#Iron Dad & Spider Son
spiderbae2319 · 5 months
“The Uncle Ben Effect” - The principle that dictates any parental figure of Peter Parker will undoubtedly croak. (likely in front of him)
Richard and Mary? Dead.
Uncle Ben and Aunt May? Dead.
Tony Stark? Dead.
Fucking Quentin Beck who only PRETENDED to care about Peter in order to steal and try to kill him. Within days the man was in the ground.
Jesus Christ can this child have a family PLEASE!
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I just read the best Peter parker whump fics ever
And I fell in love with a new authors writing style
So a good time all around
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anyaharveyii · 2 months
the first time peter messes up badly enough that tony drops the full name ("peter benjamin parker!"), peter just freezes. he bluescreens for a solid thirty seconds, barely comprehending anything else that tony's saying.
and then he tackles tony in a hug.
and tony jumps 'cause he's obviously startled that they did a complete 180. and peter just starts shaking like a leaf, cause the only people who've ever called him by his full name using that particular tone were people like may, and people like ben, and people like his parents—
and peter knows that tony has no idea what he's just done, but it doesn't matter, because that's the moment when peter realizes that he wants tony to think of him as a son.
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stxar-pvnk · 3 months
(bio father Tony + mother Pepper)
Baby Pete struggling to say words
Peter: Ma...
Pepper: he's going to say mama!
Tony: oh no he's not. Petey pie, say da-da.
Peter: Da...
Pepper and Tony just beaming in excitement
Peter: ...Beryllium!
Pepper: ...
Tony: ...
Pepper: was our kids first words an element on the periodic table, Anthony.
Tony: ...my bad.
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oscorp-lawsuit · 1 year
Headcanon that when Peter accidentally calls Tony dad for the first time, he immediately freaks out over his slip-up (as usual) but Tony is running on like -20 hours of sleep and doesn’t even notice the mistake but he responds to it so suddenly Peter spirals into ANOTHER crisis because does that mean Tony thinks of Peter as his son, or did he just not hear him right? And now he doesn’t know how to bring it up without outing the fact that he wants Mr. Stark to be his dad
Peter: “Hey, dad?”
Peter, internally: Wait, shit shit! Why did I say that? I can’t call Mr. Stark DAD. That’s so creepy-
Tony, dead on his feet and hearing colors: “Yeah, Pete?”
Peter, tearing up: “Um-”
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thewrittenpodcast · 1 month
Peter: can we get a puppy
Tony: no
Peter: why
Tony: we have Harley
Peter: but Harley isn't a puppy
Harley, spinning in circles trying to lick his elbow:
Peter: never mind I see your point
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justsmth2 · 19 days
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irondad art in 2024
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back on my fast and furious bullshit. I want a Peter AU that's like May can't afford the rent after Ben's funeral and hospital bills, so Peter wants to help out. The last thing Ben taught Peter to do was drive. Since the spider bite gives him spider sense and fast reflexes, he tries street racing. And he's really good at it, so he starts racing for money so he can help May. He goes out at night as a street racer and Spider-Man almost every night, and tells May he got a night shift job or something idk.
All I can see is:
Tony: So you got superpowers and decided to fucking street race?
Peter: I needed the money! And I was Spider-Man!
Tony: You could've become a wrestler or something, but a street racer?!
Peter: Hey, I was amazing at racing!!
Tony: Apparently not good enough to avoid the cops.
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Tony: Remind me to teach you some common sense
Peter: I had common sense until you started teaching me!
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marionluth · 1 month
Tony: Have you ever considered TRYING to be careful when you're spider-Manning?
Peter: Life's too short for careful.
Tony: Life's even shorter without careful, kid! Drunk Spider-Manning? Really?
Peter: You once entertained party guests by doning your armor and shooting glasses they threw in the air.
Tony: This is one of those do as I say not as I do moments.
Peter: I regret nothing.
Tony: I'm telling Pepper.
Peter: I'm going to my room to think about my actions and thoroughly repent.
Tony: There's some good use of your Spidey-sense.
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musicanixety · 2 months
principal: I'm calling your father
peter, in trouble: what father I don't have a father!
peter: in fact my father is dead!
principal, now concerned: then who the hell-
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spiderbae2319 · 9 months
I was sitting in my room when, for no reason, this popped into my head…
Isn’t it devastating that Tony didn’t live to see Riri and her Ironheart suit
Now she’ll never get a mentor/superhero dad and a swath of super-pseudo-siblings
Just because Peter didn’t want to be the next Iron man, didn’t mean no one did…
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anyaharveyii · 1 month
imagine working at McDonald's, and you go to give the people in the drive-through their meal, and it's just Iron Man in the driver's seat with Spider-Man sitting shotgun.
