#Initiative Musik
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bauerntanz · 17 days ago
Keine Förderung?
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Noch im letzten Jahr freute sich Daniela De Ridder: “Ein Grund zu feiern” postete die SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete sogar schon einen Tag vor der offiziellen Bekanntgabe der durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung fĂŒr Kultur und Medien Claudia Roth, GrĂŒne, seit 2023 geförderten Festivals: 2025 geht das LAUTFEUER Festival aber wohl leer aus. Das schreibt zumindest die in Berlin ansĂ€ssige Initiative

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notafraidofredyellowandblue · 1 month ago
Paul's reaction to being played on GDR radio
This quote is from the book "Wir wollen immer artig sein...Punk, New-Wave, Hip-hop und Independent-szene in der DDR von 1980-1990", pages 559 and 565.
The quote is from a chapter that has an interview with Lutz Schramm, presenter of the show 'Parocktikum' that was broadcast by the official GDR radio station, initially as part of the youth-program 'DT 64'. For more information on Parocktikum see wiki (de) and the website of Lutz Schramm at parocktikum.de which also contains a wiki to people and places from the era.
Interesting tidbit on the page for Flake which a.o. mentions the many collabs that Flake did like "Flake & Piet (mit ... Piet? Mancherorts wird behauptet, auch "Piet" wĂ€re Paul Landers)" translated "Flake & Piet (with ... Piet? In some places it is claimed that "Piet" is also Paul Landers)". And announced recently was that on 7 feb 2025 Flake and Piet's release will be re-released đŸŒș but back to the quote.. 😊
Lutz Schramm is asked which music he played (what he liked himself), if he was hindered a lot by officials (not very much, although he took care not to play too political songs like 'Anti-Armia' by 'Die Frirma'), how people and fans sent him cassettetapes to play (because there wasn't much else for bands to distribute their music), and what the artists in the 'scene' thought about being played on state radio.
Hat es denn FĂ€lle von Distanzierungen von seiten der Szene zu deiner Sendung 'Parocktikum' gegeben?
Schramm: "Ja, zum Beispiel hat mich Paul Landers von Feeling B angerufen und mir mitgeteilt: 'Die Magdalene Keibel Combo hat in deiner Sendung nichts zu suchen, spiel die nicht!'. Ich hab dann am Telefon ein bißchen mit ihm rumdiskuttiert, er meinte: 'Die Leute kommen bei Konzerten zu uns und erzĂ€hlen, ihr lauft da im Ost-Radio, das ist nicht so toll!' Ich erklĂ€rte ihm, ich spiel das, weil mir die Musik gefĂ€llt und nicht wegen irgendwelchen politischen Geschichten, aber er erwiderte, letztendlich geht es haptsĂ€chlich um die politischen Geschichten. Ich sagte ihm dann: 'Okay, wahrscheinlich hast du recht, dan lassen wir es eben'. Ich hab's dann einmal gespielt und sonst kein Verbot dafĂŒr bekommen. Solche Geschichten sind eben vor allem gelaufen, da gab es auch noch einige andere. VerhĂ€ltnismĂ€ĂŸig oft ist es passiert, daß Musiker gesagt oder geschrieben haben: 'Spiel uns nicht, weil das möglicherweise unsere Street-Credibility beschĂ€digt'."
Um sich selbst vor staatlichem Zugriff zu schĂŒtzen oder um ihre Fans nicht zu enttĂ€uschen?
Schramm:"Eher das."
Have there been any cases of distancing from the scene towards your show 'Parocktikum'?
Schramm: "Yes, for example, Paul Landers from Feeling B called me and told me: 'The Magdalene Keibel Combo has no place in your show, don't play it!'. I then argued a bit with him on the phone, he said : 'People come to us at concerts and say you're on East radio, that's not that great!' I explained to him that I was playing it because I liked the music and not because of any politics, but he replied that in the end it is mainly about politics. I then told him: 'Okay, you're probably right, so we'll leave it at this '. I played it once and didn't get bother for it. Stories like that happened, and there were quite a few others. What happened relatively a lot was musicians said or wrote: 'Don't play us, because of that possibly damages our Street credibility'."
To protect themselves from government access or not to disappoint your fans?
Schramm: "More the latter."
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Lutz is also asked if all GDR bands were originals or just copies of english or american bands
Schramm:"Feeling B ist, glaube ich, das Authentischte, was du finden kannst, weil die auch nicht Musik im eigentlichen Sinne gemacht haben, die haben eben irgendwie nur irgendwas gemacht, das war so: plopp!
Schramm: "Feeling B is, I think, the most authentic thing you can find, because they didn't make music in the actual sense, they just somehow did something, it was like: plop!
more quotes by or about Rammstein or related topics
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seeyal8r · 8 months ago
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L8rboy (often stylized as L8RBOY!) made their debut on March 21st, 2017 under Hidden Entertainment with members Hana, Heather, Poupette, Mae, and Lo. Their debut single, See ya!, didn't receive the warm welcome they had hoped for. The debut was met with a wave of criticism from netizens for various reasons, including the fact that one of the members, Hana, was the daughter of the company's CEO. Hana was also criticized for her perceived lack of professionalism and inadequate preparation, particularly her subpar rap skills. Additionally, the group faced backlash because their leader, Mae, was not of Asian descent.
Although the girls started the promotion of their single with high spirits, their enthusiasm waned over time, leading to the cancellation of some of their final scheduled interviews. After several months of absence from social media, the group came back with their first mini-album, SHOUT OUT, featuring the single ICY. The same day of its release, #TheyKeepTalkinIKeepWalkin became trending topic on Twitter. This particular line resonated with the girls and fans alike, as it directly addressed the unjust hate the group had received during their debut. The hashtag quickly gained traction, symbolizing the group's resilience and determination to succeed despite the criticism they had faced.
With the initial controversy having died down, SHOUT OUT was warmly received by the few fans they had garnered during their debut as well as attracted new ones, allowing them to stabling a modest but dedicated mostly local fanbase.
After two years and three comebacks, L8RBOY silently disbanded following the release of their mini album STRAWBERRIES & CREAM, with CAKE being the last title track released under Hidden Entertainment. The disbandment was never officially announced, but it became evident as the members remained inactive for nearly a year. This period of silence ended with the announcement that INFERNO MUSIK had acquired L8RBOY's contract.
INFERNO MUSIK rebranded the group, shifting their image from a cute concept to a more mature, girl crush aesthetic. The lineup also saw changes, with members Lo and Hana staying behind at Hidden Entertainment and being replaced by two trainees from INFERNO: Achara and Silv, the latter of whom gained fame from her participation in the survival show The Bird Box, hosted by INFERNO.
L8RBOY re-debuted on 2020 with the mini album Killing Your Darlings, and its title track LOVES!CK GIRLS broke into the music charts, marking a turning point for the group. For the first time, L8RBOY was experiencing the success they had longed for, and their future seemed brighter than ever. Over the next two years, they solidified their place in the industry, enjoying a level of popularity they had previously only dreamed of.
However, in 2023, they came back with their first full album with only four members. Mae was noticeably absent from the promotions, and no official explanation was provided. Mae has not promoted with the group since then, leaving fans uncertain about her future with L8RBOY.
Despite a rocky start in the industry, L8RBOY has emerged as one of the most iconic and influential girl groups of their generation. Their journey from a troubled debut to chart-topping success is a testament to their resilience and talent, securing their place in the records of K-pop history.
COMPANY: former Hidden Entertainment, current INFERNO MUSIK
OFFICIAL COLOR: strawberry red
FANDOM: lovebirds
GREETING: you should’ve seen it coming! Hello, we’re L8RBOY!
ACTIVE MEMBERS: Heather, Achara, Poupette & Silv
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BIRTH NAME: Heather Lee
BIRTHDAY: September 5th, 2000
HOMETOWN: Chicago, Illinois
ETHNICITY: Dutch-Korean
COMPANY: former Hidden Entertainment, current INFERNO MUSIK
POSITION: lead vocalist, lead dancer, face of the group, maknae
YEARS ACTIVE: 2017-2019, 2020-present
VOICECLAIM: DeVita & Eva Noblezada
Heather Lee was born in Chicago to a loving family as their only child. Her parents had struggled for years with infertility, finally giving up hope of ever having a child. Then, by a stroke of luck, her mother became pregnant with Heather, and they felt it was nothing short of a miracle. From that moment, Heather became the light of their lives, and they devoted themselves to providing her with the best life they could.
From an early age, Heather showed a keen interest in theater, especially musicals. She eagerly joined every theater group that got on her way, taking on roles such as Karen Smith in Mean Girls and Fiona in Shrek. During her teenage years, she tirelessly auditioned for various Broadway musicals, yet each time, she faced rejection. Despite her mounting desperation and growing sense of defeat, she never gave up on her dream.
The one day a member of Hidden Entertainment’s staff saw her perform as Cinderella in her high school’s production of Into the Woods. Impressed by her talent, he offered her a trainee position at the company. Heather seized the opportunity without hesitation, believing that if Broadway wasn’t her destiny, perhaps the K-pop industry was where she truly belonged.
After a relatively short training period, Heather debuted as the lead vocalist of L8RBOY. Her genuine personality and astonishing vocals quickly made her the second most popular member of the group. Following the silent disbandment of L8RBOY and the subsequent acquisition of the group’s contract by INFERNO MUSIK, Heather was the first to sign on among the three members who survived the lineup changes.
In the group's re-debut under INFERNO, Heather kept her position and saw her career flourish. She eventually became the face of L8RBOY. Her solo success also led to her debut as a solo artist and landed her a summer contract to play Eurydice in the Broadway musical Hadestown.
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BIRTH NAME: Achara ‘Tara’ Rhitthirong
BIRTHDAY: October 21st, 1998
BIRTHPLACE: Ayutthaya, Thailand
HOMETOWN: Bangkok, Thailand
PROFESSION: idol, coreographer
COMPANY: former YG Entertainment, current INFERNO MUSIK
GROUP: Blackpink L8RBOY!
