#Imp Pear
mypvz2 · 22 days
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artdunk · 9 months
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best friends
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reliquiaenfr · 2 months
thank you to everyone who enabled my insane idea re: collecting 177 pears. i will be doing that now. might never scatter those imps, idk if i even care lol
to celebrate having a focus again, i have four new double pears! including two that are dream combos!!
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double pears with cottoncandy and cerulean primaries omg i cannot WAIT to gene them i love them soooooo much ;u; i've wanted a cotton/pear dragon for literal years i am so happy. (juice, the cottoncandy, will be a perma baby, hence the lame excuse for an outfit. duckweek i'm not sure what breed i'll go with but he will be fade/striation/belly)
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plus a hunter and saffron primary. excited to have a beekeeper finally! and lmao another swamp dragon? in my lair? groundbreaking.
obvs they aren't done, the genes will come eventually. in the meantime i've set up a LF thread in the forums, and don't forget i've got a pinglist you can join for front row seats to my descent into madness :D
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3rdlifesmp · 2 years
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Was suddenly afflicted by the disease that makes you draw Pearl
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eluminium · 1 month
WOOO! WE MADE IT LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND EVERYONE IN BETWEEN AND OUTSIDE! SKIZZ WEEK 2 DAY 7!!! YIPPIE! Can't believe I managed to actually get all the days! Crazy ngl. As your reward, and mine, have some Imp and Skizz being silly and dancing with each other. Is it platonic or romantic? Eh, that's up to your interpretation.
AS ALWAYS BUT DIFFERENT, thank you to @skizzlemanweek for organizing this round of Skizz Week! It was really fun to do! You better go to their blog and look at the other Skizz Week 2 creations when you're done here!
Prompt 7: Free day!
It's not often Skizz finds himself in an environment like this. Specifically, he hasn't been at an off-server party in lord knows how long. He got most of his partying out of his system by the time he was 25, if not even earlier. So excuse him if he's a bit rusty, he's doing his best. His best being standing on the sidelines with a glass of overly fancy strong cider in his hand and watching the whippersnappers have fun on the dance floor. The noise of people having fun and partying is music to his ears, if a bit loud. Above him, beautiful light shows play out in the dark sky to the beat of the generic but still bopping music discs the DJ is playing. The massive and beautifully decorated Decision Dome stands proudly in the background.
He's honestly grateful that they're outside, not just because of the beautiful view but because it keeps the temperature comfortable. Back in his day, they used to party in whatever run-down shack they could find, and those turned into SAUNAS by the end. And they were TIGHT too, which sucked for a guy like him, with his clumsily large wing span. Said wings puff up at the memory and he makes sure to stretch them out just to bask in the fact that he has enough personal space to do that without knocking someone flat on their ass! It may not be fully fair to compare those parties to this one though, considering this isn't just some random party. This is the afterparty of one of the biggest events in the multiverse. MCC. Of course, it would be a bit fancier!
Skizz brings the glass to his lips and takes a tasteful sip. The refreshing taste of pear hits his tastebuds gracefully, hiding the mild but fulfilling taste of popped chorus fruit. The alcohol leaves its familiar burn as he swallows, his eyes wandering back to the dance floor. It's like a little rainbow in there, everyone's color-coordinated outfits blending together into a light show of its own. Various wings, tails, ears, horns, antlers, and other distinguishing features stick out of the crowd, clearly enjoying the opportunity to stretch out as much as Skizz. He can't help but smile, a sappy happiness rising in his chest at the sight. Although that may be the alcohol making him soft.
"Hey man, you thinkin' about something nice?"
Skizz looks to his side and meets a pair of kind chocolate brown eyes and a teasing grin. "Nah, not really Dipple Dop. Just enjoying the moment," he responds, patting the spot next to him. Impulse takes the hint and sits down next to him, a fresh new drink in his clawed grip. His second that night, surprisingly.
"Where's Top? Did he decide to head home with Etho?" Skizz asks when he notices a lack of firey hair anywhere nearby. Impulse takes a sip of his drink before he answers.
"No, he's still here. He got caught in a conversation with Cub about Railroad Rush. They're in the Dome, by the bar, if you're wondering."
"Aha, I see," Skizz responds with a nod. A little bit of pride hits him at the information. Usually, Tango avoids busy social events like the plague. It's nice to hear that he decided to stay a bit longer! As for Etho, there's no convincing him. He dipped as soon as it was socially acceptable. Mysterious as always, although maybe it's because many of the players here are Etho fans. Sounds like his worst nightmare to be stuck in a conversation with people who admire him and are probably drunk. Maybe he should consider not being as awesome then, but Skizz digresses.
Suddenly, a very familiar sound reaches his ears. Specifically, a song. He can't help but snort.
"Oh my god." Impulse says with a surprised and slightly flustered laugh as he also realizes what song they're playing.
It's an oldie, but a goodie. A tune from when they were but naive teenagers. But it's not the song itself that tickles Skizz's funnybone. It's the fact that, with this song, comes a specific dance that was all the rage back then. A partner dance. If you wanted a girlfriend, or a boyfriend back then, this was what you practiced to perfection before you took them to the club.
Oh, he remembers it like it was yesterday! How a soft-faced Impulse timidly approached him and asked him to be his practice dummy for the dance because he wasn't satisfied with just practicing it in front of a mirror and he really wanted to impress this one girl. And of course, a younger Skizz helped him out, after laughing at him for a minute for being such a cheesy romantic. He remembers every attempt, every re-try, and that's impressive because there were a LOT of them. Bless his best friend and his need for perfection.
