#It's just rainy season here sooo
aucrowne · 9 days
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🌧️ Rainy Days⋆˙⟡
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
⬅ Cozy🌸Time ◼
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raeathnos · 1 year
#everybody hope that the weather isn’t as bad as the weather guy said it was gonna be today for me#I tend to work saturdays and ren faire tickets have to be bought in advance so it’s kinda hard planning a trip there#when I have to request off two weeks in advance :/#we’ve been lucky and have had good weather for our past trips but it’s supposed to be rainy windy and cold today#but the pa ren faire is rain shine and we have out tickets sooo#I am going to be so soggy ._.#but! I am excited!!!!#I love the ren faire I’m so stoked#here’s hoping the weather’s not as bad as what they’re calling for#the forecast actually improved a bit yesterday so I’m still a little hopeful#I’m like 95% positive the joust will be cancelled tho which kind of sucks#I wish we lived closer- I would just buy a season pass and go every weekend#but it’s an hour and a half away :/#which like might be doable but less so with me working saturdays frequently#we gonna have a good time anyways tho!!!#it’s me and my husband and despite the rain one of our friends is still coming and she’s dragging a coworker along#the adventures of the disaster trio + coworker#me + my husband + our friend all met in 3rd grade so we’ve all known each other since we were 8 and like#idk you put us together and it’s instant chaos#idk where our brain cells go#we’re adding mead into this mix sooooooo more chaos 👁👄👁#fuck the rain we gonna have a HECKIN good time anyways!!!#I am so hyped you have no idea#I have been looking forward to this for like two months
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SSR Leona Kingscholar Beastly Garb Personal Story: Part 3
"Whatever I feel like doing."
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Sunset Savanna]
Leona: Who woulda thought there'd come a time I'd be driving this many people in my car.
Vil: Are we distracting you? If that's the case, you should have just arranged for another car.
Leona: Well, we can't do that, now can we?
Leona: Regardless of how I act, I'm still a prince here.
Leona: If I said I wanted to head out of the capital by car, it'd summon one of the royal family's chauffeurs.
Leona: But, it'd be terrible of us to have them drive every which way when they're already so busy, don'tcha think?
Leona: That's why there's no other choice but for me to take the wheel.
Leona: How thoughtful of me? Oh, I know. But I'm used to driving, so no need to rush to compliment me further.
Vil: You went and got the car so you would be able to leave Kifaji-san behind. And you still said all that with a straight face.
Vil: Well, I'm willing to believe only where you say you're "used to it," though.
Leona: Hey, hey, don't pick and choose just one thing I said like that.
Vil: I mean, you're so good at driving, yet no one knows you can, right?
Vil: Sage's Island is rather small. If you were to drive around the island, someone is bound to see you.
Vil: Similar to how we sometimes see Crewel-sensei driving around in his bright red classic car.
Vil: So you basically cultivated your driving skills here in Sunset Savanna, yes?
Leona: Who knows. I'll leave it to your imagination.
Vil: Well, despite your usual laziness, you leapt at the chance to drive. There's no way you don't like driving.
Vil: And yet, the fact that you never did on Sage's Island could only mean…
Vil: You hid it because you felt it would be troublesome if anyone knew. You really are such an incorrigible man, hiding what skills you have, like this.
Leona: I think you got the wrong idea, there… I'm not hiding it, or whatever.
Leona: There was a car on Sage's Island that I could just take whenever, sure, I'd totally do something like take my precious club members into the town, no prob.
Vil: Again, just speaking with out feeling, as always. Oh, also…
Leona: Just drop it, Vil. Also, hey, Kalim, Lilia and [Yuu], be prepared to get out soon.
Leona: We're almost there.
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[Sunset Savanna – Arena]
―After the Catch the Tail victory
Kalim: Ahahah! Who woulda thunk we'd get this kind of victory parade!
Kalim: Tamashina-Mina was an amazing celebration!
Lilia: You're right. This was definitely a great trip ♪
Lilia: This memory will definitely last a lifetime. …And that includes this final ride, too.
Vil: We had just gotten a wonderful victory, but apparently we can't even finish this with elegance.
Leona: All of you need to just shut it. Just close your mouths before you bite your tongue off.
Leona: We're off. Time to leave this lame festival behind!
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[Sunset Savanna]
Kalim: There's so much rain. There's so many tiny rivers starting to flow in the savannah.
Leona: Well, the rainy season's here now. The scenery around here'll change soon enough.
Kalim: Oh, cool. But anyway, Catch the Tail was sooo fuuuun. Sunset Savanna is sooo awesome!
Vil: True. There were a few moments of frustration, but… Now that it's over, I suppose the experience as a whole wasn't too terrible.
Lilia: Those royal guards we faced in the last round were splendid as well. I could really feel the strength of this country's convictions.
Leona: …
Lilia: Oh? There's a huge puddle ahead of us.
Vil: It doesn't seem like we'll be able to avoid it. Shouldn't you drop your speed a little?
Lilia: We're getting closer to the puddle with every breath.
Lilia: Leona, hurry and brake…
Leona: …
Vil/Lilia/Kalim: EH!!?
Vil/Lilia/Kalim: GAAAAAAH!!!
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Vil: Why'd you just slam into the puddle like that!? That shocked me!!
Lilia: Ahahah! That was exciting, Leona. I commend you on being able to surprise me like that!
Kalim: That was a huge water spray! All that mud came so high and even got on Vil's face! Ahahah!
Vil: That's nothing to laugh about! All of my makeup has been ruined.
Leona: Don't throw a fit. You never know, there might be one or two beautifying effects in the Sunset Savanna mud.
Vil: Where did your driver's common sense even go!?
Vil: You were such an exemplary driver with decency yesterday…
Vil: But today, you've had no consideration for your guests at all as you drive!
Leona: Common sense, decency, consideration…
Leona: Aren't you the ones who said I had none of that in the first place?
Lilia: That's… Oh, are you talking about from back when you invited us?
Vil: Are you serious? Were you just holding that as a grudge the whole time?
Leona: No? In fact, I actually agree with you.
Leona: I think… Having to give the Sunset Warriors "Guardianship Lesson," these old customs, and all the old men who cling to these things…
Leona: They're all so stupid!
Vil/Lilia/Kalim: GAAAAAAH!!!
Lilia: Ahahah! I bet all the nearby animals are also all startled too. This is a hoot!
Kalim: This is amazing… I've… I've never been in a car that shook this hard…!
Kalim: It's so heart-pounding, I love it!
Vil: Leona! I'd like it if you didn't use us to relieve your stress!
Leona: Keh… Hahaha! Just looking at all your ridiculous reactions's really making me feel better.
Leona: I always thought that it'd be great to just jump in a car by myself and drive wherever, but…
Leona: I guess it's not too bad to have loudmouths like this ride me with sometimes.
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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warletscarlet · 1 year
Wild Kratts coraline au because brainrot. It’s spooky season and we need the spooky au’s. Ngl this was a tough one but I love Wild Kratts and I love Coraline, sooo-
The idea is that Chris is Coraline, a young child who is unhappy with his families move into an old house in the middle of nowhere known as the Pink Palace. He never wanted to move, but unfortunately had to do so, leaving him bitter and angry. In this au, he is about 14 years old, and Martin is a 18.
Martin is something I mulled over for a while, stuck between Wybie and the mother. I stuck with Martin taking the role as the mother, though of course not in the parental sense. Their parents died in the car crash that Coraline mentions in the beginning of the film, leaving Martin as the legal guardian of Chris at just 18 years of age.
As for Aviva and Koki, I decided to put them in the role of Miss Spink and Miss Forcible. I don’t particularly ship Aviva and Koki, (though I do think it’s cute), but finding roles for them in this setting was somewhat difficult. You can view them as married, like the actual characters, or you can view these two as friends living together, doesn’t matter to me. They’re both rather odd in Chris’ opinion. I don’t think the girls would be as old as the actual characters are, but they may be a little older than Martin here. Aviva still makes inventions and other gadgets, but the girls also are into theatre, just like the real Miss Spink and Miss Forcible. They give Chris advice, warning him that danger is coming for the boy, weirding him out as he does not understand what this danger could possibly be.
As for Jimmy, I set him as Wybie. I think they both have the similar aspect of being a nice dude who’s just a little odd, and someone Chris could become good friends with. Jimmy is the same age as Chris and lives with his grandmother, who teaches him her recipes. He finds Chris as Chris is exploring the woods around the Pink Palace, revealing to him that the last kid who lived there disappeared mysteriously, the kid happening to be his grandmothers sister. He is also the one who gives Chris the doll of himself, weirding Chris out.
