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List of Warrior Cat names taken from Pokemon moves:
Sandstorm (this is already canon!)
Steelwing (could work for a Clan that lives in an abandoned city or something)
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Fics Written In 2017 Masterlist
accidentally need you (ao3) - biblionerd07 steve/bucky T, 4k
Summary: Steve and Bucky broke up, but they're still friends. They just happen to keep going on dates and sleeping together. It's not a thing. (Except it is.)
an exchange of voices in repetition (ao3) - sandyk pepper/tony M, 4k
Summary: Pepper hadn’t really thought about the difficulties of planning a wedding around all the rest of her life.
Bagels and Bandaids and Bad Guys and Breakfast (ao3) - florahart clint/phil M, 7k
Summary: Clint owns a bakery/coffee shop, and he needs the following: an accountant, an occasional medic, and for those assholes in the track suits to just gtfo.
Phil shows up looking for part time work just in time to meet some of those needs. And maybe some other needs too.
Come on and Get Your Kicks (ao3) - Dira Sudis (dsudis) steve/tony E, 8k
Summary: "At the end of the day, you just want to be my pretty little girl, is that it?"
Steve surged up to wrap his arms around Tony, kissing him with the kind of filthy fervor that Steve usually reserved for you could have died or I haven't had an orgasm in 36 hours.
So, all right then. Hypothesis confirmed.
Complimentary Colors (ao3) - zenkitty555 stephen/tony M, 32k
Summary: Tony Stark is learning how to let go and live a little after giving his all for so long. Stephen Strange is still trying to balance all of his duties and find some time for himself. When Tony has to give him some bad news, the two start to realize that they may be able to help one another out in a few different ways.
Don't Let Me Down (Got a Lot Going On Right Now) (ao3) - sheron steve/tony G, 5k
Summary: A failed chemistry experiment in the lab means Tony has to take off his gauntlet. In front of Steve. Who has never seen him without it before.
Down to Zero (ao3) - Sineala steve/tony, peter/johnny T, 18k
Summary: After a battle against the Controller goes awry, Steve is bewildered and guilt-ridden when Tony begins to treat him exactly the same as he treats everyone else.
Five Dates Bucky Didn't Realize He Was On (And the One That He Planned Himself) (ao3) - icywind bucky/clint T, 11k
Summary: To say that Bucky was surprised when Clint kissed him was an understatement. But it was nothing compared to the shock he felt when he learned they'd been dating for months without him realizing it.
Clint gets whisked away for a mission before they have time to talk and Bucky is left to figure things out on his own - hindsight being 20/20 he can't help but wonder how he missed things the first go around.
Head Over Feet (ao3) - Robin_tCJ steve/tony E, 56k
Summary: It had sounded like a good idea at the time. Tony Stark, genius and heir to the Stark fortune, didn't expect to fall in love with the kind, handsome soldier he'd picked up at a bar that he had only gotten into because of a particularly well-crafted fake ID. He didn't expect to spend the best week of his life with a funny, wonderful artist who would be shipping off to war in only days.
And he definitely didn't expect that soldier to die before they could even try to build something.
He tries to move on with his life and find a way to feel whole, but after one too many disappointments, Tony gives up on the idea of happiness altogether.
Of course, then he finds himself on a street in New York, covered in coffee and having the shock of his life.
How We Met (ao3) - FestiveFerret steve/tony E, 41k
Summary: Life was pretty simple for Tony - work on his graduate thesis, hang out with his robotics projects in his unusual apartment, and fuck people for money. At least, it was simple until he met Steve Rogers.
In Dreams (Everything Makes Sense) (ao3) - msermesth steve/tony T, 41k
Summary: Or, it only took a group hallucination for Bucky to find his team and Steve and Tony to find each other.
Just Far Enough (ao3) - TheSopherfly bucky/steve/tony M, 50k
Summary: Tony couldn’t honestly remember how long it had been like this. Probably since the day he’d called T’Challa and offered his help. At first it had just been compulsive self-denial: you can’t eat until you’ve drafted your opening remarks, until you’ve finished your research, until you’ve rewritten every last colon and comma and apostrophe in those Accords so that everyone can come home.
