#Is there a warbreaker fandom on tumblr?
no-0ne-0f-consequence · 9 months
Warbreaker as a Story About Growing Up
I recently (within the last several months) read Warbreaker for the second time, and it struck me that through each of the main storylines (Siri, Vivinna, and Lightsong) there is a prevailing theme of maturing and taking responsibility. This theme manifests itself in different ways according to the different characters, but it can be found in all three of the plot lines. Allow me to explain.
Let’s start with the most obvious, Siri. You can pull more than one theme from Siri’s story, but I want to focus on “putting away childish things.” When we first meet Siri, she takes pleasure in being “unimportant” and the lack of responsibility that comes with it.  While her siblings study and prepare for their duties, she spends her time exploring on her own and bringing colorful flowers to the children of her city (which is not encouraged by her religion). Mab the kitchen mistress calls her out for skipping her tutoring and “shirking responsibilities.” Because of this carefree attitude, when Siri is thrust into her role as the god king’s wife she is completely unprepared and forced to mature quickly. Throughout her time in the palace of Hallandren she learns responsibility and control. By gaining control over herself (example: controlling her hair while talking to the god king’s priest) she is also able to gain some control over her situation, which can be seen as she takes charge and uses her position in the palace as “vessel” to her advantage. By the end of the story she has matured quite a bit, which can most obviously seen in the control she gains over her hair color. Despite these changes she never loses her joy and wonder. Good thing, too, as Suesebron says it is one of the reasons he likes her. 
Now for Vivenna. Vivienna is set up to be the complete opposite of Siri. She studies diligently, maintains complete control over her composure, and puts her duty above all else. Her father thinks of her as “composed, simple [modest], hard, and capable.” The perfect Idrian and the perfect daughter. Vivenna seems to think highly of herself as well, saying that if she had been sent to the god king she could have stopped the coming war. Vivenna’s character arc is about realizing that she doesn't know as much as she thought she did. Through the course the story she is completely humbled, and her worldview and understanding are challenged. In order for her to mature she must first realize just how immature she was in many ways. Vasher points this out when he comments on how “stupid” she was to be manipulated by Denth. But Vivenna does learn, and she does grow in maturity and wisdom to the point where she is able to free Vasher from Denth. When at the end of the story she chooses to go with Vasher it is with a new understanding of herself and the world. She knows that she can’t go back to what she was before. She has been changed too much. With her newfound maturity she chooses what path she will take, without having others plan her life for her. Interestingly, her maturity manifests itself in a way that could be considered immature as she learns to lighten up. Specifically I’m referring to when she called Vasher “wartlover the ugly” as they set off together (as out of place as this line may seem it does demonstrate her character development well). When she rejects the propriety expected of her as a princess, in a way she is rejecting the old, naive self that lived a sheltered life in the castle taught to hate the Hallandrens. She is more world-wise now and has grown into her own person.
Lastly, we have Lightsong. I thought about calling this post "Warbreaker as a coming of age story" but Lightsong never comes of age. He is a fully fledged god, after all. Still, his story begins in a similar place as Siri's. Lightsong treats his role in the government and religion of Hallandren flippantly, and says that the other gods do the same. The only duty he takes seriously is his reviewing of artwork, and even that he is tempted to brush off on occasion. His journey to maturity kicks off with his obsession of who he was in his previous life. Interestingly, "finding my identity" is a common theme in many coming of age stories. The other driver in Lightsong's story is, of course, Blushweaver. She encourages Lightsong to step up as a ruler and religious figure of Hallandren (although she does so to gain power in the court). Slowly, influenced by his troubling dreams and the memory of someone important to him, Lightsong begins to take more responsibility to the point where he takes sole control of a large portion of the lifeless army. Even so he continues to treat much of his new involvement like a game, as can be seen by his brash attack of the Phan Khal in the tunnels. The danger finally becomes real to him when Blushweaver is killed. In the end, though, Lightsong is able to accept his role as a god and give his life for Susebron, something he previously had said he would never do. 
