#Irony is bitch
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Romantické trampoty Janka Bocka
(Prekliata kniha, kapitola 5, strana 71)
Ďuro... Ty koťuha.
Vec sa má tak, že to prianie sa síce vyplní - aj Praha, dokonca viac než raz, aj dlhší pobyt, aj cisársky dvor - ale nie tak, ako si tuná magister predstavoval.
Kto a čo bol Ján Bocatius (rodený Bock) vysvetľuje už Prekliata kniha.
Lužický Srb, syn obchodníka narodený 25.12. 1569, ktorý študoval v Drážďanoch, Jihlave a Wittenbergu a spolu so svojím mentorom Nikolasom Gäbelom sa vypravil aj do Uhorska. Ako široko uznávaný korešpondent iných učencov, básnik, ktorému samotný cisár Rudolf II udelil poctu "poeta laureatus ceasareus" + šľachtický titul a učiteľ prvotriedneho kalibru bol v roku 1699 pozvaný aj do Košíc, aby sa stal rektorom tamojšieho kolégia. Čo o mnohom vypovedá, keďže Košice boli mestom luteránskym a toto vierovyznanie si strážili úzkostlivo ako pred katolicizmom, tak aj pred inými protestantskými konfesiami, napríklad kalvinizmom - viera, ktorú niektoré zdroje prisudzujú Jánovi Bockovi, či pred poľským ariánstvom - spisy o ňom pojednávajúce vraj Bock taktiež študoval. Musel sa zaviazať, že vzdelávať bude iba v súlade s luteránskymi predpismi a čokoľvek odchyľujúce sa od tejto vierouky praktikovať v podstate len súkromne. Tento detail mu však ani v najmenšom nebránil kariérne sa vyšvihnúť. Sotva nastúpil, stal sa senátorom - jedným z členov volenej mestskej rady. A neskončilo to len pri tom.
Povestný háčik
Dej Prekliatej knihy sa odohráva v roku 1601 a vyšetrovanie v Košiciach sa uzavrie v priebehu pár dní. Stein s Barbaričom a Jarošom mesto opúšťajú ešte v auguste. Bocatius a ostatní Košičania si môžu vydýchnuť.
V 1603 idylku naruší úmrtie cisárovej matky Márie. Tá síce naposledy vydýchne v Španielsku, ale zádušnú omšu Rudolf nariadi zorganizovať v Košiciach. Je to pútnické miesto, kam už po stáročia prichádzajú ľudia rôznych vierovyznaní kvôli niekdajšiemu zjaveniu svätej krvi v Michalskej kaplnke. A zároveň v ňom stojí Dóm svätej Alžbety, najväčšia aj najvýchodnejšie položená katedrála súčasného Slovenska a perla niekdajšieho Uhorska. Ide len o vrchol ľadovca, pretože veci sa chytia aj všelijakí dvorní hodnostári a tým ide predovšetkým o opätovné prevzatie kontroly katolíckymi autoritami.
Mesto je luteránske. Niekdajšie kláštory a svätostánky františkánov a dominikánov sú už dávno opustené a v ruinách či premenené na vojenský sklad. Jediný použiteľný cirkevný objekt je katedrála a malá kaplnka stojaca po jej južnej strane, oba postavené a udržiavané na mestské náklady, obsadené farárom voleným miestnymi. Zároveň sme uprostred vojny s Osmanskou ríšou striehnucou dobre že nie pred bránami a mesto je významným ekonomickým uzlom, hlavnou pevnosťou hornozemského kapitanátu a po obsadení neďalekého Jágru Osmanmi aj náhradným sídlom biskupstva. Jágerský biskup Szuhay sa síce neobťažuje navštíviť Košice ani raz, ale zdatne ho zastupuje ten Veľkovaradínsky - Mikácius (zároveň predseda Spišskej komory). A tunajší chrám bol v čase zriadenia v správe katolíckej cirkvi, ktorá v tejto odluke vidí svojho druhu krádež.
Vrchnosť chce spolu s odslúžením omše aj odovzdanie kostola jágerskej kapitule a obnovu katolíckych bohoslužieb vykonávaných ich vlastnými ľuďmi. A samozrejme všetko aj naďalej z vrecka miestnych.
