#Industrial Projects
topbimcompanyusa · 1 year
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Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a process of creating a 3D model of a building that helps industrial architects, engineers, and design consultants plan, design, and operate buildings and infrastructure efficiently.
It helps in understanding the physical and functional characteristics.
Typically, the architects, engineers, contractors, vendors have a very tight timeline and budget, especially in industrial projects. BIM modeling has become one of the important tools for them to overcome these time and budget-related challenges. In industrial projects, architectural, structural, and MEP designs have to be coordinated. Additionally, BIM modeling helps in identifying the location and avoids clashes between disciplines.
For more information on how BIM can help in streamlining industrial projects, read our complete article: BIM for Industrial Design Gaining Momentum
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besten-india · 9 days
What is the purpose of switchgear in an electrical installation?
Switchgear in an electrical installation serves as a crucial safety device. It controls and protects electrical circuits from faults and overloads. By interrupting power supply when necessary, it prevents potential hazards like fires or electric shocks. Additionally, switchgear allows for efficient management and distribution of electricity within the installation.
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projectxindiaebook · 17 days
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sandhya253 · 4 months
Innovations in Industrial Automation Projects | Takeoff Projects
Takeoff Projects specializes in innovative Industrial Automation project solutions, providing cutting-edge projects that enhance operational efficiency and productivity. Our expertise spans various industries, delivering customized automation systems tailored to meet unique needs. With a commitment to excellence and technological advancement, Takeoff Projects is your trusted partner in driving industrial transformation and achieving seamless, automated processes.
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Air Pollution Monitoring Using Raspberry Pi
The paper will suggest a monitoring approach for air quality parameters based on Raspberry Pi. The system is implemented by using the Python language. The key values can be seen from the Internet of Things platform. The low-cost gas sensor is the source of air pollutant parameters. The parameters include fumes of smoke, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen-di-oxide, temperature, and humidity. Besides, when exceeding the limits of emission levels the alarm blinks. This can be considered as a warning bell for the authorities concerning the air pollution status. The graph is drawn using the values as the participants have been closely monitored.
Smart Ration Card System Using RFID and Embedded System
This session paper is about having smart ration cards based on RFID approach that can help declination forgery as the possibility of selling the material to someone else is there and he takes the profit and puts some false amount in their data. This ProjectArduino microcontroller, an RFID reader, an LCD, and a GSM module. The RFID tag is the member of the family information has been programmed and the consumer is required to show the tag to the RFID reader for scanning the tag. The part of the microcontroller for the reader will govern user authentication. If a user is rightly found, then the ration quantity that needs to be accepted by the purchaser to fulfill the whole number of family members might be shown on the display device. This smart card is 90% safe against theft because the statistics are continuously submitted to the authorities with the GSM (Global System for Mobile) technique which is commonly installed on phones.
Takeoff Projects excels in delivering Industrial Automation Project solutions that drive efficiency and innovation. Projects like Air Pollution Monitoring using Raspberry Pi and Smart Ration Card System using RFID demonstrate our commitment to addressing real-world challenges with advanced technology. Trust Takeoff Projects to lead the way in transforming industrial processes and enhancing productivity through cutting-edge automation systems.
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mackmp3 · 5 months
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version of this picture for the target audience of me and me only
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heartspark · 2 months
Have you ever wanted to play a cute monster taming game with lots of love and heart put into every inch and corner of it by a Team of fantastically talented artists?
Me too!! Too bad it got cancelled literally a few weeks before it was going to be anounced!
Artist Nicholas Kole on twitter along with many other talented artists have been sharing their work of nearly 4 years on this game. I cant imagine the heartbreak of working so hard on this project only for it to get canceled right before Release and everyone on the Team to get laid off.
It was meant to be an open world, minecraft inspired builder, with all sorts of unique creatures with various skins, variations depending on biomes, and even petting animations. That you could tame! It also had a large amount of beautiful and unique character customization. Here's some of the art ( NOT MY ART ) for the project!