Skizz meets Impulse's gaze again, and it's clear that he also had the exact same flashback. Skizz can't help but giggle, a giggle that turns into a full-blown laugh as Impulse covers his face with his hand.
"I'm never escaping this! It haunts me!" He exclaims as he takes a deep swig from his drink like a depressed alcoholic detective in a mystery movie.
Skizz has to wipe a tear from his eye with how hard he's laughing. "Come on, dude! You got SO good at it! You were great!"
Impulse gives him a playful glare. "Oh yeah, I got SO good at it, huh?" He shoots back, his voice dripping with salty sarcasm, which causes another bout of cackling from Skizz.
"It's not your fault she was a lesbian! If she wasn't I'm sure you would have had her smitten with your dance skills!" He knows he's rubbing salt in a decades-old closed-up wound but in his defense, it's funny.
Impulse struggles to hold his faux seriousness in the face of a torrent of Skizzleman laughing. "God, I still can't believe I didn't know! I was so in love yet I couldn't figure out something so obvious!" He says with a barely repressed snort.
Skizz's laughing eventually dies back down into giggling. "Come on, you were both still cool with each other after that! No harm, no foul."
"Yeah, except my dignity," Impuse quips in an overly whiney and weepy tone.
Skizz rolls his eyes fondly. "Shut up, man!" He fires back. They both giggle and Skizz takes a gulp of his cider. A comfortable silence settles between them as they both look back to the dance floor. Multiple people have paired up with each other for the song. Others have created some sort of three-people version of the dance. One is even a group of five! Makes sense that the dance has evolved to be more casual as the years have gone by. Now not just couples and potential couples get to enjoy it, but friends too!
However, there is one difference Skizz spots that he's less than impressed by.
"Wow, they kinda suck at this." Impulse dryly comments before Skizz can even say anything. He can't help but laugh at Impulse's uncharacteristically sharp observation. The booze is getting to him for sure.
"What, you think us old farts can do it better?" He pokes back with a raised eyebrow.
Impulse splutters a bit, borderline offended at the mere suggestion. "Yeah, obviously! They don't even know where their feet are!"
Skizz is content to laugh it off at this point. The song is basically over by now, so it's not like they'll get a chance to prove-
The sudden cries of "ENCORE! ENCORE! ENCORE!" force him to reevaluate. Well, that changes things quite drastically!
"You wanna go put your money where your mouth is, Dipple Dop?" He jokingly says, pretty sure he's gonna need more than just that if he wants to convince Impulse of anything. He has to swallow his prejudice when he meets Impulse's gaze one more time. His best friend's face is flushed from the alcohol, and his eyes are a bit glazed over. But even more terrifyingly, he can see that familiar glint of competitiveness in his eyes as well. And if Skizz is honest with himself, he can feel the buzz of his own drink clouding his brain. He's ready to make some questionable decisions.
Impulse doesn't even respond, he simply slams the rest of his drink, places the glass down, and starts walking towards the dance floor, tail whipping back and forth. Skizz quickly slams his own and follows him.
They get there just in time for the encore to start. Impulse lunges to grab Skizz's hands in time so they don't miss the rhythm. Skizz raises an amused eyebrow at his best friend's antics, and he gets an unimpressed look in return. Impulse's slightly scaled hands rub up against Skizz's scarred ones, but it's a feeling Skizz is extremely familiar with. It's like two puzzle pieces fitting together. Then the melody starts, and it's off to the races.
Skizz can't lie and say he isn't impressed by both himself and Impulse's ability to remember the motions. Moving around each other almost feels subconscious, each sway to the left and right perfectly timed. At first, they're both looking down at their feet to make sure they aren't stomping on something important, but they quickly realize they don't need to. Their gazes slowly connect instead, and a dumb goofy smile graces Impulse's face. Skizz feels himself responding with just as stupid of an expression, but he can't help it. It's like he's back in that memory again, except without any teenage awkwardness.
One step left, two steps right, twirl back around, two hands connected reaching for the stars above. It's silly, really. Two middle-aged men dancing in a crowd where the max age is early thirties, to an old love song, with a dance originally meant for wooing potential partners, after competing in the biggest competitive event in the multiverse. But Skizz never cared about useless details like that. He's having fun with his best friend, m'kay? And they're smoking the competition at the same time!
Skizz eventually gets lost in the motions, lost in orbiting around his other half in long-ago practiced steps. For all he cares, the only things that exist to him right now are Impulse, the music, and the ground they're standing on. His best friend's familiar marrone eyes keep his blue ones locked, and the few times their bodies graze each other in the dance it causes a certain softness in Skizz's heart to spike. Impulse's hand in his is solid, but the hold is gentle, casual, despite the energy in their motions. But eventually, the song starts winding down, each step taking them closer to the end. As the singer lets out the final words, and the instruments their final notes, their right hands detach and fly out behind them. At the same time, both their right feet take a step backward. They strike the final pose perfectly.
The song ends, and the new one that plays plunges Skizz right back into reality. Oh my god, he doesn't remember being this tired afterward! He lets go of Impulse's hand to place both his hands on his knees so he can try and regain his breath. Impulse seemingly has the same idea, but he also has the brain cells to grab Skizz by the shoulder and lead them out of the crowd and off the dance floor. They both crash on a nearby bench.
