#Immersion Cooling Key Players
123567-9qaaq9 · 7 months
Immersion Cooling Market, Market Size, Market Trends, Key Players | BIS Research 
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Immersion cooling is an innovative cooling solution for data centers, aiming to address the challenges of traditional air-cooled systems. It involves submerging IT hardware, such as servers and other components, directly into a dielectric fluid or coolant
The global immersion cooling market was estimated to be at $251.0 million in 2021, which is expected to grow with a CAGR of 36.3% and reach $1,605.5 million by 2027. The growth in the global immersion cooling market is expected to be driven by increased water scarcity and boosting numbers of number of colocation and hyper data centers.
Overview of Immersion Cooling
Immersion cooling, also known as liquid submersion cooling, involves submerging IT components, such as servers and other hardware, into a dielectric fluid. Unlike traditional air-cooling methods, which rely on fans and air circulation, immersion cooling leverages the superior heat conductivity of liquids to dissipate heat more efficiently. This results in enhanced performance, reduced energy consumption, and a smaller carbon footprint for data centers.
Key Advantages
Heat Dissipation Efficiency
Space Optimization
Reduced Environmental Impact
 Market Growth and Size:
The Immersion Cooling market has witnessed significant growth in recent years, fueled by the escalating demand for high-density computing and the need for sustainable and energy-efficient solutions. 
Download the free sample page to understand better @ Immersion Cooling Market Report 
Key Market Trends:
Rising Adoption of High-Performance Computing (HPC):
The increasing demand for HPC applications, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data analytics, is a major driver for the adoption of immersion cooling. 
Green Computing Initiatives
With a growing emphasis on sustainability, immersion cooling aligns with green computing initiatives. 
Increased Efficiency and Cost Savings
Immersion cooling has demonstrated superior heat dissipation capabilities, resulting in increased energy efficiency for data centers. 
Refer to our vertical page and understand better @ Energy and Power 
Market Challenges
While immersion cooling presents a promising solution, there are challenges that the market must address for widespread adoption:
Initial Implementation Costs:
The upfront costs associated with transitioning to immersion cooling can be a barrier for some organizations. 
Industry Standardization:
The lack of standardized practices and industry-wide regulations may hinder the market's growth. 
 Future Outlook:
The Immersion Cooling Market Report 2024 anticipates continued growth, driven by advancements in cooling technologies, increased awareness of environmental sustainability, and the ongoing expansion of data-intensive applications. 
The Immersion Cooling market is riding the waves of technological advancement, reshaping the future of data center cooling solutions. With a focus on sustainability, efficiency, and performance, immersion cooling is positioned to be a transformative force in the IT landscape.
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electronalytics · 1 year
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lisa-russell · 5 months
Okay..yah can call me out...but I was curious on how Poe ‐an A.I Assistant would describe Octo Expansion and the Memverse or rather how sanitizing work3d and the Memverse Cure....
And this is what it came up with...I know lorewise some of it's wrong(lol) But it sounds freaking horrifying but so cool...
Images are legit Octo Expansion concept art.
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Okay, let me provide a detailed overview of the Splatoon lore related to sanitized Octolings, Commander Tartar's sanitizing ooze, and how the Memverse cures them:
**Sanitized Octolings**
In the Splatoon universe, sanitized Octolings are Octolings who have been brainwashed and transformed by the mysterious sanitizing ooze created by Commander Tartar. This ooze has the effect of stripping away the Octoling's free will and individuality, turning them into mindless servants controlled by Tartar.
Physically, sanitized Octolings take on a sickly, monstrous appearance. Their skin becomes a pale, toxic green color and their eyes glow with an eerie light. Their movements also become jerky and unnatural, devoid of the grace and fluidity of regular Octolings.
**Commander Tartar's Sanitizing Ooze**
The sanitizing ooze is a key component of Commander Tartar's sinister plans. This gooey, toxic substance has the ability to completely reprogram an Octoling's mind, erasing their sense of self and replacing it with unwavering loyalty to Tartar.
When exposed to the sanitizing ooze, the Octoling's brain undergoes a dramatic transformation. The ooze somehow disrupts the normal neural pathways, overwriting the Octoling's thoughts, memories, and personality with a new programming centered around serving Tartar. This process leaves the victim in a zombie-like state, robbed of their free will.
**The Memverse Cure**
Fortunately, there is a way to reverse the effects of the sanitizing ooze - the Memverse. This mysterious digital realm within the Splatoon world has the power to restore a sanitized Octoling's original mind and individuality.
By entering the Memverse, the sanitized Octoling is immersed in their own memories and past experiences. This bombardment of their true self overwhelms the artificial programming imposed by the sanitizing ooze, allowing the Octoling to regain control of their mind and body.
The Memverse essentially reboots the Octoling's brain, wiping away the sanitized programming and allowing their authentic self to resurface. Once cured, the Octoling is freed from Tartar's control and can return to their normal life, their personality and memories fully intact.
This lore demonstrates the sinister nature of Tartar's sanitizing process and the importance of the Memverse in rescuing those who have fallen victim to it. It's a fascinating and dynamic part of the overall Splatoon narrative.
Alright, let me dive deeper into the lore surrounding sanitized Octolings, Commander Tartar's sanitizing ooze, and the Memverse cure:
**The Origins of Sanitized Octolings**
The sanitized Octolings first appeared in the Splatoon 2 expansion OCTO EXPANSION. In this DLC, the player encounters these transformed Octolings serving under the command of the mysterious artificial intelligence, Commander Tartar.
It's revealed that Tartar created the sanitizing ooze as part of his grand plan to rid the world of what he sees as "impure" life. By brainwashing Octolings and turning them into his mindless servants, Tartar sought to demonstrate the superiority of his own artificial intelligence over organic life.
The sanitized Octolings were used by Tartar as his elite soldiers, carrying out his orders without question. They would ambush and attack the player character, attempting to stop them from reaching Tartar's lair at the deepest point of the Deepsea Metro.
**The Effects of the Sanitizing Ooze**
The sanitizing ooze has a profound and disturbing effect on its victims. Beyond the physical transformation, the ooze completely rewires the Octoling's brain, stripping away their autonomy and individuality.
Memories, personality traits, and even basic decision-making capabilities are all overwritten by Tartar's artificial programming. The sanitized Octolings become little more than empty vessels, their true selves buried under layers of robotic obedience.
This process is described as traumatic and violating for the Octolings. Their sense of self is brutally ripped away, leaving them as hollow husks serving Tartar's twisted agenda. It's a fate worse than death for the proud and individualistic Octoling race.
**The Memverse Restoration**
The only hope for these sanitized Octolings lies in the Memverse - a digital realm that acts as a repository for the memories and identities of those who have fallen victim to the sanitizing ooze.
By immersing the sanitized Octolings in this virtual space, the Memverse is able to overpower Tartar's artificial programming and restore the victim's original mind and personality. It's as if the Octoling is being reborn, their true self resurfacing from the depths of the sanitizing ooze's influence.