If Siri, Vivinna, and Lightsong’s stories are about taking responsibility, then one possible interpretation of Denth’s story is giving it up. Denth’s motives are never really explained by the story, but Vasher accuses him of simply selling his sword to whoever will pay. Denth does have his own goals - killing Vasher being the main one. It is also possible that Denth wanted a war between Idris and Hallandren, but he never says as much and there are no reasons given as to why it would be advantageous for him. With the information we are given, Denth can be read as using his position as a mercenary as a way of having someone else to blame. He does not decide what his employers want him to do - he simply does it. (Honestly, upon further reflection this isn't an interpretation I'm 100% sold on, but it fits the theme of this post so I thought I'd mention it.)
Returning to Susebron, with all this growing up and maturing that happens throughout the book, I would have liked to see Suesbron mature a bit more as well. By the end of the story he still seems a bit too childlike to me. Ah well. That’s another topic for another time.
P.S. I was going to cite all the chapters I reference here, but I only have the pdf download from Brandon’s website which isn’t the best for looking things up. I guess you’ll just have to trust I’m not making this all up lol
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rivenantiqnerd · 1 month
For my tumblr one year anniversary and almost 200 followers, I shall make a very long overdue intro post.
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You can call me Riv. She/her, straight + asexual. I’m a minor so keep that in mind when interacting with me.
Self-diagnosed autistic, maybe adhd too? special interests are math f music
I like to write, I’ve been serious about since NaNoWriMo ‘23. My (technically) main wip is the Grove of Kings and Killers, but that doesn’t mean it’s ever the one I’m focused on. I am really good at abandoning wips.
Fandoms: DBDA, The Princess Bride, Leverage & Redemption, Outsiders, Heartstopper, Lotr, Emma and Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, hogan’s heroes, the Cosmere kinda since I’ve only read Mistborn, RWRB, there are some others but i don’t remember/it changes too often
I’m a musician, and I play the cello, piano, and clarinet. Cello’s my main one, and i play it despite my parents’ behavior about it, not because of it.
Other things I like
reading, esp. Brandon Sanderson’s books (not past Warbreaker, though, still reading it), fantasy, and romance though I’ll read almost anything
making tangible things
learning foreign languages
having mutuals & interacting with them
collecting things
old things
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“This user…” collection (all apply to me)
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Things I collect: scissors, lego sets, paper dolls, “this user” banners, fun hats, mutuals somehow, trauma (not on purpose i hope), stickers, books
My music taste is weird, it’s literally all over the place depending on how i feel, but it ranges from classical music to rock to occasional metal. Mostly rock. Love old music.
Tag explanations:
#riv’s stuff - original posts
#riv’s excerpts - my writing
#riv’s ocs - anything about my ocs
#queueueue - my queue tag
#riv’s aesthetics - aesthetics or moodboards i like
#riv’s art - my original art
any others should be pretty self explanatory
Yeah, that’s it, enjoy my blog!
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gideonthefirst · 5 years
Writing Commissions
Hi, all! I’ve decided to open writing commissions, partly due to financial need - my chronic back pain has gotten worse, and it’s getting harder to afford the things I need for it as a full time student. I’m an English major, have experience with editing and proofreading, and also have extensive experience with fanfiction, original fiction, and academic writing. I also have paid experience with scientific research writing, which I’m potentially willing to explore again. Commissions will be open for all of these things! Feel free to message me on Tumblr with questions, but please contact me at [email protected] to discuss actual commissions.
Fanfiction: $0.03 a word, or 20$ per 1000 words. 
I can write for: Not Another D&D Podcast, Dimension 20 (Fantasy High, Escape From the Bloodkeep, or The Unsleeping City), Harry Potter, The Addams Family, Good Omens, Discworld, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Skulduggery Pleasant, and the Cosmere (including Mistborn, Stormlight Archive, Warbreaker, Elantris, and others). If you have interest in another fandom, feel free to reach out, and I’ll see what I can do!
