#It's hard to be positive in that kind of mindset but he's trying to help!
sysig · 13 days
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Leftovers gone bad (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#Still vent-like! Helped put my head in order anyhow so - helpful :)#Sweet Coffee to lower Charm's anxieties hehe <3 Who could have ever guessed how accurate he'd be!#I really do need to sit down and give everyone names he deserves one! He's only ever had the one name (not Coffee lol)#His first attempt wasn't great lol way to intentionally misinterpret his meaning Charm#It's hard to be positive in that kind of mindset but he's trying to help!#Coffee does also have foot-in-mouth syndrome tho so there's that lol#Doesn't Try to minimize or callously redirect he really does try his best he's just still a bit clumsy haha#This was never his practice! He's always been a troublemaker of a kind!#He's just getting his practice in haha#Oh yeah and he gets a new outfit since I was offline while drawing him pft#He's always been androgynous he's allowed to have the clasps on the other side - even if it does make him off-model lol#He's always had masculine closures on his clothes now that I think of it....I think? Might need to go through his backlog actually#Then again I'm talking about the character he used to be and not necessarily who he is now lol - moving character from fandom to fandom#ANYway lol#Isn't this supposed to be about Charm or something who's the main character again pft#Charm's canonical least favourite feeling is feeling foolish! It's The Feeling that makes her seek out the Staff#But! She's (trying to be) reformed! So that's not really an option! Doesn't make the feeling go away tho#She carries the same response with her since she hasn't figured out how to healthfully respond to it#So anything that creates That Feeling is scary! She doesn't have an out! Feels cornered - and that stress adds to it#What if This Thing makes her feel That Way when she doesn't want to! She /wants/ to trust and love and be happy and healthy#But the precedent#Reminding her that she doesn't have to repeat her actions just because it Feels a certain way is important!#It's not something you have to run away from or lash out against - it hurts but it's momentary#Promise :)
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fandoms-x-reader · 6 days
Abandonment Issues
Requested By: @deludedprime
Summary: MC has a strong bond with everyone, but because of past experiences, they're afraid that the others don't reciprocate their feelings. Because of this, MC pulls away and begins isolating themselves. The Seven Demon Brothers x Reader Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon & Solomon x Reader Featuring: Luke, Raphael, Thirteen, & Mephisto. Word Count: 5,108
You were someone who got attached to others too deeply and too quickly. 
That was the way it had always been and the way it always would be.
And not only did you easily get attached to others, but you found that you could do this with almost anyone.
Maybe it was because you could see the good in others even if they were believed to have the darkest heart. Or maybe you believed that everyone deserved a chance.
In the end, it usually ended up with you being the one who got hurt.
You would pour your heart and soul into trying to make others feel loved. But, they would pull away. They would think you were overbearing or trying too hard and you would be left all alone.
When you came to the Devildom, you had put yourself in the mindset that you wouldn’t make the same mistakes that you did in the human world.
You told yourself that you would keep your distance and that you wouldn’t let yourself fall into the trap that you tended to easily succumb to. 
You were going to be surrounded by demons, so it should have been easy to do, right?
The more time you spent around everyone, the harder it was to keep your resolve. Slowly, but surely, your walls began to crumble. But who could blame you?
It was hard to not feel sympathy for Mammon when he was constantly torn down and hurt by his brothers. Who wouldn’t want to be there to cheer him up every time it happened and see that beautiful smile that he wore only when he was around you?
And the way Levi talked drove you crazy! He was so passionate and knowledgeable about his interests and he was so entertaining. So, when he was being self-deprecating, you had to make sure that you were there to deny every single one of his claims and compliment him until he finally believed you.
Beel and Luke were such kind souls too. They were so sweet and so caring. So it only made sense for you to want to step in and shield them from Lucifer’s attack. To protect them.
Even Belphie had you wrapped around his finger. You knew he was lying to you. You knew that he was playing you. But you just wanted to help him.
Everyone in the Devildom had a reason for you to love them. They had something that drew you in and kept you there.
And, before you knew it, you were in the same position you always found yourself in - surrounded by people you loved wholeheartedly and wondering if they felt the same.
The others returned your small acts of love and they told you they liked spending time with you. They acted like they loved you.
But, you had been fooled once before. You had let your guard down just to be left brokenhearted and feeling like you weren’t good enough.
And because of your past experiences, your doubt and insecurities began creeping in and filling your mind with terrible thoughts until it had convinced you that you were reading too much into your friendship.
It told you that the bond you felt you had with them was way stronger than the bond they had with you. You were the one pushing the friendship on them and they were merely tolerating you.
And because of those thoughts, you felt the need to protect yourself. You began pulling away and isolating yourself from them in the hopes that when your friendship finally did come to an end, it wouldn’t hurt as bad.
You didn’t expect them to notice. And, if they did notice, you didn’t expect them to care.
But you were their human. And seeing you pull away hurt them just as much as it hurt you.
They could only let it go on for so long until one of them decided to approach you and talk about it.
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Lucifer was a very busy man.
He helped bear the weight of the Devildom on his shoulders, and as such, his plate was always unbelievably full.
His to-do list was unthinkably long and he always felt as though there weren’t enough hours in a single day.
Because of his busy schedule, Lucifer rarely had time to notice small things such as a one getting lost in thought or subtle behavioral changes.
But, what you were doing was not small.
The lack of your presence sent a shockwave through the House of Lamentation and Lucifer was not spared from the effects.
He wasn’t sure why you were refusing to spend time with them - but he missed you.
He missed the way you would tease him about getting frown lines before offering to massage his shoulders.
He missed the way you would bring him a cup of tea to help him relax, knowing it was the only way to take his mind off of work if only for a brief moment.
He missed the way you would smile at him and make all of his stress and worry dissipate with such a simple action.
Lucifer had been alive for far too long to allow someone who brought such happiness into his life to simply slip through his fingers.
So, he took action as quickly as he could. He tried to phrase it as nicely as he could, but you could read through the lines. He was demanding an explanation.
And he was not pleased with the one he got. He was the Avatar of Pride and hearing you tell him that you believed he didn’t truly love you hurt his pride.
Because it meant he had failed. He failed to show you how much you meant to him.
And that was a mistake he needed to rectify. 
From that day on, it didn’t matter how busy Lucifer was. He would find a way to show you how much he cared about you.
It could be pulling you into his lap while he worked, or hugging you tightly when he was stressed.
He would do anything he could to show you how much he needed you and to make sure you never pulled away from him again.
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Naturally, Mammon was one of the first to notice you pulling away.
He tended to be a bit clingy when it came to you. He always wanted to be around you.
You were his rock.
The one he always went to when he was feeling down about himself.
You were the one who always brought a smile to his face and lifted his spirits.
So, when you started isolating yourself and turning down his offers to hang out, Mammon took it hard.
Your positivity and smile was something he had come to depend on. 
He blamed himself for your actions. 
He replayed his time with you in his head, recounting every detail to try and figure out if he said or did something to make you upset with him.
He tried every day to get you to open up and talk to him. 
It gets to the point where it’s almost painful for you to see him. He looked like a lost puppy.
Mammon always told you that you could trust him, so you felt as though you at least owed him an explanation for your sudden behavior change.
And when you tell Mammon about everything, he goes through a wave of emotions.
Confusion - why would you think he didn’t care about you? Could you not see how he felt about you?
Guilt - he felt as though he had failed you in some way. He felt like his tsundere tendencies had pushed you away and made you believe that he didn’t care for you.
Anger - at those from your past who decided to hurt you in this way and make you doubt yourself and others.
And lastly, relief - Mammon was so thankful you trusted him enough to explain what was going on inside your mind.
He would find a way to cheer you up and make you feel better about yourself, the same way you always did for him.
He would make sure that you never felt unloved by him again.
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Levi had done something that went against all of his morals - he had become friends with a normie!
He wasn’t really sure how it happened. One second, you were the new human exchange student that he could care less about. And the next second, he wanted you in his room every night to play games with him.
He started coming out of his room more in the hopes that he would run into you and he looked forward to when the two of you would hang out.
These were all things that Levi swore he would never do. Especially with a normie.
But, you had an irresistible charm that drew others in and he just so happened to be one of the victims of your trap.
And it was something he deeply regretted when he noticed you pulling away from him.
You and Levi have a very similar mindset when it comes to abandonment and trust issues.
Your biggest fear is his biggest fear. And in an attempt to protect yourself, you were making his fears come true.
He had opened himself and allowed himself to be vulnerable, only for you to pull away. He was questioning everything about himself. He was regretting opening up in the first place.
And it wasn’t until you recognized the familiar pained look on Levi’s face that you realized what you had been doing.
It wasn’t fair to put someone else through the same pain you had gone through, so you decided to explain everything to Levi and that’s when his tune finally changed.
He realized it wasn’t his insecurities that drove you away but your own and Levi was now on a mission to make sure you never felt that way.
You had helped him so much with becoming confident in himself. You had made him feel really loved by someone. And he was going to find a way to return the favor.
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Satan could tell something had been bothering you for a while now.
He would notice you zoning out in school or at the dinner table, lost in your own thoughts.
He had meant to approach you about it a few times now, but he always stopped himself short.
He wasn’t sure how to handle the situation.
He liked to be straightforward and stick to facts.
He wasn’t sure the Avatar of Wrath would be the best one to comfort you.
But, he could only let your actions continue on for so long before he had to step in.
He attempted to approach you in the library. He sat down next to you and asked you bluntly if you were okay.
To which you told Satan that you were just stressed and trying really hard to keep up with your studies.
Satan wanted to believe you, but when you turned down his offer to tutor you, he knew that it wasn’t your studies that you were worried about.
If it was, you would have jumped at the opportunity to have some help.
Satan waited patiently for his next opportunity - which came after dinner when you went to your room.
You were surprised to see him there but allowed him in any way.
Satan once again asked you what was wrong, and asked you not to lie to him this time.
Under Satan’s scrutinizing gaze, you knew that it wouldn’t be a good idea to try and come up with another excuse. So you came clean.
To say Satan was surprised at the news would be an understatement. How could you think they didn’t love you?
Before he could realize what he was doing, and before he could stop himself, Satan was pulling you into his arms and telling you that there was no reason to feel that way because they all loved you deeply.
He was straightforward. He was a man of facts. Satan didn’t lie. And because of that, his words were the most comforting - because you knew they were true.
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One of Asmo’s biggest pet peeves is when others ignore him.
He was so used to getting love from everyone. It didn’t matter if it was his family, his friends, his fans, or random strangers.
It didn’t matter if you loved him or hated him - either way, you couldn’t resist looking at him.
No one could resist his beauty. That wasn’t just something he exaggerated to inflate his ego, it was a fact. He was the Avatar of Lust.
And when he sees someone trying to avoid him or refusing to look or talk to him, it hurts his feelings - more than he would dare to admit.
But, when you were the one who was doing it to him, it hurt so much more. Because he loved you so much.
Asmo isn’t one who could handle your cold shoulder for too long.
Within a couple of days, Asmo showed up at your door, practically in tears as he begged you to let him in and talk to him.
Asmo wears his heart on his sleeve and anyone with a pair of eyes could see how heartbroken he was over this whole ordeal.
And seeing him in that state was enough to convince you to explain your actions to him.
