#It doesn’t mean some of you might be non binary
1975rasta · 5 days
HIYAAAAAA Just wanna pop in here cuz Rasta and Thor being pretty princesses off the pitch and also at home is so right of you and now I’m going insane/j
Cuz Rasta seems the type to love self care days (not to El Matador’s extreme tho) and often does it alone or with his spouse cuz as much as he loves the guys and the fans, he needs his well-deserved break
Thor however has to go through Batman levels of security checks to make sure that not a peep of his extracurriculars make it out to his team or the public cuz he’s supposed to be training on and off the pitch like bruh let my man wear his rose water face mask and listen to yoga music like he’s not hurting anyone (AHEMAHEMCrunchAHEMAHEM)
Also a fandom question if you wanna answer: Favourite SS Headcanon? It can also be multiple if you like!
-S Stan
Hello! I’m currently on the train back home and it’s going to be a long journey. Your ask made my evening. Thank you so much!
Dancing Rasta is a though man and we’ve excepted it many times. He’s harsh and he shouts experienced it many times. Just like a captain would. He’s too hard on his team sometimes and I think he’s just anxious about something not going the way he wants. I believe he is just simply afraid of things getting out of hand and when they do, everything happens just like in „Training Daze.”
I believe Rasta does love having self care days but it definitely took a lot of effort, both from his spouse and him. I think it actually could have taken even years for him to feel like he deserves to take care of himself! It’s not always a SPA day. Sometimes he is in the need of undoing his locs or maybe just mosturize his skin.
In my mind, you’re correct. He loves to have a good self-care day with his loved one, although it took a lot of effort too. He still don’t feel always comfortable while doing it. Dancing Rasta is an extremely awkward man with such an awkward energy. Sometimes he needs to be completely on his own and his spouse respects it too.
About Thor: Yes, until he’s done with the research, he won’t feel comfortable taking care of himself around his significant other. He is afraid of people judging him and it will take a lot of time for him to open up.
Time for questions? Time for questions! So here’s 13 of my favourite headcanons. Keep in mind? I love hurt/comfort.
Von Push Up has three daughters and eleven men-children
Rasta is insomniac with caffeine addiction even though he won’t admit it
Thor calls Rasta sometimes so does Uber. He is relatively close with the Tanks and every time Coach and Von Push Up talk, the other always ask him about DR
Thor uses „Noir de Noir” by Tom Ford
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Dancing Rasta feels homesick even if he never talks about that. Once he retires, he’d live in his beloved Swiss Alps until the end of his days
„To be love is to be accepted” is Skarra. „To be love is to be considered” is Klaus. „To be loved is to be known” is Shakes. „To be loved is to be seen” is Thor. „To be loved is to be listened to” is Rasta.
„If life is a never ending loop of dirty dishes and laundry then that means life is a never ending loop of home cooked meals and comfy clean clothes” - makes me always think of Thor. I think of him warmly and I think sometimes he daydreams of having a safe space where he could safely spend his retirement, maybe by assembling models and solving puzzles; He wants to heal from the War Trauma and someone to drink tea with.
„Personalize everything or die with nothing to your name” Somehow reminds me of Dancing Rasta. He is the kind of person who wears knitted Bob Marley keychain with his keys. He wears colorful gems bracelets. All of his backpacks, tote bags are full of enamel pins and plush keychains. If something is owned by DR, it is known by everyone.
„No Surprises” by Radiohead is the Rasta Song for me. All he wants is peace, the inner peace too. He wants to take care of his garden, bake his pastries. Tender love, hand to hand. To have someone who could just accept his solitude but still be there.
Rasta is a high-functioning person on autism spectrum. I’d believe you faster if you told me Hydra’s trio is not a polycue than DR is completely neurotypical. He finds it difficult to regulate his body temperature and once the season ends, he goes completely non-verbal.
Dancing Rasta hates physical contact. He is never the one to initiate it, unless a teammate needs it really bad. If someone acts too loud, move to fast, raise their hand, Dancing Rasta is going to flinch. Always.
Acts of intimacy (not nfsw) for Thor
Puzzle putting
Forehead kisses
Models assembling together
Have a dinner date
SPA day
If their S/O is lucky enough, he’s going to let them put not only a face/lip mask on but also a whole face makeup/paint his nails
Acts of intimacy (Dancing Rasta)
It’s hard to be intimate with someone who is scared both of physical and emotional intimacy. After years of being together, his spouse just accepted it
Picking and putting his jewelry on
Gently brushing and washing his hair: touching Dancing Rasta’s hair is the highest form of intimacy between him and his partner. Only they are allowed of doing it and not always. For Rastas, their hair is something very important.
The last one, one of the most rare and most wanted ones - bathing together. Preparing him a bath.
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larkingame · 1 year
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play the demo | patreon | larkin is rated 18+
someone is after you.
for over a decade and a half now, you’ve traveled up, down and across the country--running schemes and hunting fiends with your mentor, con-man-by-day, vampire-hunter-by-night, Wyatt Abrams--the prolific vampire slayer and the living descendant of Gregory Abrams, founder and prophet of the Abrams Family, the nomadic vampire-hunting cult that raised you--and was wiped out years ago.
carrying the abrams name means also means carrying on it's enemies--but that isn't to say you haven't forged a couple of your own along the way. now, it seems someone is trying to make good on old threats and promises. they've placed a bounty on your head.
so you and wyatt do what you do best: you run away. to some little town, out nevada ways, where the title of town preacher is unexpectedly thrust upon you--bringing back years of trauma you thought long tucked away.
as if that wasn't enough, on your first day in town the local mine up and explodes--leaving the reclusive family that runs the town--and owns the mine--to suspect you as the main culprit.
now you're left with the responsibility of investigating the disaster to clear your name, looking into the mysterious cult just south of town, the gang of outlaws who've been wrapped up deep in a feud with larkin's patriarchal family--a group of people which you suspect to be hiding a secret most monstrous--all while dealing with the ghosts of your past, and the roots your family left behind.
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larkin is a vampire western choose-your-own adventure game, with focuses on romance, religion, horror and complicated family dynamics.
play a fully customizable character [[decide upon their physical appearance, gender identity, sexuality, customize their pronouns]]
dictate a unique relationship with your mentor-turned-father-figure and his former appentice
romance any of ten characters, four male, three female, one non-binary and two gender selectable characters.
define your characters skillset and scheming tactics, select their weapons and fighting style, elect their feelings on religion, vampires and the cult that raised them.
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the doctor [male] cyrus sokolov - the quasi-mayor of larkin, cyrus sokolov also operates as the town's doctor and mortician. he's immeadiately suspicious of you, the new preacher and the reputation you comes with. even though he doesn't like it, he needs your help.
the princess [female] celina sokolova - despite the misconceptions among the townsfolk, the reclusive third sibling of the sokolov family, celina, is actually the family’s eldest. hardly leaving the sokolov mansion, it’s rumored around town that she’s been struck with some sort of sun-related illness, others seem to hold the opinion that miss sokolova simply sees herself as too good to linger amongst the common folk. whatever the case may truly be doesn’t much matter to the people of larkin, after all, it's much more fun to gossip. she's very suddenly developed a fascination with the preacher, a hunger almost. but will she eat you whole?
the mortician's assistant [male] dominic sokolov - the youngest scion of the sokolov family, dominic works as assistant mortician in larkin, though he’s much more interested in larkin’s living townsfolk then the dead ones he’s been charged with taking care of. with seemingly endless information on everyone and everything that goes on in larkin, mister sokolov might not be the worst friend to have.
