#It's a play on exoskeleton lol
the-axolotl-skellie · 2 months
The man who played God.
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Rewritten backstory! TDLR is Lune and Sol were supposed to be Vessels for these two gods to possess and save monsters. But Lune didn't come out right. Uhh TW for implied CSA, and child abandonment!
I purposefully also based Gasters skull off Papyrus, to more so show why Lune is afraid of Papyri. They... let's say Lune say Gaster without his mask alot.
The year was 20XX, underground, and a man named WD Gaster had a dream. To honour the God's that created monster kind, with a vessel worthy of their immortality. To hope they would come as ANGELs and save monster kind.
The man created two SOULS. One he created after painting of the Goddess in her mortal form, the Axolotl—That symbolized her healing and MERCY.
The other, after the warrior of the God, the Phoenix. Symbolizing strength and DETERMINATION.
As the two souls were created—One came out so... Perfect. The perfect vessel for the God that gifted the sun. The perfect skeleton that took resemblance of Gaster himself, he dubbed that one, Sol.
The other, which would've been named Lune, came out weak and unfinished. The thing wasn't a perfect vessel, a perfect sacrifice, it was a mistake. He wouldn't even talk to it.
So while Sol was shown off, pranced around, and treated as highly as the crown by monsters, beloved.
He never did say a word about Lune. No, no that one, would remain in a small cell in his laboratory, on the lowest level. He would use it to relieve his stresses, he had no wife after all and it was useless otherwise.
And eventually. The God did come, though not thr Goddess. But one was more than enough to free monster kind, breaking thr barrier.
Leaving Lune alone in the lab.
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twoa-plus · 3 days
it’s 2:00am and this is more of a character thing than a genuine theory but *claps hands for the drama* same coin theory. what if both of the stans are bill
or like. a parallel to him. like i said this isn’t a super serious theory i’m mostly just back on my character analysis bs lol
so i haven’t gotten to talk abt this much but i am a firm believer in that there is not a superior stan. from a personality perspective this is obviously entirely subjective, but i mean that there isn’t a superior one when it comes to their objective traits and how useful they are
ford is. ford. i don’t really have to say anything here he’s super smart can play the piano or whatever etc etc. however one thing that i will say that i think is important here is that i am like. 99% sure this man has a higher tolerance to The Horrors than other humans do. dude spent 30 years in that portal and came out pretty much the same level of crazy, and we all saw what happened to fiddleford. i know fidds saw bill take off his exoskeleton or whatever but u can’t convince me that ford traveled the multiverse - with all sorts of monsters and non-3d dimensions and god knows what else - for 3 decades and didn’t see some shit that would make anybody else lose it. like at this point u could tell me this guy could have a casual conversation over tea with cthulu and be fine and i’d believe u
as for stan - and i mean this in the absolute best way possible i love this guy - he’s like the world’s most charismatic cockroach. he’s fantastic with people and just straight up refuses to die. for the first point i don’t just mean this in the conman way, when it comes to the people that actually matter stan always manages to win them over in some way or another (soos, wendy, the kids, ford, etc) and one does not simply survive for a decade on the street without needing the occasional favor from someone who actually likes you. “oh but rico-“ man when u’ve been living as a homeless criminal for a decade and the list of people that want to kill u consists of 1 person and the government u’ve done pretty damn well. anyways as for the cockroach point, he’s alive and has his memories. i don’t even have to say much here stan went through all of That, lived through the series itself including The Literal Apocalypse, metaphorically (something something people are just a collage of their life experiences) died at the end of it all and then came back to life. that’s hardcore as hell man. in a less literal interpretation of the “refusing to die” bit, he’s also just. insanely determined. the biggest example is ofc him never graduating highschool and yet teaching himself god knows how much math and science and whatnot over the course of 30 damn years because he just refuses to believe that he can’t save his brother. stan pines is a force of nature i swear
[additional note while im already ranting about this guy, im not a personal believer in the “stan is just as (academically) smart as ford” theory. first of all i feel like this entire theory is kind of rooted in the idea that he has to be/be on the same level as “the smart one” to have value, which is an idea that the stans’ entire backstory is based around criticizing, and i think stan has something just as if not more valuable than freakish intelligence - raw fucking grit. he wasn’t the one to open the portal back up because of some intellectual advantage, he was the one to open the portal back up because he wanted to, god damn it, and best of luck to you if you’re gonna try and stop him.]
anyways as for the same coin thing, everybody knows the stan part. his casual references to the impending apocalypse, “you’ve been buying gold, right?”, him being such a good conman, etc etc. while i’m already ranting about stan’s determination, bill’s got that too - he’s been trying for like thousands of years to take over the world and he just Won’t Stop. point is there’s a lot of character traits they share
(i know in the original same coin post a pretty major point is stan not making a deal with bill, but i think that could probably be pretty easily explained without the need for divine intervention. the only times bill makes a deal with someone without them summoning him first is after he’s kind of left on a loose end with gideon, and everyone knows stan wouldn’t fall for his lies in the first place)
bill also shares a lot of traits with ford, though. both have some kind of physical anomaly (bill’s eye & ford’s hands), both can see/understand things others of their species can’t, they’re both egomaniacs (listen i love ford but the guy has issues), etc. u could even argue that, at least at the time they meet, they have some kind of connection through their loneliness
so. with the theory of “bill was reincarnated to make up for what he did,” what if it wasn’t just stan? what if he was split in two, and his “reincarnation” is both of them? they’re flawed enough to make it a lot harder for either of them to take over the world (ford’s lack of social skills & stan’s lack of freakish academic knowledge), and they have something bill doesn’t - each other.