And as you told Asmo all about your fears and abandonment issues, his tears slowly dried as he realized the reason you had pulled away from him was because you were afraid he didn’t feel the same way.
But, why you felt that way was a mystery to Asmo. You were loved by Love Incarnate.
He wouldn’t berate you for feeling this way or make you feel bad for protecting yourself, but Asmo will up his game x100.
He will give you a hundred more good morning hugs and a hundred more good night kisses every day. He will hold you in his arms for a hundred more hours in the week.
He will do whatever he has to do to prove to you that his love for you is genuine.
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Beel wasn’t one who typically expressed his emotions through words.
He was a man of action.
He liked to express his love through hugs and his happiness through smiles.
He found more value in showing what he was feeling rather than stating it.
And you were always so receptive to his actions.
You would happily jump into his arms for a bear hug or let him pick you up when he wanted to take you somewhere that he was excited about.
You would sit close to him in class and you would always smile at him at dinner.
And those small actions were what always made Beel’s day.
So, when they suddenly stopped, Beel definitely noticed something was up with you.
He tried to talk to you, but you always came up with an excuse and ran away.
He brought food to your bedroom door whenever he could as if it was an offering. As if he was sending a prayer that his gift would be enough for you to grace him with a conversation.
Seeing Beel sad is one of the most heartbreaking scenes. His big puppy-dog eyes would look at you with sadness, and his lips would turn into a large frown as his shoulders slumped.
After taking a bit to get your thoughts in order, you finally open up to Beel and tell him how you’re feeling.
You couldn’t stand to see him so upset without knowing why you were doing what you were doing.
When you were done explaining, Beel realized that he would need more than actions to fix this situation.
So, he expressed all of his love to you, telling you how much you meant not only to him but to everyone. Telling you how they would all be lost without you. Telling you how much he loved you. 
And begging you not to ever doubt him when he tells you that.
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Belphie thought you were being childish.
Of course, he didn’t know the real reason you were isolating yourself.
Belphie had a bad habit of doing things that he didn’t remember. That was mostly because he was sleepwalking when he did it.
One time, he ate a slice of cake Beel had been specifically saving while he was asleep.
Another time, he ended up in Mammon’s room to call him money-grubbing scum before simply leaving.
Small things like that happened all of the time. So he was sure that he had accidentally done or said something to you while he was asleep that set you off.
But, everyone else seemed to understand that he was asleep and had no control.
You decided to give him the cold shoulder. And Belphie was not having it.
If you wanted to be stubborn, he would be stubborn too.
And of course, his bratty nature was not helping the current situation you were in by any means.
Belphie finally caved after a few days, thinking he must have done something really bad for you to ignore him for so long.
But, you wouldn’t give him the time of day to talk. So, he decided to approach you when he knew you couldn’t escape.
He showed up in one of your dreams, knowing that he would have the power there. Was it an invasion of privacy? Yes - but, you should have talked to him during the day if you didn’t want this to happen.
However, when Belphie entered your dream he found that it was a nightmare. A specific nightmare that was a representation of everything you had been fearing. 
Belphie immediately made the nightmare go away and came face to face with you. He asked you if that was the reason you had been avoiding him and when you nodded your head, everything made sense to Belphie.
He replaced the nightmare with a pleasant dream and when you woke up the next morning, you were wrapped up in Belphie’s arms as he held you tightly to him.
He would never leave you or stop loving you and he was going to show you that.
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It was a lot harder for Diavolo to notice when you began isolating yourself from everyone.
For one, he didn’t live at the House of Lamentation with you.
And two, he rarely had time to focus on anything but his royal duties.
So, he didn’t get much time to spend with you in the first place.
But, when he noticed everyone’s sad expressions and moping behavior as they walked around RAD, he knew that something was wrong.
And it wasn’t hard to guess who it was about. After all, there was only one person who had everyone so tightly wrapped around their finger.
Diavolo immediately got involved. It was his duty to ensure all of the denizens of his Kingdom were happy.
At least, that was the excuse he would give if you asked.
But in reality, he was worried about you. If something was wrong, he would move Hell and Earth to fix it for you. That was one of the benefits of being royalty.
However, he wasn’t expecting the problem to be that you were afraid that you were unloved.
It was so obvious how hard everyone had fallen for you. How could you not see it?
No, that wasn’t the question that Diavolo needed to focus on. The real question was, how could he make you see it?
A fancy dinner prepared for you where they can show their love? A lavish ball where you’re the guest of honor and they can shower you with gifts?
Diavolo will of course openly tell you the truth about how everyone feels about you, but if you refuse to take him for his word, then he will take action and invite the brothers to join him until you are so overwhelmed with the feeling of love that you are unable to deny the truth.
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Like Diavolo, Barbatos doesn’t get much time with you, but he is able to notice your changed behavior.
Apart from being incredibly intuitive, one of Barbatos’ roles is looking over the exchange students.
After all, his sworn loyalty to Diavolo meant he was to do whatever he needed to make sure Diavolo’s vision came to light.
And that meant the exchange program had to succeed.
Barbatos kept his distance but always kept a watchful eye on you and when he noticed you pulling away and isolating yourself from everyone, he felt the need to take action.
He was Diavolo’s fix-it man - or demon. Whenever there was a problem, Barbatos would help him come up with a plan to fix it.
And your saddened and solitary state was something he sought to fix.
He knew that it would be a bit harder for you to open up to him versus one of the brothers, but he encouraged you to trust him nonetheless.
And when you explained your thoughts and behaviors, when you explained your past, Barbatos found himself sympathizing with you.
He knew better than anyone how much one’s past could affect their future and he hated that you had been through something so horrible in the past.
But you couldn’t allow it to affect your future, or you would miss out on so many great things.
Telling you that everyone loved you, that it wasn’t a trick or lie, was like stating that the Devildom had no sun to Barbatos. It was a hard fact.
And if you needed him to prove that fact, he would gladly do so. Barbatos’ power was one of unbelievable range and strength and there were many ways to show you everyone’s love if that’s what was needed.
Would you like to see how the brothers acted before you came to the Devildom? Or maybe you would like to see how mundane Diavolo’s life tended to be without you?
The point is - the Devildom would be very different without you. They all needed you.
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As an angel, Simeon could always pick up on the light aura that you carried about you.
Everything about you brightened the room. Your smile, the glint in your eyes, your happy and excited body language.
Whenever Simeon saw you, he couldn’t help but smile. Because you brought that energy with you.
But, when you began pulling away from everyone and isolating yourself, you took that energy with you. 
Simeon searched for it as often as he could, but he couldn’t find it anywhere.
When he did see you, your positive energy had been replaced with a negative one.
Your happy smile was replaced with a sad frown. The sparkle in your eyes had dimmed to a dull and empty look. And your body language was no longer inviting but closed off.
It took Simeon by surprise. He couldn’t comprehend how someone could be so full of life one day and then so melancholy the next.
But, he was determined to find a way to bring your light back.
He approached you when you were away from the others and asked you to tell him what was wrong.
Simeon’s smile was so warm and the look in his eyes was so caring that it was easy to open up to him.
Simeon couldn’t believe what you were telling him. How could others treat you so poorly in your past when you were so perfect in his eyes?
Simeon begged you not to think this way. He begged you to see how much they all loved you and needed you - especially him.
He couldn’t imagine his life without you and he prayed that he would never have to experience it.
He didn’t stop complimenting you until you gave him a small smile, and that’s when he saw what he was looking for - your light.
It was a small and brief moment, but it was enough to brighten his day like it always did. 
Simeon would tell you he loved you until he was blue in the face if that was what you needed, just please don’t pull away from him.
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Solomon may be a powerful sorcerer now, but he was just a regular human with regular human emotions at some point.
And because of that, Solomon was prone to understanding your thoughts and emotions better than the others.
It’s not that the others were incompetent, it’s just that when you’re an angel or demon, you don’t always share the same insecurities and worries as a human.
Solomon is one of the easiest people to openly talk to you because he would never judge you and he can always find a way to comfort you or cheer you up.
But, this was not one of those times. For once, he was at a loss. Because you weren’t just pulling away from the supernatural creatures you both called your friends - you were pulling away from him too.
Solomon wasn’t sure if he should give you space or press you on the matter.
But after seeing the effects that your missing presence had on not only the others but himself as well, Solomon decided to go with the latter.
He tried to remain as respectful as possible, but he needed answers. And he didn’t think he could leave you alone without them.
Your answers didn’t give him any clarification on how to cheer you up though.
He sat down next to you and looked deeply into your eyes. He told you to believe him when he said that everyone here loved you as much as you loved them, and that included himself.
He told you that he would always be there for you. That he had missed you these past few days when you had isolated yourself.
He told you that he needed his adorable apprentice and that your lack of presence had thrown everyone into turmoil.
And you seemed to believe him. You seemed to trust he was telling the truth.
But, he still didn’t feel like it was enough.
Maybe he could cook you a meal to further show his appreciation for you?
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Luke took it pretty hard when you kept avoiding him. He felt like he was losing one of his best friends.
His initial thought was that the demon brothers had done something to you and he approached them all hot and heavy.
But after giving them a good lecture and demanding an explanation as to what they did to you, Luke realized they were at just as much of a loss as he was.
Luke cried to Simeon about the whole situation. He didn’t understand what had made you so upset.
After talking to the others and understanding that they really did love you, you felt like you owed Luke a one-on-one conversation.
You explained everything you were feeling in the simplest terms and it made the small angel feel better knowing he hadn’t done something specific to make you not want to be his friend.
He’ll go on a tangent about how you’re the only human he cares so much about protecting for a reason.
He’ll tell you that he was an angel and that meant that he doesn’t hang out with just anyone. He wants to spend time with you because he genuinely cares!
Luke’s love for you may be innocent and simple but it was strong. And he easily gets hurt.
Please don’t cast him away again.
Raphael was still doing his best to understand the entirety of the situation that was happening down there in the Devildom.
He knew that you all loved each other very much but he wasn’t sure how it all worked, logistically.
As one of the highest-ranked angels in the Celestial Realm, Raphael kept a close eye on things in the Devildom.
And when he saw how distraught you looked, he knew that something was wrong.
He was curious as to what the others had done to you, and more importantly, what they were doing to fix it.
When the situation hadn’t improved in a couple of days, Raphael began to grow worried.
He waited a bit longer, and he was so close to suggesting to Michael that they take you to the Celestial Realm instead when he finally saw you smile again.
He found out from Simeon later on what exactly had happened with you.
Raphael was very smart and for everyone’s sake, he hoped they never let you feel that way again.
Losing you would be something he knew they wouldn’t come back from.
There was a lot that Thirteen didn’t understand about humans.
After all, they were a very complex species. 
But one of the things she had the hardest time understanding was human emotions.
There were so many and you could feel contradicting ones at the same time. Not to mention when asked what you were feeling, humans would say one thing and mean another.
It was way too confusing.
But what Thirteen did understand was that you were pulling away from them.
That’s when she realized she was feeling an unfamiliar emotion. Did she - miss you?
No, that couldn’t be it.
Thirteen spent the time you were having trouble denying her own emotions and when she realized you had mended things with the others, she felt a huge relief.
Please don’t do that again.
It isn’t beneath her to use a trap to keep you here in the Devildom if you decide to try to run away or anything like that.
