#If time travel creates a duplicate person
completeoveranalysis · 8 months
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
One of the problems with science fiction is that there is no secular term for the soul. It's a religious concept with no scientific basis, but artistically it conveys a very important idea that I think sometimes gets lost in sci-fi. It's a simple term for an important idea that gets rejected out-of-hand because it's a religious idea, but it actually matters a great deal for non-religious reasons.
In essence, soul is an easy shorthand for the breadth of one's inherent, individual being-ness. To avoid the kneejerk associations that sci-fi fans have to the word "soul", I tend to use "continuity of consciousness" to try and explain this idea. But a lot of times people still don't quite seem to grasp it.
In essence, there is a tendency in sci-fi to think of people externally. A person is their demonstrable factors. Their appearance, their personality, their memory, their experience, all things that can be interacted with or recreated through the magic of super-science.
If you clone Joe, then the result is Joe! We brought Joe back to life through cloning. Now Joe is here with us again. And if we clone Joe again, we get two Joes! Isn't that amazing? And they're both Joe!
We don't think of people internally. Are they both Joe? Is either of them even Joe? Or are they brand new people saddled with Joe's memories and personality and history?
What happened to Joe? We're only thinking about Joe in terms of our perspective as people who are not Joe, but what was Joe's experience? Did he actually die, and then wake up in a new clone body? Is his continuity of consciousness preserved? Did he actually experience coming back to life? Or did Joe die, and now Joe is still just dead. And there's been a new consciousness created to inhabit the clone?
What does this experience look like from Joe's perspective? Not Clone Joe. Original Joe.
Severed from its religious meaning, this is what the soul is an artistic shorthand for. Joe's "soul" is a simple and easy way of conveying the question, what actually happened to the inherent consciousness/personhood/continuous thinking existence of the true Joe? Does the clone share the same "soul" or does it have a new "soul"? Do their consciousnesses continue from one to another or are their consciousnesses separate?
Even calling it "consciousness" doesn't fully convey this idea. Because they can have different answers for that. The clone may feel that their consciousness extends back throughout Joe's death and life, while the original Joe's consciousness nonetheless ended at death. There is no secular term for the inherent quality of a continuity of individually existing, in and of itself.
And because there's no secular term, we just don't think about it.
But I do. I think about this every time I'm presented with a clone or a time-travel duplicate or a parallel universe counterpart, and told by the story to treat them as if they were the same. If this character does not share continuity of the original's consciousness, then they are not the same. Even if all other features are identical.
And I don't know how to express that with words.
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barelyahumanbeing · 2 months
The Strange Night at the Convenience Store
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Pairing Humanoid monster x reader
Plot You moved to that place recently and already had a favorite convenience store. There was nothing special about, until you had to go there at night and cross into a peculiar version of it... with also a peculiar attendant
Warnings: None
N. A. So this is my first story for this blog, and I'm so excited with this new project! I have plans of bringing other formats besides lists like this one, so please tell me what type of content you feel more comfortable with 🥰 I'll also create a masterlist with all my content separated by creature, title and other categories in the future, so everything will be kept in order. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this little story and feel free to share your thoughts!
🥀 You moved to that city a few weeks ago and were still adapting to your new routine. It was the first time you were going to live alone, so you were excited and scared at the same time
🥀 Among all the things you had to manage by yourself now, it was discovering the supermarkets and shops that existed near your place, and which of them had the best products and prices. One day, you found a convenience store on a gas station located on a block behind the one where your building was, which sold snacks and essential items at a good price. It quickly became your favorite store, and you went there on every opportunity you had
🥀 Thing is that you always went there by day, so you never needed to leave your apartment by night when you wanted a good treat
🥀 However, there was this time when you forgot to shop at day, so you only found out your pantry was empty when it was almost 21pm
🥀 You sighed. Your movie night would have to start later than you planned
🥀 You left home promising you were going back to its comfort soon
🥀 You used to cross an alley right behind your building to shorten the way to the store, but you didn’t want to use it at night, so you took an entire walk around the block.
🥀 When you were about to cross the street, you noticed a change in your surroundings. The street, the buildings and cars were... different. Old. It was like you were in the same place, but in a past version of it. Even the few people you saw on the sidewalks wore strange clothes: they weren’t retro clothes like the ones you used to see in popular shops, but real, old clothes, though they were in good conditions, as if they were bought recently. The people were strange as well, but you weren’t sure about why you thought that
🥀 You didn’t understand what was going on, but you decided to pretend everything was alright and enter the convenience store. It was better than making a scene and attract unwanted attention
🥀 It was like entering another dimension: it was the perfect scenario of those convenience store of the movies produced in the 1980s, but realistic… and with an unsettling aura. Maybe it was the green neon lights that came out of nowhere, casting a sinister glow over the objects and colored walls. You saw a calendar and went there to see the date. You held your breath: the sheet was new, but it was from February 1984
🥀 So not only you traveled to a different universe, you also traveled back in time
🥀 The store was empty, but this didn’t bring you the relief you were expecting: the idea of being alone at night in a distorted reality was far too scary
🥀 As you walked through the corridors, you observed the racks and found the strangest things, from weird foods with even weider flavors, objects which use you couldn’t imagine and other things you were unable to identify.
🥀 Well, unlike you imagined, you weren’t really alone in that place: a voice called from the bottom of the place. It was a male, duplicated voice that spoke polite words in human language, but little it had to do with humanity
🥀 “Good evening, Miss. What can I do for you?”
🥀 You froze in your spot. The voice was talking to you. The person – or whatever was that – already saw you. What should you do next?
🥀 Since you didn’t give any verbal response, the voice spoke again
🥀 “Hey, it looks like you’re lost. Do you need help?”
🥀 In fact, you needed help, but you weren’t sure if you could seek for any help in there with an unknown being... Still, you decided to risk it. It wasn’t like you had many choices
🥀 “I do... I think I ended up in the wrong address, and I’d like to know how I get out of here”
🥀 You said those things while approaching the counter. When you realized what you were doing, you were already standing before it, staring at the voice’s owner
🥀 He was a man, or something like that: a humanoid individual dressed in the same style of the people you saw outside, but in his case it was the typical attendant uniform of the movies; he was taller than any human you’ve seen in your life, being able to touch the ceiling in case he raised his arms; his skin was of a dark shade of green, and most of the visible skin was covered in a discreet layer of even darker hair, and the same color was seen in the thick strands on his head. His eyes, resembling gold and contrasting with the green of his body, glowed under the neon lights when he laid them on you. You comforted yourself thinking it was just a gleam of curiosity
🥀 To be honest, you were curious about him too. First, it was obvious that he wasn’t wearing a costume: the green, the gold and all that hair were too real to deceive one’s eyes. Second, there was no way one could fake that height: you barely reached his chest. Besides, in the middle of that extraordinary situation, you realized you weren’t sensing any threat coming from him; you felt like you were in the presence of a common person, which only difference lied in his appearance. It was like a weird dream, except that you knew you were awake
🥀 He spoke for the third time, and you confirmed the origin of the voice. It vibrated inside you now that you heard it closer
🥀 “Yeah, I see you don’t belong here. I’d be scared if was you, too”
🥀 That was said in a playful tone, and you saw the long fangs on his mouth when he opened it to smile. You let out a nervous laugh
🥀 “I don’t understand what’s going on... I went to a convenience store near my place, but tonight things went... differently. And now I’m here”
🥀 The creature made a "Hm" and thought of this for a moment. The absence of confusion in his traits showed you that, apparently, the case wasn't as unusual to him as it was to you. And, in fact, his reply let it clear
🥀 "It used to happen more often in the past. It's been a while since the last person from your side ended up here, but it's no big deal. We don't know why or how exactly it happens, but sometimes you just cross the door without noticing. Usually they get scared when they realize they're lost, but you don't seem scared at all"
🥀 He approached the wooden board as to observe you from close. You were apprehensive, but didn't step back
🥀 "Still, I'm sure it's your first time here", he continued, "I don't remember seeing your face before"
🥀 You crossed your arms in front of your chest. That was your time to smile
🥀 "You always remember people's faces?"
🥀 “Not always, but the most interesting ones never escape my sight”
🥀 You spent a considerable time staring at him, measuring those words. Was that his way to say you were pretty or, at least, peculiar? What was even considered pretty in that place? Whatever the answer, the whole thing was unbelievable: a non human individual was flirting with you?
