#It’s joseph but with Eddie’s hair LOL
pedroschka · 3 months
Joe always hating on Eddie's hair and here we are still editing it on any picture of him lol
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Eddie in Disguise, Let's Be Honest, If You Could Hop Dimensions, You'd Save Eddie Munson Too - Chapter 6 - Pretty Boys <- Link
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pedgito · 2 years
Things we learned about Joseph Quinn from today's panel (Day Two):
Joe can count to five in German
Would cosplay as Steve Harrington
Recommends the Artic Monkeys but was going to say a techno song lmao
His favorite movie The Big Lebowski
Gaten crashes Joe’s panel for a question, asked who he’d save (him or keery) Joe said “You, obviously” waited for him to leave then said “Totally Joe.”
He wears Gris Dior
Favorite moment for S4, the max sequence in Dear Billy
How his day with Eddie in Hawkins go: He’d go see him play at the hideout then hang out.
He’d stay in a haunted house with Murray
What makes him happy at the moment: Family
What it was like to meet Metallica: Mad.
His favorite part about playing Eddie was all of it.
Eddie’s favorite musical is Hair, according to Joe. Joes not a big musical fan but is a big abba fan and has seen mamma Mia.
He’s a night owl
Christmas traditions: Family, Resolutions: None…yet.
SOMEONE ASKED ABOUT JOMIE BYE “it’s hard to get rid of that guy”
Joe met Dacre, thinks Billy & Eddie would get on well…then adds a maybe lmao
Someone repeated a question about what perfume he wears and he turned to the crowd and went “anyone remember?” pls i can’t
think it’s funny people ask about wesley, wesley got a j tattoo on his knee
did two self tapes and got his role for eddie
His core memory: time with friends between 15/18, skate boarding when he was a little boy
in low moments, he usually calls friends to talk
His favorite dish to cook for family/friends is a beef stew or a pasta dish or a lamb shoulder
he did at a play at 17 and realized he wanted to do acting
He would dress up as Gandalf if he was going to Comic Con as a visitor
Philip Seymour Hoffman is his fave actor
he thinks Eddie looks the way he was meant to look and wouldn’t change anything
when he has a bad day, he calls someone, has a bath, or goes for a run to calm down
him and Eddie are both chaotic in nature
the most memorable thing from this weekend for him is all of it
he enjoys Body Paint on the new Arctic Monkeys album
he hasn’t listened to Decide by Djo yet
his favorite color is burgundy
if he could be any singer for a day he’d be David Bowie
if he could be any dog he’d be an Old English Sheep dog
he said the filming for season 5 thing he asked in Tokyo was a joke
Glastonbury was a memorable concert experience for him
he thinks Eddie’s top artist would be Dua Lipa
he wouldn’t eat really weird foods like animal organs or something
his favorite techno artist is Mr. G
his favorite ABBA song is Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)
he would time travel to 60s London, 80s Manchester, or Renaissance Italy
he likes the song Blush by Wolf Alice
he had fun with Jamie in Brazil and Japan
if he had a superpower, it would be flight
he finds it crazy that people have Eddie tattoos
it only took him a few takes to sling the guitar over his shoulder as Eddie
he thinks Eddie would love Eleven and be impressed by her powers
This panel was a mess and people were either repeating questions multiple times or asking really odd, invasive, uncomfortable things or kinda trauma dumping on him so this is a lot shorter so I’m sorry if this is super all over the place. Lots of people asking for shoutouts and a bunch of other bullshit. It was ridiculous lol.
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babybluebex · 1 year
long lost love: after | joseph quinn x fem!reader
summary: part two of two! eight years after you break up with joseph, you reunite with him, and you grapple with the decision of if you want to get back with him and become a household name like him, or if you want to lose him again. pairing: joseph quinn x fem!reader (rpf - don't like, don't read) tags: accusations of infidelity, lovesick joey, wes makes several appearances AGAIN, mentions of smut (but no actual smut lol sorry), brief mention of vomit author's note: thank you for your patience with this fic! i don't deserve y'all, and i love y'all so much!! thanks for reading this fic, and i hope you enjoy the end!
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“Oh my god, babe,” your coworker started, leaning over to wipe down a table. She was young, a girl named Anna that was still in uni, and you liked her a lot, enough that you called her your work-sister. Yes, you were doing what you had to do; roles had washed up, and you needed to pay the bills somehow, so you were waiting tables at a little restaurant in the heart of London. It was a hellish job and you hated it, but you had no other choice.
After your short stint on the sitcom right out of LAMDA, you had auditioned and sent in tape after tape, but nothing really came to fruition. You weren’t as lucky as other people were, and you sometimes thought about going to uni proper so that you could get a meaningful degree and get a real job and give up on the whole acting thing, but you couldn’t possibly do that to yourself. Your pride was too strong and, after Joe, you were determined not to sabotage your own life again. You didn’t date, and you continued to send in tapes. “You’ll never guess who just walked in.” 
“Is it Kate and William?” you chuckled, wiping the bread crumbs from your own table. “No, wait— It’s Meg and Harry.”
“No,” Anna laughed. “Do you watch Stranger Things?” 
You shrugged. “I mean, I watched the first season,” you said. “I know the fourth one just came out.” 
“Yeah, well, Steve and Eddie from Stranger Things just walked in,” Anna said. She could barely contain her excitement, and you rolled your eyes as you laughed. “Will you take that table from me? I can’t serve them, I’m too nervous.” 
“Sure,” you said; it was a slow lunch hour, and a table meant money. Especially if these guys were on a Netflix show. “But you’re taking my next table that comes in.” 
“Deal,” Anna said. 
You smiled at her as you tightened your apron around your middle, and you approached the only filled table in the whole place. Two men occupied it, one facing you and the other facing away. The one facing you, you recognized— He was Steve, you remembered from when you watched the first season. With his head of good hair, it was impossible to mistake him, but you had no idea what his name was. The other guy— well, you couldn’t make him out too well, not from the back of his head. “Hi there, gents,” you welcomed them, smiling first at “Steve” and then turning your attention to the other man. “Welcome to—“ 
You dropped your pen, your breath sticking in your chest. Joseph. It was Joseph. He looked equally as shocked to see you, dark eyes big and wide, his cheeks pale, and tears started to well in your eyes. “Oh my God,” you whispered. You couldn’t breathe, your heart ramming inside your chest. It was actually him. He was here.
“I actually get that a lot,” “Steve” laughed. 
“Oh my… Wow,” Joseph said, a grin crossing his face. “H-How are you, how have you been?” 
“I’m fine,” you told Joseph, and he stood up to envelop you in a hug. You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him back, hand on the nape of his neck, appreciating how eight years could change a person. He smelled different, felt different against your body, he even seemed to carry himself differently. His hair looked darker, he had a bit of stubble on his chin, he had small wrinkles next to his eyes— but he still had his beautiful brown eyes, the same ones that had drawn you in, back all those years ago. “I’ve been fine, how are you?” 
“Yeah, I’m good,” Joseph said with a breathy chuckle. “It’s been— What? Eight years? Time flies, huh?” 
“Definitely,” you agreed. You couldn’t believe it. Right in front of you was your biggest regret, smiling at you and staring you in the face, and you could only manage to be cordial. You wanted to be childish, to break down at his feet and beg for him to take you back, but all you managed to say was, “Sorry for not keeping in touch.” 
“Oh, it’s—” Joseph said, and he dismissively waved his hand around.”Right after Dickensian happened, I had to change my phone number, so it’s probably my fault.” 
“Crazed fan?” you asked and laughed, and Joseph pulled a face, his eyes wide and eyebrows raised as he gnawed on his lip. 
“You’d be surprised,” he said. “Here, actually, I’ve had to change my number again since Stranger Things aired, let me give you my new number.”
“You’re blowing through phone numbers,” you chuckled. “That many crazed fans?”
“Well, this time I changed it because my old number was linked to my Hinge account,” Joseph said with an embarrassed flush in his cheeks, and your heart skipped. Had he been using dating apps? Jesus, even the thought made you ill. You hadn’t dated anybody since him, and you wondered how prolific he had been in the wake of his success, but then you stopped that line of thought. It was your fault he was single in the first place. “And I didn’t want people to find that account so… I changed it.” 
“Smart,” you nodded. “Yeah, I don’t have my phone on me right now— against the rules— so just, umm—”
“Give me your number,” Joseph said quickly. “I’ll text you instead.” He gave you a crooked smile, the same crooked smile that he had given you that first day, when he still had his braces on, and it made your heart melt. You were a little glad that the onus was on Joseph to contact you instead of the other way around; you never would have texted him, too afraid of messing everything up again. “I’m not in London for very much longer, but maybe we could grab a drink before I head to Santa Monica.”
“Yeah, for sure,” you said. Joseph handed you his phone, open to a new contact card, and you quickly typed in your name and number, then hesitated before adding a small heart after your name. That would tell him what he needed to know without actually saying it, you hoped. “I’d like that a lot. Oh, how’s Wes?”
“Wes is doing good,” Joseph told you, pocketing his phone swiftly. “He and Liam got married a few years ago, in 2018.”
“Oh my God!” you exclaimed. “Oh, good for them! I remember Wes telling me all about how he thought Liam was ‘the one’ when they first started dating.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Joseph laughed. “They’re still obsessed with each other, it makes me sick.” 
“They always were a little into PDA,” you smiled, reminiscing on movie nights with the pair. “But they were cute.” 
“You know…” Joseph started. “I was going to grab drinks with Wes tonight, but I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you joined. He was just talking about you the other day, wondering what was going on and everything.” 
“Yeah,” you said quickly. “I’d actually love that, I’ve been wondering how he is too. I haven’t been able to find him on social media. Or you either, for that matter.” 
“Yeah, I had Twitter for a bit, but I gave up on it,” Joseph admitted. “I just… I don’t know, I think I’m too old for that sorta stuff. I don’t know how it works or anything; I have an Instagram but my mate runs it for me, and only because Netflix basically forced me to get it. I don’t even know the password to it.” He laughed, and so did you, and you caught “Steve” out of the corner of your eye, suddenly remembering that he was there too. “Oh, fuck, sorry, where are my manners? Y/N, this is Joe Keery, he plays Steve. Joe, this is Y/N, she’s my… Well, it’s a long story, but we went to LAMDA together.” 
Wow. What a way to simplify your relationship. Although, you suppose it was easier than explaining “We used to date and then she broke up with me because she thought I cheated, which I didn’t, but she knows that now”. Long story, indeed. “We were pretty much best mates,” you added. “But after we graduated, we just… Drifted apart.” 
“What a shame too,” Joseph mumbled, then, before you could react, added, “I’ll text you about tonight, yeah? Time and place and all.” 
“Alright,” you said. “I’m looking forward to it.” 
You ended up introducing Anna to Joe and Joseph, telling her that they were good people and would tip her well, and you excused yourself to the server alley. Your hands were shaking as you sat down on a cardboard box and buried your head in your hands, and you tried to control your breathing. Joseph. No longer was he the awkward, blond, braces-and-glasses thing that he had been— he had matured nicely, luckily seemingly keeping his sense of humor that you adored, and you sniffled as you extracted your phone. You saw a text from an unknown number that just said “Joey” with a heart, and you frowned it away as you went to Instagram and typed in his name. Sure enough, his account was the first one to pop up, only one post so far, of a heavily made-up Joseph. He wore a long wig, giving the camera his best Blue Steel look, looking more serious and deadly than you had ever seen him before. Apparently, according to Anna, this was Eddie. 
Before you could do any more research into Eddie or Joseph, a new text came through from the same unknown number, Joey’s number. Wes and I are meeting at Soho House at 8 o’clock, he texted. I’ll be there a few minutes early, to make sure that you can get in.
You had heard of the exclusive Soho House before, although you had never been in it, and your heart skipped. Joseph had definitely moved up in the world. Cool, you answered back. I can’t wait. 
Wes says he’s excited to see you, Joseph told you. It’s been a while, huh?
Yeah, for sure, you answered. And you stopped, debating what to say next. Should you apologize?  Would he even know what you were apologizing for? Maybe you should wait to apologize and explain yourself in person. But Wes would be there, you wouldn’t be able to say exactly what you wanted. You wished that you could be alone with Joseph and talk, but you would take drinks. You would take anything that he decided to give you. 
You went home after your shift and instantly started to fret as you got dressed. Would it be awkward? Would you even enjoy the drinks with your old lover and friend? Or was tonight bound to be a disaster? You decided to try to look at it with as much positivity as you could— if he was inviting you out for drinks, he couldn’t hate you that much, right? Maybe he had forgiven you. Maybe he was still in love with you. 
No. Put that thought away. He was not in love with you. He had been dating since you, and probably had had girlfriends since you. He probably had a girlfriend now. He was the ultimate full package, kind and thoughtful and smart and funny and handsome and interesting, he was everything, girls should swoon over him. He should be absolutely rolling in women; there was no way that he still had feelings for you. 
When you arrived at Soho House, you saw him sitting outside instantly. He was looking as handsome as ever, smoking a cigarette and sipping on a drink in a short tumbler, and he took your breath away in a brown suit. God, had he grown even more handsome in your years apart? It didn’t feel real. “Joe!” you grinned as you approached him, and he smiled back at you, putting his cigarette out in an ashtray. 
“Hello!” he crooned, opening his arms for you. In an instant, almost as if you were drawn magnetically, you fell into his arms, hugging him tightly and pressing your head into his neck to smell his warm and earthy cologne. Joseph rubbed your back as he hugged you, just the same way he always used to, and, when you pulled away from the hug, Joseph gave you a warm, blushed smile. “Well, darling, you look stunning.” 
“Thank you,” you laughed breathlessly. “Says you! You— Fuck, you grew up! You look so good!” 
“Aw, well,” Joseph shrugged bashfully, tugging at the thin silver chain around his neck. “I mean, a lot can change in eight years.” 
“True,” you said. “But… A lot can stay the same… I’m sorry.” 
“What for?” Joseph asked, his eyebrows furrowing. 
“I…” you started. “For… You know what for. Don’t make me say it. It was humiliating enough the first time around.” 
“Let’s not have this talk here,” Joseph said softly. “Just come home with me later, we can talk there.” 
“Okay,” you agreed softly. “Can I just ask one thing?” Joseph nodded, and you carefully took his hands in yours, pressing your palms against his. You were scared to even ask, knowing that he would reject you, but you kept your resolve. “I know I hurt you. I know you probably want nothing to do with me, but… Please, if there’s any part of you that doesn’t hate me, just tell me. You are the best thing I’ve ever had in my life and I ruined it, and—”
Before you could say more, Joseph leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. It was quick, you could hardly call it a kiss, but your heart pounded in your chest like it did with your first kiss with Joe, all those years ago. You sighed and laced your fingers with Joe’s as he broke the kiss, and you started, “Does that mean—”
“Yes,” Joe whispered. “I never stopped loving you, sweetheart. You hurt me, but I never let you go.”