Your emotions and relationship with the others weren’t necessarily one of Mephisto’s concerns.
He had a reputation of professionalism to uphold in front of Diavolo. He didn’t have time to let himself get distracted by emotions.
But, when he could see the negative impact that you had on others when you began isolating yourself, Mephisto finally understood your importance.
He had to admit you were quite charming and you had a personality that attracted others to you.
He had nearly fallen into your trap multiple times.
Still, he never thought you were this important to the others.
And upon that realization, Mephisto suddenly realized that everyone, including himself, needed you.
He encouraged Diavolo to fix things with you, under the pretense that it was best for the Devildom of course.
And when he noticed you bounding down the halls with a smile on your face, his lips turned upward into his own smile.
Okay, so maybe he fell into your trap too - but just a little bit!
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churipu · 9 months
HAIIII IPIN !!!!!!! can i request gojo, geto, and nanami (separate) having a gf that's really optimistic? just someone who sees the good in everything and anything, and positive at all times! thank SOOOO much !!!!
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featuring. gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento x fem! reader
warning. people being mean to u >:(
note. HAIIII ANONN!!! i love this request bcs sometimes i read books, mangas, watch movies, you name 'em and see a certain character having the most positive mindset and i just go must protecc >:( anyways, thank you anon for requesting just after i opened the request box, istg i love all your ideas so much it makes me feel full <;33
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GOJO SATORU. absolutely hates the way you try to see the good in people — specifically people who have hurt your feelings in the past. he just wonders what goes on in your mind to just forgive and forget everyone who has wronged you.
you did. but not him.
"baby, that guy called you names when you were in high school!" gojo whines, laying down on the bed, draping an arm over your torso, "why are you still willing to meet him?"
"satoru, he said he was sorry!" you smiled at him, tracing his features softly — the male grumbled but leaned into your touch, "and plus it's not nice to hold grudges, it's been what? how many years?"
a loud whine escapes his throat as he pulled you close, "it doesn't matter how many years it has been, he still hurt your feelings. and nobody does that to my baby," he said, miffed.
you couldn't help but to chuckle, "well, you are coming along, so i have nothing to worry about."
the male grins, "damn right i am coming, he better sleep with one eye open starting from now," gojo threatens.
gojo just cannot wrap his head around your concept of "forgive-and-forget" because you never hold grudges, you forget everything and still talk to people who've wronged you, and you still have the heart to accept them.
as much as people say "forgive and forget", they end up at least holding the tiniest bit of grudge — or even a bigger grudge, right? but you? you don't. you actually forgive and forget.
well — thankfully, not him. he takes his job to protect you seriously, from any kind of harm, including monsters (people who were mean to you) both in the past, present, and possibly the future.
"baby, can you stop hanging out with that one girl? the one who always wears the purple colored eye-shadow?" he asks you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"hm? why?"
"i don't like the vibe she gives out. it's giving...well...cruella de vil." he murmurs into your neck, nuzzling his nose in content as you went on with your skincare routine.
"satoru," you mumbled, "you can't just judge her by her vibes."
he groans, "but baby, i swear i could just feel it! she's evil," he whispers in your ear.
"okay, fine. just tell me if she does anything to you, i'll give her a piece of my mind (hollow purple)." he mutters out, pouting and upset as you brushed his speculations off.
GETO SUGURU. he loves it and hates it at the same time. geto loves how positive you are against the world — and what more does he need, really? it's you and him against the world at this point, although he feels like he doesn't contribute much to your positive energy (that's what he thinks).
geto thinks of himself as a pretty negative person. and you know. the both of you had a lot of deep talks about everything, including what you both had in mind. and honestly, geto wasn't surprised if he hears you talking about how your life was going smoothly; and his was just a contradiction to what you have.
it's life, people come and go. but geto seemed skeptical of that term, why couldn't people come and stay? he finds it hard to believe that you could be the one leaving him at anytime of the day, and the thought just terrifies the male.
the death of amanai put a hole in his mind that couldn't be closed off, and it fucking scarred him. but you were there for him, you didn't sugar coat words or tell him white lies — you tell him everything, straight to his face, and your choices of words made him feel loved. what else could he ask for?
"'m sorry," he mutters into your shoulder, and his voice comes out a bit muffled.
you brushed his nape gently, "it's alright sugu, you know you don't have to apologize for being sad, right?" you tell him, pressing a kiss onto the side of his head, "it's okay to be a little sad."
sometimes he asks himself if he really deserved you or not. but at the end of the day; you always convince him that he deserved it.
geto hates your optimism sometimes because he watches people trample over you and you brush them off with a smile, it makes him feel angry. he asks himself why you were doing this to yourself? believe me when he tried asking you to try talking back, or putting up a fight.
"angel, you know it makes me kind of sad that you'd let people talk to you that way," he said to you, grazing his finger over your cheek gently.
you shot him a gentle smile, "'ts okay sugu, what good do i get from arguing back to them, really?"
he just pulls you into his embrace, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, saying nothing. god, he just wanted to protect you from the world — why does everyone have to be so fucking mean to you?
"will you be mad if i tell them off for you?" he asks
"depends on your methods, tell me about it."
"threatening them. if it doesn't work, violence." he mutters out briefly.
"sugu, no."
NANAMI KENTO. he doesn't mind it, he finds you endearing, really. a cat getting hurt? he'll accompany you to the vet with it. or a child crying because of a fall? he'll watch you help them without any single thoughts behind.
he just loves how selfless you are. nanami once read a quote, "when given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind." and every time he sees a selfless act from you — he just kinds of chanted it in his mind, and tell you what, nanami is such a proud boyfriend.
nanami loves how you see the good in everything, a person spilled their food on you? you tell them mistakes happen. a person bumping into you and then blaming you for it? you tell them you're sorry and thought that maybe they just had a really bad day.
but sometimes he couldn't help but to worry over you — someone so positive, bubbly, and optimistic around people who (probably) have disgusting minds. when he's not around to keep an eye on you, he just worries that someone might took advantage of your kindness and throw it out the window.
and he wouldn't be there to stop it from happening.
"ken, i'm going to go out for a hang out. it's fine, i've got my friends with me!" god, the jitters that he gets whenever you mention your friends — he was never really fond of the friends you have now, especially since they were trying hard to earn his attention. he knows they were just using you.
the texts they sent to him behind your back, the shit-talking about you, and everything else. god, he wanted to tell you about it; but he just didn't have the heart to, because he knows it will break your heart.
although nanami told them off quite rudely, defending you — it baffled him to how they still try to hang out with you with no shame after. and he tried telling you about how he doesn't like them, but you tell him it was fine.
"may i come along then?" just the thought of leaving you alone with those people pisses him off to the core, if he can't stop you from being friends with them — he will be with you.
when you agreed, he made it his job to expose them as nicely as he could. and he succeeded, oh the ecstasy he felt when you finally told them you didn't feel like hanging out with them anymore.
(and he ended up showing you the texts).
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saturngas · 3 months
Hello! I hope you are well 🩷
E It may sound cliché or a bit stupid, but I'm genuinely curious about the fandom's opinion on Gojo's ideal type. The few things I found are a little shallow and nothing very elaborate, or from a few years ago when we didn't have so much Gojo in the manga. SO WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS? 🥺
gojo’s ideal type
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helloooo thank you so much for this ask. I love this kind of asks because they make me think hard hhaha
but anyways I really think gojo wouldn't have like an exact idea of an ideal type regarding personality and appearance, the only thing he would focus on/prefer is that his s/o understands him.
so we are hinted multiple times throughout the whole story that gojo feels alone, especially after geto's departure, and that the main reason is his unreachable strength. he is the strongest sorcerer. he doesn't really look for a super strong partner, but I would definitely think he prefers someone strong or with a cool technique.
some people affirm that gojo values people measuring their strength, and I kind of agree with it, but to say he only see the strength of people is wrong, I would say that he looks for people with potential (like he has stated before with megumi) and definitely people with a strong mindset.
so I really dont wanna make this a gojo's character analysis hahah sorry so ill answer your question directly, just wanted to make that clear before stating my beliefs.
I think gojo would settle for someone who thinks like him, regarding the jujutsu world. he wants to change it, so he wants people who think like him to be next to him.
if that person, like I said before, has a strong mindset and unbreakable personality, I think that would be a huge plus. I feel like gojo likes dense people, someone who doesn't really changes their opinion like super fast, someone in control of their beliefs.
now regarding a bit of personality, I think gojo would get along with almost all personalities. he is very smart and honestly very kind at heart, so he would look for positive traits in every personality. buuuut if I had to be a bit more specific, I think he would like a bit more a woman with a demanding personality. like not exactly someone who is dominant over him, but kind of. hahah he likes seeing someone trying to boss him around considering he is the strongest and can do anything he wants, so meeting someone with such guts makes him wanna know more about that person.
a kind person would also be a plus. well, not exactly super kind, but someone who helps others. lets remember he is a teacher after all, so he would look for someone who cares for others, especially the younger generation. I think he would prefer someone with a similar profession as his. it doesn't have to be an educator just like him, but like I said before, someone who cares for the youth.
a bit of an unpopular opinion hehe but I simply cant see gojo with someone who doesn't have a similar humor as his. like we always see people getting annoyed at gojo for being such an idiot, so I really think his partner needs to-has to be just as silly and goofball as he is. like someone who supports his jokes and antics. I cant see him with someone super serious or someone who is plainly boring.
I think the perfect match for gojo is someone with the same energetic and passionate energy as him. he would love someone who is also clingy or physical as him, I feel like he loves giving and receiving physical affection. that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate the other love languages, but I think he loves receiving touches, words of affirmation, and service acts.
so in summary, I think gojo's ideal type would be someone who agrees with him/has the same purpose as him regarding the corrupted jujutsu sorcery, someone who is fraternal and supportive of the youth, someone who can match his silly and quirky personality, someone with a corresponding humor as his, someone physically and emotionally strong, someone passionate and intense about their own dreams and goals, someone who understands his position as the strongest and is there next to him anytime he needs reassurance, someone who can read him easily since he isn't overly open, and someone who would love him and demonstrate love just as him or even more (he would love that).
I definitely think he is a tits guy.
