#Indeed Clone
abservetech · 2 years
Indeed clone script is an online job portal business software. A startup can get started with the job business with our software instantly.
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nahoney22 · 6 months
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deserthusbands · 29 days
cody: are you alright, sir?
obi-wan, sniffling: yes, dear.
cody, squinting a little:
cody: you're sick.
obi-wan: no.. no i'm not. actually i'm just, feeling a little down is all, dear one. there's nothing to—
cody, rapidly approaching:
obi-wan: cody, no. i'm not sick. no medic. cOdy—
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cinerins · 1 month
2003 Clone Wars is so-so, but I have to admit, it's fun and it has a ton of little scenarios I really appreciate as a former Star Wars kid
Such as the ARC trooper segments, Mace Windu tearing up an entire droid army, and not to mention Jedi wearing full armor for certain battles!! Love that they kept their capes/cloaks to distinguish them, it's all so dramatic
Speaking of—Based on what I remember of later instances, I actually prefer this one's depiction of Ventress and Grievous
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Grievous comes closer to a creepy crawly version of Vader, but it honestly works really well for the setup. He actually feels dangerous and somewhat unpredictable, giving multiple Jedi a real struggle despite his lack of any Force talent
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For Ventress, I enjoyed the way she acted more ambitious, arrogant and immature—like a mirror to Anakin's character. In that way, I thought she actually would've made a fun counterpart to him, if they had kept that direction in the later show
Also her design?? Shout out to this dramatic little cloak, it's so endearing
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There's more I could talk about, but honestly my thoughts just keep coming back to the best Cody moment in the entire franchise. Should've let him use his jetpack more what a goober
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frostbitebakery · 2 years
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“It’s a curse. The Kaminoans… synthesized it, spliced it into the CCs after a few successful trials. We fall.” Cody pauses, one shoulder bell lifting like in a shrug. “And then we rise again.”
Obi-Wan is quiet for a long moment. “You can’t die,” he asks softly. A cursed existence from birth. His chest clenches, so do his hands at his sides.
“Takes a bit more effort but we can. We’re supposed to be the last ones standing at your side.”
Their eyes catch on each other, meeting in grim understanding.
“The curse. It feels…”
“Betrayed.” Now that he knows what to look for.
Cody winces. But a staticky skull, like a holo, rushes forward, out of him. Immediate and sudden, grinning jaws snapping at Obi-Wan’s face.
The moment is over before he can react, pulse beginning to race after the fact.
“It likes you,” Cody whispers, untroubled, hint of a smile tugging at his mouth. “It sees something in you.”
Flattering, if somewhat unnerving. “Must be the infinite sadness.”
Cody ducks his head but Obi-Wan can still see his smile taking strength on his face. “Must be,” he murmurs before looking up again, pinning Obi-Wan with his serious, amber eyes, one pupil glowing blue-teal-nether when the light breaks on surface. “Please don’t be afraid of us.”
Me, Obi-Wan hears in the undercurrent. “Never,” he replies, honesty anchoring itself on a vow he hadn’t - couldn’t have - foreseen before the last engagement. When he fought and fought and helplessly watched Cody get perforated by plasma shots. Watched as he, impossibly, stood up again, bleeding and raging through the droids surrounding him. “Never,” he says again, quieter.
Cody cocks his head to the side, shadow of a smirk growing as footsteps get louder beyond the door. The holo-projection-astral plane skull flares again, shaking and snapping, before it settles back into Cody. “Rex. Probably checking you’re not reading me the riot act—“ He starts, visibly remembering who he’s talking to. “Sir.”
Obi-Wan hides a smile.
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Commander Wolffe
Commander Bly
Commander Fox
Commander Ponds
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goldleaf-art · 1 year
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One day i’ll draw the tatooine part of the tatooine codywan au i have rotisserie chickening in my head but it is not this day :)
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carrotkicks · 2 years
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“Chuuya Nakahara does not dream. His awakening was similar to muddy bubbles rising to the surface. [...] Chuuya sat up. He was sweating a little around his chest, a reminder of some sort of violent emotion that had swirled around inside of him like a whirlpool in the sea. But what that emotion was, he couldn't remember. That always seemed to be the case, these days.” Storm Bringer CODE 01
Did he have a nightmare?
