#Ikaruga Civil War
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mizukagami-takamagahara · 9 months ago
Sometimes I fall down this rabbit hole of trying to understand the Tenjo Gender Paradox, like; Why do Bang, Kagura, even Homura call her a man throughout the games when surely they would have know otherwise? People say she was passed off as a man after her death in Ikaruga to help hide the fact that it was the Imperator Herself leading the 'rebel' faction, but how would her closest companions, her own family, not know the truth? If Bang was really her direct disciple, if she trained him, there's no way he wouldn't know, right??? They'd have to have met??? This makes no sense...
I need to remember that this whole paradox only exists because of localization error. In the original text, no gendered language is used for Tenjo in the main series. The male pronouns, and the confusion they cause in the fandom, were only introduced in localization as the singular 'they' had not been adopted in mainstream media at the time. So the whole 'paradox' just doesn't exist in the world of the games themselves; it's an issue unique to our world.
If I'm not mistaken, 'Tenjo of Ikaruga' being described as a 'big scary man with a scar' was still a rumor passed around during and after the war as an NOL misinformation campaign, but that doesn't cause the same narrative issues. It makes sense that characters like Bang and Kagura wouldn't bother to directly refute the rumors. They were valuable to keeping the truth of the war a secret for both parties.
Besides, speaking of Tenjo directly as a woman, even as her subordinates, may have been seen as disrespectful. The Imperator is meant to be a divine figure, and in several cultures this divinity can be reflected by avoiding gendering a person, classifying the position they hold as something 'above' gender. But now I'm just musing about a fictional society's cultural practices.
Homura would probably be an exception to this, able to refer to Tenjo as their 'mother' (contradicting the use of "father" they use in CP) but considering Homura is also never gendered, they may also avoid such terms, possibly as a sign of respect for the station they've inherited. Thinking about that, I went to find the scene in Japanese to figure out what Homura says... and heard them use "chichi," which I believe generally means 'father'???
I have heard some people talking in such a way as to suggest that masculine language can be interpreted as gender neutral within certain contexts in Japanese; for example, "兄弟" can be used to mean brother or any sibling, and would be the word used when asking someone if they have any siblings.
Assuming that's true, this use of "chichi" may be the same; used to refer to either gender of parent. I actually have seen it used in this way on some websites! But I can't be sure if this is entirely correct, as I don't actually speak Japanese. Hmmm...
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nkn0va · 7 months ago
If it's ok with you could do a some headcannons of Tsubaki, Noel, and Makoto with a M!Reader that has acess to the Persona Izanagi-No-Okami
It's my personal favorite persona
Blazblue story would've looked mad different if there was a dude that could just whip out the Myriad Truths against Izanami and Terumi
For convenience sake, InO is going to be the result of S/O having a Drive to keep in line with lore.
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-You were...on the average side when it came to combat back at Torifune. Your Ars Magus aptitude and physical prowess weren't by any means bad but nothing spectacular. This was however, until you awakened to a Drive by growing a connection with the Azure.
-You got the chance to show this off for the first time proper during the battle against Azrael. You had to hold him off while Professor Kokonoe was making the preparations to teleport him somewhere far away where he could never return from, and Ragna was not looking too good since Celica was disabling him pretty hard.
-That was when you finally revealed Izanagi No Okami for the first time. A move which predictably fired up Azrael quite a bit.
-Tsubaki for her part wasn't watching what was happening, that is until she sensed a vast power coming from the arena. Even she couldn't ignore that.
-Looking inside, she saw you of all people battling Azrael, a huge figure in pure white robes at your back. Like everyone else she's stunned. Despite knowing you for as long as she has, you'd never revealed you could do anything like that, let alone being powerful enough to fight the Mad Dog.
-The rescue mission happened to break her free from the Imperator's curse and the first thing she did when she finally got alone time with you was ask what you did against Azrael.
-As she hears the explanation, she can't help but feel safe, for what feels like the first time in years. You'd broken her free of the spell and you were even strong enough now to hold off a beast like Azrael. The future she envisioned with you now became even more secure.
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-You've always been there to stand up for Noel, not afraid to throw down with anyone should you need to, no matter who they were. You seemed strangely confident in your combat abilities, no matter who you were staring down.