Those goals had been realistic. Lately, they’d become impossible. Until everyone forgives you. Until you forgive yourself. Until you make up for every bad thing you’ve ever caused.
He was fine. He was coasting in a dangerous place, but he was fine. He wasn't taking it too far - just far enough.
Kinda Magical (ao3) - Em_Jaye darcy/steve G, 29k
Summary: Darcy loves her bakery. She loves way the right treat and a cup of coffee can turn someone's day around, she loves her employees, and she really loves when Charlotte Rogers comes to try the macarons, dragging her handsome, single father behind her.
Kiss Me Thru The Phone (ao3) - 27dragons, tisfan bucky/tony E, 7k
Summary: Trolling Steve seems like a good idea, right up until Bucky’s really, really into the pretend phone sex…
But… seems like maybe Tony’s into it, too…
Mark XXX (ao3) - Robin_tCJ steve/tony/iron man (armour) E, 4k
Summary: Oh, look, another filthy, filthy threesome porn. This time, it's Steve/Tony/Iron Man Armour. No plot, mostly porn with a little bit of cracky humour. It's dirty, and I'm sorry.
No I'm not. I'm not sorry. You know what, you're all down here in the muck with me.
Mutually Assured Infatuation (ao3) - Meatball42 steve/tony G, 3k
Summary: When Steve gifts Tony a teddy bear to help him get better after he’s injured on a mission, Tony decides he can’t let it stand.
Neighbor Alligator (ao3) - inkbert bucky/darcy N/R, 67k
Summary: Bucky Barnes discovers the gorgeous dame next door, and also that she thinks he's the worst neighbor ever. He sets out to clear his name and suddenly his life of therapy appointments and workouts includes competitive pizza making classes, maintaining favorite customer status at the coffee shop down the street, more thrift stores than he ever wanted to know about, and somewhere along the way he loses his heart. Too bad Darcy isn't willing to let go of the whole 'worst neighbor' thing.
Once a Loser, Always a Loser (ao3) - sameuspegasus T, 11k
Summary: Why can no one else see what Flash sees when he looks at Peter? They're so blinded by his puppy-dog eyes and his brilliant brain that they don't notice the things that Peter does. The lying. The neglect of commitments. The secrets and disappearances and attention-seeking claims of being mentored by a tech genius. But Flash notices. And tries to tell people.
AKA Flash bullies Peter because he's jealous
Past Imperfect (ao3) - Neverever steve/tony T, 7k
Summary: Present day Tony tells Steve that Steve wouldn't like the college version of Tony.
An alternative Steve, living in a dystopian future, is sent back to the past to stop the death of a young Tony Stark at MIT. He doesn't know what he's going to find but he's going to try his best to save Tony.
We're Dating (ao3) - Whothefuckyduckyisbucky steve/tony G, 6k
Summary: Tony thinks they're dating. They totally are. Someone should tell Steve. Set after The avengers movie. In the 1940's male friendships were a lot more affectionate, so Steve doesn't always get that the affection Tony shows him isn't platonic.
Worth His Weight (ao3) - chubbychoco steve/tony E, 8k
Summary: King Stark has been offered a rare and valuable gift - a virgin slave, trained but untouched, for him to use in any way he sees fit. But despite the awful rumors surrounding his reign, he may not be as horrible as Steve has heard.
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Kieran stared, sitting with, Perrin, Penny, Drayton and Carmine. "COME ON ALI!"Kieran cheered pumping his fist into the air. Alisa lifted onto the stage, Chimchar and Cubchoo. Drayton smiled slightly, his chin resting on his arms. "Chimchar, use ember! Cubchoo, icy wind please!"Alisa calls. The two leaped into her palms, getting launched up into the air. Chimchar threw his head back then released an ember towards Cubchoo. Cubchoo released his icy wind, the two attacks clashing and turning into a shower of sparkles. "GO ALI!"Kieran calls Carmine looking at him amused. "Ah, he's so in love"Carmine chuckles Penny nodding in agreement. Alisa twirled in the center of the stage with a female Frillish, holding her tentacle smiling. "Use water pulse!"Alisa beamed. Frillish spun as it lifted into the air, releasing a storm of the called attack. Cubchoo and Chimchar leaped up, leaping from one water pulse to the next.
