#Idk ask to tag
pmpwbrrs · 5 months
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Artificial heart
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popfizzles · 3 months
Two reasons.
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I like big men :)
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excessive-moisture · 1 year
i never uploaded this video in here?? what??
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bethdehart · 1 year
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Just a big, butch boar. I do not really know what their deal is except that they are butch and use any pronouns. Got them from anastasiaelf on deviantart. I think she's neat :)
[ID A sketch of an anthropomorphic boar person. She is fat with white fur and an off-white beard and mohawk. His eyes are deep red and its hooves and tusks are a light brown. Its breasts are bare except for two black x-shaped stickers over their nipples. They have piercings in its ears and nose, and he has a black choker around his neck, and a spiked leather gauntlet on one arm, and black leather belt and pants. He is smoking a cigarette with smoke curling around her. The background is a darkish red.]
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bonetrousledbones · 1 year
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scruffedknife · 4 months
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couriernewvegas · 6 months
sorry i think of ur into openly posting about sexualizing rape and incest ur gross i dont care who u are as a person im not going to reblog callouts or whatever bc im a relatively normal adult but i will block u and think ur strange can we not make the round of these annoying posts for the millionth time
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honeyviscera · 11 months
lately i've been thinking a lot about teeth. i don't exactly know why. maybe it's because i feel like sinking them into the soft give of my own forearm, that bright, vivid, imagined pain. almost real enough to taste in the back of my throat. almost real enough to feel the stickiness of the blood in my gums. lately, i've had this fixation on cyclic processes. breathing. circulation. digestion. sometimes it feels like there are centipedes under my skin. i want to pull them out into the light and dissect them, ask myself why i have become the way that i am. i want to pull out the soft flesh out from under their shells and stretch it out, all translucent and still reflexively twitching.
to be fully honest, i don't know much about centipede anatomy.
is the flesh the self, or the mind? how would the centipede taste, if you were to crush it between your molars? sometimes i feel like i am watered down, like the reason everything is so hard is because i am half here and not-here, like part of me has drifted away. there is a gnawing in my abdomen that no amount of food can compensate for.
i don't know. like it or not, i must put the things i hate most about myself into my mouth, then force myself to swallow. digest them. taste, in my opinion, is the most visceral sense, the one closest to your body. it has to go inside you for you to recognise its shape. for you to grapple with it directly. you must put the things you hate most about yourself back inside your body. they are still you. the centipedes you mutilated are still that half-formed, flinching you.
the too-long-didn't-read: use your teeth, and eat yourself.
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naomiknight-17 · 2 months
Thinking about how when I talked to my ex about feeling like I may not be cis, she accused me of trying to jump on a trend because her and her friends were trans. She said I just thought being trans was cool because I spent too much time on Tumblr and that I shouldn't fake it for attention.
She quizzed me on whether or not I experienced dysphoria and how I felt about my genitals. After all that she said "Well, maybe"
She said something once about being trans being unnatural and I was like, no, no it's not, it's fine. It's normal and common and has been part of humanity forever. And she argued and pretty much shouted me down until I didn't know how else to convince her that, no, she isn't a freak, actually.
She made a comment once about certain kinds of trans people (I wish I could remember exactly, may have been a microlabel like demigirl or similar) weren't 'really' trans, just wanted attention, etc. I didn't argue then, because I figured, she's trans so she must know better than I do, right?
She was also certain that nothing she did or said could be transphobic, because she was trans. I tried to argue against her because she said something unkind about another trans group and she shut me down with this.
She was so full of self-hate. She was so judgmental about other trans people and whether they were really trans enough or just faking it. She had so so much internalized transmisogyny and transphobia.
I haven't seen hair nor hide of her in many years. She left tumblr ages ago. I ghosted her shortly after she announced on her blog that she was exclusive with someone else - then was shocked when I didn't want to 'stay friends'.
I wonder about her sometimes. I hope she's doing better. I hope she's with someone who can help her learn to love herself, and her fellow queer community.
And I am pretty sure she's one of the big reasons I am so terrified to officially call myself nonbinary and update my pronouns. Cuz I'm probably just faking it for attention.
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healthyhorrour · 1 year
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gayest man to have a Dead Wife thing going on
(i know it would technically be drawn in chalk but that’s not very dramatic is it)
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pmpwbrrs · 4 months
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Bunch of originals, old and new
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bad-cos-ideas · 2 months
when the hotsprings in mountains/tundra goes under 50% quality theres a 0.1% chance that your creature gets a brain eating amoeba. it permanantly gives the creature slot the brain eating amoeba trait and constantly gives you a single point of damage every 3 seconds. it cannot be healed.
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ghetsis · 7 months
tfw you're NB aro-ace, but your vestigial uterus can't take a hint and so it punishes you hardcore for opting out of kids for the 130th month in a row
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daxieoclock · 7 months
i put in an order for ritalin refill on the 5th of february. it is now the 13th of february and the order has FINALLY shipped. it wont arrive until the 19th. assuming it arrives by then, that will have been exactly two FUCKING weeks for a shipment of medication that i NEED in order to fucking FUNCTION. to arrive. and it would be bad enough if i was just dealing with the normal inattentiveness shit, but i'm ALSO experiencing withdrawal symptoms! this is the sickest ive felt in like a couple fucking years! i am in so much GODDAMN pain right now
anyway. not that anyone's commissioning me in fuckin general, but i cant take any new comissions right now; however, if you wanna be a real pal and throw some change at my ko fi so i can. idk. buy myself a pizza or a game or something to help distract myself from the fact my brain is ordering my organs to shred themselves that would be nice.
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jihadmilk · 3 months
that time of night when I get nauseatingly horny and want someone to beat me senseless and make me give their gun oral and.. and.. and-
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pups-2-dust · 1 year
Mommy issues this daddy issues that when are we gonna talk about sibling issues???
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