-Noel wished she could be as fearless as you, be able to stare down anyone in the eye with complete confidence. It was a huge reason she fell for you to begin with. She wanted to learn a thing or two from you on confidence.
-It was a while before she learned the 'why'. During the Ikaruga Civil War the two of you were deployed to intercept Sector Seven agents trying to do...something, it wasn't made clear what they were after.
-The two of you were ambushed, outnumbered and outgunned. That was until you revealed the power of your Drive for the first time. A manifestation of the creator god Izanagi himself, effortlessly wiping out the entire ambush force.
-Noel was only snapped out of her star struck state when you snapped her out of it and got moving again. Her admiration for you only increased tenfold that day, wishing she could do even half the things you could.
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-Similar to Noel, you also readily stand up for Makoto when she's facing racially motivated bullying. Even if it was someone from the Duodecim itself you were prepared to stand up for your girlfriend.
-The fact you could so easily match Makoto's vigor and energy was a huge reason she fell for you. Whatever shenanigans she got up to, you were ready to meet the challenge.
-You went with her when she went off to look for Tsubaki after she'd gone missing and was under the Imperator's control. No matter how much you two tried to reach out to her, it was useless.
-She was also much stronger than before, Makoto wasn't ready for the Izayoi's power. You however, certainly were.
-You obviously kept Izanagi-no-Okami from going all out, you didn't want to kill Tsubaki, but the difference in your strength was more than obvious, and she was forced to retreat.
-Makoto is in complete shock, not knowing how to react. She'd never seen anything like it before, causing her to start bombarding you with questions the moment she finds her voice again.
-Seeing you kick ass like that made her so proud to have you as her s/o. If you could hold off Tsubaki like that so effortlessly you could probably even fight Azrael in the tournament coming up soon.
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thepizzalovingturtle · 1 year ago
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It might've been for the best that Tao didn't remember much from "Teach Me, Miss Litchi!" or that the episodes were not canon.
However, I cannot deny that the idea of Taokaka talking about things like the Ikaruga Civil War or NOL's reputation while Ragna stands there, flabbergasted at what he's hearing, is funny to think about.
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nottoxicfr · 1 year ago
Sometimes I think I can see through propaganda but then I listen to Lust Sun II (LA Vocal) and start thinking that maybe the Ikaruga Civil War was a good and necessary conflict. Maybe I should join Novus Orbis Librarium. This Jin Kisaragi guy is awesome.
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kuradoberijam · 2 years ago
Thinking about poor Bang again. Bang and Jin’s dynamic is so fucked up because like. It’s only revealed during Spiral Shift that the reason Jin says “Do I know you?” @ Bang in CT when Bang is talking about how Jin killed Tenjo is not because Jin’s an arrogant asshole and it was just another day for him but because he was literally memory wiped and has no recollection of the entire Ikaruga Civil War.
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cloudyspider · 1 year ago
Rereading/watching CT Story Mode Part 2. This time it's about Noel and Rachel's episodes.
Noel's story mode is both interesting and uninteresting upon revisiting it. Like it does a good job of getting her across somewhat as a somewhat ineffectual officer who has more going on with her than meets the eye. It brings to attention a few times, notably with her fight with Bang where after fighting her it felt like he was fighting with air, that makes it more apparent that she doesn't quite belong naturally in the world. Sets up that she's very good friends with Makoto and Tsubaki well. Has a good awful number of gag endings involving Litchi chasing her down to try to get her to wear cute clothes which I get but it makes me very appreciative of the later entries condensing things down to one gag ending. Feels less bloated this way. But there's not really much in terms of gaining new insight upon rereading when you've been through the whole series.
I say that at the same time though there is a scene with Noel talking about her being asked to join under Jin's squad that almost makes it sound like she was going to enter the Ikaruga Civil War but it's clearly more about the fact that Jin's squad was one of the one's that were on the frontline rather than her joining the frontline. As an aside that's less about her and more Hazama there seems to be foreshadowing that he and Terumi are separate entities even at this time when he's talking with Rachel Hazama acts confused upon seeing her before Terumi takes over at the end when she leaves to call her a "goddamn vampire." Of course Hazama could just be faking obliviousness. Also weird that he says he gonna have to report to headquarters after seeing Nu shish kabab Noel seeing how he's in reality at the top with Relius and how the timeline is soon to be terminated making it a pintless effort. Just odd.
