#It's not accurate to call of duty
helpinghanikan · 2 years
Gently, Please
Konig x reader
Sum: Konig has been hit with a particular bio-weapon. It only has one cure: You
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Since the beginning of your time here König has always been someone who was just there. At first he was just another operator in the corner of the room. Then he became the one operator that nodded at you when you addressed the room. Then he became the man named König. Then he was the man who you looked for when stopping by the mess. Eventually he became the man who smiled by crinkling his eyes behind a snipers hood. Who had a nice chuckle to your jokes, asked how you were doing and actually meant it.
Tonight, however, he was the only thing between you and death.
You’ve stayed less than a foot away from him since landing. One of three desk jockeys let into the to download and scrap together what you could.
“Floor two is clear.” Came a voice through König’s mike.
“Floor one is clear.” Came another.
You and König were headed for the fourth floor. Where the labs and your goal was to be located.
“Do not get ahead of me.” König reminded you. “Stay close, do as I say, understood?”
Where was the man who never spoke up at meetings? Who visibly blushed even while wearing a sniper’s hood? That man was left behind when König entered the field. He didn’t need to be worried about the people around him out here. After all; killing people didn’t count as a social interaction.
“Yes, Sir.” You said, holding your Glock 22 towards the floor.
You had taken the time and training to something of a master with American Police’s favorite side arm. It wasn’t going to do nearly as much damage as the rifles and guns carried around by the operators. Hell, even an unarmed operator could cause more damage than your weapon. But it was the thought that counts.
“Good girl,” König replies. The elevator doors opening before either of your could fully register what he had just said. “Forward.”
The guards and scientists on floor were prepared to die for their research. Women in armor and women in lab coats pulled weapons with the same amount of passion. They all died the same; with a single shot from the best non-sniper in the world.
The lab you searched for was in the very center of the floor. Surrounded by glass windows with only one entrance from a long hallway. Cameras followed you the entire time. König gave you barely a glance when you got annoyed and started picking them off.
“In here,” You said, reaching the lab door.
König enters first. Sweeping the room and finding only one lab worker hiding in the corner. She had raised her hands but met the same fate as the others when she went for a knife on the counter. A pool of red started to cover the floor as König called it clear.
“Floor four is clear.” He said into the mike.
You had already started on the data. A cheap laptop bought for the specific purpose of holding everything sat on the counter. A wire connecting it to a wall sized computer bank. One of five that would be copied and stolen today.
It was as everything started to download that König made a pausing comment.
“These guards, the lab, they’re all women.” He said, looking down to the last one to get a bullet.
“A little sexist to only expect men to fight.” You say, not thinking too deeply about the comment.
“No,” König steps up next to you. Demanding your full attention. “There are only women here. That doesn’t happen. There’s usually some women, but not only women.”
He turns away to speak into his mike. Asking the rest of the squad if they had come across any men while sweeping the area. You didn’t have to be close to know what the answer was going to be.
At the same time you got curious enough to look at some of the stuff downloading: It was all the usual things; guns, ammo, materials, and a nice little list of people who needed to be taken care off. The list of projects currently being tested before use in the field was what your higher ups would be interested in.
One of those was hidden under an SS file. The only one you opened due to it’s testing addressing being the same building your were currently standing in.
Just skimming through the drug’s contents, it’s symptoms, and the resulting reports forced you to call König over to take a look. Point at the specific part stating “only use of hormonal release through orgasm could flush Siren Song from the body. A partner would be needed to keep the affected individual from going into cardiac arrest and create the proper hormones.”
“Sex bomb,” König says bluntly. “That’s why there is no women.”
“This thing needs to go faster.” You said, as if the computer would get the hint and hurry up.
Meanwhile, one floor down, a lab coat managed to slip past the gun fire. A single individual who ignored a shoulder wound to reach the smaller lab.
The firing got closer as she worked. Death calling her name that she tried to ignore but simply couldn’t. She focusing on her task. The last thing she would remember is allowing the release from the main lab. After that red would cover the screen and an alarm would go off in the fourth floor.
The steam that starts to come from the ceilings is light pink. It smells sweet but hearty, like unfrosted cake still warm from the oven. You take a deep breathe in out of habit, sighing at the smell.