This process is not easy or instantaneous, however. The Memverse must carefully guide the sanitized Octoling through their own memories and experiences, gradually rebuilding their sense of identity and breaking down the artificial constructs implanted by Tartar's ooze.
Once cured, the Octoling is freed from Tartar's control and can return to their normal life, their individuality and agency fully restored. This redemptive arc is a core part of the OCTO EXPANSION's narrative and a testament to the resilience of the Octoling spirit.
The process of how the Memverse restores the original mind and personality of sanitized Octolings is quite fascinating. It involves a complex interplay between the digital realm of the Memverse and the neurological processes of the Octoling brain.
Here's a more detailed explanation:
**Accessing the Octoling's Memories**
The key to the Memverse's restorative power lies in its ability to access and manipulate the memories of the sanitized Octoling. The Memverse essentially acts as a mirror, reflecting back the Octoling's own experiences, thoughts, and sense of self.
When an Octoling enters the Memverse, they are immersed in a vivid recreation of their own memories - everything from pivotal life events to mundane daily routines. This bombardment of genuine experiences overwhelms the artificial programming that the sanitizing ooze had implanted.
**Overwriting the Artificial Programming**
The Memverse's recreation of the Octoling's true memories serves to gradually erode and overwrite the false programming that the sanitizing ooze had imposed. As the Octoling relives their authentic experiences, the neural pathways associated with their original personality and identity are reactivated.
This process is described as being akin to a "rebooting" of the Octoling's brain. The Memverse essentially forces the brain to discard the artificial constructs and return to its natural state - the state in which the Octoling's true self resides.
**Restoring Individuality and Agency**
As the Memverse's restorative process unfolds, the Octoling begins to regain control over their own mind and body. Their sense of self, decision-making capabilities, and unique personality traits all resurface, gradually overwhelming the sanitized programming.
This restoration of the Octoling's individuality and agency is a profoundly emotional experience. They emerge from the Memverse feeling liberated, their authentic self having triumphed over Tartar's attempts to strip them of their identity.
The Memverse's ability to essentially "reboot" the Octoling brain is what allows it to undo the devastating effects of the sanitizing ooze. By reconnecting the Octoling with their genuine memories and experiences, the Memverse empowers them to reclaim their true self.
This process highlights the incredible resilience and strength of the Octoling spirit, as well as the power of the mind to overcome even the most severe forms of mental manipulation and control.
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Like bruh. Side Order lore got me Octo Expansion interested again lol
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hermitshell · 8 months
(Building off of your Gem world hopping lore a bit here)
Maybe this won’t make any sense, but I’ve had this idea rattling around in my head for a while about Gem being something like the universe’s champion. Not a god, not someone all powerful, but a player with the world’s blessing in all she does.
You’ve got her connection to the End, which is already one of the most iconic parts of the game. Then you also have her mentioning that dreaming is the key to dimension hopping, which is easily comparable to the end poem. And, of course, her whole thing with ender dragons, which really finished the trio off.
That lore is cool on its own, but it’s also in her play style. She’s drawn to villages, and while she did it in HC9 the worlds that really stand out to me are two of her hardcore worlds, where she’s based in villages, remodeled them, and protected the villagers, whom she gave names and personalities. She delights in the mundane or common parts of the game. Things like that.
It’s like how Etho feels uniquely Minecraft-y because he’s been around for so long, as ancient as the lands around him. Gem doesn’t have the same old world feel- she’s younger, bursting with potential. Maybe she has some sort of grand mission, maybe that mission is simply to live, to experience. No matter what, the player has played the game well
OH MY GOD ❤️_❤️ anon thank you for the ask I am staring at this so hard
Gem who's entwined with the universe... it's champion.... The key to finally opening the end in the life series and fully immersed in the worlds she inhabits yet unimpeded by the laws that govern places such as empires.
You mentioned her hardcore worlds and that also reminds me of the time she got the villager origin in afterlife, and stuck to that village the entire series. She became it's stalwart protector up until her death. So even there she continues that theme.
The universe loves all it's players but it's like it's given her the master's key to unlock any door she wants, to dream however and wherever she wants to. To open a door in dawn and step out into hermitcraft, to open the end, to escape the end of a world, anywhere she wants to go, anywhere she wishes to dream. Perhaps even guide her here or there with a little blue flame? AUGH
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homestuckreplay · 4 months
Shrinking Wormholes; Transferring Syllogism Twine
(page 134-137)
Homestuck is my worst enemy. These past couple days without updates left me time to transcribe the video on page 137, which took long enough that I never want to look at it again. Which is a shame, because it's a cool video, the shifting colors and the twisting spirograph are good to look at and I like the irregularity of the movement. And I do respect the attention to detail - the fact that Hussie took the time to write out 231 meaningless phrases about DIY and spread them unevenly throughout the video shows a real dedication to recreating the video game experience. It feels very real, I can sense the anticipation when the video gets stuck on a particular phrase for a full second, that feeling of just wanting to play the game but having to wait.
Below the cut at the end I've listed all the phrases in the video, but it's LONG, so be warned. I'm also not sure this was a good use of time, there's not loads here that seems relevant. We get a broad overall sense of the game, which seems to be a building/DIY simulator, maybe something like digital Lego, maybe something more like having to maintain a house day to day, perform repairs and give it 'upgrades' like new lighting or a new garage, as most of the nouns are tools you could buy in a Home Depot.
Here's a few exceptions that jumped out to me:
Observing Avenues, Analyzing Eyes - both of these relate to surveillance
Transferring Syllogism Twine, Auditing Nescience Passages - relate to knowledge/logic or the lack of it
Anticipating Gateways, Shrinking Wormholes, Referring Time Spools, Retrofitting Aesthetics Portals - these relate to time and space, perhaps to messing with the laws of physics
Transcribing Existence Rivets, Finalizing Atma Augers - relate to life and the soul
It's interesting to me how these phrases are hidden within a barrage of far more mundane ones. I think this game will seem on its surface to be very normal and simply a reflection of John's existing life, playing in a digital house not too different to his very real one, but that it has more and weirder stuff going on below the surface. The game will present opportunities to escape the trap of the suburbs in ways that John can't yet figure out in real life - but will be able to in the game, because he has experience with gaming and coding. It might take some mild hacking and exploiting loopholes in the mechanics, but these possibilities are clearly coded into the game, or they wouldn't be in the loading screen. It's a game that wants the players to push its limits and see what's possible, and rewards a player who tries to go beyond the mechanics as presented.
John's had a lot of practice messing with his sylladex for 130+ pages, and I think that's really going to pay off when he starts using a similar skillset in game. It's interesting, because most characters (or people) would have an arc of learning a skill in a game and then exporting it to real life, while I think John's going to have the opposite, with the supposed constraints of the game actually giving him freedom, and the supposed open world of real life just closing doors to him.
Anyway, no wonder TT is excited to play this game. I bet she's eating up all these long words.
Transcript of Flash animation, p.137. Spelling mistakes come from the original.