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taglist: @snwvie @fanficsforkicks @soulaires <3 so guys right now im out of town so I won't be making super long and specific content for a few days. but once I get back to home ill be working on parts 2 of some fics :))
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sh0tanzz · 5 months
How about doing Riize green flags 😚
you have thankfully given me a reason to post this draft instead of procrastinating 😭😭
RIIZE GREEN FLAGS/PROS based on astrology ~
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reminder this is based off of MY opinions of their birth chart placements + aspects and is not exact fact unless I knew them myself and I am not a professional astrologer
values including people for example in a group discussion if you haven’t said your piece yet he’d ask “what do you think” to make sure you know your opinion is also valid + important
private, reserved and relatively humble, doesn’t put all attention onto himself and isn’t overly cocky, doesn’t air his business out to everyone
cherishes loyalty and sees it as an important value
very attentive and observant of others, pays attention to people’s habits and gets to know them like the back of his hand
emotionally grounded and leveled, understands making decisions off of feelings alone can lead to consequences or mistakes
independent and can handle being alone, isn’t clingy and overly dependent can handle his own responsibilities
practices being rational and practical, understands the subjective and objective twist to things and needing to level them
calm yet witty, isn’t overly forward but is able to assert himself with charm without being overbearing or too much to handle
friendly and kind, likes to make a good lasting impression with people and likes to be on good or at least neutral terms with people
extremely into self improvement and becoming an optimal version of himself (working out, self help, etc)
enjoys being useful and of purpose/service to others, likes to provide and brings things to the table
empathetic/sympathetic, somewhat tapped into his more emotional and sensitive side and is very aware of his feelings and the feelings of others
extremely truthful and honest or at the very least..has an extremely hard time lying and being dishonest to others 😭
has very prominent and potent creative and artistic ability, likes to create things on his own and likes his creations to be original
can settle and indulge in the more basic things in life or appreciates the mundane and comfortable, the type to appreciate a good nap or something like that
very set within his own morals or motivations and can at least stand his ground in a more opinionated sense
sweet and personable, despite being introverted he knows how to interact with others in a manner that can make them comfortable or at ease
affectionate, both physically and verbally, dotes on and compliments those that he cares about
finds importance in fairness, thinks that what’s given should be reciprocated or for there to be a sense of equality or 50/50
likes to make others around him feel good or important, a hype man or very supportive even
an optimist. prefers to see and value the good in things and stay on the positive side, a more “glass is half full” personality/mindset
takes pride in his craft and nurtures it, practices and is very stubborn and constant when it comes to improvement of his talents
blunt and honest, feels that speaking the truth is the best and that speaking what’s on your mind is the best choice in most situations
enjoys trying new things and viewing things outside of his own mind/lense
mentally stimulating, likes communicating and knowing/learning different bouts of information and opinions (lowkey a yapper 😭)
ambitious yet careful, goes after what he wants with all that he’s got but won’t take a risk unless it’s calculated and he knows the possible outcomes
can/chooses to take care of himself, similar to eunseok he can handle being alone and isn’t too dependent on others
protective and caring to his loved ones, takes the matters of the people he loves seriously and is willing to defend and protect them
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maxarchive · 1 year
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Q. Max Verstappen you are a three-time world champion. How good does that sound? I mean, of course it sounds great. It's something I never even really dreamt of. It's, of course, a very proud moment for myself, for my family, my close family. I think everyone within the team I'm working with, you know, to be able to experience all of this together is amazing. And I said it on the radio already on the in-lap. Of course, we talk about performance and, you know, you can always thank the team for that, but I also find the whole atmosphere and how much I enjoy working with all these people, I find that probably even more important. It's very important to come to the track and know that you have nice people to work with.
Q. Of your three titles, where do you rank this one? This one is the best one. I think the first one was the most emotional one, because that's when your dreams are fulfilled in F1. But this one is definitely… It has been my best year. Yeah, well, so far, you know, consecutive wins and stuff like that, and the car itself has been probably in the best shape as well. So for me, this one is probably the one I’m most proud of in a way because of consistency.
Q. At what point in the season did you know you had the title in your hands? Well, not until this point, right? But no, of course the momentum was growing and race after race the gap was getting bigger. So I was just, you know, looking at myself, just trying to go through every single weekend trying to get the best out of it. That for me at that time is more important than dreaming about the title, because dreaming doesn't really bring you anywhere. It's about the effort and work you put in to try and achieve your goals.
Q. Christian Horner says you're operating at a level he's never previously seen. Do you think you've raised your game this year, to a new level? I keep trying to improve. And of course, I don't necessarily think I have become a faster driver, but you have a lot more experience in the car. You grow as a driver, you grow also, I think, as a person in life. And I think all these kinds of things, when I compare to my first season in Formula 1, they help you a lot in terms of just dealing with every kind of pressure situation throughout the weekend, you know, everything that might be thrown at you and in difficult conditions, for example. And in the end it's all about you know, trying to deliver every single weekend, which is I think very hard in Formula 1.
Q. Where have you felt the most pressure this year, which race? It’s a good question. I don't know. I mean, it has to also do with track conditions or whatever. For example, the race in Zandvoort, when you're driving on slicks and it's raining, and I know of course I normally enjoy driving in the wet, but I also know that I'm leading the championship and if I go off and I'm stuck, you know, you lose a lot of points. So naturally, you're always driving a little bit under the limit, but that can be, in a way, dangerous as well. So probably when I was out there on slicks, you feel a bit pressured. Sometimes there are people behind you that are a bit faster, because they have nothing to lose. So it's a very different mindset as well that you're in when you are fighting for a championship.
Q. When you look back at the season as a whole, can we just talk about some of the highlights? Best win?  It's a few. I think my win in Miami, I really enjoyed. Spa, Zandvoort, but also Suzuka, like, winning the Constructors’ for example with the team there was fantastic. It's difficult to really pick one to be honest. Q. What about the most satisfying pole position? Probably Suzuka. Yeah, I've had a few. I mean, OK, maybe it didn't count but the one in Spa probably that I enjoyed – those kinds of conditions where you really have to pull it out of the bag. But yeah, in Suzuka the car was on rails. It was unbelievable to drive. And, you know, while driving, I was smiling and that's quite rare in a qualifying lap. 
Q. Knowing that there's nothing you like more than winning, this year, with the good package you have, you can out-score score Alain Prost’s victories and also you could reach Sebastian Vettel. Is this your goal right now? Yeah, of course I want to win as much as I can. I know that from third place to second is quite a big gap. So I hope maybe in my career I might end up somewhere there in the middle. That would be nice. But I don't know, it depends a lot on what's going to happen in the next few races and the next few years as well. I don't know how long this is going to last. I'm enjoying the moment and I think that's also very important. I’ve achieved more than I could have ever even dreamed of, or set any goals that I wanted to achieve in F1, right? So I'm loving the moment. We'll see where we end up but it's already way more than I ever thought I could achieve. So it's perfect.
Q. Max, you mentioned the package. How would you rate Honda's contribution to this third championship? It's massive. It's the chassis together with the engine that allows you to achieve these kinds of things. I'm very happy to work with Honda. I always have been. They are amazing people, they’re always super polite but also super motivated and always willing to listen and of course willing to improve. And so yeah, they will always have a special place in my heart even when, of course, they leave at the end of ‘25. But for now, let's just enjoy the moment together. And yeah, I'm very proud also for them, from where we started as a team together and where we are at now. I think we can all be very proud of that.
Q. Max, on the radio after you crossed the line Christian rattled off the names of the other three-time World Champions and he said, it's not a bad list. I know you're not really one for records but in terms of the names you're joining, and maybe going to now surpass in the years to come, do you think about the legacy that you're going to leave in Formula 1 or is it still very much focused on the here and now? I find it always a tricky one because I'm not in Formula 1 to leave a legacy in a way. I'm here to win and I'm here to try to do the best I can and try to enjoy the moment with the people who helped me achieve these things. That's, for me, way more important than trying to leave a legacy. But yeah, it's something that I never thought was possible, to be in that list. When you see those names, you're like, wow! that's incredible what these people have achieved in their careers and now you're alongside them. It is, of course, an amazing feeling. 
Q. Max,  firstly, how do you intend to celebrate tonight? And do you think that might have any bearing on tomorrow's Grand Prix? And secondly, I don't want to keep going back to it but obviously you’ve won three titles in three years, you've wrapped them up pretty speedily, you must be looking at Michael on seven, Lewis on seven and thinking I can get there. I could get to eight.  The first one, yeah, I guess quite a few sparkling waters tonight but I'll be here tomorrow! Yeah, to be honest, the second one… it's a bit different to some other sports where you can really set out targets and you’re like, if I just keep myself in a good shape then these kind of things are possible or whatever. In F1 it doesn't always work like that so I just live in the moment. And like I said before, I've already achieved way more than I ever thought I would.
Q. So shortly after your title, you’re already talking about tomorrow and about the remaining races that you want to perform, that you want to win. I didn't expect anything else but do you fear that there will become a moment in your life that that insatiable hunger is not there anymore? For sure. Yeah, I think that that's normal. I don't think that someone will… Of course, I'm still very young but at one point I think you've had enough. I think everyone at one point has that if that is because you realise that your body can't handle it anymore in some sports then you have to accept that. And you have to just, in a way retire, but for sure, at one point, you might want to do other stuff or race a bit less, absolutely. But not right now.
Q. A similar note to what Ben was just saying, the difference between all three of your titles. In 2021 you fought against Mercedes all the way to the end. Last year, it was against Ferrari, OK, their challenge fell away. This year, your only rival really was within your own team and even that didn't last very long. How did it feel not having to really go against another team this year? Well, of course for F1 you would like to see more competition, but for me, I don't need any other team or like a team-mate to get the best out of myself. I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself to always try and be the best I can, try to prepare in the best possible way. That's what I enjoy and that's the only thing that I really look at.
Q. Max, is it a bit of a shame that you don't get your hands on the World Championship trophy for another six weeks or so?  You're given that P2 plaque by the FIA president in Parc Fermé but would you rather get your hands on the trophy for being the World Champion there and then?  It’s OK, they look the same. I have two at home so they're not changing. It's just one extra name on it. But it's OK, I can wait a little bit. Yeah, I got one next to my sim rig and one next to the TV.
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thatstonedwriter · 10 months
⋆。˚ 「More than Enough」⋆。˚
◉ Sinopsis; comforting their s/o, who struggles with their self-worth
◉ feat; M&M, Fizzarolli, Striker
◉ A/n- kinda been in my feelings for a few days, but it's alright. Also haven't written for Striker in a hot minute so I'm deciding to give it a try
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Moxxie and Millie also struggle with self-esteem and self-worth, so when you're feeling down, they have a good idea of what might be able to cheer you up.
Moxxie, ever the thespian, writes you a ton- and I mean a ton- of little notes, poems, and even songs- all declaring his unconditional, undying love for you and Millie. It's not generic love songs either- what Moxxie writes are the most heartfelt, sincere declarations of love you'll ever hear
Dude will also follow you around all day like a sidekick- actually. This guy takes the Hype Man position very seriously. Whenever you're talking, he stands to your side, hip jutted out and arms crossed. He's so sassy for no reason
Millie actually takes a more lowkey approach- don't get me wrong, she and Moxxie absolutely smother you with love- but Millie's lowkey nature helps balance out Moxxie's grand gestures.
Millie is pretty observant, so she's able to pick up on your subtle mood changes and habits fast. Wrapping your arms around your stomach? Millie beats you to it and has her arm around your waist. nervous fidgeting? Millie holds your hand, and gives you a reassuring smile.
Of course, they each have their own off days- sometimes y'all take a collective self-care day which is just code for you sitting on the couch, ordering food delivery and watching dumb shows; no matter the circumstance, Moxxie and Millie will always love and support you unconditionally.
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Fizzarolli knows exactly how it feels to think you're not living up to everyone's (or even your own) expectations. While Fizz knows there's no such thing as completely "getting rid of" these feelings, he will always do everything he can to reassure you.
Distractions are Fizz's specialty, so if you're feeling down, expect lots of jokes and random stories- its just his way of helping you get out of a negative mindset, even temporarily
Fizz is also the kind of partner to perform impromptu stand-up comedy acts when you're feeling down. Sit your ass on the couch with some snacks, because for the next thirty minutes, you're gonna watch Fizz attempt comedy while using a wooden spoon as a microphone.
