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Jazz-zangeres Iris is met haar warme stem al jaren een graag geziene en gehoorde gast in jazzclubs, op jazzfestivals, concerten en feesten in binnen- en buitenland. Ze heeft een uitgebreid repertoire opgebouwd dat reikt van traditionele jazz, en blues tot de mooiste standards uit het American Songbook. De Friends van Iris vinden het een uitdaging om haar op een dynamische manier te begeleiden. Maar ook komt ieder bandlid solistisch aan zijn trekken. Iris en band hebben stuk voor stuk hun sporen in de jazz verdiend en spelen al langere tijd met elkaar samen. De band speelt ook regelmatig met zeer bekende musici. Zo hebben zij al viermaal een concert gegeven met de wereldberoemde saxofonist Scott Hamilton. Iris komt met haar fantastische Friends: Nick van den Bos (piano), Bas Toscani (trompet), Harm Wijntjes (bas) en Pim Toscani (drums). Tijdens deze Lazy Sunday Afternoon is het mogelijk om heerlijke tapashapjes te bestellen. Info SO JAZZ – Iris & Friends Zondag 27 oktober 2024 15.00 – 18.00 uur Kaarten: leden Sociëteit Vereeniging € 5 en niet-leden € 15 Aanmelden via de website van de Sociëteit Vereeniging: Lazy Sunday Afternoon Sociëteit Vereeniging, Zijlweg 1, 2013 DA Haarlem
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Actually, imagine a scenario where Nazo got heavily injured, to the point he can't use his regeneration power for a while, and he needs to be taken care of.
(That's a little comfort thing for me, heh-)
You got it breaddo!
(Btw, this isn’t officially cannon in my AU, just here to comfort my friend with softness and little giggles!)
After the fight with Iris’ dad, all three of them were pretty badly injured, Nazo getting the worst of it. He wasn’t dead, but a lot of broken ribs and deep scars from the king’s lightning bolts, not to mention his chest piece being overcharged with electricity.
They all needed to be put under care by the divine priestess of mephiles (one of his favorites); they all were cared for the best of the ability.
Seelkadoom recovered quickest, as he didn’t get struck by lightning. Let’s just say that the staff was amped up by a lot when he found out how badly Iris and Nazo got hurt. That way everything was in order when they got home.
While staff did chores, seelka stayed in the hospital to keep an eye on the others. Nazo was practically in a coma, going in and out of consciousness for several days at a time, while Iris was in physical therapy for her injuries.
When Nazo finally got under Eggman’s care, he was given a new chest-piece. It’s basically the same thing as his old piece, just built with more advanced technology and given more electricity immunity. This in turn made his recovery easier and faster.
Once Iris finished her physical examinations, she and seelkadoom had visited nazo a lot. It usually consisted of cuddling, tears, and a lot of anxiety on all sides. It was goin to take nazo months to recover, but at least her dad won’t be bothering them anymore.
Once Nazo got home, a small celebration was held for their victory against a literal god, and it was honestly the most hard-earned victory, but yet the most satisfying one. Lots of ambrosia and wine was drank that night, and everyone got a helluva good sleep.
For months there was nothing but hanging around in bed cuddling and kissing, rambling, bringing up old memories, and a lot of therapy between the three of them! It honestly helped them bond more as a throuple!
But it didn’t come without nightmares and trauma. Iris and Nazo have nightmares of death often, whether it’s of Nazo getting electrocuted to death, or Iris having to watch her loved ones dying, begging for her to help them. Seelka has nightmares about the times Nazo fades in and out of consciousness, how one time he called out to seelka and Iris before he passed out again. This was the wake up call that the nurses needed to get Nazo to Eggman, because there was no medical reason for him to be doing this.
It took everyone a couple of months of constant cuddles and rest to fully recover, but now it’s time to slowly get their strength back. So they all decide to train together! After all, they’re supposed to be strong villains!
They all partook in different kinds of battle practice. Iris was particularly dance fighting, full of agility, elegance, and pinpoint hitting. Seelka was more based on his chaos abilities and stamina, while Nazo was a mix of everything. Seelka’s the most rigorous of the three, while Iris’ takes the longest to finish. Especially since dance fighting tends to need at least one partner to use against.
But sadly, none of them are safe from the shenanigans that soon followed this decision.
Nazo and seelka are naturally competitive, so they always challenge each other to see who can do their routines faster, who can climb up the rock wall fastest, who can lift more, etc.
This is only amplified by Iris cheering them both on with her flirts, stroking their egos even worse than usual!
And she’s not much better than them either, because she’s currently the fastest record holder for fastest wall-climber out of the three of them!
Then of course the flirty and sassy shenanigans when one of the boys offer to help her out with dance fighting. That’s in a whole other league of its own! 👀 0v<
@hunniegl4zed @thebreadmeower
#headcanons#nazo the hedgehog#alternate universe#nazo#sonic the hedgehog#nazo unleashed#seelkadoom the hedgehog#seelkadoom#sonic oc#au#polyamourous#i love nazseelk and their poly relationship with iris y’all have no damn clue
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The Basilisk Boa Bluejay Dragon Grim & Wolf
The Basilisk, Boa, Bluejay, Dragon, Grim, & Wolf https://ift.tt/ZdVw2Af by LizzyYuki For the first time in centuries, there's a Parcelmouth at Hogwarts: Harry Potter! His instincts lead him to friends, family, and love... Follow him on his adventure in this wonderful, yet imperfect world of his! Words: 4320, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Harry Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Dursley Family (Harry Potter), Rubeus Hagrid, Albus Dumbledore, Griphook the Goblin (Harry Potter), Sirius Black, Nymphadora Tonks, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Andromeda Black Tonks, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, Garrick Ollivander, Fawkes (Harry Potter), Iris the snake (Harry Potter), Ted Tonks, Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger's Parents, Dobby (Harry Potter), House-Elves (Harry Potter), Weasley Family (Harry Potter), The Slytherins, Sorting Hat (Harry Potter), Remus Lupin, Luna Lovegood Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy Additional Tags: Slytherin Harry Potter, Rubeus Hagrid Bashing, Harry Potter is Heir to Multiple Noble Houses, Lily Evans Potter is a Gaunt, Harry Potter is adopted by the Malfoys, Wizarding Culture (Harry Potter), Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter Has a Pet Snake, Parselmouths & Parseltongue (Harry Potter), Metamorphmagus Harry Potter, Original Song, Age Difference, Ron Weasley Bashing, Alternate Universe - Age Changes, Morally Grey Malfoy Family, The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black care for each other, The rumor mill is strong at Hogwarts, The POV swaps around constantly, The Weasley Twins Mischief, Smart Harry Potter, Heir of Slytherin Harry Potter, Argus Filch gets the respect he deserves, Abusive Dursley Men (Harry Potter), People messing with the Prefects, Petunia Evans Dursley tried her best, Severus Snape doesn't know what to do about Harry Potter, magical puberty, Creature Harry Potter, Creature Inheritance, Mischief Managed via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/6gUmD4X October 13, 2024 at 05:03AM
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Persahabatan dan Persaudaraan itu nomer satu!
Read on AO3
by HouruKiy
ini gue gatau mo ngapain, tapi pokoknya diluc gasuka ama kaeya si jamet berambut biru yang sering di kejar cewe-cewe. eh tapi!! dia bukan iri karena kaeya di kejar cewe-cewe. namun dia masih mengingat masa lalu nya, tapi bagaimana kaeya bisa se tenang itu? setelah semua yang sudah terjadi?
seharusnya ga ada gay-gay nya ini fic, soalnya gue post sebagai tugas sekolah. tapi gue iseng ganti-ganti dikit hehe biar ada zhongchi dikit aja. ga ampe mereka entot kok.
Words: 4077, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Diluc (Genshin Impact), Kaeya (Genshin Impact)
Relationships: Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe & Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Kaeya & Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact)
Additional Tags: they're a friendgroup, Sudden angst, Zhongli and Ajax has a crush on eachother, Diluc and Kaeya are Siblings (Genshin Impact), siblings rivalry, they ended being friends, mmm friendship or homo?, Indonesian fic
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You're Mine
A/N: I guess as a writing blog I should be doing some writing right? Honestly this has just been the biggest headcanon I've had in a while since I started playing Obey Me of the brothers just...like Devildom culture must be so different! And then the whole pact thing with human masters must be so different as well! I just view them as big animals just wanting to get your attention u wu. Warnings: Jealous boys, public shows of dominance and a lot of biting.
It's almost painful being in the Devildom sometimes.
A cultural exchange program amped up to 100 %.
As much as you loved the brothers, you also were meeting some pretty cool demons in RAD. Surely you were the human student everyone was so excited to meet, but none of them really talked to you, you know? But there were some that were brave enough to overlook your pact marks and dive into a conversation.
Even some were bold enough to talk to you out of school!
Making so many friends was so exciting, especially since you still thought of yourself as new! Wait till the brothers see how many new demons you have met!
Problem is you forgot how weird demon culture is, especially when it has to do with a demon and their master.
Lucifer blinks as he notices the demon approaching the two of you, pausing your daily walk with him as confusion turns to familiarity and you run up to greet your friend.
The first thing he notices is how they are a low ranking demon, so there’s no need to be hyper aware of any sort of threat. In this instance he doesn’t need to look to make sure his pact mark is visible to the demon.
His mark was embedded right in your iris, so anyone could see whose protection you were under.
He smiles politely as you turn around to introduce them, the demon waving at him shyly as if remembering that, yes, this human made a pact with Lucifer and therefore should not be messed with in any way. Yet there was no sort of violent tendencies coming from this demon, which put him at somewhat of an ease.
That is, until the demon takes a hold of your hand.
It’s a simple touch, one that a human would mistaken for a sign of friendship and camaraderie. The demon was speaking excitedly about a new flower they had seen over at the Botanical gardens and how much they wanted to show it off to you.They tighten their hold and Lucifer has to dig his fingernails into his palm from ripping their hand off.
You had no idea what it meant and the action would most likely scare you.
And Lucifer wanted you to trust him as much as possible.
“Would it be okay if Lucifer comes along?”
“...y--yeah! I don’t mind!”
Hesitation mixed with fake happiness, this demon really thought that he would get some time alone with you, didn’t they? They probably planned this whole thing out and whatever excitement they were showing you was just a front to hide their true intentions. Besides, look how they are hanging off of you, they want to make a pact with you so badly it’s almost disgusting.
Might as well get rid of the pest now.
“Come on MC, I want to show you the huge petals--!”
You and the demon look back to see Lucifer biting down on one of your fingers, your ring finger to be exact, while making eye contact with the pest. His teeth are not necessarily breaking skin but the pain of the bite made all your attention go back on him, turning around to tug your finger away and cradle it close. “Lucifer what the hell!”
He smiles and tells you not to worry about it, your retort falling on deaf ears as Lucifer’s eyes fall on the demon one more time. Their eyes are wide and they have immediately taken two steps back, their back as straight as a needle as Lucifer sends them one last look that lets them know of his intentions.
Leave now or I will gut you in front of my human.
You turn to apologize to your friend for putting them in such a weird situation but the demon is already long gone, no sign of them ever being in your presence as you look around aimlessly.
“They left...” you frown and look at Lucifer, “Next time at least warn me.”
“If I did then you would have probably forbidden me from doing so.”
The Avatar of Pride smiles as he takes your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours as you kept talking about how you would apologize the next day. But Lucifer wasn’t listening, he just kept staring at you as you talked, happy that his master wasn’t particularly mad.
That demon would have to learn to get his own, this human was already his.
He had finally gotten you all to himself.
Mammon had a photoshoot today, making you tag along so he could finally show off his modeling skills. And it would help him out as well. The product they were trying to sell did not appeal to him one bit and he just really needed you as inspiration.
And inspiration did you give.
“Oh gorgeous Mammon gorgeous! Lean back and close your eyes.”
The cameraman was giving him compliment after compliment, excellent after excellent, it was as if all eyes were on him at that exact moment. He smiled as he thought about how you must be looking at him. His shirt was open, letting the cloth hang off the side of the couch as the camera focused primarily on the low riding jeans that showed off the boxers he was promoting.
“Perfect! Perfect!! Now turn around and stare into the camera!”
His eyes opened and his head turned expertly, Mammon smiling as he tried to make eye contact with you--
Only to see that you were gone.
Camera flashes stop as he bolts up, turning to look for you before his eyes focused on your form.
There you were...talking with someone else.
