#Insert a bunch of other tags here
cyybercyko · 7 days
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I love this guy, he's just so silly and fun to draw
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amphirrhvx · 1 month
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does mk tumblr fw mk self-inserts …
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fumifooms · 7 months
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My first itabag! A bit of this a bit of that, ROTTMNT, Tsuritama and Chainsaw Man with a touch of Sonic, Dorohedoro, Gintama, Pandora Hearts, Osomatsu-san and ocs.
It’s a bit of a mess but I love the hobby and I doubt this’ll be my last one, I might tweak this one a bit too, or get another insert to swap out. Some charms at the bottom hang too low, and there were other things I wanted to put in the bottom corners too. I might put a big Hozuki keychain I have on the side hmm… With this size it’d have been fun building around putting in my 12" Metal Sonic Jazwares figure and a Metal Sonic plush I have, but ahh some other day… I struggled with it because the weight of it all made the insert sag and fold over, I didn’t see anything on the topic online so what I did is I found a big sturdy cardboard, and pinned the finished insert to it… Two cardboards for good measure. Oh also my badges have reflective plastic covers.
List of the items under cut.
Fanmade TMNT bow by Maidenskiss on Etsy, item listing is gone.
Ocs! Drawn and made by Auunko
Fanmade ROTTMNT charm by Malelo1002 on twitter
Fanmade ROTTMNT charm by MortinfamiART, item listing is unavailable.
Fanmade ROTTMNT patch by GiraffeCatCo on Etsy, item listing is gone.
Official Tsuritama merch
Bootlegs I found without credit. If you know do tell me
Official Chainsaw Man merch
Fanmade Chainsaw Man charm by 118ween: link
Official Dorohedoro merch
Shadow fanzine merch, link. Artist for pin: Yureimori on twitter. Artist for keychain: Snaggypeets on twitter.
Official Pandora Hearts badge and official Osomatsu-san charm
Fanmade Tsuritama charm by Hachibani: link
Rainbow Loom craft project of pikachu I made a decade ago, I don’t have a link to the tutorial.
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hirazuki · 2 years
I’m sitting here working away at yet another Silmarillion/Emperor���s New Groove bit of silliness that I will soon inflict on you all, and just have to say I’ve noticed some reactions to them being like “funny but this wouldn’t happen” and like
Yes!! I know! :D
These ideas are super silly, and they pop into my head, and when they won’t leave I draw them because I have to get them out of me somehow. My art is primarily for my own enjoyment; if it resonates with someone else or makes other people laugh, all the better!! I try to have them as lore and timeline compliant as possible because that’s just how my brain works, and they are built up from a foundation of headcanons that I, personally, in my own readings of the story and my own fanfic writing, hold fast as my canon, but they are absolutely hyperbole. Comedy. Goofy things that make me smile to draw after a long work day. They’re not meant to be taken seriously! XD
(this is not about the people commenting with additional lore, text refs, adding their own headcanons or dialogue -- which have been delightful to read!! -- or making me aware of alternate versions of the text, which I always appreciate!) 
It’s only happened a couple of times and I can’t even remember who or on which ones but I felt like I should make a psa that YES. I AM AWARE.
That is all :)
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cheswirls · 1 year
i started this ml sketch back in 2021 and have successively redone it so many times since and i think..... fingers crossed!!!!!! that i like this version from last night enough to maybe color or do something past sketching at least
#god this was part of the ml set i did back in the fall semester when i did those poni canyon studies#mind you this was also back when evolutions was airing and i was obsessed w ml again#one of those was a ship meme that i did lineless headshots for instead of inserting old art#i only did moon but maybe ill finish lillie so it's “completed” or smth#the other i think were the fullbody refs and maybe one of them was colored neither lined tho#anyway it's all old art so i doubt itll see the light of day but maybe i can retouch n drop a new ml set here#if i post this recent one it won't be alone plus ive been waiting to post abt the fks until i had a set done#god if i get this theoretical intro ml set done i could post sm old art **that i actually still like#im rly adverse to throwing fks into the parents ship tag on their own these days but ive had an old sk#of lillie + the kids for so long that i could use bc the intro set was gonna have /smth/ w both of them#together w either moon or lillie#the problem is i say ill post a bunch of art at once then get impatient n do one by one#or n e v e r finish the full set and nothing gets posted#haha at my pmshi set w the fullbody fk refs ive had done for literal yrs now that will never get posted ever anymore#anyway i rly do love ml so much it's honestly my fav gameverse ship now and i rly need more#content on here made by me so everyone else knows im down bad for them#the fks were never supposed to be a secret per se i am jus rly bad at completing full sets#anyway!!!! point is maybe future incoming ml art on here i am slowly making progress
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vexwerewolf · 5 days
If I could ask you for some advice, what do you think helps the flavour text of a mech or piece of equipment sell a player on the fantasy of using it?
I'm finding it frustratingly difficult to do so with my own homebrew content: I can come up with lore and backstory easily enough, but re-reading it feels dry, and I can't help but contrast it with how the descrptions in official content and other supplements is more evocative, at least for mechs.
Let's observe some corebook Lancer flavour text and examine the various varieties it comes in.
Purely Functional
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While it's usually not the most fun type of flavour text, this just tells us what the weapon is, and - if it has any particular tags or on-hit effects - why it's like that. The Hand Cannon is a good example: here's what it is (modified pistol), here's why it does more damage, and here's why it has Loading.
The main advantage of Purely Functional flavour text is that it provides space for other types of flavour text to breathe. Flavour text is a great place for jokes, but it's not good for every piece of flavour text to be a joke - the pauses between notes in music are just as important as the notes.
Obfuscating Vendorspeak
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The Bristlecrown Flechette Launcher this is a great example of dark humour that Lancer uses quite often: marketing fast-talk to cover up something really unpleasant. The joke here is based on us understanding precisely what the equipment does mechanically, and then seeing how the manufacturer tries to sell it. There's a bunch of dense technobabble here meant to obfuscate the fact that this weapon fires knives in every direction specifically designed to kill infantry.
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Deadpan Weirdness
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The joke here relies on describing something extremely weird like it's the most natural thing in the world. Wait, you're telling me that in a world where I can just print new parts if the old ones break, they put DRM on my fucking knife and I have to apologise to the fucking knife maker to get a new one? What the fuck, dude? Why are you acting like this makes any sense?!
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My sword uploads fucking what to the Space Internet?!
Third-Act Twist
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This type of flavour text disguises itself as something else - most often Purely Functional - and then hits you with Third Act Twist. It makes you go "wait, what?!" It's very classic setup-punchline stuff. You're telling me my mech can rot?!
As a side note, Lancer loves to use this for its NHPs.
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This is similar to the Purely Functional, but instead of just describing technical specifications of the weapons, it puts the weapon in the broader context of the setting's history. Okay, so we know what this weapon is and what it does - why was it built? What was the original use case, and why? Most importantly, what can the existence of this weapon tell us about the world that build it?
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Whimsical Aside
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This is the insertion of a light-hearted, humanising little insertion regarding how this piece of equipment gets used in the field. This serves to remind us that soldiers aren't cold, unfeeling killing machines: they can be as emotional, irreverent and silly as the rest of us, and they do things like name their mobile bombs...
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... or call resupply drones "mech snacks."
The Ominous Out-Of-Context Quote That Explains Nothing And Only Raises More Questions
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As I've said in multiple textmash memes, this is basically Tom and Miguel's shorthand for "this technology is Intensely Fucked Up in a way that it is more fun and scary not to explain." This is essentially Lancer's version of SCP's [REDACTED].
You might think this is the domain of HORUS, and you'd be right, but every single manufacturer indulges in these - although IPS-N had to wait until NRFaW to get theirs:
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What the fuck do you mean by that, Lancer?
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owlespresso · 3 months
dogged pursuit. dr veritas ratio. p2 of ? but you don't need to read part 1 but if you want to it's here summary: you've been appointed as the bodyguard of one doctor veritas ratio after a failed attempt on his life. he's easy to get along with, so long as you learn when to plug your ears and focus on his washboard abs. tags. suggestive content, reader insert is a bit of a freak
“You’re up early,” you remark idly as you trudge down the stairs. Because it frankly is. The sun’s barely risen. Watery light washes in through the partly opened blinds. A brief glance out the window sees the narrowed streets mostly barren, only a few comers and goers. A woman jogs with her dog. A couple in floral shirts and sandals walks by, chatting leisurely.
Ratio stands in front of the stove, spatula in hand. 