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Apparently alot of this game was near finished, coded, etc! ( ART ABOVE IS BY NICHOLAS KOLE , JOHANNES FIGLHUBER, INES MARSAL, AND MARIA LOBANOVA )
I dont know if the artists can look into crowdfunding ( the Studio still may own the IP ) , but myself and a few others have been trying to get the hashtag #bringbackprojectdragon get some traction on twitter! Maybe if the internet raises enough stink, the Studio might pay attention. Im not sure how likely that is but I desperately want thus game to exsist, it would be a dream game for me and many others im sure. So please consider joining in if you have a twitter.
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Understanding the essentials of PMMA positive resist is critical to the success of your project, especially if it's in the field of Semiconductor, Printed Circuit Board (PCB), Electronic / Industrial Metal Finishing, Photovoltaic, Printed Electronics, or Advanced Packaging Technologies. As PMMA (Poly(methyl methacrylate)) positive resist is widely used in such technologies, making an informed decision can contribute significantly to the outcome of your project. This guide offers valuable insights to help you make the right choice.
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girlwiththegreenhat · 2 months
team fortress 2 finally getting rid of the bots after 5 years
work on the team fortress 2 comic continuing after 7+ years
half life 3 development looking more likely than ever with legitimate code, file, and voicework leaks referencing a new non-VR single-player game from valve featuring a HEV suit wearing protagonist and Xen creatures and concepts
shoutout to the valve fan that found the genie lamp. you a real one
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moosha-mushroom · 2 months
Media I imagine different fiction podcasts in instead of the media of being a podcast.
TMA: A selection of volumes, relating to the fears, each with those removable covers. Those covers has a victim or two, and then underneath the cover is a really detailed cover. The paper is decoratively ripped, with a kind of scraggly font, and each has a foreword and ‘author’s note’ from Jonathan Sims.
Malevolent: A really gritty graphic novel with deadly detail in each panel, and very little color. Maybe a trinket on each important character has a color? Like Arthur’s eyes being yellow or Oscar’s collar having a blue sheen to it. The novels are long, dramatic, and intimate in a visceral way.
Welcome to Night Vale: Local 58 bullshit. A broadcast on television with low quality images and audio, tacky music, and a kind of 80’s aesthetic. Each episode the words WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE zoom onto the screen, the purple eye behind them. And each weather segment is an animated short by a different artist.
The Penumbra(Juno Steel): A webcomic. Hours spent scrolling downward a comic that has so much color and GEOMETRIC design. Juno and his curvy jaw, brown pie slice eyes, a cartoonishly high collar for his investigator jacket. Nureyev and his sharp square jaw, shimmering jewelry, and stick legs. Characters sticking out of the panels, fonts changing constantly, a little blue Juno that does his narration and *guitar theme plays* each time he appears.
Wolf 359: A classic comic. Issues month by month. Different special covers of the characters in extra dramatic poses or scenes. Even MORE panel breaking than Juno Steel. So MUCH onomatopoeia, even for small things like the clink of a panel or the disapproving hiss of Hilbert in the background. Geometric designs like Juno Steel, but less colorful. Like the superhero art style mixed with a more stylized look.
Midnight Burger: You pull up the Midnight Burger website. They have a hidden page that has a sort of script-comic thing going on, where the art is next to the writing. Small coded in notes from Leif sometimes pop up if you hold your arrow over the art. Links are attached to the parts where Effie and Zebulon play music, linking you to the music so you can listen to it while you read.
Desert Skies: An animated show. Indie, something you’d find on YouTube. The animation is bouncy and incorporates 3D animation alongside the 2D. Maybe the Sphere Movers have 3D models and the staff don’t? The credits are short because it was made by one guy. People are complaining about it on Twitter /j. People are making content farms about it. Everyone is pissed at Corson like they’re pissed at Jax.
The Amelia Project: A sort of simulation video game. You play as Arthur. You listen to their stories and draw pieces of the tale to invent their death. Every once in a while the game transitions to a point and click suspense game where you solve puzzles as Cole and Haines. Maybe there should even be an Operation-esque part of it where you work as Kozlowski.
Ghost Wax: A novel with a lot of pictures spliced in it. The stories are all in a single book, though the book is through Luca’s perspective— so he picks up on the ghost’s body language and Voncid’s reactions. The pictures are tarot cards with each victim as a card. Some are repeat cards— Lorem does not have a card at the end of the story. Nor does Our Home or Evening at the Ardent. The pictures are only white with black line art. No color whatsoever.
