#Indic studies
attleboy · 7 months
Can you give some tutorials on how to/how you draw Pomni? I struggle with drawing her hat. XD
oh yeah of COURSE!!! :D i've waiting for this moment... literally! i've most of this sitting around for like, a month but, idk, i worried it'd be like, egotistical(????) to post a pomni tutorial unprompted..? but now i have been prompted so the floodgates shall open!!! >:D pomni be upon thee
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(here's goose's pomni expression sheet in case you haven't seen it yet)
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and if you're interested in how i draw her with sharp teeth, i've already made a tutorial on that!! check it out here :D
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Posted on 06/12/2022 License: CC BY 4.0 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24656.58884 Abstract In the course of confronting members of the Hindutvavadins’ ruling party in India, we have faced a great problem while conversing with the members of the Sangh Parivar. We were confused with a paradox: The Hindutvavadins do not know what Hindutva is. What are the distinctive features of the Hindutva as preached…
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gingermintpepper · 1 month
So, one of the most interesting things that's come from my recent exercises in writing the Olympians as young deities is all of the very fun and somewhat painful conversations that come from the young deities acquiring and consequently settling into their domains.
Apollo and Artemis especially have been really fascinating under the microscope. They start off identically, with extremely similar interests and similar domains over the hunt and wilderness. They spend their days under the stars and foraging for fruit and dancing and singing in the fields, two rustic god-children exploring and learning together. Then Apollo goes off on his own to slay Python.
Now, a lot of things change when Apollo kills Python. That is the act which transforms the bow from a tool of survival and sport to an instrument of murder, bloodshed and ultimately war. It is Apollo's first act of wrath which separates him from Artemis - both spiritually because she has not yet shed blood herself as a goddess and physically because it leads to his exile. Most importantly however, the slaying of Python is the act that grants Apollo his knowledge.
If violence is what first separates Apollo from Artemis then it is knowledge which keeps them apart.
This can refer to a lot of things; that Artemis continued to be at home with the wild beasts of the forests and mountains while Apollo grew to prefer the domesticated sheep and cattle, that Artemis continued to avoid mortals while Apollo grew to know their ways and endeavoured to teach them more. The point that has been the most interesting to me however has been Artemis, who remains free of slaughter, and thus remains pure and Apollo, who becomes acutely and entirely too aware of it, and thus must be constantly purified.
Apollo's infatuation with medicine specifically is the place where this becomes most apparent. When he leaves for his exile to travel as a mortal, without nectar or ambrosia, without power, Apollo is without the privileges of the divine for the very first time. He sweats, he smells, he grows weary when he travels, he grows hungry and thirsty. He experiences fatigue and nausea, the fever of sickness, the chill of infection, the delirium of poison. The blood Apollo shed does not only make him impure spiritually, it strips him of the purity of his birth and station. Likewise, medicine is not a divine practice. What use do the unkillable immortals have for something as finicky as medicine when they have nectar and ambrosia? Apollo however, knows of the pains of the flesh and the suffering of the mortal coil. He pursues medicine in all its horrors and difficulties because of the knowledge he gained with blood.
Artemis then, cannot understand the medical Apollo. When her brother returns possessed by this spectre of ill-gained knowledge, she does not recognise him. Who is this boy who scores the deer and studies the shape of their intestines before he cooks them? What good is there in rescuing a chick with a broken wing? The Apollo-of-the-Wild in her memories would have done the correct thing and left the thing for dead - let the forest take what is its due. Who is this Apollo whose hands are always stained to the wrist in the blood and gore of the living? What is his fascination with the mechanics of mortal bodies? Artemis does not know and Apollo does not tell her.
That has, by far, been my favourite effect of the whole Python watershed moment to explore recently.