“I wake up at six in the morning every day,” Veritas informs you. On the skillet, something that looks suspiciously like bacon and eggs sizzle. The egg is a little too brown to be an egg like you’re familiar with—the ones on your home planet have a bright blue yolk. “Waking up at a consistent time each morning ensures you sleep better every night. You should give it a try. It might fix that Rube Goldberg machine you call your circadian rhythm.”
“Hmm. I’ll have to do that, then,” you say, bending over the kitchen eyeland to peer at him. He’s wearing a white apron with pale blue gingham patterning. It is, most unfortunately, not the frilly kind like you might have hoped. The tie still cinches around that pretty waist, the pearlescent fabric of his robes bunching up where it’s fastened, strings pulled into a little bow. His robes end just above his knees. Like this, you can peer down at his calves. His ankles. 
Are you really getting off on this guy’s ankles? Shit. You kick off the island and sway around it, crossing your arms and leaning up against the counter, next to the stove. 
Here, you can admire the flex of his hands, the handsome curve of his nose. His dark lashes are thick, fanning over his cheek every time he blinks. “Any other advice you’re willing to give, Doc? I’m all ears.” 
Your fingers wiggle as you exaggeratedly reach over the pan, aiming to pinch a piece of bacon off the popping, hot surface. He swats you away with a scowl.
“I did not have to make enough for us both,” he reminds you, warning you. “The least you could do is wait.” 
“You’re so right, Doc. Patience breeds success and all that,” you nod factually, attempting to look as remorseful as possible for your attempted pilfering. 
He rolls his eyes, and motions over to the sink. Next to it, two mugs are sat. Steam steadily rises from each one. You blink over at them, and then look back to your long-suffering companion. It takes a moment for you to put two and two together, utterly unprepared for him to be so kind to you. 
“For me?” you ask, unable to keep the tender pitch out of your voice because—wow, shit, he really thought about you. He’s cooking for you. It’s a heady kind of feeling that fills you, then. This kind of domesticity is so often out of reach for a person who lives your kind of life—but the esteemed Doctor Veritas Ratio is wearing a cute little apron and laboring over the stove, for you (and himself, but he’s being nice enough to share, and that’s enough to get you going).
He lifts his head from his labors, looking at you with a gauging but otherwise indiscernible expression. 
“Yes,” he says, softest you’ve heard him all morning. “Drink your coffee and sit down.” He commands, but it sounds more like he’s griping at you. 
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kiragghar · 3 months
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Pairing: Haruka Sakura x fem!reader
Kir's notes: tbh I watch Windbreaker only for Togame Jo, turns out I like the anime. I rely on the wiki and the info I got so far from the anime for this, so bear with me. Enjoy :)
Tags: out of character, vague end, y/n has a crush on Sakura, first date hangout.
Word count: 924
You've always liked Sakura Haruka. How he looks, his white hair making his yellow iris stand out. You don't understand why your friends and teachers see him as weird, disgusting even. Making him the blame for everyone's problems. Wallet gone? Blame him. He fought to protect himself. His fault. You can't tell about your little crush to anyone, not even your best friends who hate him, which is all of them.
You stopped seeing him when you started attending high school. Turns out he moved to another school. You feel a bit sad but you understand. You hope that he will be accepted in his new school and you wish to see him in the future. 
One day you got dragged by your friend to East Wind shopping street after school, window shopping the beautiful dresses and cakes. And while they are window shopping, you spot someone from the corner of your eye. You looked back and you saw Sakura with his new friends. It's not normal to see him around a bunch of guys who're talking to him, like a friend. You stared at him for a while until your friend called. 
"(Y/n) What're you doing?"
"Oh... Nothing... I was just... Thinking that's all" 
"Wait, isn't that the freak from middle school? Can't believe he actually has friends,"
"Huh... Oh... Yeah,"
"Bet he learns nothing from Furin,"
"You know those uniforms they're wearing? They're from Furin High. School filled with a bunch of idiot delinquents. Too much until there are no teachers there,"
"Wait, no teachers?"
"Yeah, now let's go, I don't want to be in the place with freaks like them,"
She said and dragged you by the hand to another area. You wish you could just say 'hi' to Sakura, or wave at him. Instead, he didn't even look at you, not a single glance. But at least his friends accept him. 
The next day you decided to go to the shopping street yourself. In hopes of seeing him again. You waited and waited until you saw him. You feel your heart thumping hard, legs feel heavy to move. But you approached him anyway, it's now or never. You called him and he looked at you. 
"Sakura, hi"
"Oh... Hi,"
"So how's it been?"
"I uh... I was wondering if you want to meet up and... Catch up?"
"Only the two of us, no one else, promise,"
"Uh... Okay?"
"Great, can I have your number?"
You both exchanged phone numbers and parted ways. 
"So... How's school?"
"Is Furin really filled with delinquents?"
You initiate a conversation with him as you both walk through the streets of East Wind. You could've picked another place but you wanted to see more of East Wind. Until you saw a Sanrio gashapon machine outside a store. 
"Oh Sakura, do you want to play that gashapon over there?"
"Uh... Sure,"
You dragged him by the hand to the gachapon machine. You opened your wallet and pulled out two 100 yen coins, handing one to Sakura. 
"Here, you go first,"
You said to him. He inserted the coin and turned the knob and took the plastic capsule. 
"Don't open it yet, we'll open it together,"
It's your turn. After you get the capsule you stand up. You both opened it and you got a pochacco keychain. He, on the other hand, got a pompompurin one. 
"What do you get?"
"Oh... This guy... Why does he have a butthole?"
"Pompompurin... It's of his design, silly. I got pochacco, he reminds me of you,"
"He's white and black, like your hair, hehe…”
He blushed after hearing your words, hard. You felt your heart skip a beat seeing his blush, never in your middle school years have you seen him like this.
He's kind enough to walk you back to your house, although he said that he lives around his school. 
“Thank you Sakura, for today, it was nice, maybe we can maybe… hangout another time?”
“And thank you for walking me home, you don't have to but… thank you, hehe,”
“Yeah, no problem,”
“Oh, and there's something I want to tell you,”
Here goes nothing. 
“I like you, your eyes are pretty and your hair makes you… you. And you're kind, a good guy… Yeah…”
Your face feels hot while you confess. There was an awkward silence between you two after that. He looked at you, red as a beet. 
“I uh… I'm sorry,”
“It's fine, I… Are you okay with somebody like me?”
“Huh? Oh, I'm fine, why?”
“Oh, nothing…”
“Hm, you go home safely okay? Text me when you're home,"
You waved at him while he walked away. 
You didn't get a text from him but you ended up going on a second date and started dating ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧
Bonus (it takes place a year after that date)(idk I just want to write this): you wake up beside him, stirring for a bit and sitting up. 
You got permission from your parents to date him and now you're staying in his place for the spring break.
You looked beside you, seeing your sleeping boyfriend while having his arms around your waist. He must've done that in his sleep. You place your hand on top of his head, ruffling his hair a bit. A few minutes later he opened his eyes slowly and blinked a few times
“Good morning Sakura, how's your sleep?”
You asked him. He hums a little and nods.
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wingwaver · 1 year
A few tips for new Tumblr users wanting to write here
Yo if you're here from Reddit or Twitter or some other site and just wanted to give this a shot you may have seen some blogs that are dedicated to writing headcanons or short fics or even original works for their own OCs and you may be thinking "hey I wanna give that a shot! I like to write!" then I have some tips to make it easier on you and people who see your content.
1. First off, if you're writing a pretty long piece the you should probably put it under a read more, it'll look like this on mobile
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and this on desktop
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or you can write :readmore: on a line by itself and press enter.
2. Now if you're gonna write for a whole bunch of different fandoms and you wanna make a master list then I suggest making an actual list with the fandoms you write for and then making more lists with the actual content as a you go along because you can only have 100 links in one post (I know that sounds like a lot but as someone who has around 300 Transformers things written trust me you fill up a post quicker than you expect, especially if you take requests from other people). The way I typically do it is like this
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The first pic is the MASTER master list that lists everything I write for and when they're underlined like that it means they're links. The second pic is after clicking the G1 link, it's a separate post that has the actual fics and headcanon links. Note the 6/100 in the tags, this is how I keep up with how many things I've added. You can of course just use the numbers options from here
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or just number them manually from your keyboard like I'm doing with this post. Adding links has no barring on what else you add to the post so you can add yourself some fancy header or divider pics if you want.
3. Adding links! Links can look like this https://www.tumblr.com/wingwaver/721887224846778368/test-post-for-reasons?source=share or like this https://wingwaver.tumblr.com/post/721887224846778368/test-post-for-reasons depending on whether you're linking from mobile or desktop/browser Just highlight the text you wanna add a link to and a the little chain will move to the end, click it and paste your url you want to link to and press add link, then press post/save draft/save (whatever the blue button says)
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Now you've successfully linked a post to another post!