POSITION: main dancer, main rapper, center
YEARS ACTIVE: 2020-present
YEARS TRAINED: 6 years (3 years at YG, 3 at INFERNO)
FACECLAIM: Nicha Yontararak ‘Minnie’
Achara ‘Tara’ Rhitthirong was born in Ayutthaya, where she spent her early years. As the youngest of six children, she didn’t receive much attention from her parents during her childhood. Initially puzzled by their lack of time for her, young Tara eventually came to terms with being invisible, even finding a certain comfort in it. Her siblings didn’t receive much attention either, so Tara found solace in her own pursuits. She spent the time that most kids would spend with their families in dance classes, a passion she discovered after attending one of her older sister’s ballet recitals.
Although she danced purely for enjoyment without any professional aspirations, her instructors saw her potential and encouraged her to compete at a national level. She performed exceptionally well, securing several national titles. It was at one of these competitions that she caught the eye of YG Entertainment, who offered her a trainee position and a fully covered move to South Korea. One benefit of having inattentive parents is that they don’t seem to mind you moving alone to a completely different country at the age of 13.
Tara trained at YG for three years and was even considered for debut in BLACKPINK. However, she was ultimately replaced in the lineup by Lisa. Disheartened but determined, Tara stayed with YG for a few more months before her contract was acquired by INFERNO MUSIK.
ïżŒAfter an additional three years of rigorous training, she debuted as Achara in L8RBOY. She quickly earned a reputation as one of the best dancers in the industry, praised for her professionalism and passion. Tara is also well known for her easygoing, bubbly personality.
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★ïčà­šđŸ“à­§ïč’ SHE WORKED HER ASS OFF TO BE HERE. WAS IT WORTH IT? ïč’ â‚ŠËšïč’
BIRTH NAME: Daisy-Mae PĂ©rez
BIRTHDAY: June 11th, 2000
BIRTHPLACE: New Jersey, New York, USA
HOMETOWN: New Jersey, New York, USA
COMPANY: former Hiddent Entertainment, current INFERNO MUSIK
POSITION: lead rapper, lead dancer, vocalist
YEARS ACTIVE: 2017-2019, 2020-present
Daisy-Mae PĂ©rez was born into a modest family in New Jersey. From a young age, she showed a profound interest in the performing arts. She spent her days dancing around the house, singing in the church choir, or rehearsing for her school plays. Her parents, despite their limited financial resources, were captivated by their daughter’s passion and talent. They did everything they could to support her dream, even postponing their divorce to ensure their limited funds went toward Daisy-Mae rather than legal fees.
They enrolled Daisy-Mae in dance classes, the most they could afford. It was there that she was introduced to K-pop by a friend. From that moment, debuting in the Korean industry became her ultimate goal, and she dedicated herself entirely to achieving it. She spent every moment outside of school practicing and honing her skills.
A few years later, Daisy-Mae passed the international auditions for Hidden Entertainment. After an emotional farewell with her parents, she boarded a plane to Seoul and began her training. Her hardworking and determined nature quickly set her apart, making her the top trainee of her cohort and earning her a debut spot with L8RBOY.
Being chosen as the group’s leader was the culmination of all her efforts, and for some time, Daisy-Mae was incredibly happy. She felt fulfilled and extremely fortunate for the opportunities life had given her. However, things took a turn for the worse when INFERNO acquired L8RBOY's contract. Despite surviving the lineup changes, Daisy-Mae lost her position as leader. She was heartbroken and couldn’t understand the reason why, but she continued to persevere, driven by her dedication and the support of her fans.
However, something must have happened behind the scenes, as one day, Daisy-Mae was placed on an indefinite hiatus, and nothing more was heard from her.
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STAGE NAME: Poupette
BIRTH NAME: Zhao Jiayi
FRENCH NAME: Juliette Zhao
BIRTHDAY: July 30th, 1999
BIRTHPLACE: Shenzhen, China
HOMETOWN: Marseille, France
COMPANY: former Hidden Entertainment, current INFERNO MUSIK
POSITION: leader, main vocalist, visual
YEARS ACTIVE: 2017-2019, 2020-present
Juliette Zhao, born Zhao Jiayi, was born in Shenzhen, China. However, she only spent her first year there before her family relocated to Marseille, France, due to her mother's business. Her mother, the owner of a prestigious luxury hotel chain, decided to move to Marseille to personally manage one of her hotels that was underperforming.
Juliette began singing in her school choir, where her exceptional vocal talent quickly stood out. Her teacher urged her mother to enroll her in private lessons, believing Juliette had the potential to build a career in music. Initially, her mother viewed the arts as a frivolous pursuit and not a stable career path. However, after persistent pleading from Jiayi, her mother finally agreed and payed for her lessons.
Continuing with the choir, Juliette also participated in various talent shows throughout her childhood. At the age of 12, she participated in the national contest to select France's representative for Junior Eurovision. Juliette not only won the national contest but also secured victory in the final competition. Following her victory, her mother received numerous offers from both Chinese and Korean music companies.
After considering their options, Jiayi and her mother chose to sign with Hidden Entertainment, whose CEO was an old classmate of her mother. Upon completing her training period, Jiayi debuted in L8RBOY as Poupette, taking on the role of the main vocalist. Despite the initial controversies surrounding the group's debut, Poupette was praised by netizens for her outstanding vocals and doll-like visage. She became the first member to cultivate a substantial solo fanbase.
With L8RBOY’s re-debut under INFERNO, Poupette not only retained her position as main vocalist but also took on the role of leader, a title previously held by Mae.
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BIRTH NAME: Silvia Kang
BIRTHDAY: February 24th, 1998
BIRTHPLACE: Daegu, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Sevilla, Spain
NATIONALITY: Korean-Spanish
PROFESSION: idol, songwriter
POSITION: vocalist, ocassional rapper
SURVIVAL SHOWS: The Bird Box (ranked 5th)
YEARS ACTIVE: 2020-present
FACECLAIM: Jung Jinsol
Silvia Kang, born Kang Siah, came into the world on a winter's day in Seville, Spain. Despite her Korean heritage and annual family trips to Daegu, her parents' hometown, Silvia always felt more Spanish than Korean. Growing up in a city as culturally rich as Sevilla, it was hard not to be influenced by its beauty, vibrant people, and unique customs.
Silvia's first encounter with the world of music began when her mother enrolled her in the conservatory to learn to play Spanish guitar. Initially, she saw it as a chore that took away time from playing with her school friends. However, Silvia soon fell in love with music. She began singing at the conservatory, and although she wasn’t the most outstanding vocalist, she enjoyed it immensely. She began performing mini-concerts at home for her parents and family friends.
By the age of 12, Silvia had written five songs, which she recorded with her guitar and uploaded to YouTube. It was through these videos that she was discovered by INFERNO MUSIK, who offered her a spot on their renowned international survival show, The Bird Box. Although Silvia was initially hesitant to accept the offer, knowing little about K-pop or its industry, her mother was thrilled that such a prestigious company like INFERNO had shown interest in her daughter. She convinced Silvia to participate, promising it would be a truly unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Silvia's time on The Bird Box was nothing short of remarkable. She managed to avoid elimination in every challenge until the final, where she was ultimately cut from debuting and finished in fifth place. Despite the glamour, not everything was as fantastic as it seemed. Silvia’s mother was right in saying it would be unforgettable, as whatever happened behind the scenes has led Silvia to never speak about her participation in The Bird Box.
After the show concluded, INFERNO offered Silvia a trainee contract with the promise of debuting within a few years. Following much internal debate, she decided to accept and give the K-pop industry a second chance. INFERNO kept its promise, and Silvia debuted as Silv with L8RBOY. Silv writes most of the group’s songs. Her talent extends beyond her group, as she frequently appears in the credits for songs by other top groups in the industry.
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formatting insp. by the lovely myah! @venusvity
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schreibschuppen · 11 months ago
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„Da die Kaiserin Euch endlich aus dem Rampenlicht entlassen hat - darf ich Euch um diesen Tanz bitten?“
Dorians Stimme war warm, und als er sich zu ihm herum drehte, war sein Gesicht in weiches Mondlicht getaucht.
„Ich hatte gehofft, dass Ihr das fragt.“
“Wie gut, dass wenigstens einer von uns Initiative zeigt.“ Mit seinem ĂŒblichen, charmantem LĂ€cheln, in dem nur eine winzige Spur Spott mitschwang, hielt Dorian ihm auffordernd seine Hand hin.
Alexander unterdrĂŒckte ein leises Seufzen, bevor er danach griff. Das war nicht der Dorian, auf den er gehofft hatte.
Aber etwas musste ihn verraten haben, denn Dorian musterte ihn grĂŒndlich, als er ihn zu sich heranzog. „Alles in Ordnung?“
Aus der offenen BalkontĂŒr klang leise die Musik. Dorians Tanzschritte waren elegant und ließen vergessen, dass er mit orlaisianischen BĂ€llen kaum vertraut war.
 war ein langer Abend.“
„Sagt bloïżœïżœ, Ihr erschlagt nicht jeden Abend im Anzug grĂ¶ĂŸenwahnsinnige GrĂ€finnen.“ Dorians Augen glitzerten.
An jedem anderen Abend hĂ€tte er sich mit VergnĂŒgen auf das GeplĂ€nkel eingelassen, aber nicht heute. „Wenn es nur das wĂ€re.“
Einen Moment lang herrschte Stille zwischen ihnen, dann blieb Dorian stehen. „Alexander.“ Mit einer Hand fuhr er sanft durch seine Haare, und jetzt stand echte Besorgnis in seinen Augen. Und obwohl er sich genau diese Aufmerksamkeit gewĂŒnscht hatte, wurde ihm unter dem fragenden Blick warm.
“Ich wĂŒrde lieber drei GrĂ€finnen erschlagen, statt auch nur einen Fuß zurĂŒck in diese Schlangengrube zu setzen.” bekannte er mit einem schiefen LĂ€cheln. “Ich  weiß nicht, wo sie ihre Messer haben, und es
 es ist so unfassbar ermĂŒdend.” Das beschrieb nicht einmal annĂ€hernd die Leere, die sich in ihm breit gemacht hatte, das unbĂ€ndige Verlangen, sich in einer Ecke zusammen zu rollen und sich eine Decke ĂŒber den Kopf zu ziehen. Und wie er gleichzeitig die nĂ€chste Maske, die ihn schief ansah, zu einem Klumpen Blech verformen wollte.