the lawyer [male] jacob nash -  larkin’s only practicing attorney and resident do-gooder. after passing the bar exam, nash headed out west in the hopes of making a real difference for the people there, only to spend most of his days settling petty disputes and notarizing documents. despite his disappointment, however, nash has managed to keep a level head and his fondness for the people of larkin, even though he’s not so sure the sokolovs have the townsfolk’s best interest in mind.
the bartender [female] rose holloway - larkin’s most recent transplant, that was, until the preacher showed up. former city-girl, rose has adapted to both life out west and on her own, the only way she knows how--by pushing through it. the owner and bartender of larkin’s only saloon, the emerald, rose is a popular figure around larkin whether she likes it or not, but whether that has more to do with her occupation or the fact she also happens to be larkin’s youngest widow is still a topic up for debate.
the lieutenant [male/female/non-binary] hollis - an enigmatic figure around larkin, hollis serves as a lieutenant for the mysterious rateliff fellowship. one of the cult’s few members to make the long trek from their encampment in the desert to town more than once. talked to by few, hated by most, hollis bears the reputation of the people they represent to the town of larkin--one, that isn’t particularly favorable.
the vampire hunter [male/female/non-binary] ace zhang - vampire-hunting-mercenary extraordinaire, the last the preacher knew of ace, they were the young hot-shot on san francisco’s hunting scene. once upon a time ace was a prominent figure in the preacher’s life, the first real acquaintance they managed to make on their own, someone outside of wyatt’s sphere. growing up a member of the guild, their life is one that’s mirrored the preacher’s. maybe that’s why the two seemed to be linked so closely during the preacher’s time in california, whether that was as friends, rivals or something more, their presence is one that remains prominent in the preacher's mind.
the outlaw [male] cassidy alan ward - cowboy, outlaw, bandit, cassidy goes by many names and titles, but the one he prides himself on most is leader. protector of his people, the ward gang hides out somewhere in the hills outside larkin, looming over the townsfolk as an ever-present threat, cassidy finds the sokolovs personally responsible for the death of his sister, caroline, and he is out for blood.
the gunslinger [female] ethel jackson - cassidy's right hand, ethel is a gunslinger through and through. fancying herself the robinhood type, she's got a personal hatred for the family that looms over larkin.  with the fastest gun in all of nevada, maybe even all of the west--ethel could prove to be a valuable friend--or a deadly adversary.
the stranger [non-binary] reyes - the newest addition to ward's gang, not much is known about them or their past--what everyone is well aware of, however, is the fact that nobody whose ever decided to cross reyes has ever come out of it alive.
the vampire [male/female/non-binary] montero moreau - you've hunted down their coven, debilitating any hopes for growth they had in terms of advancing in the cut-throat world of Vampires. you've made montero look like a fool, and they hate looking like a fool. They're determined to hunt you down and take revenge.
the first man [male] - adam - he believes himself to be the mirrored man mentioned in the abrams family book of genesis--the first vampire, plagued to walk the earth--and he has long been in search of his eve.
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beauspot · 1 year
Good Omens Is a Big Deal
With everything going on I haven’t acknowledged how grateful I am for what Neil (and John) did this season. I always saw Good Omens as a romantic story and everyone involved seemed to be super supportive of that. To actually see a follow through on those themes was wonderful though. To see Aziraphale continue to look at Crowley like he’s the earth, the moon, and the stars. To see Crowley continue to save his angel not because he needs them to, but because they love him.
To see them have their dinners, and give the other access to their prized possessions. To see them dance. They love each other. They are in love with each other and it’s not implied or a throwaway line that can be edited out.
It’s the beating heart at the center of the story.
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And they weren’t meant to be. Neil himself will tell you when he and Terry wrote the book Aziraphale and Crowley were meant to be friends and that’s it. Over time their relationship evolved and where a lot of writers would simply ignore that and keep pushing forward Neil pivoted and said “you know what? let’s see where this goes.” The last time I can remember something like this happening was with Hannibal years ago, it’s so rare with queer pairings.
I know everyone was excited about the kiss and it is refreshing to see queer people actually get to kiss, it’s still not something that happens all the time, but that’s not what made them canonically queer to me. If they remained completely asexual and never kissed or showed interest in kissing one another I’d feel the same. While I always felt they were queer what sealed it for me were 3 things:
1. Nina and Maggie, a romantic pairing that parallel our angel and demon break down to Crowley how she and Aziraphale are partners (and it’s clear they don’t mean business partners, does Crowley look like he runs a bookshop?) but they never say what they’re really thinking. They go on to state how that’s all they needed, the obvious implication here being that Nina and Maggie shared their romantic feelings with one another and that Crowley and Aziraphale need to do the same. Upon hearing this Crowley takes that as a sign to confess his feelings.
2. Gabriel and Beelzebub, another pairing that parallels Crowley and Aziraphale who are also clearly in love with one another is something Crowley references while he is confessing his feelings. “If those two lovestruck idiots can go off together, so can we. Because I love you.”
3. Crowley and Aziraphale express plainly to each other that they need the other. Crowley says to Aziraphale he wants to stop pretending they aren’t a team, a group, a them.
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Aziraphale says verbatim “We can be together.” and “I need you.” He doesn’t say “We can work together” or “I need you to help me” or some other cop out that a lot of other shows or movies might come up with to continue to bait their fans, while having plausible deniability.
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They love each other and it’s not platonic.
To me, the kiss serves as a way to seal the deal for people who only understand queer love when it’s punching them in the face. That’s not to say queer people can’t like the kiss, it’s one of my favorite scenes in the show simply because of how heartbreaking it is, but they were a couple to me long before that. And to add onto that by making every other important pairing in the show queer as well? Nina and Maggie being happy sapphics who don’t die at the end. They’re not together, but the implication is that one day they will be. Two non-binary beings—Gabriel and Beelzebub—falling in love and choosing to be with one another forever. The angels and demons are all genderless and no one misgenders them and no one gives a FUCK.
That means so much to me and I genuinely cannot express how thankful I am that this show and this season were made. The only thing I can say is thank you for standing for something, because not everyone does.
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tiredfox64 · 5 months
Hello, good afternoon, it's my first time doing this XD could you make a gn!lector x trio lin kuei? the brothers showing affection to the reader in their different love languages
Love is Many Things
Prior notes: I did headcanon type of way cause that was just simpler for me to do :P. Hope this is okay for you!
Pairings: Lin Kuei Bros x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: None now stop contacting me about financial aid!
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Hear me out ladies, gents, and non binaries.
Physical affection!
If he loves you he will be touchy and you better be touchy as well.
He is a touch starved fella you need to at least hold his face.
He will hold you but that is also out of possession.
Sit on his lap, go ahead, don’t be shy.
Fine he’ll drag you on. Don’t tell him you are too heavy he doesn’t want to hear it.
Hugging you from behind while he rest his head on your shoulders, classic move.
He pinches. Yeah…what do you mean what do I mean?
If there is any part of you that is squishy (cheeks, thigh, arm) he pinches it but not on purpose. It’s in the manner like a grandma coming to squeeze your face but she does it too harshly.
Cuddles in bed, no you may not leave. Unless you are bleeding or need to use the bathroom then you can leave.
If he is holding your hand he will start to lightly rub his thumb over your hand.
He’s a man of action not words so take his lovin in physical form.
Kuai Liang
Words of affirmation!
I have a feeling sometimes he is poetic with his words.
Whispers in your ear as you fall asleep. Tell you how fantastic you are and how lucky he is to have you in his life.
“Death can never separate us. You are mine and I am yours. We are eternally together. It is our destiny.”
If he is far from you he will send letters.
I just know he has decent cursive. Not good just decent.
Compliments you on everything.
He will always find a way to compliment your looks. It could be something simple like your hair is glorious to your eyebrows are well kept.