🥀 "Well, I think you haven't seen much people from my side, then", you commented, "I'm pretty common among my people. I don't think you'd remember me anyway"
🥀 The glow in his eyes came back, stronger as he leaned over the board. The fangs seemed to glow in his smile
🥀 "I work at a convenience store, dear. I've seen more people than you could count, and I'm telling you: my eyes and my memory work well together"
🥀 Your smile faded a bit, less because you didn’t know how to respond than by embarrassment. Your hand brushed your hair behind your war before you could stop it
🥀 "If you say so..."
🥀 Fortunately for you, he made you a favor and changed the conversation's direction
🥀 "So, since you're my only client at the moment, guess you can have my undivided attention. What do you need for tonight? Coke? Snacks? Something else?"
🥀 You laughed at the casual tone after such an intense dialogue about remembering faces
🥀 "I need something for a movie night. What do you have for me?"
🥀 "Tell me what you want"
🥀 "I want you to surprise me"
Tell me if you want Part 2!
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sequs-art-box · 27 days
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Am I cooking chat.... [more info below]
So this is a [hopefully] better version of my Wild West AU, now named Desert Enchantment AU.
The biggest difference is the aesthetic, which is now has more fantasy elements (mostly a magic system) instead of being plain old western.
I'm gonna talk about the plot later cause I wanna talk about our three main characters and their powers first.
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Sheriff Fendri (Fear) is the newly recruited guardian of Scornreach. He is a Wielder (what magic users are called in this au) of Illusion magic, more specifically in duplication. Basically, he can create multiple clones of himself and specific objects whenever he wants to. This is very useful in battle, since he can easily overwhelm opponents with duplicates of himself or his weapons. Only Fendri is able to communicate and physically interact with his clones. While illusionists are often associated with trickery, Fendri likes to play fair in a fight which is ironically his biggest weakness.
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Valka (Joy) is a wanted outlaw. What? Just because she's a Wielder of Light doesn't mean she's a good person. As the name suggests, Valka can control and manipulate light, but she can't travel at the speed of it. Her abilities cater more to deflecting objects, temporarily blinding enemies, and shooting extremely hot hyper beams. She can also go invisible under direct sunlight. Valka also carries weapons casted with her own magic, like her shotgun. Under specific circumstances, light magic can also heal mild to moderate wounds, as well as reverse shadow corruption.
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Agni (Anger) is Valka's partner, both in crime and in love. He is a Wielder of Fire and Shadow magic. The fire part is pretty self-explanatory; Agni can control and shoot fire from his limbs. Basic stuff. Now his Shadow magic is a little unique. Like Valka, he too can go invisible, but in darkness instead of light. He can also summon creatures of Shadow (mainly dragons cause he likes dragons) to do his bidding, like spy on someone or kidnap a hostage. He can combine his fire with said creatures so they can wield flames too. Shadow magic in general takes a long time to fully master, so if you're not careful, it could corrupt you. Agni has been corrupted a couple of times. Valka had to save him.
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satoshy12 · 1 year
My wife's dad is more scary then Batman and my grandfather Ra's al Ghul
Estelle as name for Dani or Estrella 
4 Baby Talons (clones of dick Grayson)
It had already been a few months since Damian got married to his friend Ellie, and he was very happy. I'm not sure how to explain it to his family or, worse, her family, but that can wait. It happened while he was traveling with her together on vacation through the countries. And he chated and wrote her like four times a day.
While Damian hid it from his family, Dani didn't, as she first told Sam. Jazz and Maddie are working on how to tell Danny. And then Danny learned about it, and he left to meet that boy in Gotham. It had been a long time since he had been in Gotham. And the observers wanted that one person called Doctor Simon Hurt; too many souls died thanks to him.
He was joined by Skulker on this mission. Skulker was just happy to hunt something new, as he didn't try to hunt Danny anymore. The pain that Danny did to his Robot Body he felt on his real boy!
Well, Dani kind of followed Danny; she wanted to make sure he didn't turn her into a widow! She didn't even tell him about her being a meta!
There was something not many people knew about Danny that he himself never noticed, as Amity Park had known him since he was a baby. And being pretty carefree in your demeanor doesn't help. But once outside of Gotham or at Gala with Vlad, people notice it, like Lex Luthor that very short moment in the Gala.
Here in Gotham,
Danny met his son-in-law, and he found the boy interesting. Sam had told him about the child of Bruce Wayne, the playboy billionaire. But he wasn't sure why the boy was so jumpy. I mean, Skulker isn't even near them; already, with few of his duplicates had found Dr. Hurt and captured him already. And Danny others looked if that Owl group still existed since the last time he cleaned them up.
Danny is too powerful for most normal people to fear. Only with good instinct will he notice how formidable he truly is.
So poor Damian's whole body was in horror at this moment. His instinct made him able to notice it fully.
Damian twitched as he was just near Dani's Father, no matter how he tried to hide or stop it. This man made him think of his grandfather, General Zod or similiar. He wanted to draw his Sword, but he didn't have it near him.
Damian smiled at Dani as he tried to play it cool. But when you notice your father-in-law's shadow moving, HE HAS SEEN WORSE! He can do this!
And after a good dinner and talk he got the support of Danny; Ellie smiled; she wouldn't be a widow; and Damian was happy he was accepted and didn't have to fight this villain, maybe? or in the future. Damian didn't get to sigh in relief as Danny left and whispered something about collecting something.
No! Damian, doesn't care!
He wants alone time with his wife. Only to be told "he was to come with his family to Amity Park to meet the Fenton. Damian's family should meet theirs."
Dani told him they would come, and she would Call them 1 or 2 days bore that first before Damian could say anything.
As Danny was outside of Gotham, Skulker came to him with his few duplicates, holding four tiny blue-gold mixed-eyed children. "Skulker, you destroyed how they were created and so they can't do it again?" Skulker:"Yup, destroyed both Dionesium and Electrum and let few pets out to eat them, it wasn't Lazarus Pit which is needed after all and has nothing to do with us in the Zone. Also I sent copies of the Court members, very damning evidence of their crimes to many newspapers and reporters all around the US. Did you know they blackmailed a few Senators? It will be a comedy in a few days; you can tell that goth girl to tell her family." Danny nodded his head at that. " The cover-ups for this one?" Skulker:" Yes, Mr. Freeze will do it, as last thanks for helping to heal his wife." Danny:" Good, we can leave then. I am hungry."
Skulker:" Didn't you just eat?"
At Amity Park, it didn't take long for Jazz to just accept the new 4 Owlet babies and raise them, she really is wanting to raise them. True, Danny had no plan for them, but that works too. And now they just have to wait for Damian to visit with his family.
At Gotham, after the chaos was fixed by Mr. Freeze and the new chaos started by the news and police forces and even villains attacking the higher class… Bruce meets and learns about his son's wife, and he is told to meet her family in Amity Park. Damian warned his father, his new father-in-law, that this is very scary and not normal.
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loudlittleecho · 3 months
Too Late to Save Them: Frozen in Time
Part 5
Forever Ice
A company that has its hands in commercial and medical. 
An insulated cup that keeps your drinks cold? In perpetuity?
An insulated container that keeps your medicine cold, without refrigeration? Helpful for the unhoused and migratory? Keeps donated organs cold during travel. Supports medical supplies and food supplies to war torn countries.
Makes Nathan millions. 
No other company can replicate his Forever Ice. 
Many try. Many fail. 
Nathan reaps the rewards of a good businessman.
His company has grown, and so many want their hands in his stock. 
His investors want to know the secret. They want him to duplicate his ice and have more of it available. (He tried; but the ice will only grow back after some is split from the main source. . . the boy. It won’t grow on its own. He did think about. . . splitting the child, but even he wasn’t that inhumane).
The world had developed and changed drastically from when he was a child. 
World ending threats and superhuman aliens existed.
He should have accounted for someone wanting his ice. . . for using unsavory means to get it. 
As he stared at the assassin in front of him, he attempted to bargain. To pay him not to kill him. 
The masked man shook his head. 
“If only it was that simple.”
- - - 
Nathan’s body moved. Nathan’s body spoke. Nathan’s body performed decent enough for no one to realize that it wasn’t Nathan controlling it. 
Meanwhile Nathan begged and cried out in his mind as his body was piloted by someone using a chip embedded deeply in his brain. 