Und wie albern er sich dabei fĂŒhlte, das vor Dorian zuzugeben, dem Mann, der mit jeder Person um ihn herum mehr aufzublĂŒhen schien.
Dorians Finger waren warm, als er zwei Finger unter sein Kinn legte. Einen Moment lang sah er aus, als wolle er etwas sagen, aber dann kĂŒsste er ihn. Zart und leicht und so flĂŒchtig, dass Alexander unwillkĂŒrlich einen Schritt auf ihn zu machte, als er sich von ihm löste.“Ihr mĂŒsst auf andere Gedanken kommen.” Seine Hand fand seine  HĂŒfte, und im nĂ€chsten Moment tanzten sie wieder. Die Musikanten im Ballsaal spielten jetzt ein langsames StĂŒck. Das Licht der Laternen, die im Garten unter ihnen entzĂŒndet worden waren, spiegelte sich in Dorians Augen. “FĂŒr den Rest des Abends gehört Ihr mir, Lord Inquisitor.” Aber sein LĂ€cheln war warm, frei von Spott. “Und wer weiß, vielleicht schmuggel ich Euch direkt unter ihren feinen Nasen hier raus”
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star-trek-pop-quiz · 8 months ago
Star Trek POP-QUIZ #39
( 14 / 07 / 2024 )
Question 1. In which Avatar: The Last Airbender episodes does René Auberjonois not make an appearance? a. "The Great Divide" ( S1, E11 ) b. "The Northern Air Temple" ( S1, E17 ) c. "City of Walls and Secrets" ( S2, E14 ) d. "The Day of Black Sun" ( S3, E10-E11 )
Bonus Question: Name one ( or more ) ATLA characters he plays.
Question 2. TRUE OR FALSE Raffi Musiker has a major in Intelligence and a minor in Communications.
Question 3. What was Hikaru Sulu's initial position on the Starship Enterprise? a. Head of Xenobiology. b. Head of Astrosciences. c. Head of Navigation. d. None of the Above. He was always a helmsman.
Question 4. What degree did Beckett Mariner pursue at Starfleet Academy? a. Xeno-History b. Warpcore Engineering c. Astromycology d. Ethnobotany
Question 5. Fill-in Question! What was Riker's rank in his class upon graduation?
Bonus Question: How many Starships has Riker served on?
Score: __/ 5 + 2 bonus ( Answers under cut )
Question 1. c. "City of Walls and Secrets" ( S2, E14 )
+ The Mechanic ( b., d. ) and The Gan Jin Leader ( a. )
Question 2. FALSE. She has a major in Intelligence and a minor in Romulan Relations.
Question 3. b. Head of Astrosciences.
Question 4. a. Xeno-History
Question 5. He was ranked 8th in his graduating class.
+ 6.
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ozkar-krapo · 2 months ago
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Max E. KELLER "Sicher sein..." //
Martin SCHWARZENLANDER [Martin FISCHER] "Erst wollt Ihr den Petersbrunnhof, dann Hellbrunn, und schliesslich gar Schloss Mirabell / Unter dem Pflasterstein (noch immer) liegt der Strand"
(split LP. Sozialistische Musiker Initiative. 1977 / rec. 1976-77) [CH/AT]
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experimentik · 5 months ago
Experimentik #78 / 16.Oct.2024 /
Marina Cyrino / Alexander Markvart / Javier Areal VĂ©lez
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16. October 2024 / 20:30- (doors 20:00) *no entry during sets
3 x solo
Marina Cyrino - amplified flute, objects
Alexander Markvart  - feedback acoustic guitar, objects
Javier Areal Vélez - laptop
FB event ———————————
Marina Cyrino is a Brazilian flutist and sound artist based in Berlin. She works in the fields of improvisation, composition and performative installations. Her flute playing is characterized by singular techniques developed through the use of internal amplification. The rhythmic use of the flute, the extensive use of objects and balloons attached to the instrument, and the use of disassembled flute parts are other distinctive elements of her playing. She is a member of the Brazilian experimental music label Seminal Records.
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photo © Cristina Marx_Photomusix
Alexander Markvart - is a musician, member of theater projects and organizer of events and festivals. Born on January 5, 1987 in Kemerovo. Now based in Berlin. He is a notable figure on the Russian new improvised and experimental music scenes. Uses in many projects and performances a wide range of musical instruments: as quite common - piano, guitar, accordion, saxophone, trumpet, analog synthesizers, electric drums, flute, laptop, etc., and also various objects, wires, appliances, etc. Stylistically he works in a lot of musical genres from radical free improvisation, EAI, noise, hardcore, to well-structured projects, minimal techno and post-folk.
Founder of such polystylistic musical formations as Studio of Unconscious Music (SUM) and Siberian Improvisation Company (SIC!). Also in different years is a member of another experimental bands and projects - Sacrifices, Verevka, Radical Muzak Septet, MITLO, Klub Demboh, Inorganic Blossoming, PSVSV, Cherubs, Importunate Twins, Sekta Phoenix. Works and plays concerts in various projects with different musicians such as: Axel Dörner, Lucio Capece, Burkhard Beins, Mazen Kerbaj, Joke Lanz, Adam Asnan, Jonas Kocher, Fire! (Mats Gustafsson, Johan Berthling, Andreas Werliin), Ilia Belorukov, Joel Grip, Nick Sudnik, Michel Doneda, Bryan Eubanks and with many others. 
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Javier Areal VĂ©lez (Buenos Aires, 1985) is an experimental music composer, improviser and curator. His recent work focuses on the coding of digital companions for the performance of live improvised music. Javier's electronic music develops around noisy polyrhythms of extra-human complexity to make the most deformed audiences move. He researches human+machine collaborations through the use of samples, synthesis, lights, and mechanical robots. Additionally, Javier has a long career as performer of prepared electric guitar. His characteristic style relies heavily on a primal technique that emphasizes timbre and rhythm over traditional forms, favoring intensity and dynamic contrast. Javier has released records on labels worldwide and has collaborated with artists such as Heiner Goebbels, Audrey Chen, Chris Pitsiokos, Violeta GarcĂ­a, Brian Chase, Shayna Dunkelman and Jorge Espinal. He is a member of CALATO, KYSE and VVU and wrote commissions for ensambles HĂ­bridx, Rotativo and Tempi. Over the past decade, Javier has performed extensively in Argentina and toured across South and North America, Europe and Japan. Javier is the founder and director of RUIDO Experimental Music Festival (active since 2017), and he coordinates the Sound Arts Center (CASo) of the Secretary of Culture of Argentina.
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photo © Susi Maresca
Experimentik 2024  is supported by inm - initiative neue musik berlin / field notes
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eurovision-revisited · 8 months ago
Eurovision 2004 - Number 1 - MIA. - "Hungriges Herz"
My number one this year are MIA. Those initials stand for a variety of things, although they started out as Me in Affairs before deciding that Musik ist Alles and serveral other names were better. They are group centred around school friends Mieze Katz (Kitty Cat real name Maria Mummert) and Andy Penn aka Andreas Ross. Introduced to their rhythm section by TV host Sarah Kuttner in 1997, the band built an indie/electropunk sound influenced by the New German Wave of the 1980s.
In 2004, they released their second album, had a fair degree of media and record label push and have a solid and growing fan base. They also courted controversy by releasing a song that touched on ideas of German identity and the German flag - tinderbox subjects in Germany and that caused more than debate among their fans.
That brings them to Germany 12 Points! in 2004. This year more than any other, NDR had pushed the boat out. It says something that even with their exceptionally young, Berlin-centric, fashionable fans that they were not favourites or even among the better know names in the competition. They also drew the death-slot in the running order.
Their song is Hungriges Herz (Hungry Heart) and boy is this song thirsty. It's an indie anthem about being desperate for someone who's closed off, calculating, and ice hold. Mieze's longs for something back, but their love interest is set about doing their own thing, holding Mieze in their own, uncomfortable way. Quite what exactly they're doing with their rough angel's tongue is never made exactly clear but they definitely don't want to be hugged back. Just what are they willing to do? How far will they go? In it's own repressed, restrained and confused way, this is extremely steamy.
The guitars idle with their melodic noodles, until Mieze says Du bist eis, which excites them into building up to the chant along chorus. It's designed to get a stadium singing 'wie weit' at the top of their voices. It's compellingly simple, emotionally invested, frustrated horniness in a song. That directness and theme is one rarely explored in Eurovision songs. The fact that it's so reminiscent of 1980s German electronica is only going to make me love it more.
In the televote, MIA. did not make the top four. They didn't get to Eurovision, but this stage definitely boosted their popularity and national awareness. Hungriges Herz became their biggest hit to date. Their career escalated from here. Their 2006 album Circus got to number two in the German charts with several singles also charting highly - up to 2020 they released a total seven albums most of which made the top 10. Most fascinatingly, they represented Berlin in the 2007 edition of Bundesvision - the German version of Eurovision in which German states rather than countries competed.
I love this song and performance - I wish they'd won or at least had another go. It's led me to discover a new band with a whole back catalogue to explore. If only this song didn't finish with a fade out.
Here's the song they took to Bundesvision in 2007 - Zirkus
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isagrimorie · 1 year ago
Your Conspiracy Spiral post reminded me of the “Stalked Janeway” charge in Raffi’s file and got me wondering how things would’ve been like for her if she had somehow gotten the information to her. There are no specifics on when she approached her but I imagine it was quite early on in her research.
Oh definitely! I think that it would be earlier in Janeway’s career— and especially, if Delta Quadrant is something she’s been assigned to.
Those days Janeway would still be Vice-Admiral so she still has the other Admirals higher than her.
But if Janeway got hold of that data, she would have done something. Even if she dismissed it, initially, once the idea is in her head, curiosity will get the better of Janeway and she’ll end up investigating.
Being an Admiral has its privileges and will open more doors. Raffi wouldn’t have felt so alone so long— honestly, Raffi would fit in the Voyager/Prodigy family so well.