He doesn’t stare at the cameraman, only gets up and stalks towards you and the demon currently holding up the lights. Both of you turn to face him, a voice speaking loudly about a five minute break as Mammon stands behind you and hugs you from behind, placing his chin right on your shoulder as he looks at the interloper.
“Are you taking a break?”
Mammon smiles as he buries his face in your shoulder, hugging you tight as the demon tells him he did a wonderful job. Without raising his head, Mammon speaks up.
“MC, who is this?”
“Oh right! Haven’t introduced you. He is a friend from RAD! We sit together in Pactology 101.”
“Well we used to sit together...”
“We talked way too much in class, didn’t we?”
It’s like nails on a chalkboard when he laughs, Mammon feeling glad that he was closer to you so he could hear the sound of your laughter instead of the ugly screeching of the intruder taking up your attention. Did this guy think he was stupid? That he couldn’t notice all the goddamn pheromones he was releasing? Mammon shakes his head back and forth, breathing in your scent heavily as he tries to leave his own behind.
This guy was embarrassing himself with how badly he wanted to form a pact with you.
“Oh oh, remember when the teacher caught us texting in class?”
“I think he might want to just put us back together cause we are still causing trouble!”
The Avatar of Greed frowns, did you not hear him?
“Well the teacher knows we are a good match, doesn’t he?”
“A match made in hell, I would say.”
Why was this guy still talking? Why were you still listening to him?
“Hey after this...would you want to go get some coffee, MC? If you’re not busy.”
“Nah, I only have this toda---FUCK!”
A pair of teeth tug at your earlobe, Mammon growling in your ear as he makes eye contact with the annoyance in front of him. He should be counting his lucky stars that you were still in the room, if Mammon found him anywhere else this demon would be nothing more than a meal for his familiars.
“MC, you have to stare at me or else I’m going to take longer.”
You rub at your ear as Mammon lets go of you, breaking eye contact with the other demon as he gives you his signature pout. He didn’t want you to see him be all scary, Mammon wanted you to see him like the number one demon he always tried to be for you.
“And you had to bite me because of that!?”
“Because you weren’t paying attention! You have to keep your eyes on me or else I’m not going to sell this stupid product. In fact--”
He drags you back to the couch, yelling at the cameraman that he would be posing with you so he could actually get through this photoshoot instead of doing a solo shoot. The man sighs but calls makeup to get you ready, Mammon smiling as he sits down right next to you.
The farther you were from that guy the better, all of his master’s attention needed to be on him after all.
Of course something like this would happen. Bad luck seemed to follow Leviathan wherever he went.
"Did you see the finale of it live?"
"I did!!! My movie theatre put it on the big screen and everything!"
Levi was glad that you were a nerd just like him. It was refreshing and probably one of the biggest reasons he had decided to make a pact with you.
Well, he had tried to kill you first and then make a pact with you but it was still a special story! Who would have thought that he would land himself a human master with his own interests!
Though he guessed that was a bad thing now.
He couldn't keep his thoughts in check as the clerk of the comic store kept talking to you, Levi annoyed that he couldn't keep up with the conversation you two had. It was about some comic cinematic universe that had been adapted in the human world and he honestly didn’t want to put anymore thought into it because of how close the clerk was getting.
Dammit he should have bought the new manga volume in Akuzon...but you had been so cute irl asking him to get the manga in this comic store you found,and if his master was begging him so cutely then what else could he do?
“I actually got the limited edition of this one movie--”
Nobody cared.
“It was up for a lot in Akuzon but I’m glad I got my hands on it--”
Stop talking!
“And I have a pretty cool viewing set up in the back--!”
Stop talking, stop talking, stop talking, stop talking to MC!
Levi frowns as you gush about the movie some more, glaring down at you for letting your attention stray from him. But why should he be surprised, of course your attention would stray. Him being the yucky otaku that he is, of course you would go with the demon who took his interest and actually turned it into a profit--
No! It wasn’t your fault! It wasn’t even his fault! It was this demon’s fault!
Thinking they looked so cool with their most basic of interests. If Levi could expose them for the fraud that they were, MC would be able to see the absolute fool that this demon was making themselves out to be. Smiling a lot more, inching closer as they talked, even offering to take you to the back of the store--!
People may say what they want about Levi but at least he wasn’t this desperate to get on the good side of a human...at least the first time he met you.
His eyes fall on the back of your neck, hair conveniently placed out of the way as he remembered something Lucifer had discussed with him and Mammon after they had made their pact.
You will not think rationally when you are with them, make sure to monitor your actions so you don’t embarrass yourself.
That’s what he said but…
Surely Levi wasn’t going to embarrass himself more than this demon already has.
“This is the one with the symbiote creature, right? And you got the bonus deleted scenes! Honestly I would be so down with watching it right--EEP!”
Levi made sure to let his tongue lick the back of your neck first before biting down, wanting to make the bite as painless as possible. Although he guessed that not making you feel pain was out of the question as he felt you tense up, his tongue swiping against your nape one last time as he pulled back and tugged on the back of your shirt.
“MC let’s go. They don’t have it.”
You turn to look at Levi, hand on the back of your neck as you tell him that he could have gotten your attention in any other way, but he knew for a fact that he had made his point across with the demon in front of him.
Summoning Lotan in his own home was one thing, summoning Lotan in a store would probably cost a lot…
Even if he knew brothers wouldn’t blame him with how nauseatingly this demon was trying to approach their master.
“MC, here.”
Satan breaks his pencil, but it seems the two other people don’t seem to notice.
“And it's the first edition too, but I took it out just for you.”
You smile and mention about how you didn’t need anything fancy for the assignment, just a simple book that talked about Devildom history. Which Satan agreed, this bug was acting like he owned the entire Royal Library. A pass to get a first edition title wasn’t that rare of a fucking find--if he wanted, Satan could call up any of his connections and get about 16 copies of different first edition titles that spoke not just about the Devildom history but about whatever the hell topic he could get his hands on.
This guy wasn’t that special yet he was acting like he had just given you the world on a silver platter.
The demon sat down at the table you and Satan were studying at, looking at you the entire time he explained how to open the book and how to make sure it stays in its pristine condition.
Which made Satan break another pencil.
From what you had mentioned, this guy was just someone you knew from RAD. You labeled him as the ‘smartest person in the class’. Which was a bit of an insult on his part but he guessed that as long as he wasn’t the one in your class it didn’t count as an insult towards his person.
He, of course, being the smartest demon you know.
But Satan didn’t have to be the smartest demon in RAD to know what this nuisance was doing.
If he were to read you any book on Devildom demonology, certain demons needed a human master. This insect in front of you would count as one of them. Lower demons usually tend to be without guidance and need a soul to feed from. In comes a human master, being able to fulfill that need with a pure soul of their own. The demon feeds and in return, develops a sort of ‘affection’ towards their master since they are now the hand that feeds them.
The same couldn’t be applied to Satan or his brothers, however. As the seven demon lords, they are able to gain the sustenance they need from the feed of other lower demons under the sin they were made in.
They are free to form pacts, but it’s not like they need it.
A good metaphor would be that they are essentially ‘picking off the plate’ of the lower demons, making the lower demons only cause minimal casualties up in the human world as they feed and keeping the seven lords from going feral with hunger.
Of course, things were different now. Satan had you now, a human all of his own.
Essentially, someone was trying to ‘take a bite’ of his favourite food, and Satan hated sharing.
Friends be damned, politeness be damned, he needed to show this demon his place.
“Isn’t it fascinating? The cover was made with a demon’s skin.”
“Yes. I believe it was from recently dead demon’s during the first Celestial War. Do you want to feel?”
You nod, curious about the black and shiny cover as the demon holds out his hand for you to take--
Only for you to yelp as Satan takes it first, dragging your hand back so it would be close to his lips as the Avatar of Wrath’s teeth bite at the skin near your wrist. You hiss in pain at the sudden sharpness, quickly pulling your hand back and staring at your demon as he gives the annoyance one last pointed stare.
“That is how demons started their pacts before we arrived in the Devildom, wasn’t it?”
The demon nodded slowly, his eyes darting to the mark on your wrist and then back at Satan. He opened his mouth to try and speak up but seemed to decide better against it, giving you one last smile as he stood up. “...I’ll...I’ll go get you the second volume. That one might include more accurate and updated information on pact markings.”
Satan smiles and nods as he scoots his chair close to you, looking back at you tracing the mark on your wrist with a frown before putting all your attention back on him.
“Did demons really used to form pact marks like this?”
The Avatar of Wrath shrugs.
“I was only guessing, he was the one who left thinking it was the truth. Here, let’s go look for a book on our own.”
Asmo would like to think that he had perfected the fake smile to the point he could keep it up for an indeterminate amount of time.
“MC! Try this!”
Yet the corners of his mouth twitched as he watched one of your friends, who happened to be a store clerk at Majolish, open the door to your dressing room to hand you another outfit they had picked out. And it wasn’t a bad outfit--!
Just...did they have to keep opening the door every single time?
Granted, he shouldn’t be in your dressing room in the first place but he insisted he would stay since you were only trying some shirts on! It wasn’t like he was seeing anything inappropriate and your pants were staying on the entire time.
This sight was okay for him because he was your demon and you were his master.
So it wasn’t right that some random nobody kept coming in to hand you shirts that they thought looked cute on you! That’s what you had Asmo for!
Yet here he was, secluded to sit down on the little chairs that someone would usually toss the unwanted clothes they wouldn’t buy. Which was already doing horrible things for his self-esteem.
“I learned a couple of things by working here. See? The color really matches your hair.”
The Avatar of Lust scoffs when he hears that. What exactly did the demon learn? How to match colors? Oh look, someone learned the basics of the color wheel, someone give them a medal.
“And since you are wearing something long at the bottom, it’s only fair that you go with something short on top.”
This demon is going to win an award for making basic observations, Asmo could already see it. What a future they had ahead of them.
“These colors are summery too so...it goes great with the weather!”
Oh he wants to gag, Asmo’s heard enough.
“You don’t think it’s too revealing? I do like the color though…”
Before the demon can answer, Asmo grabs your shoulders and pulls you back to him with a smile as he makes you look in the mirror.
“I think it’s revealing enough for the summer look you are going for...except can you maybe get it in a light pastel? Any color would do it just needs to be a pastel color if we want it to go with the light color of your bottoms.”
The demon deflates at the sudden lack of contact with you but nods as they step out, waving goodbye and stating once again how ‘gorgeous’ you looked. Which Asmo guessed was the only compliment they had in their arsenal.
Gorgeous didn’t even begin to describe you.
“I did like this color, Asmo. Does it not look good?”
“No it looks perfect on you! But--”
He tugs on the floral print top and smiles as he wraps his arms around your shoulders.
“Floral prints are extremely last season and I want you to be on a more neutral type of clothing. Just simple colors. This way we can add some jewelry--some of my own creation of course.”
Asmo smiles when you giggle, fixing your top and looking at yourself in the mirror a couple more times as you mumble to yourself about how Devildom summers seem rather temperate compared to the ones you were used to and how you wouldn’t need anything sleeveless.
Damn the Devildom summers, if they could even be called that at all.
His ears twitch as he hears the pest start to make their way back, Asmo’s smile dropping slowly as he looks down at your neck. This was the spot they kept staring at, wasn’t it? Shame it wasn’t decorated--
But he could fix that~ “I found some other colors that would go well with you MC, do you want to--”
Asmo’s teeth are right on your neck, turning to look back at the clerk with a smile and a little wave as he hums at the way you clench and unclench your fingers while looking at him through the mirror, wanting to ask just why he was doing this but the pain keeping you quiet. It was cute how much you were hurting but how you were doing absolutely nothing to stop him. This could technically mean that you approved of what he was doing, correct?
He lets go as the clerk immediately closes the door, you calling out for your friend but Asmo brings you back and makes you look at the mirror one more time.
“There we go. That’s a pretty mark, right MC? An Asmodeus Limited Edition item, just for you~”
If this kept happening, Beel was going to eat this demon.
“You need to try some Devildom food, MC! I promise it's good!”
Beel stomach growls again as you laugh, ignoring the parfait in front of you. He gives you a tap on the shoulder and your attention is right back to him. “Oh sorry, Beel. Here!” You scoop up the delicious frozen treat and feed it to him, Beel smiling as he takes another two bites of his hamburger and watches you and your friend talk. He actually had no idea that you had any friends in RAD and was happy to see that at least some demons were treating you nicely, compared to theo ones who had teased you when you first arrived.