“Leave, we need to go.” König declares, hitting his mike. “Gas leak on floor four. We need an immediate evac.”
“No, we need to lock down.” You correct. “This entire level needs to be locked down before any of it gets out.”
It’s amazing that your fingers didn’t break from slamming through the lab controls. Taking longer, so much longer, than is needed to finally get the lab to lock down. Heavy metal sliding down over the single door. It wouldn’t be surprising to find out that the windows were already bullet proof. A red light overhead makes itself known. Blinkingly lightly as if it didn’t want to make too much of a scene while doing it’s job.
“König, what’s happening on your floor?” Asked Captain Price through your mikes.
“Bio-weapon has been released on this floor. It’s a-.” He looks over at you with a pause. Looking to you as if asking what he’s supposed to describe it as. “-pheromone based kind.”
“The lab is staying in lockdown until the weapon dies off. Should be a few hours.” You add. “we have another problem, though.”
“Is your target corrupted? Can your data still be saved?” Laswell asks. There wasn’t a chance that Laswell would let this mission happen without her. Not when three of her best techs were in the field.
“Yes, the data is safe and downloaded. But that’s not our problem. The weapon is; König is already affected by it.” You say, looking at your protector with apology in your eyes.
There’s a pause on the other end. Likely Captain Price talking to Laswell on a private channel before he asks; “What’s happening? What is the weapon?”
König turns his back towards you. He does the one thing no operator should ever do by setting his weapon down on a counter in the corner of the room. He leans against the counter, as if you wouldn’t notice the heavy breathing.
“You need to leave.” König States, but you ignore him.
“It’s called Siren Song, Captain. You know that legendary sex bomb? Yeah, I found it. It only effects males but we can’t let it out of the lab. I’ve already engaged the lab to start filtering. But it’s gonna take some time, I’ll keep König alive during it.” You explain to Captain Price. Any other time you would have been more formal, but it’s easier to be blunt and quick about explanations.
“You need to go…” König whimpers.
“It’s your choice.” Laswell says. “But no one will say anything if you need to take drastic measures to defend yourself. Especially not König.”
“Copy that watcher. Keep our mikes quiet for a minute.” Was the last thing you said before turning to König.
“I’m sorry,” You said, taking off your vest and weapons.
He doesn’t say anything as you approach from behind. In those few steps a million questions are going through your head. The confidence you momentarily had replaced with a question mark. How do you even start something like this? Will he be able to stop before seriously injuring you? Does he even want you?
All these questions are stopped as König whips around to face you. His hands stay on the table, gripping it so hard it’s amazing there weren’t dents.
“Go…” He says again, head tilted down to avoid eye-contact.
“König, if you die I’m not going to have anyone translate shit for me.” You say as if humor could help the situation. “I get that I’m not what you want but if you wanna live-.”
You’re interrupted by a barking laugh from König. As if he is incredulous at the thought you aren’t what he wants. It’s the first time he makes eye-contact with you.
“I want you, König” You whisper, stepping closer as his hands grip tighter. “Do you really want me?”
He nods his head, incapable of words anymore.
You go to your knees. Reaching towards his pants that are, thankfully, easier to undo than a harness.
“Then let me have you.” You said, managing to pull his pants and briefs down almost past his backside.  
You aren’t the only one to wonder what Mr. König was packing under there. At six foot ten he was bound to be larger than average. You didn’t have a tape measurer on hand, but you had to guess maybe six to seven inches. Thick enough that your mouth watered and felt heavy in your hand.
Control is a ticking clock while you start to stroke. The table is most certainly going to have fingerprints in it. Especially when you stick out a tongue, swirling over his uncut head. The only warning he gets before the tip is taken into your mouth.
“Scheiße!” König screams into the air.
He lets go of the table. That strong grip now grabbing the back of your head. It’s everything you can do not to completely gag on his cock when he pulls you forward. Pushing passed your lips and into the warmth of your mouth.
He’s dreamed about your mouth since the first time you’ve met. Watch your lips move with every word. Trying not to stare when you apply your lip-balm or stick. He had wanted to know what it would be like to streak that lipstick you sometimes wore. What it looked like when he would kiss it messy, how he could make you blush from those kisses.