It’s amazing Janeway hadn’t set eyes on Raffi yet. Because if she had she’d look at Raffi, point at her and instantly decide she’s one of Hers.
Raffi Musiker is of Voyager/Prodigy clan!
Janeway would welcome her to the family.
Speaking of Stalking, I was reminded that Seven actually did quite a lot of that back in Voyager. Specifically to poor B’Elenna in the name of educating herself about romance or whatever else she thought would suit Seven’s to learn from her.
Personally, I just think Seven had a crush on B’Elenna that Seven only figured out after. Like, years after!
 again, I think Seven would be understanding of Raffi in this regard!
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tacoma-narrows · 1 year ago
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Finally went through my camera photos from my experience at Dorney Park's first ever Winter Chill Out event last weekend!! It was so cool to see the park closed during the off-season and all the rides being broken down for their off-season maintenance! We got to see a whole bunch of different places including:
Seeing the new trains for Thunderhawk for that ride's 100th anniversary this coming season. They look absolutely fantastic!! I love the colors (first picture)
Got to go into an off-season maintenance building to see a bunch of ride vehicles and stuff including wheel assemblies, cars, vehicles for their newly rethemed set of flying scooters, and it was crazy to see a box with the B&M logo on it lmao (pics 2 thru 5)
We also were shown the thing they use to inspect the tracks of rides like Steel Force, Talon and Hydra! This crazy looking gyroscopic hamster ball on an arm thing that hugs the track of the ride and can be controlled along it for the technicians sitting in the ball to inspect the track (6th pic)
We got to go into a behind the scenes area behind Hydra and Steel Force to get some really cool shots of both (pics 7 and 8). They were also test cycling Steel Force while we were back there, so it was awesome to see it fly through the helix a bunch while we were back there!
It was also just rlly cool to see all the different rides closed down for the winter, with the Wave Swinger, Musik Express and Demon Drop shown here (pics 9 through 11)
And of course we got to see the brand new Iron Menace up close! It may not be the biggest or most dynamic dive coaster ever, but it looks fantastic, both in its own right and in Dorney's skyline! The colors are great and I absolutely cannot wait to see what the whole new Steelyard themed area around it will look like when it's done! (Pic 12)
We also got to take a light on tour of the park's Ghost In The Machine Halloween Haunt attraction! I didn't include any pics of that here, but it's tied in with the story of Iron Menace and was SUPER cool too!
Then lastly we got to go into the electrical room for the park's Intaimin Impulse Coaster, Possessed! (Pics 13 and 14) Just all the electronics and wiring that go into that thing was crazy. Since the ride is launched magnetically, it uses a HUGE amount of power. The guy showing us everything said that when it does the initial launch of 0-70 mph, the ride uses more power in that moment than the entirety of Dorney's attached waterpark COMBINED! And if you know how big Wildwater Kingdom is, that's no small feat lmao
Anyways, that's a sampling of some pics and a general rundown of what I saw at Dorney Park's Winter Chill Out! It was such a cool event and I'm so happy I was able to go! Hopefully Dorney continues to put these on, because I'd love to go to more of them in the future!
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usafphantom2 · 10 months ago
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12th May 1936. First flight of the Messerschmitt Bf 110 heavy fighter, initially known as the Zerstörer (destroyer). Partly due to serious issues with its intended successor, the Me 210, the Bf 110 remained in use throughout the war. Often unfairly portrayed as a failure, this versatile aircraft was extremely useful to the Luftwaffe.
Used initially as a long-range fighter, the Bf 110 performed well in the early months of the war, but the Battle of Britain exposed its vulnerability to single-engined opponents. Nonetheless, they continued to serve in this capacity successfully for some time in the Mediterranean, North Africa and on the Eastern Front, where there was initially less fighter opposition.
Operational testing of the Bf 110 as a fighter-bomber soon proved in could perform well against ground targets. Its heavy armament of 2x20mm cannon and 4 machine guns was coupled with a useful bombload of up to 1,000kg to make it a highly potent attack and close support aircraft. Bf 110s would serve in this capacity for much of the war. Other aircraft, with reduced armament to allow the fitting of cameras, were used for reconnaissance.
Early Luftwaffe experience against American 4-engined day bombers over Europe showed that there was a need for dedicated bomber destroyers. Bf 110s were fitted with a variety of 20mm, 30mm and even 37mm cannon as well as up to four unguided rockets and could devastate bomber formations. However, the arrival of long-range escort fighters made their missions extremely hazardous.
It is perhaps as a night fighter that the Bf 110 proved most effective. Carrying sophisticated radar and, increasingly, the lethal ‘SchrĂ€ge Musik’ upward-firing cannon, they would exact a heavy toll against RAF Bomber Command. Many Luftwaffe night fighter pilots claimed a significant number of victories in Bf 110s, among them Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer who was credited with 121, a figure which postwar research suggests may be accurate.
1) Bf 110Cs of Zerstörergeschwader 76 ‘Haifisch’ over the English Channel, August 1940.
đŸ“· battleofbritain1940.com
2) Bf 110E fighter/bomber of
ZG 1‘Wespe’. Note the bomb rack under the fuselage, capable of carrying up to 2x500kg weapons; additional underwing racks could be fitted.
3) Bf 110G-2 bomber destroyers fitted with a ventral gun pod for 2 additional 20mm cannon and four underwing rocket tubes, plus drop tanks.
đŸ“· acesflyinghigh.wordpress.com
4) Bf 110G-4 night fighter which made an emergency landing in Switzerland in April 1944. Carrying the latest Lichtenstein radar, it was later destroyed by the Swiss in return for delivery of 12 Bf 109Gs.
đŸ“· ©IWM HU 108218
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263adder · 2 years ago
Chapter 2: You're All Crazy
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46882966/chapters/118518730
Summary: Only the other week it was Changelings and Admiral Picard with his Merry Men. Now there's an unidentifiable anomaly ahead and Captain Shaw is getting a headache.
Liam Shaw x Reader
Part One | Part Two
Starfleet had responded, though they didn’t give nearly as much instruction as Shaw would’ve liked. There was far too much leeway leftover for Commander Seven to start getting ideas in.
Their orders were to complete their initial route, the one that had been derailed by Picard and Riker’s unwanted company, then return to Starfleet Headquarters for maintenance as planned. Their latest visitor could depart there. Given the unreliability of time travel, it was unlikely they’d ever return home; so Starfleet had minimal concerns about her gaining knowledge of the future. Apart from barring her from sensitive parts of the ship, principally Engineering and the Bridge, she could have the freedom of any other guest.
Of course someone would have to explain what had happened. Starfleet seemed to be under the impression Shaw would do that in his capacity as Captain but, given how much he knew his subordinates liked to interfere, that felt like a task he’d happily relinquish to someone more eager to get involved.
Tapping his communicator, Shaw summoned Seven of Nine and Kenney, his Chief of Security, to his ready room for a debrief.
“First of all,” he started, not bothering with the formality of a hello, “Starfleet have strongly discouraged us from pursuing the anomaly. We are to continue on our current trajectory. A research vessel has been dispatched to investigate further.ïżœïżœ
Seven’s face hardened and Shaw watched resignedly as an argument formulated in her mind. Before she could protest, he added: “We can still continue to analyse the results of the probe. And, of course, if we encounter it again there’s nothing to stop us gathering more information.”
A gleam came into Seven’s eye that he definitely didn’t like, but he decided to take her nod as confirmation there would be no more funny business.
Turning to Kenney, Shaw asked if there had been any luck identifying their visitor.
“No, Captain. Narrowing down the location and date of her origin will enable us to pull up her records, but those aren’t available on our database. These files were never uploaded because, well, it wasn’t thought they’d be needed in this day and age.”
“Fair enough. Starfleet hasn’t imposed containment, however, she should be supervised to ensure she doesn’t wander too far. Once they regain consciousness, create a rota and have a member of Security accompany her at all times. Set up guest quarters too. She’ll be aboard until we reach Starfleet Headquarters.”
“Aye, Captain.”
“Captain.” Seven interjected. “I have some experience with time travel.”
“Of course you do.” He commented dryly, thoroughly unsurprised.
“I’d be willing to volunteer to accompany them around the ship.”
“So you can ask questions about how they came to be here and if they saw anything that could identify the anomaly?”
“You said Starfleet had no objection to further research.”
Shaw seemed to spend his life sighing around his crew and today was no different from any other day.
“Fine. Engineering and the Bridge are off limits. Someone needs to explain that she’s in 2402 and everything else that comes with the time travelling territory – mainly that, you know, aliens are a thing. I don’t think they knew that 400 years ago.”
“And err, I’m not actually trying to be insensitive as per usual, but,” he gestured toward his own face in mirror to the implants on Seven’s, “don’t be surprised if she looks confused about your appearance. I’m surprised she didn’t clock Doctor T’plokan’s ears and start screaming.”
“I will take Commander Musiker with me. She is – adept – at putting people at ease.”
“Good idea. Very well, you’re both dismissed.”
“Captain.” They said, taking their leave.
For a moment, Shaw wondered what it would be like waking up 400 years in the future. If it would be nearly as confusing as everything that had happened to Titan only a few weeks ago, when they discovered the Changeling plot. If it was in any way similar, he sympathised for the headache this woman was due.
*           *           *
Seven picked Raffi up from their quarters and was heading toward the medbay when her communicator chirped with an update from T’plokan.
“Commander. The patient will awaken in the next ten minutes according to the neural calliper.”
“Understood, I’m on my way.”
Turning to Raffi, she asked: “What’s our approach?”
Raffi chuckled. “We’re not ambushing the enemy here. We’ll go in, be our usual friendly selves and answer whatever questions she has.”
“That could be a lot.”
She nodded. “Yes, and all we can do is be patient with her. Remember what an adjustment it was for us when we landed in the 21st century? On the plus side, it’s given us an insight into what life must have been like for her.”
“Crowded and hostile?” Seven reflected.
“Smaller.” Raffi corrected. “We’re about to open up the entire potential of outer space. Multiple human settlements, not just Earth. Hundreds of alien cultures, some of which we’re only just learning about.”