Well he said teased, more like threatened to eat you.
He figured you would make friends fast though, you were nice and all the demons here were already attracted to human souls so it was bound to happen that one of them would have the courage to talk to you.
Yet this one seemed rather...eager.
“How about this. Hell’s Kitchen serves good food but I know this awesome corner in the wall place we can get some grilled bat sandwiches. Guts and everything.”
His stomach growls again, he knew of the place this demon was talking about and would most likely want to take you there himself if you ever asked.
Beel takes another two bites before waiting for you to feed him the parfait.
He frowns and stares at you again, the demon keeping your attention all to himself as you spoke about how you didn’t necessarily want to eat anything with guts in it. His eyes went to the parfait, watching some of the perfectly placed scoops slowly melt and droop down on the plate.
MC, pay attention to him!
This was his time with you! He didn’t mind if someone else stepped in and he was glad you were making friends but this demon was interrupting his mealtime!
He ate his burger, you fed him ice-cream, this is how it had always worked!
People could say what they wanted but Beel was a creature of habit, and he was in the habit of having you feed him.
Not just that, he was in the habit of having your attention all on him when it was his time to hang out with you.
Wasn’t this demon just being a bother? Didn’t you also want them gone?
They kept talking about all the stuff that clearly grossed you out, seemingly delighted with your reactions as they kept trying to egg you on to say yes to an outing. If it wasn’t for the fact that you were smiling the entire time, Beel would have already made the move to unhinging his jaw and--
“I promise I’ll treat you to the best ghost pepper pizza you’ve ever had. You’re free after this, right?”
Beel’s stomach growls, whether in hunger or anger Beel wouldn’t be able to say. All he knows is that this demon is bad news for both him and you.
So what would be the quickest way to make him back off?
“I’m not but I can take a raincheck--!”
You drop the spoon you were holding as Beel bites your cheek, throwing the demon one quick glimpse before letting out a few sounds that seemed to make up your name. The demon stares at you and Beel as the Avatar of Gluttony pulls away from you, licking his lips as you slowly put a hand on your cheek and turn to look at him.
“The parfait is gonna melt. I want another bite.”
Eyes turn to the demon once again, Beel frowning as he takes a hold of your hand underneath the table.
“Please leave. If MC is going to eat Devildom food then they’ll eat it with me. The only thing you are going to do is gross them out.”
“So what did you want to talk about?”
Belphie frowned as your fingers gently played with his hair. That is not what he had asked for when he asked to lay on your lap. Belphegor wanted the usual way you would comb through his hair, both of you gently whispering to each other as the planetarium ambience lulled him to sleep.
“Well...uhm...I wanted to ask something important.”
And who the hell was this person? He peeked up to look at you smiling at the screen, frowning that you still didn’t seem to notice you were doing a shit job at giving him the attention he needed. Whoever this was had been on the line with you for a good solid ten minutes, talking about useless subjects such as their day and what they had for lunch. If anything, Belphegor had no idea how this thing was taking your attention. You were doing most of the talking anyway, they should just hang up and leave you alone to pay attention to your demon.
“We’ve known each other for a while.”
Belphegor most likely knew MC for longer...maybe.
“And honestly I haven’t met a human like you before. You just...I just expected humans to be something and you aren’t that so it threw me off.”
The Avatar of Sloth yawns as he buries his head in your lap, smiling at the darkness he found in the small crook of your thighs. He yawns again and closes his eyes to try and fall asleep but the grating voice of the demon on the phone was sending nothing but warning signals to his brain.
“So I wanted to ask something I didn’t think I would ask a human before.”
He really wanted to yell ‘get to the point’ or ‘hang up the phone’ but he knew that you would most likely shush him and tell him to be patient, which would then result in you gently pushing him away so you could talk somewhere more private. And he wasn’t ready to lose his favourite pillow just yet.
So he continued listening, tracing random shapes on your thighs as he felt his eyelids start to droop.
“I know you have seven pacts already…”
Damn straight.
“But would an eight be too much for you?”
That wakes Belphegor right up, eyes wide open and head turned to face up at you to see your reaction. Of course you would be surprised, this demon really had the guts to ask the current master of the Seven deadliest demons in the Devildom for a pact?
You better be grateful that Belphegor found comfort in your lap and would prefer to stay here, rather than go break the neck of the demon insolent enough to try to take his master away.
So go ahead, reject him.
“A pact? With me?”
What were you doing?
Don’t give him such a hopeful answer! Belphegor had to share you with six other demons constantly and those demons were his siblings! He was okay sharing with Beel but he drew the line at anyone else! Adding an eighth demon to that would be like asking for a bloodbath, a bloodbath with only one target.
Belphegor frowned as the demon started talking again, stuttering and jumping over his words like he was a dog who asked to eat their masters table. Which essentially he was, not like there was room for him anyway.
“I know I’m not like those brothers--”
Damn straight.
“But making a pact with you would make me really happy...is what I am trying to say.”
He wants to gag.
A part of him couldn’t blame the demon, you were perhaps the best master a demon could ask for, but you were already t a k e n.
And you were to blame too, you know?
You weren’t rejecting him like you should. The face you were making was far too surprised and flattered at the proposition given to you. Were you that greedy? Had Mammon rubbed off on you? You had seven of the most powerful demons under your command, what more could you possibly want?
As a master, you were doing a bad job at rejecting this insect and an even more horrible job at not paying attention to the actual demon you were tied to.
He turns his head back to the darkness of your thighs, feeling you shift as you also struggle to find an answer. This was becoming too much, if Belphegor didn’t act fast you were most likely going to say yes, just because you didn’t know any better!
Fuck it, you could try to push him off but Belphegor would hold on tightly, he had to save you from your mistake.
“Uhm. Well that is honestly really flattering. And eight pacts wouldn’t be so bad--”
You slap a hand over your mouth, your teeth biting into your tongue as you look down at the demon nipping at the inside of your thigh. Belphie looks up innocently, batting his eyelashes at you as he bites down a little harder--
Fingers hurry to end the call as Belphegor quickly lets go, smiling as you gape down at him.
“I was in the middle of a call!”
“I know.”
“Then what was that about!?”
The Avatar of Sloth shrugs as he closes his eyes.
“You weren’t paying attention to me. It made me mad.”
You sigh and lean back, Belphegor waiting for a few moments before smiling as he feels your fingers combing through his hair.
“Next time,just talk to me, Belphegor.”
He would have answered, but that would make him promise something he most likely was not going to do.
#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me headcanons#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me levi#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#lucifer x mc#mammon x mc#levi x mc#satan x mc#asmo x mc#beel x mc#belphie x mc#obey me imagines#obey me x reader#//I just think they would bite....alot
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I made a Paul McCartney relationship timeline after checking out several sources. And oh my God it was exhausting. Also I could not find enough info about Graciela Borges and she refuses to give out much info outside of the fact that she had a romantic encounter with Paul so take that with a grain of salt. I also couldn’t find much info on Elizabeth Aronsson. The rest is pretty spot on. Keep in mind too, I’m also including rebounds, flings, and friends with benefits, not just serious romantic relationships. Do I have a too much time in my hands? Yes. 😂 But so did Paul apparently lmao
Link of the overall list
Layla/Julie Arthur
Dot Rhone
Erika Hübers
Iris Caldwell
Sandra Cogan
Thelma Pickles
Anita Cochrane
Jane Asher
Jill Haworth
Peggy Lipton
Gloria Mackh
Julie Felix
Maggie McGivern
Elizabeth Aronsson
Francie Schwartz
Winona Williams
Linda McCartney
Graciela Borges
Heather Mills
Christie Brinkley
Sabrina Guiness
Elle McPherson/Renée Zellweger
Rosanna Arquette
Nancy Shevell
#the beatles#paul mccartney#the bachelor beatle#paul is a hoe#lmao#paul mccartney relationship drama#maggie mcgivern#linda eastman#dot rhone#iris caldwell#heather mills#jane asher#sandra cogan
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She sees what she's getting into from a mile away, but she welcomes it because Bruce's kids are a part of him, and she loves all of Bruce.
The kids all see it coming too, and while some (Damian) take longer to warm up to her, she's welcomed into the fold with open arms.
Selina's got a heart as big as her partner and while she's not always perfect, you can see how much she cares.
As a former foster child herself, Selina understands Duke's unique experiences and traumas from the foster care system, so whenever he needs to talk, she's the first one he goes to. Sometimes he doesn't want to (or need to) talk, so they'll watch boxing matches or she'll teach him little bits of Mandarin. If the kitchen isn't busy, they'll try their hand at new TikTok recipes, and film themselves either succeeding or debunking the original poster.
Being raised in isolation to be a human weapon meant Cass missed out on a lot of the things daughters typically learn as children/teens. The evening of Cass's first gala, she didn't know the first thing about doing her own hair and makeup. She's braved assassin armies, but her self-made disaster of bobby pins and eyeshadow nearly drives her to tears. Selina swoops in, wipes Cass's face with gentle reassurances, and walks her through step-by-step.
Selina considers it a privilege to have watched Dick grow from the spunky little Robin to the man he is today. Even though he's taller than her, she still ruffled his hair when he does a good job. She also keeps the first ever birthday card he gave her, which includes a pop-up bat signal and scented stickers, and remembers all of his favorite radio stations. Also, when Bruce does something, Dick goes tattling to Selina.
For a while, Carrie mooched off of her siblings' Netflix profiles, but everyone got tired of her messing up their algorithm and she was forced to make her own. She soon realized how much freedom she had because no one could see what she was watching. Selina caught on to the power trip and started researching and watching snippets whenever a new show comes out. That's how she stopped a bunch of preteen girls from watching Squid Game.
Tim often gets overlooked as not just the middle child, but the child who appears put-together and regularly takes on adult responsibilities. Selina, however, remembers that he's still a teenager. She regularly checks in and gradually teaches him that it's okay to let go and act his age. Selina encourages him to call his Young Justice friends outside of missions and take small acts of rebellion against Bruce. When Tim and his boyfriend snuck out to a famous lover's lookout, Selina gave them the car keys and covered for them.
She noticed that Jason really enjoys hanging out with Harley Quinn, bonding over not just Joker trauma but other shared interests like music taste. After Harley turns to the antihero side, Selina discusses with Bruce and they start inviting Aunt Harley and Aunt Ivy to dinner. The first time they do that, Harley is so excited that she baked a three-layer cake just for Jason. Literally, in strawberry frosting, it said, "THIS CAKE IS FOR JASON ONLY." Finding someone that Jason can relate to remains one of Selina's proudest accomplishments.
She's trying her best, but she makes mistakes too. For instance, although Wayne Manor has plenty of kitchen space, Selina does her cooking at Harley and Ivy's because Ivy can offer her fresh plant-based ingredients that suited Damian's needs. When Alfred's not available, she sends Damian to school with healthy, flavorful vegan lunches shaped into Cheese Viking characters. One time, she was tasked with bringing brownies to a PTA meeting. Incidentally, Harley was simultaneously baking a... different kind of brownie for a block party (you can see where this is heading). When an angry superintendent demanded to know who was responsible, Selina wisely kept her mouth shut and thankfully, so did Damian.
Cullen loves concerts, but he's a huge introvert who gets anxiety when he's left alone in a crowd. Selina becomes his concert buddy, and she'll go as all-out as he does. Sometimes that's showing up to a garage band dressed-down in hoodies and sunglasses. Other times it's painting their faces and looking like they just came out of a Hot Topic blowout sale. She even listens to the discography beforehand so she can blend in. Selina learns a lot about Cullen through this, because nothing says more about a person than the music they listen to.
Harper, though looking rough around the edges, turns into a giddy little kid at interactive science museums. During one of these trips, Harper got distracted by the giant Newton's Cradle so she didn't notice a fourth grade field trip sweeping up Selina. When they reunited at the gift shop, a chaperone had given Selina a school t-shirt and she was put in charge of grading ten kids' assignments. Harper laughed so hard that she spewed lemonade on the museum owner. Neither of them will let the other live that day down.
Selina and Barbara openly talk about guy stuff, and Selina is more than happy to offer advice in times of need. They're both pretty liberal talking about that stuff, and one time they did a tier ranking of all the Gotham Rogues based on how effective their gimmick is (Joker was the only S-tier). They then proceeded to get into a debate on whether or not Man-Bat and Killer Croc should qualify for the list, which led to them staring each other down at dinner while the other family members sat around them confused.
