#It's way too late
goodglove · 25 days
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hello, a new post after 2 years and it's an art from 2023 ✍(◔◡◔) i'm trying to move from insta, even though i still post there
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pullakori · 1 year
Febuwhump 2023
Day 13. Forced to hurt a loved one
alt 3. Soft words
TW: Mentions of dub-con and thretened non-con
Also, a/b/o
Sequel to day 11.
It felt like Charles' head was full of cotton and his limbs were too heavy to move. He had no idea where he was, other than somewhere soft and warm. His telepathy was as tired as his body was, he could barely feel any kind of presence from the minds nearby. He wanted to fall asleep again, but something at the back of his mind was telling him that he had to get up and get away. But what was it? Why did he need to run..?
And then the memories of Shaw and the forced heat hit him. Charles could feel aches in his body that wouldn't be there if he would have been successfull fighting him off again. He found enough energy to move his hand and feel around his neck, only to feel a fresh bite mark there. A broken sob escaped his mouth as panic started to settle in.
No. No, no nonono! This couldn't be happening!
There was a voice, speaking to him, but he didn't register it. Only when a hand touched his shoulder, did he even realize that someone else was there.
Charles recoiled from the touch, throwing himself back as far as his arms and legs could push him and the covers would let him. To his surprise, the hand didn't try to stop him and when he finally managed to open his eyes, he didn't see Shaw, like he had anticipated, but Erik. Erik, who was holding his hands up and speaking something, that Charles couldn't hear from the static in his ears.
"Erik?" His own voice sounded strange in his ears. Was he dreaming? How was Erik here?
"It's okay Charles, you're safe now. You're home." Erik spoke gently. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing a grey sweatshirt.
"Home?" Only then did Charles look around. He wasn't in the bedroom inside Shaw's submarine anymore. It took him few moments, but eventually, he recogniced the room as one of the manor's guest rooms. "What happened?" How did they end up in his childhood home?
"Shaw is dead. You helped me kill him." Erik told him, putting his hands down as Charles' panic subdued a little. "Do you remember that?" Charles closed his eyes, trying to remember. But every time he seemed to be close to recall something, it slipped away from him.
"It's all... Foggy, impossible to hold." Charles tried to explain and opened his eyes again. Erik's expression was strange, pained.
"He had dozed you with something that had forced your body into a heat." That Charles knew. He had fought the daze of heat the first time, but this second time... The omega touched the mating bite on his neck again and his body felt cold, despite the duvet and the pajamas some one had put on him. He hadn't been strong enough...
Shaw might be dead, but Charles would wear his mark forever. Despite his efforts, he wasn't able to keep his breathing steady.
"You were dying." Erik's voice was shaky as he kept speaking. "You would have died had I not-" Those cut off words made the omega look up with wide eyes. He managed to see how the alpha's eyes were filling with tears just before he hanged his head down. "I'm sorry Charles." He sounded like a man waiting for his judgement, but Charles could only stare at him as his earlier words sank in.
It had been Erik. Erik had bonded with him and bit him. Erik was his alpha.
"You..." Charles tried to speak, but his words were cut off by what was something between a sob and hysterical laugh. This also got Erik's attention, making him lift his head.
"Charles?" He asked, confused and slightly worried frown on his face as Charles tried to calm himself enough to explain.
"I thought that Shaw-" He couldn't finish the thought. It was too terrible to say, but Erik must have known what he meant, horror making his face pale.
"No!" He hurried to assure the omega. "He didn't touch you." He promised and Charles could hear a slight alpha growl under his voice.
A shiver ran through the telepath's body. He was still exhausted and the emotional turmoil that he had just went through made him even more so. But his body was aching for its alpha, demanding to be close to him after a bonding. But Erik was keeping his distance, clearly unsure weather he was wanted or not. Or maybe, and Charles' stomach sank from the idea, he didn't want to be close to the omega. He had been forced to bond with Charles to save him, no matter what he wanted.
The telepath owed his life to Erik, the least he should give him was some space. But the ache was becoming painflull and after spending weeks chained on Shaw's bed and surrounded by his stench, he was desperate for any kind of comfort. So he pushed himself up enough to slump closer to the alpha, who let out a startled noise and backed away slightly, before Charles moved his hand closer to him and looking at him witj pleading eyes. Erik looked at his hand and then in his eyes. Charles wondered if he felt similiar ache too, or at least something, from their bond.
Erik swallowed and slowly moved to first take Charles' hand and then moving to lie on his side close to the omega, but leaving some space between. Charles knew he was pushing it, but he couldn't help himself. He pushed himself closer again, but he didn't make it far by himself before Erik moved closer instead and wrapped his arms around Charles.
The ache in the omega's heart was instantly soothed as he was embraced by his alpha and he could breathe in his scent. He moved his own arm around the metalbender's waist and his other hand to hold his shirt.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, but Charles could feel how tense Erik was and the guilt about the whole situation became too much.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, keeping his eyes glued on Erik's chest, unable to look up and see what would most likely be resentment in his eyes. But what little he got through his telepathy, Erik only felt surprised and remorseful.
"No, Charles. None of this is your fault." He assured Charles, stroking the smaller man's hair and back. "And I'm the one who should apologise, even though its nowhere close enough to make this right." Charles drew back, just enough to look Erik in the eyes.
"You saved me." He argued, but Erik shook his head.
"By forcing you to bond with me." The alpha's voice was almost desperate and Charles moved his hand that had been clutching his shirt to gently touch Erik's cheek. The simple touch seemed to be close to shattering his whole world.