"Icy wind!" Cubchoo threw his head back, then released a cold wind, freezing the water pulse attacks. "Flame wheel!" Chimchar cloaked itself in flames, bouncing around the frozen attacks, melting them. "Psychic!" Frillish's eyes glowed, turning the melting ice into red snowflakes and hovering them out over the crowd. "AWESOME BUT WHAT A SHOWOFF!"Carmine gasped. Perrin took a picture, smiling in amazement. "She's been practicing"Drayton comments impressed. Penny nodded, smiling slightly. "Water gun, icy wind and Flame wheel!" Chimchar leaped up and cloaked himself in flames again, bouncing into the air. Frillish twirled and released a small burst of water. Cubchoo leaped up and released another burst of cold wind. Kieran stared with wide eyes as smoke covered the stage, a gasp rippling through the crowd. "Ali?!"Kieran calls. The smoke turned into a sparkling blue mist and cleared out, revealing an ice rose in the middle of the stage, Alisa and her pokemon standing on the petals.
"SHE DID IT!"Carmine cheered standing up, Drayston getting to his feet stunned. Perrin cheered and clapped, smiling. "She really did it.."Penny stared relieved. Frillish lifted into the air, using psychic to lift Alisa, Chimchar and Cubchoo into the air, moving them around her before ultimately setting them down. Chimchar and Cubchoo leaped into the air, releasing an ember and icywind. Both attacks clashed, water dripping into the ice flower, filling it up and making it sparkle. The two landed on Alisa's arms, balancing with ease. "We're finished!"Alisa beamed. "ALI!"Kieran cheered Carmine looking down at him. A dark blue haired male with yellow highlights stared with wide eyes, a Meowscarada watching beside him. "Amazing." Alisa waved, smiling wide as she left the stage. "She was amazing!"Kieran smiled sitting down, picking up the pokemon egg and setting it down in his lap. "She did well"Drayton agrees crossing his arms over his chest.
Kieran looked forward as the Performers lined up on the stage with their pokemon at their sides. "'ello, it's the moment of truth, who will win our exciting Coumarine City Pokemon Showcase this year!"Monsieur Pierre announces. "And who will decide? Why it's none other than all of you in the audience." Kieran held a glowstick, keeping the egg close in his lap. "I hope she wins"Drayton mumbles holding a glowstick. Penny nodded, Perrin looking worried. "Please use your glowsticks to fire up the color corresponding to the performer who you think was number one." Alisa sighed, relaxing her body then looked up. "1, 2..and on 3!" Kieran turned the glowstick orange, a ball of light coming from the top. "Alisa!"Carmine smiled holding an orange glowstick up. "Flower girl." The blue haired male with yellow highlights held an orange glowstick up, his Meowscarada smiling at him. Alisa smiled slightly, and closed her eyes.