The one controlling Nathan made him transfer funds to an undisclosed account. The one controlling Nathan made him break into the Ice. Made Nathan see the boy again. 
Observe with his eyes as the frost built up and covered the boy in ice. 
And again, this time with specialized equipment. 
The one controlling Nathan made him warm up a bit of the boy's arm; to put in a specialized syringe. To pull out his blood.
The one controlling Nathan made him watch as the boy shivered lightly, before the frost built up around him again. 
The one controlling Nathan sent the vial away. 
The one controlling Nathan had him repeat this process over the course of months. 
The one controlling Nathan got along with his workers; his friends; his family.
No one noticed anything was wrong. 
Nathan was trapped in a living hell.
- - -
Darla’s boss was a good man. He owned the company, but he always made time to talk to every employee at Forever Ice. 
Darla was part of the night security. Nathan would strike up and keep up conversations with every member of staff, staying personable and down to earth. It wasn’t often she was offered (and good-humoredly reminded) to call a CEO by their first name. He made sure they had competitively good pay and benefits, and asked about their lives and families, and remembered what they said! 
Nathan Anderson was a good man. 
- - -
Tim had paused looking into the company for a month, but he was back at it now. 
Forever Ice had. . . inconsistencies about its creation. In the published history of the company it stated that the unique material was created by Nathan Anderson, a Wisconsin native who was also the head of the company. 
However Mr. Anderson’s education history was in business. He had an abysmal employment history, often jumping in on frankly embarrassing inventions and companies that had no chance of success. However, he seemed fairly charismatic and seemed to have found his ‘Golden Goose’. 
Now, having a formal education was not necessary for success. (Tim was the poster child for that). Unless Anderson was hiding a great intellect- and a lab- this wasn’t his own creation. 
Tim paused. Anderson could have created it. Not by science, but perhaps by his own biology?
Was this a metahuman using his…abilities… to make a profit? (Wouldn’t be the first)
However, there were plenty of groups that liked to stop that kind of thing. 
Tim sighed. So far everything seemed to be working fine for Anderson. 
He filled out a report documenting the company and added it to the ‘possible concerns’ folder for the JL. He also added alerts for himself; if anything changed with the company, he’d look back into it. 
At the moment, he had more pressing cases to attend to. 
- - -
This place had loyal employees. Leonard Snart was impressed. His team took out security (non-lethally), and had cameras altered to repeat feeds. He wanted to see the process of Forever Ice. This Ice had worked well in his guns against the Flash crew, and he wanted to see if he could advance it further to his uses. 
That’s why he was here, at the source. 
However, it seemed his crew wasn’t the only ones here, as he noticed the now frozen security camera. He sighed. It had the tell-tell signs of Mr. Freeze Of course that one from Gotham had been thinking the same thing. 
He alerted his crew quietly. 
Freeze could be reasoned with. Sometimes. 
- - -
Nora felt so ALIVE as she snuck into the facility. 
There wasn't any guards; the camera’s she easily froze. 
In the before, she never would have done something like this. 
She wasn’t a good person anymore. She admitted it. 
Before the illness, she had tried. Be the good daughter, the good student, the good wife. Once she had her diagnosis she had been gentle. Gentle to her family, her friends, her ballet company, to the doctors, to Victor. To give them a good memory of her once she had gone. But now? . . . 
This was her life, and she was going to LIVE.
Now, where. . . 
She paused. She had expected a lab, but not. . . hmm.
There in the center of the room was an irregular chunk of ice. One side chipped in fairly deep. There were carts and pics on tables near the ice.
She went over to the chipped side. Was this Forever Ice?
Ah, there was probably a machine in the center that created the ice, similar to one of Victor's inventions. That’s simple enough. 
She began to gently break into the ice.
. . .
Snart found the door slightly ajar, the security panel frozen over. 
He listened. 
A woman’s voice. Soft.
“What have they done to you?”
Snart paused. That certainly wasn’t Mr. Freeze. Was this another rogue with ice? Or even worse- a new hero?
He pushed the door gently open and saw a woman; deep blue skin, blond hair- gently trying to remove. . . something from a large block of ice. 
She didn’t seem to notice him. He continued to watch. 
She was incredibly gentle, snapping ice under her hand (she had enhanced strength it seemed), before pulling-
Was that a child?
She hefted the boy up; pale blue skin, black hair- and moved to the entrance. 
They locked eyes.
Her expression was surprise, then anger.
“Are you a part of this.”
Her voice, cold with growing fury.
“No.” He slightly paused, watching her expression. “I’m here to rob the place. Surprised as you.”
He observed her appearance. She wasn’t Mr. Freeze, but her suit mimicked his. 
Did Freeze make someone else like him? Glancing at the child. . . Someones? 
Snart made a decision. 
“I have a secured place not far from here. We can keep it cold for the both of you.”
The woman looked angry for a second; an expression of desperate independence Snart was well familiar with. 
“Look. I don’t hurt kids. This one obviously needs help.” He paused, glancing at the boy. Already a thick layer of frost covered his skin.  “And you seem like you want to help him too.”
He didn’t voice that he thought they were related; that was their business. 
He waited.
- - - 
Nora held the boy- a young teenager- in her arms. His body was warm, but also produced ice. It was like he had a fever, and his body was attempting to fight it. 
This was not what she had intended to find. 
A child, frozen in his own ice. Used by a company. 
The man in front of her wore a winter outfit, holding a type of gun loosely to his side. He carried no emotion throughout their conversation. 
She had meant to simply rob the place of all the ice she would need to update her suit.
But this boy. . . 
She was getting angry. Angrier. She walked over to the man, gently handing him the boy. 
“Get anyone you care about out of here. Keep the kid safe. Give me a moment.”
The man took the boy and swiftly turned, walking out of the room.
Nora began to release her fury. 
Slowly at first, but then she couldn’t control it. 
The room, the halls, the building froze under her cryokinesis. 
She cried and screamed, unsure where all this emotion bubbled from. 
She had been frozen against her will. Returned in this altered state. Intended to follow someone else’s life.
There was a boy, sick, his body used for someone else. 
Life was cruel. 
Unfairly cruel.
- - - 
Snart watched impassively as the entire building froze over.
The child in his arms was already heavier, another layer of ice building up. Soon he would have to put him down. 
The woman stumbled out, looking spent. He didn’t comment on the frozen tear streaks lining her face. 
His crew already had a truck prepped. He placed the frozen boy in the bed, and motioned to the woman. 
She got up and sat beside the ice.
Snart closed the tailgate and headed to the driver's side. 
He hadn't planned on this.
Part 6
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dj-wayback · 1 year
[PRIVATE BROADCAST: 1 Anonymous participant (BC, NS)]
BC: With all the talk about your work on finding the solution NS, I would want to ask-
BC: What research do you conduct? What recent iterations have you completed?
BC: I seem to find another that still has not given up on the problem. I am one of those too.
BC: Personally, I specialize more in simulations. How about you?
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I’ve always tried to partake in a little bit of everything. I create programs, run simulations…and yet, my main area of expertise have always been calculations. Not objective, tangible ones, no—theoretical. Math that exists in a hypothetical state. While it might sound…paradoxical, I suppose, considering my stance on such subjects, calculating the statistical possibilities of certain events happening has always been my biggest focus.
…I understand that might not be fully getting the point across. Now, allow me to try and reimagine this in clearer terms: my research centers around alternate universes. Around their possible existence, of course, along with if it is plausible to somehow travel to said universes; along with the nature of the Cycle—if it is, perhaps, a pocket dimension of its own, duplicating in on itself, and particularly if it even exists as a concept in other universes. If it doesn’t, perhaps that might’ve been the Answer this whole time—if, somehow, there was a feasible way to transmit oneself to a universe such as that…well. That would’ve been it.
...But, as you can clearly see, I am still just standing here, unable to provide you with a proper answer—despite all my time and effort, as much as I loathe to admit it, my research has been rather futile. It has lead me nowhere—universes, the Cycle…it’s just dead-end after dead-end. Perhaps it is because I’ve never been one for entertaining pointless mind exercises such as these, but once upon a time even I had some hope for a project like this to—
Apologies. I shouldn’t bring my own personal feelings into this, even if the lack of concrete results is very frustrating. However, has left me no choice but to continue my endeavors, no matter how tired of this back-and-forth I’ve become.