"I am so sweaty dude, holy moly" Impulse exclaims as he wipes his forehead.
"That was fun though, man!" Skizz responds between his huffing. Impulse gives him an acknowledging noise, but not much more.
Suddenly, someone is applauding.
"Wow, didn't know you guys could dance like that!"
Skizz looks up to see Jojo.
"Thanks, Junior Shabado," He says with a kind smile. "What he said," Impulse adds on.
"Maybe next time we have a training session, you could teach me!" She adds on, a slight slur to her words. Skizz has to fight for his life to not start laughing.
"Yeah, I'm sure Impulse would love to pass down the tradition!"
The unexplainable noise that Impulse emits at his suggestion will fuel him for the decades to come.
(What he'll also be fueled by was that someone managed to record them dancing and posted it online. Sober Impulse's flustered but still proud reaction was nothing short of glorious. Because yes, as the comments on the clip point out many times, they really did SLAY the competition.)
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e-m-p-error · 6 months
Valentino's Clubs' Signature Drinks Part One
Two signature drinks at all of Valentino's establishments are the True Love's Diss and True Love's Kiss. True Love's Diss is gin, sweet vermouth, rose extract, and Campari. It is garnished with rose petals. True Love's Kiss is also garnished with a rose petal and heart-shaped edible glitter. It is a sweet sparkling wine drink with strawberry juice mixed into it. Both drinks have a dash of Love Potion in them.
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Bloodsport - Sports Bar; Full bar, 30 Big-Screen TVs + All Sports Packages Available, Full Kitchen
Bloodsport Signature Drinks
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Poison Apple - Hard apple cider with a splash of orange liquer
Dark Side - Black cherry martini with a (dyed) black cherry for garnish
Brite Lite - Strip Club; Exclusively Insect Sinners Work Here; Full Bar, VIP Rooms, Drug Vending Machines, Bar Snacks Only
Brite Lite Signature Drinks
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Orchid Mantis - Kiwi liqueur, prickly pear vodka, orchid elixir syrup; Velvette Inspired
Lightning Bug - Rum, pineapple/mango/mangosteen/papaya vodka, cognac
Club Hell 666 - Strip Club; Full Bar, VIP Rooms, Drug Vending Machines, Sports Bar-Esque Kitchen
Club Hell 666 Signature Drinks
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Angel's Web: Peach mint julep with a hint of strawberry syrup at the top; Angel Dust Inspired
Secret Admirer: Rosé wine, strawberry syrup, rose petals, club soda, and a splash of maraschino cherry juice with a hint of lemon and lemon peel for garnish; Angel Dust Inspired
Dick Heaven - Gay Bar; Only men work here; Full Bar, VIP Rooms, Drug Vending Machines, Free Use Sex Rooms, Attendants Paid Via Tips In Glory Hole Stalls, Traditional Bar Food Only
Dick Heaven Signature Drinks
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Valentino Loves A Good Peach - Peach schnapps, mint leaves, strawberry syrup, lime juice
Tender Kisses - Spiked cherry lemonade with a dash of rose extract
Glory Hole - High-End Sex Club; Full bar, Dancefloor, Bathrooms + Glory Hole Stalls, Drug Vending Machines, Pay-To-Play sex rooms/toys/gear/lube available in each room, VIP Brothel Upstairs, Showers, Full Kitchen
Glory Hole Signature Drinks
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Teal-quila Sunrise - Raspberry syrup, tequila, blue curaçao, lime juice, orange cognac
Glory Hole Garden - Lavender syrup, coconut rum, blueberry sparkling wine, garnished with a green cherry soaked in lavender syrup, has a dash of Love Potion in it
Heartbeats - Karaoke Bar; Full Bar, Full Kitchen
Heartbeats Signature Drinks
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Throat Tamer - Piña colada with a lemony twist
Gold Standard - Classic Bronx cocktail with a dash of tangerine schnapps
Horns - Imp City Strip Club; Full bar, Dancefloor, Bathrooms + Glory Hole Stalls, Drug Vending Machines, Meager Kitchen
Horns Signature Drinks
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Bubbly Black Widow - Black vodka, cranberry juice, coconut creme, and brown sugar boba
Love & Sex & Magic - Cherry vodka, kiwi syrup, blue curaçao, maraschino cherry juice, garnish with kiwi slice
Number Of The 63457 - Strip Club; Exclusively Hellborn Work Here; Full Bar, VIP Rooms, Drug Vending Machines, Traditional Bar Food Only
Number Of The 63457 Signature Drinks
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Bitter Envy - Blue Curaçao, Midori, Raspberry Syrup, Melon Whip With A Hint Of Chocolate; Leviathan Inspired
Bittersweet Lust - Mangosteen Vodka, blue raspberry syrup, burnt martini; Asmodeus Inspired
NYMPH-O-MANIAC - BDSM Club; Older than Spark Plugs; Full bar, planned scenes for show, rooms/floor space available for scenes among patrons, pay-to-play toys/gear/lube available, bring-your-own-gear encouraged only for dress
NYMPH-O-MANIAC Signature Drinks
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Skanque - Apple vodka, apple juice, orange juice, blue curaçao, red wine, rosemary and apples
Lot Lizard - Cherry/vanilla vodka, vanilla cream, garnished with a rose petal and a cherry
Pussy Paraíso - Lesbian Bar; Only women work here; Full Bar, VIP Rooms, Drug Vending Machines, Free Use Sex Rooms, Brunch and Bar Food Only
Pussy Paraiso Signature Drinks
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Check Out My Melons - Cantaloupe puree, simple syrup, white rum, maraschino cherry juice, lime juice, seltzer, food coloring