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partangel · 1 month
me 🤝 symbolically adopting the foster teens who participate in my study by coming just to chat with them outside foster home
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transgenderenkidu · 6 months
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i think about how the body kendal inherited was deliberately designed approximately one million times per second
vash is from @comicaurora, which you should totally read
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t4transsexual · 1 month
every time a trans/nonbinary person uses the term afab/amab to describe their gender or another trans/nonbinary persons gender an angel loses its wings
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Ya don’t see borzoi ears like that everyday!!! I mean. I do. Cause I live with them. But. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
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pilferingapples · 2 years
TIL that Hugo's dinners for poor kids in Guernsey were designed not just as a social but a scientific experiment, and while usually "19C Rich Guy Does Experiment On Poor Kids" is nine thousand kinds of Doom
but in this case the theory was just that if poor kids got access to nutritious food, even once a month, it would help reduce or eliminate a lot of childhood illness
(as opposed to just giving them lots of morally pure gruel as befit their station, that kind of thing)
so the whole menu was in keeping with the latest in nutritional science--including the glass of wine! which would not be anyone's top pick for food now but Hugo was following the best advice of the day-- but also meat, and fresh fruit and vegetables, etc
--oh yeah, and unsurprising to anyone who knows anything about food science now, it did really help for kids to be getting at least one nutritious meal every week or two (I'm getting conflicting accounts on how often the meals were held, and of course it may have fluctuated)-- the kids who were part of the effort had reduced rates of scurvy, rickets, etc, and part of why Hugo tried to publicize the event was hopes that it would set a precedent for science-based public health policy!
(mostly finding this out from the pages about Hugo's stay in Guernsey; be prepared for an enormous amount of Actually Victorian hyperbole and moralizing in the sources if you check it out, and the bit about the food science is almost buried, but it's there!)
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boeing-787 · 8 days
twitter users who've never picked up a pencil or pen in their life are so definitive about what they think is AI usage. like you got artists posting timelapses and speedpaints to show their process and people will accuse them of feeding AI data sets and cheating regardless.
gotta draw well but not too well because that's AI. but also if you fuck up on hands, something that is notoriously Easy To Draw, Obviously (sarcasm, in case this is not obvious), or you use a chainmail brush or literally any brush tool designed to make doing details easier and not take 20 years drawing things individually, then that's obviously a sign of AI usage.
you can't fucking win on that website. like no i dont think you people can spot AI as well as you think you can.
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rudjedet · 6 months
Sure didn't have "methylphenidate is going to partly solve my anosmia" on my 2024 bingo card YET HERE WE ARE
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another-goblin · 7 months
Why Ratio isn't in Genius Society - theories
Nous regarded him and decided that he's doing fine without them.
Or because he isn't a genius. When he calls himself mediocre, it isn't a humblebrag. He's just a normal human with average intelligence. He achieved everything through hard work (in one of his character stories, his old professor talks about how, even as a kid, he'd wake up very early, exercise, and spend the whole day studying).
That's why he's often frustrated with his students. Like, guys, you are provided with all these opportunities to learn, you can surpass me, why are you squandering them? Or, I sacrificed my childhood and youth to science, why isn't everyone else willing to do the same? (turns out most people only become students to finally enjoy adult life away from their parents and maybe acquire some minimal knowledge and credentials to have a chance of a cushy job in the future.)
BTW, as a teacher, isn't he a self-made emanator of erudition? Not in a mystical Aeon-related sense, but literally—he spreads knowledge.
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keelanrosa · 6 months
started reading the cass review because i'm apparently just Like That and i want everybody crowing about how this proves sooooo much about how terfs are right and trans people are wrong to like. take a scientific literacy class or something. or even just read the occasional study besides the one you're currently trying to prove a point with. not even necessarily pro-trans studies just learn how to know what studies actually found as opposed to what people trying to spoonfeed you an agenda claim they found.
to use just one infuriating example:
Several studies from that period (Green et al., 1987; Zucker, 1985) suggested that in a minority (approximately 15%) of pre-pubertal children presenting with gender incongruence, this persisted into adulthood. The majority of these children became same-sex attracted, cisgender adults. These early studies were criticised on the basis that not all the children had a formal diagnosis of gender incongruence or gender dysphoria, but a review of the literature (Ristori & Steensma, 2016) noted that later studies (Drummond et al., 2008; Steensma & Cohen-Kettenis, 2015; Wallien et al., 2008) also found persistence rates of 10-33% in cohorts who had met formal diagnostic criteria at initial assessment, and had longer follow-up periods.