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mrvenuspluto · 29 days
Oculi mundi
Eyes of the universe
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Viewing the world with these eyes, your focus is always on the colors, attractiveness, style and pleasure that the eyes bring. Although we see only 5% of what we project, Hmmmmm...... Yes project! these eyes we use are projectors to are inner thoughts and perceptions also our subconscious views. Our eyes capture light, then turns it into electrical signals and go through a process inside the brain, which analyzes what its seeing. Yes thats what they say happens..... and it could be the case, i truthfully think its more to this phenomenon body we reside in at the moment we are on this realm. Eyes are the black hole where everything goes and come from. Also so much travels through it like a portal, just like space they always trying to understand the black hole or see whats in there. The black hole consist of matter that is tightly squeezed into a small area... hmmmm kinda sounds like something that is inside of us already and how we manifest. All the planets, portals, and lost powers are within us, " AS ABOVE,SO BELOW " . When you open your eyes and let everything in, like tv, negative sights, bad sensory, programming visuals, into your unconscious portal. You are helping calcify your pineal gland or your ( 3rd eye ) . One thing i noticed is people who lost their sight or were born without sight are so talented or let me rephrase that.... they are so gifted or just have strong senses!. Yes i know when a person loses one sense! the other get stronger! But its different than a talent or skill, like when a person has to practice or obtain it from numerous times of repetition. They are tapping into their unconscious natural born gifts, which cant be duplicated. Its when you are limited or cant rely on something everyone uses so easily, you have to go within and gain your natural powers and your true vision. Wonder why? and how? maybe they dont have the light coming through their black holes or portals. So they have everything tight and locked away. Its kinda like when you in a dream but still conscious and able to function normally but cant see the physical world, but you can go within without any distractions or light disrupting your deep thoughts or manifestations. In astrology Venus rules the eyes or eye sight, from the 12th house ( Pisces ) is the left eye. Venus in the 2nd house ( Taurus ) is your right eye. 1st house is ( Aries ) is your head, so much is derived from your brain, its your temple where everything stems from. Just from one thought with great intent you can create a masterpiece. If you ever stared deep into your own eyes through a mirror, you can see deep into your own soul and if you stare long enough you wont recognize yourself. You start to question who am i ? is this really me? like this soul doesn't resonate with this new body or image. You are a image of your imagination you created and constructed through your desire and manifestation. We all came from darkness and light shines upon us. We all rely on our sight than any other senses, and thats the reason we cant tap into our past life powers or true gifts. Yes its nice to see beautiful things, nice scenery, colors, food, and people! Or its our perception that creates these images we see ? How you feel is what you manifest, which is how you create. If you want to see something scary and thats always on your mind, conscious or subconscious you will manifest those images and create them into reality to take place in this realm. You are the writer, illustrator, director, and camera man or woman in your own head or mind. Try this one day when you wake up, just before you open your eyes, get up or on your phone or stress your brain about lifes problems or issues. Close your eyes lay back down, like you trying to go back to sleep, just relax, imagine how you want your day to play out. All the beautiful things you want to see, experience and enjoy. Don't have not one doubt, or even a pinch of negative thought in your mind, Now open your eyes with excitement, like its your first time in this body and on this realm.
You will start to see the artist, writer director and camera man or woman go to work! ( YOU )! We know nothing is forever and we have to go through loses, misfortunes, ups and downs. How would you know what BLISS is if you never experienced MISERY! how would you know what HAPPINESS is if you never went through SADNESS!. Thats why Pisces represents BLISS, HAPPINESS, with one self, loving, accepting all things as they are with no judgement. When you have that mindset and beautiful thoughts, you manifest, create those images in your brain and your eyes become the projector to create that movie for you. Same as a Taurus the sign of all 5 senses. When you want to see beautiful colors, pleasure to the eyes, you tap into your more earthy lower nature, to physically, create these things. So you can touch, taste, smell, hear, and see them. Also Taurus can make you fixed on what you see, feel, taste, hear and smell, with only relying on the physical aspect other than the imagination side as in Picses. As a Pisces deals with dreams, illusions, and the ether realm and the unseen. So you can close your eyes and just image all those great things, without having to physically touch, materially create them or see them with your actual eyes. As in for Taurus, needs things that are tangible, physically, practical to the eye. When both eyes or both sides of the brain are linked you create heaven on earth!. Thats why Venus is the creative planet or energy that helps you be a artist, from creating with your imagination, dream, to being a chef that can turn food into a work of art physically. When those two signs are linked its nothing but straight artistry and pure gifts. You are able to experience the earthy, material and tangible side of life, as well you are able to experience the more spiritual, blissfulness, and higher conscious side of your soul. You become a very divine soul with so much insight and perspectives on both sides of this experience. So many people or souls have this experience confused, its not about being becoming a monk, shaman, priest, super religious person or a guru who doesn't accept life on earth. Its all about the experience and knowing how to experience, learn, gain knowledge, let go, and know whats good and bad for you. As you move on to a higher consciousness experience, higher self with more wisdom, accept all your convictions, decisions in life and cherish your experiences here on earth, you can welcome your soul back here to experience more desires your eyes could never get enough of or let those desires go and let your soul ascend to a more powerful divine realm that is multifaceted with unlimited outcomes and special inner peace.
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rubykgrant · 3 months
I think Wyoming's armor ability is the biggest headache. The only time it actually gets used is in season 5 (season 3 was just Gamma's simulations), but it scientifically doesn't make sense with the copies aspect. And then when we see Meta use it it stops time, not rewinds it.
There is so much weird stuff going on with time-travel/manipulation in RVB, not even counting the seasons where that all LITERALLY HAPPENS. I've read a lot of different explanations (with facts from the actual series), and also fan-theories that at least make sense of whatever is happening with Wyoming. It is still confusing. One idea is, more AI to stabilize the gear allows different forms of time manipulation to exist (we have seen that trying to use certain things without AI makes it hard to control, and while the Fragments are capable of doing similar tasks, they all have their own particular talents; Theta and Delta may perhaps be better at certain kinds of rewind/fast-forward time manipulation, as it involves remembering details and predicting outcomes, than Eta and Iota, etc). Possibly, if the time changes are only "real" to the person using the gear, it might not be safe to un-do/re-do things too much, so other options are used (slowing time down, instead of altering what has happened in the past/creating a new reality, is probably slightly less stressful on your physical form). Another idea is, if Wyoming is planning on doing time-travel shenanigans, he has to set up tech that gives him something like an anti-paradox-bubble, where he can re-do things until he gets it right, but it doesn't screw up the rest of reality. Without that tech, you get duplicates/multiple people in one time-line, or if you move outside of the "area" for the bubble, paradoxes make things break down. This is still very confusing
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w0rped-moss · 9 months
I’ll show you the characters this is about after the poll finishes
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completeoveranalysis · 9 months
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Are we saying that THIS is how he clones people then?
He just rewinds time and checks to see how close the new person is to the original?
Oh no wonder the fundamental fabric of the universe is falling apart if Evil Wolverine is just messing with time to spawn all these duplicate people who didn’t exist but exist now and change the future irrevocably every time he does so. 
OH and Lava Lamp and Watanuki being shown here in front of a helix? Because they both have the same dna? But also because they're converging points on a timeline that is now broken?? NEAT
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Ok yeah confirmed! Our Syaoran clone was created through more time travel, made by Evil Wolverine when he realised that Lava Lamp wasn’t going to just enact all his evil plans. 
Because he somehow hadn’t already guessed that Lava Lamp wouldn’t want to do the evil plans? He is a TERRIBLE judge of character after all.
But all that aside the HEARTBREAK on Lava Lamp’s face when he realises that Evil Wolverine was WANTING him to make this exact wish, and make these exact choices, and accidentally made it all happen for him. The dawning horror that every choice he’s made his whole life had this evil man watching him who had already manipulated him into making those exact choices. 
Also? From the first page here it sounds like Evil Wolverine couldn't clone people before this. That Lava Lamp's wish was the distortion in space and time that allowed Evil Wolverine to start doing it even more.
And THAT is wild to me. All the clones in this series couldn't have existed at all before Lava Lamp made the wish that broke the universe just enough that Evil Wolverine can start glitching his way into more and more people.
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cosmicseapop · 8 months
Aqw’s Structure of Existence Theory Pt1
This is probably going to be wrong in some way but its an attempt to make sense of the confusing structure of the in-game universe and the current power hierarchy in a way that makes sense at least to me. Plus some theories and personal thoughts thrown in to explain where I’m going with things.
