#I guess having beliefs but no community is the key.
katyspersonal · 20 days
Sometimes I still worry that I've lost a source of my power when I've lost him. It will be a full year at the end of August.
I said what initially driven me towards him was a kind of pain and loneliness I knew very well, but it was also courage. He could say anything despite knowing how much hate he'd get for it, that it would guarantee his unpopularity within the fandom despite having incredibly good headcanons and useful research. Despite nobody really supporting him besides occasional incels and radfems mistaking him for their kind - either being his enemies too. He knew better than to consider enemy of his enemy his friend. It felt like he was against... everyone? At some point? Not surprising that he ended up with finally finding the only person to understand him in a saint spirit of sorts. However, in my culture, the lone warrior in the field is said to be a hero. Fighting because he feels like he must, despite 0 chances to accomplish anything.
I resented conformists all over the internet who, if they ever got doubts or straight up controversial opinions, would not dare to speak them to "not lose platform :'((((". They'd still nod their heads for what the most intimidating people say, at most revealing their true feelings in some Discord DMs only to later be betrayed by those "friends" and shamed for those screenshots all across the VERY "platform" they've cultivated. Absolute waste of time and emotions. He, however, felt like an antithesis to that shitshow as a concept by how free he was. How he didn't need any approval, nor faltered upon any criticism. Like pure, primordial chaos. I didn't really look much into it, but not only I admired intelligence regarding various topics on biology, history, religion, art and craft, literature, chemistry and medicine.. I also hoped that by just standing near him, I could get a fraction of that power. And I did...
I did.. I definitely gained more courage since then. Some of it is even still with me. I could speak my doubts, and my observations, and challenge infinitely more cruel and influential opponents in a debate. I've finally cut ties with any hope for ever being popular and loved and accepted. Like.. deep down I knew harassment would come sooner or later as soon as I stepped on that path. I knew what I was doing to myself and what for. Above all, I wanted a piece of his huge, radiant, chaotic soul to learn to be strong and independent like him, to no longer need attention or approval like him. I think at the most part I used it for good. I spoke against various injustices and logic faults better than before.
But I think I got it the other way around. I've always been a contrarian at least a bit. I just needed a display of how much I really could do, and how much I was ready to lose and endure. But I think the more time went on, the more it felt like proving my "loyalty" to him. I could do a lot.. but as long as I felt the strong presence behind myself, always holding my shoulder. In the end, I was still a weak pathetic autistic person, whose intellectual failures guarantee them being in endless hazard of ideological grooming. The thing is, I wonder if he ever REALLY was any better. Was not he ideologically groomed by various scum from 4Chan too? Especially with how easily it would be to appeal to his tragedy and betrayal he endured? He was a lot like Morgott. The guy believing and ready to fight for the oppressive system that targeted people like him. Was not he groomed, as a queer person supporting conservative nonsense against his own, because the very queer community betraying him and many others was a good display of "true face of this world"? Who is to tell that he didn't feel strong presence, even if anonymous, behind him? Who is to tell that he never was terrified to disagree with those groups?
If anything, I've learned to stay away from "communities" that base themselves around opposing the shared enemy. AND their 'wandering' members, because they will still speak not their points and not their arguements. They get too stuck in their beliefs to the point they recite them without understanding what they entail, they will never listen to the other side perceiving them as enemy out to groom them away from the right path, and they are TOO trigger-happy to dispose of "heretics", who either go astray or picked by the counter-community. However, every community is evil, foolish and cultish because every community has people in it.
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starb3rrys · 8 months
could I request hc of what thing make hunting dogs fall in love with her more
Hi! This is such a sweet request, I’m such a sucker for some sweet fluff! I wasn’t too sure if I should’ve added Teruko or if you only meant the male hunting dogs- so I decided to go with the safest option (sorry Teruko). Anyways, without further ado, enjoy these head-canons!! <3
Things that make the hunting dogs fall deeper in love
Hunting Dogs x GN! Reader
Ft. Tecchou, Jouno, Tachihara, Fukuchi
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Loyalty: Tecchou always catches his heart skipping a beat whenever you express your loyalty. Wether it be your loyalty to him, your beliefs, your ambitions etc. he can’t help but love you more for it, to him loyalty is something that shows strength in a person.
Open mind: Tecchou has a very open mind when it comes to food combinations, so it’s no surprise that he loves it when you’re open to trying his weird food combinations of the day. Aside from food, Tecchou also finds it admirable when you agree to try new things; new style, new haircut, literally anything your sweet heart desires he will 100% support you.
Support: Tecchou adores knowing that he has you there to support him. The times when he is feeling down and you’re there to hold him and motivate him to get through the day is enough to put a smile on his face. He cherishes the moments when you make it clear that you’re on his side, the moments when you encourage his job, his dreams, his goals and ambitions are the one’s he carries in his heart.
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Communication: Jouno loves being able to have open and honest conversations with you. Something about being able to sit down and just talk about each others troubles, concerns or even needs makes him happy. He doesn’t like having to guess what’s troubling you so he appreciates it when you yourself are honest about what is upsetting you, communication is key!
Reactions: Jouno is always amused with your reactions whenever he’s around. He finds it precious when your heart beats faster as he talks to you or walks by, or the way your body relaxes as he wraps his arms around you in a tight loving embrace.
Voice: The sound of your voice is the most entrancing thing he has ever heard. He could spend hours or even days listening to you talk about your day, your hobbies or even interests and he would never get tired. Your laugh is like music to his sensitive ears, nothing could ever compare to it.
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Understanding: Since Tachihara has to go undercover for two different organizations with totally different values, he appreciates it when you try to comprehend him and his actions. His heart flutters every time you are willing to look beyond his exterior and see from his point of view.
Trust: Tachihara adores the fact that there is so much trust in your relationship. He cherishes the trust you have in him; his abilities, his words, and decisions. He can’t help but smile knowing that he’s fortunate enough to have your unwavering trust.
Patience: Your boundless patience was one of the first things that captivated Tachiharas heart. It was the little things— your gentle smile after he came home late, the understanding nod when he made a mistake, and your calm reassurance during his moments of doubt. To him, your patience is a gift he treasures with all his heart.
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Respect: Fukuchi is deeply touched by how respected and appreciated you make him feel. He can feel himself fall deeper and deeper in love whenever you respect his decisions, his time, his efforts. He will make sure to let you know just how much he appreciates you :).
Independence: Allowing each other to have your own space and privacy is something he loves in your relationship. Fukuchi can be very reserved at times, so having a s/o that respects that and isn’t hovering over his shoulder every minute of the day is like heaven.
Compliments: When I tell you- his brain shuts down whenever you give him the slightest compliment, I mean it. He literally CTRL+ALT+DELETES whenever you tell him something simple like, “You look handsome today!”. Fukuchi is no stranger to praise and compliments, but when it comes from you? He doesn’t know what to do with himself.
Im ngl, I forgot Tachihara was in the hunting dogs.
It didn’t click in my head until I was just about to press “Publish”- I still love him though!
As always, I hope you enjoyed these little head-canons!! <3
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scoobydoodean · 3 months
Actually I'm about to take this little exchange between Dean and Cas and Sam in the opening of 6.03 seriously, because why not? The conversation in the hotel has been an example used by deancrit casgirls for years to sell a story that Dean is always inconsiderate and demanding things of Cas.
Except Dean hadn't asked Cas for anything in a year as far as we know. He hadn't bothered him once. He hadn't asked him for anything. We know Dean was doing research on how to get Sam out of The Cage over the entire gap year (6.01) but we aren't told that Dean asked Cas to help him. As far as we know, he didn't "bother" Cas—much less demand his aid.
For many, that isn't necessarily the issue though. The issue is the lack of communication in of itself—the lack of "checking in". Setting aside that this isn't Dean's sole responsibility in the friendship and that Cas controls the means of communication between them, when Cas left at the end of 5.22, he spoke as if he was going off on his own solo adventure. Bolstered by a second resurrection, he planned to pursue his faith (and he and Dean clashed briefly over faith). Cas was excited by the idea of becoming "the new sheriff in town" up in heaven, and he didn't give the impression that he planned to maintain a relationship with Dean. He flew off without saying goodbye as if it didn't even occur to him that their connection was important and that parting deserved any sort of recognition, and I think that's how Dean received it—that Cas was at the very least, going away for a while and didn't care to be bothered.