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skellymom · 6 months
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(Pinterest credit: Middi Midori)
Sending some Tech shenanigans to you!
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go-see-a-starwar · 6 months
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So listen, I need $300…
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tragedy-for-sale · 6 months
Favorite Liar pt. II
“-Why wasn’t somebody with him?!” Commander Cody’s voice boomed throughout the medical wing, “Where was the medical droid?!” It wasn’t often that the commander lost his temper, but he’d come into Obi-Wan’s room, flowers in hand, and when he saw his Jedi on the floor- How long had he been there?! Why hadn’t someone found him sooner?! He’s a Jedi, he should be treated better than this- It wasn’t often the commander lost his cool, but when he found Obi-Wan barely holding onto his breath-
Part I here
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Cody had arrived at the temple, flowers hidden in his helmet that he held tightly beside him as he walked. He had rehearsed what he was going to say all morning. He was going to apologize, he was going to say he was sorry, he was going to tell Obi-Wan he loved him, that he never should have yelled, that he hadn’t seen Obi-Wan in so long and it sucked- Cody was coming to apologize, but he walked in and found Obi-Wan lying lifeless on the ground and Cody couldn’t breath. His breath had gone with Obi-Wan’s, his heart stopped as he felt desperately for a pulse.
Cody dropped to his knees, pulling Obi-Wan close, “No, I just got you back, no, no,” He muttered as he felt for a pulse instead of for his breath, ‘Sometimes, when you’re sleeping, I have to check your pulse because your breath is so slow-’ Cody shook his head at the memory, his heart was slow, but Obi-Wan was still alive. He flickered with relief and his heart got the better of him, Cody pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan’s cold cheek, “My love, be okay, please be okay,” He whispered, giving Obi-Wan another kiss before picking him up and setting him in the bed. Cody looked down at him once more, moving a strand of hair out of Obi-Wan’s face, Cody lingered there a moment, even bruised and swollen, Obi-Wan was more beautiful than the life a star provides. All the gentleness of Cody’s love washed away as he turned around, rage came crashing down, “Who was watching General Kenobi?” He boomed thunderous, voice dark and dangerous, ready to kill.
Medic droids came filing in, surrounding Obi-Wan. Immense exhaustion was all Cody was drawing out of them, it was as if they seemed reluctant to tell Cody anything, he fantasized about pulling his blaster out, he meant business. He was going to fight for his love, and they were going to corporate. Cody knew his duty as a soldier was to com another Jedi- Anakin, but Cody wasn’t ready to hide all his emotion away, he wasn’t ready for Skywalker to come in and take over care, Obi-Wan was his, and Cody would take care of him until his dying breath. “-His wounds will heal with time, he just needs rest-” The droid rambled on, something about a bacta tank, about an NG tube, something about giving him time. Cody nodded, his anger had subsided and as the droids left, his love came running back.
He came back into the room and closed the door, walking over to the bed, smiling upon the sight of Obi-Wan, giving Cody his best smile. “You sure know how to make me worry,” Cody spoke quietly, he wanted to run into Obi-Wan’s arm and shower him in kisses until he couldn’t breath.
“Yes,” Obi-Wan resigned, scared of a fight, “I was trying to make it to the chair, I was certain I would make it…” Obi-Wan’s voice trailed off, it hurt to speak, he didn’t want to. He wanted Cody, he wanted to tell Cody that he was sorry, that he never should have done it; Obi-Wan had rehearsed it in his mind a thousand times, he was going to apologize, he was going to tell Cody that he loved him, that he had been such a fool. He was going to apologize but as Cody leaned in for a kiss, all his worries flickered away, he pulled Cody into a hug, “I’ve barely seen you,” Obi-Wan whispered, “I miss you.”
Cody held him tightly, hiding his face in the side of Obi-Wan’s neck, so sweet was his love, his love, no one else’s, Obi-Wan was his and he’d been a fool to push him away. “I came back, Obi, I was coming here to you, I was coming home-” Cody rambled, “Obi, I was coming home to you-” Cody had felt a grief far greater than the word when he heard Obi-Wan had died and he hadn’t the chance to fight for him, that he hadn’t had a chance to trade his life for his, but it had been a lie, the worst lie, but Obi-Wan was back and Cody couldn’t stay angry, for he loved Obi-Wan too much. A liar he may be, but Cody’s favorite liar he was.