“Okay,” you said softly. “Good. Umm… Let’s go. Is Wes inside?” 
“Yeah,” Joe said. “He won’t stop talking about you.” With a hand on your back, he led you inside the exclusive club. You felt lightheaded even walking beside him again, and you couldn’t help the grin that covered your face when you saw Wes. He looked exactly the same, and you hugged him tightly. Wes’s arms were just as tight around you as he laughed, and he said, “Well, well, if it isn’t Miss Y/N. It’s been a while.”
“Yeah,” you shrugged. “Sorry.”
Joe helped you sit down on one of the tall stools, his hand still on your back, and he kissed your hair as he mumbled something about going to the restroom, and he slipped away as Wes showed you his hand and the gleaming silver band. “Liam and I got hitched,” Wes smiled as you squealed in excitement. 
“Oh, Wes, I’m so happy for you!” you told him. 
Wes hesitated for a second, looking over his shoulder at Joe retreating as he showed restraint that you didn’t remember him having, and he finally said, “Joe will never tell you, but you really did a number on him.”
“I know I did,” you cringed. 
“No, like,” Wes started. “He was going to ask you to marry him. He had the ring in his sock drawer and everything. When you broke up with him, I came home to find him on the floor, sobbing. He cried so hard he threw up. He was inconsolable for weeks. Didn’t do anything other than go to work and lay in bed. He was depressed, love. I thought he’d be like that forever.”
A ring. Marriage. The thought that you had ruined that made you sick. You rubbed the hem of your shirt between your fingers as you nodded at your lap, and you mumbled, “What got him out of that?” 
“Honestly?” Wes asked. “I don’t think he ever got out of it. I think working helps him, but he didn’t figure that out for a while. He did Dickensian, then didn’t work again for, like, a year, and he got really bad. He still really only works and goes home. I had to twist his arm to even get him to agree to this. ”
“Is it really your place to be telling me this?” you asked, halfway-jokingly, and Wes smiled. 
“It’s definitely not,” Wes said humorlessly. “But you deserve to know how he reacted when you broke up with him. It ruined him. He deserves better than that, and if you’re going to hurt him again, then don’t even bother.” 
“What makes you think that we’re gonna get back together?” you asked. “He wants nothing to do with me.” 
“That’s not what that kiss outside said,” Wes shrugged. “Just… Don’t let him down. Like I said, he’s been hurt enough by you.” 
You felt thoroughly shaken by that, but you nodded and righted yourself as Joe came back to the table, resting his hand on your shoulder. “What do you want to drink?” he asked. “I’ll get it for you.” 
“Oh, umm,” you started. “I can get it. Sit down, visit with Wes, I’ll be right back…” Quickly, before he could ask questions, you stood up and made your way to the bar. You needed a second alone to absorb everything Wes had just told you, but Joe had his own idea, taking the back of your shirt in a gentle grip and following you to the bar. 
“Tell me what’s wrong,” Joe said firmly. 
“Nothing,” you told him. “Everything’s fine.”
“Did Wes say something?” Joe asked. 
“No,” you insisted. “I just… This was a bad idea, all of this was a terrible… I’m going home.” 
“No, wait,” Joe said quickly. “Talk to me, darling, tell me what’s wrong.” 
“I’m not your darling,” you said quickly, edging past him towards the door. “Not anymore, I fucked that up so long ago—”
“You didn’t fuck anything up,” Joe told you, following you once again, out onto the street. 
“We could have been married by now, Joe!” you exclaimed. “We could’ve had kids by now! We could have had entirely different lives, the lives we always wanted, if it weren’t for me and-and my— I was an idiot, I was stupid and I thought I saw the signs and—”
“Hey, easy,” Joe said softly, shushing you as he pulled you into his arms. “You’re right, our lives could be completely different, but you weren’t the only one in the breakup. I could have tried to explain myself, I could have done a million things to keep you, but I didn’t, and I’ve fucking regretted it every day since then. You were the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and, if I could, I’d snap my fingers and have everything change, but I can’t do that. All I can do is beg you, please, come back to me.”
“But I did so wrong by you,” you whimpered. “Why do you still want me?” 
“Because I love you,” Joe told you. “I’ve loved you since I met you, and every morning, I wake up without you next to me and it fucking hurts. I want this to stop hurting. Please.” His eyes were big and wet, pleading and begging with every inch of himself, and you sniffled as you pressed your hand to his cheek. 
“Joey,” you said on shaky breaths. “I want you back too, but I can’t… I’ll just hurt you again.” 
“How are you sure?” Joe asked. “You don’t know that. Maybe we needed the few years apart to find ourselves, so when we came back together, we’d be more mature and… Darling, please. What do you need me to do? Get on my knees? I’ll do whatever you need me to. I just need you back in my life, please.” 
“Baby, please,” you sighed. “Stop begging. I’m… It’s such a terrible idea. How the actual fuck are we supposed to go back to being together like nothing happened? I’ll always feel guilty about the things I did to you.”
“But you don’t need to be,” Joe said. “You made the best decision you could have with the information you had. If I had the same evidence, I would have done the same. My girl, please.” 
You squeezed your eyes shut as your tears fell, and you mumbled, “Everything in me is telling me not to do this, but… I’ll do it. Maybe we can do a trial run, a few weeks together casually, and if that works, we can… We can be together fully.” 
“I’ll take it,” Joe said quickly. He nodded quickly, putting his hands on your waist, and he said, “I leave London the day after tomorrow for the MTV Awards, but-but, yes, a trial run would be amazing.” 
“MTV?” you asked, furrowing your eyebrows. “Were you nominated for something?” 
“Well, no,” Joe started. “But me and a few other guys from Stranger Things are presenting an award.”
“My famous actor,” you chuckled lightly, knocking his chin playfully with your knuckle, and Joe flushed. “I’m proud of you.” 
“Thank you, darling,” Joe said softly. “I’ve always dreamed of hearing you say that.”
The rest of the night went by better than you expected. Joe convinced you to go back inside Soho House with Wes, and the three of you threw back drinks and laughed like old times. It felt like no time had passed, all of the same old jokes coming back to you and making you laugh as hard as the first time, all of the “Remember when Joe…” or “Do you still…”, and Joe’s hand rested on your thigh all night, inching further and further up as the night went on. Eventually, as his thumb rubbed your inner thigh about half past eleven, you sighed and put down your glass. “Well, gents,” you said. “This has been just lovely, but I need to get going. I open at work tomorrow, which means I’ve gotta wake up early.” 
“No!” Wes sighed. “Don’t leave!” 
“I have to!” you giggled, pulling your purse around your body. “Bye, Wessy, it was so nice to see you!” 
“Wait,” Wes said, standing up and drawing you into a tight hug. You smiled into his shoulder as he embraced you, and, when he pulled away, he said, “Okay, now you can go.” 
“Alright,” you chuckled. Then, you turned to Joe, unsure of how to depart, and he stood up too. 
“I’ll walk you outside,” Joe said. “Have to make sure my woman gets home safe.” 
“Your woman?” you scoffed. 
“Won’t have anyone touch my woman,” Joe mumbled, grabbing his suit jacket from the back of the seat and tossing it over his shoulders. You smiled as he put a hand on your back and led you outside, the city bustling now, and, once you were outside, you hugged Joe tightly, hand on the nape of his neck. 
“Thank you, Joey,” you said. “Maybe we can see each other again before you leave for Santa Monica.” 
“Come home with me,” Joe said quickly. “Please?” 
“Cheeky bloke,” you grinned. “S’that all you want from me? Just a little fuck?” 
“No!” Joe huffed. “I mean, yes. I mean…” He laughed a little, and he said, “Are you drunk?” 
“A little,” you admitted. 
“Me too,” Joe cringed. “This is a terrible idea, isn’t it? I should let you go home and go to work tomorrow, and we can save this for when I come back.” 
“Or,” you started, then lowered your voice, tangling your finger in the silver chain around his neck. “You can take me home, we don’t fuck, but we can do all of that other stuff anyway.” 
“I could do with a cuddle or two,” Joe mumbled, rubbing his jaw with his hand, jokingly thoughtful. “But you have work tomorrow.” 
“So I’ll call in sick,” you said. “We can spend all day together tomorrow, catching up and everything.” 
“That sounds tempting,” Joe said. “Can we fuck tomorrow, when we’re both sober?” 
“Yes,” you told him. “Now, call a cab, and take me home.” 
It was the same flat that Joe and Wes used to live in. You still remembered your way around and all of the motions you used to go through, setting your purse on the dining table and toeing off your shoes at the door— it even smelled the same as it used to, laundry soap and cigarettes, and you giggled as Joe led you into his bedroom. The things in it had changed, a different bed frame and different photographs and different curtains, but the bed felt the same as you laid on your back, looking up at the same ceiling that you used to. Everything was so different, but so similar, and you watched as Joe shrugged out of his suit jacket and let it crumple to the floor as he went for his belt. At least that hadn’t changed. Your messy little Joey. 
“Joey?” you whispered, and Joe looked at you with big eyes, waiting for you to say more. You wanted to tell him that you loved him, that you had never stopped loving him, that you would always love him, but all that came out was, “You said something about cuddles?” 
“I did,” Joe said softly. “Let me get undressed, love.” 
You sat up and moved over to meet him by the closet door, and you nudged his hands away in favor of your own hands undoing his belt. “Let me…” you mumbled, feeling the buckle loosen, and it fell away in an instant. Joe sighed, his hand coming up to cradle the back of your head, and he pressed his lips to your forehead as you tugged his belt out of the loops. 
“I missed you,” Joe whispered, and you frowned. 
“I’m so sorry, Joey,” you told him. “I was so stupid, I should have just listened to you.”
“It’s okay,” Joe told you. “At least you came back to me.” 
“I love you,” you whispered, and Joe smoothed down your hair gently. 
“I love you so much,” Joe mumbled. His hand fell from your hair and went to the bottom of your shirt, and he tugged it up and off. You undressed each other with gentle love, stealing kisses and stepping back towards the bed, and you cuddled close into Joe’s warm chest as he laid down next to you. He was left only in his boxers, you in your panties, and his arm went around you, squeezing you for a moment. “Oh, my girl… I never thought I’d get to hold you again.” 
“I’m right here,” you told him, gently kissing his chest. “I’ll never leave again.”
The night passed with comfort, bundled up in Joe’s safe arms. He fell asleep quickly, just like he always used to, and you slept well in his grip. You only woke up at around 7 in the morning, with your phone going off across the room, and you groaned and wiped sleepily at your eyes. Joe was still holding you in a death grip in his sleep, and you pried yourself out of his arms and carefully crossed the room to retrieve your buzzing phone. Your mum was calling. Oh God. 
You slipped out of the bedroom, carefully shutting the door behind you, before you answered the phone. “Hey, Mum,” you said, wrapping your arms around yourself. It was cold, especially with your level of undress, and you went to the small laundry room to try to find a shirt or something. “Why’re you calling me so early?” 
“I was looking at the news as I had my coffee,” your mum began, and you flipped up a t-shirt that was sitting in the dryer. It smelled clean, like Joe, and unwrinkled, and you slipped it up over your head as your mum spoke. “And I saw an interesting article.”
“Oh, yeah?” you asked absently. 
“Yes,” your mum said. “It was a series of pictures of you and that Joseph boy on the street, snogging away without a care in the world.”
“What?” you said sharply. “Where did you see this? Send it to me! There’s a news article about us?” 
“I thought that you and Joseph broke up years ago,” your mum said. You were fully awake now, setting her on speakerphone as you went to Google and searched up Joseph’s name. Just as your mother said, there was a news article, some ratty gossip mag, your picture splayed across the front of the website: WHO IS STRANGER THINGS’S EDDIE DATING? It was a paparazzi picture from last night, of you and Joseph at nightfall, kissing and smiling, and your heart fell deep into your stomach. “Are you back together?” 
“Umm, it’s complicated,” you answered. You could hardly even register the hangover in your skull with the rapid panic of your heartbeat, and you went back into the bedroom to find Joe now awake, squinting as he looked at his phone screen without his contacts in. “Kinda? It-It’s hard to explain.” 
“Did you see—” Joe started to ask, and you frowned as you nodded. “Shit, darling, I didn’t think—”
“Well, explain it,” your mum told you. “Tell me what’s going on.”
You sighed. “Joe and I are back together,” you said. “But he’s leaving the country tomorrow and won’t be back for a while, so it’s a lot more… Casual, than I think either of us want it to be.” 
“But I thought he cheated on you?” your mum asked.
“I can call my publicist and see what we can do about getting this removed,” Joe started. “Do you want me to do that?” 
You felt sick. Everyone talking to you at once, the upset in your chest, an odd feeling of betrayal— it was too much. “Joe, stop, please,” you said quickly. “No, Mum, Joe didn’t cheat on me. I thought he did, but he didn’t. I-I have to go and sort this out, I’m sorry. Bye.” You hung up the phone and sighed, and you sank down onto the bed and covered your face with your hands. 
“Darling?” Joe asked. “What can I do?” 
“I didn’t even think that there would be paparazzi,” you admitted. “I’m so stupid, of course there were paparazzi around…”
“Stop, love, don’t do that,” Joe said quickly. “I should have warned you that it was a possibility. I didn’t think about how… I’m still getting used to being a celebrity, I’m afraid.” 
“Oh, God,” you mumbled. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this. This might be more than I’m cut out for.” 
“No, what?” Joe asked. “Darling, no, don’t say that. Just because we were outed by a trashy website doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be together. I-I think we were made for each other, don’t let this little thing discourage you.” 
“It’s not a little thing, though!” you said, your voice wavering. “It-It’s a big thing! I was okay living in anonymity, but this is— I was fine not being well known, but you— You’re the most talked-about guy on the planet right now! I’m not sure I’m meant to be Joseph Quinn’s girlfriend, maybe it was good that we broke up before you got super famous.” 
“What do you mean?” Joe asked. He looked hurt, like a little puppy, and he said, “Do you not want this?” 
“I want this more than anything!” you said. “But I’ve only ever had a handful of acting jobs before, I’m a fucking server for God’s sake, I don’t think I’m ready to give that up! Right now, my options are to date you and lose my anonymity, or keep it but lose you!”