If you have any skills he will compliment that to.
He encourages anything and everything you do. Go into a hobby that may seem strange to him but if it makes you happy go right ahead.
He is always willing to talk to you whether it be an issue in the relationship or just something you want to say that seems important.
Communication is key he makes that a big point. Tell him if there is anything wrong. He will tell you if something is wrong.
You will have a personalized nickname that fits you. You feisty? Fire lily! You happy? Sunflower! You angry? Ember! He will always add ‘his’ before it.
Gift Giving!
We don’t know where he gets the money to purchase everything for you, he might be stealing.
It starts off simple with giving you a smooth rock like a penguin does.
It elevates to bouquets, crystals, food, etc.
The max is when he is buying you everything you love or even take a glance at.
Oh so you like Hello Kitty? BAM! Hawaiian Hello Kitty plushie the size of your bed. A Lego fan huh? BOOM! Millennium falcon set.
It’s easier to accept it because if you don’t he gives you that sad face that crushes your soul.
He will bring you something back from whatever mission he is on. Again that could be a smooth stone or a vintage watch. Whatever he can scavenge for.
He always has this wide grin on his face when he hands you a gift or when he tries to hide it behind his back.
Sorry not sorry you’re gaining relationship weight because he keeps buying you food.
He likes buying you clothes. Some of his choice seems to be more for him than you wink wink nudge nudge.
He’ll be asking you nonstop if you need something so he can buy it for you.
“I saw it and thought of you.” That’s the best thing to hear.
All of em
I’m not done yet.
Ooo someone stop me I never stop with having all of them.
As a combined effort they do acts of service.
Of course they are going to protect their precious partner. If someone even scratched you they would be in a ditch.
Heaven forbid you get sick, they gonna take care of you in every way they can. You need some Vic’s vaporub?
You tired after the long day? Let them draw you a bath and get you some nice clothes before putting you to bed.
They’ll cook for you. Well, Kuai Liang and Tomas will. Bi-Han got agitated one time cause he burned his finger on the handle and ended up throwing the pan out the window. Never again.
Surprise dates! Yippie!
Sigh I’m involving children again.
They are all helping out with the kids. It’s okay to take a shower they will watch over them.
I’m counting a group cuddle as an act of service. It would be service to me.
After notes: I think I might post my oc real soon. I know I’ve done it before and I end up deleting it but I’ll try to keep it up next time. Now I need to shower. Adiós!
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felassan · 3 months
Dragon Age: The Veilguard - known Character Creation info Part 2
[LINK TO PART 1] <- since I hit the character limit in that post I had to make a Part 2 ^^;
This post is just another dump collection of info and snippets that came out about CC (& some related topics). if you’ve been following the news or reading posts here, it’s not new info or anything, I just put it together in one place here for convenience. ( ˶´ ᵕ `˶ )
if you notice anything missing, pls lmk. there’s a bit of repetition of info in places as prev posts (including Part 1) on the topic overlapped.
Although non-natural hair colors like blue and purple are available for Rook in the CC, all NPCs in the game have natural hair colors [source]
A user asked if there are instances wherein Rook will be referred to by their last name. “Yes, there are places where we refer to Rook by their last name. It’s very contextual - we don’t want to awkwardly insert a reference in where it doesn’t make sense - but it does happen, though it is going to be more common with some backgrounds than others.” [source: the official BioWare Discord]
You can have body tattoos [source: the official BioWare Discord]
A user stated “There are no restrictions on lineage/faction/class combinations other than dwarves cannot be mages”. Corinne added “Correct." [source: the official BioWare Discord]
Q. “Will the gender identity of a trans/non-binary Rook be acknowledged in game by other characters? (beyond just pronouns I mean)”. A. “There are moments when you can disclose and discuss, however, disclosure remains the right of the individual so you have to make that choice for yourself. [source: the official BioWare Discord]
Q. “Will we get the option to give our Rook more fantastical hair colors, like purple, blue, pink?”. A. “Yes” [source: the official BioWare Discord]
Q. “How about heterochromatic eyes?” A. “Yes” [source: the official BioWare Discord]
Q. ’‘Will I be able to make a short qunari and a tall dwarf or are there limits to that? Do the qunari have to be buff?“ A. ’'There are limitations, of course… but yes, you can make a Dwarf that is tall or a Qunari that is short, relative to their lineage. We stan the skinny Qunari” [source: the official BioWare Discord]
the armors mesh and mold to every body [source: the official BioWare Discord]
In CC you can customize things like shoulder width, chest size, glute size, hip width, how bloodshot your eyes are, nose crookedness, and more [source: the Game Informer cover story article, DA:TV spoiler warning for link]
There are hundreds of sliders for body proportions [source: the Game Informer cover story article, DA:TV spoiler warning for link]
CC detail: “Features like skin hue, tone, melanin” [source: the Game Informer cover story article, DA:TV spoiler warning for link]
There is nudity in DA:TV, “which I learned firsthand while customizing my Rook” in CC [source: the Game Informer cover story article, DA:TV spoiler warning for link]
Rook’s backstory also affects “reputation standing”, along with the other previously-known things like in-game dialogue etc [source: the Game Informer cover story article, DA:TV spoiler warning for link]
The 4 voices we can choose for Rook each have a pitch shifter in CC [source: the Game Informer cover story article, DA:TV spoiler warning for link]
The devs used the DA:TV CC to make each in-world NPC, except for specific characters like companions [source: the Game Informer cover story article, DA:TV spoiler warning for link]
If you play as e.g. a qunari Rook, the camera adjusts to ensure larger characters like them loom over those below. The camera also adjusts appropriately for dwarves to demonstrate their smaller stature [source: the Game Informer cover story article, DA:TV spoiler warning for link]
If you are playing, e.g., a qunari, and you encounter elfy stuff, you might be missing unique dialogue options and an elf Rook would have more to say at that point [source: the Game Informer cover story article, DA:TV spoiler warning for link]
Twitter user: “Please please please let me make a feminine shaped body with no chest, begging for non-binary to be something I can present not just a pronoun slap”. Saira: “this will be entirely possible with the body sliders!” [source]
“Last names are based on your faction. You can customize your first name, however.” [source: the official BioWare Discord]
“In-world - Rook is a nickname you’re given before the events of the game, and it’s what everyone refers to you as. It allows for other characters to refer to you in dialogue without awkwardly having to write around not having a defined title, while still allowing for name customization.” Also, in the game, it is explained why we got the nickname Rook in the past. [source: the official BioWare Discord]
“There are specific lines and dialogue options for different lineages, as well as different backgrounds, and classes, including at least a handful that are unique to lineage/background combinations. No specifics but we wanted to make sure the game felt reactive to the choices you made in creating your Rook.” [source: the official BioWare Discord]
A user asked whether elven Rook is Dalish or City. Answer: “It’ll depend on your background. As mentioned previously, certain lineages will have variations of that background that go into more detail where appropriate.” [source: the official BioWare Discord]
“Without getting into spoiler territory - Rook’s a hero because they chose to be, not because they were chosen. Your choice of background fills in some of the details - and you get opportunities to define it further - but some things we leave up to you to fill in.” [source: the official BioWare Discord]
Twitter user: “Is Rook a nickname or their actual name?” Michael Gamble: “Nickname. The thing that people call you on the game.” [source]
“Oh just wait. The hair tech is phenomenal in this. Even I was thinking "aye is this a Bioware game!?” lol.“ [source]
“One thing I’m particularly happy about and can’t get over is how much better the hair rendering is. It might be a small thing to some but it looks incredible. It’s in another stratosphere compared to DAI.” [source]
