#Ino Yamanaka best girl
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luckyrave · 2 years ago
New Appreciation and Love: Ino Yamanaka
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Ino Yamanaka was always a character that was really cool due to her ninjutsu ability with the mind transfer jutsu, but especially by Part 2 she became a pretty gorgeous and a real hottie. Nobody can deny how beautiful and sexy Ino Yamanaka is out of the rest of the Konoha girls.  In terms of characterization I did feel she was kind of underutilized from the middle portion of the timeskip, but in the War Arc she had a few highlighted moments that really stood out such as redirecting the Ten-Tails attack away from the battlefield. At the same time, also being able to channel all of her inner and connecting it to the Allied Shinobi Forces that was just so awesome. 
When it came to the series finale with the manga I definitely had my criticisms with how certain scenarios occurred, and felt there could have been more to make a truly satisfying conclusion. Fast forward to 2021-2022 when I decided to revisit the naruto series again and found a few new appreciation for things I didn’t really have before.  Last year, I came to realize that there was some level of fondness I have towards NaruHina. is it perfect? No of course not, but they’ve got moments that are nice for the most part.  This led me to reflect on other aspects of the series, and Ino Yamanaka is one of those aspects. < - no no no the “She’s so sexy  I could just bust right now!” lol! It’s actually far beyond a waifu fantasy notion many hold. I’ll be perfectly honest when I say it was a very simple aspect that really drew my attention about Ino Yamanaka after all these years.  
We are nearly a decade away removed since the Naruto manga and 6 years since Shippuden ended, and the one consistent topic people love to address are the same old pairing wars that’s been going on for years, or who is the better girl? Sakura Haruna?, or Hinata Hyuga? That is the conversation still going on to this very day in the Naruto fandom, and I’ve reached a point where I appreciate both Sakura & Hinata equally.  “Okay Lucky, where does Ino come into the picture?”  ->  This is exactly the point I’ve been building to and that is to me Ino Yamanaka is a really under appreciated character.
Only a small minority of the Naruto fandom these days showcase their support & love for Ino. Not to say that Ino isn’t exactly loved in the fanbase, but compared to Sakura and Hinata, I haven’t noticed a lot of love and appreciation for The Mind-Transfer Kunoichi. 
Finally,  Ino Yamanaka is great character because she’s very outspoken in speaking her mind about things that aren’t appealing to her,  but she’s also got an endearing personalty in showing kindess to her friends/family.  At the same time, She is very motivated in her drive when it pertains to the mission objective and running an amazing flower shop while being the head of the intelligence division. Unlike the other two Konoha girls, I really love that Ino was able to move on from her crush on Sasuke and really take things into perspective about the ninja world - > even if that part was breezed over in the main series. Yes, she is definitely quite the looker in being sexy, but the truth of the matter is Ino’s beauty simply compliments her character.  Was she underutilized during the run of the manga? Of course, but there is a lot more to her character beyond looks and people should recognize that about our beautiful flower girl ninja.  That is what makes her an underrated yet amazing kunoichi, Ino Yamanaka. 
A short tweet I made in support of Ino Yamanaka:  https://twitter.com/7LuckyChi/status/1660094283188248578?s=20
 That’s pretty much all I gotta for the time being but more support and love for Ino will be coming from yours truly, but until then I hope you all have an amazing day, night, etc. and remember show some love and appreciation for Ino Yamanaka! 
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ino-supremacy · 6 months ago
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Join us in celebrating our favorite mind-walking kunoichi over her birthday weekend! The Ino Supremacy Discord Server is hosting this four-day event for our members to post fanart, fanfiction, and other fan works featuring Ino Yamanaka. The event will run from Friday, September 20th - Monday, September 23rd. Keep an eye on this blog for the awesome work our server members will be putting together based on combinations of the below prompts!
I’m literally the biggest sinner in this city.
All your love will be exorcised.
I dig you…I dig you up.
You’re going to get yourself lost one of these days.
This is not a date.
You have no idea how often it is just you and me.
I’m not majestic on weekends.
I disembowel. It’s what I do.
Bitch better have my money.
One’s reality might be another's illusion. We all live inside our own fantasies.
Office romance
Accidental eavesdropping
Trying not to get caught
Torture & Interrogation
Flirting under fire
Post-Fourth War AU
Space AU
Haunted House
Modern AU
Reality TV
Art credit: @leiandroid
Event tags for tracking: #ino supremacy, #ino supremacy weekend 2024
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rooschka · 7 months ago
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Another request from @arthurrose23 🪻🪻🪻
P.S. sorry, I just saw the pale skin part ( ༎ຶ⌓༎ຶ)
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pansexualmadara · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday Queen💜💛
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thingsmaygetalittlecrazy · 4 months ago
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POV: u ask what their costumes are…
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blunder-bat · 2 months ago
Sasuke's Love
Sasuke does not know when it started: probably when he was around twelve.
He assumes it was natural, he was around the age you usually start feeling these things and he had a flocking of pre teen girls fawning over his every move, step and sneeze.
There were roughly about ten of them, Sasuke would say if he had to make a rough estimation, and he is sure Ino Yamanaka was one of them. He has been told by a particularly drunk Shikamaru – who was swearing up and down the very next day about having said that – that Temari too fancied him for a while.
Nevertheless, he did not know for sure, he only ever actually noticed one of them.
He finds himself chuckling a little when he thinks back to it. Back to when she was just as young and naive about these things as him.
She liked him, that he knew. He believes she made sure the entire village knew.
He hated that kind of attention, for obvious reasons, that was not something he believed he needed in this life.
But when it came to her, he believes hate is a rather strong word. He did not like it much either when she was the only one flirting with him, a luxury afforded by the exclusivity of team 7, but he used to prefer it to any other times when he was swarmed.
Infact, he's sure he preffered her to his other fans if he really had to chose.
Team 7 changed them, for better and for worse. Naruto became equipped to be what he was meant to be, and he felt the brief warmth of familiarity before the coldness enveloped him worse than ever before.
That was the time when she began to blossom truly for herself. He saw her as a kunoichi, and as someone who had become a dear teammate and friend.
Sasuke is sure it started before he left the village, though.
He can recall the love confession just right, etched in his memory by being constantly thought of.
He heard it, considered every word of it, and cursed his fate more with each successive sob of hers. His regret at making her cry lived on in his mind.
His feelings could not rival hers; not back then, atleast. He supposes he can say that there was a crush present by then, budding since the formation of team 7.
As much emotion as a twelve year old boy in his shoes could manage, he supposes.
It did not go away in the two years he did not see her. It was not like he did not think of team 7, of Konoha atleast once a day while away. It was bound to happen then, he supposes, that his feelings did not change.
Then he had seen her again. He had looked down to her, and could not help seeing how much she had changed. The first thought in his mind was noting that she had grown prettier.
The encounters became more scarce up until the ninja war, and he can recount each one of them. He can recall what he felt when she was around.
Then, the war happened and there he saw for himself what she had become. Every achievement he saw her make, every leap of hers felt like something he should be proud of; not just as someone he knew and cared for four years ago, but as a person who was one of his own, even then.
Sasuke had known her heart, and he believes he had subconciously accepted it by that point.
Then, when he lay in a pool of his own blood, and murmured an apology for being blatantly undeserving of her love all that time, he had realised that he hoped she would accept it, and in turn, accept him. Even at that point.
Specifically, he recalls before he apologised. When she was so visibly holding back tears, but still doing her best to cure him. Still loving him as ever before, even though it hurt. Because she, too, still saw him as her own.
He thinks it was easier than anything else to fall in love with Sakura in that moment.
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erumai-maadu · 7 months ago
YOU KNOW WHAT I just read your post about the Kohona 12 hc and one thing I gotta mention: TEAM 10 AND TEAM 8 BEING BUDDIES YES PLZ THIS IS SO IMPORTANTE!!! Not just bc of their senses dating (which is also a factor) but-- Team 10 is an intel-gathering team, Team 8 is tracking and capturing, CAN YOU IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES????
These two teams would have been the BEASTS of the spy network. Ibiki is desperately trying to convince everyone to join the Anbu squad. The biggest hurdle is Hinata being a Hyuga (her eyes can get stolen) and Shikamaru (he's just lazy).
Ino makes sure everyone looks polished. They're gonna learn what you had for breakfast 12 years ago, hunt you down and drag you back (dead or alive), looking like models whilst doing it ✨
(i'm so normal about this, I totally don't think about them all the time)
YOUR BRAIN >>>>>>>>>
every day Ibiki goes to Asuma and Kurenai and is like “please make ur kids join ANBU in the future pls i’m begging u” and their kids r all like haha no thanks. hinata is like “maybe” for one second and her uncle is immediately like NOT THE BYAKUGAN. ibiki is so sad. he just wants some good spies. he’s trying his best.
anyway some random side thoughts i have about them.
In the part 1 anime filler Shikamaru does call on Shino and Neji for tracking a lot. I guess because Hinata’s a girl and they can’t let her do anything ever :/ truly bizarre. there’s literally a filler episode where Hinata goes “I can see paper bombs all over the village!” and everyone immediately turns to Neji and doesn’t do anything until Neji confirms it. i hate this show.
doyalist sexism aside, Shikamaru heavily relies on Shino and the Byakugan’s sensory abilities to formulate his plans and so I think he very quickly grows used to having team 8 with him when Tsunade lets him form a squad. It helps that they spend a lot of time together (thank you senseis dating) and I’m sure that aside from his own squad, they’re the ones he relies on most.