4. Tagging! To get your fics and headcanons seen to build an audience you usually wanna tag the stuff correctly. If you're posting a fic about Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney then you'll tag it with #Ace Attorney, #Miles Edgeworth, and #Phoenix Wright in the tags area. But it's also a good idea to mention if it's a ship or general fic in the tags too. If so then putting ship names and #Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright and #Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright in the tags will help everyone know this is a ship fic. Tagging with characters or fandoms that aren't apart of the fic just clogs the tags for people looking for content of said characters and fandoms so it's very looked down on here and will likely get some of your stuff reported for spam so only use the relevant tags. Also tagging for triggers can be tricky here because of how fucky tumblr is but please don't tag censor tags. Tagging things like #a**** or #a*use or even #abu$e doesn't work here because people who have #abuse blacklisted will be able to see this content because it wasn't tagged properly. Also if you're writing for OCs or reader inserts it's common courtesy to tag those appropriately too. Someone looking for a reader insert may not want to read an OC and vice versa. Also many people filter those out so try to add tags like #x reader, #*fandom name* x reader, and #*character name* x reader for easier filtering. Also people cruise those tags too so it'll help people who fo want to read that content find your stuff!
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babybluebex · 3 months
venus masterlist
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: you couldn't be any less of a stereotypical student at barton academy— after winning a coveted lottery, you attend the school as its first female student. not everything comes up roses for you, though, as you have to deal with prickish boys, curmudgeonly teachers, and a family emergency that strands you at the school over christmas. as you navigate your crumbling life, you're left to wonder: can you come out the other side unscathed, and can you possibly get angus tully to shut the fuck up? 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: angus tully (the holdovers, 2023) x fem!reader 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: canon compliance (this is a complete rewrite of the film, just with the added reader insert), lots of swearing, 70s ideals about feminism (which YES is a warning), mentions of grief/loss, more specific tags are listed at the top of every individual chapter, but these are sorta the blanket tags for the entire fic :) 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: since there's now gonna be more than 2 parts, here is a masterlist so u can access all the parts :) also down below is a playlist i made that sorta is just like a bunch of songs either from the movie or time period OR songs that make me think of the fic
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part 1 part 2
spotify link
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wyattjohnston · 4 months
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the summer fic exchange 2k24
important dates
sign ups close May 24 at 11:59pm AEST (what time is that for me?)
you’ll receive your match no later than May 31
the final day to post your finished fic is August 3 at 11:59pm Anywhere On Earth
Guidelines & Sign Up Below
this is a hockey imagine exchange, meant for reader insert or OC fics (not player/player)
if you signed up for the winter fic exchange 2k24 and did not finish a fic you are not eligible for this exchange without chatting to me first
if you signed up for the winter fic exchange 2k24 and did not reblog the fic written for you, you are not eligible for this exchange. you can go reblog said fic and show your appreciation right now, and then sign up.
the minimum word count is 1500 words
no multi-chaptered fics allowed. whatever you do with the fic after (i.e. if it becomes a series) is fine, but the fic posted for the exchange must be a standalone fic.
there’s no requirement to have written x number of fics prior to signing up
if you change your URL at any point after you’ve signed up, please let me know so that your sign up doesn’t get lost. this ideally includes letting me know if it changes before the masterlist goes up
you do not have to be following me, but please check back occasionally between sign ups opening and matches being sent as there might be changes/updates
this is supposed to be fun. if you are going to be overwhelmingly stressed out about the writing process, due date or what people’s response will be to your fic then this isn’t for you. know your own limits.
any updates will be tagged with ‘the summer fic exchange 2k24’
you will need to allow anonymous messages once matches have gone out so that you can be asked questions. if you are unsure about how to change these settings, please let me know
i am doing this by myself so don’t be a dick.
my DMs and ask box are always open (anons welcome!) if you have any questions.
you can sign up here.
this functions like secret santa/kris kringle, where people sign up and are then provided a person they will be writing a fic for.
on the google form linked above, you will fill in a bunch of information including players and genres you like to read about and players you like to write about—i then do my absolute best to match these up with each other so that people are receiving what they want and writing within their comfort limits.
there are also spaces to tell me genres and players you want nothing to do with, so that i won’t pair you up with a person who exclusively writes things you aren’t interested in.
after you’ve received your match (the person you’ll be writing for), you can then head into their inbox anonymously and really drill down into what your match would like to receive.
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babybatscreationsv2 · 1 month
Baseballs and Pom Poms
Marvel | I don't even know guys - Peter/Tony/Bucky/Steve/Sam
Peter is a cheerleader. The only male cheerleader on the team, in fact. That means he's the only cheerleader in the boy's locker room after practice. The other boys aren't happy about sharing with a cheerleader. Or maybe they are…
Rating: Explicit
For @vaguekiwi
Warnings and tags below
Warnings/tags: object insertion, belly bulge, noncon, gangbang, forced feminization, held down, bondage, misogyny, feminine words for male genitals, breeding kink, crying, humiliation, dehumanization, nipple play
Peter stretched his aching arms over his head. He lumbered into the locker room and soaked up the cool air with gratitude. At least that was the last practice for the week. He couldn't wait to get home for a long hot bath. The girls weren't exactly heavy, but being the only guy on the squad meant he was the only one to do lifts and the permanent bottom of the pyramid. He loved it, but man did it mean he was always sore.
At least the locker room was pretty quiet. A few guys lingered, chatting by the lockers. Peter considered grabbing his bag and changing at home, but he was so sweaty. He couldn't stand the idea of riding all the way home like this. Not to mention, it was just common courtesy not to smell like sweaty ass on the subway. Though, he was probably the only one to respect that rule.
He unlocked his locker and stripped down to his boxers. He let the A/C cool his sticky skin. The showers were defunct these days, but he had a towel and some spray on deodorant and that would have to do until he got home.
"Peter," a voice drawled. Tony Stark leaned against the locker next to him. "How was cheerleading?"
"It was great. I think everyone's gonna be impressed."
"That's cute," he smirked. "Hey, Bucky! Are you impressed by cheerleaders?"
"I don't know , Tony. How big are their racks?" Bucky answered. He threw a leg over the bench and plopped down. His hair was shiny in the front from sweat and he was still in his football uniform.
Peter rolled his eyes. "Don't worry. They're not impressed by you guys either."
"Aren't you a cheerleader, Petey? Do you think we're impressive?"
"An impressive bunch of assholes." Peter grabbed his shorts and tried to step into them, but Tony yanked them out of his hand. "Hey!"
"Where's your little skirt, cheerleader?" He asked.
Peter scowled. "Stop it."
"Why? Got your spanks in a knot?"
Bucky laughed. "You should try pigtails next week. It really works for the girls." He whistled.
"Girls? But Bucky, cheerleaders are girls," Tony teased.
"You're fucking idiots." Peter tried to yank the shorts back from Tony's hands, but he couldn't wrestle them away.
"Those are really rude words for such a sweet face. Somebody ought to wash your mouth out."
Peter leaned towards him. "Fuck you, Tony," he growled. Then he gasped, drawing back and grabbing at his ankles as someone came up behind him and pulled his boxers down. The room erupted with laughter.
Steve came around to stand beside Bucky and enjoy the show, the obvious perpetrator. "Looks like a girl to me," he teased.
"Yeah," Tony whistled. "Look at this little clit." In Peter's embarrassment he wasn't quick enough to stop him before Tony was holding his flaccid dick between two fingers. He reeled back and bent to pull up his boxers only to run into someone behind him.
"Going somewhere, pretty boy?" Sam looked down at him. He grabbed him around the waist and lifted him up. Tony grabbed the boxers around his ankles and tossed them away.
"I'm sure I saw a more appropriate uniform somewhere around here," Tony said, looking around the room.
"I'll get it," Bucky volunteered. He ran out of the locker room.
Peter struggled to get free, but Sam grabbed both of his arms and pulled them tightly behind his back. "Just hold still, baby. Don't squirm so much. Not yet anyway."
"You're crazy. Let me go!"
"You better shut him up before someone comes running," Steve said.
Tony balled up the boxers in his hand. Peter screamed, but Tony was quick to stuff the material into his mouth. He kept shoving it in until he mouth was stretched full around it.
"Don't let him spit that out," Tony ordered. He walked away and Peter immediately spat, trying to dislodge the fabric. Sam kicks the back of his knee.