Mr. Bobibski was a difficult role, but I gave it to Zach. Why? Because Mr. Bobibski is really theatric and a little weird (kinda like Zach), and I think Zach would fit this role. Also it’s a little ironic with the jumping mice thing, so there’s that. Zach serves as the neighbor that Chris at first assumed to be crazy.
The move is due to Martin believing Chris would want a change of scenery, Martin taking his college courses online now that he cannot go on campus. He is struggling to take care of his brother on top of doing college work, so he doesn’t have much time for Chris at the moment, who wanted to go adventuring. The recent loss, the move and the decrease in time spent together between the brothers results in them both fighting and arguing, straining their relationship.
It was a rainy day, Chris itching to go out and explore as there was nothing else to do but unpack, which was something he wasn’t really looking forward to doing. He begs his brother to ket him go outside, only to be told no- as he’ll get wet and possibly sick from being out in the rain. Irritated, Chris walks around the house, following his brother’s instructions to keep himself busy by counting the windows and doors in the house. He takes the doll Jimmy gave him with him, setting it on a table as he counts the windows and the painting in the family room, before realizing that the doll had disappeared, ending up across the room behind a box. Pushing the box aside, he comes to find what looks like a door beneath the wallpaper and begs for Chris to open it. Much to his disappointment, it is bricked up.
It is at night where things really begin. Chris was unhappy with what Martin had made for dinner, calling it disgusting and “not real food”, according to him. Martin insists that he eats it as this as all they have at the moment, or else he can just go to bed. Choosing bed over “slime”, Chris heads upstairs only to be awoken by the sound of a mouse scurrying through the dark. Curiously, he gets up and follows the mouse downstairs and into the family room, the small creature disappearing behind the door. Chris opens it to find, to his amazement, there is now a glowing tunnel leading to what looks like another door.
Crawling through and out the other side, Chris finds himself standing in the family room yet again- but instead of being met with the cold darkness of an empty room, he finds himself in a warm glow emitting from a light on in the kitchen. Confused, he walks into the kitchen only to find Martin standing there.
“Martin? What are you doing up?”
But when the figure turns around to face him, it wasn’t Martin. Because Martin didn’t have button eyes.
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naradivision · 5 months
Miraitabi Flower Edition ❀
a.k.a. Miraitabi as Herbariums In honor of Midori no Hi (Greenery Day) yesterday and the fact that we’ve entered the last month of spring, sooo (⦿‿⦿)ノ✿ ✿ ✿
But speaking of the truth, more than it is the day for us to show appreciation for nature, this idea is actually inspired by those cards from the 2nd anniversary of Hypmic A.R.B. “Flower Stage” since it seems like the official is assigning the boys with each specific flower for some reason... Besides, I personally like the concept of “Language of Flower/ Hanakotoba” by the way. Or it might fuel the hanahaki prompt to some idk lol
Roses are red, violets are blue, yet why does it seem so hard to find some ‘brown’ for my boys 😂 Thus, I decided to apply a certain theme to the three
—Oh, and who tells that this time we will have only my dear trio?
Anyway, special thanks to 司沼つぐむ for this wonderful picrew!
Dried Flowers —covered by Amatsuki ✽ Original / Eng / Chinese by 優里 (Yuuri)
Yuuya ✽ Statice
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Persistently remaining their unique trait against the tide of time. Although I will often portray him as the sunflower which symbolizes his passion and the season of summer from now on, whenever someone asks what his spirit flower is …I’d like to answer that it is no doubt this Limonium sinuatum.
Asahi ✽ Baby’s Breath
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Kinda suiting him, I think? FYI: Because their delicate features reminding of the mist in spring, these innocent blooms also have a cute Japanese name as “Kasumisou (カスミソウ)”. And believe it or not, they are pretty popular for the wedding ceremony!
Saigo ✽ Hydrengea
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Just like their enigmatic ability to change colors depending on the pH of soils where they’re planted, their countless symbolisms differ across the cultures from East to West. But do you also know that these western-looking named flora were believed to originate from Japan? And another fun fact; hydrengea aren’t the winter flowers —Actually, they are very well-known in summer as “Ajisai (紫陽花)”, the iconic symbol of ‘rainy season’.
—Bonus (?)
ANGE ✽ White Clover
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Context-wise, her flower should be placed near YuuYu, but welp…
Four-leaf clover is a famous charm for good luck, however, what about its flower?
Chishio ✽ Red Poppy
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This old man just live to lament...
𝒜𝓈ℯ𝒷𝒾 “Cheshire” ✽ Japanese Andromeda
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Spoiler: this flower is actually his name. But, what is that even important?
?????? ✽ Arabian Jasmine
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It may not be her time yet... However, swear as in her name, I think some of you guys have already got an idea who she is.
And *sighs* Tumblr does have a quota of 10 photos per post, so I couldn’t insert each of their spirit flowers side by side. Therefore, I decide to collage all of them and drop it here instead;
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Have fun with the floriography and Happy (belated) Midori no Hi ❀
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suusoh · 25 days
Reverse au ask :)))!! I wonder if Anna will have the same goal as canon Johan?
Oki so I'm just gonna ramble here so bare with my uncohesive thoughts and flow in explanation. So I think Anna wouldn't have the same goals as Johan per se. Because although this is a reverse au, it won't exactly be the same as if Johan were just a girl version.
Some main points that I think Anna's goal would differ is that wherein Johan wants to eliminate all things (except select few: nina and tenma) because to him all lives are equally dead to him.
Anna would difer in the way that she would want to eliminate all things that she personally thinks would get in the way for her new world. Think something like makima or daenerys (done right... not the season 8 mad queen writing fhasjdk).
Because to me, johan represents the kind of evil where no life has meaning... but anna is a special kind of evil where only *certain* lives have meaning. BEcause it's fuckign terrifying yes that to johan everyone is an ant and you could die at any second because evey life is equally insignificant to him
anna has this fucking terrifiyng element where some lives do matter, and SHE deciedes wether u live or die or not, SHE chooses, little miss unhinged playing god.
("all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others" animal farm anyone?)
And this ties to the fact that she was given up as a kid, so in that way, she believes that maybe some people are worth sacrificing if it means a means to an end. And in her path to a better world where little girls don't have to be given up by their mommies, she decides who gets to stay in that world or not.
but i guess the thing that becomes the same is that little rainy rurenheim night where she gives up on her goal and would just end herself instead.
I think a lot of her plans in this alternate monster universe is powered by some internal rage ofc to her personal experiences so something something noone is equal blah blah something something i was never the favourite, something something i never had anything GOOD in my life, I was the one mom chose to gave up right Johann? Mom chose you.
Which is why i have this vision in my mind wherein the inverse of Nina's iconic "I forgive you." is Johann telling Anna— "I'm sorry."
(because he empathises and knows what she's going through and god after all the bad shit that's happened to you, isn't that something you want to hear so badly? something you needed to hear. that it borders to the point of catharsis )
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm sorry I was the one mom saved.I'm sorry she gave you away. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you i'm sorry it was you and not me.
I'm sorry anna. You don't deserve any of this. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.
something like that!! Anyways will edit in the morning bleep bloop :^)
(also it makes it sooo nice that alternate universe johan's— or "Johann" if we should differentiate him ehehehee— key to saving his sister is using that god levels of empathy and EQ seen throughout the monster anime. He always seems to know the right thing to say, so I think it's be neat to apply it here, where he knows exactly what it is that Anna needs to hear the most in the world)
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whentherewerebicycles · 9 months
okay. I slept badly last night for some reason and am really dragging today but sigh I can do this I can face the day. also ughhh for some reason ruthie is regressing in her house training again which is so annoying. I think it’s mostly that it’s been so rainy out and she hates going outside when it’s wet, but also I haven’t been as good about keeping her close to me so if she’s a whole floor away I miss her restless ‘I gotta go’ cues. it’s just so different from Pip who will reliably come find you and bark at you until you take him out. but I can address this by keeping her under closer supervision when I’m home and gating her into the little library room when I leave. she also does backslide when we come back from my parents’ for whatever reason so maybe a few weeks of reinforcing will help reset her.
anyway here we go here’s the day:
7:15-8:05 coffee/lounge
8:05-9 shower/get ready, breakfast
9-10 grants mtg
10-11 therapy
11-12 break—eat lunch (not sure what I have in the fridge hmm maybe I have soup) and take the dogs out again
12-1 drive to work and do a quick marketplace pickup on the way (12:30ish)
1-1:30 break
1:30-2 ughhhhhhh C mtg
2-2:30 break—input budget numbers
2:30-3:30 LK mtg
3:30-5:15ish faculty talk
5:15-6 drive home sigh it’s gonna be sooo dark and cold
maybe a short walk with dogs but I also might not have it in me and that’s ok…
watch TV and make palak paneer or veggie enchiladas
read for 20-30 min before bed… fifth season is picking up a little bit which is good I’m very determined to finally finish it
bed by 9:30
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levok · 2 years
I’m literally so excited for s2 it’s stupid. It’s so weird how long we’ve spent discussing what will happen next and the waiting for new info to drop that even though the new season will come quickly it still feels so far away. I’m so excited that I know I’ll be sad once it’s over because there will be no more theory’s or something to look forward to. I mean, unless it ends on a cliffhanger and we get a 3rd season. But it’s feels so weird to be so excited for something, that you don’t really want that thing to come yet because then it will be over but also wanting it sooo bad. I think I’ve just explained the same feeling 3 different ways here but basically I hope it’s not over after s2, 3 seasons would be perfect in my opinion. I will miss the speculation 😔 idk what I’ll do with myself
I feel like we have very much run out topics to rant about from season 1. Every frame has been discussed endlessly. It’s time for season 2, if we are gonna keep this fandom alive.