"Look!"Penny gasped pointing forward. "The winner of the Coumarine City Pokemon Showcase has been decided!" Alisa opened her eyes then perked up, noticing her pokemon beaming at her. "And she's.....Performer Alisa!" Alisa looked up startled, her eyes widening. Carmine and Perrin shot to their feet, hugging the other cheering. "SHE WON!" Kieran clapped, holding the egg as he stood up. "Haha! She did it!"Drayton clapped standing up. "Her hard work paid off"Penny nods. "Come here guys!"Alisa beamed. Chimchar and Cubchoo leaped into her arms, rubbing their cheeks against hers as Frillish squeezed them. "Frillish!"Alisa laughed. Kieran stared, a proud smile on his face. Perrin and Carmine leaned close to him, smiles on their faces. "Wh-what?!"Kieran flinched his eyes widening. "You look so proud and in love right now, Kiki"Carmine chuckles. "S-SIS!"Kieran gasped looking embarrassed
Alisa smiled up at Monsieur Perrie, Frillish, Cubchoo and Chimchar flanking her. "And now, it's time to present the Princess Key to our victorious Performer Alisa"Monsieur Perrie says. Klefkey floated forward, holding the key out. "Congratulations on your first Princess Key." Alisa smiled, taking the key. "Thank you"Alisa smiled looking up at him. She waved, spotting her friends in the crowd. Kieran pumped his fist into the air and waved to her. "She did so well"Perrin chuckles snapping a picture. Alisa left the stage, staring at her princess key. She returned to the changing room, Frillish giving her a squeezing hug again, laughter coming from them. She hurried out when she changed into her normal clothes, Chimchar and Cubchoo on her shoulders, Frillish floating after her. "ALISA!" Kieran waved, the others smiling behind him as she ran over. "Let us see!"Carmine orders. Alisa laughed and held her princess key up, Penny leaning close looking impressed. "Pretty"Penny says.
"You were amazing!"Kieran smiled. "Let's go call everyone!" The group hurried away the blue haired male and his Meowscarada watching them, then walking after the group. Alisa smiled and started up the call, Kieran beside her. Carmine and Perrin loeked at the other and chuckled. "They're so cute." Rika came into view, her eyes narrowed. "Hi Ri-"Alisa starts. "You're not off the hook!! Do you know how long we've been waiting for YOU to call! Your friends called us and have been updating us on where you were and what's going down! And what do they mean you leaped onto a Rapidash! Do you know how dangerous that was, you could've been hurt! What in the name of Paldea were you thinking!!!" Alisa fell silent, practically shrinking as Rika scolded her. "I'm sowwy..."Alisa sighed. "Being cute isn't gonna let you off the hook I have you snared on! You gave me a heart attack when I was told you jumped onto the back of a wild pokemon and then threw yourself into harms way not even an hour afterwards!!"Rika scolded.
"Rika, Rika, Rika, Rika! Calm down!" A hand pulled Rika away, ignoring her protesting. "Hey Little Flower"Brassius greets Arven and Nemona calming Rika. "Hi Dad!"Alisa chuckles. "How have you been?"Brassius asks. "Are you not gonna scold me?"Alisa questions. "Rika already did that for me, so there's no need for me to scold you now"Brassius answered. Drayton laughed, practically seeing Alisa shrink more from guilt. Alisa smiled and held up her Princess Key. Rika came into view, now calmed, and smiled. "We saw you performing, you did so well"Rika praised. "We voted for you, Ali! The whole school did, even the people in Kitakami and Blueberry Academy!"Nemona smiled. "You all...voted"Alisa stared stunned. "Ah, Ali?"Rika stared as tears fell down Alisa's cheeks. "I thought you'd all be too busy to watch..."Alisa mutters Kieran placing a hand on her back as she rubbed her tears away. "Of course we would...we aren't missing a single performance, Alisa"Arven smiled coming into view.
She laughed and smiled at them. "I'm so glad, I'll work harder and give you guys another great show!"Alisa beamed. "But also take care of yourself"Rika reminds. "I will"Alisa nods. "Good luck kiddos, have fun!"Rika waved smiling at them. She waved, the call coming to an end. "Excuse me." She turned, her eyes wide in surprise. A blue haired male with yellow highlights and a Meowscarada stood there, staring down at her. "My name is Aliquis and I saw your performance, you did well"The male greets. "I was only interested for a while but your performance was great, just wanted to say that"Aliquis adds. "Oh thank you"Alisa nods Kieran staring at Aliquis. "Mind if I join you all?"Aliquis asks. Alisa huddled up with the others, the group muttering with one another. Kieran looked at Aliquis, then back at the others. They all turned to him, Alisa smiling wide causing Aliquis to flinch in surprise. "Welcome to the team!"Alisa beamed Aliquis smiling slightly
#pokemon oc#arven pokemon#carmine pokemon#kieran pokemon#nemona pokemon#penny pokemon#pokemon#pokemon arven#pokemon carmine#pokemon gen 9#pokemon kieran#pokemon nemona#pokemon perrin#pokemon scarlet#pokemon scarlet and violet#pokemon scarlet violet#pokemon scarvi#pokemon scarvio#pokemon scvi#pokemon sv#pkmn#brassius#brassius pokemon#rika pokemon#elite four rika#cubchoo#chimchar#frillish#meowscarada
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Icywind Creator Post
(Auctions #1036, #1037)
Creator’s previous works: Here!
