#Kram’s are like okay
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Ya don’t see borzoi ears like that everyday!!! I mean. I do. Cause I live with them. But. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
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kennyomegasweave · 5 months
Sorry I'm not sorry, but I don't care about Phupha. And it's not even cause of TaiKram, but because this man has had a fiancee in both worlds! And no ma'am.
Phupha 1, the one Kram was in love and in a relationship with, didn't even tell Kram about her! Kram found out on accident, basically, while Phupha tried to get them out of there before she was revealed to be his fiancee.
"I didn't know how to tell you!" is the most chickenshit answer too cause it's like …okay but when was he gonna tell him? And then his "baby I will tell everyone about us" after was just insulting because, again, when was he gonna do that? Since he clearly had no future plan to tell Kram about Run. And Run was excited to see him, so it's not like it was some arranged marriage they didn't want to be in. Phupha 2 is having sex with Run 2, so it's not a stretch to belive Phupha 1 was having sex with Run 1. All while trying to get Kram to sleep with him too!
Like this man really had a whole ass woman in the city and Kram in the country, both completely unaware, and I was still supposed to care about him and the PhuphaKram love story? Come along now.
And then Phupha 2 basically proposes keeping Kram on the side cause Run was "okay with it" and he knows Kram has Tai, so they could all make it work? This man is ill. I don't care. lol
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babyangelsky · 4 months
Two Worlds: Novel vs. Series (Part 1)
A few days ago, I mentioned that I had begun reading the novel for Two Worlds because I was curious about the changes that had been made for the adaption. Truthfully, I've been curious about it since the special and enough people liked my post to encourage me to put this together, so here we are!
Few things. Firstly, the official English translation of the novel is only updated through chapter 7 which equates to about episode 3 of the series. Approximately.
Secondly, good god is it convoluted so to make things easier on myself and on you, I'm going to break down the changes to each world in two separate posts and not jump around which is what the novel does.
Thirdly, if you'd like to read the novel yourself, the first seven chapters are available for free here! It's the official translation and updates are a bit irregular but it is being updated! Trigger warning for discussion and sometimes graphic mentions of suicide. Please proceed with caution.
I also have to thank @thainovels for being so lovely every time I've asked them for help. What are the odds the novel updated the day after I asked you for help finding a complete version?!
This is gonna be LONG so to spare your dash and anyone who doesn't wanna be spoiled, I'll begin under the cut.
World 1, aka our starting world in the series
Okay so, broad strokes. One of the biggest differences between novel and show so far is how much time we spend in Phupha's perspective and indeed, in perspectives other than Phupha's or Kram's. We really only get Kram's perspective in the chapters dedicated to World 1 and he's barely appeared in the chapters dedicated to World 2 so far.
This author also really loves to go on a tangent which kinda bugs me in a "I'm a writer too and I wouldn't do things this way dammit" sort of way and while that's my own cross to bear, objectively it does pull focus from the main plot and make the story more confusing than it has to be. Although I do appreciate the insight into the other characters.
How Things Start Off
Unlike the show which opens with Kram painting by the river, the novel opens with Kram trying to make friends with Phupha. At this point it's unclear how long Phupha has been staying at Kram's house but it doesn't seem like it's been very long.
In the show, Kram is the grumpy one who doesn't wanna talk or hang out and Phupha is the more open one, but it's flipped in the novel. Kram is a lonely lil ball of sunshine and he's excited to make a new friend and Phupha's generally very grumpy about his circumstances.
Kram also calls him "your grace" which I suspect is what the translator chose to use in place of "khun chai" since Kram also calls him that in the show a few times. I really wish the show had kept this detail because unlike in the show, Kram uses khun chai playfully and eventually affectionately. It's also worth noting that he doesn't call Phupha "phi" despite their age difference because he doesn't want to create distance between them.
Their first bonding experience is going for a walk just like in the show rather than walk aimlessly in the forest, Kram takes him to see the waterfall that is so central to our story. The locals refer to it as Moonshadow Cave.
We learn that Phupha is afraid of heights (and very traumatized) because of the circumstances surrounding his mother's suicide. He opens up to Kram about it and also tells him why his father sent him to stay with Kram and his father.
At one point, Kram steps onto a little ledge around the back of the waterfall and gently coaxes Phupha to join him so they can see the view. But remember, Phupha is afraid of heights and traumatized so after a few moments he panics and goes to turn back. But he turns back a little too quickly and stumbles and ends up face to face and very close to Kram.
SO THEY KISS ABOUT IT. Maybe it's adrenaline, maybe it's horniness, who knows! Certainly not Phupha!
It's getting late so they come down from the mountain to go home. Kram's head is spinning from the kiss, he's confused, he can still taste Phupha. Phupha's confused too, he doesn't know why the hell he kissed Kram, and just as he's in the middle of telling Kram that it was just the adrenaline and didn't mean anything, they hear something rustling in the tall grass.
The Tiger Incident
Yep. The thing they hear is a tiger smack in the middle of having a deer for dinner. Here is the first of two or three major plot points (so far) that were cut from the adaptation entirely.
They come across the tiger and even though they try to move as quietly and slowly as they can to get away, they don't get very far before the tiger notices them and starts chasing them down. As they're running, Kram falls and hurts his leg. Kram knows of a small cave where they can hide, and They manage to duck into it just in time. Fortunately the entrance is too small for the tiger to follow them in there so they're safe but homeboy is still waiting outside to eat them, so they're forced to stay there until morning or until he gets bored and leaves.
Kram and Phupha snuggle together for warmth because of course they do and in the middle of the night, Phupha realizes that Kram has a fever.
The next morning, Phupha sees that Kram hasn't gotten any better so he decides to go and get help for him. Luckily the tiger is gone, so he leaves the cave and marks himself a path so he can find his way back. When he exits the forest, he sees Kram's dad and a group of villagers talking amongst themselves. They'd been looking for the two of them since they hadn't returned from their walk and are very relieved to see Phupha.
Phupha tells everyone what happened and they go back for Kram, and this is where things get very weird. He notices that the branches he broke to mark his path aren't broken anymore and when he and the villagers arrive at the cave, the weeds that were covering the cave entrance are thicker than they were before. And Kram?