K sporu o chrám sa pripojí spor s cisárskou armádnou inšpekciou všetkých hornozemských miest - Pentapolitany. Cisárska inšpekcia vyžaduje do tej doby vec nevídanú - podrobne skontrolovať hradby a systém služieb, sčítať obyvateľstvo a jednotlivé mestské organizácie a urobiť kompletný súpis príjmov a nákladov pre výpočet novej daňovej povinnosti a priamejšie riadenie. Riadenie dovtedy autonómneho celku, ktorý to považuje za vážny zásah do súkromia, svojich slobôd a predošlých dohôd. Fakt, že kapitán Belgiojoso - veliteľ cisárskej armády (ktorá sa nielen zdržuje v ich obydliach ale aj dennodenne obťažuje Košičanov) pri tom postupuje nanajvýš necitlivo, situáciu vyhrocuje ešte viac.
(Veduta Wilhelma Petera Zimmermanna, okolo roku 1600)
(Rekonštrukcia v múzeu archeológie Dolná brána, v Košiciach)
Košická odpoveď
Spomínaného Jána Bocatia začiatkom toho istého roku zvolia za richtára. V lete a jeseni stojí na čele mestského predstavenstva odmietajúceho vydať kľúče od chrámu a umožniť prístup k finančným záznamom mestských majetkov. Po vynútenom odňatí katedrály a zákaze činnosti protestantských kazateľov je v januárových voľbách 1604 opätovne zvolený richtárom a už o dva dni - 14.1. aj s dvomi ďalšími senátormi zamieri do Prahy, aby cisárovi, ako jeho niekdajší chránenec, osobne predložil sťažnosti celej Pentapolitany.
Do Prahy dorazia 6.2. a čaká ich nemilé prekvapenie. Na audienciu k Rudolfovi sa nedá dostať, pretože cisár sa ustavične uzatvára pred celým svetom a dvorskí úradníci naťahujú čakaciu lehotu na celé týždne až mesiace. Nepochodí ani druhá delegácia paralelne vyslaná na krajinský snem v Bratislave započatý 19.3. arcivojvodom Matyášom. Vypočutí sú síce podstatne rýchlejšie, ale nie je im to nič platné, pretože arcivojvoda aj pražská dvorská kancelária pristúpia k stratégii horúceho zemiaku. Vyslancov chlácholia prázdnymi rečami, vyžadujú konkrétnejšie znenie, posudok situácie si navzájom byrokraticky prehadzujú a iba hrajú o čas. Krajinský snem skončí, cisár dospeje k presvedčeniu, že má pred sebou spupných buričov a Bocatio sa 15.6. vracia do Košíc s prázdnymi rukami, len aby mesto našiel v ešte väčšom rozvrate, než keď ho opúšťal.
Medzitým v Sedmohradsku prepukne prvé stavovské povstanie. Štefan Bočkaj porazí kapitána Belgiojosu a keď sa ten so stiahnutým chvostom vráti do Košíc, brány mesta nájde zavreté. Bocatius už medzitým vyjednáva s velením povstaleckého vojska o podmienkach "oslobodzovania" a vydávaní nežiadúcich osôb. Príchod vzbúrencov pre Košice nie je dobrá správa, pretože armády sú všetky rovnaké - hladné a násilné. A keď sa povstalcov nepodarí uplatiť, aby Košice obišli, triumfálni kalvínski hajdúsi sa nerozpakujú zabrať kostol a vysvätiť ho po svojom o nič menej než katolíci z Talianska a Španielska. 11.11. 1604 Bočkaj do chrámu vchádza na koni (doslova) a v meste si zriadi základňu. Povstanie za nemalej podpory Osmanov (o stretnutí s ktorými Bocatius podáva podrobnú správu) končí uzavretím Viedeňského mieru podpísaného 23.6. 1606. Košice pripadnú Bočkajovi do doživotnej držby, ktorá trvá krátko - pol roka. 15.2. 1607 sa mesto dostáva späť pod cisársku správu.
Tým Košický zápas končí. Ten Bocatiov však zďaleka nie.