Steph's school offered a Mother's Day breakfast. Although Crystal Brown was doing her best and wanted to make it, she was scheduled a double-shift that the breakfast fell right in the middle of. Selina reached out to Crystal and with permission, went in her place. Afraid that Steph would publicly reject her, Selina sat in the parking lot for ten minutes as Bruce amped her up over the phone. Steph, thinking that no one would no up, was ecstatic and said that she couldn't have thought of anyone better. They enjoyed stacking up waffles and making the girls who bully Steph envious.
Long before she and Bruce got married, Selina made it clear that she would not be relegated to the gender-typical role of a homemaker, and Bruce happily concurred because it's 2021. They knew that to give Alfred a break, they'd have to take on some chores themselves. Instead of dividing up a boring old chore chart, they find ways to make cleaning fun and collaborative. They'll dance around the halls in mop slippers, play "guess the stain", and race their roombas. The kids see this and start modeling the behavior in their own ways—Dick swings from high places to dust them, Damian trains his pets to pick up garbage, and Cass and Duke compete to see who can clean the most bathtubs.
Some parts of the Manor are due for redecorating, so Selina and Alfred make a day trip out of interior design sketches, flipping through furniture catalogues, and looking at paint swatches. It sounds boring at first, but the menial tasks meant they had plenty of time for conversation, and she finally understood why everyone respects him. They also made room in the afternoon for a stroll through the park and afternoon tea, where he told her and her only the secret to a perfect scone.
The other Justice League partners welcome her into the group too. Whenever Selina's in Metropolis, she joins Lois and Ma and Pa for Sunday brunch where they share what their kids have been up to. Iris shows her life hacks to cooking large batches of food in a short time. Selina and Dinah discover an online store dedicated to selling vigilante gear and go on a Cyber Monday spree for their whole families. Steve Trevor, Diana's partner, teaches Selina how to fly with the invisible jet so she can surprise Bruce with the batplane.
After overcoming their initial conflicts, Selina and Talia hold a high amount of respect for each other. Talia sees Selina as not just a capable combatant, but a worthy partner to her former beloved and stepmother to her son. Selina, after spending all that time with the kids, understands the motherly love that Talia holds for Damian and makes it abundantly clear that she would never try to replace Talia in the boy's life. Regardless, looking after all those kids is hard, so they are very much open to the idea of co-parenting.
(Selina doesn't know it, but all this makes Bruce fall in love with her all over again.)
#ask#anonymous#selina kyle#catwoman#gotham city sirens#gotham rogues#batfamily#batfam#batkids#batsibings#batclan#batman family#dc comics#headcanon#tw food mention#tw mental health mention#tw drug mention
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Hestia Offerings

"Hestia is the virgin Goddess of the hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state."
Large Altars:
Homemade meals
Homemade baked goods
Sweet wine
Pure water
Olive oil
Hot tea
Tea kettles
Gold, light purple, black, silver, and dark red candles
Scented candles that are comforting to you or remind you of home
Scented incense such as Angelica, iris, lavender, and peony
Art or statues of donkeys and pigs
Pictures of family, friends that are like your family, or your pets
Pictures of homes you want to live in one day or homes you have lived in
Pictures of architecture that you like
Small/Hidden Altars:
Small kitchen antiques like teaspoons, tea towels, etc.
Childhood memories like stuffed toys, baby clothes, old photos, etc.
Homegrown herbs
Toys or art of donkeys and pigs
Plants such as angel's trumpet, poppy, goldenrod, hollyhock, and yarrow
Leaves or blooms from a chaste tree
Gems and metals such as amethyst, garnet, gold, silver, and brass
Tea light candles (real or fake)
Your favorite poetry or poetry you have written for Her
Your favorite books
Stories you have written
Art of flames, fire, candles, etc.
Crafts that you've made
Garmets that you have made such as clothing, blankets, beanies, etc.
Homemade lotions, bath bombs, shower gel, bubble bath, etc. (You can ask Her to bless them then use them, She would be happy about doing so)
Devotional Acts:
Donate to those who have lost their homes, or help them rebuild
Donate to food drives
Give to the homeless
Do little (or big) acts of kindness
Per tradition, Hestia should get the first of all food offerings and burnt offerings. Furthermore, you should set aside the first bite of your meal for Her
If you have a fireplace, light it for Her or build Her altar around it
Meditate next to a fire
If you can't make a fire, listen to the sound of fire on YouTube or elsewhere
Read poetry or a book
Make a playlist for Her and play it while you clean or cook
Clean your house/room and keep it nice and tidy
Take a cooking or baking class
Try making your own bread
Learn how to sew, knit, crochet, etc.
Collect recipes and keep a recipe book
Host celebrations at your home
Remember your ancestors and learn more about them
Spend time with your family, friends, and/or pets
Try incorporating a veil with your outfits or just wear one when you give Her offerings
Take care of yourself, your mental and physical health. Your body is a home for you after all
Treat 'yo self! Seriously, She enjoys Her followes loving and treating themselves well. Take a hot bath, eat some ice cream, chill at home for a day, etc
Pray to Her for protection, inspiration, happiness, guidance, and help getting rid of negative entities in the home, peace in the home, good food, an abundance of food, independence, help to start/tending to the hearth, and strong family bonds
Artwork is not mine. I couldn't find the source so if anyone has it I'll add it.
If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a Ko-fi!
#witchblr#witchcraft#witch#theoi worship#theoi#hestia offerings#hestia#hestia devotee#hestia deity#offerings#offering#altar#altars#hellenic#hellenism#hellenic polytheist#hellenic community#hellenic polytheism#hellenic wiccan#hellenic altar#hellenic gods#hellenic paganism#hellenic deities#hellenic witch#deity#deity work#greek deities#deities#greek god#greek mythology
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𝕊𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕞𝕦𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕠𝕠, 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕞𝕦𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕕
𝕊𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕘𝕣���𝕖𝕗𝕤 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕠𝕠, 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕔𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕤 𝕘𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕗 𝕥𝕠 𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕤
𝕋𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕧𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕞 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕧𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕞 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕣
Hey everyone! Here's to what you've been waiting for, The Great Calamity piece that you've been waiting for!! (≧▽≦)✨✨ I had a lot of motivation to do it so hence I completely placed my focus into it to the point of not posting anything so I'm terribly sorry for that!! 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。 But now it's finished so let's get into the post, shall we!���
I made this piece because MC doesn't have a 5⭐ variant yet in game so I went ahead and did a 5⭐ variant unit of MC! Though this is more like a corrupted or evil 5⭐ variant of MC since I established something for my version of MC (´-﹏-`;)
Since Loops are caused by MC's death and that each Loops are respectively different in their own ways, I established that there is also countless of Loops where MC is a cruel and malicious person, where they had inflicted pain to many in-game characters before getting killed and having another Loop ascending, thus I had named that MC to be Malice!
Another series of Loops I've established is where MC feared for their life as they were continuously struck down by their friends and foes alike as they now are forced to re-live another painful Loop thus this MC of this series is named Misery!
So both Malice and Misery are corrupting the present MC's mind (Final Loop/Hero) just like how Yog Sothoth corrupted Shiro in the CHP 7 Genociders Prelude in this 5⭐ variant! ԅ( ͒ ͒ )ᕤ I think I rambled on a bit too much on the this weird Loop MC thing so I'll save it for another post (・–・;)ゞ
Here are the memories that were one of the main focuses I wanted to have in the piece, showing different outcomes of Loops of where Summoner-chan was beaten to death in contrast to Summoner-chan beating someone to death and Summoner-chan stabbed in the left side of her chest in contrast to Summoner-chan plotting to stab someone in the chest! Anything that Malice does to someone in her loop, Misery will face the same treatment given to the said person so the balance of experiencing pain and giving pain is equal (◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗)💦💦 I'm still inexperienced in drawing injuries so I'm heavily apologize if any of these looked really messy and awkward (╯︵╰,)💦💦
I saved some of these since I placed a lot of details especially the hair- so here are some of them! I really like how I did the flow of direction and the lining of hair so I just had to include it in!! And also because the hair was the one that time consuming-
Another would be the face details and colouring! I thought of going pure blue for the left eye (the pentagram iris) but decided against it because blue was already used by Dragonborn! MC and wanted to have more of a corrupted colour, red was a choice but it was too an overrated colour used for corruption so I went ahead and used green! (I think green, red, purple and black are mostly associated with corruption??)
Though just colouring it pure green seemed...basic ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ) so I just amped it even more by making the sclera black with some green veins and made the iris blue while having a green inner to it according to a friend's suggestion (you know who you are uwu❤️)
I have a lot of things that I'm planning to post like a redraw of Mephistopheles's sprite into Lil Salomon (WIP), a portrait of Mephistopheles (WIP), Summoner-chan's Yukata sprites (Finished), small doodles (WIP) and another 5⭐ Variant or maybe even 6⭐ Variant for MC! (Because MC is the MC so I know they're gonna be extra with it-)
Anyways I hope that you guys enjoyed what I had in stock!! I really loved it and so I hope that you guys too!! It's 31 December for me at my place so it's only a few more hours before it strikes midnight, signaling the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 so I'm wishing everyone a Happy New Year and that next year would be even better than this year!! Love all of you, Summoner-chan, signing off!✨
#housamo#tokyo afterschool summoners#anime#@summoner-chan#tokyo afterschool summoners type 2#housamo art#Tokyo Afterschool Summoners Art#TAS Type 2#tokyo afterschool summoners art#Housamo#housamo spoilers#@summoner chan rambles#summoner chan rambles#housamo mc#tokyo afterschool summoners mc#type 2 mc#bloow tw
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One last prayer
A.N: So I started writing this last year as a present for @minilev who is one of my fave Sharky lovers and has given the fandom SO much! Thank you so much, Anna, baby and have this fic of Dep Callahan and Sharky.
Callahan’s arm sways, carrying the heavy blunt of her steel baseball bat, and the peggie’s skull cracks. A dry, sharp sound, mingling with whines and dead gurgles of throats she just split open. Somewhere at her right there’s a gruff, some indistinct noise that almost sounds like her name. She grabs her pistol, unloading the barrel on the mayonnaise shirt of a hollering peggie who stumbles forward, hands trying to clasp her, and she sees death crawling on his iris before he faceplants on the ground.
There’s a hoard of screeching voices in her head, noises she has learnt to quash down, but they always manage to shatter her nerves a little. Not that it matters anymore. She’s a killer and this is what she does. There’s no escape from that.
So she swallows bile, watching the pale rays of a dawn she always expect to never come, and tumbles when frantic hands pull at her cargo pants.
“–sinner– filthy–,” the peggie says, choking on his own blood, with ghastly conviction, “you’r– killer, –Father – have no mercy.”
Dying words. They never matter. But within her something snaps.
“I’m not asking for it,” she grouses and her shotgun seals the deal.
Upclose. It’s a nightmare in red.
“Woah, woah there shorty–”
Her finger is stuck on the trigger, and her breath is coming in stuttered gasps. She feels Sharky’s big frame pressing behind her, a hand extended over her shoulder, to lower the smoking barrel of her gun.
“You okay, Dep?” He asks, in a way that implies he believes she’s not.
A tinge of worry grates on his voice as he leans slightly in front of her, taking a ragged cloth from his back pocket and trying to clean the unsanitary crimson smudges of her face, a rough, calloused hand cupping her chin.
“Yeah– I just–” She sighs and stalls, because she doesn’t know how to explain it, how it burns her inside. “I’m not what he says,” she finally blurts out.
Callahan sweeps grime, sweat and blood off her forehead with the heel of her hand and prays Sharky didn’t quite get the pleading underlying lilt in her words.
But if he did, he doesn’t show it. “Don’t sweat it, dude, those peggies? Fuckin’ psychos, that’s what they are, but uh– I think you need a break, po-po. You gotta eat something.”
He’s a paltry couple of inches away from her, and Callahan sees the concern in the heavy frown he’s sporting, his gaze probably taking in her red-rimmed eyes, and the tufts of blood-crusted hair. She wonders if he can see the panic flickering on her eyes– And suddenly she feels like hiding, like scrambling away from his grasp because she feels like shit, and she looks like shit, and at some point Sharky is going to realize that. Her stomach rolls over at the thought, with a stark thunk she can almost hear.
But he pulls her into a tight hug, and she doesn’t want to think about how hard her fingers curl around handfuls of his hoodie, cheek burrowed in his chest until her nose can’t take anything else than sweat, propane and gunsmoke. Slowly, her dismay coils, subsided.
“It’ll be alright, shorty, I got you.”