Kram is fucking gone.
He is straight up gone. He is not in the cave where Phupha left him despite being sick and unable to move because of his injured leg. Phupha obviously begins questioning his sanity as a search gets underway.
Fifty people including police search the forest for two entire days to absolutely zero avail. Kram is nowhere to be found. It's like the forest swallowed him whole and Phupha is feeling so guilty and Kram's dad is being so kind and not blaming him at all and it's all very fraught.
The search is paused on the third day because of heavy rain but that's not about to stop Phupha. He needs to find Kram and he's in the forest desperately wracking his mind for every last detail of the path he took from the cave and the surroundings while rain is pouring down on him. He thinks he might've found the right spot and sees a cave, but passes out before he can reach it.
When he wakes up, he's back at Kram's house being tended to by Duandow, Kram's childhood friend (we'll get to her in a bit). First thing he does is ask about Kram and miracle of miracles, KRAM HAS BEEN FOUND AND IS OKAY! His leg wasn't broken and he's in rough shape after not having any food or water for a couple days but he's expected to make a full recovery.
Duandow tells him that the cave Kram was found in--the one Phupha passed out in front of--was in an area that had already been searched by the police and that the locals believe that dark magic blocked the entrance to it, which is why they hadn't been able to find Kram before.
If that sounds really goddamn weird to you, THAT'S BECAUSE IT IS. Something fucky is going on with this forest but there are absolutely no answers I can give you as to the why and the how. The novel hasn't given us anything yet.
Phupha and Kram
Another huge difference between the show and the novel is just how much the relationship between Phupha and Kram progresses and how physical it actually is. In the show we only get a few kisses and some snuggling but they go a lot further in the novel.
A lot further.
After the tiger and the fucky forest trauma bond them, they're hanging out on the mountain near Kram's house one evening and as they get to talking and open up to each other some more, they're interrupted by a swarm of fireflies. Kram tries to catch one for Phupha but can't quite manage it, and somehow they end up very close together again.
Not only do they kiss about it, clothes start coming off and things start getting hot and heavy before Kram's dad calls up and interrupts them. He doesn't actually see anything (since they're horizontal and shielded by the brush) but he does notice the state they're in when they come down.
Which leads me nicely to the painting.
The Nude Portrait
Remember the nude portrait Kram did of Phupha? In the show, it comes about after Kram accidentally paints Scarface Tai. Phupha sees the painting and realizes how skilled Kram is and hires Kram to paint him.
In the novel, Kram shows Phupha a spare room where he stores all his works and as they're looking through them, Phupha comes across a nude portrait Kram had done of DUANDAOW. KRAM'S CHILDHOOD FRIEND.
Kram tells him that she had agreed to pose for him one day so he could practice painting figures, as all artists do, and Phupha gets all quiet and grumpy and jealous about it. So what does he do? Hire Kram to paint a nude portrait for him like the one Kram had done for Duandaow.
If you'll recall, this is pretty much what happens in the show when Tai asks Kram do paint a nude portrait of him. He gets jealous because Kram had done one of Phupha and asks for one just like it. It seems like the writers reworked that bit since they also wrote out that Kram had done a portait of Duandaow.
And that's not all they reworked.
The painting session with Phupha in the novel begins the same as it does in the show. Kram is doing his thing while Phupha looks all pretty with his cloth in the river. But just like the nude painting scene with Tai, Kram starts getting distracted because of how good Phupha looks.
And I just have to say, the author always makes a point to describe how beautiful Phupha is, but I especially appreciate them taking the time to tell us that Phupha has lovely ample breasts and pretty nipples. Especially because wiping sweat off those lovely ample breasts is what brings Kram so very close to Phupha for the third time. Except this time, they don't just kiss about it.
In the show, this painting scene is where we get their first kiss but as you have seen, beloved reader, we are several kisses in by this point in the novel
It's after this that we cut to Kram's dad's perspective for a bit, and I only mention this because it's so goddamn funny and also serves to highlight a few of important points.
The man is just so endearingly oblivious. He saw how disheveled Kram and Phupha were when they came down from the mountain as I mentioned above and assumes they fought each other after having an argument. This man interpreted two horizontal silhouettes moving together as a FIST FIGHT. He assumes they're angry at each other when they won't even look at each other.
In one instance, Dilok catches Phupha leaving Kram's bedroom early in the morning and believes Phupha when he tells him he "fell asleep" after he and Kram "talked" all night. Dilok even thinks to himself how proud he is that they're so mature and communicate so well! I love Dilok so much, you don't understand.
That aside, however, his hilarious misinterpretation tells us that unlike in the show, Kram and Phupha are fucking on the reg. And bear in mind that Kram still technically has an ash exchange ceremony coming up with Duandaow but before I get into everything with her, I wanted to share this passage where Dilok happens upon both her and Phupha's portraits because it says something important about Kram's relationship with Duandaow. Also because I love it.
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Duandaow's presence is yet another major difference between the novel and the show.
The show doesn't tell us a whole lot about her. We know only that she has an ash exchange ceremony coming up with Kram and that when she realizes that Kram has feelings for Phupha, she takes herself out of the equation so they can be together.
The novel gives us so much more. She's featured prominently when Kram disappears in the forest, she cares for Phupha when he passes out, she appears every time Phupha goes to her grandmother's store to get medicine for Kram, and of course there's the fact that Kram painted her.
She has been in love with Kram her whole life. In addition to getting her history, we learn that they've known each other since childhood and that they were very close since they were the only two children in the village that were the same age. And it's partially because there's no one else for either them that being with Kram is a foregone conclusion to her and it's why she assumes that's the case for him as well.
She confesses to Kram and he responds with something along the lines of "Who would I love if not you? It's just us here." It's not an "I love you, too" but she takes it that way. Kram literally has no one else so his response may seem sweet but to me, it reads as him accepting on some level that there's no other option and settling.
I do think he cares deeply for Duandaow but I don't think he's in love with her. Several things drive this home for me (including that passage above) but the one that stands out the most is actually when they lose their virginity to each other.
It happens one day after they go swimming together (at the infamous waterfall I might add). She makes the first move and he hesitates at first but he gets swept up in the moment and it's all very shy and sweet. Thing is, after it happens, Kram keeps things strictly friendly between them. So much so that she thinks the whole thing got wiped from his memory.