At the same time, Cas didn't give the impression that he thought taking charge in heaven would be difficult. When we next see Cas a year later in 6.03, Cas echoes this sentiment, saying, "I expected more from my brothers". He thought he'd have more help from the other angels in creating (non-apocalyptic-leaning) order. To be honest, I don't think Cas or Dean expected Raphael to be a problem for Cas when they parted ways in 5.22. The Raphael that Dean and Cas had met in 5.03 was tired—barely past neutral in the apocalypse. In fact, Raphael didn't seem to actively take a role in making anything with the apocalypse happen. His only role seemed to be to guard The Prophet Chuck. He seemed like he just wanted to be left alone and outright said he didn't want to be in charge anymore.
"[God] ran off and disappeared. [He] left no instructions and a world to run. [...] We're tired. We just want it to be over. We just want...paradise."
I would guess that Raphael's attitude in 5.03 (and the fact that he never actually came after Cas between 5.03 and 5.22 as he threatened) left both Cas and Dean with the belief that Raphael was weak—beaten down by life, and unlikely to be a problem—that if someone came along and said they wanted the keys, he'd just say, "Whatever" and hand them over and ask to be left alone. Even if he'd fought, Cas hoped to organize the angels on his side first according to his reflection in 6.03, and he believed God would be on his side (even the fear of that possibility was enough to scare Zachariah). God brought Cas back to life twice after he was killed by an archangel—once in 5.01, and again in 5.22. This likely bolstered Cas's confidence as well, made him feel he could gain the favor of devout angels, and made Dean believe Cas would be safe.
What's more, the Cas that Dean is familiar with from season 4 to season 5 isn't shy about asking for help. All Cas did all of season 4 was come to Dean asking or telling or demanding Dean do things for the angels. He was never shy about it. He was nosy and lacked any sense that he might be bothering anybody or even intruding on personal space when he came wanting help with something. He was more likely to show up unannounced and threaten and guilt than he was to think he was being a burden or that he had to handle everything on his own (though he was certainly happy to handle certain things on his own when he thought it would be easiest not to consult with anyone in advance). In 5.03, Cas showed up out of the blue asking Dean to be his meatshield against Raphael. In 5.04, Dean had to explain the concept of sleep when Cas wanted to pick Dean up to help him with a search for The Colt. When Cas needed help, Dean helped—practically and sometimes also emotionally. There were no questions about putting Dean at risk—the mission always came first.
So Dean between 5.22 and 6.03 has no reason to believe Cas would not come to him if he was in need—emotionally or practically. He simply assumes Cas is busy in a healthy way—busy governing with his angel buddies—busy with other relationships and his faith.
When Cas arrives in 6.03, it's because, for the first time in a year, Dean prayed to see if Cas had any ideas on their case. It wasn't a big deal—but seemed like it might be up his alley. It wasn't a demanding request. Hell—maybe Dean sees being on a mission for the first time after a year as a good excuse to get in touch. However, he also finds out just now from Sam that Cas had ghosted Sam when Sam was resurrected and prayed over and over. Over an entire year, Cas never took the time to show. Even if they don't consider each other friends, Dean figures Sam is owed a response at some point over the course of a year after sacrificing his life for everybody.
So when Sam and Cas start squabbling about Cas suddenly appearing (it seems at first) just because Dean prayed instead of Sam, Dean picks Sam's side—and when he says, "When Sam calls, you answer", I don't think he's trying to give orders—I think he's trying to quickly end an unproductive squabble between two more-volatile-than-usual parties who are already prone to butt heads by addressing what he thinks is the root of the issue: Cas simply not grasping the basics of communication and human courtesy.
Dean's had to explain that it isn't okay to fly people places without their permission. He's had to explain that humans need time to eat and sleep and can't assist you at a moments notice at any time day or night. He's had to explain personal space. He's had to explain that watching people sleep is creepy. He's had to explain that showing up in people's rooms or bathrooms out of the blue is startling. This is just one more thing he feels he needs to explain based on his assumptions about Cas ghosting Sam—which are also built upon Cas's own claim—that he ghosted Sam for an entire year simply because he didn't have an answer to his question and for no other reason.
Cas then proceeds to make it clear that he didn't come because Dean called, but because of why Dean called. Cas is interested in the staff of Moses. Cas then proceeds to say "I need your help", and Sam and Dean help him instead of holding a grudge or demanding more explanations. As the case progresses, it becomes more and more clear that Cas isn't going to explain anything and he just keeps darting around and doing things like torturing a kid. So Dean finally demands to know exactly what's going on with Cas. Getting Cas to explain is really difficult—Cas doesn't want to. His responses are short and scattered—he doesn't want to take the time—he's still darting around while he talks.
When they finally get the picture that there's Apocalypse 2.0 brewing, Dean asks outright why Cas didn't ever tell them. The implication here is clear when you realize that up to this point, Dean knows Cas as someone who isn't shy about asking for help when he needs it.
Cas admits,
"I was ashamed. I expected more from my brothers."
He's still using Dean while he talks—literally yanking his wrist over to cut Dean's palm open and use his blood for a spell without asking.
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sunisglowing · 10 months
Full Moon in Shatabhisha Nakshatra - Pick a Card 👁🌕
(sidereal aquarius)
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Some of you need to heal your trust issues especially regarding asking for helping or opening giving to others.
Trust issues and the fear of being betrayed is stopping to recieve guidance and it can be the opposite too, to provide guidance.
Some of you might think other people might misuse or take advantage of you for the resources you provide for them. Meanwhile don't forget to be careful where you invest your money and resources.
Some of you should donate to charity or in some kind of support group for the needy.
If you are the one who needs, help is coming your way soon.
You need to open your mind in becoming a student and learning new things. Don't be stubborn or judgemental and block the opportunities coming your way.
Serve your community and provide for the poor. Be careful with the investments you make too.
You might open up new opportunities for others or even for yourself if you give openly. Your resources and knowledge need to flow freely like water. You are putting up a blockage towards.
For some of you, you will be embarking on a new career which is your dream job, or a career related wish might come. Some of you will get the promotion you desire.
Ask yourself are giving or receiving, if you are, is it happening in flow? If you are giving, are you receiving too?? And vice versa.
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This full moon will shed light on your insecurities regarding money. Some of you are anxious about if you would do good in your career and making a good amount of money.
You will. You need to have more faith in yourself that you will get the career or the promotion you want. Especially if you have been putting in the work. It will all turn out well.
Some of you have a lot of pressure from family regarding your career. You may feel pressured to choose a certain path or just than you are afraid of disappointing them and not fulfilling their expectations.
You also desire stability in your life, especially in family. You might not have a very stable family environment or life, whether financially (for most of you) or emotionally.
You may be alone at times because of this and you hoard and save a lot. Good thing. You might travel or leave your home soon for your job.
You need to heal your relationship with money. Whether it's overspending or overhoarding.
You might think that career will solve your problems and that might be true to certain extent, but not all problems have the same solution.
You will get your dream job and the stability and security you desire.
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I guess what you need to work on is patience. Big dreams require a huge amount of time and patience.
Some of you might be so close to it, it's just few more steps or just one step.
You will see the results in a while. You have been following the rules, doing things the correct way but you still doubt it.
Some of you struggle with keeping up faith in what you worked on. Keep an optimistic attitude. It will work out, don't lose hope.
If some of you have joined an institution, church or a religious practice or ritual, you may also doubt its structure and system.
Maybe there are certain beliefs or strict rules you don't like or agree with. So it's making you doubt your choice of joining it.
Beware of who you share your important documents and money with, especially where you invest.
For others of you, I see that your dreams are unique and require you to move a different way rather than what others usually do.
If you have a business idea, how go about it is the key. You may have to leave something you have been waiting for to proper or bloom, because it is just not working out or results are taking time
Maybe others have relied on you. You were the stable and grounded tree that others would bask on and take the fruits. You are no longer doing that shit.
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You have shown a lot of strength and resilience. You have matured a lot. Your patience and compassion will result in someone special coming your life.
You have the qualities that endure when times are tough. You are at a point in life accepting of others and while taking and giving space.
If you don't resonate with this, maybe you should practice these qualities. Compassion for yourself and others.