bill is alone. that’s his whole problem. he killed everyone he loved, treats everyone new he meets like shit, and now he’s Like That. throughout it all, the one thing the stans have always had - even if it was just in their memory - is each other. “oh but ford-“ shhhh. shhshhshshshhsh. shut up. ford has Problems but i genuinely don’t think he ever stopped loving stan. love is weird, first of all, and secondly he clearly never stopped trusting him. no matter what he might say about stan being a liar or a conman or whatever, who’s the one person he goes to when he’s forced to admit he needs help? ford is a weird guy and has an… odd way of showing it but he loves his family just like the rest of the pines and i will die on this hill
i’ve been writing this for over an hour straight and i think my brain is melting but i’m sure at this point u get the idea. both of the stans, together, serve as a parallel to bill, and the one thing they have that he doesn’t is love. that’s what killed him.
something something killing an interdimensional dream demon with the power of friendship and this gun i found
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lazymonth · 9 months
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TSSM Fantasy AU ✧
( I used Peter, Beck, Cham and Tink as a example because I love them )
This AU have references concept from movie Onward about fantasy creatures living they live like a modern now day but in this AU also have magic in they blood and using it in normal life
And other then fantasy creatures this AU also have a cryptid, ghost and some classic monsters
Little info about them :
Peter Park || Spider-man : Bug monster is a specie I made up for him. He have a humanoid look with some parts of his body covered by insect exoskeleton, he’s also have extra eyes but when being spider-man he can grow six arms and a mandibles for represent being spider.. sound like man spider actually 🤔
Quentin Beck || Mysterio : Beck being magicless is a very special case in this world. Magic it’s just like swimming, everyone can do it even if you good or bad at it you can training to make it stronger but Quentin, he’s borne with completely magicless how hard he try but still hopeless,, Beck got a very low respect from other people and even more in elf community because elf is one of the powerful specie with magic, so he became Mysterio a very strong sorcerer to get a respect he deserves
Dmitri Smerdyakov || Chameleon : We are gonna ignore the fact that Noppera-Bō is actually Japan's yōkai some of the iconic species in one country can be found on other country too in this world. Anyway back to Chameleon, he's actually faceless just like other Noppera-Bō but for hiding his identity even his true specie so Dmitri using his shape shifting power to create his own face to look like other monsters
Phineas Mason || Tinkerer : doesn't have my thing for Tink but I play a little about his have similar name to Tinker bell, LOL. Tink is very small around 14 cm. like other fairy but because he's small that make him really fast too, hard to catch and work fast even need to build a big stuff, but because he's old now and flying around take a lot of energy so he usually just sit on someone shoulder
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Hi! Saw this and wondered if it might inspire any ideas (also just wanted to share it cause it's so cute!!)
I have arachnophobia but this was far too cute to set it off lol. Looks like this YouTube channel has a lot of videos of the little guy and just thought I'd share. Have a good day!
It's making me think of baby videos of Drider Idia's parents playing with him very gently because he's still a little gummy baby cuz his exoskeleton hasn't hardened yet.
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hughiecampbelle · 3 months
Dread (Bucky Barnes Oneshot)
Character/s: Bucky
Word Count: 1,824
A/N: Ahhhh okay I don't really talk about it here, or to anyone lol, but last year I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder. I still feel like "it" wasn't bad enough and idk, I'm afraid if I did tell someone, they'd say what I'm thinking. My extended family can't handle this kind of info and my mum is dealing with the same thing, so I end up taking care of her even when things are bad. I've been having a lot of trouble the past few months days with sleeping and I thought I'd write about it. I'm using my emotional support Bucky lol. Anyways, just a therapy fic. Things will go back to normal asap! 💜💜💜
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You shatter. Like glass, like snow, like silence. Bursting into thousands, millions,of  infinitely beautiful pieces. You glitter under the light, between his fingers. Oh y/n, the pity dripping from his voice like honey, thick and sweet across his teeth, oh no. You splinter, cracking right down the middle. Cheekbone and shoulder blade and fractured, punctured vertebrae compress together into one anonymous pile of bone. Pile of you. Collected into dust pans, into willing palms. All serrated edges and knife like anger, hurt and screaming and ashamed. He nicks himself on you, on a tooth or empty eye socket, slicing himself open. Sorrysorrysorrysorry. The words tumble from your mouth as it falls apart, crashing into the floor, scattered everywhere. He waves you away. He deserves it, he thinks, he says, he insists. You deserved it, too. It was your fault. You didn’t fight back. You didn’t scream. You didn’t tell them. No, he argues, the thoughts breaking through your open wounds. Drawn by ice pick, your skin chipped, two words the play on loop. My. Fault. No, his is angry now, speaking to the fragments. Don’t say that. Don’t- don’t say that. Okayokayokayokay. In secret though, when he has his back turned, attention carried away, you think it very quietly. Over and over until there is no more space left, until you fear you will splinter all over again. Myfaultmyfaultmyfaultmyfault. 