All written on the diagram for dnd planes since i felt it had the same structure of realms at the time of writing
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(this is half way written, so 2 parts now and the others later)
Material Plane 
Since things seems to be centered on just Lore alone and not any other planet (if there is any, idk if thats the thing that carried over from Mechquest and Lore is the only planet with life left — didn’t play Mechquest and probably won’t just for this). Our Lore, Underworld, and Celestial Realm and their Mirror Realm counterparts seem to be two sides of the some coin that are equally affected by the influence of the Elementals Planes in a seesaw manner (this was shown in the Mirror Realm events and Mirror!Drakath’s mission of maintaining the balance of the worlds). 
It hasn’t been shown how the Avatars and Elemental Planes interact with the Mirror Realm yet but it hasn’t been stated yet if Mirror!Gravelyn and Mirror!Artix are Champions, only Mirror!Drakath. Which is very fucking curious, like are they use powerful mages of the opposite element? would they be the one exception to the 'everything is opposite' rule and use the same element? Assuming theres aren’t duplicate Champions in the Mirror Realm to balance out the ones in Lore, then we could assume that the Planes treat it as the same as Lore and there are Champions living in the Mirror Realm (like the missing current Champions/Envoys of Air, Energy, and Earth and other child element Champions/Envoys ((maybe not Energy depending on whats going to happen in RoCT))), which would balance out the number on Lore currently. 
The Celestial Realm and Underworld are included in the Material Planes since they’re technical physical locations on Lore and can be accessible by traveling there, don’t have any strong connection to any Elemental Plane (and that included Darkness with the Underworld since its just the preferred element to cast necromancy with in Greenguard and Dage’s), and also have counterpart locations in the Mirror Realm. 
Basically, it’s a flat Lore theory and the game takes places on a frisbee flying through space /j. 
Lesser gods native to Lore are fun. There’s 3 confirmed ones at the moment with Fimbal, Khoine, and Aletsch, all sharing an affinity with Ice, so there’s no limit on how many gods to just one element. There are others that could be consider native gods, ie Queen of Monsters, Big Daddy and Big Mama, Death and other Grim Reapers, and Anethyx’o. There’s most likely others but I forgot them or they’re being added in. 
This is on the assumption that being created/reborn with divinity and either creating a realm or being tied to one also makes them a native god, or at least a new age god of Lore. It could as be that they were just powerful enough to be seen as a god, like with Fimbal, Khoine, and Aletsch since we got surface level info about them and they could/could not have a personal realm. QoM did get reborn as a god after dying and getting shallowed by the earth, and is more of a God of Monsters rather than Chaos even if she’s credited with creating it. Anethyx’o was formed from the left over bits of power from the Reset Galanoth caused, who went on to form the Celestial Realm. Death and the other Grim Reapers would have a connection to the Underworld due to the whole cycle of souls thing, and the mere killing of Death was enough disrupt that cycle. Big Daddy and Big Mama (and their parents) counted as Gods of Love since they're in charge of love of mortals and gods, and their home is Arcadia. 
Elemental Planes
Literally the most confusing part of this whole thing
Not native to Lore but has a direct connection to the Mana Core. Not on the same plane of existence as Lore and seen as intruders by the native gods, but can affect it if the balance is disrupted. There’s really not a good way of explain what a Plane is at the moment. Maybe they’re just extensions or further away areas of the Mana Core that attuned to different elements. It would explain why it can be accessed via the Planes and how they can influence Lore (like the Mana Affliction but less severe). 
Champions, in my speculation, are a by product of a Plane connecting with a planet, created to be emissary of sorts for the element for that particular world. Not just Lore, but probably every planet that the Planes makes a connect with. Which brings up an interesting concept of the Avatars previously being Champions from other planets that rose to the position. It would explain why Fiamme having a human form, Tyndarius was able to be usurp the position of Avatar but couldn’t keep it since he wasn’t the Champion of Fire, and Galanoth could withstand having the power of an Avatar channeled through him. It also explains why the Avatars face bodily harm from trying to access the Timestream and possibly other realms that belong to actual gods. The one exception to this was Nulgath throwing the Worm that Walks into Adimonde’s realm, but the can be excused with the fact the portal was fueled by the Hero’s EDoT powers. (Basically gods can access other gods’ realm without consequence, but mortals trying the same face the threat of death from exhausting their life force from just opening and maintaining a portal, I think thats how it works). 
All in all, Avatars were probably mortal Champions from other planets at one point — probably the absolute first ones ever — and rose to the position of Avatar by being empowered by the Plane. They probably influence the Planes to some degree due to being connected to them for so long, with the Planes becoming off balance with an Avatar’s death (this hasn’t been shown yet with Kyano and Neso being gone, but I’m sure its going to come up with RoCT). They could also be the Champions of the Planes rather than a planet, and its through that unique position they became Avatars. It doesn’t explain the whole human form of the Avatars (since I feel like they would look more elementally depowered) but would also be could explain the influence they have on the Planes
Which opens that possibility of Champions replacing an Avatar, either through overthrowing them or, in Kyanos and Neso’s case, replacing a dead one with a living one (assuming that Silencing can’t reversed and Kyanos can’t be brought back in some way). A few of the Champions currently have differing goals and morals in some way from their respective Avatars (Gravelyn using Light for Evil when Celestia had it painted as Good, Rhubarb straight up going against Neso, Artix being the definition of pure good despite Darkness being associated with evil, Galanoth stopping the fire dragons in the Fire War). They’re more as a counter balance to the Avatars and their elements have represented so far, but thats more through Lore’s influence on their lives rather than the Plane’s.
Envoys are just below Champions in terms of power and resilient to the effect of the element in my opinion, but just by a bit. They’re more of an Avatar’s Champion rather than a Plane’s Champion and theres nothing stating a Champion and an Envoy can’t exist at the same time for one element (Idk if Elius and Galanoth count for that since Tyndarius was the one to make Elius an Envoy and I don’t think he got to keep that position post Shadows of War Pt2). Of course an Envoy’s power hasn’t been put to the test against a Champion’s — either with the same element or different one. 
Chaos and Order
These two don’t really fit in either but do at the same time. Chaos was created from QoM, who got the label of native god of Lore, but still got classified as an element since Drakath is technically a Champion — even if one that was made by QoM rather than chosen by a Plane. At this point there isn’t a Plane of Chaos or Order, and I wouldn’t call the Plane of Monsters that — mostly due to the fact that the one time it was called the Plane of Chaos was the Chaos War finale and since then it’s been called Plane of Monsters (as of Shadow of Chaos story arc). 
My guess is that since they’re technically new elements, we might see the creation of their Planes and Drakath ascending to an Avatar if he doesn’t get ascended to godhood to add to the Hero’s rouge gallery of gods to counter them. It would be the best way to show what exactly the Planes and Avatars are without exposition from an existing Avatar. 
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slumberingrose-fandom · 4 months
More Obey Me! Pixies?!
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These OCs are playing the role of important characters to help villagers, especially Pixies of Seven Sins and Talia.
Unlike some pixies, they weren't created with items. They born and raised in the Pixies Village from other realm before move to the Devildom.
They not only befriend the same species, but also demons, angels, and humans.
Pixie of Winter.
Hails at the North Mountain where she play the role of the Ice Queen's guardian pixie.
Demetria was beloved by northern people, but always blamed by outsiders for creating cold seasons that led to poor harvests.
Although being hated, she have friends who empathize to her, such as Fortuna.
Loves snow boarding, ice skating and snowman building.
Talented at doing ice sculpture, which's her activity on spare time.
Befriend with Barbatos, since she was idolized him for amazing ice skating at the competition.
Pixie of Immortality.
Aggressive and pride of his aristocratic status, but keep in low-key.
Hate loud noises and bad behaviors.
Prefer to isolated from the outsiders and reading scrolls at the room, though his parents forced him to have socialize for the future.
Has ability to create an illusion to scare the opponent away.
Even so Qinglan has a pair of wings, he rarely use to fly. He is an avid walker.
Solomon is his first human friend, where met at the Royal Library of Devildom. Moreover, Qinglan, who hates bad attitudes, doesn't care Solomon's childish behavior.
Pixie of Dancing.
Passionate about dancing and music, mostly ballroom and ballet.
Likes to choreography with music she take an inspiring.