It's funny to think Fizz knows a little bit of a bunch of different languages; wanna know what that results in? Him attempting to flirt with you in Italian or French but really just saying a bunch of random bullshit. It's the thought that counts, right?
Don't let the robotic limbs fool you- Fizz is very touchy-feely (unless you're uncomfortable with it). If you happen to be insecure about your physical apperance, Fizz is there to assure you, there's nothing to be insecure about. You're literally the most amazing being in his eyes
Fizzarolli knows how hard it can be to wrestle with your inner-critic, and that it takes a long time to unlearn the instinct of being self-critical. That's why he takes every moment he can to tell you everything you have to be proud of.
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Striker isn't one for self-doubt or insecurity. There's not much room for it in his life, so it's harder for him to empathize with what you're going through.
when Striker does take the time to understand what you're going through, he's still confused. He's more pragmatic, so when you list your insecurities, all he can think is how wrong you are
It's a bit harsh, but hey, so is he. Though, he does understand there's a lot about relationships he has yet to learn- like how to be a bit more sensitive when dealing with feelings of self-worth
at first, Striker's solution is to tell you "prove yourself wrong," but when he sees it's not the most.. effective solution, he opts to just listening, and doing his best to be a pillar of support.
Rather than rushing to fix things or immediately tell you you're wrong, Striker sits and will listen to you for hours. He won't offer unwarranted advice or try to invalidate your feelings- he just listens.
And at the end of the day, Striker knows what there is to love about you. He may not express it as openly, but Striker cares about you, and hates seeing you beat yourself up. He hopes one day, you can see yourself the way he does- perfect as you are.
___‎˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘___
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samarecharm · 4 months
tw disordered eating (not in explicit detail)
Whenever i write Yusuke and his relationship w the thieves, i try to emphasize that Yusuke was in a really really Really bad space not only mentally (like the others) but physically; hes bone-stick thin and you can feel his ribs jutting out if you go for a hug. Hes a bit gaunt in the face and hes got next to no muscle mass. He tires easily and hes kind of a shit fighter bc of it. The metaverse fills in the gaps a little bit, but his body is still very frail and unprepared to transition to an active lifestyle after years of surviving off of such a bare bones calorie diet. For my Akira, it is the driving force behind wanting to takedown Madarame; hes a sucker for a pretty face but hes also unable to look away from someone actively wasting away because of the actions of their guardian.
If any of them try to mention Yusukes physical state or diet, he often deflects, angrily, reminding them that he is abnormally tall, and that that obviously contributes to his thin (frail) stature. Its very hard to get him to eat while theyre in saferooms, and he often lags behind while exploring the museum. He cant stay in combat for too long, and at some point, Akira debates if he should even allow Yusuke to stay on the team; if he passed out or Worse under Akiras watch, hed never forgive himself.
BUT. As the thieves gain his trust, Yusukes a bit more willing to indulge them. He learns quickly that they arent pitying him like he initially assumed (he is far too aware of how much he feels like hes neglected his own body; and how others can easily see that neglect). They routinely eat and hang together bc thats just how they bond, and theyre just trying to invite him into their circle properly. Akira has zero experience w this kind of thing, but Ryuji and Ann are athletes and models respectively; theyre both in fields that encourage that kind of self destructive behavior, and they have some kind of insight into how to avoid falling for those same traps, and helping people who Do end up in those scenarios.
(Anns parents, despite their absence, do their best to prepare her for how cutthroat the modeling world is; to keep her from developing the kind of habits and mindsets that let young men and women destroy themselves. ESPECIALLY bc my Ann is a plus sized model. And Ryuji, as a promising track star, would know how bad it can get for professional athletes, the lengths at which theyd go to maintain their positions and ability to compete. Hes a gym rat who loves food and nutrition and knows what he needs to keep himself fit, and thats all he really needs)
They cant feed Yusuke the way they WANT to bc hes already so thin, so they just let him take from their plates to sample things and let him feel included. He starts taking up Ryujis offers to go get meals together, even is Ryuji ends up taking almost an entire extra serving home as takeout. He lets Ann drag him away to the crepe shop and her other little snack havens, even if he only leaves w a small chocolate of sorts to take home. He lets Akira make coffee and curry for them to split when he comes to Leblanc. And maybe he lets Sojiro cook a full plate for him to take back home to eat at his leisure and away from prying eyes. Yusuke goes from bitter to extraordinarily fond rather quick, and he finds himself angry that this is yet another thing Madarame has stolen from him.
By Futabas palace, hes filled out enough that Akira doesnt immediately panic when Yusuke gets tossed onto the floor by some brute of a shadow, worried that hed shattered every goddamn bone in his body on impact. He doesnt have any real muscle by any means but his face has the faintest bit of cheek fat that Ann is able to pinch w her evil little hands, and when he looks in the mirror, the ribs peek out but they dont jut out. His breathing is better, his skin is just Pale and not Ghostly white, hes got a healthy flush when he laughs at Akiras stupid puns, and he finds himself allocating a bit more of his budget towards stocking his fridge. Sometimes, Akira can even convince him to people-watch out in the sun instead of in the subway tunnels.
At some point, Yusuke becomes very vocal about things he wants, but importantly, about Food he wants. He will eagerly allow his friends to treat him if they ask, and he picks whatever sounds nice to his ears or whatever Ann and Ryuji recommend him. Part of it is due to him feeling safe enough to ask for such things; the thieves kinda laugh about his eccentricity and forwardness, but Akira, Ann and Ryuji know how different and comfortable this Yusuke is compared to the one they met. Its silly but its good; he gets to act like this bc the thieves let him be forward- they let him voice his wants and needs without a fight.
By post game, hes got the barest hint of a tummy pouch, and Ann will attack it relentless with a firm poke whenever hes foolish enough to stretch and lift his shirt to expose it. She thinks its cute 😭 Shes really happy to see it, bc she thinks of Yusuke all skin and bones and angry and scared like a feral dog barking mad, lashing out at any help they offered and working himself sick (figuratively and literally) trying to help make things right. It makes her so sad recalling it, so she likes to remind herself that hes okay now, even if hes a little embarrassed by it. She knows Akira and Ryuji do the same, inviting Yusuke to hang and just see him w their Own eyes that hes better, and that they did the right thing by insisting he join their little ragtag group.
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Alastor x Different Personality Type's Reader
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4
Turning this in to a mini series for my MBTI peoples
ESFJ (Consul) Reader
Alastor loves how responsible and like-minded you are. You are very set on bringing in those with mindsets similar to yours. You'll take the initiative and leave the demon to wonder who really wears the pants in the relationship.
After Adam attacks Alastor, you and he are really close. You admire how he would sacrifice himself for your friends, and he finds it courageous that you will stand before anything for them. Yet he would prefer you both to come out alive.
He feels terrible when you two fight because he knows it takes a toll on you far worse than on him. You like things to be good with your tight-nit bonds, but sometimes, he is very stuck in his ways, and it goes against your values, leading to some rough spots.
Alastor appreciates that even if you two are in a large fight, you are loyal to the bone. You will be right there defending him because he is your person. You don't let petty infighting prevent you from caring for him.
Alastor appreciates how hard you work for the hotel, but your overly structured routine sometimes gets in the way of other things. This can lead to both of you feeling unheard or overwhelmed.
Overall, all will be well if you two communicate well and stick by each other's sides. Try not to get too upset when things don't go your way, and Alastor will do his best to ensure you follow a decent routine.
ISTJ (Logistician) Reader
Alastor was a big fan of your respect for him and his title as overlord. Maybe not so much because you still held Charlie, especially Lucifer, over him. But the way you were punctual with him because he had higher authority meant a lot.
You are a sincere, open soul, which can sometimes cause conflict, but Alastor appreciates it. The way you are always bold and proud of what you did makes him feel like he can trust you a lot because you will always be there.
You are very punctual, and he admires that. However, if you fight with him because he changes your schedule, he is not happy about it. Sometimes, things pop up, and he tries to help you understand and work through these emotions you get.
Alastor adores that you want to help him with his massive work, but he worries that you put far too much on your plate by helping him and the others regularly. He would prefer it if you took less on your plate, allowing him to help you.
When it comes to boundaries, Alastor is quick to make sure everyone follows yours adequately. He doesn't want you overwhelmed or run down. However, you tend to break your boundaries for others, leaving him exhausted trying to clean everything up.
Overall, you two work well together. Your relationship is very hierarchy-based. He values your respect and kindness as much as you value his personality and drive. Keep open communication, and everything will work out.
ENTJ (Commander) Reader
You have one sure-fire way with words, which terrifies the Radio Demon. You can sometimes get almost anyone to join your cause, including him. You can speak nearly anything into existence, and people will believe it as fact.
Alastor has yet to see you indeed fail. When you fail, you return on your feet, reconstructing the narrative to be positive once more. It was almost too good that it made him doubt how in charge he was.
You collect souls like candy or bargain them back for people. Either way, you threaten Alastor, making him want you more. You can play mind games better than even he can, which could be a valuable asset.
You are exceptionally good at finding the talent of those around you and using them to your will. Something Alstor prided himself on as well. With you two together, it is like a powerhouse of soul bidding.
You are rude and abrasive when people don't meet your expectations. You may lead well, but you have difficulty congratulating the stragglers. This can sometimes affect Alastor, especially if you are on opposing teams.
Overall, try to be more in touch with your sensitive side. Not everything is with or against you. If you can do that, you and Alsator would be a giant power couple.
INTP (Logician) Reader
Alastor liked how unlike others you were. The lonesome nights fiddling in your room tweaking an experiment or idea you had to perfection. The way you were curious about it all fascinated him.
You always have interesting things to discuss with him. Though it took time for him to be allowed in your space and you in his, he doesn't regret it for the world. It is never a dull moment with you.
Alastor loves it when you ask him to hide out with you. You want to share your tinkering with him rather than with others. Charlie just wears you both out too fast. So, you can perfect your ultimate objectives by hiding away in many places in the hotel.
You hum with many possibilities, but nothing pleases and upsets Alastor more than your back-and-forth on many topics. He would like you to stick to one decision, but you play devil's advocate well, which allows you to bounce around, frustrating the man.
You sometimes come off as cold and unresponsive, though this trait is common in Alastor. He worries when you can not articulate or handle your emotions let alone when he opens up. However, you are a creative mastermind, and you pull yourself out of it by finding a way to make things work.
Overall, you two work well together. You offer Alastore the peace and quiet he desperately needs while you get to run through the millions of questions in your head alone. However, don't be fooled by his silence; he would love to hear everything you say.
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
🌊9th house & journeys over water🌊
9th house -house of long journeys over water. This is a house that represents long journeys (the journeys are not always only physical, but can also be spiritual). This shows how you deal with spirituality/religion. What is the meaning of life for you, where do you find meaning. It also shows your optimism. What brings you positivity and where do you find positivity? In which direction you lean and how you grow.
🌙9th house moon-when you believe something you are emotionally committed to it. Your well-being also often depends on the environment. You like to change your surroundings and maybe your home can be a foreign country. Traveling fills you up emotionally. You can find meaning through emotional spirituality. Maybe it's good if you do something related to your emotions (emotional therapy, meditation). You have to emotionally belong somewhere in this world.