You've already won by surrendering and giving up control. You are moving to a new phase of your life.
Luck is on your side, don't doubt it.
Follow your passion whether it be a creative field or a subject, and quickly grab the opportunities.
Some of you may have a tendency to just skip what's in your table and grab the next best thing. This way you will be losing everything you could have tried.
Some of you will be planning to travel soon. You will find a new romantic partner there and there will be a lot of mutual understanding and passion between you too.
Some of you have been wishing to move out, get a dream university, dream partner. It will come true.
Especially if you want to relocate, that might happen soon. Just you need to stay hopeful and keep having faith in your dreams.
You will find someone very emotionally understanding and compatible.
Your patience and resilience is being rewarded.
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Any tips for writing fast burn ‘romance’?
I have a couple of characters who are a) physically attracted to each other, and b) VERY quick to act/impulsive. As a result, it would be pretty out of character for them not to act on their mutual attraction shortly after they meet, and enter into a very loosely defined relationship of sorts simply because they’re both currently living in the same place.
While their relationship isn’t the focus of the story, it would be interesting from a character standpoint to see how they act in such a relationship, and to watch it evolve into something more meaningful as the two of them actually get to know each other as people (as you might have guessed, their impulsive asses have quite a lot in common). The problem is that almost all the guides I can find for writing romance either do not fit, or actively encourage against writing this sort of relationship. Through digging around I have found out about something called ‘fast burn romance’ but I can’t find any guides for actively writing it. Can you help?
Guide: Writing a Fast Burn Romance
What is a Fast Burn Romance?
A fast burn romance is one that goes from introduction to intense feelings much faster than a typical relationship.
How Does Fast Burn Differ from Slow Burn?
In a slow burn romance, romantic feelings develop more slowly than a typical romance. There's more time for the couple to get to know each other, and quite often they become friends, perhaps best friends, or they may be adversaries or acquaintances who just know each other very well.
How Does Fast Burn Differ from Insta-Love?
The major difference between a fast burn romance and "insta-love" is that there's obvious chemistry between the romantic interests, whereas in "insta-love" the romance feels unearned. It isn't clear why the characters are so attracted to one another, but in fast burn it's obvious.
Tips for Pulling Off a Satisfying Fast Burn Romance:
1 - Create Obvious Chemistry - This is the key to pulling off a satisfying fast burn romance. We need to see the physical signs of interest like lingering looks, "electric" touches, rapid heartbeat, butterflies in the stomach, blushing/heat rushing to cheeks, etc. We also need to see the emotional chemistry through non-verbal communication such as body language, facial expressions, and gestures, as well as through emotional bonding (sharing memories, beliefs, hopes and dreams, fears, likes and dislikes, etc.) You may also wish to show how other characters view them... if another character notices they make a cute couple or have good chemistry, it's adds more realism to the chemistry. Remember that sometimes "opposites attract," so they may have opposing beliefs or opinions, but if they find their opposing views complement one another, that can also be a way to build chemistry.
2 - Illustrate Chemistry Through Dialogue - One of the best ways to illustrate and build chemistry is through flirty dialogue, witty banter, playful teasing, commiseration, and shared humor.
3 - Create an Emotional Connection - Emotional connections are super important for a believable romance, but you have to establish this connection more quickly with fast burn. This is why it's important to make sure there is an emotional foothold through which the characters can establish an emotional bond. Anything that can give them the opportunity to open up about past experiences, past trauma, fears, dreams, etc. and allow them to see kinship in these things is helpful. For example, two characters who discover they both lost a parent at an early age would have an instant emotional foothold to bond.
4 - Fast Conflict and Tension - In typical and slow burn romance, there's time to introduce points of friction, challenges, or outright obstacles to the progression of the relationship, which creates tension that is released when the obstacles are overcome. Since there's not time to do that in fast burn, you can still look for smaller points of friction, easier-to-overcome-challenges, and minor obstacles to get that same effect in a quarter of the time.
5 - Give Them a Shared Goal or Common Enemy - It's no coincidence that a lot of fast burn relationships occur in survival scenarios or other high stakes/high danger situations. If your characters have an immediate shared goal, common enemy, or joint challenge to overcome, it forces them to get to know each other and learn to trust one another very quickly. There's not time for getting to know someone if you have to see them half-naked ten minutes after meeting them in order to dress their wounds. It doesn't have to be that dramatic, however. Anything that gives them an instant reason to work together is all you need.
Happy writing!
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naomihatake · 1 year
Nanami Kento headcanons #1
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Summary: random Nanami headcanons, general personality traits I observed and demeanor. I might elaborate later on some of those.
TW: none, I guess?
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︴He definitely has a hard shell. Genuinely, he has a stoic and low key shell rather than a cold one. He just seems unbothered and annoyed at the same time.
︴He's kinda sassy and blunt as fuck, but his comments are only for the best unless he's genuinely mad. He adores discipline and having plans for his next day, so he probably gets quite grumpy when it comes to unplanned things. Less grumpy when it's about a mission because he got used to how unexpected those are.
︴I see him as selfless. A bit too selfless even. He wouldn't let anyone die on his watch even if it costs his life (we're all crying about this one, I know)
︴I wonder if he has a hard time accepting his wrongdoings. And by that, I mean he has a hard time with himself rather than being unable of apologizing. I think he's very harsh on himself and he doesn't forgive himself easily. At the same time, I see him as someone who doesn't regret much. Those two sides of him depend on the context, most probably.
︴He cares more than he lets you see. And he's the type to believe in actions more than words and he follows that belief himself. He's the type to show more through actions than words and he tries his best to keep his promises. Is it even necessary to mention he doesn't make promises unless he's sure he can keep them?
︴His toxic trait is probably being so hard on himself he tends to avoid people thinking he's doing them a favor. However, I don't think this happens everytime. He has to go through really hard times and he doesn't forgive himself at all when he's on a mission with someone and they get badly injured.
︴He's honest. He's honest and very sincere and his bluntness probably makes him look cold, emotionless. He feels so much more than he lets be seen.
︴When he's close to someone, be it a friend or a partner, he's most likely softer. So much softer and his sincerity cannot only be heard, but seen on his features, in his eyes. He tries to mold his bluntness into positive criticism more, especially when it's about people he cares for, the ones he empathizes with.
︴He doesn't settle for less than he thinks he should receive because he gives everything, but he does feel guilty if shit goes down in any kind of relationship. He doesn't settle for less, but he doesn't wish for the moon either. It's kind of balanced, if you get what I mean?
︴If he's hurt, he tries to play it cool and take care of it by himself. He'd try to hide his pain, be it physical or emotional, but he wouldn't get mad if someone tries to help. He might say things that seem harsh, but if you'd look up at him as you help, he'd have such a soft gaze. He's genuinely grateful for help, even if he doesn't accept it at first.
︴He puts too much responsibility on his own shoulders, reason why he most probably doesn't want to become a sensei for young sorcerers. He'd burden himself with so much and he's sure there are people much better at this job, even if he can explain well. He's a good mentor, he'd be a great sensei. However, he swears up an down about how he wouldn't ever become a teacher.
︴He remains a kind person, despite what he seems to be. He's kind and if he'd get born into another life, he'd choose a universe without curses and the burdens he has to carry because of situations in the past he calls "mistakes". Once again, he puts so much on his own shoulders when no one asks him to. He's hard on others, but most importantly, he's hard on himself.
︴He's not optimistic or pessimistic most of the time. He's realistic and realism sometimes appears like pessimism to other people. He's able to read both the good and the bad part from a situation and to put into words. His way of talking/communicating makes it seem like it, but he's just realistic. He used to be very pessimistic as a teenager from what I gathered. He matured over the years and now sees everything from many other perspectives.
︴He's very good at communicating. If the conversation or the group of people he's with feels worth it, he definitely talks. And he's a smooth talker as well.
︴He doesn't let anyone walk over him. He'd be passive aggressive while also casually pointing out they're being an idiot. (I live for savage Nanami)
︴He hates when people disrespect others and ranks and the way sorcerers' grading is viewed is very annoying to him, most probably. In his eyes everyone has potential, in a way or another.
︴He's definitely sorry for the way those kids and teenagers have to just accept being sacrifices. And he'll protect them no matter what it takes because he's been there as well and he wishes he can give them better than what he's experienced as a young sorcerer.