Rachel's episode is a lot more different than what I remembered. She's a massive bitch to near everyone she meets and honestly kinda classless in behavior. Like her first fight is with Carl and it just has her straight beefing with him just because he was curious because she appeared out of nowhere because she teleported to the wrong place. It gets really bad with her treatment of Noel if she wins because she just takes Bolverk away from her if she wins and is just plain malicious to her. Makes me think that's because she's aware that Noel is the key to moving things forward while she can't so is acting out of petty jealousy in that regard. She's sort of nice with Ragna in the scenario she does beat him but is also derisively cold should he actually beat her. She's also more cordial with Kokonoe rather than the antagonism they have later on. Her interactions with Terumi here are different than how they're later on with her getting more riled up by Terumi rather than the other way around and treating him somewhat dismissively in regards to as a problem. Rather than pursue him when he does leave she just dismisses him as a non-problem for herself personally and when talking to Kokonoe she calls him "Kokonoe's old friend" which just seems really tactless especially when comparing her later on. She just comes across as largely a terrible person.
There's an odd bit in the beginning where there's focus on "the stars are moving" but I think that might've been a mistranslation referring to Takamagahara because that's what they'd refer to later in BBCS's CT Reconstruction. Or it could've been literal and astral bodies may've had a place in influencing the world in early BB lore before it got changed idk.
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orderbourne · 1 year ago
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@dcviated asked: "So, when was the last time you tried to talk with any of them?" Eira's voice is curious, but theres an unmistakable tinge of concern as well, brows softening. "Letters? Emails? Anything?"
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Just how did they get on this subject? The last time Jin checked, they were talking about Eira's family, not his. Besides, it wasn't as though the Kisaragi family's lack of closeness was some kind of secret. What more was there to discuss?
"What does it matter? I-."
The man stops mid-sentence. He'd known Eira long enough to understand that she wasn't going to just let this go without some kind of answer. With some reluctance, he explains.
"I...spoke with two of my sisters before I was deployed in the Ikaruga Civil War. One of them wished me luck, but the other...Well, she was hoping that I wouldn't return at all. Not counting the odd attempt on my life, that's the last I've dealt with any of them."
Admittedly, even Jin was somewhat saddened by this. What point was there in building up such a large and powerful family if you're only going to pit them against one another? Such a waste...
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"Well...I think that's enough about that. You said that you're planning on seeing your family for Christmas?"
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thetristoneera · 1 year ago
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In a land of imagination, the House of Vig Sols created a space colony many millennia ago. Ruling over it peacefully through hella changes that would have you questioning your own immortality if you lived there. Rebellion after rebellion, none of them made sense; cause Vig Sols was a peaceful space colony for more than half of its existence. Peacefully evil, took them several millennia to make sure it was a safe haven for villains.
Cosmirana is the heiress to the Pirate Spaceship known as Light of Evil, her mother handed her the reigns twenty five years ago. It’s a size ten battleship that looks like a giant gun with half a hilt. All up & down the barrel area are armada & plasma turrets for all kinds of technology & space monsters. There are a total of four hundred gundam bays & one hundred bays for different sizes of spaceships. It’s like an Ikaruga exhibit when it’s go time. Light of Evil was created in year 6253 VU (Vassichiri Unity), funny right? Vassichiri Unity before a Species War broke out. Technically, it was created about 3,000 years ago; it’s year 807 FA (Final Anchor) now. We can only hope but Light of Evil makes sure there is no peace. They pillage from any source they can while heavily & swiftly moving through out the darkness. Their coven department made a spell of darkness upon the giant battleship being completed. It’s lined with enchanted black salt in its metal plates, countless times the spell was casted so the spaceship could literally move from one dark pocket to the next. With shadow being a major component of the spell, it can literally teleport from the back of one space colony to another in an instant. All the spaceship needs is enough quantum energy to jump when the drive is activated. Then they’ll turn the lights on, the gundams will launch & their smaller battleships will launch; good luck. They take with so much ease, civilization considers them god like. With no intelligence or power to stop them, Galactic Forces are usually playing catch up by the time they are done looting.