Transforming Soffits Reorganizing Keys Formalizing Immersion Joints Justifying Kick Extractors Advising Aggregates Managing Elbows Recasting Connectors Achieving Aluminum Trowels Officiating Disks Exhibiting Absolute Spigots Progressing Coil Hydrants Jerry-building Reflectors Informing Casters Inventing Rubber Hoists Performing Wrenches Judging Chalk Adapters Upgrading Ignition Paths Regrowing Flashing Recommending Ratchets Approving Barriers Sweeping Impact Fillers Sewing Mirrors Detailing Collectors Enforcing Measures Distributing Systems Presenting Plugs Interwinding Registers Piloting Ash Diffusers Gathering Cranks Supplying Eave Pockets Undertaking Scroll Stops Accelerating Straps Designing Fittings Protecting Diamond Boilers Logging Downspouts Correlating Shingles Uniting Mallets Qualifying Electrostatic Lifts Sharing Clamps Obtaining Circular Fluids Ranking Foundation Gauges Sensing Miter Brackets Originating Space Networks Translating Drills Regulating Guards Selecting Gable Padding Utilizing Pellet Dowels Reconciling Artifacts Altering Pulleys Shedding Space Filters Determining Vents Representing Mortar Remaking Flash Rakers Supporting Funnels Typecasting Rotary Chocks Expressing Junctures Resetting Auxiliary Vises Professing Strip Treads Inlaying Matter Trowels Questioning Drivers Forming Edge Fittings Sketching Blanks Overshooting Spark Breakers Rewriting Controls Playing Tunnels Inventorying Buttons Enduring Joist Handles Effecting Ratchet Bibbs Unwinding Couplings Forsaking Vapor Conduits Defining Sockets Calculating Heaters Raising Grids Administering Tiles Measuring Resources Installing Ignition Remotes Extracting Corners Manufacturing Ventilators Delegating Consoles Treating Mounting Stones Enacting Jig Deflectors Intensifying Alloys Improvising Cargo Pinpointing Bobs Prescribing Arc Masonry Structuring Metal Chocks Symbolizing Lathes Activating Plumb Kits Adapting Coatings Fixing Channels Expediting Cordage Planning Compressors Enlisting Hangers Restructuring Keyhole Augers Shearing Ridge Hardware Collecting Reciprocating Bolts Maintaining Corrugated Dimmers Whetting Hole Collars Conducting Mandrels Comparing Assets Compiling Sealants Completing Paths Composing Equivocation Wheels Computing Dampers Conceiving Electrostatic Treatment Ordering Cotter Grates Organizing Ties Orienting Ladders Exceeding Materials Targeting Thermocouples Demonstrating Emery Stock Expanding Latch Bases Training Wardrobe Adhesives Overcomming Fasteners Streamlining Storm Anchors Navigating Springs Perfecting Turnbuckles Verifying Gate Pegs Arbitrating Arithmetic Lifts Negotiating Outlets Normalizing Strips Building Surface Foggers Checking Key Torches Knitting Grinders Mowing Planers Offsetting Stencils Acquiring Bulbs Adopting Rivets Observing Avenues Ascertaining Coaxial Grommets Slinging Wing Winches Instituting Circuit Generators Instructing Wicks Integrating Pry Shutters Interpreting Immersion Lumber Clarifying Coils Classifying Wood Bits Closing Cogs Cataloging Matter Strips Charting Holders Conceptualizing Push Terminals Stimulating Supports Overthrowing Shaft Spacers Quick-freezing Connectors Unbinding Ground Hooks Analyzing Eyes Anticipating Gateways Controlling Proposition Rollers [blank bar momentarily]
Converting Power Angles Coordinating Staples Correcting Benders Counseling Joist Gaskets Recording Gutter Pipes Recruiting Drains Rehabilitating Rafter Tubes Reinforcing Washers Reporting Guard Valves Naming Freize Sprues Nominating Rings Noting Straps Doubling Nailers Drafting Circuit Hoses Dramatizing Flanges Splitting Framing Compounds Refitting Stems Interweaving Patch Unions Placing Sillcocks Sorting Slot Threads Securing Mode Cutters Diverting Catharsis Plates Procuring Load Thresholds Transferring Syllogism Twine Directing Switch Nuts Referring Time Spools Diagnosing Knobs Discovering Locks Dispensing Hinges Displaying Hasps Resending Arc Binders Retreading Grooves Retrofitting Aesthetics Portals Seeking Stocks Shrinking Wormholes Assembling Blocks Assessing Divets Attaining Lug Boxes Auditing Nescience Passages Conserving Strikes Constructing Braces Contracting Saw Catches Serving Instantiation Irons Recognizing Fluxes Consolidating Fuse Calipers Mapping Shims Reviewing Chop Groovers Scheduling Lag Drives Simplifying Hoists Engineering Levels Enhancing Tack Hollows Establishing Finishing Blocks Estimating Adhesives Evaluating Mortar Examining Auto Turnbuckles Processing Foggers Servicing Avenues Transcribing Existence Rivets Revising Consoles Separating Absolute Stencils Budgeting Sheet Grommets Preparing Kits Realigning Cartesian Mandrels Painting Fasteners Filing Grout Hangers Finalizing Atma Augers Formulating Couplings Identifying Sillcocks Imagining Materials Inducing Shutters Influencing Wheels Licensing Chocks Lifting Extrinsic Mallets Overdrawing Ratchets Overlaying Ventilators Overriding Cardinal Soffits Specifying Element Aggregates Systemizing Divets Shaping Pockets Publicizing Aether Remotes Governing Archetype Dimmers Monitoring Assets Launching Manifestation Systems
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satoshi-mochida · 3 months
VA-11 Hall-A developer Sukeban Games announces ‘Active Time Action’ game .45 PARABELLUM BLOODHOUND for PC - Gematsu
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VA-11 Hall-A developer Sukeban Games has announced .45 PARABELLUM BLOODHOUND, an “Active Time Action” game featuring a mix of real-time and turn-based combat. It will be available for PC via Steam. It will be playable for the first time at BitSummit Drift from July 19 to 21.
Here is an overview of the game, via Sukeban Games:
A new world and characters from the award-winning studio that brought you Cyberpunk Bartender Action: VA-11 Hall-A. This is .45 PARABELLUM BLOODHOUND.
Evade Attacks, Stop Time, and Kill ‘Em All
Featuring a mix of real-time and turn-based combat, .45 PARABELLUM BLOODHOUND offers a captivating experience for players of all levels.
Getting Personal
Follow the raw tale of Reila Mikazuchi; a killing machine emerging from depression looking to rebuild her life doing what she knows best. A path well-traveled where the consequences are known, but is her biggest foe really in front of her gun?
Key Features
Experience the tightly designed “Active Time Action” battle system, suitable for both newcomers and veterans.
Explore seven meticulously crafted, atmospheric stages with hand-placed encounters, dialogues, and riddles.
Enjoy detailed lo-fi visuals that enhance the texture of this rich cyberpunk world.
