles in place you can win the CrossFit Games, write your first book, or build a 7-figure coaching program.
Go back to a point in time where you had incredible success in life, look at what you did right, and apply those lessons to your life today.
2. Make Time Magic
If you’ve read my book, The Perfect Day Formula, you’ve heard the phrase “Magic Time.” This is the two-hour block of the day where you are three times more productive than usual. For many, like myself, magic time is in the morning.
Case in point: I wrote this 2000 word article in one shot between 4:05 and 6:15 a.m.
But at the Fitness Business Summit 2017 (FBS), John Romaniello challenged me on this principle. He said, “Screw Magic Time. Ignore Craig Ballantyne. Forget Bally the Dog.” Okay, he didn’t mention my dog (he’s not that cruel), but Roman did say that Magic Time wasn’t as effective as the power of a deadline.
At first I seethed with anger. Seethed, I tell you, seethed. (If you’ve never seen a Canadian seething with rage, just picture Mel Gibson in a 1970’s era hockey fight.) But after reflecting on what John said, his argument helped me modify, and improve, my Magic Time formula to make you an even more effective high performer.
There are multiple times of day when you can “trick” your body or your mind into performing at a higher level than you thought possible. It might be in your “Magic Time”, or it might be when you give yourself a hard deadline with consequences.
I still believe in the power of Magic Time. You need to find it in your day, and ruthlessly foster it and protect it from all the time thieves in your life.
And yes, as effective as Magic Time is, there’s nothing more powerful than a deadline.
I agree.
A deadline helps a high performer to get stuff done in record time for three reasons:
First, it spurs us to overcome the initial inertia.
Second, it keeps us going through the middle of a tough project knowing that we’re on the homestretch.
And third, it gets us to work faster and push harder the closer we get to the finish line.
3. Corollary: Make Time Your Bitch
“It’s not about the hour you get up, it’s about what you do with the hours that you are up.” – Craig Ballantyne
I don’t care what time you get up.
In fact, I don’t want you to get up at 4 a.m. One of the reasons I get up early is to avoid other people. So go back to bed and leave me alone!
High performers don’t worry about the clock. They focus on the concept of time and bend it to their will, owning their day and controlling their life. Let’s look at two extreme examples.
I get up at 3:45 a.m. seven days a week. It’s essential that I start writing at 4 a.m.
On the other hand, my good friend, Joel Marion has spent the last nine years dominating the online fitness and supplement industry working between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. He clocks out when I clock in.
The actual hours don’t matter. Forget where the hands are on the clock. What matters is that high-performers take complete control over time and operate on their own time.
We snub the convention of the world and work when it works for us. We make the world operate on their clock, not the other way around. If you want to work from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., then so be it. 
4. Today’s To-Do is for Tomorrow
One of the biggest mistakes potential high-performers make is waiting until the morning to create a to-do list.
But if you are making your to-do list in the morning, you are already too late. The list needs to be done the night before so you can wake up and get right to work.
Here’s a two-step plan for finishing your day correctly and starting tomorrow with a big win.
First, at the end of your workday, grab a scrap piece of paper and do what I call “a brain dump.” Write down all the crazy thoughts running through your head, such as all the things you want to do the next day, all the people you need to contact, and all the obstacles in your way.
Next, organize these thoughts into your to-do list. Prioritize your action items. Script your day. Cut what doesn’t matter. Insert your most important work tasks into clearly defined and defended blocks of time.
There you go. Tomorrow has been conquered today.
Planning ahead is a high-performers secret to success.
“Nothing wins more often than superior preparation. Genius is usually preparation.” – Kekich Credo #73
5. Feed Your Brain Rocket Fuel
This section isn’t a lecture on protein intake, organic foods, or staying hydrated. Gwenyth Paltrow can tell you how to do that. (Seriously, her Goop.com is one of my favorite reads.)
Besides, you most likely know physical nutrition inside-and-out. Instead, we’re going deeper and darker, and pushing the envelope with an edgy approach to fueling your mind.
You see, high-performers need a little extra. It could be caffeine, or it might be bourbon at 11 p.m. as you settle into a writing frenzy. 
Now I’m not suggesting you go full Hunter S. Thompson mode where you start your day with a line of cocaine at 4 p.m., but you need to give your mind whatever it needs to crank out content.
I initially resisted this idea. My father was an alcoholic, and it made me never wanted to become dependent on any substance in life.
For example, I would never go more than two days in a row consuming caffeine. I know you coffee drinkers can’t believe this. But I’m serious.
However, a little self-reflection made me realize that my best writing days were enhanced with a little rocket fuel for the brain (i.e. caffeine), so I loosened up and my performance went through the roof.
Keep in mind this is a calculated dose of rocket fuel, and you’re not being given permission to dose yourself willy-nilly.
Identify your rocket fuel. Dose accordingly. 6. Create an Insanely Clear & Concise Vision
High performers do this for every aspect of their lives; they create an insanely clear and concise vision of what they want. 
In my workshops and at my retreat, I take my coaching clients through an extensive two-hour vision creation process. It eliminates the clutter in your mind, and it gives you complete clarity on what matters in your life and how to achieve exactly what you want.
Once you’ve created your vision, only then can you start putting in place your daily high-performance habits that will bring you faster results in every area of your life.
Just like you can’t design a killer training program without knowing your client’s goals, and just like you can’t build a house without blueprints, you can’t get what you want without a vision.
7 . Model Other High Performers
This is not a definitive list of the rules that high performers follow, but it’s a good place for you to start so you can own your days and take back control of your life.
When you put these high performer habits in place, you’ll triple your productivity and start attracting more success and opportunity into your life. It’s a proven equation for domination.
But frankly, there’s so much more you need to install into your life in order to be the ultimate high-performer that you know you can be.