Eelectric Pink - Vodka, chilled green tea, simple syrup, lime juice, mint, grenadine
R3D - Imp City Nightclub; Full bar, Dancefloor, Drug Vending Machines, Meager Kitchen
R3D Signature Drinks
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Royale Flush - Black currant liqueur, sparkling red wine, berries
Black Mage - Black vodka, lime juice, maraschino cherry juice
Redlight - Sex Club; Full bar, Dancefloor, Bathrooms + Glory Hole Stalls, Drug Vending Machines, Free Use Sex Rooms, Pay-To-Play toys/gear/lube available in each room, Showers, Full Kitchen
Redlight Signature Drinks
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Chica Cherry Limeade - A cherry limeade with amaretto vodka
Chum The Water - Grenadine, pomegranate vodka, blue sugar crystals
Shymmer - Strip Club; Attached to Shyne via a corridor; Full Bar, VIP Rooms, Higher-End Kitchen
Shymmer Signature Drinks
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Day Drinking Special: Shymmer's Chocolate Mojito
Night Life Special: Shymmidori Martini - Melon Martini
Shyne - Nightclub; Attached to Shymmer via a corridor; Full bar, Dancefloor, Bathrooms + Glory Hole Stalls, Drug Vending Machines, Sports Bar-Esque Kitchen
Shyne Signature Drinks
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Fruit Popper - Grape/green apple vodka, cream, whipped cream, berries, cherries, and apples to garnish, mint; One of those berries also has a surprise pill in it.
Candyland - Cotton candy vodka, birthday cake vodka, Nerds; Beelzebub Inspired
Part Two Here
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cherrysoder · 1 year
My request is can you make imp pear and gumnut riding on your oc solar tooth for fun please and thank you?
I don’t see why not.
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I never drew these plants before so-
Silly goobers…
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malocclusive · 3 months
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Always imagined Bart looking like Bobby Hill for some reason. His patron deity is Alton Brown circa Cutthroat Kitchen, and he (currently) has two imp familiars, Simon Majumdar, and Jet Tila. His arcane focus is his paring knife, and he's just tryna get through the day.
Did this goofy traceover of Bobby for a new Roll20 icon for shiggles, luckily everyone was hollering. He's named for the Bartlett pear, and the Tamworth breed of pig, and he likes drawing that horrible little pearpig you see above. Also here he is as my first Tav, far hotter than he should be.
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tsikli · 4 months
Ðusyþ word of the day #373
ymenla (pear)
/ə.ˈmen.la/ [ə.ˈmen.la]* 〈əŋeinlxur〉
*Standard dialect
From Old Ðusyþ əŋeinlxur, from əŋ "bell" + einlxur "apple"; "bell-shaped apple"
pear (fruit)
llibriwössngqnllkymenla, xeibaiwatkurðnsei. run_out-NRPST-PF-1SG-pear forgive-IMP I just ran out of pears, sorry.
2. a "pear cut", a specific way of cutting jewels such that have a small top and a long taper
3. (euphemistic) scrotum
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mypvz2 · 4 months
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rodrigobera04 · 5 months
Fourth round, using the dark type.
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DARK pure
Frog hiding in the ground, uses its bait tongue to catch birds.
Lizard changing its skin for a reddish one, looking skinned.
Bat adapting its wings to claws like scythes.
Hairy nozuchi with sharp teeth, swallowing its prey.
Nocturnal dodo bird camouflaged with the night, avoiding hunters.
Alien spy camouflaged among humans.
Oni based on amanojaku, disguised as a maiden having two faces.
Howler monkey looking like a werewolf with sharp teeth.
Eyeless cave goblin similar to a rat, adapted to basements and attics.
Stone imp imitating an angel statue, guards cemeteries.
Cave exploring creature with a long body.
Stone coffin that serves as a portal to a world of hauntings.
Bird predator that throws stones at its prey.
Ricinullei with a rocky armor,cave arachnid.
Stone gorgon statue, except for its intimidating and unsettling eyes.
Fake stone fruit, breaking the teeth of those who bite it.
Dog creature using a stony ribcage as a house and shell.
Hunter making amber traps to catch insects and small Pokémon and stock them.
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Hairy, long-nosed and winged demon, mistaken for a witch's broom.
Owl with a devilish appearance, capable of rotating its neck or stretching it.
Flying rodent mistaken for a bat, a literal mouse with wings.
Leech flying with the wind towards its prey.
Flying monster expanded its throat with a scary face, like a macabre balloon.
Hematophagous starling looking like an avian mosquito.
Nocturnal winged creature glowing in colorful hues from a moonbow.
Toucan "monster clown",hiding a predator in its dances and bright colors.
Cave swallow with sonic power, alluding to banshees and sirens.
Electric eel ambushing victim in dark waters.
Monstrous storm cloud with the face of the yokai akashita.
Boa constrictor wrapped around prey and shocking it.
Creature with horns functioning as tasers to paralyze prey.
Fast hare creating holographic figures as he runs away,losing the pursuer.
Electric clown manipulating electricity and making "pranks" with shocks.
Boogeyman from lightning and electricity causing blackouts.
"Mad scientist" monkey receiving shocks, leaving him intelligent but aggressive.
Mammal catching fish with its tail, shocking anyone who catches it.
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Creature with a blade on its face based on the kaiju Guiron.