“Everyone in the previews was gushing about how robust the CC is in Veilguard so there might be a decent chance to make some wild Qunari designs.” [source]
The 9 specs Rook can be (3 for each class) are:
Warrior - Champion, Reaper, Slayer Rogue - Duelist, Saboteur, Veil Ranger Mage - Death Caller, Evoker, Spellblade [more info here]
Update with new/further info up until June 27th:
Each spec is tied to a faction [source]. the faction each spec is tied to is as follows:
Mage: Death Caller - Mourn Watch Evoker - Shadow Dragons Spellblade - Antivan Crows Rogue: Duelist - Antivan Crows Veil Ranger - Veil Jumper Saboteur - Lords of Fortune Warrior: Champion - Grey Wardens Reaper - Mourn Watch Slayer - Lords of Fortune [source]
Magic “remains elusive” to dwarven Rooks [source]
“Lemmy from Motorhead” beards [source]
A user asked if they could see pics of the CC. Corinne: “If only I could. But hold tight, you’ll all be sharing your lovely creations with me soon enough 💜” [source]
A user asked “Please tell me we finally get black clothing and/or armor?” Corinne: “There are many gorgeous fits. Just you wait 😉” [source]
User: “Fingers crossed we can play as Qunari again!” Corinne: “You can and they are ✨💅” [source]
"SO many options and beautiful hair choices and very intricate skin details" [source]
"It really felt like they were trying to be very careful in making sure they had good representation with hair textures and not gender locking anything, it was all about choice. The devs put lot of care and thought into it" [source]
In CC we will be able to customize qunari Rook’s horn type and material [source]
There are “hundreds of options” in CC [source]
Selecting Rook’s faction is the penultimate step in CC [source]
The Lords of Fortune are pirated-themed [source]
Each faction has unique casual wear worn in specific cutscenes when the character isn’t wearing armor [source]
Each faction has 3 unique traits, e.g. for Lords of Fortune, they gain additional reputation with this particular faction, have increased damage versus mercenaries, and perform takedowns on enemies with slightly less effort [source]
“Faction selection, which ties into your character’s backstory, determines who your Rook was before, how they met Varric, why they travel with Varric instead of their faction, and more” [source]
Rook’s appearance can be changed using the Mirror of Transformation in the Lighthouse, but not their class, lineage and "identity" [source]
The unique faction-based casual wears are "very pretty” ^^ [source]
CC has sliders for width and height on pretty much every body part [source]
BioWare said “they worked with Black consultants to ensure they got hairstyles and textures right and authentic for masculine and feminine options” [source]
CC is expansive, robust, rich; BioWare’s best yet. At its heart is inclusivity [source]
BioWare used it to create most of the NPCs in the game, main chars like companions aside [source]
When browsing through the presets, the game allows for more detailed looks at each [source]
Pronoun choice is separate to gender identity choice [source]
Different body types available [source]
Before exiting CC Rook can be viewed in 4 different lighting scenes at any time, “including The Veilguard’s keynote purple hue, a bright and sunny tropical day, and a gothic night”. The team worked hard to quash the issues caused by the green lighting in DA:I’s CC [source]
Head and body presets can be selected individually and customized [source]
40 different complexions including smooth, rugged, youthful, freckled [source]
Skin hues range from cool to neutral to warm [source]
Undertones to these skin tones [source]
Melanin slider [source]
BioWare engaged consultation to represent people authentically
Vitiligo slider (intensity and amount adjustable) [source]
Sliders for forehead, brow, cheeks, jaw, chin, larynx and scalp [source]
Selectable undergarments, with nudity [source]
The “Body Morpher” involves “select[ing] three presets for each corner of a triangle and then mov[ing] a cursor within it to morph your body or head into a mix of these presets” [source]
Adjust height, shoulder width, chest size, glute and bulge size, hip width, how bloodshot your eyes are, how visible cataracts are, the sclera color, how crooked your nose is, how big its bridge is, the size of nostrils and the nose tip [source]
Many sliders for things like mouth and ears [source]
On ears: you can adjust asymmetry, depth, rotation, earlobe size [source]
For ears you can have cauliflower ear [source]
The makeup blends modern stylings with the fantasy of DA. It has more than 30 options including eyeliner intensity, color, glitter, eye shadow, lips, and blush [source]
Tattoos are a thing. Add them to Rook’s face, body, arms, legs. Their intensity is adjustable [source]
Tattoos are customizable [source]
Scar options [source]
Paint options [source]
“Tattoos, scars, and paint are very culturally relevant to some lineages, BioWare tells me, with unique tattoos for elves, for example” [source]
Hair options: a ton. Hair can be non-traditional colors. Hair is gorgeous. Frostbite uses the Strand system to render “each style fully with physics” [source]
Select qunari Rook’s horn type and material - more than 40 options available [source]
4 voices. English masculine, English feminine, American masculine, American feminine. Each has a pitch slider [source]
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victoriadallonfan · 3 months
I was going to go to bed, but got a sudden DM on discord asking about if I was trans or not, since I give off the “vibes”.
I shared with them some screenshots of my thoughts on the matter, and felt it might help people here to know how I personally identify:
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In short, you can refer to me as she, her, they, them, he, him, but in the end I am Ridtom aka VictoriaDallonFan.
Any and all are allowed.
I don’t feel any body dysmorphia related to my presentation, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like the opportunity to have the chance to alter my body to be whatever presentation I want with a press of a button (as mentioned above).
If I wanted be a woman for a decade I’d do it and feel comfortable in that body. If I wanted to be non-binary for a decade I’d do it and feel comfortable in that body. It’s just a body to me and my only limitation is the technology and money of the current day and age.
Frankly, I don’t know what term would apply to me and ultimately I’ll feel comfortable with anything so long as you aren’t taking it as an opportunity to dust off the slur dictionary you keep in the back pocket.
I am solidly Aromantic, so you can at least pin that down hahaha
Anyways, hope that helps matters. If you have any questions I’ll probably answer them tomorrow when I’m not sleepy.
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number-onekidqueen · 4 months
hey!! if u aren’t comfy w this that’s completely okay but can u write about luke comforting a non-binary reader!! maybe about his experiences w them? 🫶
𝐈𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭? 𝐈 𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐨
I’m alive! Thanks so much for requesting anon, sorry this took so long <3<3. I hope you enjoy this, from what you requested I thought it might be better in a headcanon. Happy pride month everyone!
Luke Castellan x non-binary!reader
Summary: Aphrodite girls can be rude, but at least Luke knows how to make you feel better
warnings: brief anti-non-binary comment, Shelley is a warning, this is kinda cliche sorry, reader is upset.
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Let’s get one thing straight: our boy is a SUPPORTER
You wanna wear more feminine clothing? “You look gorgeous, babe.”
You wanna wear more masculine clothing? “Wow, you look great!”
if anyone ever misgenders you or assumes something he is quick to correct them
Kindly but directly
It’s kinda embarrassing sometimes, but you love that he protects you like that
Anyway, in this scenario, you’re shooting arrows with your cabin and the Aphrodite cabin
After a bit of practice, you have a game going on and you get paired up to verse someone from the opposing cabin.
You get paired with the new and Uber popular younger camper, Shelley.
Spoiler alert: everyone from your cabin is breathing a sigh of relief she hasn’t been paired with them
You shoot a few arrows, you’ve got great aim and you win by miles
Shelley is not a great sport about it
“Well I guess I can’t call you the archery king or queen since you’re not pretty enough to be either.”
You’re immediately upset and don’t really say anything, but walk off hurriedly to your cabin.
(The siblings who heard immediately come to your defence and cuss out at her, and most of the Aphrodite members are gagged and shaking their heads)
Luke is doing cabin checks with some other cabin leaders when he sees you running into your cabin. He follows obviously.