And this sense of "who else if not you" persists pretty much their whole lives up until this point. They have an ash exchange ceremony coming up because why wouldn't they? There's no other option. Oh, the comphet of it all.
She isn't stepping aside for Phupha because she doesn't realize there's something between him and Kram. She notices something there that makes her suspicious but those suspicions are nebulous at best. It never occurs to her that they could have any relationship beyond friendship because why would they?
The Other Love Triangle
Phupha has had silent, one-sided beef with Duandaow ever since he saw that painting of her. He's polite to her but just barely, he doesn't make any effort at friendliness or real conversation. He's jealous and he has good reason to be, because he and Kram haven't declared any feelings for each other or had the "what are we" conversation.
Not only that, there is an ash exchange ceremony coming up. Phupha has no idea what that ceremony is until he asks Kram's dad one day and Dilok tells him IT'S A MARRIAGE CEREMONY. Show!Kram had some nerve getting pissy at Phupha for having a fiancee he didn't tell Kram about when Kram had one too!
Here Phupha is, so very in love and in a very physical relationship with Kram, and then he learns Kram is about to get married to someone else. He doesn't know whether Kram returns his feelings, he doesn't know where he stands, there's been no hint of calling off the wedding, so what does he do?
He takes himself out of the equation just like Duandaow does in the show.
Phupha chooses not to confess his feelings to Kram, he spends one last night snuggling him, and then he takes the L and quietly goes back to his life in Rattha.
Oh, what's that you say? You wanted some salt in that wound? How about the fact that KRAM GOES THROUGH WITH THE CEREMONY AND MARRIES DUANDAOW?
It's a MESS and there is no resolution for it because the novel translation isn't done!
You might have noticed that I haven't really talked about Tai and that's because he only shows up once in these few chapters we have so far. The ones that take place in World 1, that is. But boy howdy does he come in with a bang when he does. Literally.
When Phupha hires Kram to paint him, Kram asks him to take him into the city as payment. There's an arts festival happening and Kram wanted to go so he could show off his dad's paintings.
Everything is going lovely, everyone is having a good time. At least until Duandaow shows up and Phupha turns into a salty salmon about it but we already talked about her.
The brand new chief of police has been asked to make a speech to inaugurate the festival and a short while after he gets on stage to make it, there is a bang. It's followed by screams and a second bang.
Tai showed up at the festival, shot an officer in the gut, and then killed the chief in cold blood to get revenge for the chief recently killing his father.
Bedlam ensues. People are screaming and terrified and fleeing the scene and Tai is looking to flee the scene too, but it just so happens that Kram is blocking his escape route. Tai shouts for him to move but something comes over Kram and he's not budging. Doesn't matter how much Tai threatens him or how much Phupha pleads with him, Tai belongs to the gang that killed his mother and he ain't moving.
My boy doesn't move even when Tai points a gun in his face. That's how much he hates this man and everything he represents. And Tai fully intends to kill him, but there's a moment where he locks eyes with Kram and something shifts within him.
There's a shot, but because we switch to Duandaow's perspective in that moment, we don't know exactly what happens. We know only that the shot missed and that Phupha rushed to hug Kram to his body and shield him from the shot.
Kram was in point blank range. There was no way in hell that shot missed unless that's what Tai intended. But that's all we've gotten of Tai in World 1 so far so there hasn't been a chance to dig into anything more.
The Stabbing of Viroj
There's one more thing I wanna mention, which also happens to be the stopping point for the translation at this time.
In the show, in World 1, Phupha's biological father Viroj gets attacked after Phupha and Kram go talk to him about the incident in the gallery with Tai and the conversation Phupha had with his father.
In the novel, that conversation with Adisak and Phupha's aunt and stepmother takes place right after Phupha goes back to Rattha and for the subsequent conversation with Viroj, Phupha is obviously alone.
The circumstances that precede the stabbing at a little different but that's a whole other tangent so I'm not gonna get into it. The rest of it is largely the same as in the show.
Someone breaks in, stabs Viroj, Phupha hears a scream and comes upon the scene, he has the realization about his hemophilia, he calls an ambulance and the police.
Only a few details are different. In the novel, he does actually manage to call for help but help never comes so he decides to take Viroj to the hospital himself. Unfortunately Viroj dies before Phupha can take him.
After his death, Phupha calls his dad Adisak to tell him that someone killed Viroj and to ask him to call for help. Adisak does, and when Phupha gets a call from the paramedics asking for more information, the paramedic asks where the patient was stabbed.
Problem is, Phupha never told Adisak that Viroj had been stabbed. Phupha immediately suspects that Adisak knows more about the attack than he let on and was possibly even behind it.
This is as far as the translation has taken us so I have to stop here. Sometime before the finale I'm gonna write up part two to this absolute saga, which will be the differences between World 2 in the novel and show.
If you've read this far, thank you. You're lovely and I love you. ❤️
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Okay, I'm getting low-key "Kram is in love with Rak" vibes.
Which would explain why he was excited about the break up, and confused why Rak was leaving him, too. And also his very unsubtle comments and behavior, and baiting a fight with sending the picture to Mek.
Like, this:
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-is a very desperate sort of stubbornness.
Like, I am big time codependent with my best friend, but that's not the energy these two have.
Dino agrees that Kram is being sus:
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But Rak's sad little face here is breaking my heart. He looks like he's obviously still processing the whole thing, but the "we were friends" right before he says he wants to sleep at Dino's -- fully because he doesn't want to run into Kram waiting at his own apartment, is just... This poor baby.
(@respectthepetty Kram is wearing black in the break up scene-- in several scenes, actually-- what are your thoughts on his possible pining?)
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My interpretation of the TaiKram stuff is that they amazingly don't have an exhibition kink per se, it's just that their house is in the middle of the woods and they are too caught up in each other to think about who might see.
Unfortunately the Two Worlds tag on AO3 is very small, 12/16 of the works are actually just RPF using the show tag and of the other four, only two are both in English and tagged Tai/Kram and neither are tagged E 🥲.