Tony returned with a roll of packing tape. Peter screamed around the boxers in his mouth. Tony's grin was cruel as he wrapped the tape not only around his mouth, but all the way around his head, looping it twice and packing it tight. Peter couldn't move his mouth at all. Tony bit the side of the tape and ripped the end off. His hands smoothed over it to stick it down.
"There. Quiet as a mouse."
"Got it!" Bucky came running back holding red and gold fabric. Peter screamed under the gag, but the other boy only grinned. "Well if Peter doesn't have any complaints, I say we dress him up."
The four of them manhandled him, getting the skirt around his legs and up to his waist. He almost got free as they struggled to get his arms into the sleeves of the top. Then he was dressed and once again helplessly restrained.
"Isn't that cute," Tony commented.
"Wouldn't that be a fun surprise when you're looking up his skirt," Steve said as he flipped up the front of the skirt. Peter kicked at him.
"Careful, gorgeous, I wouldn't piss that one off," Bucky said. "He only looks calm on the outside."
"Why isn't he tied up yet?" Steve said. He looked around until he spotted something tucked in a corner. "Get him over the bench. I know what to do with him." He and Bucky walked away while Sam dragged him across the room. He pushed him down over the bench.
Peter struggled, but Sam pinned his legs pulling his ankles up to his hips and held him still. Tony grabbed his forearms and held him down. Peter glared up at him. He screamed behind the gag, but it was fruitless.
"Don't be so dramatic, Petey," Tony sighed. "We're just trying to help you. You're clearly a little bit confused. See, cheerleading is a girl sport. If you're gonna do it, do it right."
"If you're gonna act like a girl, then you gotta act like a girl," Sam added. He stared down at him like he was a piece of meat.
Fresh panic rushed through him. Peter wasn't sure what that meant, but he could guess and none of his guesses were anything good. Struggling continued to get him nowhere so he rested, hoping an opportunity would come along.
Steve and Bucky returned. Each of them held a couple of plastic jump ropes. "This should do it."
"Perfect," Tony said. He dragged Peter down the bench to get his wrist aligned with the leg of the bench. Bucky tied it tight. Then they tied the other. His ankles were tied together under the bench, then the rope was pulled up and around to circle his waist, forcing his knees to bend and leave his legs wide open. The skirt was hiked up, covering nothing now, it's only purpose to humiliate him. He couldn't do anything but cry.
"See, we're teaching you how to be a girl already." Tony brushed sweaty hair back from Peter's forehead.
"We're not done yet. Girls are good for something else, too," Bucky said. They all stared at him, eating him up, enjoying their little secret. Then Steve held up a hockey stick.
Peter thought at first they were going to hit him with it. Then Sam said, "Hang on. I have lube. It'll be way more fun if you can actually get it in there."
Peter fought against the jump ropes. Sam dug around in his locker for a second before returning with a half empty bottle of lube. Steve yanked it from his hand. "What, are you jacking off after practice?"
"Fuck you, Steve," he spat.
"Who wants to do the honors?" Steve asked the room.
Tony jumped up and grabbed the bottle. "I've been waiting for this." His friends laughed.
"Yeah, we know. You're fucking obsessed with the slut," Sam laughed.
"Fuck you," Tony said, but he was preoccupied with squeezing lube onto the edge of the hocky stick. He smeared it around with his hand and set the bottle aside. Peter stared up at him, pleading with his eyes. He struggled as Tony put a hand on his thigh and gripped the stick like a weapon. Bucky and Sam each grabbed one of his legs to stop his squirming. Then Tony was stuffing the object into his unprepared ass hole.
Peter sobbed and then screamed. It was more panic than pain, at least at first. The hockey stick was cold and hard. Harder than he thought possible. The odd shape of it felt like it was tearing him open. It felt so much bigger than it looked, as if he were shoving his fist inside him. Tony had no mercy for him, pushing the stick deeper and deeper, watching with fascination as it disappeared inside him. Peter pleaded, unsure what he was even saying, but he couldn't do anything but beg.
"Shut up," Steve growled. His palm struck the side of his face. Peter went silent, tears rolled down his cheeks. He took a deep breath through his nose only for him to break down into terrified whimpers.
"What a good girl," Tony praised. "Your pussy is just swallowing the stick right up. Bet that feels good doesn't it, sweetheart?"
Peter shook his head.
"You don't know how to treat a lady, Stark," Bucky accused. "They like it when you play with their tits." He hiked up Peter's stolen top until his nipples were exposed. Then he leaned down and sucked a nipple into his mouth. Peter whined. He squeezed his eyes shut. Bucky ran his tongue around it, flicking it, then finally released the little nub with an embarrassing pop.
"Damn," Tony mused. "He squeezes when you do that. Must feel good huh, Pete? You tryin to milk my hockey stick? It's not even a real cock. What a fucking whore." He drew the stick back and Peter let out a relieved breath only to scream again as he thrust it back in. He pushed in until he found resistance. Peter's stomach cramped in protest.
Tony laughed. "Think I found his colon."
Sam whistled. "That's a deep cunt."
"What else can we stuff in there? I always wanted to see how far you can stretch somebody." Tony looked around. "Someone grab me those baseballs."
Steve jumped up to grab what Tony asked for. He came back with a whole bag of them. Tony yanked the hockey stick out with two quick jerks. He grinned when Peter shrieked.
"He makes such a pretty pussy, doesn't he?"
"I'm just glad you thought to gag him," Bucky said. "Someone would have ruined our fun by now."
"I'm not sure there's anyone here. I saw the janitor head home when everyone else did. We're probably locked in," Sam said.
Bucky laughed. "Even better."
"At least we have something to entertain us," Tony said.
Steve picked up a baseball and held it up. "You think he's wet enough?"
"Let me check." Tony hooked a finger inside his abused hole and pulled it open. He spat inside him. "Looks wet to me."
They laughed while Steve pressed the ball against Peter's hole. It was rough and dry and way bigger than the hockey stick. Steve pushed relentlessly, forcing his hole to stretch around the ball. His legs trembled with the effort.
"I think he wants it. He's opening right up," Tony teased.
"I think he needs more lube," Steve said. Tony dutifully spat again on Tony's hole. Peter could feel the warm wetness as one of them smeared it around. Then the ball popped in. He thought it was just relief when that baseball filling up his ass made him moan. Then he realized it actually felt really good. He could feel tearing, an undeniable burning pain around his rim, but that ball was pressing up against something. And it felt really good.
"That's a good girl," Tony purred. "See, I told you he wanted it."
"Better give him some more then," Steve said as he offered Tony another baseball.
Tony spat on the ball and pressed it against Peter's hole. He stretched more easily this time, but the baseball already inside him didn't want to move. Tony pushed, forcing it deeper little by little. Peter struggled again to escape, but it was just as useless as before.
"Poor little thing," Bucky mocked. He looked down at him with pretend pity. "Does it hurt, sweetheart?"
Peter nodded his head, whimpering as the balls moved deeper.
"Good." Bucky grinned. Sam laughed. Peter shuttered as he realized Sam's dick was bulging out of his gym shorts. He couldn't see the others from where he laid. It was bad enough they were tormenting him like this. He squeezed his eyes shut, refusing to consider how much worse it could get. Then the second ball popped in. Peter moaned again. His cock jumped against his belly. Someone stroked it, just once and the touch was too dry but it made his soft cock start to thicken.
"Such a fucking slut, Peter. And here I was always defending you when Tony said it," Steve accused.
"I told you I can always tell," Tony said proudly. "Who wants the next one?"
Bucky was quick to take Steve's place next to Tony. He picked up a baseball and held it up for Peter to see. He tried to beg, to tell him it wouldn't fit, that he felt like he might die. Bucky just squeezed a gob of lube onto the ball and began to add it to the rest.
"What a gentleman," Tony teased.
"I always make sure my girls have a good time." Bucky rubbed Peter's thigh as he pushed the ball in. It was several minutes of straining before Peter felt his ass open up around the widest part. His stomach ached, starting to cramp once again. He cried fresh tears.
Bucky was strong and he wasn't taking no for an answer. The pain was awful as he slammed his palm against the ball until it finally went in. Peter thought he'd passed out because he felt as though he'd blinked and several minutes had passed. Or at least, he'd missed half of the conversation. Tony's hand was on his abdomen and he looked bewildered.
"Fucking feel it." He pressed his hand down and Peter groaned. It felt like there were rocks in his stomach. The other boys all gathered around, pushing and prodding at his belly.
"Holy shit," Sam laughed. "You fucking knocked him up."
Dizziness washed over him. Peter laid his head down against the bench and closed his eyes. This wasn't ending until they wanted it to. Fighting wasn't getting him anywhere and neither was begging. All he could do was breathe.