And I am so freaking excited we have something new and fresh to drown ourself in, in the darkest time of the year (for me at least). When the sun isn’t out. It’s cold and rainy and windy and I will not at all feel bad about spending hours under my blankets with tumblr ❤️ this winter will be so much easier to get through.
And after all the tweets Lisa liked recently, I very much believe she has a third season up her sleeve.
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This is my OC im featuring. Also Luna is my main OC that in certain ways represent me.
This is how they first met. This is first the Rise AU
It was a rainy winter morning, the city was getting ready for this joyous season. Only not everyone celebrated this season like everyone else.
Luna was sitting at her window, her chin resting upon her folded arms staring out in the distance watching the now sift rain trickle down the window. She was again left alone at home, while her parents go on a business trip. Her sister was studying abroad with her art course, regardless still checks in on Luna.
-Meanwhile over to the boys-
Leo was fooling around, even though it was a mission. Raph finally lost Leo due to of course the portal malfunctioning. The portal lead to another location all together!.
Raph sighed:"Great just great! Raph just can't get a break!. Ok D where he at?."
Don:"According to my calculations and the subcutaneous tracker-....ok fine I put a tracker on him you welcome. He is on the other side of town. Sooo follow me."
Mikey was worried, but nonetheless followed his brothers.
-Over at Luna's home-
A sudden crashing in the living area made her jump, falling flat on her back. After a second she grabs her baseball bat and goes downstairs to see who or what was downstairs. Only once she flicked the lights on, what she found was Leonardo flat on his face in her living area. To say she was confused was and understatement, then tossing the bat aside decides to go get the first aid kit in the kitchen.
When things couldn't get weirder, as she was now standing on a foot stool to grab the first aid kit then more chaos ensued. The sound of her windows been crashed through made her jump right off the foot stool. Only she thought she was gonna land on the ground, due to forgetting she was on a foot stool to begin with.
Snapping out of her shock, to her absolute surprise she was in the arms of what appeared to be a turtle?. Her mind then reminded her that her yelp from fright may have alerted him, and three others including the surprise visitor. Deciding not to embarrass herself any further, pulled the hood of her jacket over her now crimson coloured face.
The visitor snickered, and the orange banded turtle elbowed him.
???: Oww really Mikey? I was just having some fun.
Mikey: That "fun" lead you here from your sword malfunctioning. We don't need a portal jacking episode again!
Besides have you noticed that Raph is suddenly quiet?
Raph:ReAlLy?? Raph was just trying to make a plan! Ok Leo since you busted the plan and you the leader, you make new plan.
???: Need I remind you three dum dums that the resident of this home is in shock!, also on a side note I totally ship them you welcome.
Raph: Donnie!
Leo: pffft oh I totally see the ship about to sail.
Luna: What?- no! Why me?!
Don: Why not you?
Luna: Why you have to be so smart at times like this-
Leo: Why we all aggree the ship has finally sailed!?
Mikey: Ok Leo you better run now.
Leo: Uh oh. Welp exit stage right!
Leo then dashed out of there with Raph hot on his heels, while a confused and flustered Luna watches this.
Don: I believe since its end November, and soon to be the joyous season. This is where I drop my wishes for the best, and we will all see each other real soon, Farewell!.
Mikey and Donnie then ran after their two brothers to stop them from doing something stupid. This was what appeared to be a work of destiny. It was since then Luna was in contact with Raph, even though they were both pining idiots at first.
[Just random ROTTMNT nonsense. Writers block sucks and i had bad nights sleep. ]
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randomlyritchie · 7 months
#RitchieReflects: Am I Healing? 🌸🌸🌸
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Sooo, it’s been really hard to talk about this & I still am very sensitive about it…but…I hurt my leg in December. It’s my fault. I wasn’t stretching the way I should. I kept running on my leg because I was in denial. While I do feel like my leg is better (even with running on it), I feel like I need to chill. I’m actually DEVASTATED! 😭😭😭 I’ve considered other factors like me being too old (which sounds crazy). I am also not the skinniest runner out there. Nevertheless, I’ve been seeing that those things might not be the issue. Stretching just feels like so much sometimes. I already feel like I am on this time crunch & I just want to get my run done. Another reason that I know it was stretching was because the first time I stretched after my little injury, my leg instantly felt better. So, I have been stretching before every run now. However, I still feel like I need to give it a little more time. I’m probably gonna have to build myself back up…AGAIN. But I don’t think I have to give up running. I just need to act like I have some sense & stretch.
Sooo, my leg is one sort of healing that I am encountering. Another seems to be perhaps a lifting of seasonal depression. For some time, I have hated to see spring coming. Spring actually used to be my favorite season (you probably thought it was autumn 😂😂😂). Fall was my second favorite season. But spring became too rainy & murky for me. Sooo, I gave all my love to fall. I never really was a winter girl, but somewhere along the way I found comfort in it. I came to a point that when I started to see spring, I would get depressed. One year, I actually got happy when the winter weather came back. Nevertheless, this year I am actually happy about spring. I’ve actually been saying that spring is already here (even though it’s really not). I was born in the spring (not in September…don’t be fooled my name), so I should come to life in it. I’ll be honest, my name does truly fit me, though. My personality gives waaay more autumn than spring. But, yes, maybe I’m healing on some level. I still have mixed feelings about summer…but I was sad to see it go last year. So, we shall see how I end up. Right now I am just patiently waiting for daylight savings time. ☀️☀️☀️
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eiichiro · 1 year
Hellwooooo i just wanted to say your gifs are so amazing in quality?!! I've been scrolling through your blog for awhile (so if you see lots of reblogs periodically from a blog called uraharaz tis meeee) but really, they're so like crisp?! idk how to describe it but the coloring and overall palette you use is just so gorgeous to look at! I hope you keep giffing for a long time so i can keep staring at your sets for a long time too! i hope you have a good day and stay hydrated (idk what hemisphere you're from but if you're in summer i REALLY hope you stay hydrated <3333333)
omg this is so sweet of you... thank you sooo much!! i think i'll be here for long, i mean it's been 10 years iirc (with a few little breaks in between) LMAO aww i hope you have a good day as well!! i'll stay hydrated thanks for the reminder! it's actually the rainy season rn hehe
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dayseternal-blog · 3 years
OK OK OK, I know I sound kind of weird but, could you pleaseee recommend some of the kinkiest naruhina fanfics?😳
Thank you so much🤍🤍
OK OK OK, you know you came to the right place 😳
I don’t know what you mean exactly by kinky, but I was thinking...I’ll just sort this by kinks hahahahahahha
This is going to include some of the MOST KINKY Naruhina fics I’ve ever read, EVER.  SOOO majorly inappropriate.  Also this will have some of the ones I’ve recommended before, but I’ll put everything under the cut.
NaruHina Smut & Kink
um hmmmm
Everything that follows is Rated Explicit.  Some of these fics are meant to be read with HUMOR.  Please enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Echoes of Silence” by @ellaroundpanda - Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Hinata Hyuga was trapped. Her relationship with Toneri was leading to nowhere and she wanted to find a new Dom. Naruto Uzumaki seemed to be the answer to all her prayers, but her fiancé wouldn’t give up that easily…
“Professor Passion” by omegas - College AU, Dom!Hinata & Sub!Naruto One-shot. Naruto is a new university student with a crush on his professor; Hinata Hyuga. Shy first dates and kisses quickly turn into a relationship, and Naruto discovers his professor’s provocative secret – along with one of his own.