“You’re aware she might not believe us?”
“Luckily we have plenty of evidence aboard that we’re telling the truth.”
“Speaking of,” Seven said, brushing her fingers over the ocular implant at her brow, “are you certain I should be there when you break the news? I wouldn’t want to alarm her.”
Raffi pulled Seven’s hand away from her face, tangling their fingers together. “Have you ever heard the expression no one cares what the bridesmaid is wearing?”
Seven gave her a look of confusion.
“Guess not. What I mean is, she’s going to have a lot to process. I doubt she’ll even notice. We might be answering questions for hours.”
Or not.
When they walked into the medbay, their patient was wide awake – barely tolerating T’plokan’s presence as she removed the neural calliper from her forehead. Once it was off, she batted the Doctor away.
“Hi.” Raffi said softly, walking up to her bed. “It’s good to see you awake. Are you feeling better?”
The patient shifted gingerly, relaxing when the sting of pain didn’t return with her movement.
“Do you remember us? We were here when you first woke up. I’m Raffi, this is Seven, and that’s your doctor – T’plokan.”
“Greetings.” Seven said.
“You tried to hit me with a tray, remember?” Raffi prompted when she got no response.
“Would you like me to try again?” The woman asked, voice somewhat hoarse from sleep.
Raffi laughed good naturedly. “Not really, but I wouldn’t blame you if you tried. This has to be pretty confusing right? Unless you’ve remembered how you got here?”
“Sadly I’m still in the dark on that one. Your Captain said you were too.”
“Yeah. Honestly we’re not sure how you got here. We were sailing on course when we intercepted another vessel. You fell down one of our ladders, presumably having come from the other ship.” Raffi explained, adding more to the story to gently acclimatise her. “We tried to contact them but got no response. You don’t remember leaving home, so I guess you can’t tell me anything about them?”
“Sorry.” She replied impassively, eyeing Raffi warily as she stepped closer to her bedside.
“Eh, we figured that might be the case. You had a nasty fall.”
“Which I seem to have recovered from.” She replied sceptically. “How long was I out, exactly? Because I’m pretty sure I had a broken arm the last time I was up.”
“It’s been five hours.” T’plokan supplied. “I will need to assess your condition again, but I doubt you need to stay in medbay much longer.”
Holding up her right arm, their guest looked at it curiously. Twisting it side to side as if looking for evidence of the damage.
“There’s not even a scar.”
“I know this must be confusing
” Raffi started.
Pushing herself upright on the bed, she flung back, “No shit. Where am I?”
“You’re on the USS
“Titan. Yeah, I got that bit. But seriously. Where am I?”
“Okay honey. This is going to be a shock, but I promise if you just hear me out I’ll answer all of your questions.” Raffi said, using the same comforting tone she took on when Seven had a nightmare that roused them both from their sleep. Seven’s shoulders lost some tension just hearing it.
“You’re aboard a starship – a spaceship.” Raffi clarified, using the terminology she would be more familiar with. “We’re currently in the Alpha quadrant, performing a mission for the United Federation of Planets – under Starfleet. Which is the organisation we all work for. And the year, the year is 2402.”
The three Starfleet officers stood in silence, waiting for the information to sink in, anticipating the next response.
Snorting derisively, their visitor swung her legs off the bio-bed. “Yeah, right. Okay. I don’t know what looney tunes action I’ve stumbled into, but I’m out. Where’s the exit?”
“We’re in outer space.” Seven interjected. “You can’t exit the ship until we reach our destination.”
“I am not in space.” She insisted, standing up on steady legs. Her clothes were still bloody, the hem of her jeans torn, but it would do for an escape.
“You’re all crazy and I’m leaving. See ya.”
Raffi stopped Seven from dashing after her. “No, no it’s okay. Maybe once she looks out of a window, this will all make sense. Chasing after her will just make her think we’re keeping here, which won’t give her any reason to trust us.”
Following their visitor through the corridors, she soon stopped when they crossed paths with a Hallian ensign. Shaking her head, she continued again. Stopping again when an Orion officer passed them in the corridor. Another shake of the head and they were off once more; their guest refusing to accept the proof in front of her very eyes. Winding through the corridors until they finally reached an exterior corridor, where long windows illuminated the truth.
“You see what we mean?” Raffi asked once they caught up.
“Green screen.”
Seven wasn’t familiar with the term and evidently Raffi wasn’t either as she asked her to elaborate.
“Green screen. It’s just a picture projected onto a wall. And those, those people back there
” she said, pointing a finger over her shoulder, “were in costume. What is this, the set of the next Twilight Zone movie? Who do you think you’re fooling here? Just tell me what’s going on?”
“I know this is confusing, but we’re not trying to lie to you.”
“Every word out of your mouths has been ridiculous. Why are you trying to keep me here?”
“Why would anyone go to the effort of creating such a vast conspiracy for you?” Seven asked, losing the patience Raffi had asked for. “Are you a person of great significance? Have you been targeted for abduction before?”
That made her lose steam.
“You’re in the year 2402. We estimate you came from the early twenty-first century, which means you are almost 400 years beyond your own time. We didn’t bring you here. Another entity did. We need to understand why. If you don’t believe your eyes, believe your body. Your arm was broken five hours ago, now it’s healed. You don’t have technology capable of that in your time, but your society is too advanced to believe in witchcraft.” Seven stated.
Her bluntness seemed to have more of an effect than Raffi’s empathetic approach as, instead of stubbornly shaking her head, their visitor finally stilled.
“2402?” She asked quietly.
“That’s right, honey.”
Looking up at Seven, she said, “And you don’t know how I got here?”
“Then how am I meant to get home?”
Raffi started to console, but Seven stuck with the truth. “We are not entirely certain we would be able to return you to your own time. There are strict rules on time travel. Since we don’t know how you came to be here, it is unlikely we could send you back the same way.”
 I’m stuck here?”
Raffi took over. “Maybe. But even if you are, everything will be okay. The twenty-fifth century is a lot different than you’re used to. The Federation will resettle you and help you adjust. You could even go back to London if you wanted to.”
Looking at her like she’d just sprouted a second head, their visitor restated: “Everything will be okay?”
“Of course.”
“What you’re telling me is that I’ll never see my family or friends ever again. That they’ve been dead for centuries. That I’m going to be a charity case for the rest of my life if I’m stuck here. Does that sound okay to you?” She accused, voice rising. “Christ, I don’t even have my phone on me. I don’t have photos or
 or,” a hand reached to her throat, “not one piece of sentimental
 every part of my life is just gone?”
They looked back, eyes full of sympathy. Dropping her hand away from her throat, she stared back.
“What now?”
Raffi sighed. “We need to understand how you got here.”
“I told you, I don’t remember.”
“I know, but that could be the initial shock of time travel.”
Seven added, “It’s possible other people are at risk of this fate. We need to understand how you came to be here.”
“And, if you do,” she asked hesitantly, “you might be able to send me home?”
Seven glanced at Raffi, unwilling to instil false hope and make impossible promises, much as she wished the comfort the girl.
Luckily, they were spared an answer by a welcome intrusion.
“And how are we all doing this fair afternoon?” Shaw asked genially, stopping between the three women.
“Captain.” Seven greeted.
“Are we all caught up?”
Raffi nodded, keeping her eyes on their guest – who Shaw turned his attention to.
She looked wan, but otherwise healthy. Certainly better than when he first saw her in the infirmary. Shaw hadn’t intended to pay her another visit, he was there against all his better judgement. Spending time with Picard and his former crew was clearly having a bad influence on him; the Shaw of a month ago would’ve kept his distance. But, perhaps, being on the end of Seven and Raffi’s antics had made him sympathetic. Hell, if he didn’t intervene they might rope this poor woman into stealing a shuttle and starting a war with the
 oh wait that had already happened.
The computer told him they could be found on Deck 6 along a port-side corridor. It seemed like an odd place to break the news to someone that they were trapped in the future, which made Shaw walk a little faster than he normally would. Which is where he found the three women stood at some sort of impasse.
Stepping closer to their passenger, Shaw outstretched a hand. “I’m sorry we haven’t actually been introduced, I’m
“Captain Shaw, USS Titan. Yes, I’m aware.”
She didn’t accept his handshake, so he let his arm drop.
“You’re not a member of my crew, so you can call me Liam.” He said, leaning against the corridor wall. “You’ve met Seven and Raffi. And you are
She gave her full name. He could see Raffi making a mental note of it, ready to look up her past once they had access to the records from her time period.
“Well it’s very nice to finally make your acquaintance. Security arranged quarters for you, why don’t I show you the way? You’ll have them all to yourself. I’m sure you’ll appreciate some privacy.”
He certainly would, and the woman clearly felt the same since she nodded in agreement.
Turning to Seven, Shaw said, “Commander, Lieutenant Yana is waiting for you on the bridge.”
“Aye, Captain.”
Sweeping his arm in what he was sure was a mocking manner, Shaw extended an invitation to his guest.
“Shall we?”
Usually I write reader inserts in first person, which I didn't do and now I'm questioning that decision. For the record, I always try hard not to use Y/N just because I think it pulls people out of the flow of the story but I'll see how that progresses in the next chapter! I guess I could give her a placeholder name or nickname?
As always, let me know your thoughts. Thanks for the nice response to the last chapter!
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bga-koeln · 1 year ago
Äquidistanz und NaivitĂ€t als Programm
Palestinians and Jews for Peace bei Arsch Huh
Die Kölner Musiker Initiative Arsch Huh rief fĂŒr Sonntag, den 03.12.2023, zur „Friedenskundgebung“ am Aachener Weiher auf. Abraham Lehrer, VizeprĂ€sident des Zentralrats der Juden in Deutschland, hatte seine Teilnahme im Vorfeld abgesagt. Seine Absage hat Lehrer u.a. damit begrĂŒndet, dass im Aufruf zur Kundgebung keine Unterscheidung zwischen den GrĂ€ueltaten der Hamas und der Selbstverteidigung Israels in Reaktion darauf getroffen wurde. Hierzu veröffentlichten wir eine gemeinsame PresseerklĂ€rung mit der Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft (DIG) AG Köln zur „Friedenskundgebung“.
