#Ida Juana & Andy
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Sandy, I think Andy might be trouble for you..
I don't know what Ida Juana did but congrats Ida!
#ts2#the sims 2 gameplay#widespot#simblr#megahood#round 3#sandy hills#ida juana knowe#andy bellum#pebble hart
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"So? What's this wonderful news you've got for us?" "I think Ida Juana may want to tell you herself. Although, I also landed my dream job." "Which is what?" "I'm going to be a policeman!" "Ugh! All Cops Are Bastards!" "Dawn!" "S'okay, that means I'll fit right in."
Ida Juana has been eating things like gherkins and Nutella and getting nauseated by the smell of hot fat, so Andy steps up and does the cooking for once. A little fresh fish'll go down all right, and be good for her and the baby.
"I didn't know you could cook." "Not compared to Ida Juana or my little sister, but you do learn a few things in the frat."
"Ida Juana is always so sloppy, but she's about to be tired for a long time, so I'll just take care of a few things for her."
(Why yes. Yes, they did invite her mom over to clean for them.)
"There's gonna be a baby! Whoop whoop whoop!"
"Good night, sweetheart. You take care and call me if you need anything. And remember your brother's married to a doctor now!"
Pop! "Oh, boy! No more throwing up!"
"You nervous? Rookie cops always have rough first days in the movies." "Cops also tend to fire two guns while flying through the air in movies, so I'm not much worried about what they tell me."
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Ida Juana and Helen had a nightclub date.
JoAnn and Andy were out too. Helen appreciated the sight of JoAnn’s unabashedly naked body…
#the sims 2#widespot x lgu#widespot#widespot: round 11#wheels knowe hart#helen wheels#ida juana knowe#joann gutenberg#andy bellum
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Ida Juana and Helen went to shopping. Andy, Penny can hear you right there... *sight*
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Last night I had a dream in which Andy Bellum and Hi Thyme were half-brothers as well as frat brothers. Hi was very feckless and Andy kept having to grouchily haul him out of difficulties. Hi was trying to run a campus business which should have made gobs of money - it was a mobile liquor store, basically - but he couldn't make a go of it and Andy refused to stand by and just let him fail, but Hi wouldn't listen to him, or use any of the items or systems Andy put in place without talking to him about it first. Which, y'know, fair. Andy would gripe to Ida Juana about it and she'd laugh and refuse to take sides.
Anyway Hi "borrowed" a car from what turned out to be a kind of mob motor pool and things started spiraling out of control, not that they'd ever been in any kind of control really. Hi got kidnaped and then Andy went to rescue him and got captured and then Ida Juana and I, who were transporting a truckload of kids, went to meet Andy as arranged at his GPS location, which unfortunately meant the mob took us, too. But we were all put in together and Ida Juana could pick locks so it became a matter of laying actual effective plans that neither Hi's fecklessness, the kids' kiddishness, or Andy's grumpiness could derail. At the time I woke up, one of the kids - a red-eyed girl named Fenella - took it into her head that the mob would let her go if she betrayed us, but she didn't really understand how the mob worked so she led with telling them Ida Juana and I were in the Writer's Guild, which I guess she thought was some sort of government institution. She was very indignant at being shoved back into the cell with us.
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Ida Juana didn't really enjoy her failed open marriage with Andy, and she likes Ripp well enough but wants a more monogamous relationship and a more stable and normal home for her daughter to grow up in.
Jihoon Midlock came home with her from work and sparks have been flying. They have been dating casually and he is sweet with Shana. I'm thinking of having her move out with him on Monday, but I'll have to clear some space in some of the apartments.
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Knowe/Mander/Thyme, Day 85, Part 4
Ida Juana: Hi, baby brother!
Hugh: Hi yourself!
Ida Juana: How does it make you feel, having a daughter in college?
Hugh: Old! And I'm younger than you, so...
Ida Juana: Hi, you look vaguely familiar. I'm Ida Juana Knowe.
Dré: I'm Dré Reimer.
Ida Juana: Ah, Andrei's mum?
Dré: You know my boy?
Ida Juana: More know of him. Andy Bellum's one of my oldest friends.