Work as dance instructor at the School for Pixies. Aphrodite is her disciple.
Sometimes take a position of dancer at the performance.
The colors of her dress code are pink, red and white that she fondly of.
While having the butterflies appear within her range or travel across the surface of an area, she have capability of conjure butterflies either by dancing.
Pixie of the Skies.
Owns the status of Heaven General and hails to the Celestial Realm.
Strict on the surface, but actually hiding self-blame and even soft-heartedness.
Knowing many incidents at Celestial Realm, mostly Luke and Simeon. But she seal them in secret for not being fallen from forbid the rules.
Loves things touched like clouds, like cotton candy and pillows
Befriend Simeon and Lucifer, whom she sympathizes with, also the one helped them mend their relationship.
In addition, she also met her disciple Hera. However, she feeling something, either was Hera at first who has a feeling for her.
Has a sword that possesses magic that can be used to expel dark souls to Hellfire, as well as has capability of light magic that can expel dark curses.
Celestia's twin sister, born later than her elder sister.
Quiet and rarely shows any other emotion besides annoyance or boredom, yet cares for family and friends deeply.
Like Celestia, Terrestria being the possessor of the Hell General and hails to the Devildom shortly after she was born.
Owns the powers of earth to manipulate the solid objects like rocks and minerals.
Love sewing and designing, but dislikes to show her works in front of people.
Befriend with Mephistopheles, when Terrestria bumped into at the mansion garden. She respects Mephisto's choices, although she had been bored and annoyed by his ridiculous ideas.
Pixie of Healing.
The one help Talia to search the remedy for cure the sleeping curse.
Like Lyssa, Cornelius has ability to cure the water pollution from his unicorn magic.
He opens his own pharmacy to save more villagers' life.
Prefer to have a peace, even so everyone suggested him to join the army.
Has the power of duplication, that he can perfectly replicate himself. Therefore, other clones have their unique personality.
Aqua, as a clone with blue clothes, showing as emo person with stubborn side. Yet he is compassion, gentle and friendly one. Likes to isolate away from outsiders and reading books.
While, Pinkie, other clone with pink clothes, is different than Aqua. He is a guy with the immature attitude of over-optimistic. Still he is empathize with person he cares, and very generous of them.
He opens himself as bisexual, though mostly people he had date were female.
He was once have crushed on Qinglan. Later he gave up for confession and hatred him, when discovered Qinglan's arrogance.
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whbtheories · 1 year
Character Preview: Beelzebub
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Domain: Abyssos
Sin: Gluttony
Birthday: April 4 (Aries)
Idiosyncrasy: olfactophilia
Mental condition: ADHD
Ability: creates 'phenomena'
Theme colours: green, black
The only king with an official 'philia to his name thus far, and we see that Beelzebub gets excited by using his nose - more specifically, for scents and odours emanating from the body.
This may well extend to all scents, and it's easy to see how that fits in with the sin of gluttony. as the vast majority of what we classify as taste is actually from smell.
His ADHD is an interesting touch in that it has only a subtle relation to his sin, but great relation to his personality. A hyperactive Beelzebub is not a common trope, and indeed it is a different demon entirely that exhibits traits of ADHD in Obey Me.
That said, Gluttony in a more modern sense can definitely be linked to ADHD under impeded impulse control.
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[Disclaimer: to discuss Beelzebub we have to discuss Mammon, for reasons that will become clear!]
From what little we know so far about Beelzebub, he is definitively a demon of mystery. So called 'phenomena' are said to occur around him, and he is 'unbound' by such things as reality, powers more suitable for a god than a demon...
There are reports of him appearing in multiple locations at the exact same time, which implies either time travel, ability to create copies of himself, or indeed some manner of omnipresence.
Unlike the depressed Satan and agoraphobic Leviathan, Beelzebub is described as hearty and lovely, as well as sexually desired by many. A regular ray of sunshine in the dark, perhaps.
The first negative point is that his cooking, which he does wherever he goes, must be avoided at all costs - a trope we've seen before in OM with Solomon, and the only time his Gluttony, in the traditional interpretation of the sin, is touched upon.
And the second negative point is that he has seemingly abandoned his throne, which is quite the royal failing and has left another demon forced to try and keep his kingdom together through duplicity in the meantime.
With the three other demon rulers we have seen the impact of their classically defined sin directly upon their personality, but with Beelzebub it is almost as an afterthought and quite a weak link - IF we go by the definition of Gluttony that is solely food related, as that is not mentioned at all.
For those who were frustrated that OM Beel was often reduced to no more than his "I'm hungry" complaint, this is definitely a welcome change.
And in my opinion points to a more complex and insightful interpretation of Gluttony that ties in better with the modern understanding of this sin.
The examples given of Beelzebub's activities when two versions of him are spotted in two different locations at an identical time, are gambling, as well as smoking and drinking. These are all pure vices of excess, of overconsumption, because none of them have much of a virtue even in moderation.
(It is no coincidence that these more spontaneous and destructive vices are ones enjoyed by OM Mammon in his cohort, and indeed this is the first of many parallels. The second if we include Mammon's ADHD type behaviours.)
Greed and Gluttony are overlapping sins, and especially in the modern age where Greed, the desire or coveting of material gain beyond one's needs, is fed by overconsumption which is intrinsically connected to Gluttony - ie the sin of consuming more than is needed. Greed wants, and Gluttony provides. Further, Greed as a sin extends well beyond wealth and into the excess of any material or worldly good - adverts demand that we purchase the latest and greatest technology, sales tempt us into wanting new and shiny things, and companies offer credit cards to lead people into crippling debt. Even those who overwork themselves without need, who may think of themselves as virtuous in their slog are in fact labelled with the sin of Greed, because they are covetous of more productivity than their neighbour. (Where Greed strays into coveting power and fame, war and love, we turn to the sin of Lust. Greed is, like many of the deadly sins, overlapping.) If Greed is the thought, the crime in one's head, Gluttony is the action, the crime made manifest. To covet is one sin, but to take makes two. The consumption of any material or worldly good in excess is Gluttony, to take more than one needs, and because the difference between want and need is so vast in the modern world, it is perhaps the most widespread sin of all. Classically, Gluttony only applies to food and drink, which makes sense when historically those were the only things that could reasonably be over-consumed with the immediate impact being that others would go without, often fatally. But in recent times, the standards of living have been raised such, and the capitalist drum beaten so, that we are urged to over-consume many resources - and almost all at the expense of the health of our literal world (and often even our own personal health).
This Beelzebub is especially interesting to me in light of the interpretation of WHB Mammon and his Greed - rather than being driven by desire to hoard and own, or to gamble and revel, Mammon is instead content and leisurely in the belief that all things are already his. Despite his mental condition being listed as compulsive hoarding, he doesn't actively hoard anything - he merely believes everything already belongs to him.
So there is no impetus for Mammon to covet or consume, least of all in excess, and instead we see that facet of the two overlapping sins here in Beelzebub instead.
This gives the demon far more opportunity to truly show the more powerful sides of Gluttony - over consumption of resources other than food, and the wastage of such - that are often instead labelled as Greed.
WHB has separated the sin of thought from the sin of action, and has even then divorced Mammon from needing to covet at all, leaving him wide open to explore the other aspects and consequences from the sin of Greed (guile, treachery, fraud, usury, falsehood, violence etc), or maybe something entirely unexpected.
With Beelzebub at least though, we do get a peek of how his sin is manifesting, in a seemingly impulsive king who abandons his throne in favour of obliging his senses and indulging in vices to excess.
He is, in some respects, a good candidate for a Greed demon of old, further underscoring the way these two sins have intertwined and separated.
Regarding his neurodiversity, we also know that ADHD symptoms can be worsened by over-consumption of short form media - tiktok for example - as it encourages our brains to crave rapid fire rewards and shortens attention spans further. We are also more susceptible to addictions, particularly that of gambling, and giving in to the impulsive behaviour will also worsen the downsides of ADHD.
Beelzebub appearing in two places at once in order to do three things at the same time is in my opinion a really good portrayal of a (demonic) ADHD brain, and an emphasis of this interpretation of the sin of Gluttony. If I could do more things at the same time I absolutely would, because my ADHD brain craves input at a ridiculous rate.
(NB - another property that divides these two sins and respective demons thus is In Nomine, a tabletop rpg from the 90s, where Mammon has lost power due to the rise of Gluttony off the back of capitalist excess and consumption.)