“Can I use your shower?” She’s feeling the stomach-churning smell of death burning her nose, sticking to her clothes, which are going directly to the trash bin.
“Uh, sure, just- just don’t drink it. Bliss in the pumps, y’know.” He shrugs.
The water is not too cold, after all it’s mid-july and the sun is scorching high above. She hears Sharky fumbling in the kitchen and his words waft, dampened by five inches of drywall.
“How about some bacon and eggs, and uh, beers? What ya say shorty?”
“Sounds fine,” she yells over the hard splash of water. She scrubs a little too hard, a little too rough, until her skin is just a scour away of being raw.
Honestly, Callahan doesn’t want to give a second thought to the whirling shit in her head, or the fact she’s dwindling Hope County’s population in very indictable ways.
She just wants to sink and let herself marinate in something good for once.
“All ready, chica! Bacon is all crispy and– oh shit, shit– yeah, eggs are hot.”
Something good like Sharky. Callahan ponders what seems like an askew path and bites her lip, but she doesn’t have the heart to drag him down to that specific level of hell she feels like visiting every day. It ain’t fair.
So she sighs and wraps herself in a threadbare green towel, too small for her liking.
“Smells nice.” Her stomach grumbles already committed to devour whatever will appear in front. “Damn, Shark, didn’t know you could cook.”
“Oh, this is nothin’” Sharky answers with his back turned, arranging plates and forks over the counter, “you gotta try my casserole, man, I make a killer casse–”
He spins. She sees him faltering, eyes sliding down at a torturously slow pace over every inch of skin she’s showing and his jaw falls, slack. The heavy hitch in his movements is painfully evident as he takes a small pace forward.
Callahan’s skin prickles under his gaze and the way his eyes linger at the hidden apex of her thighs make heat pool in her sex, irradiating in belching waves all over her. It’s not as if he hadn’t seen her bits, more often than not to patch her up in the roaring distress of battle, diving under flitting bullets. But not like this. Never like this.
Her fingers clasp the towel, and she shuffles two shy paces forward, trying to flash him a coy smile. His cheeks are red and his throat bobs as he swallows, finally fixing wide open eyes on hers.
“You uh, you need some clothes,” he says, breathless. Sharky clears his throat and fastens his stare to her face, something that makes her heart flutter. He’s trying to be proper, trying to be a friend, when the only thing she wants right now is to toss that tilt-a-whirl of anxiety over the window and seize the moment.
“Do I?”
“Are ya– are you messing with me?”
A small flare of doubts spark in her, but unwanted images flicker in her eyelids, like a film she refuses to watch. Hopes wane and she needs this. Needs him. Callahan closes the distance and gives him a chaste kiss.
For a moment he seems to lose the ability to speak, blinking as a deer caught in the headlights. And then he moves.
He cups her jaw with trembling hands and Rook lets the towel slide down the floor, pressing herself against him, and twinning her arms around his neck. When his mouth meet hers, there’s a jolt hurtling from her toes to her temples, amped a hundred voltages when he glides his tongue across her lips and in, tasting her thoroughly.
“Oh man, oh man, oh man–” he almost warbles between raspy moans when they break apart and Callahan kisses the side of his neck with an intensity she can’t control.
He’s flushed an eager, nipping at where her neck meets her shoulder, hands digging into her soft curves. She allows him to pull her to the couch with fingers that dig into her skin, his erection rubbing against her stomach, making her toes curl in anticipation.
The upholstery whines when he falls over it, Callahan clambered over his lap, and he quickly takes off his hoodie and hat, tossing them to a corner.
“Am I– is this real?” he breathes, giving her the most adoring look she’s ever seen. “C’mon shorty, pinch me, ‘cuz I don’t– I mean…”
“I want you, Shark.” She’s conscious of the demanding tone in her words but she doesn’t care. Apparently neither does him.
A shy smile spreads on his face, as he draws her closer, hands cinching tightly around her waist. “I’m blissed as fuck, am I? ”
He closes his lips around her nipple, sucking and rolling his tongue over it and making her arch in response. She’s soaked, the musk of her arousal closing down on her while he nothing but plays with her peaks, showing her he indeed was good at this. So good at this.
His fingers prod at her cunt, breaching her for him helped by the wetness gathered between her thighs. A breathless moan breaks from her throat, as she feels her walls clenching, ready to take more.
The harrowing screams and cries seem to subside with every second she dives more and more into him.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he says amidst labored breaths, “but uh, you still sure ‘bout this?”
There’s a glimmer of uncertainty in his blue eyes, and she hurries to muffle them with a hard kiss. “Fuck yes, Shark,” she says, fanning his lips with halted gasps, “you’ve no idea how much I want this.” There’s the pinch of a doubt at the back of her mind, like a cold, dead hand caressing the nape of her neck. Splitting her will in half.
“For-for real?” He stutters, unassuming of her mental ordeal.
His whole face lights up, watching her nod, spilling words she can’t quite catch against her skin.
She tugs at his belt, freeing his erection in record time, ripping broken gasps out of him. Fast enough to not think about why. His hands wander over her body as she finally rises on her knees and takes him in her hand.
“Oh, shit–”
He seems about to faint, his eyes almost crossing as she slowly takes him in. Her bottom lip disappears in her mouth trying to quench the cry that threatens to tear from her throat. He’s long, wonderfully thick, demanding a minute from her to adjust. It’s been perhaps a year since the last time she did this, and even when she’s had her fair share of action, the hot press of his cock is testing her limits. For a minute Callahan lets herself go, pulling at his hair, raking teeth over his neck.
“Fuck, shorty, you feel so good.”
His voice is low pitched, a rasp, hoarse sound that scrapes along her skin. Sharky tilts his head back, and thrusts upwards.
“Shit.” She parts her lips slightly, her head buzzing with overwhelming pleasure as he sinks into her. The drag of his dick feels amazing against her walls, making her want to ride him hard and fast until they have nothing more to give. Until she’s full of him and nothing else. Until the screeches and the sour smell of decay finally disappear. Callahan closes her eyes, making every downstroke scratch on violence.
“Easy, babe, easy.” His words sound like a low grunt, as he steadies her, by the hips. His eyes could scorch her and her gut twist with want and something undefinable. “Don’t– don’t wanna end this too soon.”
But her own peak comes too quick, crashing against every single wall she has. Her thighs quiver, her cunt pulsating and dragging him until he grunts and spills inside her.
There’s so much one can hide in their every day and when Callahan looks at Sharky, pure glint of joy in his eyes, a peaceful smile reeking adoration, her heart stops.
She can’t do this. Whatever this is. Not if not for the right reasons, which are many and spread out for everyone who wants to see it. Yes, yes. She loves him. But he deserves better.
Better than a venom-filled cop, who by now, has more blood in her hands than everyone in the county combined. Someone who isn’t going down the hill with every passing second, and isn’t a step away to be catalogued as a psychopath. And proudly so.
“Shorty? You ‘aight?”
The silence is strained, and Callahan tries her best smile, scurrying away from his lap with a faint “yeah, be right back”. She can feel the pungent smell of decay reeking from the clothes in the trash bin in the bathroom, reminding her that maybe, just maybe, the peggie from before wasn’t mistaken at all.
She is what he said.
Suddenly the air is too scarce, the walls too close, her skin too tight. She dresses in her former discarded clothes all while listening to Sharky pratting about drinking wine and watch something.
She can’t do this.
“…and the second season is even better than the first,” Sharky is saying out of sight. “You ok there?”
Lead bars constrict her heart. “Yeah, give me a sec.”
Silently, just as Peaches hunting, she opens the door of the trailer and runs. It’s better this way, even if Sharky won’t get it.
Unholstering her gun, she makes her way to Eden’s Convent. The turmoil inside her needs to be quashed down, and sometimes that’s something just bullets can do.
#far cry 5#far cry 5 fanfiction#deputy callahan#deputy rook#sharky boshaw#callahan x sharky boshaw#sharky x deputy rook#thank you for everything Anna!#naro writes
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mind blind was really good, i’m glad i finally had the time to read through a few of the LI routes. i’m really looking forward for the next update at the end of the month...
i needed to catalog my two main buttons: Ro Wiseman (Kent route) and Iris Wiseman (Gray or Rosy route).
detailed profiles for them under the cut
Ro Wiseman
Full name: Roland Heath Wiseman Nicknames: Ro, Button, Zero Gender + pronouns: nonbinary, he/they General Personality: interpersonal, hides behind his humor and grandiosity, real flirt (will do so with anyone who humors him), desperate to prove himself, harbors some unmanaged hostility, commited to helping other people (although quietly paranoid it’s only because he wants to be needed), and he loves animals Fears: Heights, needles LIs: Kent Relationships: Nick: loves nick, but harbors resentment for living in his shadow and his mind blindness making Ro dependent upon him. wants nick out of his mind asap Dad: decent relationship, they’re both jokesters so they get along. ro doesn’t particularly blame his dad for leaving him Mom: detached, geniunely doesn’t know how to feel about her anymore, the physical and emotional distance between them has had an effect. wasn’t amped to see her again, even with nick in his mind. Glitch: get along SUPER well, flirt with one another but it’s not likely to go anywhere serious Gray: Ro’s not particularly close with Gray, but they know each other pretty well. doesn’t appreciate when Gray butts into family matters. Gray has made too many references to Heathrow, the London airport, after he learned Ro’s middle name, so Ro decided exclusively call him “Cookie” Kent: pretty forward with kent, tries to needle him for any sort of reaction but it doesn’t work well. was p bitter/vengeful over kent “lying” about being a Ment, but that will calm down eventually. i imagine kent helps Ro be a little more down-to-earth Sally: loves her like a sister, at first it was a friendship of convenience, but quickly grew beyonf that. lives to make her laugh, when she’s upset or otherwise. sally doesn’t take his shit lying down and he can appreciate that. Rosy: Ro constantly tests the tensile strength of rosy’s restraint, they heckle each other, but it’s hard to tell if it’s completely antagonistic. rosy thinks he’s a brat tho (he’s not wrong)
Iris Wiseman
Full name: Iris Eleanor Wiseman Nicknames: Button Gender + pronouns: nonbinary, she/her General Personality: bookish, insightful, outwardly confident, has some morbidity, sensitive, has control issues (reliant on statistics and facts to keep herself grounded), joined MIV to gain a sense of agency Fears: Claustrophobia LIs: Gray + Rosy Relationships: Nick: Iris absolutely loves Nick, would-die-for-him level. they cook together, spend much time together as possible (even before the mind thing). ignores how the unhealthy extent she is codependent onto him, easily hurt when Nick reinforces her helplessness. worried about how Nick being in her mind will affect them for the long term. Dad: Iris loves her dad, although she is paranoid that he only visits out of obligation rather than a geniune want to see her. Of course, he tells her otherwise, but that just feels placating Mom: Misses her mom, phone calls and video chats are not a comparable replacement, but wonders if it would be safe to even see her again (Iris against her mom getting risky surgery, ofc). Iris places a lot of blame for the incident on herself. Gray: has carried a “secret” torch for Gray since high school, sensitive about his opinion of her, mostly have an open, communicative relationship with one each other, mutual respect y’know Glitch: Is friendly with Glitch, but they don’t always click well. Could definitely be good friends with some work! Kent: Hasn’t interacted with Kent too much in her route, but I imagine they could have a good working relationship Sally: best friends with Sally, also heavily codependent with Sally, but it has gotten better since childhood. besides Nick, no one else quite gets Iris like Sally does and vice versa Rosy: relieved that Rosy treats her as her own person. Even if his expectations seem high, she thrives under that kind of pressure. She has a crush on him and it could turn into more, given the chance
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Persahabatan dan Persaudaraan itu nomer satu!
Read on AO3
by HouruKiy
ini gue gatau mo ngapain, tapi pokoknya diluc gasuka ama kaeya si jamet berambut biru yang sering di kejar cewe-cewe. eh tapi!! dia bukan iri karena kaeya di kejar cewe-cewe. namun dia masih mengingat masa lalu nya, tapi bagaimana kaeya bisa se tenang itu? setelah semua yang sudah terjadi?
seharusnya ga ada gay-gay nya ini fic, soalnya gue post sebagai tugas sekolah. tapi gue iseng ganti-ganti dikit hehe biar ada zhongchi dikit aja. ga ampe mereka entot kok.