“Secrets of the Hidden Leaf” by Sessakag - Includes a ton of different kinks. Canon-Divergent. Multi-chapter, Incomplete. The author’s summary hints at NaruHinaSasu, but they never got that far in the story. Naruto and Hinata push the boundaries of propriety and decency in a budding relationship of profound love and wild, sexual exploration.
“Out with the Old” by agitosgirl - Includes cheating, Modern AU. Two-shot. Hinata’s been mistreated by her current Dom, Toneri. Thankfully, another Dom has had his eyes set on her for awhile now.
“dorks.” by EroPrincess - Canon-Compliant, Multi-chapter, Complete. Random sexual exploits featuring Konoha’s most innocent couple.
“I want you to cry” by Devahhole - Includes a ton of kinks and things like dub-con and graphic murder, Multi-chapter, RECENTLY COMPLETE!!! A sociopath blinded by revenge runs into his greatest opponent.
“Some Like it Rough” by Cheating Death - Modern AU, One-shot. Yet she couldn’t help the thoughts that had been racing through her mind lately. Thoughts of her fiance using less restraint than he usually did.
“Clone Present” by @carny-writings - Canon Compliant (lol), One-shot. So it’s Hinata’s birthday; does this mean a Naruto Shadow Clone Gangbang is in order for our best girl?
“Hinata’s Rose Lips” by Plump_Hinata - Includes extreme Bimbo!Hinata, Canon Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto and Hinata are sent on a mission to find a mysterious flower. But they will get a big surprise when they find out that the "Rose Lips" flower has a special power. A power to turn young ladies into ultra-hot, super-busty, sexy bimbos, and Hinata will be its victim!
Stamina/Multiple Orgasms/Cum Inflation/Size Kink
“Honeymoon” by Prestige Frost - Canon-Divergent. One-shot. During their honeymoon, Hinata learned something new about her husband: he was an absolute stamina freak in the bedroom. How was the beach? Why, they never even left the room!
“Adventures of the Warlock’s Apprentice” by pizzansushi - Includes lactation and furry kink, Fantasy AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. One rainy night, a warlock, finds a stray cat in alley. He takes Hinata in and breaks her curse. Turns out, his smitten kitten is actually a young lady. Naruto the Warlock allows her to stay beside him as his apprentice, although her looks and wiles will likely be the death of him.
“Sweet Love Bakery” by pizzansushi - Includes lactation kink, Fantasy AU, One-shot (but supposed to be multi-chapter?). Tender and sweet. Love makes people feel full and satisfied. Naruto Uzumaki the Warlock and his wife Hinata Hyuga open a bakery tavern.
“The Pinocchio Effect” by Silent_Soul_Ken - Fantasy/Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto goes to see a Fortune Teller for a view into his luck however after his insult he'll find that he has a big problem and it's just getting bigger and bigger…
“Lord Hokage” by EroPrincess - Canon Compliant, Series of One-shots. Naruto loves it when Hinata screams out "Lord Hokage" during their lovemaking.
“Engaged or whatever…” by Devahhole - Rated E, Multi-chapter, Complete.  Shenanigans, jealousy, and sex ensue when Naruto and Hinata decide to tie the knot.
“Unless the World Were to End” by @bunny-hoodlum - Modern AU, One-shot.  Anonymous internet friends decide to meet up IRL and give each other their first times.
“I’m in Here” by @bunny-hoodlum - RTN!Hinata, Canon-Divergent. One-shot. Thanks to Hinata’s newly acquired boldness, she and Naruto begin to explore their boundaries with each other – partly for distraction, partly for fun – But is Hinata the same Hinata anymore or not?
“Unseen Audience” by @vegebulsoup​ - Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. He wondered what she might think if she found out about his new hobby. Surely, she would be mortified, embarrassed, and/or thoroughly creeped out. But still, he couldn’t bring himself to stop.
“Caught in the Act” by HoneyWriter78 - Modern/College AU, One-shot. Hinata decides to watch one of the adult videos at her workplace, not knowing that someone is watching her…
“Let Me See You” by callmesenorita - Canon Compliant (lol), Two-shot. When Naruto wakes to an empty bed, he is surprised to discover his wife indulging in an old habit. He’s also seriously turned on.
“Money Shot” by callmesenorita - College AU. Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto can’t help noticing that his soft-spoken, new girlfriend bears similarities to PearlPrincess…but there’s no way Hinata, of all people, livestreams those kinds of videos, right?
“A Maid’s Responsibility” by agitosgirl - Modern AU, One-shot. It had been a year since he and Sakura had been physical. Now he had Hinata, sweet, kind, caring Hinata.
“All Kinds of Wrong” by Kieren - Crime AU. One-shot. It was ironic how something so pure had sprung from such a sordid arrangement. They were perfect for each other. But they had met at the wrong time.
“Side Effects” by Cheating Death - Includes graphic non-con/dub-con, Modern AU. Multi-chapter, Complete.  Naruto and Hinata decide to participate in a high-paying clinical study, but the pay turns out to be too good to be true.
“Shinobi Passions” by HoneyWriter78 - Canon-Divergent AU. Multi-Chapter, Incomplete. When a mission takes a surprising turn for the worse, only Naruto can help her through the night…
“A Love Never Seen” by HoneyWriter78 - High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata Hyuga attend Konoha High she is part of the athletics group. She is friends with Ino and Shikamaru but is secretly in love with Shikamaru who is oblivious and loves someone else. She tried to fight her feelings not noticing that a certain senpai has had his eyes on her…
“Warped” by BountifullyBeautifullyBlessed - College AU. Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata can’t sleep and her roommate, Naruto, is more than willing to help her out.
“Heavy Sleeper” by InTheMist032000 - Canon-Divergent AU, Two-shot. Hinata has a peculiar way of sleeping, and a knack for sleeping through all kinds of things. Naruto is intrigued and makes it a game to see how far he can go before she wakes up.
Semi-Public/In Public
“The Lustful Maid” by HoneyWriter78 - Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata Hyuga wakes up in an unknown room on an unknown bed, after one of the most worst days of her life. Her only memory is knocking into a tall blonde handsome guy with her juice spilled over him! Was it a dream? I think not as now she has signed a contract to be his very own personal maid!
“The Superstar Falls in Love” by HoneyWriter78 - Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto Uzumaki is a superstar, he and his band Kyubi set off clubbing after their opening night in Konoha. There he meets a blue haired beauty that immediately captures his attention. Will this blonde superstar playboy finally fall in love?
“A Shirt, a Neckerchief and my Bag on my Shoulders” by @badluckbrebis​ - Summer Camp AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Hinata is freezing cold as she washes up in a nearby stream despite the poor weather, until Naruto unexpectedly shows up to shelter her…
“Nighttime Workout” by Breezyanimetra - College AU, Two-shot. Shy Hinata doesn’t usually have the courage to speak with her long time crush Naruto. All she does is watch him workout wishing she can do more. A snow storm one fateful night changes that for her.
“21 Days” by @bunny-hoodlum - Includes dub-con, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Anonymous internet friends decide to meet up IRL and give each other their first times.
“Vacation” by Prestige Frost - Includes foot fetish among other kinks, Canon Divergent AU, One-shot. Their honeymoon was just the beginning. For Naruto and Hinata Uzumaki, the love they shared only grew with each passing day.
“The Art of Seduction” by katraine - Canon Compliant (?), One-shot.  ...as only Uzumaki Hinata can do.
“October Tenth” by ShiroiNoKiba - Includes lactation kink and miscarriage scare, Canon-divergent. Two-shot.  Naruto’s pregnant wife surprises him at home for his birthday.
“Calming the Beast” by Goldfishlover73 - Includes cheating, Canon-Divergent. One-shot. Naruto can’t understand why his relationship with Sakura just isn’t working. Hinata has a solution.
“Honeymoon” by DemonOfTheFridge - Includes graphic rape/non-con, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto always left on a secret mission once a year for a whole month. A curious Hinata finally had enough and followed him to an underground house. A house she finds herself trapped in, with a dark Naruto. Curiosity Killed the Cat.
“Breeding Season” by BlackMajjicDuchess - Includes rape/non-con, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Completely out of pattern, Kyuubi leaks free and causes terrible destruction that Naruto cannot suppress. There is a solution, but it comes at a terrible price.
“In a Demon’s Possession” by HoneyWriter78 - Demons AU. Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Pursued by the snake demon Orochimaru for their mysterious bloodline, Neji and Hinata accidentally trespass into Lord Kyuubi’s territory.
Furry/Mating/Alpha/Omega Dynamics
“A Wild Love” by agitosgirl - Fox!Naruto and Bunny!Hinata, Two-shot. They are a mix of humans and animal. They form communities and societies with their own species. Unfortunately, Hinata from the bunny section of the wood, finds herself in danger of being eaten.
