It's Octopuses - Citizen Science
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itsoctopuses · 2 days ago
Week 2 observations:
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Crimson bottlebrush
Melaleuca citrina
In the Myrtle family. Native to Australia and apparently one of the first plants to be taken from Australia. It is hardy and is on the federal noxious weeds list. I find that interesting since it’s been planted in my complex. Surely, native plants could look just as good 🤷🏻‍♀️
Observed at home on Galveston Island 1.6.25 & 1.8.25.
#crimsonbottlebrush #Melaleucacitrina #citizenscience #nature #outdoors #pest #january #january8 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day8
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Blue-tailed Damselfly
Ischnura elegans
This might be an adult male. It is a European species.
Observed on Galveston Island Seawall on 1.5.25.
I stopped to get pictures of the front over the water and this little guy landed for a quick rest.
#bluetaileddamselfly #Ischnuraelegans #citizenscience #storm #beach #insect #nature #outdoors #january #january9 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day9
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Prickly Sowthistle
Sonchus asper
Another invasive species here in Texas. It’s native to Eurasia, is in the same tribe as the dandelion and is edible though you’d want to attempt this with a young plant before it gets too spiny!
Observed at Galveston Island State Park on 1.10.25.
I had fun capturing it’s reflection
#pricklysowthistle #Sonchusasper #citizenscience #nature #outdoors #invasive #flora #january #january10 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day10
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Gulf Coast Toad
Incilius valliceps
They are 1 of 10 true toads in Texas. They are native to Texas. This could be a young female.
Observed at Galveston Island State Park on 1.11.25.
I picked 3 large fire ants off this poor toad!!
#gulfcoasttoad #Inciliusvalliceps #citizenscience #nature #outdoors #truetoad #january #january11 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day11
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Sea Purslane
Sesuvium portulacastrum
It was raining all day so I didn’t get a chance to get something today. This was observed 1.11.25 at Galveston Island State Park.
It is native to Texas and much of the world. Also has naturalized in places it’s been introduced. It’s a sprawling perennial herb used in food and medicine around the world. They even pickle it in the Philippines!
#seapurslane #Sesuviumportulacastrum #citizenscience #beach #herb #flora #nature #outdoors #january #january12 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day12
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Calidris alba
Observed on Galveston Island 1.13.25.
Because it’s in its non breeding winter plumage I don’t know if it’s a male or female.
They can travel great distances to their breeding grounds.
They run along the beach, “chasing waves” and feel on invertebrates buried in the sand.
#sanderling #Calidrisalba #citizenscience #bird #beach #nature #outdoors #january #january13 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day13
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Surinam cockroach
Pycnoscelus surinamensis
This is an invasive species to Texas and other regions coming from the Indomalayan region. It is not considered an indoor pest though you might find one occasionally in your home. They are also referred to as the greenhouse cockroach. It burrows in loose soil and will come out at night to eat soft plants. They are almost all female having evolved to reproduce parthenogenetically, where the embryos develop from unfertilized eggs.
Some critters will show me getting out of my comfort zone and this is one of those times. I hate roaches but I want to show more than just the “pretty” side of nature. This was observed at Galveston Island state park 1.3.25
#surinamcockroach #Pycnoscelussurinamensis #citizenscience #insect #nature #outdoors #january #january14 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day14
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itsoctopuses · 9 days ago
Week 1 observations:
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Mournful Sphinx Moth
Enyo lugubris
Sighted 12.28.24 at 1642 (I’m using it anyway because it was just a few days ago and I probably won’t see another) on Galveston, Island.
Range: from central South America to central North America
Hopefully the only thing mournful this year is this sphinx moth I observed!
This year’s theme is Citizen Science. I’m going to identity a different species each day and by the end of the year I’ll have a nice little guide to the natural world around me!
#mournfulsphinxmoth #Enyolugubris #citizenscience #moth #lookaround #outside #nature #january #january1 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day1 #year11
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Chinese or lacebark elm
Ulmus parvifolia
Observed 1.2.25 on Galveston Island at 1712.