I will not write: graphic NSFW (some exceptions), underage, or non-con, and I reserve the right to turn down requests.
Examples of my work can be found here.
Contact me: [email protected]
Original Fiction: $0.05 a word, or 35$ per 1000 words. 
I will write: your OCs, a story based on themes of your choice, extensions of your own writing, pretty much anything you can think of that fits in this category.
I will not write: graphic NSFW (some exceptions), underage, or non-con, and I reserve the right to turn down requests.
The most recent example of my work can be found here.
Contact me: [email protected]
Proofreading/Editing: $0.01 a word for grammatical and spelling edits, $0.02 a word for more intense structural work.
I will help you with: Essentially anything. The world is your oyster.
I will not help you with: underage or non-con, and I reserve the right to turn down requests.
Contact me: [email protected]
Academic Writing
Message me on a case-by-case basis!
Contact me: [email protected]
Other Details
Commission price includes one revision, at which point you can also choose to increase the length and price. 
If what I write goes over what you have requested in word count, you will not be held responsible for paying extra; however, if you request something with a word count that is not feasible for that project, I will let you know upon request.
I can accept payment through PayPal, Ko-Fi, Venmo, or CashApp, and require half up-front once we’ve nailed down the details.
If you want to see more examples of my work, message me!
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moiraineswife · 4 years
Taryn’s Writing Commissions
I fucked up my OG commission post so we’re doing it 2.0!!! 
Background: FINALLY scraped enough cash to get out of my abusive household and then 2020 comes along and goes ‘hahaha FUCK U’ and has made redundant from my job. It’s cool tho! I’m going to go retrain as a teacher and pass on my wisdom to The Youth. This needs money, though. And, more importantly: Jester needs a new cat tree! 
If you want any samples of my writing you can have a squint at my ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/mollymauks/works 
Pricing £1 (GBP) /100 Words: 
Pricing is based on how long it takes me to go from the initial concept, through planning, through writing, and then drafting. I thought about lowering it but there’s a lot of hours of work that go into these so I hope y’all understand and are okay with that! 
-500 Words  = £5.00
1,000 Words = £10.00 
2,000 Words = £20.00 
2,500 Words = £25.00 
3,000 Words = £30.00 
4,000 Words = £40.00 
5,000 Words = £50.00 
Types fic I’m happy to write for y’all: 
-Hurt/Comfort (Bit of angst but with support/comfort in there!) 
-Fluff (Indulge in soft. We all deserve it after 2020) 
-NSFW (bring forth the smut!! Kinks negotiable!) 
-Canon Compliant (won’t disturb any existing/current canon, and will fit in comfortably) 
-Canon Divergent (mostly the same as canon but with some important details changed. Eg: ‘x character doesn’t die’) 
-AU (Alternative Universe - Fairytale AU, High School AU, Space AU etc etc) 
-Character Fic (Fic focused specifically on one character and exploring an aspect of them) 
-Ship Fic (Bring on the romance and all accompanying tropes!!) 
Fandoms I’m aware of/comfortable in/have written for before. Feel free to ask about something not on this list and I’ll do my best to research it and nail it for you, but these are ones I’m already grounded in: 
Critical Role (Vox Machina and the Mighty Nein) 
The Cosmere (Mistborn Era 1, Mistborn Era 2, Stormlight Archive, Warbreaker, Elantris, White Sand) 
-Black Sails
-Good Omens (Book and Show) 
-The Witcher (Book canon, predominantly) 
-Harry Potter (Books) 
-The 100 (up to Lexa’s death, I’m not 100% up on what’s happened since)
-Person of Interest 
-Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle canon / Elementary) 
-MCU/Marvel Films 
1)- Send me an email at: [email protected] or a DM here on tumblr with: your budget, the fandom you’re interested in, the idea you’re looking for, and any relevant info: things you want to include/triggers to absolutely avoid. 
2)- I’ll workshop with you and will send you a skeleton outline for your piece. 
3)- Deposit for half the total fic price is to be paid by paypal. 
4)- As soon as I get the deposit, I’ll start work on your piece. 
5)- An initial draft will be sent via Google Docs for your approval. Any small changes can then be made if necessary. 
6)- Once you’re happy, final payment is to be sent via paypal. 
7)- Enjoy!! You may post the final piece anywhere you wish/share it however you choose, just please credit me! 