Link to GDrive Folder of WIP Summaries/HCs/Plot Bunnies Creator is Offering: Here!
you can contact the Creator before bidding at:
email: [email protected] [best] discord: icywind#1415 [best] tumblr: redsector-a.tumblr.com Ao3/Dreamwidth: Icywind
Likes: Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, identity porn, pining (for the fjords), found family, soulmates, so many AUs - so many. lol Hockey, cats, tatts, coffee! Competent Clint and competent Bucky (BAMFs the both of them). But also I love them being soft and domestic.
Do Not Wants: Incest, underage, explicit rape/assault, character bashing, gore/vore, watersports/scat, harder kinks tbh, daddy kink, unhappy endings. Clint being an idiot that can't function at all to the point of ridiculousness (he has depression and he deals, not always well, but he does deal).
Preferred Charities of the Creator: Any
Full Charities List
Auction #1
Type of fanwork: fanfiction
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing(s): Winterhawk
Character(s): Obviously Clint Barton and Bucky Barnes but I love adding in the rest of the Avengers and also sometimes the AOS and Defenders and other characters.
Rating: General to Explicit
WIPs/Prompts: https://icywind.dreamwidth.org/19765.html
Starting Bid: $8
Creator Notes: So I'm going to be honest - I can't do prompts. It's entirely too much pressure for me and makes my anxiety amp up majorly and blocks me from getting anything done (yay broken brain!) So that said, all I can offer are my WIPs. I fully realize this might not be to everyone's favor and that's okay. If you see an idea you would like to see finished, or at least advanced, please bid; I'd like to have some push to work on something. The Auction will be for one fic I believe (if the bid is really high [like idk 50ish?] maybe a choice of two - one long and one short but I can't fathom my bidding going really high in all honesty). I'm starting at $8 cause it's my lucky number, but if all you can manage is $5 and that's the only bid, I'll probably take it. Basically I will offer unlimited access as I am writing it, we can chat and whatnot, you'd get to see if I make any terrible graphics or playlists, you'd get deleted scenes and lines that don't work, and I'd be happy to list it as a gift for you on AO3. Please see the link above for the listing of WIP ideas I am open to and feel free to contact me (Discord or email are probably the easiest) for more info or if you might have heard of something from me in the past that isn't listed.
Current Bid Spreadsheet: Here.
Please check what the current bid is at before bidding.
Bids might take a few minutes to load.
Bidding ends on November 28th 11:59:00pm CST. The highest bid before that deadline will win the auction.
Bidding Form: Here.
Please check the Bid Spreadsheet and bid higher than the previous bid.
You will not be notified if you have been outbid. Only the winner will be notified after bidding ends.
Auction #2
Type of fanwork: fanfiction
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing(s): Winterhawk - and tho I don't have ideas listed if you're interested in Amerihawk please send me a message and I can mention the few ideas I have.
Character(s): Obviously Clint Barton and Bucky Barnes but I love adding in the rest of the Avengers and also sometimes the AOS and Defenders and other characters.