Now let’s get into who they are… From the left to the right, the first column are the heads of this pirateer organization. Ms Doves is Cosmirana’s best mate, been besties since they were three year olds. She grew up understanding the importance of having evil saviors, having evil caretakers. Ms Doves was a loyalist by the time she was thirteen. Cosmirana had a personal duty to pull for her mother, to be left at a prosperous city of Planet Xorol to tend to a shelter event. Where she has to study the effects of helping the less fortunate; when Cosmirana realized that studying them wasn’t going to help anything. She learned the lesson of, we must do. Ms Doves was with her & learned that lesson too. Action is a requirement for any pirateer to become important for the cause. It’s something that was instilled in O, 1st Time, Vonaraiville, Lus Chaosiss & Palace Vesp; as they were too, children that grew up with Light of Evil. They became the Magnificent Seven by the time they were in their junior year of high school. The other ladies were acquired through out life & it’s magically lucky all of them are the same age.
None of the guys were children that grew up with Light of Evil. All of them, happenstance later in life by experiencing Light of Evil looting entities hoarding resources. In this mix; some of them were law enforcement, some of them were workers for the Super Warrior Guild, one was a galactic class model, one was in college for language history, one is a prodigal martial artist; just an obscure group of random people from all over the solar system. They simply were inspired by the people in all black with LED lit gear on; touching chins with the elegance of an angel before wrecking them with the wrath of devils. All of the guys thought; with out skipping a beat, “The UFC ain’t got nothing on these pirates!” After every time these pirates run a muck to save lives, they always leave a memento so people can figure out a way to become a pirateer. It was in how they used all of their knowledge to help where they could. These twelve were great for Light of Evil, ever since that light went off in their heads; their careers for villainy have been splendid.
These super beings have been moving at a nonstop rate for five decades with no intention of stopping. This might be the generation that chases immortality for an ultimate tomorrow. As a tradition, the Vig Sols live a natural life without accepting the grace of this universe. At any given time, any super being can voice their wish for eternal life; they will feel the universe blessing them. This is an occurrence that can happen at any age. But none of them have accepted it because of the oath they took, when they swore into the Light of Evil. It’s up to you to find out if the events of this story will drive them into finally breaking a three thousand year tradition.
Base of Operations: Space Colony: Vig Sols / Alliance: the Super Villain Guild & An Assortment of Pirateers / Occupation: World Leaders of Space Colony: Vig Sols & Galactic Class Pirateers / Their Order: Spreading Light For the Sake of Evil Doers
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abyss-of-the-azure · 8 years ago
Okay this is confusing me, Lord Tenjo was the former Emperor of the NOL, as her child Homura is the current Emperor. YET, Jin killed her in the Ikaruga Civil War, which was so the Ikaruga Fed. could declare independence from the NOL. But she was also Bang's master, and he was part of the war against NOL. THIS IS ALL REALLY CONFUSING WHICH SIDE WAS THE EMPEROR ON!? (forgive me, I'm new to the clusterfuck that is the BB lore).
Tenjou Amanohokosaka was the Imperator of the NOL. Both Bang Shishigami and Kagura Mutuski were her students, and Homura is her child.
To the public, the war started because five different hierarchical cities formed under one as the Ikaruga Federation, and tried to claim independence from the NOL, which the latter didn’t like, and declared war.
During this time, Sector Seven decided to create a Kusanagi Unit, and the strings were being pulled by Relius Clover, Yuuki Terumi, and Hazama, with Hazama being planned to merge with Mu-12 to create the Unit. It didn’t work as Take-Mikazuchi fired on the laboratory, and the area became known as the “Burning Fields of Ikaruga”.
The war had another reason that Relius and Terumi were working towards, and that was making sure there was plenty of deaths. Lots of deaths were required to summon Hades: Izanami into the world so she could possess Saya’s body, but enough deaths didn’t occur until the events of Continuum Shift a few years later.The war was being dragged on to meet this criteria. Everyone knew that the NOL could easily destroy the Ikaruga Federation with its superior army and access to high-level Ars Magus. Relius went so far as to even create proxy troops for the NOL to fight despite the Federation having no idea about their existence.