Spiked armored goblin who hunts fairies.
Nuckelave like monster resembling a biker on his motorbike.
Literal monster truck that eats iron.
Van Hellsing-style monster hunter with silver-based powers.
Carnivorous worms sheltered in a can, as in the can prank with a snake.
Canine-looking predator, has a bear trap for its jaw.
Greedy demon, has a chain of precious and heavy metals around his neck.
Crustacean with a pear of anguish for claw.
Quadrupedal hunting seal evoking the akhluth monster.
Aggressive narwhal using its horn as a drill, as a weapon.
Predator monster mimicking a snowman.
Ice gargoyle said to have come from cocytos.
Mole rat with a layer of ice and snow over its eyes.
Skua becoming a terrestrial predator like a bird of terror.
Sinister monster of cold and hunger, looking like a skeleton with mantis claws.
Snow cephalopod predator that can change its shape when hunting on land.
Werewolf "digger" burying prey in the snow, as some predators do.
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Rockstar rooster using fire and pyrotechnics for his "shows".
Diabolical pig ridden by small fire imps, spreading destruction.
Goblin witch cooking her prey alive with heat.
Floating monster looking like a blimp capable of blowing itself up.
Incendiary naga striking its tail like a match.
Two-headed turtle with heads like pistols, based on western gunslingers.
Bird of prey blowing fire to get animals out of their holes.
Amphibious merman with whiskers glowing in will-o'-the-wisp like bait.
Small fire monster that, when scared, catches fire, shocking witnesses.
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Parasitic vine similar to a doll, with vines for hair.
Vitória-Regia looking like Dimitrescu, with a dark and thorny leaf hat.
Carnivorous rose bush hurting prey with its thorns.
Satyr with wooden horns manipulates his victims with his music.
Karasa-obake palm closing its leaves on target like an umbrella.
Crow transformed into a scarecrow monster thanks to cursed straw.
Dry tree monster causing travelers to get lost along the way.
Closed sunflower themed after a lunar eclipse.
Evil fruit imp that bites anyone who tries to bite it.
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Hairy frog, reminiscent of hags and trolls, lives in sewers and attacks children.
Fruit bat parodying a vampire, drinks fruit pokemon juice.
Biting fairy imitating a four-leaf clover, bites anyone who picks it up as an amulet.
Bad wolf fairy capable of changing appearance and voice.
Carnivorous angelic fairies, deceiving with their appearance; attack in swarms.
Witch rat taking baby teeth from children, uses its pre-evolution as a familiar.
Goblin tricking people and scaring them by pretending to be a ghost.
Kikimora takes care of the home, but becomes hostile towards messy owners.
Evil gnome in a bottle, grants wishes but corrupts them.
Black cat scaring people, like a jumpscare.
Abyssal shark appearing on beaches, a sign of storms to come.
Boogeyman having a black hole for his face, where he swallows the victim.
Kiss mark like a succubus, sucking energy from whoever marks it.
Serpentine ghost in the shape of an arm, hanging its prey.
Thylacinium ghost like a hellhound, drags hunters to the underworld.
Banshee clock counting a person's lifespan.
Sadako-style ghost, wrapped in shapeshifting hair.
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Peanut bug with wings and "nose" forming an uncanny valley face.
Tarantula housed in a shoe, similar to a hermit crab.
Annoying cicada making noise to irritate others.
Worms coming out of a heart-shaped berry, alluding to heart parasites.
Giant water bug hiding in the water waiting for prey, like an alligator.
Stick insect imitating a drapion for intimidation.
Predatory fly looking like a bird of prey.
Gang and bandit themed ants,steal food.
Gravedigger beetle wearing dead animal skins and takes items like a tomb robber.
Legless lizard posing as a snake to intimidate.
Chupacabra hidden from the sun by holes in the ground.
Carnivorous quicksand imitating a drowning person's hand.
Scary spider oni based on the tsuchigumo yokai.
Scavenging armadillo, curled into the shape of a skull.
Stargazer hiding in the sand, only its grimace is seen.
Orc pig covered in mud that camouflages and cools him.
Aardvark blowing sand through its snout and being carried away by the gale.
Rodent thief imitating vegetables to steal from vegetable gardens.
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Threadsnake hidden in a plant pot in a minigame.
Tiliqua lizard changing their tongue to scare off predators.
"Masked" singing frog, phantom of the opera/in paradise theme.
Monster imitating a teddy bear, scares children.
Anti-togepi, a malicious egg Pokémon parasitizing its caretaker.
Deer gnawing bones and consuming calcium.
Strange Pekingese dog reminiscent of the yokai otoroshi.
Creature imitating shadows of its prey.
Kiwi camouflaged with the night and making scary noises.
Living shoes specializing in kicks.
Reptilian contortionist fighter, strangling the opponent.
Violent bovine contaminated by some "mad cow" disease.
Monster with many arms, almost impossible to escape its grasp.
Pokémon with flat hands like flippers, specialized in slaps.
Carnivorous marsupial evolving its body like that of a kangaroo.
Violent and giant koala based on the drop bear.
Gladiator wearing the skin of a feline Pokémon, like Hercules.
Enemy of Tauros, bullfighter with cape like membranous wings and sword claw.
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Starfish multiplying and attacking like a school of piranhas.
Pacu with a sadistic smile like a human.
Sea goblin playing tricks with its shark-like dorsal fin.
Vampire mussel with a suction mouth to feed on blood.