Rating: General to Explicit
WIPs/Prompts: https://icywind.dreamwidth.org/19765.html
Starting Bid: $10
Creator Notes: So I'm going to be honest - I can't do prompts. It's entirely too much pressure for me and makes my anxiety amp up majorly and blocks me from getting anything done (yay broken brain!) So that said, all I can offer are my WIPs. I fully realize this might not be to everyone's favor and that's okay. If you see an idea you would like to see finished, or at least advanced, please bid; I'd like to have some push to work on something. The Auction will be for one fic I believe (if the bid is really high [like idk 50ish?] maybe a choice of two - one long and one short but I can't fathom my bidding going really high in all honesty). If all you can manage is $5 and that's the only bid, I'll probably take it. Basically I will offer unlimited access as I am writing it, we can chat and whatnot, you'd get to see if I make any terrible graphics or playlists, you'd get deleted scenes and lines that don't work, and I'd be happy to list it as a gift for you on AO3.
Please see the link above for the listing of WIP ideas I am open to and feel free to contact me (Discord or email are probably the easiest) for more info or if you might have heard of something from me in the past that isn't listed.
Current Bid Spreadsheet: Here.
Please check what the current bid is at before bidding.
Bids might take a few minutes to load.
Bidding ends on November 28th 11:59:00pm CST. The highest bid before that deadline will win the auction.
Bidding Form: Here.
Please check the Bid Spreadsheet and bid higher than the previous bid.
You will not be notified if you have been outbid. Only the winner will be notified after bidding ends.
#Icywind#fanfiction#marvel#marvel: ambiguous#winterhawk#clint barton#bucky barnes#avengers#defenders#agents of shield#amerihawk#fandom event#charity auction#wtf philippines relief#WTF creator post#1036#1037
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🌬❄️ These delicate yet impactful specimens are Blue Barite, from Cavnic mine, Romania! These clusters are GORGEOUS, and each has its own unique personality. Sharp, impossibly delicate blades, aesthetic layers, and colors ranging from deeply shaded steel blue to icy blue set these aside from the rest. The cluster on the top right even resembles a little frozen icy wind! Learn more at PhenomenalGems.Etsy.com! ❄️🌬#bluebarite #barite #cavnicmine #romania #snowflake #frosty #icywind #bluecrystals #blue #instagood #instacrystals #minerals #mineralspecimens #crystals #crystalvibes✨ #crystalcollection #crystalsforsale #crystalshop #rockshop #phenomenalgems #etsy #etsyshop https://www.instagram.com/p/CFsqOLAHdZJ/?igshid=189b383xj0enb
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See icywind’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Email - [email protected]
Preferred organizations:
Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain:
Fluff, angst, pining, feelings, H/C, friends to lovers, almost any AU you can shake a stick at.
Will not create works that contain:
mpreg, incest, heavy kink (I can't write it well)
-- Fic or other writing --
Auction ID: 304
Will create works for the following relationships:
James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton in a mash-up of the MCU & 616 - or negotiable
Work Description:
Fics of at least 5-10k, potentially longer though no promises on that
Ratings: G, Teen, Mature, Explicit
The auction runs from October 21 (12 AM ET) to October 27 (11:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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Me: Maybe I'll file my stacks of comics tonight.
AO3: Did you know @redsector-a posted a new chapter of Torch Song?
Me: Ah well.. The comics will still be there tomorrow.
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Just a couple of ex-brainwashed operatives finding themselves, and then each other in You rearrange me till I’m sane by @redsector-a for Marvel Bang
Another art for this story over here
#Bucky Barnes#Clint Barton#Winterhawk#Bucky/Clint#Marvel Bang#You rearrange me till I'm sane#roadtrip AU!#post-Chitauri invasion in Avengers and pre-Winter Soldier#this gift exchange was so sweet#I hope you guys enjoy the story!#I'm not sure if the author is on tumblr or not so I'm tagging their AO3 name#icywind#Thank you calihart for letting me know that icywind on tumblr is#redsector-a
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Waves crashing at Newton's cove this afternoon. #wavescrashing #newtonscove #wavesrollingin #stormyweather #whitehorses #beach #pebbles #stones #cliffs #trees #hill #bridge #weymouth #dorset #seadefence #icywind #dailyexercise #staysafe #staylocal (at Newton's Cove) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLHu66tp5Uy/?igshid=k3x0q5gwlgse
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diciannove dicembre duemiladiciasette.