Choji and Kiba are probably the front line fighters, with Shino and Ino backing them up and Shikamaru at mid-range advising/strategizing. Hinata probably pulls double duty as their long-range sensor and a close range fighter/flanker when things get hairy.
everyone on both teams gets along well but it’s a struggle to get Kiba and Choji to get along at first. Kiba is a bit of an asshole (understatement) and Choji isn’t a huge fan of how aggressive Kiba is. Kiba, for some fucking reason, just canonically doesn’t like Choji when they’re younger. I’m sure there were a lot of fights and a lot of insults thrown around before Shikamaru and Ino got them to sit down and shut up.
Ino tries her best to keep the squad polished but it doesn’t work so well when they’re younger lmao. When they’re older tho…. most fabulous and on point squad out there. your other faves could never.
kiba the leather jacket wearing hottie, ino ‘every outfit i wear has been on point since age 12’ yamanaka, choji who is canonically referred to as the most handsome chubby guy in the leaf (insane statement but still), shikamaru who somehow serves while wearing the standard chunin uniform, shino’s mysteriousness inherently makes him hot, and hinata with her silky hyuuga hair and flawless skin
their formations are tight, their teamwork is seamless, their communication is solid, and they look good while doing it all. ibiki is in a corner crying. he wants them to come work for him so bad.
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usagirln120 · 3 months ago
Ino Yamanaka: Hogwarts AU
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Ino Yamanaka is a Pureblood witch that was born on the 23rd of September 1979 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1991, being sorted into Ravenclaw House.
She grew up as a childhood friend of the boys Shikamaru and Choji since their fathers were best friends and also was one of the people that defended Choji while he was bullied for being overweight.
When she started attending Hogwarts, she took the Gryffindor Muggleborn Sakura Haruno under her wing and the two girls became close friends until their friendship ended due to a misunderstanding related to Sasuke, a guy that both of them had a crush.
The duo eventually made up however and while they still considered each other rivals in the fight over Sasuke's heart, they did still consider each other friends.
She eventually became a member of Makarov's Army where she ended up meeting Sai Shimura, a distant relative of Tomura Shigaraki, who was a spy for the ministry that eventually revealed himself and disowned his own father due to the genuine friendships he made while a member of the secret student organisation.
She eventually participated in the Battle of Hogwarts but while she did survive, her father did not which caused her heavy grief and survivor's guilt which never truly disappeared even if she did mentally heal.
After graduating from Hogwarts, she became a healer at St. Mungos but also operated her father's potion shop alongside her husband Sai and the two of them also had a son who they named Inojin.
She has a Vine wand with a Unicorn Hair core.
Her Patronus is a Unicorn.
Her favorite subjects were Herbology and Potions.
Her least favorite subjects were Defense Against the Dark Arts and Flying.
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sakuraharuno156 · 3 months ago
wait are u also an ino stan too!?
Obviously! ✨️
1) Ino is amazing! She's an absolute sweetheart!
2) I'm a Sakura stan, to not stan Ino I'd need to be delusional or a hypocrite lol
They have similar personalities (Sakura is just a bit softer spoken, while Ino is a bit softer in behavior), they play very well of each other and I love me some girl power!
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Ino is everything I love in a character:
1. She is SO DAMN SMART.
The fact that Shikaramru is a strategist of the group is such a waste.
12 yo Ino pulled one of the biggest Uno reverse cards in manga, and people forget about it because they disregard Sakura vs Ino fight, which is a BIG MISTAKE.
Ino was aware that Sakura knew her technique well, and she still played Sakura like a toy. She pretended to have a full-on mental breakdown to make everyone believe the fight was over and that she had "lost it"
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Just to fulfill a genius strategy she made up on the spot???
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She was 12, and she fooled EVERYONE (including Shikamaru, who has the highest IQ and should see right through it).
That was and forever will be ✨️ Iconic ✨️.
Even during the written exam, she had one of the best ways of cheating (only Shinos and Sakuras (because she didn't cheat at all lol) were better):
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What looks more suspicious:
Mirrors on the f-ing selling,
Random red eyes that just "appeared" on a guy,
Barking dog,
Big white eyes with hundreds of veins that just appeared out of nowhere,
A guy covering his one eye and A FLOATING EYE IN THE AIR,
Or a girl laying on the desk 🤷‍♀️
I know she had a predisposition to it because she's a Yamanaka, but still, what a great way to do it!
2. She is a menace when it comes to her jutsus.
I already touched on her technique during the war arc
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And saved the shinobi alliance, like it's not a "big deal"?! A menace.
3. Not to mention her mentality, that makes her the IT GIRL.
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- Can you do it?
- Doesn't matter! I'm gonna do it!
Ino is amazing, and I hate when people disregard her. Is she as strong as Sakura or as smart as Shikamaru? No, but she is still incredible and a force to be reckoned with.
She is definitely one of the most incredible and one of the strongest (in her own right) femal characters.
She wouldn't win with Sakura or Temari in one on one, but she would smash both Hinata or TenTen and be a big trouble for the rest of Kunoichi.
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(Also, that girl is so damn pretty, I can't ✨️)
As another side note, I love most of the kunoichi. Naruto's female cast is very strong!
Sakura, Temari, and Ino are my personal favorites, but:
Tsunade is also absolutely incredible.
Mei is not in my top 10, but I'm all for strong female characters, so I like her too.
Konan is not my favorite - her personality is meh for me, but I can admit she is well written and crazy strong.
TenTen is not in manga enough, for me to have many feelings about her but... TenTen with Bashōsen??? Queen ✨️
Chiyo had a great character arc.
Anko, Hanabi, and Shizune are awesome for me too - their introductions always get me SHOCKED, and I love it for them.
Kushina and Kurenai are a bit reduced to "I love my man/family" so I'm not as interested in them as individual characters, but I like them well enough.
I respect Karin, Tayuya, and Karui for being honest. I hate a hypocrite, so them being so unapologetic in their behavior makes me at least respect them. I like Karin's character development, and I love me a smart and strong woman so 🤷‍♀️
From the new generation:
Sarada is fire. How can you not love her? She's a girl boss (so far) as well, also a child of Sakura and Sasuke??? GIMME MORE.
ChoCho is a fun character with an interesting idea, I hope she gets more development!
I just hate that one boring and rude character. One that makes my blood boil and my feministic heart bleed with RAGE, but that's not the focus of that post, so 🤷‍♀️. Oh, and I dislike Himawari for what she did to Naruto on the day he became Hokage. The most important day in his life and it all went to sh*t because of a brat (and not in the Charlie XCX way, in an annoying and disgusting way).
The end ✨️
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luckyrave · 2 years ago
Dual Responsibilities of a Kunoichi: Ino Yamanaka
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Being a kunoichi is never exactly an easy thing in the world of Naruto, and during their free time they usually take time to relax as much as possible. That is not the case when it pertains to mind-transfer ninja girl, Ino Yamanaka.  Many of us  know about her intelligence and prowess with the mind transfer jutsu whenever she’s out on the battlefield, but rarely ever is the other side talked about.  
We see as a young girl that Ino has another duty to fulfill which is to run The Yamanaka Flower Shop. This isn’t because she was forced to do out of like the family name, but more so because Ino wants to see people happy.  She knows the importance of having goals and understanding what somebody wants in the life they are living in.  Through these reasons we understand that Ino isn’t just some simple hopeless romantic girl thinking about love, and that there is a brighter picture to view in the world she lives in on a daily basis.  
Whether it’s being on the battlefield as kunoichi or a young woman selling flowers to the villagers; Ino understands the value of life and what’s worth living for. There may not have been a lot of focus we got in the series, but the instances that are shown to us of Ino demonstrates where her character stands as well as her personal values in life. 
A short rundown ver. tweet: https://twitter.com/7LuckyChi/status/1661011026224250887
That’s pretty much all I gotta say when it comes to the dual responsibilities Ino Yamanaka represents as a Kunoichi and a young girl running a flower ship  from yours truly, but I hope you all have an amazing day, night, etc. and remember show some love and appreciation for Ino Yamanaka!  .
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jacksgreysays · 2 years ago
couragetcd's comment on Further Down Road One: So sweet! I adore Sasuke fan boying over Shikako. If you ever feel like dropping back into this story, could we see Shikako dealing with Sasuke's fangirls? Please?
I’ve been thinking about this question since I saw it, and I do have an answer but it’s not really in fic form… and it maybe goes more into Konoha politics than any actual relationship dynamics, as per my usual, lol. Here we go!
To address the question, there isn’t much for Shikako to deal with in regards to Sasuke’s fangirls, largely because I highly doubt he has that many fangirls in this AU. This AU being, of course, the early betrothal as this Shikako’s (successful) attempt to thwart the eventual Uchiha Massacre by removing one of the main reasons for it--ie, the extreme isolation of the Uchiha clan—via essentially tying the Uchiha to the Akimichi-Nara-Yamanaka alliance which would be MUCH harder for Danzo to get rid of (mostly because there’s more of them, they’re far more blended into Konoha’s administration, and my own head-canon that the Akimichi have direct ties to the Fire Daimyo not just influence in Konoha)
All that being said, it’s pretty well known (definitely amongst the ANY and Uchiha clans, probably also amongst the other major Konoha clans, maybe even the “smaller clans” which I will get into later) that Shikako and Sasuke have been betrothed since they were about 7 years old. And obviously IRL people who are in relationships do still have fans, but there’s a difference between “fan of your music/movies/appearance/etc” vs “fan of you as a person, with the intention to eventually date” which I think the latter is what Sasuke’s fangirls are in canon (considering he, you know, isn’t a content creator). Anyways, known betrothal takes care of a majority of that.
Additionally, because Sasuke is no longer the angsty, mysterious Last Uchiha, I don’t think as many girls would be attracted to him—that’s not even including how overtly devoted to Shikako he is in this AU so early on. Like, don’t get me wrong, Sasuke still looks the same (which, presumably to preteen girls, is devastatingly handsome) but he’s also no longer the only one that looks like that. Obviously there’s Itachi who may or may not be more handsome (hard to tell with the art style) but the ENTIRE Uchiha clan is still alive. And if most of them are Konoha Military Police, I imagine even the civilian-born students are seeing, you know, members of KMP getting puked on by drunken disorderly shinobi and still having to wrangle them into the shinobi equivalent of a drunk tank. Or they’re the ones who are running after Naruto when he pulls his messier pranks and getting paint and glitter bombed by him—it just kinda loses the appeal after all that.
