#Interesting thought
murdrdocs · 1 year
Miguel/reader/peter b. Parker.. soft dom peter and rough dom miguel… peter and Miguel bickering and miguel being the one to degrade u while peter sweet talks u and gets you through it then reader is showered in love at the end.. JUST A THOUGHT
having your back against peter's chest, your head resting on his shoulder, one of your hands intertwined with his and the other digging into miguel's hair as he mercilessly sucks up every drop that your cunt creates. he'd been down there for what felt like hours at this point, and maybe it was. there was no clock around, and the curtains were drawn, and time seemed nonexistent.
nothing existed besides the torturous nature of miguel, and the comforting nature of peter.
"don't know how much more i can take, peter," you would say after many tries, stuttering and sputtering and stumbling over your words time after time again until you got them out. your hips push up towards miguels mouth, a direct contrast to your tapping out words, and peter's free hand is instantly rubbing circles at your hip.
"you're okay, baby, you can do it." he kisses your cheek, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck, breath warming your skin comfortably instead of heating it even more. "you want us to fuck you, right? that's what you wanted?"
his voice is soft, tone sweet to the point where it's almost making you sick, but you don't miss the teasing nature in his words. you don't miss how condescending they are. how he's patronizing you. when he's supposed to be the nice one.
and miguel calls him out, coming up for air but his thick fingers already replacing his mouth. "play nice, peter. i'm supposed to be the mean one." a pause. “but i think she likes when you’re a little mean. little cunt flutters. she’s dirtier than we thought, huh? nothing but a dirty little slut willing to spread her legs for us at any moment.” his smile is wicked, he kisses your inner thigh, and his words are harsh but they don’t sting. they do the opposite, making your back arch, your cunt leaking even more.
peter tuts behind you, kissing your shoulder. “she’s a good girl, right?” he asks you, and you nod, fingers flexing in peters hand and miguel’s locks. “she’s nothing but a good girl who’ll do anything we ask of her.”
you look down at miguel and he looks like he agrees for a second, brown eyes softening, but then they narrow a bit and a chill runs up your spine as you remember just how cruel he can really be.
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enormous-moose · 1 year
Woke up with a silly thought but then it started to make sense so hear me out.
"Holy cow" is the Norse pagan equivalent to the Christian "holy mother of God."
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lets-try-some-writing · 4 months
I got something cuz i got inspired from your writing about Cron
"Unicron is a carrion eater.
He eats sick and dead planets.
He's not a destroyer nor chaos bringer.
He is Death.
He tends to the dead"-[???] of [?] Confiscated destroyed archives about Unicron.
"Unicron is a celestial being that consumes decaying planetary matter. He is not a harbinger of destruction or chaos, but rather a force of inevitable demise. As such, he is responsible for the maintenance of deceased celestial bodies."-Unknown author of seized and expunged documents on Unicron.
Hmm another one maybe
"Unicron is a celestial being that feasts upon the decaying remnants of planets past their prime.He should not be classified as a harbinger of destruction or chaos.Rather, he embodies the concept of mortality itself, acting as a caretaker for the lifeless remnants of celestial bodies."-Anonymous source from the purged archives detailing encounter with Unicron.
Imagine archivist Orion somehow finding or stumbling upon datapad about true nature of so called Unmaker.. 👀
Anyone feel free to use
Well hello interesting concept!
I actually really like this take. Primus makes, and Unicron cleans up the mess so that new things can come in his wake. He likely takes great pride in his work so that everything should go as it should. Who knows, maybe him and Primus actually get along since there would be little reason for the vacuum cleaner to attack the local gardener.
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corisbrainrot · 2 years
really digging the idea that mystreet really is just a different world Irene has shaped and stuck all her old friends into
all of them deal with this strange sense of deja vu, constantly feeling like they are on the verge of remembering something, but never quite reaching it. The feelings or emotions associated with someone they’ve just met that doesn’t make sense to them. Instincts that never quite go away even in a world where those instincts are not needed. Senses of nostalgia in seeing paintings or art from the past
Will they ever remember who they were? Do they even want to, after everything?
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elizabethkitley · 2 months
this is so unhinged and feral of me but that pic of Caitlin and Paige chatting w their hands far apart looks like they’re 🍆 comparing like
🫸🏻 🫷🏻yeah mine’s about this big I stg
lmao mine is bigger I’d say like
🫸🏻 🫷🏻big
Yeah I need to be put down!!
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alyygx · 10 months
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I have had a discussion with @dagdasgoddess and it's kind of an interesting thought.
Why is it that in humans, the natural order has been reversed like this? In nature, we all know that women are a precious resource, for only they can give birth to the next generation. That is why in almost all species, the males are the ones competing for a female - by being as pretty as possible, preening themselves, learning mating dances and elaborate rituals and sometimes even risking their very lives (Iike in mantises).
Yet in humans, there was a reversal at some point that doesn't seem to mesh with our animalistic, primal nature. Here, instead of the men competing for women by being as pretty as possible, suddenly it has become the women's task to be beautiful and be pretty and desirable. Entire multi-billion dollar enterprises profit off of this reversal, advertising all manner of beauty products and even operations to women, just so they can find an often sub-par man who could never match up to the woman's beauty. It has fostered an entitlement in men leading to incels thinking that even if they are basement dwellers, women are supposed to fall for them.