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Aesthetics, symbolism, and my rating in the cut! ↓
Beelzebub is quite possibly the most infamous demon who isn't either Lucifer or Satan, although admittedly part of his fame is that for a large chunk of history his name was used for both of them.
One pertinent example being that the Beelzebub who is involved with the various tales of Solomon is in fact Beelzebul, who is in fact Lucifer.
Consequently, Beelzebub doesn't have any one predominant set of features for his humanoid form. I say humanoid, because the Lord of Flies has quite commonly been depicted as a giant monstrous insect.
That name comes from a deliberate bastardisation of his original name as a god in the Hellenistic period, Ba'al-zəbûl, Lord of the Heavenly Dwelling, as part of a campaign to usurp the god and recast him as a demon as lowly as flies upon a dung heap.
(A similar thing was done with Belphegor, more info on both here!)
Bael, Baal, Ba'al, and Beelzebub - are these separate beings or different names for the same one? The answer, as with all things mythology and demonology, is... yes.
That is to say, they are separate and they are the same, and both are true depending on what period of history you point to, or what makes sense on a Tuesday.
Ba'al is an old god. Ba'al is also a title for lord, and thus was many gods. Bael is one or all of them. Beelzebul and now Beelzebub is one or all of them.
Because while the translation above of his name as Lord of the Heavenly Dwelling is true, it is also true that 'zebul' itself can be translated as 'prince', making his name essentially interchangeable with Ba'al-ba'al, the lord of all Ba'al, and Lord Prince himself.
Or he is one of the many Ba'al's, such as Ba'al Pə'ôr, now Belphegor, and Bael another.
Some might say confusing, I say fun ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
(Incidentally, Ba'al was also used for human lords in the same time period, or rather were written of by the same people that came after. History is after all written by the victors...)
This Beelzebub's thematic colours of green and black are a very interesting choice, suggesting symbolism of prosperity, youth, luck, and refinement.
Green is a colour more commonly associated in the west with the sin of Envy, or for OM fans, with Wrath. But prosperity is a theme that (once again) interplays with both Gluttony and Greed.
And this colour scheme is also what he has in common with his subjects in Abyssos, unlike the other kings who aren't so easily matched with their followers.
Like the other rulers, he is a fan of accessories, and aside from his piercings he sports three giant purple gems in a marquise cut - one on each knee, and one on his belt. The stone could be anything from amethyst to a hellish gem, but the setting appears to be gold, ie luxurious, and the shape at least has associations with both flamboyance and nobility.
A skull is chained around his left ankle, and his loafers feature more skulls, chains, and some gold inverted crosses (see Satan here.) And a gemmed skull also appears on his phone, alongside a cut-out, flamboyant, star.
One of Beelzebub's most eye-catching features to me is the writing on his body, tattoos or markings. In popular media, multiple tattooed words are usually the mark of someone impulsive and/or villainous, or a sign of attempting to compensate for memory loss.
It is also a common trope of exorcisms and demonic possessions, that words will appear upon the skin denoting demon names, atrocities, or sins.
All of the writing on Beelzebub is linked to his sin, his demand for consumption - feed him, pleasure him - other than the one that simply labels him as 'flesh'. But again, that also carries a connotation of being consumed. Either way, this is the only part of his appearance that directly correlates with his sin.
Or rather, the words are - such writing also appears on his long coat with 'sex' and 'feed' visible.
There are two strong contenders for the more modern image of Beelzebub within pop culture: Beelzebub of Obey Me, a large demon with firey red hair, stacked muscles, and an overall jock/himbo frame with horns and insect wings in demon-form who overall echoes the idea of Beelzebub as a large and imposing demon with a connection to flies; and Beelzebub of 7 Mortal Sins, a dainty and petite dark haired woman with long twintails, a single horn protruding from her forehead, small bat-like wings, and a collar and chain.
Arguably WHB Beelzebub shares an overall frame size with OM Beelzebub - a muscled stacked body with large chest and arms.
And undoubtedly he shares the unicorn-style horn with the 7MS Beelzebub.
While the rest of this Beel is unique, I think the singular horn can only really be read as a nod to 7 Mortal Sins, as depictions of any classical demon with a single centred horn is quite unique.
(Yōkai and yaoguai of course often sport single horns, as seen in various depictions of oni and tengu for example, but classically the horn is to one side rather than in the centre, and none have direct links with Beelzebub.)
Neither unicorns nor narwhals (nor rhinos or alicorns) have particularly gluttonous symbolism, minus perhaps a tenuous link with consuming the unicorn itself being life-giving in some capacity.
In fact, the unicorn is traditionally an emblem of Wrath, with references to such in the early 13th Century - hence it being the symbolic animal of Satan, Avatar of Wrath, in Obey Me.
Looking beyond the unicorn though, we also gave the qilin/kirin, a mythical creature with an occasional or mandatory single horn depending on region. Unlike the unicorn which has dual symbolism of peace and virginity versus unmitigated wrath and violence, the qilin is a holy being, who represents only purity and goodness, justice and wisdom, with their ire reserved only if threatened by unjust souls, upon who they unleash their fiery breath. They are also often bejewelled, and I suppose punishing the wicked does fall under the purview of a king of hell... Before the Qin dynasty, the qilin was the most powerful of all mythological beings, capable of killing even a dragon. So perhaps a fearsome beast after all, but only if provoked. The one thing both unicorns and qilin have in common with Beelzebub is their link with royalty - unicorns have been associated thus as far back as Babylonian times, while the qilin would appear only during the reign of a great leader, or before the birth/death of a great sage, as was the case of Confucius.
Beelzebub though is not the only single-horned demon in WHB, and among them is Amon, a resident of Abyssos, who sports the more traditional oni side horn. Some more modern oni portrayals have moved the horn to the unicorn position. Leraye of Gehenna (the domain of Wrath) has a similar unicorn-style horn, so this certainly doesn't seem to be a feature that is unique to Beelzebub.
As for the rest of Beelzebub's appearance - the blonde mullet hair, the darker skin tone, the bright (human colour!) green eyes, fondness for shiny accessories, bondage hints, multiple piercings, inked words on his skin, and near omnipresent shades lifted on his hair - is all new.
Well... kind of. There is an OM character that is reminiscent of Beelzebub, and it isn't the same-named demon. It's Mammon.
OM Mammon has white messy hair, a darker skin tone, bright (human colour!) blue eyes, fondness for shiny accessories, bondage hints, multiple piercings, and near omni-present shades.
As I mentioned above, the differing interpretations of Greed and Gluttony in WHB are striking, with the demon representing Gluttony showing much of what is associated with Greed in the likes of OM.
This frees both characters to be layered and interesting, more than just their sin. (Whereas OM sdaly only achieves this in one of the two demons.)
Is it coincidence that this Beelzebub then is more reminiscent of OM's Avatar of Greed? I mean yeah, probably!
But aesthetics are also chosen to show the demeanour and vibes of a character's personality, so I do wonder if in time this will be the demon that fans of OM Mammon are drawn to...
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My Rating
So you can probably tell that I'm pretty enthusiastic about what they've done with Beelzebub here, and more specifically, how they've shaken out the sins between him and Mammon.
My apologies for referencing OM again, but I think this is a really proactive way of not having the demon of Gluttony reduced to an "I'm hungry" stereotype (I'm sorry OM Beel, you deserve so much more!!).
What OM did with Mammon, taking the demon associated with the most shallow of sins - the accumulation of wealth - and turning him into a nuanced guy with baggage from his years as an angel, who exercises the virtue that opposes his own sin, and has incredibly strong powers masked under his ability to show restraint, seemingly an impossibility for any demon let alone the Avatar of Greed, is what makes that character a great interpretation of the ancient being.
And I think WHB is very much signalling that for them, Beelzebub is that character. One who is leagues beyond previous interpretations, that modernises his sin, gives him god-like powers but an unpredictability that sees him abandon his throne, a power that all demons should by definition desire, and gives him a starting point of intrigue that the other demon kings we've seen thus far lack.
The others, we know, how they are beloved as rulers, what their kinks are, how they manifest their powers.
But Beelzebub begins in media res, his story already in motion, his disappearance a mystery, his sightings oblique, another demon wearing his face in his place, and his appearance provocative and unusual.