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Please tell me that Catboy friend chases the red dot of lasers for cats and then makes a total mess sometimes
I think that if he did have these tendencies he mostly trained himself out of them really quickly. But sometimes he catches things in the corners of his eye and it bothers him lol
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#friday night funkin'#fnf#friday night funkin' boyfriend#fnf boyfriend frday night funkin' girlfriend#fnf girlfriend#fnf girlfriend x boyfriend#fnf boyfriend x girlfriend#quo's art#icywinds#Quo Answers
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Anon, you like Hockey? Cause I know one great longer sports fic: Puck Luck by icywind (@redsector-a on tumblr)
Can I ask for a winterhawk sport AU? 😊💖
Anon, I’ve been agonizing over this for a long time and I just can’t do sports, apparently. Sports are not my jam, I’m very much a classical nerd. (Also I have CRPS and I can’t even walk properly. Oh, to run through a field with the wind in your hair.) I know this isn’t much of a reply but I wanted to extend an apology - that being said, I can direct you to shiver that i can’t shake by @nightwideopen which is a baseball au and it’s super cute.
Anyone else got some recs for anon?
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Black sand beach near to Ölfusá, Iceland... //.. //- I'm starting to release some photographs from my trip to Iceland the last year... Was an amazing year, rough but amazing, hope you enjoy as much as I did when I lived this experience.. with especial friends #iceland #islandia #icywind #iceshard #black #sand #blacksand #colour #vagabond #sky #blue #beach #sun #cloud #glaciar #iceage #trip #camping #hike #hiking #lift #wholecountry #discovering #discovericeland #discoveracountry #iwillbeback #cold #almostdied #life #lifehack #friends #world #enjoy #enjoylife #enjoytheworld #landscape #landscapephotography #intothewild (at Ölfusá)
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Strolling by some art on the lawn of the #wadsworthatheneum after the #womensmarch , #teethchattering from the #icywind . #sculpture #citysculpture #seanscully #metalsculptures #colorfulart #outdoorart Sorry I was too cold to catch the sculptor of the black metal works name...or #nathanhale ‘s. #statuary #hartfordart #hartfordct (at Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs6vgV0h0tx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uowvco68usku
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Winterhawk Big Bang 2022
Good news everyone! We had a good amount of interest in holding a bang for this year so we will begin moving forward with that!
There was a partial imbalance in the numbers of writers vs artists (not too bad, but we can always use artists!) so please please try to encourage your artist friends to keep an open mind about perhaps joining us. Invite them to the discord when it launches etc. Also invite other writer friends - the more the merrier!
Re length of the fic there was almost 80% interest in keeping it at 7,500 so that’s what we’re going to do. As for the dates - that’s still a little in flux. March was the most popular for the date people wanted to begin sign ups (with June coming in second and May coming in third) so, depending on how the schedules of the incoming mod team look, March is likely to be the Month sign ups begin. Whether at the start or middle is the part in flux.
As we’d like to give a good six months to this for working on things, which puts September as the seventh month away and the likely time posting would begin. Which dovetails well with the numbers we got for end dates in the poll (November weighed heavily as well, but that tends to run into other bangs so we might end up with posting starting in September and going into October).
If you have strong opinions on any of those months, please let us know either before or during sign ups. We should have a finalized timeline by the first week of February (to give time to choose new mods and allow us to discuss things). We will hopefully launch a new Discord and revamp the site around then as well.