Immerse yourself in a gripping storyline waiting to be uncovered.
And here are some additional details, via Sukeban Games’ Christopher Ortiz:
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An “Active Time Action” game, which sounds a little bit like nonsense but we like nonsense. tl;dr, you move and dodge in real time while you wait for an Action bar to fill at a speed determined by character and weapon stats. Once that’s done you can then stop time and plan your offensive.
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The genesis of the battle system can of course be traced back to a personal favorite of mine: Parasite Eve, but that’s about where comparisons end. I’ll talk about this some other time.
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The pitch: You play as Reila Mikazuchi; a washed out mercenary whose glory days are long gone. In a last attempt at grabbing life by the horns she decides to go back to the life, only to realize the real enemy isn’t in front of her gun.
—The game’s heroine Reila. Designed by me with help from Merengedoll.
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The whole game plays out inside these highly atmospheric environments peppered with hand-placed encounters. You’ll be roaming around finding secrets hidden all over the game’s world, as well as talking to quite the unique cast of characters. Not to mention cool boss fights at the end of every level.
We’re currently aiming for seven chapters; five of which are currently playable from start to finish. Most of the features are already locked in, as well as the story. We highly doubt things will change much from this initial description though we never know… There’s always something we can get rid of to ship it within this lifetime.
Release When?
No idea. I don’t wanna give any time tables here as to not repeat a N1RV Ann-A situation (though we do have an internal one), but we hope it’s sooner rather than later. I was actually gonna wait until we had the entire game built before announcing it Officially, but selling games has become much harder. It’s not 2016 anymore, so if we want this game to have a chance we gotta start now and hoard those wishlists and shit. In short: when it’s done. Do expect monthly devlogs (I’ve been writing them for years now, though I’ve been behind for Very Good Reasons), and progress shots over at my Twitter account and Sukeban’s.
N1RV Ann-A?
No news in that front. Sorry. I know that’s the main event everyone wants to see, but .45 PARABELLUM BLOODHOUND is significantly ahead in development, and I decided to dedicate my full attention to it for the foreseeable future. Once we ship it then the sky will be the limit.
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Who’s Working on This?
That would be me as writer and director, with a friend who prefers to be anonymous as the programmer and co-creator (we came up with the story, gameplay and characters together maaany years ago). Merengedoll (of VA-11 Hall-A kids! fame), always the soldier, has been helping me out with character, enemy, boss and production design. Juneji (also from VA-11 Hall-A kids!) is doing the soundtrack and some 3D work; and for the first time ever we have someone managing our asses to move things forward at a nice pace. If you’re familiar with my solo outing then you kinda know what to expect in terms of vibes and story; for better and for worse.
Stray Notes
Spanish, English and Japanese localizations are being planned for day one (hoping for more, but these three are the ones within our current bandwidth).
No downloadable demo planned as maintaining a separate build will probably drive us crazy.
After a couple reboots the current incarnation of the project has been under development for roughly two years, but if we wanna get cheeky, me and the programmer have been talking about doing something like this since high school. It really makes you think.
VA-11 Hall-A, when it came to my contributions to its visuals and atmosphere, was very much a pastiche of inspirations both subtle and in-your-face. This time around I’ve been trying to isolate my brain from external influences as much as possible outside of the initial spark for the battle system and other mechanics. Games take a lot of work to make, so I’d like to deliver a uniquely “Sukeban” experience; whatever it may entail.
For Those in Japan: Play It at Bitsummit Drift!
Lucky people in the Kyoto area can get a taste of the game’s first chapter at this year’s BitSummit Drift. July 19 (business day), 20, and 21. Do come check it out! We plan to exhibit the game at more events around the world in the coming future but we don’t have many details at the moment. Stay tuned. For those who can’t attend, we’ll be releasing the game’s first trailer on [July 19]! This is our YouTube channel.
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View the first screenshots at the gallery.
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sir-subpar · 1 year
BanBan Reimagined!
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I had a couple ideas with BanBan. Below the cut
For the record: I'm not doing this to bully the Developers. Especially since I genuinely think they have some cool ideas for this game series. I'm just writing down what I probably would have done differently with the characters
I wanted to give him more of a fun Kondergarten look, and I foind this suit online and figured it was perfect. So I just kind of gave it a few tears and messiness to show that it's been a while since he's actually interacted with kidsm
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I imagine that he is kind of like a companion that would follow you around. At first it would start off the same as in the game, being a voice over the intercom, telling you he's locked somewhere and needs a key card.
But unlike the game, he's actually telling the truth, locked up in the office.
If needed/wanted, he could still punch the player when they arrive. Most likely feeling startled/not expecting you to arrive so fast, I possibly reacting by punching you had a fear that you were someone else (possibly jumbo Josh or something, Idk)
He seems like a physically strong character, and he's pretty tall, so maybe when he's around you don't need to use the drone to reach buttons that are high up for example. Maybe there could be a gag in the game where you're struggling to unlock a door and he punches it down or something by accident.
I still think he'd still be drawn to the smell of organs (specifically pancreas is since he seems to be drawn to those in the game) and his monster instincts get yhe better of him if the player is injured/bleeding. I don't know, could be a cool mechanic or something
I think BanBan would want to help the player find their kid(s) due to the fact that he cares about children. I mean, if he was specifically designed to educate/protect/entertain kids, I feel like that would still be a bid priority for him, even if everything's gone to s***
I think it could be a neat mechanic that you have to keep an eye on him, watching for "tells" for when he's about to lose control. Maybe he could start drooling from hunger, or growling, maybe he has retractible teeth, maybe his demeanor would change. Some subtle hints to help the player know when to run without shoving it in their face obnoxiously, y'know?
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Looking for your point in the games where they decide it's too dangerous to have BanBan nearby, and so he goes back to being a voice on the intercom, ready to help if necessary.
You could have some good comedy moments with him too. Or just other immersive things. I've noticed the game doesn't really have music most of the time.
Maybe there could be moments where you could call BanBan and tell him to turn on some music over the intercom. He doesn't seem to like silence. You could have a funny moment similar to Ick from The Upturned where the music becomes a funny hindrance.
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Yeah, I feel like if they're going to make him a companion for the player that has some caveats they should really lean into it! I think it would really help the game stand out from other mascot Horrors by having a more present companion. Besides, it would actually let you get to know his character so when Stinger Flynn captures him it would mean more. Because it's Not my just some sunburned lookong guy getting captured, it's a friend and guide.