Despite Tenjou being the Imperator of the NOL, there was a coup d’etat taking place inside it, presumably masterminded by Relius, Terumi, Hazama, and Meifang Lapislazuli. Tenjou’s identity as the head of the NOL was never disclosed to the public, and she was made out as the villain who was the leader of the Ikaruga Federation. Thanks to Hazama, Jin Kisaragi was to be the one who murdered Tenjou, and she didn’t put up a fight even though she had intended to survive beyond the war. Terumi ate Jin’s memories and disposed of Tenjou’s body, replacing it with someone else. At the time, Tenjou was infamous for wearing a mask, and no one knew she was a woman, but a rumour had circulated that she wore a mask to hide a hideous scar - the replacement body had a large scar on their face.
Thanks to Kagura, Hibiki Kohaku, Iron Tager, and Kokonoe Mercury, Homura was smuggled out of the Federation and into hiding. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing somehow got word that Homura was somewhere in the federation, and told Bang during CS. Some, including Bang, believed that Homura was killed by the NOL.
With the NOL now under new management, they became a lot stricter and enforced a harsher rule on the world, which made the public resent them even more (Linhua is a good example of a normal person who intensely dislikes them).
I guess that’s the Ikaruga Civil War in a nutshell.
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camelliacried · 5 years ago
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                ❝   ... At any rate, in the meantime... You can count on us to keep doing our jobs. Most of us know exactly what sort of power we hold, and understand exactly how to refrain from using it. Most of us also know what happens when people get incited like this... So we’ll be there to make sure no one gets punished for the injustice of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.   ❞
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mizukagami-takamagahara · 2 years ago
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Novus Orbis Librarium, 9th Squadron; The 'Hound Unit'
as seen in Variable Heart, Volume 3, Chapter 17
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nkn0va · 1 year ago
I'd like to request some litchi relationship hcs possibly with a reader that gets hurt a lot and ends up at her clinic.
Holy fuck I ended up making this a long ass post for just one character, Jesus Christ. Blazblue just does that to me I guess lmao, especially since it's my first post for it. Hope you enjoy, this was a ton of fun to do.
Obviously for the sake of this ask, Litchi didn't have any romantic attraction to Roy. She's trying to save a friend from a horrific fate.
Litchi Faye-Ling
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-The two of you first met when Litchi joined Sector Seven, you were working under Kokonoe just like her and Roy, but instead of a scientist working in the lab like them you were one of the professor's field agents.
-Just like everyone else you quickly started picking up on Roy going insane. Then the whole ordeal happened when he fell into the Boundary, came out as...whatever the fuck that thing was, and Litchi soon left. She really didn't want to leave you, but she felt as if she needed to go save Roy.
-As much as it hurt, you respected her wishes, and the two of you promised to see each other again someday.
-Fast forward to after the Ikaruga Civil War ended, and you're out doing field work for Kokonoe in Kagutsuchi. You're confronted by some NOL officers that tell you a level D alert has been enacted in the city due to rumors of the criminal known as the Grim Reaper being here and that you're to leave immediately.
-Naturally you stand your ground. You're on a mission for Kokonoe and frankly you don't wanna find out the consequences of failing. A battle inevitably breaks out, you barely manage to get out of that shitshow, though not without a healthy dose of wounds.
-You honestly have no idea where you are at this point, however you see a building nearby that looks like a clinic. Seeing nowhere else to go, you take the liberty of inviting yourself in, holding your side in an attempt to hold back the bleeding.
-Imagine the surprise on both yours and Litchi's faces when you come through the door. Once the shock subsides it quickly turns into confusion and then worry once she sees the state you're in.
-You're probably out of commission for at least a couple weeks, and once Litchi makes sure you're not going to die, the anxiety calms down. It's been quite a while since you two last saw each other, so you have a good time catching up. What has Litchi been doing since she left? How'd she end up here starting a clinic while following Roy? How are Tager and Kokonoe doing?
