#It was a shitshow and I lost a lot of good friends because of it
lily-blade · 2 years
Hmm. I kinda wanna make a Discord server and invite all my friends... But after how my last Discord server turned out, I’m not so sure it’s a good idea...
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Not really an ask, but I just wanted to thank you and all the other critics that speak about how much of an actual shitshow SPOP was when dealing with C*tra.
For the longest time, I shipped C*tr*dora because I was an impressionable kid who saw them kiss and didn't realize that Canon ships can suck and still be Canon. I didn't Stan C*tra or anything, but I did try defending her one time to my irl friends and my only arguments were that:
A) She's Adora's girlfriend so there has to be good in her (yeah no)
And B) She was "redeemed".
But what actually got me second-guessing C*tra and her fans was when I saw a post about the S4 Glimmadora argument and saw hundreds of comments going; "Glimmer is so selfish!" "Glimmer is a horrible person!" "This is why C*tra is better than Glimmer."
And I was and still am the biggest Glimmer fan, and it made me upset. I mean, Glimmer literally lost her mom and was given basically no time to grieve. It didn't excuse her actions, but everyone kept talking about her like she was a villain trying to destroy the world. And then I thought;
'Didn't C*tra actually destroy the world?' And that got me in this deep rabbit hole of realizing C*tra and C*tr*dora is abusive in so many ways and telling myself I was crazy because so many people were defending her. But then I saw one of your posts, scrolled through your blog and realized; 'Oh, I'm not crazy. C*tra is a horrible person and her stans are just delusional.' It even made me realize how fucked up the show was in so many other aspects; The incest, the leash, the fact that the only enby character was a lizard, and so much more.
So thank you and all the other critics out there that might help give people validation or help people open their eyes.
Thank you. 💙
i'm glad you found my blog and other critic blogs helpful! i know that anti blogs generally have a reputation for nitpicking on unnecessary details and ruining the fun, but that was never what i wanted to do with mine. i didn't expect all of c//a stans to immediately understand my point and stop shipping c//a (most of them don't even pay attention to what we're saying, let alone try to understand) but getting asks like yours really renews my faith in humanity.
i try not to judge what other people ship or to project my moral compass too much into fiction but the problem with c//a isn't that it's toxic, it's the fact that it's heavily romanticized. if they merely wanted to explore an abusive relationship in fiction, that's not a problem. it's quite healthy, actually. but the fact that they imply that this is a healthy relationship and a lot of the fans defend this ship to hell and back is really concerning.
and yes, like you said, it's really hypocritical of fans to villanize glimmer so much for two mistakes that the narrative held her accountable for, while coddling catra who had to face exactly zero consequences for her actions.
i completely understand how you felt, it can often be daunting to be the only one to actually see things as they are, instead of blindly believing what the writers say because the rest of the fandom does. i didn't ship c//a at all but i felt the same way you did, seeing everyone praise the ship and wondering if i'm just being overdramatic.
it's only after i found an anti c//a account on instagram (@anticatradora ; they go into detail with a lot of the scenes in the show, if you want to check out their account!) that i realized that i was right, and this is actually a really weird and problematic ship that people are worshipping just because they're starved of queer representation. i understand wanting to see people like you represented in media, but there are a lot of characters and ships who are much better written and better developed than c//a.
anyway all of this to say, i'm proud of you for realizing the nuance of this situation in this hivemind of a fandom. it's always better to be open to criticism than to blindly defend a show just because you like it. thank you for this ask, it made my day! 💙
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aniron48 · 5 months
24. just really needed a hug sort of hug for 00leiter would be amazing if inspiration strikes! 🥰
Alex, mi vida! Thank you for always inspiring and indulging my deep-seated need for 00leiter, and thank you for this prompt. 🥰 Your wish is my command, my friend! It's here, continuing below the cut, as well as on ao3:
sometimes it takes the night to fall
“My mother wanted me to go to law school,” Felix says. His tone is measured, and this, this, is something he’s going to include in his annual performance review at the Agency, which his supervisor signs every year without reading a word: Agent Leiter is calm and measured, even when he is soaking wet, covered in pink feathers, and holding a flash drive with the plans for a chemical weapon designed to take out half of Europe, circumstances which Agent Leiter would have avoided entirely had his MI6 counterpart not been a fucking asshole.
“‘You’ll make good money, son,’ she would tell me,” Felix says. He pulls his Glock out of his holster, pointing it toward the floor to let the water drain from the barrel. “‘You’ll wear nice suits.’ But no, I knew better. I didn’t want to take the motherfucking bar exam.”
“You wear nice suits now, Felix,” Bond drawls, looking him up and down, and Felix is either going to punch or kiss that look off his face, but he hasn’t decided which, yet.
“Normally, I would agree with you, James,” Felix says. Measuredly, again, because he’s a goddamn station chief for the CIA. “But right now, my nice suit looks like it survived simultaneous explosions at a poultry farm and a Pepto-Bismol factory.”
Felix had had plans for their mission in Prague, plans which involved a timeline, and coordinates on a map, and the judicious use of SIGINT. James Bond had had instincts, and even if those instincts had been accurate, as far as identifying the Belarusian middleman they were looking for went, his methods left a lot to be desired, seeing as they primarily involved a chase through a crowded craft fair in the center of town, followed by what could charitably be called hijacking a bachelorette cruise in order to chase said middleman down the Vltava River. And now here they were, on a deserted dock in a decidedly seedy part of town, mercifully free of bachelorettes, but with an unconscious henchman tied to an oil barrel behind them, waiting for the ride that would take them not to their warm, comfortable hotel room near Karluv Most, but to the U.S. Embassy, where Felix could hand off the hard drive and then spend the rest of the night filling out the ream of paperwork required after the sort of nuclear-grade shitshow James Bond tended to leave behind him on a good night.