❤️9th house venus-you can find love in travel. You love another culture and way of life. You can also try other foods many times. You find immense love, happiness and affection in your partner, and you discover satisfaction when doing what you are passionate about. The native with a love of traveling also loves experiencing different cultures and different kinds of beauty in art and history. It’s easy for them to get together with people from different backgrounds, but when it comes to love, they want someone adventurous and eager to travel.
🥳9th house mars- can signifies disagreements with the father, fatherly figure or teachers. You can have a very strong approach to thinking. You can also be a very independent person and want to do things on your own. When you decide to go somewhere, you go there. You can be very independent in other countries. And you feel a lot of passion through spirituality and travel. Their mind is always open, and a good debate makes them want to hear more from their conversational partner.
💘9th house mercury- You have very intelligent mindset. You are open to many cultures and love to explore places. It can also mean that you explore a lot of countries, food, languages. When you travel, your mind fills up. Mercury here loves to talk about philosophy, religion and spirituality. Through wondering about these questions, they find meaning in life. Through wondering about these questions, they find meaning in life. You like traveling, but you also like reading books from foreign authors. Your mind is filled with exploration. You can quickly find positive thoughts even when everything is negative. Because mercury helps you find a way and meaning in the most difficult paths and the smallest things.
🎨9th house sun- you get inspiration through travels, cultures, places. You feel inspired when you are somewhere else. Places bring you the sun in your life. You like adventure. You are likely to be motivated by the need to expand and broaden your horizons, either physically or intellectually. You may be fascinated by travel and foreign places, seeking to discover what else exists in the world. They will always be aware of the deepest matters regarding life and will want to give their existence meaning. Everything you do in life have to give you meaning. Throughout life, you are always looking for positive sides and optimism. The sun helps you to shine fully. It always gives you new hope, which you can find everywhere you go. It is like the eternal sunshine.
🧸9th house saturn- You have a serious attitude towards religion and you hold fast to it. These people are traditional in thinking and religious in personality. They work very hard in life to achieve their determined goal. Maybe you can travel a lot on business. Saturn is a slow-moving planet, and hence it makes the native work towards anything he desires to achieve. Maybe your beliefs in spirituality and the path are difficult and pessimistic at the beginning, but in the end you see many beautiful things in the world. You also have a calm nature.
🧚🏼‍♀️9th house jupiter-you travel a lot and find your way and faith faster than others. Jupiter gives you optimism, positivity, encouragement and meaning in life. You want to make the most of life. Jupiter gives you many opportunities. Relaxed and enjoying life, you can never see them sweating about what doesn’t matter. It’s easy for them to get creative and their health is always top-notch. Traveling is their true passion and they really hate being in one place for too long. You are always accompanied by happiness and optimism.
🧩9th house uranus- you have a strong sense of justice and you hate injustice and cruelty. You may be involved in politics or the social services. You may find yourself feeling that words don’t really have the power to capture every nuance of reality. Uranus dislikes tradition, and when it is placed in the ninth house, you have modern views that can be sometimes shocking to your family. Inspiration and positive changes come unexpectedly. Sooner or later, you will probably completely change your views. This will be reflected in your public image and career, too. You are looking for a place in this world where you belong (you can find it in the most unexpected situations and places).
🌊9th house pluto-You can have a very intense and deep approach to the world. The places you travel to can make a deep impression on you. Usually a place represents something deeper to you. This placement suggests that there are several soul-searching phases in your life, which in the end, lead to deep transformation. You sometimes feel that you don’t belong to the place where you were born. This placement also suggests that you seek power through your belief system, and you are attached very strongly because of this. You have to feel the world through your soul.
💕9th house neptune- many times you can be impressed by places by the sea. You can be more connected to the universe. Your personal philosophy contains a lot of spiritual and religious elements. You are drawn to the mysterious side of existence, and you frequently think about things beyond the everyday reality. You can have places in your head that you have never seen or that are only in your imagination. You are strongly aligned with your higher self. It can make you too optimistic, seeing the situation better than it actually is. Neptune helps you achieve your dreams.
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ranpire · 6 months
What if Y/N is just like Yuuji though? Like, adjusting her likings according to people around her. (Maybe even lead to identity crisis since Y/N doesn't even have her OWN favourites? Ykwim.)
Oh, this got me thinking. I’m of similar mindset, so i get what you’re trying to say! (Thank you to my best friend for the help lmao.)
Although very hesitant since he is used to his main purpose of being a vessel, it would start slow. It would be a little hard for him to break out of those habits and lean more into his own personality. Slowly, he would push some of his influence, likes, dislikes and opinions onto you. It wouldn’t be very obvious at first since he doesn’t want to draw attention to it, but if you wield positive results to what he’s doing, it will continue and he will be less inclined to hide what he’s doing. It’s as if he’s the one pulling the strings instead of you. This probably isn’t an ideal situation.
If you react negatively, he will still try and figure out what makes you tick. Putting on the hat of observation and almost stalkerish tendencies. How do you react to certain situations? Certain stimuli? What do your eyes linger on the most? Who are you most comfortable being around? What makes you uncomfortable? What brings out your ‘stronger/inner personality’? Surely you must have some kind of things you prefer. He will go from there. (If you don’t, the scenario above will probably still go on, he will just approach things differently.)
I wouldn’t be surprised if he went to certain extremes to draw reactions out of you. Putting himself and others in danger or in… unideal situations. Or messing up your relationships with the other characters. Nothing explicitly malicious, though.
Even when you aren’t playing the game, there will always be that chilling feeling of something watching your every move.
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trashytoastboi · 4 months
Day of Faith - Simeon
~SFW Alphabet~
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
🖋️ Gentle and endearing are the keywords for Simeon and how he shows his affection. He’s a bit shy when showing his affection and they are gentle. He’ll initiate contact, a little kiss on the cheek. Nuzzling against you while hugging, or wanting to hold your hand but being a little too hesitant to do so. Simeon always works up the courage eventually, he’s not the kind to surprise you with a sudden make out session or something of the like and he gets easily embarrassed by himself. 
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
🖋️ The gentle and encouraging friend. Simeon has a very soft heart, especially for you and he’s empathetic to your pain and struggles. He’ll comfort you, offer advice and suggest ways to distract yourself in a positive manner. He encourages your hobbies, things you like and takes genuine interest when listening to you and will always ask questions. Some activities include baking together, coffee dates, shopping (for hobby stuff) and chatting. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle) 
🖋️ Simeon is soft, he is loving and he craves close affection. He’s fond of snuggling into you, when you’re talking about your day, or something you found out. Maybe you’re recounting memories from the human world- Simeon likes cuddling, you notice the way he sometimes pulls you a little bit closer and his arms tighten around you. If you play with his hair he’s guaranteed to fall asleep however, there’s something so calming about having you playing with his hair, feeling your fingers brush through the strands. Sets him at ease. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) 
🖋️ 10/10 Simeon has the perfect balance of all things domestic. Cooking, baking, cleaning, sewing and random DIY to spruce the living space up with ease. He adores being able to do things for his partner. Mainly if it helps them to relax and rest. He truly does want to settle with you, he didn’t realize it before he met you, the idea of settling down with someone didn’t seem to suit him. Then he met you and his whole mindset changed, he wants to be yours as you are his.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
🖋️ He cares more about your feelings in this equation. He’s trying his utmost to be as gentle as he possibly can with the news he’s going to convey. Simeon is firm enough to not buckle or seem like a pushover, and he will say what needs to be said. You know he’s trying to be considerate and you’ll not let your feelings show all that much or else Simeon will try to comfort you and prolong the process. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married.)
🖋️ Simeon likes commitment and the idea of marriage. He knows what it symbolizes and stands for, a promise of forever to each other and vows that declare your love and intentions for the other person. It’s something that he wants you to think about and decide for yourself, so while Simeon does express his intention to get married he puts no pressure on you whatsoever until you’ve told him that you feel ready for the next step. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they? Both physically and emotionally.)
🖋️ It’s hard to find someone who is more gentle than Simeon honestly. Emotionally, and physically he’s so soft. You know you can entrust him with anything because he makes you feel safe, his gentleness is not weakness and you love that even more. Because he’s still a pillar to support those around him while maintaining his soft demeanor. Emotionally he acts with intention and consideration and would never say anything untoward or nasty. If Simeon has to be honest about something that’s not the nicest thing to hear he does it in a way that gets the message across without hurting the other person. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
🖋️ He’s a bit shy when asking for hugs, and he truly likes them. He’s just a bit hesitant to ask sometimes. His hugs are very warm and comforting. Simeon gives those hugs that last a little longer, a quick hug isn’t normal for him and he’ll hold you close for a few seconds before letting you go and acting a little bashful. He doesn’t hurt you when he squeezes, also gets a little shy to wrap his arms around your waist. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-Word) 
🖋️ He’s quick to think it, but not speak it. Simeon knows his feelings were love early on in the relationship, he didn’t want you to think he was saying things lightly or without thought behind them and so he waited. He’d say I love you in his head everyday, every time he saw you. He’d think it. He’d type it in his messages and quickly erase it before sending them off to you. (Aside from the few times he forgot) You were aware of Simeon's feelings and appreciate that he waited to prove his sincerity with his actions before his words. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?) 
🖋️ He’s not that acquainted with jealous feelings, especially those that stem from romantic roots. Simeon didn’t fully understand the unpleasant tugging in his chest when he saw you standing really close to the brothers, Mammon even grabbed your hand to drag you away. Simeon didn’t say anything, more because he didn’t know how to. He’s silent about his jealousy and it irks him. When you noticed Simeon acting out of sorts you spoke with him until you discovered the reason behind his discontent. You were quick to comfort Simeon, and he learned his first encounter with jealousy. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
🖋️ Innocent and sweet. They’re light, butterfly kisses. He kisses your cheek, forehead and the top of your head. Sometimes you’ll get a surprise peck on the lips but it makes him shy so he doesn’t do it often in public rather when you’re alone. He gets antsy when he’s nervous and you swear he melts into a puddle every time you kiss him first. He likes it when you kiss his cheek or lips. 
L = Little Ones (How are they around children?)
🖋️ He’s patient and nurturing, kids naturally gravitate towards Simeon and find his presence to be a very pleasant one. Simeon is good at handling kids even the most stubborn of them eventually listen to Simeon without complaint, he speaks to them on their level and they like the respect they feel from Simeon. He’s attentive and creative with keeping them busy in productive ways such as arts and crafts, cleaning up their play area or hide and seek. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
🖋️ He gets up relatively easily, he’ll wake you up with a kiss telling you the time. If you get up then he’ll get ready slowly and talk to you. Asking how you slept, if you had any interesting dreams, what did you dream about, if you have plans for the day. If you don’t want to get up and sleep in a little more, Simeon will leave you to rest a bit more. Making sure you’re tucked in and comfortable. He’ll go start breakfast and make sure to wake you up with enough time left to get ready and eat breakfast with him. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
🖋️ If it’s a quiet night he’ll want to be close, cuddling and reading together. Maybe watching a show or some random videos on your D.D.D. It’s calm and quiet, at any moment either of you could fall asleep. If it’s busier, maybe Simeon had been bitten by a creative bug and he’s writing- he appreciates your silent support, when you rub his back to let him know you’re there and bring him a warm drink or a snack knowing he’s going to be up until the A.Ms. You do this knowing that if the roles were reversed, Simeon would be doing this for you and he does. Whenever you’re studying for a test or working on something he supports you.  