Joe sighed, shaking his head. “Well, love, I can’t make that decision for you,” he said. “What do you think is best?” 
You sniffled. “I don’t want to lose you again,” you whimpered. “But I… I don’t know.”
Joe was quiet, and he took your hand in his, rubbing his thumb across your palm, and he finally said, “Let me make some calls and see what I can do about getting those pictures taken down.”
“No,” you sniffled. “Leave them up. I want everyone to know that you’re the man I love. I’m not ashamed of that.” 
Joe nodded quickly. “Darling,” he started. “I don’t want to leave tomorrow if you’re this upset.” 
“I’m not upset,” you told him. “Not anymore. It’s not something that either of us can control, so why bother being upset about it? Or at least I can try to believe that… I don’t want you to leave either.” 
“What if I don’t leave?” Joe asked. “What if I cancelled and stayed here with you?”
“No, you can’t cancel the day before,” you said softly. “I wish there was some way I could… I don’t know, go with you. So that we didn’t have to leave each other right now.” 
Joe’s eyes lit up, and he said, “Actually… There might be a way. When I was first asked to present the award, they asked if I had a date, and I said no, but I wonder if it’s too late to say yes.” 
“The day before?” you cringed. “They’d have to shuffle around so much shit. And so would you. And I don’t have a dress or anything to wear, and I’m awful at doing my makeup—”
“Let me call my team,” Joe asked. “I wonder if Fabio can put something together for you, and my makeup artist might be able to… Don’t count this out, let me call my manager and see what we can do.”
Whether Joe had a silver tongue or what, you had no idea, but, by the time you had called into work to ask for the day (and next few ones) off, you were officially a guest at the MTV Awards. He had managed to secure you a spot— “you may not be sitting next to us, but you’ll be there”— and he was calling his stylist as you slipped out of the flat to go back to yours to pack. You couldn’t remember the last time you had done something spontaneous like this, and your heart thumped when you returned to Joe’s flat, luggage in hand. He was still in his boxers, although now he wore a t-shirt, and he smiled and opened his arms to you. “Tell me I’m the best boyfriend ever,” he said.
“Why?” you asked. 
“My stylist, Fabio, said that he got permission from Valentino to loan him a dress for you last minute,” Joe told you, and you gasped. “I’m wearing Valentino, and now, so are you. I still have to call my makeup artist and see if she can do anything for us, but, baby—“
You jumped forward and hugged Joe tightly, laughing and smiling along with him. It felt like a dream, and you could hardly believe your luck as you pressed your lips to Joe’s. You got to kiss him again. You got to hug him again. You were the luckiest girly in the world. He sighed as he kissed you, gentle and loving, and his lips parted from yours all too soon for your liking. “Let me make more calls,” he whispered, his eyes intensely watching you. You didn’t feel small or inferior under his gaze, only loved, and he kissed your forehead before he parted from the hug. “See what I can do for you.” 
“I love you,” you told him, and Joe’s ears tinged pink as he blushed. “You’re amazing.” 
“I love you too,” Joe said. “I… Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this, but I was… I was in a bad place when you left me. It was… I didn’t eat. I hardly slept. I could only think about how badly I had fucked up.” 
“Stop,” you said, shaking your head. “You did nothing wrong at all. You’re literally the least guilty person in this situation, you did nothing at all, and I was… I’m the one who should be apologizing to you. And I will, for as long as you want me to. I didn’t listen to you or let you speak when it happened, and you were right to, like, cut me off and out and shit, I would have done the same, and you’re remarkable for forgiving me and wanting me back, and then bending over backwards to help me so I can wreck your plans. I don’t deserve you.” 
Joe stepped back close to you, and he wrapped his arms around you and touched his nose against yours. “All I’ve ever wanted is you,” he told you. “And now I have you again.” 
You thought about what Wes had told you, how Joe was so close to proposing all those years ago, and you whispered, “Did you… Keep it?” 
“Keep what?” Joe asked. 
“The ring,” you said, and you swallowed thickly. “Do you still have it?” 
Joe nodded slowly. “I always thought that, one day, I’d have you back to wear it,” he said. “Do you want to see it?” 
“I’d like to wear it this weekend,” you told him, your heart beating up in your throat and nearly choking you. “If that’s okay with you.”
“That’s…” Joe started,, and he scoffed and smiled that movie-star smile. “That’s more than okay. I’d love nothing more. Let me go get it, a-and if you end up hating it, we can find a new one for you.”
“I’m sure I’ll love it,” you told him, and Joe nearly tripped on himself as he hurried out of the living room and back into his bedroom. You followed him, albeit at a slower pace, and you leaned against the doorframe as you watched him rummage in his closet. He checked the topmost shelf, pushing his hand all the way back to the wall, and he finally closed his fingers around a small box, dragging it out of its hiding spot. The velvet on the outside of the box was a little dusty from eight years in his closet, and he blew on it and gave you a sheepish grin as he handed you the box. 
You cracked it open and was met face to face with a silver diamond ring, not gaudy but big enough for it to be obvious that a large chunk of money went into purchasing it. Your mouth fell open, and you gasped softly at the sight of it, and you frowned instantly. “Joe—”
“Oh, you hate it,” he whispered. “It’s too big, isn’t it? I can get you something smaller.”
“No, no, I love it,” you said quickly. “It’s just… You kept it this whole time?”
“I told you,” Joe said. “I always thought that you’d come back and want to wear it.” 
“Well, you were right,” you chuckled. “Put it on me, darling?” 
Joe stepped forward, and he took the ring box from your hand and carefully lifted the ring from its velvet home. He took your hand in his and carefully slid the ring onto your finger, and you held it out for both of you to admire. “What kinda ring is this?” you asked. “A promise ring, or… More?”
“It’s whatever you want it to be,” Joe told you. 
“Can I be honest?” you asked, and Joe nodded, and you finally let your thick throat win, and you began to cry. “The thought of you being with any other girls makes me sick. I get so jealous a-and I know it’s not healthy, but I need to be your only one.”
“Have you dated since me?” Joe asked, and you shook your head. “I told you that I’ve been on dating apps, but it… I was chasing something like what you gave me, and I could only find your kind of love with you. I don’t want anybody else’s love, just yours. So… This ring?” 
“I’d marry you in an instant,” you told him, pressing your hands to his cheeks. “My sweet, amazing Joe.”
You helped Joe finish packing that day as he finished his phone calls, securing a makeup artist for you the next night, and he didn’t answer his publicist’s hounding for a response to the articles. Your flight left early in the morning for Santa Monica, and you spent every second with Joe. It felt nice to be surrounded by him again, and, before you slept that night, you gave him a kiss and bundled up in his arms. 
The day felt like a whirlwind. You barely had a second to breathe, and you followed Joe blindly the entire time, holding his hand and letting him take you wherever he needed to. It was good to be able to blindly trust someone again, especially after spending so long apart from each other; the fact that you were able to slip right back into that meant the world to you. Finally, you reached the hotel where preparations were being made for the awards show, and you met Joe’s favorite stylist, Fabio. Fabio was kind and silly, joking all the time and making you feel right at home, and he dressed you in a dark brown dress that complimented Joe’s suit. You smiled, watching your lover get dressed and get confused by the long scarf-like accessory attached to the shirt, and you held him close as his publicist nearly demanded to take pictures by the large window. He buried a kiss in your styled hair, and you grinned as you presented the ring to the camera. It felt special to be able to share your love with everyone now, and, as you held Joe’s hand as you approached the red carpet later that night, you felt like your heart would burst. 
You had to run the gauntlet of photographers and interviewers before you could go inside and escape the sunshine, and Joe held you firmly, cringing in the sunlight but smiling at you. You were very aware of the photographers calling your name, only knowing it because of the most last-minute change to the guest list, and you grinned as best as you could with your professionally-done makeup and soft lipstick smile. Your heart was lodged anxiously in your throat for the entire time (which was really only maybe 5 minutes, but felt like hours), and you sighed as Joe approached the first woman with a microphone. You tried to step away from the camera, to give him the limelight and let the focus be on him, but his arm snaked around your middle and kept you close to him. 
“Mister Joe Quinn!” The interviewer smiled as he approached. “What a sight you are! How’s your night so far?” 
“Oh, God, bless you,” Joe chuckled. “I-It’s alright. Stressful, but good.” 
“And who is this?” she asked, and Joe looked at you with his gaze playful, a look you recognized, even years on.
“This is my wife,” Joe said, and you laughed, squeezing your eyes shut. 
The interviewer grinned at you. “You’re married to the most desired man in the world right now,” she said. “How’s it feel?” 
You stammered over your words as you spoke, acutely aware that whatever you said would be broadcast all over the world. Your few roles had the same effect, but this was something different. “I-I can hardly believe it,” you said. “When I first met Joey, we were kids, and he wasn’t… Watching him grow and mature and become what he’s always dreamt of being, it’s rewarding. I love this cheeky bloke, and I couldn’t be more proud of him.”
“And what do you think of Eddie?” she asked. “Did you like him?”
If you were lying already… “Well, someone didn’t warn me about the ending,” you chuckled. “And that would have been nice.” 
“I told you you’d cry,” Joe scoffed. 
“Well…” you sighed, and you smiled at the interviewer. “I loved Eddie. He’s my favorite thing Joe’s ever done.” 
“So, Joe,” the interviewer said. “What’s next for you?” 
Joe shrugged, pouting his lips. “I’m not too worried about what comes next,” he said. “I’m gonna sit in this sun and bask for a while.” 
You leaned in and softly whispered, “You deserve it.” Joe looked at you with a small smile, and he kissed your cheek softly. 
“Alright, well, you’ve got a long night, so don’t let me keep you too long,” the interviewer said. “It was nice to meet you.”
“You too, love,” Joe said kindly, and you smiled and waved at her as you stepped forward towards the next well-dressed interviewer and camera. 
“Wife?” you mumbled through a smile, and Joe nodded. 
“I’m off the market,” Joe shrugged. “Is that so bad?” 
“Not at all,” you said. “I like you being off the market.” 
“Good,” Joe said. “I like you being off the market.”
“My man,” you hummed, and you leaned forward and kissed him. “Thank you. For absolutely everything.” 
“Thank you for giving me someone to give everything to,” Joe said. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.”
taglist: @corrodedarchiv, @faeriemunson14, @steddieloverrr, @wordscomehither, @harley1608, @ellolovely22, @birdysaturne, @freakymunson, @miserybeans, @3rd-conchord
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
I'm In Control Part 19 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Hi *giggles and blushes* I had way too much fun with this. When it comes to their role-play in this one, this how I pictured them dressed. That picture of Joseph Quinn isn't mine. I got it from ohmybabyjoseph on twitter. I'm not sure if they have a Tumblr! If they do let me know and I can add the correct tag. :). Enjoy <3.
Warnings: Daddy Steve and Sir Eddie and all that that implies (I regret nothing!), as previously stated they do dabble in role-play (Steve being a cop, Eddie a teacher, and reader being a student), there is slight degradation (whore, slut, brat), slapping, spanking as punishment, handcuffing  😈, um... I think that's it lol
Word Count: 3547
“You really need to hire a new assistant. I can’t do everything around here. You know I’m basically working two jobs, right? My old one and my new one.”
“I know angel. I’m looking I promise. Did we get any more roles from studios or anything?”
“Well, I just got this one here a job with Jasmine Fire’s studio.”, you gesture to Avery who smiles as he scrolls through his phone. “I got Steve a role for something but there wasn’t anything available for Eddie. A lot of the studios are looking for women’s roles right now. I floated those to the other agents.”
“You are amazing.”
A heavy sigh filled the room as the boys entered your office. As you turned to greet them, you noticed Steve was in the policeman outfit that he was supposed to wear for the shoot tonight. The uniform itself was formed tightly to his body so every muscle he had, especially on his biceps, could be seen. Hugging his hips was a belt with an empty holster and handcuffs that seemed to have cushiony material fitted in. He still had the scuff along his upper lip and down his jawline that he had when you left their house this morning. He didn’t even bother to style his hair knowing they would do that on set. 
Avery’s eyes scanned him up and down as you pressed your lips together, trying to control you smile. He did look fucking sexy but it was so jarring seeing him dressed this way that it made you want to laugh. 
Steve smirked as he placed his hands on his hips, Eddie flashing his teeth in a big smile as he came to lean on your desk. 
“You look good, Steve.”
“Thank you, Avery. I’m not going to lie; I do feel powerful.”
“What’s the role you got him?”, your boss asks. 
“Are you se—Can you not see him?!”, you giggled.
“No, I mean where?”, he laughs along with you.
“Oh, um, with…Carnivore films…I think.” Steve nods, affirming your answer. 
“Ah, I see. They definitely like to roleplay over there. Their line up would make you believe every pizza delivery boy has a big dick and every girl home on a Friday night is just dying for it.”
TJ grins as he rises from your couch as you come around to lean on your desk next to Eddie. “Have fun tonight, Officer Harrington.” He pats the boy on his shoulder as he heads back to his own office. 
“I should probably head out to. Y/N, I just finished the paperwork and sent it to that studio.”
“Thank you, baby.” You smile after him, waiting for your door to close before looking back at Steve. “So…Officer Harrington, huh?”
“Pfft, you like it.”
“Damn, that just sounds hot. Picture it, Eddie. Officer Daddy getting called down to the school run by Principal Sir because little miss misbehaved one too many times.” You painted the scene with your hands before placing them in your lap with a big grin. “Ha-ha! I should write for porn.”
Steve’s eyes jokingly squinted in your direction. “Did you seriously just make that up on the fly right now?”
“No.”, you laughed. “I came up with it five minutes ago when you walked in. Oh! Or Officer Daddy catches little miss while bringing criminal Sir in to be punished.”
“God, I love your dirty mind, princess.” Eddie leans over to kiss your head as he wraps his arm around your shoulder. 
“Have you two ever done roleplay?”
“I had sex with a girl at the Renaissance fair once. Does that count?”
“No, Mr. Munson. That doesn’t count.” You laugh harder as you press your body closer to him. 
“Have you ever done it?”, Steve inquires.
“Naw. Remember, all the stuff we do is new to me.”
“Yeah, ok but you weren’t a virgin when we met so…” Eddie playfully winces as you lightly slap his chest. 
“No, I haven’t. To be fair though I didn’t lose my virginity till just before I moved out here and the men I dated after I got here were extremely vanilla. But I didn’t know any better because I was still…learning…I guess. Not that there’s anything wrong with vanilla just…okay, I’m rambling again. I’m going to shut up.”
