#Incubator Babies
kramlabs · 6 months
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ozzgin · 8 months
I really like the Monsters x reader story. Imagine if Reader got preggers and didn't know who the dad is. That would be one very intense fight amongst everyone.
I suppose it would be rather easy to figure out the paternity once the child is born. If it’s half lizard, for example, it might be safe to assume the many-eyed screeching creature wasn’t involved in its creation.
During pregnancy it could be once again the time for the mayor or Monstertown to interfere and keep Reader away (they have no idea how fragile humans are so they’d rather not risk stressing it out). To maintain the peace he might even turn it into some sort Olympic event, where only a handful of monsters that make it to the finals have a chance to impregnate the Reader as well. I won’t go into detail because I have another ask about a motherly Reader that triggers the monsters’ breeding instincts 👀
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paradimeart · 4 months
What would Sari look like as an Orb-baby? If she was one
like a weird hybrid between a regular baby and a protoform
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as she aged her body adapated more to "blend in" + take on her scanned form (human being) more closely until by the show time where she just looks like a regular little girl with an unusual hair color
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angelicobituary · 1 month
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kyubey — MIRAI ✰ MAGICA ver.
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pasparal · 10 months
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The Executioner’s Song (2023) Artist: Dwayne Booth (Mr. Fish)
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yourlocalcorviddad · 9 months
Saw a post about Danny calling Dani his little Comet, this one, and then I had an idea to and mix it with a favourite Hozier song, Work Song. Feel free to add or whatever if it strikes you!
"Ah, shh, shh little Comet, it's ok, I've got you."
The attempt at keeping his voice steady didn't really work, but he was sure he was keeping a good hold on his emotions at least, since Ellie was calming down in his hold. It didn't mean he wasn't panicking inside at the situation but he was managing. He only had to make it a few more weeks before the others could come, then everything would be safe.
He got her settled in his bed, sleeping and calm now. He had a crib for her, and Jordan too eventually, but he couldn't really stand the thought of them to far. So bed it was.
Both clone and future self had been deaged due to the damage taken, done at Frostbite's direction to heal and better stabilise both. Jordan's injuries had come in defence of both him and Ellie, and, like a weird mirror, Ellie's from defending him and the injured Jordan when he was to weakened from injuries to fight. Ellie had just been deaged from it Dan, who he decided was going to be called Jordan too give himself some separateness, was reverted to his core. In an effort to protect and give him time to heal, he has him inside himself, next to his own core. He'd been warned it meant that Dan would likely take on more of being like his child than his future self, but he just wanted him alive, not like he didn't have the risk of it anyway, at least this time it was under his control.
There was no hope of returning to his dimension, it had been clear at that point, but they had been trying to free all the ghosts they could and get all liminal people and their family rounded up to safety before the GIW got to them. Danny, as the heir prince-until he was of age for the throne at 100-was sent ahead to bridge trust with another dimension, this one in fact, to see it they could bring their people, his people, there.
Clockwork and the Ancients and Observants worked with his parents and the others from town, and other liminality touched people, to get everyone into the ghost zone, which he had leaned also got called the Infinite Realms, safely and cut off that dimension from it.
Apparently that's what most magical creatures had done to that one anyway, long ago. He'd even met the descendents of the witches that had been hunted by, and thus placed the curse on, his family back when Amity was a village.
They'd lifted the, severely weakened by then but still present, curse after apologies were made and explanations done. It was a relief, even though it is likely what had even held him tethered to life enough to become a halfa at all, but he felt more at ease now without it.
All in all, it led him to where he was now though. A new world, a new set of rules, similar but still so different, and two kids that were essentially his.
The sudden crash outside his window on the alley side had him rushing over, ready to defend as best he could, still healing from the injuries in the last fight with the GIW, in case it was a villain attacking.
Only to pause at the sight of the, now likely unconscious, blue and black clad vigilante in the dumpster below.
"Fuck... Well can't leave him, who knows who'd find him there."
It took a bit of work, and mild use of his weak but still present powers, but he got him up stairs and into his apartment onto the, comfortable if he said so himself, couch.
Once there, he checked him over for injuries, careful not to take the domino off and keeping him as clothed as possible, but tending to his wounds as best possible. Doing so, he realised the other was probably only about 20-21, close to his age at least. It made him wonder how long the other had been a hero, and made a thought to ask later.