Crocodile pretending to cry like a child to catch the good Samaritans.
Squid pretending to be a drowning person and dragging his prey.
Aquatic predator that creates whirlpools, with spiral ears, neck and tail.
Fish camouflaged like a leaf and with an extensive jaw.
Vampiric aquatic haunting based on the nure-onna yokai.
Pure Dark, an eye monster that observes people, causing unrest.
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cttncndi · 7 months
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              ❏    ・𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂 ﹗𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚 ✎. . .      ◜ ♡ ◝       :      【 ピンク 】﹗﹗  ❛ 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍          · ·      ───────────────         𝐆𝐀𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀          ⸝⸝          ✿
Below the cut is a profile for an original HELLUVA BOSS/HAZBIN HOTEL character! There may be adult and triggering themes within her history and character description, so please take care of yourself and proceed at your own discretion. ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇᴅ ; 3/13/2024
❏ character chart ﹗﹗
full name gabriella name pronunciation gey-bree-el-uh nicknames gabi , gabs, gg, && bee reason for nicknames mostly just affectionate shortenings of her name!
birthdate October 23. star sign Scorpio ( sun ) | Aquarius ( moon )
As an individual with a Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon, you are much more extraverted and congenial than your fellow Scorpios, you have a strong need for the company of people, and an active and varied social life is necessary for your emotional health—if no other reason than to have an outlet for your sometimes outrageous opinion. As you crave an audience with a Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon, you usually choose a partner who is an ardent fan of yours. It is vital that you be flattered and admired, and when the admiration and applause begin to wane, so does your interest. Try to be a little less self-centered in love. Like all Scorpios, you are highly sexed, and with your Aquarius Moon, you are often drawn to the experimental in your love life.
birthplace greed ring, mint city current residence ❝ that's top secret information, cuties ~ ❤ ❞
sexuality pansexual ; demiromantic
Gabs is an induvial who can separate sex and feelings! The two rarely mingle for her, as she can enjoy being physical with someone without connecting it to something more profound. Hell, sometimes you don't even really need to like someone to want to have sex with them. But Satan help you if she starts catching feelings.
pronouns she / her occupation OnlyFangs / sinfluencer
❏ physical appearance ﹗﹗
age twenty-five
weight -- height 4'5'' ↳ However, Gabriella usually wears some variation of heeled or pumped shoes, which gives the illusion that she is somewhere closer to 4'8'' to 4’10’’. But it's all a ruse. Don't let her fool you.
body type pear! ↳ Our girl is very bottom heavy, small chest with wider hips and thighs.
face shape heart distinguishing features heart-shaped eyebrows, white hair ( not uncommon just a bit rare for female imps ) && canines that sit visible on the corners of her lips even if her lips are closed.
hair color white, puffy && curly most often worn in two large puffs decorated with bows, ribbons, or hair clips. eye color yellow Sclera with pinky/red iris'
tattoos womb tattoo ( you bet your ass imma draw that shit and link it here ) piercing belly button && nipples ❏ traits of an individual ﹗﹗ who are you Gabriella is bold, charismatic, and an endless fountain of curiosity and chaos. she thrives off social interaction and almost always welcomes anyone into her company with open arms. Flirtatious by nature, this seems to be a polarizing trait of hers as some people either adore her or are highly put off, labeling her as a “ heart-breaker “ or “ sult “ because of her affectionate personality. mbti ENFP-A ENFP-A individuals tend to be more assertive and somewhat less sensitive than those of the ENFP-T persuasion. Not only are they more socially assertive, but they are more daring in general. They aren’t afraid to take risks or tackle new challenges but thrive on doing so, relishing the thrill and excitement that new enterprises can bring to their lives. They are also more apt to assume leadership positions, calling on their enthusiasm and creative vision to guide and inspire others. love languages physical touch/words of affirmation/quality time attachment styles fearful avoidant ↳ A fearful avoidant attachment style describes a person who craves closeness and support. However, they also fear it and will distance themselves from others simultaneously. enneagram type 7 with a six-wing: ' The entertainer. ' Type Sevens pursue fascinating and fun experiences as a way to distract themselves from pain. Type Sevens with a Six Wing surround themselves with happy people. They tend to project their inner turmoil onto others and often believe they are the one truly happy person in their circle. Nicknamed “The Entertainer,” 7w6es are on a serious mission to serve as the life of the party.                            fears loneliness, boredom, or being stuck                            desires to be happy && to be admired and captivating.                              strengths ability to lift the spirits of others, playful approach to getting the job done, && having a strong sense of humor.                          weaknesses scattering and spreading one's elves too thin, hidden anxiety may lead to substance abuse, may easily abandon people and pursuits in search of greener pastures song association claws - kim petras / The song "Claws" by Kim Petras explores the complex dynamics of love and obsession. The lyrics suggest a tumultuous and addictive relationship where the protagonist is deeply infatuated with someone despite the pain and power struggles involved. sacrifice - bebe rexha / The song "Sacrifice" by Bebe Rexha explores the idea of a passionate and intense relationship where the protagonist demands total commitment and devotion from their partner. The lyrics depict a strong desire to be the sole focus of their partner's attention and affection.
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sayitan · 8 months
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disclaimer : anything with an asterix (*) next to it is just something i made up because i couldn't find a na'vi equivalent.
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FAVOURITE TEA: mauti'näk*, a sweet tea made from forest nectar harvested from swamp hives, fortune fruit and crushed herbs. it's a sweet and spicy drink, best served on cold nights and has a slightly grainy texture.