Steve saunters over and you smile as he lifts you onto your desk, placing himself between your legs as he pulls you to his chest for a hug. “Wow. I’m not going to lie, this feels good.”
“What feels good?”
The man lifts his hands slightly so you can turn your head to answer Eddie’s question before placing them back down to hold you to him. 
“I don’t know if it’s the outfit, Steve, or Steve in the outfit but I feel safe. Well, safer than normal when I’m with you guys. I could lay on him like this forever.” Your head turned so your nose was pressed into his shirt as your arms clung to him tighter. 
“Ah, ah, ah.” Eddie tuts when he notices his friend’s shaky breath. “Come on, Harrington. You have work later and you still have to drive home, young lady.”
“Oh my god. I just had an idea. Eddie, will you help me?” You push Steve back as you jump down from your desk. 
“Of course, sweetheart.”
“You.”, you point to the man in uniform. “Come over wearing that tonight.” Winking, you grab the metalhead’s hand and run out of the room. 
Steve felt slightly odd as he walked up to your door and knocked. You had texted him as he was leaving the shoot, instructing him to do so even though he had a key. After knocking again, this time more aggressively, it finally swung open with Eddie’s frustrated sigh. 
“Jesus! Took you long enough, officer!”
Steve’s eyebrows knitted together as he drank in the boy before him. He was dressed rather formally from what he was used to when it came to his friend. His white button up shirt was tucked into a pair of black slacks with a nice pair shiny black shoe. He was even wearing a tie, ignoring that fact that his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his hair still hung to his shoulders. 
“I’m sorry. Who are you?”
Eddie exhaled as he pinched the bridge of his nose dramatically. “I’m the teacher that called. I don’t know what else to do! She’s such a brat and she keeps begging me not to rat her out to her parents. I thought maybe a law man could teach her to be more obedient. Little one! Come say hello to the nice gentleman!”
“No! I don’t want to!”, you pout from the bedroom. 
“You see what I mean? Get out here right NOW, young lady. Or else I swear to God I will call your parents!”
They hear movement as you shuffle around before sliding out into the hallway. “No, Sir! Please don’t do that. I’m sorry.”
Steve’s jaw fell to the floor. Your hair was pulled back out of your face with a headband as it flowed around what most people would refer to as a typical schoolgirl outfit. The white button up you had on hugged you a bit too tightly so he could see every single sexy curve on your body. The plaid skirt cut off mid-thigh but the white stalkings you had on tried to make up for what they could reaching just above your knee. Your innocent looking eyes met his as you placed your hands behind your back, fidgeting nervously. 
He turned to look at Eddie who smirked knowingly up at him. “Well don’t be rude. Say hello, princess.”
“Hello, Officer…?”
Steve gave his attention back to you, fully regaining his composure. “Harrington. Officer Harrington. But you can call me Daddy.” He slowly started walking towards you, his hands resting on his hips as Eddie followed. 
“Oh. Um, I don’t think you’re supposed to call officers that.”
“I’m not like other officers, honey.”
You scowl at him as you firm your stance in defiance. “Don’t call me honey. I’m not your honey!”
Steve’s head tilted to the side as his eyes glared into your own. “What else should I call you then, hm? Whore? Slut? I think your teacher came up with a good one for you, brat.”
While he was talking his chest had fully connected with yours, stumbling you backwards as he pushed you down the hall, stopping just outside of your bedroom doorway.
“I’m not a brat! I’m a good girl!”
His hand shot out grabbing with your throat, holding you firmly against the wall. 
“Then why am I here, little girl?” His face hovers inches over yours as he turns to look at Eddie. “What else has been going on besides the attitude?”
The metalhead strides closer to you both before leaning on his elbow against the wall beside you. The way he glanced down at you as he answered Steve had your pussy dripping. To have them both exude this kind of control at the same time was overwhelming in the best possible way.
I’m not in control and that’s okay. 
“That mouth is the biggest problem. She also never listens to a damn thing I say and then she came to class today with no bra or panties!” Eddie aggressively reached down to pull up your skirt displaying your body to the boy holding you. 
They both chuckled as they noticed you rub your thighs together trying to hide the slick that begun to glisten them. Steve released his hold on your throat, turning you around as he pressed himself against you. His feet kick your legs apart, one hand rising to hold your wrists above your head, moaning as the fingers of his other hand glide through your folds.
“See, honey. Good girls listen to their teachers.” His hips grinded against your bare ass as he pushed two of his digits easily into your entrance. “And they definitely wear panties.”
You whined as he pulled his fingers from you and suddenly turned you around, gasping when he slapped your cheek. “Hey. No whining, little girl. I don’t want to hear it. Do you understand me?!”
“Yes, Officer Harrington.”
He slapped you again but this time the lust full look that met his eyes made his cock stiffen even more. Steve struggled to maintain the act as he exhaled heavily, his breath fanning your face. 
“What…did I say…to call me?”
“I’m sorry. Yes…yes, Daddy.”
He softly smiled as his thumb caressed your bottom lip. “Good girl.”, he whispered before clearing his throat and pulling himself back into the scene. “Now! I think your teacher here deserves an apology as well. Don’t you?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
Steve grips your arms and pushes you into the bedroom, wrestling with you slightly till you fall onto your stomach on the mattress. One of his hands holds you down and you feel him move above you until padded metal is wrapped around your wrist. After handcuffing your hands behind your back, he lifts you to your feet before throwing you over his lap. 
As he pushes your skirt up, Eddie gently lifts your head as he sits next to Steve, placing your cheek back down on his leg. 
“What do you think, Mr. Munson? What’s a good punishment for a brat like her?”
“Hm… 15, you think? Five for each offense.”
You try to hold it in but as he said the number, a little cry left your throat. Steve’s palm swiftly came down on your behind. 
“What. Did. I. Say?!”
“I’m sorry, Daddy. I didn’t mean to.”
“I don’t give a fuck what you meant to do. Don’t do it again or we’ll add to the count.” You acknowledge his request as your punishment begins. 
After the first five spanks, you feel your ass start to sting. Steve tenderly runs his hand along the red flesh as Eddie pulls your hair out of your face having long tossed your headband across the room and out of the way after it fell off your head as you keened into his leg. 
After delivering you another harsh slap, his fingers drifted between your legs, running along your slick once again. “Jesus, baby girl. You are so fucking wet. Do you like when Daddy spanks you?”
You groan as you try and push back into the feeling. “Yes, Daddy.”
He smacks your ass again a bit closer to your thigh causing you to cry out loudly in pleasure. “You know what I think? I think…that since we are punishing you instead of telling your parents and getting you in trouble…I think you should thank us.”
“Mmm—thank you, Daddy.”
Steve laughs as hit you again a little harder than before. “Not like that, honey. You see how hard Mr. Munson’s cock is?” Your tongue runs along your lips at the sight of bulge that had been steadily growing in Eddie’s slacks. “You should help him with that. Alleviate some of the stress you put him through.”
You nod and Eddie unbuckles his belt, lifting his hips to pull down his pants to his ankles as his dick springs free. He holds it to your lips as you lick the pre cum off his tip before wrapping your mouth around him as you begin to bob your head. His fingers tangle in your hair as he leans back to watch you.
Steve spanks you a couple more times before shoving two of his fingers into your aching hole. Your whimper vibrates around the metalheads cock causing him to groan. 
“Fuck me, sweetheart. That’s it.”
The sound of the next two slaps on your skin echoed through the room as Eddie clung tighter to you while you gagged and drooled around him. Steve’s pace quickened as the tears fell down your face. The closer you got to the edge, the harder is free palm slapped against you. 
Roughly, you were lifted by your hair off the man’s cock. “Are you going to cum, brat?”
“Yes, Sir. Please. Please—mmm—can I cum?”
As soon as he gives you permission, Steve feels your cunt clench around him, delivering you your last spank causing you to cry out as you came. He lifted you delicately, placing you into a sitting position on his lap. You winced at the feeling of his pants against your bruised skin as he pressed your head to his shoulder. 
“You did so good, little miss. Taking your punishment like a good girl. See? You’re learning already.” You curled into him, feeling the same way you had back in your office when he hugged you; safe. 
Eddie’s calloused hands roamed along your legs as you smiled over at him. “I’m sorry for how I’ve been behaving in class, Sir.”
“Yeah? You ready to make it up to me?”
“Yes, Sir. I’m ready.”
He grinned as he shook his pants the rest of the way down his legs and rose to his feet, tearing off his shirt along the way. Taking you out of his friends embrace he tossed you onto your stomach against the bed, crawling on his knees over you. He lifted your ass in the air, running the tip of his cock through your puffy lips. 
You both moaned as he pushed himself inside of you. 
“Fuck. Oh my god.”, you whimpered. 
The man’s palm came down hard against your backside. “Watch your mouth.”
“I’m…I’m sorry, Sir. You just feel so good.”
Eddie leaned his chest onto your back, encircling his arm around you throat as he pushed you down flat. Your mouth fell open as his length pressed deeper into you, tapping that spongey spot inside of you that had your eyes flutter closed. 
“Yeah? I feel good, sweetheart? You like feeling my cock deep inside you?” When you nodded, he rolled his hips, thrusting into you hard. “Say it, little girl.”
“Yes, Sir. I—mmm—I love feeling your big cock deep inside me.”
Eddie’s head fell beside yours as he grunted into your ear. “Such a—fuck—a filthy girl.” His hands reached under you, ripping your shirt open before fondling your breasts. “Little fucking whore. Do you purposely not wear—mmm—not wear underwear because you know it drives me crazy?”
“Do you like it? When I don’t… wear panties?”
“Yes, baby. I do. I fantasize about bending you over my desk and fucking ruining this pussy.”
Eddie leans back fully on his knees as he thrusts into you rapidly. You mewl as you turn your head to look for Steve. He was still sitting beside you, watching you both with lust blown eyes as he stroked his cock. 
“Sir, I’m…I’m going to…can I…?”
“Jesus. Yes, princess. You can cum.”
You screamed into the mattress as the coil snapped. Eddie’s body folded over your own as his palm held your face down, pumping into you as hard as he could, chasing his high. His grunts filled your ears as he came, releasing ropes of his seed inside of you. 
You both sat still for a moment, panting heavily before he finally pulled out and fell beside you. Suddenly, you felt yourself being yanked to the edge of the bed as Steve flipped you onto your back. He raised both your legs, resting your heels on his shoulders as guided his cock inside of you. 
His pants and boxers shimmied to the floor as he thrust into with an almost animalistic need. 
“Daddy! Oh—mmm—fuck!”
From the side, Eddie’s hand gripped your neck tightly. “Watch your mouth.”, he growled. “Didn’t I fucking tell you that? I don’t like repeating myself.”
Steve let one of your legs fall to bed as lean down closer to your face. Your eyes rolled back as his cock pumped deeper into you. “Are we forgetting how to be a good girl?”
“No…no, Daddy. I just—” As if they could read each other’s minds, Eddie’s hand slid from your throat to cover your mouth. 
“I…don’t…care.” After every word, he smacked his hips into yours making you cry out. “Maybe, spanking isn’t—mmm—isn’t enough. Maybe little girl shouldn’t be allowed to cum. Then she’ll listen.”
You shook your head as the tears started to streak your face again. “I promise, Daddy. I’ll be good. I’m sorry.”, you pleaded when the boy removed his hand. “Please let me cum. I wanna cum on your cock.”
“Do you think you deserve it, honey?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
You whimper as his fingers came down to circle your clit as he pumps into you faster. “You can cum, pretty girl.”
Steve sucked in his bottom lip as he watched you come undone. Your back arched as you cried harder, clenching around him as you came. He dropped your other leg, pressing his forehead against your own. 
“Good girl. Such a good girl cumming so hard for me. You took us both so well, beautiful. Fuck.”
His eyes squeezed shut as he came, groaning as he thrust it as hard as he could into your pussy. You let him lie on top of you for a few moments to catch his breathe until you couldn’t handle the ache in your arms any longer. 
“Steve? My arms are starting to tingle.”
“Fuck! Baby, I’m sorry. I forgot.” He quickly ambled to your side, lifting you so he could free your hands. 
“Are you okay?”, Eddie asked as he inspected your wrists noticing the imprints on them. 
“Yeah. Those hurt a little bit. Are they from set?”
Steve held them in the air as he spoke. “Yeah… I should have known better. The entire production was kind of thrown together. Not like this set here.” He turned to smile at you as you and Eddie laughed. 
“She came up with this whole thing. I think we’re having a bad influence on her.”
“Shut up. You two loved it.”
They chuckled as they rose to their feet, tenderly pulling you up by your hands. As you watched them move around your bathroom a small smile remained on your lips. Eddie ran the bath water, reaching for the bottles of smells he knew you loved, and pouring them into the tub. Steve slowly removed the rest of his outfit, collect it from the floor along with the metalheads suit attire along the way, and tossing it in the corner of your bedroom near the laundry basket. 
He finally noticed you staring when he got down on his knees to remove you stalkings. 
“Nothing. I’m just…”
Eddie turns off the faucet and swivels around to help remove the rest of your clothes. “You just what?”
They grip your hands tightly as you gradually lower yourself into the bath and they do the same. You move so you can sit on the metalheads lap and he grins as he wraps his arms around you. 
Giggling, you reach forward to run your fingers through Steve’s hair. “God. I didn’t realize they put so much crap in your hair.”
“She’s avoiding my question.”, Steve smiles. 
“Yeah, she is.”
You roll your eyes as you lean back against the other boy’s chest. “I’m just…thinking about how lucky I am to have you.”