1. Fair. I mean, when you live out in the middle of nowhere you ARE usually more comfortable with casual nudity. It still cracks me up that they care so little about being right on the porch though. Like, in front of the window wasn't that bad but imagine going to borrow a cup of sugar and seeing that. Lol.
2. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Okay, tell me why when I joined a fandom known for its canon NC scenes that there would be so little smut? Or just fic in general?
Like, for real smut is one of the most interesting ways to write a character study. we're being given canon information to play with. Hints of kinks and power dynamics, etc. For at least some of these shows the sex is partially the plot.
Why so chaste?
Especially when so many excellent tropes and kinks are being placed in the palms of our hands? Like, for some reason I felt like the size kink girlies (gender neutral) would eat these two and their fictional pairings UP!
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miss0atae · 5 months
The promo pictures for Two Worlds, episode 6, are teasing us, a very interesting story. I really can't wait to watch it! 🤩
So Tai is really falling hard for Kram from World 1. He got a second chance of being in love and lucky him, his second love looks exactly like the first one.
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"You are the best part of my life"
Is Wayu in love with Jao or is it the opposite? I can't seem to find which one started to have feelings first.
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"More painful than not loving is loving someone who can't love you".
Is this Tai from World 1 or from World 2? The cage makes me think it's Tai from World 1, but I may be wrong. Imagine how mentally strong you need to be, because in one world Tai is in love with Kram, but in the other world, he murdered his family. Kram is showing you don't fall just for the physical appearance of someone but for who they really are.
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"Are you afraid of me?"
"I am Tai, Por' son"
Okay, so not only will they be very intimate but Tai is also ready to get married. He will not miss the chance a second time.
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"Come to the ash exchange ceremony with me".
PS: the translations were made with Google Translate so it may not be entirely accurate.
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thebestofoneshots · 4 months
How are you doing? I hope you are doing good, I just wanted to check up on ya luv. It must be as hard to write the few latest chapter of gc it must have hurt your sould as much as it hurt mine. (No hate! I love you soooooo much I don't think I can work without you.) I just read last weeks chapter and it started out so sad? I don't know what it is in english so you wil get in in danish you can just translate it, I hope thats okay.
Altså Lilly dette kapitel var noget af en rutsjebane! i starten var det så trist men så fandt Remus reader, og jeg tror ærlig talt det var det mest cute ever da de to lå og krammede hinanden! men jeg må sige at du fortjener et KÆMPE stort kram fordi du gik igennem Ninas død sammen med os. Jeg kan stadig ikke komme over at hun er død men det kommer sikkert til at give mening senere:3
I hope it was okay? sorry for any mistakes in spelling(both danish and english) hope your week will get better and better as we speak and I'm so excited for the next chapter!
sending the biggest hug your way;>
Hey darling! I'm good, I wrote these chapters a few weeks ago, and they were definitely emotionally challenging, I really did go through her passing along with you, you should have seen me crying like a little girl in front of my computer, must have been a hilariously sad sight.
I mean, what would I have answered if somebody asked me, "What's happening? Are you alright?"
I would have been like, "I'm sorry," sobs, "It's just that I kiIled one of my sweetest OCs ever for the sake of the plot and it hurts so much, but also, I wrote a really good chapter –I can actually write sometimes– but it still pains my soul".
The chapter had to be sad, but –and you'll see this on the new chapters– Vixen and Rem's relationship will be affected, and it will change, not necessarily in a bad way... But if I keep talking I'll end up spoiling you so I'll be quiet now. Sending you lots of love!
Read Gilded Constellations
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bengiyo · 6 months
Two Worlds Ep 2 Stray Thoughts
Last time, we started to meet our major players. Kram and his father are artists who seem to live away from a major city, and are asked to take care of a family friend’s adult son for a bit. I liked the build up of the relationship between Kram and Phupha. When Phupha went back to the city, some gangsters tried to kill him at an art gallery, and he later learned that he’s not the biological son of his father. It seems his dad wanted him dead, and we left at Kram finding Phupha’s body in their hideaway in the woods.
Kram crying over Phupha’s body and also speaking with him was super creepy.
Okay, into the blue water! Thank you, show, for picking up right where I wanted.
Ah, that’s why Kram was so startled when he realized he was drawing Max’s character last episode. That guy killed Kram’s mother.
Damn, he legit tied that man up like a prisoner.
Hopefully I remember that Max’s character is named Tai. I don’t know if it’s going to be helpful that their mirror universe counterparts have the same names and family histories.
Doubt about world hopping is a reasonable response.
Nat sold the fuck out of that fall.
Oh, that hurts. The Phupha on this side doesn’t recognize him. It works as a quick tangible detail, along with the grave marker and abandoned house, to help Kram see that this mirror universe is real.
Interesting. The two worlds are on a time delay as well. Phupha may still die in the next three months.
I was wondering how they’d get Nat to nag Max.
I’m curious how they’ll continue to handle the aura of heteronormativity of these worlds, since Kram and Phupha never defined their relationship, and didn’t seem keen on using terms with baggage. He also held off on explaining it to Tai, who seems to have noticed it. Feeling like Tai and Kram were close in his world and he’s been hoping for signs of potential from this Kram.
Oof, this interview is giving me secondhand embarrassment. However, there’s no problem family connections can’t solve.
I’m glad these guys know they’re not their counterparts. Too bad Tai is catching feelings again.
Mon Taechin kinda reminds me of Nammon Krittanai.
Interesting. I’m curious what possibly bringing Phupha to a world where everyone knows he’s dead will do to both worlds. In one he’s back from the dead. In another he goes missing mysteriously.
I don’t think this one has really grabbed me yet, but I’m willing to be a little patient because it feels like it’s trying to get somewhere.
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karatekels · 2 months
I've seen you liking D&D posts (mostly about Nick Marini) and had some questions not from that prompt:
1. Do you play D&D yourself?
2. Do you have a favorite campaign on CR or another group?
3. Favorite character you've played and why?
4. Do you have a favorite D&D memory?
Okay, I *promise* that my interests don't all revolve around Terry Silver actors - I played D&D first! 😂
1. I'm not playing now, but I have played before. I am *not* what would be considered a good player, but I have fun anyway!
My partner is a great DM and normally hosts at our place, so I get my fix through osmosis!