“Hey, hey, is everything ok, babe?”
You don’t really wanna tell him at first, so you say you’re fine.
Your voice cracks
He immediately hugs you tightly, only pulling apart so he can let you guys sit at the edge of the bed
You explain to him what happened, and he looks at you in disbelief and frustration.
“Y/N, babe, you’re prettier, hotter, funnier, smarter and better than she’ll ever be. You don’t have to ever be like a king or a queen, because you’re you, and that’s more than enough. It’s perfect. Just because you don’t feel like a girl or a boy, doesn’t make that a limitation for you. She’s honestly so stupid and mean and overall wrong.”
“I know, I know but it just hurt, y’know?”
He hugs you again, and you’re comforted by the warm and safe way he’s holding you
“Yeah, course. Want me to put her on washing up duty for a month?”
You giggle, and his face lights up, so happy that you’re smiling at him.
“How would you even do that, Luke?”
“Well… I can always find a way.”
(And he found one, all right. Shelley found out that washing up ruins manicures, even if it’s Revlon nail polish. She never said anything like that to you again.)
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ayylovley · 5 months
heyya love ur works!!! If you have time could you do a vin jin x short reader + the reader has chubby cheeks . The reader can be non binary . Thanks yewww💓💕🥰😘
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𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚♡ 𝒱𝒾𝓃 𝒥𝒾𝓃 𝓍 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓇𝓉 𝑔𝓃 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚♡
Warnings; none
˚➶ first off, yeah he’s gon make fun of your height but it’s all out of love.
˚➶ he’d always want to squeeze your cheeks, especially when you’re blushing. You’re just adorable to him.
˚➶ teasing you is known from him so he will ask what you need when you’re looking for something and when he finds it he will lift it over his head and ask “do you really need it, (y/n)?” But if he sees you actually getting annoyed with it over time he’ll tone it down
˚➶ kisses on your cheeks galore.
˚➶ he personally doesn’t understand the they/them pronouns but since he loves and respects you he will try to remember to refer to you as his partner, baby, and by your requested pronouns
˚➶ if anyone else mis gender you, he will remind them that you’re non binary, it’ll start with a warning but if he knows they’re doing it on purpose that’s when he gets aggressive
˚➶ Mary loves you! He can get a little jealous and defensive if you want to spend time with only Mary on some days but doesn’t want to make himself look like he’s attached to you where he wants you to only pay attention to him (even though he does)
˚➶ it’ll take a long time to have him more vulnerable and take his sunglasses off and let you see his eyes
˚➶ if you’re with him long enough, it’ll take a while before it happens but when he trusts you to show his eyes, he’ll stop wearing sunglasses around you when you’re alone
˚➶ tell him he has pretty eyes! He’ll become more flustered around you
˚➶ he’d always want to pick you up, he’ll say it’s because he wants to show you how strong he is but in reality he just loves being so close to you
˚➶ might bite your cheeks if you let him…
˚➶ his ideal dates are in a lot of arcades. Tbh he’s really fun when he’s not being competitive, otherwise he’ll come off as mean but there’s no way he’s losing
˚➶ in the beginning of the relationship he’ll complain that he has to kneel to kiss you but if you’re with him for a while he’ll just lift you off the ground so it’s easier
˚➶ will call you nicknames like shorty, bunny, or sweet cheeks
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cursed-peanut · 4 months
A/N: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYONE!! Today I just wrote some silly little headcanons on how I think some JJK characters would react to you coming out to them as Non-Binary and asking them to use they/them pronouns for you (this is DEFINITELY not completely self indulgent. Definitely not, mhm.) Also, readers relationships with everyone is platonic as I picture them as a minor in this. It’s not clear that they’re a minor though so you don’t need to keep that in mind.
— Peanut <3
How JJK Characters Would React To You Coming Out To Them As Non-Binary And Asking Them To Use They/Them Pronouns For You || Part 1 [Satoru Gojo, Toji Fushiguro, Sukuna Ryomen]
Summary: you come out to JJK Characters as non-binary and ask them to use they/them pronouns.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Reader uses they/them pronouns, reader is AFAB in Toji’s, fluff, mentions of transphobia, mentions of death, not proofread, possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lmk if I missed anything.
Satoru Gojo
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“Coolio.” He gives you a thumbs up and a bright smile.
He moves on pretty quickly, so you assume he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by making a scene.
Or at least that’s what you thought until the next day when you came into the classroom, ready for another day at Jujutsu High.
It started like any normal day until you opened the classroom door and there’s party poppers exploding your way, drenching you in confetti.
You are completely taken off guard, not expecting this at all.
There is rainbow bunting everywhere, rainbow napkins and rainbow plastic cups. There is a cake on one of the desks drowned in skittles.
Gojo forced everyone to wear party hats with the non-binary flag on them as well.
Megumi is wearing his usual deadpan face while Nobara is yelling at Yuji for screaming in her ear.
Gojo may seem like an idiot who can’t remember anything for the life of him, but that’s actually just a facade.
He does a great job at adjusting to your new pronouns and will 100% purple anyone if they’re being transphobic and/or purposely misgendering you.
“That should sort them out.”
Ultimately I think Gojo would be the sweetest and he might even throw an annual party to commemorate when you came out. If you don’t want that though, he’ll drop the idea. He just wants you to be happy and he’s glad you feel comfortable enough around him to come out and show your true self.
Toji Fushiguro
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“What does that mean?”
You’re gonna have to explain to him what non-binary means.
But once you do, he replies with a simple “okay.” And moves on.
He doesn’t make a big deal out of it or throw a party because it’s not a big deal to him.
If you want to throw a little party, he doesn’t mind. But at the end of the day, you’re still you.
He tries his best to adjust to the new pronouns. Key word: tries.
“Her pronouns are they/them!”
“Their pronouns are they/them…” You sigh.
“Oh shit, my bad.”
If anyone is being transphobic towards you, you better believe he’s gonna be right there, giving them a stare that will probably make that person regret what they’ve said IMMEDIATELY.
“What the fuck did you just say?”
At the end of the day, he cares a lot for you, but you’re going to have to be patient with him because this old man can’t even remember his son’s name, let alone that he has a son.
Sukuna Ryomen
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“What are you talking about, brat?”
Sukuna is ANCIENT, so you’re gonna have to break down what gender even means first 😭 (gender is a construct formed by humans, that’s why you’ll need to explain).
He’ll get it after a few times of explaining.
When he does get it though, he acts like he could honestly give less of a shit.
“Okay, I’m gonna go destroy the world now.” Kinda response.
Despite his aloof response, he makes an effort to change your pronouns and it may come as a surprise, but he does a good job at it.
He recognises that misgendering you wouldn’t keep you happy — and while he usually enjoys the suffering of others — when it comes to you, seeing you happy pleases him, and everything he does is to please himself, so seeing you upset would be unproductive for both of you.
People know not to mess with you for this reason. Because even others see the clear favouritism.
So if anyone is being transphobic towards you and/or purposefully misgendering you, they probably don’t know who Sukuna is or they’re asking for a death wish.
“Foolish vermin. Don’t listen to them, brat.”
Despite his harsh tone and names, Sukuna’s all bark and no bite to you and you only (for at least the time being). So despite the fact he’s a curse well over 1000 years old who wants nothing than the world to turn into pure carnage, he cares for you more than he would like to admit, so you don’t need to ever worry about him misgendering you.
Please don’t copy or take as your own. Likes and reposts are appreciated!
Like what you read? Here are all my other works and consider following me! If you would like to request something, please check my rules first before doing so.