We even see that in some social engineering going on. Have you ever wondered why in most anime, the male protagonist looks like the most generic dude while all the women are flashy and pretty, with big boobs and colored hair in elaborate styles? If animals made anime, it would be the other way around - generic women with flashy, pretty men, just as nature intended.
This is why I hate this argument I have seen in countless fandoms - "the man is very pretty so HE MUST BE GAY". NO. Why are we linking pretty men with gayness so automatically? Why are fujoshis insisting that every pretty man wants to fuck other men just because he actually cares to cultivate his beauty? Why are fandoms hating on hetero ships/selfships so much or saying that women shouldn't lust over pretty fictional men? When this is, in fact, a return to nature in a way? Women are SUPPOSED to choose the prettiest man available, because it indicates good genetics.
I think that we as humans should return to nature - accept that men can look pretty for us, and that maybe they could use some beauty products as well without being automatically labeled as gay or unmanly. Maybe guys also want to get dolled up and go to a beauty salon for a spa day! Wanting to do that has nothing to do with their sexuality.
In conclusion: I wish Fandom police would accept that selfships with pretty men are NATURAL. If you are crushing on a pretty guy, don't be guilt-tripped by Fandom into believing you are doing something wrong or morally reprehensible. If you want your self-insert to be plain, just do it! I guarantee you your pretty men will still love you!! And don't let the internalized misogyny that some fujoshis project outwards affect you! Be free and be yourself!
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stephstars08 · 1 year
Alright curious thought… what if Chad was Ghostface with Ethan!?!?!
I’m going to let you guys think about that.
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necropathys · 9 months
Do you think nightmare would recruit negativetale sans?
Yes and No. Negativetale Sans would fit personality wise very well. I imagine that thief bastard would fit right in. But there's a couple of contentions. Mostly that he doesn't bring much to the table in terms of strength/diverse use. He's not the strongest. I imagine he could be used as a lower ranked member but given that he attempts to kill other to gain rank and place—despite the drama and amusement it would create, that might not be wise in the long term and in order to have a functional team.
I can see him working for Nightmare very easily, but not within the "inner circle" so to speak. He would work for Nightmare on the same way a Swapfell Sans would.
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aislingstorm · 1 year
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sparkyblizz · 2 years
what if Simon had also grown a beard in prison, like just a big bushy beard like his hair
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bloodcrave · 2 years
What will your OC take to the grave?
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oh, this is actually tricky considering it could be hundreds upon hundreds of years before alina dies. or more or less depending... but very unlikely will it be less without plotting of someone who can manage to kill/overpower her. so that's a lot of time for new things to develop that she would take to the grave as well as for her to release anything on her mind or chest... so i think the best answer here is that i'm not sure in terms of a secret. both in that i don't know what that secret is or if she even has one. alina's actually pretty open and honest for the most part. not that she goes up to everyone and explains who and what she is... and she does tend to withhold that information from humans for as long as possible, but her goal is for a human she cares for to actually know and accept her. so she can't keep it to herself forever if she wants her mission to succeed. one thing she will always have, though... love for eden. no matter who she falls for next... like say with douxie... she will always carry that love for eden still. her love for the current partner will be stronger and special in its own way, but it's hard to deny that eden was vital to her path in life. without eden, alina most likely would have given up what she's doing by now and just joined her mom. eden was the right person at the right time, and reminded alina she she isn't just a creature of instinct like her mom. ...well. she is. but not as bad. alina has compassion and control in ways kasmira doesn't. she doesn't always use this for good, but she does more so that she might have thanks to eden. and she's still experiencing life and driving forward. so, yeah. she'll always carry that little piece of love for eden even centuries later.
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Best quote of 2024 so far:
"If you wanted me to speak more highly of you, then perhaps you should have treated me better... You don't get to narrate MY story of MY experiences with you."
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corisbrainrot · 2 years
I didn’t realize I spelled even wrong,,,
Anyways Aaron’s completely certain Dante has no self-preservation instincts because it doesn’t take him longer than a day to forgive him once he’s gotten some stitches and bandages slapped over the marks. [For one, it was an accident; and two, Aaron was scared. Dante’s slapped people plenty of times for spooking him. Three, doesn’t hurt so bad once you get it all cleaned up. It’s not like Aaron maimed him.]
He really doesn’t have any self-preservation lmao
I imagine they’d sit down and have a talk ab the incident though. Like, what happened and how they could stop that from happening again. Healthy communication 👍👍
((although,, given Dante’s history with not-so-great exes, I’d be very concerned over how quickly he would brush off an injury like that))
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problemnyatic · 4 months
can we talk about how being so pants-shittingly terrified of Doing A Racism you freeze up or Get Weird around anyone a shade darker than the sugar in your cupboard or with an accent is effectively the same as being scared of brown people and doesn't make you much better than Sandra Lilly Smith from the suburbs who clings her purse when a black guy gets on the elevator with her
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