︴"He returned to being a sorcerer from the life of a salaryman because he never felt truly appreciated and didn't believe his work had any significant impact on anyone. In contrast, work as a sorcerer allowed him to build up small bits of appreciation from innocent people. For Nanami, this was more than enough to allow him to live without regrets" — That's what Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki says about him and I couldn't find better words to explain this
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sotwk · 6 months
I've always thought that the reason for Tolkien elves losing interest in sex after having the kids that they want is a by-product of his Catholicism. My mum was raised Catholic and she says that she was raised to believe that children were the thing that redeemed sex and that ideally sex wouldn't happen at all. (Idk if that's a universal experience but it was hers) So it makes sense that Tolkien's elves, as 'higher' more spiritual beings would be less sexual beings and so would not partake in sex after they'd had their kids. (Which is why I ignore that particular titbit of Tolkien lore😉)
Ooof! I'm quite familiar with Catholic teachings on sex, and it sounds like the values your mom grew up with were quite extreme! (Religious values and beliefs run across a very wide spectrum, but let's not invite debates on that!) That sounds a lot more like something Mrs. Kim from Gilmore Girls would say. LOL.
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I admit I lean more towards the puritan, "higher being" interpretation of Elves, especially the Calaquendi who have seen the Light of the Trees. There has to be something that distinguishes them from the other Middle-earth races, and temperance when it comes to carnal needs and urges (i.e. sex, food), is one of those characteristics. So yes, Elves are less interested in sex than Dwarves, Hobbits, but especially Men, but even their appetites vary within their race.
When it comes to the SotWK AU's interpretation of Thranduil and his Elvenqueen wife, Maereth, here is a rundown of my take on it:
(My headcanons are mostly guided by what was written in the LaCE, because I'm a Type-A nerd who likes rules and manuals, but these are just MY interpretation of it. It's not hardline LaCE compliant either, and regardless, my takes are neither canon nor law!)
Thranduil and Maereth are descendants of Calaquendi, but had not made the journey themselves. Technically, Maereth is closer to the Light of the Trees and arguably more "blessed" in that manner, since her mother was born in Tirion (Valinor), as opposed to Oropher who never completed the journey.
Thranduil was always more free-spirited ("as wild as one of Araw’s Kine", Oropher described him in my fic "The Crown") than the average Sinda, and over the years became even more alike the Silvan people he ruled over.
Silvans are culturally more sexual than the Sindar or Noldor, not necessarily in the sense of being promiscuous, but rather that they take more pleasure in the act itself as way of bonding with their partners, not just for the sake of begetting children.
The Silvans do not lose interest in sex even after thousands of years, and are able to retain monogamous relationships with their partners because Elven bonds (platonic, familial, romantic, etc.) are as enduring as their physical immortality.
This is what helps the Silvan/Greenwood population endure through the millennia, throughout the "Mirkwood" dark ages, and into the Fourth Age and beyond in Eryn Lasgalen. They keep having sex, keep reproducing, and their population is sustained even through attacks and wars.
Oh, and culturally, the Silvans also love children and celebrate the process of raising them as a community. That's a key factor in their population growth too.
Thranduil and Maereth are, foregoing more eloquent terms, absolutely bananas for each other. Epic, epic, love along the vein of Professor Tolkien's love for his wife Edith, and its parallel romance--Beren and Lúthien. Could you imagine Lúthien replacing or loving anyone other than Beren? (I guess you can imagine anything in fandom, but I hope you get my point.) Well, it's the same with Thranduil and his Elvenqueen. It's a rather unpopular take on his love life, but that's how it is at least in the SotWK AU.
So yeah, they never tire of each other and never stop wanting each other, in any way, by any definition. They naturally stop begetting children after Legolas (their 5th), but the lovemaking definitely continues.
Sorry for the delay in this response, Anon--I hope you're still able to see and read this. And I hope the uncalled-for infodump makes it better, not worse! LOL. Thank you for the Ask!
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ngmn2002 · 4 months
Ch 111: Random Thoughts:
Ok, let's see...
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So we started the chapter from where we left off the last time, on the note of Hanako voicing his 'I hate you' to Tsukasa. Which Tsukasa only took with: an indifference "yeah? I know?" and a smile. how are we doing on the inside? we lost feeling, huh?
He is so chill about the whole thing, guess it makes sense? I mean he never expected otherwise from Amane, he lived on that thought when little, so... it's really normal. He would be shocked if the opposite happened, if Amane said "I love you" to him.
Like the time he came for him, despite his belief of "Amane won't come for me. He never did before." But even that one, Amane didn't carry on with the call to the very end. I'm starting to lose hope with this boy and his great curse. Talk. Please talk. And not harmful words, some good ones. For once.
Tsukasa's reaction is pretty expected, huh? Laughter on Amane connected things is no surprise when it comes to him.
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Well, good news to me I guess. not crying on the inside, no Tsukasa!! let me hug you!!
I mean, he is the one to laugh at such things coming from 'wired' Amane. Who personally calls himself wired.
The boy who cries 'I won't ask for more if my health is back to me so I could do all I couldn't before and get my dreams come true', once Tsukasa gives him that, he, as Tsukasa says, "After he finally got his wish, he is gonna go ruin everything himself." -"Amane's so wired."
"I intended not to see you ever again." "But I'm so happy to have you back" -"wired, right? there must be something wrong with me." He said that thingy himself.
"If you disappear, we won't be able to see each other again, I won't be able to save you." - "I hate you so much" - "weirdo. ahaha"
Was Tsukasa saying it in his mind in here, too?
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He looked happy to see me, even though he hates me so much.
no... stop...
seriously, it gives me ch 86 Hanako talking about himself vibes. I intended to keep you sleeping, locked in the boundary, but I'm happy to see you free, moving, feel your touch again. wired, right?
Then we have him going...
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Why? What is it that you want? Can't you just voice it out?
Get over your curse, Amane. You have to do it. Come on!
Well, despite all that, to me... you're a pitiful weirdo. I will go with it again...
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It's pretty funny to me Nene can't really go too hard on him, while a certain Tsukasa... is his medicine in a way. Stop before you give him grey hair, Tsukasa.
And please, get over the illusions in your head.
Well, I do hope one day, each of these 2 boys can get over his side of their miscommunication problem, so they can finally... finally... communicate well. All I have in me is hope. And that by itself at this point is a lot of courage for me to have in such a dark place. recalling the nice relationship the other Amane-Tsukasa versions is torturing at this point.
Aside from all that, can I ask one question? Was it needed to torture me with having the very first page of the chapter starting with a shot of nothing but the twins' hands and a key? ..........
Now, this "Fake" issue.
Mr. sensitive couldn't take Tsukasa's 'rudeness' to him the last 2 chapters, huh? He had to do something about it. He is so hurt.
Why not just talk about your feelings honestly? It's the reason why you reached this point, sweet boy. Don't get angry at the reaction.
Hmm... anyway... he is so dramatic. No, both boys are.
So, we got to see a flashback regarding their reunion. Even though I expected one emotional reunion, but maybe we'll have more into it later? But...
Look at baby Tsukasa back, I missed you!
Aww, look at Amane just standing there, teddy bear in his arms, a whole lot of emotions wavering within him.
Unlike your parents, you're there, carefully and closely looking at the scene. Tsukasa is in there. He is back. For real. Not in a dream or anything. No more crying on the window, no more wishing just to see him even for one more time, no more living on the old memories, a whole new promising future is now open for you both to share, this time you won't ever let him go. You won't lose him again. You'll make sure of it.
A moment later he will come running to you and hug you like little Tsukasa always does. Your little moon will be in your arms and then you can capture him. You will have him beside you forever and ever.
The moment you approach each other, you give him a wide smile, a happy blushing pleased face, raise a hand to casually greet him and welcome him back, excited for your nice shared future to start in there.
And sure enough, he runs right into your arms, as he always does. Hold him and never let him go.
Little Tsu running on the street with socks only, just like he used to be in the red house... must be tough... I wonder if he came back to a place close to where he lives or not... if not and he had to walk like that...
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Oh... he got some effects from burning together with the house? like a phoenix burns in the fire and is born again from its ashes. I like this Tsukasa-fire relationship. and... twins' fire one.