Die Veranstaltung fand mit etwa 700 Teilnehmenden statt, die Kölner Gruppierung Palestinians and Jews for Peace (PJfP) hielt einen Redebeitrag. Die kĂŒrzlich gegrĂŒndete Gruppe veranstaltete in den vergangenen Wochen zwei „Friedensdemos“ und erhielt große mediale Aufmerksamkeit. Beispielsweise gab der WDR in einem Bericht ĂŒber die Gruppe die Aussage von einer der GrĂŒnder*innen wieder, dass sie als JĂŒdin dafĂŒr angegriffen werde, wenn sie die israelische Politik kritisiere.[1]
Frieden in Nahost, Juden*JĂŒdinnen und PalĂ€stinener*innen, die Seite an Seite stehen – an und fĂŒr sich mehr als erstrebenswerte Anliegen. Doch sowohl bei der Kundgebung von Arsch Huh als auch beim öffentlichen Auftreten von PJfP ist besonders das, was nicht gesagt wird, aufschlussreich. Die Leerstelle, dass das Massaker vom 7. Oktober das grĂ¶ĂŸte Pogrom an JĂŒdinnen*Juden seit der Shoah war. Die Auslassung, dass es eine Waffenruhe gab, bevor die radikalislamische Hamas sie am 7.10.2023 auf blutigste und barbarische Weise gebrochen hat. Die allenfalls nachrangigen ErwĂ€hnungen des schier unvorstellbaren Ausmaßes an sexueller Gewalt und die Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, die von der Hamas verĂŒbt worden waren, die nicht einmal vor Babys halt machte. Dass nur am Rande erwĂ€hnt und teilweise relativiert wird, dass die Hamas die ihr unterworfene Bevölkerung in Gaza in den darauffolgenden absehbaren militĂ€rischen Reaktionen Israels und bekannterweise auch schon in zahlreichen vorherigen Auseinandersetzungen als menschliche Schutzschilde missbraucht. All das spricht fĂŒr sich. Das Ziel der Hamas ist die Umsetzung der in ihrer Charta festgeschriebenen Vernichtung der JĂŒdinnen*Juden, wie sie in den vergangenen Tagen, im Nachgang von weiteren AnschlĂ€gen, in öffentlichen Drohungen, dass der 7. Oktober erst der Anfang gewesen sei, unterstrichen hat. [2]
Auf die inakzeptable Äquidistanz, die sich ergibt, wenn man einen demokratischen Staat mit einer Terrororganisation auf eine Stufe stellt, wurde bereits hingewiesen. Die israelische Regierung ist aktuell de facto ein Sicherheitskabinett, dessen Teil auch Vertreter der Opposition sind. Die Umfragen zur Regierung Netanjahu sind derweil schlecht. Israel ist auch nach dem 7.10.2023 ein liberaldemokratischer Rechtsstaat – umgeben von Feinden (Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran). Die mangelnde Abgrenzung des Staates Israel und seines Rechts auf Selbstverteidigung zu den Taten der menschenverachtenden islamistischen Terrororganisation Hamas öffnet alle Tore fĂŒr Antisemitismus im Sinne einer DĂ€monisierung des jĂŒdischen Staates und doppelter Standards. Den sich kritisch wĂ€hnenden Mitgliedern und Fans von PJfP wie auch Arsch Huh mĂŒsste zu denken geben, dass andere Kriege und Konflikte der Gegenwart und jĂŒngeren Vergangenheit – die oftmals wesentlich mehr Opfer gefordert haben und weiter fordern – meist zu keinen„Friedenskundgebungen" auf deutschen Straßen fĂŒhren. Auch könnte denjenigen, die sich berechtigterweise um die Versorgung der Bevölkerung Gazas mit Nahrung und Medikamenten sorgen, auffallen, dass aktuell fast 800 Millionen Menschen weltweit – also jeder zehnte Mensch – an Hunger leiden und tĂ€glich tausende Menschen an leicht heilbaren Krankheiten sterben, weil ihnen keine medizinische Mindestversorgung zuteil wird. Skandale, die im Übrigen schnell politisch abschaffbar wĂ€ren, wenn es denn ein globales Interesse daran gĂ€be. So richtig und wichtig es ist, die Versorgung der Menschen in Gaza zu verbessern – was zuvorderst die Hamas ermöglichen könnte –, so verrĂŒckt ist es, dass Hunger und eine mangelhafte medizinische Versorgung vor allem dann in deutschen Internetkommentarspalten und auf deutschen Straßen zum Skandal werden, wenn Israel in einen Konflikt involviert ist. Und ja, selbstverstĂ€ndlich haben solche doppelten Standards etwas damit zu tun, dass Antisemitismus global betrachtet heute vor allem in Form einer „Israelkritik" auftritt. Diese doppelten Standards werden auch daran offenkundig, dass es kaum Proteste gegen Ägypten gibt, das den Bau von gesicherten FlĂŒchtlingslagern (ohne Waffen/Hamas) am GrenzĂŒbergang zu Gaza seit Wochen verweigert.
JĂŒrgen Becker setzt in seiner Rede auf der Kundgebung am 03.12.2023 kein Zeichen gegen Antisemitismus, wenn er von einem ĂŒberdurchschnittlichen Erfolg jĂŒdischer KĂŒnstler*innen schwadroniert und die vermeintliche „Unterschiedlichkeit" von JĂŒdinnen und Juden betont.[3] Ob intendiert oder nicht, werden hier antisemitische Stereotype bedient. Seine so bezeichnete wahr gewordene „Utopie" von einer israelischen Botschaft im frĂŒheren Nazi-Deutschland, die er mit der Möglichkeit vergleicht, dass „auch Israelis und PalĂ€stinenser, Juden und Muslime wieder friedlich zusammenleben" können, kann als Holocaust-Relativierung gelesen werden. Seine Gleichung von Israelis gleich Juden und PalĂ€stinensern gleich Muslimen offenbart eine Unkenntnis ĂŒber die komplexe Historie und jegliche HintergrĂŒnde des Nahostkonfliktes. Es ist bezeichnend, dass JĂŒrgen Becker als Mitveranstalter die vorangegangene Kritik in einem Interview als „Zeichen unserer Zeit“ einordnet und behauptet, dass „kaum noch etwas gemacht werden kann, ohne massive Kritik von irgendeiner Seite zu bekommen“.[4] Mit derartigen kontrafaktischen Auslassungen – als habe es in halbwegs aufgeklĂ€rten Gesellschaften nicht immer Kritik gegeben – wird vor allem abgewehrt, den Inhalt der Kritik auf seinen Wahrheitsgehalt hin zu prĂŒfen.
Auch die neu gegrĂŒndete Initiative Palestinians and Jews for Peace bedient sich unterkomplexer Narrative. Warum wird der aktuelle Krieg und der Nahostkonflikt, der vorwiegend ein Territorialkonflikt ist, einzig als ein Konflikt zwischen Juden*JĂŒdinnen und PalĂ€stinenser*innen dargestellt? Und welche BedĂŒrfnisse stehen bei einer nicht-jĂŒdischen, nicht-israelischen und nicht-palĂ€stinensischen Gesellschaft, die auch offenbar stark von solchen „Friedensdemos“ angezogen wird, hinter dem Wunsch nach einer vermeintlich einfachen Lösung? In Kommentaren zu Instagram-BeitrĂ€gen der Gruppe ist zu lesen, dass man sich wĂŒnsche, auch als Deutsche*r „mal wieder was sagen zu dĂŒrfen", wenn es um Israel geht. Besonders bitter wird es, wenn diese gedanklichen Verrenkungen zuweilen so weit gehen, dass zwar auf eine historische Verantwortung Deutschlands verwiesen wird, diese jedoch auf eine Art verdreht wird, bei der am Ende Israel als das ultimative Böse dasteht, gegen das man sich eben aufgrund dieser Verantwortung stark machen mĂŒsse und nicht „tatenlos zusehen“ dĂŒrfe. Dieses Narrativ gilt es zurĂŒckzuweisen. Nicht zuletzt zeigen auch Studien, dass in den deutschen Medien an kaum einem anderen Land so hĂ€ufig Kritik geĂŒbt wird wie an Israel.[5]
In einem kurz nach dem Massaker der Hamas entstandenen Instagram-Post von PJfP liest man von „rĂŒcksichtslosen Taten der rechtsextremen, rassistischsten, fundamentalistischsten Regierung in der Geschichte Israels“ und einem Massaker, das Israel an den Menschen in Gaza verĂŒbe, wĂ€hrend dieser Begriff in Bezug auf die Taten der Hamas in demselben Post nicht einmal fĂ€llt.[6] Insgesamt sind die Postings, Interviews und RedebeitrĂ€ge geprĂ€gt von Kritik an der israelischen Regierung, wĂ€hrend auf die Taten und Vorgehensweisen der Terrororganisation Hamas höchstens am Rande eingegangen wird. Auch wird die historische Genese der aktuellen Situation nicht erwĂ€hnt. Die Geschichte des jahrtausendealten Antijudaismus wie des modernen Antisemitismus wird ebensowenig von PJfP erwĂ€hnt wie die Konflikte um den Umgang mit der zionistischen Bewegung in der arabischen Gesellschaft der 1920er Jahre, der Einfluss der NS-Propaganda auf die arabisch-palĂ€stinensiche Bevölkerung in den Jahren bis 1945 oder die diversen gescheiterten Friedensverhandlungen (und der komplexen GrĂŒnde dieser) in den letzten 75 Jahren – um nur einige wenige Beispiele zu nennen.