For now he settled in to make some food -that hopefully wouldn't accidentally come alive again-and keep an eye on his daughter and the hero.
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canisalbus · 9 months
That Les Mis line is SO good for them! Every time I hear that line my heart hurts. Also cause I was in a really intense production of that at an intense point in my life.
But seriously. Can’t you just imagine Vasco watching Machete sleep and just having a moment of “I get it. I was never that confused about religious belief, but in some way now I really get it.”
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elfsyellowflowerzart · 6 months
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take two of yesterdays little doodle, using the ref this time
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kleefkruid · 29 days
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We've reached one week! Main things to look forward to are hearing and sight, pretty big stuff if you ask me!
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simplepotatofarmer · 8 months
the egg moved!
i feel so relieved right now. that still doesn't mean the hatch will be successful but it means the chick is alive and probably getting in position to pip. i'm thinking a pip maybe tomorrow evening or so, possible hatch on the 14th. fingers crossed <3 <3
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retropopcult · 2 years
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"Babies' Hospital, New York. Care of prematurely born babies is one of the most complicated procedures which must be learned by the student nurse. Feeding, bathing and diaper changing are carried on inside the incubator, in which temperature, humidity and oxygen must be carefully regulated. The oxygen tank can be seen in the background." Photographed March 1942 by Fritz Henle.
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nando161mando · 5 months
When they face actual fighters instead of babies in incubators, this is the outcome.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
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(a commission from a ko-fi supporter! check out my ko-fi!)
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spookyfishoperalamp · 2 years
You know the fanfics where either danny or jason get pregnant?
Well does anyone else want a fic where BOTH jason and danny get pregnant? Think about it they find out one of the is 8 weeks pregnant and then a week or two later they other finds out they're also pregnant.
So now you have 2 pregnant people and the babies could be in the numbers 2-4, depending how many kids you want them to have you can even have angst in there.
Like Red Hood gets shot cause either;
He was the one who didn't find out first so he still patrolled or,
We can even go the route that danny finds out he's pregnant after jason but he gets captured by the GIW or even the Fentons (if you want to go bad reveal and them thinking danny is just a post mortem impression that imprinted on the ecto of the portal) so after he's captured and flees back to the GZ he gets treated then finds out that he is pregnant
I'm just rambling my thoughts down and don't know if any of this makes sense to anyone else so if you want to run with this do so
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disco-cola · 8 months
went on insta today first came across a video an israhelli soldier filmed of himself hugging a gaza street dog saying i kid you not „the dogs are the only innocents in gaza“ and i love dogs more than anything but what the FUCK we are at around 12 thousand k!lled CHILDREN in only three months like just KIDS and then I saw a video that a gaza civilian filmed yesterday of those criminal sorry excuses of soldiers shooting three sheep in the streets just shooting them down it was so awful what tf did they do?! were those sheep also khamass?! the matter in which they shot em was precisely like they keep shooting at civilians, i‘ve seen numerous videos, never forget the one with the grandmother and her small grandchild. nearly every single day for the past three months i‘ve seen such pure evil and i seriously hate hate hate this devil army so so so much, the „idf“ is a fucking terrorist organization! I do not understand how that footage is not on the news it should be everywhere
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I think there's a problem in how mothers and people treat little girls.
For context, I'm a trans guy, so I grew up a little girl (sorry I don't know how to better phrase that)
From a young age, I knew I didn't want kids. I think I was 6 when I first said that to my mother
I remember it pretty clearly, this is how it went. We were standing in our upstairs hall, we had had a minor disagreement
Her: You'll understand when you have kids
Me: I don't want kids
Her: your husband might
Me: well I won't marry him then
Her: You're going to have to have kids.
Me: Why? I don't want kids?
Her: because your husband will want you to have kids, and your granny wants some great-grandkids and I want some grandkids
(I'd like to point out I have 14 cousins and she had at the time 3 other stepkids, and now 4 other children)
Me: *points above out*
Her: well you're going to have to have kids either way
And I grew up like that, I grew up assuming a man would force me to have his children. Knowing I never wanted kids. And do you know what? 10 years later, I still never want kids. It's just not something I'm comfortable with. And nobody seems to understand that because of a husband I haven't even met yet (or my current partner who I've now been with for about 3 years, whom I love)
My body belongs to someone, and I don't know who that is. And thats on the fact that my mum never let me forget I'd have to have kids one day, just because I can have kids
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