Ida Juana: It doesn't look like the sun's coming out again anytime soon... want to get something to eat at the lunch counter? My shout.
Dré: ... Andrei's not close to all of his siblings, but he and Laycian are incredibly close. ... He's a good boy, Laycian. His mother was probably my best friend. Oh - there he is.
Ida Juana: I'll go say hi! I wonder if he knows my Teo? They're about the same age.
Ida Juana: Hi! I'm Ida Juana. I'm just having lunch with Dré - you know her, right? And do you know my boy Teo? I think you're about the same age. He's fourteen.
Laycian: I'll be fourteen next month. It's nice to meet you, Ms...
Ida Juana: Oh please, Ida Juana, or just Ida's fine. Would you like to come and have some lunch with us?
Laycian: Oh, thanks, but I'm meeting someone.
Ida Juana: Alright - see you around!
Ida Juana went out for a wander once everyone was off at work and school, and ended up meeting and befriending Dré Reimer. She has this habit of befriending/collecting people who are friendless/vulnerable in some way - Sharla, Scarlett, and now Dré.
#Widespot#Day 85#Ida Juana Knowe#Hi Thyme#Gerry Mander#Helen Mander#Juan Mateo Knowe#Ana Sofia Knowe#Sally Mander#Axel Mander
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StrangeSpot, Round Twenty Seven: Knowe
Ida Juana hunts for bugs on the property and gets intermittently chased by bees. Still, it's worth it to be on the way to completing her collection! Meanwhile, Sara invites her colleague Hi over to show off how smitten she and Hugh are. Hi is blissfully unaware that his frat brother Andy was eaten by their cowplant... hopefully he never finds their secret yard and connects the dots! That would make work very awkward.
Dewey likes his teddy bear and doesn't mind doing his homework. Other than that, I can't get a good read on him. He didn't bring any friends home from school this round so I hope he's doing okay, lol.
Gunnar Roque walks by, gets talking to Ida Juana, and pulls her aside to offer her a job as a getaway driver. She graciously accepts. She doesn't know what the job entails exactly, but maybe she won't get fired this time!
#sims 2#strangespot#land grant university#ida juana knowe#hugh knowe#sara knowe#dewey knowe#gunnar roque#knowe#hi thyme
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#the sims 2#strangest town#land grant university#nagard annya hoh household#andy bellum#ida juana knowe#daisy wheels#joann gutenberg#sara bellum#fall 1
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Once Andy got done arguing with Portia, he went straight for Helen.
#sims 2 widespot#widespot bellum#andy bellum#helen wheels#portia bellum#sara bellum#blue bellum#ida juana knowe#widespot party
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Slightly changed common forenames
Aaron Ada Adam Adrian Adrienne Agnes Alan Albert Alberta Alberto Alex Alexander Alexandra Alexis Alfred Alfredo Alice Alicia Alison Allan Allen Allison Alma Alvin Alyssa Amanda Amber Amelia Amy Ana Andre Andrea Andrew Andy Angel Angela Angelica Angelina Angie Anita Ann Anna Anne Annette Annie Antoinette Antonia Antonio Antóny April Arlene Armando Arnold Artúr Ashley Audrey Barbara Barry Beatrice Becky Belinda Ben Benjamin Bernadette Bernard Bernice Bertá Bessie Beth Betsy Betty Betány Beulah Beverly Bill Billie Billy Blanca Blancé Bob Bobbie Bobby Bonnie Brad Bradley Brandi Brandon Brandy Brenda Brent Brett Brian Bridget Brittany Brooke Bruce Bryan Byron Calvin Camille Candace Candice Carl Carla Carlos Carmen Carol Carole Caroline