You weren’t a blushing woman, now. Your eyes are screwed shut, hands digging into thick thighs, and breathing through your nose as that was the only thing you could do.
The salty taste of König’s coming ejaculation wills you to open your eyes. Looking up to your tower of a man. His torso is bent forward, as if the entire experience is too much for him to handle. Although his eyes are closed his eyelashes are prominent against his cheeks. He looks almost innocent if he weren’t currently fucking your face.
He calls out your name, your real name, when he cums. Pulling your face in to cum down your throat with no chance of you being able to escape. He continue to say your name; whispering it as if he really was your man.
He lets you go, and the weight of sitting up straight on your knees comes down heavy. The ground is there when you fall backwards gasping for a stronger source of oxygen.
Although his cock is flaccid there’s no calming König’s heart.
“I just need a second.” You say, standing while trying to get your boots off.
It’s a little bit like a game. You trying to stay away long enough to get your boots, pants, and panties off while König walked towards you. His steps are slow, but his eyes are focused.
He follows as you make it around the counters. Although you are down for it there is a certain level of fear. This is normal when a man big as König has a target on you. Especially when his steps are quicker, and you don’t have time to say anything else before your pressed face first onto the counter.
He’s still flaccid when he presses against you. This does nothing to stop him from grinding against your backside. Laying over your back like a heavy blanket. He nuzzles against your neck while his hands start to work. Had he not been wearing the mask he would have been able to give you the kisses he’s been holding back for so long.
Instead of leaving marks with his mouth, he can only leave them with his hands. Squeezing your bare thighs, encouraging you to spread them further and further. He didn’t let go until he got one of your legs up and onto the counter. Spreading you open wider than anyone would ever be allowed to.
“Beautiful, I need you…” He whispers into your cheek.
You don’t what to say back. Not able to think of anything to say when his fingers find your slit. His gloves are harsh against the sensitive skin. It makes you hiss and whine.
“König,” You pleaded, looking back the best you could. “The gloves. Please, take them off.”
His bare fingers are hot, practically boiling. With the removal of his glove, giving into your final request, he has used all of his control. Now he only knew the need that the weapon caused. The need to take, to own, and to fuck the beauty in front of him. Had it been anyone else he might have had more control, but he was already a bit intoxicated by you. The weapon taking advantage of this as he slides two fingers deep within your pussy.
At first it feels like a punch. The spread and pumping of his fingers inside of you were a bit past rough. It was experimental; testing the boundaries of what you found painful and pleasurable and wanting to dance that line.
His thumb against your clit was his first right move. The jolt and squeak you give in reaction brings a hidden smile to König.
“Beautiful, Beautiful girl…” He whispers into your neck, thumb slowly rolling circles over your clit.
His flaccid cock continues to grind against you. He continues to finger and slide through your pussy. Desperate to have something inside of you when his cock couldn’t be.
Warmth grows in your stomach. It almost compares to the feeling of König’s hands against your bare skin. It’s probably for the best that König kept most of his gear on, otherwise you might have gotten heat stroke from the contact alone.
The pleasure builds from your stomach. It travels and owns your chest, swirling over your nipples and teasing them through your shirt that is suddenly far too constricting.
Your feet scramble for some sort of purchase on the smooth ground. The pleasure, the heat, the everything is becoming too much. Your orgasm coils and builds in your pelvis until it escapes out your moan in an extended moan.
König moans just as loudly. His teeth lining the side of your neck. Desperate to mark you but unable too with the thin line of fabric keeping him from his goal.
“Fuck me,” You whisper, sagging against the counter.
“Yes,” König almost snarls, pushing himself up from it’s presence over your back.
You’re only cold for a few seconds. In that time gentle pressure from the tip of König’s cock touches between your lips. Sliding back and forth once, twice, before finding your entrance and starting the firm push forward.
In another world, another time, König would have wanted to go gently. He would want to slide in slow through your slick lips. He wants you to feel every inch and remember the stretch that came with it. He wants you to sigh when he is flush and ask him to move when you are good and ready. Not a second more.