He used to try to fill the silence. Frantic in the dark, blinded, left to wander, searching for the switch. The bedside lamp spills her light across the room. You can name everything in it. An unmade bed. Two tables. Two lamps. Two people, sleep deprived, scared to death for the same reason. He used to try to fill the empty space with every question that came to mind. Beneath his voice you sniffled, your heart beating in your ears, pounding too loud. Beneath the sound you tried to catch your breath, gasping for air, trying to fill your lungs, your blood, your body. You can still feel it, you can still hear it, the dream indistinguishable from reality. He used to talk until he was out of breath, until there was nothing left to ask, hoping he would be able to better understand. Why you were doing what you did, why this happened sometimes, who did this. He doesn’t do that anymore. Now he knows. It was a guessing game, a series of assumptions. Fragmented ideas sewn together, the gaps numerous and wide, a series of events and half-truths constructed poorly to make a story. Holey. Holy. And then, once, only once, you told him. You told him everything, unable to look at him for a long time, unable to stop yourself. You put what you’ve never been able to into words. And then he stopped. 
He finds you under the bed. You’re not sure when it became the place, the space to occupy. A habit. Maybe when it started, all those years ago, crying beneath the exoskeleton, needing to feel hugged without the threat of human touch. Maybe it wasn’t suffocating like the closet or exposed out in the open like behind the bedroom door. Maybe it was the last place they would ever find you, the last place to look. Seven years old. Eleven, thirteen, fifteen, seventeen all over again. It makes you feel so small, so little, as if no time has passed. As if those versions of you have been stuck under there all this time. He finds your part of the mattress empty, blankets dragged down as if they’d gotten caught on something. He follows the sound of crying. Soft sobs escape you, the cool of the floorboards cold beneath your cheek. On his hands and knees, his t-shirt loose around his arms, his hair disheveled. Eye-level now. There is sorrow in those blue eyes, pity, but something more. Something that makes you want to curl around him, hold him, let him cry as you are now. Understanding. Recognition. 
What a dangerous thing. 
It’s happened again. The dream with the boy, the dream with the man. His knee between your legs. Spreading them. Pushing into you. On your stomach. You can’t move or speak, you can’t fight. It happened again and now you can’t stop feeling it, experiencing it. Like looking into the mouth of a wolf, counting his teeth, believing naively that you are safe with your hand halfway down his throat. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been. It doesn’t matter where you go or who you pretend to be. They follow you. They haunt you. That fucking laugh. Hysterical, cynical, a warning before his hands crawled all over you. You hear it now, under the bed, far from him. You hear it all the time. Strangers look like him. A flash of panic spreads in your chest before you realize it’s someone else. Before you name yourself paranoid, crazy. Again? It’s barely above a whisper. His voice is so thin, so shaky, as if afraid any louder would scare you away. He shouldn’t have to ask. He shouldn’t have to deal with this, with you. You nod, your hands balled into you, your knees to your chest. Yesyesyesyesyes. Againagainagainagain. 
He doesn’t put his hands on you. Not now, not ever. He doesn’t say the things that have been said about you, your body, the space you are forced to occupy. He doesn’t have the thoughts that they had or the urges or the good sense to target someone who would never say anything. Staring at one another. He knows. Not the details, or the guys, or the boys, but he knows. Parts of the past play on loop. Moments he wishes he could forget, destroy, set aflame. Moments that haunt him even on a bright, sunny day where he feels as if nothing bad has ever happened. Even then, there is a ringing in his ears. There is something small and deep that tells him he is running away from something inescapable. That he is a fool for believing he could ever move on. 
It’s too late to say anything. It’s too late to do anything. You can’t remember their names, their faces. You don’t remember when it started, only that it did. It’s never really stopped since then. What a waste, you think, what a terrible waste you’ve become. Two children who would be laughed at, who would be made into jokes, who would grow up and live life with the knowledge that they are not immune to terrible things. He doesn’t join you under there. Instead, he rolls on his back, arm stretched outward, his hand, his wrist, his fingertips rest at the edges of the shadow. His eyes cast upward in awe as if he were looking at a sky full of stars and not a vast blankness of white ceiling. Eventually, your hand will find his. Millimeters away, not yet touching, close enough to feel though. That’s all you have to offer in this moment. He will take it. He will take nothing. But he will never take everything like they have done. You’re on your stomach, your back, always crying. Always trying to get away, but they are too strong, too powerful. They are bigger than you. 
They will say and do things that make you feel dirty. Soiled. Broken. You will scrub your skin raw, but it’s a feeling that never dissipates. It never goes away. You used to hide in the shower. Midnight, one, two, three. He’d hear the water going, see the steam. You’d appear, scrubbed anew and smelling like coconut. Sweet. Summery. Familiar. Your eyes would be rimmed red. Bloodshot. You’d make up an excuse. Anything to get away with it. Along the way you stopped. Along the way you realized the water could never be hot enough, you could never wash away the pieces of you they took. Under the bed it was. You prayed he wouldn’t wake up, that you wouldn’t disturb him, but it never worked. You prayed like that, before, before they did what they did. You gave up on God like He’d given up on you. It only seemed right. Fair. He used to search the entire apartment, calling out your name, his heart suddenly in your throat. Petrified you left him, petrified something terrible happened.  Now he knows what to expect. He knows the place. You lay like that, barely touching, trying to catch your breath, until one of you falls asleep. Eventually, the other follows.