Carolyn Carrie Casey Cassandra Cathy Catérine Cecelia Cecil Cecilia Celia Chris Christian Christie Christina Christine Christopér Christy Cindy Claire Clara Clarence Claude Claudia Clayton Clifford Clifton Clinton Clyde Cody Colleen Connie Constance Cora Corey Cory Courtney Craig Cristina Crystal Curtis Cyntûa Cád Cárlene Cárles Cárlie Cárlotte Célsea Céryl Céster Daisy Dale Dan Dana Daniel Danielle Danny Darla Darlene Darrell Darren Darryl Daryl Dave David Dawn Dean Deanna Debbie Deborah Debra Delia Della Delores Denise Dennis Derek Derrick Desiree Diana Diane Dianna Dianne Dixie Dolores Don Donald Donna Dora Doreen Doris Dorothy Douglas Duane Dustin Dwayne Dwight Earl Ebony Eddie Edgar Edith Edna Eduardo Edward Edwin Eileen Elaine Eleanor Elena Elisa Elizabeth Ella Ellen Elmer Eloise Elsa Elsie Elvira Emily Emma Enrique Eric Erica Erik Erika Erin Erma Ernest Ernestine Essie Estelle Estér Etél Eugene Eula Eunice Eva Evelyn Everett Faith Fannie Faye Felicia Felix Fernando Flora Florence Floyd Frances Francis Francisco Frank Franklin Fred Freda Freddie Frederick Gabriel Gail Gary Gayle Gene Geneva Genevieve George Georgia Gerald Geraldine Gertrude Gilbert Gina Ginger Gladys Glen Glenda Glenn Gloria Gordon Grace Greg Gregory Gretcén Guadalupe Guy Gwen Gwendolyn Ian Ida Inez Irene Iris Irma Isaac Isabel Ivan Jack Jackie Jacob Jacqueline Jacquelyn Jaime James Jamie Jan Jana Jane Janet Janice Janie Janis Jared Jasmine Jason Javier Jay Jean Jeanette Jeanne Jeannette Jeannie Jeff Jeffery Jeffrey Jenna Jennie Jennifer Jenny Jeremy Jerome Jerry Jesse Jessica Jessie Jesus Jill Jim Jimmie Jimmy Jo Joan Joann Joanna Joanne Jodi Jody Joe Joel John Johnnie Johnny Jon Jonatán Jordan Jorge Jose Josefina Joseph Josepûne Josúa Joy Joyce Joánna Juan Juana Juanita Judith Judy Julia Julian Julie Julio June Justin Kara Karen Kari Karl Karla Kate Kathleen Kathryn Kathy Katie Katrina Katérine Kay Kayla Keith Kelley Kelli Kellie Kelly Ken Kendra Kenneth Kent Kerry Kevin Kim Kimberly Kirk Krista Kristen Kristi Kristie Kristin Kristina Kristine Kristy Krystal Kurt Kyle Lana Lance Larry Latoya Laura Lauren Laurie Laverne Lawrence Leah Lee Leigh Lela Lena Leo Leon Leona Leonard Leroy Leslie Lester Leticia Lewis Lila Lillian Lillie Linda Lindsay Lindsey Lisa Lloyd Lois Lola Lonnie Lora Lorena Lorene Loretta Lori Lorraine Louis Louise Lucia Lucille Lucy Luis Lula Luz Lydia Lynda Lynette Lynn Lynne Mabel Mable Madeline Mae Maggie Mamie Mandy Manuel Marc Marcella Marcia Marcus Margaret Margarita Margie Marguerite Maria Marian Marianne Marie Marilyn Mario Marion Marjorie Mark Marlene Marsá Marsáll Marta Martin Martá Marvin Mary Maryann Mattie Mattéw Matéw Maureen Maurice Max Maxine May Megan Megán Melanie Melba Melinda Melissa Melody Melvin Mercedes Meredith Micáel Micéal Micéle Micélle Miguel Mike Mildred Milton Mindy Minnie Miranda Miriam Misty Mitcéll Molly Mona Monica Monique Morris Muriel Myra Myrtle
Nadine Nancy Naomi Natalie Natasá Natán Natániel Neil Nellie Nelson Nettie Nicole Nicólas Nicóle Nina Nora Norma Norman Olga Olive Olivia Ollie Opal Ora Oscar Pam Pamela Pat Patricia Patrick Patsy Patti Patty Paul Paula Paulette Pauline Pearl Pedro Peggy Penny Perry Peter Phyllis Priscilla Pûlip Pûllip Racáel Racél Rafael Ralph Ramon Ramona Randall Randy Raquel Raul Ray Raymond Rebecca Regina Reginald Rene Renee Ricardo Rick Ricky Ricárd Rita Robert Roberta Roberto Robin Robyn Rocélle Rodney Roger Roland Ron Ronald Ronnie Rosa Rosalie Rose Rosemarie Rosemary Rosie Ross Roxanne Roy Ruben Ruby Russell