@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666 @luna-munson83
@lunatictardis @corrodedcorpses @whoringtonmunswhore
@big-ope-vibes @eddiesguitarskills @brittney69 @mandyjo8719
@hugdealer @h3llo-k1tt @mynameismothra @local-stoner-bitch
@miarosso @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @arianafreckles
@sweetpuffy12 @mybradforddream @sugar-haus
@manda-panda-monium @e0509 @justsheerfilth1 @wroteclassicaly
@micheledawn1975 @gracieluvthemoon @erinsingalong
@imogen-m-h @playfuloutcast @spookedbydawn @cinnamapup
@bimbobaggins69 @justmeandmymeanderingthoughts
@skyesthebomb @sherrylyn628 @eli-flower @aejae-ssi
@atomiclilac @anaibis @notasimp4joey @chelebelletx
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eddieydewr · 1 month
imo it's very ironic that a show made for the marginalised kids and is very anti bullying has so many bullies who are marginalising the exact communities they claim to support.
what are ur thoughts on this?
i agree! people like them only watch the show, and “participate” in the fandom to bully and criticise, is because a lot of the cast are visually appealing. for them, it’s usually millie, finn, sadie, natalia, and joe keery.
their mindset is like this -> mlvn MUST ‘make love’ in s5 bc they need to be able to see fillee ~doing it too for their edits (and more) • they don’t want to see anything between joyce and hop bc they are hags (even though they are attractive people, especially winona) • st@ncy MUST be endgame bc they are pretty people and rich. impoverished jonathan who? • people who ship henderhop are LIARS and only claim to ship them so el doesn’t get in the way of byler (definitely nothing to do with being unable to see dustin/gaten in a relationship due to ableism. duzie don’t count, sorry. they don’t have a physical scene together so they’re easy to ship or disregard lol) • dirty and smelly trailer trash eddie munson is ugly and cringe because their fans are embarrassing the fandom (???) with their devil horns while being fat, ugly, poor, jobless, etc., just like their fav! but they (and non ST viewers) have warmed up to joseph quinn because he’s attractive and is making it in hollywood • and will! just like eddie, he is too obsessed with dnd, is chronically bitchless even though he canonically pulls girls without trying despite the fact he’s into men (and mike). like all the shitty CW shows they watch, will will die a very homophobic death or end up loveless and lonely like a f@g! homophobically. while mike and el get married in the village with the 3 waterfalls and have a son named willy in disgraced memory of some guy they knew once, idk. not to mention he’s portrayed by… drum roll pls… the zionist! gasp. imagine if byler happens and gamze’s precious baby finn has to put his lips on that (insert antisemitic and homophobic slur here) MAN.
it just doesn’t bear thinking about! it’ll be hellfire (heh) if things don’t go their way. they are normal, unlike us!!
conclusion: ST is a mid CW show with pretty actors and they watch it on a surface level to fulfil their flvn desires, with their fingers crossed that ugly will schnapp, wait no, noah byers?? gets pwned BIG TIME! and die horribly. it’s what he deserves for spoiling the El Show; they want to see el do her Scream and Save the Day thing again, while mike is dumbstruck by her powers and thus hero worship, due to his own feelings of inferiority; because of his dwindling mental health and being unable to admit that he feels something for his best friend but is lowkey aware of his attraction to men (eddie) and the fact that he felt like he died too when he saw will’s “body” in the quarry too corny? and steve… ah steve, we like steve! with his bouffant hair, and his outrageous levi’s clad ass. while getting beat half to death as a running gag. someone give him an MRI pls.
ps. it doesn’t matter what we watch the show for, but the people we’re discussing, i feel like they’re not getting it. which is fine ig. but that doesn’t excuse their behaviour in the fandom, they don’t even enjoy fandom and think we’re just delulu, breaking THEIR LAW if we ignore canon, whether it’s actually canon or not, lmao.
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Sunny in Philadelphia - A Joseph Quinn Story (Chapter 1)
hey everyone! I’m new to using Tumblr to post my writing but I figured I would give it a try. I have this Joe Quinn story I’ve been working on. It isn’t done and I honestly have to fight to find time to write so I don’t know if it will ever be done but I wanted to share what I have so far and I will share new chapters when/if I can write them. Hope you enjoy (: (also idk what the title is if it’s stupid, I couldn’t come up with anything better lol)
(no mature/sexual content in this part but may eventually be in future parts - Minors caution)
Chapter 1 - Photo Op Surprise
You were in line at Fan Expo Philadelphia waiting for your photo op with Joseph Quinn, who played none other than Eddie "the freak" Munson, your best friend Rachel, who also happened to be your older brother's girlfriend, by your side. You two have been friends since before they were together, matching tattoos and all, so having you as a possible future sister-in-law was a very exciting road for the both of you. She was a bit older than you, 35, the same age as your brother. She liked Stranger Things too, but she didn't quite understand the obsession you had with Joe. She supported you all the same. She hates the city and driving in it but "risked her life," as she would call it, for you to finally meet this man. Cons really weren't her thing either. She just knew how important it was for you and didn't want to leave you going alone.
"Mack, this is it. You've been waiting 6 months for this," she said as you neared the booth curtains, grabbing your arms in excitement.
"Don't remind me, I'm already shaking," you responded through a nervous giggle. You made it to the front of the line just outside the curtains. A Fan Expo worker scanned the QR code from your phone and escorted the two of you through. There was still another curtain between you and the photo booth, but it was opened by the person in front of you just enough that you got a peak at Joe. You exhaled nervously, eyes widening. "Oh my God, it's an all-black outfit today. I'm officially dead," you said to Rachel, earning a laugh from her.
"You'll be fine, just breathe."
The line kept moving forward as each person posed with him. A worker let you inside the second curtain and there were only two people ahead of you. Your hands were shaking, your breath hitched.
"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," you were whispering to what you thought was yourself, but Rachel laughing beside you let you know it was louder than you thought. The person right in front of you walked up to Joe, leaving you next in line. Your anxiety peaked and you could feel yourself sweating. Your friend stayed back to let you have your moment when it was time. The person in front of you walked away from Joe and he turned his attention to you. Those big chocolate brown eyes met yours combined with a crooked smile as you walked up to him. "Hi," you managed to force out shyly.
"Hello there," Joe said to you and put his arm around your back, starting to pose for the photo. Your skin tingled under his touch. You smiled up at him in awe and turned to the camera, wrapping an arm around his back, and placing the other hand on his stomach.
Holy shit, ABS, you thought to yourself. You could feel yourself blushing. The camera flashed and you turned to Joe.
"Thank you," you said to him quickly, trying to move along and not hold up the line.
"Enjoy your day," he replied as his arm guided you away on the small of your back, the physical contact and British accent turning your cheeks even more red. You started for the exit curtain, your friend running over to catch up.
"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," you started again once both of you were outside the curtain. Rachel laughed and started handing you your bags that you had to leave behind for the photo.
"You did it!" she squealed, grabbing your shoulder.
"I did it," you assured with a smile, your hand shaking as you reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "Holy shit, that just happened."
"Hell yeah, it did! I feel like a proud mom," she said, earning a laugh from you.
The two of you followed the path made by curtains out of the booth area and towards the photo pick-up line. Once you were checked out by staff, you walked up to the photo table. Yours was the only one lying there at the time, and you squealed as you picked it up to get your first look at it.
"Oh my God, it looks so good!" You showed Rachel and she smiled. A huge weight was lifted off your shoulders. You didn't have the most confidence and had been worried for months that you would look like a potato standing next to Joe - if your head or body was turned an inch, it wouldn't look right because it wasn't your good angle – but it was PERFECT. You glanced down at his hand around your back and you got a little weak in the knees all over again.
"Look at you! It's so cute!" she said, pointing at your hand on his stomach. You blushed and let out a small squeal.
"I just touched Joseph Quinn's abs," you said aloud, letting out a hitched breath. Rachel laughed and whipped out her phone. Your brother's name showed on her screen. She was getting a FaceTime call. He had a way of having impeccable timing. She swiped across the screen and his face popped up.
"Hey babe, how's it going?" he asked before she could say anything. She turned her phone camera towards you and he saw you holding your photo and smiling excitedly. "Heyyyy, that's awesome! And you didn't die."
"I almost did," you exhaled with a nervous laugh. "I touched Joseph Quinn's abs," you repeated, earning a laugh from him and Rachel. You stared down at your photo as the two of them had a brief conversation since it had been a few days since they saw each other. She hung up the call and you headed towards the hallway.
You got in line at a table where protective sleeves for the photos could be purchased when someone tapped on your shoulder. You turned around to see the worker that had let you into Joe's photo booth.
"Oh, hey," you greeted her curiously, wondering what she could possibly want. She sneakily handed you a folded-up piece of paper and leaned down close to your ear.
"This is for you. From Joseph."
Those words caused your eyes to widen and your extremities to freeze in place.
"F-for me?"
"He told me to give this to the blonde girl with black glasses and white dress that just came through. Pretty sure that's you," she smiled, patting your shoulder as she walked away. You looked at Rachel with a both surprised and confused expression. She shrugged her shoulders, silently agreeing with your emotions.
"Open it," she said excitedly. You grabbed the edge of the paper, struggling to grasp it with still shaking hands. You finally managed to fold it open and there was scribbly handwriting and some numbers.
You are absolutely beautiful, darling. Text me, if I would be so lucky. -JQ
Your eyes widened as you turned to Rachel, who let out a gasp before your eyes made it to her, as she had already read it over your shoulder.
"Oh my God," you said, your voice cracking into almost a whisper.
"You HAVE to text him, Mack," she said, trying to keep her voice down since there were other fans passing close by.
You stared at the note in disbelief. Was this a prank? Am I dreaming? You hadn't pinched yourself, but it was definitely a possibility. The thought crossed your mind that it could have been written by someone else, but you looked closer at the handwriting and you knew it was his. You recognized it from seeing personalized messages he added to his autographs that other fans had shared on the internet from other conventions. As much as your brain was trying to convince you it couldn't possibly be from him, you knew it was, and that was amazing and scary at the same time. Why would he like me? I'm nothing special. He thinks I'M beautiful? HOLY SHIT. Thoughts raced through your mind until you were interrupted by your friend's voice.
"You might want to stash that somewhere before someone sees."
"Good idea," you responded, shaking your head back to reality and sticking the note in your dress pocket.
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roosterbox · 8 months
Fic Rec Friday 1/26/2024
Title: The Skirt
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley
Additional Tags: Trans Steve Harrington, Coming Out, Internalized Transphobia, Implied/Referenced Cheating, no actual cheating though dw, Hurt/Comfort, Gender Dysphoria, author is trans but in a different direction, Hurt Steve Harrington, Hurt Eddie Munson, Trans Female Character, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, no beta we die like steve’s manhood
Summary: Steve didn’t know what to say. How could he explain that Steve Harrington, the guy with the nail bat, a jock with too-broad shoulders and hair on his chest, who was narrow in the hips and had fat in all the wrong places, wore skirts in secret? An unexplainable embarrassment washed over him, feeling like a little kid that got caught raiding his mom’s closet. Something crumbled inside him. He couldn’t tell his boyfriend that no matter how hard he tried, he’d never be the man Eddie wanted.
Today’s menu: angst and gender fuckery. Two things that go very well together!
I love overall how the Steddie fandom plays with gender. There are popular headcanons and fics of either Eddie or Steve (or both!) being something other than cisgender boys, and I always enjoy seeing them. This particular one is centered on Steve. On their tentative steps into the feminine, and on Eddie’s initial (unfortunate) reaction. To be fair to Eddie, he came to an extremely incorrect opinion when he found the titular object. And they eventually work through the misunderstanding. But man, that first scene? Ugh. Hurts so bad, but also so good. And that hurt makes the eventual apology and discussion (the comfort, if you will) even sweeter.
Robin remains the real MVP. I adore the idea of Steve being trans (or just, y’know, questioning certain things) and confiding in her. Because they would. Absolutely. Platonic soulmates and all. And she has their back completely, even to the point of reading Eddie the riot act over his reaction. Sometimes, silly ‘boys’ need their lesbian bestie to knock their heads together.
Also, the moment Steve’s pronouns shift in the narration? Beautiful. This story is beautiful.
(also also I didn’t plan this to be a Steddie rec on this particular day, knowing what it was, other than a Friday, lol. Happy 30th birthday to Joseph Quinn! I hope his day is a good one, and is as relaxing or as exciting as he prefers it to be ❤️)
Next Week: Hannigram. Sweet, sweet Hannigram.
Features include: post fall, escaping the FBI, angst, smut, and a lovely transmasc Will Graham. Plenty of good ingredients for a delicious dish.
See you soon!
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catharusustulatus · 1 year
My Eddie Munson analysis, with points that have already been made, but that I’ll say again:
He was probably not intended to be as popular as he became, hence his death. The Duffers and co obviously regret their decision; cue the kajillion posts, teases, and merch pieces coming out about him. They fucked up by killing him, and they know it. Will he come back? I have no idea.
Joseph was the one who made Eddie as great as he is. He helped shape the character and he gave him the depth and personality (mannerisms, rings, eye fucking Steve in all scenes, other choices, ad libs, etc) that we love him for.
To me, Eddie as a character IS a plot device. He was written to mature the party boys, specifically Dustin. He was written to die, so that Steve could live. He was written to subvert expectations, like with Chrissy, which makes you care about him.
He was also written to confirm the re-significance of Stancy, with his explicit “get her back” comments in the UD. This fascinates me because he barely knows these people, let alone what’s going on in their relationship. Why would he feel compelled to say what he said, unless he’s being used as a narrative tool to push Stancy to the forefront? I am into Stancy too personally but like, lol, who told him about what was going on? Did Robin take 5 minutes to be like “hey Eddie btw if Steve and Nancy seem awkward around each other, it’s because they used to date but she broke up with him and he never really got over her and her long distance bf has been incommunicado so I feel like there might be a chance they rekindle their love” like I guess it happened off screen! Did Dustin tell him? And while I wish we’d seen a conversation so it would make more sense why he’s saying that, we didn’t need it, because HE doesn’t exist that deeply on the page. His comment was to further someone else’s plot, not his own. (I personally also love the headcanon that he said all of that to Steve because he was crushing on Steve and was deflecting).
I have no idea what the costume and hair and makeup departments were doing when they developed his final looks, but that boy is queer. The bandana alone, I immediately thought he was going to be the first gay character in the show in s4e1. In his introductory monologue he mentions sodomy, I mean….
Lastly, everyone has already said this, but his death. Are you kidding me? It’s not just that he was another one season semi filler character that’s introduced, who you fall in love with, who dies. It’s the fact that he died so savagely, in what felt like a nonsensical way. It felt almost taunting, like here’s this symbol of what it means to be different and let’s kill him! Get it, he didn’t run away this time! Booooo 🍅🍅 that’s bad writing. He didn’t zip up his jacket! Why? He was written to make all the wrong decisions, because they so thoroughly wanted him to die, almost like his death is an important part of his character.
Whether or not he’s Kas, just haunts Dustin the way Billy haunted Max, or something in between, if he isn’t shown at all in season 5, after all the hubbub about him, I will riot.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
Ok, here’s the thing. I love reading dad!eddie fics (especially your pennyverse fics, oh my god. I will reread them constantly) but there’s just this… one thing. And it’s not a complaint against ANY AUTHOR. I have brown eyes (like Eddie), curly brown hair (like Eddie), hell I’m even the same height as Joseph Quinn so I’m the same HEIGHT as Eddie. It drives me insane when I read a fic and someone says “oh they have y/n’s eyes” or “they got Eddie’s crazy hair” because there’s no way of telling!!