if you recognize the names Zucker and Steensma you are probably already going feral but tldr:
There are… many problems with Zucker's studies, "not all children had a formal diagnosis" is so far down the list this is literally the first i've heard of it. The closest i usually hear is the old DSM criteria for gender identity disorder was totally different from the current DSM criteria for gender dysphoria and/or how most people currently define "transgender"; notably it did not require the patient to identify as a different gender and overall better fits what we currently call "gender-non-comforming". Whether the kids had a formal diagnosis of "maybe trans, maybe just has different hobbies than expected, but either way their parents want them back in their neat little societal boxes" is absolutely not the main issue. This would be a problem even if Zucker was pro-trans (spoiler: He Is Not, and people who are immediately suspicious of pro-trans studies because "they're probably funded by big pharma or someone else who profits from transitioning" should apply at least a little of that suspicion to the guy who made a living running a conversion clinic); sometimes "formal" criteria change as we learn more about what's common, what's uncommon, what's uncommon but irrelevant, etc, and when the criteria changes drastically enough it doesn't make sense to pretend the old studies perfectly apply to the new criteria. If you found a study defining "sex" specifically and exclusively as penetration with a dick which says gay men have as much sex as straight men but lesbians don't, it's not necessarily wrong as far as it goes but if THAT'S your prime citation for "gay men have more sex than lesbians", especially if you keep trying to apply it in contexts which obviously use a broader definition, there are gonna be a lot of people disagreeing with you and it won't be because they're stubbornly unscientific.
Also Zucker is pro conversion therapy. Yes, pro converting trans people to cis people, but also pro converting gay people to straight people. That doesn't necessarily affect his results, i just find it funny how many people enthusiastically support his findings as evidence transitioning is… basically anti-gay conversion therapy? (even though plenty of trans people transition to gay? including T4T people so even the "that's actually just how straight people try to get with gay people" rationale for gay trans people is incredibly weak? and also HRT has a relatively low but non-zero chance of changing sexual orientation so it wouldn't even be reliable as a means of "becoming straight"? but a guy who couldn't reliably tell the difference between a tomboy and a trans boy figured out the former is more common than the latter + in one whole country where being trans is legal but being gay is not, sometimes cis gay people transition, so OBVIOUSLY that means sexism and homophobia are the driving factors even in countries with significant transphobia. or something.) anyway i hope zucker knows and hates how many gay people and allies are using his own study to trash-talk any attempts to be Less Gay. ideally nobody would take his nonsense seriously at all but it doesn't seem we'll be spared from that any time soon so i will take my schadenfreude where i can.
Steensma's studies have the exact same problem re: irrelevant criteria so "well someone ELSE had the same results!" is not exactly convincing. This is not "oh trans people are refusing to pay attention to these studies because they disagree with them regardless of scientific rigor", it's "one biased guy using outdated criteria found exactly the numbers everyone would expect based on that criteria, i can't imagine why trans people are treating those numbers as relevant to the past criteria but not present definitions, let's find a SECOND guy using outdated criteria. Why do people keep saying the outdated criteria is not relevant to the current state of trans healthcare. Don't we all know it's quantity over quality with scientific studies. (Please don't ask what the quantity of studies disagreeing with me is.)"
Steensma also counted patients as 'not persisting as transgender' if they ghosted him on follow-up which counted for a third of his study's "detransitioners" and a fifth of the total subjects and. look. i'm not saying none of them detransitioned, or assuming they all didn't would be notably more accurate, but i think we can safely treat twenty percent of subjects as a bit high for making a default assumption, especially when some of them might have simply not been interested in a study on whether or not they still know who they are. Fuck knows i've seen pro-trans studies which didn't make assumptions about the people who didn't respond still get prodded by anti-trans people insisting "the number of people claiming they don't regret transitioning can't possibly be so high, some of the people who responded must have been lying. (Scientific rigor means thinking studies which disagree with me are wrong even if the only explanation is the subjects lying and studies which agree with me are right even if we need to make assumptions about a lot of subjects to get there.)"