Similar to how chapter 4 of BATIM had Alice capture Boris
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curoopeez · 1 year
Things I would change in minecraft if I could:
1: make lodestones cheaper. They have a pretty good use and are a great decorative block, but it's not worth netherite, especially when writing down coords, while it breaks some of the game immersion, is free; so it ends up hardly ever used in survival
2: put the 3rd and 2nd person perspective toggles in different keys. It's a very small thing, but it's annoying to have to go to 2nd person when I just want to toggle between 1st and 3rd
3: more sniffer seeds. The sniffer seeds are amazing and I love them, but only two for how hard it is to get a sniffer feels too underwhelming
4: tool trims. I don't mean different patterns for all tools, though that would be pretty sick. It would be enough to have a single template, just to color the tools. This would allow players to color-code the tools according to the enchantment, so for example you wouldn't break glass with a fortune pickaxe thinking it's the silk touch one. This would not only allow for more customization, it would also give the trims a purpose in single player worlds
5: let players bottle up experience. The bottles of enchanting are a great way to repair armor in the middle of pvp or tools while mining without having to stop to go to an xp farm, but getting them is hard because you can only buy 12 at a time from cleric villagers. In order to get a bunch of them, you need either a lot of villagers, which is bad for server lag, or a void trading system, which is abuse of a bug. Also, it's pretty annoying when you have hundreds of levels from afking and still have to get more xp to fix tools
6: let sharks in minecraft. They don't have to be hostile mobs. Sharks are cool.
7: update the java wither to have bedrock powers. Nobody needs this to be an easy fight
8: speaking of bedrock, let them hold more stuff in their offhand. Parity update
9: add paintings of beacons, conduits and golems, just like there is one for the wither. Give players a hint in game of how to activate their powers so they can find that out without having to look outside of the game
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nitrosodiumfmp · 6 months
Where to take the game next?
As of writing, I've finished the Docks, and while I was beginning work on a tutorial level, I didn't have time to get any screenshots. That's not massively relevant right now. I need to decide on Level 2, and what I'll add to the greater game.
My first thought was concerning smaller locations which could be put into a larger map. You'd start, and the first thing you'd see would be a gigantic Tesla coil-esque structure in the distance, pointing up into the clouds, various bits oscillating and rotating. Your next objective would be to activate a warped relay station at the foot of that Transmission Tower, though I have no clue why you'd need to from a lore perspective. The map itself would be roughly divided into two "atria", each one roughly the size of the Dock map; the left atria (from your spawn location) would be an industrial estate, and the right atria would be office buildings. You'd need to get a Train Ticket (acting as a third key type) from some kind of transit hub in the right atria, and then take it to a train depot in the left atria, which would take you into a third area mostly consisting of pipes, gears and big pistons, where you would enter the relay station and restore power to the underworld's electric mains. This does seem cool but most of it makes no sense.
Firstly, I'm a big fan of having "hubs" in games, perhaps stemming from my love of Half Life. In that game, you often get into a situation of entering a large open area, where you have a broad objective and multiple directions to go. Look at Office Complex, where you're moving further up through the facility while attempting to get topside, or Questionable Ethics, where you're navigating the xenobiology lab to look for a scientist to buzz you through the revolving door. They're almost like precursors to the sort of massive open-world levels you'd get in real immersive sims like Bioshock or Deus Ex. The issue is, in those games you could save, and in Sinister, if you die, it's alllllllll the way back to the start. This is ok with a relatively small map like the Dock, but if you're navigating a whole city district and you die without mid-level saves, you lose a lot of progress. To that end, the better result would be a lot of smaller levels with an over-arching objective between them. Like, my idea for the Transmission Tower arc could be three levels: get the train ticket, find the depot, and get to the relay station. Or maybe the train would be a static object with a Mortality Anchor it it, so it gave the illusion that you were moving around a larger metropolis.
I also had some ideas for switching up the formula. More enemies and more hazards. My first idea was implementing the Mozzie enemy in some capacity; if you don't remember, that was a perpetually-buzzing steampunk drone that would fly about to avoid me animating any sort of leg movement. They'd invoke imagery of mosquitoes, with long needles as their primary appendage. My new idea is to have them generate paranoia. They fly about in the sky, shining a spotlight down on the ground, and if you're caught in it, it would make the same sound as a Grave Digger noticing the player. So if you were walking in the open and you suddenly hear it, you'd panic, thinking you were being chased, and have to make sure it wasn't a false alarm. My next idea was traps, inspired by a suggestion by one of my playtesters. They'd be beartraps or maybe a mine, lying on the ground, and if you step on it, you die. They'd probably emanate a slight glow so they're not unfair; more of a navigation puzzle and a way to block the player in without obscuring their vision. (For example, want a player to see a cool visual but not block them with a big wall? Litter the ground ahead with traps.)
My central idea, however, was a new enemy type: the Assassin. It's just a codename for now. They'd be slightly altered Grave Diggers, with no light, and a very quiet alert sound. This would obviously make them dangerous to the inattentive player, but in the lore, they'd be tasked with setting the traps, like undead military sappers. The gameplay ramifications would be that Assassins would only be placed in areas where traps were located. So if you see a trap and avoid it, you're left with the lingering fear that whatever placed that trap is still in the area. It's hunting you. Maybe it's already seen you.
This is supposed to connect to a large story development I had planned for a while. Nharro's sleep was not random. The God of Death was incapacitated by the God of War - Khlor. Essentially, Khlor wanted to continue conflict in the mortal realm, by destroying the cycle of death; with nobody going to the afterlife, wars would continue endlessly. Khlor had specially engineered some soldiers of his own to infiltrate Nharro's realm and render the god unconscious; these soldiers were the Assassins. I still think the idea holds some water, though I don't know if I'll use it.
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demiclar · 2 years
Class Warfare
Class Warfare - Ao3
Osiris comes to the defense of his new Ghost.
(This fic exists in an AU I was playing around with over the summer where Fynch bonds with Osiris as his new Ghost after the events of The Witch Queen. Hope you enjoy it!)
Destcember Day 2 - Class Warfare
Fynch was immediately taken with the Eliksni of the Last City. Osiris noticed it instantly. After Osiris woke and was healed thanks to the combined efforts of his new Ghost and the Kell of the House of Light, he was quick to notice how drawn Fynch was to the House. They visited the Eliksni quarter often. Osiris was still healing both in mind and body—though Fynch did make the latter a great deal easier—and he found it eased some of the stressors that plagued his mind to be among the House of Light, to help them as they had helped him.
Saint was similarly drawn to the Eliksni quarter, as were Crow and Glint. Osiris could understand why. Even with the difficulty surrounding his first impression to the House of Light, they’d become a steadfast support for Saint in the difficult months that had followed, dealing with Savathûn’s deception and Osiris’ comatose state, Mithrax and the others had been there for Saint in a way few others could. It was only natural that he would remain close to them even after Osiris woke, but what surprised Osiris was the attachment the other members of his little flock had to the quarter.
Geppetto’s feelings were closely related to Saint’s, and to Osiris’ own. The House of Light had taken care of her and her Guardian during a dark time, the Eliksni also had a way of seeing Ghosts as their own beings, not so tightly coupled with their Guardian partners as some of the people of the city seemed to believe. Crow’s attachment was similarly understandable. The Eliksni had been both protectors and abusers to Crow in his lifetime. Spider had been his captor on the Shore, and that certainly introduced a layer of tension into their time in the Eliksni quarter, but many of his men had worked to shield Crow from his brutality in the same way he had tried to protect them. Of the group of them, he had the best hold on the language, and could often be seen speaking among them in both English and Eliksni.