ANYWAY, I just needed to vent about that. I love your writing. Wayne’s World made me tear up. Have a wonderful day <3
Ah, see here I can’t relate too much just because unless you’re literally his twin, there are going to be some differences. I’m short, and while I have big brown eyes, which I inherited from my father, they don’t look like Joseph’s (I wish). His are more doe shaped and softer and much more expressive, and my eyes look more like Mika Kunis type of big eyes, and the only emotions they reflect easily is anger, annoyance or surprise. so, usually I imagine when other authors write eddie and reader’s children have his eyes, they have his EXACT eyes, exact shade of brown, shape, softness, even eyelashes, the whole shebang. I’ve seen babies coming from parents with similar eye colors, hair, build, noses, etc, and unless someone’s parents look like siblings (lowkey makes me uncomfy lol), that child is always going to look like one or the other parent to people, simply because of perception. Like, I believe I look more like my own father than anything but people swear up and down that I look like my mom. And to me they don’t even look alike, aside from both having brown eyes so the fact that people think I look like one or the other is strange to me but it’s the truth to them, how they perceive me. The comparisons to my mother have gotten more frequent as I got older, too, since my features were still changing.
It’s all based on perception, that’s why when I decided to write this series, I intentionally made both Reader and Eddie unreliable when it comes to describing their kids, one minute reader will say they look her and then next she’ll compare them to Eddie, and for Eddie, he mainly believes they look like reader (bc he wants tons of little readers running around) but occasionally admits they look like him. But like, I’m mixed and I don’t have my mom’s type of like loose Latinx curls, but my hair is most definitely not as kinky as my father’s so I try to mention the kids have curls, just not necessarily like Eddie’s because regardless of whether people reading this have straight or curly hair, your babies with Eddie might have a combination of them! It’s all about ✨perception✨! Thank you so much for reading and enjoying my writing and please, feel free to vent more! I love having these kinds of conversations cause it’s so nice to expand upon them!
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hellfiremunsonn · 2 years
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I posted 2,030 times in 2022
That's 2,030 more posts than 2021!
201 posts created (10%)
1,829 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 808 of my posts in 2022
#hellfiremunsonn - 81 posts
#hellfiremunsonn asks - 68 posts
#mutuals - 58 posts
#eddie munson - 55 posts
#hellfiremunsonn personal - 53 posts
#stranger things - 46 posts
#spiderrrling - 33 posts
#i love him - 30 posts
#stranger things fic - 25 posts
#joseph quinn - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 89 characters
#i literally have the bare minimum of knowledge of  elder scrolls and skyrim but holy shit
My Top Posts in 2022:
maybe something soft like eddie comforting you after a difficult day? lol
YESSSSSSS ugh, I need this, you need this, we ALL need this.
soft, fluffy, flirty, baby boy &lt;3
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You got home about an hour ago, laying face down on your bed, work clothes still on, even your shoes. The day felt too long, and it really started to get under your skin, and it made you want to scratch it off.
After a few more minutes, you heard the front door of your apartment open, keys jingling, and the sound of quiet humming. "You home baby?" Eddie called out.
You and Eddie had finally gotten an apartment together. The two of you had been dating for a few years, and had been saving up for what seemed like forever to be able to finally move out, and get a place together.
you groaned in response to Eddie and you heard him shuffle into your bedroom, feeling the bed dip next to you. "Baby?" he said softly.
You rolled your head to the side, barely able to see him through your hair that now covered your face.
"Hi" you said quietly.
His hand came up to your back, rubbing up and down the lengths of it while he talked. "Bad day?"
You groaned again, shoving your face back into your mattress in protest of even acknowledging the day one more time. Eddie laughed at your small tantrum, continuing to rub his hand on your back.
"Need some help?" He asked, hand reading the bottom of your shirt and sliding under it, the palm of his hand warming the expans of your back causing your to shiver.
"You don't have'ta" You mumbled, turning your head back to him.
He brushed your hair away from your face, tucking a few strands behind your ear, his hand lingering there. "No, that's true" he said with a small smile. "But I'd like to if that's alright with you?"
You couldn't help but smile at him. Tilting your head and pouting your lips at him until he got the hint to lean down and give you a kiss.
"Okay" you said, and he was quick on his feet. You sat up to follow his movements. Going back and forth from your shared dresser and closet, grabbing different articles of clothing before coming back to you, kneeling in front of you.
"Oh Eddie I don't-" you started but he shushed you.
"Relax, I'm just untying your shoes" he said with a teasing tone and you blushed.
His fingers quick with the laces, slipping off your shoes and your socks before standing.
"Arms up" he instructed and you did as you were told, laughing when he forgot to unbutton the top button of your work shirt, causing your head to get slightly stuck in the neck hole.
"You trying to decapitate me munson?" You huffed once you were finally free from the fabric.
"Not today" he quipped. "Maybe tomorrow though, I'll have to check my schedule" He reached behind you, placing the smallest kiss to the tip of your nose while he unclipped your bra, pulling the straps off of your shoulders and flinging it across the room.
You sighed with the relief of your boobs finally being free, scratching at the intents in your skin from it.
"Lay back for me will ya?" He asked, pushing at your shoulder lightly until you giggled and laid back down. The sheets cold and refreshing under your back.
His hands fumbled slightly with the button of your jeans, popping them open with a "Ah-ha!" before pulling the zipper down, and grabbing at the sides of them by your hips, yanking harshly at the fabric until it slipped passed your butt.
Your laugh was infectious and Eddie couldn't help but join in as he pulled on each pant leg until you were left clutching your stomach now only in a pair of underwear. Grabbing at your ankles he pulled you to the end of the bed until he could pick you up, and throw you over his shoulder.
You squealed and kicked your legs. "Eddie!"
"Yes?" He said nonchalantly, which only made you laugh more. He placed you down gently on the cold tile in the bathroom floor, pushing your disheveled hair away from your face, holding it in his hands while he dotted kisses all over it.
"Bath or shower?" he broke his kisses to ask.
"Bath please" You said with a blush.
See the full post
257 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
Just Let Me Hold You A Little Longer. Joesph Quinn x Reader
Just Let Me Hold You A Little Longer.
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Summary: You’re another new addition to the stranger things cast for season four and are about to shoot Eddies death scene. Emotions are high and Joe helps bring you back to earth. 
(This fic has no smut. Younger audiences are able to read this without any explicit content. but I will still be marking and labeling my writing as 18+)
Warnings: none? fem reader! mentions of blood but it’s all fake. Joe being cute, lots of fluff honestly.
Word count: 2822
I bounced my leg up and down waiting for someone to come get me from my trailer so we could start the scene we were about to film. It was eddies death scene and I was super emotional about it. Falling in love with his character, just from reading the words on paper, but it was nothing compared to how well Joseph curated his character in real life. My character June was the love interest for Eddie. She was different from him, but still just as much as an outcast. Shy and sensitive, in love with her books, and her own fantasy worlds she could engulf herself in. The two characters first interaction is when she drops her copy of the lord of the rings, and Eddie picks it up but before handing it back he quotes something from it to her, which she quickly quotes back. Being the only female from the school to join hellfire, the two of them hit it off romantically quite quickly.
Being a new character so late in the show, Joe, Jamie, and I often stuck together; especially in the beginning before truly getting to know everyone. So not only did our characters have such a strong bond, we did too. A small knock on my door before it opened "It's time" a female voice came through the open door and I took a deep breath before getting up while wrapping the straps of my mask around my ears and following her to set. Knowing I was about to hold Eddie in my arms with Gaten until he died made my stomach churn as if this was all real. As if the large amount of green screens behind me, and the taped x's marked on the floor weren't there, and we really were in some corrupted version of a small town called Hawkins, settled in Indiana.
Standing next to Gaten I hopped up and down a few times, shaking my hands hoping the nerves would slip out of the tips of my fingers with the movements. But it never did.
"You ready kid?" I whispered to him.
"Ready as I can be" He said smiling back.
We ran on the spot for a moment, laughing at how ridiculous we looked. We were covered in fake dirt and our makeshift amor, while trying to get our breath uneasy so when we made it to Joe we would be more properly out of breath. We gave each other a quick high five and got ready at our marked spots, removing our masks and handing them to whoever was closet to us.
The loud call of action along with the snapping sound of the clapperboard echoed through the lot as Gaten and I ran towards Joes laying frame in the middle.
"Eddie!" I yelled in character, falling to my knees next to him, trying to pull him into my lap as best as I could.
He coughed and the fake blood sputtered out of his mouth slightly. "Oh God" Gaten said coming to his knees next to me.
"Bad, huh?" Joe said forcing a pained smile.
"No, you're gunna be fine" I said cradling his head in my hands, my thumb stroking his cheek, practised tears rolling down my eyes and into the frizzy hair of his wig. "We just gotta get you to a hospital okay?" I said looking back up at Gaten. At this point our characters know he's not going to make it, but the delusion, and selfishness to ignore the actual outcome wouldn't allow them to say anything pessimistic.
"Okay" He muttered. Gaten and I attempted to lift him but neither of us were strong enough to get him up further than a sitting position.
"Shit" I said wiping my tears away with the back of my hand. I looked at Gaten in desperation, as if his character Dustin had the solution. My chest tight and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Gatens own eyes filled with tears. Joes struggling voice bringing both our attention back down to his face. "I didn't run away this time right?" he asked with another forced smile across his lips, fake blood dripping down the side of his mouth. I choked on a sob, and at this point I couldn't tell if it was my own or my characters feelings that were bubbling up in my chest.
"No, no, you didn't run" Gaten said grabbing onto one of his hands.
"You're gunna have to look after those little sheep for me, okay?"
"No, you're gunna do that yourself" Gaten said, tears now rolling down his cheeks. I forced another choked sob down in attempts to keep myself more composed than I felt.
"Nah man... Say it, say 'I'm gunna look after them'" Joe encouraged.
"I'm gunna... I'm gunna look after them" Gatens last few words almost inaudible.
"Good, cause I'm actually g-gunna graduate" Joe began struggling to get more words out, his character basically bleeding to death beneath us. "I think it's my year Henderson" He repeated his own words from the beginning of the season when we're first introduced to Eddie in the cafeteria. "I think it's finally my year"
Another sob escaped me and Joes eyes flickered to mine for only a moment. He looked back at Gaten. "I love you man" he said. Gaten struggled to even look at Joe, turning slightly, his fist tapping against my knee. "I love you to" and then Joe turned to me. "And I'm so in love with you" his shaky hand coming up to cup my face into it. I grabbed onto it tightly, my bottom lip quivering. "I'm in l-love" I hiccuped and stuttered through my sobs because looking at him, at Joe, I felt like I really did fall in love with him. "I'm in love with you to Eddie Munson" and as I placed an unscripted kiss to his forehead, a single tear ran down his face and into small hairs at his temple, his eyes glossed over as he looked through me. Eddie taking his final breaths in my arms. Gaten and I crying, our heads down, shoulders bobbing with light chokes until the lights came up and someone yelled "Cut!" a thunderous applause of everyone watching behind the camera, erupting around us.
Joe immeditly sat up, bringing both Gaten and I into a tight hug. The three of us staying there for a long while. Staff starting to move quietly around us, tidying, while letting us get our emotions back together. Gaten was the first to pull away with a small laugh. I let out a shaky breath and smiled, laughing along with him.
"Fuck that was brutal" Joe said spitting out some of the fake blood that was still in his mouth. His voice back to his British accent.
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285 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
Stupid. Eddie Munson x Reader
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I do not allow my writing to be republished anywhere other than my own blog without my consent
Summary: Eddie accidentally calls his golden retriever/ditsy girlfriend stupid
(This fic has no smut. Younger audiences are able to read this without any explicit content. but I will still be marking and labeling my writing as 18+)
Warnings: fem!reader, swearing, fluff, this is pretty tame, let me know if I missed anything.
Word count: 1369
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428 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Why Are You So Nice To Me? Joseph Quinn x Reader
Why Are You So nice To Me?
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SUMMARY: This new life is taking a toll on you. Desperately trying to not seem ungrateful leads you to an overstimulated panic attack that Joe helps you through.
AN: A big thank to @creme-bruhlee​ for giving me that one liner that sparked me to finally finish this. I love u
Warnings: None really? Fem!reader, reader has a panic attack/anxiety attack, mentions and descriptions of said panic attack/anxiety attack, Joe being the softest sweetest boy, I love him. (IF THERES ANYTHING I MISSED LET ME KNOW)
Wordcount: 3069
Since the premier of Stranger Things season four my life hadn't had a moment to slow down. It was interviews after interviews, sometimes multiple ones in the same day, different hosts, different shows, websites, everything. Adding all of that with so much traveling, especially with Jospeh, Jamie, and I being three new characters; our schedules were often linked together because of it; Although now, I stood a few feet away from them, leaning against the wall closest to the elevators.
It was about 6 pm at night and I was standing in the lobby of some fancy hotel in Brazil. A white and black dress wrapped against my skin, the hot weather and sun, giving me a healthy bronzed glow. I stupidly decided on a classic pair of very high all black stilettos. I should have opted for an open toe wedged heel or something. But I wanted to impress everyone. My first acting gig, first round of interviews, first time traveling far without family, it was nerve wracking but I wanted every second of it to go well. Something I didn't think that would bother me as much as it did, was not constantly having my phone on you. I didn't realize how much I relied on it as a coping mechanism when I was anxious, or uncomfortable. It was difficult to not have that immediate distraction.
Picking at the black nail polish on my thumb I sighed heavily, trying to get myself into the proper mindset for this Stranger Things party? Event? Meet and greet? Whatever it was, I was ill prepared and uncomfortable to say the least. Jet lagged, sweaty, homesick, and anxious; but it didn't matter, not when you had fans to impress, people to impress, companies to impress. I never had a moment with my own thoughts for more than five minutes before being escorted to another room, car, or airport, it was always something. Not to say I wasn't grateful for everything because I truly was; just there's simply nothing that can prepare you for something like this. A cliche at its finest. I had to stop myself from laughing out loud at my own thoughts. Only another 'famous' person would understand, and in a way it almost felt pathetic, even if I knew it was true.  
A tap to my shoulder startled me slightly. I turned around to see Joe with a soft smile on his face.
"You alright?"
"Yeah, just tired" I lied. I think he could tell by the way his eyebrows furrowed slightly but he didn't comment.
"The heat doesn't help either I don't think" He said laughing.
"God no, it makes me feel like I'm wrapped in a warm hug, but also in a warm bath? Maybe both at the same time? I don't know but either of those sound better than a party right now" I said sighing. Tapping the tip of my shoe against the shiny tiled floor.