Any questions DM me. And if anyone would like to donate to Jester’s tree fund without commissioning you can do so here: https://www.paypal.me/atarynnosaurus 
Reblogs are very much appreciated! 
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shayberri789 · 4 years
Okay Here's my 'About'
I edited an old dead post to add my 'about' here because Tumblr recently did something (July 2023) so that the way I had this set up before didn't work on mobile.
Without further ado:
Hi, welcome. Call me Shay or Regal, both are my names. Pronouns she/her and I'm aroace. I'm friendly and nice feel free to interact with me, I'm always happy to receive asks. Just don't be a jackass and we can be friends :)
If you found me because of a post I made, don’t expect them with any frequency or consistency.
Most posts are general reblogs but occasionally I’ll go through the tag of one of my fandom and spam my followers - you’ve been warned. I do tag for them, though - see below for my tag system; browse or filter at your leisure.
UPDATE! I'm on Cohost!
NEW USERS! Please make yourself not look like a bot! You will be blocked and reported by me otherwise! Pfp, bio, header, reblog some stuff, that’s all you need! If you’d like, I have  a master post filled with links to help you settle into tumblr, which you can find here or in my bio.
Every now and then I like to send a boop to my mutuals/more active (or favourite) followers. New followers who interact with my posts within a couple hours of following me get a boop as well as a welcome :D
I don't answer asks asking for money, legitimate or not. I'll reblog legitimate fundraisers, but will not publish them. I'm sorry this is the one boundary I'm putting in place
Fandom Tags:
cosmere - for anything to do with the Cosmere
stormlight - The Stormlight Archive related (cosmere)
mistborn - Mistborn related (cosmere)
elantris - Elantris related (cosmere)
warbreaker - Warbreaker related (cosmere)
Tress of the Emerald Sea / ssp1 - Tress of the Emerald Sea related (cosmere, secret project 1)
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter / ssp3 - Yumi and the Nightmare Painter related (cosmere, secret project 3)
atla - Avatar the Last Airbender related (Including LoK)
bnha - My Hero Academia
sab - Shadow and Bone related
soc - Six of Crows
trc - The Raven Cycle
gansey my blorbo - since the boy has recently fully achieved blorbo status for me, I will tag things that inspire brainrot, my thoughts and other things relating to him here.
trc brainrot - my specifically trc original posts
aftg - All For The Game 
tlt - The Locked Tomb
tlt art - what it says on the tin: tlt fan art
Posts not about the locked tomb series that are about the locked tomb series - a joke subtag of tlt, for posts that have nothing to do with tlt but remind me of it anyway
tloz - Legend of Zelda related
linkeduniverse - Linked Universe related (tloz subfandom)
fma - Full Metal Alchemist
Cradle (occasionally cradle series) - the Cradle series by Will Wight
murderbot - The Murderbot Diaries
undertale - relating to undertale
deltarune - relating to deltarune
dctf - things related to DC. It stands for “DC the fuck?” because I know nothing about dc, everything ik comes from the like 3 movies I watched and tumblr interaction. I casually enjoy it, so I reblog it but don’t mistake me for a real fan or anything
swtf - same as above pretty much. pun for star wars and wtf bc I’m a know nothing (though my friend is doing their best to fix that). For any and all star wars stuff I end up reblogging from my mutuals n stuff!
dtph- Know nothing Danny Phantom Tag bc my friend teaching me about SW is also obsessed w DP and I get some enjoyment from it, despite knowing even less about it than SW. There is a convoluted pun behind the tag im not going to explain
I also tag for specific au’s/fics, so keep an eye out for those
other of my more rare fandoms are tagged
 us politics - because its impossible to escape us politics here, and because I care for my american friends, i reblog posts with us politics. This is that tag
usa things - for things that generally relate to america, mostly, and to the best of my knowledge
HOSH tag - For heartbreaking or Serious/Heavy topics/posts
liwi good tag - Opposite of the HOSH tag; light hearted and good things that remind me that Life is worth it sometimes. 
shay posts - original posts
shay writes - my original writing
Regal Creativity - (previously Favourite Creativity) - my original writing that I’m particularly proud of
shay’s asks - ask tags
writing ref - writing references (when I remember to tag for it)
tumblr storybook - Cool bits of creative writing and stories I find. includes comics
tumblr poetry collection - new tag for pieces of poetry I come across that I like
Flash tw or tw eyestrain- the tags I use for warn for flashing images, or images that can be straining toblook at. I'm not always consistent but I try