The morning comes. Her warm light welcomes you. You watch him for a while, quietly, running your eyes over the hard line of his jaw, the softness of his cheek, the bridge of his nose. Your finger will draw stars, and circles, and hearts into the floorboards. The day is welcome. It’s the night when things turn sour. When he wakes, you will crawl out from under the frame. You will shower and dress and move on from what’s been tormenting you. You will play pretend. He won’t push the subject, knowing better now, but he will remain acutely aware of your every move. You’ll grab his hand, his arm, the least frightening act of affection, and walk together. You’ll have your coffee. You’ll talk with Sam. You’ll smile, and laugh, and act as if nothing has happened. It’s always these moments that strike him the hardest: after the nightmares, the feeling, the crying, you have no choice but to pick yourself up and carry on. You’re not overly affectionate, though you show him it’s okay, things are better now. Tentatively, his hand finds its way on the small of your back. You let him. 
Tonight it will happen all over again. That dream will come. You will hide. He won’t wake up, though. Tonight he will sleep through it. You will join him in the bed before he realizes, before his eyes open, before he comes to. He thinks things are getting better. And they will, but for now this is how it will be. Two things can be true at once. Two people can exist in a single body. Today, you are you, but the sun will set and that child will take over and you can do nothing but let them. Two realities can exist. Here, you will thrive. There, you are allowed to crumble. He will place his hand on your back. He will refill your mug. He won’t take this light mood for granted. He knows what comes next. He knows the emotions you place in the closet just to exist here, in this room, with these people. He knows because he does the same.
You will thank him quietly, for putting up with you, for dealing with you, but he will always shake his head, unsure of how to put his exact thoughts into words. He’s never minded taking care of you. You’re worth it. You always have been.
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Spider Freak Behavior Headcanons
Ok so we all know some of my headcanons and thoughts on making the spider people more spidery. So here’s some more, ignoring the obvious ones like eight legs and eyes and spinning webs. While not all of these, or even any of these, will fit all spider people it’s still fun cause you could def apply these to the more freaky spiders, like Miguel O’Hara, Jessica Drew, 6 armed spidey, spider noir, Kaine Parker, *sigh* SpiderHam, etc. If you’re curious as to why I singled out these guys check out here!
So what do I mean by spidery behavior? So glad you asked!
Instinctually/psychologically: Feeling the need to wrap up villains like a spider does with bugs in its web(feeling the need to liquify and drink their insides(these motherfuckers love smoothies)). Loving shiny objects(noir with the rubic cube lol). Spiders do little mating dances and ITS SO CUTE! Spider people should get to do little wiggles to express different emotions! Some spiders also make little chirping sounds to talk to each other or when hunting, so I think spider people should be able to do that. And be able to purr!(more like a cat not just like a spider, cause it’s more versatile and spider people are largely still mammals) Yes that means they like to cuddle. But on the darker side we get aggressiveness and solitude. Like some spiders actively hate any member of their own species, and get territorial. But some do live in colonies(cough cough spider society). I also think many spider people make little web hammocks or little web nests as a comfort/safety thing.
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Physiologically: AMAB spiders being smaller than AFAB spiders. Most female spiders are much larger than their male counterparts, so big buff spider ladies! Sensitive eyesight(Miguel looking at your emo ass) with proficiency in green and ultraviolet lights. So they might need to wear sunglasses. This would also go with a vibration sensitivity, like feeling a fly caught in your web. Some spiders are really hairy, like tarantulas! So it stands to reason some spider people might have a lot of body hair or even dense hair that forms spikes(miguel) and can fling those spikes like tarantulas do. Looking more internally, spiders have blue blood due to oxygen attaching to copper instead of iron like it does in humans! So you could totally have spider people with blue/purple/darker colored blood! Spiders don’t have bones either. They got a hard exoskeleton, but you break that and they just kinda squish. So you could definitely change spider peoples’ bone density and what the bones are made out of. Cartilage would be an interesting one. Or you could go straight for chitin, which is also similar to what fingernails and hair is made out of, and is what some exoskeletons are made out of. Spiders also don’t have eyelids, so that could be fun to play around with. Most of you already know, spiders can’t thermoregulate, but they can hibernate, which is definitely something you could explore and have fun with with angst. Oh! And some female spiders can make pheromones to ‘control’ males.(Jessica) I am also always a sucker for mouth body horror, so split jaws and oral pedipalps are very lovely to me!
Let me know if I missed anything else! Also you should add your own freaky spider things to the post, I love seeing fresh ideas on these sorts of things. But ultimately, feel free to cherry pick through this if you want to use any of these, not all of this will work or make sense for every spider!
Alright, I do have more underneath the cut, but it is officially a minors DNI area. We are getting into some frisky stuff below the cut!
Once again, a lot of this will vary based on the spider and spider person you’re talking about so feel free to squint your way through things and cherry pick if you want to use any of this.