Words: 4077, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Diluc (Genshin Impact), Kaeya (Genshin Impact)
Relationships: Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe & Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Kaeya & Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact)
Additional Tags: they're a friendgroup, Sudden angst, Zhongli and Ajax has a crush on eachother, Diluc and Kaeya are Siblings (Genshin Impact), siblings rivalry, they ended being friends, mmm friendship or homo?, Indonesian fic
0 notes
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Iris West & Wally West, Barry Allen/Iris West Characters: Iris West, Wally West, Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Barry Allen, Joe West Additional Tags: Protests, 2020 protests, BLM protests, black lives matter protests, Journalist Iris West, Iris and Team Flash are out helping their community, Joe is a singer not a cop, corona pandemic 2020 Series: Part 7 of Iris Week 2020 Summary:
Iris Week 2020 Day 7: Iris in a world without superheroes. @iriswestallenweek
She’s technically a reporter for CCPN, but this is not exactly her job. In fact, it’s possible Iris could lose her job for publishing the footage she’s taking. But if it’s the end of the world, Iris wants to make sure she’s a part of making the new one a good one, entry-level salary be damned.
Iris and Team Flash at the 2020 protests.
for the tumblr crowd, here’s the full text:
“This is Iris West. I’m on the scene of the protests at 14th and Shultz.”
In the dim lighting from the occasional lamppost, Iris hopes her cell camera can pick up what it’s pointing at. She’s never been a videographer, but these days, she’s just having to make do.
“As you can see,” Iris narrates, both hands on her phone, “police have been lined up in front of the courthouse since I got here. Periodically protesters will get close and ask the officers to kneel with us-”
It’s quiet for a few minutes while Iris describes the situation. She’s technically a reporter for CCPN, but this is not exactly her job. In fact, it’s possible Iris could lose her job for publishing the footage she’s taking. But if it’s the end of the world, Iris wants to make sure she’s a part of making the new one a good one, entry-level salary be damned.
Iris tightens her ponytail, yanks her knit hat lower, and double-checks the mask covering her face. At her side, Wally is silent and similarly attired: all in black, wearing a beanie and a mask that serves a dual purpose – protecting his identity as well as observing virus safety.
He nods at the stairs to a small cut-through. The street is filled with chanting and prayer, but it seems like if there’s going to be a moment to rest tonight, now’s the time. Iris follows him, the eye of her camera always watching.
Once they pass off the main street, it’s like a different world. The alley is full of life: there’s some soft music playing, and two boys are showing dance moves to a small, admiring crowd. Iris makes sure to capture this on camera too – the kind of life the protests are protecting.
In front of a miniscule synagogue, a first-aid station has been set up with folding tables. Crates of water lurk on the ground for both hydration and eyewashes. This is where they find Caitlin, Cisco, and Barry.
Caitlin is gently applying alcohol and Neosporin to a little girl’s scraped arm. “I don’t have any fun band-aids,” Caitlin tells her seriously, while the girl’s father shakes his head to indicate it’s not that important. “But!” Caitlin produces a few other boxes of band-aids and holds them out. “I have every flesh-colored band-aid there is.”
The little girl’s smile grows, and Iris is so glad she caught this on camera. The beads in her hair twists clink together as she rips into a box of band-aids, selecting one that is so dark it’s almost ebony. Caitlin obligingly sticks it over the scrape and tenderly rolls her sleeve back down.
“Thank you, Dr. Snow,” the dad says, and Caitlin sends him off with a wave and a “Be careful!” Iris bookmarks the timestamp quickly, before she forgets, so she can go back later and edit out Caitlin’s name. Just because her journalistic ethics demand her transparency doesn’t mean it’s not a risk. The friends she’s filming all have covered faces and don’t use names on camera.
On the other side of the first-aid station, Cisco is taking apart someone’s phone. “If you don’t make these adjustments,” he instructs a group of college boys, wagging a screwdriver, “this phone is sending all your data – location, camera, Siri, anything not encrypted end-to-end – to anybody who wants it. That is not what we are after, fellas.”
“The first-aid station is both for medical help and tech support,” Iris informs the camera. “Fortunately, the medical side has been slow tonight, right?”
Caitlin nods. “Some scrapes and bruises. Nobody really hurt. One woman needed help adjusting her new insulin pump. We have treatments ready for tear gas and other chemical irritants, and emergency supplies for triaging more serious injuries.”
“What about you?” Iris angles the camera over to Cisco.
“These young gentlemen are woefully unprepared to fight the good fight in the age of Big Brother,” Cisco tells the camera. “That’s why I’ve got a quick setup here so if you did bring your phone tonight, we can make sure your identity is protected and your data can’t be used against you.”
Wally is sitting with a groan at this point, tucking a double-sided sign – WE’RE NOT FREE TILL WE’RE ALL FREE – WE MARCH FOR POLICE REFORM. SAY HER NAME – under the table while he peels back the foil on a granola bar.
“You see what Iris is doing?” Iris hears, and turns her phone to the sound of Barry’s voice. He’s also set up by Caitlin, with a stack of printed flyers she helped him write earlier detailing the legalities of recording in Missouri. “That’s about getting information out. But even if she recorded a crime, it wouldn’t always be considered admissible in court, even if she was an eyewitness. If there’s something they can do to discredit your evidence, they will. You should definitely record any interactions you see happening-”
“And lastly at our first-aid station we have a crash course in legal advice for how best to use phone cameras either at the protests or in your daily life…” Iris explains, zooming in on the info sheet.
The noise from the street is starting to get lower. Wally gets up and heads to the mouth of the alley, then reports to the camera as if it’s second nature: “Looks like people are starting to head home for the night, numbers of people passing are slowing down.”
Iris knows it’s her obligation to stay until the last, and record until the streets are empty and the danger is gone. And she will. She checks the organizing info through the encrypted app Barry’s friend Felicity coded for the occasion, and it shows the same information: people are starting to trickle out.
Muting her camera for a moment, she asks her family, “Have any of you seen my dad?”
Her timing is so impeccable that she almost didn’t even need to ask. Barry smiles widely at her and Cisco points without looking. The faint music the boys were dancing to when she got here is ending, and Iris hears a familiar noise: a soundcheck. Iris hastily unmutes.
Any minute now Iris will head back out there with Wally and record the protesters leaving for the night. But for now, Iris turns her phone toward her dad – similarly masked and beanie-d – standing on a little step with a mic and an old, cracked amp, and closes her eyes as he begins to sing.
#iwaw2020#iris week 2020#blm protests#2020 protests#Iris West#Flash AU#real world AU#Team Flash is showing up for their community
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I’m so sorry. But I’ve been rewatching The Flash and I finally got to my favorite episode and had to scream about it. Feel free to ignore this, I’m only posting it for the chance that someone else shares my same feeling about it :’)
“Duet”, Episode 17 of Season 3, is (one of) my favorite episode because it not only is a musical and features all my favorite people singing. (Not to mention the ending?? HELLO??)
Not only does it have Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist, the gorgeous superfriends, amazing singers/dancers and my Glee favs, having fun while singing and dancing. But it ALSO HIGHLIGHTS ASPECTS FROM THEIR LIVES?? I mean REAL lives?
Barry watches singing in the rain for comfort? Grant said, at least from what I read in an interview, that watching Singing in the Rain was the reason he started tap dancing as a child! The musical they are trapped in also appears to be a Romeo and Juliet story, which Barry says “this is just like West Side Story” and guesssss what? Grant was IN WSS. (And if you search it on YouTube, you will not be disappointed, TRUST ME)
Melissa is just an amazing actress. If I remember correctly she’s been so many theatre productions such as The Sound of Music and Evita and Footloose. Also she was on Broadway as Carole in Beautiful: the Carole King musical, which is, so cool!
But also Jessie L. Martin!! who plays Tom Collins in Rent, amazing in every way, such a lovely man. (Whenever Joe wears a beanie, I think of Tom.)
And Victor Garber???? Wonderful man with a voice of an angel who starred in Annie and The Music Man (which is one of my favorite musicals!). I will NEVER stop appreciating his talent ever.
Not to mention John Barrowman, West End and Broadway performer, voice like honey. I think I spent an entire month just listening to YouTube videos of him singing.
We also get exposed to Carlos Valdes’s fantastic voice!! I meaaan why can’t we hear it MORE!
ALSO ALSO Jeremy Jordan, THE Broadway man, Newsies, The Last Five Years, incredibly talented man. I just cannot.
And also Chris Wood, who is my Vampire Diaries love okay, he’s just. He didn’t sing but he didn’t need to. I already love this Man. That’s enough. However! I read something about Grant and Chris going to school together? Wild.
AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF: THE ONE. THE ONLY. DARREN FREAKING CRISS. -glee, StarKid, Broadway for Hedwig and The Angry Inch, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, and new American Buffalo for 2020 (when that happens). The man?? The myth?? On The Flash?? Mind blown?
Gosh, nobody has done a musical episode quite like the CW, okay? But this one. This musical episode. Not only worked well for the plots of not one but TWO shows (since it was a cross over) AND it was believable! It was perfect to show the struggles of the two heroes and how music gave them their strength back after they had been beaten down.
The opening number is my favorite song, “Put a little love in your heart” by Jackie DeShannon. Getting to see Grant and the cast just sing their hearts out and have a blast, it was so clear that they all had fun making it. And Watching Grant and Melissa tap dance and sing a song about friendship? GOSH I DIDNT REALIZE I WANTED IT SO BADLY. Not to mention “Runnin Home To You” just being the perfect song for Barry and Iris after everything they had been through? Sighhhhhh, my heart! I’m not crying! At least not anymore! I swear! Maybe!
It was just heart warming and hilarious! Watching Barry and Kara explore the plot was just so cute and I LOVE their adventures. They are just so great when they work side by side.
“If you ever need a hand-“ “I’ll be there in a flaaash!” “Barry.” “That was funny.”
“I’m your super, that has a double meaning, friend!”
The harmonies, the songs they chose, the meanings, the messages, THE ENDING. I mean. One can only DREAM of something like that haha. The ending just brought it home for me ~PUN INTENDED~
I know people had problems with it, and I can’t say it was perfect. But as someone who just watches shows with a full and invested heart, it was hard NOT to appreciate it. Of course, Anyone can say what they want about it, I respect your opinions 100%!! but my brother who is not a musical fan, enjoyed this episode and could appreciate the work. And that says A LOT.
Just. AmaZing. The genius of this episode. The beauty of it. I’m just stunned and humbled by the creation. And I will never stop appreciating it.
And just for me, where it all started:

Blaine and Sebastian Darren and Grant

Blaine and Marley Darren and Melissa
While fact checking myself before posting, I came across this article which just, grew the sentiment for me realizing what a huge reunion it was for almost the entire cast!
Also I’m weak, so here are the couple pictures I found of Grant in West Side Story



Did I miss anything? Please feel free to add :)
#this is not at all new#im just rewatching#and wanted to share#long post#none of these gifs are mine#duet#the flash#supergirl#glee#thanks for coming to my pointless tedtalk#barry allen#kara danvers#musical theatre#musical#musical episode#love#iris west allen#mon el#mon el x kara#barry x iris#grant gustin#melissa benoist#darren criss#broadway#jessie l martin#chris wood#john barrowman#jeremy jordan#carlos valdes#victor garber
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fresh start | team flash x fem!reader | part vi
a/n: this takes place between season 2 episode 5 and episode 6 and this story is mostly canon with a few things changed
warnings: none
word count: 2.9k
masterlist | request list | request rules
pt.i | pt.ii | pt.iii | pt.iv | pt.v | pt.vi | pt.vii | pt.viii | pt.ix
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
“Are you sure?”
You waved your hand and the guns, that the robbers were currently about to use to shoot at you, flew towards you. With the men disarmed, Barry ran around them and cuffed them.
“Yeah, I’ve doing a lot of thinking and I think it’s the right decision for me.”
After handing the cuffed robbers to Joe and Patty, Barry ran you both back to S.T.A.R Labs.
“Yes, Barry, really.”
“But I’m gonna miss you,” Cisco said, pouting.
“Cisco, I’m not leaving you. I’m still working at S.T.A.R Labs, but I’m just also going to be a detective too.”
“Does my Dad know?” Iris asked, as Barry took off his mask whilst you did the same.
“Yeah, I spoke to him the other day and then when I spoke to Captain Singh, he vouched for me. Which he didn’t have to do because Singh decided to instantly rehire me but I thanked him anyway.”
“But I’m going to miss you.” Cisco repeated, making you all laugh.
