#It doesn't work
cod-dump · 11 months
Ghost: With my love of destruction and Johnny's desperate need for attention, this'll be a cakewalk.
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y2ksnowglobe · 8 months
No idea why, but I love the idea of Lark and Sparrow have fake copies of each other's IDs so they can more efficiently impersonate each other in official settings.
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banrionceallach · 4 months
Very excited about Wake Up Dead Man. I only wish the subtitle was 'A Benoit Blanc Mystery' and not 'A Knives Out Mystery'. It's like subtitling Hound of The Baskervilles 'a Study In Scarlet Mystery'.
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nixies-creations · 3 months
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For @topgunalternateuniverse bingo. Bingo Square - TV Show (Creator’s Choice): Hangster - Stargate Atlantis.
"Of all the people that had to be as gifted with the ATA gene, why did it have to be you," Jake snapped, glaring down at Bradley with fire in his eyes. Smirking up at him, Bradley gave a careless shrug of his shoulders instead of a verbal answer. Scoffing, Jake whirled around and began gathering his things, half cursing Javy—who had insisted he needed Jake's help monitoring this last batch of subjects getting the ATA gene shot—and cursing Bradley needing to be here because a team of doctors insisted on needing to see what kind of baseline a person with the gene natural had. Not of course that it would be like that for others, Jake cursed in his head, because of course Bradley was unnaturally strong when interacting with Ancient technology. Of course his ex-boyfriend would be unnaturally gifted in it. Of course that meant he'd have to come on the mission to the Pegasus galaxy—where Jake couldn't run away from him. Because why wouldn't Jake have an easier time to run away from the man who broke his heart? Why wouldn't Jake be able to catch a break in this.
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eri-pl · 3 months
Blood, red like fire
Miriel pricked her finger on the needle. It was more difficult to control her hroa now, when the bounduaries between her and not-her were fuzzy. Her mother had warned her it would be like this.
At least she didn't break or lose the needle. It had been part of a gift from Vaire herself. Miriel smiled, remembering how the Valie --- and not other than the Weaver herself --- complimented her work.
A red drop bloomed on her fingertip, and she put it to her lips, not willing to risk staining any of the threads. The blood was too hot, almost painful to touch. Warmth creeped down her arm too, up her forearm and deep inside her body.
It was a new kind of warmth, not like the soothing, accepting light of Trees or her husband's embrace. Not like steady fire of the hearth even. It was unlike anything she'd known before. Somehow more new than every new thing she'd experienced before, more new even than the shores of Aman when she'd seen them for the first time.
This child would be brilliant.
The realization came suddenly, from within the warmth, and both quickly passed, but she knew. Deep inside her, the fire grew.
--- a few days before ---
Vaire worked in silence. Or, to be more precise, she was silent.
The prisoner talked and talked, without much point, analyzing her tapestry and criticizing most of it. At least he did it in a brilliant prose, at least at times. So much form, so little meaning... But it had a certain poetry to it, and that was why she agreed to keep him company. Still, he was getting tiring.
"Dons't thou think that thou shouldst be reflecting on thine behavior instead of trying to give me advice on what is my calling?"
"I am reflecting indeed." He stretched out hand and the light of her shining fabric danced on his too-long, too-shiny fingernails, like starlight reflested in ice. "But tell me, are my deeds not the very thing that allowed the brilliance in your tapestries to bloom? Had I not freed you of the Lamps, what wouldst thou weave now?"
Did Melkor just compliment the Trees? Maybe he was indeed reflecting. Maybe he simply wanted to make a point. Probably the latter.
He kept talking. "As for this work being thine, do I not have a part in all of your skills? Is there anything I cannot do?"
'Be silent, for example', she thought, but didn't comment.
"Thou hast the perspective wrong again."
Vaire sighed. "Indeed, thou shouldst be reflecting instead."
Melkor actually stopped talking for some time. Was the perspective really wrong? Probably not. But she kept wondering.
"I have reflected on my deeds." he said in a solemn voice. "And it occurred to me that I should do more than that. As I have said, I have a share in all the skills of all the Valar. Let me help thee. I shall make the perspective correct."
"I won't let thee spoil my work," she said. "Make thine own."
He probably offered the 'help' only to show off, but maybe not? Maybe Melkor was indeed trying to be helpful, finally? Anyway what could go wrong with letting him work? At worst he'd waste some of her thread.
Vaire narrowed her eyes, trying to find out what was wrong with the perspective in Melkor's tapestry. Something was wrong, definitely. She wouldn't hang it. But at least, he'd worked for some time, and did not complain.
The prisoner's question interrupted her thoughts. "Did Aule made those needles? they seem too beautiful to be his work," he said, giving Vaire's tools back to her.
"I shall not let thee talk badly about Aule."
"As you will, o lady of this prison. But heed my advice: keep those needles to thyself, as I do not believe that anyone would be able to replace them in case someone was to steal them. Not even I."
Even without the fake humility at the end, the attempt to make her possesive was just too obvious.
Vaire smiled. She'd give all of her best needles as gifts to the Eldar. No, to one Elda. Miriel definitely deserved it.
But Melkor did not have to know. She would him think he'd won this tiny battle.
The dark Vala smiled too.