-Soon you're deemed healed enough to leave, however being a field agent for someone like Kokonoe of all people it's only a matter of time before you find yourself trudging back to the small clinic out in Orient Town.
-With each passing visit Litchi only worries more and more for you. Eventually old feelings start to resurface and she realizes exactly where this worry stems from.
-One day you get a bit too brash and come back with particularly bad injuries, ones that could've potentially been fatal. you barely make through the door of clinic before passing out. Upon finally waking up you receive a pretty good scolding from the doctor about you needing to be more careful. Is it just you or does there seem to be a small hint of color on her face...?
-Once she finally calms down you confront her about it. It was really a simple question of her seeming more worried than usual, yet it's enough to make her freeze up. Eventually she knows she can't hide the truth anymore, and finally reveals what she's been feeling ever since your days at Sector Seven together.
-Being taken aback that such a kind, smart, and drop-dead gorgeous woman felt that way about you, you are more than happy to return her affections.
-Being a doctor, Litchi naturally feels the urge to take care of you. There may or may not be some naughty thoughts going through both your heads about a "thorough examination" lmao.
-This is the kind of woman you should wish to have. Being as stubborn as she is in saving Roy, that kind of loyalty will naturally be extended to her partner. She will risk it all for you if it means keeping you safe. You will not find a more dedicated and loyal partner than her.
-A relationship with her would be...a work in progress. There's a fair bit of emotional baggage on her part especially due to her mission in saving Roy. Though having known Roy yourself you're more than willing to help out in anyway you can. Whether that's through your field expertise, helping her test out some new method you might find of pulling someone out of the Boundary, trying to squeeze whatever info you can from Kokonoe without revealing your intentions, or just in general acting as emotional support You're there for her just as much as she is for you when it matters.
-Overall, a relationship with Litchi is extremely fulfilling in every possible way as long as both of you put in the work, and I mean every possible way. I'll leave that part up to your imagination...
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mystech-master · 4 years ago
Ragna the Bloodedge’s past/backstory in link form
I kind of wanted to find all the scenes across the Blazblue canon so we can get a look at what Ragna's past before the start of the games was. We can discuss it all we want but I feel like we need to see how the games and series as a whole SHOW us.
I am going to try and link these in supposed chronological order
1. Izanami and Relius talk about how her current vessel (Saya) was made. (This is the scene that talks about how Ragna, Jin, and Saya were made from both the Black Beast's Genes and are the children of PFD No. 5 who was in turn based off of Saya Terumi aka Naoto Kurogane's sister. It is important to review this scene so we can see what the series itself actually says instead of the fandom's simplification) (CF)
2. Jin tells Tsubaki about his and his siblings' past (this is the only mention in the games that I could find about their past in the lab where they were made. It may have been mentioned in a story from a material collection that wasn't translated or I couldn't find) (CF)
3. Ragna and his Siblings first arrive at Church after Jubei rescues them (CF)
4. Sister takes Ragna and his siblings out to find berries to make jam but they get lost (CF)
5. Ragna is sick and the sister and his siblings watch over him (CF)
6. Noel sees one of Saya's memories of Ragna (CT Reconstructed)
7. Ragna flashbacks to Saya (CT Reconstructed)
8. Random flashback with Sister for motivation (probably meant to parallel with Celica's appearance right after) (CP)
9. Ragna and Saya are playing but a Seithr-Mutated dog attacks them and Saya's Seithr-Amp power causes a blast (CF)
(be prepared because there are like 4 different versions of the Church fire scene)
10. Ragna's last moments before the Church Fire (CF flashback)
11. Ragna's worst day ever and what led up to it (CT Ragna's Story mode flashback)
12. Again, the Church fire and Ragna waking up a bit after (CT Reconstructed)
13. Rachel's Short story from the Blazblue Calamity Trigger Material Collection shows Rachel arriving after Terumi's attack and Ragna obtaining the Azure Grimoire
14. Ragna waking up after getting the Azure Grimoire, meeting Jubei again, and some of his early training. (This is pretty much what his entire teenage years were like) (CS Story mode)
Link (Extra Link non-transparent text boxes but JP audio)
15. Ragna meeting Tora and Tao as a kid
16. Ragna's appearance in Remix Heart (why Jubei brings him right under the NOL Training academy for something is beyond me)
Link to chapter
17. Jubei showing Ragna the PFD/MUs and telling him what they are (CF)
18. Ragna's training is complete, Jubei gives him his Coat and Sword, and tells him the "Never think of the Azure as your own" line
19. Ragna's appearance in Blazblue Variable Heart (Start at Ch 6, he shows up at the end), he has his coat and sword and he knows about PFDs but no one seems to recognize him, plus this takes place right after the Ikaruga Civil War ends and he starts his criminal career I think half a year after that.