But, did Amane really see what's in Tsukasa? Why is that? Is it because he was near death at some point? Did it happen only for once? Did he happen to hear them talking together at some point? .......
Anyway, your game of hide and seek came to an end, won't you tell Tsukasa "found you?"
Ok, that one might have lost its call for good, but... the "I'm happy to have you back"... can it still come true?
A point goes to him for noticing something is different about Tsukasa right away, even before his mother or anyone did.
But of course, that's his brother, alright. He changed, but is still himself. And I will believe Amane gets that well.
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These 2 things always rub me the wrong way put together. What is your take on things, "Yugi"
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So, Kaku finally enters the scene. Just reminds me of how many times I have to roll my eyes whenever Tsukasa is called a fake, calm down people. And Hanako gets his protective mood of those he loves activated. Aww, how sweet. ~ Did Hanako also manage to break free from his chackles?
Akane stops time, and wow... I have to wonder how his time magic works. In the last clock keepers arc when he stopped time, Hanako (his cape on, just like now) and Nene didn't get affected. Now, they did. Such a good girl she was, going down to check on the boys. Tsukasa's time is also stopped, while he is cutely holding into Amane, maybe trying to get him out of the way? Apparently, the boy to never fear Mirai turning him to dust, never really get affected by her time magic, the clock getting broken, is... affected by Akane's watch. Where is the catch?
Ahem, just asking... isn't it fun the boy who wants time to stop so much, got to be frozen in place with his 2 lovies 2 times in a row in such a short time? Uh, next time let it be the 3 together so he can accept it and be happy. Even though, I think what he means is for the time around them to stop when they are having good moments and not for them themselves, similar to what he said in the p.p arc, I think.
Now, the thing of Teru - Akane kneeling before each other to ask favors, one was about Kou, the other about Nene. I wonder what will come out of these requests.
... what is it that Akane might want Teru and Nene to do? Maybe he is more specific about Nene?
Which is supposed to mean once things are changed, Teru will keep his memories of what happened, being a as powerful, and he will go get Nene. So, Nene... I think she will remember things, too. She is special after all, according to some people saying that about her, including Teru himself.
The keepers part...
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Same vibes...
Akane speaking our minds. The court was so funnily useless. At least on the surface, having what Kaku voiced out later, hmm, good.
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Teru and Kaku seem to hold the same view on things.
Seeing Kaku's words I'm just like... look at all the damage Tsukasa is causing, he is really serious, huh? yet is enjoying a fun, dangerous game. can't expect any less from him
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Hmm... Mr. who needs that.
Uh, Tsu-ka-sa. ♡
But wow, I have to praise Akane for not only being clever not to allow nat to use him like a toy the same way he did with Kou, turning him down and punching him in the face, but also for taking the time to tell Kaku about nat in the middle of a festival he is so busy with. It's rare to see a character actively reporting that guy's sus actions to the people who need to know of it, they just forget something happened and move on. Not talking about Nene or Kou. No, no.
Akane, you slay. You warmed my heart. I will let you not noticing Koku slide. even Nene and Hanako didn't.
Hmm... some of the things that don't need to be there within this ideal present the keepers what to make...
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Wow, so No.6 disappeared? Where to?
No.3's annihilation.
Had me laughing so hard, like... wow... so you do care to at least count who falls from your 'team'. And I thought the mysteries don't really care to think over such a matter.
"No.3 is annihilated? He got a replacement? Whatever."
It was never brought up by any of the remaining 6 at all. I thought it was OK and never a problem, no need to think over it or make a move whatsoever, they welcomed the replacement into their meeting, even. No move was took regarding what happened, even Hanako talked about it once, then he is joking with Mit 2.0 poor birdy, not the next time they met. Only No.4 talked about it when Tsukasa went to her and it wasn't about No.3, it was about her asking if he will do the same to her.
So, wow. Really.
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Tsu's casual way of standing...
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...usualy in front of doors.
And, I got to give Tsukasa a new nickname! Yay! We welcome Mr. Root into the family! ~
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Love it.
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Uhhh, those dark, deep and mysterious eyes ...
Such a good boy. ♡
Anyway... where were we?
Uh, we're talking about what's on the inside of Tsukasa. Finally, it's confirmed. Surprisingly enough, didn't take as long as the more obvious Tsukasa is a yorishiro thing. And here I was joking about it just in the post talking about ch 110.
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It's funny. Should I be joking about the the twins' death next so I can get it faster? ~
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Similar vibes. but not little Tsu, he is a baby... if it was older Tsukasa instead...
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Now, Akane's face upon hearing Kaku's words... did he connect any dots regarding Teru's words to him before about the 7 mysteries?
Hmm... according to Kaku's contrasting words to Tsukasa's... Apparently, in this world, you have to hold back, be a little obedient puppets to its rules, so it can be ideal. Why did you say you'll stop holding back and will do what you want? Why did you voice out your completely opposing view on the world and the rules? Why are you trying to change things? Why are you fighting against it? It's not allowed, Tsukasa-kun. It's time to erase you, you're a problem on the ideal present.
Pathetic, eh?
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What a happy little family. ~
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Do you really despise them, Akane? Even now?
And, we're back to 1986... to alter the past so we can put an ideal present in place.
After a new perfect picture arc, set in the real world not a painted picture this time, I assume things will come to an end with Nene on her own free well, wanting to get the present she is used to, will destroy No.1's yorishiro to get that to happen, then we are back to how things used to be, and might get her saying something like...
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Could Nene get to the way out, following p.p arc footsteps, via a Rooty Moon in his former form? Present form works well, too, but hmm... both sound like a cool idea as well.
Let's wait and see how things will unfold... Let's wait and see...
So, on this note I'll say...
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With this we reach the end. Thanks for reaing. Till next time.
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gaykey · 2 months
I think these people are convinced you, a singular person, have Key's popularity on this website in a death grip or some shit lol
Like they keep going on and on about "idols are just in their bubble blah blah it's not that deep" but it's like how did they get to be on that insular community to begin with? I mean the path there is significantly a lot of hard work but celebrity is absolutely reliant on relevance, on how many people are tuning in, how many people are following that person's career. Its not as simple as oh well it's their world why show it any criticism lol like the general public literally keeps them there by tuning in, it's how the system works.
Like all you're saying is for people to be conscious of the behavior/action this person with significant reach and impact compared to the rest of us is choosing during a genuine period of crisis and who's career is directly putting money in the hands of people who are dealing with the parties responsible for these crisis. And this selling out and prioritization of what serves HIM (and frankly other celebrities who take these jobs, I think even the Hyun4 shit is BOTH a reflection of that "celebrity bubble of friendship" and pr) and his belief in aiding his relevance by doing these deals comes at the expense of the persona of caring and kindness he had previously built on top of its financial affect in these times.
If you're not happy with that it's easy as tuning out and saying your peace about it hoping others will listen. And if you are fine with the moral implications of that, that's on you; keep tuning in but it shouldn't surprise you when you're supporting decisions that do matter in the bigger picture and which reasonably bothers anyone who's paying attention to the way celebrity is also a reflection of some of the issues we are having now in the grand scheme of things.
Like you, making these issues known shouldn't be percieved as a threat to this mans career or frankly any idol who's selling out in the exact same way clearly, but soooo many people are bent on defending this behavior or not saying a peep about it when we could collectively be using this energy to push their hands to at least make CAREER choices to NOT aid the capitalism that fuels genocide or industry complacency with abusers. But fuck them I guess, I'm glad to follow you and know you care <3
P.S. Sorry for this long ass essay Asher saimdjfjcndkks
hello z, no need to apologise! you said everything that i've been trying to sorta say across various asks, only better.
i was starting to think i was overreacting tbh, but you're so correct.
thank you, i needed this. i don't even have any other intelligent input lol.
i'm glad i follow you too <3
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snowglobe-system · 2 months
*note: we used to go by sn0wshimmer on tumblr
Well, we never thought we'd be any kind of DID blog, we just kinda post whatever the fuck we want, but lately a lot of that's been about DID so... I guess we kind of are sometimes! We've been interacting in the community a bit more these days so I guess it's time to make an intro post.