This next point may seem a little cyclical, but part of what makes someone attractive is that other people find them attractive also. So if the first two reasons above have reduced the number of fangirls Sasuke would have in this AU, then that lack of numbers would further reduce the number of fangirls. In canon, Sasuke was highly sought after by the queen bee Ino, her ex-best friend turned rival Sakura, and, presumably, basically everyone else except Hinata. So not only was canon!Sasuke SO desirable that the trend-setter, leader of the kunoichi pack Ino wanted him, her former best friend (who only stopped getting bullied because of Ino) Sakura decided he was worth losing her only friendship over.
However, in this AU, there’s no way Ino would do anything to 1) jeopardize her clan or 2) upset her BFF Shikako. And, while I think Sakura would still consider Sasuke cute, I think she is probably a bigger fan of romance in general (since a lot of her fangirling over Sasuke in canon was an entirely imagined version of him) and so she would be a fan of the betrothal if anything else. And also, funnily enough, because Shikako isn’t infatuated with Sasuke that makes him even less appealing to anyone else. Like, lol, even his future wife doesn’t have a crush on him, that’s pretty funny. I mean, ideally, she comes to love him eventually (and again, whether that is romantic or platonic is ?????) but there’s no heart-eyes, nervous blushing from Shikako whatsoever, lol.
If you take out the top three kunoichi of their class (top four, including Hinata, who even in canon was NOT INTO Sasuke) then who do you have left who could even be fangirls of Sasuke? It’s entirely possible that there are multiple classes per year (especially considering in this kinder AU, the living KMP are absolutely wrecking Danzo’s ROOT recruitment so there’s just more students) so probably those who aren’t in the same class don’t get the front row seat to Sasuke being devoted fiancé and thus are more likely to be his fangirls. But they also probably have their own “hotties” to fangirl over. Or if they’re already going to fangirl over someone not in their class, why not someone not in their year? Neji’s a year above, still as devastatingly tragic and beautiful as ever. What’s Sai doing? DoS fandom has decided he’s an Uchiha as well and, probably, one that isn’t as OVERTLY DEVOTED TO HIS FUTURE WIFE as Sasuke is.
Backtracking a bit (and this is where I fully went off the rails and weirdly political) the next kunoichi in their class, influence and capability-wise, is probably Ami, the girl who, in the flashback, was bullying Sakura which led to Ino befriending her in the first place. I personally head-canon Ami as a Mitarashi (based entirely on very minimal details of similar coloring, personality, and affinity for tea shops as Anko) and I further head-canon the Mitarashi family as either a “smaller clan” or a family that is trying to be recognized as a “smaller clan.” And depending on 1) how politically savvy Ami is and 2) how crucial/desperate the Mitarashi family are to become an established “smaller clan,” I think Ami would not publicly fangirl over Sasuke even if she were, for some reason, still attracted to this boy, given four of the major clans are invested in this betrothal and she wouldn’t want to risk any political blowback on her family/clan.
Now, what do I mean by that?
Konoha’s social structure is extremely clan based. Or, technically, it is power based but clans have consolidated power versus and individual’s power. Take, for example, the Nara clan versus Kakashi. Except for maybe Shikako, there is no individual Nara who is more powerful than Kakashi. However, if, for some reason, an extremely OOC Kakashi were to kill a member of the Nara clan, there would be hell to pay. Like, maybe this extremely OOC murderous Kakashi would be able to kill every single Nara but all at once? Probably not. With the Akimichi and Yamanaka backing them? Even less likely. With the other clans of Konoha concerned that this extremely OOC murderous Kakashi might very well go after them if they don’t stop him now? Game over. Weird premise, but sort of necessary to set up the next bit.
The above is an established major clan vs extremely powerful (basically Hokage or Hokage candidate) individual, with the established clan winning. However, we’ve already seen in canon what happens when a not established clan—or, what I consider a “smaller clan”—goes up against said extremely powerful individual. In fact, this is canon, and is the same extremely powerful individual.
Because, as far as the Nohara family/clan is concerned, murderous Kakashi is not OOC at all. As far as they know, Kakashi totally got away with killing Rin and faced no consequences whatsoever. The Nohara family/clan—it’s sort of up in the air of how established/recognized they are by the Konoha government, depending on what I feel is needed in any given fic—are, in fanon/my head-canon, made of medics. Not out of any particular blood limit/genetic basis (maybe they tend to have better chakra control, or a higher capability for memorization, but that’s not exactly ground breaking) but a sort of familial culture of study and generational knowledge passed down. A Nohara may have a slight advantage against a civilian born person, but nothing insurmountable. So even consolidated, the Nohara family/clan do not have as much collective power as Kakashi the individual does.
So then we get into the whole Mitarashi thing, which is why I completely tangented away from the Shikako and Sasuke betrothal thing and into this talk of murderous Kakashi to begin with. Because you can parallel the murderous Kakashi getting away with killing Rin with the exploitative/probably abusive Orochimaru getting away with EVERYTHING HE DID TO ANKO.
And, look, what would the Mitarashi even do? I imagine they were, at first, honored that Anko was even chosen to be Orochimaru’s apprentice. At the time, he was not only one of the Sandaime’s students, he was possibly the most likely of said students to succeed him what with Tsunade running away from her trauma and Jiraiya roaming around being an almost literal fuckboi.
Maybe they even rationalized the mistreatment in the beginning: I can’t imagine the Mitarashi had any jounin before Anko. If anything, her being apprenticed to Orochimaru is probably the closest they had to one of their members becoming jounin. And so what would they know of high level training? He said the seal on her would make her more powerful and who are they to refute the possible one day Hokage? It’s an honor, surely?
And while there is further to be said about abuse of authority and, well, other abuse between Orochimaru and Anko, I don’t want to go there in this post even though, again, I’ve already fully departed from the fluffy AU of Shikako and Sasuke’s literal life saving engagement.
Ultimately, getting back to the family vs “smaller clan” matter. I think that while the family/clan’s own power does contribute a lot to what they can/can’t do and what inherent protection they have, there is probably some legislation in Konoha about what rights clans have (with the murderous Kakashi and abusive Orochimaru being exceptions rather than the usual) especially considering during the founding of Konoha so much legislation HAD to be about protecting clan rights in order to get these historical enemies to coexist.
SO, that means there is incentive for large/cohesive enough families to be formally/legally recognized as a clan in order to have those rights—maybe it’s land or reduced taxes or something where the murderous Kakashi and abusive Orochimaru situations don’t completely violate those rights? Or maybe it’s that the clan CAN enact THEIR OWN retribution without repercussions from Konoha but because, again, the consolidated power of the Nohara and Mitarashi vs murderous Kakashi and abusive Orochimaru are negligible, that’s how those situations can happen without them outrightly being violated… which maybe explains the issues in the bleak Primadonna Girl fic? Oh snap, did I back myself into figuring it out in this completely unrelated post? Whoops.
Regardless. Because there is an incentive to become a formally/legally recognized clan, there have to be some prerequisites in order to qualify. Which, apparently, I’ve gotten into before in this care!Kako/reverse Gardens AU ficlet: “Establishing a clan requires three active-duty shinobi who share a bloodline and sponsorship from two other clan heads”
Although, now that I’m properly looking at it, that seems too easy. I mean, for that particular fic’s sake, I needed it to be that easy for, you know, feels. But in a practical “how would Konoha actually function” I think it needs to be a little more robust than that. I do think a minimum number of active-duty shinobi who a share a bloodline is necessary. It should probably be more than three, and/or there should be rank requirements. So it’s not just, for example, three genin siblings getting launched into clan status out of nowhere. I mean, the sponsorship—or, probably what I actually meant was endorsement—from two other clan heads would probably prevent that, but, again, we can’t leave these things to chance.
So if I were to come up with more robust requirements for formal/legal clan establishment, it would be:
X number of active-duty shinobi who share a bloodline
Y% of the X number must be at least chuunin rank
endorsement from at least Z other clan heads
I don’t know what numbers/values X, Y, or Z would reasonably be, but it would, again, justify why the Mitarashi family would turn a blind eye or, at least, not look TOO closely at Anko’s apprenticeship with Orochimaru if they were trying to meet those unknown numbers/values in order to qualify for established clan status. And, to weirdly circle back to the top of this tangent, would explain why Ami wouldn’t publicly fangirl over a betrothed Sasuke because that theoretically could risk the endorsement part of the requirements (even though none of the clans involved would be that petty? but when you’re not yet established, it feels like every potential misstep gets exaggerated into something dire)
Anyway, sorry for going so horrifically off the rails on this one. I did start ideating on what a “Shikako reacts to Sasuke’s fangirls” fic would look like, but to be honest it was mostly **shrug, go back to whatever she was doing before** while SASUKE is the one who is upset at them since they might make him look bad in front of his fiancee. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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renaerys · 1 year ago
Half Light (Obito/Ino)
Hello! I have talked a lot in the past about ObiIno and how much I like that ship. This has been written since June and I am so excited to be able to post it finally! Originally written for a zine, and published now in honor of ObiIno Month over on the Ino Supremacy Discord server. I am extremely proud of how this first part has turned out. Please give it a read if you're open to trying a new rarepair! <3
Summary: "Even a salted earth could grow fertile and flourish again, with time."
The war is over, and there is no one left to hate, no matter how hard he tries.
Rating: T (for now, but will be bumped in part 2)
Read it on AO3!