After working with over 5,000 coaching clients, I still see the need for greater self-confidence and techniques to overcome self-doubt, as well as better systems for eliminating temptations, obstacles, and external negativity that are likely holding you back in the first place.
That’s why I’d like to invite you to my Perfect Life Retreat on November 9-10th in San Diego.
You’ll join me, John Romaniello, Lewis Howes, Jason Ferruggia, Tucker Max, Bedros Keuilian, and over 200 other high performers across dozens of industries (from Hollywood actors to female entrepreneurs to The New York Times bestselling authors).
Over the two days we’ll do a deep dive into installing the Habits of High Performers into your life so you can finally achieve the success you deserve.
But this isn’t another seminar where you sit through lecture after lecture and leave with 40 pages of notes that you never end up implementing.
Instead, after we create the roadmap (vision) for your life, we’ll spend the rest of the time working through concrete action plans so that you leave with most of the work done-for-you and the snowball of success rolling down the hill and your momentum picking up speed.
At the end of our time together, you’ll walk away with a crystal clear action plan to achieve exactly what you want in life.
Plus, our team is doing something for you that you’ve never experienced at any other event.
As a recovering introvert, I know how difficult networking can be, even when you’re in a room of positive high-performers. That’s why our team is spending dozens of hours making your connections in advance.
We’ll give you a done-for-you list of who you need to meet (and why), so that you can make big-money connections easily and automatically. If even a fraction of the 100+ events I had attended in the past would have done this, I’d be exponentially more successful than I am today.
If you want to be a high-performer, if you want to install your champion mindset into every area of your life, if you want to meet the writers, coaches, and speakers that you’ve looked up to for years, and if you want to get a proven blueprint that gives you faster results, then you can’t miss out on the 1st ever Perfect Life Retreat.
Last thing… Roman’s twisted my arm and made me keep open my BOGO (buy one, get one) offer for his readers. That means when you register today that you get to bring a high-performer friend for free.
Click here to take advantage of this deal today.
The post Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers appeared first on Roman Fitness Systems.
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almajonesnjna · 7 years
Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers
Imagine this: you’re training a champion athlete or an actor to be the next Marvel superhero. Each day they arrive at your gym and have a killer workout, followed by the perfect post-training meal. Their productivity is envy-inducing. 
Then they go on vacation.
They fumble around the resort gym trying to figure out exercise replacements. Eventually, they give up and return to the pool bar for a round of margarita’s to ease the pain and embarrassment of failure.
The former is an environment built for proactive high-performance. The latter describes a reactive scene of struggle and loss.
Similar scenarios play out everyday in your quest for high-performance at work, in your writing, and for your coaching business.
If you are proactive, plan ahead, and follow the playbook of a high-performer, you can crush the competition and dominate every day.
But if you get soft and lazy, wing it, and wake up unproductive and reactive, you’ll struggle, kill your momentum, and end up joining the New York Jets down on Loser Street.
I’m here to save you and your clients from that fate (although sorry, we can’t save the Jets… I’m not a miracle worker).
Follow these 7 rules of high-performers so you don’t miss out on a single day of making massive progress towards your big goals and dreams.
1. Harness Your Champion Mindset
We’ve all been champions at one point in our lives. You might have been a state champion, a top bodybuilder, head of your fraternity or sorority, star of your school play, or the valedictorian of your class. Maybe you’ve had an amazing ‘before-and-after’ transformation or simply married out of your league.
Somewhere along the line, your plan came together and you rose to the top. That means you already have a champion mindset installed inside of you. Now, to get to the next level in life, you simply need to harness the power of your championship principles.
The winning principles in life are simple. I’ve seen them work time-after-time in many different industries for my thousands of coaching clients. I call them the 5 Pillars of Success:
i) Better Planning & Preparation Than Ever Before ii) Professional Accountability (your ‘coach’) iii) Positive Social Support (your ‘cheerleaders’) iv) A Meaningful Incentive v) The BIG Deadline
When you have these Championship Principles in place you can win the CrossFit Games, write your first book, or build a 7-figure coaching program.
Go back to a point in time where you had incredible success in life, look at what you did right, and apply those lessons to your life today.
2. Make Time Magic
If you’ve read my book, The Perfect Day Formula, you’ve heard the phrase “Magic Time.” This is the two-hour block of the day where you are three times more productive than usual. For many, like myself, magic time is in the morning.
Case in point: I wrote this 2000 word article in one shot between 4:05 and 6:15 a.m.
But at the Fitness Business Summit 2017 (FBS), John Romaniello challenged me on this principle. He said, “Screw Magic Time. Ignore Craig Ballantyne. Forget Bally the Dog.” Okay, he didn’t mention my dog (he’s not that cruel), but Roman did say that Magic Time wasn’t as effective as the power of a deadline.
At first I seethed with anger. Seethed, I tell you, seethed. (If you’ve never seen a Canadian seething with rage, just picture Mel Gibson in a 1970’s era hockey fight.) But after reflecting on what John said, his argument helped me modify, and improve, my Magic Time formula to make you an even more effective high performer.
There are multiple times of day when you can “trick” your body or your mind into performing at a higher level than you thought possible. It might be in your “Magic Time”, or it might be when you give yourself a hard deadline with consequences.
I still believe in the power of Magic Time. You need to find it in your day, and ruthlessly foster it and protect it from all the time thieves in your life.
And yes, as effective as Magic Time is, there’s nothing more powerful than a deadline.
I agree.
A deadline helps a high performer to get stuff done in record time for three reasons:
First, it spurs us to overcome the initial inertia.
Second, it keeps us going through the middle of a tough project knowing that we’re on the homestretch.
And third, it gets us to work faster and push harder the closer we get to the finish line.
3. Corollary: Make Time Your Bitch
“It’s not about the hour you get up, it’s about what you do with the hours that you are up.” – Craig Ballantyne
I don’t care what time you get up.