Ruth Ryan Rónda Sabrina Sadie Sally Salvador Sam Samantá Samuel Sandra Sandy Sara Sarah Scott Sean Sergio Seth Sidney Silvia Sonia Sonja Sonya Sopûa Sopûe Stacey Stacy Stanley Stella Stepánie Stepén Steve Steven Sue Susan Susie Suzanne Sylvia Sáne Sánnon Sári Sáron Sáwn Sáwna Séila Sélia Sélley Sélly Séri Sérri Sérry Séryl Sûrley Tabitá Tamara Tami Tammy Tanya Tara Tasá Ted Teresa Teri Terrance Terrence Terri Terry Tiffany Tim Timothy Tina Todd Tom Tommy Toni Tony Tonya Tracey Traci Tracy Travis Tricia Troy Tyler Tyrone Télma Téodore Téresa Tómas Valerie Vanessa Velma Vera Verna Vernon Veronica Vicki Vickie Vicky Victor Victoria Vincent Viola Violet Virgil Virginia Vivian Wade Wallace Walter Wanda Warren Wayne Wendy Wesley Willard William Willie Wilma Winifred Wûtney Yolanda Yvette Yvonne Zacáry Ánnah Árold Árriet Árry Árvey Áttie Ázel Éatér Éctor Éidi Élen Énrietta Énry Érbert Érman Ólly Ópe Óward Úgh Ûlda
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Andy had some sort of glitch but I appear to have fixed him.
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Bellum, Andy & Ida Juana
"Hey, honey! I've been accepted to the police academy!" "Blaaargh!" "Are you okay?"
"If I'm going to grow a kid, and you're going to risk life and limb protecting life and property, we should relax a lot ahead of time."
"TV marathons are great for pregnancies, you know. Mom swears by them." "She should know."
"What are you doing, all serious like that?" "Some remote work for Dad." "That's not relaxing." "Do you want a nursery or not?"
"Whoo! Come in here and let me kick your ass on the slopes! It's good for the baby!"
"You know you can't just use the baby to get me to do anything you want." "Sure, hon."
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"Two of you? And you're -- um. Nontraditional students? Or were you professors or something before you woke up?"
"No, neither. I was a housewife, for the most part, and he was a sheriff's deputy."
"That's really weird... Anyway, I'm Ida Juana Knowe. And that was Hi Thyme who found you; I bet he didn't remember to introduce himself. He’s kind of an airhead sometimes."
"I'm Beulah Land, and this is my husband Homer."
"It's nice to meet you both, and we're glad to have you here! Okay, so, getting down to business -- you're probably confused, and we all are too. Most of the freshmen don’t remember much after orientation, and neither of us sophomores remembers anything after coming back for the fall, and nobody knows what happened. Oh, if you guys have different memories, Ivan's going to want to talk to you, he's a history major and he's doing a project. We'll set you up with a dorm room -- um, I guess we can put you guys in one of the old rentals? We're not really using them for anything, so we could make an exception. Anyway. Take all the time you need to get settled, and afterwards --”
"Ida Juana, honey, I don't think this speech applies to us. We woke up last summer, and we're just visiting."
"You didn't wake up here? How did you get past those corpse monster things?"
"I'm a little tougher than I look, but it's a long story."
"Oh, you're probably tired if you've been traveling! Sorry, I shouldn't be asking you a million questions right off the bat. We've got a spare room upstairs -- uh, I'll change the sheets first -- and then we can talk later this afternoon when you've had time to rest. I guess you might as well stay here tonight, too, if you’re not going to be here long? We’re happy to have you as long as you want to stay.”