König doesn’t get that. Instead he penetrates you with a solid, quick, thrusts that jolts you both. Your gasp comes out almost like a shout. Reaching out for the side of the counter and grabbing hold.
The thrusts are quick and rapid. With no rhyme or reason to them. Only the pursuit of a second orgasm that isn’t coming fast enough.
He practically collapse onto your back. Sliding an arm under your chin with the other going across your neck. Holding you in a gentle headlock that keeps him grounded as he starts to pound harder, faster, and more directed than before.
He cums after a few more, sloppy, thrusts. Staying inside of you deeply as he pumps inside of your pussy. Moaning in a language you didn’t speak really well. Muffled by the hood and the ringing in your ears from being kept in a headlock for longer than you should’ve been.
“I love you, Beautiful,” König whispers.
There are plenty of things you can blame for what you said next. It was the post-orgasm feeling. It was the thick, delicious pounding taking place. Or maybe it was just the drug having the tiniest effect on women after all.
None of those reasons mattered. Because when you said; “I love you, too.” You really meant it in that moment.
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princeguri66 · 9 months
TF 141 x Male Reader
Can't help but think of a clingy drunk reader, and the task force knows this fact about him very well. He's outright told them how his friends had complained to him abt it. Admitting that he doesn't drink much is bcuz of how he is when he gets drunk, embarrassed because "it is soo not manly"
It's not long before they start getting curious. Everytime they've went out to a bar to celebrate you always lay off, persistent on staying the sober or at least nearly sober one of the bunch.
It isn't until a special celebration did they finally see how clingy and affectionate you are. Maybe it was your birthday or they completed a tough mission but whatever it is they convinced you to drink more than your usual amount (mostly Soap egging you on but the rest were just as enthusiastic)
There they find themselves with you being all handsy to em, and only them might i add. One moment you have your whole body leaning on Soap and as he gets up to grab more drinks you move your attention to Gaz, gesturing for him to come closer to you on the worn out couch you're sitting on, encouraging him to get so close he's basically sitting on your lap.
If both of them decided to just leave you alone you'll get up from your seat and slug around looking for Ghost or Price to cling on, draping your body from behind them.
At the end of it all you're till clinging to at least one of them, not wanting to let go, it's so bad that whoever you were clinging to had to personally get you back to your room. Rolling their eyes as you whined about having to leave the rest of the crew behind.
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forsworned · 5 months
This is so Johnny and Kyle coded
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yumethefrostypanda · 11 months
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eastbubble · 5 months
you and 09!ghost were never really on good terms, things were always frosty and cold between you two. missions kind of connected you guys but that was notning special, it was the same with everyone else on the team so you wouldn’t really consider that extraordinary.. until something happened.
the location was already bad enough — georgian - russian border, what a blessing. a part of the task force was supposed to clear the house hidden in the woods in hopes of finding makarov as this was one of his possible hiding places. you could only hope for the best.
the mission didn’t turn out to be a success, though. the area was cleared and you shot what felt like hundreds of soliders, yet there was no sign nor trace of the man that the whole world was looking for — vladimir makarov. roach was downstairs copying the files from the central computer he found there, but it was taking extremely long and you just couldn’t help but start exploring the house out of boredom.
your heavy gear was sticking to your body like a soaked towel, your body sweaty from all the stress that was put on you. the wooden floor was creaking under your military-issue boots that were so uncomfortable on your feet after such a long day. however, after a while, you heard the sound of another pair of boots knocking against the probably rotten wood, making you turn your head and look up. ghost. it’s ghost.
“impressive. you did really good,” he mumbled under his breath, though he didn’t seem like he was actually serious. to be honest, you didn’t even know what he sounded like when he was dead serious. the balaclava on his face always somehow filtered the tone of his voice and you couldn’t guess what could be going on in his mind.
and the next thing you remember is him pushing you against the wall and slamming his lips against yours, the fabric of the skull-print balaclava obviously being in the way. both of your saliva made a little spot on the soft cotton, and what a funny touch because you imagined your panties looking the same — with a silly little wet spot on it. he held you tightly under your butt with one arm, your back against the wall so it would be easier for him to keep you up in the air.