In fact, I don’t want you to get up at 4 a.m. One of the reasons I get up early is to avoid other people. So go back to bed and leave me alone!
High performers don’t worry about the clock. They focus on the concept of time and bend it to their will, owning their day and controlling their life. Let’s look at two extreme examples.
I get up at 3:45 a.m. seven days a week. It’s essential that I start writing at 4 a.m.
On the other hand, my good friend, Joel Marion has spent the last nine years dominating the online fitness and supplement industry working between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. He clocks out when I clock in.
The actual hours don’t matter. Forget where the hands are on the clock. What matters is that high-performers take complete control over time and operate on their own time.
We snub the convention of the world and work when it works for us. We make the world operate on their clock, not the other way around. If you want to work from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., then so be it. 
4. Today’s To-Do is for Tomorrow
One of the biggest mistakes potential high-performers make is waiting until the morning to create a to-do list.
But if you are making your to-do list in the morning, you are already too late. The list needs to be done the night before so you can wake up and get right to work.
Here’s a two-step plan for finishing your day correctly and starting tomorrow with a big win.
First, at the end of your workday, grab a scrap piece of paper and do what I call “a brain dump.” Write down all the crazy thoughts running through your head, such as all the things you want to do the next day, all the people you need to contact, and all the obstacles in your way.
Next, organize these thoughts into your to-do list. Prioritize your action items. Script your day. Cut what doesn’t matter. Insert your most important work tasks into clearly defined and defended blocks of time.
There you go. Tomorrow has been conquered today.
Planning ahead is a high-performers secret to success.
“Nothing wins more often than superior preparation. Genius is usually preparation.” – Kekich Credo #73
5. Feed Your Brain Rocket Fuel
This section isn’t a lecture on protein intake, organic foods, or staying hydrated. Gwenyth Paltrow can tell you how to do that. (Seriously, her Goop.com is one of my favorite reads.)
Besides, you most likely know physical nutrition inside-and-out. Instead, we’re going deeper and darker, and pushing the envelope with an edgy approach to fueling your mind.
You see, high-performers need a little extra. It could be caffeine, or it might be bourbon at 11 p.m. as you settle into a writing frenzy. 
Now I’m not suggesting you go full Hunter S. Thompson mode where you start your day with a line of cocaine at 4 p.m., but you need to give your mind whatever it needs to crank out content.
I initially resisted this idea. My father was an alcoholic, and it made me never wanted to become dependent on any substance in life.
For example, I would never go more than two days in a row consuming caffeine. I know you coffee drinkers can’t believe this. But I’m serious.
However, a little self-reflection made me realize that my best writing days were enhanced with a little rocket fuel for the brain (i.e. caffeine), so I loosened up and my performance went through the roof.
Keep in mind this is a calculated dose of rocket fuel, and you’re not being given permission to dose yourself willy-nilly.
Identify your rocket fuel. Dose accordingly. 6. Create an Insanely Clear & Concise Vision
High performers do this for every aspect of their lives; they create an insanely clear and concise vision of what they want. 
In my workshops and at my retreat, I take my coaching clients through an extensive two-hour vision creation process. It eliminates the clutter in your mind, and it gives you complete clarity on what matters in your life and how to achieve exactly what you want.
Once you’ve created your vision, only then can you start putting in place your daily high-performance habits that will bring you faster results in every area of your life.
Just like you can’t design a killer training program without knowing your client’s goals, and just like you can’t build a house without blueprints, you can’t get what you want without a vision.
7 . Model Other High Performers
This is not a definitive list of the rules that high performers follow, but it’s a good place for you to start so you can own your days and take back control of your life.
When you put these high performer habits in place, you’ll triple your productivity and start attracting more success and opportunity into your life. It’s a proven equation for domination.
But frankly, there’s so much more you need to install into your life in order to be the ultimate high-performer that you know you can be.
After working with over 5,000 coaching clients, I still see the need for greater self-confidence and techniques to overcome self-doubt, as well as better systems for eliminating temptations, obstacles, and external negativity that are likely holding you back in the first place.
That’s why I’d like to invite you to my Perfect Life Retreat on November 9-10th in San Diego.
You’ll join me, John Romaniello, Lewis Howes, Jason Ferruggia, Tucker Max, Bedros Keuilian, and over 200 other high performers across dozens of industries (from Hollywood actors to female entrepreneurs to The New York Times bestselling authors).
Over the two days we’ll do a deep dive into installing the Habits of High Performers into your life so you can finally achieve the success you deserve.
But this isn’t another seminar where you sit through lecture after lecture and leave with 40 pages of notes that you never end up implementing.
Instead, after we create the roadmap (vision) for your life, we’ll spend the rest of the time working through concrete action plans so that you leave with most of the work done-for-you and the snowball of success rolling down the hill and your momentum picking up speed.
At the end of our time together, you’ll walk away with a crystal clear action plan to achieve exactly what you want in life.
Plus, our team is doing something for you that you’ve never experienced at any other event.
As a recovering introvert, I know how difficult networking can be, even when you’re in a room of positive high-performers. That’s why our team is spending dozens of hours making your connections in advance.
We’ll give you a done-for-you list of who you need to meet (and why), so that you can make big-money connections easily and automatically. If even a fraction of the 100+ events I had attended in the past would have done this, I’d be exponentially more successful than I am today.
If you want to be a high-performer, if you want to install your champion mindset into every area of your life, if you want to meet the writers, coaches, and speakers that you’ve looked up to for years, and if you want to get a proven blueprint that gives you faster results, then you can’t miss out on the 1st ever Perfect Life Retreat.
Last thing… Roman’s twisted my arm and made me keep open my BOGO (buy one, get one) offer for his readers. That means when you register today that you get to bring a high-performer friend for free.
Click here to take advantage of this deal today.
The post Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers appeared first on Roman Fitness Systems.