Der KomplexitĂ€t der Situation können oder wollen sich PJfP nicht stellen. Das Anliegen, sich ohne Schuldzuweisungen und ohne eine „Seite“ einzunehmen, fĂŒr Frieden einsetzen zu wollen, ist daher zum Scheitern verurteilt. Um so mehr jedoch macht es PJfP fĂŒr jene Milieus attraktiv, die es eigentlich gar nicht so genau wissen wollen. Denen es vielmehr darum geht, sich so kritisch wie wohl fĂŒhlen zu können, indem sie sich einreden, auf der „richtigen Seite“ – nĂ€mlich der „des Friedens“ – zu stehen und „beide Seiten“ in gleichem Maße irgendwie doof finden zu können. An Stelle von Flaggen, die die Gruppe bei ihrer Demonstration am 19.11.2023 nicht dabei haben wollte, waren Plakate zu sehen, auf denen u.a. von „Genoziden“ oder „75 Jahren israelischer Besatzung” die Rede war.[7] Dass der Begriff Frieden bei PJfP zudem schwer abstrakt bleibt, gehört zu einem der Erfolgsgeheimnisse der Gruppe.
Ein weiteres Erfolgsgeheimnis von PJfP ist zudem – Ă€hnlich wie bei Arsch huh – die zelebrierte Äquidistanz. Dies wird zum Beispiel dadurch deutlich, dass das Recht auf Sicherheit der israelischen Zivilbevölkerung als „primitiver“ Instinkt abgetan [8] oder Israels Selbstverteidigungsrecht „in der aktuellen Situation“ in Frage gestellt wird.[9] Abgesehen davon, dass die pluralistische und heterogene israelische Bevölkerung mit der Regierung gleichgesetzt wird, bleibt bei den Meinungen von PJfP die Frage offen, wie man eine Waffenruhe mit einer Terrororganisation schließen soll, die einen auslöschen will. Dass die Hamas ihre Waffen niederlegt und alle Geiseln frei lĂ€sst, wodurch die Angriffe schon morgen beendet werden könnten, wird seltsamerweise nicht gefordert.
Auch wenn die Gruppe sich von linkem Antisemitismus zu distanzieren versucht, weist sie doch Argumentationsstrukturen auf, die hĂ€ufig in ebendiesem zu finden sind. Der vorwiegend israelbezogene Antisemitismus, der dabei mal mehr, mal weniger subtil bei PJfP durchscheint, macht es entsprechend möglich, dass auch antizionistische Gruppierungen – wie zum Beispiel die trotzkistische SAV (Sozialistische Alternative) – sich von den Demonstrationen angezogen fĂŒhlen. Wenige Tage nach der Demonstration der PJfP nahm die SAV ĂŒbrigens an einer Kundgebung vor der UniversitĂ€t zu Köln teil, in welcher dezidiert antiisraelische Hetze verbreitet wurde.
Die Behauptung einer Rednerin von PJfP auf der Kundgebung von Arsch Huh, Antisemitismus werde inflationĂ€r als Vorwand verwendet, um Kritiker*innen der israelischen Regierung zum Schweigen zu bringen, ist nicht neu.[10] Trotz Pauschalisierungen und der DĂ€monisierung der israelischen Regierung, inszeniert sie sich als FĂŒrsprecherin der JĂŒdinnen und Juden in Deutschland. Richtigerweise bemerkt sie, dass Antisemitismus wie andere Ideologien – zum Beispiel Rassismus oder Sexismus – tendenziell mörderisch sind. Gleichzeitig ließ sie am 19.11.2023 öffentlich verlautbaren, dass es bei der vermeintlich so ausgeprĂ€gten SolidaritĂ€t der deutschen Regierung mit Israel [11] nicht wundern wĂŒrde, dass „irgendwelche Schwurbler“ antisemitischen Verschwörungstheorien anheimfallen.[12] Allen, die sich antisemitisch Ă€ußern, dĂŒrften solche entlastenden Aussagen sehr gelegen kommen. Dass sich die „deutsche SolidaritĂ€t“ vorwiegend auf Sonntagsreden und floskelhafte Wiederholungen des Begriffes der StaatsrĂ€son beschrĂ€nkt, nicht aber beispielsweise in einer klaren Stellungnahme bei der UN-Vollversammlung vom 27.10.2023 glaubhaft demonstriert wird, scheint nicht wichtig zu sein. Ebenso wenig die nach wie vor guten Beziehungen der Bundesrepublik zum Mullah-Regimeim Iran, welches die Hamas als ihren Proxy finanziell unterstĂŒtzt, weil es einem eliminatorischen Antizionismus anhĂ€ngt.
Weiterhin behauptete die Rednerin von PJfP im Rahmen der Kundgebung von Arsch Huh dreist, die Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft wĂŒrde zusammen mit der Synagogen-Gemeinde als Sprachrohr der Regierung Netanjahu agieren.[13] Es bedarf keiner großen Recherche um herauszufinden, dass der Zentralrat und die Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft sich beispielsweise kritisch zu der von der Regierung Netanjahu geplanten Justizreform positioniert haben.
Zudem haben sich nicht „die“ Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft und „die“ Synagogen-Gemeinde zur Kundgebung kritisch geĂ€ußert, sondern – unabhĂ€ngig voneinander – einerseits Abraham Lehrer und anderseits die AG Köln der DIG sowie das BgA Köln in einem gemeinsamen Statement.
Auch das BgA versteht sich nicht als Sprachrohr irgendeiner israelischen Regierung sondern als Organisation, die sich eine Kritik des Antisemitismus zum Ziel gesetzt hat. Eine solche Kritik erfordert einen Begriff davon zu haben, wann Kritik an politischen Entscheidungen oder PhĂ€nomenen wie dem Rassismus – welcher, wie in allen modernen Gesellschaften, auch in Israel anzutreffen ist – in einen israelbezogenen Antisemitismus kippt, dessen Bestandteile zum Beispiel DĂ€monisierung, Doppelstandards und Delegitimierung sind.
Anstatt den vermeintlichen Anliegen – z.B. eine militĂ€rische Auseinandersetzung ĂŒberflĂŒssig zu machen sowie Antisemitismus und Rassismus zu bekĂ€mpfen – einen ernsthaften Rahmen zu bieten, waren beim Zusammenkommen von Arsch Huh und PJfP am 03.12.2023 Äquidistanz und NaivitĂ€t Programm. Dort fanden Menschen eine Umgebung, in der sie ihren VerdrĂ€ngungsregungen Ausdruck verleihen konnten, endlich einen „Schlussstrich“ unter die deutsche Nazi-Vergangenheit zu ziehen, und sich dabei auch noch moralisch ĂŒberlegen vorzukommen. Derartige Veranstaltungen haben das Potenzial, israelbezogenen Antisemitismus in Deutschland weiter salonfĂ€hig zu machen und mĂŒssen daher Ziel von Kritik sein.
[1] https://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/rheinland/demonstration-palestinians-and-jews-for-peace-100.html
[2] https://www.derwesten.de/politik/israel-hamas-nah-ost-konflikt-hamad-d-id300704787.html
[3] https://www.instagram.com/p/C0cnrkbsahi/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
[4] https://www1.wdr.de/fernsehen/aktuelle-stunde/alle-videos/studiogespraech-juergen-becker-kabarettist-arsch-huh-100.html
[5] https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2014-08/israel-medien-kritik
[6] https://www.instagram.com/p/CybgzrfoMhz/?img_index=1
[7] https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz39eNFI5UB/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==; https://www.lokalfoto.com/juedisch-palaestinensische-demo-in-koeln/
[8] https://www.instagram.com/p/C0M2geNs7zC/?igshid=N2ViNmM2MDRjNw==
[9] https://shows.acast.com/feuer-und-brot/episodes/palestinians-and-jews-for-peace (01:36:44-01:37:50)
[10] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv5ujnkEQm0&ab_channel=PalestiniansandJewsforPeace
[11] https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/28/germany-israel-right-left-turkey-truth
[12] https://www.instagram.com/p/C0Mz7JAsF_Y/?igshid=N2ViNmM2MDRjNw==
[13] https://www.ksta.de/koeln/nach-eklat-nur-wenige-teilnehmer-kommen-zu-arsch-huh-kundgebung-in-koeln-1-695472
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wilsweb-asientour · 2 years ago
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Tag 29. 01.08.2023
Kunstausstellung bei Nacht. Nach 2 vollgepackten Tagen in Kyoto machten wir uns auf den Weg nach Osaka. Mit insgesamt 6 GepĂ€ckstĂŒcken fuhren wir mit dem JR-Zug die halbe Stunde Richtung SĂŒden und kamen ca. 11:30 verschwitzt im Hotel an. Nach einer kurzen Erfrischungspause liefen wir zu 7/11, um was anzubeißen (u.a. köstliche Curry Buns), und anschließend setzten wir uns in ein CafĂ©, um die UnterkĂŒnfte in Hiroshima und Seoul zu buchen.
Nach der Kaffeepause ging’s zurĂŒck in die Hitze in die Einkaufsviertel von Dotonbori, Shinsaibashi und Amerikamura. Wir kauften zuerst bei Rikuro den berĂŒhmten KĂ€sekuchen und beĂ€ugten danach sporadisch verschiedenste Schaufensterpuppen. Wilson kaufte sich die 3. Billig-Sonnenbrille des Urlaubs nachdem die letzte Kyoto nicht ĂŒberlebte; Webster sammelte wĂ€hrenddessen japanische Song-Empfehlungen der VerkĂ€ufer. Zum Abendessen ging’s erneut zum Förderband-Sushi (dieses Mal Kura Sushi), wo wir 30 Teller verputzten und genauso viel zahlten wie einmal Mittagessen bei Zhaka in Leipzig - not bad.
Mit vollen BĂ€uchen legten wir unseren KĂ€sekuchen im Hotelzimmer ab und fuhren Richtung SĂŒden zu einer Kunstausstellung. Es handelte sich um den Botanischen Garten im Nagai Park. Hier stellten KĂŒnstler verschiedene Lichtkonstellationen zusammen, die die BĂ€ume beleuchteten und bei BerĂŒhrung ihre Farbe Ă€nderten. Dazu wurde hypnotisierende Musik gespielt. Die selbstgefĂŒhrte Tour war ungewöhnlich jedoch extrem nett. Nach einem von Webster eingeleiteten 2km-Umweg ĂŒber den Supermarkt, schafften wir es schließlich nach Hause, schnitten den mittelmĂ€ĂŸig-schmeckenden Kuchen an und schauten ein paar Folgen der britischen Comedy-Series „The Inbetweeners” mit Bier und Reis-Crackers. Morgen haben wir wiederum Osaka im Visier, an den Folgetagen jeweils Nara und Kobe. Gute Nacht!