With most spiders the males are smaller and submissive compared to the females. So afab spider people are more likely to be dominant in bed whereas amab spider people are more likely to be submissive. Some spiders even eat their mates after sex, so maybe some afab spider people get a little hungry after sex and enjoy biting their partners. If you wanna get freaky, have one actually try to eat someone.(hey Alexa, play Maneater)Whereas amab spider people might have some sex anxiety due to an instinct of getting eaten after sex. On the flip side maybe they like to get bitten? Some male spiders rlly want to be eaten actually, which could translate to masochism, but I could very much see that turning into anxiety and an impending sense of doom after sex. So like aftercare is probably very important(?). Either way biting would be involved. Some male spiders will even do little dances or give their female partners back rubs before sex(which is so cute and silly), so do with that information what you will. We are ignoring male penis detachment cause that is a lot even for me. But with that said, male spiders, in my opinion and if you know anything about how certain spiders have sex, should be really good at oral. To help this theory, Peter Parker 616 is not only canonically freaky but also fantastic at oral. Another one, purring. Some spiders purr during and before sex to attract a mate(it’s different than cat purring) but because spider people are largerly mammals I think they still purr when content(like a cat) and during sex but it’s two different types of purrs. Finally, back to the pheromones, those are mostly used by female spiders for sexual purposes on males, which could be translated over to spider people in a couple of different ways. But either way you go, feel free to interpret all the spidery behaviors however you see fit!
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201xs · 14 days
been playing super mario odyssey and i think the forks have raw sex appeal was curious abt your thoughts
YES YESS ive always thought the little fork guys were adorable. the concept of a sentient fork with all four prongs corresponding to limbs of equal length is really interesting - their bright colors make me think the handle is made of plastic, or at least a plastic-like carapace or exoskeleton of some kind. they look so huggable i just wanna wrap my arms around them... the entire luncheon(?) kingdom is kind of awesome in general, i havent actually played more than 20 minutes of mario odyssey but my sister is like obsessed with it lol
i thought the little hat ghosts were cute too, just those characteristic mario character eyeballs slapped onto a hat body ... i also like those gardener robots, theyre so adorable and feel kind of out of place in the universe. mostly due to the fact they dont really have any facial features
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autistic-sidestep · 10 months
17, 28, and 31 if u want!
17. what is their ultimate goal?
this is the question that made me sit on this ask since september cos idfk lmao. (im also lowkey shaking sidestep WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WAR YOU'VE STARTED THAT YOU'RE ALLUDING TO,,,) while sura IS a tactician and presumably she does have plans like expanding the syndicate? making sure she stays the hell out of the farm's reaches? this is probably where the fate/"all of this just feels inevitable" motive plays in cos honestly? [plankton voice] "i never thought i'd get this far" (in their villain career and like. living wise. lol suitag at it again) is tempering a lot of what she thinks she can achieve. this is not great when you're supposed to be the leader of a budding criminal organisation but! he's doing it anyway!
28. what do they find attractive in others? what’s a turn-off? i think it's assertiveness/confidence? but mainly being able to annoy the shit out of each other/bantering/general sense of humour.
there is a running theme across the various people sura's attracted to that being mutual annoyances to eachother. (well. idk if cigs' rey can really be annoyed back. he's the one being annoying + the outlier out of the four. ortega, chen and geek-o13's cyrus all fit tho)
most of all just being able to be… comfortable with the other person, ig. that used to be ricardo pre-hb but not anymore :/ sura's very annoyed that they're still crushing on him. something something lingering hero-worship feelings + do i want to be him or BE him 🏳️‍🌈. fun fact! in a julia verse sura would be equally smitten with charge. more femme presenting pre-hb for sure and copying the long hair to have braids just like her. and then going completely the opposite direction post-hb to distance itself from her by having its hair short.
i'll get back to you on turn-offs i have no idea atm lol.
31. what is their combat style like? it's a mix! there's definitely a stylish flair to it as argos, but they can change it up on the fly. usually they like baiting opponents with an opening move/getting a feel for the way they react before going in, similar to chen and ortega with a mysterious/functional step during the gala. sura was originally a fighterstep before i flipped them to tactician, but some of that fighty mindset is still there (hopefully reflective of their daring/caution stat being pretty balanced). even though the powersuit exoskeleton lets sura fight more directly, there's still a lot of obfuscation/dodging/momentum redirection still leftover from being sidestep. sura likes being hard to figure out. keep em guessing lol.
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Can you explain your yaoguai Golden Cicada design? Please, I think is looks neat
Why thank you anon! Glad to hear you like that design. But in all honestly not that much though went into it besides "he should get cicada wings" & "having a face mask & "hair" that somewhat resembles a cicada's exoskeleton would be cool" lol. I was just playing around with the idea of taking Golden Cicada being "heedless" of the Buddha to its greatest extreme & combining that with the tendency of a number of heavenly figures to go to Earth and indulge in their worst aspects as yaoguai warlords (this is basically the backstory of the 3 yaoguai kings of Lion-Camel Ridge for example). Though I will say I left him looking mostly human because from what I understand the aim to gain a human form is something that many yaoguai aspire to, spending literal centuries cultivating themselves to achieve it (it's something that makes SWK stand out as he seems to have 0 interest in making his "core" form appear human). If we're going the route of a villainous Golden Cicada I do imagine him as the kind of person who would take on "demonic" traits to indicate his absolute split from the Buddha and heaven but who would also be contemptuous of yaoguai in general.
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thewardenofwinter · 1 year
Happy STS! I hope you’ve had a good week :D your OCs all go to the beach together, how do each of them spend the day?
Happy STS Kraken! Thank you for the ask (one week late lol. or is it two? time doesn't exist in my realm.)
As someone who lived a short drive from the beach for 8 years of my life, I have had my fair share of strange beach interactions so this question was a throwback!