0 notes
neilmillerne · 7 years
Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers
Imagine this: you’re training a champion athlete or an actor to be the next Marvel superhero. Each day they arrive at your gym and have a killer workout, followed by the perfect post-training meal. Their productivity is envy-inducing. 
Then they go on vacation.
They fumble around the resort gym trying to figure out exercise replacements. Eventually, they give up and return to the pool bar for a round of margarita’s to ease the pain and embarrassment of failure.
The former is an environment built for proactive high-performance. The latter describes a reactive scene of struggle and loss.
Similar scenarios play out everyday in your quest for high-performance at work, in your writing, and for your coaching business.
If you are proactive, plan ahead, and follow the playbook of a high-performer, you can crush the competition and dominate every day.
But if you get soft and lazy, wing it, and wake up unproductive and reactive, you’ll struggle, kill your momentum, and end up joining the New York Jets down on Loser Street.
I’m here to save you and your clients from that fate (although sorry, we can’t save the Jets… I’m not a miracle worker).
Follow these 7 rules of high-performers so you don’t miss out on a single day of making massive progress towards your big goals and dreams.
1. Harness Your Champion Mindset
We’ve all been champions at one point in our lives. You might have been a state champion, a top bodybuilder, head of your fraternity or sorority, star of your school play, or the valedictorian of your class. Maybe you’ve had an amazing ‘before-and-after’ transformation or simply married out of your league.
Somewhere along the line, your plan came together and you rose to the top. That means you already have a champion mindset installed inside of you. Now, to get to the next level in life, you simply need to harness the power of your championship principles.
The winning principles in life are simple. I’ve seen them work time-after-time in many different industries for my thousands of coaching clients. I call them the 5 Pillars of Success:
i) Better Planning & Preparation Than Ever Before ii) Professional Accountability (your ‘coach’) iii) Positive Social Support (your ‘cheerleaders’) iv) A Meaningful Incentive v) The BIG Deadline
When you have these Championship Principles in place you can win the CrossFit Games, write your first book, or build a 7-figure coaching program.
Go back to a point in time where you had incredible success in life, look at what you did right, and apply those lessons to your life today.
2. Make Time Magic
If you’ve read my book, The Perfect Day Formula, you’ve heard the phrase “Magic Time.” This is the two-hour block of the day where you are three times more productive than usual. For many, like myself, magic time is in the morning.
Case in point: I wrote this 2000 word article in one shot between 4:05 and 6:15 a.m.
But at the Fitness Business Summit 2017 (FBS), John Romaniello challenged me on this principle. He said, “Screw Magic Time. Ignore Craig Ballantyne. Forget Bally the Dog.” Okay, he didn’t mention my dog (he’s not that cruel), but Roman did say that Magic Time wasn’t as effective as the power of a deadline.
At first I seethed with anger. Seethed, I tell you, seethed. (If you’ve never seen a Canadian seething with rage, just picture Mel Gibson in a 1970’s era hockey fight.) But after reflecting on what John said, his argument helped me modify, and improve, my Magic Time formula to make you an even more effective high performer.
There are multiple times of day when you can “trick” your body or your mind into performing at a higher level than you thought possible. It might be in your “Magic Time”, or it might be when you give yourself a hard deadline with consequences.
I still believe in the power of Magic Time. You need to find it in your day, and ruthlessly foster it and protect it from all the time thieves in your life.
And yes, as effective as Magic Time is, there’s nothing more powerful than a deadline.
I agree.
A deadline helps a high performer to get stuff done in record time for three reasons:
First, it spurs us to overcome the initial inertia.
Second, it keeps us going through the middle of a tough project knowing that we’re on the homestretch.
And third, it gets us to work faster and push harder the closer we get to the finish line.
3. Corollary: Make Time Your Bitch
“It’s not about the hour you get up, it’s about what you do with the hours that you are up.” – Craig Ballantyne
I don’t care what time you get up.
In fact, I don’t want you to get up at 4 a.m. One of the reasons I get up early is to avoid other people. So go back to bed and leave me alone!
High performers don’t worry about the clock. They focus on the concept of time and bend it to their will, owning their day and controlling their life. Let’s look at two extreme examples.
I get up at 3:45 a.m. seven days a week. It’s essential that I start writing at 4 a.m.
On the other hand, my good friend, Joel Marion has spent the last nine years dominating the online fitness and supplement industry working between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. He clocks out when I clock in.
The actual hours don’t matter. Forget where the hands are on the clock. What matters is that high-performers take complete control over time and operate on their own time.
We snub the convention of the world and work when it works for us. We make the world operate on their clock, not the other way around. If you want to work from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., then so be it. 
4. Today’s To-Do is for Tomorrow
One of the biggest mistakes potential high-performers make is waiting until the morning to create a to-do list.
But if you are making your to-do list in the morning, you are already too late. The list needs to be done the night before so you can wake up and get right to work.
Here’s a two-step plan for finishing your day correctly and starting tomorrow with a big win.
First, at the end of your workday, grab a scrap piece of paper and do what I call “a brain dump.” Write down all the crazy thoughts running through your head, such as all the things you want to do the next day, all the people you need to contact, and all the obstacles in your way.
Next, organize these thoughts into your to-do list. Prioritize your action items. Script your day. Cut what doesn’t matter. Insert your most important work tasks into clearly defined and defended blocks of time.
There you go. Tomorrow has been conquered today.
Planning ahead is a high-performers secret to success.
“Nothing wins more often than superior preparation. Genius is usually preparation.” – Kekich Credo #73
5. Feed Your Brain Rocket Fuel
This section isn’t a lecture on protein intake, organic foods, or staying hydrated. Gwenyth Paltrow can tell you how to do that. (Seriously, her Goop.com is one of my favorite reads.)
Besides, you most likely know physical nutrition inside-and-out. Instead, we’re going deeper and darker, and pushing the envelope with an edgy approach to fueling your mind.