(He made a character based on Terry Silver as a minor antagonist and I consider it a personal love letter to me 😍)
2. I love Dimension 20, and A Crown of Candy is my favourite campaign - you're really going to make me cry over a chocolate rabbit, huh?! Incredible. I just love Brennan's ability to build fantasy worlds with such depth and they're so fun ahhhh!
3. My favourite character was named Kram Torolf and he was a caricature of my favourite lit prof from undergrad! He was a bard with a magical lyre and he was a human that insisted on some distant elven lineage to make himself seem more interesting. For awhile in the Underdark he just pretended to have Dark Vision 😂
One of my exes sketched him for me - I might still have it saved somewhere...
4. My favourite memory isn't about playing or watching D&D - last August I went to a cognitive linguistics conference in Germany and gave a talk about D&D to a huge audience (for me, anyway) and it was AWESOME!
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mistofstars · 1 year
Okay, ich hab auch so meine Macken als Schreiberling, keine Frage. Aber hier sind so ein paar Sachen, die mir immer wieder auffallen, bei Sachen, wo ich rein lese oder sie ganz lese:
Keine Absätze = les ich nicht
Idealerweise bei direkter Rede eigene Zeilen = gut und gewollt
Wenn es ein slow burn ist und keine pwp und die ganze Entwicklung der Liebesgeschichte einfach damit endet, dass beide zum ersten Mal miteinander gepoppt haben. So als wäre das das ultimate goal gewesen und alles basiert nur auf Sex. Eeeh. Don't like. Kann man so machen, find ich aber irgendwie blöd.
Nicht vollständig oder richtig getaggte Stories. Es ist zum kotzen. Schaut doch mal im Internet bitte nach Tags und ratings und was man für was nimmt. Mich macht es rasend eine pg13 Story zu lesen, die mit p18 getaggt ist ohne jeglichen Grund. Oder wenn in den author's notes steht es könnte Themen geben, die triggern und in den Tags steht nichts? Aha?? Das ist so nichts sagend!
Like, Leute, ich will doch euren Kram lesen. Aber nidde so 😂
Ich hab mit 12/13 mit fanfictions angefangen und bin jetzt 34. Ich habe auch so einige "Fehler" gemacht und bin fernab von perfekt. Aber ich hab von communities profitiert, die ganz klar gesagt haben, wenn was nicht richtig getaggt war usw und wo es noch gewisse "Anstandsregeln" zwischen writer und reader gab (z.B. war es auch normal zu konstruktiv zu reviewen - das hat manchmal weh getan, aber meistens hatten die Leute auch Recht).
So. Rant over. 😁😅
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chameleon-on-lsd · 2 months
Re-watching Tatort Saarbrücken liveblogging
Das fleissige Liesschen: I fully did not understand the first scene the first time I saw it. But yeah, makes a LOT of sense now... I also really like Adam's hair here. The way Adam just has to chill alone in the office because Leo gets taken away. It really does just look like Adam has been staring at Leo the whole way to the scene. (also that he is the first one to say that he missed Leo) Leos little black book <3 god, they look both so good against the black background of the interrogation room. adam does just look like a floating head though xD the soft lighting effect in this scene is very interesting (like the glow around the window and lights) lmao I didn't see that Adam stole an M&Ms from the Pförtner xD OH and that's where the "Gei-el" is from xD A fanfic favorite and the first 'pisshaargenau' xD oh and no schulterholster. still a belt one. I don't think I even noticed them carrying the guns like that waaah the bbys ;-; honestly what the fuck is this dinner scene. was it supposed to be a gf and they just backtracked? boah wie auch einfach nur R. Schürk auf dem klingelschild steht. does his mum not know that adam is with the police? or what is the 'hast du leo schon gesehen? er ist jetzt bei der polizei, kommisar'. aaah süssmäuse. die gegenseitigen blicke einfach beim akten durchgehen "bisschen porn-kram" lmao but also, did leo have the shooting problem all 15 years? ah no, he says it's the second time. what a sudden start though the fact that adam has the 'darfst in der bundesrepublik unbegrenzt bargeld mit dir führen" line!!!!! the foreshadowing lmao
Der Herr des Waldes: god adam really fucked his hair up in the last two months huh xD also that he changed his whole parting also I like their new office way more than the other one. with the loud ass door xD god, the stalking towards adam in the office to confront him about his dad is just.. very hot god the back part of the harness is just... so grabable ..how did Roland's leg wound not cause any confusion for the authoraties when it all happened the same day? aah the dude whispers the game name to his buddy. didn't get that the first time lmao the dude in the red shirt looks OLD xD what a 'how you do fellow kids' lol just noticed that the media trucks are SR trucks. of course xD ah Pia's life at the Präsidium begins another Adam snacking moment that I missed (stealing bar food from someone). of course that one episode where he constantly eats seemed so weird to me xD I love that weird camera angle "through" the kickertable xD ;-; leo gnawing his lip in concern wow just now noticed how weirdly round the frenchie's house is adam's griff über die knarre wenn er die arme verschränkt <3 some weird ADR here from Esther okay we truly don't see that that yearbook page shows the teacher and not just leo. I feel like adam would notice that even if his first instinct is leo the fact that adam is still wearing his holster while laying on the bed. liegst du auf der waffe?? god the fucking upside down shot of leo. arrrrmmssss okay so Episode 2, adam leaves his parent's home adam. trigger discipline bitte gooood the teacher is so goddamn creepy honestly Heide is so fucking out of it. two men walk into her house and she turns around like nothings there god. adam. his fucking 'krault sich die eier' line does get to me