We're a 20 year old polyfragmented DID system! Collectively, our name is Snow, and we use they/it pronouns. It's just as correct to refer to any of us by our collective name as it is to refer to us by our individual names. Also, feel free to add us on SimplyPlural, our username there is Sn0wspark! We're currently working towards recovery. Our headcount is somewhat fluctuating, and stating a definite count of parts is kinda useless, but we do have a list of public facing alters here. We're also autistic and ADHD, and we have BPD.
We are a cat therian, and many parts have their own alterhuman identities. We're very comfortable with our alterhumanity and we are open to being asked any questions about it so long as it's in good faith.
We are pro endo; however, anti endos are still welcome to interact. We were anti endo ourselves for a long time and have only made the switch fairly recently. Much like with our alterhumanity, we're open to being asked good faith questions about our syscourse stances.
Full transparency, we don't have multiple blogs because I gotta be honest man, trying to keep our interests organized to different sideblogs is really hard and more effort than it's worth for us. So you're likely to see a variety of content from us; DID/plurality, alterhumanity, audhd, BPD, warrior cats, slay the princess, cat genetics and memes are all likely to be found on our blog. We may also post some NSFW content! As a blanket statement, any post we make, including vent posts, are okay to reblog unless we state otherwise in the post or tags.
We have no DNI, but we do block liberally, so trust that if you're not blocked, you're fine to interact with us. We welcome all sorts of ideas and perspectives, as it is our personal belief that examining and interacting with any stance or idea that comes our way, even those that make us uncomfortable, is key to maintaining healthy and balanced opinions.
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9w1ft · 2 months
Hi 9. I hope you are well. Your blog has been a balm for my soul in dark times, read your comments full of confidence it's like fresh air.
I would like to ask if recently or in the past, you have received unpleasant comments saying that we are wrong in what we believe in addition to adding insults, etc. How have you learned to deal with it and if at any point have they hurt you emotionally?
aw heyy thanks for saying that!
oh yeah over the years i’ve had my share of flack and insults in my inbox or maybe i’ve had an altercation here or there, and sometimes you can put a bandaid on and go about your day but usually it’s still a cut you can feel. i guess the tl;dr: would be, i think that over the years ive learned to find the right blend of environment and outlook that sets me up to have it hurt less. also i think being able to contextualize hate dismantles its power greatly.
the big thing that youve got to have the ability to laugh at yourself. this is such a wild situation to be in! embrace it. a little self deprecation goes a long way. if you let go of the need to be understood by everyone and you recognize how wild of a situation it is that we are in, and if you can laugh about it, it cures most things imo.
next you have to keep the context of the hate in mind. a lot of things i’ve had said to me just dont hurt because i know the people saying them just don’t understand what they’re talking about 😆 maybe this comes with time.. like maybe if you hang around long enough it will click, but people from different parts of the fandom are speaking from completely different languages of meaning and beliefs and so i’ll see a comment and just be like wow that’s so fascinating how this person got compelled to compose that and say it with their whole chest. couldn’t be me!
another thing is just, it has a lot to do with where we are at and what i believe or what other like minded people do. to us, we have kiiinda already reached a kaylor win condition. i know people would disagree and i get why, but to me, in the grand scheme of things, i don’t feel the need to argue or defend because we’re already there. we’ve already made it! all the rest is a bonus to me. and so what this outlook does is it makes any hate seem really really quaint. like don’t care if rude people don’t understand. why would they deserved to? 😆 they should stay right where they are.
i think hate can hurt more when you at a point where you are less confident of what you think or if you want to listen to everyone and make sense of everyone as a way to uphold ‘fairness’ or a sense of a greater community but, when you are around long enough and get a better sense of each groups’ different motivations, you come to realize that your good intentions to involve and convince everyone is a bit of a fool’s errand because at the tops of each group is a core that will never move from their position. in the end it’s just more about a personal journey, i think. and i think usually you pick a lane or a group and just stick to it and most of the drama feels different because when you stop feeling the need to litigate, hate becomes confrontation for confrontation’s sake, and then the hate stops being about you, and you can see it as a part of a bigger thing.
also one key thing… i think it’s eons easier to avoid everyday conflict on places like tumblr than on twitter. it’s easier to curate what you have on your blog and its not a very public facing platform so things are more quiet and don’t spread to the general public. this filters out a ton. and there’s less eyes on your stuff and like people can screenshot and bitch on their own space but it’s not a quote tweet so you don’t really have this sense if you’re being talked about. you can block and even block individual IP’s, or on the flip side you can monitor activity on statcounter and see patterns of where messages come from and it kind of dismantles the mystique of them. tumblr makes it a lot easier to just do your thing. it’s not always in your face. and i would have a different persona and talk differently if i was on a different platform.
and i think people in general are better at staying in their lane here than on other platforms. over the years we have all sort of found our pockets and in general we stay in them, i think! so the stuff i do get is just always worded and delivered in the same way so i know its from the same people so it’s a little bit like kramer popping in on any given episode of seinfeld. it’s just part of the routine at this point 😆
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prydon · 4 months
I don't know if you're the right person to ask but I would trust you with my life even though I don't actually know you but is it weird to find your partner's partner hot??? Is it weird to have a crush on your partner's partner??
i. i honestly don't know why you thought to ask me of all people this but funnily enough i do have a partner who has a partner, so. i guess there could be WORSE people to ask???
i don't have a crush on my partner's partner but short answer--no, definitely not weird! since they're dating your partner, i assume that means they're generally around your age and have similar enough social circles and beliefs/personality/etc to you that your partner would be into both of you. also: you love your partner, and your partner loves them. so if you believe the partner that you love has good taste, then it's not weird for you to like something they like. in fact it makes more sense to have a crush on them than a random person on the street lol
as for what to do about that... idk. communication is key in all relationships, but especially polyamorous ones. so i say just talk to your partner about it and if it ends up becoming something you want to act on, then i wish you the best and i hope they end up liking you back!
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cultbusters · 4 months
Exposing the Discord Cult of TheDarkMoonKing
My source has provided me with screen shots and a Reddit link to the cult leaders social media accounts.
I have provided them below so that you, the people, can decide for yourselves.
Not going to lie...this guy seems sketchy
Below are photos of cult mastermind TheDarkMoonKing on his reddit
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Below is a post made by TheDarkMoonKing to his 'folowers' on discord. The language used to address those he 'loves' seems...cold and demeaning.
"mundane and non-special" hmmm
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I was approached by someone and was asked to share their story
Below the cut is someone's personal experience being on the inside of this cult.
Be safe and aware, ego plays a key role in losing touch with reality
Picture this, me minding my own business on a Wednesday afternoon.
I'm enjoying my lunch break when I get a message from a friend.
They inform me that they have stumbled upon what appears to be a discord cult in the making.
Seeing as I had nothing better to do with my Wednesday evening I agreed
Thus my infiltration began.
I enter the discord and see many different threads of information. All pertaining to the occult, deities, magic, etc.
So being the nosy fucker I am, I did a bit of a deep dive.
You see, so much of the lore that Cult King was teaching came from videos games, D&D, Dresden files, and so much more.
The Cult King claimed this knowledge is true and factual.
He had at one point shared with some of his followers that he had been given a quest to find a magic dragon egg and deliver it to someone in Chicago, it happend to be Thor himself.
Odin, the allfather you see, rewarded the Cult King with 10mil.
What I find hilarious is that the Cult King wants to start 'covens' or communes of ONLY 13 people. These covens will be all around the world (apparently) and the Cult King will pay for everyone and everything, but there is a donations thread in the discord to help fund the whole thing. So he won't be paying for anything his 'followers' will.
So I'm guessing the 10mil from Odin fell through or something.
I and also noticed a post the cult King made to his followers a lot for.the language used spoke to the reader like this " no matter how mundane and bland you are know that your king loves you".
Also, and this is what concerns me most, a lot of the followers this dude has are underage. While some of this shit is hilarious, cults can get crazy quick.
So I knew my time in the server was coming to an end.
To my keyboard I went.
To my intrigue someone else in that chat had already begun to ask him questions about these...plans of theirs.
I had my in, and it was time to stir the pot.
Being the polite folk that I am I basically said that these ideas seem creative but not realistic or based in reality.
Oh man, the hive began to buzz my dudes.
I had angered the swarm.
