#andy bellum
mysterysimblr · 2 months
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Justin and Bit's date was eh, but on the plus side, we got to see Andy and JoAnn dancing together <3
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wickedjr89gaming · 4 months
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Sandy, I think Andy might be trouble for you..
I don't know what Ida Juana did but congrats Ida!
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natteryaktoad · 2 months
Newson Bellum, Day 86, Part 1
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It seems strange that Andy's had little opportunity to get to know his brother-in-law before, but they're not friends. We plan to rectify that tonight!
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Georgia enjoys cooking when they have company.
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How on earth has Justin never met his twin's boyfriend before now?!
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Justin: You can punch harder than that!
Drew: I can. But I won't.
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I'm not sure that's a good way to befriend your brother-in-law, Andy!
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Sara looks like she has no body there...
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Justin just wants to be best friends with everyone.
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widespot · 9 months
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"Andy! What are you doing out here? Is Ida Juana -?" "She's fine, Mama Alli! Sara's set on moving out here with Hugh and Cliff, so I thought I'd come give the place a good lookover for her. Some of the new houses aren't bad, but they won't be able to afford one, not even with Sara's trust fund." "I've told Hugh, the trailer next to ours is coming vacant any day now."
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"I don't know when I've been to such a lovely wedding party!"
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"Oh, dear! Udo! Where'd you go? I think we'd better head for the library!"
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penig · 1 year
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Hi continues to be in the middle of Drama. He was dating all the Printer Sisters but Daisy, and I thought I'd given him an anti-jealousy potion, but apparently not. He was mad at Dot for dating Andy while a townie was angry at him and Dot for dating each other, which caused a plague that got all over town and was a pain in the butt to clean out and caused a number of people to suddenly have Family secondaries so their households could have comfort soup.
In the first picture he's come by to kick the trash can when Dot comes home fired from the record store. She stopped him to apologize and he didn't immediately forgive her, but came in to hang out and allow her to persuade him.
In the second picture, JoAnn and her girlfriend, keyboardist Lily Pond, have gotten a record deal (aka a promotion, but job titles are merely a mechanical convenience) for the Sisters, and celebrate. Right in front of him. Because why wouldn't they assume he'd be into that? Turns out, he's not. (He's going to have to resolve one relationship maturely and keep it resolved for an entire rotation before I feed him a potion, now. Character arcs must be respected and given time to accomplish!)
Andy, you may recall, bonded with Dot over Daisy's twins, and he couldn't stand being on the outs with Hi, so he invited them both to a party. Where they made up. So now he's mad at both of them! I wouldn't worry about it, though. Once Andy likes you, he won't hold a grudge. He probably should find himself a different girlfriend, though.
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lasudio · 2 years
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StrangeSpot, Round Nineteen: Fraternity (Uni)
No matter how hard they partied the night before, the lads make the effort to sit down for breakfast together in the morning. It’s not uncommon for someone (usually Andy) to fall asleep in their toast.
Leon’s party activities included hot tub woohoo with DJ Verse, the new sorority girl. Turns out she’s no stranger to a wild night. About an hour before, she had hot tub woohoo with Monica Bratford. If you’ve got the energy, go for your life!
Andy belies the expectations of his frat brothers, the campus faculty and myself by graduating. Really not sure how he did that. Help from his sister Sara maybe? Leon’s not so lucky and gets expelled. He’ll be fine. The late Candy Hart proved you don’t need a degree to find your path and succeed!
With two members down and Brook and Thyme on the edge of graduating, Miles invites Ace to pledge so his brother can become his frat brother too. No point having a huge house to party in if there’s no one to party with!
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ellupelluellu · 10 months
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Then in other park (Knotthole lots as most, if not all extra ones are, just no idea of names.)
Andy's biggest and locked want , BE FRIENDS WITH WOODY :D
Makeup was their nro1 subject xD
Hugh added himself to the hangout too (he looked so miserable Andy invited him)
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smallcatsims · 3 months
Things are pretty uneventful in the Bellum household. Ceres is doing really well with her investments and Andy has brought home some ridiculous amounts of money from chance cards, so I may move them to a nicer home at some point.
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nerianasims · 4 months
I had reasons to play Cassandra Goth's now-boyfriend on his own that I don't entirely remember right now. But anyway, I did and here he is.
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Joe Carr started as a nurse, but that wouldn't do, considering both his name and especially his lifetime want. So he got a job in the athlete career.
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This is the same apartment layout as the one Andy Bellum lived in when he was separated from Helen for a while. That was so long ago and doesn't feel like it at all. Anyway, same layout, but different decor. In particular, there are no guns or illegal drugs.
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Lots of sports stuff instead. (And me forgetting to hit tab before taking a screenshot, but here's his personality anyway for anyone curious. He acts a whole lot nicer than 3 nice points would indicate.)
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Joe is not with Cassandra Goth merely for her money. Though it is a nice bonus. He doesn't need anyone else's money anyway, because by the end of this round, hey now
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andywinter16 · 1 year
About me and my blog
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Hello everyone! So my names´s Andy (she/her and 25 years old), and I am the writer behind this blog dedicated to FFXV and FFXV: Kingsglaive. 😉 Because this little blog of mine reached 75 followers (WOW! People you´re amazing!❤️) I suppose I should finally make something like this.
So first I will start with what I am comfortable to write which is SFW and NSFW content. NSFW content will be properly tagged as mature and 18+. I am also comfortable to roleplay as my OC characters and as a glaives. I usually write gender neutral! reader (for everyone to enjoy!) or if it´s requested then female reader. I am not well versed in writing male!reader and I don´t want anyone to be offended by my writing if it´s incorrect.