20. Ragna's possibly first attack on an NOL branch, probably Akitsu-Kou before going to Kagutsuchi (which is weird because he should've been to at least one other based on his dialogue with Nu in CT)
OKAY, this is pretty much Ragna's entire backstory in link form. With all of these lined up as so, have I gotten any specific thoughts about Ragna stirring within anyone? Anyone who knows anything about psychology want to take a stab at how all these things could affect him? Or do you just have something you want to say about the guy now that I pretty much laid his entire past out like this?
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hobgayblin · 4 years ago
1 and 7 for whoever you're feeling? (@eldritchships)
We'll go with BlazBlue for Bang and Azrael both <3
1. how did you discover your f/o’s content?
sgdhfgsd Strop is the fiend that got ball into BlazBlue and now here we are :/ I'm deeply in love with two stupid idiots. Which is WILD honestly bc it required me to buy games and then actually play them and I did BOTH. somehow
7. are there any specific scenes/chapters/moments of your f/o that you find yourself going back to revisit more often than any other?
YES !!!! for Bang there's this one scene in Chronophantasma where he's camping with Bullet in the woods and he's trying whatever he can to get her to relax and smile... He tries to tell a joke and then when that doesn't work he draws a face on his stomach and does a stupid belly dance he is SO stupid and SO sweet and he goes to such lengths to get people to smile and it makes me so 🥺🥺🥺 I also like watching his Chronophantasma gag reel bc both him and Azrael are in it and its funny. also bc it has one of my fave Azrael lines ggfshdkf
For Azrael, theres Bang's gag reel, sometimes his gag reel which is similar but somehow more stupid (and had both of them sgdhf), AND. ESPECIALLY. Theres a part in Kokonoe's Extended story where it shows him fighting troops and also Tager during the Ikaruga Civil War and its just. its so. he's so........... GOD !!!!!!!!! GOD 😳😳😳 also. this one part in the story mode where he's like "giiirrrrlll" to Celica, I go back and watch that constantly FGSHDKFSDF
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kuradoberijam · 2 years ago
It wasn’t that Jin missed Taro. Not at all. It was part of the job to get stationed in different places after all. It was only that there was an indescribable void in Jin’s chest where Taro’s voice usually made its home.
Chapters: 1/1
Series: Blazblue (Video Game Series)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Jin Kisaragi & Taro Sasagae
Characters: Jin Kisaragi, Taro Sasagae, Noel Vermillion, mentioned Kagura Mutsuki, mentioned Seven Kisaragi, Mucro Algesco Yukianesa
Additional Tags: Angst, Conflict, Pre-Canon, Pre Calamity Trigger, Post Spiral Shift, Ikaruga Civil War | Second War of Ars Magus (BlazBlue), (or at least the aftermath), Jin being an asshole to hide his loneliness as is typical for him, Mucro Algesco Yukianesa - Freeform, Character Study, Because god forbid I write Jin without psychoanalyzing him, Jin experiences problems that are entirely his fault
Series: Part 6 of Stabbed Jin Saturday
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cloudyspider · 2 years ago
Reading TvTropes for BlazBlue on Jin's page and it says something in the foil section how Jin dismisses things like camaraderie because its just a lie people use for their own advantage. Not sure where that's sourced from from but there's an odd dissonance for him to think that when his track record for people around him is pretty solid (when it doesn't come from the Kisaragi's). He had good friends during his school years and even during his military time during the Ikaruga Civil War the rest of the squad he was a part did eventually warmed up to him with the exception of Karenjina.
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