You see, high-performers need a little extra. It could be caffeine, or it might be bourbon at 11 p.m. as you settle into a writing frenzy. 
Now I’m not suggesting you go full Hunter S. Thompson mode where you start your day with a line of cocaine at 4 p.m., but you need to give your mind whatever it needs to crank out content.
I initially resisted this idea. My father was an alcoholic, and it made me never wanted to become dependent on any substance in life.
For example, I would never go more than two days in a row consuming caffeine. I know you coffee drinkers can’t believe this. But I’m serious.
However, a little self-reflection made me realize that my best writing days were enhanced with a little rocket fuel for the brain (i.e. caffeine), so I loosened up and my performance went through the roof.
Keep in mind this is a calculated dose of rocket fuel, and you’re not being given permission to dose yourself willy-nilly.
Identify your rocket fuel. Dose accordingly. 6. Create an Insanely Clear & Concise Vision
High performers do this for every aspect of their lives; they create an insanely clear and concise vision of what they want. 
In my workshops and at my retreat, I take my coaching clients through an extensive two-hour vision creation process. It eliminates the clutter in your mind, and it gives you complete clarity on what matters in your life and how to achieve exactly what you want.
Once you’ve created your vision, only then can you start putting in place your daily high-performance habits that will bring you faster results in every area of your life.
Just like you can’t design a killer training program without knowing your client’s goals, and just like you can’t build a house without blueprints, you can’t get what you want without a vision.
7 . Model Other High Performers
This is not a definitive list of the rules that high performers follow, but it’s a good place for you to start so you can own your days and take back control of your life.
When you put these high performer habits in place, you’ll triple your productivity and start attracting more success and opportunity into your life. It’s a proven equation for domination.
But frankly, there’s so much more you need to install into your life in order to be the ultimate high-performer that you know you can be.
After working with over 5,000 coaching clients, I still see the need for greater self-confidence and techniques to overcome self-doubt, as well as better systems for eliminating temptations, obstacles, and external negativity that are likely holding you back in the first place.
That’s why I’d like to invite you to my Perfect Life Retreat on November 9-10th in San Diego.
You’ll join me, John Romaniello, Lewis Howes, Jason Ferruggia, Tucker Max, Bedros Keuilian, and over 200 other high performers across dozens of industries (from Hollywood actors to female entrepreneurs to The New York Times bestselling authors).
Over the two days we’ll do a deep dive into installing the Habits of High Performers into your life so you can finally achieve the success you deserve.
But this isn’t another seminar where you sit through lecture after lecture and leave with 40 pages of notes that you never end up implementing.
Instead, after we create the roadmap (vision) for your life, we’ll spend the rest of the time working through concrete action plans so that you leave with most of the work done-for-you and the snowball of success rolling down the hill and your momentum picking up speed.
At the end of our time together, you’ll walk away with a crystal clear action plan to achieve exactly what you want in life.
Plus, our team is doing something for you that you’ve never experienced at any other event.
As a recovering introvert, I know how difficult networking can be, even when you’re in a room of positive high-performers. That’s why our team is spending dozens of hours making your connections in advance.
We’ll give you a done-for-you list of who you need to meet (and why), so that you can make big-money connections easily and automatically. If even a fraction of the 100+ events I had attended in the past would have done this, I’d be exponentially more successful than I am today.
If you want to be a high-performer, if you want to install your champion mindset into every area of your life, if you want to meet the writers, coaches, and speakers that you’ve looked up to for years, and if you want to get a proven blueprint that gives you faster results, then you can’t miss out on the 1st ever Perfect Life Retreat.
Last thing… Roman’s twisted my arm and made me keep open my BOGO (buy one, get one) offer for his readers. That means when you register today that you get to bring a high-performer friend for free.
Click here to take advantage of this deal today.
The post Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers appeared first on Roman Fitness Systems.
0 notes
johnclapperne · 7 years
Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers
Imagine this: you’re training a champion athlete or an actor to be the next Marvel superhero. Each day they arrive at your gym and have a killer workout, followed by the perfect post-training meal. Their productivity is envy-inducing. 
Then they go on vacation.
They fumble around the resort gym trying to figure out exercise replacements. Eventually, they give up and return to the pool bar for a round of margarita’s to ease the pain and embarrassment of failure.
The former is an environment built for proactive high-performance. The latter describes a reactive scene of struggle and loss.
Similar scenarios play out everyday in your quest for high-performance at work, in your writing, and for your coaching business.
If you are proactive, plan ahead, and follow the playbook of a high-performer, you can crush the competition and dominate every day.
But if you get soft and lazy, wing it, and wake up unproductive and reactive, you’ll struggle, kill your momentum, and end up joining the New York Jets down on Loser Street.
I’m here to save you and your clients from that fate (although sorry, we can’t save the Jets… I’m not a miracle worker).
Follow these 7 rules of high-performers so you don’t miss out on a single day of making massive progress towards your big goals and dreams.
1. Harness Your Champion Mindset
We’ve all been champions at one point in our lives. You might have been a state champion, a top bodybuilder, head of your fraternity or sorority, star of your school play, or the valedictorian of your class. Maybe you’ve had an amazing ‘before-and-after’ transformation or simply married out of your league.
Somewhere along the line, your plan came together and you rose to the top. That means you already have a champion mindset installed inside of you. Now, to get to the next level in life, you simply need to harness the power of your championship principles.
The winning principles in life are simple. I’ve seen them work time-after-time in many different industries for my thousands of coaching clients. I call them the 5 Pillars of Success:
i) Better Planning & Preparation Than Ever Before ii) Professional Accountability (your ‘coach’) iii) Positive Social Support (your ‘cheerleaders’) iv) A Meaningful Incentive v) The BIG Deadline
When you have these Championship Principles in place you can win the CrossFit Games, write your first book, or build a 7-figure coaching program.