Adam practically lives on the beach whenever he's not trapped on his ship, so he tries to have the most fun he can (which mostly involves getting plastered and terrorizing local civilians.) Circe would be laying on a towel trying to fix her uneven tan lines from being on the deck and avoiding getting her hair wet. Adam, the man child that he is, would rock up and dump an entire pail of water on her head. She would then proceed to chase him into the water and would probably come close to drowning him before storming away. Henri would just watch from the shallows snickering at the two and waiting for her to leave so he can retrieve his body.
The Resurrectioners:
Nazriya would try to soak up the sun and get a tan in an a designer pair of sunglasses, holding one of those tanning reflectors and just generally serving cunt. Mara and Zekiah would be playing mermaids and eventually convince Naz to join because 'they were doing it wrong' and she needed to show them how to properly do it. Dorian would be too busy trying to smuggle large amounts of alcohol in towels and discreet containers to create some cocktails for everyone on the beach. Dmitriy would either A. be too busy slathering himself with sunscreen or B. stuck under a comically small umbrella for the entire day. Inigo would try splashing the girls with water but eventually get stranded on a sandbar with Elliot (who convinced him to go out there) and have to be saved by Abraham because no one else was willing to swim all the way out there for those two idiots.
What We Undertake:
Charles would try surfing and fail miserably, so he'd stick to a boogie board or just wade in the shallows along with George cracking some very untasteful jokes. Dolores would be wandering around the beach with one of those lace umbrellas and a opulent large sun hat scaring children. Eventually, after some convincing and an entire bottle of sunscreen, Charlie would probably convince Dolores to at least dip her toes in the water. You'd never catch Vincent within 500 feet of a beach unless it's in the dead of night to collect the exoskeletons of sea creatures.
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jodjuya · 3 months
Chrono Trigger liveblog part 7 - the final part
Mother Brain: "Hey sexy mama, wanna destroy all humans?"
Also, why is she so mad at humans for destroying the planet when it was that giant evil space monster what did it???
Holy shit she went down easy. Easiest boss fight in the entire game. Only took a single round of combat. Frail old lady robot can't even defeat TWO humans and she wants to erase us all to rule the planet in our absence? Lol. Lmao even.
Pfft, and both the new arms I get for Robo are weaker than the one I got for doing busywork with the reptites. 🙄
I Saved Humanity From The Robot Uprising And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt
Going through the Black Omen. Ayla's Dino Tail Technique is an unstoppable force of nature. 😈
Going up against Queen Zeal with Lucca, Frog, and Ayla.
Plan is to use Frog Flare and Dino Tail right away as soon as she does her first attack. Should drop her before she gets a chance to do anything else...
wonder if the same trick will work on phase 2... 🤔
Phase 3 begins...
Nice immortality, idiot. Too bad you disintegrated and your floating fortress crashed into the ocean.
Taking on Lavos with Crono, Marle, and Lucca. The Three Amigos ride again! 🤠
In the face of our combined magics, its outer shell is about as tough as a wet paper bag.
Shell: cracked!
Now to climb inside and set off some more magical nukes where it can REALLY feel them! Gunna make this stupid Space Tick wish it had never been born!
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...who's Doan???
"Ours was a short youth."
*cocks her gun*
God I love Lucca so hard. Fuck this girl is amazing.
Oh SICK! Lavos has hand-mouths! I love when humanoid creatures have mouths on the palms of their hands. 10/10 creature design! Symbolism for days!
Well, enough admiring the scenery. Time to vaporise this punk ass bitch of an Evil Space Cicada!
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Lucca, what do you mean that it's been harvesting DNA the entire time??? What are you basing that assertion on??? We keep cracking open exoskeletons to reveal a little guy inside, therefore it's been culturing and harvesting DNA for 65 million years? How on earth does it do that from within the core of the planet (Zeal's brainwashing aside)???
(seriously tho, who's Doan??)
((oh, he's the guy that we gave the seed to in The Future?))
Get vaporised, idiot!
I'm getting executed AGAIN?!
Jesus fuck I thought we had already resolved that bullshit. Your soldier boy should have discovered Marle right next to me in bed for fuck's sake. 🙄
I am going to stab that Chancellor.
Wait, where the fuck did Doan and Guardia21 come from?? And Kino?!
Lucca was going to execute Crono as a prank?!
Can the Chancellor's head on a pike please lead our victory parade?
This victory parade is so frigging cute omg!
That's right, Taban! Crono DID save the whole world and deserves a beer for it!
Official confirmation that Ayla is great in bed. Nice!
So Magus isn't going to undo his Frogification spell? He's just going to leave Glenn like that forever?
Robots cry motor oil? 😂
Whoops, forgot to ever feed my cats so they've run away into the time vortex.
...aaaaand so did my mum. Bye mum!
And Crono fist-pumps to celebrate his mother vanishing from existence. 🤣🤣🤣
Are we getting married on the spot?
Oh, no, it's just the bell. But the bell was already there at the beginning, wasn't it? 🤔
At least we have a time machine. Bye dad!
The End!
Pretty good game! I'm not going to be replaying umpteen times to get all the different endings because I have too many other games to play, but it was pretty darn good all the same!
Smashing soundtrack!
Awww sweet! Post-credits anime epilogue of everybody getting married! 😍
Nice, Frog got de-amphibianised after all.