After an in-depth discussion with the team about ARGUS, you came to the realisation that since some ARGUS agents were still morally ethical, you wanted to exemplify the work that they do by going back to being a detective. Except this time, you were going to become a field cop rather than someone who dealt with reports and information.
Though you initially had some reserves about going out in the field, the most notable being you changing the future in some way or someone recognising you, you realised that the future was going to change no matter what and you couldn’t stop that. But what you could do is help Barry and the others change it for the better.
And what better way to do that than by being a cop on Joe’s meta-human task force and a meta-human protecting the city?
“Cisco’s right, though, y/n. It’s going to be weird not having you here all the time.”
“Don’t worry, Cait. I’ll still be here more often than you think. I’ll just be wearing a badge most of the time. And I’m not going to let it interfere with the work that we do here. I mean, Barry disappears half of the time and it’s all good.”
“True, I can always just run us both back here and we both get dressed super quick anyways, so it’s not a hassle.”
“So, when do you start, y/n?”
You all turned to the entrance of the cortex where Joe stood.
“Hey, sweetie.” Joe kissed Iris’s forehead.
“Today?” Barry asked.
“Yeah, Singh can’t wait to have you back and quite frankly, neither can I. I’ve been saying for months that you’ve needed to come back.”
“Thanks, Joe.”
“So, you ready to go? Obviously after you take off all that,” Joe gestured to your Meson outfit.
You went into the med bay and not even five minutes later, you came out dressed in a black pantsuit, your wavy hair flowing just past your shoulders.
“Damn, y/n, looking good.” Iris commented as you smirked.
“Thanks, Iris.”
“That was quick, even by my standards.” Barry said.
“Guess you got competition then, Flash.” You said jokingly.
“You ready to go, y/n?” Joe asked.
“I think you mean Detective Davis, Joe.” Caitlin corrected.
You laughed, “I’ll see you guys later. Call if you need me.”
“Glad to have you back, Detective Davis.”
“Come on, Patty. We’ve gotten close these past few months, you can call me y/n.” You said, shaking her hand.
“Then, I’m glad to have you back, y/n.” She responded and you smiled.
“So, have the robbers from this morning been processed?” She looked at you confused. “Oh, Joe told me about them earlier.”
She nodded, convinced, “Yeah, they’ve just been transferred to Iron Heights.”
“Okay, so-“
You were interrupted by a breaking news alert on the TV screen and everyone turned their attention to the screen.
“It appears that a meta has broken into an abandoned industrial factory and has stolen some equipment…”
You turned from the TV to Patty and Joe.
“Let’s go,” Joe said, you and Patty followed him out of the police department.
“So I’ve just spoken to a couple of witnesses who all said that they saw a man, mid 20s, leaving the scene, driving a red pick-up, but they have no idea what he stole.” Patty said, walking up to you and Joe.
“Yeah, I mean, this factory only stores drills and other tools that you could easily get off any construction site.” You replied, confused.
“I spoke to a guy who used to work here and he told me that the place was officially shut down for unsafe conditions.”
“Unofficially?” You and Patty asked.
“Some guy was trying to manufacture some type of drill that was so high tech, that it could cut through almost anything. That could be quite valuable.”
“Did he say what type?”
“Uh,” Joe looked at his notes, “a 15. amp hammer drill.”
“Damn, that shit can cut through almost anything. And there’s also something that might indicate what the meta’s powers are.”
You showed Patty and Joe to the security system.
“Initially, it was thought that the meta hacked into the system to unlock all the doors, which, at first glance, makes sense. I’m running a check to see if the system was hacked.”
“But you don’t think it was?” Patty asked.
“No, I don’t. I know code, and there’s no record of a line of code anywhere. I’d have to check to be sure, but I think the electrics were manipulated.”
“Meaning what? A meta who can control electricity?”
“Not necessarily, Joe. Everything else was in intact. I think the meta can manipulate controls or at least override them. Basically he can turn things on and off. And lucky for us, his powers seem to be channelled through his hands.”
“You got a print?”
“Yeah, when I get back, I’m going to run it through AFIS and see if we have any hits.”
“Damn, y/n, I forgot how good you were.” Joe stated.
After collecting some more evidence, the three of you went back to the station and you handed some of the samples to Barry for him to analyse.
Then you went to your computer and ran the print through the data systems and whilst you waited, you were talking to Patty about her and Barry.
“So, is it going well between you two then?” You asked, leaning against your desk.
“Yeah, I think so. I mean, one of our first dates was quite memorable.”
“Oh, because he couldn’t see?”
She furrowed her brows.
“Oh, Barry told me when I was at S.T.A.R Labs last week.”
“What do you even do at S.T.A.R Labs? Barry is almost always there.”
“I help Cisco and Caitlin with a lot of tech that they have and we’re all good friends which is probably why Barry’s there a lot.”
She nodded, “So are you seeing anyone?”
You shook your head, “No, I’ve had a few flings here and there but I’m not with anyone right now. Besides-”
You stopped talking when your screen bleeped.
“Looks like we got a match.” You sat in your chair and showed Patty your screen. “Guy’s name is Oscar Cartwright.”
“Yeah, he was arrested for breaking and entering, robbery, and looks like he has a background in construction. Must be how he knew which tools to steal.” Patty suggested.
You printed off the file so you could show it to Joe, “Come on, let’s go.”
After you briefed Joe, he told you and Patty to check out his most recent address but when you got there, it was empty.
It looked as if it hadn’t been used in a while; the only indication that someone was staying there was the unmade bed and discarded clothes around the room. Then you both realised there was a basement and when you went down here, you found blueprints to a building.
As you were about to gain more intel by checking it out further, the laptop, containing the blueprints, began to overheat and exploded in front of the two of you.
“He must have known we were coming and used his powers to destroy any traces he left behind.” Patty said, coming back into the basement after calling CSU.
“Yeah, do you want to stay here whilst I try and figure out what was on the laptop?”
“Yeah, sure, just call if you find something.”
As you walked back up the stairs, you passed Joe,
“Hey, Joe. I’m gonna take this to S.T.A.R Labs to see if Cisco and I can recover what was on here since it looked important.”
“Okay, hopefully it can lead us to this Cartwright guy.”
“Getting anywhere?” Caitlin and Iris walked into the cortex and looked at you and Cisco.
“I think so. We’ll most likely be able to recover the data within the next hour.” You responded, as you continued typing.
“Hopefully.” Cisco interrupted. “This meta basically fried the mainframe and we had to reconstruct the circuitry which took ages.”
“We’re glad to have you back though, y/n.” Caitlin said, and you turned around and laughed.
“Cait, I’ve only been gone a day.”
“It feels like longer though.” She said.
“Well, I’ve missed you guys too.”
“So this meta, what exactly are his powers?” Iris asked.
“As best I can tell, he’s able to take control of systems by overcharging the system and-”
“OverCharge.” Cisco interrupted.
“What?” You, Caitlin and Iris looked at Cisco.
He turned around to face the three of you, “OverCharge.” He repeated, “That’s his name.”
You started laughing at the coincidence and it was Cisco’s turn to be confused. “OverCharge. OC. The meta’s name is Oscar Cartwright. I swear these names write themselves.”
You guys had a little mini catchup and after around an hour, you and Cisco were able to recover some of the data and in perfect timing, Barry walked in.
“I’m just pulling up the blueprints now,” You continued typing and looked through the files, trying to find the right one.
Then you were interrupted by an alert on S.T.A.R Labs police scanner.
“Guys, there’s a runaway train.” Caitlin said so you and Cisco hacked into the subway’s mainframe.
“Shit, this isn’t an accident. I’m giving the command for the train to slow down, but nothing is responding.” You explained.
“It looks like there’s some sort of glitch somewhere that’s not allowing it to respond to commands.”
“Could it be the same meta?” Iris asked.
“Potentially, but Barry, we can’t stop the train from here so you gotta go.” Cisco said, so Barry suited up and ran off.
“I don’t know what OverCharge’s endgame is here. He steals a high tech drill, has blueprints and is now controlling a train? I don’t understand.”
“I think I do. I just managed to access some of the damaged data and he has blueprints to Central City Airport.” Cisco said, displaying the blueprints on the large screen so you could all get a better look.
“Dammit,” you pulled out your phone, called Joe and explained the situation.
“Joe, take Patty. Barry’s going to try and stop the train but I think it’s a distraction. Oscar’s breaking into Central City Airport. If I can, I’ll meet you there. Bye.”
You disconnected the call.
“What would he be stealing though?”
“I think I can answer that.”
Harry Wells walked into the cortex and on another screen, pulled up images of diamonds.
“This was being stored in their private security room.”
“Diamonds?” Cisco asked.
“Very valuable diamonds. Even back on my Earth, they were worth quite a lot. Like $57 million worth.”
You quickly messaged Joe the update so he knew where to look for OverCharge and then you diverted your attention back to the runaway train.
“Holy Shit. Barry, you cannot stop that train!”
“What? Why? I’m just in front of it.”
“Barry, y/n’s right. That train is 23 miles from approaching an unsustainable curve radius.”
“I don’t like the sound of that.” Barry said over the comms.
“We’ve got a major cant issue.”
“There’s no ‘can’t’ when it comes to the Flash.” Iris said.
“No, West, ‘cant’ is the name of the height difference between the outside and inside rails on a track curve.” Harry explained.
“The tilt creates a down-thrust to counter sideways force.” Cisco continued.
“And at the current speed of the train, the ‘cant’ can’t work.” You said.
“The train will derail.” Caitlin finished.
“So what do I do?”
Barry shouted over the comms and you quickly ran into the med bay and got changed into your suit whilst Harry explained what the Flash should do.
“You have approximately 7 minutes before that train reaches the curve. You need to phase onto the train and gain access of the controls.”
“Scratch that.”
You ran out of the med bay and back to the centre of the cortex, now dressed in your Meson suit.
“Barry, run back to S.T.A.R Labs now!” You said as you grabbed your mask.
“We don’t have time. Just do it!”
In, well, a flash, Barry was beside you. You picked up your laptop and grabbed his arm.
“Take me to the train now.”
He picked you up and ran you to the station where you could hear the incoming train.
“You have to phase us both on there, Barry. I’ll be able to connect my laptop to the controls and gain access and manually slow the train down before we reach the curve.”
“But, y/n-”
“Trust me, I got this.”
You heard the sounds of the train getting closer and with your arm wrapped around Barry’s, he phased you both onto the train. It was a weird feeling. It was like pins and needles all over your entire body.
The moment you both were on the train, the Flash began to calm people down and you ran to the front of the carriage and used your powers to open the locked door.
As expected, the control system was fried, so you plugged your laptop into the train’s software and after 2 minutes, you were able to regain control of the train and managed to slow the train down.
But, to your surprise, it ended up gaining even more speed due to the sudden change.
You ran out of the control room and hacked into the P.A system, “Guys, I want you all to remain calm. The Flash is going to get you all off of here so could you all try and activate your emergency doors by pulling the cable just above the door.”
Barry came up beside you. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going to stop this train but just in case, I need you to get everyone off of here.”
“Meson, it’s not safe.”
“I know and that’s why I need you to do this, Flash.”
Then you shouted to the rest of the people in your carriage, “Guys, can you all move onto the next carriage, please?”
They all obeyed and you told Barry to follow them.
“The moment I disconnect this carriage, the rest of the train will come to a stop, allowing everyone to get to safety.”
“Meson, what about you?”
“I’ll have 3 minutes to stop this carriage.”
“What happens if you don’t?” He asked.
“I will. I promise. Go do your job, Flash.”
You quickly disconnected the carriages and ran back to the control room and began typing.
“Y/n, you’re 7 miles from the curve and you’re approaching fast.” Cisco shouted over the comms.
“You gotta hurry, y/n. You only have a few minutes.” Caitlin said, worry clearly in her voice.
“A few minutes is all I need.”
You continued hacking into the system and was able to override all the systems, except the one that led to the train gaining even more speed and you knew there was only one more option.
“Y/n, you have 30 seconds!” Iris shouted over comms.
You shut your laptop and as you heard the screech of the train tracks, you ran to the centre of the carriage.
“15 seconds!” Cisco warned.
With all your energy, you used your powers to channel through the tracks so you could slow it down. The train came to a halt, just mere metres from the curve radius. You exhaled a deep breath in relief.
“Y/N!” Everyone shouted over comms.
“MESON, YOU GOOD?!” Barry yelled.
“I’m good, guys. The train’s stopped.” You heard everyone let out a relieved sigh.