"What are you going into shock? That seems pretty dramatic, Pete." Someone slapped his face and Peter opened his eyes to see Bucky bending over his head. He grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled his head up. "Watch. Sam's gonna stuff ball number four in you. Do you think it's gonna fit?"
"No!" Peter tried to scream. "Please don't!" He looked at Sam, eyes wet and pleading. There was no mercy in the face staring back at him. Peter felt the baseballs inside him shift around as they tried to make room in his already crowded guts. He couldn't help but scream. Yet it was no different from the others.
He'd gotten used to the ripped feeling. Now there was just full, stretched, and the tingling of the baseballs pressed snuggly against what he was sure was his prostate. He cock twitched every time the balls moved now. He gave in, letting himself enjoy whatever pleasure he could get. And when Sam managed to get that fourth ball into him, he came.
They were laughing, mocking him. Shame and humiliation burned throughout his whole body.
"What a good girl," Bucky cooed, stroking his hair.
"I think you'd better keep the skirt from now on, Pete," Tony teased. "It definitely suits you."
Sam had his hand in his shorts, openly rubbing his dick. The others were hard too, Peter could tell.
"Hey, I found another one!" Steve called. He returned to the group holding up another baseball.
"There's no way," Bucky said.
"Yeah there is! We just need to make room," Tony said. He picked up the hockey still from the floor and stood between Peter's open legs. Peter watched, enraptured with fear. Tony placed the end of the stick against Peter's hole. How he'd even managed to close around that last ball he didn't know, but once again his ass was forced open around the hard stick. Then it pushed inside.
Tony leaned his weight into, slowly pushing it in, allowing no resistance even as Peter's muscles spasmed in rejection. He expected his stomach to swell up like a balloon, yet the objects inside him weren't nearly as big as they felt.
"I can't believe there's more room in there," Sam said in genuine awe. They were all watching, eyes dark, humor forgotten. Steve was rubbing himself through his shorts now too.
"There we go. Plenty of room," Tony declared. Having shoved the baseballs as deep as they would go. He pulled the stick from Peter's ass, ignoring his whimpers, and picked up the fifth ball. Then he held Peter by the hip and pushed it in.
He felt delirious. His brain was cooked, melting out of his ears, eyes rolled back into his head. His wrists twisted around in the jump ropes searching desperately for a way out. When his senses returned, the first thing he noticed was the sound of skin against skin. He opened his eyes to see all four of them, jerking themselves now, looking at what they'd done.
"Look at that bulge," Tony moaned. He pressed his fingers against Peter's belly again. He squealed with pain. It was visible now. His lower stomach had an obvious hump where the baseballs were down in his gut.
"Fuck," Sam swore. He stopped and held the base of his cock. "We shouldn't let a good hole go to waste, but it's all stretched out."
"No way, it's perfect," Tony mused.
"Not once he pushes out all those balls."
"Who said anything about taking them out?" Tony argued. "No one wants loose pussy. Just use it like it is. It's not like he can't take it."
"Let's just make a little room." Bucky reached between Peter's legs. At first, his hole didn't want to let the baseball go. He forced the opening to stretch around his finger and coaxed the ball free. "Shouldn't let this go to waste either."
"What are you going to do with it?"
Bucky grinned. He walked along the bench to stand by Peter's head. "Somebody help me with this tape."
Tony came running. He eagerly ripped the tape off and unwrapped it from Peter's head. It pulled out hair and a layer of his skin as it went. He pulled the boxers from Peter's mouth.
Peter relaxed his jaw and swallowed. He choked at the dryness in his mouth.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. This will help," Bucky said. Then he stuffed the baseball into his mouth. It butted against his teeth, but Tony grabbed his jaw and stopped him from closing his mouth. Peter had no choice but to open as wide as he could and let Bucky stuff the ball behind his teeth. Peter gagged and shook his head. Only for Tony to stick the tape back in place, wrapping it around again. Even without the same stickiness, there was no dislodging the ball without his hands. Peter sobbed pitifully. Already his jaw ached. But Bucky right, his mouth wasn't dry anymore. Not with how he was all but drowning in drool.
Distracted by what was happening with his mouth. He didn't realize what was happening between his legs.
Sam knelt at the end of the bench, holding his hip with one hand and his cock in the other. Peter whimpered as he rubbed it against his hole.
"Are you making love to him or what? We all want a turn, Wilson," Steve complained.
"Yeah yeah. Shut the fuck up," Sam grumbled. Then he started to push in. Peter's noises were muffled behind the baseball in his mouth, but his body still trembled. Not that any of them cared about his protests.
Sam pushed in until his hips were flush with Peter's ass. Then he fucked him. The baseballs moved with his cock, rolling back and forth. It felt like being fucked with a telephone pole and he was pretty sure he wasn't going to survive. All he could do was hold on and try not to pass out. Then Sam came inside. It felt warm and sticky and disgusting. Somehow it made him feel more full.
Sam pulled out with a satisfied moan. "I can't say it feels good in there, but it does feel like nothing else."
Tony shoved him aside. "We'll see about that." He yanked the ropes around Peter's ankles until they came loose so he could lift up his hips. The angle brought fresh pain and cramping. Then Tony stuffed his cock inside, fucking into him like he was trying to get deeper than even the baseballs could.
Peter whimpered with every thrust of his hips as the balls rattled around and Tony's dick stretched him out. Then he came, too. Adding to the sticky mess.
Steve took his place, holding his weight in his arms to fuck him even harder as if they were in competition to see who could break him in half. Peter's teeth dug into the baseball. His body slid up and down the bench. Then Steve came too.
"Don't spill that," he said as he passed him to Bucky like the communal cum sock.
Bucky smirked down at him as he slowly pushed his way in, watching him shake as the slow friction forced him to feel every inch. "You should see yourself, sweetheart. You barely look human."
Peter whimpered as he moved his hips slowly, purposefully, humiliating him all over again as he held his gaze. With less pain and more friction, his cock took an interest again. Peter whined and turned his face away. Someone slapped him. Then Steve was there holding his head in place, forcing him to look up at Bucky as he fucked him. Tony wrapped his hand around his cock, grinning viciously as he stroked him. Sam knelt beside the bench. His hand ran over Peter's chest only to find a nipple to tease. It was hell and there was no escape, but his orgasm was building. He tried to close his eyes, but Steve slapped him again. He thought maybe he would be saved when Bucky's control started to slip, fucking into him faster, less methodically, but Tony picked up the pace, too. Sam pinched and plucked his nipples. And screaming around the baseball gag, Peter came and he thought it might never stop. He felt his own cum splatter on his face. Most of it landed on the gag, but he felt a heavy glob land right in his hair. The pleasure only receded as Bucky was pulling his cock out, dripping with lube and a mix of everyone's cum.
They all stood around him, admiring the mess they'd made.
"Well," Steve started. "Practice is over, guys."
They all chuckled at his joke. Sam picked up Peter's shorts from the floor and cleaned himself off with them before offering them to Bucky.
"Wait. One last touch." Tony went to Peter's still open locker and returned with his red and gold pom poms. "So you think about us at practice." He stuffed one into his abused hole, handle first, pushing as deep as it would go. Peter felt the rough edges of the fringe as they were shoved inside. The handle tapped against the baseballs inside him. Peter groaned miserably as Tony tried to force it in deeper. When he was sure it wasn't going any further, he stuck the next one beside it and pushed that in just as deep.
"Look at that. A cheerleader with a pom pom tail. That'll be something for the next pep rally," Steve said.
"We're just full of creative ideas," Bucky agreed. "The whole team should be sticking those things up their asses instead. It'll make the same old routines a lot more bearable."
"We should get going. It's getting late," Sam suggested.
"Yeah, let's get out of here," Steve agreed.
"We can't leave him like that all night," Bucky pointed out.
"Eh, untie his hands. He'll figure out the rest," Tony said. He walked over to the bench and bent down. As he worked the jump ropes loose around his wrists, he bent and kissed Peter's forehead.
"It's cool if I tell all the guys who popped your cherry right?" he said, mockingly. "You're gonna love it when they're passing you around the whole school. But I'll be here when you want to recreate your first time."
Bucky huffed. "Don't leave us out.”
33 notes · View notes
munsonsreputation · 2 years
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hi everyone, as the month of february comes to an end, i think it’s only appropriate that i give you a list of works that i’ve been reading and obsessed with this month! it’s even more important that we show love to all the writers out there who forge these unique stories and even allow readers to request their very own smutty, fluffy, and/or angsty ideas that turn into amazing creations because of these talented writers.
please be sure to show these writers some love by interacting with their works: reblogging, leaving comments, and tags. all the love and kindness will mean the world to them!!!!