Lucca and her pet robot adopted a time-travelling abandoned baby? 🤣
And then there's post-credits, post-epilogue, bonus credits? This game just keeps on giving! 😂
My main complaint with the game is that Crono's hair looks stupid. Why is anime hair Like That??
There are multiple new vortexes popping up around the place? And an Ending Counter to keep track of which ones you've reached? Those are nice features.
Okay I'm done for real.
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d1squ13tud3 · 4 months
car on street playing nirvana lithium. i hear it through two shells: the car exoskeleton and the walls of myyyy house. periodically car door slam and vague vague droplet noises of feet on street. it's a nice long clocktower street: last night my girl whent out and saw the power turn back on the whole boulevarrrd (lol im jk its a lane) long;" after our half minute blackout. i asked her was it beautiful (she said: Yes!) cause i'm stealing it like i steal all her memories
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coinsgame · 5 months
What are the best free online games?
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There are many excellent free online games available across various genres, catering to different tastes and preferences. Here are some of the best free online games that you can enjoy without spending any money:
Fortnite is a massively popular battle royale game developed by Epic Games. It features fast-paced multiplayer matches where players compete to be the last one standing in a constantly shrinking map. Fortnite also offers creative mode, where players can build and design their own worlds.
Apex Legends
Developed by Respawn Entertainment, Apex Legends is a free-to-play battle royale game set in the Titanfall universe. It features a diverse cast of characters with unique abilities, squad-based gameplay, and intense gunplay mechanics.
League of Legends
League of Legends (LoL) is a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Riot Games. Players choose from a roster of champions with different abilities and roles, working together in teams to destroy the enemy's base.
Dota 2
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Warframe is a free-to-play cooperative third-person shooter game developed by Digital Extremes. Players control members of the ancient race known as the Tenno, who wield powerful exoskeletons called Warframes to battle enemies across the galaxy.
Path of Exile
Path of Exile is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed by Grinding Gear Games. It offers deep character customization, a dark fantasy setting, and a robust online multiplayer experience.
Hearthstone is a free-to-play digital collectible card game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Players build decks of cards based on the Warcraft universe and compete against each other in strategic card battles.
Developed by Riot Games, Valorant is a free-to-play tactical first-person shooter game. It combines precise gunplay mechanics with unique character abilities, offering a blend of strategy and skill-based gameplay.
These are just a few examples of the many excellent free online games available on coinsgame.org. Whether you're into shooters, MOBAs, card games, or action RPGs, there's something out there for everyone to enjoy without breaking the bank.
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echopurple · 2 years
You have any other fazbear fright headcannons?
Warning: ! Bad English!
° AU warning ahead °
✗ main souls that are still "alive" millie °pete °devon °hudson °toby? Stuck in the earth [ minus millie she can go to purgatory whenever she wants :v ]
✗ Hazel has solitaire freddy(alec) [ which was a gift from someone mysterious ]
✗ Alec and Lonely Freddy have their blue and green eyes to represent the exchange
✗ oswald has several plush toys from freddy [which became his favorite pizzeria] Even though he doesn't like Bonnie very much, it reminds him of his ex-father. .
✗ pete stays at pirate cove watching the kids and staff go by [opening the curtain to scare them "hihi" lol ] .
✗ mandy and joel's neighbor [never canon :v]
✗ speaking of joel, he has been missing for weeks °he walks around like a "kids playing" doll [he can't walk very far, mandy can have a good laugh seeing a fallen "doll" <3 ]
✗ lonely freddy surprisingly good at skateboarding [possibly better than him]
✗ stitchwraith/jake stays at mr.talbert's house .[probably socializing with renelle]
✗ andrew is currently In heaven or purgatory
✗millie and the first most powerful "soul" the second is toby ° by the way toby appears in the mirror inqual shadow bonnie
✗toby has glasses for spending hours on the video game screen (but he doesn't wear them)
✗matt is still alive
✗oscar has delusions and hears things when he's alone
✗some ages 1-2 [ if you want more :V you can send ] °oswald 10 years °sarah 16-17 ~approximately °millie 14-15 years
°greg 14 years
°alec 15 years
°oscar 17~ years
✗hudson got stuck in fazbear frigths (fnaf3) and watched everything burn again
✗ possessing carlton = coils Brittany = rosie Jullius = exoskeleton [theory on the blog]
✗the souls of toby and carlton he gets along very well playing several games of two /rpg , and stardew valley ° stardew valley and animal crosing are toby's favorite games (and they are what calm him down)
✗"mott" hasn't come home yet,[probably because sea bonnie doesn't remember where he lives]
✗ lately toby started playing pokemon go, so don't be surprised to see a phone flying
✗characters with insomnia °reed °nole °mick °dominic °oscar °greg °dalilah[ insomnia is called;ella] °hudson °mandy °payton °bob
✗stanley and kesey getting to know each other… It's necessary. lmaol
✗oswald used to play minecraft with ben [they've already zeroed it]
✗andrew and casidy are brothers [even if they are cannon who are the same person :v] Andrew died in 1980 or 1983
✗reed is still alive [explained in theory] And try to communicate even if you can't get out whole words Only if it's short like "hi" "hello" "run"
✗ralpho, is a freddys toy, and also the camp's mascot
✗sam currently remains in hospital
✗millie has a habit of reading in the dark, she got an exam she really needs glasses
Here it is, hope you liked it
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marvus-xoloto · 3 years
Besties, Fight and Yearn for Mallek?