Sure Mammon has some massive tiddies, and yes Satan is delicious, but Beelzebub has a damn unicorn horn, sunglasses in hell, and lewd demands scrawled over his naked skin.
He is loud and vibrant, unique and commanding, and sparks a shedload of questions with not a hint of fly in sight.
Beelzebub may very well have a personality in complete contrast to OM Mammon, but for his sin and his aesthetics, he is a worthy contender indeed.
And as a version of Beelzebub, I think one of the best I've seen.
My only caveat would be that he is the most mysterious of the four, so there's still room to flop with such a bold start, but overall I'm pretty optimistic about this dude!
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PS. What I wouldn't give for OM to have followed up Beel's S3 development with his lingering guilt and close relationship with Lucifer as angels, his perceived failures as protector of his family, and how he is punished far more by his sin compared to the others, which corresponds to his greater guilt... gah!
Read more:
Character Preview: Satan
Character Preview: Mammon
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imagionary · 9 months
do you have any fun info about brian in your au? 👀 i may or may not love that silly brainiac cog
I do have lots of info on our Brian! ((I use him in story, so I know more about him than Evils xD))
I think,, I'll share some stuff about him that not even Evils knows yet hmm... I guess I'm in a typing mood right now xD
- Brian works as the Prethinker for the conglomerate, and has the responsibility of making tons of skelecog reserves just incase if the company needs more employees short notice for any reason; he is tasked with maintenancing the managers in every department (but only when absolutely necessary or if an emergency), so he's technically their doctor; he's also the brains of the conglomerate when it comes to biomechanical engineering and inventing new forms of cogs, blueprints, etc. He's constantly maintainencing the converbelts and machinery down in the basement of the conglomerate,, nobody but him really knows how to use them.
- Brian created High Roller using Buck and Dave's scraps. He was so interested in the effects of Dave's scraps completing High Roller in such a seemingly magical way, that he and Doctor Googlemuffin got Left Suit fired on purpose in secret so that they could use bits of his scraps to create more fusion cogs ((clone fusions, since they used blended blueprints of managers to create these guys, instead of firing them and making more,, they couldn't afford to lose any more managers and their memories like that again))
- Brian practically lives in the basement like the little cockroach that he is. Unlike the other managers, he was not given a house to go to at the end of the day when he got hired; he sleeps in a hidden part of the basement, and keeps his personal things in there as well ((the room is similar in set up to the hidden rooms that Doctor Googlemuffin uses around the lab/basement)).
- Brian has perfected his own type of immortality... if he dies I'm any way, his body is programmed to bring itself to his personal locked lab so that it can await his backup brain; or, his consciousness finds itself uploaded into a computer that creates another organic brain through advanced organ creation ((he learned more about organic duplication through toons being fired and studying their organs)) and his cog-making-machine/blueprint printer creates him another body that is preprogrammed to insert his brain.
- Brian has torn himself open to experiment on himself numerous times. He's even torn out his own core while keeping himself alive with his super computer, so that he could upgrade himself with a copy of Graham's advanced core and inner connecting system,, he can travel at incredible speeds now because of this.
- Brian is trans in our AU; He prefers to only go by he/him, they/them, and xe. He hates his bug periods, and tends to complain about how horribly they hurt. (His body model has a unique downstairs, but that's a bit private to talk about, ah sorry x~x)
- Brian used to have 4 arms and wings, but his second pair and wings were torn off when he was younger, and he's never given himself an extra pair, even though he has the knowledge to do so now that he's an adult.
- Brian grew up in the same conglomerate as Clay Luv ((The Commissionist)). The two used to be friends with each other until Brian dropped out of college and decided to work for COGS.INC; Clay doesn't quite like him anymore, since he decided to use his incredible knowledge and understanding of cog creation and blueprinting on corrupt things under the rule of COGS.INC.
- Brian doesn't want to admit it, but he does like High Roller, even though he tells him all the time that he hates him. He's also quite lonely down in the basement, despite not ever saying so; he hates people, but he's grown fond of some of the other managers, despite his disgust towards emotions and friendship,,
- Doctor Googlemuffin and Brian definitely have some kind of hate relationship going on?? XD
- Brian needs glasses, but he hides this fact by upgrading his eyes with built in contacts; he does need to use reading glasses occasionally though.
I hope this answers your ask! I tend to get a bit shy talking about our AU and stuff,, so I hope this info is alright and not too vague ;&; 💚
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drippiesfm · 12 days
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basic information:
character name: kyle todd
nickname (s): literally kyle or todd works
face claim: justice smith
mutation status:
birthday: november 2nd
sexuality: homosexual ( amab )
moral alignment: lawful evil
occupation: scavenger
work sector: sector one
affiliation: the jaguars
3 positive traits: loyal, confident, daring
3 negative traits: deceptive, mellow, unaggressive
biography (optional): coming soon~!
how do they feel about living in sol city? have they always lived there or did they travel from another settlement?
he has known no other city but Sol City, despite being born in a different settlement. memories of that settlement are mostly forgotten and only come in dreams. sol city is fine- it's both cradle and crucible for his existence.
do they trust the council's leadership? why or why not?
no, but kyle has trust issues with everyone besides if the council was so great, why do factions like the jaguars exist?
if they chose their sector and profession, why did they make that choice? if they didn't, why not? were they happy with their assignment or not?
he would not have chosen to scavenge- rather he's met that decision with pragmatic adaptation rather than rebellion. he prefers to tinker with objects finding intrigue with electrical / cybernetic augmentations, but he keeps those skills to himself.
what's one object that they always keep on their person?
an ever-present companion in kyle’s life is a deck of cards worn from frequent handling and imbued with the scent of countless schemes and jest. they are conduits for his cunning, a reflection of his need to wield misdirection as both shield and sword in a world rife with deception and intrigue.
questionnaire ( mutant vers ):
what is your character's ability (or abilities)?
horse physiology & replication.
are they gen i or gen ii?
gen ii
what can your character do? what are their strengths?
mutation based - the ability to transform into and mimic a horse ( extends beyond mere appearance and includes the full range of a horse’s sensory perceptions, agility, and strength ) & the ability to replicate oneself ( allows each duplicate to function independently, performing tasks and interacting as if they were the original, providing significant strategic advantages like multitasking, overwhelming opponents, and creating diversions.) personality based - resourcefulness, deceptive charm, street smarts, loyalty & courage.
what can't they do? what are their weaknesses?
mutation based - when in horse form, he experiences a diminished capacity for complex human thought and reasoning- and an added weakness for carrots, genetically modified or otherwise. furthermore, during replication- each duplicate that is triggered shares a connection with original kyle's consciousness, leading to confusion, disorientation, and difficulty in maintaining coordination among the duplicates if there are too many- the maximum he's successfully tried at one time is three other replicants. personality based - greed, untrustworthy reputation, lack of drive, deceptive nature,
is there anything else you'd like to specify about them?
other information:
gender: genderqueer– doesn’t follow binary gender norms and uses any pronouns. 
height: 5’10”
markings: a scar on his forehead from liquid stitches, and a couple of marks to suggest he’s once had a broken arm.
tattoos: none yet
piercings: he’s got a couple and he once had an eyebrow piercing for a couple of years, but it’s currently healed up.
decorum: when he’s not at work it’s hand me down t-shirts , socks and sandals, he also likes his denim jacket,
scent: stolen samples of anything he can find, dryer sheets, & faint lingerings of ketchup or cheetos on his fingers
zodiac: scorpio sun, leo moon, taurus rising 
primary vice: greed
primary virtue: humility
trope: big eater, the trickster, the sleight of hand, desperately craves affection, hurricane of puns, hidden depths, adult child, brilliant but lazy, daddy and mommy issues
inspiration: this guy & this guy - with a mix of jack wilder from now you see me, mac from it's always sunny & spike spiegel from cowboy bebop
residence: a tiny shack with skeeter higgens
hobbies: card tricks, juggling, lockpicking, beatboxing, dinosaur enthusiast, old outdated video games, tabletop roleplaying like dnd, dumpster diving for rare finds, tinkering with broken electronics, collecting odd or rare snacks, collecting vintage toys or action figures, urban exploration
habits: chewing with his mouth open, talking with his mouth full, stashing snacks in odd places like a squirrel, fiddling with small objects, falling asleep during any kind of lecture, interrupting conversations with random trivia or jokes, saying yo un-ironically, and calling dibs or not it for the smallest of things.
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