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angelsh0143 · 10 months
nothing gets to me as much as the angle that every tribute from 2 chooses. All four of them play up their brutality and near-animalistic bloodlust both in the games and after; Cato snaps a tribute's neck in a fit of rage as if it's as easy as breathing to him, clove gets extremely close to her victims even if she uses a long-range weapon, making a show of enjoying their deaths, Enobaria ripping someone's throat out and then keep impersonating the role of a savage and Brutus being literally called brute. I wonder how much of this is a defence mechanism; if mentors try to protect their tributes from sexual slavery by telling them to constantly remind capitol citizens that they are almost more animal than humans and that they don't need weapons to kill. if all the rage, the desire to kill it's not only a consequence of being trained their whole lives but also a desperate attempt to keep as much of their autonomy as possible. and this isn't necessarily a sign of rebellion against the capitol but maybe just the byproduct of their militaristic culture, disdain for District 1 that uses the exact opposite angle, feeling like appealing to the desires of capitol citizens makes your victory less honourable, who knows. just. thinking about kids depriving themselves of their humanity before the capitols transforms them in sexual object.
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gayspock · 11 months
is it easy to tell if something is written by chatgpt? my partner works in admissions for a college and apparently they had a training session on it bc so many applicants use it 😭
Absolutely!!! ESPECIALLY if you're going through hundreds of applications. You might not be able to tell after one or two, I'll give you that, so maybe that's why people think it passes? But once you're on the 37th in a row it's realllllyyyy obvious. They all followed the exact same structure, and quoted the exact same things from the website, even when it didn't really make sense. Same obscure phrases used constantly. All of them listed the various technologies in the exact same order, with no actual description of their lived experience with them (bc tbh it would make no sense for most inexperienced grads to have experience with them!!!)
Like in general none of them had any personal reflections on the candidates themselves .... It was like they literally just went in and prompted "research this company and now type a response to these questions." SO it was like so many generic stock answers thst could apply to anyone, and the same ones over and over and over and over... Exact same sentences over and over and over... the same structure over and over and over... And a lot of shit that didn't make sense too when you thought about it twice, too. And even just stupid shit like all of the American spelling in them (which would be fine by itself but with the rest of it it was super obvious).
Also? doesn't help when people leave the prompts and the formatting in from chatgpt itself. And yes. Several people did that.
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addlepater · 1 year
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hes such a skrunk
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😐 wat?
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Impulse (1995) #46
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So... Iris does eventually write her biography for Barry Allen (and the whole Flashfam), and is supposedly working on it right now in comic time, but the thing is, it has not yet been written yet. All copies of this book exist in the future, and those that have made it to the past have been largely destroyed.
So, there is no possibility that Max has a copy casually, unless he took a time travel trip into the future to procure one or was given one by someone - which is not impossible but we don't see this happening and I doubt Max would read it or keep it or give to HELEN to read.
This plot point is so bonkers.
Because it suggests that EVERYONE knew about Thad by now already except for Bart.
Max just passing the book off for Bart to casually read is just.... ?????
I get that Loebs likely just wanted to do some sort of foreshadowing but it doesn't work and is messy and mushy.
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simple-persica · 18 days
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Anybody else's body play a fun little game of "You don't know why you woke up at 2 in the morning, but you are sure about to find out ;P"
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pinkberrytea · 21 days
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babykoala015 · 7 months
The thing is some people you love a lot test your loyalty so much, that you just get tired of explaining the truth.
And let them question and hurt you as much as they want.
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As you saved [my life]. Our scales are balanced. No. No, you’ve done far more than that for me. I’d all but given up. But you, you believed in me. You saw strength in me. You pushed me to heights that no one else could have.
#the rings of power#the rings of power spoilers#tropedit#ropedit#i have so many things to say here#first of all i like how they tried to respect everyone#it SHOULD have been obvious before that episode he was sauron#but in case you didn't see it/didn't think about it much?#there was the 'think of it as a gift' line which was confirmation for everyone who knew of the story/had done research on it#and then for those who didn't know the story beforehand#you STILL aren't blindsided because you get to become suspicious alongside galadriel#this scene in particular i think is pretty great#because at this point she is suspicious of him though he doesn't know it yet#and he basically keeps doing what he has done all along#which is say something true knowing that the other person will hear exactly what they want to hear#but since galadriel is now suspicious#it doesn't work#and for the very first time he comes across as scary#the vibe here is absolutely threatening#and the threat when you think about it is horrifying#here she is confronted with her greatest enemy who she has been chasing for centuries and centuries#and not only he thanks her#but he tells her 'i will never let you or anyone forget what you have done for me'#it is absolutely chilling#and i have many more thoughts about how so many people have kinda missed and for some are still missing#that this is 100% her story#he will get his own story next season i'm sure#but this season was written for galadriel/with her mind#and failing to see that is how some otherwise really clever reviewers completely missed the mark on this part of the story
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phoebepheebsphibs · 5 months
love yo shitgirl ❤
lol Danke
Thank you for loving my s word hehe
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years
You know the popular hc that most ghosts believe Clockwork is a myth? And Danny is the only one to have ever interacted with Clockwork. And all the other Ancients know him because CW is an Ancient as well. But what if most the Ancients think that CW is a myth as well? Because CW has been chained and bound a lot longer than Pariah Dark ever existed by Observants of the past. CW would've been unbound when PD killed the Observants, but PD bound CW himself before killing all the old Observants. PD kept the younger/ new ones alive because even though he's a tyrant he knew that the Infinite Realm needs at least a few Observants.
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to23623ken · 8 months
I don't like that Éponine guides Valjean to afterlife. Yeah, I said it
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