“Love at First Sniff” by agitosgirl - Fox!Naruto and Mouse!Hinata, One-shot. Finding your one true love is the easiest thing that anyone can do. Hinata sets out to find the one male who will become the love of her life.
“Drainage City Tales” by Silent_Soul_Ken - Includes mutation/gender changes, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto is a young man working in Fume City's mining operation recently orphaned he struggles to survive and out of desperation eats some fish. Unusually large and bloated fish eating them will cause a change he never wanted but must now accept. But when Hinata a young noble girl who loves him, finds he's missing she'll do all she can to be with him.
“Naruto’s Mate” by funkychicken67 - Canon Divergent AU, Two-shot. Naruto receives a...gift from the nine tails. And Hinata gets in the way.
“When the Devil Picks Up a Stray” by callmesenorita - Rated E, A/B/O Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata, an Omega, questions buried feelings when she decides to help a childhood friend who has adopted a new persona under the name Menma. Although their attraction is instant he is no longer the Naruto she once knew, and soon enough Hinata is thrust into a dangerous yakuza conspiracy.
“A Fate Worse than Death” by Caelestia - A/B/O Canon-Divergent, One-shot.  Naruto, improperly socialized and traumatized as a child, rejects his inner Alpha, which has devastating consequences on his family and marriage.  “A Risky Bet” is its fluffier follow-up (One-shot).
I feeeeel like I might be forgetting some, but that’s a lot! :D  Happy fic reading!!!!
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sometipsygnostalgic · 3 years
good adventure time episodes to rewatch?
you're asking me to pinpoint some good rewatchable eps out of the 284 that are in the show?
here are my favourites to just randomly rewatch from time to time, mostly when they were popping up on youtube recs last year (and certainly DOES NOT include all plot relevant eps):
Season 1: Slumber Party Panic The Enchiridion My Two Favourite People Dungeon <- top tier AT The Duke <- deadly funny Rainy Day Daydream Ocean of Fear The Witch's Garden City of Thieves What Is Life? A lot of eps in season 1 are charming and nostalgic but not exactly great. IMO the heart of the season is Jake looking out for his easily stressed out kid brother, and Finn pulling Jake back into reality when he gets carried away with his imagination. Which is why season 2 starts off pretty weak imo - too many eps where Finn gets tortured while Jake's fucking around. Season 2: It Came from the Nightosphere The Eyes <- was surprised at how funny this was The Other Tarts Belly of the Beast Susan Strong <- aged somewhat, but i used to be obsessed Mystery Train Death in Bloom Chamber of Frozen Blades The Real You <- classic, weird characterisation of PB tho Go With Me <- this one has aged remarkably well, it's so funny The Limit Guardians of Sunshine Video Makers Mortal Folly/Recoil <- used to rewatch these a lot but not so much recently, there are better Lich eps now, Recoil is hilarious though Season 2 has so many fun eps that are good to watch at any point, i actually gave up on writing reviews for each one because i realised i wouldn't be able to do it justice. Check out my tag: #adventure-time-reviewed
Seasons 3 through to the Finale under the cut.
Season 3: Morituri Te Salutamus Memory of a Memory <- my favourite marceline-focused ep in the entire series, including/because of? distant lands Hitman <- someone got hit in the boingloings Too Young <- call me crazy but this is actually a fun episode once you get past the weird shipping and mischaracterisation of PB Wizard Battle What Was Missing <- recently wrote a tumblr article about this, it's not only historical but also very fun to watch, you already know that though Apple Thief The Creeps No One Can Hear You Jake vs Me Mow Thank You <- show anyone this The New Frontier <- very relevant Marceline's Closet <- i have to be in the mood for this one. a lot of it is cringe. a lot of it is super funny. Dad's Dungeon <- another one that used to be on my phone like 10 years ago to show my friends. Ghost Princess
sorry a lot of arrows here. but yeah, season 3 is a good one. There's a lot I thought about but excluded. Incendium is OK but there's too much of Finn crying which I find very grating. From Bad To Worse is a funny, but it's overshadowed by how good the other horror eps were this season. Holly Jolly Secrets is actually really aggravating to watch and I won't touch it again until my next rewatch, in fact, I might even skip it. There are much better Ice King eps in season 3, like Hitman, and there's plenty of Simon later on.
Season 4:
Hug Wolf Goliad <- the first Herpich great, IMO. Beyond this Earthly Realm <- forgotten gem Princess Cookie Card Wars Sons of Mars <- an all time best episode Lady & Peebles <- hard to stomach, but has aged sooo well, the first ep of the series where you hear PB's "real" voice I Remember You The Lich <- probably the best season finale in the show A lot less for season 4, actually. The highs this season hits are unprecedented, the list here is some of the best content in AT, but there weren't as many eps where I went "oh my god, i HAVE to rewatch that". The start of s4 was particularly forgettable. I have no reason to touch 8 of the first 10 eps again. I nearly put "Gotcha" here but actually that ep aggravates me just as much as it entertains me. Season 5:
Finn the Human/Jake the Dog <- second-greatest season premiere, interesting to look at again now we know more about the lore All the Little People <- not on my personal casual rewatch list, it's too hard to stomach. but a lot of people are fascinated by it. Mystery Dungeon Bad Little Boy <- the only fionna and cake ep still good in 2021 Simon and Marcy A Glitch is a Glitch <- funny Puhoy James Baxter the Horse <- the last ep Pen worked on as creative director, he also co boarded it The Suitor <- an unpopular choice but i love this ep Candy Streets Wizards Only, Fools Sky Witch <- one of the best PB eps tbh Earth and Water <- out of place but funniest ep in Finn's romance arc Time Sandwich <- an all time fun ep The Vault <- my favourite ep in the series and a good standalone too Love Games Dungeon Train We Fixed a Truck <- this ep is chaos Root Beer Guy <- still great if you can look past how his arc went Apple Wedding <- 50 50 on this one but when it came out I thought it was the funniest thing ever Rattleballs Bad Timing <- banger, made me drink Lemonhope Part 1 and 2 <- banger, made me think Billy's Bucket List <- banger, made me cry This list is season 5.2 heavy because, to simply put it, Pen's season 5.1 was running out of material and had a lack for good episodes. When Adam took over for 5.2 things really amped up, and after the initial fallout of Finn's romance arc, you got good ep after good ep after good ep. The final 3/4 eps in particular are fucking outstanding and it's part 1 of IMO the series' high point, which was Bad Timing to The Tower. Season 6
Wake Up/Escape from the Citadel <- EASILY the best premiere James II <- much needed levity during this arc The Tower Food Chain <- favourite s6 ep Little Brother Is That You? Thanks for the Crabapples, Giuseppe Princess Day <- some people hate this ep but i think it's fun Nemesis <- ugh so good and underrated. i like how PB is losing it like a saturday cartoon villain while Pep is a coolheaded mastermind villain. The Cooler <- not funny enough for my casual rewatch but ive talked at length about it Joshua & Margaret Investigations Ghost Fly Everything's Jake Jake the Brick Dentist The Pajama War Evergreen Astral Plane <- i used to hate this ep but now i think about it a lot, chill vibes The Mountain Jermaine <- legit great ep Chips and Ice Cream <- maybe im too much like bmo but this ep made me cry You Forgot Your Floaties <- like Astral Plane it depends on the viewer being in the mood to have some stuff stay over their head. Orgalorg Hot Diggety Doom/The Comet <- a fan favourite season finale. Season 6 is a funny one because there are actually quite a few eps that I don't remember fondly, but fit well on this list. It's a season that has tons of amazing standalone eps but the lack of focus, and general disappointment compared to its amazing start, makes it super divisive. A lot of people left after "Breezy", and many more drifted away after the increasing hiatuses, bombs, and how the episodes airing just didn't have anything to do with the characters we loved. Namely, the abysmal lack of Marceline, or eps with Finn and Jake. The good news is Season 7 would immediately solve most of these problems. Season 7 Don't even need to check wikipedia for half of these. This is the original structuring by the way, not the reworked 10 seasons version. Varmints <- an all time best Mama Said Cherry Cream Soda <- weird characterisation but pretty fun All of Stakes <- most rewatchable is the second half, easily. Take Her Back is probably the best ep. Angel Face Blank Eyed Girl <- first cartoony horror ep in forever, love it King's Ransom Crossover <- you might cry Hall of Egress <- if someone asked me what "the best episode of Adventure Time" is, I would usually say "objectively this one". Show it to all of your friends. Flute Spell The Thin Yellow Line <- a personal favourite, Lyle Partridge's graffiti is mesmerizing Broke His Crown <- the one episode I've rewatched the most in the entire show possibly???? funniest characterisation of PB hands down. Don't Look Beyond the Grotto Lady Rainicorn of the Crystal Dimension I Am A Sword Bun Bun <- the Character Development episode Normal Man <- often voted "funniest episode of the show", deserves it Elemental <- i just really like Patience and PB riffing off each other The Music Hole <3 <3 <3 Preboot <- I actually like this one way more than Reboot. I don't like Reboot. A bit too weird.