(Hungarian Prince of Transylvania Stephen Bocskai and his hajdú warriors by Wilhelm Peter Zimmermann (17th century))
Olympias Carceraria, alebo Pražská dohra
Voľby 1605 už richtársky úrad priznajú inému mešťanovi, ale Bockovi sa ujde post prvého medzi senátormi, v podstate richtárovho zástupcu. Výsledok sa zopakuje aj o rok. Miesto podielu na správe mesta ho však čaká diplomatická cesta. Bočkaj ho posiela do Nemecka, aby medzi tamojšími protestantami zháňal spojencov. Lenže pri prechode územím istého Henricha Júlia Brunšvického je odhalený, zajatý a poslaný do Prahy ako priateľské gesto cisárovi. Rudolf Bocatia uväzní v Bielej veži na Hradčanoch, kde básnik tvrdne dlhých päť rokov. Údajne odtiaľ uniká až s pomocou pilníku a povrazového rebríku, ktorý mu zapečený v chlebe prepašuje do cely vlastná manželka Alžbeta prezlečená za slúžku. Po návrate do Košíc sa už žiadnej funkcie v mestskej správe neujíma. Podľa niektorých zdrojov ponuky odmieta, podľa iných je vo veci výmena politických frakcií, ktoré mu pre jeho zahraničný pôvod neprajú. Tak, alebo onak, po ďalšie roky sa už sústredí len na učenie a spisovanie svojich väzenských zážitkov.
(Pražský hrad kolem r. 1592 – Joris Höfnagel, Franz Hoogenberghe)
Zmena nastane s Gabrielom Bethlénom, ktorý Jánovi poskytne miesto knihovníka a poradcu. Ako znalec jazykov je viac než žiadúcim prekladateľom. Bocatius prijíma, nejakú dobu prebýva aj v Albe Iulii a čochvíľa sa opäť ocitá vo víre povstalectva. Osudnou sa mu stáva práve diplomatická misia v Bethlénovom mene. Smrť ho zastihne 31. 10. 1621 pri Uherskom Brode, v treťom roku počínajúcej tridsaťročnej vojny.
(Armáles z erbovej listiny Jána Bocatia)
#Ján Bock#Ioannes Bocatius#Ján Bocatius#Johannes Bock#early modern#humanism#poeta laureatus#17th century#16th century#Central Europe#Prague#Rudolf ii Habsburg#archduke Matthias Habsburg#Habsburg Empire#Bockai uprising#Bethlen uprising#Košice#Kassa#Kaschau#Cassovia#protestantism#recatholization#juraj červenák#Prekliata kniha#Kapitán Stein a notár Barbarič#Irony is bitch
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finally started p5 royal ‼️‼️‼️‼️
expect some royal trio art soon they are my dearly beloveds (minus akechi i hope he dies in this reality too)
#love that ren got the sad boy kdrama fit#also no idea how akechi survived i want to shake it out of him so bad why are you gatekeeping stupid bitch#idk if this is just him w/o the pleasant boy facade but he seems so much more exhausted and cruel#like everything he says is verbal irony bc he’s patronizing everyone. he hates being a team player sm it’s insane 💀💀💀#he’s so withdrawn and short tempered and actually mentally unstable. like sadistically so#i think these are all warning signs#if he dies again i’m ending it all. you didn’t come back from the dead just to die on me again#also sumire….i love her so bad…..my sweet girl….my baby ☹️☹️☹️☹️#sumire yoshizawa they could NEVER make me hate you#she reminds me of a fawn 😭😭😭😭 with her big soft doe eyes and how she’s so curious and eager#GAAAAAHHH every time she comes up on screen i want to give her a headpat SO BAD…..SHES SUCH A FUCKING CUTIE#i feel so bad for ren bro he’s literally stuck babysitting the new kid and simultaneously keeping akechi on a leash 😭#poor boy needs a break. we should go to hawaii again that was fun#anyway yeah that's all#hopefully i’ll finish the game this week i’m sick of this. i want to move on
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flat earther zuko and rocket scientist sokka
#zukka#like zuko would do it just to be a bitch#and hes so valid for that#sokka would not get the irony#and hed still marry this man#and like 20yrs after theyre married#he wakes up in a cold sweat n is like#hONEY DO YOU STILL BELIEVE THE earth IS FLAT#n zuko just goes back to sleep#sokka x zuko#atla
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sharpwolf fic go brrrrrrr
“There are some”— Eurymachus eyes the group of maids intently. Somewhere in there stood Melantho, probably giggling or gossiping about whatever the maids did in their spare time— “advantages in seeking alternatives while biding the time.” Antinous scoffed. “You mean lucky.” You can call it that.” A maid on the far left side of the group chanced a glance over to where Antinous and Eurymachus sat. Whatever was exchanged between her and his friend, Antinous didn’t care to read, and the woman’s eyes left their area quickly after. “You should try it. Maybe that will help ease your frustration.” Antinous laughed, pushing Eurymachus’s head down. The thought of slamming it on the table, the harsh smack of wood and skull, entered his mind, but Antinous was a friend of good humor. Maybe if it was another suitor. He cares for their voices even less. “You forget me, friend. My tastes cannot be sated so easily.” “Ah of course, my mistake.” Eurymachus fixed his hair, his feet now just a few inches further than where they were. “You need a tramp of higher status, and we will all suffer for it.” “I am only a man of fine tastes.”