"But also by forcing yourself to bond with me." Charles responded.
And that was true, they had both been forced into this situation without their premission or input. And here they were laying face to face, their hearts completely open. Maybe it was their bond settling or Charles' telepathy recovering, but he could feel small snippets of Erik's thoughts. Too forgiving. He deserves so much better. Wanted to court him. To take things slow. To do this on our own terms. Charles felt tears gathering in his eyes as he smiled at his alpha.
"I would have liked that too." He whispered and Erik took a hold of his wrist and kissed his palm.
They kept holding hands and Erik stroked Charles' wrist with his thumb, bedore he looked down at it and frowned slightly. Lost weight...
"You need something to eat." He decided and moved to stand up. He bearly made it out of bed though, when Charles let out a distressed whine without meaning to. The omega's cheeks flamed as Erik immidiately sat back down and took his hand again, but the mere idea of being alone right now made Charles sick.
"Please don't go..." He pleaded and saw Erik's eyes soften before the alpha laid back down, under the covers this time.
"Okay. I'll stay." He promised Charles as he gathered him close once again.
The exhaustion was starting to get the better of the omega, but he still hugged Erik back as tightly as he could. "Shhhh. It's okay, you're safe." Erik murmured to his ear as he began to troke his back and hair again. The warmth of the alpha's body and mind lulled Charles closer and closer to sleep. Erik kept speaking softly, until the telepath fell asleep again. "Everything is going to be alright."
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feathers-little-nest · 4 months
One funny thing about cutting someone who was close to me out of my life is that the thing I regret most is loosing so so much of my time to them but the thing I miss the most are constant conversations
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ruushes · 6 months
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sleeping arrangements (not sure tara would ever actually deign to sleep in the same 20ft radius as shovel but who can resist those big shiny insectoid black eyes 🥺)
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tea-earl-grey · 17 days
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The Pantheon of Discord
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shepscapades · 2 months
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Hermit a Day May: Day 7 — Mumbo!
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nerdpoe · 1 month
Jason ends up in a fight in some town called Amity Park. He's partnering up with the local hero called Phantom.
It's against some ghost called Skulker, and he and Phantom are hiding behind a building while they regroup and take a moment to catch their metaphorical breath.
"I don't see any civvies around. You?" Phantom whispers, head invisible as he looks around the corner.
"Guess it's just us dead tonight," Jason deadpans (hah), loading his gun and checking to make sure there's no damages that would impact his ability to fire it accurately.
Suddenly Phantom is there, looking intense and serious in a way he never was in that fight, glowing eyes staring through Jason.
Taking him in.
"No," Phantom sighs, leaning away from a very spooked Jason and going back to fiddling with a thermos. "You aren't dead. You're alive, undeniably and in a way most people aren't."
Before Jason can ask what the fuck that's supposed to mean, a laser blast almost catches him in the leg.
He shelved it; both his questions and the weird fuzzy feeling that felt like relief at someone else telling him he was alive.
It felt like a weird vindication, but he never got that feeling when anyone else tried to tell him he was alive.
He'd parse it later; there was an ass to kick.
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st3rinterlude · 1 year
If you look long enough, you'll see weak stars. They are either giving their last light or going to shine brighter.
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moonphotos0 · 6 days
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was thinking of drawing ship art
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(added the original)
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bananakeiky · 9 months
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Choose your fighter
instagram | carrd
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crunchchute · 1 month
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Let's play fizzball!
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toytle · 3 months
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“Sorry, were you saying something?”
[alt text ID, close-ups + ID below cut]
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IMAGE 1: Lovecore-themed Halbarry fanart of Barry Allen daydreaming about Hal Jordan. Barry is in a dress shirt with heart buttons and rolled up sleeves underneath a heart-patterned argyle sweater vest. In his Flash ring-adorned left hand, he fidgets with a heart-themed pen. He rests his chin in the other hand, wearing a FitBit with a beating heart on its screen, as his blushing cheek is pressed up into his bright, distracted eyes and obscures an obvious smile. He looks distantly to the corner as a thought bubble floats above him, playing out a montage of his favorite Hal traits as follows: his freckles and budding graying hairs, his smile revealing a chipped tooth gap, and his tummy showcasing lovehandles and a happy trail as his shirt lifts up.
IMAGE 2: Lovecore-themed Halbarry fanart of Hal Jordan daydreaming about Barry Allen. Hal is in a dress shirt and pilot jacket, decorated in various heart patches. He’s also wearing heart stud earrings and heart dog tags. He sits back casually with one arm resting on his stomach and the other leaning back on a couch. He turns his head to the side into the palm of his hand, squishing his face and obscuring a slight smile, playing off his bashfulness for nonchalance. His eyes are half-lidded, looking away to the side, as a thought bubble floats above him, playing out a montage of his favorite Barry traits as follows: his strong yet slender hands fidgeting with his Flash ring, his beaming eyes glancing in Hal’s direction, and a running shot accentuating his ass and thighs in gym shorts.
IMAGES 3-8: Respective closeups of Barry and Hal’s faces, hands, and clothes/accessories.
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tshortik · 4 months
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Cryptic visions of space and time...
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tokkosoap · 2 months
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I fear for may 8th
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mr-doodles · 8 months
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A comfortable silence.
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will-bonna · 3 months
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spearmaster + violet sea slug !
the gills can be molded and pulled from their tail to create needles… it makes a gross sound
here’s the slug reference:3
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