Go back to a point in time where you had incredible success in life, look at what you did right, and apply those lessons to your life today.
2. Make Time Magic
If you’ve read my book, The Perfect Day Formula, you’ve heard the phrase “Magic Time.” This is the two-hour block of the day where you are three times more productive than usual. For many, like myself, magic time is in the morning.
Case in point: I wrote this 2000 word article in one shot between 4:05 and 6:15 a.m.
But at the Fitness Business Summit 2017 (FBS), John Romaniello challenged me on this principle. He said, “Screw Magic Time. Ignore Craig Ballantyne. Forget Bally the Dog.” Okay, he didn’t mention my dog (he’s not that cruel), but Roman did say that Magic Time wasn’t as effective as the power of a deadline.
At first I seethed with anger. Seethed, I tell you, seethed. (If you’ve never seen a Canadian seething with rage, just picture Mel Gibson in a 1970’s era hockey fight.) But after reflecting on what John said, his argument helped me modify, and improve, my Magic Time formula to make you an even more effective high performer.
There are multiple times of day when you can “trick” your body or your mind into performing at a higher level than you thought possible. It might be in your “Magic Time”, or it might be when you give yourself a hard deadline with consequences.
I still believe in the power of Magic Time. You need to find it in your day, and ruthlessly foster it and protect it from all the time thieves in your life.
And yes, as effective as Magic Time is, there’s nothing more powerful than a deadline.
I agree.
A deadline helps a high performer to get stuff done in record time for three reasons:
First, it spurs us to overcome the initial inertia.
Second, it keeps us going through the middle of a tough project knowing that we’re on the homestretch.
And third, it gets us to work faster and push harder the closer we get to the finish line.
3. Corollary: Make Time Your Bitch
“It’s not about the hour you get up, it’s about what you do with the hours that you are up.” – Craig Ballantyne
I don’t care what time you get up.
In fact, I don’t want you to get up at 4 a.m. One of the reasons I get up early is to avoid other people. So go back to bed and leave me alone!
High performers don’t worry about the clock. They focus on the concept of time and bend it to their will, owning their day and controlling their life. Let’s look at two extreme examples.
I get up at 3:45 a.m. seven days a week. It’s essential that I start writing at 4 a.m.
On the other hand, my good friend, Joel Marion has spent the last nine years dominating the online fitness and supplement industry working between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. He clocks out when I clock in.
The actual hours don’t matter. Forget where the hands are on the clock. What matters is that high-performers take complete control over time and operate on their own time.
We snub the convention of the world and work when it works for us. We make the world operate on their clock, not the other way around. If you want to work from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., then so be it. 
4. Today’s To-Do is for Tomorrow
One of the biggest mistakes potential high-performers make is waiting until the morning to create a to-do list.
But if you are making your to-do list in the morning, you are already too late. The list needs to be done the night before so you can wake up and get right to work.
Here’s a two-step plan for finishing your day correctly and starting tomorrow with a big win.
First, at the end of your workday, grab a scrap piece of paper and do what I call “a brain dump.” Write down all the crazy thoughts running through your head, such as all the things you want to do the next day, all the people you need to contact, and all the obstacles in your way.
Next, organize these thoughts into your to-do list. Prioritize your action items. Script your day. Cut what doesn’t matter. Insert your most important work tasks into clearly defined and defended blocks of time.
There you go. Tomorrow has been conquered today.
Planning ahead is a high-performers secret to success.
“Nothing wins more often than superior preparation. Genius is usually preparation.” – Kekich Credo #73
5. Feed Your Brain Rocket Fuel
This section isn’t a lecture on protein intake, organic foods, or staying hydrated. Gwenyth Paltrow can tell you how to do that. (Seriously, her Goop.com is one of my favorite reads.)
Besides, you most likely know physical nutrition inside-and-out. Instead, we’re going deeper and darker, and pushing the envelope with an edgy approach to fueling your mind.
You see, high-performers need a little extra. It could be caffeine, or it might be bourbon at 11 p.m. as you settle into a writing frenzy. 
Now I’m not suggesting you go full Hunter S. Thompson mode where you start your day with a line of cocaine at 4 p.m., but you need to give your mind whatever it needs to crank out content.
I initially resisted this idea. My father was an alcoholic, and it made me never wanted to become dependent on any substance in life.
For example, I would never go more than two days in a row consuming caffeine. I know you coffee drinkers can’t believe this. But I’m serious.
However, a little self-reflection made me realize that my best writing days were enhanced with a little rocket fuel for the brain (i.e. caffeine), so I loosened up and my performance went through the roof.
Keep in mind this is a calculated dose of rocket fuel, and you’re not being given permission to dose yourself willy-nilly.
Identify your rocket fuel. Dose accordingly. 6. Create an Insanely Clear & Concise Vision
High performers do this for every aspect of their lives; they create an insanely clear and concise vision of what they want. 
In my workshops and at my retreat, I take my coaching clients through an extensive two-hour vision creation process. It eliminates the clutter in your mind, and it gives you complete clarity on what matters in your life and how to achieve exactly what you want.
Once you’ve created your vision, only then can you start putting in place your daily high-performance habits that will bring you faster results in every area of your life.
Just like you can’t design a killer training program without knowing your client’s goals, and just like you can’t build a house without blueprints, you can’t get what you want without a vision.
7 . Model Other High Performers
This is not a definitive list of the rules that high performers follow, but it’s a good place for you to start so you can own your days and take back control of your life.
When you put these high performer habits in place, you’ll triple your productivity and start attracting more success and opportunity into your life. It’s a proven equation for domination.
But frankly, there’s so much more you need to install into your life in order to be the ultimate high-performer that you know you can be.