There were creatures swimming in the bilge water puddle in the corner of Obito’s cell. Nothing to be concerned about, just mindless slime eons away from developing brain cells and sentience. He couldn’t even see them, only their proliferation: jade and spongy, a stench of ripe, fetid rot. A whole colony of mold things thriving in a dark, dank shit hole. Existence for the sake of itself, no higher purpose. 
Obito watched them all day and all night. Sleep eluded him, had for years, and the four concrete walls whose cracks he’d memorized discouraged its visit. Kakashi came when his duties permitted, but he always brought more promises and reassurances and left them behind when he departed, old candy wrappers licked clean of their sugar. They lost more of their sweetness with each successive visit. 
A single drop of water sent a tidal wave rippling through the slime kingdom. It settled again after a few seconds, placid and hardly changed. The scars on Obito’s face itched. Somewhere far away, he could hear people moving around. Must be morning, shift change. Another day he didn’t bother to count, same as the last. Maybe Kakashi would visit him today, or not. 
Obito lay back on his cot and turned on his side so he could watch the murky puddle in the corner of his cell. Peace, he thought, was awfully quiet and still.
And that was fine. 
It was fine now. 
He didn’t sleep.
In retrospect, perhaps, he ought to have recognized the signs of an oncoming tsunami, but retrospect was nothing but a future excuse for present parochialism. Surely after everything, Obito should have clocked his own dismal patterns. 
It began with a girl, a tremor deep and blue, heralding a cataclysm neither of them expected. But that was the thing about waves: they birthed in trenches, in darkness, and they swelled to crashing when they finally touched the light. But by then it’s too late to stop them. 
When she walked into his interrogation room dragging a palpable weight like no one had told her their side had won the War, Obito knew the rip tide had already ensnared him. 
Blindfolded to spare her any Sharingan trickery, he gave it his best approximation and dragged his chained arms across the table. 
He guessed she must be a Yamanaka. There was no reason to drag him in here and dress him up in chakra-sapping irons other than guaranteed results. What they hoped to find rifling through his grey matter that he hadn’t already told them, that Kakashi hadn’t already vouched for, he couldn’t say. So he said nothing, resigned to just let it happen, like everything else. 
She didn’t give him any warning before she began, and Obito was sure he seized. But his body was far away now, his eyes no longer blinded as he opened them to a darkling sky over a sprawling graveyard. Despite the gloom, his Sharingan illuminated names and dates carved into each grave marker. 
The soil was moist and overgrown with dewy grass under his knee. He could smell the crushed blades underfoot and feel the epitaph carved into the granite tombstone (what an incredible technique). Shisui’s name glowed with light as he traced it, and when Obito closed his eyes, he could see Shisui smiling, hear him laughing at some silly pose Obito made while covered in potato starch in Shisui’s kitchen as he taught the kid how to prep chicken for karaage. 
(“Obito-nii, you’ve got some on your nose.”)
(“Do I? You mean, right here?” Obito rubbed his hand all over his nose until Shisui burst out laughing.)
(“Idiot! You just made it worse!”)
“Oi, we’re not here for you to reminisce. Get up.”
That foreign voice in his head ripped him from his thirteen-year-old body as if she had doused him in ice water. Obito yanked his hand from Shisui’s memory marker and looked up to find a stunningly beautiful blond woman. Her imperious stare muddled when they locked eyes, and it was in that moment that he remembered her. She’d been in his head before, twice in fact. 
Yamanaka Ino.
Sakura’s friend. She’d lost her father in the War. He’d felt the power behind that pain when she cleaved a hole in his head and trepanned herself inside to stop him from killing Naruto. 
“That looks like it was a bad one,” Ino said, her voice tight. 
Obito touched his face, and his fingers came away wet with tears. He could still smell the memory of the cooking oil from that perfect moment with Shisui. “No, it was the best one.”
Ino pursed her lips and looked away. When she spoke again, it was with steel and certainty. “I can find what I need on my own, but it would be faster if you pointed me to it. They told me you were cooperating, so.”
So, it wasn’t a request. 
Obito rose and wiped his eyes on his sleeve. He could feel the scrape of the dyed Uchiha wool upon his skin, it was so vibrant and real. He spent a lot of time in his own head, but it had never felt like this, like reliving. “Your technique is remarkable.” 
“I know that,” she snapped. “Now, if you don’t mind.”
Obito heard her dismissal for what it really was and decided not to push her. But he held on to that sharp little hook that wanted to all the same, something to spear his curiosity upon later. He snapped his fingers and conjured a flame to light their way through the ossuary of his life. “Follow me.”
Obito didn’t sleep much that night after Ino’s interrogation, but when he did, he dreamed of Shisui in vivid color. That surge of blue before the crash, where gravity can’t catch you and everything isn’t perfect, but it’s possible. 
And when he awoke, his breath came short and his eyes were wet, and his lips throbbed around that unspoken name that had hooked something still wriggling for its life in the pit of him. 
Yamanaka Ino.
He watched the slime creatures persist in their hateful little corner as he waited for the guards to bring him back to her interrogation room. 
Whatever she asked for, he showed her. The Kannabi Bridge, Rin’s suicide, Madara’s manipulation, all of it. And the more he pieced together the serrated edges of his life, the more disgusted he grew with himself. 
Killing Itachi’s teammate to make him tap into his power. 
Murdering the Uchiha Clan and sparing Sasuke only to sink another hook into Itachi. 
Minato and Kushina. 
None of them touched his heart like that memory of Shisui had. He simply accepted the atrocities he’d committed, sane or not, and waited for her to ask to see the next one. 
At some point, she lost whatever stolid patience she’d been holding on to. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
Obito was taken aback at her venom. Aside from that very first session when she’d caught him crying over Shisui’s memory, she’d been nothing but clinical and detached watching the grotesque visions of his crimes replay before her. Now, her star-blue eyes boiled to behold him, and her painted lips twisted in a snarl like this was personal.
He considered her question, and he felt that hook dig in marrow-deep. He smiled wryly. “I think, by now, you oughtta know.”
Levity was the wrong decision, insofar as wrong meant her fist in his face. He went down hard, caught off guard and shocked to feel that his lip was split and bleeding in a figment of his imagination. Ino’s rage was real enough. It shimmered around her and cast a pall over the mausoleum they’d staked out for today’s interrogation. It was all his memories of the War interred in a white marble sarcophagus, organized chronologically by increasingly unhinged bloodshed until Naruto clocked some sense back into him. 
The poetic irony made him want to smile some more. 
Ino’s tears, angry and sharp to the scent, did not. “How can you just watch all this and feel nothing? You know this is your fault, right? Top to bottom. And you just stand there like it’s nothing to you?” She got down on her knees and grabbed the collar of his fine, dream yukata, shaking. “They’re all dead, and you’re fucking smiling.”
The memory palace shimmered around them, in tune with her emotions giving it shape and structure. It was like experiencing an earthquake where the walls collapsed but the floor held strong underfoot. 
Obito didn’t smile as he took her wrists in his hands and held on. She was so close he could see the violet fissures in her irises. “Yeah, they’re all dead.” Her wrists were thin in his large hands, so small for someone capable of so much. “But I’m still here. And ain’t that a hell of a punchline?”
Ino’s tears were a sight, the flush of her anger even more so. It was more than she’d given him since they were enemies on the battlefield and he was actively trying to kill her comrades. How she could hold on to such passion after losing so much made him stare right back. 
For her, as for him, the War had never ended. There were still bodies to bury and secrets to exhume. But Obito had long given up any desire to win. 
“Your father,” he said. “He died in the War, yeah?”
She shoved him hard onto the marble floor.“Don’t you dare talk about my father.”
Her knuckles were white and shaking under his thumbs. She was on top of him now, pinning him down. He wouldn’t resist. Even if she conjured a knife to gut him, he wouldn’t fight her. Could he die in his own mind? He supposed he’d already done that once before, so how much worse could it be this time?
“Ino,” he spoke her name aloud for the first time, and she heard it. Strange in his voice. Husky and trampled, like he’d survived a drowning, but barely. “I can’t give you back what I stole from you. But I can give you anything else you want. Just ask.”
She bared her teeth at him. “How about I ask for your life? Will you give me that?”
“Anything,” he said, meaning it. Wishing it. 
It wouldn’t be so bad to die at the hands of a beautiful woman who knew him, knew everything. It was more than he deserved. 
She shoved him hard against the floor, and he was once again amazed at how real this all felt. Better than any genjutsu. Her long bangs tickled his face as she leaned over him. If these were different circumstances where he wasn’t a former war criminal responsible for her father’s death, he would think she meant to kiss him. 
“No. I’ll never ask you for that. I want you alive and walking the streets of this village where everyone can see you. I want you haunted.”
Obito didn’t have the breath to refute her. There was only her, only him, and the tidal abyss into which they had plunged, and he had never planned on fighting. 
She pushed off him, dusted off her skirt, and winced at the drawers each holding the human cremains of the War’s victims. Obito’s victims. He didn’t move from his sprawl on the pristine floor. 
“We’re done here,” Ino said. “I’m not spending another second in this fucking charnel house.”
In his eternal weakness, Obito wished he could follow her out of this place and never look back.
When Morino Ibiki himself came to Obito’s cell a couple days after Ino’s final interrogation to tell him he was being released, Obito’s only surprise was for how quickly the Jounin Council had come to a decision. As arguably Konoha’s top enemy of the state, Obito had at least expected a day in court, some backroom negotiations, angry pride on the line. 
“That was fast,” he said, sitting up on his cot. 
Ibiki pursed his lips. They were fat lips, two pink worms trapped too close to each other and very unhappy about it. He’d been a weird, unpleasant kid, and he’d grown up to be a weird, unpleasant man. “It would’ve gone faster. Yamanaka made a compelling case for you.”