and this is not new information. not the issues with zucker, not the issues with steensma, not any of the issues because this is not a new study, it's a review of older studies, which in itself doesn't mean "bad" or "useless" -- sometimes that allows connecting some previously-unconnected dots -- but the idea this is going to absolutely blow apart the Woke Media, vindicate Rowling and Lineham, and "save" ""gay"" children from """being forcibly transed""" is bullshit. At most it'll get dragged around and eagerly cited by all the people looking for anything vaguely scientific-sounding to justify their beliefs, and maybe even people who only read headlines and sound bites will buy it, but the people who really believe it will be people who already agreed with all its "findings" and have already been dragging around the existing studies and are just excited to have a shiny new citation for it.
the response from people who've been really reading research on transgender people all along is going to be more along the lines of "……yeah. yeah, i already knew about that. do you need a three-page essay on why i don't think it means what you think it means? because i don't have time for that homework right now but maybe i can pencil it in for next semester if you haven't learned how to check your own sources by then."
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lgbtlunaverse · 6 months
3zun data analysis part 2 electric boogaloo
So in my first post on 3zun data analysis I said I manually excluded all non-3zun ships in the 3zun tag to figure out how many of them were actually centered around 3zun.
So that's... actually not how i first went about that. Instead, I decided to, one after the other, include each 2-out-of-3zun ship, and then manually exclude every relationship not contained in 3zun. (leaving te other 2-out-of-3zun ships alone) Then, I'd figure out how many of these fics were exclusively tagged the ship I included, how many included only one of the other 2 ships, and how many included all 3, which would allow me to calculate how many 3zun fics in total had 2-out-of-3zun ships included but no other side pairings, which, upon being added to the otp:true fics, should give me the total number of 3zun fics exclusively focused on 3zun.
"Wow! That seems really inefficient" yes! But it did give me more information for this post. Because with these numbers, I can somewhat crudely estimate what 2-out-of-3zun pairing tends to get more narrative focus within 3zun fics.
Here are the results, data collected on march 18th 2024:
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There are 196 3zun fics tagged with xiyao and no non-3zun relationships. Of these, 151 are also tagged nieyao, and 137 are tagged nielan.
Coincidentally, nieyao has the same number, also 196, 151 of wich are also tagged xiyao, but only 117 are tagged nielan.
Then there are 159 3zun fics tagged nielan with no non-3zun pairings, with 137 of them also being tagged xiyao and 117 nieyao. (I hope you've all noticed those numbers matching up!)
by the way, here are the raw stats in just the plain vanilla 3zun tag, no filters, for how many fics are tagged with the different ot2s.
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Also, this has nothing to do with anything, but for nielan and xiyao i mostly had to filter out relatively normal side pairings, a few crossovers with mxtx's other works or different danmei, nothing too weird. But the nieyao tag had THIS
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JESUS/JUDAS??? IN MY NIEYAO?? It's more likely than you think!!
Anyway, to the complicated numbers! Selecting for all 3 after excluding everything else gives you 112 fics.
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With these numbers you can now calculate some really fun stuff. Taking the fics tagged with both xiyao and nieyao (151) and subtracting the fics tagging all 3 (112) you get the number of 3zun fics that are only tagged as xiyao and nieyao, excluding nielan. In this case: 39
"Couldn't you just exclude nielan on ao3" you have to understand I like doing things the hard way.
Doing this gives:
Fics tagged nieyao and xiyao but not nielan: 39
Fics tagged xiyao and nielan but not nieyao: 25
Fics tagged nieyao and nielan but not xiyao: 5
Generally tagging 2 ot2 pairings in an ot3 signals that either the relationship is a V and the excluded ship are not together, or that- even if they're a triad- the excluded ship doesn't feature in the narrative much. As you can see, xiyao is by far the least likely to be excluded here.
Now doing some more math (or, if you're normal, clicking a few extra times on ao3) will give you the fics exclusively tagged with one ot2 pairing besides 3zun. Generally that means that this relationship is the narrative focus, even if all of 3zun are together.