Season 7 might just be the best in the show. It has few to none of the drawbacks of other seasons, it has some of the all time best eps. It's namely where the emotional side of AT comes back in for the first time since season 4. Everyone does some growing up and you get payoff for all the terrible shit they did earlier on. Everyone becomes friends again after the past few seasons of tension. The original Season 8 is also great but because it's 2 miniseries stapled together, there's no amazing standalone eps like Hall of Egress. And season 9 (CN's season 10) is so tied in to its greater continuity, one which I didn't enjoy much, that there are no remarkable eps at all. Let's give some recs for them anyway! Season 8
Two Swords/Do No Harm <- not eps I personally come back to much but I love how they set out Finn's approach to Fern and his acceptance of his new arm. Wheels High Strangeness <- my favourite ep in this entire season, best Tree Trunks ep, one of the best PB eps, i find something new every time i read the storyboard, it's so crazy Jellybeans Have Power <- obvious choice Islands <- the entire tone of the miniseries is great. the best eps are The Invitation, Imaginary Resources, Min and Martin, Hide and Seek. Elements <- unlike the other miniseries, this one is a banger in EVERY episode, except for skyhooks II, i didn't like how it ended, but seriously i love Elements so much, you can take any ep from it and enjoy it standalone. most rewatchable by far. Bespoken For and Cloudy might be the most interesting. Abstract <- thematically similar to jellybeans have power but with a positive outcome Ketchup Whispers/Three Buckets <- this is the season finale that got be back into Adventure Time
All of season 8 is a banger but like I said there's nothing which jumps out that would make you watch it standalone, apart from IMO High Strangeness, Wheels, and Abstract. The other eps are so intricately connected that it's hard to just go watch them, but the Elements miniseries is at least so good that I'd take any ep from it and enjoy it, even if the miniseries doesn't have the revelations and powerful overarching themes of the other two. Unfortunately S8 houses one of the worst eps of the series - "Fionna, Cake and Fionna". You can imagine my horror when I learnt there is a spinoff being made based on the worst plot point of that ep?????
Season 9
The Wild Hunt <- best story ep of the season Always BMO Closing <- surprisingly fun, Gumbald's best showing Son of Rap Bear <- i actually love this ep as closure to FP's arc. it's not mindblowing but it touches on a lot of holes for her character, revisiting her issues of naivete and not knowing much about the world, which had been ignored later on. Bonnibel Bubblegum <- surprisingly i only like the first half of this ep. the rest is fascinating for analysis but i just don't enjoy it. too weird. Seventeen <- this ep is really stupid but it's funny in a jarring way. i love finn being a dumbass, pb having the 1 brain cell, while fern just laughs mockingly. Ring of Fire <- best standalone ep of the season????? The First Investigation Blenanas <- i dont have time to explain the psychology of humor to you *smashes window* Temple of Mars <- would you watch this by itself? idk Come Along With Me <- ive rewatched the second part countless times since it has the most going on, until i started liking it I've just listed like 10 of the season's 13 eps... nice.... okay, i'll list why i DIDN'T include some. i don't like marcy and hunson because it's queerbaity as fuck in the worst way. it's an insult this late in the series. i have elaborated before. if you ask i'll dig up the posts about it. Jake the Starchild is one that's not offensively bad but is a very disappointing answer to the Jake's Dad question, in a season already packed with like 3 other bad dads before that point.
Gumbaldia is actually decent enough, i'm thinking of adding it in, but it heavily involves the Gum family, who I don't like. It has a weird conflict between Finn and PB which I'm not a fan of because it didn't get fleshed out enough on both sides. And once again it's so story-involved that I'm not sure I can rec it as standalone.
That's actually most of my issues with season 9 summed up just in describing Gumbaldia. Just apply that description to the entire thing. Unfortunately there's nothing in S9 that i feel i HAVE to watch, other than segments from the finale, and the opening few minutes of Bonnibel Bubblegum which are jam packed with apocalypse stuff. I don't watch any of it for leisure.
So yeah with that I'd say the worst season for rewatching random eps is 9 and the best season is season 7!! which, makes sense, because most clips I rewatch are from season 7. it's just the greatest.
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chit-a-to · 3 years
Thank you so much for tagging me!! @rins-hogosha 🥺🥺
Rule: Tag 9 people you want to know better!
Here are some facts about me!
Favorite piece of clothing you own?
I have this dark green colored safari shirt, kinda like this one, but the fabric is quite thick and rough, unlike common safari shirts. I love it so much bcs it's so suitable to wear whenever I go trekking in forests (it's thick so it can protects me from insects and thorny plants and its color also camouflages me to the surroundings 😂)
Your comfort food?
Ramen, udon, or oden 🤤🤤 oh miso soup, too! Seriously... savory, warm broth is always my go-to food whenever I don't feel well, especially during the first and second days of period 😭👌 It feels so soothing and it's like it warms up my body from the inside 😊
Favorite time of year?
Probably January because it's peak rainy season and so many flowers bloom (in the forests! 😂). I always like cloudy or rainy day, but not so much if I have to go outside or I got stuck in one or it's just straight up mini-storm with strong wind 😬
Favorite song?
I don't think I have any favorite songs... because my fav song is switching every three to four months, depending on what genre I'm in the mood to listen to 😂😂😂 so I'm just gonna list my current obsessions 🤣 which are Rockstar Lifestyle by Changmo, No Cap by Young B, No Gravity by Part Time Cooks and MBA, and Lambo by Mirani (for those who's not familiar with the artists' names, they are rappers from South Korea, more known as "Khh rappers").
Do you collect something?
Memes. Lots of memes. That is if you considered memes as something that is collectible 😂😂
Favorite drink?
Water, coffee, chocolate, and plant-based milk which basically are the only things that I drink 😂😂 oh! I like milk tea, too, especially the Taiwanese and masala chai 😋
Favorite fanfiction?
Oh God this is kinda hard..... because I read a lot, like A LOT, of fanfictions. And I can't choose just one either 😭😭 so if I have to narrow them down, then it probably would be:
"One Plus One" by Misarae, AND its sequel "Two Plus Two" (warning those are heavily NSFW and not Hojo- and Kikyo- friendly, but the family trope is sooo heartwarming 🥺🥰)
"Bonded by Birth" by @kawaiichan67 (IT'S SOOOOOOO CUUTTEEEEE 😭😭😭😭😭 fluffyness 📈📈📈)
"The Beauty of the Beast" by @mrfeenysmustache a.k.a AshMish111 @ AO3 (One of the best inukag medieval AU out there, swear to God. The slow-burn and slowly falling in love is what makes it 😚👌 especially whenever they're being shy with each other 🙈🙈)
"Toddler Tizzy" by @clearwillow or BrigidTheFae (I still can't get over of my imagination how kagome took care of small inu, because he must be looks so cute 🥺🥺 and the way he's trying to converse to kagome but failing and ended up with baby talk OMG I'm gushing so hard 😆😆)
Tagging: @callmehnad @swaggingtomboy @noodlethyst @sweet61 @maggins @clementinesgulag @anisaanisa @lauedlp93 @kagurawinds
P.S. Sorry if you've been tagged but I tagged you again! 😭 You can just ignore it, it's fine. And no pressure to make one too if you don't feel like it 😊👍
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cooldude-69 · 2 years
I have moderate acne i also had slightly severe acne before, and i feel sooo insecure abt my looks, like hiding your face most of the time, wearing mask even if it suffocates,
And the only thing i could think of is how i look when someone looks at my face.
My cousin who used to be my bestf before, she said things which made me extremely insecure abt my skin, even my so called bestfriend in school, when her crush got attracted to me without actually seeing me, she said to him "she wont come, her face is full of acne" when he asked if he could meet me, and when he said that they weren't visible in the picture, she literally said "its all filters, filters hides everything", AND THAT PIC HAD NO FILTER, I've been hiding myself, i hate going out, avoiding whtvr makes me go out, i shifted to some new place and ppl here asked me to come play with them and i refused.