Obito found himself without words to respond to that. What could he even say? What did it mean? Why would she… After everything she’d seen—
“You’re a son of a bitch, Obito. You know that.”
It was that ugly honesty, brutally delivered, that Obito found he could respect. “Yeah, I know.” 
“Don’t fuck this up like you have everything else you ever did.”
Obito prayed to all the gods that had forsaken him years ago that he wouldn’t. 
Ibiki waited for him outside his cell while he lingered a final moment. He had long ago committed this tiny room to memory, and he knew these four walls and their mildew musk would stay with him until the end of his days. He cast a last look at the slime proliferating in the corner puddle. The microbes would no more sense his absence than they had his presence. That thought made him immensely sad. 
“Or I could just leave you here, if you prefer?” Ibiki said gruffly. 
Obito went with him. 
“Yo.” Kakashi was waiting with a full squadron of ANBU when Obito and Ibiki emerged from the bowels of Torture & Interrogation’s headquarters. He looked so out of place in the Hokage’s robe he’d donned over his typical Jounin uniform. Swimming in it where Minato had worn it with grace and presence. 
Haruno Sakura was with Kakashi’s entourage, politely professional as she intercepted Obito. “I’d like to do a quick check-up, make sure you’re all clear.”
Clear of what, Obito couldn’t fathom. He was not sick with anything her medical ninjutsu could possibly heal. But he had learned quick enough that it was best not to argue with Sakura, so he let her push him into a private office to examine him.
She asked him to remove his shirt, and he obeyed. Sakura had seen him wearing far less before, and she didn’t flinch at the trenches of scar tissue bisecting him. Her hands were small and cold when they touched his bare chest and scanned him with chakra. Most things about Sakura were small, but only her hands were cold. He wondered if Rin would have turned out something like her if she’d lived to reach twenty-one. Small, tranquil, and hands like winter iron. 
Sakura’s eyes flickered to his as she worked. “Naruto wanted to be here for your release, but Kakashi sent him on a mission to cool off. The debate got pretty heated.”
Obito imagined that was putting it mildly. “I hurt a lot of people.”
Sakura didn’t try to deny it. She just continued to work on him. Then, softer: “If it wasn’t for Ino’s testimony, I think you would have been stuck in that cell for another six moons.”
He grasped her wrist gently and waited until she was looking right at him. “Why?”
“Because that’s her job. She finds the heart of people.”
“The heart.” He tongued around the word like a bloody hole in his gums where a rotten tooth had once lodged. 
“You were used, Obito. Split in two. And I think, after we learned the truth about what happened to Itachi, a lot of us weren’t willing to let the village fail you too. Not when you’re clearly trying to make amends.”
She removed her hands from him, job done, and Obito felt the tug on the hooks under his skin waking him up. Sakura was already upright and handing him back his shirt when he put the image of Ino out of his mind, where her specter dwelled now among the graves, seeing all and sharing nothing. 
“I’d like to,” he said, never more sure of anything in his life. 
Sakura heard something of his conviction. Her smile was sad, but it was hopeful too. Yes, he decided as he followed her back outside. Rin would have shared your faith. 
After all, Kakashi had passed down a part of their shared legacy to Sakura himself. 
“What an honor guard,” Obito said after Sakura departed and he fell into step with Kakashi. The ANBU squadron took to the rooftops, out of sight but never far. 
“Well, you’re the better shinobi, so I have to compensate with something.”
“Don’t say things like that.”
“Like what?”
“That.” Obito gestured at all of Kakashi. “Self-deprecating shit. You know. It’s not you.”
Kakashi’s gaze niggled, like a tickle in his back Obito couldn’t reach. “Guess not.”
It was awkward walking through Konoha side by side with Kakashi. For one, he was the Hokage now and stuck out like even more of a sore thumb than usual in his office’s raiment. For another, he was walking alongside a former war criminal who had orchestrated the ruin of this very village not once, but twice. Obito was plain and understated in grey ninja gi, but the scars on his face mapped the holocaust of his life’s poor choices and made him a moving target for the scorn and suspicion of the very people he’d forsaken. No one approached them as they made their way past restaurants and clothing stores, around the Academy building and through the heart of downtown. But they stopped to gawk and stare, to whisper amongst themselves. 
And Obito realized Kakashi’s game. “You want them to see me. Us.” He grabbed Kakashi’s elbow and stopped them in the middle of the street to make Kakashi look at him properly.“Why?”
Kakashi still wore his mask even all these years later, and he was just as difficult to read. Obito wanted to shake him. “You know why.”
He knew why, and it was a stupid reason. “This won’t change anything. You know that. My face—” he touched the web of bumpy ridges over his cheek, “my face is literally the face of the enemy. I’m their boogeyman. I always will be. None of this matters.”
Around them, people had stopped to gawk. “It matters to me. It matters to Sakura, and to Naruto, to Sasuke and the other Jounin who voted to acquit you.” Kakashi took Obito’s wrist in his hand and revealed his face. “There are a lot of people who want to see you atone, but they also want you to live. We’ve all had enough of death.”
Obito might have laughed in his face for that one if his heart didn’t hurt thinking of how Kakashi’s team must have advocated for him to a room full of angry Jounin. After everything he’d put them through, especially Naruto. So he didn’t laugh. He didn’t argue. He just rubbed his eyes to stave off the tears that wanted to fall, but they didn’t. “Yeah,” he said, reedy. “On that much, we agree.”
When Obito realized where Kakashi was taking him, though, he faltered. It had been decades since he’d last set foot on his ancestral lands. He wouldn’t welcome him here, if he had any say in the matter. 
Kakashi noticed his hesitance. “Sasuke suggested it.” 
That did the opposite of making Obito feel any better. “The hell he did. After everything I did to him—to Itachi, I can’t—”
“You can. You will. This is the deal. Sasuke’s on mission outside the village more often than not. Someone has to look after this place.”
Obito curled his lips in a sneer. “So, what. I’m his chief of staff now? His valet to shine his shoes and polish his silver while he’s in Oto doing fuck-all?”
Kakashi actually laughed. “Would it make you feel better to know you’ll get a stipend?”
“What do you think?”
Kakashi put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “I think you have a second chance to lay your ghosts to rest. No one will bother you here. You’ll have free rein of the estate. Obito.” Kakashi brought his other hand down on his shoulder, caging him in. “I want you to live. So please, live.”
Obito couldn’t very well argue with that, so he accepted the keys and let himself inside the hollow halls of Sasuke’s home and marinated in the silence for a few heartbeats. Alone (ostensibly, though the ANBU guard would surely be lurking about monitoring him), he touched his hand to the wall in the entrance hall. Cold. Wood. Smoothed from years of people catching their balance to turn the corner to the foyer. 
He wondered about the slime in his cell. If a cleaning crew had power washed it out of existence by now, sanitizing the cell for its next inhabitant. 
The Uchiha Compound was quiet as a crypt, and Obito treaded lightly through its halls, careful not to disturb the dead. 
He didn’t get out much, though not for lack of wanting. It was a strange predicament Obito found himself in: the haunted walls full of dead bodies drove him out, but the living equally shut him out when he escaped into town. No matter where he went, Obito was a pariah in his own skin. 
All his clothes were branded with the Uchiha crest. Dead men’s clothes. He suffered it as long as he could before he couldn’t stand the sight of himself in them without wanting to throw up. It would be worth the stares and the whispers to be able to dress in something that hadn’t once belonged to someone he’d murdered. 
But when he arrived at the tailor this fine, sunny day, he noticed several familiar faces in the window—Yuuhi Kurenai, Maito Gai, and Ebisu. They had Kurenai and Asuma’s daughter with them, a toddling little thing being fitted for a kimono. Obito made the mistake of staring too long, and Kurenai startled to see him watching them through the window. 
Obito was out of there so fast he didn’t even hear Gai calling out to him. Kakashi was one thing; no matter what Obito did, he was fairly certain Kakashi would stand by him until they both burned. But the others, those who’d once called him a friend before he killed their lovers and crippled their bodies, suffered no such delusional loyalty. 
He couldn’t face them. Not like this, without warning. He’d just come back later, kill a bit of time until they left. 
Feeling quite sorry for himself and also rather embarrassed, Obito ducked into the first shop he came across after he’d stopped literally running from his problems. Immediately he was struck with a heady euphoria. Roses and honeysuckle perfumed his every breath, instantly soothing. Monsteras and calatheas and alocasias made a wilderness of the little shop, their fleshy leaves thick and vibrant green and sprouting from giant, ceramic planters glowing in royal blues and shiny blacks. 
Obito scanned the maze-like interior packed from floor to ceiling with green and flowers, overwhelming. Ever since his rebirth under Madara’s care, he had found himself drawn to flora in all her forms, a side-effect perhaps of Senju Hashirama’s cells that had remapped his broken body and filled in his craters. 
A neon philodendron hung several feet down a nearby shelf, its leaves bright and limey, hearts that fell in a cascade like a woman’s long hair. He traced the tender leaves with his fingers, reveling in the sparkling life he felt teeming within. If he closed his eyes and breathed, he could imagine a sort of peace here, surrounded by green and listening to the sound of running water from a fountain in the wall. 
He wandered deeper into the shop, past pothos and begonias, bromeliads and daffodils, touching their petals as he went. But it was the sight of the woman re-potting a bunch of hydrangeas that stole his breath. 
Beautiful was his first thought as he watched her deft hands work the soil and the roots, tucking the plant into its new box as if it were precious. Her blond hair was long and thick, her frame slender and fit, and she moved with a surety in herself that announced confidence, boldness. 
Oh, fuck, was his second thought when he recognized her. 
“Welcome to Yamanaka Flowers! How can I help…”
“Yamanaka Ino,” Obito said, hoarse. 