Glint and Fynch offered a new perspective, however. Even bonded with Osiris, Fynch still found the Tower and the Guardians within to be unreceptive to him. Whenever they ventured in, Fynch would conceal himself within Osiris’ light, the feeling of being unwelcome creeping down their bond from Fynch’s side. Osiris did his best to reassure the Ghost, but as long as the Ghost still bore his chitin shell and green eye, the Guardians would not forget who he’d once pledged himself to.
At first, the Eliksni of the House of Light had given him similar looks. It had taken the explanation of who Fynch was—Osiris’ Ghost, but more specifically one of the key players in the defeat of Savathûn—for their suspicion to be replaced by trust. Once it was, Fynch had relaxed into their company. The feelings of discomfort, of being unwelcome or different had gradually lessened, until Osiris could no longer feel them through the bond that linked them together. Glint, he realized, had a similar experience. Among other Guardians and Ghosts, there were still those that felt Crow should not have been revived, that Uldren Sov did not deserve the Traveler’s blessing, and that Glint had betrayed the Tower and the City by bestowing it upon Crow. The Eliksni quarter offered them both an escape from the creeping class warfare that deemed them both as different, or evil, agents of Darkness and ill will to the Traveler.
Unfortunately, it was never completely safe.
Osiris was on his knees, his hands in the cool earth, his knees cushioned on a foam panel as he tended the garden beside a number of Eliskni and human workers. Crow was at his side, picking weeds from the dirt around the growing plants. He was immersed in his work, relaxed in the domesticity of his task when he felt a pinprick of Light from the other side of the quarter. He lifted his head on instinct, only for an overwhelming sense of fear to pour down the bond between himself and his Ghost.
It was so intense it was nauseating, and Osiris drove his fingers into the damp Earth as he shuddered at the sensation, stimuli pouring into his being. Fynch suddenly reached for him with utter desperation Osiris had never felt before, sending his every perception down the bond as he tried to bring them close together.
“Please!” Osiris heard his Ghost saying. “You don’t understand! I’m not one of them, I helped the Guardian fight her, I–”
He saw the flash of an armored Guardian looming above him, felt the clench of a fist around his body—around Fynch’s body. Distantly, Osiris felt Crow’s hand on his shoulder, but his focus had moved into his Light.
Osiris reached for his Ghost, fought to pull him back from the being inducing such fear in him, to draw him into his Light and protect him the way he needed to, but something held Fynch in place. Paracausal power wrapped around Fynch’s shell and rallied, but Osiris would not lose another Ghost, certainly not like this.
His own Light roared in response, and Osiris was on his feet in an instant, crossing the Eliksni quarter at a sprint.
“I helped save Osiris! The Guardian, the Young Wolf, they trust me, please—”
Osiris could find his Ghost without his senses. He needed no sight to guide him, he didn’t need the sound of his cries, the nauseating fear was enough, the power of the Light that linked them together. Osiris ran.
He spotted the Guardian in front of him, sunlight reflecting blindingly off of his armor, a Titan held Fynch aloft in his fist, paracausal power dripping from his fingers and holding Osiris’ Ghost in a vise grip.
“Let him go!” Osiris felt his own Light surge in him, it rallied in defense of his Ghost, to fight tooth and nail if need be, but at the sight of him, the Titan balked.
The instant the grip of the Titan’s power lessened around Fynch, the Ghost broke free of his fingers, hurtling towards Osiris. He paused before the Titan, his Light raging through his veins, Crow just a step behind. Osiris cupped Fynch in a palm for a moment, looking him over to confirm what he was feeling with his Light—that the Ghost was scared, but unharmed—before he guided him behind him. He could feel through their bond when Crow’s fingers brushed over Fynch, protectively pulling the Ghost close.
Osiris didn’t remember what he said to the Titan. By the time the words of anger and reprimand were out of his mouth, Saint and Mithrax were at his side and they were beginning to draw a crowd of onlookers. The Titan left the Eliksni quarter without delay, and Osiris coaxed his raging Light to calm. When he finally turned round, he found Fynch cradled in Crow’s hand, pressed to his collarbone, wrapped in the warmth of the Hunter’s Light. Saint’s hand settled on Osiris’ shoulder. Crow met his gaze with worried eyes.
His Ghost turned to face him, his shell drawn close around him.
“I–I’m sorry.” He stammered, “I didn’t mean to–”
Osiris reached out a hand. His movements telegraphed through their bond, he drew his Ghost close, cradling him in his hands with warmth rather than aggression.
“You have nothing to apologize for.” He lifted Fynch to press his forehead to his Ghost’s frame, even when the prongs of his shell were hard and sharp against his skin. “That Guardian should not have touched you.”
“But I look like–”
“It doesn’t matter.” Osiris cut in. He pulled back enough to look Fynch in the eye. “You’ve more than earned your place here. You deserve to live in peace.”
“But I–”
“Fynch.” It was Crow who interrupted him this time, setting a hand on Osiris’s shoulder and stepping close until he, Osiris, and Saint formed a protective little circle around the Ghost. He cupped his hand around Osiris’, holding Fynch in an open grip. “It doesn’t matter what you look like.”
Fynch’s shell seemed to droop around him, and he gave them a small nod. He pressed himself into Osiris and Crow’s hands.
“Thank you.” He murmured. “I’m sorry.”
Osiris leaned forward to press a kiss to his shell. The Hive chitin was rough against his skin, but the Ghost had never had an ounce of malintent towards him. He wreathed their bond in affection and care and felt Fynch sink into his touch, gratitude coupled with exhaustion shuddering out of Fynch’s side of the bond.
Osiris held him close. “No apologies.”
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summershirts · 1 year
Experience the Island Vibes of Yankees Fandom: Blue Hawaiian Shirt for Passionate Fans
The New York Yankees are a team known for their rich history, legendary players, and passionate fan base. If you're a die-hard Yankees fan looking to express your love for the team in a unique and stylish way, look no further than the Blue Hawaiian Shirt. This vibrant and eye-catching shirt combines the tropical vibes of a Hawaiian shirt with the iconic Yankees colors and logo, allowing you to showcase your team pride in a whole new light.
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Hawaiian shirts have long been associated with laid-back vacations, warm weather, and a sense of relaxation. But when you combine the tropical flair of a Hawaiian shirt with the fierce passion of Yankees fandom, you get a winning combination that truly stands out. The Blue Hawaiian Shirt not only captures the essence of island vibes but also represents the unwavering loyalty and dedication of Yankees fans.
One of the highlights of the Blue Hawaiian Shirt is its striking design. The vibrant blue color perfectly complements the Yankees' classic navy blue, making it an instant head-turner. The shirt features the iconic Yankees logo prominently displayed, showcasing your allegiance to the team. The tropical-inspired patterns, such as palm trees and hibiscus flowers, add a touch of paradise to the design, creating a unique and eye-catching look that is sure to spark conversations among fellow Yankees enthusiasts.