Joe looked like he was about to say something but just as he opened his mouth, we were waved over and instructed on where to go and what to do.
The three of us stationed at the entrance of grey double doors. I stood between the two men, both of their arms coming to wrap around my waist, and mine on theirs.
"Let's get this show on the road yeah?" I said forcing a smile, glancing between the two.
The doors swung open and as the three of us sauntered in, the small but crowed room filled with applause and music begun to play. Jamie slipped his hand into mine and gave me a slow twirl to introduce me. I blushed and gave an awkward wave, and a clumsy curtsy to match his energy. Then turning to Joe, I grabbed his hand and twirled him around to do the same as Jamie did to me. Joe was far more graceful as I was and I watched as the girls swooned over him. It was hard not to, if I was being completely honest with myself; but that was another thought for another time. Right now I had to be present, and put my game face on. Which is exactly what I did. I walked around and mingled with everyone, taking pictures and answering questions as best as I could, especially without giving anything away, just incase there was anyone around who hadn't had the opportunity to finish the season just yet. The music was uncomfortably loud and I struggled to hear what people were saying, barely able to make out the often broken English, but I tried my best.
After a while I snuck away to the back of the room, attempting to people watch while I clutched my glass of ice water to my chest. A few minutes alone and hidden from the eye of people I leaned my back against the wall, trying to regulate the beating of my heart. Nothing seemed to help it, and it only became worse, at this point I was facing the wall, desperately begging myself to stop hyperventilating. I could feel my bottom lip wobbling as I tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. A hand on the small of my back startled me and I almost dropped the glass in my hands as I whipped around. It was Joesph, once again, a knight in shining armour. "What are you doing all the way over here?" He asked.
I looked at him. My heart still thumping in my chest, and I could feel words on the tip of my tongue but when I opened my mouth to speak they wouldn't come out. My brows furrowed, and the only noise I was able to make was a small whimper, but it sounded more like a choke. "Come 'ere" He said wrapping his arm around my waist. He took the glass from my hand and placed it on a nearby surface. Strategically moving around the people in the room as he lead me out and back into the lobby. Security following us quickly until we were safely out of sight from any lurking people. My chest rising and falling faster now, my hands covered my ears and my eyes were shut tight out of instinct and I didn't even realize I had done it until Joe was facing me in the elevator placing his hands over mine. My anxiety had heightened everything, every noise, and light and moment seemed all too much and I could feel myself getting overstimulated; suddenly hyper aware of how the fabric of my dress clung to me, and the way the tag was digging into my spine.
When I opened my eyes to look at him, the tears hidden behind my lids fall easily down my cheeks. When the elevator dinged he lead me down the hall; his hand still on the small of my back only letting go of me to reach out for the small bag I clutched in my hands. "Key?" He said softly and I fumble with shaky hands, pulling out the keycard to my hotel room. He took the card gently, his free hand never leaving the small of my back while he unlocked the door, encouraging me to walk in before him, stopping only a few feet from the door. He closed and locked the door behind me and came to face me again.
"What's going on?" He asked quietly, while his hands were rubbing both my arms up and down in attempts to sooth me.
"I-I just" I choked out a sob, my head falling to my chest.
"Hey you're okay, everything's okay"
I shook my head. "No, no everything is not okay, I'm not okay" I cried, pulling away from him a little more aggressively than intended. Leaning one hand on the wall I balanced on one foot ripping one of my heels off, and then doing the same with the other shoe. Chucking them onto the floor. I desperately grabbed at the back of my dress, trying to reach the zipper. "I'm losing my goddamn mind Joesph" I mumbled, through snot and tears. "I can't remember the last time I was home, or the last time I slept in a bed that wasn't in a hotel. I haven't seen my mom in months and I'm so fucking lonely and I fuck!-" I stopped trying to reach for the zipper, my hands balled into fists at my sides. I tried again to take control of my rapid breathing, I really didn't want to be having a full meltdown in front of anyone let alone Joesph but he stood there quietly and patiently, giving me the space I needed.
Calming slightly I tried reaching for my zipper again, only for it to get stuck about a quarter way down, stuck on the fabric. I tugged at it harshly before trying to pull it apart but I couldn't get a proper grip reaching behind me.
"Can I get your zipper for you?" He asked after a had a couple of minutes to lose my temper.
"Please?" I said desperately, turning around and walking back over to him, my bare feet padding against the floor. I turned around so my back was facing him, pulling my hair to the side and over my shoulder so it wasn't in the way. His fingers traced lightly against the back of my neck, moving a few pieces of hair I had missed in the process. Goosebumps coated my skin and I tried to control the shiver that attempted to surface, hiding it with a shaky inhale. He pulled at the zipper, bringing it back up and down, feeling it tug at the fabric again, even with Josephs nimble fingers.
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434 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Mrs. Freak. Eddie Munson x Reader
Mrs. Freak
I do not allow my writing to be republished anywhere other than my own blog without my consent
Summary: “Can we get a pregnant fic with eddie where the reader is hopper's child but he doesn't know about the whole dating eddie things so it's even more stressing for him when he finds out about the baby and goes for help to Joyce (sorry if it's confusing). Reader is around 19-20 attending college in another town but still living with El and Hopper.”
(this one is suitable for younger audiences, but all my work is labeled 18+ and will be titled otherwise if it is suitable for younger audiences to read)
Word count: 2642
Warnings: Reader is hoppers daughter! Fem reader, pregnancy, so much love honestly. ALSO CHRISTMAS
I tossed and turned in my small bed. In the room I shared with my little sister El. I could hear my dad snoring softly from the couch in the living room. The light from the small fireplace illuminating our small bedroom. Our door constantly open three inches. Dad had still been looking for a house big enough for all of us, including the Byers but it proved to be annoyingly difficult. I wasn't home often considering I went to college just out of town, and I spent most nights at Eddies, but dad always thought I was just at Steves place or Robins... I had been dating Eddie for almost a year now but still hadn't told him. Mainly in fear of ruining his reputation as you know the literal sheriff of a tiny town. If word got around that one of his kids was dating the so called 'freak' I don't think it would go well.
I of course, and anyone who knew Eddie, knew he wasn't a freak... Well maybe a little but he definitely wasn't evil or murderous like everyone thought he was. He was really just this big goofball. He got a job at the library of my school stacking shelves, and checking in books. Not the job you would expect Eddie 'the freak' Munson to have, but he wanted to be close to me as much as he could, and plus he got to listen to music all day and not talk to anyone so it was really an ideal situation for him.
I rolled over again, now laying on my back I pulled my blanket down off me past my stomach and lifted up my shirt. Tracing circles along my already showing belly. I had been pregnant for about five months and no one knew apart from Eddie and I. Being twenty one and pregnant wasn't exactly on my bucket list but with all the shit we've been through Eddie and I kind of said 'fuck it'. We've literally been to hell and back so I don't think it was weird of us to chase some sort of normalcy. Eddie almost died two years ago, and I wasn't going to let anything like that happen again.
My stomach rolled and I giggled softly knowing my tiny little baby in there was flipping around. I could tell it was the baby and not just normal gas because it just felt different. Eddie didn't believe me when I told him I could feel her so early on but I just knew it was her. The warm nights spent laying on eddies bed while he strummed his guitar next to me, singing softly to my belly, and talking to her, telling her how much her daddy loves her. I felt my heart could actually burst and explode out of my chest into a thousand pieces.
The bed squeaked next to me, and I turned to see El shifting onto her side, while sighing lightly. My heart raced wondering if she had seen me with my belly out smiling at it like a freak. I wanted to tell her, but I didn't want her to tell Mike, and then have Mike accidentally tell Nancy, and not that Nancy would just spill a secret that wasn't hers, but how could I expect her to hide that from Johnathan? And Johnathan being my literal step brother, what if he told Joyce? And Joyce would have to tell Dad.
"I already know" El mumbled shifting again. Her eyes opening slightly, she looked at me.
"What? Are you dreaming?" I leaned up looking at her skeptically.
"No (Y/N)" Clicking on the small bedside lamp beside her she sat up in bed.
"What are you talking about?"
"The baby" She stated pointing to my exposed belly and then rubbing her eyes. "Your thoughts are very loud sometimes"
I laughed and threw a small pillow at her. "What did I say about the mind reading!"
She threw the pillow back and laughed. "I can't help it! I was worried when you kept getting sick, so I just, went into your head"
Shaking my head I pulled my shirt back down over my belly and sat up. Stretching my arms far over my head and groaning when in relief as some of my joints popped in the process. "Don't tell dad okay?"
She frowned. "Friends don't lie" She said with a knowing look.
"No they don't... But sisters do" I gave her a smile and hopped out of bed heading to our shared dresser to get some clothes out.
"When are you going to tell him about Eddie?" she said quietly.
"I'm thinking of tonight... Christmas dinner you know, hand him a gift that says he's going to be a grandpa, and then just throw in really quick that Eddie is the father"
She scoffed getting out of bed and shoving her feet into tiny pink slippers. "Yeah cause that's a really good idea"
"I'll think of something okay, just, keep it a secret for now" I said turning to her with a pleading look.
"Fine" was all she said as she left the room probably to go make some eggos for breakfast. A signature staple food in our house ever since we adopted her when she was like ten. Rummaging  through our dresser I searched for something to wear that would cover my bump well enough. Since I had a few hours to kill before our Christmas dinner/Christmas party I decided to just slip on some black jeans and a thick crewneck sweater over top. I added some thick grey socks and tucked my feet into my winter boots. Into the living room and to our tiny kitchen I grabbed an apple off of the counter. "I'll see you later dad, I gotta do some last minute Christmas shopping" I leaned over the back of the couch and gave him a quick hug. "Don't be too late, I don't want Joyce worrying"
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720 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ghostsxagain · 2 years
TAGGED BY: @heartxshaped-bruises​​  TAGGING: anyone that wants to do the thing!
NAME: Ariel NICKNAME: Ayo FACE CLAIM: I mean Grogu? kinda, when I remember to pull his gifs up LOL PRONOUNS: she/they HEIGHT: 5′5 BIRTHDAY: September 15th AESTHETIC: tbh don’t think I have one. I like too many opposing things lol there’s no consistency LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO: I’m a Mess - Avril Lavigne & Yungblud FAVORITE MUSE(S) YOU’VE WRITTEN: it’s like picking your favourite kid??? Anakin Leery
I guess I’ll answer these questions for Anakin since he’s the chosen child. He came about a few months back as a result of me having watched Stranger Things & Obi-Wan Kenobi at pretty much the same time? At first he was essentially my way of writing Eddie without actually writing Eddie but because of some amazing first threads with him, he quickly developed past that. 
I love how complicated he is. Anakin is really fucked up. But also the most fun person you’ll ever meet? He’s super against bullshitting and doing what others want yet got into the habit of kind of doing exactly that since he’s afraid of showing sadness? My dude doesn’t make a lot of sense and I find that very interesting to write. Walking contradiction ha. 
Joseph Quinn. Specifically from Stranger Things since Anakin has long hair (I’ve used other gifs at times though I try not to). A lot of my muses come from Stranger Things though, whoops. Usually I choose FCs based on whatever I’m into at the moment, or like favourite shows/movies/musicians. Sometimes I won’t know anything about the person though and will see them and be instantly inspired (ie: Talia Ryder ha). 
Lately a combo between Pinterest & Spotify. Ever since a lovely friend reccomended Pinterest to me for muse building, holy shit has it been an inspiration. Sometimes I don’t know WHO a muse is until I start working on their board and then boom they become so real to me. I also make character playlists that I build onto as I listen to my music. 
I love everything, can’t lie. Major sucker for domestic, slice-of-life shit (engagements? YES! BABIES? FUCK YES). Or stuff that makes me cry IRL while reading/writing it. Or anything supernatural in nature. 
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buffyfan145 · 2 years
Finished reading a great book and pictured Joseph Quinn as the leading male character!!! LOL :D I read and loved the historical romance novel “An Indiscreet Princess” about Princess Louise, one of Queen Victoria’s daughters who was the first in the royal family to be allowed to become an actual sculptor/painter and attend a public art university, and her romantic relationship with her young art teacher/sculptor Joseph Edgar Bohem and the way the author describes him with his dark curly hair, a cut stubbled jaw line, being tall, and having these intense eyes that not only did I picture Joseph as him but looking up the real guy I could actually see Joseph playing him if they ever made a movie. It actually reminds me of how Joseph looked as Enjolras in “Les Mis” and of course the name being Joseph Edgar (which Eddie is a nickname for but this guy actually answered to and was called by both names). LOL Also that Louise had to immediately sketch him after meeting and the way he could make everyone like him and sometimes had this mischievous look in his eyes. LOL  Joseph Edgar did have blue eyes but that changes so much with book to film adaptations and Joseph fits everything else lookwise, and there’s even scenes were Joseph Edgar’s real personality comes out, especially showing Louise his art studio that actually reminded me of Eddie Munson. LOL :)
There’s also some steamy and swoonwothy scenes too. Plus the fact that they were together for 22 years till he died even though the class differences, the royal family which he also worked for with commissions though a few of her siblings and friends actually helped them see each other, and them both being married (His in name only and before he met Louise and his wife being ok with him being with someone else as they couldn’t divorce; hers being arranged after they met but John’s long been speculated to have been gay and also was ok with her relationship with Joseph Edgar). Though were some sad scenes as Louise found out she couldn’t have children due to having scarlet fever as a child and she desperately wanted to have one with Joseph Edgar (the scandal that would’ve caused though), but he already did have kids and helped her to accept they couldn’t. Then their separation when she and John went to Canada for government duties for a few years. Also loved all the butterfly metaphors and the art they made for each other with the hidden meanings. A lot of this finally came to light over the past couple of decades due to letters to and from their friends/family, Joseph Edgar leaving in his will that so much of his writings and some art be destroyed after his death, and modern historians looking at it all in a different light and of course that one of the actual posed photographs of him is with Louise (the pic on his Wikipedia page LOL). 
I love watching all royal family movies and shows, especially like this since it’s from the Victorian era, and since this actually is similar to Queen Victoria’s own relationships with first Lord M, then her husband Prince Albert, and then John Brown after that (not to mention Queen Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley who are also one of my absolute favorite historical couples) and Louise inheriting both her parents’ artistic abilities and being able to be an artist (which I love all forms of the arts not only being a writer but I had an internship at my city’s art museum in college), that I can easily see this being adapted. For Louise I kept thinking of her as Margaret Qualley but not sure if she can do a British accent since she’s American, but she really looks like her. I’m also going to do a full fancast in a separate post as this would have a lot of actors in it.