i cannot WAIT until both of them die :D
#also Antinous being all ‘i have TASTE i just won’t fuck any common WHORE!’ to later find himself accidentally and not at all planning on#but ending up fucking the prince is super funny to ME#because he didn’t lie about his taste but irony on his desires is a BITCH#GET FUCKED ANTINOUS#sharpwolf#epic fic#antimachus#my wips#antinous#epic antinous#telemachus x antinous
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when I complain about "the wc fandom" I do try to make sure I'm not fighting strawmen and am instead paraphrasing if not quoting actual things I have heard people in the fandom say, but last night i did have a dream about some fictional, unnamed twitch streamer i subconsciously made up in my head on the spot slandering leafpool and sparkpelt and woke up sooo mad so idk what that says about me
#he called nightheart a 'sweet little boy' and sparkpelt an 'evil bitch' without a shred of irony#but he's also not real and a pure manifestation of my brain making shit up to get mad at
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Hey, other Durge players, I'm curious: what class/es did you give your Durge and how do they tie into their backstory?
#I went with Ranger (which is a story I've already partly told) and then shoved on one level of sorcerer for the dialogue options#Deathstalkers traditionally stalk rural areas#hunter and tracker - but the prey is people#animals as weapons and co-conspirators#death as part of the natural world#adept at making own poisons#lying low outside the city#etc#I pretend that the ranger spells are actually divine soul sorcerer spells. If this was 3.5e I'd be playing Favoured Soul#Honestly the joy of multiclassing left me when prestige classes did#This bitch would be an arcane archer for the irony#“Look! I'm running my bloody Bhaalspawn fingers all over your precious elven stuff”#/durge
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People's reaction to Maya absolutely reeks of misogyny. And a refusal to engage with the fact her behavior is absolutely a result of the ways that able-bodied people treat disabled people. Which is absolutely wild for a show centered around the fact that what drew one of the MLs to the other is that he was one of the only people that treated him like a whole person instead of someone to be pitied, infantilized and made a spectacle of because of their disability. Like it's made very clear that ableism from others is a near constant and that a lot of people interact with you not because they actually want to know you as a person but because they want to feel good about themselves for being nice to the "poor helpless disabled person" The girl that told Kohei carrying the trash must be too difficult for him because he can't hear, the guys that let him score a basket because it would've been "pitiful" to defend against him, Yoko's cousin and her weird romance fantasy etc etc.
So Maya, as a disabled person who also deals with that bs on the daily, being stand-offish and critical or suspicious of an able-bodied man? Makes sense actually. Right now her character is there as conflict between the characters, it makes sense to not like her but hop off of all that "uwu this character is perfect sunshine baby and anyone who is mean or critical of them is a heartless bitch" bullshit
#i hear the sunspot#it's also a lack of understanding dramatic irony imo#like we as the viewers know more about taichi's intentions than she does#tbh if i saw messy notes that someone was compensated to take my immediate thought would be 'this person doesnt take their job seriously#and considering how difficult it is to get disability services that would be agrivating#also the way people adopt this “he's a precious cinnamon roll who can do no wrong” rhetoric and actually MEAN it is problematic#but that's a separate rant#like too many ppl can't handle character flaws - either pretend they don't exist or act like the character is the devil#and when youre a female character in a bl? boom irredeemable bitch even when they serve a purpose to the story#bc how dare you get in the way of my yaoi
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DRDT EP 15 Spoilers
Guys this ask for my drdt ghost au is so funny with today's episode.
#i could decide to be a bitch and put in some stupid dramatic irony#danganronpa despair time#micro posts#danganronpa despair time spoilers#drdt spoilers
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Ludinus, I gotta tell you. If you're trying to get Bell's Hells to sympathize with Aeor and see the gods as these figures who've done nothing but harm and hold back the people of Exandria...
...yeah, you're doing sort of a shit job there.
#critical role#cr spoilers#cr downfall#I'm just sitting here grinning because of the irony#nobody who wears emblems of the gods can go to aeor?#BITCH THE GODS ARE GOING RO AEOR#(and they're gonna bitch slap that city outta the sky)#(so that's the matron and the dawnfather confirmed then!)