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sneezeywheeze · 3 months
Arcana headcannon shit
(Because that’s what this account is gonna be ong)
~~ Headcannons for: the m6 with a gender-fluid partner
- understands this part of you better than anyone
- their own gender is pretty fluid, so they get it
- probably feel when you’re leaning one way through heart connection, so may adjust pronouns to that if you want
- absolutely chaotic with pet names to affirm you
- “yes, pumpkin bread?”
- “of course, my ethereal”
- absolutely chaotic with pet names
- “long time, no see, my eldritch tome”
- “did you eat today, my horrifyingly phantasmal amalgamation?”
- will help you with illusion magic to change how you wish to present, based on how you’re feeling
- has the most fun with the challenge of dressing you based on how you’re feeling
- “you’d look most dashingly beautiful in a suit at the next ball- ah, or, I imagine we could send for a dress that masculinizes you quite nicely. Would you like that, dear?”
- loves the confusion on peoples’ faces when she introduces you as her wife to someone who knew you as her husband, or vice versa
- would find a nice neutral title for you to take as the spouse of the countess, perhaps settling on simply court mage if you’d like to take it on.
- would definitely invent something to help you present how you wish to in the moment- something like a binder that turns into a corset with the pull of a ribbon, or a suit that can turn into a dress with a simple twirl
- if you have a pronoun preference for a day, she will do her best to ensure the whole palace (and then some) know of it to ensure utmost comfort, even if you don’t mind someone using a pronoun that you might not use that day (you’d need to assure her that it is not necessary to make such widespread news)
- calls you his bisexual dream
- you mean he gets to woo a beautiful maiden AND fall into the arms of a dashing savior AND they’re the same person AND they’re his love (you)????
- oh gods he is in heaven
- cannot figure out what to call you for the life of him. He already struggled with relationship titles, but now there’s another layer
- “Aha! I’d love for you to meet my, uhm… my (y/n).”
- “Has anyone seen my.. uh.. companion?”
- eventually gets the hang of it, leaning into the poetic aspect such a challenge provides
- “ah! There’s my divine soulmate. I’ve missed you, dear.”
- finds out he’s a little fluid with his gender with your help (drag. He does drag. He loves it.)
- Words are hard.
- same problem as Julian, but since he’s shyer about labeling himself publicly (not shy about being your lover, of course, he’s just not the type to scream his affections to the whole world) he tends to just refer to you by your name
- stutters when someone asks what your relationship with him is
- “They’re my… uh.. we’re.. uhm.. l-lovers.”
- since societal expectations for gender don’t mean shit to him, he thinks nothing of when you explain it to him.
-literally does not understand why this would be a tough concept to anyone
- doesn’t understand why your switching gender changes things about your day (like how you dress), but supports you nonetheless.
- tries his best to affirm you on the topic
- “your hair looks.. uh.. man-ish like that. It’s… nice..”
- very fluid in her gender presentation !
- loves watching people try and figure out if you’re a wlw, mlm; or straight couple when you’re out together
- way too cheesy and sweet about it
- “well, you’re my everything, so of course you have to be every gender too.”
- makes jokes (never at your expense) and thinks she’s funny (she is and isn’t)
- “do you think if we put you in a block of ice you’d become a gender solid?”
- “ I saw the prettiest man, the handsomest woman, and a non-binary delight the other day- oh, look, there’s (MC) now!”
- loves doing your makeup to help with your presentation
- always tries to get a little gender-fucky with it tho
- “okay I know you’re wearing a dress and going for a feminine look, but wouldn’t it be so so cute if we have you a mascara mustache?”
- gets it the least of everyone ngl
- “so.. You’re a man who likes to be a woman sometimes? Oh! Like a drag Queen!”
- “ what do you mean you don’t wanna wear matching outfits? Clothes don’t have gender, babe.”
- supportive in a way where he’s sometimes (most times) a little stupid
- would love to do your makeup as well, but would not grasp the concept of gendered makeup well
- “okay hold still I’m gonna do your eyeliner- a small wing?? It’s makeup, MC! It’s meant to be showy! Ugh, fine.”
- however, will verbally berate someone if they get your pronouns wrong for how you’re feeling, despite being told it’s not a big deal
If you liked these, feel free to suggest more HC’s!!
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whitehotharlots · 2 years
Actually, most stuff *isn’t* political; you are just insane
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Over the last several years, what was once a niche academic observation has become something of a mantra in left-liberal spaces: everything is political. (Everything is ideological doesn’t quite mean the same thing, but in effect the two assertions are interchangable).
There’s a grain of truth here, as anyone who smoked pot in high school and just, like, had some really deep thoughts will confirm. In order to understand any statement or work of art--in order to communicate--there must exist some shared understandings and beliefs between senders and receivers. Okay, great. Whoopdee doo. That’s some real philosophy major-level shit. You should write a fucking book about. 
In spite of being unbearably tedious, this observation has become an all-consuming basal assumption underlying every left-liberal analysis of social issues and criticism of cultural artifacts. No longer are artists and commentators allowed to insist that some things simply fall outside the lens of our manichean partisan binary. No sir. Anyone whose work isn’t explicitly progressive is actually a secret reactionary, and so every work--from sitcoms to video games to journalistic descriptions of city hall meetings--must soak itself in the treacle of cultural liberalism.
If you’re writing a scene in which a black guy and a white guy are friends, you better fucking include a soliloquy in which privilege is reflected upon. If you’re making a breakfast cereal commercial that doesn’t feature at least one person of every conceivable racial marking, you might as well sign up for a job with the Daily Caller. Anyone who tries suggesting that, hey, I’m sorry I didn’t think it was a big deal that we didn’t make the Honey Nut Cheerio’s Bee gender non-conforming, I swear to god I didn’t think this was political is an idiot liar who deserves something far worse than prison. Why? Because everything is political, politics can only be understood within the contemporary Democrat-Republican split, and fascism happens the second our vigilance falters in the slightest.
You all see how retarded this is, right? How much it’s ruining people’s brains? At the very least, you can grasp how this hampers one’s ability to just enjoy stuff, let alone be able to understand its artistic and cultural importance outside the very narrow and stupid and 99% inapplicable lens of contemporary American politics?
I’m sorry, but I’m tried of lying about this shit. There’s nothing political about Kramer storming into Jerry’s apartment. There’s nothing political about Charlie Kelly blowing cigarette smoke into a hornet’s nest. There’s nothing political about the Pink Panther’s appearance in Owens Corning Insulation commercials.
Yes, you can get a byline or a humanities degree suggesting otherwise, so long as you’re craven enough to ignore context and authorial intent and also you think comprehensibility is bad. Again, good for you. But the rest of us, we are not professional lying shitheads, we have lost patience with the bullshit and are begging you to please shut the fuck up. 