“-Anakin must be coming soon,” Obi-Wan spoke, Cody knew how much pain it must cost for Obi-Wan to speak. Cody pulled back, sneaking one last kiss as he stood straight, falling back into rank, Commander; General.
“Yes, I had the droids notify the council of your incident, I am certain they told General Skywalker.” Cody confirmed. He had held onto his worry long enough, now he had to give into duty. “As soon as the droids were wrapping up, I had ‘em notify them.” Cody added as Obi-Wan nodded, closing his eyes as he sensed Anakin’s and Ahsoka’s movement throughout the temple. The two might’ve talked about frivolous things as they waited for the two to arrive. Neither one would risk getting too close. For as soon as Obi-Wan entertained the idea of embracing his love, he remembered their duty, their oath, and he was duty-bound. But when he looked at Cody, his life was his, why couldn’t he hold him whenever he wanted?
“-Master!” Anakin came running towards him, Ahsoka closely following. Ahsoka climbed onto the bed, giving Obi-Wan a hug, “We had no idea, I’m so sorry, had we known-” Anakin gritted his teeth, why did his anger have to ruin everything? Why couldn’t he just be better? “I’m sorry, Master, I was so angry, I should’ve been understanding,” Anakin held his arms open for a hug.
Obi-Wan smiled as he held the two of them, “Anakin, Ahsoka, I am sorry, I cannot find words to express how sorry I am for hurting the two of you.” He spoke softly, terrified to say the wrong thing. Ahsoka shook her head as she held him tighter. They just got him back, Anakin just started to smile again, he just started to joke again. They couldn’t lose Obi-Wan again.
“I don't care about that anymore-" Ahsoka cried as she hugged Obi-Wan tightly. Even when angry at Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Anakin only ever missed him, their anger fell to exhaustion the moment they saw him. Obi-Wan held his two padawans tightly, he'd missed them so much.
They laughed and joked to pass the time, Cody had passed by them to wait in the hall. He had to deliver a private message to General Kenobi when he discovered him on the floor, yes, no need to clarify beyond that.
Anakin heard Cody shuffle, he'd turned to look. Anakin wouldn't have thought anything of it, Cody probably had a message he needed to deliver to Obi-Wan, yes, that was why he was at the temple. Anakin wouldn't have thought anything of Cody's lingering, up until Anakin scanned the room, that is. For he'd found something curious. His stare lingered, the commander’s helmet on the ground, white lilies tucked inside. Anakin turned, he’d had enough of all this deception surrounding Obi-Wan. “Commander,” Anakin’s voice boomed thunderous, Cody's head turned as he stiffened to attention. Anakin tilted his head ever slightly, a deep, crimson darkness shining in his eyes, a clever grin on his face and malice in his tone,
"Why were you here?"
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marvelstars · 1 year
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Star Wars Adventures 12: “Intermission, Part 1.” Marvel. July 25, 2018. Writers: Elsa Charretier and Pierrick Colinet. Penciller: Elsa Charretier. Letterer: Tom B. Long. Colorist: Sarah Stern.
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keelifallen · 9 months
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roselightfairy · 8 months
It was wild because the first time I watched Clone Wars over the summer, we got to the Mon Cala episodes and I was like, “…is Kit Fisto kinda hot? am I weird for being a little thirsty for Kit Fisto?” and then I came on this website and realized no. a lot of us are quite thirsty for Kit Fisto actually. anyway where’s my Kit novel.
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abigfanofstarwars · 2 years
jesus fucking christ
tech got me way too nervous for a while there
“Your concern is not warranted. I will be fine.”
bitch huH??? what kind of stupid horror movie type shit is that 🙃
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katiefratie · 5 months
CASSANDRA VOICE!!!!! SHES LIKE OKAY (NOT BUT LIKE SHHH) Is Lydia???? Ankarnas champion??????
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just-bendy · 1 year
So where we headed next on the search, most handsome of handsome devils?
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Heh, well ain't cha a charmin' one~?
Welcome ta Pie Crust Mall, the next spot on the list! This place is huge, with many shops and interestin' things ta look at! There HAS ta be at least ten clones in here!
[ Bendy has arrived at Pie Crust Mall. ]
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