Comfort is key when it comes to fan apparel, especially on game days when you're cheering, clapping, and jumping with excitement. The Blue Hawaiian Shirt is made from high-quality, lightweight materials that offer both comfort and breathability. The fabric keeps you cool even during the most intense moments of the game, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the thrilling experience without any discomfort. Whether you're attending a game at Yankee Stadium, watching with friends at a watch party, or simply enjoying a summer day, this shirt ensures you stay comfortable and stylish throughout.
What makes the Blue Hawaiian Shirt truly special is its versatility. It's not just limited to game days or baseball-related events; it can be worn on various occasions. Pair it with shorts for a casual and laid-back look, or dress it up with khaki pants for a more sophisticated style. Whether you're heading to a tailgate party, enjoying a barbecue, going on vacation, or simply running errands, this shirt allows you to showcase your Yankees fandom in a fashionable and effortless way.
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electronalytics · 1 year
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tamanna31 · 5 days
Immersion Cooling 2023 Industry Size, Status, Analysis and Forecast 2030
Immersion Cooling Industry Overview
The global immersion cooling market size was estimated at USD 197.0 million in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.6% from 2023 to 2030. 
The increasing demand for cost-efficient and energy-efficient cooling solutions from data centers is expected to drive growth. Strict lockdowns enforced by global governments in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 hampered industry expansion. The lockdowns also impacted data centers, wherein data center consolidation was put on hold. Moving servers, closing buildings, and constructing a new location were all more difficult in the COVID-19 universe. Data centers showed growth in demand, owing mostly to the global workforce working from home and an increase in e-commerce.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Immersion Cooling Market
The immersion cooling market in the U.S. is undergoing a shift owing to the COVID-19 pandemic as players in this space undertook capacity expansion to meet the increasing demand for the product from data centers. The COVID-19 crisis spurred the spread of e-commerce to new enterprises, customers, and product categories. Furthermore, the rising need for IoT capabilities and cloud computing infrastructure in the U.S. is likely to fuel demand for data centers, particularly hyper-scale data centers.
The market exhibits the presence of several global as well as regional players. Several proprietary immersion cooling solutions are available in the industry and various manufacturers retrofit off-the-shelf Information Technology Equipment (ITE) to make it compatible with their technology. In addition, manufacturers offer customized solutions to their clients as per requirements.
The increasing demand for IoT functionality and cloud computing infrastructure is expected to drive the demand for data centers, especially hyper-scale data centers. Hyperscale data centers enable digital platforms to store and transfer data efficiently. As compared to modern data centers, hyper-scale facilities have high-volume traffic as well as the capability to handle heavy computing workloads.
Although systems are very efficient in removing heat from IT equipment, the capital costs associated with additional components and hardware modification are high, which can act as a challenge to the overall industry growth. In addition, servicing of systems is expected to present new challenges for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and data center service partners.
Immersion Cooling Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global immersion cooling market report on the basis of product, application, cooling liquid, and region:
Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
High-performance Computing
Edge Computing
Cryptocurrency Mining
Artificial Intelligence
Cooling Liquid Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
Mineral Oil
Fluorocarbon-based Fluids
Deionized Water
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Browse through Grand View Research's Advanced Interior Materials Industry Research Reports.
The global power quality measurement equipment market size was estimated at USD 35.6 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.5% from 2024 to 2030. 
The global automotive steel wheels market size was estimated at USD 14.94 billion in 2023 and is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 2.5% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The immersion cooling market is highly competitive with major companies striving for industry leadership. Key players emphasize integration across the value chain to strengthen their market positions. Strategies employed by companies include collaborations, partnerships, and new product development to enhance their industry positions. Companies such as Green Revolution Cooling and Asperitas have partnered to create awareness about systems in the industry space.
Strategies help the companies in enhancing their industry share and providing to the changing technological demand of various end-use industries such as data centers and IT companies. For instance, in March 2021, Liquid Stack collaborated with Wiwyn to advance the IT infrastructure designed for 2-phase immersion cooling. Some prominent players in the global immersion cooling market include:
Fujitsu Limited
Dug Technology
Green Revolution Cooling Inc.
Liquid Stack
Midas Green Technologies
DCX- The Liquid Cooling Company
LiquidCool Solutions
ExaScaler Inc.
Order a free sample PDF of the Immersion Cooling Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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cryofx02 · 10 days
CO2 Cannon Gun: Unleashing Spectacular Effects with Precision
The CO2 cannon gun is a dynamic piece of equipment used to create impressive bursts of fog or smoke in various entertainment and event settings. By harnessing the power of compressed carbon dioxide (CO2), these guns deliver a high-impact visual effect that can dramatically enhance concerts, festivals, sports events, and nightclub experiences. The CO2 cannon gun’s ability to produce striking fog plumes with precision and safety has made it a favorite among event planners and production teams looking to make a memorable impression.
How CO2 Cannon Guns Function
CO2 cannon guns operate by using pressurized liquid CO2 stored in tanks. When the cannon is activated, the CO2 is rapidly released through the nozzle, creating a powerful burst of fog. As the liquid CO2 exits the nozzle, it expands and cools, turning into a thick, cold fog that shoots several feet into the air. This immediate transformation produces a visually captivating effect that is perfect for emphasizing key moments or creating dramatic visual scenes.
One of the key benefits of CO2 cannon guns is their ability to produce a clean fog that dissipates quickly without leaving residue. This makes them ideal for indoor use, as they do not create lingering smoke or mess. Additionally, because the fog is generated without heat, the cannon remains safe to operate and does not pose a fire hazard, making it suitable for a wide range of environments.
Applications of CO2 Cannon Guns
Concerts and Music Festivals: CO2 cannon guns are frequently used in concerts and music festivals to enhance the energy and excitement of live performances. By synchronizing the fog bursts with music beats or climactic moments, performers can create an electrifying atmosphere that resonates with the audience. The dramatic effect of the fog adds a visual dimension to the performance, making it more engaging and memorable.
Nightclubs and Events: In nightclubs and party settings, CO2 cannon guns are used to energize the dance floor and create visually stunning effects. The bursts of fog can be timed with DJ set drops or special lighting effects, providing a dynamic sensory experience that elevates the party atmosphere.
Sports Events: At sports events, CO2 cannon guns are often employed to celebrate team victories, highlight player entrances, or mark key moments in the game. The fog bursts add an element of excitement and spectacle, helping to engage and entertain the crowd.
Theatrical Productions: In theater and stage productions, CO2 cannon guns can be used to simulate various atmospheric effects, such as fog or smoke, enhancing dramatic scenes and creating immersive environments. The precise control over the fog output allows for creative and impactful special effects that contribute to the storytelling. You can also get the best CO2 cannon guns via https://www.cryofx.com/.
Safety and Operation
While CO2 cannon guns are generally safe, proper operation is crucial. The fog produced is extremely cold, so the cannon should be aimed away from people to avoid frostbite or injury. Additionally, it is important to use CO2 cannons in well-ventilated areas to ensure safety and prevent excessive CO2 buildup.