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braaaaain · 4 years
I got tagged by @sergeantpurrito, thanks! I miss old tumblr, lets bring things like this back.
Rules: name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms then tag 10 people.
Lightsong the Bold, Warbreaker: He is such a great balance of different things, comedic relief and dramatic tension, a cerebral story of arguments about the responsibilities of those with power and an emotional story of a man struggling with faith personal identity.
Greed, Fullmetal Alchemist: I guess I have a thing for characters who say they’re bad guys while trying to do the right thing.
Toph, Avatar: and for characters that straddle the line between thoughtful hero and comic relief.
Yusuke, Yu Yu Hakusho: and misguided characters becoming the best they could be.
Soren, Dragon Prince:  himbo solidarity
Fi, So Weird: a bit of reach but I had such a crush on her when I was 11.
Artimis Fowl: Confounding some therapist wasn’t what made him a genius, rebuilding the environment that would turn him into better person was.
Rachel, Animorphs: super-powered fashionista, resistance fighter, angry murder baby. Fucking powerful.
Magnus, The Adventure Zone: Travis was the first to start taking his character seriously and it makes my little DM heart glow. 
Wash, Firefly: I still have a lot of love for this show, and this leaf on the wind.
@prayingforlove, @itsnottheheat, @reys--speeder, @toloveviceforitself, @quinn-the-human, @bookish-bi-christian, @flamingokitty22, @awkwardeccentric, @servant-of-darkness, @scandalouscout Go for it!
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cosmerearchive · 6 years
Hey everyone! 
First off, because I rarely actually type anything, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who follows me! I’m glad that you’re fans of all things Branderson, and enjoy seeing all the cool stuff other people do. 
As you’ve probably noticed, I reblog just about everything fandom-wide that I can find on Tumblr. Sometimes my queue gets really long, but just about everything comes through my blog eventually. I do have other interests (CR, Marvel, HP, Vorkosigan Saga), and if you’re interested in seeing those, you can follow my personal blog, @zas678.
The reason why I’m writing this post is because I’m on the cusp of having 600 followers, and with that many, I think it’s time to see if I can’t run this blog a little better. So, I’m asking for feedback. What things would you like to see more of? Less of? I have anon-asks open, so feel free to put feedback there. 
Some things I’m planning on changing already- 
First off, my name is a little obscure, hard to spell, and not entirely clear that it’s a Brandon Sanderson fan compilation blog. So I’m planning on changing it soon. Send me suggestions on good ideas you have! I have an idea or two of my own, but it’d be good to see what you guys have!
Second, I really want to get better at tagging. So I’ll do better at at least having tags about what series its in (mistborn, warbreaker, sa), and the type of post it is (art, fanfic, meme, theory, etc). Given enough time, I might also go back and try doing this to old posts as well. We’ll see if that happens. :)
TL;DR: Thanks everyone for following! Please give me feedback or suggestions for a new blog name.
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peachdoxie · 7 years
Yo cosmere fandom on tumblr, I’ve got a few questions about Warbreaker from my reread that weren’t answered by my binge of the Coppermind. Anyone out there who can give any speculation to this stuff? Below the cut.
First, the name Kalad. I was struck by its similarity to Kaladin, lacking only the last two letters. I know it's a name that Vasher used in the past on Nalthis and I know that Vasher has met Kaladin on Roshar. Is there any known connection between Kalad and Kaladin?
Second, when Lightsong had his vision of his death and what he saw from beyond in chapter 57, the text says he was "claimed by the void" when he died. Then, two paragraphs before he gives his Breath to Susebron, he thinks, "I have seen the void. And I came back." I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the Voidbringers of Roshar. They're called the Voidbrings but to my knowledge it's never described what the void is, exactly, that they're bringing.
I would greatly appreciate any responses to this speculation or links to more reading I can do on the subject.
(I also posted this on reddit just fyi in case someone is on both websites and sees this there)
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pleinedelavie · 7 years
tagged by
 @vicetorius sorry this took forever i forgot about it, but thanks for tagging me!
nicknames: viv? my name's vivienne...