FAVOURITE COFFEE: he's not a fan of coffee, too bitter, and it tends to make him a bit jittery.
FAVOURITE SWEET SNACK: yovo matsa, a sweet bread / pastry-like treat. the yovo fruit is mashed, stuffed into na'vi bread and baked.
FAVOURITE SAVORY SNACK: yerik niktsyey, a meaty food wrap usually combined with roasted mushrooms, herbs and pa’liwll nectar for a tang.
FAVOURITE FLOWER(S): tsawksyul, or the sun lily, not only is it a beautiful flower but it is often used to create jewelry and accessories, both for casual wear as well as formalities.
FAVOURITE COLOUR(S): magenta / violet
FAVOURITE FRUIT: yovo, a purple pear / berry-like fruit with a scaly texture, a purple interior filled with soft edible black seeds. it's sweet and extremely juicy.
FAVOURITE VEGETABLE: rina'äo*, it's like a potato, very versatile, can be used in a lot of dishes and is typically the base for na'vi bread.
FAVOURITE SEASON: he would say summer back home, moist sunshowers and a steady warmth. in awa'atlu however he prefers spring as the heat isn't so dry and scorching.
FAVOURITE TIME OF DAY: twilight, it's quiet, peaceful, the time where almost everything and everyone is asleep. he feels most relaxed during twilight.
FAVOURITE KIND OF WEATHER: warm with an overcast, a cool breeze, maybe even the hint of rain or a sun shower.
LOVE LANGUAGE TO GIVE: physical touch, neteyam is casually affectionate with his family members, he finds stability and comfort in touch and will go out of his way to provide it. holding / hugging tuk, braiding lo'ak's hair, patting kiri's shoulder or placing a hand on the back of her neck. hugging his parents, leaning into their touch, he's especially physically affectionate with his mother and has become a little more restrained with his father just due to the war.
LOVE LANGUAGE TO RECEIVE: physical touch and quality time. having his loved ones return casual physical affection is his favourite way to receive love. his parents and tuk are most physically affectionate with him so he gravitates to them when he needs comfort. it should be noted that he won't accept physical touch from just anyone and will pull away from anyone he doesn't feel particularly close to.
SPECIFIC NICHE LOVE LANGUAGE: trusting him, in whatever capacity that looks like, whether it's trusting him with their emotions, with their thoughts or feelings, with their belongings, with their loved ones, with their lives. trusting him to be kind, to be considerate, to be honest and understanding.
FAVOURITE HOBBIES: flying. nothing makes him feel more free, more joyous, more himself, than when he's flying with his ikran. the freedom he receives from it, the playfulness, the rush of excitement and adrenaline. he gets it from both his parents.
FAVOURITE BOOKS: he doesn't read ( the na'vi share their tales orally ). his favourite stories are those of warriors and soldiers, particularly stories that revolve around his family like his grandfather, the first toruk makto, his parents, aunts and tsu'tey. stories of noble warriors succeeding at impossible tasks, overcoming impossible odds. he also has a soft spot for love stories but that's a secret he's not willing to share.
FAVOURITE MOVIES: he's never seen a movie ( the na'vi perform plays ), his favourite performance is an old tale about a wise woman that saved her people from an invading clan. she asked that the war chief spare her people and he told her that whoever she could fit under her would be spared. she then gathered her people within her clans longhouse and sat atop the roof. when the war chief came to sack her clan, he was forced to spare everyone. the war chief and the wise woman married several years later.
FAVOURITE SONGS: the na'vi equivelant to stan walker's tua, a song about breaking free of expectations, living the life you choose, and being celebrated for it.
FAVOURITE MUSICIAN: there's no singular musician that is his favourite, the omaticaya clan have many great singers, as do the olangi and metkayina clans. he prefers musicians with a lower octave, he finds the sound soothing and beautiful.
FAVOURITE ANIMALS: ikran. loyal, powerful, playful, and protective. he's loved ikran since he was a child and that love hasn't dimmed once regardless of the other animals he has grown to respect and care for.
FAVOURITE INSECTS: glowflies. they're beautiful at night, they also make a soft trilling sound reminiscent of wind through tree leaves and their wings can be used in fine jewelry.
FAVOURITE TERRAIN: the forest. dense and diverse canopies of vegetation and giant trees, bioluminescent light, wild and untamed, rolling hills covered in lush tree roots, grass, bush, and fungi.
TAGGED BY : @myersbprd ty! <3 TAGGING : @t1meaway ( lo'ak ), @ts1reya, @teskaha, @tahnisreu, @parulite, @txepviriir, @sarastuss, @djaerin, @torntruth ( liara ), @saanok, @sorehsu
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evintide · 1 year
02. hair, 11. teeth, 28. back, & 29. hips ! 👀
close up headcanons » ★ !!
