#Increased Speed
joyandella-123 · 4 months
Some great advancements come from modern machine controllers
Modern metal fabricating machine controllers have significantly impacted various aspects of the manufacturing process, including workflow, speed, efficiency, accuracy, and manageability. Here's how:
Workflow Improvement: Advanced controllers have software that allows for better planning and sequencing of jobs. This integration can streamline the workflow, reducing the time between design and production. Controllers with advanced user interfaces make it easier for operators to input data, understand machine status, and make quick adjustments, leading to a smoother production process. Operators have a number of options for job entry, such as from a CAD file automatically, manual iinput, or scanning from a paper job sheet.
Increased Speed: Modern controllers have greater speed thanks to improved processing power and algorithms. This allows for faster execution of complex tasks and reduces the cycle time for each part. High-speed processing also enables machines to operate at higher speeds without compromising precision—in fact in many cases, precision is increased along with speed.
Enhanced Efficiency: These controllers often include features that optimize energy use and reduce waste. For example, predictive maintenance capabilities can forecast machine failures before they occur, minimizing downtime. The controller’s software can generate a plan to use multiple stations on a part with multiple bends, for example, allowing the setup to happen in one step instead of many. Or, if a laser cutter is cutting metal plate, it plans the job so that a the laser head moves to different cut areas to allow densely-cut areas to cool before the machine cuts nearby again.
Improved Accuracy: The precision of modern metal fabricating machines has significantly increased with the advent of sophisticated controllers. These systems can precisely control the movement of the machine, leading to higher-quality products with tighter tolerances. Advanced sensors and feedback systems ensure that the machine's performance aligns closely with the programmed specifications, reducing errors.
Better Manageability: Modern controllers are often part of larger networked systems that include data collection and analysis capabilities. This allows for better monitoring and management of the production process. Operators can track machine performance, predict maintenance needs, and optimize production schedules based on real-time data. Additionally, integration with other systems (like ERP or shop planning software) allows for better overall plant management and coordination.
Adaptability and Flexibility: Contemporary controllers enable machines to be more adaptable to different types of jobs. Quick setup changes and easy reprogramming allow for shorter runs of custom or specialized parts, making the production process more flexible to meet diverse customer demands. We live in an age of many short run jobs.
Safety Enhancements: Modern controllers also contribute to safer working environments. They can include safety features that prevent operator error and protect against machine malfunctions. Better precision and control also reduce the likelihood of accidents due to machine errors.
Connectivity and Smart Features: With the advent of Industry 4.0, these controllers are increasingly connected and smart. They can be integrated into a wider industrial network, allowing for remote monitoring and control, predictive maintenance, and enhanced data analytics.
Overall, the impact of modern metal fabricating machine controllers on the manufacturing landscape is profound, leading to more efficient, accurate, and flexible production processes. This technological evolution is a key driver in the industry's ongoing efforts to optimize productivity and quality.
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captn-lovelace · 3 months
this stardew update is the most lovingly crafted update yet. i’m only on summer day 10 so i haven’t seen everything yet, but i have 1k+ hours total in this game and these updates are everything i ever wanted. i mean even just the journal icon showing you a running count of stones/wood/enemies you’ve collected/defeated WITHOUT opening the journal??? wow. the freakin iridium scythe that harvests crops???? FINALLY a sonar bobber? better bait options?!?
like any non-aesthetic mod i’ve ever had has basically been replaced by this update
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akai-anna · 1 month
today i finally managed not fainting straight to bed and decided to work on this personal project, and while looking for references i encountered this freakishly, utterly, ABSO-FCKIN-LUTELY ADORABLE PAGE
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and got reminded how much personality and charm Olde DetCo has, and god, i miss it
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last-sprout · 22 days
basilisks and battlements looks so much fun! is it the same rules as D&D? (do you have D&D in your world?)
I love the artwork I wanna see more
I personally haven’t heard of D&D, but there’s a lot of cool games in the TTRPG world so I’m sure it’s fun. Not sure how similar they are though!
And the artwork is fun - helps with the immersion of the story. My vintage copy (which, I think I posted a picture of here before) has some gnarly monsters. Check this guy out!
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Spoooky 👁️
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sebnameyourcar · 11 months
i think a key component of sports fan accounts is holding grudges on behalf of your favourite team/athlete. it’s part of the natural ecosystem
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aellivi · 7 months
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They're silly
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atissi · 1 month
as much as i dislike a lot of the backstory re-writes in darkest dungeon 2, i still think it's cute that plague doctor loses stress when she sees her professor cough up blood. you can take the freak actions away from the scientist but you cannot take away the freak behaviour.
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hag-lad · 18 days
The pain, the despair, the unmitigated agony of seeing one of your fave fanfic writers move onto another fandom, seemingly never to return.
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b00rad · 1 year
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Help, I can’t turn off my dog’s autopilot
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scrimblyscrorblo · 4 months
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Art block has been hitting me like a semi truck HOWEVER I am starting to have more fun
I worry too much about structure and I’m not being self indulgent enough: lesson learned
Yuzuka my beloved The Skrungly Ever you’re so eugh and ugh and perfect to scribble til something just ✨works✨
Edit: I forgot to mentioned, I based Yuzuka’s teeth off of a Hyena’s jaw, I just thought it fit
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radaverse · 4 months
For Gustavo
Hey buddy I think you should calm down for a few minutes grab a drink a freshwater and try to relax for a while, I don't like seeing people like this and I wish there was something I could do.
Y-Yes, you're right. I-I'm... so sorry about all of that...
It's just that... controlling the feelings gets a bit hard at times you know...
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No, I... I think Peppino has enough pain already, both physical and emotional. I just can't come and add even more to it with my own.
I just can't do that.
But... thanks for worrying, and for the hug...
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Oh, don't ask me. Taking care of Peppino is way harder than taking care of the whole pizzeria!
Peppino is just so stubborn.
He just doesn't want to understand he can't do most things on his own like this!
Sometimes I just wish he'd put his pride aside and understood his situation.
But well, this is Peppino Spaghetti who we're talking about. What else could I expect?
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If it happened once, it could happen twice. And that could be the last time. I can't take any risks. Peppino's life is not something I'd play with.
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... [sigh]
I'm not the kind of man to lie, bud. So I'd be being honest if I told you that I... don't feel very well.
But Peppino is clearly feeling way worse than I could've ever felt in my entire life. I've gotta focus on him first before checking myself out. He needs care much more than I do.
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You mean this lad?
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Thank you for your encouragement.
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lunarr-stuff · 2 years
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im not...part of a resistence i swear
hermittober: skulk
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xbuster · 2 days
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last-sprout · 22 days
Have you ever had the chance to play B+B? (IRL or online, whichever) If yes, what race and class?
Oh what a fun question! Yes, I had quite a long campaign with some old friends! It took me a moment to dig it up, but here’s a doodle of my old character (and some session notes).
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Her name was Glade - she was a warforged, like a living suit of armour controlled by plants. I miss that campaign, me and her got up to some fun adventures.
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studioboner · 5 months
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yibo-best · 19 days
rumors about Yibo's schedule for the near future: tomorrow June 10th he returns to Beijing and on June 11th he goes to Shenzhen, then Zhuhai (racing?) On June 13th he flies from there to Shanghai for Douyin movie night. On June 14 he will attend the Shanghai Film Festival (SIFF). June 21-June 22- Paris (some kind of surprise) July 13-July 15- Paris, Olympic torch relay. July 17 Shu Uemura event in Shanghai. August 24 Yehua family concert 😍
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