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great-and-small · 1 year ago
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Nobody throws shade like a biologist with burning hatred for invasive plants
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jillraggett · 2 months ago
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Plant of the Day
Monday 27 January 2025
The vigorous herbaceous perennial Physalis alkekengi (Chinese lantern, alkegengi, bladder cherry, strawberry-and-tomato, winter cherry) is grown for the inflated, lantern-like deep orange calyces that develop after the small creamy-yellow flowers. Left on the plant the ‘lanterns’ eventually form a papery skeleton around the red berry. This plant will grow in any well-drained soil in sun or partial shade but it can become invasive though in my experience it can be hard to establish.
Jill Raggett
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respect-the-locals · 1 year ago
🐠 Daily Fish Fact: 🐠
Lionfish have established themselves as significant invasive species off the East Coast of the United States and in the Caribbean. adult lionfish have few identified natural predators, likely due to the effectiveness of their venomous spines: when threatened, a lionfish will orient its body to keep its dorsal fin pointed at the predator, even if this means swimming upsidedown.
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howifeltabouthim · 1 month ago
Almost for the first time there mingled with her thought of him an itch of curiosity—to know something about him that perhaps he did not mean for her to know.
L. P. Hartley, from My Fellow Devils
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tea-slur · 2 months ago
The Spotted Lanternfly patch is now available on my Ko-fi!!
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At last I have finally finished sewing the edges on all of these patches!! This means you can scoop yours up now!!
I embedded a link in the title of this post, but you can also use the linktree in my bio!!
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mentalanguish · 3 months ago
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Mother Nature fights back against the invasive spotted laternfly
(enjoyed the post? follow @curatethe.wav for more 📟) 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇
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swamp-boggler · 7 months ago
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Chinese mantis (Tenodera sinensis)
9/10/24. Calvin R. Kiracofe Prairie, OH.
Chinese mantises are an invasive species in the U.S.
Mantises are ambush predators that snatch wandering prey and slowly eat them alive.
Female mantises sometimes eat the male after mating, though this mostly happens in captivity. In the wild, the male usually has time to escape before she eats him.
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coolcomicbookcovers · 10 months ago
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itsoctopuses · 21 days ago
Week 9 Observations
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Roseate Spoonbill
Platalea ajaja
Though I took these at the zoo at the beginning of the month, I did spot one in a drainage ditch today while running errands!
They are native to Texas, breeding here, Louisiana and Florida. While some also winter here, most will migrate to Central and South America.
They are (currently) protected under the US Migratory Bird Act.
They get their pretty pink tones from the food they eat which contains the same organic pigment found in tomatoes, carrots and pumpkin.
At the turn of the 20th century, their beautiful, pink feathers were used in women’s fashion and were highly prized.
They often sleep standing on one leg and will swing their heads back and forth as they walk.
#roseatespoonbill spoonbill #plataleaajaja #citizenscience #bird #shorebird #zoo #wild #nature #outdoors #february #february26 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day57
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Wax Myrtle
Morella cerifera
Observed at Galveston Island State Park on 2.21.25
This is a native perennial shrub that can grow upwards of 12 feet.
It has many uses including but not limited to:
-habitat restoration, hedges, screens
-the wax from the fruit has been used in candle making
-medicinal properties
There’s, fruit, and leaves serve as food and habitat for wildlife. It’s even a good source of honey.
Many tribes have used max myrtle for its many uses throughout history including The Choctaw, Houma, Koasati, Micmac, and Seminole people.
#waxmyrtle #Morellacerifera #citizenscience #flora #native #nature #outdoors #february #february27 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day58
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Seductive Entodon Moss
Entodon seductrix
Observed in St. Peters on 2.28.25 and it is native to Missouri.
This is a very hearty and versatile moss. It can grow (quickly) and survive in dry or wet areas, sun or shade, concrete, logs, and acidic soil.
Animals use it to make nests including birds, mice and even bumblebees!
It grows in dense mats making it good to use for moss lawns, green roofs and living walls.
They have red capsules that grow upright from the stems.
#seductiveentodonmoss #entodonseductrix #citizenscience #moss #native #nature #outdoors #february #february28 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day59
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Star Magnolia
Magnolia stellata
Observed in Old Monroe, MO 3.1.25. And 3.30.15.
10 years ago we buried Grandma and today we had to say goodbye to Grandpa. This tree stands outside of the their church where the services were held. 10 years ago it was already in full bloom that happens each spring before the leaves grow. This year the flowers hadn’t bloomed yet but it will be soon.