gender: female

star sign: taurus! though im pretty close to aries...

height: 5'3" (and possibly a half, im not sure...)

time right now: 6:52 pm

last thing i googled: free spider solitaire

favourite bands: Marianas Trench, fun., walk the moon

song stuck in my head: Deliver Us from Prince of Egypt

last movie i watched: Ant-Man

last tv show i watched: technically rewatching Fullmetal Alchemist with my sister who's seeing it for the first time, but... Stranger Things.

when did you create your blog: i had to google how to look this up... judging by my first posts, march 2016 (i guess i had a tumblr birthday and didn't notice...)

what do you post: mostly fandom stuff (that is why i am on tumblr). I reblog basically all the cosmere stuff i see; i guess one of the perks of a small fandom is that basically everything in it is awesome! I also reblog positivity things, cute things, amusing things, and things i think are pretty. I have basically no original content
when did your blog reach its peak: never. Its all just a steady nothing, i think. maybe when i was liveblogging my way through the stormlight three playlist, that was fun

do you have any other blogs: not really! @petitevitechose is mine, from when i thought i was going to stop taking french and was thinking of blogging my way through french media to keep my skills up, but im still in french so that neverr happened. maybe next year!

do you get asks regularly: nope. id love to though, i like talking to people!

why did you choose your url: my real name means "full of life" in french, and my url is another way of saying that. i really like french; "petite vite chose" means small fast object, which is the translation of a nickname my dad used for me as a kid.

following: 105 (this is people Im following, right?)

posts:  705

hogwarts house: slytherin, for the win! 

pokemon team:  um... excuse me while i look up pokemon and find some cute ones... (ill pick three, i guess? i never did anything pokemon related) flareon, dewgong, dragonair

favourite colours: blue (especially blue-green), darkish red, royal purple

average hours of sleep: 7ish?

lucky numbers: 3, 4

favourite characters:   ummm... you cant ask this question guys there isnt even a limit on how many like seriously i love them all, but here are a few that come to mind
* lightsong (warbreaker) * hermione granger * alphonse (fullmetal alchemist) * elend (mistborn) * kaladin (mistborn) * lift (stormlight) * spock * karkat (homestuck)
what are you wearing right now: a tank top and pants (sleepwear, i just took a shower)

how many blankets do you sleep with: 1 and a sheet, but i have one more in case its freezing

dream job: uhhh... nasa person? probably a computer thing? If i had the talent i might also be a novelist but space is pretty cool too

dream trip: idk im a homebody. i do kinda want to visit morocco cause it looks really pretty? but i dont like not being at home (i love airplanes though)
So i’ll tag... @a-wooden-ring, @mazzyzwazzy, and @feeltherush799 (i know you just tagged me in one of these, i’ll do it soon, but here’s another)
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bookishaddict-blog · 7 years
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I was tagged a few times to do the #meetthebookstagrammer tag, since today is the anniversary for my bookish tumblr, I figured: "Why not?!" 😅 . My name is Maja Diana, I'm at level 26 in the game of life, and I live in the happiest country on earth. 🇩🇰 . I am unemployed and uneducated, but that just mean I can use my #bookhoarding to gain knowledge on ... well ... everything. . My tbr is like... Thrice the size of me, which is no mean feat. I read pretty much anything, but I tend to stay clear of horror and non fiction. I like fantasy, science fiction and contemporary the best, though. . Apart from books, I also collect bookish merch. It doesn't even matter which fandom, I'm probably in it somewhere. . If you're curious to see any of my collections, just pop in when I'm live at some point, because it's basically an hour of Maja advertising stuff. . I have a cat that I love, I used to write a lot (but don't anymore) and I generally don't bite. Unless you're into it, then I'm game. . On a more personal side, I'm bisexual, diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder and I suffer from social anxiety. This means I am awkward like 99, 9% of the time, but I try to fight it every day. . Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson is my favorite book of all time, and if you've read it and loved it we should totally petition him to continue the series. If you haven't, then you should read it. . If I tagged you, then you can do the tag or not. It would be cool to have you share a #shelfieselfie and introduce yourself, but it's cool if you don't want to. . And if you actually read this far, you should give your self a pat on the shoulder and think some happy thoughts. You've deserved it! Also, my inbox is open for yooou. Always. . #Bookstagram #books #yabooks #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookjunkie #bookaholic #bookworm #bookblog #bookishaddict #readersofinstagram #read #bookstagramfeature #yalit #youngadultbooks #bookdragon #bookreviewer #bookphotography #yareads
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