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while and reveal things slowly?)
🖋️ He’s transparent. Simeon never felt a need to hide things about himself from you, if you asked he’d answer. He doesn’t ramble on about himself. But if invited or reminded he’ll tell you about his memories, experiences, something he likes and why he likes it. The things he worries about and fears. So the process of him revealing is slower but not for a reason of secrecy or otherwise. He knows he has time, and as he learns about you gradually he hopes you’ll learn about him too. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) 
🖋️ He is patient and it’s hard to actually rile him up to a point of being angry. If something does successfully rile Simeon up you honestly find yourself at a loss because he’s rarely irritated by things like that. One thing that Simeon has no patience for is technology. It’s complicated and annoying and it drives him mad if it doesn’t work or does it’s own thing. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or they kind of or forget everything?) 
🖋️ Simeon has a mind for details, he likes learning about you and remembers them. It’s obvious through the things he says or does, if he buys you something like candy and you notice it’s a flavour you enjoy but it’s not your favorite and Simeon answers “They were out of your favourite but they had this one and I know you’re fond of it.” It makes you warm inside to know that he pays attention even to the little things. 
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
🖋️ Your first date is his favourite memory. Everything that could have gone wrong on the date, went wrong. Now it doesn’t sound like a pleasant experience if he left it there. The restaurant got the dates mixed up and the place was full so you couldn't eat at the place you mentioned wanting to try, you went for a walk and then it started pouring down with rain, you and Simeon looked like two drowned rats and were huddled together under a random roof, Simeon stood on the other side to shield you from the rain and did so subtly so you wouldn’t notice. When the rain calmed down you ran off to grab some warm drinks and you ended up laughing at the misadventure. Simeon loved that, how you made the best of it, and put more importance on just being with him rather than what you were doing. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
🖋️ He’s the first person to put himself in harm's way to protect you. He’s not over protective but will protect from things he deems as real threats. He’s gentle and subtle unless the situation calls for otherwise. The only time you see Simeon being overtly domineering is when he doesn’t want to worry you but protect you. Simeon didn’t expect you to protect him back,  believing it was his role. He’s happy that you want to protect him and values the thought of the action. Because the intention is there and you’re not putting yourself at risk. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
🖋️ He puts in max effort into everything. Luke might gripe about how you get cute little heart pancakes while everyone only gets regular pancakes and Simeon would get all shy over that because he knows it’s true and he let his favoritism show. Everything Simeon does for you comes with that extra bit of care and effort. When planning dates he always doubly confirms everything from bookings, weather, tickets - everything. Even has to go against his old enemy- the self service ticket computer. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
🖋️ Takes care of others but never of himself. It’s a habit you noticed early on. Simeon never says anything about it and when he does things he never complains or mentions he’s struggling. When he’s got breakfast duty in the morning, but also took over Luke’s lunch duty, he’s cleaning and trying to help you study in the day, doing his work for RAD and then staying up late to write for another project he has going on. He’s tired and bogged down but he still never asks for help. You can see the relief on his face when you help out, maybe he oversleeps a little due to the exhaustion and you wake him up with breakfast already taken care of. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) 
🖋️ He wears clothes and has a face. Simeon is not at all vain, and he does take care of himself but he’s not fixated on his appearance. Only time he’s really paying attention is when he wants to dress up a little for your date. That’s the only time he provides himself an extra bit of attention towards his appearance and really likes it when you compliment him. It’s not for the purpose of wanting to be praised for his looks but he just wants to get complimented by you. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
🖋️ Yes, he’d be listless and sad. He’d mope and just lack that energy in his step. He’d be dragging his feet all over and sighing a lot. Everyone was out of sorts when you were back in the human world but Simeon just lost touch with reality for a little while. Talking to you always helped and put that little spring in his step but he missed you so much and felt sad without you. He’d always cook your favorite meals without realizing it. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
🖋️ Doesn’t know how to receive gifts but it’s the sweetest thing when you give him gifts and he’s so genuinely surprised that you did that for him. He’ll insist on paying you back for the gift and you keep telling him that’s not how it works. You got him the gift because you wanted to give him a gift, it didn’t even have to be something big. It could have been his favorite drink that you randomly bought for him and he’s so genuinely touched. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
🖋️ Simeon doesn’t like selfish people in general, he can’t understand how self centered people can just go about doing things to make life harder for others for the sake of their own petty enjoyment. Certain things are not to be misunderstood as selfish but Simeon just doesn’t like nasty people who are fixated only on themselves with no concern for anyone else. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) 
🖋️ He has a terrible sleep schedule because he’s up until the early hours writing, he says time gets away from him and sometimes it does. If you’re there you’d gently remind Simeon to come to bed to actually make sure he’s not pulling another all nighter. If he’s really into his creative mode you’ll leave him but if he’s trying to force it you’ll rather have him rest and look at things from a fresh perspective hours later. When he does sleep he wants to snuggle you, and he’s more worried about you being comfortable that he won’t mention that you’ve taken all the blankets- or that he’s on the cold wall and you’ve taken over his side of the bed, even pillaged his pillow 😞
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @roninfromtheops
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mostowa · 4 months
_This might not be popular, but I really think that something shifted in their dynamics in late S5 (and I genuinely believe it was also always partially missing) and I think the break-up really helped to dig into this problem._
Please could you write more about this? What do you think has changed between them? When did this start and why?
Hello Nonnie!
So... Yeah. It's quite a hard topic for me, because I really don't like being the one to stand out in a cheering and positive crowd that this fandom has been. But, I will do my best to explain what I mean, too.
Disclaimer is that I binged The Rookie until 6x04 and I really believe that when you binge things you might miss the details, that with this pairing has always been important. In short: disclaimer is that I might be wrong.
I also need to say that my views come from a place of being an anxious person that has often been dismissed regarding her feelings and even belittled.
With all that in mind, let me try to explain my mindset a bit. Some of the parts I have already explained in this post. So if you've read it it might be kind of repetitive.
While I've loved Chenford since 3x12 and Green Dress, I've always found it disturbing how Tim approaches Lucy in her low moments. It's not that he approaches it bad. I just honestly think that his approach has always been quite bantery (17st place) and definitely more action than words style. There is nothing bad with that, I just don't truly believe this is good for anxious Lucy. I really think that Jackson was always the best kind support for her. I think the core thing for me was that Jackson always acknowledged her feelings and tried to be supportive, before providing solution. For me the part of "acknowledging her feelings" is the part that I haven't seen that much in Tim.
I think I noticed it hard in the documentary 5x18, when it almost felt like Lucy was in denial about being so optimistic about their relationship, while Tim was grumpy and protective over himself and his image. I think this is where I saw this shift (not sure if it was also the shift in the characters), that maybe Tim might have some serious doubts about their relationship.
For me, this is this surface level relationship problem that dr London called him out for. It is that he does not know how to be together, how to be deep in a relationship. He tried that once and look where it got him (it was not his fault by any means).
For me, it carried in the late S5 and early S6 so much so that it led to their break-up. That Tim chose to put up some walls instead of finding resolution. And, again, it's not that I blame him for that. Hell, with kind of childhood and past that he has it is incredibly in character. But he is also a grown up man that needs to take responsibility of his life and people around him. That's why 6x10 made me so excited: the dynamics are a-changing. He is starting to tear down his walls brick by brick and learn what does being together actually means.
Because I feel that as anxious as Lucy sometimes the "being together" is what she understands at her core. Hence the hug, the jump and all the big things she's been doing for him (after the break-up and before too, of course). Of course, she is not crystal (Nyla is, lol! sorry for the dad joke). She jumped on this train very quick and very enthusiastically and they never really had a real convo about their feelings.
I think it really blew up with Ray, when Tim just ghosted Lucy and kept her in the dark for so many hours. It's not a good communication, let's say straight forward it is just a really encyclopedic example of bad communication. He gets wrapped up in his own world and cannot quite wrap his mind about what Lucy needs. I hope that will get changed, because, well Tim was not a good partner then.
Just to sum this all up. I've already started to see some progress with Tim's character and I really really hope they keep on showing this in S7. This is my biggest hope for S7, actually.
I really, really hoped I answered your question. Y'all! Tell me if I'm wrong, please!!!
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k-rising · 1 year
How was ENHYPEN's experience in I-LAND?
DISCLAIMER: This tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only.
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5 of wands (rx) + knight of cups + the hermit (rx) + the fool + 5 of cups (rx)
heeseung ⇢ during the show, heeseung tried to avoid any kind of conflict, since he considered that all points of view were equally important so libra of him lol. he always had the role of the mediator and the times in which he was involved in a conflict and he considered that he was the one who was right, he tried to ease the waters either way. "we don't have much time, we have to solve this quickly."
although he had a great time during the competition due to his peers, there were many times when he felt lonely. I'm visualizing him laughing with some of the boys and suddenly walking into an empty room to be alone. with the hermit reversed I can also interpret that he did not form a deep bond with any of his companions.
even though heeseung wanted to debut, like all the other contestants, he also took the competition very calmly. "you have to enjoy the moment." this made him show his most innocent and pure side, which led him to be a victim of his own decisions.
after everything he went through, heeseung was able to find peace and heal from all the pain and stress he experienced during the show.
8 of swords + ace of cups + the moon (rx) + 5 of wands + the lovers
jay ⇢ he always gave his best during i-land and it is very likely that he didn't regret anything he did back then. jay knows how these kinds of shows work and he didn't care what kind of image they were going to show of him, he was not going to give up on his dream.
jay entered i-land with a positive mindset and was ready to experience new things. his goal was to show how talented he was no matter how hard the tests may be.
as time went by, he was afraid of not being in high positions and he also felt impotence, since he felt that he was not giving his best. the competition was very tough for jay and sometimes when things didn't turn out as he expected, he held a lot of resentment towards his peers.
he was pleased with the group that he was in, because he had already formed a bond with the rest of the members.
king of cups + 3 of swords + 5 of pentacles + knight of pentacles (rx) + 10 of wands (rx)
sunghoon ⇢ he entered the show calmly and with a positive mindset. sunghoon's goal was to not lose his temper, focus on debuting and why not make friends in the process.
as time went by, he began to worry about his performance, so he worked hard to show what he was capable of; he wanted to show his abilities to the fullest. there were many times when sunghoon felt lonely, but it was not because others ignored him, it was an internal feeling. he didn't expect i-land to be so cruel!
there were many ups and downs throughout the show. he sometimes worked very hard and sometimes he thought of leaving the competition, since he was under a lot of pressure and felt that he was not improving. sunghoon sometimes felt insecure of his abilities and sought help from others and other times he was overflowing with confidence; his emotions were like a roller coaster.
during i-land, sunghoon realized that working as a team is hard, since there were tense moments and sometimes it was impossible to reach an agreement. it also appears in the reading that he has a hard time trusting others, so this makes me think that he was betrayed in some way by some of his peers. now that he's part of enhypen, his goal is to try to trust his members so they can work more efficiently.