Das Herz der Schlange: god I hated the music in this episode. the weird clapping/shooting effect was genau nuschelt leo da?? "mir kommt scjhskj so vor als sckajshkjf" ah. untertitel haben geholfen ("mir kommt's so vor als hätte ich das schon mal gehört." klingt aber einfach verdammt gelallt von ihm xD) leo einfach so weird in der szene xD kannst du reden?? ooooh. esther has short hair now. maybe that's why her ponytail in E1 weirded me out also adam's voice is like. higher? idk in E1 he was always super gruff chriiiiist. adam's dad is such a fucking psycho leo's little grey spots bei der Schläfe *-* boah pia labert auch einfach mit vollem mund. lernt mal manieren also like. what is the fucking layout of this house?? i feel like the schlafsofa stood in sight of the kitchen, so, in the space behind the fireplace?? so leo just has to stare at the place where the dad died and adam was forced to watch? cool cool Heide ist so zerzaust hier Leo's hair is nice in this one, nice little wave I do also like Adam's. HdW was very weird, and DfL was missing the blonde. and we're back to the right-side parting team work goes brrr this episode <3 die haben sich grad kalten und alten kaffee eingeschüttet..... lecker "das HIER IS ABER NICH NORMALER.WEISE." what a delivery und das alles passiert vor 7 uhr oder?? wann war das treffen am see? sie sehen beide einfach so kaputt aus ;-; I love how there is instantly a chopper. You would've heard that bitch coming longer. interesting choice that here's also a piano piece. like with their re-union. (hat sich vlad das ohrloch echt erst neu stechen lassen? seh nur grad so nix. und ja son scheiss fällt mir auf. gestern gemerkt dass ein mitarbeiter mal die ohren wohl gedehnt hatte xD hat er bestätigt mit 15mm) pia ist so kaputt aber liebe für chinesisch ist ewig. wer fährt sich eigentlich so mit beiden händen hinter den nacken ausser die beiden? das fühlt sich so unangenehm an. mag die bomber jacke ja voll an leo. boah that paning shot around leo and pia at their desk is kind of vomit inducing xD that denial for smoking is so weird. but also, I saw a fan say that he never drinks? did that come up so far? love how I'm rewatching and probably still missing shit xD (he drinks water at the china restaurant but like.. that's dinner. und esther ballert sich juices rein). my two ideas for the smoking lie: he either stopped in the 3(+) months before (because he doesn't smoke in HdS) OR he knows about the solitary confiment rule and is trying to get there. but also, the take that he doesn't give a shit about it because he was used to being locked in the closet. hurts. GOD vladi's acting in the attack confession scene is SO good. it's so fucking heartwrenching and like he's that age again lmao that was one weird reality-show looking zoom on Esther xD boah I don't like Boris. ich mag ja den regensound der sich durch die verschiedenen szenen zieht. hrrrrr unloading the gun. I also do like their 'music cutting out suddendly' choices. aaah die wiedervereinigung. and I have to check their leaving music against this. (god the difference of them is so nice. I have no idea about music notes but I do feel like they are similar, but the tone is completely different of course) ich versteh den baum und die Initialen halt schon nicht....
Die Kälte der Erde: leo mit sonnenbrille my short-lived beloved lmao fucking couch szene. also. I guess the couch was because the chairs got tossed out? but why is it placed that weirdly then? henny can be so creepy in her delivery xD I do kind of hate adams hair in this one xD boah Heide du verpfeilte kuh xD does she finally know that adam is with the police or is she just very chill about him having a gun?? I guess she's used to shit from Roland but COME ON lady, react a bit less placid please also. are the moving boxes because Adam is fully moving into the house with his mom, right? pia wieder mit der nudel box in der hand wie esther einfach freiwillig so steht das der projektor voll blendet xD "wubububu" adam's blablabla is einfach geil lmao das adam einfach wirklich die tasche mit IN die untersuchungsorte nimmt xD und so lange keiner nachfragt was das soll lol und adam the snack thief strikes again leo und sein notizbuch <3 esther's 'oue c'est ça' the amount of fucking denim in this scene xD (okay alina's jacket isn't jeans but it does look like it) aw party scene where adam stops leo with the police reveal and HERE adam is back to smoking lmao das 'what the fuuuck' und 'fuuuck' is halt immer noch lustig wuäääähhhhhhh adam please trust leo (time to skip scenes with bluey) honestly WHAT is that sofa placement das ist hinterm kamin oder?? dort stand der fucking esstisch in DfL. wo ist der jetzt?? okay, man sieht die tiger bettwäsche so GANZ kurz xD aber das eingespielte wechseln <3 und wie leo einfach mit dem scheiss grossen fenster neben dran pennen muss. 1) creepy 2) bin ein mensch der komplette dunkelheit benötigt zum schlafen, das wär so weird xD und einfach das völlig trockene miau xD geparde sind die einzigen grosskatzen die miauen mein lieber warum hat adam loses münz in den taschen?? also das boris aussage von wegen 'ihr passt gut zusammen' einfach kommt nachdem er adam und leo 2 meter auseinander stehen sieht für 10 sekunden xD I'm so confused. hat er ne sonnenbrille auf oder sehen seine haare einfach aus wie ne permanente welle? ah ne er hat sie auf. warum hat er die mit reingenommen? xD also boris knows who leo is...? (or why would he call him herr hölzer. I guess he got told who is visiting him? ) I'm also not following this fucking cryptic conversation lmao aww wie adam die hand anfässt als leo davon labert wie boris den finger gebrochen hat schade eigentlich das adam immer tops mit normalen tshirt kragen trägt/tragen muss damit die maske nicht ans schlangen tattoo denken muss xD adam, schluck bevor du fucking sprichst xD und weiter gehts mit rauchen^^ BOAAAAAH LEO. IN DEM SCHEISS OUTFIT. ES IST EINFACH SO VERBOTEN GUT. aww henny getting scared by esther not knocking xD adam ist halt so süss in der szene xD 'mit sicherheit doch!' er äfft so gern leute nach xD lmao sie ist halt einfach so aggro also a big fan of adam's annoyed 'MHH' sounds xD the "jA! nein! ach mann! leo" kills me xD the paaaiiinnnnn of 'ja muss ich halt vielleicht alleine gehn'. how can you say that to leo while he's wearing that fucking outfit lmao paaain and sufffering und er hat einfach adam da gestrandet lmao more smoking from mister non-smoker I mean... I guess here he orders water and not beer. But er ist im Dienst? idk how that is anti-drinking agenda das rumrollen mit den bürostühlen ist halt schon geil xD okay no i'm back to being confused. WHY IS HEIDE ON THE SCHLAFSOFA???? where was she?? not at the house?? there in a room?? what?? "ich habs zumindest probiert [zu schlafen]" heul, weil adam dummheiten bauen könnte hier mal Adam Rennt und nicht leo er ist jetzt auch nicht der überzeugendeste im vermöbelt werden, tut mir leid herr strässer xD sie haben andere vorzüge wuääääääh