"We appreciate your kindness. But we can't be in town -- on campus -- overnight."
"Why not?"
"This is going to sound crazy, but not too long ago I was attacked out in the backwoods, and now I turn into some kind of beast at sundown."
"You mean you're a werewolf?"
"A werewolf?"
"...You do know what a werewolf is, right?"
"I've never heard the word before."
"Oh, wow, you have such a good deadpan!"
"I'm not joking, honey. I don't know what you're talking about."
"...how...? Like... seriously, how? You know the earth is round, right? Well, whatever. If anybody minds having a werewolf on campus then come talk to me and I'll get Andy to deal with it. I’m not going to put up with that at LGU."
"But I don't want to risk hurting anyone."
"Do you have trouble with your temper or something? Because I thought ol-- uh, people with a lot of life experience usually didn't have much trouble with that even with all the extra hormones."
"I almost attacked a friend the first night I was like this."
"I kind of slept through lycanthropy ed, but I'm pretty sure that's basically normal as long as it was only almost. Don't some people get confused that first time? And if you somehow didn't even know what a werewolf was..."
"...Homer, if I'm not dangerous, we can go home! We can see the kids again!"
"Are you guys leaving already? I'd really like to talk to you some more."
"We'll have to stay until evening regardless; I don't want to try to go back over the bridge like this. And there are some things we want to know about you, too. We've just got young kids that we haven't been able to see in a while, and our hometown needs to know there are other people out here. --Oh, Homer, Dixie always wanted to go to college! Maybe she'd want to come for a visit. Ida Juana, if we could get our daughter here safely...?"
"Yeah, anybody's welcome! We don't have classes or anything, but we have a library full of old paper books, and there's all kinds of practical stuff around campus if you want to learn. Most of it doesn't really work without electricity, but I'm sure my brother's going to figure something out eventually. And most of us do at least pick a major and borrow some textbooks, though some of us do a lot more studying than others.”
"We appreciate you giving her the opportunity. And we'd be very grateful for that room if it's still on offer."
"Oh, sure! We'll take care of you, don't worry. --Hey, Andy! Could the frat lend us some clean sheets?"
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Non-Maxis/EA Sims OTPs?
Inspired by the current totallymaxis challenge and @katatty‘s post asking people to reblog and share their Maxis/EA OTP’s in the tags, I would love to learn about people’s non-Maxis/EA OTP’s from populated user-made ‘hoods or sims that are available for download. For example, OTP’s from Widespot, Polgannon, Meadow Creek and so on!
So, if you have any that you would like to share, please reblog this with your OTPs in the tags! :-)
#So#Widespot#Mine are mainly from Widespot#And Land Grant University#Homer & Beulah Land#Penny Weiss & Mary Land#River Land & Sadie Wilkie#Or Sadie Wilkie & Holly Wood#But I've never played them in the same 'hood!#Tommy Ottomas & Guadalupe County#Hugh Knowe & Cliff Notes#Or Cliff Notes & Damon Pythias#Andy Bellum & JoAnn Gutenberg were fun together#Though I also like Andy Bellum with Helen Wheels and Ida Juana Knowe#As a V triad#And I have high hopes for Gene Poole & Sharla Ottomas#I think that they would have amazing looking kids!
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Well, this is inconvenient, given that the father has to be that cheating scumbag Hi Thyme. But Ida Juana isn't one to let things get her down. She probably didn't even need Sandra's reassurance that she and her baby had a place here as long as they needed one. Having a baby won't be that bad. Ida Juana's a really good aunt.
It's awfully tiring hauling the baby around, though, and Ida Juana's room is upstairs, so when she takes an afternoon nap it's on Sandra and Hugh's bed. Hugh lies down next to her, possibly wondering if Ida Juana's jerk friend Andy's violent tendencies could be put to good use beating the Right Thing out of Hi. But what is the Right Thing? Common wisdom would say, marrying her, but the idea of his sweet, carefree big sister saddled for life with that perpetual frat boy seems far more horrifying than wise.
#Depression Riverblossom Hills#land grant university graduates#Sandra Roth#Hugh Knowe#Ida Juana Knowe
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