📌: fave | 🫀: fluff | 🪡: angst | 🕯: smut
Friday by @softharrington 🫀🪡📌
first off, casper is an amazing writer. second, this story literally broke my heart then mended it back together all at once. please please give this a read, so many emotions and it’s soooo well written
Single Thread by @keeryshouse 🫀
i’ve seen a bunch of spiderman!steve ideas and fics floating around tumblr and this has to be one of my favorites. you cannot tell me that steve harrington isn’t spiderman coded as fuck!!! the friends to lovers trope woven with the scared to hurt reader will always always be my guilty pleasure. anna, the amazing writer is also planning on writing some more parts to this so go and check it out!!!
This request by @sattlersquarry 🫀
i am a SUCKER for Hopper!reader, I think it’s so sweet and to think El would have another sibling besides Will and Jonathan her step bros are really cute. Moving on, the little quirks and expressions in this imagine is so so so sweet!!
This request by @stevebabey 🫀📌
holy shit this is so fluffy…I feel like I’m in freshman year experiencing my first kiss all over again. First of all, the comparing hand size trick ALWAYS works. It will never fail. And this amazing fucking piece of work will never make me fail to blush and smile like I have a crush!!!!
Love Letters: Day Five by @upsidedownwithsteve 🫀
one bed trope will always have me in a chokehold. This fic does an amazing job at encapsulating the feeling to the nervousness but also the soften that two people share when they are obviously into each other. and of course, eddie is always a little shit, but i love the appearance that him and all the other characters make here!!!
This request by @newlips 🫀
this one is room-mates to lovers, and as someone who hates storms this is filling my giddy heart with so much warmth and comfort. while i have no one to cuddle with while it’s raining, i’d like to think that steve would totally cuddle me throughout those storming nights!!!
Glue by @gorgeousgetawaycar 🫀📌
steve picking up the snacks for movie night is such a him thing to do. in my head, i’d like to think that after baker!reader and steve start dating a little longer, he’d invite her to movie night OR EVEN BETTER…she invites them over to her place (or steve’s) and the house is filled with the sweet treats she has baking for his friends. eventually they all come to fall in love with her and her baking, and steve falls even harder for her. yeah, this is so sweet, it’s like my personal self insert, and i love it so so much!! everyone who loves baking better go read this and if you don’t like baking just pretend you do!!!!
Lay All Your Love On Me by @lovebugism 🕯📌
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, OH MY WORD, I AM SCREAMING! never in a million years did i think i’d need stancy x reader SMUT, but this….this rocked my fucking world. steve is so in love with reader and nancy, i actually cannot even. everyone better go read this and melt. thanks bug, for writing this fucking absolute masterpiece, ily!!!!!!
Scoops Ahoy by @tiredfangirlsworld 🫀
gosh, imagine if steve never worked at scoops…we would have been deprived of sailor!steve, but nevertheless we prevailed in this little imagine. first off, robin always cracks me the fuck up, her character is so funny without even trying and this writer does a great job at setting the scene of the friendship that reader and her have, along with steve in the mix. i totally agree with reader here, the sailor getup is totally a good look for steve and i wish we could’ve gotten a commercial for s3 promo!!!!
Just The Two Of Us by @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint 🫀 🪡
you would expect it to be extremely smutty and filthy, but this is smutty but soft and kind. i actually really really love this fic as it focused more on reader and steve rather than reader, steve, and the audience watching. they’re giggly and want to know how to pleasure one another, ah-ma-zing read!!!!!!!!
This request by @familyvideostevie 🫀
this is such a simple yet sweet sweet concept. it’s totally something that i think would happen in the stranger things universe. dustin and steve’s dynamic is also written SO well—those two go back and forth and despite his age, steve knows that dustin is a genius. i also feel like steve and reader hit it off and eventually date and dustin would parade around hawkins saying some shit like “yeah you see those two! i made that shit happen!”
This request by @luveline 🫀📌
goddamnit i am an absolute whore for domestic fluff (we need more of it tbh). the way that reader and steve interact and talk about the simplest things while cooking dinner is so fucking relatable. it’s the twinge of domesticity and i feel like all of us crave in a relationship. just someone to talk to while we do the most mundane things, but it’s special because we’re doing it with the one we love. i love this so much, go read it rn!!!!!
Bestfriend!Steve by @sweeteststevie 🫀 🪡
ok wow, this one really touched my heart and steve is such a sweetheart. he doesn’t try to poke and prode, but just lets reader talks and allows her to answer what she feels comfortable. i love this so so so much and the gentleness they share is so fucking sweet!!!!
Reminiscence by @caxde🫀 🪡
oh to go from exs to lovers in a snap, this would be a dream! the fact that reader and steve never stopped loving each other—i also wish for that kind of hope and love in my own life, but i’m not sure i could possibly bear it so through fics it is! i love how steve and reader remember their little “voodoo” thing while she’s patching him up. it’s so cute and another way of saying they never forgot one another!!!!
Valentine’s Day by @hey-barnes-stole-a-jeep 🫀 🪡
their confession made me so soft omg. reader is so relatable and i think we’ve got to shed the light on unexperienced!reader, there is no shame and if anything steve would totally make you feel safe and comfortable!!! he’s so gentle with reader and i would die for this man!!!
Love In The Dark I (ongoing series) by @xspeter 🪡
ahhhhh i love this take on s4 but from mayfield!sister perspective. also the nightmares things are so realistic and it almost feels at through the readers are realizing it is a dream as we read. this is currently an ongoing mini series so be on the look out for the next part! i’m so excited to read part II!!!!
Forever Winter by @new-romqntics 🫀 🪡📌
first of all, i love cleo sm!!! this is one of my comfort fluffs that i revisit time and time again. i think that recognizing self doubt and worries is something that it vulnerable yet beautiful because it can open doors and especially the heart. i love how steve doesn’t try to “fix” reader but just wants to help!!! ilovesoftsteviesm <3
Illicit Affairs by @lilacletter 🕯📌
ohmyfuckingod…when i read this, i kid you not…i buried my face into my pillowed and squealed!!!!! first and foremost, autumn is one of the most incredible writers and i have had the pleasure of reading her works. reading her writing is almost like seeing the events take place in my head, her attention to detail and just everything is so incredible. this is smut and you’ll definitely enjoy it #ilovedilfs <3
This request by @lucasnclair 🫀
when i tell you i am shy!reader, i mean that!!! this is totally what it feels like to be so enamored and in love with someone, so much so that you are so shy, but they know just the right way to crack you out of that shell without making you feel embarrassed. i go back to this every time and it’s soooo sweet and gentle!!!!
Cherry Wine by @cinemaquinn 🕯
everyone knows that fluffy smut is always a hit. i love the way this is is written and the fact that there is no shame in being a virgin and the way that eddie just assures reader through everything. i love this so much and it has a very very special place in my heart muah!!!!
This request by @ddejavvu 🫀📌
exterminator!eddie is not a concept i thought i needed in life, but this shit was so cute and funny. also mei/daisy’s authors note in the beginning of the imagine made me giggle so that’s a plus! also eddie just holding the fucking snake and wayne needing to rip it out of his hands made me LOL so hard. i feel like reader and eddie would’ve gotten to know each other better during the ride to the hospital and in the emergency room too. he’d probably offer a date to make up for it and from then on our they’re together and reader is just like, “yeah he might not have gotten all the snakes but he did get my heart.”
Twenty Four Hours (ongoing series) by @ghost-proofbaby 🪡📌
holy shit this slow burn eats me up every single time i read it!!! this is a modern!au and i love the way that is is depicted through the writing: everything from the photo proof and group chat messages are a really good addition to the story!!! i read hour six a few little while ago and OH MY GOD….SO SO SO GOOD!! i don’t want to spoil it so everyone go and read it and let’s enjoy the rest of the series together!!!!
In Bloom by @suncatcherss 🫀 🪡
HOLY FUCK I AM CRYING. this is a mixture of a teeny tiny angst with a whole lotta fluff. the way that reader and eddie are so smitten for each other and do not even get me started on the fact that eddie gifted her the fucking rose!!!! stop!! and then he says “i want to introduce my best girls to each other” …. SOBBING. THIS IS TOO FUCKING SWEET!!!!