Ino was flushed from her work and speechless as she stared right back. It only lasted a moment, though. That dewy serenity she’d found tending to the plants morphed into the cold, hard bitch-sona he’d come to know well from his own interrogations. 
“Uchiha Obito.”
She was tense, a thread pulled so taut it would unspool and eventually snap. Obito had not anticipated meeting her again, she who knew every rotten abscess, every gangrenous wound upon his soul. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, which could not possibly be enough, but it was all he felt was appropriate to say to her now. 
Ino didn’t accept his shitty apology. She didn’t rage at him, either. She just continued to stare at him, as if she couldn’t understand how slime like him had managed to slither his way into her shop uninvited, and then she laughed. 
It was not a kind laugh. “You’re sorry.” 
Obito stepped closer, suddenly desperate for her to believe him. “Ino, please, I only—”
“Shut up.”
Obito stopped in his tracks. Ino removed her soiled gardening gloves and tossed them aside. He had never in his life been so unsure of how another person would react to him. Even Madara had had a certain cadence about him, manic and aggressive, but consistent. Ino was an unknown agent. 
But he had to know. 
“I’ll go,” he said calmly. “But before I do, I have to know why you did it.”
“What did I do?”
“You vouched for me. At my trial.” Then, as an afterthought (or an excuse): “Sakura told me.”
“Did she.”
Obito thought about the muck in his old cell then, how it had shuddered at the impact of a tidal drip in its puddle, and wondered at the wreckage it had endured. He clenched and unclenched his fists, but Ino faced him as cold as porcelain. “I don’t understand why you did. You saw everything.”
“Everything,” she repeated. “Yeah, I did.”
(“I want you haunted.”)
Was that really why? Her threat loomed large, a tumor in his heart fed daily by the silence of the crypt that was the Uchiha estate and the distant looks from the people he’d once called friends before they turned their backs and he’d shoved a sword through them. 
And yet, he didn’t believe her. That anger, that venom she’d afforded him when she first began their interrogations wasn’t gone, but it was buried under something denser. And it scared him—what could weigh her down more than grief? Than vengeance? 
He reached for her, and like a threatened animal, she tensed. Her steadfastness made him shrink before her, cautious. “I’ll go. You never have to see me again. Just, please. Tell me why.”
She watched him intently, her star-blue eyes murky with some unknown emotion. She was more raw in person than she’d been in his mind, and he didn’t know what to make of that. “You really think I owe you even that much?”
“No. The opposite, really. But I never believed in quid pro quo. I’ll leave on your word, even if it means I’ll die never knowing why.”
The emotion he’d noticed wavering in her gaze steeled now, and she was in his face in a flash with her fist in his shirt front. “Stop that.”
“Stop what?”
She shook him hard enough that he bit down on his tongue. “That,” she snarled. Snarled, like a beast. “Playing the martyr. If you wanted to be mourned, you should’ve just died with the rest of them.”
He dared not resist her as she pushed him against a shelf and rattled a few pothos in their planters. “I’m sorry—” 
“Stop. Fucking. Apologizing.” She punctuated each word with a slam against the shelf, and this time a planter did fall. Obito snatched it before it could shatter on the floor on reflex, but a bit of soil spilled out of it and jostled the leafy plant. Ino didn’t seem to notice at all. “I’m sick of hearing it.”
“Then tell me what you want.”
(“I want you haunted.”)
He winced. Haunted he was, by his crimes, by the deaths of his comrades, by this woman who’d peered inside his shattered mind and leeched him of all his secrets. So haunted he couldn’t sleep at night under the shockwaves of her crawling into his head and unwrapping him before her. 
She was looking at him strangely now, searching his ruined face for something. “I want my dad back.” Tears in her eyes, but they didn’t fall even as she clutched him harder like she meant to exhume him from his own flesh. “I want to hear him laugh again. I want to ask him what I should do when the elders of my clan come to me demanding I take a husband, churn out an heir, make some new political alliance.” She squeezed her eyes shut. “I want help, and he always knew how to help me the most.” When she looked up at him again, it was with an exhausted resignation glimmering with the last vestiges of her anger. “But I don’t have him anymore. All I have is you, and I can’t even hate you.”
Obito was so stunned by her honesty that he didn’t know what to say. The planter grew heavy in his hand, so he set it on the shelf next to him. Ino’s wrists were thin, but they were also warm under his fingers when he allowed himself to touch her. “You can, if it helps. I can take it. I’ll take all your hatred if it’ll help you.”
“Stop it,” she said, making him wonder if he would ever do anything right for her, and at the masochistic desire he felt to keep trying. “I hate that about you the most.”
“What?” Their voices were low now, intimate. 
“That you’re a kind man.”
Kind was the last thing Obito felt these days. Even if the things he’d done had not been his choice of sound mind and conviction, he’d still done them. Her father, among so many others, was still dead. Obito was still here clinging to someone who saw no point in running from him because he couldn’t even be the cruel monster she needed him to be. 
“I don’t know how to forgive you,” she confessed. 
“You don’t have to.”
“I shouldn’t want to, either.”
Her name in his voice broke her out of the spell this strange conversation had cast upon them both, and she pulled away. Madly, he tried to hold on, wishing she’d stay. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had held him like she just had, mighty yet impotent in the face of what to do with him beyond feel. 
“Please,” he said, nearly desperate as she receded from him. He didn’t even know what he was asking for anymore, only that whatever her word he would swallow it, thorns and all, and bind himself to it. Of all the people he’d hurt and of the very few who had helped him anyway, Ino rose giant. 
She put a hand on her hip and looked back at him over her shoulder. “That pothos you knocked over. I’m billing you for it. Don’t let it die.”
Later, when Obito was back at the Uchiha Compound still wearing a dead man’s clothes and staring at the little plant Ino had forced him to adopt, he considered her directive. She’d never know if he neglected it, forgot to water it, even dumped it into the trash. No one would. No one dwelled here but him now, and no one had visited in a very long time. 
He dug out an old watering can from Mikoto’s gardening shed that looked to be about as old as Sasuke, cleaned off the dust under the outdoor spigot, and filled it with clean tap water from the kitchen sink. The pothos didn’t need much; it was still quite small. But he showered it until water drained through the hole in the planter and set it back on its new perch in the kitchen window. 
Its leaves were glossy and smooth under his fingers. Thick with health even after the tumble the plant had taken. It would grow well and strong under the morning sunlight, with a little bit of care. 
Obito smiled in the stillness of the Uchiha Compound. He felt the weight of ghosts at his back, their hands upon his shoulders, as he often did living here among his butchered kin. 
“A life,” he said. 
It had been a long time since he’d nurtured one of those. But perhaps that was the trick of it—nurturing. Slime could proliferate in weak light and stagnant water, but it would always remain slime. Even a tidal wave’s crashing was a forcing function, if such function was to rinse foul bones and scour them with salt, leaving nothing but raw roots behind. 
Even a salted earth could grow fertile and flourish again, with time. 
Alone in this huge, empty house with nothing to keep his attention but a precious, little plant entrusted to him by the woman who’d given him back his life, Obito had nothing but time. 
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chrimsonfoxdon · 11 months ago
Would you be willing to rank the konoha 12 from worst to best?
Actually yes I would LMAO!! I assume you mean like… my own personal favorites between the konoha 12, rather than something like which I think are the strongest.
I do wanna also state that I don’t hate or dislike any of the konoha 12, in fact I kinda like them all?? So please don’t think that I don’t like the lower rated characters. But if I have to rank them, from least favorite to most favorite… (list under the cut!)
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12. Shino Aburame
(Sorry tumblr limits me to only 10 images so the lower ranked ones aren’t getting pics I’m sorry)
I… I just don’t really feel that attached to him?? I’m sorry 🫠 his insect and bug abilities can be pretty neat tho.
11. Kiba Inuzuka
It’s kinda a similar thing as Shino. Just not that attached to him as I am to other characters. He does have a dog though, which is almost always a positive point for me not gonna lie.
10. Ino Yamanaka
She also just doesn’t leave much of an impression on me in general. I’m kinda sad that her jutsu is just… kinda lacking?? BUT she seems like she’d be a good friend and fun to hang out with. Also she’s pretty.
9. Sasuke Uchiha
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Fun fact when I first started watching Naruto he was my favorite during the land of waves arc! But then we saw Team Gai and the way I threw him to the side SO FAST 😭😂 I do still kinda think he’s a jerk for abandoning all the people who care about him for power. Is it because I take the Sasuke retrieval arc personally?? Maybe. BUT he was right about the konoha elders. In general I just find him very fun to bully. But I GUESS he’s strong and such…
8. Naruto Uzumaki
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He’s the main character so I feel like he just gets points with us just being exposed to him the most in the series. I do find it kinda harder to like… I don’t know, be attached to him the farther in Shippuden we get. I guess it’s cuz of the constant power creep, but that’s more of a shonen issue than anything to me. Rewatching the series as an adult, his backstory definitely breaks my heart 🥺 poor kid just wants to be loved and doesn’t understand why the village hates him. It’s hard not to root for him honestly. I cried when he became hokage even though I wasn’t watching the series at the time I can’t lie.
7. Sakura Haruno
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I used to not like her much, but that’s cuz Kishi can’t write women let’s be honest. I’ll always be super impressed with her growth as a ninja herself, particularly as a medical ninja. The Kazekage Rescue Arc really shows how amazing she can be and what she’s capable of. I loved her fight with Sasori. I also relate to her constantly wanting to catch up to her teammates and just feeling like dead weight. Girlie I love you and you deserve happiness 💖
6. Hinata Hyuga
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SHE’S A SWEET GIRL SHE’S DOING HER BEST SHE’S TRYING TO FIND HER PLACE IN THE WORLD AND I!!! SUPPORT THIS GIRL!!! She’s also super cute with one of the best designs in the series. Her fighting Pain is so emotional like. She’s risking her life for the guy she loves and admires most in the world. I gotta give her props for that. She’s not the strongest obviously, but I do enjoy her character a lot.