Every new breakout and i feel like dying, I've bawled my eyes out literally everyday, and telling my bf abt how bad i feel and him saying that im pretty and all just doesn't work at all
But NGL ISTG ASTROLOGY MADE ME FEEL SO MUCH BETTER not only astrology, few influencers on instagram who posts abt acne positivity, seeing them going thru same shit feels so much better likw its fucking normal,
And in astrology, my Chiron in 1h which ig means appearance? And self esteem and wtvr, i read somewhere that "things will only heal when you'll accept urself" and man, healing really is a long and hard process but actually doing it and seeing results feels so much better
I'm trying to not to wear mask, and few of my friends are soo nice to me, so supportive, she got soo happy and excited that i wasn't wearing the mask, and my friend who stays with me most of the time in school they didn't even react a bit, i could see how diff they are, but i felt better,
Later i realised the reason of my breakouts it was cuz of mask, and also sunscreen(yes sunscreen is good for protection, but it clogs my pores) so i stopped wearing as it is rainy season and i couldn't believe-
I DIDN'T WEAR MASK YESTERDAY OMG (im fully vaccinated)
I feel sooo much better, even if i get new breakouts i wont wear mask, i promise to myself, not letting this shitty insecurity get all over me, im beautiful with or w/o acne and scars.
And all the ppl who complimented me and made me feel better abt myself specially my bf, i love you😭💕 i just cant explain how overwhelmed i get ndjdkdnd
If i hadn't complaint abt my acne to everyone, they wouldn't have made fun, or pointed it out :)
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onenerdtwonagas · 3 years
Freckles & Stars
(Felt like rewriting their confession to try and have a less soap-opera-ish feel to it. Obviously it’s still a dramatic moment for them but at least the dialogue flows a little better IMO? Idk, y’all tell me LOL)
Orpheus smiled as he looked down at the pieces of parchment—‘paper’—and the intricate notes and detailed sketches. There was something inherently charming about them. Intimate, almost. He traced the tip of a claw carefully around the edge of a study of a fern leaf, following the thin lines of ink.
“What did you say this was called again?” he asked, his gaze lingering before flicking upwards at the human across from him.
“Botany,” Uriah answered. “Plant studies.”
“Huh. We call such persons ‘herbalists’, still. Although, I suppose it isn’t quite fitting, since they work with more than herbs.”
“Herbalists breed and preserve plants, too?”
“They do, but differently,” Orpheus explained, passing the papers back to Uriah. “They don’t use such strange methods as humans do, what with your...gadgets?”
Uriah chuckled and returned the papers to a protective folder inside his pack.
“That’s one word for it. Technology doesn’t run on magic, where I’m from.”
“It’s not always magic. There are scientists within the pantheon.”
“Alchemists, you mean?”
“It’s a form of science,” Orpheus insisted.
“That uses magic,” Uriah returned, smiling as he stood up to stretch.
“That’s—fair, actually. I’ll grant you that,” the naga laughed.
He watched Uriah pace to the open wall of his chamber. The human stretched his arms over his head and let them fall with a groan, leaning against a pillar and watching the steady rainfall outside. It had been rather dreary all afternoon, rain arriving not long after Uriah had showed up at the entrance to the temple.
Orpheus found himself looking forward to the visits from the mortal man. It had been several months since their strange first encounter, and Uriah came every so often for the ‘work’ his foreign society demanded of him. Watching him was fascinating; Uriah sounded so intelligent, and there was a little thrill that would race up Orpheus’s spine whenever he used the important-sounding jargon for his ‘work’. If he was being honest, it wasn’t just the terminology Uriah used that set little quivers through the naga’s core: it was the man himself.
He’d tried not to let it get to him, but with each visit Orpheus found himself growing increasingly fond of Uriah. He liked his smile, the genuine kindness he showed, and his obvious intelligence. Whenever Orpheus would take him to see new parts of the jungle around his father’s territory, he found himself seeking opportunities to touch him. Holding his hand to help him step over obstacles, brushing dirt or plant matter from his back, offering his tail as a place to sit for rest... Orpheus had to admit he was smitten, and he felt it again as he watched Uriah stare out at the rain.
“How long do you think it’ll last?”
“The rain,” Uriah asked, jerking his head in the general direction of the weather. “Is it gonna come down like this all night?”
Orpheus rose and slithered over, peering up past the roof of the temple and through the canopy to catch a slim glance of a storm-gray sky overhead. A rumble of thunder rolled across the clouds.
“Might be a while, at the very least,” he mused. “It’s not the rainy season just yet, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have storms. Just means it won’t flood the lower terrain or washout the river beds.”
“Sooo... What you’re saying is, I’m probably bunking here overnight?”
Uriah looked at Orpheus, one eyebrow quirked upwards. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be there, near Orpheus—he certainly liked being near Orpheus—but he wasn’t sure he could handle it. Seeing him every visit felt wonderful, but leaving... Leaving was getting harder. Being closer wasn’t going to help that.
“I’d rather you stay here than risk getting lost or injured out there in a storm,” Orpheus said, looking down with a small shrug. He reached out and gave the man’s shoulder a pat.
“Besides, I’m sure it’s much more comfortable than whatever set-up you have at your ‘base camp’. You can share my chamber, if you like,” he offered, smiling. Hoping.
Uriah felt heat rising to his face.
“O-Oh, I, uh... I’d be fine taking a pillow and a blanket somewhere else! Your folks are okay with me—except your sister—s-so it should be fine! I wouldn’t want to crowd you!”
Orpheus blinked at him in confusion.
“Uriah, dearest, it’s an entire chamber. I know my tail is long but I’m not nearly so large as to need all of this—“ He swept two of his four arms out for emphasis. “—to be comfortable. You’ll sleep better here, anyway; I’ve got plenty of bed space.”
Uriah rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“I-I just...y’know, it’s, uh...umm...”
“Are you truly still that shy after knowing me for several months?”
Uriah exhaled slowly.
“Yeah, kind of,” he muttered, turning away and pacing slowly. Orpheus watched after him.
“...You don’t need to be.”
“I know.”
“Have I done something to make you uncomfortable?”
“N-No,” Uriah answered quickly.
“Uriah, if I have, you can say so—“
“No,” he repeated, faster and harsher. Uriah turned and looked at him apologetically.
“I’m sorry, I’m not upset, but...”
He squeezed the back of his neck. He bent down and gathered his pack, sliding one strap over his left shoulder.
“Maybe it’s better if I just sleep somewhere else.”
“Or if I leave now, I could get back to base camp before nightfall.”
He started moving towards the doorway, head lowered and hand gripping his pack straps tightly, when Orpheus suddenly slid in his way. Uriah backpedaled and froze, tense. They stared at one another for a few moments before Uriah found his nerve.
“You can’t keep me here,” he said, though he looked up at Orpheus uncertainly. The naga looked back, slowly letting the tension leave him as he let out a growl and scowled at the floor.
“No, I can’t,” Orpheus huffed. He closed his eyes tightly, and then his expression fell, saddened.
“...But I want to.”
Uriah’s eyes widened. Orpheus looked at him almost pleadingly.
“Please, Uriah, just...stay the night? So I know you’re safe?”
He reached out, but Uriah backed away, turning and dropping his bag much less carefully than usual. He shoved his hands back through his hair and paced back towards the open wall.
“God, I knew this was a bad idea. I knew it and I kept doing it!”
“Doing what?” Orpheus asked, following him at a distance.
“Coming back!” Uriah blurted out, throwing his hands up. “Coming here and seeing you! I shouldn’t have done it! I should’ve just—just let it be! Left you alone!”
Orpheus’s mouth twitched downward. That stung.
“I like seeing you,” he said, quietly. “I want to see you.”
“I know! That’s the problem, I can’t—“
“Can’t what?”
“I can’t want you!” Uriah shouted. Orpheus flinched.
“I can’t want you because you’re this—this—this demigod naga, and I’m just me! I’m a mortal human being! You’re not for me! But I kept coming here anyway, because I like the look of you, and the way you act, and now I’m the idiot who got his own feelings worked up!”
The naga slowly approached, staring at Uriah as he let one hand fall to his side, the other removing his glasses and wiping furiously at the corner of his eye. Uriah shook his head as Orpheus tried to reach out to him, twisting away.
“Uriah, please, I don’t understand where this is coming from! What did I do?”
“It’s not you! You’re perfect! You’re a literal god! I’m the problem!”
“You’re not a problem!”
“I am!”
Orpheus didn’t let him move away again. He took hold of Uriah’s shoulders and bent to try and meet his gaze.
“Talk to me! I don’t know what this is about, but I’m fond of you, too! I want you here! I want you here so much it hurts when you go!”
“And what right did I have to do that to you, huh? You’re so much more than I am, Orpheus! I don’t—“
His breathing hitched and his voice broke. Uriah hid his face in his hand.