All Mine by @hard-candy-writing 🕯
OLDER!EDDIE AHHHHHHHH!!!!! this fic absolutely made me melt…the writing is just incredible and their dynamic works so well. AND THE PIERCING ON HIS **** AND THE WAY HE MAKES HER CALL HER DATE AND BREAKUP WHILE HE …. YEAH, YOU READ THAT RIGHT!!! i don’t want to spoil this smutty goodness, so everyone go and read this rn!!!!!
This request by @mirkwoodmunson 🫀
i always thought eddie would be the goof to scarf down sprinkles of all things because he’s too lazy to fix himself something good…but now that i think about it, that man probably gets HELLA munchies and is a pro and cooking something fast and easy. he can’t stand not having an actual meal and this was so funny and light-hearted!!!!
Devil & Angel AU (steddie x reader) by @thyme-in-a-bubble 🕯📌
GUYS….THIS AU IS SO FUCKING FILTY AND I LOVE IT TO PEICES! ok first of all, i came across this au a few days ago and since they i’ve been HOOKED!!! i believe lea is continuing to add to this AU as she gets more ideas and asks about it, so keep an eye out for more imagines and blurbs regarding this AU!!!
Safe With Me by @singularattitudeofasafetypin 🫀
eddie’s headass defintely drives like a fucking maniac, but OMG he’s so soft for reader. this made me so warm inside and he’s just so sweet. eddie would probably get some shit from the kids because they need to get wherever the fuck they’re going QUICKLY…but i bet you reader gifted eddie one of those keychains that says “drive safe, i need you here,” and he just looks at it and doesn’t give a shit about the kids complaining because he wants to be here for you always. YEAH OK IM A FLUFF WHORE GO READ THIS!!!
The Customer’s Always Right (ongoing series) by @lovebugism 🫀🕯📌
I AM OBSESSSED AND I MEAN OBSESSED WITH THIS SERIES!!!! virgin!eddie is so soft for reader and doesn’t give a fuck about her reputation and i love this so much. i also really really really love how reader is written in a way that shows that she’s always been searching for this REAL DEEP infatuation and love that she had for eddie!! go read this rn because it’s so fucking good, GO GO GO!!!!!
This request by @roanniom 🫀🕯
EDDIE WOULD SO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!!! that men is such an in love menace and him hiding to surprise her is SUCH A HIM THNG TO DO!!! he definitely planned the whole thing out a few days prior and even made sure to call in to get you the day off. this man is romantic his own way!!!
Husband? by @corals-library 🫀
i have this feeling that eddie would die to have you call him your husband!! he would get such a kick out of it and love the way it makes him feel—he would call you his wife all the time, and the kids would call you both mom and dad hahaha!! yeah this is so fluffy and cute and i just know eddie talks to wayne the next day and ask him opinions of rings <3
Three Men And A Baby by @munsonsduchess 🫀📌
GUYS GUYS GUYS, I LOVE THIS!! first off, “rosie posie?!?!” THE NICKNAME EDDIE HAS FOR HIS LITTLE GIRL IS SO ADORABLE. also my guilty pleasure is when writers include other characters within the story…idk i think it’s a nice little treat to see how they interact with each other and whatnot. i love the fact that eddie can just call up hopper for help and even goes to karen!! we need to see more karen y’all!!! <3
Until I Found You by @crrddcffn 🫀📌
fuck this made me so soft…shy!reader needs more attention and i love this so fucking much. i love that reader just goes for it and calls him cute and is kinda shocked by it at first, nevertheless it all works out. they’re so adorable and i would to read more about shy!reader and eddie in the future!!!
Bets, Deals, and Favors (series tba) by @pinkrelish 🪡
I READ THIS A FEW DAYS AGO AND IT HAS ME FOAMING AT THE MOUTH FOR MORE!!!! I don’t want to say TOO much because this is a beauty that speaks and reads for itself, but just know it’s gonna get spicy and i love that harrington plays the mediator hahahaha.
This request by @forourmoons 🫀📌
EDDIE YOU FUCKING CHARMER!!!! i swear to god this man is so head over heels for his girl that he literally does not give a shit about the looks he gets. he knows reader probably hates feeling everyone’s eyes on her and he sees her start to go down and he’s just like “fuck it, here i go!” HE DOESN’T CARE BECAUSE HE’S WITH READER AND HE’D DO ANYTHING FOR HER! fuck this is so fluffy, i need this man!!
happy reading & thank you to all the writers for taking the time to share your creativity with the world, and thank you to the readers for keeping our love for writing alive!!!! 💘💘💘
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onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
Intro Post + FAQ!?!?!?
STRIPES TRUTHERS DNI!!!!!!!! (this is a joke)
I'm not replacing my pinned post because I like my pinned post. it's special to me. it describes my blog in a single gif. but I'll link this in my bio.
hi! I think this was long overdue. first of all, introduction!
I'm pink! she/her, 19, filipino-chinese, 🇸🇬
I am an asexual sapphic on the aro spectrum! I'm not repulsed in either department though, I consider myself mostly sex-neutral and romance... idk, ambivalent irl, favourable in fiction.
keep in mind that hazbin hotel itself has a lot of explicit humour, so canon-typical level of that kind of humour should be expected here. however, outside of text-only nsfw jokes, I typically don't post or reblog nsfw art (and IF I did, I would use community labels/appropriate tags). I may also tag certain text-only nsfw joke posts as #suggestive, just as a precaution.
and now the FAQ...
Other than one-sided RadioStatic, what do you ship?
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I've actually done this before, but decided I'd update it a bit.
cherrivel is only there because of the need for velvette to have someone at the hotel to be obsessed with, refer to this post. it is currently unserious and could easily never come up in my posts I just thought to include it because of that one time I brought it up. other crackships may come up if I find it funny (ie adam x mammon).
this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, I do not like any reciprocated romantic alastor ships, I'm not here to police anyone for what they do in fanon, but all I ask is no one send me anything of the sort. I interpret alastor as a repulsed aroace, and the dialogue in which his asexuality is implied in canon implies to me he would never pursue dating (rosie knows alastor wouldn't be dating charlie because he is aroace, which implies she knows he is an aroace that doesn't date**). so that is how I choose to portray alastor in my posts.
**TO BE CLEAR, there IS nuance to this. because action =/= attraction. funny situations such as a fake date with vox as a distraction that he doesn't like at ALL entertain me. but I do not believe he is the type to pursue it under normal circumstances.
regarding qprs... well, as you can see, I really only care for qpr radiorose, but this is the part where it comes down to personal preference. qpr radiostatic largely depends for me, maybe if it's like an au where they never had a falling out or something but otherwise, I don't personally really see it, but that isn't to judge anyone who does. HOWEVER, I do like thinking about their past friendship, here's a post I made before regarding alastor's side on it.
Who's your favourite character?
unfortunately, it is the stupid tv man in my pfp. alastor is my second favourite though if that's not immediately obvious (wow tumblr user @onesidedradiostatic's faves are vox and alastor who could've guessed?)
Do you know [insert pre-series information here]?
I need to clarify, I am NOT a pre-series hazbin fan. I only got into hazbin properly at episode 5-6's release, prior to that I had only watched episode 4 out of curiosity due to twitter discourse. any information I have regarding pre-series stuff comes from the wiki, tumblr posts or anons who have informed me of stuff. my main source of information is the main series, that is how I first consumed hazbin after all.
What the fuck is the "Lucifer's Commissions Saga"?
it all started with an anon talking about the most unrealistic thing about vox owning an alastor body pillow being that alastor was able to be printed on it without glitches. I then dropped a stupid idea I had in my head for a bit about lucifer being offered 50k to make a sexy alastor painting for vox. one reblog later. well. it turned into vox commissioning lucifer for the body pillow. and then a bunch of asks came in related to it and it turned into a saga which is now my legacy. feel free to scroll through this entire thing. also a fanfic of it by ChaoticAce2005 now exists. go check it out. AN ANIMATIC BASED ON ONE OF THE POSTS BY NATAKARANIA ALSO NOW EXISTS. CHECK THAT OUT TOO.
The original post mentions Val commissioning Lucifer for the art for Vox, Val is canonically a talented artist, why would he do that?
in my defence, I kinda forgot about that when I posted the original joke. later asks, I've mended that val HAS drawn for vox before but vox nitpicked too much and val's not always willing to do a fully rendered sexy alastor... so vox has to outsource. and he just happens to do so to the king of hell.
Hey, hey, listen! What if Vox doesn't have a crush on Alastor but wants XXX instead!?
hey, I respect you! I respect your opinion and hc. but this blog is built around that concept specifically, I like vox wanting something he can never have, wanting romance from a guy who literally cannot feel the same way about him. so I'm probably not gonna be as passionate about other takes. but your opinion is valid! I'm just not really sure what you want me to say other than respectfully disagreeing.