After working with over 5,000 coaching clients, I still see the need for greater self-confidence and techniques to overcome self-doubt, as well as better systems for eliminating temptations, obstacles, and external negativity that are likely holding you back in the first place.
That’s why I’d like to invite you to my Perfect Life Retreat on November 9-10th in San Diego.
You’ll join me, John Romaniello, Lewis Howes, Jason Ferruggia, Tucker Max, Bedros Keuilian, and over 200 other high performers across dozens of industries (from Hollywood actors to female entrepreneurs to The New York Times bestselling authors).
Over the two days we’ll do a deep dive into installing the Habits of High Performers into your life so you can finally achieve the success you deserve.
But this isn’t another seminar where you sit through lecture after lecture and leave with 40 pages of notes that you never end up implementing.
Instead, after we create the roadmap (vision) for your life, we’ll spend the rest of the time working through concrete action plans so that you leave with most of the work done-for-you and the snowball of success rolling down the hill and your momentum picking up speed.
At the end of our time together, you’ll walk away with a crystal clear action plan to achieve exactly what you want in life.
Plus, our team is doing something for you that you’ve never experienced at any other event.
As a recovering introvert, I know how difficult networking can be, even when you’re in a room of positive high-performers. That’s why our team is spending dozens of hours making your connections in advance.
We’ll give you a done-for-you list of who you need to meet (and why), so that you can make big-money connections easily and automatically. If even a fraction of the 100+ events I had attended in the past would have done this, I’d be exponentially more successful than I am today.
If you want to be a high-performer, if you want to install your champion mindset into every area of your life, if you want to meet the writers, coaches, and speakers that you’ve looked up to for years, and if you want to get a proven blueprint that gives you faster results, then you can’t miss out on the 1st ever Perfect Life Retreat.
Last thing… Roman’s twisted my arm and made me keep open my BOGO (buy one, get one) offer for his readers. That means when you register today that you get to bring a high-performer friend for free.
Click here to take advantage of this deal today.
The post Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers appeared first on Roman Fitness Systems.
0 notes
joshuabradleyn · 7 years
Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers
Imagine this: you’re training a champion athlete or an actor to be the next Marvel superhero. Each day they arrive at your gym and have a killer workout, followed by the perfect post-training meal. Their productivity is envy-inducing. 
Then they go on vacation.
They fumble around the resort gym trying to figure out exercise replacements. Eventually, they give up and return to the pool bar for a round of margarita’s to ease the pain and embarrassment of failure.
The former is an environment built for proactive high-performance. The latter describes a reactive scene of struggle and loss.
Similar scenarios play out everyday in your quest for high-performance at work, in your writing, and for your coaching business.
If you are proactive, plan ahead, and follow the playbook of a high-performer, you can crush the competition and dominate every day.
But if you get soft and lazy, wing it, and wake up unproductive and reactive, you’ll struggle, kill your momentum, and end up joining the New York Jets down on Loser Street.
I’m here to save you and your clients from that fate (although sorry, we can’t save the Jets… I’m not a miracle worker).
Follow these 7 rules of high-performers so you don’t miss out on a single day of making massive progress towards your big goals and dreams.
1. Harness Your Champion Mindset
We’ve all been champions at one point in our lives. You might have been a state champion, a top bodybuilder, head of your fraternity or sorority, star of your school play, or the valedictorian of your class. Maybe you’ve had an amazing ‘before-and-after’ transformation or simply married out of your league.
Somewhere along the line, your plan came together and you rose to the top. That means you already have a champion mindset installed inside of you. Now, to get to the next level in life, you simply need to harness the power of your championship principles.
The winning principles in life are simple. I’ve seen them work time-after-time in many different industries for my thousands of coaching clients. I call them the 5 Pillars of Success:
i) Better Planning & Preparation Than Ever Before ii) Professional Accountability (your ‘coach’) iii) Positive Social Support (your ‘cheerleaders’) iv) A Meaningful Incentive v) The BIG Deadline
When you have these Championship Principles in place you can win the CrossFit Games, write your first book, or build a 7-figure coaching program.
Go back to a point in time where you had incredible success in life, look at what you did right, and apply those lessons to your life today.
2. Make Time Magic
If you’ve read my book, The Perfect Day Formula, you’ve heard the phrase “Magic Time.” This is the two-hour block of the day where you are three times more productive than usual. For many, like myself, magic time is in the morning.
Case in point: I wrote this 2000 word article in one shot between 4:05 and 6:15 a.m.
But at the Fitness Business Summit 2017 (FBS), John Romaniello challenged me on this principle. He said, “Screw Magic Time. Ignore Craig Ballantyne. Forget Bally the Dog.” Okay, he didn’t mention my dog (he’s not that cruel), but Roman did say that Magic Time wasn’t as effective as the power of a deadline.
At first I seethed with anger. Seethed, I tell you, seethed. (If you’ve never seen a Canadian seething with rage, just picture Mel Gibson in a 1970’s era hockey fight.) But after reflecting on what John said, his argument helped me modify, and improve, my Magic Time formula to make you an even more effective high performer.
There are multiple times of day when you can “trick” your body or your mind into performing at a higher level than you thought possible. It might be in your “Magic Time”, or it might be when you give yourself a hard deadline with consequences.
I still believe in the power of Magic Time. You need to find it in your day, and ruthlessly foster it and protect it from all the time thieves in your life.
And yes, as effective as Magic Time is, there’s nothing more powerful than a deadline.
I agree.
A deadline helps a high performer to get stuff done in record time for three reasons:
First, it spurs us to overcome the initial inertia.
Second, it keeps us going through the middle of a tough project knowing that we’re on the homestretch.
And third, it gets us to work faster and push harder the closer we get to the finish line.
3. Corollary: Make Time Your Bitch
“It’s not about the hour you get up, it’s about what you do with the hours that you are up.” – Craig Ballantyne
I don’t care what time you get up.