“I don’t deserve you.”
Orpheus stared at him, not understanding but wanting to, desperately. What was Uriah talking about? Deserving?
“What do you mean? If I enjoy being with you, and you with me, what does anything else matter?”
Uriah shook his head, his shoulders trembling as another sob rattled him. Orpheus slowly rubbed his upper arms, his second set of hands rising up to try and hold Uriah’s hand before he pulled away to wipe at his eyes.
“Uriah, please, I... I don’t know what you’re talking about. Help me understand. If I want you, how can you not deserve it?”
“B-Because I’m not like you,” Uriah whimpered. “I don’t deserve somebody like you.”
“I’m not special. I-I’m boring, and plain, and...a-and you’ll get tired of me. And I—“ Uriah held himself. “—I can’t stand being unwanted again.”
“Uriah, I want you! Do you know how hard it is for me to watch you go every time, and not know if you’re coming back? I’ve lost sleep over it! I want you here, with me!”
The human shook his head in disbelief and looked at Orpheus through watery eyes.
“We barely know each other.”
“I know that your smile warms me, and that you are intelligent and kind,” Orpheus professed. “I know that the green of your eyes is the most beautiful one I’ve ever seen. I know your laugh makes my chest flutter. Do you have any idea how long it’s been since someone made me feel that way?”
Uriah shook his head again, trying to avoid his eyes, but Orpheus turned his face back with a gentle hand. He brushed a thumb across his freckled cheek, wiping a stray tear away.
“Uriah, I...” He sighed. “I know we couldn’t be more different, but I want you. You feel the same way, don’t you?”
“I’m just a human,” Uriah huffed, upset with himself. “I don’t have the right—“
“Forget rights. Forget my future title, forget all of it! That doesn’t matter to me right now. What do you feel? What do you want?” Orpheus stressed. “If you don’t feel the same, then I will understand, but you need to be honest with me, and with yourself.”
“I do,” Uriah answered suddenly, sullenly. He carefully placed a hand over Orpheus’s against his face, holding it there, taking comfort from him. Even if he felt he didn’t deserve to.
“I-I like you. A lot. A-And I miss you when I leave, and I w-want to be around you. I just... I-I just can’t...”
“You can. I’m telling you, you can,” Orpheus said, his voice soft as he leaned in and rested his forehead against Uriah’s. He hushed him as he whimpered, bringing a second hand to cradle his face.
“I want you,” the naga whispered, “and you want me. That’s all I need to know. That’s the only thing that matters right now. I don’t care about the rest, it can wait.”
“It can wait,” he repeated, fingertips brushing Uriah’s jaw.
Orpheus tilted his head and kissed him, carefully and lightly at first, testing what Uriah would allow. Watery green eyes stared back for a few moments before Uriah returned the gesture, shy and timid but sincere. He felt fragile against his lips, as if he’d break just by touching him. Orpheus slid his hands back and combed his claws through Uriah’s curls, indulging in their softness before attempting a second kiss. Uriah shivered, but didn’t pull away. In fact, much to Orpheus’s surprise, he felt the human’s hands hesitantly resting on his shoulders, and then put his arms around his neck. As their lips parted, Uriah tucked his face down against Orpheus’s skin and sniffled, holding on tightly. The naga put all four of his arms around him, slowly stroking his back with one hand and petting his hair with another.
“I-I don’t know what to do, Orpheus,” Uriah whimpered, his voice muffled against the naga’s neck.
“Stay,” Orpheus purred back. “Please, stay. Even if it’s just for tonight.”
“I w-want to stay.”
“Then stay.”
He nuzzled against Uriah’s hair and he hushed him, his voice warm and soft. Orpheus lifted him, startling him for a moment, before he brought a hand to the man’s face and drew him closer once more. Uriah pressed his forehead to Orpheus’s and inhaled slowly.
“Stay,” Orpheus repeated.
“I-I’m sorry,” Uriah said quietly. “I wanted t-to say something but...b-but I didn’t know how, or w-when, and I was scared y-y-you wouldn’t want to see me anymore—“
“Shhh. Don’t be sorry, don’t. It’s a lot, I know, but I want to try.”
Orpheus ducked his head beneath Uriah’s, nuzzling his collarbone, breathing him in as the man’s fingers stroked lightly through his hair. He could feel how nervous Uriah was, how hesitant he was to touch him. Orpheus purred against him, hoping to soothe Uriah, as he carefully slid to his nest of furs and pillows and settled amongst them, his tail draped among the softness. He heard his pulse quicken in his chest.
“Easy,” Orpheus whispered, “it’s alright.”
Uriah’s face was warm and he couldn’t look at Orpheus for more than a few seconds before diverting his gaze. He was too beautiful, too perfect. He felt a weight shift onto his lap and looked down in surprise to see the end of Orpheus’s tail resting on top of his legs.
“You can touch me,” he encouraged, taking one of Uriah’s hands and placing it on his scales.
Uriah carefully brushed his fingertips along the edges of his scales, watching their stars slowly shift in their strange, magic way. Orpheus guided his hand, watching him, admiring the softness of his eyes. Slowly, he felt Uriah’s hesitancy fade and allowed him to touch on his own, bringing his hand up to brush the man’s curls from his face.
“...Why would you think I wouldn’t want to see you if you told me?” Orpheus asked, tone quiet but concerned. “Is it really because I’m a demigod?”
Uriah’s hand paused, and he bit his lip. Orpheus curled the end of his tail around the man’s wrist, wanting to hold him in some way without making him uncomfortable. He studied Uriah as several emotions flickered through his eyes.
“My ex was...h-he wasn’t a good person. I know that now, and I should’ve never fallen for his ‘nice act’ at the start, but...b-but I did, and...that’s what I get for it, I guess.”
“Um...previous partner? I-I kicked him out last year and haven’t seen him since but it still hurts.”
“Oh.” Orpheus thought for a moment. “When you were saying those things about yourself before, about being boring and plain... Were those things he said to you?”
Uriah noticed the worry in Orpheus’s face and felt a pang of guilt for even explaining it. Orpheus didn’t need to know such hurtful things. But he had asked, and Uriah knew himself to be a terrible liar.
“Yeah. Y-Yeah, he...um... He said those things and then some.”
Orpheus’s brow knotted and he reached out to hold his hand between two of his own. Uriah sniffed.
“I w-wasn’t in a-a good place while I was with him,” he admitted. “It s-started fine but after a while, it just...got worse and I...I-I hung on l-longer than I should have.”
The naga’s tail released his wrist and rose instead to curl beneath his chin, guiding Uriah to look at him. Orpheus brought Uriah’s hand up and kissed the back of his palm, brushing his thumbs over his skin, and met his eyes with concern.
“He hurt you.”
It wasn’t a question, but an honest observation. Uriah couldn’t deny it, and he didn’t.
“I don’t want that for you, Uriah,” Orpheus said, soft and sincere. “No one should say things like that to you.”
“If this doesn’t work out—“
“No. I won’t treat you that way, even if we turn out to be incompatible. I promise.”
Uriah blinked back tears. He felt that tug of guilt in his chest again. Orpheus hadn’t ever been rude or even overly sarcastic with him; how awful to even think that, for a second, he was anything like his ex...
“I-I’m sorry, I know you’re not like him, I just—I’m scared of it happening again.”
“Come here.”
Orpheus reached out and brought Uriah close to him, holding him close to his chest and resting his chin in his hair. He nuzzled into it and kissed the crown of his head.
“I won’t hurt you, Uriah,” he reassured. “You will never need to be afraid of that, I promise. No one, not even me, can speak to you that way.”
“E-Even if...?”
“If we don’t work out, you’re still my friend; I don’t treat friends that way, either.”
He was a bit surprised by how tightly Uriah held on to him at that moment. Not wanting to accidentally harm the man with his superior strength, Orpheus hugged him only a little tighter, mindful of his claws, and relished the sensation of Uriah’s tension leaving his body.
“I needed to hear that. Thank you,” Uriah sniffled.
Orpheus would’ve told him he didn’t need to be thanked for basic decency, but Uriah caught him off-guard a second time. The man looked up at him, hesitating for just a second, before pressing up against him for a kiss. When he pulled back, Uriah was staring up with a bright red blush across his freckled cheeks. Never mind that they had already kissed a few minutes earlier.
“I-I, um...w-wanted to do that for a while.”
Orpheus came out of his moment of blank surprise and grinned, leaning close.
“I think we’re going to be good for each other, Uriah,” he purred.
“Mmhmm. Now, come here. I think you need a good, long cuddle.”
“Yeah. That sounds nice, right about now.”
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