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stxar-pvnk · 3 months
Being around Tony stark can take a toll on you, some have to toughen up their skin to endure Tonys remarks, some just drift away from him, not wanting to deal with it.
But Peter?
No he's adapted.
Every snarky remark, and name Peter would be told, he just came back even stronger
"did you seriously forget to do your homework? Again? Don't you have enhanced..everything?"
"Mr stark, If we wanna talk irresponsible, let's talk about the time it seemingly crossed your mind to tell your loved ones you were dying because of the shrapnel in your chest." Peter snarked back
Tony stood frozen, his jaw dropped.
"well..fuck." Tony mumbled trying to contain l laughter at how sudden Peter came up with something like that.
Or another time.
"Peter, let me get you some new shoes." Tony pleaded
Peter sucked on his lollipop and squinted at Tony
"what? No why." Peter asked seemingly shocked
"because they're ratty. And old. And they look like they're gonna fall off or disintegrate at any given time." Tony answered crossing his arms
"why do you even keep them around?" The older one asked completely confused
"your ratty, old and likely to be on your death bed in a few years, why do we keep you around?" Peter snarked back raising an eyebrow.
Rhodey who was just passing through to grab some coffee was howling with laughter doubling over to clutch his stomach.
Sometimes it's not even directed at Tony.
"how do we even know we can trust the kid, he's unreliable" Sams eyes narrowed his voice harsh, but Steve nodded anyways
"I agree with Sam, recruiting a child would be very irresponsible."
Peter who was swinging on his chair, now paying attention in the meeting with the avengers turns to Steve and sam
"oh lord.." Tony muttered as rhodey tried to hide the smug, fond look on his face
"dude, you are 2 times my age, stop complaining and just admit that being an old man is getting to you, plus I can hear your knees snap like glow sticks when you crouch down. it's gross. Also who in this room has 1. A weird bird suit, and 2. Doesn't." Peter finished crossing his arms mirroring Tony. Alot.
"did I just get insulted by a toddler." Sam muttered
Peter is a sassy kid.
Peter is Tony's sassy kid.
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idk-bruh-20 · 11 months
Irondad fic ideas #155
Tony can be... a bit overbearing with his helicopter parent tendencies. To combat this, Peter sets up a small protocol with FRIDAY. 
Any time Tony wants to do something paranoid or invasive, FRIDAY is to send him a helpful article first, with titles like "Excessive Surveillance Can Harm Adolescent Development, Study Finds" and "Why Teens Need Privacy From Their Parents"
Peter leaves the choice of articles up to FRIDAY, trusting her to send ones that fit the situation.
While this protocol does get Tony to reconsider some of his more... extreme impractical requests, in most cases it fails to change his mind. Being hands-off about Peter's safety is not something he can do -- not when he knows the kinds of dangers this particular kid could face.
He's grateful for the insight that the protocol has given him, though. So instead of removing it, he decides to add to it. He asks FRIDAY to make it a two-way street. Now, whenever Peter complains about one of Tony's safety protocols, FRIDAY will send an article to help him understand
However, Tony doesn't anticipate the kinds of articles FRIDAY will choose. While she continues to send Tony studies and editorials, to Peter she sends news reports from Tony's past
Peter's mad that Tony has put trackers in everything he owns? -- "Tony Stark Still Missing: Inside Month Three of the Harrowing Search"
Peter hates the constant health monitoring that FRIDAY does when he's in the tower? -- "Death Wish or Death Sentence? Stark Behavior Tied to Secret Illness that Almost Cost Him His Life"
It goes on and on. For every seemingly insane overreach, there's a story, an experience Tony is trying to protect Peter from. 
They both still disagree about how much protection is too much, but at least they understand each other better now
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unnnamedpebbs · 9 days
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all my tony stank doodles over the years !! Enjoy !! Notes below :
The mug ones read "N°1 Iron Dad" and "Dont Talk To Me Until I've Eaten This Mug" respectively given by Peter and Pepper lmao
I also dont actually hc Tony as trans but sometimes you just gotta put your blorbos in a binder for mental health purposes yk-
The mechanical arm ones are inspired by a fic that one of my mutuals wrote, but they kinda went no contact/off the internet so i wont draw attention to them, but if you see this by any chance ! You are amazing and loved ! You inspired me !
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