After stopping the train and helping everyone off the other carriages, Barry ran you back to S.T.A.R Labs where you both got changed and then met Patty and Joe at Central City Airport, just in time to catch Cartwright red-handed. Now OverCharge was sitting in the meta-human wing in Iron Heights amongst the other meta-human criminals.
The following morning, before going to CCPD, you went to S.T.A.R Labs to meet Caitlin, Cisco and everyone else.
“You were amazing yesterday, y/n.” Caitlin said when you walked into the cortex.
“She’s right. You killed it.” Cisco stated.
“And it looks like the rest of Central City feels the same way.” Barry walked in with Joe and Iris and switched on the news.
“Ever since the heroic save by Meson yesterday, there has been an outcry of support for her.”
The news cut to a few interviews from people who were on the train.
“She was amazing. She was so calm and was willing to sacrifice herself for all of us.”
“I think Meson is inspiring. I’m so glad we finally have a female superhero.”
“I love her. She’s definitely my role model.”
The screen then cut back to the news reporter.
“There you have it. Move over, Flash, looks like Central City has a new superhero.”
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#the flash#caitlin snow#cisco ramon#iris west#barry allen#joe west#harry wells#patty spivot#the flash x reader#caitlin snow x reader#cisco ramon x reader#barry allen x reader#barry allen x you#westallen#legends of tomorrow#arrow#felicity smoak#supergirl#dctvedit#c: the flash#c: fresh start#s: mine
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Lainey’s fingers strummed idly at her guitar. She didn’t feel much like playing at the moment, but she’d already caught up on all of her grading, and she didn’t feel like going home to an empty house. Especially when her stupid boyfriend was still in town. She strummed harder, frustrated. At least she could count on music as a release. Lainey turned up the volume on her amp. Music was always there for her, unlike the people in her life.
She didn’t notice CB enter for quite some time.
“Shit!” She exclaimed, startled. “I didn’t think anyone was still here!”
“I had Model UN, and then I had to grade my Literature and Comp papers,” CB explained.
He practically lived there.
“Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” His voice was gentle.
CB was good at the whole dealing with emotions thing. Lainey, however, preferred to bottle hers.
“What makes you think something’s wrong?” Lainey deflected, as usual.
CB raised an eyebrow at her.
“Fine,” she sighed. He could see straight through her. Not that she was doing a particularly good job of hiding her emotions at the moment.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Over drinks?” she offered.
“Deal. I’ll drive”
Normally, Lainey might have protested, but after everything that had happened this week she wanted to get obscenely drunk, and if CB was going to enable that, who was she to tell him no?
Lainey refused to talk before having a drink. It was all too frustrating to deal with without alcohol.
It was relatively early, so the bar wasn’t too crowded. Lainey found them a couple of seats at the bar. The tables were too far away to order as much as she wanted to.
“I’ll have a Shirley Temple,” CB ordered. “And I’ll buy whatever she’s drinking,” he told the bartender, gesturing to Lainey.
“Oh, no, you’re drinking tonight,” Lainey commanded.
“Who’s going to drive us home?”
Lainey reconsidered.
“We’ll call a cab,” she decided. She sent him a pleading look before turning back to the bartender. “He’ll have... a tequila sunrise, and a double shot of Johnnie Walker for me... And I can cover my own tab!”
CB sipped on his fruity drink while Lainey slammed back her hard liquor. He didn’t know how she did it. Years of practice, he supposed.
“Now do you want to tell me what’s bothering you?”
“Barry and I have been fighting.
CB hated the part of himself that rejoiced at her words. Not trusting himself to comment, he waited for her to continue.
“It all started when Barry missed the recital on Wednesday...”
Barry had decided to work late and changed his flight. He neglected to tell Lainey. It broke her heart when she didn’t see him out in the crowd.
Barry did eventually make it to Philadelphia... at nearly one in the morning. He let himself into Lainey’s house using a spare key she’d entrusted him with and loudly announced his arrival.
“Laaaaaiiinnnneeeyyy, I’m home.”
It took her a moment to gather herself up, climb out of bed, and make her way to him. She was dressed in her Hello Kitty pajamas, her hair disheveled from sleep. She called out to him from halfway down the stair case.
“Barry, y'know I hate surprises.” Her sleep slurred words betrayed her annoyance. “What time’s it?”
“Nearly One A.M.” He chirped back at her.
“I have school tomorrow,” she whined. “The couch is made up. We’ll talk when I get home from work.”
She turned and stumbled back up the stairs before he could get in another word.
Barry was still asleep when Lainey got up for work in the morning. She found that he’d made her heart shaped pancakes and left them in the fridge. The note read, “For my Lainey love, xoxo Care-Bear”. She left them where they were.
“Why didn’t you eat my love pancakes?” Barry bore down on her when she came home. He could be just like his mother sometimes.
“Wasn’t hungry.” Lainey lied.
“You weren’t hungry for my love?” Barry laid on the guilt trip. It wasn’t working as he’d hoped.
“You sound just like Beverly. What are you going to say next? You've failed as a boyfriend?” It was a low blow and Lainey knew it.
“I’m sorry, it’s just...” Lainey swallowed hard. “You really hurt my feelings when you missed the student piano recital.”
“I had to work, and there’s a spring recital every year,” Barry protested. “My job is very important. I’m a doctor.”
“That’s not the point, and you know it.” Lainey’s frustration was growing. “Those kids busted their asses and I was really proud of them. It was an important moment for me as a teacher. Every student’s success is a big moment to the teacher who helped them get there. Besides, my job is important, too, and I always make time for you.”
“You get to rock out all day. It’s not the same as doctor work,” Barry condescended, drawing the words out as if she were an idiot.
“You wouldn’t be a doctor without your teachers,” Lainey countered.
“You wouldn’t be alive without your doctor,” Barry retorted. It was an ill-matched response, but still one Lainey had a hard time arguing with.
“If you really can’t see how important my job is to me, then maybe we’re not right for each other after all!” She yelled, completely frustrated, and at a loss for anything else to say.
Lainey’s eyes stung with tears.
“Don’t even say that!” Barry roared back at her. “Ugh, I need to go nunchuck.”
He ran off flailing his arms behind him.
Lainey knew Barry would never hurt her. Hell, he couldn’t if he wanted to, but an angrily nunchucking boyfriend in her house made her uneasy all the same. And she was still upset with him for missing the recital, for shitting on everything that was important to her, for not talking things out with her like a rational adult...
“...so I told him that if he was going to act like this, he could stay with his mother, and he could come back when he was ready to communicate like an adult.”
“Damn.” CB let a beat pass. “Another round,” he called to the bartender. “This time two double Johnnie Walkers.”
It wasn’t lost on CB how much it hurt Lainey that Barry didn’t understand their profession. Teaching had become everything to Lainey. It had helped her as much as she’d helped her students, and she was in a much better place for it. What they did made a difference, CB understood that better than anyone. That’s why it was his favorite job in the whole world.
Still, CB couldn’t imagine putting any job before Lainey Lewis. He’d do anything for her. There was nothing he wanted more than to give her the dependability Barry was denying her. But that’s not what she wanted, at least, not romantically, so he did the next best thing: he let her vent.
“And I can’t believe he still uses those nunchucks!” Lainey laughed a little at Barry’s expense.
“I think it’s worse that he uses nunchuck as a verb,” CB added, his English teacher shining through. He was afraid he was crossing a line with the comment, but Lainey smiled at him.
The bartender sat their drinks in front of them. CB clinked his glass to Lainey and drank. He choked a little before finishing the shot, then shook himself a little at the taste and burning sensation. Lainey giggled at him.
“How do you knock ‘em back so easily?” He asked Lainey, his curiosity winning out.
“I started when I was fifteen,” she replied, confirming his earlier suspicions.
“Were you and Barry a thing back then?” The words flooded out of his mouth before he could stop them.
“I think...” Lainey drew her words out. “I don’t want to think about Barry anymore tonight.”
That was something CB could easily get behind.
So, instead CB praised her on the successful recital. Of course, he’d been in attendance. He’d even shown up early to help set up. The conversation flowed easily from there. It always did between them.
As the night wore on Lainey found herself drinking considerably less than she’d originally planned. She still wasn’t anywhere close to sober, but she wasn’t ready to pass out or puke on anyone’s shoes just yet. She found CB could distract her from her problems as well, if not better, than alcohol. In spite of everything, she was having fun.
“Maybe it’s better that Barry an’ I are fighting. I doubt I’d’ve had this much fun with him tonight...” Lainey slurred. The words left her lips well before she could process them. She meant them, regardless.
CB’s hand reached out achingly close to her cheek. He longed to close the short distance and caress her face, to use his other hand to pull her to him, to lose himself in her kisses.
Who was he kidding? He couldn’t come onto his best friend who had a boyfriend, who trusted him to support her while she was vulnerable.
But was a little after two in the morning, he was as drunk as he could get with out barfing his lungs out, and this was Lainey Lewis. She was his dream girl. She was sitting right in the bar stool next to him, tantalizingly close. He could even smell her perfume. Today it was vanilla and lavender, intoxicating in its own right. She looked as beautiful as ever. Her blonde locks were down, a little unkempt; she’d worn it half up at school that day. With her tight jeans and revealing tank top under a leather jacket, she looked like something out of a dream. Her gorgeous green eyes were fixed on him, their expression adoring, and she’d just told him it was worth having her heart shattered just to be there having fun with him.
To hell with it. He reached forward and caressed her cheek. Lainey leaned into his touch, her eyes fluttering closed.
They remained like that for a moment. Lainey never wanted to hurt Barry. Even though he’d hurt her, a voice in her head nagged. It didn’t excuse anything. But this was CB. No one in the world made her feel so safe, so loved. And she was tired of fighting it, tired of pretending she didn’t love him back, and hopelessly desperate not to be alone right now.
She surged forward and kissed him. In that moment, it hit her that she and Barry were done. In that moment, with CB’s hand on her cheek and the other on the small of his back, their lips touching, she didn’t care. CB was all that mattered. She pulled him toward her, eager to have him as close as possible.
She didn’t care what the bar’s few last patrons thought, but the shame ebbed at her anyway.
“Let’s get out of here.” Lainey whispered into CB’s ear, punctuating the statement with a kiss on his neck.
They settled their tabs, and CB called them a cab.
Once they were in the cab, Lainey insisted that there would be one stop, and gave the cab driver her address.
She knew it was wrong, but Lainey couldn’t resist the urge to make out with CB in the cab. As soon as the directions were out of her mouth, she turned to CB who was already leaning toward her. Their lips met again. They couldn’t get enough of each other. They didn’t stop until the cab did.
After paying and exiting the cab, they kissed their way into the house, up the stairs, and into Lainey’s bedroom. Lainey got bolder once they reached her room. She moved her hands down CB’s back and grabbed his ass with both hands, pulling him closer. He let out a low moan. It was hot; CB was hot, Lainey thought to herself. She began pulling off his clothes. He let her.
CB couldn’t believe he was here. He couldn’t believe he was kissing Lainey Lewis. He couldn’t believe he was in her bedroom. He couldn’t believe that she wanted him.
Lainey froze.
“We- we can’t.” It broke her heart in a thousand ways. She wanted to be with CB. She wanted to show him that she loved him. She didn’t want to jerk his heart around. But the fact was, she was still with Barry. She couldn’t stand to hurt him anymore than she already had. And as much as they both fought it, they were impossibly tired.
CB couldn’t believe they did this. What they were doing was cheating. He couldn't believe he’d been so okay with it. He couldn’t believe he’d almost taken advantage of his vulnerable best friend. Maybe he already had.
“Right,” CB cleared his throat, and began to look for his pants, suddenly very embarrassed to be in his boxers. “I should go.”
Lainey caught his wrist.
“Wait,” Her voice was small. “I don’t want to be alone tonight. Could you...could you hold me?”
He’d do anything for her. He nodded and sat on the bed.
Lainey had already flung off her jacket, but she still needed to take off her bra and put on pajama pants. She glanced over at CB. He was looking away like a gentleman. She wouldn’t have minded if he looked.
Lainey pulled back the covers and cuddled into CB. He held her close. She’d never felt more at home. She knew that tomorrow she faced the insurmountable task of breaking Barry’s heart, but right now even that seemed less daunting.
CB relaxed with Lainey snug in his arms. He fell asleep easily for someone who should’ve had a guilty conscience.
Lainey kissed his cheek.
“I love you, CB,” she whispered when she was sure he couldn’t hear her.
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