And these results actually surprised me.
Fics exclusively tagged xiyao: 196 - 112 - 39 - 25 = 20
Fics exclusively tagged nielan: 159 - 112- 25 - 5 = 17
Fics exclusively tagged nieyao: 196 - 112 - 39 - 5 = 40
I checked the answers by actually filtering on ao3 (making all my work redundant) and uh. Yeah. I had expected that, with xiyao being the least likely to be excluded, the most commonly tagged ship in 3zun overall, and simply the most popular ship, they'd be first here too.
And yet, not only does nieyao have more fics, it has more than nielan and xiyao combined. Despite having less fics in total than either of the other 2!
Out of interest, I repeated the experiment without manually excluding all the unrelated ships.
Basically, for each 2-out-of-3zun ship, I only filtered out the two other ships. This data will give us the same insight into narrative focus, just without excluding all other non 3zun rleated side pairings.
This time I just included one ship, and excluded the other 2-out-of-3zun ships. (the hard math comes later)
Doing this gives:
3zun fics only tagged xiyao: 45
3zun fics only tagged nielan: 33
3zun fics only tagged nieyao: 59
It's a less drastic difference, but nieyao still come out on top!!
What this means, I think, is that people with nieyao as their absolute favorite side of the triangle are a lot more likely to write 3zun fics than those for whom the same is true for nielan or xiyao.
That is to say: Someone who likes all 3zun pairings equally is more likely to write 3zun where the pairings all share narrative balance. And if you really really really love xiyao, and think nieyao and nielan are pretty ok but you don't go crazy over them, you're a lot more likely to just write a solo xiyao fic than you are a xiyao-focused 3zun fic. Idem ditto for nielan. But if nieyao is your absolute fave, you wanna put those guys in a throuple anyway.
What I'm saying is I think nieyaoists are the subfandom of triangular desire. Which... *looks at my own mutuals*... is the least surprising thing i've ever said.
Anyway! I didn't stop there! I wanted to see which pairings were more likely to get tagged together again. I also decided to make things even harder for myself!
Instead of filtering one ship at a time and seeing how many of each of the others were tagged alongside it, like i did last time, I only gave myself a few figures to calculate it manually: The overall number of tags each had in the 3zun tag (348, 328, and 284, as pictured above) the afformentioned data about exclusively tagged fics, and the number of fics tagged with all three 2-out-of-3zun ships (175)
Rather than a simple subtraction, I had to... Well i'm just gonna let y'all look at my notes app. I wanna stress that i could have looked all of this up in minutes and in fact did later to check my answers! No time was saved! A lot was wasted!
But I like number so 👉👈
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Fics tagged xiyao and nieyao but not nielan: 73
Fics tagged xiyao and nielan but not nieyao: 55
Fics tagged nieyao and nielan but not xiyao: 21
Once again, similar but slightly less drastic results.
With this I can only come to one conclusion: the fandom likes to joke about 3zun being a love triangle with xichen in the middle. But looking at these numbers? The real center is jiggy. Everything revolves around a-yao, baby!.
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emeraldthelynx · 17 days
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I had a theory: do characters that look alike or have similar personalities share expressions? So I did an "art study" of sorts. X's expressions (except 15.) are Link's, specifically the one in the Zelda manga by Akira Himekawa. Zero has a mix of faces (and mixed results). Half of them are of Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. (Those ones just didn't feel right, despite similar appearances), and the other half is of Matt Ishida from Digimon, who did work out well. Finally, the character that started this though process off, Axl. His expressions are of Conan Edogawa from Detective Conan, and the two characters actually share a voice actress in Japanese!
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deadmallrat · 1 year
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I like the little details like the holes in the walls in Simon’s room. His preexisting anger issues aren’t the main focus, but they’re definitely there.
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ashtwinreject · 3 months
it's not physically possible to be allergic to msg. if you were somehow "allergic to msg", you would - if anything - just be allergic to glutamate. which would be an absolutely catastrophic problem, on the same level as phenylketonuria
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