5. Shikamaru Nara
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My brother’s favorite, so I feel a lot of secondhand happiness about Shikamaru!! His shadow jutsu is… well, basic, but very versatile (I kinda wish ino’s jutsu got a similar treatment). His strategies make him a really fun character to watch from start to finish. His arc with Hidan was so cool. Very good character in my opinion.
4. Choji Akamichi
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Ok so not gonna lie he’d probably rank lower on my list when I was younger, but again, rewatching as an adult I just love the guy!! He’s such a kind soul and works to protect his friends. His backstory also just kinda speaks to me as a kid who was often excluded from activities with my peers (sometimes also cuz of my size). I’m so glad he found shikamaru and is best friends with him. He deserves so much love. He’s a good lad!
3. Rock Lee
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GODDDDDDD HIS CHARACTER IS SO GOOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!! I remember liking him even as a kid, but now that I’m older, it’s just amplified. To see someone with uh… no natural talent whatsoever get so far as a shinobi is just so satisfying to see, especially since I can relate nowadays. If anything, seeing him struggle and still fight for what he believes in has made a bigger impact on me now than when I was younger. I REALLY wish he had more fights though. Fights where he won mainly on his own. Also his fight with Gaara in the chunin exams is ICONIC YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND THE WEIGHT SCENE CHANGED MY 9-YEAR-OLD BRAIN CHEMISTRY!!!
2. Tenten
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I!!! LOVE!!! THIS!!!! GIRL!!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!! There’s just something about how her strategy is to overwhelm her opponents with so many powerful ninja weapons that just… speaks to me. Her design is cute, I find her personality fun, and she’s my favorite female Naruto character. I wanna be her friend so bad. Also her journey in letting go of a childhood dream just… HMMMMM SPEAKS TO MEEEEEE as a very depressed adult. She makes me smile and laugh and cry and I just want her to know how amazing and special she is. She’s… a 10/10 😎
1. Neji Hyuga
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WOOOW OMG WHAT A SHOCK RIGHT??? Man what can I say about Neji that I haven’t already. He just really awakened something in me way back in the day, and he still occupies my mind to this day. I think there’s just something about seeing a character suffering quietly for so long and taking it out on others (and himself) grow into a person who tries to better himself and look more so on the bright side of life, despite what life has thrown at him. (Again that’s kinda something that means more to me as an adult than when I was a kid) he deserves so much love and happiness and I am so proud of him Neji Hyuga I love you so much
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narutocharacterpolls · 1 year ago
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Reasons for submission under the cut
she’s so great and resourceful
she's loving to everyone, her team, her family, even Sakura
super cool/under rated powers
she's lesbian coded
was the best hokage
the regulation she created to include medics on every team saved so many lives
she's funny and a complex and interesting character
is a bad bitch
probably THE most competently written female character in the entire series
she has a very rich history that plays into her character's actions and motivations
wanting to be the best medic-nin possible in order to save more lives because she lost her love Dan, and also change the way ninja squads operated to always have a medic to save more lives did so much for the better during the war to reduce casualties
after being broken down by so many people she cares about dying, she dips and leaves behind ninja society, which has taken everything from her (including wiping out her clan)
because Tsunade is also one of the most legendary/strongest ninja alive, no one could really stop her or chain her down. It takes the conviction of a child who wants her to save the village and heal his friends to get her back to Konoha, despite the all the trauma she's endured
she's a medic with a fear of blood that overcomes that to fight her own teammate and beat his ass so Orochimaru stops killing and maiming people
she steps up to be a leader because it's what the new generation need and someone has to fix all the stuff broken by her selfish teammates and old teacher
the strongest female character both in physical strength and the strength of her writing. It's like she was written first as a character versus most of the other female characters being written first as Girl and Love Interest
Tsunade is vain and a chronic gambler and drunk, she is really brash and abrasive, she is traumatized. But she's also deeply caring, an incredibly accomplished woman, one of the smartest people/medics in the world, and a great leader
she's multi-layered. She is a woman, but her entire character isn't just Woman
finally finished the job on Jiraiya on previous poll
strong arms
she is strong and smart and quick as a whip but still soft and caring when it comes to her loved ones. Characters with rough exteriors who are mushy inside are very good
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missmilkie · 4 months ago
Ninja From Another Land
Part Four
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wc: 2.4k
During the days you waited until genin orientation, you learned some new jutsus. Naruto taught you the Shadow Clone Jutsu. The Body Flicker Jutsu, Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Jutsu, and Temporary Paralysis Jutsu were also added to your arsenal.
If you have these natures you can learn:
Fire Style- Fireball Jutsu, Phoenix Flower Jutsu, Dragon Flame Jutsu
Water Style- Liquid Bullets, Wild Bubble Waves, Raging Waves
Earth Style- Double Suicide Decapitation Jutsu, Hiding Mole Jutsu, Earthquake Slam
Wind Style- Wind Scythe Jutsu, Gale Palm, Great Breakthrough
Lightning Style- Lightning Oppression Horizontal Chop
You arrived ten minutes early to the orientation meeting for new genin. Other academy graduates filtered in as time passed, including Naruto.
“What are you doing here? This meeting is for graduates only.” Shikamaru approached Naruto.
“Don’t you see this headband? As of today, I’m a ninja too.” Naruto adjusted his headband. “What can I say? It suits me.”
Soon after, Ino and Sakura barreled into the room.
“Looks like I won again, Sakura.” Ino panted.
“What are you talking about? The tip of my foot got in one centimeter faster!”
“You’re blind!”
Sakura then turned to see Sasuke. Naruto blushed as he thought she was looking at him. The pinkette ended up pushing Naruto out of her way to talk to the Uchiha heartthrob.
“Good morning, Sasuke. Mind if I sit next to you?” Sakura asked as if she didn’t just violently shove Naruto away.
“Hey! I’m gonna sit next to Sasuke.” Ino argued.
“It’s first come, first served.”
“Well, I got in the classroom sooner!”
“I did!” Some other girl shouted.
“If that’s the case, then I did!” Another came up.
“I was first!”
“I’m sitting next to Sasuke!”
A small crowd of girls began arguing over Sasuke. He just sighed, annoyed.
Naruto hopped up onto the desk, getting right in Sasuke’s face. They stared each other down.
“Naruto! Don’t glare at Sasuke!” Sakura scolded.
The blond turned back to Sasuke to continue glaring. What’s so special about him anyways?
“Beat him up, Sasuke!”
The kid sitting in front of Naruto then suddenly jerked back, bumping into Naruto.
“Oh! Sorry!”
You giggled. Naruto and Sasuke were now lip locked in front of all the fangirls. They quickly separated, spitting dramatically. Naruto turned to the girls, sensing their rage.
“An accident…It was an accident!”
Sakura cracked her knuckles menacingly. After the blond ninja took a beating, Iruka came in and started the meeting.
“As of today, you have all become full-fledged ninjas. However, you’re still genin. The tough part is still to come. From now on you’ll be in a squad of three and carry out your missions under your jounin teachers. Though there will be one with four since we have an odd number.”
Chatter erupted at the possibilities of the squads.
“The groups have been determined so that the strength of the group will be balanced. Now for the assignments.” Iruka brought up a list.
You naturally spaced out for a while because none of the groupings mattered much to you.
“Group Seven will be…Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, and (Y/n) (L/n).”
Hell yeah!
“Group Eight is…Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shino Aburame.”
Sakura bragged to Ino about being on a team with Sasuke. Shikamaru didn’t understand why girls were so interested in Sasuke. Ino had just finished saying that she would hate to be grouped with Shikamaru when Iruka spoke.
“Next is Group Ten…Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akimichi. That’s all for the group divisions.”
“Mr Iruka! Why does an exceptional student like me have to be in the same group as Sasuke?!” Naruto stood up angrily.
“Sasuke has the best grades of the graduates along with (Y/n). Naruto, you have the worst!” Everyone laughed. “Of course, this is how it is when trying to balance the strength within groups.”
“Just don’t get in my way.” Sasuke side-eyed Naruto.
“What did you say to me?!” The blond fumed.
“You wanna fight?”
“Knock it off, Naruto.” Sakura told him disapprovingly.
“In the afternoon, I’ll introduce you to your jounin teachers. You’re dismissed until then!”
Everyone dispersed to eat lunch. You stayed in your seat and ate your bento before taking a nap. You didn’t want to deal with the drama that you knew was occurring outside the room.
Every other team’s teachers picked them up, so you guys were the last people there. You knew that Kakashi was notorious for being late, so you took a nap. Sakura and Naruto argued while Sasuke brooded at his desk. When you woke up, Naruto was placing an eraser in the cracked open doorway.
“Hey! What are you doing, Naruto!” Sakura scolded him.
“It’ll be his fault because he’s late.”
“You’re just asking for it..”
“A jounin wouldn’t get caught in such a weak prank.” Sasuke rolled his eyes.
“That’s right! You’re such an idiot.”
“I bet you 500 ryo each that our sensei falls for it.” You suggested with an air that drew them in. Sasuke and Naruto blushed profusely.
“It’s a bet.” Sasuke accepted.
Kakashi fell for it just like he was supposed to. You always theorized that he just didn’t care and let it happen. Kakashi told your group to meet him on the roof before disappearing. At least you made a quick 1000 ryo out of it.
“First things first, introduce yourselves.” Kakashi said simply.
“What should we say?” Sakura was confused.
“What you like, dislike. Your dreams for the future, hobbies, that kind of stuff.”
“Hey! You should go first.” Naruto suggested.
“Alright. My name is Kakashi Hatake. I don’t feel like telling you about my likes and dislikes. I haven’t really thought about my dreams for the future... And as for hobbies, I have a lot.” Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura looked at him in disbelief. They didn’t learn anything from that, just his name. “You next.”