The Cult King kept deleting the messages they didn't agree with. Completely sensoring any opinions that differed from theirs, and mine wasn't the only one.
The Cult King kept preaching that this was a place of respect and different opinions would be tolerated only if they met the Cult Kings RULES!!
The Cult came for me hard.
Although, some were sweet and tried to convince me this King of theirs was legit.
Others came at me phallac insult first.
I have been called all manner of holes and bits of the lower human public region.
It was thrilling to watch the hypocisry of their own words take place.
I am not usually one to judge or troll other people, especially on their personal beliefs...but this is wild.
Eventually the Cult King stepped back in and ordered everyone to be silent by typing in bold 'ENOUGH',
followed by,
'You are disturbing my peace'.
I was still typing what was actually going to be a de-escalation kind of message when this dumpster fire of a King called me out by my discord name and ordered me to be quiet.
You see, I don't appreciate anyone trying to sensor or control people PERIOD.
So I decided it was time to die on that hill.
Some valiant souls joined in and voiced their concerns and as the cult was hurling insults,
The server was gone.
I had been booted.
But this is not where the story ends.
You see there are people in the discord server that have been following this King for years.
Before this cult the Dumpster King had tried to start another cult, unsuccessfully might I add.
The Dishonest King claimed to descend from moon people or something, and was an immortal vampire.
Shockingly the Vamp King shut down the discord server because the followers had found out the truth of his backstory and revolted like the true champs they are.
And years later the Fairytale King has once again tried to start a following.
Because I can't leave well enough alone, I found a reddit thread where this Scam King was trying to share 'factual information' about all the knowledge they have.
I found a reddit thread where someone was asking about a stone, and the Gem King claimed that this mineral or rock was SUPER dangerous and rare and that they had encountered it only a few times in their existence, and that it could only be found in the back market. Deathstone people.
So you know I did another deep dive.
And guess what I found evidence of this mineral from Marvel, D&D, Dresden files, but it is not an actual element that exists on the planet earth.
So I asked a question in the reddit threads.
I was moonlighting at this point, trying to appear a Marvel fan that fell down a rabbit hole and was now politely fact checking.
The Ego King truly believes in the bs that comes through the keyboard.
Maybe I am an asshole, I am in the eyes of the 'Kingdom' , but I honestly don't care.
I like to think that everything done in the shadows eventually comes to light.
The King will get what's coming to him, everything has its time.
But if anyone was skeptical in the chat or felt unsure I hope I planted a seed of critical thinking.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk
Thank you for being brave and sharing your story!
That is what 1-800-Bust-A-Cult is for!
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basedkikuenjoyer · 3 months
A Tale of Two Hannya: Art Imitates Life
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These are always kind of a trickier beast to write because by design the comparison casts a more negative light on a popular character. But they tend to be well received. Living near the path of peak totality for the big US eclipse, had me wanting to finish this one sitting in my drafts because well...we have both sun & moon themes as well as a dynamic of "upstaging" each other. Which is kinda cool. I really do think, when taken together, Kiku & Yamato give you one of the most interesting dynamics in this massive series despite the two faces almost never appearing together.
Let's step back a little though. Why? Why would our author structure so much of Luffy's story in Wano through the top two new faces for the arc? Almost splitting Luffy's story in half with mirror opposites; humble and helpful followed by flashy yet flawed. Pitting organic bonding against the spotlight. A very straightforward and earnest trans woman foiled by a deliberately inconsistent and ambiguous character falling somewhere you'd call transmasculine. Our Crane Wife and our Dragon's King's Daughter, forget the plot of One Piece for a moment...what's the reflection of our world they mirror?
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As gross as it is to compare oneself to Doflamingo, I promise I'm going somewhere with this. And, to be fair I can think of a few specific people who'd make that type of comparison about me. I like to think I use my powers for good, but anyone with them would say that. Touched on it a little with the Otohime side story but over the 2010s I had my little strings in just about every corner of LGBT activism throughout a region that's now a solid gay haven in a conservative state. For the first half of that decade, it was thrust upon me because people saw how solid a representative a young, cute, well-spoken lady would be at diffusing old stereotypes. An MA in Political Science helped too.
Because it's currently Ramadan still, I'd like to share one story I feel was a high watermark and how it rippled in a way that is gonna shape my outlook here. When I noticed there was a shift. One I felt trepidation about aspects of initially and today feel vindicated seeing how Gen Z views their elders. It was Ramadan a fair few years ago now, while part of a board for something I got to know a local Muslim leader and his wife. They were used to inviting other community leaders to join them for Iftar, the fast-breaking meal. They wanted to show their young progressive members they were listening and respectfully invite someone trans, remember these are often very sex-segregated places. Even if there were some livid hardliners most of the women really liked me and you could tell it meant a lot to some of the older teen girls who really wanted to square more progressive beliefs with their faith.
Late 2010s, so if I told you there was backlash in queer circles guess who. More or less entirely people who'd fit that college radfem to transmasc mold. "I'd have gone to the women's side in solidarity and liberated those oppressed women being soo radical." "Don't you think what Rhea did was you know, kinda problematic? If I have to explain to you how it's low-key cultural appropriation I don't even..." "They only picked her because she acts like a little Barbie doll." Yes, that last one is peak feminism. They can call me wicked if they want; at least I was called to serve while they were all just rabble-rousers who decided they were the only morally pure enough ones to be local leaders. That's what this was all about, politics.
If you ask me personally about the current state of trans movements? It kinda comes down to that. Most Milennials, trans women, men, & even nonbinary folk, tend to use the community as a temporary safe haven but acceptance has come far enough it tends to stay temporary. Gender is but one aspect of our identity, the hugbox and group chats about pronouns only really feel like they're giving you something for so long. The holdout? In my experience that tends to be trans men or transmasc enbies who took a half-step before coming out in the relative privilege of radical feminist spaces offering a little space within. I don't have a whole lot of animosity towards these guys...it just feels like sometimes it becomes all of our problem when that radfem space pumped you full of a distorted vision of "male privilege" and you feel jilted you didn't get that by waking up one day and saying you are now man.
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Was Eiichiro Oda going for all that? Fuck no. I was a longtime leader of a local movement, he's a cis author on the outside looking in. Better way these two make sense is more an author being aware enough (Japan had a similar trajectory over the last decade) these two serve well as standins for the extremes of what a teen today sees about this transgender community. Okama type caricatures just don't work anymore. Transmasc nearing 30 who feels like they don't even know what they want? Playing word games that feel like you never stopped and thought how they'd sound to other people? Chasing an idealized version of masculinity? It's not exactly an uncommon sentiment. It's a side-effect of finally getting that long sought visibility...scrutiny goes hand in hand.
It's a Tale of Two Hannya because it's weaving in the story of one community experiencing a Tale of Two Movements. Two movements that are at times diametrically opposed (foes). That's where the upstaging or "eclipse" aspect comes in. The way beats for one influence the other even without trying. Why Yamato's the one trying to find a place and Kiku's already dealing with average pressures of being a woman. Regardless of how you feel about that personally, you have to at least acknowledge this is the general impression teens today seem to have. Hypothetically, you could get the same effect between a more clear-cut trans man and someone kinda like Kamatari.
Ultimately, Wano is about who we are vs the roles we play. We see other places where themes of just saying you fill a role doesn't mean you are. I've said Yamato's a gentle critique of the extreme "you are what you say your are" side of trans movements. I understand why people would want to see things that way, but gender is a social phenomenon. For the record, I do think it low-key radiates dude energy to not care about shit like cannonballing tits out into the main bath, no one should have to act a certain way and all that. But it's a good pair for demonstrating where we're at in general. The emotions they evoke out of readers are a good reflection of where young men are kinda at on all this trans stuff. And both are still portrayed as cool, friendly people. But I do see where it's coming from when Oda shifts that classic immaturity element from Kiku more to Yamato.