Prospective mods! We will be sending you the link to a short questionnaire hopefully by tomorrow (Jan 18th) evening 8pm Eastern (New York) US time (time converter). We will also post it here by then, though it will only be open for a few days. More information to come as we work on things. As ever the easiest way to get a hold of the mods are via email: [email protected] or through Discord (it’s only mod Icywind right now ((Icywind1415)), so yeah, I was using the royal we or counting my cat Bucky as a mod). Tumblr has a tendency to lose messages and while I am at work I often cannot check it (aside from a short time on Tuesdays if we’re not busy). So you can use it, but it might take a bit for me to see it (though the email does usually tell us when we get an ask), and if you don’t get a reply within a few days, it might not have made it. Thank you for your interest all! Looking forward to having a good year, darn it! ps: does anyone else enjoy adding the electric boogaloo joke? Or am I just Too Old and easily amused?
#winterhawk#winterhawk big bang#bucky/clint#clint/bucky#clintucky#clint barton#Bucky Barnes#hawkeye#winter soldier#sniper husbands#winterhawkbigbang
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Meet Smokestorm!!
Smokestorm is a compassionate, timid at times. He thinks with his heart not head. He's very family oriented. He tends to be headstrong with his actions, and is a ask for forgiveness later type. He can get stuck in his head and internalizes others opinions.
Smokestorm and his, at the time, brother were born on July 24th to their parents Maplesky and Smokerunner. They each choose a name for one child. Smokerunner named Smokekit, While Maplesky named Stonekit. Maplesky was very traditional and was all about gender roles. She believed toms had to be strong warriors and had to like boy stuff. While all she-cats had to have kits. This was an issue for Smokekit, because he liked “girly” stuff, like flowers and butterflies. Smokerunner was a lot more chill, he had a strong bond with his kits. Smokerunner would pass on the stories and legends of the mountain cats they descended from to his kits, as his mother did for him. Both kits went on to believe in both starclan and the mountain cats religion. Smokerunner tought his kits how to make little trinkets and jewelry with clay and coweb. He gave Smoke a butterfly wing to wear on his ear, despite Maple’s protests. One bay while Smokekit and Smokerunner were on their way back from outlook rock when Smokerunner was shot by a twoleg. At first Smokekit tired to pull him with his tiny kit body. He then ran to get help. Smokerunner died 10 minutes after the shot while in the medicine den with his kits by his side. After this Smoke started to show symptoms of PTSD. He was held back from being an apprentice because of this. Stonepaw disappeared a few moons after. Widowtooth made sure Smokekit was a skilled as other apprentices his age. Smoke began to develop feelings for Widow. At 8 moons Smoke began living in the elders' den. His ears also began to rise. Maplesky decided that Smoke should be over his fathers death already. They got into a major argument that ended in Maple destroying his butterfly wing. He cut contact with her. After 10 moons had passed Smoke was decided mentally well enough to become an apprentice (He was not). Widowtooth was his mentor. He didn't fit in well with the other apprentices but that didn't matter because he wasn't an app for long. He was given his warrior name, Smokestorm. Unknown to him, Maplesky got a new mate and had Morningkit. Later on Maplesky retired and died from the elder log crushing her. Smoke later became deputy.
Fun Facts!
Smokestorm has 6 toes. This is because he is a polydactyl pawed cat. He uses his extra toes to make jewelry out of vines, cobwebs and clay.
Smokestorm is descended from a group of nomadic cats that lived in the mountains. His great grandfather, Icywind, ran away with his kit Snowbreeze. They were lucky enough to find the clans. Icywind and Snowbreeze pass down many of the traditions from the mountain cats
Smoke follows two religions! One being Starclan and the other has been passed down a few generations. A major part of this religion is your ancestors following you in your reflection
Smoke is less than a quarter bobcat
Smoke is omnisexual with a slight male preference
Smoke uses He/him pronouns
Smoke was originally gonna have a missguided hero arc. This scraped for something i can't mention
At first Smoke was going to be an orange tabby she cat named Applestripe. I scraped her in favor of Smokestorm
First chapter out October 31st follow and be there when its released!!!
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#comic#one by one#one by one comic#warrior cats#warriors#warrior cats comic#warrior cats ultimate edition#windclan#thunderclan#shadowclan#riverclan#original character#oc#character intro#character introduction#art#artist
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