Range: though you can find all through the US and other countries, it was introduced from East Asia.
This particular tree is in my complex and it is a favorite of mine because of the bark. Makes a really interesting detail to macro shots! Almost like puzzle pieces.
That being said, it is considered an invasive species here in Texas due to being a resilient tree so it can outcompete native plants.
Shame it’s so pretty.
#chineseelm #lacebarkelm #Ulmusparvifolia #citizenscience #tree #bark #nature #outdoors #invasivespecies #january #january2 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day2
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I found 3 egg cases belonging to the Family of Mantids, though I’m unsure which species it belongs to. Possibly a Carolina Mantis or European (Thanks to my Aunt Peggy!).
The female needs a sturdy limb or structure to hold her while she creates the case. I found one on the curb and 2 on wooden support beams.
I’m sure it’s dependent of speeches but they could’ve been laid sometime between Sept and Oct, with a 4-8 week time before hatching. With our weather here I’m curious if they can lay the eggs later than Oct. Maybe I’ll get to see some babies here soon! Each case can hold 100-200 babies!
Sighted at Galveston Island State Park at 1345.
#mantids #mantideggcase #eggcase #citizenscience #outdoors #nature #january #january3 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day3
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Japanese honeysuckle
Lonicera japonica
Observed at Galveston Island State Park at 1355.
The range is quite extensive in America and Europe but can be found in most regions. It is native to Eastern Asia.
This plant smells really nice but it is a highly invasive vine and will out compete native plants for their resources.
It will be interesting to see how many species I identify this year that are invasive.
#japanesehoneysuckle #Lonicerajaponica #citizenscience #invasivespecies #outdoors #nature #january #january4 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day4
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Portuguese man o’ war
Physalia physalis
Observed off the seawall on Galveston Island on 1.5.25 at 0714.
Range anywhere subtropical but are most commonly found in the Gulf Stream.
Not invasive to the Gulf of Mexico.
Fun fact: Portuguese man o’ wars are NOT jellyfish! It is actually a siphonophore, a community of organisms, that float on the surface of the ocean. The name comes from looking like a sailing warship which is an apt name since the venomous sting packs a punch. It can kill fish and in a few cases even humans! I photographed one hidden by seafoam so watch your step!
#portuguesemanowar #Physaliaphysalis #citizenscience #notajellyfish #beach #sunrise #nature #outdoors #january #january5 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day5
I posted this one on a Galveston page and have received over 650 reactions! Most I’ve ever received! I can’t wait to print some of these off. Love them!
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Yellow-Crowned Night Heron
Nyctanassa violacea
Juveniles and adults
Observed at home on Galveston Island at 1228 on 1.6.25
Range: they are all along the Texas coast year round.
These guys were all hanging out in a tree out back and let me come pretty close and just hang out with them.
#yellowcrownednightheron #Nyctanassaviolacea #citizenscience #birds #herons #juvenile #adult #january #january6 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day6
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Black-Crowned Night Heron
Nycticorax nycticorax
Observed at my home on Galveston Island at 1154 on 1.6.25. Adult and juvenile.
Range: widely found on most continents unlike the Yellow-Crowned Night Heron. Here it is found year round.
Unlike the Yellow-crowned ones I spent time with yesterday, this species is a bit more timid and they flew off as soon as I got close.
#blackcrownednightheron #Nycticoraxnycticorax #citizenscience #herons #birds #adult #juvenile #outdoors #nature #january #january7 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day7
First week down, only 51 to go!
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itsoctopuses · 14 days ago
New year, new theme, new blog! This year I’m going to identify a different species each day. This will be a weekly blog to showcase what I see. I’ll be using Seek app and my guide books along with internet resources to add facts to go with my observations. I’m constantly learning and not everything is an easy id so if you see something that I may have mislabeled let me know! I will also have observations from other days but I’m trying to keep them close to reflect what I’m seeing in that particular season. At the end of the year I’ll have a little guide to the natural world around me. I’ll revisit old favorites like dandelions, oyster mushrooms, and cardinals but also observe many new species!
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