“I think I know what you need, Felix,” Bond says, and the way his mouth turns up at the corner can’t mean anything good.
“What I need,” Felix says, “is not to be picking penis-shaped confetti out of my beard.”
“No,” Bond says, stepping closer, and if the British exfil team doesn’t get there soon, Felix is going to paddle to the Embassy on a goddamn inflatable canoe, “No, that’s not it.” 
He brings a hand to the back of Felix’s head, drawing him in close. “Why don’t you start by putting your arm around my waist.”
They’re Felix’s own words from years ago, directed back at him with Bond’s characteristically lethal precision. Not long after the events in Bolivia, Felix had flown into London for the memorial service of another MI6 colleague who had died in the line of duty. Later, after everyone else had left, he’d joined Bond where he stood in the back of the church, stiff with grief and the bone-deep chill of the British winter.
“She drowned, you know,” Bond had said, his tone conversational. “004, I mean. She deserved better. It’s a terrible way to go.”
Bond and Felix had been lovers for mere weeks at that point, if that designation even applied to the handful of hours they’d stolen in South American hotel rooms and, on one memorable occasion, the lost luggage room of a train station in the middle of nowhere. But Felix wasn’t an idiot. He’d been in Venice when Vesper died. Even then, he’d known Bond well enough to know what wounds would be fatal to him, if left untreated.
“It is,” Felix had said. He hadn’t dared to say much of anything else. “I’m sorry for your loss, James.”
“It’s England’s loss,” Bond had said. He’d already begun to go distant around the edges, all of the lines of his body tensed for a fight. Felix had wanted nothing more than to demand Bond come back with him to his hotel room, to fuck him fast and merciless until all the tension bled from his body, until he was easy and louche again, unspooled against the Egyptian cotton sheets. But his first instinct with Bond wasn’t always the right one, back then, and he’d looked at Bond in silence for a long moment before making his decision.
“Come here,” he’d said. “I’m going to give you a hug.”
Bond had looked at Felix like he’d just suggested they piss in the baptismal font. “A what?”
“A hug, Bond. Jesus Christ. Come here.” He’d pulled Bond in by the lapel of his expensive wool coat. “You start by putting your arm around my waist, like that. Then you put your other arm around my shoulders. Like this, asshole. And then—” Felix had squeezed with all his might. “Then you hold on tight.”
They are here, now, tonight—and by “here” Felix means Prague, means the dock, means covered in dirty river water and the detritus of phallus-shaped souvenirs, but he also means so much more than that—in no small part because all those years ago, his own instincts had been right when he’d taken James Bond in his arms in an empty church, and so as angry as he is, he’s powerless to deny James this, now. He gives in to the inevitable and steps into the embrace, dropping his head against James’s neck.
“I hate you,” he says, but there’s no longer any heat in it. “This was the worst night of my career.”
“The ladies liked it,” Bond says.
“The ‘ladies’ thought we were strippers. One of them threw her drink on me when I refused to take my shirt off.”
“The night is still young,” Bond points out. Felix refuses to turn his head to look at him, on principle, but he can feel Bond’s smile against his cheek.
“Fuck you and your entire country,” Felix says. “I’m glad we threw your fucking tea in the harbor.” But his head is still on Bond’s shoulder, and his arms are around his waist, and he’ll stay that way until the sound of a distant motor signals that their ride is near, and the night moves on around them.
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holyguardian · 3 days
I know I don't owe explanations, and I know the people I write with are very patient and kind, though I do have a small feeling of guilt for not being able to write.
It's much of the same.
The first close family member who went to hospital mid-March is still in hospital, transferred to another rehabilitation facility where their pain medication was changed for the worse, barely got that sorted and it sounds like they have pneumonia now. Our home and places of work are rural, we're three hours away, it's quite a bit of stress trying to live basically in two places at once.
I lost my dear friend late April. I wasn't able to process my grief, because another crisis happened and now it's starting to trickle back and I'm in that 'sometimes sad, sometimes weepy' state but not consistently down all the time. It comes in waves.
The second close family member is a shitshow. Last days of April my close family were in a panic, received weird messages and videos and video calls, thought they were in serious danger. Turns out they're living their best psychosis life brought on from let's just say their own actions, and they're exploding with self-made problem after self-made problem. They were home briefly, went off their meds because they're the smartest person you ever met and knows everything and knows how to handle themself, home became unsafe, they have been kicked out and banned from returning to our home and another. Now they can hear God apparently. Every time they call one of us, the mood immediately changes, and to be quite honest we're constantly waiting for more bad news because "it's against their religion" to receive help.
I'm not in want of any sympathy, I don't have my tiny violin out. Everyone has things going on in their lives. I just wanted to update that while I thought I would be good now and that these things have a timeline and "surely everything will be better by July", that isn't how life works. I have never had so many things explode at the same time. It has been a lot of stress, and is continuing to be a lot of stress, to the point I can't even relax into a simple videogame without feeling tense.
I want to be here more. I miss it so much, but I'm not going to force it either. I'm not dropping my blogs or my hobby of writing, I'm just stuck in a weird point in time and waiting for things to chill out.