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Venn diagram of Curly apologizers and Kepler fuckers is a circle
#i almost said elias instead of kepler. both is also a circle to me#but this is about. bitch boy space captains#also ironically and unironically are two unattached circles and i remain firmly in irony#w359#warren kepler#wolf 359#captain curly#curly mouthwashing#mouthwashing
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like i know this was intentional but it makes me laff every time
#bitches put a shred of dramatic irony in their story and im all over it#also sskdjfndk i hateeeeee when those clay pots appear. preemptively stresses me out#mine#dragon age#solas
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In light of Alicole reveal, let me just say that I will absolutely LOSE my mind (in the best possible way) if the reason Daeron was sent to Oldtown is because he has brown hair.
#alicole#alicent hightower#criston cole#alicent x criston#daeron targaryen#daeron the daring#if Daeron has brown hair it's OVER for these bitches (Aegon and Aemond). Daeron will become my fav in a HEARTBEAT#like??? the implications??? the delicious parallels with Rhaenyra and her sons?#Criston despising Harwin and BECOMING Harwin?#Daeron being a child of love but also a child of guilt?#the only child of Alicent born not out of rape and not from the rotting corpse#the implications of Daeron not being Viserys' but Tessarion HATCHING#Targaryen supermacy i am here to ruin your day#also Daeron possible bastard being the most honorable of his brothers is. heh. irony is not lost here#maybe...hear me out maybe true sons born out of empty marriage are...worse#good bastards vs bad truebornd dichotomy my beloved#daemon being torn because if he's accusing Daeron of bastardy he'll have to accept a boy with not a droplet of Targ blood rides a dragon#targaryen supermacy how are we feeling??? not good huh? nice keep feeling that way#idk i just adore the idea of brown-haired Daeron.the most Hightower of them all. (but also make his skin a tone darker)#to be closer to cristons. not too much so it woul be obvious but clearly darker shade than Alicent's#please please it would be so funny#and I'd die for this Daeron then. kill for him.he can do whatever he wants
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Magneto voice claim options… Graham Mctavish, Paul Saint Peter, John Burgemer (Tien), Peter Cullen, Matt Mercer (for a younger Magneto), Keith David, and Jason Maranocha.
Charles Voice claim options… either David Kaye (who already voicdd him) , Y. Chang, or David Vincent.
Though i’d share this. Have a nice night
john burgemer for erik highkey a funny pick like everyone else (bar mercer ibut you did specify 'yong' so ill be Moderately forigivng) is an appropriate fit tbh but idk burgemer is just so strange if im lookin at tien as a reference point... w hat tien doin here. ...... everyone else tho i can see well to a degree
#snap chats#prob helps that with mctavish he has lies about wanting to forigve humanity for his 'wife's' sake#charles IS eriks eiwfie but .. lol ... anyway i shoud rewatch castlveania oh my godddddd#i never wttched like. season4 onward just the first three where they fight dracula#ACUALLY cinmea i loved that so much it was excelletn..bbut anyway#yeash out of this mctavish and david are good choices for erik#i mean i love david hemblen but if they neeeded other options .. the exissts...#my drunk ass aint even metnion charleyet im so sory. the irony of h2/3 of these beings actors named david#WAAIT IM FUCKING FREKAING MY SHIT DAVID KAYE VOICED OPTIMUS FROM ANIMARTED ????????#i fucking love tfa so uch oholy shit i didnt realie he did the voice for charles in evo AND optimus in tfa#im gonna throw up thats so epic ......... but yeah hes great as charles#he played a lot of bitche si love wait he also played megatron (beast wars) and recoome ... and grimlock......#gsy wait i should rewatchall of tfa why the fuck wasnt there another season.#i should sleep actually im going off the rails <- will not sleep and is just gonna rewatch optimus laughing at sentinel
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I continue to be silly filling my sketchbook with even MORE weird and vague 333 lore art 👁️🗨️👁️🗨️
#ITS SYMBOLIC#also i needed an excuse to tie this bitch in Raven's control belts#the irony#sketchbook#traditional art#333 lore#negative!Shayu#the face thief#my art#wolf#wolves#ronkeyroo
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Thinking about Elias Bouchard a lot these days. I love you queen; you totally deserved everything that happened to you but my god were you witty while you were at it.
#he has a hannibal lecter-esque irony while he ruins his own life#RIP mr bouchard you would have pissed the fuck out of that lecter bitch#tma#elias bouchard#hannibal
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like it's time for us to stop trying to "subvert" the romcom genre. shut the fuck up and make an earnestly silly idiots in love film or don't speak to me
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