I am NOT comfortable with: Abuse, rape, anything with children (Minors) and sexual content with them is a hard NO and basically stuff without consent.
There´s list of characters that I write for from FFXV: Kingsglaive and from FFXV:
- Nyx Ulric
- Libertus Ostium
- Crowe Altius
- Pelna Khara
- Luche Lazarus
- Titus Drautos
- Tredd Furia
- Axis Arra
- Sonitus Bellum
- Ravus Nox Fleuret
- Cor Leonis
- Regis Lucis Caelum
Characters that I am willing to write for:
- Noctis Lucis Caelum
- Prompto Argentum
- Gladiolus Amicitia
- Ignis Scientia
- Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
- Cindy Aurum
- Clarus Amicitia
- Iris Amicitia
My OC´S:
- Andy Winter (Kingsglaive)
- Callum “Cal” Pax Furia (Kingsglaive)
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bluefuecoco · 1 year
I've officially caught enough shinies in scarvio to fill up a box. So I want to introduce them all!!!!
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Pinkan the lechonk, Bello the flaffy, Smolly the azumarill (mvp for being the pokemon that helps me catch all shinies), Denali the litleo, Lysandre the male Pyroar, and Lara the female Pyroar.
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Eclair and Tiramisu the Fidough, Marie the oinkelogne, Basilly the sneasel, Truffle the dachsbun, and Bellum the flareon
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Natali the garganacl, Watts the rotom, Jin the snover, Andy the psyduck, Sasha the mareep, and Mario the smoliv
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Blooper the wooper, Beeper the clodsire, Jewel the fletchinder, Deacon the vaporeon, Shamrock the skiddo and Emiril the gogoat
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Calburn the mimikyu, Bluey the rockruff, Peach the flamigo, Naomy the nymble, Dinno the ditto, and Ella the larvesta!!!
yes, I managed to get one of my dreamy shinies, a beautiful blue rockruff! Flamigo was also on my list, so getting those two outbreaks today was great!
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mysterysimblr · 2 months
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Following a renewal of vows a couple of rounds ago, JoAnn and Andy finally held their anniversary party, accepting well-wishes from guests. Babel performed: he might not have been a rockstar like his mom, but he’d spent enough time practicing with her instrument to please the crowd.
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wickedjr89gaming · 4 months
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natteryaktoad · 4 months
Robbie's Trial, Part 5
Prosecutor: The prosecution calls Detective Andy Bellum.
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Prosecutor: Detective Bellum, can you describe to me the conversation you had with the defendant when he was arrested?
Andy: He told me all my accusations were rubbish and incorrect. He said that Harleigh was "talking a load of crap. As usual", which raised questions about whether he had had contact with Harleigh - any contact he had was kept secret from her parents, which is an odd thing to do. He said Harleigh had called him a few times but he denied telling her lies about her birth family or asking her to hold stolen goods for him. Then he got rather heated and said: "I didn't threaten any courier with a rock". Considering all we had said was the courier was threatened with a weapon, jumping to a rock as the weapon seemed a bit of a leap.
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Prosecutor: Was this what caused you to charge the defendant?
Andy: Yes - combined with Harleigh's testimony. And then later the courier picked him out of a line up. It seems pretty conclusive to me.
Prosecutor: No further questions, your honour.
Judge: Does the defence wish to cross-examine?
Defence: Yes, your honour. Detective Bellum, did my client at any point confess to this crime?
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Andy: You know he didn't. He asked for a lawyer after he let slip about the rock and then you wouldn't let him say anything.
Defence: Did you find any prints on the phones? Or find a rock at the scene with prints?
Andy: No. The rock was never recovered. There were no prints on the phones and the only ones on the box belonged to Harleigh, and her sister Keturah who retrieved the box from under her bed. But that doesn't mean-
Defence: Just answer the questions, please. It seems to me, detective, that your evidence is circumstantial at best - it rests on the testimony of an eight-year-old, an unlucky guess as to the weapon, and a courier picking a man from a line up after a year, when he only saw half of his face!
Prosecution: Objection! That's not a question.
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Defence: Withdrawn. No further questions, your honour.
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widespot · 10 months
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The wedding night arrives at last, and even in a house this size, it's going to be hard to fit everybody in. Two Greeks, two families, and miscellaneous friends, all happily getting in each other's way.
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"At least it's not snowing." "I don't want to wait for whoever should be in those front seats. Let's just do this before my shoulders freeze off."
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"Did Dad even bother to make it out here?" "Don't look at them. Look at me."
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penig · 1 year
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Sue moved straight into the brand-new house in Bigg City that Andy and Sara bought together. Sara's had a locked want to marry Sue for ages, but work hours were inconvenient and anyway it'll have to be "marriage," because it's the 30s and the laws are stupid.
Gene Poole drooped by and immediately started matchmaking Andy and a professor? Yeah, I don't see it, either, but who knows what Gene's up to now that he's a townie?
Regardless, Sue settled right into Homemaker mode and she and Sara made out when she got home, when they had the house to themselves because Andy was at work. The tentative plan is to create the impression among the neighbors that Sue and Andy are married and Sara is the Maiden Aunt. When Sue starts wanting children, that's what Andy and a turkey baster are for. Andy's on Dot's string and shows no signs of wanting to settle down so it might even work long-term.
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