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majaloveschris · 9 months
As an anon said in the past, if I were Chris, I would be really concerned about someone apparently from my inner social circle leaking info to blogs about my private matters such as wedding and house. If someone is actually leaking his info, he really should reevaluate his friends and the people he lets into his life (but well, he basically allowed a racist, antisemitic into his life so he clearly isn’t very smart when it comes to that). If the house is his I still don’t feel like he would live there and the decoration doesn’t seem to be his style (or even Alba’s style but she probably doesn’t care about anything as long as she keeps getting attention and we know she molds herself to what benefits her the most). If this house has the name of his trustee, does that automatically make it his? I don’t think Chris is the only client they have. Also, I read some people saying that the Carlisle house was bought by him in 2018 according to Tara’s page? She more than anyone should protect the privacy of her friend but she’s an attention seeker too so I don’t really have much faith in her.
I also don’t know why would Chris want to have pics of his house in a magazine like AD and then hold back because of “keeping his privacy”, he knows very well what would happen if he did that feature for AD so I don’t buy that shit either. L&D lying about the location seems weird to me too, because the damage has already been done since the beginning of this shitshow, why would they try to “protect” anything now? And if they lie that clearly shows how unprofessional they are and that they only care about the attention as well.
Sorry for the long rant but like everything else in this “happy and healthy relationship” seems the opposite and with a lack of sense
For now, this is the last ask I share about the Carlisle house. Some people in my inbox are going crazy over this topic. Not even their alleged wedding caused whatever this is.
We actually talked about this with a good friend of mine yesterday and how having those addresses on that site is really unsafe. I guess it works for her as a portfolio, but still. She could have all the other details but the address. I think she should've already removed it. However, I still have a hard time believing that anybody from his circle comes to Tumblr to share information about his personal matters, such as his wedding, for example. I always say this and will continue to repeat it, that even DM said that his circle is very tight and that she never really has anything on him or gets info. If somebody from his circle wanted to leak something, they wouldn't come to Tumblr. Neither would Justin. If they decided to betray him, they would want to do that on a bigger level. If somebody comes here and shares legit information about him or his personal life, I'd rather say that's his team, or if it's even somebody closer to him, they do it to plant something; they do it for PR reasons. A lot of rumors start here, but if somebody would leak something or do something to harm him, and not to help sell a narrative, they would go somewhere else, not here.
I also don't think that house is really his style, and I also doubt he would want to move into such a big house. The other MA one isn't one he is currently living in.
My very good friends explained to me that all the houses are owned by the same company but by different trusts.
If this whole thing was about "protecting privacy," having an AD article wouldn't have even crossed his mind. So they did the whole photoshoot, the whole interview, or whatever, and then he was like "Nah, I'd rather have my privacy with this one". I don't think that's how it works. And again, saying "privacy" and "Chris" in the same sentence is, at least for now, ridiculous. Since Alba is in the picture, somehow everything involving her has lost the privilege of being private.
Interestingly, this is the first time L&D cared about the mean comments and DMs they got because of Chrisba. This was definitely not the first time I saw them receive hateful comments because of them, and they clearly didn't seem to care about it, and now suddenly they even changed the location because of that. I don't really think that the privacy and hateful comments/DM explanations are working here right now.
And I'd like to ask everybody not to go to L&D's page and leave hateful comments or send hateful DMs. It's inappropriate; it's a bad thing to do. Leave them be.
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Here's something I've been wondering for a bit. The godawful shit that happens in the Floraverse server is well documented and easily available to read up on. The receipts are out there for anyone to look into right? So if all that stuff is out there and everyone knows it's happening on Discord, isn't it possible to try to show all this to the people in charge so they can look into it and potentially delete the server and deal with the people at the top like Glip and co?
Granted, I don't really know a lot about Discord's ToS, and for all I know there are still people working for Discord that are in cahoots with Eevee cause that scumfuck is still somehow able to have their fingers in any kind of group having to do with programming, so forgive me if I'm late to the party with this idea. But if enough people were to show the ones in charge all the rancid inhumane shit that happens there, could there be a chance of getting that server terminated? Or at the least keep the monsters running it on watch? I also realize that even if the Floraverse server would somehow just get nuked, they'd probably just go make another one, but fuck man SOMETHING has to be done about this degen shitshow.
As far as I am aware, Eevee does not have friends in discord staff, it's just, Discord moderation is infamously terrible - infamous enough that I haven't bothered. Seriously, there are servers on the platform that advertise themselves as 'tox/stox' which means toxic or semi toxic and they're full of people who go to other servers just to harass/bully/raid them. I seen tox servers get removed, but not stox.
The Floraverse server also has the fact the abuse is long-form and emotionally manipulative in nature going for it.
If you call someone a slur it's plain as day for any moderator that it's wrong and it's abuse. But if you slowly break someone down, find their weak points, and attack those weak points while convincing the person that it's somehow good for them, that's less obvious to the moderator who is likely underpaid and has a lot of reports to get through.
That's part of why the abuse that takes place in the Floraverse community is so insidious: the people who do it butter it up with flowery language about how good it is for you, and they also grovel on and on about how victimized they are by everything around them. Someone recently showed me screencaps of Glip lecturing someone about how hurt they were because they asked for critique for their art and framed the question as 'how weird is this' for fuck's sake.
This ties into how discord manages reports, you need access to the message itself to be able to report it- or access to the message ID. Which means the people who are able to report the server are those in the server with enough level of access to be part of the channels where the abuse takes place in, one message at a time.
But the fact this tactic convinces the victim and those around them that this is normal - healthy, even, and also discourages people from acting because you don't want to a kick a poor white nonbinary when they're already down, right? Meaning they won't report the abuse, and even if they decide they want to report the abuse, chances are, they're already removed from the server or the channels the abuse happened in and lost access to the messages they need to report.