It’s nonnative to Missouri but not invasive. It is native in Japan.
It can be pruned to a typical tree shape or left alone for a bushy look. When pruned it gives off a lemon scent.
#starmagnolia #Magnoliastellata #citizenscience #nonnative #nature #outdoors #march #march1 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day60
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Stringy Stonecrop
Sedum sarmentosum
Observed in Old Monroe, MO 2.28.25. I’ve spent my whole life visiting my grandparents at the same house and this may have been my last time to ever walk their backyard gardens and to stumble upon species I’ve never seen before.
It is a succulent, vine and herb that is native in China but introduced to parts of Europe and North America. It can be very invasive in gardens especially in eastern and southern states.
Though it can outcompete native species it does help against soil erosion and absorbs CO2 efficiently.
It has been found in Asian folklore thought to be connected to longevity and prosperity due to its hardy and prolific nature. It’s also a symbol for tranquility.
#stringystonecrop #Sedumsarmentosum #citizenscience #succulent #vine #herb #march #march2 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day61
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Norway Spruce
Picea abies
Observed in Old Monroe, MO on 3.1.25.
It is introduced to Missouri but not considered invasive, though it can take over natural forests.
It does well in the cold but struggles in the heat, compact soil and drought.
It grows fast and tall and is often used as a snow/wind break.
Some interesting uses it has includes:
-spruce beer
-violins for sound transmitting properties
-cooking spices
#norwayspruce #Piceaabies #citizenscience #flora #evergreen #conifer #introduced #nature #outdoors #march #march3 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day62
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Green Sea Turtle
Chelonia mydas
Observed sea turtle release on Stewart Beach, Galveston 3.4.35. They are native to the Gulf of Mexico and Texas beaches are important for nesting season. They can be spotted off the coasts of about 140 countries.
These were collected during the last cold stun group in January. They were washing up on the bay side because that area is much colder than the beach side.
If you see a stranded or sick sea turtle you can call 1-866-TURTLE-5. They are on the endangered list.
Green sea turtles get their name because their cartilage and fat turn green from the foods they eat consisting of algae and seagrass making them unique among sea turtle species.
They migrate from nesting beaches to their feeding grounds using earth’s magnetic field to navigate. The females will migrate to the beach they were born on to lay their own eggs.
They’re thought to live around 70 years old and become sexually mature around 25 years. They’re thought are the largest species of hard-shelled turtles and second largest of the sea turtles. They’re thought can also grow to be 350lbs.
#greenseaturtle #Cheloniamydas #citizenscience #coldstunnedseaturtles #rehabilitated #seaturtlerelease #beach #conservation #nature #outdoors #march #march4 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day63
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jillraggett · 8 months ago
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Plant of the Day
Sunday 4 August 2024
On the edge of a carpark there was this impressive stand of Chamaenerion angustifolium (rosebay willowherb, bay willow, blooming willow, burntweed, fireweed, moose tongue, Persian willow, wickup). This is a rhizomatous, strongly-spreading perennial that forms dense colonies. The spikes of purplish-pink flowers are followed by long pink-tinged seed pods containing seeds in silky plumes.
Jill Raggett
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angelstalkshit · 9 months ago
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🩷 pink lillies w invasive honey bee 🖤
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inatcanids · 9 months ago
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Red Fox Vulpes vulpes
Observed by ben_johns, CC BY-NC
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twinrot-arts · 5 months ago
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10-24 - Challenge - Original. These guys shouldn't be here... Can only do so much-- But they are lovely-looking creatures, and kinda fun to scribble... e-e We'll consider this a part of October Oddities, sure-- Eheh, it's somethin'...~ Only we may use, do not steal.
Do Not Repost/Use/Remove Caption. Like this? Consider following~ Art © twinrot
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entropicbias · 7 months ago
are u trans
um, i dunno.
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ultrameganicolaokay · 1 year ago
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Invasive #4 by Cullen Bunn and Jesús Hervás. Cover by Luana Vecchio. Variant cover by Brian Level. Out in March.
"SCARES! SCARS! AND THE YEAR'S MOST TERRIFYING FINALE! Dr. Carrie Reynolds and detective Vic Hudgens finally confront Dr. Ware and his vicious horde of murder surgeons in the secret hospital. But in this final hour, do Carrie and Vic really want the same thing? There are different ways to save people, after all..."
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