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eetherealgoddess · 8 months
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꧁ I specifically write Tokyo Revengers fandom stories on my tumblr, ao3, and wattpad. I write non fandom content on my wattpad under eetherealgoddess! Report if you see any of my works posted on any other platform or under anyone else that isn’t me. ꧂
꧁ In my head, Y/n is a 18+ black cis female or male (depending on the story). I try to write it to where you can insert yourself so it doesn’t really matter if you’re not (besides 18+. minors aren’t allowed) though I do say this for representation purposes bc a lot of writers make stories that are ‘y/n’ but she/he is literally described in a specific way that I think makes it hard for not only poc but plus sized, bald, etc people to be included. They might as well be an oc at that point. ꧂
꧁ The only reason I don’t write y/n as anything but cis gendered female or male is bc I don’t have enough info to feel comfortable in writing for non binary or gender neutral. ꧂
꧁ Obviously I understand the concept of ‘playing a character’ as y/n so some things are fine being set if it doesn’t match with the reader, but things like the physical appearance is lowkey annoying. ꧂
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Considering I like to write my stories a specific way, I wasn’t going to allow requests. I’ve changed my mind so here’s how we’re gonna do things…
✩I only write yandere stories. That means by default your requests will be written yandere style ❦
✩I don’t write fluff, cute stories. I write horror, dark, suspenseful, and gut wrenching content ❦
✩i do NOT write necrophilia, pedophilia, biological (half or fully) incest, and/or beastiality. anything else will be brought up when the time comes❦
✩I don’t write ‘innocent’ ‘little one’ baby readers or whatever purity shit i’ve seen on here. no offense ❦
✩If smut is included, it will mostly consist of noncon/dubcon so if you request smut that is how it will be if you don’t specify what you want ❦
✩If I simply don’t want to write your request then I won’t ❦
✩I only write for Tokyo Revengers, specifically Sano Manjiro, Hanemiya Kazutora, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Haitani Ran, and Haitani Rin. Other characters will be background or non - existent ONLY❦
✩I mostly like writing all of them x reader but if you want a specific focus then i will do that❦
✩If you request something and it’s already a thoroughly written out story then you will be ignored cuz you might as well write it yourself at that point ❦
✩If you don’t hear back from me for a min, do NOT spam bc I’m either in the middle of writing your request, focusing on another and I’ll get back to you later, or I’m just ignoring it. Spamming will do nothing but make me continue to ignore it ❦
✩I’m only comfortable writing for cis female or male reader. I don’t have enough info on gender neutral or non binary therefore I can’t write from that perspective ❦
✩Specify exactly what you want or else it might be written in a way you didn’t expect ❦
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live-laugh-legolas · 2 months
hi! if I may, a request where the reader comes out to the Fellowship (and Faramir?) as non-binary/trans? just curious how each of them would handle the concept, since it's definitely not something we see portrayed much, canon or otherwise c:
Coming out to the fellowship as trans/non-binary (+Faramir)
-A very respectful man
-Will ask your pronouns, name, whatever
-I think he might not understand it
-But he has the mindset of “I don’t speak dwarvish but I know it’s still a language” so he respects you even if he is a little confused
-Will make a point to learn though
-He never wants to remain ignorant and will make sure you know to correct him if he says anything insensitive or incorrect
-I was thinking about how elves would react to things like this and I’ll be honest, I don’t think they really know about it
-Like yes they are old and very wise, but they often are kinda sheltered
-So you can best believe Legolas has a lot of questions
-I think him and Frodo are very similar in their love of learning about other cultures and races, and this extends to sexuality and identity
-Elves can be kinda blunt though so expect some equally as blunt questions
-You might have to explain that this doesn’t mean you can just change your biology like a clownfish
-That would be awesome though
-I picture dwarves as being some of the most accepting of the races; unless you are an elf
-If you are an elf he will respect your identity but still won’t like you (initially) because you’re an elf
-I imagine him making fun of you but you correct him on your pronouns and he apologizes then continues while now using the correct pronouns
-It makes me sad that I can imagine some people thinking he would be against it
-Because he’s not
-He is such a lover of people and will be totally fine with whatever people identify as
-If you are trans he will make a point to call you his brother/sister whenever possible to show his support
-The biggest ally and no one can convince me otherwise
-So curious and fully accepting
-He is totally chill about it but will ask questions and want to know your whole story, even if there isn’t really one
-He loves you no matter what and will not stand for anyone saying anything but nice things about you
-Possibly has a hard time
-He does his best to be supportive
-But he’s confused
-“If not boy or girl what is there??”
-But he’s so sweet about it you know he doesn’t mean it in an offensive way
-He just has a pretty black and white view of the world sometimes
-But will also very sternly and protectively correct people if they call you the wrong thing; he puts up with no bullshit
-“Alright cool, anyway….” And just continues his prank plan
-Will make sure he knows your pronouns and what you wish to be called and referred to as but kinda leaves it as that
-I don’t think this sort of this is a new concept to him
-I imagine him being raised with the same way I was in regards to LGBTQ+ where it was just kinda there and was never taught as good or bad
-Like it just is a part of humanity and if you are LGBTQ+ then great and if you’re not, also great
-Will correct people if the call you the wrong thing but in a subtle way
-May ask possibly intrusive questions
-But he’s just very interested and doesn’t mean to be rude
-He just has no filter you know?
-Says some poetic shit about being your true self and moves on
-Probably already knew somehow
*Bonus Faramir:
-Unlike his brother, I think he is a bit confused
-I think he is so caught up in trying to fit into a certain mold because of his father that he forgets there is more to life sometimes
-I mean that in the nicest way; I love this sweet gentle man
-But he’s a bit sheltered
-Will go to his brother to ask questions because he’s shy
-Will apologize if he thinks he said or did anything wrong or insensitive
-He didn’t but he’s nothing if not thorough
-He is also so empathetic if you face any discrimination or harassment and he will stand by your side no matter what
If anything said in here is insensitive or something plz let me know and I will update. I will never be offended if someone points things out to me because that is the best way for me to learn and better myself as a person :)
I want this to be a safe blog for everyone 💕
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rainbowsforbeginners · 2 months
Rainbow 101: 001
Today’s topic, as voted by you: What is LGBTQIA+?
Hello, class!
Welcome to Rainbow 101!
To start us off, today I’ll explain the acronym LGBTQIA+:
It stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, and A-spec - And the little “plus” at the end stands for any other queer labels that don’t fit neatly into the main acronym!
You may also see it shortened to LGBTQ+, LGBT+, LGBT, as well as a few others - But, they all refer to the same community!
Now, as this is a beginner-friendly lecture, I’ll also give a brief explanation of the main “flagship” identities - Though I highly encourage you do your own research of any terms you find interesting, as I will likely not be able to cover all nuance here!
Also, if anyone has any comments, questions, corrections, or kudos, please put them in the ask box after class!
Alright, let’s get started:
Someone who is a lesbian is a women who is attracted to other women - Non-binary people can also use this label if they wish! The term Lesbian is also related to the terms WLW and Sapphic - Though I recommend finding sources who are more well-versed in those labels to understand the nuances/differences!
The “proper” definition of gay is similar to lesbian, being a man who is attracted to other men - And non-binary folk can use this one, too! - However, you will also find many people use “gay” as a broad blanket term similar to “queer,” so context is useful here! Gay is also sometimes called MLM (men-loving-men, not multi-level-marketing :) )
Someone who is bisexual/biromantic is attracted to multiple genders - Commonly interpreted as simply “likes both men and women.” But, as with many of these labels, there can be nuance that is different for every person; Such as having attraction for multiple, but preferring one over another. You’ll often see Bisexual/Biromantic shortened to Bi!
Someone who is transgender doesn’t fully identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. For example, someone who was born as a girl named Jane and later transitions to a man named John. (Something to note here: While many transgender people do fully identify with the “opposite” gender, and undergo various visual/biological transformations (ha!), there are many who don’t do either! Some people only change their pronouns, and some may not change anything!) Non-binary people are also under this umbrella term - though not everyone identifies with the label! You’ll often see Transgender shortened to Trans!
From what I’ve seen, “Queer” is a pretty broad label, often used as a collective term for all LGBTQIA+ people - But, I’ve also seen some people use it as a catch-all personal miscellaneous label, when they don’t care to explain or define the details! “Questioning” is pretty simple - It just means the person is figuring out some aspect of their identity, but hasn’t quite gotten there yet!
This one I don’t know as much about as I could, but my understanding is that an intersex person falls between or outside of the biological sex binary - And it can be as drastically obvious as physical organ differences, or more often, as subtle as having unusual chromosomes!