The best and only way to get Discord to act is to report NSFW content being allowed in SFW parts of the servers, and especially if it happened around children. But, florafolk have gotten smart enough to delete stuff like that when it happens. They will never punish the user who did that if they're in favor with the community, but by deleting it they cover their own ass and protect the server. Or if Glip ever made a 'I'm 12 years old' joke they could be banned for that. Discord does NOT fuck around with COPPA.
Sorry, I know this isn't the answer you wanted to hear.
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katyspersonal · 18 days
Sometimes I still worry that I've lost a source of my power when I've lost him. It will be a full year at the end of August.
I said what initially driven me towards him was a kind of pain and loneliness I knew very well, but it was also courage. He could say anything despite knowing how much hate he'd get for it, that it would guarantee his unpopularity within the fandom despite having incredibly good headcanons and useful research. Despite nobody really supporting him besides occasional incels and radfems mistaking him for their kind - either being his enemies too. He knew better than to consider enemy of his enemy his friend. It felt like he was against... everyone? At some point? Not surprising that he ended up with finally finding the only person to understand him in a saint spirit of sorts. However, in my culture, the lone warrior in the field is said to be a hero. Fighting because he feels like he must, despite 0 chances to accomplish anything.
I resented conformists all over the internet who, if they ever got doubts or straight up controversial opinions, would not dare to speak them to "not lose platform :'((((". They'd still nod their heads for what the most intimidating people say, at most revealing their true feelings in some Discord DMs only to later be betrayed by those "friends" and shamed for those screenshots all across the VERY "platform" they've cultivated. Absolute waste of time and emotions. He, however, felt like an antithesis to that shitshow as a concept by how free he was. How he didn't need any approval, nor faltered upon any criticism. Like pure, primordial chaos. I didn't really look much into it, but not only I admired intelligence regarding various topics on biology, history, religion, art and craft, literature, chemistry and medicine.. I also hoped that by just standing near him, I could get a fraction of that power. And I did...
I did.. I definitely gained more courage since then. Some of it is even still with me. I could speak my doubts, and my observations, and challenge infinitely more cruel and influential opponents in a debate. I've finally cut ties with any hope for ever being popular and loved and accepted. Like.. deep down I knew harassment would come sooner or later as soon as I stepped on that path. I knew what I was doing to myself and what for. Above all, I wanted a piece of his huge, radiant, chaotic soul to learn to be strong and independent like him, to no longer need attention or approval like him. I think at the most part I used it for good. I spoke against various injustices and logic faults better than before.
But I think I got it the other way around. I've always been a contrarian at least a bit. I just needed a display of how much I really could do, and how much I was ready to lose and endure. But I think the more time went on, the more it felt like proving my "loyalty" to him. I could do a lot.. but as long as I felt the strong presence behind myself, always holding my shoulder. In the end, I was still a weak pathetic autistic person, whose intellectual failures guarantee them being in endless hazard of ideological grooming. The thing is, I wonder if he ever REALLY was any better. Was not he ideologically groomed by various scum from 4Chan too? Especially with how easily it would be to appeal to his tragedy and betrayal he endured? He was a lot like Morgott. The guy believing and ready to fight for the oppressive system that targeted people like him. Was not he groomed, as a queer person supporting conservative nonsense against his own, because the very queer community betraying him and many others was a good display of "true face of this world"? Who is to tell that he didn't feel strong presence, even if anonymous, behind him? Who is to tell that he never was terrified to disagree with those groups?
If anything, I've learned to stay away from "communities" that base themselves around opposing the shared enemy. AND their 'wandering' members, because they will still speak not their points and not their arguements. They get too stuck in their beliefs to the point they recite them without understanding what they entail, they will never listen to the other side perceiving them as enemy out to groom them away from the right path, and they are TOO trigger-happy to dispose of "heretics", who either go astray or picked by the counter-community. However, every community is evil, foolish and cultish because every community has people in it.
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abstract-talk · 27 days
I really like how you handled that one aggressive anon trying to bait you into talking about certain topics.
I've seen many blogs on here, including anons on blogs, that claim to be industry insiders/PR people and they pop up on respective blogs that feed into a side (PR/Real/IDK) and then "tell them what they wanna hear."
While sometimes people can seem "legit" in their anon submissions, I feel like it's easy to tell when someone just tells a little too much and it outs them. If you claim to be an insider yet you go on anon rants talking about how a celeb is now completely lost and will never recover due to the "PR shitshow their incompetent PR team and evil agency put them in" and go on rants screaming about the celeb's partner being a "fat shaming racist n****" that's a huge red flag/tell for me.
Professionals know how to keep things professional no matter what their personal opinion is. I think you have really done that and I think it's very admirable. I'm sure you have your own thoughts about the whole thing and it's pretty clear you're not super fond of this Portuguese "actress" or her husband's own choices/decisions but you've never shamed her or called her disgusting names like some of the PR blogs do. You always keep your comments about him very reasonable and you seem to have a respect for him as well since you have met him before. I really appreciate your commitment to remaining neutral, kind, and collaborative in your asks/answers.
I feel like many/most people don't like her on here and I think there's exceptionally good reason to dislike her. But I too, draw the line at discussing somebody's body and even name-calling them disgusting names regardless of what I personally believe. It's just not done. You can criticize someone and even show disdain without full on bullying and/or putting them down to extremes.