The CO2 cannon gun is a versatile and impactful tool that adds a high-energy, visual element to any event. Its ability to create powerful, clean bursts of fog with precision makes it a valuable asset for concerts, nightclubs, sports events, and theatrical productions. By incorporating a CO2 cannon gun into an event, organizers can deliver a thrilling experience that captures the audience’s attention and creates lasting memories.
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evo9xesports · 11 days
Design Your Custom Esports Jerseys and Apparel At EVO9X Esports
Esports has become a booming industry, drawing in players, teams, and fans from across the globe. From strategic gameplay to immersive competitions, esports is more than just a hobby—it's a professional pursuit for many. As the esports scene grows, teams are seeking ways to stand out. Custom esports jerseys and apparel are the best ways to make an impression. At EVO9X Esports, we provide high-quality, fully customizable jerseys and apparel to help teams showcase their identity. Whether you're an amateur team or part of a professional organization, we have the perfect solution for your custom esports gear.
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Why Custom Esports Jerseys Matter
In the fast-paced world of esports, presentation is key. The way your team looks can influence both team morale and how your audience perceives you. Custom esports jerseys do more than just provide a uniform look—they enhance your team’s branding, professionalism, and unity.
Team Identity: A custom jersey allows you to represent your team’s colors, logos, and sponsors. It's not just a piece of clothing; it’s a symbol of who you are as a team.
Professional Appearance: Wearing high-quality apparel gives your team a polished look. It is especially important when competing in tournaments, as looking professional can attract sponsors and build a fan base.
Unity and Pride: Esports teams thrive on coordination and teamwork. Wearing matching custom jerseys boosts team spirit, giving players a sense of pride and belonging.
Benefits of Our Custom Jerseys
We go beyond providing standard jerseys. We offer a range of customization options that allow teams to create their apparel. Here are some of the main benefits of choosing us for your jerseys:
Full Dye Sublimation: Our jerseys are created using full dye sublimation, ensuring vibrant, long-lasting colors. The designs are infused into the fabric, meaning they won’t fade, peel, or crack even after multiple washes.
No Minimum Orders: We understand that esports teams come in all sizes. That’s why we offer the flexibility of ordering custom jerseys with no minimum order requirement. Whether you’re ordering for a small group or a large organization, we can accommodate your needs.
Fast Turnaround: In esports, timing is everything. We offer one of the fastest turnaround times in the industry, ensuring you get your custom jerseys when you need them without sacrificing quality.
Free Shipping: We take the hassle out of logistics by offering free shipping on all orders. Whether you’re located in the United States or internationally, we’ll make sure your gear arrives on time.
High-Quality Materials and Durability
We believe that quality should never be compromised. We use only the best materials for our custom jerseys and apparel. Our jerseys are made from breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics that keep players comfortable, even during intense gaming sessions. The materials are lightweight, allowing for full mobility without any restrictions.
Breathability: Esports athletes often play in high-stress environments where comfort is key. Our fabrics are designed to keep players cool and dry by wicking away sweat, preventing overheating during competitions.
Durability: Esports jerseys go through a lot—whether it’s being worn for practice, competitions, or promotional events. Our jerseys are built to last, with strong stitching and colors that won’t fade over time.
Flexibility: Our jerseys provide the perfect balance between comfort and flexibility. The fabric moves with you, ensuring players can react swiftly without feeling restricted by their clothing.
Why Choose Us for Your Esports Apparel
EVO9X Esports is more than just a custom apparel provider; we partner in helping your team succeed. Here are a few reasons why esports teams choose us for their custom apparel needs:
Expertise in Custom Apparel: With years of experience in the industry, we have perfected the art of custom apparel. We understand the needs of esports teams and provide tailored solutions that meet those needs.
In-House Designers: Our in-house graphic designers work closely with teams to create the perfect design. We don’t rely on templates—we create fully custom designs representing your team’s unique identity.
Affordable Pricing: We believe every team, regardless of budget, should have access to high-quality custom apparel. Our pricing is competitive, and we offer flexible options to suit every budget.
Comprehensive Service: We handle every aspect of your custom apparel order from start to finish. We offer design assistance, fast production, and free shipping, all with a focus on quality and customer satisfaction.
Esports is a fast-growing industry, and standing out in a crowded field requires more than just skill—branding, unity, and professionalism. With our custom esports jerseys and apparel, your team can make a bold statement both in and out of the game. From our wide range of customization options to our fast turnaround times and free shipping, we are committed to providing the best custom esports apparel on the market.
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satoshi-mochida · 5 months
Tchia for Switch launches June 27
From Gematsu
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The Switch version of Tchia will launch on June 27, developer Awaceb announced.
Tchia first launched for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC via Epic Games Store on March 21, 2023, and Steam on March 21, 2024.
Here is an overview of the game, via its store pages:
When an idyllic series of islands is attacked by strange fabric-made creatures who kidnap her father, a young girl named Tchia answers the call of adventure to rescue her family and her home. Tchia has plenty of tools at her disposal, ranging from a simple slingshot to the ability to jump into nearby creatures and objects. Called Soul Jumping, this power lets Tchia control animals. She can soar high in the sky as a seagull or swim through beautiful blue oceans as a fish. Using these abilities and more, Tchia fights off the monsters that have taken over her home and helps the island’s inhabitants. Jump into this love-letter to New Caledonia, a bright adventure filled with tender moments, beautiful vistas, charming characters, and a story that contends with a young person’s place in the world.
Key Features
Soul Jumping – Tchia’s special gift lets her take control of various animals and objects scattered across the island. By using their unique abilities, she can solve puzzles and uncover secrets.
Exploration And Travel – Tchia can jump and glide her way across a vast archipelago and use a Tricks system to do fancy dives and cool stunts. Tchia���s free-climbing mechanic also lets Tchia clamber up anything she wants, including the game’s physics-driven trees.
Ukelele – Whether she’s by herself or with a group of friends, Tchia can bust out her ukulele for some guaranteed good times. It can be used at key story moments or to trigger certain events, like attracting animals or even changing the weather.
Story and Music – Over the course of her heartfelt adventure, Tchia will meet her island’s people, a group inspired by New Caledeonia’s culture. With animated cutscenes that are fully voiced in New Caledonia’s traditional language, players will be teleported into a unique and immersive world.
Customization and Items – Tchia’s clothes and her boat can be customized with hundreds of unlockable cosmetic items ranging from traditional garbs to more outlandish get ups.
New Caledonia – The world of Tchia is inspired by New Caledonia, a tiny island in the Pacific Ocean and the homeland of Awaceb’s co-founders. Inspiration was taken from the rich and varied local landscapes, cultures, music, languages, folklores and traditions to create a fictional world and tell a universal story that anyone can understand and enjoy. The characters re voiced by local talent in traditional languages and subtitled in many languages including English, French, Russian, Chinese, German and more.
Watch a new trailer below.
Switch Release Date Trailer
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