Der Fluch des Geldes: warum fällt mir erst jetzt Adam's kleines Goldkettchen auf? ily Daniel but your flat backside does amuse me. he also just looks like 80% leg in the lake scene the "Gib's mir" 3 minutes into the episode is just truly, a choice. shoutout Adam's arme. god this wholeass group is just...... also the fact that Leo chose to walk. a seemingly LONG way. where adam would probably pass by him if he drove back CRIES. the old lady I love him taking a voice note/doing a Sprachnachricht because it makes SO much sense also Pia/Esther stadion date, bless "stadteinwärts, ungefähr Kilometer 12" .... I'm interpreting that as, he would've had to walk back at least like 1 - 1,5 hours und Leo rennt halt schon viel die Episode ..wie halt einfach stockdunkel ist ;-; ROSIE fml Leo in dem Moment: "And I took that personally" "du Hampelmann" lmao .....Adam ist immer noch nicht umgezogen honestly what is the timeline?? GOD das grüne shirt fully in the camp of Home Office?! for you?! Leo und Henny :3 I still don't like her that much and him sitting on the table wUÄÄÄÄÄ "Hölzerchen" :3 aww leo's *clenches fist* die lady im Tiger shirt einfach lmao aaaah, the leo being lucky and seeing the group is just *chef's kiss* "gott zum grusse" lol aa baby boy ;-; mirror!adam !!! honestly why have I never noticed adam's necklace?? wenigstens findet er nichts auf dem klodeckel das er ablecken kann zum testen.... that casino worker fully sounds like a robot honestly this whole episode is (in James Currie's voice) WHERE'S THE DISH PLOT? "sonst schaffen wir heute gar nichts mehr" .... as if their stupid ass bets are somehow super important??? what is this fucking group and their kid's games leo just wanting to play ;-; ....find nur ich das komisch dass er die chips mit rausnimmt? god their bets are so annoying the second time around xD ...ah mal ne andere kette xD kann nicht entscheiden ob ihm gold oder silber besser steht "au weia das klingt nicht gut. ich komm mit." sie hätten halt einfach 20k gehabt. das ist.... so wenig für den ganzen aufwand lmao ...hat sich adam während der fahrt die jeansjacke angezogen und das cappi umgesetzt? xD (also mütze macht sinn ja, ist bequemer) und dass er die fette kamera einfach im auto hat. is that standard issue my guy? kleiner hobby fotograf sonst? also it's weird to have a whole fat-joke character in a show in 2024 *skips scenes* adam's texte diese episode wieder. "fuuuuck" "what the fff" xD love you lecker aufgeschnittene wurst in nem tupperware ?? die shots sind so strange?? cool aber weird. mit dem fokus mh lecker drogen testen und wie er sich danach die lippen leckt xD *lets scenes run on mute because I can't handle their stupidness* noch n Fuck xD adams reaktion auf leos genuschel lmao ach das 'yes, sir' *-* adam und das deo killt mich so adam's schiefes grinsen zu "du versaust das. genau wie schürk sonst immer" die szene halt. leo's entrüstung wegen dem führerschein. pia am pillen schlucken. die augenfarben von leo und adam die so krass hervorgehoben werden durch das licht und die kleidung speaking of licht: einer der flutscheinwerfer ist recht sichtbar, oder? xD ah, the house is because of the automaten jackpot (was wondering how they had such a nice house) aldksjsdlk adam's blick zu leo halt zu gut. schon klar macht mirror!adam das auch aaah die mäuse wuäh adam holding leo's face ;-; und wie sich leo danach übers gesicht fährt Pistazie lmao them both chilling with the audio recording adam betont cool am in die ecke lehnen im verhör the power move Sie. leo does love that xD how do these people not just immediately notice their lost phones lmao "der vater ist der, der die mutter und das kind bechützt" yeah no ....adam und seine scheiss knarre xD trag halt mal dein holster und pack sie nicht in die JOGGINGHOSE hm. okay unclear if leo knows that ALL the money is gone. or if he's just like, well adam and dino are just laughing their asses off behind my back, that's fine xD
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kennyomegasweave · 4 months
I'm gonna say this now: I'm gonna be hella mad if Kram doesn't snatch his dad and a cure in his original world and head back over to world 2 because there is no reason at all for a healed Kram to stay in world 1 if he can get his dad to world 2. I'm not 100% clear if Kram got sick cause he was out of his world, but I believe Auntie Lhu only mentioned tinnitus if you meet yourself in another world, so I really don't think that's the case.
And like. Tai already lost Kram 2, then almost lost Kram (who he married!), just to have Kram go back to world 1. Kram's mom already lost her son and her husband just to have Kram go back to world 1. Phupha 1 is dead, but Phupha 2 is alive and cares for Kram as a friend. There is zero reason for Kram to be in world 1 if he can get his dad to world 2.
And okay, Tai 1 is really hot with his scar, but
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Especially since he doesn't even have any kind of relationship with Kram!
So in conclusion, if they make me live with the knowledge that Tai lost Kram, the only person that makes him smile, TWICE, I will be butthurt until the end of time.
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babyangelsky · 5 months
Color Moments in Two Worlds Episode 5
THE COLORS WERE COLORING SO HARD THIS WEEK. They really hammered home the warm and the cool of it all and it's incredibly significant. @respectthepetty the colors can't hide from us anymore!
We had Tai and Kram growing ever closer in their matching warm colors surrounded by blue.
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We met sad little baby Tai who missed his mother so much and was absolutely being swallowed by grief and blue every time we saw him.
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In another heartbreaking flashback, we saw the day Tai found his Kram after he'd been mortally wounded by Por. Kram died in Tai's arms wearing yellow.
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In his continuing bid for BL Father of the Year, Por stabbed his son and tied him to a stake the same way he did to Kram last episode. And like Kram, Tai was in a warm color.
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We went back to yellow Khumfah to get help from Phupha to rescue Tai. Phupha almost disappointed me but he came through.