Why don't you use RadioSilence for one-sided RadioStatic?
radio silence is the name of another book made by the author of heartstopper, alice oseman (which I heard also has a canon aspec character!). even though it is already a used tag for this ship, I refuse to contribute to flooding the book tag with hazbin hotel. it's already an issue I see even when searching #radio silence with the space, I think those in that fandom should be allowed to search for content without being flooded by content from another fandom. please understand.
I instead use #onewaybroadcast in accordance with this poll. I still use the regular #radiostatic and #staticradio tags in addition to it for more reach and because vox's side still technically counts under it, if anyone doesn't like specifically one-sided radiostatic for whatever reason, they may filter out the specific tag or block me.
read more about the tagging issue here
Why haven't you answered my ask?
you see. once upon a time I used to answer every ask in my askbox. but then trying to come up with intelligent responses to every single ask was kind of draining so I gave up on that. so nowadays I just answer whatever I feel like, if you don't see your ask answered for a while it may still be answered later cause I do go back to old asks sometimes (and sometimes I just forget about asks I'd wanted to answer before). currently my askbox stands at 180ish unanswered asks going back to as early as end of february, that's how much I kinda just gave up trying to clear my askbox. DON'T be discouraged from sending new asks though! I'm actually more likely to answer new ones that I'm able to form a response for immediately.
Wait, I checked your time zone, why are you posting at 2-5am?
I haven't had a normal sleep schedule for like at least 4 years now, don't think too hard about it. and don't rely on my time zone for my active hours, I could be active at literally any hour 😁👍
Can I write a fic about [insert idea posted on this blog before]?
OF COURSE!!! I would actually be honoured if you did!! credit for the idea would be appreciated (although it depends if it's mostly me or my anons' ideas, sometimes it's a combined effort), but otherwise go ahead! and do send it to me if you please, if I have the time or motivation I may read it!
more may be added at a later time, but this is what I can come up with for now. I've been holding back on this for a while, trying to phrase every single little thing with tact, just understand that a lot of it is personal opinion!
#osrs.txt - all text posts, including asks #osrs.art - self-explanatory, art done by me #osrs.mp4 - videos which can range from compilations, shitpost edits to high effort edits #osrs.helluva - my helluva boss reactions/liveblogging and related stuff
#radiostatic parent trap subplot - the short series of asks joking about the torn picture vox has reminding them of the parent trap, turning into a crack subplot #projecting irl experiences onto radiostatic squad - where a bunch of anons came together to recount irl experiences with incels and say "yeah this is vox" #the ays - angel dust realising he and alastor are the reason for the vees' focus on the hotel and decides to brand both of them as the ays #lucifer's commissions saga - everyone's favourite as explained above, and also the biggest arc on this blog (my legacy) #alastor's modern sexuality label crisis - started with alastor misinterpreting "asexual" as asexual reproduction, continued on to him misinterpreting more modern sexuality labels #vox's stupid fucking turtleneck - it started with me trying to start up a debate on the colour of vox's turtleneck in the vox and val photo and escalated into people in my notes and askbox trying to gaslight me into thinking the turtleneck has stripes instead of it being a KNITTING PATTERN. this is what the STRIPES TRUTHERS DNI is referring to btw #cursed yellow val - tag name taken from andy-solo1, started as a response to the turtleneck discourse, I believe the turtleneck is a similar colour to val's wings therefore yellow turtleneck truthers are implying val's wings are also yellow #respectless anons - started with an anon trying to correct colour names and saying "not to be velvette..." and ended up with other anons being kin assigned characters #all the fucking parodies - there's been 2 parodies for you didn't know and 2 for respectless by others based on shit from this blog now, this tag is needed #the fanon val killjoy beef - tag made for the made up concept of valentino and katie killjoy beefing, started from this post
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skruttet · 4 months
hi !!! these drives have a load of deleted moomin fics !!! :) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1S7VLcWR-OrsmIwwtHpY1zykQYFPLlvHh https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EDuL7ji1xa01MUbLxq2AAmDe44eGDQj5 you made a post a long time ago talking about different fanfics and youd given all the links so i was able to go down a rabbit hole of deleted moomin fic on the wayback machine and recover a load of fics, i also linked a drive i was dmed last year containting a lot of methdeatals fics like red thicket <3 A LOT of it in the first one is NSFW so i dont wanna post it on my blog lol, i heard people really wanted g0ryllamas works to be recovered so i basically just got everything i could, looking at the tags and summeries im gonna have to like wipe my whole computer after this lmao /j anyways since some of the deleted fics were in that post and u normally post obscure or hard to find moomin content i thought u would probably be the best person to send this too !!! wasnt sure weather to dm u or send u an ask, i dont mind if you make the drives public soo i thought an ask would probably be most convientent !!! feel free to just ignore this ask if u like u dont have to post it i just wanted to send u the fics since you know some of them :) i also have an insane moomin fic archive of hundreds of download files (the majority of it is snufmin) so if u or anyone else is looking for deleted fics u know the titles of i can see if i have them !!!! all the downloads r from i think 2021-2023ish so unforutantley anything deleted back in 2019 wont be on there </3 but might be on one of the drives i linked :D by the way, the files in the second drive are a little confusing, theres a bunch of ways to open them. if u have an apple device, you can easily open epub files in the default books app. you could also look up (any file type here) in any app store and download an app to open that specific filetype in. or u could look up free (insert file type) to pdf websites online and turn them into pdfs (or anything else) !! :)
whoa that's awesome! i don't read moomin fanfic anymore so i probably won't use these but i'll post this for others to see!
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masterwords · 1 year
masterwords halloween party
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Welcome to my Halloween party!
From October 1st - 31st, I'd like to challenge you to create something with October/Halloween vibes. Anything from a bucket full of sweet treats to roll around in to a total bloodbath. The catch?
It has to be Criminal Minds.
You can write fic (any ship, gen, self-insert, world-building, AU, meta, headcanons, crossovers...whatever you want to craft with words), create art or moodboards or playlists or whatever your heart desires. I want to keep it simple and easy to participate, just have fun.
If you're interested, read below the cut for a list of prompts you're welcome to use, details and a few simple rules!
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🎃 Tricks:
As if the case isn't grisly enough, now the hotel might be haunted.
Alternatively: The BAU is haunted
Anderson? There hasn't been an Anderson here in thirty years.
Childhood fear exposed
New fear unlocked
A near death experience acquaints a character with the Grim Reaper
Unsub AU
Back from the dead
Spooky campfire stories
Horror movie AU
Vampire AU
Zombie Apocalypse
The team plays with a Ouija board
"That isn't fake blood."
Power goes out during a thunderstorm
Someone's costume triggers Character A and Character B helps
The entire BAU ends up in a murder castle ala H.H. Holmes
🍭 Treats:
Taking the kids trick or treating
Office Halloween party
Pumpkin Patch/Corn Maze/Hay Ride
Cozy backyard bonfire
Haunted House/Carnival/County Fair/Spook Show date night
Characters make their relationship public with couples costumes
Operation: make Derek Morgan like Halloween
Character A is hurt/sick and has to skip Halloween. Character B brings Halloween to them.
Masquerade Ball
Character A surprises Character B with a sexy costume
The team is traveling on Halloween and makes the best of it
Scary movie night at Reid's place
Pumpkin carving contest
Doing yard work is unexpectedly fun when you have piles of leaves to jump into
Two people show up to a work party in the same costume
Character A relentlessly tries to scare Character B.
I have a bunch more prompts, so if you don't see something here but want something a little more specific you can send me an ask and I'll try to help you out. You do not have to use any of these to participate or ask permission to use them. Just take them or don't, totally up to you. I'd love to help you brainstorm so feel free to reach out! (You are welcome to combine these with Whumptober, Kinktober, etc. Double up! Triple! Quadruple!)
Please note: This is a challenge for you to do the creating, not a list of items to request of me. (I will be participating though.)
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👻 Rules:
Must be Criminal Minds. Any character or ship, gen, self-insert, OC...whatever, but it has to be CM. This includes the main show, Suspect Behavior, Beyond Borders and Criminal Minds: Evolution.
Explicit sex/smut is allowed but you must be 18 or older. I will not add your fic to the masterlist or interact at all if there isn't clear indication that you are 18+.
Please warn/tag appropriately
No ship shaming, kink shaming, character hate etc please. This is a Halloween party, it's bound to get dark but let's not be mean!
Please tag me in your creation so I can add it to the masterlist and share it with everyone! (You can post here or send an AO3/other app link, up to you!)
Happy Haunting!
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