Besties: What draws them towards someone? How do they bond with people? What distinguishes a best friend from just a friend to them? Is there a big difference between a best friend and a romantic partner to them?
Mallek is drawn towards unusual people. Someone who doesn’t quite fit into their own caste standards, or trollish standards in general. He himself is a little unusual, for all that he is still learning what it means to be cerulean and subverting that into being just Mallek. He sees a little piece of loose exoskeleton that he can worm his way under, and he kind of wants to pry it off entirely. See what’s there. See what you may be hiding and if it’s the same thing he is. He’s also drawn towards people who laugh easily and fight when a fight is needed. His life is difficult in his eyes; someone who can both lighten the mood and bear a bit of the load is attractive to him (in the way light is attractive to moths). 
He’s definitely a quality time kind of guy. He likes to talk through problems (although he’s not a great listener; the act of talking through something usually means he’s strengthening his own opinion and taking yours to the backburner lol) and he likes to joke around a little. Maybe he’s a little more deadpan than you’d expect, but the laughter is still there.
The difference between friend vs best friend vs romantic partner is increasingly slight. He’ll call anyone he’s fairly friendly with an “acquaintance,” usually, instead of friend. His best friend(s) is someone he really trusts to have his back and someone who will generally help him and do as he says BUT someone who isn’t afraid to tell him when he’s wrong. Mallek can be surprisingly bossy and a little pigheaded! But the line between best friend and romantic partner is slim; romantic attraction for him means someone who will go out of their way to make him feel good, someone who he always feels lighter around.
Fight: What makes them angry? What are they willing to sacrifice their morals for? Do they tend to react first or think first?
He has a strong reaction towards things he perceives as injustice or anything that feels like a break in his trust with someone; that being said, Mallek doesn’t really get ANGERY angry very often. He’s a bit too tired for real spurts of high energy like that.
He especially hates being lied to. Injustice on Alternia is basically a constant; injustice towards Mallek specifically is new. There’s a bit of cognitive dissonance there where Mallek knows he’s cerulean and all of the privilege that comes with that, but he doesn’t quite get the nuances of how that affects his relationships. Sometimes, he gets a little frustrated being told no. Sometimes, he gets so lost in what he thought was right and refuses to see the facts, and so when the truth comes out, he feels like he was led astray by you instead of his own train of thought.
Mallek has a very strong sense of morality and would never sacrifice them; he may reevaluate them from time to time, but for all that he can be reacitve, he has a strong sense of what he believes is right and wrong. He does understand his place on Altneria, though, and he’s not inclined to fight against blue and up bloods without a plan.
Yearn: How do they cope when they’re lonely? 
Not well lol. He’s pretty solitary and doesn’t always recognize loneliness. He might get it after the 10th time he’s running his lusus’s shed skin over his fingers and reminiscing, or when he goes out just to bullshit with the bodega clerks and dealers and what-not that live around his hivestem. 
In romance, he might text you simultaneously needy and distant messages. Almost passive aggressive, but it’s meant to be playful. For MSPAR specifically, he can play up the pale angle because that’s how he understands human relationships (platonic or romantic).
Mallek: hey babe;
Mallek: long time no speak;
Mallek: if you = looking for trouble i can make some;
Mallek: although; i = pretty busy atm;
Mallek: worming my way into a VPN on my spare laptop =! easy you know;
Mallek: unless you = me that =;
Mallek: heh; only took me 37 hours;
Mallek: might fall asleep at the screen;
Mallek: haha jk;
Mallek: unless?
MSPAR: Just say you want company bro.
kjdasd anyway. He’s a little shy directly asking sometimes, but there are times when he hits you with the “come over.” Honestly, the “come over” texts are a little less dire than the passive ones; Mallek doesn’t really like to feel like he relies on somebody else and he especially hates admitting that he isn’t completely self-sufficient. Just because you have a thing for machines doesn’t mean you are one 😔😔
Ask game found here!
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shepgarrus · 3 years
Thinking about how since Palaven is hot AF they probs have a lotta bugs... And those bugs are probs played like turians... Oh dear God...
I think I've given myself nightmares tbh
Buckle up anon because while i don't know a lot about bugs, evolution and the environment's effect on it is my Thing and i think i can alleviate your nightmares (if you did end up with them lol).
First of all, palaven doesn't necessarily have bugs? I'd love to find a documentary on this to confirm (and learn more about their relation to plant evolution on earth because my knowledge of that is limited to one documentary series) but i'm pretty sure not all earth insects are reliant on plants (aside from their environment's own dependency on their presence) and plants can evolve without insects (pollination via wind, etc). Take an alien planet, then, and there could be tons of other possibilities.
Second of all, the plating: earth insects have exoskeletons that give their body shape and structure, so if we assume that this is feasible for and what happens to palaven insects (keep in mind with the higher surface temperatures they could end up bigger that earth insects, and past a certain point an exoskeleton stops working well as i recall) then there wouldn't really be much difference between exoskeleton appearances, except color and maybe thickness depending on the exact adaptations required to deal with palaven's radiation.
Or, their exoskeletons wouldn't need thulium or any other adaptations at all if they're only active at night or when the radiation is low (sunrise/sunsets)!
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