Also. Your first post about the VF after party was what really hooked me onto your blog and insider knowledge. When I had found out they attended the red carpet, I was actually curious to see how it would play out. I personally don't really care if they're married or not because it doesn't change my opinion of him (I don't think he's a bad person for marrying her, real or not, because he's not the first or will be the last to have a partner his fanbase despises and digs up questionable crap about. It's HW). I just wanted to see, okay, so will they show up and interact and pose in photos with the other avengers, other stars, be seen at the parties, and maybe even pose in photos with other stars? Or will it be something weird where it'll make you scratch your head and go, hmm. That was weird.
We got our answer and when US weekly claimed they went in, took pics and left, and you came in with your piece from your insiders, and we got pap photos of them on the carpet, one pic of them maybe having a drink at the bar, and then them outside waiting in the parking lot with his publicist and no pics with any of his former costars, his brother, other friends. I went...ah. That's the rub.
Love your blog, mod! Stay cool =)
I will be honest and say that there probably quite a few more who have more knowledge than I do.
My knowledge is industry related so I don't always get the full backstory of gossip, especially when it comes to Chris Evans as a whole, because my world exists within his but they don't always collide.
When they do, like when I got that VF insider knowledge, which was pretty funny to see match up with the magazines that were reporting on it and also funny when people were yelling at me in inbox and calling me fake.
Can't fake the truth!
I appreciate you, anon. This is a place for me to drop some insider knowledge from time to time and get to meet some pretty cool anons and such. I don't claim to know everything and anyone and I'm down to discuss whoever besides the usual suspect.
Thank you very much, appreciate ya!
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h-worksrambles · 2 months
Tumblr media
I’m still so mad at how the game handled this boss.
Putting aside that you’re still coming off the bizarre, disorienting framing of the previous scene (yes I know why they did it but the execution just doesn’t land), this JENOVA fight is especially frustrating because at first it seems like it’s going to be great. Barret furiously yelling “I’ll kill you!”, Cloud murmuring and rambling to himself as he fails to process what just happened, a heartbreakingly beautiful remix of Aerith’s theme playing in the background. So many of the components here are strong. It seems like it’s going to set the stage for a emotion-driven fight where the party unleash their grief and rage on this monster before them. They know it won’t bring their friend back but they don’t care. They just need this thing to die. And once it’s gone, the horrifying reality of what’s just happened sets in. Just like it did in the original. If the boss ended at just this first phase, it would be fantastic.
Unfortunately, after Remake’s finale, that would evidently be an anticlimax so we need to stretch out the final boss and…fine, I guess. But as long as they can maintain that atmosphere I don’t see why this shouldn’t w-
…Aaaand then Aerith’s theme is phased out for another JENOVA remix. So already you know this gonna be a shitshow. But then the party starts…inexplicably quipping at each other? Cloud and Barret start trading banter about the monster they’re fighting? Excuse me? What happened to the tone? These characters just watched their dear friend get brutally stabbed. Where’s the grief? Where’s the anger? Never mind that, have all the characters get flown up into the air to fight the boss while trading more fucking banter. Why is Yuffie teasing Cloud at being glad he brought her along now? Why are Barret and Red XIII glibly cheering each other on now? Why is Tifa showing no emotion for the death of her best friend (the whole ending does such a disservice to Aerith and Tifa’s friendship after giving them the best developed relationship across two whole games but discussion for another day). Why is Cait Sith making bad puns about ‘dropping in’ and ‘swinging by’?
And on top of all of this, Square-Enix decided that the most fitting way to end this would be a cinematic over the top anime team up attack where Yuffie, Barret and Cait spout dumb one liners. Tonal consistency? What’s that? It’s exactly the same bullshit they pulled when adapting Corel Prison. The remake project has spent the length of two massive RPGs bringing these characters to life as vividly and lovingly as possible. But its insistence on making every moment the biggest, most eye catching spectacle, betrays a total lack of subtlety that does those characters a disservice at multiple pivotal moments. Quiet, melancholy intimacy does not exist in this game. Everything is loud, everything is maximalist. Everything is cool and flashy. And a lot of the time that works exceptionally well. But this game has no off switch. And it really hurts the story at times.
This is without even getting into the rest of the final boss, the whole baffling affair with Sephiroth, and Zack and the fucking multiverse. Because you know what? At least that was done specifically because of Rebirth’s new story. It was done with a purpose, even though I don’t think it was a good purpose. The JENOVA fight is just shallow, tonally borked spectacle. And, much like the ending as a whole, the emotional pathos of Aerith’s death is lost amidst the style, ambiguity and overwhelming presentation.
Aerith and this game as a whole, deserved a better send off than this.
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patchesjam · 1 year
hello! i'm seeing a lot of mcc criticism on tumblr today after squidcraft and i wanted to know- what made you move away from mcc? completely genuine question with no judgement btw, i want to hear people's thoughts :D
for me, although i still enjoy it, i do have some criticisms for mcc. i don't like how the community treats some duos as too op when pretty much any duo can be balanced, even the strongest ones (like drellumina (pls scott i will sell my soul for this pls)). i also don't like how toxic the reddit can be sometimes, esp. towards dreamnap. and i really don't like that tina hasn't been able to get a strong team for so long. she deserves a win!! maybe with drellumina on her team!! and niki so they can both win!! *cough cough* scott pls *cough cough*
those are just some of my thoughts, though, and i'd genuinely love to hear yours on why you're not a fan of mcc anymore (saw your post where you called yourself an ex-fan)
so for context i used to be a mcc fanatic. i'd watch like 5 teams pov's id know every stat, id count my weeks by how close/far away it was from mcc - I LOVED IT.
but yeah my criticisms are along the same lines as yours. I don't like the teaming that much. S tiers can be balanced, dream and techno barely got into dodgebolt. AND even if they couldnt, there's like 8 active S tiers, thats 4 teams of 2. Theres also lots of very good players (Antfrost, CPK, 5up) that could make up the rest. <- just have a very high average mcc? Tina got screwed over by the teams too, and never got an actual chance at winning a mcc. There's little variety in teaming, the same people are nearly always with the same people.