just like that, he was already reaching down to your panties. unzipping your pants with shaky, gloved fingers as he seemed incredibly desperate. he circled the wet spot on your undies, outlining it with the tip of his finger as a horrible excuse of foreplay. just moments later he was in his pants too, needily taking his rock-hard cock out of his boxer briefs and not wasting any time to pull the fabric covering your pretty cunt aside, almost immediately sliding into you.
it was really weird that he didn’t say anything. it all just happened and it was weird. you laid you head into the crook of his neck, fingers gripping the gray wool-ish texture of his pullover. at first he only slid in with his flared tip but then seconds later he pushed more of his length in, letting you feel the raw veins on his slightly curved length. he was huge and you were sure that he would hit your cervix the moment he bottomed out inside you — and that was why you began protesting with soft little sounds coming out of your mouth, tiny and silent moans of his rank slipping out. not ghost nor simon, not even riley. you felt ashamed that the only thing coming out of your mouth was just “lieutenant, please..”
“ssh, we don’t want roach to hear you downstairs, do we?” he asked almost silently, but you could tell that he was holding back a few gruff grunts too, judging from the way he breathed. “do we, sergeant?”
“no. no, no. but it’s so-“ and you had to swallow the rest of your sentence down because of how you could almost feel his tip leaking inside you with every word you painfully uttered out. it was messy and sticky, the lewd sounds your pussy kept making were basically reverbating off the walls. and it was all dripping down into your panties, small droplets sliding along your slit and soaking into the thin fabric. “nasty..”
and as soon as he mumbled that curse out, you heard a pair of boots againts the wooden floor — one that sounded identical to your and ghost’s ones. shit. shit!
looking over ghost’s shoulder you had to blink thrice to confirm that what you saw was indeed real. roach stood there in the doorway like a deer in the headlights, his goggles pushed atop of his tactical helmet as you could physically see his adam’s apple bob from how hard he gulped. he held a few papers and an usb memory stick in his hands, fingers shaking as he slightly raised it up in to the air. “it’s- it’s done, sir-“
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peachetteprice · 3 months
Hi!! I have a request
I have had this idea of singing/hummjng Simon “Ghost” Riley back to sleep after he has had a nightmare or can’t relax enough to fall asleep.
Reader can carry a tune; maybe not a grammy nominee but Simon loves it when they do sing.
Simon doesn’t ask them himself to hum or sing to him, it sort of just happens. No one knows how to calm him down like they do and the way Reader hums/sings one of his favorite songs and gently rubs his back works better than he thought it would.
Thank you 😊💖‼️
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Hello! I took some creative liberties with the prompt given. It is only slightly different from what you gave me, but I hope I did it justice! Please let me know your thoughts. @skrubob
(Note: influenced by a sleep disorder my dad has. I don't know, I thought I could relate a bit more with that idea!)
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Strangers in the Night
Simon "Ghost" Riley - 1.9K words
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It happened again.
It happened again like it happened most nights: without much warning, and for no particular reason.
It wasn't a spectacular night. There was nothing distinct about the moon and its size, neither the thickness of its crescent nor the depth of its craters. It wasn't a notable day for the planets and their stars. Nobody had wished on a comet. Nothing, in fact, nothing had gone on in the day to warrant such an odd happening.
Like every day, whenever Simon was off-deployment, he woke up at 0615. No sooner and no later than the sun rose, did he clambour from the bedsheets with a tired groan and a stretch - only occasionally might he have triggered his shoulder blades to seize up, though, thankfully, today was not one of those days - make his careful way downstairs so as to not wake you, flick the kettle on for a brew and stare out of the kitchen window until its rolling boil turned to a simmer, and it clicked itself off.
The cuppa was perfect.
There wasn't a single thing wrong with it.
In fact, if he could have sampled a half-pint of it, dried it into a powder, dusted it onto a canvas and hung it up on the wall in the bedroom - so that he could have something of a reminder of the most well-balanced cup of tea he'd ever made - then he just might have. Though, that wasn't to say that it was anything extraordinary. Not at all. It was a simple, bog-standard cuppa with a dash of milk, a humped teaspoon of white cane sugar, and all he did at the end, when he pulled the teabag out, was make sure not to pinch the sides of it on the rim; that was all there was to it.