In fact, I don’t want you to get up at 4 a.m. One of the reasons I get up early is to avoid other people. So go back to bed and leave me alone!
High performers don’t worry about the clock. They focus on the concept of time and bend it to their will, owning their day and controlling their life. Let’s look at two extreme examples.
I get up at 3:45 a.m. seven days a week. It’s essential that I start writing at 4 a.m.
On the other hand, my good friend, Joel Marion has spent the last nine years dominating the online fitness and supplement industry working between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. He clocks out when I clock in.
The actual hours don’t matter. Forget where the hands are on the clock. What matters is that high-performers take complete control over time and operate on their own time.
We snub the convention of the world and work when it works for us. We make the world operate on their clock, not the other way around. If you want to work from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., then so be it. 
4. Today’s To-Do is for Tomorrow
One of the biggest mistakes potential high-performers make is waiting until the morning to create a to-do list.
But if you are making your to-do list in the morning, you are already too late. The list needs to be done the night before so you can wake up and get right to work.
Here’s a two-step plan for finishing your day correctly and starting tomorrow with a big win.
First, at the end of your workday, grab a scrap piece of paper and do what I call “a brain dump.” Write down all the crazy thoughts running through your head, such as all the things you want to do the next day, all the people you need to contact, and all the obstacles in your way.
Next, organize these thoughts into your to-do list. Prioritize your action items. Script your day. Cut what doesn’t matter. Insert your most important work tasks into clearly defined and defended blocks of time.
There you go. Tomorrow has been conquered today.
Planning ahead is a high-performers secret to success.
“Nothing wins more often than superior preparation. Genius is usually preparation.” – Kekich Credo #73
5. Feed Your Brain Rocket Fuel
This section isn’t a lecture on protein intake, organic foods, or staying hydrated. Gwenyth Paltrow can tell you how to do that. (Seriously, her Goop.com is one of my favorite reads.)
Besides, you most likely know physical nutrition inside-and-out. Instead, we’re going deeper and darker, and pushing the envelope with an edgy approach to fueling your mind.
You see, high-performers need a little extra. It could be caffeine, or it might be bourbon at 11 p.m. as you settle into a writing frenzy. 
Now I’m not suggesting you go full Hunter S. Thompson mode where you start your day with a line of cocaine at 4 p.m., but you need to give your mind whatever it needs to crank out content.
I initially resisted this idea. My father was an alcoholic, and it made me never wanted to become dependent on any substance in life.
For example, I would never go more than two days in a row consuming caffeine. I know you coffee drinkers can’t believe this. But I’m serious.
However, a little self-reflection made me realize that my best writing days were enhanced with a little rocket fuel for the brain (i.e. caffeine), so I loosened up and my performance went through the roof.
Keep in mind this is a calculated dose of rocket fuel, and you’re not being given permission to dose yourself willy-nilly.
Identify your rocket fuel. Dose accordingly. 6. Create an Insanely Clear & Concise Vision
High performers do this for every aspect of their lives; they create an insanely clear and concise vision of what they want. 
In my workshops and at my retreat, I take my coaching clients through an extensive two-hour vision creation process. It eliminates the clutter in your mind, and it gives you complete clarity on what matters in your life and how to achieve exactly what you want.
Once you’ve created your vision, only then can you start putting in place your daily high-performance habits that will bring you faster results in every area of your life.
Just like you can’t design a killer training program without knowing your client’s goals, and just like you can’t build a house without blueprints, you can’t get what you want without a vision.
7 . Model Other High Performers
This is not a definitive list of the rules that high performers follow, but it’s a good place for you to start so you can own your days and take back control of your life.
When you put these high performer habits in place, you’ll triple your productivity and start attracting more success and opportunity into your life. It’s a proven equation for domination.
But frankly, there’s so much more you need to install into your life in order to be the ultimate high-performer that you know you can be.
After working with over 5,000 coaching clients, I still see the need for greater self-confidence and techniques to overcome self-doubt, as well as better systems for eliminating temptations, obstacles, and external negativity that are likely holding you back in the first place.
That’s why I’d like to invite you to my Perfect Life Retreat on November 9-10th in San Diego.
You’ll join me, John Romaniello, Lewis Howes, Jason Ferruggia, Tucker Max, Bedros Keuilian, and over 200 other high performers across dozens of industries (from Hollywood actors to female entrepreneurs to The New York Times bestselling authors).
Over the two days we’ll do a deep dive into installing the Habits of High Performers into your life so you can finally achieve the success you deserve.
But this isn’t another seminar where you sit through lecture after lecture and leave with 40 pages of notes that you never end up implementing.
Instead, after we create the roadmap (vision) for your life, we’ll spend the rest of the time working through concrete action plans so that you leave with most of the work done-for-you and the snowball of success rolling down the hill and your momentum picking up speed.
At the end of our time together, you’ll walk away with a crystal clear action plan to achieve exactly what you want in life.
Plus, our team is doing something for you that you’ve never experienced at any other event.
As a recovering introvert, I know how difficult networking can be, even when you’re in a room of positive high-performers. That’s why our team is spending dozens of hours making your connections in advance.
We’ll give you a done-for-you list of who you need to meet (and why), so that you can make big-money connections easily and automatically. If even a fraction of the 100+ events I had attended in the past would have done this, I’d be exponentially more successful than I am today.
If you want to be a high-performer, if you want to install your champion mindset into every area of your life, if you want to meet the writers, coaches, and speakers that you’ve looked up to for years, and if you want to get a proven blueprint that gives you faster results, then you can’t miss out on the 1st ever Perfect Life Retreat.
Last thing… Roman’s twisted my arm and made me keep open my BOGO (buy one, get one) offer for his readers. That means when you register today that you get to bring a high-performer friend for free.
Click here to take advantage of this deal today.
The post Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers appeared first on Roman Fitness Systems.
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