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Jao is okay! And he's still in his plaid so he's double okay!
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The blue plaid once again matches Wayu and the little bit of red in it matches the little bit of red stitching on Kram's shirt, so actually he's triple okay.
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Also worth noting that the red stitching is on the same side and approximate location as Tai's stab wound.
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As Tai holds his father at gunpoint, we get a flashback to the first time Tai, wearing blue, held some at gunpoint under his father's guidance.
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After Por dies, Tai loses his color and warmth.
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But only until Kram quite literally gives it back to him...
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...and they kiss under the blinding light of love.
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Up until now, the colors in this show haven't meant only one thing and this episode was no different. They're still showing connections but they're also showing emotions and the lack of emotions especially.
The warm colors we see are safety and hope and love and the blue we see is the absence of it. The blue is the cold that's left behind once the warmth is gone.
Poor baby Tai seemed to be permanently swallowed by blue after his mother passed away and the only time he isn't is when he's looking at a photo of her and the warm lamp light is illuminating him.
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The photo itself is a source of warmth as well. His mother had blonde hair and there are orange and yellow flowers on her dress. Even the background is warm.
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There is even the tiniest bit of warmth on Por, who has yellow stripes on his dark shirt.
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And it matters that he does and it matters that all this warmth is finally breaking through the blue because this is the first time Por is humanized to his son. This is the first time that Tai sees his father grieving his mother's death, the first time he sees Por cry for her.
In all these flashbacks we saw, this is the only time we see Por have a genuine shared moment of connection with his son. Tai hugs him and Por allows it. He allows himself to reach out and hold Tai and this is the memory that Tai recounts to Kram after they leave flowers on Por's grave. This memory and this moment is why he feels sad about losing Por despite everything that man did.
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Por lost his warmth when he lost his wife. This hug is probably the very last vestige of it and there was never any more. Tai might've gone down the same road and stayed cold and unloved forever, but he met Kram.
Kram gave him the warmth he lost when his mother died, and although he lost it a second time when he lost his Kram, another version of Kram came into his life and warmed him up again.
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olgalenski · 2 years
Polizeiruf 110 - Das Haus an der Bahn
ich glaube sie sollte nicht allein nach Hause gehen
schön im regen fahrradfahren hätt ich ja richtig bock drauf
dieser Rolle is schon dezent unsympatisch. "die Tasche geb ich dir nur wieder wenn du dich von mir nach Hause fahren lässt" schonmal big yikes. und dann noch irgendwolangfahren außer da wo der Weg is. richtig cooler dude :))))
nein akzeptiert er auch nich.. ja läuft gut hier
ja toll
wo kommt jetzt der schnee her?
je nachdem was in den 2 Folgen passiert ist, die man nich gucken kann, ist das jetzt die erste Folge mit nem Todesopfer.
und natürlich is es eine Frau das wär ja sonst langweilig. wo kämen wir denn hin wenn das anders wäre. Gut das ist jetzt die erste Folge hier also verzeih ich denen das mal aber generell stresst es ja schon
zumal es wahrscheinlich nicht dieser Rolle war, das wäre zu offensichtlich bzw wenn dann nicht offensichtlich genug -.-
der hat 6 bier getrunken? dafür wirkte er aber schon recht nüchtern. aber wtf als ob er dann noch motorrad fahren konnte
ne kreidetafel als mordbrett ergibt sinn hat mich grad trotzdem überrascht
renn doch nich auf den zug zu???
als ob der zug so schnell bremsen konnte
mal abgesehen davon, dass es viel logischer wäre das auto anzuhalten. like das hat er ja auch versucht und die haben sich gedacht jo lass mal das gewinke hier ignorieren. aber halt doch das auto an anstatt nen zug mein freund
hä? was war das jetzt für ne aussage von ihm? hat er sie jetzt umgebracht oder nich? wenn nein wieso hat er das gesagt? wenn ja, wer oder was ist sasse und wieso hat er nur erzählt was vor drei wochen war. ich bin verwirrt es ergibt keinen sinn
oh wow leutnant vera arndt hat eine Waffe. das is definitv das erste mal, dass eine Waffe gezeigt wird. faszinierend
okay aber wenn das jetzt der andere typ war, wieso hat der herr schramm gesagt er hat sie umgebracht? fühlt er sich einfach schuldig, weil er das ignoriert hat, als sie ihm vor drei wochen von dem diebstahl krams erzählt hat?
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Ash vs. Evil Dead is the only show, in which the main characters are my faves and not some secondary, that only appears every 10 eps.
Which makes me wonder - is that, how every show is supposed to feel? Is that, what they’re aiming for with unoriginal main guy cliques?
Because in most cases, I only care about one of the protagonists (or side kicks or antagonists, what ever) and wait for them to appear, while tolerating the others.
But in Ash vs. Evil Dead,I care for all of them. Which is really hard, when you’re watching eps to take screenshots.
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fanfictionroxs · 2 years
I think most of the SENSIBLE part of the fandom collectively agrees that White would be anti-toddblack. He's a hater. That ship will go down like titanic and White will be the proud ice berg stabbing that bitch to the ground. He already has full plans to get Black and Nuch married. Fuck Todd and people whose names rhyme with Kram because his brother deserves the best and people who break his heart are NOT WORTHY.
Is Black okay with this very asian typical arranged marriage? No. Does White care? Also no. He's going to send Black on blind dates and Black will just keep scaring off everyone while Todd watches from behind a fake plant with a newspaper as his only cover. He might have also tried to get Nuch assassinated.. just once.. out of jealousy... but she mailed him body parts of the assassin which got his fancy carpet all dirty so he got the message.
Please don't mess with Nuch. Seriously. Not Me got a happy ending only because Black made a path for the gang to escape and Nuch got the search and rescue going. Pretty sure she's going to end up becoming a master lawyer with a hidden army of ninja warriors at her beck and call, all trained by Black.
Also Todd got punished because Black stopped having sex with him for a month. White was very happy because he didn't have to wake up via magical twin connection acting up because his brother was going at it like crazy with that bastard trash man.
(I have an image of Black trying to hide Todd so that White doesn't find out.. pitaji nahi manenge Todd (this used to be White with Sean lmao) 😂😂😂😂
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