Midna’s hair is a point of pride for her, though this was not always the case. as a young teen she had a bit of a rebellious phase* ( read; she still does, but does so in other ways now ) and cut her hair very short as a means of further objecting against the quiet image her caretakers had tried to instill upon her. she was only inspired to let her hair grow out after her fathers taught her about how it could be manipulated with twili magic, and since then she has kept it long to utilize this ability. her skills in doing so were actually pretty mild in comparison to what she was initially capable, and it was only through being cursed as an imp that she was able to further master this art. given how much shorter it has become since returning to her natural form, the versatility with which she was able to use it while transformed has been set back to a less proficient state, but she aims to let it grow out further now that she’s had a taste of its utilities. currently it falls a bit below her shoulder blades when loose, but it appears shorter given how she typically has half of it clasped in front and the rest done up while wearing her robes.
it’s vibrant orange hue is common for that of many of the twili and it always has yellow tips no matter what length she keeps it at. as Midna grows older it will take on further shifts in color, though rather than getting lighter it will grow darker with shades of purple-ish pinks near the roots. the most prehensile parts will always have choppier ends than the rest of her hair, and is more easily controlled when gathered near the end of a clasp or tie of some sort. it is naturally thick which also aids in helping it keep whatever shape she so desires to mold it into; most often that of a hand.
she enjoys treating herself to nicely scented shampoos and making sure it is well maintained even when not stylized. it’s rare that she lets anyone touch or help her brush her hair as well, so if you’re offered, consider yourself lucky!
Midna’s canines are sharper than most, though the left is slightly larger than its twin. she was embarrassed by this as a child, but has grown accustomed to any teasing now, and will gladly ( verbally ) bite back at any who dare to try and mock it. this difference is harder to notice on a casual glance, but at her more gleeful moments the left fang has a habit of peeking out against her lower lip. her lower canines also have some prominence, but not to the same effect as the upper two. the rest of her teeth are well cared for and properly aligned.
the twili's back is nothing too worthy of note. her natural curves appear softer when viewed from behind, though her shoulder blades have a notable protrusion even while relaxed. admittedly seeing her without any form of raiment covering her is odd nowadays given her station, but Midna is a creature of habit, and will forgo her traditional cape in favor of comfort of movement should she so desire.
currently the expanse from her neck to her buttocks is clear of any tattoos. she has yet to decide which achievement will first mark her skin there, as she figures the space is more... private now, given how much it is required of her to keep traditional cloth worn. she has been known to have issues with back pain given her proclivity to sleep in unconventional places and poses.
Midna is naturally pear shaped, which will only grow more prominent as she grows older. her figure while as an imp exemplified this. while not as noticeable from far away, she has a fair amount of stretch marks that wrap around her pelvic bone to her lower back, and will peek out from beneath whatever band or cloth she may be wearing at the time. such markings are of no concern to her, and any who say otherwise will only receive a sneering eyeroll. if she chooses to walk verses floating, Midna has a natural sway in her gait that is exaggerated thanks to the width of her hips.
most twili members don’t typically feel a need to wear traditional clothing, and Midna shares this sentiment, though as a high ranking official it is often required of her to wear something more flashy to maintain appearances. her most comfortable form of clothing is the cloth she wears around her hips, an article most commonly worn by others and often denotes which household the twili is from. she has several types of accessories that the cloth can be attached or folded over, some of her favorites including metal bits that dangle against the exposed side.
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beaniebabs · 1 year
do u like.
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the skringly bingly?
LITERALLY THE SPRINKLE !!!! she is beautiful 💖💖💖💖 i don’t Only like the cutesy ones tho i prommy like i think garlic is really sillay 🥺
(sorry i’m being insane and going thru the wiki and listing every single plant i like and/or love at least in pvz2)
uhm iceberg lettuce and kernel-pult and coconut cannon and hot potato and chard guard (i Love chard guard i’m only in lost city rn but i’ve been using chard guard in like every level since i unlocked him in frostbite caves he’s so epic and a genuinely rlly strong plant and yea ^^) and stunion and endurian and after this i haven’t rlly unlocked many more plants so i don’t have personal experience with all of them to change if i like them or not bc i don’t think i would’ve cared much abt chard guard until i used him bc i mostly base how much i like them on if i think they’re cute but uhmmm blover and citron and infi-nut and magnifying grass and tile turnip bc he looks sillay and PUFF SHROOM ‼️💖 and magnet shroom and celery stalker and thyme warp and garlic again <3 and spore shroom and primal peashooter/wall-nut/sunflower and perfume-shroom and lily pad cuz he kinda looks like a froggy and bowling bulb and GUACODILE ‼️‼️‼️‼️ and banana launcher and SHADOW-SHROOM 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and hypno-shroom and PEA-NUT HE’S SO SILLAY and chomper and ghost pepper and hurrikale and fire peashooter specifically when he has the costume where he’s grilling a hotdog on his head and lava guava and toadstool and strawburst and cactus cuz i learned cactus is a girl so that’s so swaggy and electric blueberry and jack o’ lantern and cold snapdragon and shrinking violet and escape root and kiwibeast especially with the costume that gives it pigtails that’s so cute and parsnip and holly barrier and starfruit and dandelion and aloe and bombegranate and hot date and goo peashooter and sling pea and snap pea and dazey-chain and electrici-tea and blastberry vine and pokra and imp pear and PYRE VINE !!!! and gumnut and shine vine and explode-o-vine and turkey-pult and headbutter lettuce and gloom vine and PEA VINE MY LOVE and solar sage cuz he’skinda gay and tiger grass and teleportato mine and buttercup and levitater and TOMB TANGLER UNDERRATED EMO KING FR and yea (:
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deathgasmic · 2 years
the wholee bottom row for the color thing <3
mint - this is a threat we’re gonna go bake cookies (i’m so down)
bubblegum - you are. just so stupid. i admire you. (hey!)
babybel wrapper - get in loser we’re gonna frolic through the woods (let me go grab my frolicking boots)
pear - why. why are you like this? (it’s mental illness innit)
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