The reddit lost my interest due to how sexist they are towards Jojo, Niki and Tina. , Jojo has had her skill constantly undermined and pitted against Purpled, despite her having far far less op teams and still doing amazingly she was held up to unreachable comparisons. Niki and Tina fall into the 'they're good team players' trap where people dont care enough to know what theyre actually good at and just see the 40th placement. I was infuriated when i talked about tina's teams on the reddit and got 'hmmm... maybe she wants to be with her friends and not win' when SHE complained on stream about it?????? The entire reddit pisses me off in regards to dream.
my biggest gripe is with the community though. drama on teams day, drama on game announcement day, drama when practicing, drama before the event, drama during the event, drama during dodgebolt, drama after the event. Somehow it was a 'for fun event' but people having fun while being competitive were demonised. Of course hermitcraft, noxcrew and scott are personally victimised always by any dteam member - and any time scott or grian does well its ment to be a personal insult to dream. Funnelling should never have become such a shitshow and it only did because dream did it. Buildmart should be changed up now because it is stale if nothing else, and the complete unwillingness of anyone to hear out any criticism of it infuriates me. Liking (or hating) buildmart is not a fucking personality trate gtf over yourself. No dream isnt personally targeted by noxcrew, but they have made some bad decisions that i disagree with that were unfortunate to him.
it just became more and more unfun and it felt like the people who claimed to enjoy it only enjoy it in defiance of big bad dream.
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
I just woke up and now i’m speechless. What the hell is going on?!
Sometimes I just can’t with this fandom…
I came here from twitter during this shitshow because a lot of my mituals there unstanned chris (and i umderstand why) abd another half believe in this pr mess after valentine drop, so i just wanted to find ppl who still stan chris but believe that it is pr rs. Tumblr suggested me to follow a lot of different blogs (like my fav maja, thebostonhottie, you) but there were others that i unfollowed bc they bullied maja, called everyone c*** and i was like nah. Then i followed another blogs and now they ask money “for christopher”? I am in shock. Do people lost their minds or something? Even if they were close to chris, why would he ask money from his fans but not his family, rich friends (rdj, scarlett etc)??? And now i saw that they try to collect 23K to help him? It is big amount of money for ordinary non-american people but IT IS NOTHING FOR HW ACTOR. Like comon.
Do I believe that CAA is evil? Yes, because we do have a lotof info what they did and are doing. Do I believe that Chris asked for money from the fans? I am not that stupid.
Thank you for following 💙❤ I hope you have a good time!
I am going to repeat again, 23K is not something that a celeb would be fined in a high-level celeb pr contract if they decide to end it. The penalty might go up to six figures. Also, I agree 23K is nothing for Chris. He has been renovating a $10M house!!!! A house he might not even sell and just keep it. He is a millionaire! None of his money is being frozen! He is doing this PR because he needs a good movie role and he doesn't have a huge artistic role in his resume. After his Cap era, he might have found it very difficult to land artistic roles. He doesn't want to go back to Disney, we all know that. The industry is already going through a creative crisis, and writers are on strike. CAA might have put an offer for him to do something for them and they would get him roles he likes. It is simple as that. There is no other wild conspiracy theory!
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madeofcc · 1 year
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Hello everyone and happy new year to all of you ♥
As a new year is starting I wanted to let you know a bit more about all the things I’ve planned for this year and also how my life could affect those plans. Feel free to read or skip this. But remember ...
Thanks a lot for being here and take very good care of you ♥
Blog update : As a new year is coming, I might change my theme but this is not my priority. You can see it above, those 3 stories are my main goal for this year ! As Another Side started last year, I really want to give you the entire story. The end of 2022 was quiet hard and I couldn’t work on it as much as I wanted to and you’re still here waiting for the next parts so I also feel like I have to end this story properly. This should take the first months (I think at least until february/march for sure) as the first part of the story is still not done and I’ve planned 4 parts for this ghost story. Are you enjoying it so far ? What do you think might happen ? Do you already have any favourites ? Don’t hesitate to tell me everything through asks and comments :)
After Another Side, we will finally get back to Destiny Harbour with the part I wrote the entire story around. Like, this 3rd act is the first one I wanted to developp but decided to include more background story first with DH1 and 2. So here comes the Britechester arc, which also is the end of teenagehood for our characters. This arc will be cut in two parts : a special musical episode called Melodia (I’ll tell you more about it on the next post) following by DH3 that will takes place 6 months after Melodia. This arc will be as light as very dark and will explore a lot of young adult theme such as : harassment, male toxicity, civil rights and the discovery of ourselves. All the characters will face some of the darkest issues of their lives and you will also know more about most of them (even the main ones like Leïla or Destiny). DH3 will also be a tribute to Wes Craven’s Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream, so if you’re a horror fan, this part should really be for you ♥
As Melodia and especially DH3 are pretty long (DH3 is the longest season so far with 12 episodes) it should take the entire year so are you ready ? If everything goes as planned, I can already tell you that 2024 will be focused on a new Another Side story, a DH LGBTQIA+ spinoff (that will take place several months after DH3) will start as well as DH4 if my life doesn’t get pretty impacted.