Day 29. August 1st, 2023
Art exhibition at night. After 2 packed days in Kyoto, we headed to Osaka. With a total of 6 pieces of luggage, we took the JR train for half an hour south and arrived at the hotel around 11:30, sweaty. After a short break, we went to 7/11 to grab a bite (including delicious curry buns), and then we sat in a café to book accommodations in Hiroshima and Seoul.
After the coffee break, we returned to the heat in the shopping districts of Dotonbori, Shinsaibashi, and Amerikamura. First, we bought the famous cheesecake from Rikuro and then casually looked at various mannequins. Wilson bought the 3rd cheap pair of sunglasses of the trip after the last one didn't survive Kyoto, while Webster collected Japanese song recommendations from the sellers. For dinner, we went back to a conveyor belt sushi place (this time Kura Sushi), where we devoured 30 plates and paid just as much as one lunch at Zhaka in Leipzig - not bad.
With full bellies, we left our cheesecake in the hotel room and went south to an art exhibition. It was the Botanical Garden in Nagai Park, where artists created various light installations that illuminated the trees and changed colour when touched, accompanied by hypnotic music. The self-guided tour was unusual but extremely enjoyable. After a 2km detour to the supermarket initiated by Webster, we finally made it back home, cut the mediocre-tasting cake, and watched a few episodes of the British comedy series "The Inbetweeners" with beer and red pepper rice crackers. Tomorrow, we'll focus on Osaka again, followed by Nara and Kobe in the coming days. Good night!
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movement-hb · 2 years ago
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Im Oktober 2022 startete MOVE ME/NT – Clubkultur Revisited - eine Veranstaltungsreihe, die durch eine Kombination aus Workshop, Panel Talk und Closing Party, die Bremer Clubkultur diverser und zugĂ€nglicher machen will. Organisiert wurde es durch das Kollektiv MOVE ME/NT in Kooperation mit dem Kunst- und Kulturverein Spedition.
Auch ĂŒber den Veranstaltungszeitraum hinaus, wollen wir dazu beitragen, dass Veranstalter*innen, KĂŒnstler*innen und Besucher*innen bestehende Formen der Organisation und eigenes Verhalten, kritisch hinterfragen. Ein Teil dessen ist die Dokumentation unserer Arbeit, die sowohl fĂŒr uns als auch andere als Lern- und Reflexionsmaterial, dienen kann.
MOVE ME/NT - Clubkultur Revisited ist gefördert durch den Senator fĂŒr Kultur, das Studierendenwerk Bremen, die Sparkasse Bremen, die Initiative Musik und die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung fĂŒr Kultur und Medien.
🔗Scan den QR-Code im Bild & finde mehr MOVE ME/NT heraus🔗
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pitch---black---sky · 4 days ago
If you thought (and still think) that you were such a cool and handsome black metal musician, you are wrong. If you thought you could control my heart the way you want, you're wrong. MY HEART BELONGS TO ME, AND NO MAN HAS THE RIGHT TO CONTROL MY EMOTIONS. Your actions are confusing to me and some people, and I don't give a damn about you and your "fame". Your lies about love and good feelings for me make me feel sick, your face appears in my nightmares, but I defeat you every time! I don't care about the ever-growing number of your followers, it's not an indicator of coolness. I don't care about the fact that you play in some black metal bands, from your "black metal music" (although only the name comes from black metal here) my nose and ears bleed, it's such shit! You are a disgrace to your own country, no normal Dane would do what you did to me and other girls (my Italian friend just wanted to talk to you, but you blocked her, you didn't even listen to her! You came to me all the time when you had feelings for me again, and then you left me again; the last time you came was when I was already (and still am) in a relationship with someone who really loves me! If you thought you could get the type of content you like from me, you're wrong! If you thought I was one of those girls who post content in the OnlyFans style, you were wrong! If you thought that your "love" could melt my evil dark cold heart, you were wrong! YOUR "LOVE" IS WORTH NOTHING TO ME! We started our relationship when I was a minor, be glad that I did not tell my parents about your "romance", you were the initiator of our relationship, but not me! At the age of 43, you should think about old age, about the diseases that await you in old age, but not about s** with young girls (I still remember how you wrote that you wanted s** with me), I was forced by your pressure to send you photos in your favorite style! Where were you in your younger days?! Why are you thinking about young girls right now?! No self-respecting lady, not even an OnlyFans model, will ever be with you! Forget my kindness to you, my kindness has disappeared just like your "love" for me. I'm happy when people stop following (and even they unfollow you in masses) you and the accounts of your "black metal" bands a lot, it's such a blessing that people get brains and they realize what a piece of shit they're dealing with! Look at yourself in the mirror, what time and your actions have turned you into, I get sick every time I see you! Every time I see you on the feed, I remember the shit you brought to me and that Italian girl, you're hated even outside the black metal (and metal in general) scene! You've become so stupid that you don't see the difference between p*rn bots and real OnlyFans models! Although, I doubt that there will be any normal girl or women with you, whether it's just a metal girl or an OnlyFans model. No one needs you: not me, not OnlyFans models, not young Latin metal girls, not anyone normal at all! Because you are not capable of love, you only need a temporary relationship, and during this time you pour your shit into the soul of another! Now I understand why you're single at 43... And you always will be, because you are not capable of love. Normal love, with respect for your partner. You took advantage of the fact that I was young, and that's why you regularly littered my soul with your shit. I realized my mistakes, and now I don't advise girls and women to start a relationship with you. GOODBYE FOREVER.
Hvis du troede (og stadig tror) at du var sĂ„dan en cool og smuk black metal musiker, er du forkert. Hvis du troede, du kunne kontrollere mit hjerte, som du vil, du tager fejl. MIT HJERTE TILHØRER MIG, OG INGEN MAND HAR RET TIL AT KONTROLLERE MINE FØLELSER. Dine handlinger er forvirrende for mig og nogle mennesker, og jeg lĂŠgger ikke vĂŠgt pĂ„ din "berĂžmmelse". Dine lĂžgne om kĂŠrlighed og gode fĂžlelser for mig fĂ„r mig til at fĂžle mig syg, dit ansigt vises i mine mareridt, men jeg besejrer dig hver gang! Jeg er ligeglad med det stadigt voksende antal af dine fĂžlgere, det er ikke en indikator for kĂžlighed. Jeg er ligeglad med det faktum, at du spiller i nogle black metal-bands, fra din "black metal-musik" (selvom navnet kun kommer fra black metal her) min nĂŠse og Ăžrer blĂžder, det er sĂ„dan lort! Du er en skĂŠndsel for dit eget land, ingen normal dansker ville gĂžre, hvad du gjorde mod mig og andre piger (min italienske ven ville bare tale med dig, men du blokerede hende, du lyttede ikke engang til hende! Du kom til mig hele tiden, da du havde fĂžlelser for mig igen, og sĂ„ forlod du mig igen; sidste gang du kom var, da jeg allerede var (og stadig er) i et forhold med en, der virkelig elsker mig! Hvis du troede, du kunne fĂ„ den type indhold, du kan lide fra mig, tager du fejl! Hvis du troede, at jeg var en af de piger, der sender indhold i OnlyFans-stilen, tog du fejl! Hvis du troede, at din "kĂŠrlighed" kunne smelte mit onde mĂžrke kolde hjerte, tog du fejl! DIN "KÆRLIGHED" ER INTET VÆRD FOR MIG! Vi startede vores forhold, da jeg var mindreĂ„rig, vĂŠr glad for, at jeg ikke fortalte mine forĂŠldre om din "romantik", du var initiativtager til vores forhold, men ikke mig! I en alder af 43 skal du tĂŠnke pĂ„ alderdom, pĂ„ de sygdomme, der venter dig i alderdommen, men ikke om s** med unge piger (jeg kan stadig huske, hvordan du skrev, at du ville have s** med mig), jeg blev tvunget af dit pres til at sende dig fotos i din yndlingsstil! Hvor var du i dine yngre dage?! Hvorfor tĂŠnker du pĂ„ unge piger lige nu?! Ingen selvrespektende dame, ikke engang en OnlyFans-model, vil nogensinde vĂŠre med dig! Glem min venlighed over for dig, min venlighed er forsvundet ligesom din "kĂŠrlighed" til mig. Jeg er glad, nĂ„r folk holder op med at fĂžlge dig og regnskaberne for dine "black metal" bands en masse, det er sĂ„dan en velsignelse, at folk fĂ„r hjerner, og de indser, hvad et stykke lort de har at gĂžre med! Se pĂ„ dig selv i spejlet, hvilken tid og dine handlinger har forvandlet dig til, jeg bliver syg hver gang jeg ser dig! Hver gang jeg ser dig pĂ„ feedet, husker jeg det lort du bragte til mig og den italienske pige, du er hadet selv uden for black metal (og metal generelt) scene! Du er blevet sĂ„ dum, at du ikke kan se forskellen mellem p*rn*bots og rigtige modeller! SkĂžnt, tvivler jeg pĂ„, at der vil vĂŠre nogen normal pige eller kvinder med dig, hvad enten det bare er en metalpige eller en OnlyFans model. Ingen har brug for dig: ikke mig, ikke OnlyFans modeller, ikke unge Latin metal piger, ikke nogen normal overhovedet! Fordi du ikke er i stand til at elske, behĂžver du kun et midlertidigt forhold, og i lĂžbet af denne tid hĂŠlder du din lort i en andens sjĂŠl! Nu forstĂ„r jeg, hvorfor du er single pĂ„ 43... Og det vil du altid vĂŠre, fordi du ikke er i stand til kĂŠrlighed. Normal kĂŠrlighed, med respekt for din partner. Du udnyttede det faktum, at jeg var ung, og derfor fyldte du regelmĂŠssigt min sjĂŠl med din lort. Jeg indsĂ„ mine fejl, og nu rĂ„der jeg ikke piger og kvinder til at starte et forhold med dig. FARVEL FOR ALLTID.
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