“I’m Naruto Uzumaki! I like instant ramen, ramen from Ichiraku, and (Y/n)! My hobbies are trying different kinds of ramen. I dislike the five minutes you have to wait after you pour the hot water in your ramen. My hobby is eating and comparing ramen! My dream is to become Hokage, so that the people of the village will pay attention to me and give me some respect!”
“My name is Sakura Haruno. I like…*giggles* My hobbies are…*giggles* My dreams for the future are…*giggles* Oh, and I hate Naruto!” Every time she giggled she was looking at Sasuke. You mentally facepalmed. You were going to fix her.
“I am Sasuke Uchiha. I dislike a lot of things, but no likes in particular. What I have is not a dream because it will become a reality. I will restore my clan and kill a certain someone.” It was so emo.
“You do realize what you’re going to have to do to restore your clan, right? That’s a lot of se-“ Kakashi cut you off.
“Your turn.” Sasuke’s face had become beet red at your comment. He had an idea of who he wanted to help him restore his clan.
“I’m (Y/n) (L/n). I like food, and I dislike people who are mean to my friends. My hobbies are hanging out with friends and learning new jutsus. My dream is to save as many people as possible.”
“The four of you are…very distinct and interesting. Your first mission will be tomorrow.” Naruto perked up. “We'll do what we can with five people, a survival exercise.”
“An exercise? I thought this was supposed to be a mission.” Sakura pointed out.
“Yeah, what’s with that?” Naruto jumped in. Akashi began to laugh darkly, the sound making you sit up straighter.
“If I tell you, you’ll be disappointed…” The amused edge never left his voice. “Of the twenty-eight graduates, only nine or ten will be recognized as junior ninja. The rest will go back to the academy. In other words, this will be a difficult test with a 66% fail rate.” Everyone’s demeanors dropped a bit.
“I told you you wouldn’t like it.”
“That’s not fair! We’ve gone through so much. What was the graduation exam even for?!” Naruto exclaimed.
“It was to select those with the potential of becoming a genin.” Naruto shrieked incredulously. “I’ll be deciding if you pass or fail. Bring all of your ninja tools and meet at five in the morning!”
Everyone freaked out in their heads. No one was going to let themselves fail.
“Alright, you're dismissed.” Kakashi turned to leave. “Oh, and you should skip breakfast because you’ll throw up.”
The next morning, you woke up at six. You knew that Kakashi was going to be three hours late, so you took your time getting ready. You had a decent breakfast before going to the training ground. You arrived around seven forty-five.
“(Y/n)! Why are you so late?!” Sakura demanded a response.
“Oh, I just slept in on accident.” You lied with a smile before glancing around. “Looks like Kakashi isn’t here though, so it’s all good. Time is relative, you know.” The three of them stared at you in confusion.
Twenty minutes later, Kakashi finally arrived.
“Why are you three hours late?!”
“A black cat was about to cross my path, so I had to find another route.” Kakashi shrugged at his half assed lie.
“So, what’s our mission?” You asked. Kakashi set an alarm clock down in front of you all and removed three bells from his pocket.
“This clock is set to go off at noon. You have until then to take these bells from me. If you don’t get one, you won’t get lunch.” Your hungry teammates gasped.
“But sensei, there’s only three of them.” Sakura pointed out.
“At the very least, one of you will be sent back to the academy.” Naruto and Sakura were freaking out over how unfair it would be to be sent back to the academy. “Although one of you will definitely fail, all of you can still fail. You won’t get a bell unless you come at me with the intent to kill.”
“But sensei, that’s dangerous!” Sakura exclaimed.
“Yeah, you couldn’t even dodge an eraser!” Naruto snickered.
“In this world, those without enough skills tend to complain more. So don’t listen to that loser.”
Naruto was pissed. You could’ve swore he popped a blood vessel. The blond whipped out a kunai and charged at Kakashi. Almost too fast for you to comprehend, Kakashi caught Naruto’s hand and turned him around to be at his mercy with the kunai poised at the back of his blond head.
“Don’t be hasty. I didn’t say start yet.” The jonin’s voice was dangerously low and you felt your cheeks burn. Nothing beats hearing it in person. Why did you have to be twelve again?! He was so hot! Kakashi released Naruto after a moment. “But hey, you did come at me with the intent to kill.”
You all looked at your new sensei, anticipating his next words.
“I think I’m starting to like you guys.” Your team stared him down, hopeful. “Let’s start now.”
Everyone jumped away to hide. You were able to mask your presence well enough to begin concocting a plan. Nearby Naruto was out in the open and challenging Kakashi. You kept your eyes on Kakashi as a precaution.
If you remembered correctly, the purpose of this exercise was to work together. Sasuke wouldn’t be open to cooperating since he believed people would slow him down. Sakura might be more open to it, even if she can get a little distracted… You made your way over to her, careful to not make a sound.
“Psst. Sakura.”
She opened her mouth to scream, but you covered it.
“We should work together. None of us are good enough to get the bells on our own. Here’s what we can do.” You leaned in close to Sakura to whisper your plan.
Unbeknownst to you, Kakashi had a clone watching your every move. He smiled underneath his mask before diffusing into smoke. He wanted to be surprised.
While Naruto was getting his ass handed to him, you and Sakura took up your positions. Sakura would ambush Kakashi and put him under a genjutsu. In the second that he would take to release it, you would snatch the bells.
Kakashi had just finished dealing with Naruto’s dumb ass when Sakura pounced.
“Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Jutsu.”
Kakashi’s body went rigid. You had jumped out of hiding as soon as Sakura performed the last hand seal.
Wind thundered in your ears as you rocketed to your sensei. He drew close within seconds, your hands reaching out. Cool metal pressed into your skin and your hand closed. You let the momentum propel you away from him. It was your escape.
“(Y/n)!” Sakura called out.
You opened your hand to reveal three twigs.
“They were fakes! The real ones were somewhere else on his body.”
“What?!” Sakura caught up to your figure. “When did he do that?”
“Right before you put me under that genjutsu.”
The two of you whipped around to face your teacher.
“Well, it was worth a shot. We’ll just have to figure out a better plan.” You shrugged, knowing that the two of you had already passed.
Just then, the timer went off.
“Time for lunch. Except for Naruto.” Kakashi’s tone didn’t reflect how scary he was acting earlier.
The three of you sat down around Naruto with your bentos.
“Sakura and (Y/n) have already passed. You’ve got to step it up, boys.”
Sakura’s green eyes widened as a grin spread across her face.
“We did?”
“They did?!” Naruto exclaimed.
“Yeah. Don’t tell the boys your secrets.” Kakashi went from lighthearted to terrifying. “And none of you feed Naruto.”
With that you were left alone to eat. Naruto’s stomach loudly protested the lack of food. You just went for it, offering your food up after taking a bite.
“Relax. Naruto’s gonna need his strength if he wants to pass.” You alternated between taking a bite and giving Naruto one.
Hesitantly, Sasuke and Sakura joined.
“You still need to eat too, you know.”
The rotation of feeding Naruto didn’t last long before Kakashi returned, looking livid. The sky became dark as clouds rolled in and thunder crashed.
“You…all pass.”
Just like that, the dark clouds were gone. A pleased expression could be seen on what was revealed of Kakashi’s face.
“But how?”
“Those who break the rules are scum. But those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.”
After talking to Hinata and Ino, you and Sakura were informed that they didn’t have to endure a test. Kakashi was just being extra. Of course he was. You thought to yourself.
“So unfair.”
“He may not act like it, but Kakashi-sensei cares. You’ll see.” You assured her with a smile.
“If you say so.”
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nonoel-28 · 2 years ago
Class 1A as Genin Teams!
*This is purely my own perspective and how I think the team-ups would be, but I would love to hear what you think and/or if you would pair them up differently :) *
I wanted to keep the 2 boys, 1 girl dynamic, but was short 1 girl, so one team will be all boys.
Also tried to at least give each team a long distance fighter as well as a melee fighter. I will say which is which per team.
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This team consists of 2 melee fighters (Midoriya & Kirishima) and 2 distance fighters (Tokoyami and Hawks).
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Shoji is the main melee fighter, I feel like Yoayorozu and Edgeshot would both be mid range fighters, with Todoroki is mainly long distance fighter.
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This team is purely consists of melee fighters. They aren't afraid to get close and personal in a fight.
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There are no heavy hitters. This team I feel like would be a stealth/capture team, with Sero as the long-range fighter and the rest as mid-range fighters.
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Aoyama is the long range fighter and the rest flip flop between melee and mid-range fighters.
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Sato is the melee fighter in this team, and the rest are mid-range fighters. Koda jutsu would be similar to Ino Yamanaka's.
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Hagakure and Mt. Lady are the melee fighters, Kaminari is a mid-range fighters, and Mineta is long range and very good at setting traps.
Since this is MHA in the Naruto universe, here is what some other pro heroes are doing instead of being a Genin Leader.
All Might is the Hokage.
Nezu is the Hokage's Advisor as well as Gran Torino and Recovery Girl.
Endeavor Is the Jonin Commander.
Present Mic is a pre-Genin teacher (like Izuka).
Midnight works in T&I (Also, would be an inappropriate Genin Leader)
Best Jeanist is a Jonin who usually teaches the Hokage's children and/or grankids the shinobi way, but All Might has no kiddos.
Fat Gum is the Team Leader of the Big Three, Mirio Togato, Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki. (Between the 3, Mirio is currently the only Jonin on the team, Nejire is close to promoting, and Amajiki would have been Jonin way before Mirio if it wasnt for his self-worth issues and lack of motivation).
The previous holders of OFA are previous Hokages.
And there you have it!! This is something I also want to draw someday, but until then, let me know what you think!! 😁
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