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angrycowboy · 2 years
you know what i have enjoyed about this season?
the different ways michael refers to alex.
my boyfriend.
the man i love.
my soulmate.
like... is it really out of the realm of possibility that he adds “my husband” to the list before the season is over?
in 4x01, even after just moving in with alex officially, michael still asks max how he knew it was the right time to propose to liz. but what this season has shown is that max didn’t actually have the right moment. twice the proposal didn’t happen. the moment wasn’t right.
because what michael fears is a fear that he’s had since childhood. that he’s never going to be enough for someone. he was left behind at the group home. he was bounced around foster families until he was homeless and lived in his truck. and now, for the first time in his life, someone is giving him that home he’s been yearning for. alex is proving to him, time and time again, that he is choosing michael. that he will always choose michael.
but that fear michael has, the need to get back to the planet he left behind, the belief that there may be family there who want him, who love him - he’s still struggling to let it go, and to grow past it. because that dream has been such a huge part of his life, and who he is as a person, it was never going to disappear immediately. it’s now a work in progress.
and it’s not that he doesn’t trust alex now. they’ve taken those steps where alex has expressed in his words how important michael is to him (”you are the one piece i cannot go through life without” and “what i can’t live without is you.”) and has shown it in the two of them beginning to officially cohabitate, by alex giving michael a house key. he stresses that the house is michael’s, not just his. i wrote a little about this after s3, about how alex’s house is the grown up version of the shed. it’s their safe place together.
in 2x06, alex admits that he used to believe they’d end up together. it’s a long overdue final break-up for them, but it reveals something else about them. neither of them have ever stopped loving one another, but alex has finally made the revelation that michael had back in 1x13 and 2x01 that they needed to find a new way to love each other. that the way they were before wasn’t working in a sustainable way for the kind of relationship they wanted. 
and then 3x09, after michael pulls alex off the ledge, after everything has calmed down, there’s a moment where they’re in the exam room together. and there’s a tension in the air - the expectations that they still hold, particularly alex. he still feels the need to fix everything his father broke, the responsibility still falling on his shoulders, and this episode was really the moment it truly could have killed him.
alex: i wanted to fix this for you. i just wanted to clear it up so that-
michael: so we could have a “normal picket fence life.” any way you slice it, manes, our picket fenced yard is gonna hold aliens.
followed by:
alex: i guess i just couldn’t get the fear of the rocky path we have ahead of us out of my mind.
michael: i spoke to sanders about the same thing. he said “you don’t walk away from a broken engine. you find a way to make it purr again.”
and while the larger reference here is to the two of them working on the lockhart machine to make it work correctly, and remove project shepherd’s interference - this is also talking about their relationship. for years after the shed, their relationship was broken, and neither of them knew how to fix it. it took time, and energy, and communication for them to get back on the path to the point where they have this conversation, where they both are eager and ready to put the work into themselves and relationship to move forward. they want to be together, they both want a life together - they just had to figure out how to make the pieces fit first.
(i know we can’t take word of god to mean anything, but something that i always thought was important to the overall arcs of the ships was something CAM said way back during s1, i believe. that these characters are adults, they’re exploring and discovering and trying to figure out if they want to spend the rest of their lives together. and i think especially in the case of echo and malex, when placed next to their journeys throughout the seasons, is important to keep in mind.)
we heard alex finally talk about his plans for the future a bit in 3x08 (”i joined deep sky for you”) which also goes along with why he joined the air force at 17 (”after what my dad did to you - i wanted to win battles.”) and we hear him re-iterate it in 3x09 - “i spent a year cleaning up my father’s messes and i made sure that not one of them touched michael.” for alex, it’s always been about carving out that safe space, first for himself and then expanded at seventeen to include michael.
but what happened in s4, and one of the reasons it angered me that the show had michael apologizing (particularly to liz and max) so quickly is... michael expects people to leave him. it’s why finding a losing nora hit him so hard. it’s why losing max on top of that caused the worst spiral we’ve seen for him. even in 3x01, michael admitted that despite maria breaking up with him, despite alex taking off for a year without a word - he was still happy because he had max and isobel. it was enough.
so for a moment, if you will, imagine that in that time between learning alex is missing and alex reaching out to connect with him to assure him i’m still here there is a moment where michael thinks now alex has left him... again. and this time, possibly for good. right when they’d gotten to this good place, right when they’d made this huge step towards the life they’d always dreamed of having together. something else came along and tore them apart, and got in the way. it’s the shed and noah all over again.
“i lost sight of the home i was trying to build with him” is just... he’s beating himself up for thinking that the dream he’s held onto since he was a child compares to the real thing in front of him. the person that loves him, and chooses him day after day, who wants to build a future with him.
maria once told alex, “home doesn’t have to mean a white picket fence house and a family - it can be a person.” and for alex, that person has been michael. this is long before anyone really knows about malex, before malex was ever really able to see what a them could be. before alex started to push back against his father, where he began his own journey of self-discovery and acceptance. 
so after all this, it doesn’t feel like it would be out of left field for malex to get engaged or even married. the two of them, together and apart, have been working on answering that question - if this is what they want - since we first met them in the pilot. through every up and down, we’ve seen them grow closer and grow apart, but we’ve never seen them truly choose someone else over each other.
and maybe, in a way, michael asking alex to marry him is a bit of a trauma response - but after everything they’ve been through. the times they’ve been pulled apart and external forces have said that they can’t make it work, they’ve still dug their heels in and picked each other. over and over again. tezca sent alex to an alternate dimension, and alex still found a way to communicate with michael. like kyle said - that’s powerful. and in the end if an external force trying to tear them apart is the thing that makes them both hold on a little tighter? i’m okay with that.
and hey, who knows. maybe alex will be the one to propose to michael. to see just how done alex is with being away from michael as we’ve seen michael is with being away from alex. 
“like a piece of alien tech, i don’t like being parted from my alien.”
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silhouette-anon · 5 months
Alright, there’s no way in the amazing digital heck that I’m writing an entire story as a poem, so you’re gonna have to be content with the summary.
…Dang, Elsie spent too long summarizing a very random piece of lore. Enjoy, I guess. I’m not the best at fairy tales, and I WARNED YOU IT’D BE SAPPY.
Many, many years before the modern day, before the Western Drakes claimed the waters off Storm, when what we call the Loch was simply an overgrown forest with no real defining features, there lived a dragoness of air and light. But despite the then-peace of the skies, she was miserable. For though she had many she cared for, they all betrayed her in the end. Family, friends, and even her former husband. To save herself from giving her devotion to another soul, she locked her heart and cast the key into the oceans below, never to be seen again.
Many, many years before the modern day, before The Eastern Skies were ruled by tempest and rains, when the waters were relatively uninhabited, there lived a dragon of abyss and water. He was alone, for nobody wished to live among darkness, and he had hurt everyone he cared for. But loneliness does not care whether you want companionship, so he locked his heart and set the key adrift, never to be seen again.
Many, many days after her decision, the dragoness of the skies was sitting by the shore. Most oceans in those times had many inhabitants, and were just as bright as they are today. Despite this, she had found the one sea that nobody lived in, the one shore where she would not be approached.
Many, many days after his decision, the dragon of the abyss decided to walk along the shore. Most shores in those times were bustling with life, but despite this he found one of the shores where no one lived, the one shore where he would not be approached.
Despite their best efforts, they chose the same beach to alight on. And despite their best efforts, they ended up running into each other. Despite their best efforts, they began to converse, finding that they had much in common, and had seen many of the same misfortunes, and had both thrown away their hearts, never to be seen again. And with that they bid each other farewell.
Despite her best efforts, the dragon of the waters found her key, among the coral.
Despite his best efforts, the dragoness of the skies found his key, washed ashore among the flowers.
And thus they found themselves back on the beach, keys in hand and locks intact. Even still, they did not force each other to open up, handing them back the key that belonged to them.
And thus they each found themselves respecting and quite liking the other, for they had not taken advantage of the opportunity to steal their hearts for themselves.
Despite their best efforts, the two willingly allowed each other to unlock their hearts, their belief in one another well-founded.
And despite their best efforts, despite all the harm that loving others had done to them, they found it within themselves to trust someone again.
Many, many years later, their old home is what we now call the Loch, a tropical, bright body of water adjacent to the ocean, on the shore where they first met. It is home to a large community of dragons, including many that appear from The Forgotten Beyond, many of whom have locks over their hearts, and all of which are of sea and light.
yay symbolism, I think.
Silhouette leaned back as he read the story, taking his time as he read and tuned out the world around him. He always loved these sappy, romance stories. They made him feel happy. A lot of time passed. Sure, it wasn't the longest story in the world, but he read it quite a few times. ...
He had missed something important, though.
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