And that was all to re-iterate that nothing at all about Simon Riley's day was unusual.
To insist on that point, as you readied yourself to work, and he gave you your cuppa for the morning - two sugars, a whiff of milk, exactly how you liked it - he made sure to give you a kiss on your lips just as your palm neared the door handle. It lasted exactly three seconds, and there was nothing overtly obscene about the smack that followed or the light tap he gave the rear of your thigh as you left.
When you were gone, he did the laundry. The washing machine finished at nine, so he put the tumble dryer on, too. That finished at eleven-thirty, and everything else was put on the line in the garden, which dried until three. Between then and three, if only to keep himself occupied, he fixed one of the dining chairs that you had leant too far back on and splintered the wooden bar at the lumbar region, for which he had to pop to B&Q to grab another bottle of wood glue, which, by and by, was also nothing peculiar in the slightest.
Once that was fixed, and the washing was dry, he collected, folded - even ironed, if the crinkles needed a spot of flattening, in which case it was one of your work blouses or a pair of his fatigues - then sorted them into the chest of drawers in your bedroom.
And, of course, once that was put away, he had his second brew of the day. Equally as plain. Equally as perfect.
By 1800 hours, you were home, and he gave your lips another kiss. Six seconds, this time, double the length of the one from the morning, with a little more vigour, and unlike the previous, you gave his left buttock a little clench, then a pat, and off you went to check the fridge for dinner.
Spag-bol. Spaghetti bolognese. With parmesan, too. The only thing that could've been somewhat abnormal was the addition of cut-up Cumberland sausages that desperately needed eating up, though it was hardly the monumental incident required to be the reason behind it happening again. It was nice. Dinner. Not your finest work, but then again, weekday meals, especially when Simon was home and you had to cook for two again, never were.
After washing up, you gave him a peck on the cheek, and he held you for a moment against the cabinets, just relishing in the body heat that he missed that morning. And when that was over, you popped the TV on - something completely ordinary in genre, motif, and drama - and fell asleep against him on the sofa.
Perhaps it was why you didn't notice so much. Perhaps if you'd stayed awake, you would have known when, why, or how it came to be.
An hour or two - or some duration of time in between - of light sleep passed, and you woke to the sound of his electric toothbrush whirring away. You joined him in the bathroom to brush your teeth, he slung an arm about your waist and drew circles into your stomach, though you were still some variable of dazed by the sudden jolt from being asleep to awake, but it was all alright, truly, because within two minutes, you were dead asleep again.
It was uncertain how much time had passed between falling asleep and being awake again. That was the terrible thing with sleep. Sleep blurs the lines between seconds and hours. What could have been five minutes could have easily been five hours, and what could have been ten hours often felt no longer than ten seconds. Time becomes an illusion, much like the theory in which, on one planet, it is equally plausible that thirty seconds in passing may equal three days in another, and yet, both planets cohabit the same space, the same universe, mere light years apart.
When you did manage to fall asleep again after brushing your teeth, and when it did happen again, it was a mere three seconds.
There was shouting. Some rambling. It bled into your unconsciousness until, with a rather heavy dip in the sheets, a bolt from the blue, you were left wide-awake.
"Simon?" You said into the void. There wasn't much to be seen at night.
"Where? Where is it? There's a--"
--You were awake now. That was for definite. Three seconds had passed, and Simon was awake, too. There was something odd about the frenzy in his eyes. If it wasn't for his blown pupils, you would have been convinced there was an intruder somewhere in the house. But he looked delirious. Three seconds had passed, and he hadn't slept a wink for something more like three days. But in the same breath, he was barely awake.
He was somewhere in between, mumbling under his breath about a spider and how it was somewhere here, in the bedroom, and it wanted him.
He wasn't making any sense - Simon Riley was not afraid of a bloody spider.
Twenty-two hours, eighteen minutes, and three seconds had passed. Nothing pertubing had happened prior, and yet, it was happening again.
"Simon, love, go back to sleep." You enveloped the shadow of his waist and pressed him back to the mattress - luckily, he hadn't left the bed yet. He was in and out of it, then. Ever-mumbling, eyelids still bursting wide every few seconds with the type of fear that should have only been present in somebody murdered. "It's alright."