A-spec, or the A-spectrum, is a wide category for those who experience little, no, and/or specifically-parametrized attraction! Aromantic (or Aro, little-to-no romantic attraction) and Asexual (or Ace, little-to-no sexual attraction) are the more popular, “flagship” labels, but the A spectrum also includes Aplatonic, Agender, Afamilial, Asensual, and probably a few others I don’t know of! To oversimplify for the sake of comedy, the A-spec is for those of us who look at everyone else and go, “No thanks!” with varying degrees of intensity.
Plus (+):
And the + is for everyone else who might not fit within the above!
…And there you have it - That was a lot, and I’m glad you stuck around to the end!
I want to note here that many of these labels have more sub-labels nested under them, and/or have more nuance than we covered today - So, if any of you have questions or clarifications, or have a correction to make, please feel free to drop a note in my ask box!
Also, any ideas for future topics to cover would be much appreciated!
Batteries and Bars,
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beautifulblooms · 1 year
Leon S. Kennedy Headcanons+Drabble
Male reader in mind with these, he/him pronouns used, kinda set in Re2 cause I've been playing it and I can't get that specific version out of my head, might do another one like this but Re4 remake cause uhhh, they did him right with that one. Anyways, enjoy this clusterfuck of gay thoughts about the best rookie in all of Raccoon City.
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine-aligned, and male readers!
He is honestly adorable
So sweet, very kind-hearted, definition of a lovey dovey boyfriend right here
Definitely the kind of person to try and stay up late to watch movies with you but ends up falling asleep halfway through
Not that you mind cause that just means you can play with his hair and he won’t complain
On the topic of his hair
By the grace of the gods is it soft as fuck
Please, play with it, even if he whines about it, he loves it (definitely not cause he wants you to pull it, never, how could that possibly be a possibility)
Loves cuddling with you
Doesn’t matter the context he just loves it
Early in the morning before you two have to do anything
Late at night before you go to bed 
Hell even in the middle of the day when he needs to recharge
He has a tendency to be very quiet when he’s walking around the house
Neither of you know why he does it, but it does provide him with a lot of good opportunities to scare you
Standing at the kitchen counter, you were mixing up some batter for pancakes, hoping to surprise Leon with breakfast in bed. Too focused on measuring out the next ingredient you didn’t hear or sense Leon walking into the kitchen, eyes half-closed to avoid the sun’s bright light flooding the room. He slowly walked up behind you to see what you were doing, resting his head on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist. The sudden touch scared the absolute shit out of you, making you fling the teaspoon you were holding across the kitchen and jump up in his arms. 
“Fuck me!! Christ Leon, you’re way too good at scaring me,” He merely chuckled and buried his head further into your shoulder, once again trying to hide his eyes from the sun.
“I didn’t mean to, but you left the bed and you know I can’t sleep without you,” Right, he always finds comfort in sleeping with you, he struggles any time he has to go out of town and you can’t go with him. You sighed and shifted around in his arms to face him, holding his hips lightly as he was still gripping onto you. 
“Well if you want to go back to sleep, I’ll be done with these in a few minutes, then we can lay back down together, how’s that sound hm?” He looked up at you for the first time, those beautiful blue eyes staring back at you, half-lidded with sleep. 
“Can we go back to sleep now? I wanna cuddle you,” Sighing again with a small smile you kissed him gently.
“Let me get this in the fridge so it doesn’t go bad on the counter, guess I’m making pancakes later.” Leon smiled and let go of you to head back to your shared bed, awaiting your warmth to comfort him back into slumber. Making your way into the room, he opened his arms and lifted the blanket to let you into the cozy embrace of your beautiful boyfriend. Cuddling up next to him, his head rested against your chest, arms wrapped around your middle while he slowly fell back asleep, taking you into a lovely slumber with him. 
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spaceasianmillennial · 5 months
SUFFS Notes: So I've seen both the off-Broadway and Broadway version
2 years earlier, I experienced the Public version of Suffs (before Hillary Clinton and Malala Yousafzai got producer credits). I even own two press scripts.
The Broadway Suffs opening is "Let Mother Vote" and oh I did fell in love with this opening because of how well it established the Carrie's conservative formation and showed us just how seductive it can be. I also kinda miss the older version that opened with woman and non-binary performers dressed as anti-suffrage men making all these awful anti-suffs slogans. By dressing up as the patriachy, these women and non-binary actors really own the story. The Broadway version has less emphasis on ensemble anti-suffs.
Anyone who has seen the Broadway version know that President Woodrow Wilson (Grace McLean) can't stop singing about "Ladies" and their proper domestic place. Now the off-Broadway run has an comedic ironic payoff to this. President Wilson suddenly gets a chest pain, a stroke, and it is a silly moment (I remember the entire theatre laughing hard). We see a few blackouts of him suffering, and SUDDENLY COSTUME CHANGE, Grace McLean is standing there in a black dress, now playing First Lady Edith Wilson, who took up "Stewardship" when her husband was disabled by his stroke. So Edith starts signing some of his paperwork, ("tariff reform, YOUR FAVORITE") and she runs into a paper that says, "Support for Ratification of the Suffrage Amendment." The stage direction indicates she might be on the "verge of epiphany," and she wonders if she should support it, but then she's like "Absolutely NO!" and rips it. It's a funny way of indicating that just because a First Lady has a Presidential role, that doesn't mean she has empathy for women's rights.
I can see why they cut from the Public, but I do miss the silly transformation sequence of President Wilson‘s stroke and Edith Wilson’s stewardship. (Just cause a First Lady got handed power, doesn’t mean she’s gonna save you.)
One striking change is more conspicuous racial stratification in the cast whereas Aisha de Haas, a Black actor, played the white socialite/Tennessee mother at the Public. Light-skinned BIPOC play white characters, and the Broadway script/direction nods a little more when a dark-skinned BIPOC is in a white role.
For example, in the Broadway version, a Black Tsilala Brock plays the white Irish Dudley and President Wilson utters the lines, "honest for an Irishman!" to bring deliberate attention to the race-bent casting.
Also, the Filipino actress Jaygee Macapugay plays the white Mollie Hay. When Wilson says, "The south will never let ladies vote, let alone colored ladies, thank God," he condescendingly takes Mollie Hay by the waist and Jaygee scrunches this deliberately astonished expression at "colored ladies."
The Broadway version cuts out verses of an anonymous Chinese American suffrage who brought her baby to a march. So I went to the Broadway SUFFS with a Black woman seatmate (who never caught the older version) and she felt the musical didn't directly address other suffrage ethnicities outside of white women and Black women. Yes, there is a diversity of BIPOC people playing white suffrages in both versions (and other backgrounders of color are somewhat suggestive of unnamed suffrages of color who did exist), but now there's no longer a direct acknowledgment of Asian suffrages.
The Broadway did some good work to add a sequence of Inez Milholland (Hannah Cruz) working herself to the bone and exhausting herself across states, with a succession of banners signaling another location, leading to her tragic death. It hits way harder than the off-Broadway version (where Phillipa Soo played Inez).
The Broadway version of Suffs tightened some of the numbers. For example, "When We Are Married/If We Are Married" were separate private moments. The Broadway version combined them and juxtaposition the kisses between the heterosexual Dudley and Doris Stevens ("When We Are Married") with the clandestine lesbian Mollie Hay and Carrie Chapman Catt ("IF We Were Married").
Mollie and Carrie did not kiss in the older iteration. So the script goes from Mollie and Carrie "They want to kiss, but there are people around" to "both couples kiss." A moment where Mollie tells Carrie, "Carrie, it's getting late. Come upstairs" (a major hint of their relationship) was also not in the off-Broadway version.
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