I guess that’s all for the blog update. I guess that now I have to be more intimate with you all and tell you more about the shitshow going on behing the making of sims stories ! Feel free to skip this part if personnal stuff isn’t your thing.
Personal update : So as most of you know, I lost my job in September and I’ve been struggling to find a new one since. What most of you don’t know though, is that I live with my ex for a bit more than a year know (after 6 years of relationship) and that has been affected both our lives. It’s not a nightmare, we’re both adults who also do our best to have a peacefull life, but it could be better (how many years would you live with your ex even though you’re friends? think about it) so we’re both kind of focused on moving on this situation.
As you can imagine, this has become a priority for me, especially since I got fired (it’s waaaaay harder to find a place when you don’t have a regular income - no I won’t do any patreon shit and will rather be homeless again than taking advantage of kind and poor people who want to help because they understand how it is while rich ones don’t give a single fuck anyway). So, between all these, life drama and death also came around lately so more stuff to deal with and guess what ... I’m still using a broke laptop on Windows 8 (which is kind of dying this year) so I’m facing some kind of issues with more and more software I used previously (no more Topaz Clean T_T / Good bye Gshade ...thank god Reshade still works) and I’m a bit scared it’s some kind of planned obsolescence that will ruin my computer and all my writting plans (it’s litterally one of my biggest fear. It’s the only computer I have and I won’t be able to buy a next one if it breaks for good U_U).
Thankfully, you’ve been around ♥ Seriously, I know I always thank everyone a lot and always say that you’re a strenght but you really are. 2022 has also been awesome because of you all and I will never thank you enough for all the support you’re giving by simply enjoying my content. I mainly post here to escape and also to practice my writting skills so it’s been a real joy and it always cheers me up a lot to see I actually have some readers who are interested about my stories or characters’ fate. You are also a true daily inspiration when I’m discovering my dash everyday like a kid in front of a new episode of their fav anime ! So, thank you for being awesome and being that creative my friend ♥
I wish you all the best for this new year. Let’s make 2023 an epic year of content ! It has already started on my dash ♥
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heyharoldsboo · 1 year
Their accusations against him actually are that he was an enabler and that he allowed these parties in his house where girls would get raped. Also they said he would do the same, get girls drunk and sleep with them. However, a girl has yet to come and say Percy did that to them directly. `So far its people he was friends with
Okay, so I actually want to address these accusations that say he was an "enabler". So thank you, anon, for giving me the opportunity.
It's not a crime to give a party, even if a crime happens at said party. Unless they can prove that he actively sought to make the party a crime, he isn't enabling anything. Unless they can prove that he stood by while he knew that something was happening, he wasn't enabling.
If something happened at one of his parties, he is not responsible for it. He is not responsible for anyone's behaviour but his own. If we're going to believe screenshots and people coming out of the woodwork to defend those girls, we have to believe Percy's friends that came foward with claims. They all said that while he gave some parties, they were never wild, and he never took hard drugs. That he kept to himself a lot and didn't get blackout drunk.
Inviting people you like or want to have sex with to a party isn't a crime. Even if you invite them with the intention of trying to get it on with them. That's like 90% of late teens/young adult interactions at parties. Honestly, I lost the count of parties I went to in this life. And the number of times I got drunk around people I liked or was interested in having sex with. It's what you do if you like going to parties, specially when you're young. It might be risky behavior for everyone involved, but it's what happens.
All these "allegations" are hearsay. As you said it, they're claiming that this happened to "friends" or that "friends saw". We're at more than 15 days of this shitshow, and they controlled the narrative for the first week. They had a mob of people willing to defend them.
Why haven't these "friends" of theirs that Percy hurt come foward? Well, my guess is because they don't exist.
From what we learned through Desirees screenshots, Percy told her that the Raphael guy had been accused by another girl, and that it was a delicate situation and that he didn't know how to deal with it because it had never had happened before. She doesn't tell him at that moment that it was a frequent thing, as they now claim it was. Why is that?
And honestly, he doesn't have to get people drunk for them to want to sleep with him. Let's be honest. He's been famous and involved in good sized projects ever since he was 15. That alone could convince a hell of a lot of people. And it's not like he is bad looking.
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keichanz · 2 years
I remember you mentioning that you lived in north NY. The snow was brutal, you okay in your neck of the wood?
oh my friend. it's been rough.
we got hit with a literal blizzard last week and got hammered. it started friday night and it got so bad the governor issued a state of emergency for ny. driving conditions were horrible with whiteouts and ice and a travel ban was issued for the entire weekend. snow drifts got up to about 10 feet tall and there were fatalities in various counties because emergency vehicles couldn't get to people in distress fast enough from the awful road conditions. even snowplows couldn't work fast enough and some of them got stuck. the ny state thruway shut down all the way to pennsylvania. my entire town pretty much just shut down - stores closed, small businesses closed, events cancelled. granted since it was christmas weekend a lot of them were closed anyway, but the major stores like walmart and target which usually just closed early were closed completely until tuesday. power outages everywhere with thousands of people going without heat or power for several days. thankfully i never lost power, but i did lose my internet friday night around 6:30 until about 11:45pm (trust me i was NOT happy) and i guess it was like a statewide internet outage because i wasn't the only one. that really sucked, but if there was one thing good that came out of it was i got some writing done without vr or social media to distract me lmao.