It didn't happen often.
A few times since you'd been together, all countable on one hand, which, at this point, was years. He'd told you it might happen the first night you'd slept together in the same bed. Not the first time you'd slept together, full stop, but when he moved in and co-opted the king-sized bed in the bedroom. It was real, then. The relationship.
He never remembered it in the morning. Never did. Never will. You know he never did - he would have apologised if he did. Never asks if it's happened, but he's sure it has, because he notices the way your eyes never leave him the morning after, as if you're worried he might start yelling obscenities again and you have to hold him.
You always have to hold him. Like his mother did. One arm along his belly, stroking his stomach, and the other around the curve of his head, petting his hair like he's a little lamb. He would never be embarrassed about it, what you have to do to calm him, but if he were to ever ask if he'd ever woken up in a state, looking half as scared as a little boy in the dark - you wouldn't tell him. No. It's only a memory for you, and you'd rather like to keep it that way.
"It's alright." You cooed.
Sometimes, you sing to him. If he needs it. You sung that night, actually. He needed it that night. God, you must have sounded awful. Part of you was pleased at the fact that he never remembers it once he wakes up, because you'd quite like to avoid the conversation about how you can only just about hold a tune, and not with much fluidity.
It was Etta James' I'd Rather Go Blind.
The DJs on Smooth Radio played it during crawl traffic on the M60, rattled on about how incredible of a voice she had, they did, which was salt in the wound, really - there was an accident that morning on the hard shoulder, it took all of fifteen minutes to clear - and it was all that was stuck in your head at work, on the toilet, in the break-room and in the car on the way home.
It was the only song that came to mind as you started singing. A few wobbly notes here and there, nothing but of jumble of lyrics where it was certain you'd said more than one of the pre-chorus lines in favour of getting to the chorus itself, and you could hardly stop yourself from whispering some notes that you knew you wouldn't be able to reach at a murmur.
Simon settled a little at that. You were sure there wasn't much cognition behind those eyes - he was nothing but a walking zombie whenever it happened - but his hands clasped the one on his stomach, his pupils pinched back to normal, and by the second chorus, he was calm again.
You held him for a while. A long while. Until daybreak came in. Just to make sure it wouldn't happen again.
And at 0615, when the sun crept in to cast its shadow along the foot of the bed - and it would still be another hour until you rose - Simon awoke, stretched out his shoulder blades - though, this time, they did seize up - and faced your conked-out body.
Simon did notice something peculiar, then.
Your arms wrapped around his torso - which were often the other way around - should have been clutching the covers. There never meant to be a kink in your brow. Never was. Never should have been. Only on the mornings when you looked at him with too much empathy - when something had happened the night before that you never wished to talk about, was there ever such concern knotted into them.
And, in that moment, Simon knew. He leant a kiss to your lips, later joined them at your earlobe, too, before whispering;
"Thank you, love."
And there actually was something anomalous about that day, irreverent of the last. For some reason, whether because of the stars, the moon, or the planets, Simon had an Etta James song stuck in his head. How bloody weird.
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| Masterlist |
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It’s the middle of the night/morning but I have to make a quick post about the thought that plagues my head. You’re someone who calls everyone “Babe” but Simon doesn’t know that and just bends you over the nearest surface for a quick fuck the first time you call him that.
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artistcalledbella · 2 days
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updated this
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fanartist666 · 19 days
Scouse as fuck Price but this is him:
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emptyapartments · 3 months
everytime someone calls soap a twink an angel loses its wings
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harveywritings92 · 2 years
R/n: You jumped out of a moving plane rather than talk to me about your feelings!
Ghost: You're exaggerating. The air sucked me out like a vacuum.
R/n: You hit the ground and started running! 
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helpinghanikan · 9 months
Domestic December: COD
Day 22: Soap, Beach
DD Masterlist
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For any beach day to go off well it has to have a good start. This is where having someone like Soap comes in handy: his early morning jog that day wasn’t just to get a workout. Chair and towels already placed out for you to find towards mid-morning.