page of wands (rx) + 8 of pentacles (rx) + knight of wands + queen of wands + ace of cups (rx)
jake ⇢ he would have preferred to have debuted without having gone through a show like this one. jake had been one of the trainees with less training period, so he considered that he had little chance of being chosen to debut.
although he continued betting on his dream, there were times where he was not enjoying the tests. even though he worked very hard, he sometimes lost motivation. "what am I doing here? why am I here?" are some of the things he thought at the time. during the show he felt lost and caged.
something that he appreciates from his time in i-land is that he was able to have a new experience and made new friends. jake also admits that there were moments that he had fun and that, as he passed the tests, he was more motivated every day.
in this reading it comes out that his progress inspired others to work harder.
i-land affected him a lot emotionally speaking and when the program came to an end he felt a great emptiness... "what now?" he thought.
king of cups + 10 of swords + 6 of swords + 6 of wands (rx) + 9 of swords
sunoo ⇢ just like sunghoon: he entered i-land calmly and with a positive mindset. his goal was to not lose his temper, focus on debuting and why not make friends in the process.
there were many times when he felt betrayed by his peers, especially when voting among themselves… but that didn't stop him. sunoo was going to work very hard to make it to debut.
something that did hurt him a lot throughout the show is that he did not felt recognized for his talent... this caused him to have low self-esteem. he sometimes wondered "do I have what it takes to become an idol?."
sunoo lived many moments of anxiety and despair… he was sure that he was not going to be chosen to debut. he started the show with a positive mentality and ended up having a negative mentality.
the hierophant + king of pentacles + 8 of wands (rx) + 6 of swords + ace of wands
jungwon ⇢ his goal was always to be true to his morals, acquire the necessary knowledge to improve his skills and not to lose focus of his dream.
despite the obstacles jungwon went through, he never gave up. his passion and his willpower were always greater than anything else.
being part of this competition made him become a self-confident person and he was able to achieve all his goals, especially acquiring the necessary knowledge to become a great idol.
jungwon does not regret of having being part of i-land, on the contrary, it made him very happy and it inspired him to keep betting on his dreams.
page of swords (rx) + ace of swords (rx) + ace of cups + 6 of swords + the sun (rx)
niki ⇢ he was so excited to show all his talent and, when he was chosen as a leader in some of the tests, he wanted to organize everything so quickly that this sometimes led him to do things that annoyed others; niki found it difficult to plan well the tests they were given. but I don't think it was intentional to harm others and show off himself… in that case I think evil editing played a very important role there and left him in a bad light on several occasions.
niki was one of the strongest contestants within i-land, but, as I said before, he didn't know how to use all his abilities to lead a group. that is why he often got frustrated and thought that he was not as good as he thought he was.
despite the fact that he always gave his best during the whole show, this affected him a lot and it was very difficult for him to remain optimistic when things did not turn out as he expected.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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a-d-nox · 10 months
i bought a DNA test - here is my assessment of the DNA (asteroid 55555) persona chart
23 & me + health is very comprehensive, so i am just going to touch on some of the topics i already predicted based on their test breakdown from their website. for privacy reasons i won't be talking about how much of any given ethnicity i have. the only "evidence based" screenshots i will be providing are from the traits section of the test.
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i know for sure that i am polish and slovakian so tesinsko (38674) 10h and sextile saturn makes sense. těšínsko is basically the dividing line czechoslovakia and poland. so to have that in my dna 10h status makes me believe it will be pretty prevalent in the test breakdown - 50% +. plus i have polonia (1112) conjunct moon and that is very true - i got it from my mom's side lol.
danmark (2117) in the 2h rx makes me feel like i am not as danish as my father told me i was nor... i am correct because i am not danish nor am i a descendant of the danes.
am i as german as he made it seem. 7h germania (241) is not as convincing plus the lack of aspects just makes it all the less convincing... also true because my descendants were from southwestern germany not so much the core of german territory.
italia (477), hispania (804), and copenhagen (13586) in the 4h. perhaps i will revoke my statement above about the danish ancestry, but we will see. i do believe italian and hispanic descent might be probable based on these placements. try sardinia.
i know i am welsh but i can't find an asteroid related to wales :(... fun story 23 & me couldn't detect welsh ancestry in me, BUT nearly all the locations for the "british & irish" section regarding where my ancestors were from were in wales so lol yes i am welsh though i don't feel that snowdonia in my 4h is a very solid indicator.
i did discover that i have irish ancestry - i have ireland (5029) square moon, it is my mother's side that has irish descent! my grandmother found paper work confirming that.
i also discovered russian ancestry - my grandmother told me a very interesting story about my ancestor alex who used to be alexei but escaped via moscow... i have moskva (787) trine moon. the shoe fits.
a majority of my lineage and the asteroids associated with aspect the moon and/or saturn in my dna persona chart. 23/41 asteroids do at least; that's about 50% which is pretty good considering that 23&me ALSO isn't 100% accurate - they don't nail down where your ancestors are from they give possible regions from which your ancestors were likely from.
that being said, i am not sure that dna persona should be used alone - i feel like it was helpful to confirm and nail down which regions from the options in the dna results are even more likely for ancestry.
i do think that the 4h, moon aspects, and/or saturn aspects to country/city asteroids in a dna persona chart tend to be most accurate for determining ancestry.
trait report
ability to match musical pitch: air venus at 17° - i am gonna say this comes back positive.
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asparagus odor detection: mercury at 1° conjunct chiron; i definitely will have a heightened sense of smell.
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bitter taste: capricorn mercury... get it? its a saturn ruled mercury? saturn can be bitterness? i don't know i thought it was funny...
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earwax type: on the other hand... a saturn ruled mercury - soft wax (i'm of the mindset there are only two options hard or soft wax).
type 2 diabetes: it kind of looks like i can beat the odds... like venus square saturn - that's just genetic. BUT venus sextiles moon and pluto AND conjuncts uranus - these are all planets of change, so i feel like i can/will prevent diabetes. true because i have the typical likelihood for developing diabetes per the test.
brca: it's not looking too hot and i know my father's mother passed from breast cancer at a rather young age i think she passed at 40... my moon conjuncts pluto and is opposite jupiter. fortunately, it conjuncts chiron, so i might beat it or catch it early thanks to the test. a grey area in my eyes... of the 4000 variants of brca they only test 44 of them. they found 0 of the 44 though. so we will see 44 is like nothing though to be honest.
thrombophilia: it's a given... uranus square saturn - the blood flow is just not that good. i kind of knew this before going in - i have factor 5 leiden; they found 1 of 2 thrombophilia variants that they test for and it was that variant/mutation.
alzheimer's: mercury conjunct sun and chiron AND sextile mars makes me believe it's fine and i'm good - i will get the negative here. i tested positive for late onset alzheimer's... i mean i feel like it can sort of be challenged - i know i am fighting something out of denial of the possible, but i really don't like that they don't test particularly for the early onset variant. if i have one, why wouldn't i have the other? i think we all could understand why that developing early would be horrible...
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lullabyalikpoptarot · 13 days
TXT Ideal Type Reading
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Alright, on to my other faves and let's see what I get. I am not expecting it to be light, like what I thought with Enhypen, let's just look at what the energies and cards have to say.
Yeonjun (3 of Wands/Victory) He would like someone who enjoys traveling. He would want someone who is understandable and could accept a long-distance relationship. I wonder if he would want to date a foreigner, or someone who lives in another country? It is like he would enjoy traveling long distance for this person, this is kind of weird, but okay. I see the victory card, and I think win at all costs, what does that mean? He may like a competitive person, someone willing to fight for him. He may like someone who likes a challenge, someone who is successful in their pursuits. He may like someone who will go the distance, someone persistent and resilient. I see him wanting to travel with this person. I am interested to see what type of boyfriend he will be when I do a reading on this part next. Anyway, he wants someone powerful and someone with a winner spirit. I look at the victory card, and this is someone that shines. He would probably like a celebrity, maybe foreign. I wonder if he has a specific celebrity that fits his exact ideal type, or that he really finds attractive.
Soobin (7 of Cups/Anxiety) Honestly, you know what this is telling me, that once again, this boy has his own problems and isn't worried about an ideal type. This seriously just feels like his energy at the moment. Because these two cards together. I would not understand how these could indicate an ideal type. It is like every time I read for him on a topic, it is like, nah focus on me, I got problems, and this isn't one. I can spin this a certain way to try to see how this fits his ideal, but honestly, it isn't on his mind, and I always go with how I feel, so going to leave it like that. I am a bit worried about him, but at the end of the day I can wish him healing and loving energy. I do believe with these cards, it is more about his mindset, than anything else. He seems to be in a fog and may have difficulties getting out of that. His energy just wants to work on his own sh** before focusing on other things, like I am legit thinking of skipping him for the boyfriend reading tbh. Send this boy healing vibes ya'll.
Beomgyu (10 of Swords/Sixth Chakra Archangel Metatron) Ah, the 10 of swords for him again I see. I can see him as liking someone who is able to work through their difficulties and negative thought patterns. He may want someone who can help him work through that as well. He would want someone to bring him peace and clarity to the situation, like he can overwork his mind and go into a negative spiral, lowkey can get depressed at times, he may want someone who can lift him out of that and change his perspective on things. He wants someone who can see things clearly, see all perspectives, just someone with a clear mindset. A person with a sense of knowing. It is like he is so in his head. He wants someone not like that, so he finds it hard to see things clearly or see the positive, so he wants someone to bring that out of him or allow him to see it. I felt like I repeated myself a lot here lol IHe is kind of just focusing on that, like that is important to him right now in a partner.
Taehyun (Knight of Pentacles/The Temple Path) Well this is nice, he wants someone goal oriented, a bit slow paced, takes their time with things, a dependable and loyal partner. Someone who is persistent and consistent. Someone who is able to prevail against the odds. He would want a steadfast person. Had to google that, so if you don't know it means, dutifully firm and unwavering. He would like them to stay on a path of righteousness, not sure what that means, but that is what I got. He likes them to stay on the right path. He would want a person who makes the right decisions for themselves and others. He would want someone who has a purpose in life, who does good for themselves and others. He may want someone a bit more on the spiritual side, but an overall good person. I just think, doesn't everyone want this, but it seems he finds this very important. It is like a person who has a duty to themselves and others.
Hueningkai (The Hierophant/Man Holding Coin) Okay, first off, this gives me he wants a partner to know his relationships are highly controlled and monitored, yes, that came to me first with these two cards, so that is a point of contention for him. That may annoy him, his past partner, caused problems, who knows, but that was my first thought seeing this, so they may need to understand that. I can also see him as wanting a partner he can grow together with and learn from, like being able to blend their ideas together. Honestly, I am trying to get something else out of this, but the Man holding Coin just gives me their creepy CEO, I ain't saying his name, but I don't like him, I don't care how people try to spin he is a good guy narrative, he doesn't give me that at all, it just gives me him, and his controlling nature, and him not being able to date. I can't get around him being watched and controlled to even date. Wtf is this!? Well, his ideal partner needs to be someone who understands that, is all he gives me here, now I can spin this into something, but I can't shake the feeling and always go with how I feel, at the end of the day, this is just Tarot. I try not to overanalyze these things. I don't know if he is more controlled than the others, or if it just annoys him more, not sure why this showed up.
Now I am very interested to see what they get for the boyfriend reading I do for them next weekend.
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