and if that wasn't bad enough, on sunday about half an hour before i was gonna leave to drive to my parent's house for christmas - the driving ban for my county lifted that morning thank god - one of my water pipes underneath my house burst and i got a leak, so i had no water. had to call my dad, who drove over and confirmed the leak, and since it was christmas no one was available to come that day to fix it. so i had to turn off my water to avoid a ridiculous water bill and then i went without water for four days. i just got it back yesterday morning and lemme tell you, you really don't know what you have until it's gone.
so yeah. it was pretty brutal. we're in the process of slowly recovering tho. the roads are much better, pretty much completely cleared, and the temperatures which dropped to about -10F in some areas with the windchill a chilly -40F, is steadily increasing. it's gonna be about 47F today and tomorrow almost 60F. so now we're having a heatwave to counteract the awful weather last week and no one is complaining lol. it's like mother nature's like "sorry for the shitshow last week here's some warmth with a side of flash flooding enjoy."
but anyway. that's how my christmas went and how my week is going lol. thanks for the message anon and checking in on me :) as you can see i survived the blizzard of '22 and everything is almost back to normal.
much love ❤️
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 years
local soft nero is soft over old ocs
man finding your old writing (4+ years ago even!) and seeing what type of chars you used to make and how they relate to what you write now is wild. for context, i was an rper in certain asoiaf rp groups for years, though now my interest has shifted elsewhere and i don’t rp in that sense anymore (though i do enjoy gw2 rp from time to time! oasis and i hosting one soon!)
and like, so many good and usable ideas. father who lost his brother, his wife and his child in a very short period of time and who found refuge in religion and who now takes care of his late brother’s young kid. a woman who dethroned her father because he was an asshole to the whole family and because she believed she deserved his place and whose love life is just a shitshow. a bastard son of a noble who was trained since he was a kid to be a perfect knight but who wasn’t denied love by his extended family and who just wants to play music and make people happy and that somehow always gets him into shit (and falling for a charismatic women.) a young queen wants to show everyone she deserves to rule but doesn’t know who to rely on yet and how she deals with putting that trust in the wrong person.
there were a lot of long-haired sometimes silver-tongued, sometimes snarky pretty dudes but i can’t help a type. there were a lot of women in positions of power because we love to see it. like rereading some of these and seeing the rough forms of the building blocks of my current OCs is making me soft ngl, it was practice for what i’m writing now and if you ever find your old ocs and ideas, behold them gently and with great interest bc you might just find where you started and it’s always great fun!
plus, one of my most beloved stories of my own make came as a result of rp and coordination with some friends (bb dorian and his son lucien my beloveds)
there was no real point to this i guess beside me screaming WHERE DID BABY NERO GET SUCH GOOD IDEAS FROM and to remind y’all to cherish yours. they matter <3
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b1nibaddie · 2 years
lost (+also, august dump.)
i wrote a long ass rant dump with some inspirational shit a few days ago, but i lost it completely when i checked the tabs again. fuck, i hope i don’t lose this one.
august is self-care month. all the tiredness i experienced in the previous months, i totally made up for this month because i haven’t felt (physically) tired the whole month. work was lax, and i actually have a lot of free time to rest after work since brad is also busy doing his things.
because i have so much time to rest and reflect tho, mentally, this month has become a shitshow for me. i tried living healthy at the start of the month, but i got sick after that (viral infection, but that was the worst cough + sore throat combo i’ve ever experienced). so the dieting + living healthy thing is wearing off even though i really want to maintain it. also, i spent most of the month worrying about the SDS application. when i finally confirmed that i got the job, the counteroffer comes in. my appointment will only be signed provided that i work for U/RGE the rest of the year. 
of course, i wasn’t happy. it’s like booking a flight somewhere, finally getting the ticket you paid for, and ending up to a completely different place than the one you booked. i was agitated. i didn’t understand why she wanted me, of all people, to work for her. of  course it was still a bit flattering, but i wanted a normal office life in SDS. i wanted to learn and soak up as much as i can. i wanted to work with new people, just to get over the fact that i lost the best team i have ever worked with (so far). i wanted to be good with my job, and i wanted to prove myself so i could start climbing up the ranks and land a scholarship, hopefully, under that division.
but ig life has different plans.
took me a few days to process that news, and also to come to terms with it. for a few days i was extremely lost-- i was grasping on straws thinking of counteroffers so that i can be reintegrated to SDS. i desperately soaked up as much self-help books, inspirational quotes, bible verses, and other motivating content i could find just so i could accept that i’ll be working on a post i didn’t originally wanted. i also felt guilty, that i’m being ungrateful of the opportunity, so i tried to accept it internally as quickly as i could.
once i’ve dealt with that, news just kept pouring.
josh got accepted for a scholarship that he applied for. it was in another country. while i was really happy for him, i couldn’t help but feel jealous. i knew i was capable as well. i wished it was me. i was proud of him, but i felt extremely bad for myself.. just because i want the same thing. then again, i scrambled to find as much “we go at our own pace” quotes to console myself from this. i felt like, i was being left out. people around me were getting really good, life-changing opportunities, and i was being stuck in a position i didn’t want, albeit it was an opportunity. 
rene, a college classmate, recently passed away. 
i deactivated my facebook account and my twitter because i couldn’t bear to see the posts mourning his death. he was a very close friend of mine during college. the last time i saw him was during the wake of dada, and i never expected that the next wake i’ll be attending is his.
life is fucked up. and damn is it short. i couldn’t bear the fact that a very close, personal, friend of mine left this world too early. i know he wanted to be a doctor so bad, and he was on the way. he was class president. it really broke my heart hearing the news, scrolling through all the pictures he had on facebook. 
i love you rene. may you rest in peace. 
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