“Better not forget the sunblock,” You reminded him, tossing over the bottle which he catches with a grin.
“Put it on me? Come on, please?” He asks, tossing it back.
It’s simple things like this that makes it easy to take collection of his scars. By now you know most of his bruises and bumps. He’s told you, with as much basic information is allowed, how he got them.
Even now, as you gently massage his back, he’s talking about how he got that bruise under his shoulder blade. How Ghost wasn’t watching where he was going, and the big bastard slammed right into him.
He groans, deeply, when you press into the little purple mark. “Take it easy, Babe, I don’t need a bigger mark than what I already got.”
“Sorry, I’ll be more careful. You big baby.” You say, pressing into a safer place to massage. “Next time I’ll give Gaz a call, sure he’ll be a lot softer.”
“Oh, now you’re being cheeky. Come here, I’ll get you.” He says, making a gesture for you to lay back on the sand.
His weight is even and heaven as he straddles the small of your back. The sunblock is cold as he pours it over your shoulder blades. Quickly followed by his thumbs, pressing gentle circles into your back, and sliding downwards.
“Mmm, little harder, please. Just like that, fuck.” You asked, feeling the sand where you didn’t want it to, but it wasn’t worth moving to fix it.
Soap chuckles above you, “Watch the language, there’s children present.”
It’s easy to get lost in the moment, and in his hands. Distantly you can hear the children playing around you. The Parents calling for Timmy or Susie, making sure they don’t drown. Some women are laughing not too far away, their music loud and happy.
Too soon he climbs off of you. The warmth of his weight and support of his presence replaced with the sticky and cold feeling of sunscreen. He lays down besides you with a sigh, sunglasses on and beer in his hand.
You don’t move, you try not to even breathe, the moment is too perfect to let go of without a fight.
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wrylu · 3 months
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doodle of this MAN.... who i totally DON'T care about
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roachy-draws · 5 months
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Pov: detail ✨🪳
(game accurate roach with antennas under cut)
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howlingshadows · 18 days
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So you’re telling me that “Blue Merle” doesn’t scream Scottish to you, when you’re writing or drawing Werewolf Soap? 🙄😤😒
And don’t you dare get me started with snow nose and matching mix color toe beans!
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mausinly · 8 months
Grrr cowboy!velikan thoughts, au belongs to @ghouljams, also big thanks to @reyesbignaturals for enabling me hehehe
I don't think he's exactly retired yet, more like laying low with a lot of other guys from Shadow Company. Maybe they did something just a little (not little) risky (they almost blew up all of Washington) and need to stay off the radar for a while. Since Lerch is canonically from Texas, I think it may have been his idea. He's got some of the shadows working as temporary hands while others are holed up on various plots of land in plain sight.
While Graves is busy riding bulls and being a usual showboat, I think Velikan is more dedicated to the laying low part of laying low. He's living on a small ranch, nothing more than maybe 5 acres. He's got a few horses and livestock, mainly chickens and goats because he wants things he can wrangle easily.
It takes some adjustment for him, the slow and somewhat repetitive life in a small town like this. He's so used to constantly being on the move, constantly being on guard. He didn't become the warden by half-assing his job.
But it's so quiet. He always drags himself down to the bars and rodeo arenas with the rest of the shadows, just for the white noise (and to bet on how quickly his CEO gets bucked). They must look like some kind of old western gang, all wearing black hats and bandanas over their mouths. At least there's still that familiarity. He hates to admit it, but he cares about these kids more than he wants to.
It's nice for a while, a little too nice. Laying low seems to drag out longer and longer, and he finds himself calling his little farm "home" more often than not. He starts to understand the suspicious amount of retired military here, this weirdass town has a way of luring you in and wiggling its way into your heart.
Apparently, a lot of the other shadows seem to agree because, one by one, they all begin to settle down with oddly charming and beautiful women. They start making jokes that there must be something in the water when Graves starts chasing around a pretty bronc rider.
He didn't take it all too seriously until he walked by a little stand in the market, selling jars of honey with you sitting comfortably behind the display. There's a frayed little straw hat sitting comfortably on your head and he can't help but wonder how it would look replaced by his own.
Hell, maybe there is something in the water...
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