Also for us Joseph fans even though Joseph Edgar died unexpectedly of a suspected heart attack, which oddly enough Louise was there when he passed, this book stopped a few years before it with Louise’s greatest artistic achievement (the unveiling of the statue of Queen Victoria that is still at Kensington Palace and Joseph Edgar was there at the ceremony along with all her family) so it actually ends happily and if they adapt it likely would only be shown on a title card after the movie where it tells what happened to them afterwards.  Again I just loved it and can totally see this being a movie and Joseph has to play him. :)
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st-eve-barnes · 2 years
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I posted 5,075 times in 2022
70 posts created (1%)
5,005 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,702 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#eddie - 361 posts
#joseph - 281 posts
#lol - 139 posts
#steddie - 126 posts
#joe - 117 posts
#daniel bruhl - 107 posts
#stranger things 4 - 103 posts
#rofl - 92 posts
#chris - 83 posts
#btvs - 80 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#it's even funnier when you've just watched an episode of ru paul's drag race and had an actuel conversation about body glitter with hubby
My Top Posts in 2022:
I just wanted to write a cute short fluffy drabble about Eddie taking care of the reader's bruised hand and then her getting infatuated with his hands because of how soft and caring he is with her. It was supposed to be sweet and innocent but now I'm 6 pages in and he's about to go down on her, this was not the plan!
120 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
Somewhere only we know
(Aemond Targaryen x fem Reader)
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Summary: In the real world you and Aemond can't be together. At night, behind the doors of his chambers things are different...
Warnings: 18+ for smut, explicit language/content, fingering, oral (female receiving), orgasm delay, possessive/jealous Aemond, angst, some fluff
Word count: +2500
My mind has been full of this man since I finished the show last week, I just had to write something to get him out of my system (I don't think it's working yet lol)
(All my fics are on AO3)
You heard his footsteps long before he entered the room, his walk so familiar to you, you would recognize it anywhere.
A smile tugged on your lips when you heard him lock the door behind him. 
What happened in these quarters was not for anyone else to see, or to hear. It was solely between you and him.
Neither of you spoke, you didn’t even look at him, kept your eyes down, waited until you felt him move behind you.
His fingers danced across your shoulder blade, his touch featherlight but enough to put goosebumps all over you. He gently moved your hair to one side, exposing your neck to him. His kiss was soft, hungry and wet, teeth grazing the skin on your neck and shoulder, biting you gently only so he could lick the sensitive flesh afterwards. Make it all better. He always made everything better.
Your eyes closed in a heavy sigh as you leaned back against his chest. 
His other hand came to rest on your waist. Firm, solid, keeping you right where he needed you.
His breath was fire on your skin, not giving you a moment of respite. You were burning up already, and he could feel it.
“Lift up your skirt,” his voice rough in your ear.
An order, not a question.
You obliged.
He smirked when he noticed you weren’t wearing anything underneath. His hand snaked around your neck, lips brushing against your cheek.
”Look at you, my filthy girl,” he whispered,”So needy and ready for me, hmm?"
His grip around your neck tightened, not enough to choke you but enough to make sure you wouldn’t move.
His other hand sank down between your legs, teasing the inside of your thigh, touching you everywhere except where you needed him most.
“Please,” you begged.
Growing up you always believed you would never beg a man for anything but all those morals had flown out the window the day you met Aemond Targaryen. You would be on your knees all day and night if he asked.
“Please, I need….”
You didn’t get to finish your plea because his hand moved down lower, leaving no more need for words. All you could do was bite your lip and try to keep quiet while his fingers explored your folds, teasing your entrance and making perfect slow circles on your clit.
You could feel the press of his hard cock against your ass and you tried to move, give him friction but he was quick to stop you.
“Don’t.” A warning in his tone, he wouldn’t ask you twice.”This isn’t about me. Yet.”
Keeping quiet was no longer an option when Aemond’s fingers started giving you exactly what you had craved all night, pushing two digits deep inside your walls while never neglecting your most sensitive spot. Your moans started filling the dark room. You were falling and there was no stopping it now.
“Hold onto me,” he breathed into your ear as you started to succumb to him. 
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192 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Something for the pain (a smutty Eddie Munson one shot)
(Eddie Munson x female reader)
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Story: After Eddie saves you from a bad date with Jason he takes care of your bruised hand and a lot more.
Word count: 4310
Warning: 18+ for explicit sexual content and language. Oral (female receiving), neck kissing, teasing, dry humping, the whole works. Lots of fluff too. Protective and soft Eddie. Mild angst (mostly Jason being an entitled asshole)
It was Saturday night and Eddie was having a smoke by the lake, taking a break from the heat in his trailer after what had been the hottest day in months. It had finally started to cool down now and he enjoyed being out here, feeling the soft breeze blowing through his long hair and hearing the calming sounds of the water in the background.
But his quiet alone time was interrupted by incoming noises, it sounded like a couple arguing and they were quickly coming closer.
So much for enjoying the peace and quiet.
Eddie moved from the water towards the trees, not feeling like interrupting anything or getting involved in a stupid lover’s quarrel.
When the voices approached Eddie immediately recognized the male voice, arrogant and entitled as always, Jason. Oh, now he definitely wanted to get out of here. But then he recognized the other voice, the girl, and he stopped in his tracks.
“Jason, let’s just go, okay? It’s been a long day and I honestly just wanna get home,” you pleaded, walking out in front of him.
“Oh honey, come on, don’t be such a spoilsport, the night is still young and I don’t intend on ending it just yet. At least not before we…”
You stopped and turned to him, crossing your arms and giving him a look,”Before we what?”
Jason moved closer to you, grinning and looking into your eyes,”Well, I spent all day acting all nice and proper in front of your family, being the perfect date. How about you return that favor?”
“Come on, it’ll be enjoyable for both of us,” he moved even closer. You took a step back but he had his hands on you before you could get away, gripping your wrists in a firm hold,”You know you want to.”
“Let go of me!”
“Give me a chance,” he insisted, pushing his body up against yours and trying to steal a kiss.
“Jason, stop,” you tried with all your might to push him back but he was stronger than you.
“Why are you being like this?” he wrapped an arm around your waist, making it even harder to escape,”You’re not a virgin, are you? Cause I don’t mind, I can teach you…”
“Get your hands off me!” you yelled and struggled to get away from him when a sound coming from between the trees startled you both.
Eddie Munson stepped out of the woods, an amused smile on his face,“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”
He had his arms crossed and slowly moved closer, focussing all his attention on Jason, distracting him from what he was doing.
You used the opportunity to finally break free from him and create some distance between you two.
Jason turned his back to you to face Eddie,”Munson, this doesn’t concern you. Get lost, freak.”
“Oh, ouch, words hurt, dude,” Eddie grabbed his heart playfully and looked at you over Jason’s shoulder,”Was I interrupting anything?”
“As a matter of fact…,” Jason started.
“I was’t asking you,” Eddie dismissed him and kept his eyes on you.
Jason was quick to turn around and he gave you an angry look, warning you.
“I’m fine,” you spoke softly, avoiding Eddie’s eyes and thereby missing the almost disappointed look on his face.
See the full post
596 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
MCU has been a big hit or miss with me these past years, I loathed Endgame but I thought Wandavision was truly amazing. I was genuinely disapppointed with Loki but then Spider man No way home blew me away and I even went to see it twice on the big screen.
So I watched Multiverse of madness last night and of course I have some thoughts. Spoilers under the cut
I had such high hopes for this movie, NWH already showed us what they could do with the multiverse and I think many people with me expected Marvel to go all out with that in a movie called MULTIVERSE of MADNESS.
Unfortunately not even half of the potential of the multiverse is being used here, and most of it is already shown in the trailer. For real though, marketing team, what were you thinking putting your biggest cameo in the trailer?? You do not play your best card right off the bat! I hadn't even thought of more big cameos until they showed me Charles f*cking Xavier in the trailer. THAT made me expect more.
And there was more, but it wasn't what I wanted. Can someone please tell Marvel that Captain Peggy Carter isn't as popular as they believe her to be? Whether it's Endgame or Haley and the stuff I read about her I'm not sure but the second I saw her I felt this huge dislike in the pit of my stomach. Maybe I wasn't the only one who wasn't a big fan because the audience stayed rather quiet when she came on. (In fact the audience reacted more when Wanda split her in half with the shield and honestly if I hadn't been team Wanda before that scene alone sure did it and was strangely satisfying! lol)
During NWH our audience cheered and clapped on multiple occasions, this time that only happened once: when sir John Krasinski showed up as Reed Richards. That was the stuff I think we all wanted to see more of.( I'm sure if Xavier hadn't been in the trailer he would have gotten the biggest cheers.)
Unfortunately that one big scene was where that fun ended. Can we also talk about how stupid it is to put all your big cameo's in one and the same scene and then quickly kill them all off? This could have been spread throughout the movie keeping the audience more engaged and excited who else would pop up.
But enough about the cameos.
Wanda Maximoff, I wasn't a fan of the character in the beginning but she has grown on me so much throughout the years and after Wandavision definitely became one of my favorite characters in the entire MCU. But this movie doesn't get her quite right. Don't get me wrong, evil Wanda is amazing to look at and the horror elements especially when she enters the house of other Wanda for the first time were amazing, some of the best parts of the movie for me. But she regressed in this movie, basically her storyline is a copy of what happened in Wandavision and next to being an all powerful witch they kinda reduced her to Mom Wanda and I really didn't like that part. Also where the hell was Vision and wasn't he part of the family she wanted? Because this movie solely talks about her kids. That annoyed me. The ending also, NO, I mean obviously she's not dead but just no, she deserves a lot better, please do better for her, Marvel writers.
Next to mom Wanda Marvel also wanted to show us a little dad Strange, neither were a good thing for me and that may be personal but it once again felt like Marvel putting down those family values it seems to love so much. Which brings me to America Chavez, the new young character that had to be introduced in this movie and I'm sure younger viewers love her but personally the character didn't add anything. It was a young girl who couldn't control her powers and needed help and of course by the end she realizes she had the potential to control it all along, I mean...been there done that? And even then it was lame.
There was not enough Dr Strange in this Dr Strange movie and I don't necessarily mean screen time but I feel like we didn't really get anywhere with his character because all his actions were focussed on either America or Wanda, or Christine. And his love story with Christine to me is just boring, in every universe.
The dialogue in the movie wasn't very good either, not funny and sometimes so standard it literally made me roll my eyes thinking "this is what we're spending time on when we could be watching Loki and Strange have a witty face off?" (just an example, I did not expect Loki in this movie tbh but it could have been great) I feel like in general this was a movie with a lot of missed opportunities and I've seen some fans saying well your expectations were too high and you set yourself up for disappointment but I'm sorry, no. Marvel set those expectations with No way home and all missed cameos aside if the storyline and everything else was strong enough people wouldn't complain so much about that, but it just wasn't. The writing felt lazy, and messy and uninspired and you can feel it pretty early on in the movie and unfortunately it doesn't get better.
Let's end with some positives then, the movie no doubt is entertaining and visually stunning, I mean even with the boring dialogue now and then I was never bored watching it, the possibilities created through the multiverse remain exciting and I really hope future projects will explore this in a better way. My man Wong is a treasure and he was one of the best things in the movie. Also Wanda, even though they did her wrong whenever Elizabeth is on screen she captivates the audience, she's the main star of this movie for me and I will always be team Wanda here.
Overall unfortunately this is another miss for me from Marvel and I can't help but feel a little bitter over what we could have had here, this was the movie to go all out with the multiverse and they failed.
631 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Even after his death the MCU is still so obsessed with Steve's sexuality that they had to explicitly state he was a sexually active straight man and not a, god forbid, virgin. They made a point of mentioning this in a show that has nothing to do with him, several projects after we said goodbye to the character.
And the fact that it was treated as a joke and so many people think this is funny is even more concerning.
Would it be funny if they talked about Nat like that? Or would that make it creepy and invasive? Newsflash, it should feel just as creepy and invasive when we're doing it to a man. In 2022 do we still call mature virgins sad and treat them like a joke? Have we not moved past this??
(Does the MCU even know ace people exist?)
I don't expect much from Marvel but this was so low and so cheap even I'm amazed.
1,033 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
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justmeinadaze · 3 months
I have thoughts on why Joseph baby has slimmed down and why his hair is buzzed 👀👀 w-what if he’s coming back to play Eddie again????? (Y’all I’m highly delusional don’t ruin it for me 🤪) but like 👀👀👀👀👀
He said he did that for the new movie hes filming "Warfare". Him and the other actors in that movie did that together and are training together to get those muscles. Add in the fact that marvel's got him doing weight training for Fantastic Four because God forbid we have a hero who doesnt have a 6 pack🙄.
BUT I wouldnt be surprised if this allows him the convience to hide anything he does for Eddie WHEN he cameos. Yeah you heard me lol WHEN lol but I swear he and Keery need to take a break! Both men always seem on the go. To be fair they are doing what they love so idk lol
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hangon-silvergirl · 2 years
I wanted to tell someone who, I think, will appreciate it.
I live in Athens, Greece, right? Walked into a store today, and Eddie Munson comes to help me. Swear to God. Like, not Joseph Quinn, actual Eddie Munson. Full on black wild, thick curls. Brown eyes. lol with big lashes. Full lips. Chunky silver rings. The works! No leather jacket, bc staff tee, but still!! These fics are ruining my life because I kept thinking that literally is Eddie Munson and staring at this poor man like a flustered idiot while he was answering my dumb questions about the goddamn AirPods.
Turns out they didn’t have the AirPods after all but he was cute and def thought I was an idiot but smiled at me anyway.
And Idk, maybe there’s a prompt somewhere in there. Cheers!
My friend, that is hilarious.
When I was going to university, I used to take the transit train into the city, and man I would see some real characters. But for a while I had this notebook where every time I saw a person who looked recognizably like a fictional character, I would note them down, and the type of AU fic I thought they belonged in--Go-Train Sirius Black in khakis; works for Future Shop because he lost a dare, knows diddly fuck about technology, but is unreasonably good at selling it--stuff like that.
My uncle was a metalhead in the 80s/90s (he graduated in '91) and I very vividly, still; he was a lot like Eddie in the looks department except his hair was red (he's bald now, but his hair was beautiful), but he wore a leather jacket and played the guitar and listened to music that my grandmother hated. Hard to reconcile with the fact that he's about to become a grandpa, but what can you do.
This turned into a bit of a ramble, but at any rate, thanks for sharing your story, nonny; I appreciated it! 😊
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