Kakos Industries: A company newsletter. Not a broadcast. A newspaper that arrives at your door and has big bold letters with the main story and pictures of the events that happen in the story as it goes. And the Sunday Comic page is full of employee shenanigans. Some innocent… some not.
I am losing my mind.
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jaewul · 2 months
The informants of the modern day brotherhood should be bartenders
Desmond Miles (who is of course alive and well) could be the center of the brotherhood's information network just working at Bad Weather
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brandinotbroke · 1 year
actually let me add to this whole "sims 5 is going to be free" (+ microtransactions) because it is particularly disgusting with their recent history: Their rebranding is specifically and increasingly trying to appeal to children.
The way they dressed their presenter during the stream was specifically done to seem more relatable to children.
The way they already dumbed down Sims 4 is to specifically appeal to children. They even lowered the age rating.
Making Sims 5 free will make it incredibly easy for kids to get the base game (especially if it comes out on mobile) and once they have access to it, they'll pester their parents to buy microtransaction bullshit.
I am not usually one who goes for "omg they are targeting your children"-hysteria, but this one is so on the nose, it's really astonishing. They should be ashamed.
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John Knefel at MMFA:
The Heritage Foundation — lead organizer of Project 2025, a sprawling effort to provide policy and staffing for a second Trump administration — recently promoted an apprenticeship program that opens up workers to increased exploitation. Heritage also criticized President Joe Biden for ensuring that most federal infrastructure contracting projects are covered by collective bargaining agreements.
In an article headlined, “Harris, Walz Policy Records Undermine Pro-Worker Rhetoric,” Heritage argues for a return to Trump-era apprenticeship policies that left new workers vulnerable by creating a two-tier workforce, and it disparages unions as detrimental to the working class. The result is standard-fare for the conservative think tank, which regularly attacks unions and promotes anti-worker policies like so-called right-to-work laws, which starve unions of funds by denying them the ability to collect fees from all the workers they represent.  As head of Project 2025, Heritage has waged an all-out campaign against unions and the entire working class. The effort’s policybook — Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise — calls for the dismantling of New Deal-era wins for organized labor by carving out state-level exceptions to the National Labor Relations Act. It would also eviscerate overtime regulations and open the door to increased child labor exploitation.
The new article furthers Heritage’s broadside against organized labor, even while masquerading as being pro-worker. Heritage criticizes what it characterizes as “the Biden-Harris Administration’s multi-front assault against apprenticeship programs,” specifically the administration’s cancellation of “new Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Programs,” or IRAPS, “that were training people in high-demand areas like nursing and technology, which now face significant workforce shortages.” In fact, IRAPs were a Trump-era policy that created a new class of apprenticeship programs that were controlled and overseen by employers — rather than the Department of Labor — and loosened standards meant to protect workers. As the progressive think tank The Roosevelt Institute wrote in response to the Trump-era rule, IRAPs are “likely to lead to a proliferation of programs that are lower-quality,” and could allow employers to exploit “loopholes in minimum wage laws.”
[...] This new salvo from Heritage is just the latest example of right-wing media pretending to endorse a pro-worker agenda, only to advance policies that benefit employers at the expense of labor.
The Heritage Foundation= enemies of workers’ rights.
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besten-india · 17 days
What updates do the structural design companies need?
Regulations and codes: The government and local regulatory bodies update the rules and codes based on the latest technologies. The structural design consultants have to keep themselves updated. Technologies: The consultants must be updated with the latest technologies. This step ensures that the consultants can use the technology whenever the project benefits.
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projectxindiaebook · 11 months
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cozylittleartblog · 4 months
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if star wars was pitched for the first time in today's entertainment industry it would be turned down. and so would any other thing that's currently a "big IP". where do idiot executives think the IPs come from to begin with???
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elbiotipo · 5 months
And one of these days we also have to talk about when zombie apocalypses were popular in nerdy culture and in many ways it was because it was a cool justifiable way for yanquis to fantasize on how to use their Cool 2nd Ammendment Self Defense Guns on endless human-like (but not quite human, see, they're zombies) targets
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